
The Memoirs

Smallville fanfic by Kel and Diana

Chapter 49: Private Presentation

Bright, crackling fire. Thick, warm blankets, with beautiful patterns hand woven into the rich cotton and wool. Glasses of cool brandy in deep glasses, begging for a sniff before that rich sip. Toasty slippers, leather and maroon velvet, over feet who'd lost good circulation some time ago.


And a Dominic, with too much sleep.


He'd slept. Fitfully. For 15 hours, in fact. The blizzard was raging outside, but in the rooms he and Lionel had named as their own, Dominic could barely tell. He was dressed in simple black slacks and a dark green polo shirt, which accented his facial features wonderfully, even if he didn’t realize it. Black wool socks protected his feet, and they skidded him across the tile as he worked.


Lionel had fallen asleep in front of the fire...seated warmly in the thick couch, blankets tucked all about him. So Dominic had left him there, and had gone to town in the office part of the room. Paperwork… numbers that weren’t matching up, and as he continued the findings he'd been looking into for the better part of two weeks, his heart dropped more and more.


He was standing there now, hmmming softly to himself, weight resting on one hip. His free foot was rubbing the ankle of the other, and a pen was caught between his teeth, looking at the newspaper in the soft glow of a single lamp.


"Dominic... if you give off one more amp of nervous energy, you're going to short out every generator in the estate."  Lionel looked up from his warm cocoon of blankets.  He had been quiet for a few minutes, just watching his lover bounce from corner to corner, then stand--and yet still be in motion--in front of the lamp.  "Please.  You're simply exhausting me."  He reached out and found by touch the ebony cane with the silver tip that he'd acquired on his way home from the hospital.  "If you do not calm down, I shall have to assault you."


He jumped, blond locks jumping too, but didn't bother turning... just grinning distractedly and taking the pen out of his mouth as he circled something in the newspaper. He didn't say anything for a moment, just circled something else...then set it down on the mahogany table as he reached for his pad of paper. Checked it...time for medication. He turned, finally grinning at him, and reached for the bottles beside his table, reaching around the tissue box. "Sorry, sweetie. I've got a lot on my mind."


He shook out two pills and offered them up, as well as a glass of water from the pitcher Ms. Bird was supplying fresh every hour. Poor dear. "Feeling any warmer?"


 Lionel took the pills and swallowed them without comment.  "I'm quite well, Dominic.  Why don't you share what's on your mind?  You seem to be rather... agitated about it."  He winced slightly as he straightened up on the couch, and drew his legs up, making room for Dominic at the end of the sofa.


 "It's nothing for you to worry about at the moment... it can wait till you're stronger." A slight nod and Dominic's fingers slid through all that brown hair...watching it as it slid through his fingertips, and pressed soft, loving kissing to his forehead.


And he walked back to the desk, sitting behind it a moment as he set his forehead in palm, gazing down at the numbers. Fuck. Fuck.


Up again, to the shelves of books, and he selected two of being the tax manual for 2002, and flipped that one open...pen back in his mouth as he flipped pages.


Then around, to the shelves in back, scratching at a thigh...dropping a book with a dull thud, and Dominic did the next best thing. Grabbed the one he'd been looking for, and plopped right down with the book as well, falling Indian style and cracking the book open.


"I will not stand to be patronized, Dominic."  Lionel threw the blankets off and put his feet into the black leather slippers waiting for his feet, and with the help of the walking stick, pulled himself to his feet.  He walked, slowly and carefully, over to the desk and sat himself gracefully in the chair behind the desk, and then thumped the wall beside Dominic's head with the head of his stick.  "Explain yourself."


He stuck a foot out in front of him, knee bent, the book in front of him. And cursed, quite his head, anyway. Fuck. Fuck. Dammit. Fuck. FUCK.


The thump made him jump again, like an agitated bird, and he climbed to his feet, gathering all the books with him and walking back around to the desk. He dropped them on the mahogany and glared at his lover full force, putting the pens from his pocket on the desk as well before they got ink everywhere. "I’m not patronizing you. You're just a terrible patient, and its a pity I love you so because you're leading the way to a smacked bottom."


"You are being incredibly patronizing, and I won't stand for it.  I'm recovering, Dominic.  I'm not dead yet, and I expect to be treated with normalcy and dignity."  He drew the stick back and leaned it against the desk, clasping his hands over the silver knob at the top.  "If you attempt to smack my bottom, as you put it, I shall not stand for that either."  He sighed.  "I am gathering that whatever you are studying does not have you in a good mood."


"And don’t presume to use your walking stick like a light saber, Mr. Luthor." Dominic couldn’t help the grin in his voice, even as he scolded. "I'll have you know I loved Star Wars as a child, and I beat my brother to a pulp every time and excuse me, I am not patronizing!" He glared. "No, I’m not in a good mood... not at all." He sighed and flopped into the side chair, rubbing a palm over his face.


"I'll use this thing however I deem it necessary," Lionel retorted, leaning back into the plush leather of the chair.  "You are patronizing me when you kiss me on the forehead and tell me to go back to sleep like a good little boy and not worry about what is bothering you."  The stick thumped on the hardwood floor.  "Explain what has you in such a bad mood."


"Then next time I'll beat you upside the head and put you to sleep the only way I know how." He glared it, before rubbing his face again... the skin itchy with the goatee growing back, and he rubbed it absently. "I’m just worried over some business things, Lionel, and I’m serious. I don’t want you to worry about them. You're two days out of the hospital, with vision only three days, and you need to rest, in seriousness."


Lionel glared at his lover.  "Could you possibly find it in your heart to stop trying to protect me from whatever is going on!"  He forcibly lowered his voice.  "I've been lying here for the last two days, doing absolutely nothing, and I am beginning to understand the term, cabin fever.  If I do not have something to do, then I shall lose my mind."


He glared right back...then sighed and lay his cheek on the cool wood of the desk for a moment...and just a moment. He leapt back to his feet and began to pace once more, fingers dragging through his hair. "LuthorCorp. There's...t here's been some problems."


"What kind of problems, Dominic?"  Lionel straightened abruptly.


"Stocks have plummeted twenty-five percent in the last month. The police busted Miles Rutherland last week, at the office, for a child pornography ring he had been a part of. Anne Lankes? She's doing drug dealings, or so Carolyn has told me. We've had over sixty people is being laundered somewhere. Lionel... without you there, things are going down the damn crapper. A few of the board directors are trying, but its the sour apples that are finally showing their true colors. Love... as soon as you get well, you need to make a choice. Because I give it four months before someone tries for a hostile takeover."


Lionel rested his chin on the silver-tipped cane.  "I was afraid of something like this happening."  He sighed, deeply so.  "I had hoped, however, that the people that worked for me had been slightly more trustworthy and capable, but we see where that has gotten us."  He looked at his love.  "Did Lex keep the conference call with Bruce Wayne?  I'd had some information to pass to him, but at this point, I'm afraid it's a little out of date."


"Actually… Bruce Wayne is in Smallville, or so I was able to get out of Lex. Something happened with young Mr. Grayson, blah blah, I wasn’t too interested in that. ...Which he's angry at me for now, by the way." And he grinned at that. Nothing more satisfying then pissing Lex off. "It's only been in the past two weeks that I’ve actually noticed it." And Dominic grew serious, leaning over to grasp his hands. "Lionel, you do realize I’m an over analytical geek who had too much time on his hands, right?"


"No, you're not an analytical geek.  However, it might have been helpful if we'd listen to Lex, though... frankly, the thought of listening to him droning about one of his friends' problems is not my idea of a good time."  He sighed deeply.  "However, if Bruce Wayne is indeed in Smallville, then that will greatly simplify the conversation I wished to have with him."  He looked at his lover.  "Don't blame yourself for this, Dominic.  This is my fault; I have been spending too much time away."


"Yes, I am, baby. Because as is my way, I have found the silver lining. And written in the silver lining, is a proposal you might reassign me to Argentina for." Silly, sweet grin, and he wriggled his fingers. "I’ve been working on it since last week." And he squeezed Lionel’s fingers. "Its my fault, for keeping you interested in my ass and keeping you away. Do you want to hear, love?"


"I won't send you to Argentina."  He squeezed back, and then refused to let go of his lover's hand.  "Of course I want to hear.  But if you say that this is your fault one more time, we're going to see just how far my foot shall fit up your ass."


"Oh, don’t promise things you cant keep." He said it without a hint of wickedness, innocence written all over his face before he kissed the smooth fingers, and let go. "Hold on... I've got billboards and everything." He reached around under the desk… searched a moment...took a bite out of his lovers thigh, then came up with a pile of huge boards. "Okay. Ready?"


"Billboards?  Don't tell me, you've also prepared a PowerPoint presentation?" Lionel asked dryly.  Amusement aside, he settled back into the chair, paying full attention to his lover and switching gears nearly instantly.  His hands immediately sought out a clean pad and a black pen, his standard gear for a presentation, and listened attentively.  "I will likely have questions for you at the end."


"You can have questions for me during it." And yeah, a blush stained his cheeks. "I was saving the PowerPoint for the board, but you can see it early if you like." He picked up the little easel, fixed it the way he liked, and set his billboards on it. Straightened up...which, so cute, in his little socked feet, and nodded. "Okay. Well, sweetie, as you know, the business is going down the metaphorical crapper." Suave nod, accent lilting his words as he pointed to the first picture, of the office going down in flames. "We're at the top, in the helicopter, you see. If you look close, you can see Stick Lionel and Stick Dominic waving."


"Something tells me you’ve had a bit too much time on your hands while I've been incapacitated."


"Bored. Endlessly." And he grinned, but kept going, nodding. "LuthorCorp is losing about a half million dollars a day, love. Since November eighteenth, we've lost over twenty five million dollars. The plant itself sucks eighty thousand a day, and with the lack of dedication from our Board Directors, and their numerous scandals, we've lost a lot more. This is, of course, because you're not there." He flipped to the next billboard, with poor Carolyn swapped with phone messages, her hands held up in surrender.  "Boss is gone, lets have a free day. Only its been over a month and a half worth of free days, and things are suffering. But these are things I just told you."


"I'm not worried about the plant losses--not yet, anyway.  Since the explosion, and the destruction, I realize that we're going to be taking a significant loss there, considering that we're still paying the salaries out, without the money coming back in."  He steepled his fingers and leaned back in the chair, thinking.  "We need to weed out the board of directors; I have seen that coming for over a year now, and had hoped to avoid it.  It's become unavoidable."


"I'll help. I know of some crooked dealings you're not going to like." But he kept going. "Alright, lover... this... is the kicker. Are you ready?"


"I am as ready as I shall ever be."


"You have two choices. Go back to Metropolis...or bring the entire business here, as we've discussed before."


Deep exhalation.  "That's a rather rash move, Dominic."


"If you go back to Metropolis, easy as pie. You slide back into the old place, get everything in order...everything is as it was. But love....let me ask you something. Do you remember when you were first starting out...when you were still in the game for the sheer thrill of it? Of fighting to the top? You can have that again, if you decide to move it here." He swallowed a little, at his words, and shrugged. "It is rash. Its your choice."


"Our choice," Lionel corrected softly.  "And you know that I've been at least considering moving things to Smallville."  He sighed.  "But, that's a long term rebuilding process.  If that is the choice we make, will LuthorCorp survive the move?"


"This is what I’m going to tell you about. And you can decide if you want to or not, Lionel." He nodded, swallowed, and winced. "First... I’d like to propose a merger with Wayne Enterprises." He held up a hand. "Wait! Before you rip my head off. I'll tell you why. If we decide to move...with the way stocks and income has been looking, we wouldn’t survive it. But with Wayne Enterprises behind us, no one would even dare to try and buy us out." He swallowed again, shifting to the other side of the billboards as he continued talking. "Plus, a merger of this grandeur would....Lionel, it would be amazing. The things we could do, accomplish."  He paused to suck in a deep breath.  "And you're right. Moving the enterprise here to Smallville would would be an undertaking. And it would take at least a year, or more, to get the entire operation here. But can you imagine? Starting someplace new, fresh, a new board, a new setting. Not just that...the fresh workers here in Smallville who are willing to work."


Lionel nodded.  "I'm not going to rip your head off, Dominic; I'd had the same thought a few years back, when Lex's behavior was starting to take its toll."  He rubbed the bridge of his nose.  "At the time, there was no reason why Wayne Enterprises would want to merge with LuthorCorp, but that has changed."  Lionel put his hands down flat on the table.  "I was approached a few months back by Emerson Winchester, the CEO of Luxor Enterprises.  Luxor has it's eyes fixed on Waynetech's Electronic division, and wanted to make sure I'd stay out of the way.  I moved to block the purchase at that time by exercising my options in Luxor's board, but I need to warn Wayne.  With that as an incentive, he can use LuthorCorp's options in Luxor to protect Waynetech, while we use our interest in Wayne Enterprises to protect ourselves."


"Exactly. You’ve hit it on the head." He nodded, simply, and sat down. "Our assets would double.... even triple. It would protect us from any and all invaders that would try to buy out portions of the business, Lionel. And the move... thousands of people would have to relocate. Lionel, an undertaking like this would be astronomical. We would have to provide housing options for these people... that means building an entire division of homes, apartments, and town homes. We would have to bring in grocery chains... clothes and goods chains. Lionel, we would put this town on the map... and we could do it. But if its only if you want it. If you don’t, and you want to leave well enough alone, we will go back to Metropolis and fall back into our lives. If not...this is an option. It would cost billions. But dammit, it would be fun."


"I'd have to talk to Lex."  Lionel pulled himself to his feet; he was a pacer, and he thought better when he paced, though that was something no one but Dominic knew about him.  The rhythmic thump of his walking stick on the wood gave cadence to his thoughts.  "You'll have to set me up a series of meetings; the mayor will be no problem--I've owned the bastard for nearly a decade, he'd sign over his mother if I asked for it.  I'll need to meet with the city planner, if there is one, the city council, the environmental committee, and if they have one, the impact committee."  A slow gait, but it was good enough.  "We'd have to formulate a firm proposal, and possibly hire outside contractors for the new housing developments, since most of ours are tied up in the rebuilding."  More thumping as his pace picked up.  "And we need serious figures as to how much this will cost, not just the move, but the liquidation of the people on the board, as well as job training and such to fill the new positions here.  Not to mention selling or renting the property in Metropolis."


Lionel was back in his prime.  "If Lex gets on board with this, make him the liaison to Bruce Wayne, and have him pitch it.  I'm not above using my son's friendship with him to help get his approval on this."


And Dominic was just grinning, like a loon, watching his lover with a spaced out, kinda dorky grin on his face, lip caught between his teeth.


Lionel was still thinking out loud.  "The Metropolis city council will be attempting to keep us there; if we choose to move, we must make it clear up front that there's no way in hell we can stay; they'll try and tangle us up in red tape for a decade.  Have the legal team on standby for any tricks from that end."  He turned at the other end of the fireplace and paced back to the desk.  "We already have Pleasant Meadows development; what's the current rate there, what percentage of the homes are either sold or rented?  Whatever it is, shave a quarter of it off, and that's the available housing we have that's ready to go, while we get busy and start districting out the other developments."


He stepped up in front of his lover...cupped his cheeks, and cut him off with a soft kiss. Tongue first...tracing his lips before inside, tasting brandy Dominic had told him not to drink, and the soft, intoxicating taste that was all Lionel. Warm, gentle touches, and he gently mouthed his lower lip… reaching in, touching, letting, touching, letting go. Soft and tender and utterly, completely in love, and Dominic laced his arms around him and held him as he kissed.


Lionel swallowed his words as Dominic interrupted him, and dropped his walking stick to wrap both his arms around his lover, kissing him softly and giving the kiss that Dominic so lovingly took from him.  His hands splayed out over Dominic's back, holding him tenderly. 


He peppered those slow, warm kisses all over his mouth, for a few long moments...before letting go, and setting his forehead on his lovers. Held him, close to his body...almost swaying to unknown music, and he whispered, "You're back."


"I wasn't aware I'd gone anywhere," Lionel replied, just as softly, moving gently with his beloved.


"You did. You left for a while... but look at you. You're here, again. You... you’re thinking about doing this, beloved. You're making this a reality. It's like being twenty again, starting out with nothing but the clothes on your back and your dreams." Softly, as warm lips slid across an angular face... tracing the shape and feel of it… over the little imperfections that his tongue so loved.


"Well... I have a bit more than just the clothes on my back," he said softly, rubbing his lover's back.  "But Dominic... there's one thing that neither of us has taken into consideration."


"What’s that, baby?"


"Whether you're willing to live in Smallville or not."


"What’re you talking about, sweetheart?" He murmured, gently rubbing his fingers over those powerful, hard shoulders. "I already live, right here." His hands slid around to his lovers chest. "I like this town...I love you. I want to stay here, with Graham down the road and my mother up the hill, and you and our family."


"No... I mean permanently, Dominic.  In a home completely removed from this... castle."  He sighed, and slipped an arm around Dominic's waist.  "I'm sorry... I have to sit back down."  He moved back to the desk, and settled back into his chair, leaving his stick where it had fallen on the floor.  "I mean a home that is built for you and I."


"Yes." He followed right behind...gently touching his shoulders from behind, and leaning in to press a cheek to his… and kissed it, softly. "Yes."


"Then that settles it, Dominic.  We're moving."


He just grinned, largely, and stood straight, walking around him and dropping to his knees. He cupped his lovers waist...sliding in between his legs, and lay his cheek on Lionel’s leg. "I can’t believe we're about to upheave your five billion dollar cooperation and move it to a hick town."


"I can," Lionel said quietly.  "What's life without a challenge?  You were right, I was getting complacent.  This is just the challenge that I need and perhaps... just perhaps... this will provide the bridge between Lex and myself that we need."


"Perhaps." Softly, and his smile was brilliant, as he rubbed his face into the warm leg. "That, or its insanity. But hey, you can always kidnap me and we can run away to Cancun. White sand and green water sounds just about right." He chuckled, softly, and squeezed his lover’s waist softly. "It will also give six thousand people jobs in this town, beloved."


"I would prefer not to think of it as insanity because I am not yet ready to admit that I am insane."


"You are, sweetheart. So insane." And he shook his head, looking up at him. "Its going to be amazing. And real. And you're so beautiful, baby. For a while there... I thought I'd lost you. I thought you would be gone, like a candle in the wind. Just gone. I never thought I'd get to hold you like this... never thought I'd get to unzip your pants like this..." He was slowly undoing the button, looking up at his lover in case he didn’t want to, which was totally okay by him. He slowly dragged the zipper down on his slacks... and bit his lower lip. "Never get to touch you again."


"You'll never lose me, Dominic."  One of Lionel's hands came to rest on his lover's face, brushing his thumb over the bitten lip, nodding gently.  "You'll be stuck with me for the rest of my life."


"It was so close. I don’t want you to leave me, Lionel...not for a very long time. I know... know you cant promise that, but..." He gently skimmed his thumb over the silk cotton boxer shorts...gently massaging where the tip snaked down his lovers pant leg. "I want you to try, really, really hard." Softly, and he leaned down, moistening the silk with his mouth as he sucked… so very softly, just for a few seconds... laving the organ through the silk. "I love you, with my whole being."


Lionel trembled, and his hand slipped into Dominic's hair.  "You have my word, Dominic... I will do everything in my power to stay by your side."  His fingers glided carefully over Dominic's head, through his hair, over his face.  "I was afraid, Dominic... afraid that I had lost you, that you didn't want to be with me any longer."  He moved his hand just a little, so that the cool surface of his ring pressed against his lover's face.  "I want to be with you again."


The cool fingers over his skin were a sin, and he felt tears build in his eyes. He thought he'd never… never again. Never feel those warm, tender fingertips slide over his cheeks...through his hair. "I always want to be with you. You're the love of my life. I don’t want you to leave me again...never again." Dominic’s free fingers pressed Lionel’s, and the ring, into his cheek, as he leaned down again... sucked again, dragging the underwear down to kiss the base of the long shaft. "Let me make you feel good again... there will be time for other things later. Just let me give you this, baby."


"Yes, please."  Lionel turned his hand so that he clasped Dominic's fingers in his own.  "Please, touch me again... make me yours again."  He brought Dominic's hand to his mouth for a kiss, then a nibble over his fingertips before lightly sucking a finger into his mouth.


"Never stopped being mine." A soft whisper, as he brought him out into the warm air. Intoxicatingly beautiful as ever... hardening under his stroking fingertips. He drew his tongue from right underneath the tip to the base... then blew warm air on it softly. "Will always be mine."


Lionel shuddered as a sharp spike of pleasure stabbed through him.  "God, yes."  His mouth sucked lightly at Dominic's fingers in his mouth, tongue laving each digit as he leaned his head back against the chair, and then snapped it forward again.  He'd been without his sight too long not to watch his lover making love to him.  "I will always be yours, Dominic... just as you will always be mine."


He swallowed hard...closed his eyes at the shudder that went through the warm belly, and he gently swept his fingertips over the hardening skin...faster now, but just for a moment. He wrapped a palm around him and stroked up and down twice...before ducking his head and tracing the long, thick vein that traveled up from the tip, sucking at it where it met the head gently, softly, as his own fingers were wrapped in a warm mouth and sucked like some fine morsel. "Mmmm."


Lionel let the wet fingers slide out of his mouth, and slid them under the hem of his turtleneck.  "You are... oh, God... so beautiful, I can't stop... Dominic... can't stop watching you."


He understood the hidden plea, and as he laved and sucked...he traced his fingertips around a hot, tight nub, gently sweeping his thumb over and over it. And as he pinched, he sucked the head of his lovers hardening erection into his mouth and sucked softly at it… like he might if it were a lollipop, or Popsicle. Six little quick, warm sucks in a row, before he gathered more in and looped his tongue around the tip, tracing and stroking it, over and over.


His lovers eyes on him were amazing...and as he sucked more down, he let his eyes flicker up to look at him. Let him see Dominic watching him...let him see the love in his eyes.


Lionel sobbed softly, a sharp sound that echoed in their quiet room as he braced his hands on the arms of the chair and thrust his body forward.  The thumb teasing his nipple only made him miss the nipple ring the doctors had made him remove, and he trembled as Dominic sucked him deeply.


His eyes glued to his lover's, moving one hand from the chair arm to brush his cheek.  "I love you."


And he was watching he slowly slipped his mouth off... then back in. Fast and quick, shallow, hard suck as he slid back onto the warm erection, and his eyes fluttered closed. He stroked the taut, hard nipple with one hand and wound his palm around what he couldn’t take in in this angle, stroking as he sucked. He raked his teeth lightly over the hot skin on the up stroke, just as he knew his lover liked, then thumbed the spot between his balls gently on the down.


Too long since he'd been touched.  Maybe only a couple of weeks, but he'd grown used to it every night, and it had simply been too long.  At the gentle touch of Dominic's thumb against his balls, he knew.  He couldn't hold himself back any longer, and with a soft cry, he thrust forward and emptied himself into his lover's mouth.  "Dominic!!"


The cry shocked him... the wet warmth splashing his tongue didn’t, and he relaxed his throat as his lover climaxed, taking him in as deep as he could as he came. His lips rubbed the base of his quivering erection, and he massaged it gently as his lover came. Swallowed when he could...throat vibrating around the head deep inside of him, and he clenched his eyes shut as he did so, gently massaging his balls with his palm.


Gentle rolling thrusts of Lionel's hips as he came, his cock trapped in the sinful warmth of Dominic's mouth as skilled fingers rolled his sac.  Trembles shot through him, and he panted softly, tired by the exertion but refusing to show it.  His hands caught at Dominic's face, brushing over the closed eyes as he pulled him up.


He felt his lovers hands and ever so slowly slid Lionel from his it warm, gentle kisses as it slid from his lips...laving the tip softly, the slit that had just worked itself into a frenzy, and gently kissed it as he tucked his over back into his underwear. At the gentle pull Dominic opened his eyes... smiled softly, and rose as he was asked to without words.


Lionel brought his lover in for a hard kiss, tongue seeking his own flavor on his lover's as he pulled Dominic into his lap.  His mouth moved worshipfully over his throat, nipping hard at the exposed arch as he licked down as far as the polo shirt would let him.  He lifted a hand to his mouth, kissing it and laving each finger before returning to Dominic's mouth and taking another kiss.  The hand he'd just kissed Lionel guided to his hair, and the other hand was pushed to his hip.


"No... b... you're going to hurt yourself." Softly, still pressing his mouth to the warm kiss, then sighed softly as that wonderfully hot mouth moved to his neck and sucked. He met him halfway for the second kiss, lovingly guiding his tongue into his own mouth and sucking at it softly... sharing the warmth of their taste that was home, in every sense of the word. He pressed his fingers into the warm hair, sliding through to hold him close, and he kissed him softly, whispering into those warm lips precious words. "It was only for you. I just wanted to make you feel good, beautiful. I don’t need anything for myself. Just love me, my lovely one, that’s all I need."


"I won't hurt myself," Lionel murmured softly.  "Sadly enough, I know I cannot give you what I want to give you yet, but... I can do this much."  His mouth pressed soft, suckling kisses to his earlobe.  "I do love you, Dominic.  You are my world, and I adore you, so much." 


"I love you too. I love you, too." Softly, closing his eyes as he slowly got off of his lover. Instead he offered his arms to him, eyes shining as he asked. "Come on. Come to bed with me. I can massage your shoulders... get you nice and warm. Cuddle you up with me. Kay? Come on, my lovely."


Lionel took the arms offered to him, and rose to his feet.  A small sway, and then he gained his footing and wrapped his arms around Dominic's waist.  "That sounds... like the best offer I've had all day."  He bent his head down to nibble at Dominic's ear.  "I even have something for you to do once we get in bed."


"What’s that?" He wrapped his arms around his lovers back, held him close… and took some of Lionel’s weight regardless of how he'd bellow, and began to lead them to the door within the room that led to their bedroom. Oh, and then the little nibble at his ear, and he giggled quietly, throat and neck tingling as he held him close.


"Go through the things we brought home from the hospital and find where that wonderful doctor tucked my nipple ring away."  Another nibble, and he leaned on Dominic, for once not taking his lover to task for attempting to coddle him.  "They had the nerve to remove my personal adornments as well as my beard, and I intend to have words with the director once the blizzard has cleared and I can make a personal visit to his office."


At that, Dominic had to chuckle. His eyes danced as he glanced up and turned the gold knob at the same time, shaking his head and rolling his eyes lovingly. "They had to, in Metropolis, love. They couldn’t well do surgery with a bit of metal hanging off your chest, could they?" But he was smiling, and their room was so warm with the glowing fire, and he sighed as the wind screamed outside the window. "Love....I think the next coming weeks are going to be absolutely insane. And this might be the only time to talk to you of such things... but beloved, what type of wedding ring would you like?"


"My chest was already opened, from what I understand," Lionel said tersely, nearly growling.  "It would not have been within the realm of impossibility."  Lionel remained quiet until he was sitting on the side of the bed, concentrating his remaining energy on sitting down and rolling into the warm comforter before exposing his skin to the cold air as he undressed.  "I honestly hadn't thought," he lied.  In truth, he knew exactly what he wanted.  "Perhaps something unique... platinum, or white gold."


Because what Lionel didn’t know was that he'd already bought it, and it was sitting in his sock drawer. Pfft. Like he didn’t know what his lover liked. "White gold? That sounds beautiful. Perhaps with something engraved." He nodded, sitting beside his love and slowly undressing him...tugging his pants down and to the floor, shirt following, and he pulled the comforter out from under him, as he tugged it up and covered bruises and mars on that lovely skin. The overnight bag was still on the floor beside the deep maroon couch in the corner and he leaned over and grabbed it...pulling it up to set in his lap. "Well, lets see."


"Oh, yes.  Engraving," he said absently.  "The date, perhaps... our names, definitely."  He lay on his side, hand propping his head up as he looked at his lover, moving as he was directed to be undressed and then rolling naked into their bed and burrowing into the warm blankets.  "Eternity bands."


He stopped searching a moment...whisked his fingertips across the bare neck and warm hair, and leaned in to kiss the base ever so softly. "Eternity bands." And with a completely straight face. "Like ball n' chains, only much more portable and light weight."


"Balls and chains... naughty naughty, Dominic... teasing when you know that I can't play."  He left his hand on Dominic's knee, drawing aimless patterns on the smooth skin.


He chuckled... snerked, then leaned into the bag once more. "… socks... a lottery ticket?" He glanced up... stared at his lover for just a moment, then snorted and kept looking. "Ah, here we are... bag of your things. Rolex... pens... change… your walle--there it is!" Dominic positively beamed and reached in, snagging it from the bottom of the bag.


"I was bored, Graham was whining about taking the baby, so I sent him downstairs to buy me a lottery ticket, simply to get him out of my hair for a few moments and see if my luck had improved.  Sadly, I didn't win."  He rolled onto his back, and looked up at his lover.  "Well what are you waiting for?"


"Oh, dammit. Last time I thought I was going to spear your chest." But he smiled...and leaned in, blowing on the little nipple as he pinched it to search for the hole.


Lionel shivered again, and hissed softly.  "You... ah... did fine last time."  He slipped his hand down to pinch the other nipple, sending twin jolts to his exhausted cock.


He felt the stirring by his side, and he couldn’t help the grin into his lovers warm chest. He pressed... found the hole, a little smaller then he remembered, and pressed the bar through. It was tight… probably had closed a little, and he winced as he finished pushing it through. "Okay, baby?"


Another hiss, this one of pleasured pain.  "Yes... just had to reopen the hole, that's all."  He slid his hand up to Dominic's face.  "Don't worry.  You didn't hurt me."


"Good, sweetheart." He smiled, nodded, and kissed the loop and the nipple as he gently rolled the ball back on. "There. There we are...look at you, you're so beautiful. My baby..." He giggled. "My beautiful shorn goat." He rubbed his lips against the beard trying to re-grow itself, kissed his lips, and slowly reached over his head and back, pulling his shirt up.


Lionel leaned forward and kissed Dominic's chest as it was bared to him.  "I prefer to think of myself a shorn lion, thank you very much," he growled, nipping a hard nipple that had perked in the cool breeze of the shirt being whisked off.  He licked it a moment later to comfort the bite mark.


Oh. Groan couldn’t be helped… he closed his eyes and swallowed... slipping his fingers through Lionel’s hair and away as he rose to slip his pants off... and calm himself. Let them fall... then before the cold air could crawl up his boxer shorts, slipped under the covers with his lover and wrapped his arms around his chest with a whimper. "It's cold."


Lionel turned over in Dominic's arms, and pulled his lover close, so that they lay chest to chest instead of chest to back.  "Here... let me warm you up."  He rolled Dominic as close as he could stand, taking as much of his lover's weight as he could without aggravating himself again, and pulled the blanket around them both, insulating them in a small capsule of body heat.


"Mmmmmm." He softly mumbled and snuggled in, wrapping himself up in the blanket and pulling Lionel close to his chest. "Feel a lot of hair." He giggled again and nipped his ear. "Like a big lion. Keeps me warm." He yawned, softly, and rubbed his cheek into their pillow as his eyes fluttered shut. "Do you think the idea is good?"


"And none where it counts," Lionel groused, rubbing his still mostly-bare cheek against Dominic's.  "I think the idea is an excellent one."  He nuzzled the top of Dominic's head, right where the bald spot would come in in about ten years.  "I'm glad you proposed it."


"Could you stop rubbing my bald spot?" He huffed it, but snuggled deeper into the warm nuzzle. "Geez. I need all the hair up there I can get." And he snorted, kissing his nose...his chin...his chest. "You proposed it first. I just added."


"You're not balding yet," Lionel snorted.  "You're doing just fine as it is."  He kissed back, raining gentle presses of his lips against Dominic's cheeks and forehead as his hands stroked tenderly up and down Dominic's back.  "Regardless of who proposed and who added, it's a damned fine idea.  And one that we will both be able to work on, and share."


"Mmm." Softly, as he pressed his face closer into the warm kisses, and his eyes closed. "It's nice. I like working with y--" Yawn. "You." Then his voice got wicked, and he ducked his face. "I’m the only one who'll work with the likes of you."


"You're the only one qualified," Lionel said softly.  "You're the only one who can withstand the tirades of temper and perform... not only adequately, but above and beyond the call of professionalism."


"I don’t call professionalism getting on my knees between your thighs while I’m trying to give a presentation." But he glanced up, and there was pride in his eyes. "I was going for a casual business debriefing... and I didn’t do the debriefing I should have." Innocent bat of his eyes.


"Oh, I don't know... I didn't have any problems at all with your debriefing."  He smiled softly as he saw the pride shining in his lover's eyes and knew that Dominic had understood him.  "You realize, of course, that I'm going to have to either promote you, or create a new position for you."


"Naah." A shake of his head, a bat of his hand. "I’m fine just where I am. Not like I need to buy anything much anymore… Ms. Bird would have my very head. Its alright, love. As long as we have each other, nothing else matters." He nodded and smiled...nosed his cheek softly, and nibbled at his jaw. "And w...when the baby is born...she's going to need someone to be at home with her all the time."


"But, since you should work at least one day of the weak, we should promote one of the men on the board who are still trustworthy." Wicked grin. "Oh, what? Did you think I thought you were going to be able to stay away? Pfft."


Lionel smiled at that.  "You're going to be working with me, now, love... not for me.  That is a distinction."  But the thought of their child... that made him smile.  "Oh, I will be there every day... with our little girl in tow."  Evil grin.  "You think I'd be able to stay away?"


"God, no. Oh, you're going to spoil her. And you'll be the one up at two in the morning feeding her, excuse me. I’ve got my beauty sleep to think of." He pretended to fan himself, eyes dancing in his face. "And you know, Lionel, the funniest thing...I never saw a distinction. I’ve always worked with you, even if you didn’t know it. Honestly, how long did you think the threats on firing me worked?"


An all too innocent blink from Lionel.  "Up until the day I asked you to marry me?"


He snorted, loudly, and a laugh worked out of him at the end. "Oh, yes, beloved, of course. Just as I still quiver with fear every time you bellow.”


"Hmph," Lionel snorted.  "You should.  But you don't, because you know that one smile and you will get whatever it is you want."


"Of course. Just as one puppy dog look from you and I fall like a pile of bricks." He chuckled… then his eyes widened. "Oh, you did scare me, just the other day. Shook with fear, I did. When you bellowed for me to get you out of Metropolis General. I thought you were going to lash out and choke me to death."


Lionel's hand went immediately to the back of Dominic's head.  "No... I wouldn't have choked you to death.  Until you gave me my way, yes.  But not to death."  But he pressed a long, soft kiss of apology to his lover's cheek.


He chuckled and leaned into the kiss, resting his arm warmly over his lovers hip. "You're a terrible patient. I see now why Ms. Bird said she could barely stand you the few times you've gotten sick. She ranted up and down nine times yesterday...nearly chewed my ass out, she did. Between her and my mother, I nearly had a heart attack."


"Ah, yes, your mother.  When is the dear woman leaving, anyway?"


And at that, Dominic paled. Visibly. Oh... answer? Erm?


"Dominic?"  Lionel's tone was lightly warning.  "When... is... she... leaving?"


"She... ah... what I mean is... she..." Another cough, and he let go of his lover... ready to bolt at any moment. "Well.."


Lionel tightened his grip on his lover.  "Dominic Morgan Senatori."


"Dammit! Don’t use my whole name like that! Christ!" He wailed. "Don’t make me tell you! You're never going to forgive me!"


"The only thing that would make me not forgive you is if you told me the old biddy is going to remain a guest here permanently."


He shut his eyes tight, and waited for the blow. "Then you're never going to forgive me."


A long, long, silence.  "You realize, of course, that I will have to murder her."


He cracked one eye open. "Its just until Graham gets his house! He's moving here, and she and Shayla are going to go live with him." A serious nod, swallowing hard and offering that winning smile. "See? Just for a while!"


"I have the perfect place for Graham.  Pleasant Meadows.  I know some of the houses there are still uninhabited."


His lovers voice was dangerously nondescript. "A... are you going to kill me?"


"I am seriously considering it."  But the smile in his voice belied that.  "At least you will have family close to you now."


Oh. He was okay! Oh, good. Dominic smiled winningly, and wrapped his arms back around his lover. "Shane will be close by, as well."


"Which is the only reason that I am tolerating this arrangement."


"I… I can ask them to leave, lover." He looked up under his lashes, and a ball of discomfort hit his belly. "I’m sorry, if... if I shouldn’t have.."


"Dominic... no."  He turned his lover's face to his.  "No.  I am glad your family is here.  I have a violent dislike of your mother's habit of calling me "little boy" and I am not fond of being called "Mr. Weirdy Lion" by that charming little pixie, and I have grown to have a grudging respect for your brother Graham."  He stroked Dominic's cheek.  "You know they are welcome to stay.  You know this, don't doubt it.  I tease you about your mother, but if she wants to stay here, then in all seriousness, she is always welcome."


He brightened...visibly at that, and smiled at him. "Okay." And he snuggled in close to him, closing his eyes again and yawning against his chest quietly. "Lindy said its like I came back from a long vacation."


"Because you were happy to see them."  Lionel returned the snuggle, getting comfortable with his lover in the warm blankets of their bed.  Their bed, Lionel reflected briefly, and he was unspeakably glad to be there again.


"No." Softly, shaking his head against that fuzzy chest as he burrowed further under their cozy, silky sheets. "She said that something took my life away... and this holiday, it was like I’d come back from a long vacation. Like it was me again. And I feel it. I feel like me again. That man from before... he's gone, now. Because of you...because of the respect and joy and love you've brought to my life. Because of the future you've offered me." He yawned again.


Oh.  Didn't that fill him with happiness?  Oh, yeah.  "Because of me," he said.  The awesome responsibility settled easily onto his shoulders, and it didn't seem like a weight at all.  More like... more like a privilege, to care for this precious treasure that nestled so trustingly against him.  "I'd offer you more if I could."


"Because of you." Softly, and he licked his chest lovingly a moment as he snuggled closer… got comfortable with limbs splayed every which way, and began to settle into that easy time before falling asleep. "Nothing else you could offer me. Nothing else I want. Just you. ...And your beard, cause baby, I haven’t forgotten. Remember when you shaved it all off some ten years ago? Good God. You walked into the office and I nearly gave myself a hernia trying not to laugh." And he was grinning.


"Believe me, Dominic... I am doing everything I can possibly think of to encourage my beard growth."  He rubbed it against his lover's cheek.  "I remember, and nearly fired you on the spot for it."


"I think the coffee spewing across the office did it." And he couldn’t help it… he began to chuckle. "The look on your face was utterly priceless. Like, "I cannot believe you're calling attention to it, shut the bloody hell up before I nail you so hard in the ass you cant walk for two weeks". And oh! if I remember, that’s exactly what you did." Snerk.


"It was a convenient, pleasurable way to make sure you were no longer laughing."  Lionel slid a broad hand down over his beloved's flank.  "I must talk to Dr. Braxton and see just how long it will be before I can resume those activities."


"You say that like I’m letting you in my ass again." Wicked against warm skin, and he traced a teasing fingertip along the warm hip pressed into his.


Lionel bit his lip softly, and swallowed down a hard ball in his throat.  "I'm sorry--I just... I thought.  I'm sorry."  He gathered Dominic close to him, hoping he wouldn't pull away.  "I don't mind if you're the one in me."


"Lionel!" He laughed it, looking up. "I was kidding, baby!" He reached up, fully awake, and cupped his face, pulling him in for a long, soft, searing kiss. "I see your sense of humor is not fully recovered yet, love." He snuggled him close, nestled him into his body, and giggled. "I was just joking, sweetheart."


Lionel's body sagged in relief.  "I didn't--I didn't know if you were serious or not.  I wouldn't have been surprised if you were."  He returned the kiss greedily, hands sliding over Dominic's side to nestle their hips together.  "But I'm glad you didn't."


At that he broke away at his words... frowning deeply. "Why do you think I wouldn’t want you inside of me?"


"Because of Jonathan.  I wasn't... well, when you said that, I wasn't sure that you'd let me make love to you anymore, because you wouldn't want me comparing you to him.  Not that I would, but... I was afraid that you'd think that.  I was afraid you'd think that I wanted him... when all I want is you."


His eyebrows furrowed a little... and he thought a moment. I might have thought that... when you walked out in the hospital, after it all happened. But baby... you woke up calling for me in the hospital. There is nothing in my mind that doubts that you love me, that doubts what you feel for me. If you want to know the truth, I’ve wanted you inside me for weeks… when I had time to think about that, and not about how damnably stubborn you are. I’ve missed you so much." He murmured it softly, pressing a soft kiss to his nose. "I love you."


Lionel pressed soft, loving kisses to Dominic's mouth, softly licking and nibbling his lips as his hands touched and stroked his face.  "I love you, Jiminy, I don't ever want you to doubt that.  I've wanted you so much these last few days, and I wouldn't let myself feel it because I couldn't see... I wouldn't let myself want you when I wasn't a whole man.  I want you so much now I ache with it, but I simply can't.  My body, my health, it won't allow it right now, but never doubt that I want you more than I want anything else in this world."


He just smiled, and nodded, and pushed the ache as far down as he could. "I know, baby. I love you... I love you, so much, but I know what it is to want and not to be able to take. And its okay… soon. But not until you're ready… not until we both know you wont hurt yourself worse, baby. And if it takes a month, it takes a month. If it takes three, it takes three. But you aren’t coming near me until you're completely well." He stroked his lovers cheek softly. "I would have loved you no matter what, Lionel. And we would have made love, just as always. You don’t need eyes to feel."


"I know."  Lionel pressed more soft kisses to his lover's face.  "Were you this frustrated when you were recovering?"


"Remember when I ripped all those stitches out in the middle of the night, and we had to run to the hospital?" A light cough. "Give you two guesses how they ripped."


Lionel sighed.  "Anything that I railed to you that evening, I heartily retract at this moment."  He slid his hand through Dominic's hair.  "Remember this gentle retraction in the coming weeks."


Dominic smiled and kissed his chin softly...scraping his teeth against it. "I promise I wont tease you...or wont, subconsciously. There were times when... when I just wanted to tear your clothes off and fuck you against the wall."


A soft groan from deep in Lionel's chest.  "I think... changing the subject would be a very good idea right about now," he growled.  "Because this one is leading me places that I simply... can't go right now."


He smiled a little. "Me too. Alright… let’s change the subject to sleep, how about that? I’m in the need for a bit of a nap."


"Yes... ah, sleep, perchance to dream."  Lionel nuzzled his lover yet again.  "Sleep sounds like a capital idea.  You sleep, and I will watch over you."


"How about you sleep, and I'll sleep too?" He nodded this, smiling up at him again with slightly wicked lips.


"But I just woke up less than an hour ago."  And no, he wasn't whining.


"Sleep!" Glare. "You only slept for an hour, and that medication should be kicking in in a bit. You need to sleep, love."


"I'm not tired?"


He sighed, heavily, and peered at him. "Next time, I’m spiking your drink with something."


Lionel laughed softly.  "Don't let me nap in the office again instead."


"But you looked so pretty." A soft smile, and he rubbed his lips over his lovers.


And Lionel couldn't resist a soft, quick kiss.  "I did not look pretty.  Handsome, perhaps, stately, or elegant even."


"Pretty." Softly, kissing him again… again, and his eyes were beginning to droop. "Beautiful. Mine."


"Now that's something I can accept... yours."  He snuggled down beside his lover, cheek resting on the top of his beloved's head.  "I'll just... close my eyes until you're asleep."  He let his own eyes fall shot, and his breathing soon slowed, and fell into rhythm with Dominic's.




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