
The Memoirs

Smallville fanfic by Kel and Diana

Chapter 46: De-Furring the Luthors

While hell was breaking loose at the Talon, Graham shifted Shane in his arms as he balanced the huge Tupperware tureen in his hands.  Using his booted foot, he kicked the door of Lionel's hospital room.  "Morgan?  Please... little help here.  And could you hurry your ass?"


Slim, strawberry blond brows perked… rose... and a classic grin spread across his face. He'd gone and kicked a few posts outside, had a smoke for the first time in what felt like years, and Dominic was sufficiently calmed. He leapt up, snagged the blue tub like Tupperware from his dear brothers hands... and blinked. "Ms Bird?"


"Yes!"  He gladly surrendered it, and then hefted Shane back up on his shoulder yet again.  "I had JUST walked in the door, and that dear darling lady stopped me five steps down the hallway, thrust this thing into my hands, commanded me to bring this to the hospital because Master Lionel had called and complained that he had not seen his baby nor did he have his foy grass bullion," he finished, completely mangling the name of the French dish.  "So, here we are."


"Peepeeee!" And Shaney squealed, clapping his hands and jumping and down in his daddy’s arms... then proceeded to crawl up his arm, try to pull his hair, bite his ear, lose his pacifier, and blow a snot bubble, in what seemed like fifteen seconds.


"Yes, baby, peepee, and Graham, might I blame you for teaching that to the child?" A glare before Dominic leaned over and pressed a kiss to the babies cheek, grinning and strolling back to the bed. "Look, darling. Your soup for rich people has arrived."


"Did I hear Shane squealing over there?"  Lionel held his hands out impatiently.


And he did it again, leaping in his dads arms. Oh, my GOD! HIS BESTEST FRIEND! He squealed again, let out a hard, loud whine, and tears threatened, his chin trembling and eyes filling. WHY was he not going TOWARDS his bestest friend?!


Sob. Loud, long, piercing, and Shaney squirmed.


"Jesus Christ, Lionel!"  Graham winced as Shane screamed in his ear.  He held the baby out at arm's length.  "Here!  Take the little snot machine."


"Thank you."  Lionel's eyes found Shane's little red bib with ease, and he took the baby from his father.  "Hello there, young man.  How would you like to try foie gras bouillon?"  He tickled the boy's chin.  "Dominic, is there enough in there for two?"  Knowing Ms. Bird, there was enough for ten.


"Two French armies, sure." He grinned, rubbed his lovers cheek, and arranged Shane a little better in the IV's. "I’m going to go fetch some things from the mansion, love, will you be alright here with Shane? Graham's to help me in a bit, will you be okay watching the baby for about...fifteen minutes?"


"Of course, we'll be fine."  He rubbed his cheek against Shane's.  "Shane and I will be busy attempting to cultivate his tastes."


Okay. Sated. The tears stopped on a dime, he wiped a chubby fist at the ones that had tumbled, and Shane settled in next to his friend. Excuse me, this is how things are SUPPOSED to be. He didn’t like his bestest buddies sudden fashion faux paus, what with the tubeyness and all, but hey. Adults were weird. He rubbed his cheek against a beard first, making sure the itchy niceness was still there, then settled in beside him.


Or, actually, laying down on his friends tummy, and looking at the TV on in the corner, where someone had been watching boring news man. Ya-awn. Bring on the Care Bears!


"I'll be back in a bit then, love." A smile, and Dominic leaned over to press a kiss to his forehead before disappearing.


"We will see you later then, Dominic."  Lionel slipped his finger into Shane's tight little fist.  "Tell me something, my young man, have you been behaving yourself?  Comporting yourself as a gentleman?"


"Lionel, he doesn't understand a word you're saying," Graham said tiredly.  "But let me answer that; no.  He hasn't.  He's been fussy, he's been cranky; I'd swear it's because you weren't around."


"Of course it was."  Lionel brought the tray that Dominic had left closer, and lifted a spoon from the soup.  Damned, but it smelled good.  "Come here, my young friend.  Let me introduce you to the best thing you will ever taste."


A little blink from the Shanester...whatever it was, his radar was going off. Big People Food. Holy crap.


He leaned over and grabbed a handful right off his buddy’s spoon, stuffing it into his mouth... making a face, and chewing it very, very slowly. Weird. Kinda...tangy. In a good way. Like day old curdled milk he hid under in his bestest friends bed. But in a good way!


He squealed, and all but fell into the Tupperware.


"Aha.  I knew you had good taste.  Unfortunately... you will have to share this."  Without complaining, he picked Shane up before the soup could spill, and used the bib to wipe the soup off his face.  "There."


"Shane, you're a mess.  Come here and let Lionel eat in peace!"


Lionel paid absolutely no attention, eating calmly and quietly, occasionally offering spoons to his little friend.


Which Shane lapped and licked and let dribble down his chin, and wow. Okay? Wow. It...and the...oh. He burped, loudly, licking his fingers cause hello people, we've got a big boy here. He tried to grab his bestest friends spoon… didn’t quite succeed, and instead peeked into the Tupperware. Weird, man. Weird. But he was happy, and he reached in, taking out a large piece of...well, whatever it was, and stuffed it in his mouth happily.


"That's goose liver, young man.  It's to be slowly savored, not gobbled.  That's where the foie gras comes in at, because it's made from foie de gras pate, which is the goose liver pate."  Lionel continued sharing his meal with his young friend, and then pushed it away when he was done.  "Graham, could you please go into the bathroom, and bring me out a towel before I burp Shane?"


Graham shrugged.  "Why not?"  He brought back the requested towel, and spread it over Lionel's shoulder.  "There you are, my man.  Go to it."


Lionel grimaced.  "Thank you."  He gently laid Shane over the towel, rubbing his back and patting it.  "After this, we'll look and see what is on television for our young friend here."  He continued rubbing and petting gently.


"Peepee?" Questioningly, peering at his friend. Why didn’t his bestest friend lookit him anymore, anyhow? He grabbed his beard and crawled closer, sitting on a bicep as he peered and set his sticky fingers in the prickly hairs. Another peer, swallowing what was left in his mouth, and his chin trembled. "Peeeepee?"


"I know, young man.  It must be strange for you."  He turned to look at Shane, partially-sightless eyes slowly focusing on the baby.  "It's just... it's hard for your Uncle Lionel to see things right now."


He sniffled again and almost as if he felt his friends sadness, began to cry. Great big sobs, cuddling his face close to his cheek and rubbing the tears into his prickly hairs, sniffling as he latched onto the nose tubes and held on.


"No, don't cry now."  Lionel's voice was firm.  "You mustn't cry, Shane.  Strong boys don't cry."  He cuddled the baby close, rocking him carefully.  "It will all be all right."  Large, warm hands cradled Shane carefully to him.  "It will be."


He sniffled again and squirmed, turning and plopping back first on his the spot between his friends chest and his arm, wriggling his butt on the sheets and making noises towards the TV. Yep. Nine months old, and he damned well knew what a television was. "Eh! Eh!"


Graham watched in quiet shock and surprise.  "Lionel?  Do you want me to take him?"


"No."  Lionel slipped his arm around Shane's waist, and pulled him close.  "We want to watch television, hmm?  Very well."  He found the remote mostly by touch, and changed the channel.  Most of it was a swirl of undefined color blurs, but he could tell by the sound when he found something Shane would like.  They flipped through several channels until they found something colorful and bright.  "There, my little man, how does this strike you?" 


Graham smiled.  "He'll love you forever, Lionel.  You found him Care Bears."


Oh. Hypnosis. Complete. Utter. Shane stared at the screen, and if he wasn’t in love before, he'd just given his entire life to his bestest friend. Oh muh guh. "EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!"


"Aaah, I take it that you approve."  He pulled the blanket up around his waist, tucking it around Shane's chest also as he nestled him back, and then raised the bed up so they could still see the television.


He squealed...clapped his hands...squealed again, and shook his butt to the music. He reached down, popped his paci in his mouth, and settled. There art more things in Heaven and earth, Horatio...


Lionel settled his arm behind Shane, and closed his eyes, listening to the television.


He must have dozed, because he woke, minutes later, with a splitting, spiking pain in his head.  He opened his eyes...


And saw pink, blue, and yellow bears on the television set.  Bears, not blurs.  "Graham?  Call... call Dominic."


~ * ~ * ~  


Lex was pacing his office.  Chloe was right; the beard had to go.  Not only was he sick to death of it, he looked just like his father and that was simply something he could not stand.  He wouldn't trust Clark with a razor at his throat; not that he was afraid of his beloved, but... Clark shaved once a month.  If that.  No.  Jonathan wasn't even an option, and he couldn't exactly look in the Yellow Pages for "Shaving Instructions."  He growled as he paced the office.


"You're making me dizzy, babe." Said, of course, from the thick, butter chair there in a corner of Lex's office, where Clark was perched. He'd sufficiently taken some of the itchy skin off his back, and now it just felt weird to lay on it. Raw, and the skin after a scab comes off. He sighed, though, with the heating pack Ms Bird had brought him, and snuggled deeper into the chair, yawning.


"I love you, Clark, but I'm ready to pluck this fucking thing out hair by hair."


He giggled, and curled under the warm cozy blanket Ms Bird had brought him, too. Man, she was almost as good as his own mom, and he yawned a second time, tugging his sweat panted knees up to his chest. "How come you don’t like it so much?"


"Two words, Clark... My.  Father.  I look like my fucking bastard of a father with this beard.  And not just similar... EXACTLY fucking like.  I want it GONE."


He knew better then to giggle at the sudden outburst. "Well...then shave it off love?"


"If I knew how to shave, then I would.  I've never had to shave a day in my life."


"Hmm. dad, but you and he are having another hissy fit. M… oh! My mom could help!" A solid nod. "She shaves me all the time. Sure, I’ve got invincible skin, but hey. Or you could ask your dads still blind...maybe Dominic?"




"Yeah. You know. Tall guy, bout 5'11," Clark put a palm out flat in the air, wriggled it. "Hundred and fifty pounds… blond? You know, the guy your dads dating. Oh, you might also know him as The Drone." And he grinned, helplessly teasing, at his lover.


"Yes, Clark.  I know who Dominic is.  I merely meant that I can't believe you'd think I'd trust that man with a razor near my throat."


"Well, yeah." He nodded, tugging the blanket under his neck. "What’s so bad about Dominic?"


Lex didn't dignify that with a response, just a glare.  "Come on, Clark.  What isn't so bad about Dominic?"


"No, seriously, Lex." A peek over the cotton. "What’s so bad about him? Come on, name stuff off."


"He's loyal to my father.  He's been a pain in my ass ever since I've taken the reins of power here."  But then he softened.  "And he was the closest thing I had to a father for years after my mother's death and my father's withdrawal."


He did a secret Clark dance. "See? Why don’t you just let him help you, then? He's not a bad guy...he talks to me sometimes, and he's real nice. So...yeah, you know?"


"There's a lot of bad blood there behind us, Clark."


"Well, maybe there can be good blood from now on. I don’t think he's going anywh...--" A heavy yawn, and he snuggled. "Anywhere. So maybe... maybe you should try and trust him, even if its just a little. But hey, you know me, I like everyone to get along, even my uptight boyfriend." His lips curved, and he cracked open an eye.


Lex leaned against the desk and crossed his arms over his chest.  "Yes, you do."  He moved over and kissed his lover's mouth softly, ruffling his hair.  "Maybe I'll give that a try."


He squished his nose at his lover but kissed him back… well, then had to reach out and loop an arm around his waist and haul him in. He wasn’t feeling particularly goopy right now, cause hello, shower and blankets, so he kissed his lover theatrically on the mouth, and hugged him tight. "I love you."


"I love you."  Lex looped his arms around Clark's blanketed body and squeezed lightly, and then snuggled as much as he was allowed.  "You sure you want to sleep down here?"


"Mm hmm. Its too hot upstairs...I like it here." And he was in front of a small but homey crackling fire, and his orange juice, drink of choice when one was molting, right beside him. "I'll be okay, promise."


"I don't like leaving you alone down here."  Lex frowned, but let his fingers sift slowly through Clark's hair.  "You still have the key to the lab, right?"


"Uh huh." He chastised, rolling his eyes good naturedly, but rubbing his cheek through his lovers hand. "I’m gonna be just fine. Feels really nice… a..." A yawn, deeper this time, and he snuggled on instinct. "'ma be okay. I'll go in the lab when I get itchy again. Just go get your beard taken care of, kay? I love you, baby." Kiss to each cheek. "Get some rest tonight."


"I love you too, Clark."  He snuggled Clark again for a moment, and then smiled.  "I'm going to lock the door to the office; if you need to get out, use the private stairwell, okay?"  Lex stepped out of the office, locking the door behind him, and leaning against the wall as he scrubbed his face.  "Christ."


Within moments of his lover leaving, Clark was asleep, snuggled deep into that enormous leather chair, with the fire in front of him, socks and sweats in place, and his juice waiting for him when his dreams let him go.


"Cognac, 1964. Moby Dick." He was muttering the list of things Lionel wanted from home, and Dominic set his keys on the front table, shrugging out of his coat and setting it on a hallway chair. "Blue blanket from the bed. Lord, like he hasn’t enough already." But his eyes rolled with good humor, and Dominic rubbed his fingers through his hair, sighing as he made his way through the grand foyer and towards the stairs. His change jangled in his pocket as he walked, his signature though it was completely unconscious, and he sighed.


"Hello, Dominic."  Lex's grin was sharky and more than a little desperate.


He stopped mid step and glanced about for the voice… stopped on the exceedingly hairy young man, and he winced at the tone of voice and the smile. "Ah...hullo, Lex."


"How are you with a razor?"


....Blink. "Alright, what?"


"I need a shave, Dominic.  Desperately so."


"God, almighty and yes." He motioned for Lex to follow him, and jogged up the steps. "Anything change? Or is all the hair still… the same? And good Christ, man, what did you do to your hair?" He peered at the long locks falling from Lex's head. "You’ve still got shampoo in there!"


"Don't worry about the hair.  Just worry about the beard.  I want it off.  Gone.  Away with it."  He sighed.  Deeply.  "Chloe is coming over later to deal with the rest of it."


Dominic couldn’t help it. He laughed, again, but not at him...or, well, kind of, but he couldn’t help it. "You look so miserable." And his tone was so loving and amused, as he tugged his young friend down the left hall, where he and Lionel had their rooms. "Come on, I can help."


"Really?"  Lex tried to keep his voice from sounding... hopeful.  "I hate to admit this but... I need help.  Desperately."


"Of course you do, you've never shaved before." Dominic set a comforting palm on Lex's back, and opened the door to his and Lionel’s bedroom. All done in warm cream tones with maroon highlights, and it was very slick and classy. "Door back there, by the window. Go in and get the water in the sink going, I’m going to find some towels."


"There should be some in the linen closet down the hall," Lex called out helpfully.  "The maroon ones won't show blood."  He shuddered lightly as he walked into his father's bathroom, seeing the neat lines of toiletries lined up like little soldiers as he turned the warm water on in the basin. 


Oh, he cracked up at that, as he went into the linen closet and got out the towels Lex had asked for. "Lex," Spoken as he was walking down the hall, and entered the bedroom again. "Do you honestly think I’m going to chew your face up? Christ, boy, I’ve been shaving for twenty years...I think I’ve got the basic how-to down by now."


"I wasn't talking about my face, Dominic."  Lex pulled his shirt off and laid it over the back of the toilet.  "They call us cutthroats for a reason."


He chuckled, and tugged his sweater up, throwing it on the bed and leaving him in his jeans and blue t-shirt. He peeked in the bathroom… made sure his friend was decent, then whistled and barely kept the snort in. "Lex, you've grown 6 years worth of hair at one time, love. I promise you that...well, yes. Do you want to shave anything else? Like that...forest?" He motioned to Lex's chest, winced, and ducked down to get the shaving kit from under the sink.


"I don't know," he... whined.  "You're the damned expert here, you tell me."  

"Only if you want. Do you like it?" Muffled from under the sink, and he plopped down on his knees to reach inside.


"No.  I hate it.  But..."  he stopped and ran his fingers over it.  "It's what I've always wanted.  I know Dad hated it when I lost it all... maybe he'll be... more satisfied with me now, I'm his quasi-normal son again."


"Lex." He pulled his head out from the cabinet, and peered up at him. "Don’t do it for your dad. Do it for yourself. You’re the one who has to deal with it, and he won't see it. So do you want it, or not?"


"He'll know, Dominic.  He'll know that I got rid of it, and it'll just disappoint him again."


Dammit. He peered at Lex for a good, long moment, before he set his hands on his knees and made the boy look at him. "Your father doesn’t care if you were a one legged amputee who had three eyes and eight toes on your single foot. Your father loves you for you. You should have seen what he made me go through to get him here to you...when we heard you had an accident, he fought, tooth and claw, to come back."


Lex blinked.  "Really?  I just assumed he'd been transferred closer to home."


"No. I had to go to the board of medicine in Metropolis to ask for a transfer to get him home. None of the doctors in the hospital were letting him go anywhere." He nodded, gently, and squeezed the knees gently before going back under the sink. "Alright, I’d say that an electric razor might be in order, but you'd break it. we are!" He took out a small bag of new Gillettes that were still unopened, and beamed. "All righty."


"I didn't know he cared that much," Lex said quietly.  "That's very... surprising to me."  He looked down at the new bag of razors.  "I don't think I'm going to ask what you're going to do."


Oh. He smirked, broadly, and sat back on his haunches, reaching for a small step stool in the corner, He dragged it over and sat on it, soaking a medium sized towel with hot water for a few seconds. Ringed it, then folded it and set it on Lex's face. "Keep it there a few moments. Have to open your pores up so you don’t bleed like a pig."


Whatever Lex said was muffled by the hot towel.


His eyes crinkled with a smile. The new razors were sharp and clean, and he pulled out shaving cream that cost ninety nine cents, but in all of Dominic’s shaving career, found it to be the best of every brand. He set it next to the filled sink, and propped his elbows on his knees as he peered at Lex's forest chest. Thing. "Wow. I…yes, wow about sums it up."


“Mmhmm."  Lex nodded, and the hot towel slipped off his face.  "Get rid of it.  All of it from the chin on down."  He cringed at a sudden thought.  "Tell me there's no hot wax involved in this."


" some point. Scissors, and then razors, are first, however." And yeah, he grinned at the utter horror on the young face in front of him, and he took the towel from Lex and set it on the counter top. Scooted in, and sprayed some of the lather in his hand, motioning a bit to the stool Lex was sitting on as well. "Comfortable? This is going to take a while."


"You are not getting hot wax near me."  Lex's voice was utterly, completely final.  "And yes.  I'm as comfortable as I can possibly be."  He growled.  "Just... get on with this."


"Alright." He took some of the cream, and like he did it to himself, spread it from his cheek bones down… over his chin, under his nose, and down his jaw and neck. "Ah, shite." He made sure it was all on and rinsed his hands, standing and looking through a drawer a second… presto. One of Shayla's colorful rubber bands, and he walked around his young friend, nimbly tying all that freaking hair back in a tight pony tail. "There we are." And back around, plopping back on his seat.


"I look like a deranged Santa Claus."


"Of course." He squished his nose, rinsed our a razor in the water, and began to bring it down his face. Cheek bone to jaw line, a single swipe, slowly and gently as not to scare him. "Tip your head a bit back, eh?" A rinse of the razor and back, sweeping it down his cheek and tapping the hairs and cream out in the water again.


Lex tilted his head back obediently, swallowing hard as Dominic dragged the razor down his skin.  "I hope you realize how much trust it takes to let you near me with a cutting instrument."


He worked in silence for a few moments, making sure to snag all the little hairs around his ears, before he spoke. "I know. I won't hurt you, at least not intentionally." Another swipe, stopping mid way down the stroke to empty the razor, and shook his head. "Should have gone at this with scissors first." A sigh...too late now, and he just continued working… leaning in close and peering, as one hand tilted Lex's head towards him, and carefully brought the razor down beside his nose. "How's Clark liking this?"


"I know you won't, Dominic.  That's why I asked you to help me."  He moved his head as Dominic directed.  "Clark... Clark is fascinated by it, but he's okay with me losing the beard.  As long as I keep it on my head and around my dick, I think he'd be okay."


He choked, took the razor away as he laughed, and rinsed it out prematurely before back. "He's a strange lad, isn’t he? Good boy, though. Suck your top lip in a little. Like… like this." He tugged his top lip in his mouth and bit. "Have to get around your nose. I always get nicks here, so don’t get squeamish."


"I don't think he's strange, exactly, just... a little kinky at times."  As ordered, he sucked his lips in and straightened the skin for Dominic to shave.  Panic filled him at the word "nick" and he nearly cursed


He swept the razor quickly, three times, tacking up as much hair as he could, rinsed, did it once more...and only managed a very tiny nick, a drop of blood oozing from it. "Dammit." He dapped his thumb at stopped bleeding, and he sighed. "Sorry."


"It's all right."  Lex was uncharacteristically quiet.  "It'll heal quickly."


"I know." Softly, and Dominic tilted Lex's face up, as soon as both sides of his face were done. "Ah, see? There's the Lex I know. Christ, you're strange with hair." He grinned, cupping each side of his head, and shifted. "Going to do your neck that alright?"


"Tell me about it.  And yes, it's quite all right."  He held his head tilted back, exposing his throat.  "You know, I always thought that when I was a little boy... it'd be Dad that taught me how to do this.  I used to hide behind the bathroom door and watch him trim and brush his beard out, and I wondered if he'd teach me to grow one like his, or if he'd show me how to shave."


"Funny thing...he told me the same thing, once." He nodded it, and started at one edge of his neck, dragging the razor up quickly but cleanly. Picked up all the hair...most of it, and he redid the same stripe a moment later as he put his thumb under Lex's chin and brought his face up a little further. "Down here, at your neck? Always go up, never stroke down. Up is a closer shave."


"Always go up."  He was quiet again for a moment, then; "Tell me more about my Dad, Dominic.  What all do you know about him that I don't?"


"Hmmm." His voice rumbled quietly, sweeping the razor up again before tapping it out in the sink and draining the water. "Well… let’s see. He talks to himself sometimes...when he's thinking about something very hard, he'll talk to himself. Its quite adorable, actually." He grinned, teeth flashing, and filled the basin again. "He likes Bruce Springsteen. Never say it, but I’ve caught him humming in the shower." He took the razor and got to work again. "He's adventurous. Likes to try new things. He..." He could share this with Lex, and it gave him great pleasure to. "He's a dork. Do you know what he gave me for Christmas?"


Lex shook his head as the razor scraped over his skin.  "No, I don't."


"Jiminy cuff links. And a little tie tack, shaped like his cane." And yeah, the color rose in his cheeks in pure pleasure and joy, and he rolled his eyes. "Sentimental old goat."


"That doesn't sound like my father at all," Lex said quietly.  "I never knew he did anything for Christmas.  At all."


"And therein, I have surprised you. See?" A nod and hum, as he gently swept the razor over his Adam’s apple. "He's got all the pictures you colored him as a boy in a portfolio in his desk."


"I've never seen them," was the quiet response.  "Why didn't he ever tell me?”


"You know your father. Its hard for him to verbalize anything about his heart." A nod, and he gently took the hair from the left side of a working throat.


"After my mother died... you were the closest thing that I had to a father."  Lex caught Dominic's wrist as the razor scraped across his skin.  "I never said thank you for that."


Dominic tipped his head a little, and until the day he died, he'd never admit the joy that those simple words gave him. "You didn’t have to, Lex. You never have to thank people who care for you for those things."


"But I do," Lex said, letting go of the hand that held the razor.  "I just found that out this afternoon."


"Ah. Who was it that verbally abused you?" And his voice was quietly amused, setting the razor aside after the last swipe. He dampened the same cloth from before with warm water again, and began to wipe away the excesses of cream.


"Chloe.  And I have to admit, it was deserved."  He sighed. 


He finished wiping all the shaving cream away, pat the fresh, damp skin with the dry part of the towel, and pointed to the mirror. "Voila.  Chloe, mm?" And he was chuckling again. "She's an attitude in her, that little one. What all did you do to her?"


“You left a goatee!" Lex accused sharply.  But as he studied his reflection... "I like it."  He sighed.  "I told her to get the fuck out of the house when I came home from the hospital.  I was bellowing at everyone, and she got caught in the middle."


He couldn’t help the answering laugh, nodding. "Left a goatee. It looks alright on you... very dignified. I’m sure your father will make every goat joke he can on the face of the planet, but it looks nice. told Ms. Sullivan what?" He whistled. "Shocked you're still alive, love."


"I like it," Lex repeated, rubbing his fingertips across it.  "At least now I don't look just like Dad."  Then a laugh.  "I nearly wasn't.  If I hadn't bought her flowers, I don't think I'd have gotten in the door."


"Ah, see? Flowers are always the trick. Chocolate, too, but that’s only when you've really messed up." He winked. "You'll always be like your father, no matter what. But...ah, Lex? This...ah...Red Forest, here, it needs to go. You look like you're transporting crack plants."


"Flowers.  Chocolate.  Presents.  Jewelry," Lex clarified.  "I went in fully armed and loaded for bear."  He growled.  "I do not look like Dad."  He ran his fingers through the thick, soft growth on his chest.  "Yes, it does need to go."


"You sure its a no to wax?" But he laughed again, shaking his head. "You look like your father, you act like your're the mirror image of him, and it just amuses me endlessly that neither of you sees it."


"You bring wax near me and I'll have you strung up by your testicles." 


He coughed, choked, and tried so hard not to laugh, keeping a straight face by a millisecond...though his lips were twitching. "Testy, aren’t we?"


Alright. He was such a dork but he laughed, cracking up at Lex's face and shaking his head. "Oh, good Jesus, you're an idiot. You mean to tell me you want a sharp implement in my hand about your nipples, then?"


"I actually want neither, but I'd rather not have the hair ripped out by the roots, do you understand?  My skin is rather sensitive, for all of it's quick healing, and I'd like for it to remain mostly intact."


"Pansy." He smirked, eyebrows raising as he studied the thicket of hair. "Other then wax… or possibly Nair, I’ve no clue how to take this off. Razor... razor’s not a good plan."


"You mentioned something about scissors before?" Lex asked hopefully.


"Yes...I...trimming it, before... before shaving, I suppose." He glanced up. "Lex, I adore you, you know this. But gross." And he grinned on the last word, climbing back to his feet and searching for a pair of scissors.


"Thank you," Lex said over his shoulder.  "I just... no idea how to proceed here."


"You could leave it...perhaps Shayla could braid it for you." Straight faced, as he went through the drawers in the bathroom.


"Absolutely not.  I refuse to have that little.... child, around anything of mine that is less than fully clothed."


"She's a good girl. Just confused." He grinned and lifted up a pair of Lionel’s beard shears. He was sure his lover wouldn’t mind… it was for a good cause, after all. And he set another of the maroon towels on Lex's lap, making a face. "I...good god."


Lex sighed.  "Is it really that bad, Dominic?"


"Lex, its a freaking meadow. You've little rabbits and field mice. How have you been able to sleep with this? Isn’t it hot?" And he sort of... grabbed a bit of it and snipped, making a face.


Lex jerked away from the snipping shears and made a face of his own.  "Fine.  Go find hot wax.  And a bottle of scotch."


"Thank you." He beamed. put the scissors down, and reached under the sink again. Wax...the old fashioned kind, and he stood. "Going for alcohol, I shall be back."


"Oh, do take your time.  You're not getting that shit near me until I'm drunk."


He disappeared for a good five minutes... but when he came back, it was with the good stuff. Vodka, 1985. Great year, and he set the shot glasses down on the marble countertop as he came back. "Lex, its not so bad, I promise." Liar. "It barely hurts, after the first strip."  You're too busy screaming in pain over the first strip to notice the other ones... but Dominic didn’t voice it, instead smiling innocently and pouring them each a finger.


"Don't bullshit me."  Without even looking at the shot glasses that Dominic poured, Lex lifted the bottle to his mouth and started chugging.


He tossed back his own as he again filled the sink with water... scalding, and set the bottle of wax in it. "This will get it warm... oh, shit, let me call your father, be back in a moment."


Taking his glass with him, Dominic walked into the bedroom, around their bed, and sat on his side of it, where the phone was. Oh! And there were his glasses. Damn. He picked them up and pushed them onto his nose, lifting the receiver and dialing his lovers room.


Graham picked up the phone while the Care Bears played in the background. "Lionel Luthor's room, can I help you?"


"Graham, its me. Is Lionel there? The doctors were saying something about taking him for a cat scan, and I need to talk to him."


"He and Shane are napping." Graham answered quietly.


Oh, that warmed his heart, and he grinned. "Alright, its fine. Just tell him, when he wakes, that things are going to take me a bit longer here at the house."


"Of course I will," Graham smiled.  "Morgan, you're not killing anyone, are you?"


He took on an innocent voice. "Of course not, though the screaming is going to say otherwise."


"Screaming?  Morgan, do I need to come home?"


"No." He laughed it, shaking his head. "I'll be there in a bit, keep an eye on Lionel, will you? Bye, Graham." And he hung up, standing once more and sipping the rest of his drink. Around the bed in his socked feet, and he stepped back into the bathroom with a sigh. "You know, the world’s so much clearer with these things on. Why do I neglect in wearing them?" Sigh.


"Dominic!"  Lex's voice was already getting slurred.  "Le's gesh this show on the road while I'm drunk enough not to care."


He just...stared. "You know, Lex, half a bottle in ten minutes can't be good for you." Except where he refilled his own glass, tossed it back with a hiss, and pulled out the strips of cloth from the plastic. He uncapped the enough, and took the small wooden flat, dipping it in the steaming wax and spreading it over Lex's chest. All of it, until the bottle was empty, and attached the strips as he went.


Lex's chest was covered in twenty minutes, and the vodka was gone... unfortunately, he was still the sober one. "Alright, well, that wasn’t so hard, was it?"


"Not at all!"  Lex swung the empty bottle around.  "Y'know... always wanned be a mummy for hall'ween!"


"Ah. Well." A light clearing of his throat, and he grabbed the first strip he'd applied. "A... are you ready, Lex?"


Lex dropped the bottle, and it would have shattered had it not landed on one of the towels.  "Sure.  I'm ready for anything."


"You say that now."


And with a flick of his wrist, Dominic ripped the cloth up, taking with it the hair that had been on his chest.


Lex screamed.  A nice, hearty, shrill, piercing wail of a scream that vibrated the window in the bathroom as well as the mirror.  "SON OF A MOTHERFUCKING BASTARD, DOMINIC THAT FUCKING HURT!!!"  Lex's eyes were watering, badly, and he rubbed at the newly-denuded strip of skin.


Oh, the scream could have melted the skin from his face, but as he screamed Dominic tore the second strip, and the third, then backed up and winced, incase fists were to be thrown. "Just the first one! Just the first one!”


"Jesus fucking Christ!"  Lex was almost sobbing with the intensity of the pain.  "Christ on a motherfucking cross!  Get the fuck away from me!"


And Dominic... Dominic was trying his best not to laugh, rubbing his skin sympathetically and nodding. "Yes, well, love, we've got another six strips. Come on, be a man! Be a man! You can do this. You're fucking Lex Luthor, tear heads off with his bare hands and all that! Come on! If it helps, your chest is going to be numb for two hours, so at last you won't be hurting."


"No.  Fucking.  Way."  Lex was stone fucking sober, or the closest thing to it.  "Get the fuck away from me.  There's not enough booze in the world to get me drunk enough to let you do that again.  Back the hell off."


Oh. Oh, crap. He burst out laughing, sitting down and scooting back, hands up in surrender. "Lex, what’re you going to do, walk about with half a chest waxed, and the other with white strips? You aren’t going to be able to stand them in about twenty minutes, when they’re dry and hard."


"Clark'll rip them off.  He'll do it faster than you, and it won't hurt nearly as much, you sadistic little... cricket."


Oh, my god. He nearly fell off the stool laughing, then leaned forward, grabbed two at once, and yanked them up and off. Hard and fast as he could, and he held up the strips, wriggling them. "Only four left. And Clark’s asleep! Don’t wake him up cause you're a pussy."


"If Clark isn't already awake, then he's no boyfriend of mine," Lex sulked.  Clark really should have been up here already, at the first scream of agony from his mouth.  Then... "MOTHERLESS FUCKER!!!"  He swung, and growled, and then wrapped his arms over his chest.  "Back the fuck OFF!"


Dominic was having the time of his LIFE.  


"You mean to sit here and tell me you can't take a bit of wax and some tan colored cloth?" Cluck of his tongue. "Wimp."


 Oh, Clark had heard their entire conversation, between dreams. Wax, Lex, hair, and he was still giggling as he shifted and slept on.


"I don't see you slapping the wax on your chest there, Dom."


"Thats because I’ve barely any hair to wax, dear." His eyes danced as he watched the young man, and he crossed his legs, ankle over his knee.


"Jackass," Lex snarled, arms still crossed over his chest.


"Actually, I waxed my ass once." He thought a moment, lips pursed. "Nineteen....wanted to see how it felt. And as a man who's been through a lot, including two kidney stones, I can say with honesty that was the worst pain I’ve ever been in."


"Serves you right for being idiotic enough to wax your fucking ass."


His eyes twinkled. "I don’t know...after the pain was over, it was nice." But he sobered and stood. "Come on, Lex, you've got to take it off or we're going to have to take you to the emergency room to get it off. Is that what you want? To see Ms. Braxton to remove wax from your skin?"


"I swear to you, Dominic... you touch those strips and I will break every bone in your lousy little spindly-ass body."


"Mmm." He nodded, pursed his lips...and attacked. Leapt at Lex...fell backwards, rolled twice, and managed to yank one of the strips halfway...OFF! and he crowed in triumph. "You should talk, you skinny ass."


Lex swung.  Hard.  At the closest piece of anatomy he could reach, and ended up with a kidney punch.  "Get... OFF!!" he yelled, the last tone of his voice sliding up the scale as the strip ripped


Dominic grunted...groaned, rolled off of him and lay flat on his back, cracking up and holding his strip in triumph. " the urine." Barely able to speak, between the laughter and the groans.


"Jesus!"  Lex cradled himself with one hand and pushed himself up with the other.  "Dominic, are you all right?"


He grinned and nodded, rolling up to a sitting position and wriggling the cloth. "You screamed like a girl."


"Bastard.  You try... having hair ripped out... by the roots."


"Been there. Done that." He reached over, and ripped the second to last one off, catching nipple and not caring as he jolted out of the way. "You know, Lex," He scooted away, ducked in case fists were thrown. "You keep opening yourself up for attack. By the time this is over, you've opened yourself to every position of attack. And here I thought your father had taught you better."


"Last time... I try to check on your ass."  He doubled over against himself, rocking against the pain.  "Son of a bitch... I'm going to kill you."


"Of course you are, love." He ducked, trying to look at his face, wincing. "Lex, darling? Breathe. Through the pain."


“I am breathing, cocksucker."


"You're one to talk." He grinned, brightly at that.


"At least... I don't scream... when Clark fucks me."  Lex pulled himself to his feet. 


"Neither do....oh." And yeah, his whole body flushed gooey, and he was grinning like an idiot. "You've no idea what you're talking about, and excuse me, you scream quite loudly." And he reached over, going for the last strip.


Lex caught Dominic's arm and twisted it behind his back.  "Told you... to stay the fuck away.  And yeah... I do know... I heard you screaming the other night with Dad."


"Again. No idea what you're talking about, so shut up, mmm?" He took his arm back, and peered at the last piece of cloth. "Just rip it off, for the love of God!"




“You've GOT to. Do you really want to spend the night in the emergency room, where they rip it up, piece by piece, and take skin with it?"


"I do not have to."


"And live your life with it sitting there like a flag on your chest? Mmm? You should be ashamed, Lex, Luthor, positively--"


Tiny, painted fingers reached up, yanked the strip off hard, and Chloe crossed her arms, rolling her eyes at the both of them. "Wimps."


"GODDAMMIT!!" Lex roared before he realized who it was.  "Chloe--fuck!  Goddammit!"


Her eyes twinkled as she watched Dominic laugh, and she rose both brows chidingly. "Lex. Shame. It took some skin, how long did you leave it on?"


"Nearly an hour." Supplied amongst gasps, still chuckling as Dominic wiped his eyes. "Wouldn’t let me take it off for anything."


"That son of a bitch just ripped the fucking things off!"


"Its what you're supposed to do, duh. Waxing isn’t pretty, but oh! Look! Your chest is! Very smooth, Mr. Luthor." She nodded, pet the inflamed, damp skin, and set her bag down.


"How did you find us, Ms. Sullivan?" Dominic leaned a hip against the counter, crossed his arms, and watched Lex prowl about like a caged tiger.


"I followed the screams for God and Christ and fuck." She nodded it, lips spreading. "C'mon, Lex. Not so bad."


"I remember--vaguely, at least--concocting a bad batch of crystal meth in my lab, and I believe I ended up sliding face down on asphalt for about thirty yards.  That was a field day compared to this."


"Not good. Bloody mess you made of yourself. Surgery for hours. Shame." Dominic clucked his tongue and rolled his eyes.


"Lex, I wax every week. Its not that bad." She rolled her eyes at him and slid out of her coat.


"Chloe... you have my deepest, deepest sympathy."


"Well, what stuff did you use, anyway?" She picked up the bottle... turned, and stared at the older man behind her. "You didn’t."


"What?  It works."


"Sure... but it.... exfoliates, too. Quite... Erm… well." She coughed, and winced at Lex. "Sorry, sweetie. I use Nair's wax. Feels great."


Lex whirled on Dominic.  "You... you..."  He couldn't speak for the murderous intent glinting in his eye.


"Its the only one we HAD! What did you want me to do? Shave? We'd still be at it!" Dominic held up his hands in surrender, and scooted out of the bathroom.


"I'm going to kill him, Chloe.  I swear to God, I'm going to kill him."  


"I'm breathing."  He caught her hand, held it to his cheek, took long, deep breaths.  "It was his idea, to keep my hair out of the way."  


Her lips spread and her eyes lit up as she gently touched his cheek. "Calm. Caaaalm. Breathe. You’re still pissed over the pain. C'mon. ...." She coughed. "Nice pink hairband."  


She cupped his cheek, smiled in sympathy, and settled him back on one of the tiny stools. "Come on, Lex, sit down, will you?"


"Only if you promise not to attack me with another bottle of wax."  But he sat beside her anyway, still breathing deeply.  "Told you I'd have the beard taken care of."  


"Looks really good, Lex. This goatee thing… quite smashing." She wrinkled her nose prettily and smiled with a lot of teeth and gums, winking.


"It was Dominic's idea; before I just looked like my father.  Now, I look like Dominic instead."  He rubbed his fingertips over it.  "But... I rather like it."  

The phone in the bedroom was ringing insistently.


Dominic winced and pushed his glasses up on his nose, lifting the receiver. "Senatori."


"Morgan?  It's Graham.  Better get to the hospital right away; Lionel's asking for you.  He says to tell you... he sees bears on the television?"  His voice held the question that he didn't understand."


"...What? What? Say again?" Dominic's brain was firing, but nothing was connecting.


"All he's saying is, he sees bears on TV.  Of course he does, he and Shane are watching Care Bears."


He lost his footing. His knees just gave out right from under him, and he went from amused fear to utter... immobilizing… shock. Sank to the floor with a crash… the phone fell with him, though thankfully remained upright, and he pressed against the bed as his fingertips dug into his thigh. "He..." Softly. "He can see the TV?"


"He can, apparently.  He was napping with the baby, and then woke up and said to call you."  

The crash alerted Chloe and she turned to the door, moving quickly towards it and looking out. "It looks....good? Sir?"


Dominic couldn’t speak for a long moment, just nodding and hanging up...slowly setting the receiver back on the phone, and his throat worked for a long, soft second.


Lex followed.  "Dominic?  What's... what's wrong?  Is it Dad?"  He crossed the room quickly, crouching beside Dominic.  "Come on!"


He just shook his head...his eyes were damp, as was his way, and he shocked. "He... he... he can.."


"See?" Lex asked, seeing the shining dampness in Dominic's eyes.  "Can he see?"


He nodded... grasping Lex's arms hard, vice hard, and gasped. "He can see. He...Graham, the baby, they were wa… watching care bears, he… he said...he.."


"Go on, Dominic.  Go to him, I'll follow in a little while.  Go on, he needs you."  He hugged the older man tightly.  "He can see, Dominic... go.  Be the first thing he sees."


He grasped Lex as hard as he could, hugging him for all he was worth, and let go in a rush, running to the bedroom door and out of it without another look.


Pounding footsteps that led all the way down...then the reverberating slam of the front door.




Chloe had her fist to her mouth, her own tears clouding in them, and a priceless smile covered her face.


Lex turned around and looked at Chloe.  "He... my dad.  He can see."


"He can. And as soon as we get you cleaned up, Lex, you’re gonna go see him." Her face just shined...then broke out into a grin as she looked just over Lex's shoulder.


Sleepy eyed, heavy lidded, and Clark shifted to one socked foot, muttering, "Wha's goin' on?"


"Clark!"  Lex pelted across the room, throwing himself at his lover and he didn't give a fuck about molting skin.  "My dad!  Graham just called, he can see!  My father can see again, Clark!"


Immediate want to shove him away… but this kind of news was above anything else, and Clark hugged him as hard as he could. "Oh, Lex! Oh! Baby, that’s so...oh!" And he did a little dance, swinging him up in his arms. "Aushna'! Oh! God, that’s so great!"


Love like this couldn’t be broken... couldn’t be changed, couldn’t be ruined. And Chloe smiled at them, so happy, deep in her heart, that they'd found one another.


"Yes it is!!"  Lex curled into his lover's arms as Clark swung him around, the smile on his face unable to fade.  "He can see, Clark... he can see.  I don't have to be scared any longer--he can see."


"See? Dominic was right, baby! See?" But he just squished him close and grinned, peppering kisses all over his--"You have a goatee?" He couldn’t help the smile, and rubbed his chest against the bare one. "Miss my hairless Lex. Miss him. Love you, baby." And he kissed him again, softly, the hair scratchy and fun, and he hugged him as tight as he could without breaking something.


"Yeah, I have a goatee.  Dominic helped.  And look, I'm back to mostly hairless, thanks to a bottle of wax and that sadistic bastard."  He wrapped his legs around Clark's waist and pressed his cheek into his shoulder, and then damn.  Suddenly he remembered, and whispered in Clark's ear.  "Fuck, baby... I'm sorry, I forgot all about the shedding and the no touching rule.  I'm so sorry."


Clark grinned, shook his head, but his skin was positively crawling… and he held Lex closer. "Its akay. This is special... I’m so happy, baby, I’m so happy for you, this is so the best. Want to go see him? Come on, get dressed, we can--"


She caught the end part. "EHT! Lex is not going out in public with that hair, thank you."


Lex nodded.  "Chloe's right, I promised her she could fix it or wash it or do whatever the hell it is she's going to do to it, and then we'll go.  We'll go and see him."  He curled closer around Clark and whispered again.  "Thank you... this means the world to me, I love you, Clark, thank you."


"Don’t think anything about it." He smiled and kissed his nose, his cheek, then offered his hand. "C'mon, I wanna watch."


"Yeah! Come on, guys. Lex, could you possibly get down from your boyfriend? Geez. Innocent eyes here." And she snickered, disappearing into the bathroom.


"I love you, Lex Luthor."


"Innocent eyes my ass," Lex retorted.  He had no intention of unwinding from Clark, except for the whole fact that he knew skin contact made Clark feel icky, and he slid down, and wound Clark's arm around his waist.  "I love you, Clark Kent."  Then he sighed.  "He's really going to be okay, Clark.  I thought for a while there... I thought that I wasn't going to see him as himself again."  He tugged Clark into the bathroom.  "Um, Chloe... I hate to disappoint you, but I'm not doing anything in my father's bathroom.  We're going back to mine."


"This is your dad’s room? Its niiiiice." She whistled and snagged her things, sporting her new necklace and scarf of course, and flounced out the door.


Clark tugged Lex's hand up a little, where an itch had been driving him batty, and he arched and rolled his back, all very innocently, as if he wasn’t using his lover for a scratching post. He wound an arm right back around his waist, kept him close, and walked after the illustrious Ms. Sullivan. "Of course he was going to. You have to have faith, baby."


Lex crooked his fingers into a scratching formation, and innocently rubbed his lover's back with his crooked fingertips.  "You know, love... I should be frightened that she knows the way around the house and she's been here less than ten times."


He chuckled...grunting at the light scratches, and sighing very softly in relieved pleasure. "Course she does. She knows the layout for every major building in Smallville."


Lex scratched just a little harder.  "I don't know if I should be relieved or frightened by that little revelation," he sighed.  "I think I'm very, very frightened."


"Little higher." Under his voice as he stepped over the step-up, and rolled his back into the searching fingers as he himself scratched his belly...then his chest.


Lex obediently moved his scratching fingers higher, and then a little higher again when Clark rolled his back.  "You know... you're amazingly limber for somebody your size... remind me to explore the positions of the Kama Sutra with you."


"I can suck my own dick...I ever tell you?" And it would have been funny, if he weren’t completely serious. He called up ahead, watching Chloe opening and closing each door. "C'lo...second door to the left, sweetie. There ya g....go." As Lex hit a particular nice spot, and he all but purred with satisfaction. Scratched at a hip… his thigh, and he walked in behind Chloe.


"You guys's bedroom… nice, but not as nice." A nod, a grin, and she dropped her things on their bed and walked to the open bathroom door.


The blood had long since been cleaned up, but she still shuddered.


Lex stopped stock-still.  "No, no, you didn't tell me.  I learned how to do it when I was fifteen--I'm almost afraid to ask how--or why--you learned to do it."  He kept scratching at the purr-inducing spot on Clark's back as they walked into the bedroom.  "Chloe?  It's okay.  It's gone."


"Oh...well, good." And she straightened her back and walked in.


Clarks smile, tinged with his need for itchies, was wicked innocent, his eyelashes batting as he rubbed at the spot on his tummy again...right above his belly button, where the skin had already started to bubble.


"You do know that I am dying to peel you like a banana so I can touch you again, right?"  Lex raised up and licked behind Clark's ear as he moved his hand in light scratches all over Clark's back, centering on that same one spot over and over again.  Then he raised his voice.  "Chloe, if there's anything you need that we don't have in there, I'm sure it can be found somewhere in the estate, or I can send out for it."


"Leeeeeex!" He looked at him, horrified, and shuddered from the tips of his hair to his toes. "Thank you, now I can never eat another banana!" But he purred again, muttering about him getting off the hook this time as he kept scratching his back, and sighed softly. "Lex.." Almost drugged, and another yawn tugged from him. "Lay down... forget Chloe... we can see your dad later... scratch my back."


Except certain Sullivans had their hands on hips and glares on faces. "Excuse me, could you both get your mitts off one another for a SPLIT second? Lex, you need to wash your hair in the worst way."


"I'd love to, but I don't think Chloe's going to let me."  He wrapped around Clark for just a moment, scratching everything he could reach.  "You want to come in with me, or just lay on the bed and watch?"


"I'll come with you." A soft smile, and he turned around, pushing against the wall next to the entrance to the bathroom and rubbed for all he was worth...shuddered again, yawned, and grabbed Lex's hand. "Okay... I... oh yeah. I’m cool for a while." A bright grin and he stepped over the threshold.


She was standing there, sleeves pulled up, glare on her cheeks.


Lex ducked behind his lover, scratching while he peeked over Clark's shoulder.  "I'm not coming in until she promises not to skin me."


"I promise!" But her smile was wicked.


"Look, Lex," Clark stage whispered it, "That’s an evil smile if I ever saw one."


"Oh, I've seen evil smiles, Clark.  Even given them from time to time.  But to be honest... I have seen sharks with friendlier grins than that."  He peeked at Chloe again.  "Do I have to take my clothes off?"


She visibly brightened at the prospect. "Well, there's two ways this can go. One, you get in the shower, I get in with you, and I help you wash your hair. put your head in the sink and wash it. let Clark do it, but I’m guessing he helped you the first time, cause, alright, damn."


Lex flapped the extremely long ponytail at her in frustration.  "You really think this is going to fit in the sink?"


"You'd be surprised." But she crossed her arms. "What’s it gonna be?"


Lex looked up at Clark.  "Well?  Your thoughts, Mr. Kent?"


"I’m not getting in with you." But his eyes said he would, any other time, and he swallowed. Yeah. Flappy skin. "Chloe can... I mean, if she’s cool with it, I’m totally cool with it."


"That’s fine... Clark, you have some old shorts and a shirt? I can get....get in some clothes, and get in there with you, Lex."


Lex kissed--and scratched--his lover once in understanding.  "Then I'm going to let her get in with me because honestly... I have no idea what I'm doing with this much hair."  He looked back at her.  "You don't need old clothes, Chloe... just get in with me.  I promise not to molest you while you're working."


She grinned, blushed prettily, and nodded. "Okay. Lex, do you want to cut some of it, by the way? It...its past your ass, sweetie. I mean...we can cut it, short, if you'd like. However you want." And she moved to the shower stall, opening it and peering inside. Wow. Gold, and stone, and wow. It could fit six people in there. There was a bottle of shampoo already there, and she nodded to herself, taking two towels off the rack and tugging her shirt over her head.


"I'll just watch." And Clark would have jacked off, if getting all sexy in his current mood wasn’t utterly GROSS.


"Clark?  Do you... would you like me to get rid of it all?  Or some of it?  I'm--it's whatever you want to do, baby."  He was already shirtless because of the waxing incident, and he started stripping off his shoes, socks, and slacks.


He shook his head... smiling as he ran his fingers over the locks of fire. "No. Maybe a little... to your waist. But don’t cut it all. I like it."


Lex slid a single finger over Clark's collarbone.  "I like it too... if you do."  Then he smiled.  "It'll beat wearing a wig when I take you out."  He finished stripping, and moved over to the shower.  "I love you, Clark."


"Love you more." He mouthed it, smiling, and curled up on the floor by the shower stall.


Chloe finished tugging her jeans down...swallowing a little, flushing at Clark, before shifting. "I can go home without underwear." So she unsnapped her bra, covered herself, and stepped into the shower behind Lex.


Lex was standing inside the stall, under the closest jet of hot water.  He was hissing as it slid over his chest, but it felt much better and much less painful to have heat on it.  "All right, Chloe, work your magic.  I am, for lack of a better term, putty in your hands.  Clark and I want it cut just a little.  Just to my waist, no longer than that."


Yeah. Except where, the part where seeing him buck naked, even with the hair, was driving her to trembles. She shouldn’t have done this… but she'd promised, and she stepped closer to him, grabbing the shampoo off the rack without really taking her arms from her chest. "Okay...put about a handful in your palm."


Lex did as he was told, picking up the shampoo that always reminded him of Clark because that's what he always used, and squeezed a handful out and then raised it to his wet hair.  "This much I comprehend," he said dryly.


"Well, start rubbing it in your hair. All over. Start from the bottom...Like this." She took some and began to scratch and rub at his scalp, foaming it up until it reached the bottom, massaging the locks with precise movements.


"Aha.  And this would be where I went wrong last time."  He arched his neck back, the heavy hair dragging his head down and he sighed at the feeling of Chloe's fingers working through his hair.  "You can keep doing that."


Yep. So said her nipples. But the lust...without Whitney there, without feeling him rubbing against her, without feeling his was empty. Just an impulse. So she rubbed it through his hair, smiled, then turned him under the spray. "Rinse. Five minutes worth. Keep running your hands over your scalp, push the water away and the soap."


"And this would also be where I went wrong."  Lex sighed again, using his hands as she directed him, pushing the soap and water out of his eyes.  "Clark said something about watching for it to rinse clear?"


"Mm hmm. When there's no more soap, you've hit jackpot." And she helped him, rinsing the soap out...until nothing else fell, and she glopped another handful on his hands. "Second wash."


"Doesn't adding more soap basically defeat the principle of washing in the first place?" he groused, but he continued to scrub at his hair, running the slick and soapy strands through his fingers until they once again rinsed clear.


She sniffed...smiled, and winked. "About it, mm hmm. You have now gone through what every woman on the planet hates doing. Welcome to the fold." And she smiled, turning and bopping back to the door in her little cotton panties and arms across her front.


"Chloe?"  He waited a moment, and then turned off the shower heads before calling her name again.  "Chloe." 




Soon as she answered, he looked at her.  "You don't have to cover yourself up," he said quietly.  "I still think you're beautiful, even if we're not... making love together."


"I know." She gave him a nose wrinkle and a grin. "I’m just shy.  C’mon...lets get our clothes and stuff. And I'll cut the ends of your hair for you."


"Shyness doesn't become you."  Lex reached over his shoulder and pulled his hair forward, wringing it out and getting most of the water out of the long hank.  "Don't ever be ashamed of the way you look.  That's a lesson I learned early on in my life."  He slipped up behind her, and wrapped his arms around her waist, gently pulling her arms down.


Oh. Shit. She breathed out softly… let her eyes close, and her arms lower. Pert, perky, very hard nipples came into view, and she shifted a little and swallowed. "It’s cool. Don’t worry about me."


Lex turned her around to look at him, and reached back to turn the water back on for just a moment.  "What are you afraid of, Chloe?"


"You." She trembled it, swallowed, nodded, shifted. "Just...just, um. You."


"Why are you afraid of me?"  Lex's hands stayed still on her hips, not moving.


“Because you...well, look, okay?" She pushed the hair from her eyes. "You make me feel...things, and heat inside, and I love Whitney so much but its weird, because I feel like I own you and Clark too. And I know… know you own me. You know?"


"I know."  His hand followed hers in pushing and holding the hair out of her face.  "Clark is my soul mate, and yet, I can't deny that I want you--and Whitney--in a different, but no less intense way than I want Clark."  He brushed a light kiss over her cheekbone.  "I don't understand it yet, either, but I know it."


She whimpered… grabbed onto his belly, and leaned into the touch. "You...but, Lex, that’s insane! We're not... we can’t..." She breathed a sigh. "Its because Clarks different, isn’t it?"


Lex nodded against her cheek.  "Yes, it is.  And that's all I can tell you, but this time, it's because that's all I do know."  He brushed another kiss over the other cheek, feather-light.  "Don't tell him that you think he's different.  Trust me, Chloe... pretend that you know nothing and suspect nothing."


"Okay." She breathed, softly, and leaned into his touch. "Promise… won’t say a word. You're one of my best friends, Lex." Softly, and she wrapped her arms around his waist, suddenly turning the erotic little kisses to a hard, tight hug. "Thank you. Thank you, for being there. For me."


Lex wrapped his arms back around her waist, and held her, tightly against him.  "You're welcome.  I'm glad I could be."  He stroked her hair gently.  "And thank you for your understanding."


"I do. I really do." And she smiled a little, blinking up at him and leaning in to kiss his nose. "Come on, Clark is waiting for us."


"Yeah, he is."  He threaded his fingers tightly through hers, and tugged her back to the shower door as he turned off the spray and shook his wet hair like a dog.


And only proceeded to get it plastered all over his wet body.


"Fuck... that always seems to work in the movies."


She laughed out loud... then immediately gasped and hushed because… well, alright. Nothing much cuter then this.


Clark was asleep. Out cold, right where he sat, arms tucked and crossed across his belly, legs straight and crossed at the ankle. His chin sat on his chest and he snored, softly, unmoving.


Lex smiled as he saw Clark sleeping on the floor, and squeezed Chloe's hand tightly.  "You want to help me wake him up and get him in bed?"


Chloe just smiled. She couldn’t help it... she had to squeeze Lex's hand back as she grabbed one of the towels, wrapping it around herself so she wouldn’t get cold, and tucking the edges in to hold it up. "Lex... I see why you love him so much. He is just so cute."


He answered it with a little snore, lashes fluttering as his ears told him the water had stopped. He shifted... grunted... then let his eyes flicker open, and he muttered something softly.


Lex knelt down beside his lover.  "Be careful, and don't touch him until I say, because he's a little jumpy about being touched," Lex whispered, and put his hand on Clark's shoulder.  "Clark?  Baby?  C'mon, let's get you in bed."


"Le's?" He whispered, shifting a little as he tried to blink dreams away. "… I’m 'wake... gonna go see'r dad?"


She knelt next to him, eyebrow cocking. "Sure wasn’t jumpy about being touched the other day." But she didn’t say anything, crouching down next to him and smiling into his sleep hazed eyes.


"No, baby... we're gonna get you in bed first.  And then I'm going to go see Dad while you rest."  He nodded to Chloe.  "Chloe's gonna help me get you up, okay?"


"'m sorry." Another whisper. "I’m so tired." But he got the part about Chloe and he shook his head, quickly so, and slowly got up...climbing to his feet and scratching his chest as he took his lovers shoulder. "Mmmmm."


She grinned, rolling her eyes, and turned, leaving them to their own devices. Her clothes waited for her.


"It's okay... you've had a rough couple of days."  He slipped his arm lightly around Clark's waist, and started guiding their path.  "You need your rest, babe."  He pressed a kiss on Clark's cheek.  "C'mon.  You can sleep in bed, tucked in warm, and I'll make sure that the staff knows not to wake you up."


He yawned… deeply so, and padded in socked feet silently towards their bed. One arm, though, wrapped tightly, possessively around his lover, and as he sat down, he looked up at him and held his hips close to his chest. "Heard you and Chloe."


Lex curled into his lover as they walked, and he held tightly to his lover's strong arm.  "What do you think about what you heard?"


He shrugged a moment, pressing a cheek to Lex's chest… and listened to his heart beat. And in there, he knew, the blood was singing for him, and he was pleased and sated. "I like her, too...her and Whitney. They’re our life friends… I don’t know the word, though." And that displeased him, just a little, and he frowned softly. "It feels like... like I shared my brains with you. Does that make sense? Maybe you know the word... it'll come sometime." But he smiled. "You’re still my favorite."


Lex rubbed his cheek against Clark's.  "Sha'nauch," he said suddenly, at the sight of Clark's frown.  "They're sha'nauch."  He said it like Clark should have known, and was shocked that he did.  "It makes sense."  He kept his cheek rubbing against Clark's as they moved.  "What are sha'nauch?"


"Friends. Life friends." And Clark... Clark just smiled, ear to ear, and gazed at his lover with his heart on his sleeve. " I’ve known you, and grown with you, and loved're opening all these parts of me. Everything I know is because of you." He swallowed, gruffly around the lump, and hugged Lex close as he would allow. "Thank you." Whisper.


"You're welcome."  He stroked Clark's face gently, lightly, knowing it had to be grossing his beloved out and yet he was letting Lex in close.  "You don't know what you've meant to me, Clark... you've always known love in your life, and I never have until I met you.  You brought that gift into my life, and I will always, always treasure you for that."


"Gotta say, you're part alien now." A wicked giggle, and he glanced up before letting go and laying back against the sheets and blankets...tugging his hips up to get the blankets out from under him, and he snuggled deep in them. "Mmmmm. Sleepy."


"I don't mind being part alien," Lex said very quietly.  "Because you've made me more human than I've ever been before."  He pulled the blankets up over Clark's shoulders and tucked them in over itchy skin.  "Go on to sleep, baby.  When I come home, I'll have the staff change the sheets so they're cool again, okay?"  He slipped his hand under the blanket and squeezed Clark's hands tightly.


He nodded, grinned...and did what he always did. He rolled over, half on his belly and half on his side, gathered Lex's pillow close, and curled deep under the blankets.


And he muffled, half asleep already, "Brin' me some ice cream later, too."  Wicked, and his drowsy voice said so. "'nd some orange juice."


"Rocky road," Lex promised, rubbing his lover's back.  "And orange juice."  He leaned over, intending to pick up the phone and call downstairs, and cursed softly when it rang.


He didn’t even move, just falling deep into dreams, sniffing Lex's pillow as he went.


Lex left his hand on Clark's back as he picked up the shrilly ringing phone.  "Luthor."


"Twenty three years old, and you still haven’t learned how to answer the phone. That’s a shame."


"Hello, Bruce.  I answer the phone the same way I always do.  To what do I owe the pleasure of this call?"  Lex smiled widely.


"What, can't a fellow call his long time friend and business associate just for the hell of it? You know, I’m getting more and more offended as the seconds roll by."


"You don't call just to shoot the breeze; you never have.  Never indulge in small talk, Lex.  It brings you down to their level."  Lex quoted one of Bruce's own rules back at him.


"Look at that. You remembered something." A deep smile peppered his words, and he couldn’t help shifting the cell phone to the other year. "Come pick me up."


"Pick... you up?  From?"  Lex blinked slowly.


"Well, Lex, I drove all the way here in my pick up truck. Strapped Alfred to the roof. What do you think? MEX."


"You and Alfred are at MEX?"  Lex rolled to his feet, walking over to the chair in the corner and nudging Chloe with his knee.  "What is Bruce Wayne doing in Metropolis?"


Her eyes might have just become stars, because she stared at Lex with something skin to horror, fascination, and a journalists glee deep in her eye.


"Didn’t I tell you? He and I decided to finally get married. We're here getting our nuptials, and after that, its straight on till Cancun." Which he said ever gracefully. He gallantly settled down into one of the lush leather sofa's in the small, richly colored room the airport had supplied for them. Alfred was sitting beside him, and Bruce offered him a wink as he spoke into his phone.


"He and you can honeymoon with my father and Dominic; seems they're getting together too.  What is it with you CEOs, can't resist marrying the help?"  He grinned at her.  "Why am I coming to pick you up instead of you hiring a limo?"


Oh, he grinned at that. "I heard about your dad through the grapevine. Come on, Alexander. Don’t tell me you didn’t see that one coming a mile away." He shifted easily, crossing his legs and shifting against the briefcase which might have cost more then his own education. "I would have hired a limo, but with the snow storm coming in they're all closed. You'd think they'd accommodate me, but you know these dirty Metropolonians. Bunch of rude bastards."


"Is it Bruce Wayne?" Chloe whispered it, trying to climb on top of her friend. "Really?"


Lex sat down in the chair, making her curl around him.  "Yes, it's really Bruce Wayne."  He grinned down at her, ignoring the comment about his father.  "I'll make a deal with you, Bruce.  I'll rescue your stranded ass from the airport there in Metropolis, but... you have to give an interview to a friend of mine here in Smallville."


A loud snort. "So friendship has a cost now, eh?"  But the squeal that erupted through the phone had him cracking an easy smile, arching a brow as he held the phone away from his ear a moment. "Newest toy, Lex?"


"Friend, Bruce.  Not toy.  Friend.  And I know that if I ask you, you'll just turn me down.  I'm giving you a way to win a deal and keep your reputation in tact."


"Sure. Friend. I'll play that game." And he grinned again... but because he was the energetic sort, got to his feet and paced elegantly. "Just come get me, will you? Save me from strangling the woman at Enterprise."


"Me. Bruce. Wayne." She was going to hyperventilate.


"Not a game, Bruce... and if you're not nice to my friend, I'll dump your ass on the interstate between here and Metropolis."  He popped Chloe on the knee.  "Come on, Chloe... finished getting dressed.  We're going to go pick Bruce up."


"Finish getting dressed?" he would have hooted, if he was the hooting sort. "Yes, Alexander. Friend." Cough. "And you know, we're going to have Alfred with us." Bruce offered his old friend a wink. "He'll knock you out. Judo chop, and you'll be flat on your ass."


"Alfred hasn't met Chloe Sullivan."  He sighed.  "Two hours, and we'll be there.  And if you laugh at the Suburban, I'll leave you where you stand."


"Oh, and Lex?"


"Yes, Bruce?"


"Pack your bags. We won’t need to go back to Smallville."


Lex had been standing up from his sprawl in the chair but he landed down on his ass again, on top of Chloe.  "... the fuck?  Bruce?  You're going to explain that, right?"


"HEY! Hello!" She kicked at him, grunting. "Tiny girl legs here!"


"Just pack your bags, and Lex? Please refrain from touching your friend while you're talking to me, will you? Common courtesy."


"Sorry, Chloe, didn't mean to sit on you."  He moved aside and let her out from under him.  "You've got to be kidding me.  No way I can leave Smallville."


"And why the fuck not?" It was Bruce this time who blinked, and he straightened his jacket unconsciously.


"Because!  I have my father here, who is just getting out of the hospital, Dominic's family is all here, I have Clark, I have my friends, and there's a fucking blizzard coming!  How many more reasons do you need?"


And he sat down at that, hard. What the hell? "This is Lex Luthor, right? Who went on Safari with me last year in the middle of a tornado? Who hit the coast of Australia for some deep sea diving when you were in the middle of buying out Sir Harry's company?"


"Yesssss," Lex hissed out through his teeth.


"Then what’s the damn problem? It'll only be for about two weeks. C'mon, Lex, don’t tell me you're that pussywhipped."


"Anyone ever tell you that you're overbearing, Bruce?  Jesus.  What didn't you understand?  I didn't have Clark then, I do now.  I can't just pack up and blow."


Click. "Ahhh. Clark. It all makes sense now." But his voice wasn’t sneering, and neither was his tone. "I understand."


"If you're so keen on company, take Dick on this... whatever it is you're going on."  Lex got back up and started getting dressed, muffling curses as he pushed his hair back over his shoulder.




A million visions. Soft blue eyes dancing, his laugh, the way his moans sounded when Bruce touched right there. His never phasing blunt honesty, the way his hair looked in the morning. The taste of the ridge of his ribs after a long, hot bath...the warm cuddles he'd give in the morning.




"Dick's gone."


Lex's head shot up and nailed the corner of the dresser in the process.  "What the fuck?  He is?  Since when?"  And then he cursed again.  "You need help looking for him."


He looked down at the floor between his feet… scuffed a dress show against the carpet. "Dick's gone. Since June. We... it was a fight. Big one. And when I woke up the next morning, he was gone."


Searching, searching. Sobs catching in his throat, running through the rooms of the house his parents had given to them when they died. Terror, hard and bright right in the middle of his chest. Dick was gone. Clothes. CDs. Watch. Shoes. Everything. Gone. "Dick! DICK!"


"You sure your farm boy can’t bear to be without you for a few days?"


"He'll understand; I'll talk to him when I get you back to Smallville tonight."  He sighed.  "I'll drop you off at the coffeehouse, come back here and pack, and talk to Clark.  I'll see if I can get him to help us look.  You'd be surprised at what a benefit to the search he can be."


He shrugged. "We'll be here." And he hung up, slipping the phone into his pocket and side glancing his old friend. "Lex is on the way."


And as he was so good at doing, he slipped into a nice, thick brood.


Lex hung up as well, and looked at Chloe.  "You  up for a trip, Chloe?"  He looked at his sleeping lover as he tugged the sweater on over his shoulder and his hair.  "And please... help me with this shit," he pled, holding his hair out.  "Braid it.  Something."


She was still dazed, and looked up at him...staring. Alright, so maybe she had her bedroom wallpapered with Bruce Wayne’s pictures, okay? "Huh? Oh!" She snapped out of it... for the moment, standing and reaching into her pocket. She came back with a tiny black rubber band, and she tugged his hair away from his face, quickly and efficiently making a loose, manly ponytail. "There we are. We're really… Bruce Wayne?"


"Thanks.  And yes.  Really.  Bruce Wayne."  He grabbed his wallet, shoved it in his pocket, and slid his fingers through hers.  "And come on; his... friend is missing, and I'm going to be leaving tomorrow and help him look.  We're going to pick him up at the airport now."


"Bruce Wayne?" She choked, and held his hand, walking after him. "Bruce? Wayne?"


"Bruce Wayne."  He tugged her through the house, and down to the office.  "Hang on, I've got to get Clark's juice up to him."  He picked up the phone, and called for Ms. Bird to take the tray up to Clark.  "There.  Okay.  Now, come on.  We're going to Metropolis."


~* ~ * ~


Never, in all of her long, fitful life, had Chloe thought, for a million years, that she'd ever ride in a car that cost more then the house she and her father lived in. No way. She wasn’t the type of girl to be caught by flashiness...but she understood, quite suddenly, why some gals were car whores. Cause...guh. By SUV, Chloe had immediately assumed they'd be riding in a Land Rover, or some such thing. Not....not a 90,000 dollar SUV made by Porsche....Sporsche. "This… is... ridiculous. Lex. I"


"I refuse to ride in anything less than the best my money can buy," was Lex's only comment.  Careful of the road and yet nearing the triple digits, they'd only been on the road for an hour and they were already halfway to Metropolis.  "I know you'll have fifteen thousand questions for him, Chloe, but... since Dick is missing, that means you'll have to wait."  He flashed a quick look at her.  "Imagine trying to interview me with Clark missing, and you'll understand why I tell you to wait." 


"You say that like I'd care." Softly, but she understood, and she ran her fingers for the hundredth time over the baby soft leather. ""


"I could have left you at home if you didn't want to come along," he teased.  "Get used to it, Chloe.  You'll realize the longer you're associated with me, the more ridiculous things are.  My father is a very firm believer in status--you buy the best possible of everything so nobody has better than you do.  Just one more of his tools to make sure he's King of the World."


She just… blinked at him....then that scrutinizing eyebrow lifted, her arms went around her chest, and she glared. "What else have you got? If its got the word "Republic" in it, I don’t want to know."


"Then I'm not going to answer."  Another flash of a grin, a tap of the brakes as he changed lanes, and then gunning past a flashy black Camaro without another thought.  "Because you really won't want to know."


"My brain boggles around you." She huffed, looking back out the window and crossing her arms. "How much longer till we get there? And...can I ask something of you?"


"We should be there in... a little less than an hour, assuming the traffic doesn't get any heavier."  He took a hand from the steering wheel and touched her arm.  "You can ask me anything."


"When we get there, and we meet… meet Bruce. You know, Wayne. If I start babbling, and tripping over myself, and staring like an idiot.... smack me, kay? Or pinch me, or stomp on my foot. Something.  I...." Coughhaveasmallcrushcough.


Lex almost snickered.  "You know, he deals with that all the time.  If it helps, I can tell you some embarrassing stories about him."


"Of course he deals with it. Have you not seen him? He's...and..." She cupped her hands in front of her... like she was grabbing a really nice ass. "And the... and oh." She shuddered, then slurped. "Oh yeeeah." But her interest peaked above the drooling. "Stories?"


"Believe me, Chloe.  I've seen it.  Up close and personal."


Oh. She shuddered so hard she almost fell off the seat, and squealed, before slapping the back of her palm to her forehead, and the other hand to her chest. "Shut. Up."


Lex mimed zipping his lips because he knew she wouldn't be able to stand questioning him.


"I won't say anything! I won't! PLEASE!" She reached over, grabbed his arm, shook it. "PLEASE!"


He raised an eyebrow at her.  "I assume this means I can talk again?"


"Lex, I swear to God! I won't say a word! Come on! Give a poor girl some measurements here!"


His trademark smirk emerged.  "He's about six foot three, 225 lbs, about eight and a half long, and has the stamina of a horse."


Oh, good Jesus. She saw spots for a moment...her eyes watered...and she let out a high pitched, long squeal, bouncing up and down in her seat. "Knew! IT! I! DID! Yes! Oh! My! GOD!" Said, of course, around shrieks and leaps.


Lex cringed in the driver seat.  "I think I need to warn Bruce you're coming."


"YES! I KNEW HE WAS MORE THEN SIX INCHES! KaBAM! Wait'll the girls on the internet hear about--" Oh. She winced, visibly. "I can't tell, can I?"


"No.  You can't."  He glared.  "And if it gets out, I will know who it came from."


"Dammit! Fuck! Shit!" And she whimpered, but oh, the knowledge, so sweet. She fanned her flushed face, squirmed, and grinned. "Okay. So. I have more then a small obsession with him, alright? I can't help it. Its Bruce Wayne. I mean, I’m going to go meet a rich, handsome guy!"


Lex tapped the brakes again.  "And what, exactly, do you consider me to be?  A poor, ugly guy?"


"'re Lex." And her wicked grin slid into place. "I don’t consider you a rich, untouchable, handsome guy when you've been between my legs, Lex." But she pinched his cheek condescendingly anyway, and pressed a hand to her heart. "Oh, man."


Then… sudden… blink. "How...exactly would you know that Bruce is eight and a half and a Viking in the sack, Lex?"


"And what a nice place to be it was too."  He grinned at the sudden subject shift.  "The same way I know what Clark's measurements and stamina is."


"You know, Lex, you're a fairly intelligent guy, but you do some really, really dumb shit. You mean to tell me that we're going to go get your ex boyfriend from the airport, bring him back to Smallville where your current boyfriend is asleep in your bed, and tell him that you're running off for a few weeks with the ex?" She just...stared, before looking around and snapping her fingers. "Darwin award? Someone?"


"No."  His voice was serious.  "I'm going to bring my friend back to Smallville, put him up at the estate, and convince my boyfriend to help me and my friend find the love of my friend's life... because Bruce knows I'm not going anywhere without Clark.  I told him that on the phone."


"And you think Clark is going to UNDERSTAND? Clark? Kent? Who was jealous of my eighth grade math teacher because I was going to him after school for help? Clark Kent, who nearly tore Sean apart when he tried to kiss me? Clark, OUR Clark, who pitched a fit whenever Whitney gave me googly eyes?  We're talking about the same guy, right? 6'4, two hundred pounds, built like a Mack truck?"


"I know he will, Chloe.  Clark knows how I feel about him; Clark knows that I belong to him in ways I've never belonged to anyone else."  He kept his eyes on the road.  "Clark also knows that Bruce is my friend... and I told Clark once that I'd do anything to protect my friends.  I know that if I called Bruce and told him that Clark was missing, that he'd drop everything to come to me and help me find my love; I won't do anything less for Bruce."


"It's your grave, sweetheart." She pat his arm, and shook her head as she looked back out the window.


"Clark will understand," Lex said quietly, secure in his belief in his lover.




go to the next part