
The Memoirs

Smallville fanfic by Kel and Diana

Chapter 54: 1-800-SHAYLA

Pete hadn’t moved for the past three hours.  Period. He didn’t really want to move, considering, but three hours... yeah. His ass was asleep. His balls were so drawn up and tight and painful that he couldn’t quite think about anything without thinking about them once in a while.


Exactly three hours ago, he'd eaten a girl out.


Not just any girl. Shayla.


Pete gasped a little and pressed the heel of his palm against his tightly drawn chest. Why had he done it? Hormones? No. He hadn’t gotten off. Revenge? Maybe. Pain? Definitely. Dick, and Bruce, they'd... they'd shared a bed and it broke Pete's heart into ragged, hard little chunks that cut his chest open to bleed on the way down.


So he leaned back against his bed... the carpet rubbing into the butt of his jeans, and gathered his knees close to his chest.


Back at Lex's estate, Shayla was doing much the same thing.  She'd curled up in her bed, underneath the blankets, and pulled the pillow that Pete had slept on close to her, tucking it against her chest. 


Nobody had seen her new look yet; she'd not stepped outside her bedroom, hoping for Pete to call.


Three hours.  And he hadn't called.  She didn't want to be sad that he hadn't, because she'd known when he'd left that he probably wouldn't.  But there was still a little part of her that had hoped... and she felt crushed. 


If she closed her eyes, she could still feel him tucked in behind her, the way they'd been this morning when she woke up to find his hand pressed warmly onto her breast.


She hadn’t deserved what he'd done. Not at all. Shayla was a sweet, good girl... and Pete felt this crushing sense of guilt. He'd taken something so beautiful from her...that first experience, and he... it was crushing him.


So he did what he'd sworn to himself that he wouldn’t do.


He picked up the phone...then stopped. Blinked, and remembered that she'd scribbled her phone number on his hand, and looking down at his palm...yes. He'd almost wanted to comment on the black on black, but then she'd turned his hand over. Thank god she wasn’t as stupid as some of these Smallville High girls. Retards.


He dialed… then pressed the cordless to his ear, and waited.


When the telephone rang, Shayla nearly didn't answer it, because she thought it was on the television.  When it rang again, she jumped almost out of her skin, and turned the TV off with one hand and picked up her phone with the other.  "Hello?"


"Shayla… its me."


"Pete!"  She sat straight up in bed, a huge smile on her face.  "I was worried about you!  Did you get home all right?  I was hoping you'd call when you got home... the storm's getting pretty bad."  She settled against the headboard as she grinned.


He wasn’t smiling. At all. All he heard in her voice was hope, and it tore him apart inside. "Hey. I got home alright. You okay?"


"Yeah, I'm okay."  Her smile didn't fall.  "Better now that I know you got home okay.  Question is, are you all right?"


"No. No, I’m not." He said it very softly, and shifted his weight onto one cheek as he leaned against his mattress. "I’m so sorry, Shayla. I’ve been sitting here, and… I can’t believe what I’ve done. I am so, so sorry.”


That got the grin off her face.  "Pete?  Why are you sorry?  There's no reason to be, is there?"


"I shouldn’t have--....Shayla, I just... I don’t want you to think that I used you. I don’t... I took it from you, and I... I’m just, I’m so sorry. Your first time doing things like that should have been with a good guy who loves you. Not me, with a hangover and my ex boyfriend on the brain."


Okay, and that made her feel bad.  Not for herself, but for Pete.  "Pete... you didn't use me, okay?  It was with a good guy that I care about." 


"I’m just so sorry. I’m sorry." He said it softly, and leaned his forehead against his upraised knees, eyes closed.


"The only thing I'm sorry about, Pete... is that I didn't get to make you feel as good as you made me feel, okay?"  She ran her hand up and down her leg as she talked.  "I'm not sorry about anything else."


He was quiet for a long moment… just listening to her speak, and his throat was tight when he spoke again. "You did. You're so beautiful."


She blushed, though she knew he couldn't tell.  "Yeah?  I don't think so... nobody else ever did either."  She laughed softly at herself.  "You should see me now, Pete... dye's gone, all the piercings are gone, even the tattoos are washin' off."


“Yeah?" He didn’t move, but his voice smiled for her. "That’s great, Shay. You look better without that stuff, I'd bet."


"Feels kinda weird... haven't been without the hair dye since I was like, twelve."  She ran her hand through her hair.  "It's just... blonde now, like everybody else in the family."


"You're not just anything." He whispered softly, and closed his eyes against the lump again. "Shay, I’m gonna go. I'll see you later, okay?"


"Don't go."  Her voice was quiet.  "I--I miss you."


"Shay." His voice broke, and he lay his cheek on his knee again. "I have t-to. Please, just understand."


"But I don't understand."  She swallowed hard.  "I just... want to be your friend, Pete.  I like you... like how I feel when I'm around you.  You don't make me feel like I'm in the way, or that I'm just a pain in the neck.  You make me feel nice, and wanted, cause I think that you like being around me, and I--I like that."


"I wa... want to be your friend to, Shayla, but... this thing that I've done... you realize how… you aren’t going to be able to look at me and not see your wetness all over my face from today.’re going to want intimacy from me, and I can't give it to you. I like you...I like you, so much, but I can’t. Not... not a… after... I can’t."


And so what if a little piece of her cried inside at that?  "I just want us to be friends, Pete.  I mean... yeah.  I'd be lying if I said that I didn't want you, but... I felt that way even when I knew that you were with him."  She didn't even say his name.  "But that didn't keep us from being friends before, and if we both want it..." she let it trail off for a minute as she swallowed hard again, and snuffled quietly into her shoulder.  "...then I don't know why it can't happen."


"Shayla." She was crying, and he was going to tear his fucking heart out and hand it to her on a silver platter. "Shayla, don’t cry, sweetie, please, don’t. I want to be your friend... you're the only one I h-have. But you have to understand… I can’t be with anyone right now. Even though I want you, and I won't admit it." He said softly.


"I want you too, Pete, but I want to be your friend more.  Cause... you know, never had one, not really.  And I don't want to fuck that up.  I really want you, but if we're just going to be friends, then that's okay too, because I can handle that as long as you're okay with us."


"I am." Softly, and he slammed his head against his knees. Stupid, stupid, stupid idiot. Should just cut her off, dammit! "I really am, Shay. You're such a sweet girl."


"And you're a great guy too... don't know why you won't believe it."  She snuffled into her shoulder again, and then propped her chin on her knee.  "Are you really okay?  Or just... saying what you think I wanna hear?  Cause if you're doin' that... don't, okay?  I don't want you saying what you don't mean."


"I’m not okay." Softly. "I’m not, not okay, Shay.  In fact, I’d say there is no part of me that is okay at the moment. I'll even go as far as to say its very not okay."


"Talk to me, Pete... it's what I'm here for.  I wanna know what's bringing you down so I can dig my way outta here, kick some ass, and dig my way back home."


He smiled a little into the phone, and played a little with the frayed edge of his favorite carpet. "It’s everything. Parents hounding me, chores, homework... you. And Sam. Everything sort of... my world revolved around him for a long time, Shay. He's... he was, my best friend. And I gotta talk to him today, cause I promised, that everything is just dandy."


"So talk to me first.  Figure out what you wanna say to him, so when you call, you can tell him exactly what you wanna tell him."  She pulled her feet up under her, and pulled one of the blankets over her lap.  "Not sure I can do anything about your 'rents, but I can help with the homework."  She grinned.  "I used to do homework for the guys back in Vancouver at ten bucks an assignment."


"I ain’t gonna say anythin' to him, Shay. Gonna make things normal." His throat closed involuntarily, and he fought to open it again, though his voice was thick when he did. "Just tell him everything is alright, you know? That its okay. He loves Bruce, woulda understood if you saw them."


"Pete... you can't do that.  You can't let him not suffer through this.  Not when he's hurt you.  Dammit... I know Bruce is staying here and I'm sure Dick is too.  If you don't tell him what a jackass he's being, then I will."


"No, Shay, goddammit. You can't say anything to him. Who the fuck am I, to step on his happiness, huh? Who am I to ruin the best thing in his life, just because I’m hurt? That’s childish, and stupid."


"Pete!  You can't let him just skip off and think everything's hunky dory!"  She ran her fingers through her hair.  "You're not going to ruin anything if you say 'Look, asshole... you hurt me, and I don't like it.  I'm glad you found your friend, but... fuck you.'"


"But I don’t feel that way, Shay." He whispered softly, closing his eyes tight as he lay down on his floor and pillowed his head in a discarded sweater. "I don’t feel that way at all. I’m just very sad."


"Well, I feel that way for you."  She rubbed her arm across her nose.  "You deserve to kick him in the balls at least once."


"I knew it wouldn’t last, Shay. Ain’t nothing last for me. He surprised me a few times, but I figured he'd leave eventually. Kinda guy he is. Kinda guy I am. Things don’t always wo… work out."  And he wanted nothing better then to curl up in a fetal ball and cry until he was hoarse.


"They're gonna work out for us."  Shayla wanted to reach through the phone and wrap her arms around him.  "I promise you, Pete.  They're gonna work out for us.  Graham's moving down here, so I'll be going to school with you and everything... so you're always gonna have me."  She snuffled one more time.  "You need hugs."


“Need some gin." He murmured. "I’m glad you're stayin'... I like you. Think Chloe likes you too." He stared at the blue wallpapered wall... his old CD rack sitting beside his blue wood desk. Basketball thrown atop his clean football uniform...books spread by his bean bag. His home. And it had never felt more foreign in his life.


"Hugs and gin both then."  She snuffled, but grinned through it.  "I like you too, Pete.  Chloe's growin' on me, though we didn't get off on a good start."  She closed her eyes.  "You gonna be okay there through this?  Clark's goin' out to get his parents, I think, I could ask him to go and get you too."


"No." Too quickly....and he softened. "No. I’m fine, here."


"Well... you want me to come and stay with you then?"  She twisted some of her hair around her finger.  "I don't mind."


"Its okay." He said it softly. "I’m just gonna... gonna get to sleep." And jack my fucking dick off. God, this hurts. "It was a long night...I’m hung over. Sleepy."


"I... liked sleeping with you last night."  She was barely whispering.  "It felt... good.  Waking up beside you."


"I liked it too." He almost whispered it. "It’s different… waking up to a woman."


"Yeah?"  She gripped her knee tightly.  "I'd--like to do it again.  Just the sleeping and waking up."


"Me too." Pete swallowed a little, and pillowed a hand under his cheek as he spoke. "It was nice. Safe. Different."


"Safe.  That was exactly it."  She shifted down on the bed so she could curl around his pillow.  "Knew you weren't going to hurt me or do anything I didn't like."


"I'd never hurt you, Shay." Another murmur, and his cock gave a nudge. Damn you, little Pete. Just sit there and don’t move. "I just hope I didn’t scare you away."


"You didn't... you didn't scare me away at all."  She cleared her throat softly.  "I--I wanted more, you know."


"I know." His throat was tight again. "I know you did. But I... Shayla, I’m a respectful person. And taking your virginity was not something I was going to do. won't do."


"If--if I go out and get someone else to do it, then will you... you know?"


"Shayla. Sex isn’t about fun and games, you hear me? It is fun, but...there’s consequences, and dangers. Don’t… don’t you dare do something stupid."


"I know that, Pete... not stupid.  Why do you think I got all those rubbers in my purse?  I know how dangerous it is, but... if that's what's keepin' you from wantin' to be with me..."


Christ. God. His cock gave another hard jump, and he barely swallowed the grunt... shutting his eyes tight and rubbing his eyes instead. "Its not just that, Shay. I can't ruin another friendship."


"You're not."  She pounded her fist on the pillow.  "I know it's hard to think that, but... I ain't him, Pete.  Okay?  I ain't.  Not runnin' from nobody, don't have another guy on a string, nothin'."


"But that’s just it. When I met him, he didn’t either. Shay, he was just a regular guy who did regular shit, and I fell so hard for him and... he just... he… he knew. And it..." Oh, fuck. He wasn’t going to cry, NO, and he fought it as hard as he could.


"Oh, Pete."  Shayla sniffed.  Just the pain in his voice was breaking her heart.  "Pete... God, you're gonna make me cry for you."


"Its alright, Shay." Gruff voices, and he coughed a little. "Its cool."


"That's it.  Soon as CK gets back, he's haulin' my ass over to your house... I'm not lettin' you be alone."


"I need to be alone. Shay, just... just stay there, aight? Ain’t nothing you can do here but sit here. So... just stay."


"Yeah, but if I was sittin' there, I'd at least be able to hug you.  And hand you tissues so you wouldn't be cryin' by yourself."  Loud snuffle this time, and she was mortified.  "Can't tell you how it's rippin' me apart to know you're all alone."


"I ain’t cryin‘, Shay." But the tears sliding down the sides of his face said something different. "I know. I know you hurt, but Shay, this is my hurt. Don’t get yourself sad over it, kay?" He said it softly. "Just stay home, wit everyone, where its safe."


"Too late," she sniffled.  "And hey, Pete?  you're more important to me, all right?  So if I wanna get out in this to get to you, I will.  Cause I know that if I needed you, you'd get to me.  So there."


He couldn’t argue with a woman. Especially when she had her heart set. So he just rubbed the heel of his palm against each eye, and swallowed down around the rocks in his throat. "Its cool."


"It ain't cool.  It won't be cool until you let me nail Dickhead Grayson in the balls for you."


The ones he'd licked, and touched, and nosed softly when he was going down on him... rimming him. The ones he'd stroked and loved and had pressed against his body when Sam had fucked him.


"No, Shay."


"Pete... you gotta let me do something.  I'm dyin' here."






He blinked. "What?"


"You gotta let me tell you something."


"Tell me." Softly. "I’m all ears."


"I--there's never really been anyone that I've liked before, so I don't... I feel like an idiot.  But... I really, really like you, and it's... kind of scary."


"I k… know. Its supposed... supposed to be, Shay." He swallowed, hard. "I’m flattered."


"I don't know why I'm scared, cause I know you're a great guy, but... I just am."


"Don’t be scared." His heart was going to bleed to death in his chest. "Don’t be scared of me. I ain’t gonna do nothing to hurt you."


"I'm not scared of you... I'm just... scared of how you make me feel.  Like I might be... worth something to somebody outside my family."  She ran her fingers over her hair again.  "Like I want something from you that I know I can't have yet."


He couldn’t hear this. Not now. "I know...Shay, you are worth something, to a lot of people. You just never looked inside of yourself to see it. And... and maybe someday you and I... yeah. But... but not yet."


Shayla nodded.  "Yeah, I know.  But... at least you're not sayin' never anymore."  She sniffled.  "You... you're a great guy, Pete, and if you don't beat Dickhead up, then I will.  Cause you deserve way better than the way he treated you."


"I think... I think I’m gonna call him. You gonna be okay, Shay?"


"Promise me somethin' first."




"Don't let his sorry ass off the hook, Pete.  Pin him to the wall."


"Can’t make promises I ain’t sure I can keep, Shay."


"If you don't, I will.  Ain't gonna let him get away with hurtin' my friend like that."


"I told you not to, Shay. You gonna be my friend, and I’m gonna respect your wishes, like you gotta respect mine. Don’t tell him anything, alright?"


"You really gonna make me promise?"




She sighed.  " 'kay.  I promise I won't say anything to Dickhead Grayson or Bruce."


"He's not a dickhead." He whispered softly.


"He is if he picked somebody else over you."


"He's not. He followed his heart, Shay. He did what was right. 'm just a small town fling, girl."


"You're not just nothing, Pete Ross!"  She swiped her eyes and changed ears to give the other one a rest.  "You hear me?  You're more than a small town fling for anybody with two turds for a brain, and I'm not going to hear you say otherwise about yourself.  You're too nice, you're too good, and I'm just not gonna hear it."


"Oh, c'mon. Haven’t you ever been somewhere for the summer, had a fling, then never saw 'm again? This is what that is, Shay." He was quiet for a long moment, his fingertips still toying with the thread in the carpet. "I’m gonna talk to'm today."


Only person I ever bonded with was this really nice guy in this little town that my family visited for Christmas.  They were all so caught up in my brother's engagement or whatever it's called, that I had time to hang out with some of the locals and I found this really great guy.  I don't think he's a fling, but... you know, you never know."  She was quiet for a long moment.  "If you wanna come up after you talk to him, I've still got the booze from last night."


Oh. The little story had him smiling a little bit and he sat up, then pushed himself up on the bed and stood. "Thanks, Shay. I ain’t sure if I told you..but thanks."


"You're welcome," she said quietly.  "You don't gotta say it."


"Yeah, I do." He rubbed his palm over the back of his head, and strolled lightly over to his bookshelves, overflowing with sci-fi and mystery and horror novels...Steven King and Anne Rice and Robin Cook. And of course, his comics. Can’t ever back down on the comics. "You're nice to me, when you don’t have to be. You gave me the worst case of blue balls I think any man has ever had on the planet. You give me your future uncle's booze without askin' for nothin'. That’s alright, Shay. Real alright."  He paused.  "Wait… not uncle..." Pete thought a minute... then made a disgusted face. "Man, Lex'll be your cousin. That’s fuckin' sick."


She blushed scarlet, and giggled.  "I gave you blue balls?"  she zoned out on the rest of the conversation at that little revelation.


He blinked....snorted, rudely. "Well, duh. Whatcha think?"


"I... wow.  Didn't think it."  She giggled again, and put a cool hand against the fire in her cheeks.  "Wow."


"Yeah, Shay." He blushed a little himself, and rubbed his neck again. "I was so hard I thought the top was gonna shoot the hell off. Happens to guys when they don’t get off."


"I don’t think I've ever done that to a guy before."  She rested her chin on one hand.  "Did you... you know?"


"Get off? No. I’ve been sitting here" crying. "For a while."


"Hurts a little." Lot. Lot. "I just haven’t… I’m not in a sexy mood, Shay."


"But... you can't sit there and hurt!"  She caught her lip between her teeth.  "Is there anything--you know, can I help?"


His heart stuttered.


Dick had said the very same words to him the first night they'd had sex.


Sitting around. Pizza. Cola. He'd gotten one of those completely out of the bloe boners that wouldn’t go away for SHIT, and... and Dick had just... leaned over, kissed him on his crotch, and asked. "Is there anything I c'n do?"


Pete's heart caught. Hard. " Its cool, Shay." His cock said otherwise, though, rising in his jeans. Dammit.


She caught the catch in his voice.  "Did--okay aside from the obvious, are you okay?  Did I, like, say something wrong?" 


"No. I’m… I’m just sad." He whispered.


"I wish I could make you glad again."  She sighed softly.  "I liked seeing you smile; you were so handsome, and you make me smile when you smile."


God. Please, go down. Her husky little voice was having bad things against his body, and he was so emotionally hurt and it just... he couldn’t help reaching down and stroking his cock once. Please, please go down, please. "I wish I'd smile too, Shay. I...I can’t wait to see you as a blond."


"It's your fault I'm blond," she said softly.  "Didn't put the pomade dye back in.  But, if you don't like blond, I can go back to pink.  Or purple, cause Megan showed me this really great grape stuff that'll make it purple."  She grinned into the phone.  "Mom'll love you for that; she couldn't get me to get rid of it.  I even got rid of everything but my earrings."


"You must look beautiful." Softly. "Stay a blond. Natural is good... that’s what a lot of chicks don’t get these days, Shay. Every guy wants ta have fun. But when it comes time to get married n' have a brood'a kids, ain’t no guy looking for some breast implanted, high heel wearin, wares shakin' chick. We’re looking for the real deal."


"Well... I'm a little of both, I guess.  I got the goods, I display 'em, just nobody's bought 'em before."  She sighed, and her voice dropped again.  "You're... well, you're the first person that hasn't just bought into the whole pink-haired freak thing.  You saw past it, and that was... scary.  Kinda cool, but scary."


"I’m used to lookin' past exteriors. Its just nobody that'll look past mine." He said it quietly, squeezing his eyes shut as he willed his erection to go down, and sat on the edge of the bed. Her voice… it... it was so..."You were never a freak."


"I'll look past it, if you'll let me... I wanna see the big cuddly marshmallow that Pete Ross really is."  She wrapped her arms around her knees.  "Or are you some kind of big macho manly-man stud?"


Oh. He laughed, just a little, and lay back, feet still propped on the floor. "Yeah, I’m a cuddly macho stud, how bout that?"


"Oh, I like that."  She giggled again; couldn't help it, he was so cute and his laughter prompted hers.  "Okay.  Let's see... you're a cuddly macho stud muffin who can't hold his liquor worth a tinker's damn, and who's got a soul that seems like it's a million years old sometimes, and an ex-boyfriend that needs his ass kicked... how'm I doin' so far?"


"You're right about everything." And only she could be making him smile. "Though, hey. I can hold my liquor. That was just hard stuff."


"Okay.  So we go to soft stuff tonight, like beer, and aren't you proud of me for not making the whole holding the hard joke?"


Soft stuff. Beer. Hard. Holding hard. Holding his hard on. Way too many words in a single sentence, and his cock swelled and pressed hard against the zipper of his jeans. Oh, fuck. His voice caught...he swallowed, and he tried hard not to pant. "I...I, uh..."


She flushed a bright, fire-engine red.  "Pete?  You okay?"


"Y...yeah. Sorry...I..." He squirmed...rolled over onto his belly to put pressure on it, and tried so hard not to think about it. "I’m cool. And and taco's. W...we can. Because after I talk to Sam, I don’t think I’m gonna wanna come home."


"Well, you remember where my room is, right?  Or you want me to meet you downstairs?  I can go with you to talk to him, hold him down while you beat his ass, and then raid the kitchen before heading back up?"


Her room? Her bed? Beating ASS?!


He groaned this time, loudly, and pressed his face into the covers, trying to muffle the noise as his hips gave an involuntary shove. God, he was such a freak. A freak, god fucking DAMNIT.


A deeper blush as she heard the noise through the phone.  Oh, my God... he is... oh, my God.  "P--Pete?  You?  You okay? I--I heard... a noise, are you?"


"No." He swallowed, very hard, and he could hear her nervousness and he didn’t want to fucking scare away the last person who cared, so he tried in vane to stop...rolling back onto his back and staring at the ceiling. "I’m just....bad thoughts."


"Bad like... hurting you bad, or bad like, sticks and stones may break my bones but whips and chains excite me kinda bad?"


He groaned, again, and pushed his fist into his mouth to stop the sigh. "Shay..."


"Yeah, Pete?"


"I... I’m sorry, I d-don’t mean to scare you. You just… you're so innocent. You didn’t… didn’t know what you were... what you were saying, and..." He clenched his hands as his cock screamed to be touched.


"You're not scarin' me, Pete.  I just... yeah.  Okay, I did know what I was saying.  It's called friendly flirting."  The hot flush wouldn't leave her cheeks.  "I'm not quite brave enough to ask you if you... you know, you wanna, while I say things, but... yeah."


"Sh...Shay, its so dirty.." Which aroused him more, but he refused to acknowledge the steady thrums his cock was giving. "I don’t... not you, you're so... you're so sweet, and innocent… not…"


"Not what, Pete?  You can play with me and get me dirty.  I mean, I'm not gonna break and I'm not gonna run in the opposite direction.  I started it, even."  She rubbed her ankle lightly with her fingertips.  "It's okay."


That’s all he needed. That it was okay. That’s it.


He reached down and unbuttoned... sucked his belly in, and unzipped his pants. The musky scent of his own arousal hit him and his eyelashes fluttered closed…. fingertips stroking over the cotton of his boxers just a little. "I don’t...w-want to scare you."


"You don't scare me at all, Pete."  She sighed.  "You just... you make yourself more... wonderful every time you say that, cause I just--believe it, so much.  You really don't want to hurt me, and that's just... so amazing."  She caught her lip between her teeth for just a moment.  "It's why I still haven't changed my mind... I still want you to be the... well, my first."


"I don’t. I don’t." He swallowed hard and opened his eyes to stare at the ceiling… shifting on his blue covers and cozying under the blankets. A glance at the door made sure it was locked, and he slipped his fingers into his boxers...moaning at the first touch on his boiling dick. "Sh... Shay... has to be with someone you...oh… you love."


"I just... what if it's someone I like a lot, think I could love, and want to find out?"


"You can't know. Too ma...many things." He stroked down his cock with his fingertips first... knowing himself better then anything, and what he liked. He tickled a few more moments... then gently began to play with the tip of his erection, fingertips skating around the uncircumcised head. "You could g... get... fuck... get pregnant, Shay, get... a hundred things."


"That's why I have all those condoms," she said again.  "They're called protection for a reason."  A hard, very hard swallow.  "I've never used 'em before, but, I know how they work, and... I haven't even used the vibrator you helped me pick out yet, cause... I'm kind of afraid.  But you, you'd be different."


"Don’t... not i-if it scares you." He whispered almost breathlessly. His fingers were done playing… his body wanted. This was so wrong. Christ. He wrapped his palm around himself, fingers squeezing just enough, and stroked downwards. His pre-come was enough… just enough, and he slicked himself as he touched. "So different. Can’t, Shay... not… can’t hurt you."


"But you wouldn't hurt me, Pete.  You just wouldn't.  You didn't this morning when you--ate me out."  Her voice dropped on the words; she couldn't believe she was getting shy.  "You didn't hurt me then, and I know you'd go slow and not hurt me if you made love to me either."


"You tasted so good."  His voice was desperately choked. "L… like sugar... like a p-peach, on the first morning of th… the summer." He heard the drop in her voice, and he stilled his hand as long as he was able to...hips bucking against his hand and blankets. "Sh... Shay... I can stop…if…it..."


"No... I don't want you to stop!" she said, almost desperately.  "I want--to hear.  I want you to.  I just... God, I can't believe I'm suddenly shy around you.  Usually I wouldn't have trouble saying these things, but... I can't around you and I think it's cause I don't want you to think I'm a slut like everyone else does." 


"D... don’t be… Shay... Shayla, you're not. Not a slut. Not." His voice was hard. "Not a slut. You’re beautiful... kind... g-gorgeous." He grunted and pushed back into his hand... then rolled like before. Had to... oh, fuck. He pushed into the sheets, hips rhythmic and soft as he shut his eyes tight and gripped his pillow. "Sh... not... not a slut... lovely... you were so beautiful... let me touch you… you w-were so amazing.."


"Pete--you're--God, this is just--you're so wonderful."  Her throat was closing up and if she wasn't careful she was going to cry.  Her hand moved to rest in her lap, the heel pressing down on herself as she listened.  "You--you make me sound like I'm so perfect and I'm not."  She licked her lips.  "You--you kissed me and I didn't know what taste was mine and what was yours, and I didn't ever want you to let me go."


He moaned, harshly, right into the phone, and he didn’t mean to, but in his mind his sheets were this beautiful woman and he was pressing into her tight walls and God, he was so hard he hurt, and he pushed faster and harder into the sheets, squirming with want. " perfect, so beautiful, you tasted so g-good, so good, could eat you all night, a.."


She whimpered at the harsh moan in her ear, and it sent a jolt of heat straight through her body.  "Pete--Oh, God.  You--you felt so good this morning, between my legs like that.  You--I wanted you so much."


"Sh... feel you wrapped around me... can feel" He gasped....pressed harder, faster, as pain spiked through his brain. Denied orgasm had made his balls tender and hot, and he whimpered as he pushed through it. Harder… harder...and he couldn’t quite make it to the edge, nearly sobbing with want as he rolled back over, and pushed his hand down himself... fast… faster.


"Feel me wrapped around you?" she asked softly again.  "Pete... yes.  Please?  I want to feel that too, sometime, want to feel you inside me, feel myself wrapped around you like that."  Her hand pressed down harder between her legs.  "Pete... oh..."


The moan did it.


He gasped… eyes wide, and he almost dropped the phone as he came. Come shot out of him as his orgasm screamed through his body, lights dancing in his eyes as his belly got wet and hot with it. With pleasure. "Sh...Shayla!!!"


She whimpered again, softly panting and moaning in his ear as he called out her name.  Her nails were digging into her thigh as she pressed down hard with the heel of her hand, and she just... listened to him.  "Pete... oh, Jesus... that was... are you okay?  You... are you feeling okay?"


He pumped his hips into his hand… gasping quietly...trembling. "Shayla." Pete whispered very softly, closing his eyes tightly. Guilt. Hot. Horrid. Guilt. "I... I didn’t it... a-again, S… Shayla, oh, G..."


"No!  Don't you dare regret it, Pete, or I swear, I'll... I'll... withhold the beer tonight!"  She wanted to shake him.  "I don't!  You didn't do anything to me, except maybe really turn me on, and dammit... just NO!"  She winced as the yell echoed in the receiver.  "Just... no, okay?  It was all good, and... I wanted it."


He closed his eyes again... swallowing... and offered something he normally would never do. "I came so hard. All over… Shay, its all over my belly."


She shuddered.  "Jesus.  I wish--I wish I could taste it... like you tasted me.  Lick up a little bit of it.  Not fair... you know what I taste like... I don't know you."


"You're a lady." He murmured it, so softly. "Not...not s'posed to know." But he swallowed, and trembled, and he couldn’t stop himself, even as Sam’s face flashed behind his eyes. "What are you w… wearing?"


Her eyes flashed down at herself.  "One of Graham's white t-shirts and jeans."  She wiggled her toes under the blanket.  "No socks."


His eyes fluttered closed. "Didn’t… didn’t tell you this morning, Shay. But your breasts are so beautiful. T… they’re perfect. Like little milky mounds waiting for"  Me. "Someone to touch."


"They felt... really nice, when you were touching them," she said softly.  "Your fingers weren't hard... weren't rough.  They were soft, gentle... and then that thing you did with your thumb?  Oh, God... that just made me tingle.  Toes curled."  She smiled.  "You have great hands... anyone ever tell you that?"


"Once." He murmured, and his eyes closed. "Your nipples are gorgeous. W… wanted to bite them, but... but I can’t h-hurt you. You were so hot inside… slippery and wet, when I touched… felt so good to touch you." And this time it was his turn to get hot in the face, and he swallowed. "Never touched a girl the way I touched you today."


"You... I was your first?  Like that?"  Shayla shivered.  "You can touch me like that... anytime you want to.  Wouldn't anybody else."  She crossed her legs, and pulled the blanket up over her shoulder.  "You could bite them--I do, sometimes... I can just barely reach them... and okay, that was way too much information."  Scarlet flush.  "But... yeah.  You can... I'd like it, if you wanted to again.  You, um, don't have to, but... you know, I'm here."


He groaned, heavily, and curled up on his side, tugging the blankets up in a mirror image of her, even if neither knew it. He... he'd never.. "Y… you can reach them?" His voice was thick, and his eyes shut tight. "Sh... Shay, that...Christ."


"Yeah, I can."  She giggled softly.  "Just sort of... tried it one night, after watching a video of it... and I found out I could do it." 


"You're going to kill me. You know that, right?"


"Not if you kill me first."  She grinned at the phone.  "But what a way to go."


He chuckled… very softly, and snuggled down into his pillow. "Th… thank you, Shay."


"You're welcome."  She snuggled down too, not knowing he was doing the same thing.  Then she looked out her window.  "Stopped snowin' for a while; still gonna come over?  Now might be the time, before it starts up again.  I'll meet you at the front door, and we'll figure out what next?"


"Y...yeah. I have to talk to Dick, Shay." And God, he didn’t want to. "See he's doin‘. I’m gonna call him now after I hang up with you...tell him I’m comin'."


"Don't call.  Don't warn him.  Just come over.  And if he doesn't want to talk to you, then to hell with him.  I'll make sure there's tacos in the kitchen and plenty of beer." 


"Ain’t my way, sweetheart." But he smiled anyway, and slowly sat up, blanket caught around his shoulders. "Be there in a bit, aight?"


"I'll be waiting."  She smiled.  "Want me to have a cold one waiting for you at the door?"


"Naw. Cuppa joe, maybe." A gentle rub of his jaw, as he glance down and surveyed the orgasmic damage. Damn, he was gooey now. Which... "Shay... should.... naw, this is girly."


"Should you what?"


"Should...should I change my clothes n' all?"


"Nope."  She shook her head.  "Let him wonder... let him see what he's missin'.  I'd wash up, you know, just enough to pass parental inspection, but otherwise?  Nah."  Shy cough.  "Sides... I'd uh... kinda like to see the damage I caused."


"'Sure? Got these leather pants.."


"Leather pants?  Yeah, I'm definitely sure."


Oh. His heart skipped but he coughed too, and climbed to his feet. "'sa mess. Don’t wanna get your room stinky."


"I got a window... got a bathroom too, you know.  We'll manage."


Except somewhere in his heart, he didn’t think they'd be needing clothes too much.




"Aight. Be there in a few. Thanks 'gain, Shay."






She blushed.  "Don't forget to pack... if you're going to stay, you... uh, need to look like you're prepared.  But um... hopin' you won't need it.  The clothes, I mean.  And I'm shutting up now."


He choked again...then snorted. "Its cool. See you in a bit."


"I'll be waitin'."  She waited for the click of the line before letting out a very shrill, very girlish squeal.


Pete hit 'off'...then sighed for a moment, and looked at the pad of his phone. Christ. He'd just… and...




He dialed again, Sam’s cell number, and swallowed as he waited for someone to answer.


Dick looked towards the shower, and then dug out his cell phone from the bottom of the bag.  Bruce'd be getting out any second, and Dick sprawled out on the bed as he answered.  "Talk to me, baby."


A thousand tears sprang into his eyes at the simple hello, and Pete almost couldn’t speak. His throat clogged with tears... his heart, which he'd desperately been attempting to pick back up, fell out of his hands and back to the bottom of his belly.


He wanted to die.


"Hey… it's me."


"Pete!"  Dick's feet thumped on the floor as he sat up on the side of the bed. "I--yeah.  I'm sorry.  It was horrible of me not to call you... fuck.  I'm sorry."


"Naw, it's alright dawg, you were busy. How everythin' going?" He instinctively curled back into the blanket that had been around his shoulders, tugging the warm blue cotton around him tightly.


"A little rough, but we're makin' it."  His own throat was tight.  "No excuse for leavin' you hangin' like that, man."


"Naw, its cool! I was aight, ya know, got a ride, I’m cool." He forced himself to smile. "How's the big man?"


"Different than what I remember, but I guess that's good."  Dick's fingers raked uneasily through his hair.  "You need anything, Pete?  Lex said there's a blizzard comin'... if you need anything, I'll get out and make sure you get it."


"Nah. I’m gonna kick it over to see Shay...'in prolly get home and be wit the fam. You know, regular shit." He wasn’t going to make it through this conversation without bursting into tears. Oh, God in heaven, please. If You're looking down on me, if You're taking care of me, and You love me as Your son, please, please don't let me cry. Give me the strength I need, oh please, God Almighty. "Glad everything’s workin' out alright. He's a good guy."


"Yeah?  You and Shay hangin' out?  That's good--I don't dare get near her.  When Bruce and I got here last night, I thought she was gonna kick my ass but good.  Snarled at both of us on her way to the kitchen bout midnight.  Man, if looks could kill..."


And why do you think that is, you piece of shit?  "Yeah... she's just protective like that." He gave a little laugh. "Sweet heart though, man." Dick and Bruce had sex at the mansion while I was there. "Whatchall....wh..." He coughed, and cleared his throat."Gonna do today?"


"I don't know--Lex wants to corral Bruce up for some kind of private meeting, just the two of 'em.  Bruce is kinda balkin' cause he wants me to go but... what the fuck do I know about his business, right?"  Dick snorted.  "Sweetheart, right.  Same little chick with the bright pink hair that watched--in the car?  Had a catfight with Chloe in the middle of the Talon?  That sweetheart?  But, it's all right, you know?  I'm glad she's protective of you--that's a good sign."


"Good sign." He repeated softly. Please, God. Pull through for me. Please. "She... she actually went back ta blond. She looks good, yo. And hey, man, tell Bruce ta watch his back. can't trust that Luthor for nothin' dude."


This ain't fuckin' working, Dick thought to himself.  Two more seconds of fucking small talk and I'm going to rip a hole in the wall.  "Lex has always been up front with Bruce--they go way back.  I think Bruce trusts Lex more'n he trusts me."  He blinked.  "You mean she's blond under that pink goop?  Damned if I knew that."  Dick tried to envision a blond Shayla, and failed.  "Pete... this is bullshit, you know this, right?"


"She's blond under'll that goop. Pretty as a picture." For what he'd envisioned in his head. "We talked some last night... watched TV and I ate some." Not a lie, persay. "But ya know. How ya'll holding up with this blizzard, man? Who knew, dude. Blew inta fuckin' town last night… craziest shit I ever saw." And he ignored his last comment entirely. "'n hey, you still tell Bruce ta be careful. Don’t know what that guy's got up his sleeve half the time."


Dick gritted his teeth. Fine.  "I'll tell him, but I don't think he's got anything to worry about.  Lex isn't his father; now if Bruce were gonna be dealing with that rat bastard, then okay.  He'd need somebody to watch his back."  Heavy sigh.  "I'm glad you guys hit it off.  She needs a friend... and I'm glad she's gonna be there for you."


"I'll even supply the grub."


"Yeah... yeah, we need to talk."  He rubbed a hand over his face.  "Don't worry about the grub--we got enough food in the house to feed a pack of hyenas for a year.  Just... get over here safely."


"Its cool." And he hung up...setting the phone on its charger, rolling over in his bed, and Pete did something he hadn’t done since he was ten years old.


He sobbed into his pillow.


~ * ~ * ~


As soon as Lex got out of the shower, he headed into the bedroom.  Clark was on the way to retrieve the Kents during this lull in the storm, and the only thing that remained was to bring Chloe and Whitney in where it was safe. 


Not sure why he was driven to look after their welfare as well, but knowing that he would not rest until they were safely taken care of, he picked up the telephone and dialed Chloe's phone number from memory.


She was snoring. Just a little... her palm pressed against her cheek, her body snuggled with--




Oh, crap.


She groaned--BRRRRRIIIINNNNNGGGG--and leaned over, picking up the receiver still half asleep, murmuring softly...before coughing and speaking. "'van Res'dance."


"Rise and shine, Chloe.  You have exactly fifteen minutes to get your behind in gear, find your boyfriend, and get home."


"Mmphna?" She mumbled...rolling over... ohh. Heeee. They'd only been asleep for an hour… and Whitney’s soft, warm cock was still buried in her ass. Oh... oh yeah. She giggled softly and nudged his shoulder as she slid himself off of him… sighing happily and yawning. "Le's, it's only nine. Whatre y'doin' callin' muh house?"


"In case you haven't noticed, it's snowing.  So much so, in fact, that it classifies as a blizzard.  Which means that, in all likelihood, Smallville will lose a great deal of it's power and other facilities.  Get your ass over here, right now, because I'm not going to have you and Whitney stranded in the cold and the dark without heat, or a way to cook food."


Whitney blinked.  "Wha?  Wha's... wha's sappenin'?  World ending?" he grunted.


"Oh...Lex..." She pressed a hand to her heart, and snuggled against Whitney for a moment. "Its Lex, Whitney. He's going to be our knight in a shining Porsche." And she grinned again, into the phone, and rubbed her thigh against her lover's. "Blizzard. Gotcha. Missed it. Be there soon."


"If you're not here in fifteen minutes, I will come looking for you," Lex scolded.  "And what, may I ask, is Whitney doing at your house at this time of the morning?  Did we have an unauthorized sleepover, hmm?"


Whitney rubbed back, and put his arms around her waist.  "Tell'im t'go back t'sleep."


She giggled again and nodded many times, flippy hair limp and in her eyes. "Uh huh. He says to go back to sleep...too early." She squirmed closer to her lover, eyes shining with love. "We'll be there Lee-ee-xx."


"You can sleep once you get here; the guest room above ours is made up for you two, and there's a fire in the fireplace."  Lex looked at his watch.  "Fourteen minutes and counting."


"Damn you, Luthor." She hung up on him and sighed, heavily...tossing the phone behind her onto the pillows they'd kicked to the floor, and wrapped herself around her lover, kissing him softly and warmly. "Blizzard. Gotta go to the mansion. Food. Warmth."


Lex chuckled softly, and looked at his watch again.


"Sleep?" Whitney asked hopefully, grunting as he sat up and twined her even further around him.  "Guess this means we have to get dressed, huh?"  He nipped her throat as he rubbed his face in it, trying to wake up.  "If we gotta..."


"Mmmmm." She squirmed on his lap and smiled, quite wickedly, into his very stubbled cheek. "I like you without sleep." She giggled it, and slowly, languidly, climbed to her feet… offering her arms. "C'mon. We got thirteen minutes. Gotta pack. Oh! Get the condoms! Don’t forget!"


"Like I could," he yawned, stretching and arching his back.  "M'bag still in your closet?"


"Mm hmm." She quickly yanked on a pair of stray jeans...a sweater she had laying over the back of a chair, and a pair of Keds from the summer. And managed, through it, to look fabulous. "Showers at Lex's. C'mon, baby, I'll get the toothpaste and stuff. Grab me some underwear? And the last three outfits in my closet."


Underwear.  Condoms.  Last three outfits.  These were simple enough concepts for the sleep-deprived young man, and in short order, a large armful of Chloe's underwear was piled on the bed, along with the blue box of Trojan condoms, and then Whitney opened the closet.


And wished he hadn't.  Dear God, Hurricane Chloe had struck again.  Rummaging to the back, he got the requested three outfits and tossed them onto the bed, grunted as he rooted for his bag, and found it, stumbling back as he gave it a good jerk.  The bag was left over from their first night together, and it still had a couple of changes of his clothes in it, along with extra condoms, extra lube, and God only knew what else.


She heard the gasp...couldn’t help laughing out loud from the bathroom, as she tucked to her straight, sleepy hair behind her ears, and tugged at the sleeves of the sweater. She threw toothpaste, her brush and the extra he kept over at her, shampoo, soap, razors, some Motrin incase of a headache, pads incase of a period, and deodorant. Hairspray and her brush were the last things in...including her hair curler, okay? And she zipped it up, stepping back out into the main room. "Okay! Ready."


A non-verbal grunt was his reply as he pointed to the bed and stuff he'd piled there.  He was busy struggling into his turtleneck and jeans from the night before, and then into his black leather jacket, and threw the letterman jacket at Chloe.  "Gloves.  Front pocket."


He was still beyond speech. SO. CUTE. she pulled it on, took out the gloves and snuggled into them, and grabbed the bag, pulling a knit hat on her head...all her little curls that were beginning to spring back to life kinking out everywhere. "C'mon, baby."


Another grunt as he shoved everything into the bag, taking care not to crinkle the outfits too badly as he folded them up onto themselves and shoved them in too.  "Okay."  He threw the black duffel bag over his shoulder, and rubbed a leather-clad arm over his face.  "You drive my truck."


She stopped him mid step and gently reached up... pressing her lips against his, and still tasting the sex of the night in his mouth. "I love you, Whitney Fordman."


Whitney kissed her back, free arm dropping around her waist to pull her in close as his tongue pressed gently against hers.  "I love you, Chloe Sullivan."  He nipped her nose playfully.


She giggled and hugged him, tightly to her, before grasping that free hand, and linking it in hers, lead him down the steps and out the door.





go to the next part