
The Memoirs

Smallville fanfic by Kel and Diana

Chapter 57: Knock First

Showering with Pete had been very, very nice.  She was permanently pink from blushing around him, however, and she couldn't quite figure out why every time she looked at him, she wanted to giggle insanely. 


DVDs were a good idea, and Buffy... okay, well, who didn't like Spike?


The box of fried rice rested on Pete's thigh as they shared it, chopsticks discarded in favor of forks and fingers as they ate sweet and sour chicken, sweet and sour shrimp, hu-nan pork, and fried wontons.  Beer and soda bottles lay strewn over the foot of the bed, and Shayla was currently cuddled up beside Pete as they watched Buffy DVDs.


And this was the life.  Literally.  Blizzard?  Bring it on.


"Xander is the man, Shay. I’m tellin' ya. Discarded funny man, right there. Potential comin' outta his ears, but do ya SEE any of the gang ever givin' him anything to do? No." He'd grabbed beef and broccoli too. What wasn’t there to love about little green trees and cows, anyway? Just in a much better sense. He chewed happily, naked as a jay bird, and his miles of dark, chocolate skin contrasted sharply to Shayla's lily white beauty.


His mother, had she seen him, would have had a damn heart attack, and he snorted as he took a sip of lemony Pepsi.


Shayla's naked leg twined over his.  "You hear me arguing?  But I still say Spike's got it all going on.  He's got the mysterious undead thing, he's hot as hell, hello, have you seen cheekbones like that since Clark's?  No.  And, yeah... the voice.  And his tendency to sometimes wear the black leather trench coat?  And finally... who doesn't appreciate naked Spike?"  She giggled.  "Sort of like, who doesn't appreciate naked Pete."  She popped another piece of chicken into her mouth, and washed it down with vanilla coke. 


Looking down, she looked at how pale her skin was compared his chocolate.  "Damn, I need a tan bad.  Think they've got a tanning bed stowed away in this mausoleum?"


"Nah. Don’t need no tan." He watched Buffy, on screen, kicking some serious home girl ass on Angels bastard ass carcass. "Mother fucker." And he glanced at the girl beside him. "Can’t believe you've never seen the second season. Best of them all, I’m telling you."


And here came the blush--just like every time he complimented her.  She rubbed her leg against his.  "Okay.  No tan."  Then she snickered.  "Hell yeah, baby... kick that ass up on his shoulders!"  She shrugged.  "Didn't watch it then, don't know why."


"Weren’t expecting Angel to go all evil, were you?" He shook his head. "Everyone’s always all, 'oh, Angel this, oh, Angel that'. You know, I have to agree with my man Xander. Angel is a life sucking prick who just needs to be stabbed through the damn heart. I mean, first he says he loves her, then he says he doesn’t, then he's an evil life sucking monster, then then then. Bah." He swallowed a little, and pretended it was food he was swallowing at.


"No, I wasn't."  She curled up beside him.  "Sucks too... no way he should have done that to Buffy.  She just loved him, that's all."  She laid her head on his shoulder.  "In this case, I gotta go with you and Xander.  He needs to have his nuts kicked up into his nose."


"Well, she was pretty stupid, too, dude. She knew he was a dangerous mother fucker, but what did she do? Spread her legs and take it. And she was only seventeen! What the hell kinda business does she have opening her legs at seventeen, to a freak show who's more likely to suck her life away then anything else?"


A small flinch at that angry outburst, but she knew it wasn't really directed at her.  "Somebody who's in love, I guess," she answered quietly, hurting for her friend.


"She had no business bein' in love." He shook his head, eating some more of the food. "Who knows they’re in love, anyway? Its usually just a dumb lie and--check it!" He pointed to the screen, just in time for Buffy to nail Angel, hard, in the groin with her boot, and walk away. "You know, we should be takin' notes."


Another little flinch, but she left her head on his shoulder as she watched.  "I could think of a couple people in this world who'd benefit GREATLY from a crotch shot like that."


He started naming people off. "Bin Laden, Lex, Mr. T..."


"Dick Grayson, Bruce Wayne..."


He flinched, visibly...but just picked up his food again and began to eat as the episode ended. "Willow is such a hot little mama. Gorgeous." And he glanced at her teasingly. "I’ve got a thing for beautiful pixie faced woman, what can I say?"


She hugged his waist tightly, dropped a kiss on his shoulder, and then made a face at him.  "Pixie faced?  What am I, freakin' Tinkerbell?"


"Yep." He smiled, and cupped her breast sweetly. "Pixie," A tweak of her nipple, and he snerked at her as he ate some more.


A sharp bite to his neck as he teased her.  "I don't have wings or a little green dress, thank you very much."  She squirmed closer to him.  "Need another Pepsi?  Or you want water?  I ripped off a six-pack of that fancy-ass blue-bottle shit that Lex drinks, want one?"


"Hell no. Those are like, his fucking fellatio practice bottles. And I love Clark, he's my home boy, but oh, hell no." But he smiled a little bit. "Pepsi, if there’s any left."


If she'd had cat ears, they'd have perked straight up.  As it was, her attention was captured by his comment and she froze, on her hands and knees, in the middle of crawling over him.  "Fellatio practice bottles?" she asked innocently, staring up at him.  "Say that one more time?"


"Fellatio practice bottles, yo." He didn’t notice her expression... he was too engrossed in food/Buffy/rest of her beer. "He does fuckin nasty shit to those things. Christ, alright? I ain’t dumb, he's gay, lalala."


"Right."  Shayla shook herself into motion as she finished crawling over him, her belly brushing against his groin, and then padded over to the small fridge in the corner.  she got out two of the blue bottles of water, two bottles of Pepsi, and a Coke--which was just about all she could carry.  Balancing the load in her arms, she padded back over to the bed, and crawled over Pete again... dropping his two cold drinks into his naked lap.


Smirking slightly, she unscrewed the cap of one of the blue bottles and examined it.  Oh, yeah.  She could see why Pete called it fellatio practice bottle.  The mouth of the bottle was just small enough to fit into her mouth, and it was easy to see how--yeah.


Lifting it to her mouth, she took a swallow as she settled back in next to Pete.  "So, what's happening in this episode?" she asked, snagging the box of beef and broccoli and popping a piece of beef into her mouth.


"Myah! Gmmph!" He cried it as the cold bottles hit his dick, wincing and pushing them away, but grinning at her as he shared his precious food. Yes. Oh hell yes. Only her! Not even Sam would have been allowed to.


He sobered, though, and kept it out of his mind, motioning to the television as he changed episodes. "This is the saddest fucking episode ever. Ghosts don’t scare you, right?"


"Nah, nothin' scares me.  Here."  She held out a piece of beef for him.  "I can share.  I mean, this was yours."  She grinned.  "I just finished the chicken already, sorry."


"It's alright." He leaned over and took the piece she offered, sucked it... and the tip of her index finger, between his soft lips. He sucked... just a little, at it, then let go and innocently chewed. "It's good right?" Hah. Revenge for dropping those cold drinks on his lap.


Breathless giggle as he sucked her finger, and she make a subtle show of deliberately sucking that finger into her mouth first before licking the other ones clean.  "Not bad," she said quietly.


Ohh. Sucking. Bad.


Buffy!  Good!


Sucking, though? Bad.


Pete swallowed, very, very lightly, though his Adams apple still bobbed, and he cracked open a Pepsi... sipping it slowly and watching her a little out of the corner of his eyes. "Uh… uh huh. It... its good."


"Yeah, it is."  She lifted the water bottle again, and took another drink, her lips fitting just over the mouth of the bottle and her throat moving delicately as she swallowed.  As she pulled it away, her hands rolled the wide, rounded base between her palms as she watched the TV, watching Pete in the corner of her eye.


He had no clue what she was doing. ...Okay, he had a pretty good clue, and he kept his hand over his lap, watching the episode on the television without seeing a single thing. " long have you liked Buffy?" A swallow, glancing over at her before snapping his eyes back to the television.


"Just a couple of years; caught most of what I've seen on re-runs and shit, read some of the stuff on the web about it."  Another drink from the bottle, and Shayla thought she could learn to love it.  "Probably why I missed these."  The bottle rolled smoothly between her palms.


"Oh." His voice squeaked, and he almost kicked himself in the ass. Calm. Calm down. Eat your food. Which he did, eating some of the noodles with a fork… which tasted distinctly like her. Holy, God. She was a tease. "Its pretty good… been… been watching since the beginning, you know? Me n' C'lo."


"Yeah? I always come in on the ass end of the good stuff.  Buffy, Stargate, the whole Warrior Angel thing."  She nudged him with her bare shoulder.  "Gotta rely on you now to help suck me into the good stuff."


Holy fuck. He flinched at that… thought not in pain, and he pulled a pillow very, very discreetly over his lap. "Mmm. Really. St-Stargate… great. I came in on the tail end of X-Files… missed the first four seasons."


"By that time?  Most of the good shit was over anyway.  It really started going downhill, and then by the time Mulder left?  Donkey-ball suckage."  She drained the bottle, and tossed it to the foot of the bed with the rest of the empty drink containers.  "Least I'm gettin' caught up with Buffy now.  And hey, they cancelled this guy's new show! You know... Lightning Bug, or whatever it's called."


He groaned. Loudly. Watching her pert little tongue snake into the bottle, looking for those last few drops of water did it. His eyes were stuck on her mouth, her hands, and his chest was rising and falling hard as he tried to suck in enough air through his constricted airway. "Sh... Shayla... remember what I said about... about being careful about the things you say?"


Shayla nodded.  "Yeah, I do."


"Ignore it when you're around me."


And he tackled her. Literally. They went rolling... Chinese flying, empty cans and bottles clanking, and they hit the floor, him underneath her. They rolled… once... twice... and he attached his mouth to her breast, biting and nibbling hard as his strong, hard male fingers slid down and into her in a single movement. His knee parted her thighs as his fingers bunched and slid in, his free hand stroking over her chest, belly, sides… face.


She cried out in surprise as they hit the floor, then giggled as she opened her legs and let his knee slide in between them.  His fingers were hard and wide inside of her, and she clamped down tightly on them, trying to draw the digits deeper into her body.  Arching and whimpering softly, her hands slid down and held her small breasts up in offering to him, licking the one herself that his mouth wasn't on.


Oh, Christ. He moaned, hard, when her mouth reached down to lick...then met her tongue on her breast, sucking and licking at it with her as he opened her up. "Shay..." He gasped, muttering as he shared her nipple, fingers driving deeper into her and opening her up. "Gonna...hard, fast. Ready fo… for that?"


Shy nod of her head as she kissed him over her nipple in both their mouths.  "Told you before... always ready long as it's you."  She pressed her hips down, sliding on his fingers as her teeth nipped at his lip, pulling it to rub over her nipple as she moved against him.  "Trust you."


"Good." And his smile was indecently wicked, making sure she was open enough before he reached for her purse. The condoms spilled out...he snagged one of the heavier spermicidal ones, and ripped it open. ...Then stopped. He gazed at her for a long moment....pulling her sitting up as he slipped his fingers out of her, and touched her shoulders. And he blushed, hard. "Shay?"


"Yeah?"  She wrapped her arms over her stomach.  "Did I do something wrong?"  She looked at him, and then touched his face.  "You're blushing!  Pete?"


Oh, which only made him hotter, and he looked down between them, trying to get himself under control. "No... nothing wrong. I just... can... can I ask you something? That m...maybe you could do? F.." A heavy swallow. "For me?"


"You can ask me anything, okay?"  She pulled his face up to look at her.  "You helped me pick out a vibrator, Pete... I pretty much think we're past the shy stage."


"You'd be surprised." His teeth flashed a moment… and he took her hands, swallowing softly. "Um… I...would you... you t..." He couldn’t choke it out. Christ. It hadn’t been this hard before, with anyone. He just asked and they did it. Why were things different with her?! "I just... w… wanted to know if.."


"If what, sweetie?"  She leaned forward, kissed him softly--chastely--touched his burning cheeks lightly with her cool fingertips.  Anything she could think of to relax him, reassure him.


"If you could... could touch? Me?" His throat worked, and he glanced up, before back down. "You don’t have to, and I'll understand completely if that’s not cool, and I shouldn’t have asked, I’m sorry, Shay."


A wide smile spread across her lips.  "I'd love to, Pete... I just didn't know if it'd be okay with you."  She moved closer to him, face to face and body to body.  She kissed his mouth again, hotly this time, and her hands slid purposefully over his chest, squeezing and tweaking his nipples gently before scraping over his abs and further down. 


She caught his eye as her fingers stroked over the soft skin of his groin, and then her hands gripped his cock and she stroked.  Then as she stroked, she scooted back just enough so that her tongue could flick over his nipples.  First the left and then the right, she nipped each one once, then kissed the hard nubs and licked up his throat to his mouth again, all the while her hand stroked his cock. 


"Like this, Pete?"


He gasped... very, very softly, and his eyes closed, swaying a little as he slid his fingertips through her soft, silky hair. Her tiny, flickering tongue was so different than... than Sam’s, so good and little and when she teased his chest, he thought he was going to die.


A low, soft sound of pleasure slipped from his lips, and he closed his eyes, swimming in the sensations she was giving him. Christ, yes. "Didn’t… didn’t know if...if it'd be cool with you..." He managed quietly… and yeah, he had to lay down. "Sh… Shay, back on the bed?"


"Okay."  She was panting softly, and let go of him long enough to stand up and drag the blankets back, using the comforter to ball up all their trash and tossed it in the floor, leaving only sheets and a thick quilt.  "C'mon... let me finish?"  She held her hands out to him, a little shy and impatient at the same time.


She'd thought she was going to die when his hands slipped into her hair, and she wanted them back.  Now.  "Like... like what I'm doing?"


"Yessss." A low hiss as he very shakily climbed to his feet… lost his balance a moment, then regained it when he grabbed onto her shoulder. He walked to the bed, sliding over it and onto his back, shy and unsure of where she wanted him, but oh, God, he felt… yes. Yes. "Like… like it a lot." He whispered, throat working softly as he squirmed back onto the pillows, looking at her in anticipation...and a little trepidation and fear.


"Good... like touching you."  She straddled his thighs, leaning her head back down and pressing hot kisses to his nipples again, then using her tongue to draw a long, wet line from his throat to his navel.  She hovered there a moment, trying to decide, and then went ahead and bit there anyway, knowing that she liked it and hoped that he did too.  Her hand slipped back down to his cock, and she was surprised to find it... wet.  Pulling her mouth back, she just stared a moment at the long, slick cock that her fist gripped tightly.


Roiling in her belly as she looked at it, and then looked up at Pete.  "I--can I?  Do you want me to?"


He hadn’t stopped moaning. She had an intelligent, knowing little tongue, and Pete had gladly jumped hook, line and sinker into it. His fingers were gentle... lazy on her arms, touching softly as she moved. He felt lazy, comfortable, pleasure swimming in his blood as easily as a summer day.


When she bit his belly button, however, he let out a sharp gasp, eyes going wide as a straight shot of lust hit his cock. He was hard, hard as rock, but now the need was back, and the shyness was dissipating under her gentle, unknowing hand.


Her tentative little gasp and her hand stilling, he opened his hazed eyes and gazed down at her... swallowing hard and trembling. "Sh… Shay? You k-kay?" Then those sweet, gorgeous words, and he nodded. "Y-you can...only i-if you want. D... don’t have to get m-me off... just put a condom o-on n' ride me...kay?"


"Okay--I know... just what I want."  She licked her lips and then looked down, hesitantly swiping her tongue over the head of his cock. 


Slick and wet in her mouth, she wasn't quite sure she liked it until it hit the back of her taste buds.  The same sweet taffy taste she'd tasted on his mouth and skin before had intensified to a thicker, heavier version and she licked again.  Licked all around the head, and then down the shaft, following the trails of moisture down, licking his balls and then back up the shaft to the head.  She opened her mouth as wide as she could, and fit the head into her mouth, fist pumping the length as she used the nails of her free hand to rake lightly over his thighs.  She couldn't fit much more than the head in--yet, she promised herself silently--but she sucked on it as hard as she could.


Oh, my GOD.


And he was very, very aware he'd cried it.


The bed clothes were fisted, tightly, in his hands, and he thrashed hard, throwing his head back into the fluffy, warm pillows. His heart was in his throat, hard, fluttering nonstop as he moaned harshly. Oh, FUCK. She was exploring, touching, and he gasped every time her teeth accidentally raked the underside...when her nails skimmed over his skin. Oh, GOD.


He punched the bed lightly, grabbing harder and gritting his teeth, eyes clenched...before he opened them and looked down. Christ, he needed to encourage her… had to, and he moaned hard as he caught site of her.


Sitting between his legs, with his cock head in her mouth. And he'd never, never, felt better in his life. "  Sh..." He could barely speak, caressing her cheek...her hair softly, smiling at her as his throat worked.


The moans and the thrashing under her mouth was all the encouragement she needed.  She sucked harder, her hand stroking faster, then as his hands touched her hair her free hand shot up and caught him by the wrist.  She stopped sucking long enough to look up at him.  "Like your fingers in my hair," she said, then dropped her mouth back to his cock.  She licked up and down the shaft, treating his cock like a sucker before taking the head in her mouth once more. 


The condom he'd opened before was still lying discarded on the floor, and she ignored it, pulling her mouth off his cock and getting ready to slide herself down.  This she remembered how to do, and she positioned herself carefully.


She was so gorgeous. Her little red lips were open wide around him, sucking softly at his oversensitive skin, and he watched until he couldn’t anymore. He'd never lose that sight, never. Her fingers around him, her mouth around him... then looking up with those too innocent eyes.




He did, however, see her move out of the corner of his eye. "Sh-SHAY!" He cried it. He was gone, far gone, far, FAR gone, in a place where he was utterly and completely under her mercy, where his cock was throbbing with ache, where his pleasure was a razor’s edge.


But he'd felt the wash of heat from her thighs, and knew. And he was not, count it, NOT, a stupid teenager.


", Shayla, Shay, don’t w-want to get you... d... don’t..." He moaned, harshly, gripping her hips and keeping her away from his dripping head. "No... baby, no, you gotta.."


She whimpered.  "No... on the pill, member?  Since I was fifteen."  She rocked urgently against him.  "Wanna feel you in me, Pete, please... please?"  Her hands braced on his shoulders.  "Can show you the compact again... show I been takin' my pills without skippin' a day." 


And the thought of Pete's baby growing inside her skittered through her mind and only made her rock harder, even though it made her sad to know it wouldn't happen.  Probably, not ever.  "Not going to get pregnant, I promise, I swear, I can show you, please just let me feel you." 


He was only intelligent up to a certain point. When beautiful blonds were rocking on you, begging to take you into them, and you cared so deeply for them you'd give them the world on a platter, he had to nod. He couldn’t take it. Her heat inside…it


You've never been inside anyone without a condom, Pete.


"Shayla, yes, pl…please, let me…Shayla..." He gasped, as her little lips rolled over and over him, and the heat of her was rolling over him in waves. His eyes very nearly crossed before he shut them tight, and he rolled his hips up, begging for entrance as his hands sought out her hips. "Yes, Sh-Shay, yes, God, beautiful, so beautiful, please.."


"Yes, yes, yes, Pete, you can, want you, please, inside."  She brought her hands to lace with his over her hips as she lowered herself down, the gentle roll of his hips helping to slide his cock deep inside her with a single stroke.


And she gasped, tightening her hands on Pete's as she whimpered.  Hot steel was slick inside her body, velvet skin pressing and rubbing against the wet walls of her sheath as she pressed down against him.  Hotter than she'd ever felt anything in her life, his cock felt scorching hot inside.


"Oh!  God... this...gotta... so good.  Fuckin'... so fucking good."


He was going to come. He was going to come. He was--


"Sh...Shayla...reach b-behind...tug my b-balls… hard, kay? Hard, pull th-them." He gasped, arching up to get more inside her instinctively. "Pl… please!"


She was hot as molten lava. It wrapped around him like silk, hot and wet and warm and cozy. All the soft tissue molded around him, keeping him snug and tight inside of her… little bumps and ridges, and he could almost feel all of her muscles as she shifted and flexed around him.


His fingers, trembling and unsure, grasped her hips softly, holding her close and still as he rose his knees incase she… she needed something to push against, or rest against.


Guh.  God.  "O--okay."  She did what he asked, finding his balls by touch and yanking them as hard as she could.  "Baby, did I hurt you, sweetie?  I'm sorry, please?  Are you all right?"  She leaned back against his raised knees, closing her eyes for a moment as she rode him.


She could feel him everywhere.  In her belly, and her hand pressed against her lower abdomen, feeling him moving inside him and stroking gently.  In her throat, it felt like she was swallowing down her heart with every stroke.  "P--Pete... I--God."


Graham was really starting to get worried about Shayla.  She hadn't shown her face downstairs for hours--and she'd been mostly AWOL before that.  Alfred, bless his soul, had reported seeing Shayla in the kitchen earlier, sans pink hair dye, and that she'd taken a huge tray full of food out and upstairs to her room.


He listened at the door, heard muffled voices and the TV turned on, and he pushed the door open.  "Shay--"


Holy shit.  Graham saw red.  His baby sister... the baby of the family...


Riding some young man's cock, head thrown back against the boy's knees.  "--la."


"GYUH!" He cried as she yanked, but yeah, GOD, it was what he needed. The orgasm he'd almost had stopped abruptly but he didn’t lose his erection, and he shifted and began to move inside of her, gently, he pulled... yanked a pillow under his head, and watched as she moved against him. Inside, all over, and he saw her touching her belly...and gently cupped her hand, rubbing as he stroked. She had him deep, deeper then the first time, and he knew it was because of all the precome she'd made him have... her saliva. Oh, fuck yes.


He didn’t hear anyone. Anything. Didn’t realize the door had opened… just staring at Shayla without a word, fingertips tracing her lower body… her thighs... her breasts. And when he'd caught her eyes... he swallowed his heart and let her see how much she meant to him. How quickly she... she was becoming... this indescribably good thing in his life.


He touched her like she was porcelain, and moved in exactly the same manner.


Oh.  She saw.  And her eyes teared up as she leaned forward, kissing him softly and deeply and lovingly, and returning every single thing that he'd just communicated to her.  Her hips rode him a little faster, muscles tight.


And then screamed as a hand fisted in her hair, the other wrapped around her bicep and jerked her up and off her lover.  "Pete!!!" she screamed again, flailing at her brother.  "Put me down, Graham!"


"WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON HERE?" Graham bellowed.


He gasped... the words of love stuck on his tongue, and his eyes went into twin ovals, immediately grabbing the blanket and yanking it over his lap. Oh, FUCK! He couldn’t quite move very well, blood slamming through his ears, and he gasped... gaped, as he watched... what the FUCK?! "Get your han-hands off of her!"


Graham glared at the naked young man in his sister's bed.  "I don't know who in the fuck you are, but get out.  Before I kill you."  And then he shook Shayla.  "And you!  What the hell do you think you were doing!?"


"Pete!  No, you don't have to go!"  She kicked her brother in the shin, and then howled as she hurt her toe instead of him.  "Put me down this minute, Graham!  I'll yell for Morgan!  Pete's my friend, he can stay here anytime, PUT ME DOWN!"  She bared her teeth and snapped them, trying to bite her big brother.


Pete... Pete was pretty sure that until this moment, he'd never known what embarrassment was. The man was old enough to be his father… could have BEEN Shayla's father for all he knew, and he slid off her sheets, quickly leaning down to snag the clothes they'd shed while touching one another. His face flamed... his heart was beating so fast he could barely breathe, and he yanked on his jeans, terror lit in his face. "Sha.."


"Friends?  Is this what friends do now?"  He shook her. 


"Pete, no.  He's just my asshole brother... don't go.  I want you to stay, please."  She turned ugly eyes on Graham.  "You will not go around throwing my friends out, dammit!  Pete's my friend, I love him, and I want him to stay!  So fuck off!"


Another hard shake, and Shayla's teeth rattled.  "Get dressed--I want to see you downstairs in five minutes or I will come back up here and drag you down naked if I have to."  Graham glared at Pete.  "I don't ever want to see you around my sister again."


"Fuck you, big brother!  You're not going to tell me who I can and can't hang out with!  I'm seventeen years old, and I can pick my own friends!"


"Five minutes, Shayla."  Graham slammed the door behind him.


He gasped, yanking his shirt on as fast as he could, and looked in vain for his shoes. Christ. Oh, God. He was trembling as he looked, his cock going soft from the adrenaline and fear that had coursed through his veins, and he gasped and closed his eyes as the door slammed closed behind the older man. He swallowed, hard...and looked up at his friend, eyes wide. "I...I-I'm so s...sorry, Shay, I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have, I… I’m sorry."


"No."  Shayla turned around, shoved him against the door, and kissed him.  Hard, deep, passionate.  "No.  Don't be sorry.  I--yeah.  You... you mean a lot to me, Pete... like I said to Graham... I love you.  I want you around, and I'm not going to let Man Mountain there fuck up this good thing we've got going."  She slid her hands under his shirt.  "Gimmie."


"Wh..." He groaned, heavily, shaking his head because he was still terrified out of his mind, and he kissed her, as hard as she gave it to him, and let her go. ", he'll come back and make me kill him for h-hurting you, Sha... Shayla, pl..." He shook his head, tightening his grip on her before moving around her and grabbing his jacket, slinking into it as he opened the bedroom door. "I… I’m s-so sorry."


"No, please, don't go, Pete.  Don't be sorry.  Please stay?"  She was still naked, and held her hands out to him.  "Please."


"Want to. Want to." He reached forward and peppered kisses all over her face, then gave her another hard one to that soft, luscious little mouth. "I...c-call me. Come over." God, he was so aroused he hurt. "C-Call me, please."


"You can't go home... snow, cold, please... if you don't wanna come with me just stay here and wait for me to come back.  Please, please."  She ached inside.  "I--I need you, Pete... I hurt inside, for you."


Christ. He stopped at that... grasping her fingers tight, then reached out and held her, close to him, pulling her in and gently kissing her cheek. Shit. He could never say no to begging like she'd just done. “Don’t… don’t want him to hurt you for... for me. Don’t want h-him to shoot me."


"He won't, won't let him, I won't let him hurt you, ever, trust me."  She wrapped her arms around him and laid her cheek on his shoulder.  "He won't hurt me either; he'll just yell and threaten and try and ground me."  Her arms held him tightly, and she tried not to cry.  "He'll try and make me stop seeing you but I won't let him." 


She was going to be taken away from him… because his hormones had gotten the best of him. Again. His eyes teared... he couldn’t help it, and he grasped her tighter, holding her close to him as she tried not to cry... and he tried too. "No. Shayla, can’t stop seeing you... you... you're keeping me sane, can’t...Shayla, don’t let him. If you n-need me to talk to him, I will... don’t let him."


"No, I won't.  I won't ever let anybody take me away from you."  She buried her face in his shoulder, and her voice was muffled.  "Mean it, Pete, love you."  She was sure he hadn't heard, and she rubbed her face against his shirt before looking up.  "I'm gonna wear one of your shirts, okay?"


"He's going to kill you." He whispered, tracing her cheeks softly and closing his eyes as he set his forehead against hers.


"He is not.  Morgan won't let him--that's Dominic, my other brother--and neither will AJ, if he's around.  And Megan will help, I can always sweet-talk Megan into dealing with Graham."  She smiled up at him with bravery she didn't feel.  "It'll be fine once he gets it out of his system."


"O-okay." Pete swallowed very lightly and nodded. "I'll....I'll wait for, in the hall. You better... better go down, Shay. He looked really, really mad."


"He always looks really mad."  Shayla picked up her jeans and slid into them and then went to the closet and pulled out a blue button-down shirt that was obviously too big for her but smelled exactly like Pete.  "I'll be back."  She kissed him on the cheek, and headed for the door.


Then turned around, went back, and kissed him hard.  "I promise."


He kissed back, just as hard, streaking his fingers through her hair, before he swallowed back his heart. "K-kay."


"I love you," she whispered softly to him, and then ran out the door.


--...She was gone before he could answer, but Pete whispered softly, "I love you, too." To the empty hall.


~ * ~


Said Morgan was just about to step out of the house, when his darling, dear older brother came down the steps so red Dominic swore the fires of hell were lit under his toes. Graham walked through... slammed a door so hard Dominic jumped, and he snuggled his fingers deeper into his coat pockets as he watched his older brother disappear. Uht oh. He followed him...eyes wide, glancing towards the stair case where his lover and nephew were hanging out, and called calmly, "Graham?"


"Morgan Dominic Senatori, did you know about this?" Graham bellowed sharply.


"Gyah! I didn’t do anythin', don’t be yellin at me like I’ve got the bloody queen of England under my hand! I don’t know anything, honest!" Dominic held his hands out in surrender.


"Did you know that Shayla was--was--having--making--doing--with a man in her bedroom?" Graham demanded.


Oh... oh, God. Dominic let his eyes widen... quite a bit, actually, and he physically flinched. Memories of Graham finding out he'd had a girl in his bedroom were quite clear in his brain, and he winced a little, blinking. "Ahh, no. But I’m supposing you... ah... walked in?"


"Yes, I did," he hissed.  "She had the audacity to tell me to get out!"


"Graham...ah..." Dominic swallowed and set the car keys on the table beside them, grasping his brothers shoulders. "Graham...she's almost eighteen years old."


"I DON'T CARE!" he bellowed.  "That is my baby sister up there, and I am NOT going to have her--doing things!"


He flinched... let go... and tried another tactic. He grabbed his brothers elbow and led him quietly into the kitchen.. .setting him down into a stool, and wincing painfully at Ms Bird, as he went to get a cup of coffee for his brother from the coffee machine. "I know... but... ah... Graham, she... she's the age we were. When we… you know."


"And look how we turned out!" he shouted.  "I don't want coffee, Morgan!  I want that... boy to get out of my sight and never trouble my sister again!!"  He pounded his fist on the table.  "She was RIDING him, Morgan!  Like a bloody prize stallion!"


"Felt damn good too, before we were rudely interrupted.  I'll take the coffee, Morgan."  Shayla dropped into the seat across from her brother, turning the chair around so that she straddled it.  "His name is Pete, and he's my friend."


Dominic blinked. Oh. Oh, shit. Oh. He had to hand it to his baby sister though, what a way to go. He turned his back to Graham and glared at her, though a smile quirked his lips, but then, more anger, and he sat down between them, sharing another wince with Ms Bird before looking at the both of them. "Ah...instead of screaming, Graham, why... why don’t we--Ah. There we are. Pete. ....Pete?! Clark’s friend??  I mean...yes. Pete." A light cough.


"Yes, Pete, Clark's friend.  Pete Ross.  Peter Isaac Ross, if you must know.  I'll be in the same classes as him come the start of school again."  She crossed her arms over her chest.  "What the fuck is your problem, big brother?  I know for a fact that you had your first piece of ass when you were sixteen--I heard you and Lindy talking about it.  So don't you even go there with me, Graham."


"Where in the name of nine holy hells do you get off talking to me like this??" Graham demanded.  "I'm your brother, and I damned well deserve your respect!"


Thank God her legs were spread, because if they hadn't been, she'd have been rubbing them together.  As it was, she barely stopped herself from rubbing against the chair back.  "Like you respected me, brother?  Dragging me by my fucking hair and shaking me until my teeth rattled?  Threatening to take me away from my friends?  Oh yeah, you deserve all kinds of respect for that."


....Dominic turned to look at his brother. "You ripped her off of him, Graham?" One eyebrow quirked up high, the other low, and he just blinked at him. "She...they were..." He made a motion at his little sister. "And you pulled her off? By her hair?" Then back to Shayla. "You damn well give him respect, just as you better give me respect. We love you, and we cared for you, and you owe it to the both of us. Graham is a human being, and he had a gut reaction to your....yes. Though he went about it in the wrong manner, you, young lady, should know better than to have relations under this roof with your entire family here." A beat. "Believe me, I’ve tried, it doesn’t work."


"I'll show him respect as soon as he shows it to me, Morg."  She looked up at him.  "You're not flippin' out.  You're not goin' all caveman on me and dragging me off by my fucking hair.  And yes, he did that.  By my hair.  Hoisted me up in the air and shook me like a fuckin' rag doll."  She glared from brother to brother.  "Fine.  Next time we decide to have.... relations, we'll go to his house."


"You most certainly will not!" Graham thundered.  "You'll not be seeing him any more!"


Shayla straightened her shoulders, and gave Graham a cold, stubborn stare.  "You are my brother, Graham, and God only knows why but I do love you.  But if you push me on this... I'm gonna go with Pete.  He needs me right now, and I'm going to be there for him.  He's my friend, I'm his.  And I love him.  Yeah, that's right.  I love Pete.  I think I'm falling in love with him, and I'll let you know as soon as I'm sure.  But what I won't do is let you stand in the way of it."


Yeah. Well. Dominic didn’t dare smile, but he squeezed his sister’s hand under the table. He'd seen a budding young woman when they'd come to visit, and this change… hair, her clothing, the piercings. He'd had a feeling someone was behind it. But he didn’t say much of anything, letting his brother rant and Shayla counter-rant, listening quietly for a moment and swallowing. "Ahh… Shayla... I’m not flipping out, as you so put it, because I had a feeling such a thing would happen. I, however, don’t see you in the same virginal white light Graham does... you've scared him, sweetheart." Dominic nodded softly. "He's a good man, and he loves you to bits, love. He's angry right now, but he'll see."


Shayla gripped Dominic's hand tightly, squeezing hard and letting him know just how scared she was.  "I love him too, but... I'm not gonna stop seeing Pete.  He--he means a lot to me, and he needs me.  Dick was a dickhead to him, and he needs someone who cares about him.  Clark's busy with AJ, and... that doesn't leave anybody but me for Pete.  I'm not gonna stop seeing him!"


"Oh, yes, you are.  You'll not--"  Graham gave an exasperated sigh.  "Morgan, you talk to her.  You're obviously getting through where I'm not!"


"That is because I am not treating her like a four year old who's not got a brain cell in her head, Graham." He said it carefully, then looked back at his sister. "Shayla, darling, I understand... more then you know. We just worry for you, beloved, because you are the little baby of our family, and we love you." He spoke carefully, picking his words correctly. "You... you don’t have to stop seeing him, Shayla. The only reason we don’t want you to have sex with him is because we don’t want to see you throw your life away, at such a young age. Alright? So many problems can come from sex."


"I'm going to slap you in a chastity belt until you're thirty!" he roared.  "My baby sister is not having sex!"


"No, I'm not," she said softly.  "I'm making love.  There's a distinction."  She looked at Dominic.  "I know, Morg.  But I've been on the pill since I was fifteen--I was having a hard time with my period, remember?  Making me so sick?  The doctor put me on them.  And we used protection, every time.  You know I carry it, we used 'em every time.  I can show you the used ones if you like."


"I AM NOT HEARING THIS!" Graham bellowed.


He nodded. God, she wasn’t his baby anymore, and he smiled at her, squeezing her hand tightly in his own. He ignored his screaming brother, instead nodding once more, and took her other hand. "Always, baby. Always, always, always use protection. Even when it feels so good not to, always do. You never know, you hear me? You can both get sick from a number of things, very quickly... and the last thing I want is you, my beautiful, sweet girl, sick. Okay? And as soon as the storm clears, we'll go out and I'll get you some condoms that have a special liquid to keep you from getting pregnant... and a woman’s condom. Megan can take you to the hospital to get one, as well. And now… you'll have to get pap smears and those types of things, baby. You're all grown up." He smiled, and leaned over to kiss her cheek. "I should tell you, I’m scared." And he let her go, and set a comforting hand on Grahams shoulder. "Calm yourself, Man Mountain."


"They're called spermicidal condoms, Morg.  And I've got 'em already.  All the ones I buy are already treated with spermicide."  She hugged Dominic tightly.  "If it makes you guys feel any better, I never had sex before today.  I'd only kissed.  But I knew what to do; I mean, a house with you, Graham and Riley?  Plenty of porn.  And Megan and Lindy?  Heard everything."  She looked at Graham. "Give him a chance, Graham... Pete really cares about me.  He's upstairs, and I'm going back up there."


"Shayla... you are never going to be anything more than the cute little eight year old who used to cling to my leg instead of walking anywhere," Graham said gruffly.  "I'd forbid it but I seem to be overruled here."  He growled at Morgan.  "You, missy... I'd send you off to a convent school if things like that still existed."


"Well, they don't.  So deal."


"I'll talk to Mama this evening about setting you up with a doctor here.  Christ and Jesus Almighty, now I know why I'm glad Shane's a boy."


Dominic blushed. He didn’t have porn, per say...he flushed some more, but was happy to hear she hadn’t been a sex crazed woman slut or something. Not that he'd ever believe it, but it was good for brothers to hear those types of things once in a while. He grinned, though, but it was a soft one, and he hugged his brother tightly, before smiling at Shayla. "Be careful, Shayla. And when mama hears, be prepared for the screaming. Okay? We don’t want you to get hurt, baby." He offered his hand to her, and squeezed, hard.


"Pete won't hurt me, Morg."  She squeezed back.  "Mama can scream all she wants to; I'll tell her the same thing I told Man Mountain."


"I am not a Man Mountain!"  Graham growled angrily.


"Yeah, you are, but you're my mountain."  Shayla got up from the chair and hugged her massive brother.  "If it makes you feel any better, he was going to hurt you for hurting me when you dragged me off... what does that tell you?"


Graham hugged his little sister tightly.  "That he's delusional."  But he got the message; Pete was trying to protect her, even from her brother.  That was a good sign.  "I don't like this, baby girl.  But Morgan's right... I can't keep you from growing up forever.  And if you waited this long--then I musta done somethin' right by you."


YAY! He was right. How often did that happen? Dominic grinned at his brother, and watched his sister hug him. Good girl. Hugs always won the big mush head over. He chuckled, very softly, and shook his head lightly. Lindy had done for him the exact same thing he'd just done for Shayla. Old dues paid, perhaps?


"You did, brother.  You did a lot of things right by me... and one of 'em was teaching me to know when the time was right.  And it is, for me."  She kissed his cheek, and then hugged him again.  "He's waitin' for me, and I gotta make sure he knows everything's okay, and that you're not going to kill him."


"I never promised that."  He bit his tongue on everything else he was going to say.  "At least hang a do not disturb sign on the door?" he pled.


"Or a white sock," she smirked, and watched him blush.  "I'll hang up the doorknocker sign thing."  She looked at Morgan, and then threw herself at him in a hug.  "Thank you too, Morg.  For everything."


"Oomph!" He caught her before she hit the ground, hugging her tight, and when he finally let go, he tweaked a soft blond curl between his fingers. "I like this. Don’t go back being pinky, okay? You look so nice like this." And he smiled.


She shook her head gently.  "No more pink, Morg.  No more weird piercings--except my ears, I'm keepin' those.  This is me."  She grinned down at him.  "You really like?"


"I really like." He nodded at her and reached up, kissing her forehead before pushing her on out. "Outa're with ya, go on, get, before Graham gets any good ideas." He sent a sweet, 'please don’t kill me' smile at his brother.


Shayla grinned back at her brothers, and tore through the kitchen like a bat out of hell.  Her feet pounded loudly on the stairs, and as soon as she got to the top, she started yelling.  "PETE!!"


He hadn’t moved. Breathed. Flinched. He was sitting in her hallway, back to the wall, in his clothes and so turned on and hot he could barely breathe. He'd been terrified… but the terror had just spiked his arousal, and he sat there, unmoving, swallowing, and knowing he should be gone. And would have been, if they weren’t totally snowed in. "Shay? Shayla?" Oh, God, he prayed she didn’t have someone with her.


"Pete!!!!!!!"  She skidded to a halt, socked feed sliding on the polished hardwood floor as she overshot him, and then came back to drop in his lap.  "Hey, sweetie," she said, sliding her arms around his neck.  "Told you it'd be okay."


He gasped...winced but held her close, all her panting, beautiful female...ness, and he pressed her tight to his chest. "Is he...?"


"Told you Morgan would help me out."  She snuggled up tightly against him.  "He's cool.  Had to yell at him some, call him a couple names," and she grinned up at him, "But I got him to see that I wasn't gonna leave you.  Morgan helped too, pointing out that I was old enough to make my own choices and all."  She elbowed him.  "He threatened to slap me in a chastity belt until I was thirty and send me off to a convent."


Oh. He sorta grinned at that, and peered at her gently. "Happened with me and my parents. There’s six of us, in our two older brothers, me, then my three younger ones. We kinda look after one another...our rents are gone all the time." At the elbow he oomphed...then grinned and touched her cheek. "Hey, had I found my smallest brother ten years down the road fuckin' some broad, I woulda had the same reaction. can't say I wouldn’t have, cause I would have done exactly the same thing he did." He smiled again...squeezed her hand. "Is he gonna kill me, though?"


"Nope.  He's not gonna lay a hand on you.  And... he even said you could stay as long as I hung a Do Not Disturb sign on the door.  I think as long as he doesn't think about it, he can pretend it's not happening."  She rubbed her cheek against his hand when he touched her.


Yeah?" he smiled, ever so gently, and softly skimmed his thumb against her beautiful high cheek bone. "That... that rocks, Shay. We can finish watching Buffy... and eat some dinner. Do you wa... want to?" His eyes widened. "If its okay… and you'll have me. If not, totally cool."


"Are you kidding me?"  She turned around, straddling his lap and wrapping her legs around his waist.  "I'd love to have you.  Again and again and again," she teased, and then tucked her head under his chin and just... cuddled.  "Yes, Pete... I want to.  So much... want to spend all the time with you that I can."


He groaned... very softly, into her hair, and couldn’t help pressing himself up around the soft valley she was pushing against him. Oh, God. "I really… really like you, Shay. Helping me." Softly. "Making me forget about the pain. I can’t... can’t thank you enough." He murmured it, and held her close.


Then he put those athletic muscles to use and reared up, climbing to his feet with her body still latched around his own. "Thank you, Shay."


"What else are friends for?" she breathed into his ear, rocking down lightly against his gentle presses upwards.  She pressed a kiss to his throat.  "I don't want you to hurt, Pete... don't know why but... makes me hurt when you hurt, and... I don't want you to." 


She squealed softly as he stood up with her wrapped around him, and clung tightly to him.  "Wow... muscle man!"  She ran her hands over his arms where they bulged, supporting her weight.  "I think I'm glad you're on the football team."


"Mmmmm." He murmured, softly, as she pressed down very softly... then grinned and tightened his hold on her when she squealed out loud. Her hair smelled so good... like strawberries and vanilla cream, and he couldn’t stop sniffling softly at it as he cupped her back and ass, walking back into her bedroom. "I think you don’t know my endurance as of yet." He smiled, very teasingly, into those blond locks, rubbing her back in comfort. "I... I’m pretty embarrassed, Shayla."


"Sweetie, no, why embarrassed?"  She nuzzled into his cheek and squirmed lightly against his hands as they petted her.  "I hope you have good endurance; there's lots of things we gotta do yet."


"Because your brother walked in on you riding me." His throat worked, flexing hard. "He grabbed you and yanked you off me. I can... can never look at that man again." He said it softly, as he gently set her down on the bed, turned back... and closed and locked the door. ...Then put a chair in front of it for good measure. "I mean… I was... and you... Christ." He rubbed his fingers over his face.


She giggled at the preventative measures.  "Sssh... you'll have to get used to Graham, then you'll like him once you get past that initial hatred thing."  She went to him, hands touching his over his face.  "Don't be embarrassed.  He was the one barging in where he didn't belong; he deserved the eyeful he got."  She pulled them down so she could look him in the eye.  "Mama always taught me that if you're embarrassed over somethin', then you were ashamed of doin' it.  I'm not embarrassed, because I'm not ashamed of bein' with you.  I know not everybody thinks like that, but... just thought you'd like to know that."


Oh. Damn. He grinned at that, bright as the sun, and nodded a little, eyebrows creased. "Yeah? Yeah. I mean… I wasn’t ashamed. We shouldn’t be having sex, but yeah, I’m so glad we… we are. You’re beautiful, and you smell nice, and you're round and soft, and you have this great heart, and its not because...its not that I’m taking advantage, Shayla. You're lovely, and I have a weak spot for pretty, sweet women." He swallowed at the declaration, nodding slightly. "I’m just embarrassed your brother caught us doing it. Cause... yeah. I don’t want him to think its just...its just for pleasure."


She rubbed a thumb over his creased eyebrow.  "Like I told Graham and Morgan both... we're not havin' sex, Pete.  We're makin' love, and there's a difference."  She slid her hands over his shoulders.  "Why shouldn't we be?  We're both old enough to know what we want, we both want it--I know I do, anyway--and you're the most handsome, most wonderfully caring guy I've ever known."    She kissed his throat.  "I love you, I care about you, and I know you care about me, and that's enough for me."  Her hand moved to rest on his heart.  "It's not just for pleasure."


Oh. Oh, God. Those same thoughts and feelings and emotions from before all swelled hard in his throat... but that’s where he kept them. In his throat. Too much had happened, too much was still happening, and he was so sad and confused. He wouldn’t bring her into that too. So he just nodded, smiled softly, and closed his eyes when she kissed him...then gave the gift back, gently stroking the base of her neck with his tongue. "I care so much about you. You’re quickly becoming so, so important to me, Shayla. You make me forget about stuff that’s not... not important anymore. You know? You make me forget about other people when I’m with you." He said it quietly, and softly.


"Then I'm happy," she said softly, sliding her hands over his head, holding him gently.  "Because as long as I've made you happy, or I've made you stop hurting, just for a little while, then I've accomplished what I want, and I can just... enjoy being with you."


"Sh... Shay." He finally let himself whimper, trembling as his arms moved around her slim, tiny back and held her close. "Shay, I shouldn’t… I was waiting for you... I... I’m so h... h-hard, Shay, and… and if you...if you want to..."


She nodded, hard.  "I want to--finish what Graham interrupted.  I couldn't sit in the chair--had to turn it around backwards so I wouldn't rub my legs together or hump it while I was talking to him."  Her fingers started opening the buttons of the shirt she wore.  "Smelled you the whole time, on me and on the shirt... helped."


Her little, deft fingers began to unbutton the large, masculine buttons of his shirt, and his body turned to water. " Wait." Ever so gently he slid his hands under her and lifted her again...depositing her tenderly in the middle of the blankets they'd mussed, and he climbed in right after her. ...On top of her. He was shaking with suppressed orgasm...his balls were aching. But dammit, he would do this right. His wide, generous lips slipped down and around her curls to her ear...sucking at the lobe softly as he caressed her shoulders and her face. "L… lemme do this."


"Oh... okay.  Yeah."  She smiled brightly at him.  "Yeah... want you to do this."  Her voice was breathy as he sucked her earlobe, shivering.  "Um... that feels good."  It sent zings of wetness straight to her sheath with every suck on her ear, and she squirmed her lower body as she brought his hands to the buttons.


"No...Shay." He looked up, and gazed into her eyes...lips curved. "Let me do this my way. Just sit back, and enjoy."


She nodded, eyes wide and trusting as she watched him.  "Your way."  She let her hands fall to her sides, and she smiled.  "I always enjoy."


"You might enjoy a little more, this time." He murmured.


His mouth returned to her ear...her neck. Each inch of skin was like a discovery--an assault on his very senses, and he tried to make sense of each gorgeous taste...catalogue it for later pleasure, and found he couldn’t. She was a rainbow of scents and tastes...right there, where her shoulder curved and met her neck, he was positive that she'd dabbed something grape on. But then another move...across her neck, up the other side, to lick at the opposite ear, and all he could smell was vanilla. Her jaw line was nutmeg, sugary and sweet... and those lips. Smaller then his but his were big--hers were soft and full and begging for a kiss.


A kiss he just couldn’t deny her. His tongue traced those lips before delving in...flickering the tip of his tongue along her top lip...begging for admittance.


She was already squirming in need as his mouth slid over her neck.  She opened her mouth instantly, urging his tongue into her mouth, nibbling his full lower lip carefully as she raised her hands, one to cup his face and the other to slide down the back of his neck.  She raised her legs, slid them over his hips and down his thighs as she tangled them together, and she arched up to press her breasts against his chest.  "P-please, Pete... so good already."


His way. His way today. He didn’t respond... just gently delving in deep...tasting her teeth… her tongue... sliding around in and thrusting his own deep into her mouth, taking a hot, deep kiss from her...before sliding away. His mouth, wet now with her taste, slid down her chin...down her neck, and stopped to nibble at the hollow of her throat. His wide, masculine palms gently stroked over her belly... her flank, tracing the thigh up that went around his hips... and followed it as she slid down to dangle with his. "I know, baby. Going to make you feel so good." He traced his tongue down the center of her chest… licking softly down the sternum where it peaked from his shirt, and grazing his teeth as he went. He ignored each peaked nipple under the cloth, and instead traced the shape of each one with his fingertips… thumbs stroking beneath each one.


She trembled under his hands, twisting and turning into his touches, whimpering softly.  "P--Pete--oh, b--baby."  His hands were like fiery brands sliding over her, even through his shirt she could feel their heat, and she licked her lips frantically, tasting as much of him as she could.  "you--taste.  Like a drug.  Want more... no matter how much... always want more of you."


Her legs tightened around her lover's waist, pulling herself up against him, rubbing gently.  "Sorry, I know, your way, need it though."


He swallowed....hard. He was so hard, his dick pressing so tight against the zipper of the jeans he'd thrown on in his rush. But no. Not yet.


His tongue moved back to the center of her chest...slid underneath her shirt, and without barring her breast, he tickled the nipple with the tip of his tongue. Gentle, loving stroked, as his fingertips slid down each of her sides and stroked her hips. Calming her. Letting her accept the pleasure he had to give.


He let his tongue slide away and did the same to the other nipple...inhaling the scent of his own clothes, and her soft, warm body, like fruit and flowers.


Shivers wracked her body as his hands brushed over her.  Soft, calming touches to her skin and she forced herself to still under him, feeling his breath ghosting over her skin as his mouth brushed her still-clothed breast.  Soft shudder, quiet whimper, but there was a stream of fire lit in her veins.


Shayla's hands rose to his sides, sliding up and over his shoulders, down his arms, back down his sides to slide under his shirt and rest on his hot belly.  "Oooh," she hissed, rubbing her hands against the heat that emanated from him.  "Warm," she all but purred.


"V… very warm." He whispered into the side of her breast. He slowly unbuttoned the shirt she wore as much as his trembling fingers would allow... then spread it open and sighed, heavily. Oh, God. Her breasts were so full and creamy, peaked and waiting for him, and he could do nothing but lean down and bury his face in them.


His hands continued their gentle touching... and he followed her palms up to his belly, where he rubbed the backs of her hands so her palms rubbed his stomach. "Feels like fire." He mumbled from her chest. "Fire inside."


"Fire outside too," she murmured softly.  "Fire under your skin, just like there's one in my stomach right now, making me burn so much."  One hand came up and pressed his face gently into her skin as the other hand rubbed his stomach again.  "Hard, here, too, muscled... not soft like me."


Christ. He peeled her shirt off... gently lifting her to sitting, and he sat in front of her, helping her finish taking off the shirt. She the winter glare she was like a summer princess, all warm skin and gorgeous curves, and soft, heavy breasts like warm peaches.


It wasn’t his fault when he leaned down and had to take one in his mouth.


He sucked at it, softly, fingertips sliding around her slim waist... then opening wide and pressing into her back, making it arch so he could take his fill. He sucked without abandon, pinching with his lips, biting with his teeth...rubbing his face against her and aching in want.


She rolled her shoulders back, letting the shirt slide off her shoulders as she watched Pete, flushing slightly under his intense eyes until his mouth latched on her nipple.  Her hands immediately came to the back of his head, holding him against her, helping and arching her body, hand slipping under the mound and holding it, almost feeding it to him as he nipped and licked, and she moaned as she felt his gentle teeth.  Wordless moan that slid from her throat as she leaned forward, wrapping over him for a moment and holding him tightly to her.


Yeah. So. That was it for his control.


He let out a guttural, dark moan, wrapping tightly around her and falling back onto the sheets of her big bed. She was laying over him, light, gorgeous body, and he rolled again, splaying between her thighs and thrusting foreword against her jeans. He was so hard it hurt, agonized, and he whimpered as he streaked his mouth down… down her torso, pulling at the button of her jeans. They gave...he tugged, letting them slide down, and she... she was bare. Red, where he'd just thrust against her...and he let his mouth sooth the warm mound softly as he streaked his palms across her once more. Down, down her thighs, rubbing them, the inside and out, as he stroked his tongue over slit. Teasing. Tasting.


Then deep, sliding inside… and he moaned, harshly, the sound vibrating against his chest and her sheath. He wanted. God, he wanted so much.


Another moan as he thrust against her, and then a shout as his tongue slipped inside her.  Her hands dug into his shoulder as she tried not move, couldn't help squirming and thrusting against his tongue, hands helping her rock forward onto his face.  "Get--get inside me, Pete, please.  Please, now?  Need you in me, need your--your cock in me," she said, stumbling briefly over the word and she cursed herself for being so girly around Pete.  "Want it bad, please, please... let me have you inside."


"Yeess.." He groaned. He sat up again, on his knees, yanking and tugging his shirt up and over his head. Hard, sweat slickened skin came to view, and he had to climb off the bed to get the zipper down. He sucked in… pushed down, and couldn’t help stroking himself as he squirmed out of his pants. God, he was so hard he hurt, and he wanted, wanted, wanted. He stroked again... again, trying to get the ache down, eyes shutting tight for a moment before opening.


Condoms. Condoms. "Wh..where are...?..." God, but he wanted to feel her heat.


She leaned forward, licking down his chest and taking his cock into her mouth for a quick suck, licking the precome that leaked from him.  "My purse, dresser, ain't moved since the last time."  She jacked him once, before letting him go.  "Don't wanna use one, but if you wanna."  She moved her mouth back down to the head of his cock and sucked again.


His knees buckled, and he grasped her shoulder… groaning hard. "Sh... Shay.." He couldn’t think, blood way gone and down south, and he grasped her shoulder tighter for a moment before letting go. ...And couldn’t quite move away from the tight heat of her mouth. "G...gotta… don’t w… want you t… to get... Shay, please, let me in, let me in," He moaned, hard, lacing his fingers through her golden locks and looking down to watch. Pretty red lips around him, oh GOD.


Shayla sucked him hard once more, and then scrambled to the edge of the bed, legs open and hanging over the side of the bed.  "O--okay, Pete, come in, please, in."  Her hands reached out, gripping his hips and bringing him closer to the bed to nestle between her legs.  "Hurry, hurry, please."


"No... Sh… Shay, no." But he wanted so much, and he settled between her thighs, pressing in as his fingers clamped around her thighs. "Get back... further, let me… on top of you." He swallowed, hooking his arm underneath her back and lifting her, bodily, up to his chest, slowly crawling back in. "Like… like this, here, me over y-you, like this." He was only a quarter of the way in, but he'd never entered at this angle and he didn’t want... didn’t want to hurt her. He slowly spread her legs wider with his knee… pressing them tightly to his own legs, and linking their ankles as he stopped and waited for her. "Shayla...l… love you, Shayla, love you."


Shayla trembled, wrapped her arms around Pete, and almost wept as she moved back, pulling herself over the sheets so that he could slide into her.  "P--Pete, God, love you too, I love you, so much, I love you, I love you Pete, I want to be yours, your girl, your friend, I love you!"  She pushed herself up, kissing him frantically, tongue thrusting deeply into his mouth, holding him tightly, spreading open as much as she could. "Yes, yes, love you, please, over me!"


He kissed back but couldn’t speak anymore. His blood was pooled in his crotch, and that head said to slide in further. So he arched his back and pushed in further... slowly, as slowly as he could, burying his face in her throat as his arms hooked around her, hugging her close as he slid in. "Y… yes...Sh… Shayla, yes...feel so...Christ..." He moaned quietly, slowly pulling out and pushing back in, aching to get further inside. "Relax, relax, won't hurt you, relax, love you, god, yes, oh, God.."


Slowly, she opened to him.  "O--open... open for you, yes, want you."  Her arms linked behind his back, holding totally to him as she relaxed her body, the muscles of her sheath loosening and then tightening enough to draw him in deeper.  "Th--Thrust, Pete, rock, move, love me, baby, please."


He did. No need to tell him twice. His hips pulled back and he thrust himself further in, rocking slowly, softly, pushing insistently until his hips were lying on hers, his balls were pressed to her backside, and his muscles were so tight he could barely draw in a single deep breath.


And he pulled back, and thrust, harder then he ever had before with her, inside.


She arched.  Back nearly breaking, she arched into his thrust, mouth open as she bit down on his shoulder, rubbing against him and rocking her hips fiercely to meet his thrust. 


It felt like he was in her throat, in her head, and her hand rubbed her belly, feeling him there.  "Oh, God!  Again, please!!  Again, again!"


He pulled back and slammed as deeply as he dared back into her, feeling the bites and the nails, her palm, and he couldn’t move. Couldn’t breathe. Just kissed her neck, her shoulder, her ear, and thrust harder, starting them on a wild, insane pace.


One palm found her free one, and he linked their hands tightly, as he braced himself and moved as hard as he dared. "Now, now, yes, you, now, now..."


Shayla thrust up against Pete, meeting every push into her with one up of her own.  "Yes, yes, just like this!"  Her nails dug into him, bracing herself and pulling up close to him.  Her nipples were hard rocks that rubbed against his chest, her other hand linked tightly with his.  "Pete, I love you, so much, love you."  She squeezed down on his cock with her muscles.


"Grrrrrah!" He bellowed, hard and loud. She'd squeezed, right there, and he snarled, rolling over with her atop him...then again on top of her, The sheets tangled around their bodies but he didn’t care, bracing his legs hard as he began to pump inside her. Hard, rocking thrusts, and his fingers squeezed her nipples hard, the muscles in his back and thighs and ass squeezing and pressing him in. Rhythmic, sexy, wonderful, and he bit into her neck--hard--sucking at the skin as he moved.


Shayla grunted as he moved her, thrusting up hard against him, squeezing his cock as hard as she could with every push into her.  This is what she'd read about--hard, sweaty, hot and slick--and it was nothing like she imagined because it was him.  Her legs tightened around his waist, pulling herself up and moaning in his ear as his fingers worked her nipples.  The suction at her neck was driving her crazy, and she twisted her hips, squirming and tightening on his cock.


"Shayla... Shayla... Shayla…" He panted into her ear, moaning, chanting it. "Gonna… gonna.. Pl-please come f-first... come on... feel me insid-de, pushing against you... s-so full and tight.. .so h-hot...come on, come on," Nonsense babble into her ear, tightening his arms around her as he pressed. Gonna come., Gonna come. Gonna. Come. He could feel it building at the base of his spine and he grabbed control of it, hard, snagging it into his heart.


That did it for her.


Her body tightened around Pete's cock again, locking, throbbing around the hard shaft as she shuddered.  She felt hot floods of wetness pouring out of her, and she sobbed quietly in ecstasy, mouth returning to Pete's throat and sucking his sweat and his taste into her mouth as she keened into his skin. 


If anything, this orgasm had been stronger than any other she'd ever felt at his hands.  "PETE!!!!!!!"


On his push in she locked, tight, and he pushed in further, roaring into her skin as he came. He felt the pressure at his spine explode...his balls spasmed, and he let out a cry of complete, utter pleasure, wailing as he came. It was unbelievable... he felt himself lose himself in her body, felt him explode within her, and he moaned, hard, as he grasped onto her body. Oh, God. God.


Oh, God, help me.


He was shaky...trembling as his orgasm danced across his eyes, and he barely felt himself sag against her soft, wet, shaking body, eyes closed tight and a groan in his throat.


Shayla shuddered, taking his weight onto her gladly, arms and legs threaded around him.  The rush of fire from his cock spread inside her body, through her belly, her chest, up to her brain and out through her eyes as she cried happy tears, peppering kisses over his ear and his cheek.  "I love you," she whispered, hands rubbing his back as the fire warmed her all over, even her heart.  "I love you."   






And three floors above them, as Shayla wept in pleasure over her lover...Dominic was trying his best to get his brother to speak to him. They were both still sitting in the kitchen, and Dominic was helping Ms Bird get lunch prepared, his eyes flickering once in a while to the wide back of his large brother. He swallowed...winced...and glanced at Ms Bird, pressed tightly to his side, whispering, "I think I broke him, darling."


Ms. Bird snorted at him.  "Chu did not brek him.  He is chust pouting."  She nudged Dominic's shoulder with her own.  "He vill speak as soon as he has sometink to say."


He was still whispering, very softly, so his brother wouldn’t hear. "You knew about Shayla and young Mr. Peter, didn’t you?"


"Wery little happens in dis house dat I do not know aboot."  She grinned.  "I saw them earlier, going up to her room.  Dey had food, soft drinks, and de young voman even appropriated a six-pack of Lex's vater to drink.  Vhen he came back today, he brought Chinese food.  I smelled it."


"Ahhh." Dominic’s smile, when he gave it to the lovely older woman, was priceless. "I knew our Shayla had gone and fallen in love. She was positively scarce... though I'd imagined it had been young Dick that had stolen her heart." But he was glad. Dick was from another time...older, more mature, Gothamite. He didn’t want him for his sister, and was glad Pete had risen to the challenge. "At least they're eating." He coughed, shared a grin... then glanced at his brother. "Would you like a ham and cheese sandwich, brother?"


Ms. Bird shook her head.  "Chu did not hear vhat she threatened Mr. Grayson with."  Her voice lowered.  "She threatened to keek his balls through his nose."


"Oh, so, you're finally asking me what I would like?  Oh, I don't know, Morgan... why don't you tell me what you think I should do.  Should I eat the ham sandwich, or is it too grown up to be eaten?"


His brow arched high at Ms Birds words...then the other did at his brothers, and he almost couldn’t choke the laugh off before it escaped him. He sobered, almost immediately, and coughed lightly to cover it up. "Oh, I don’t know. The cheese has been aged quite well, but the ham's new. Would that do your tastes just fine?"


"What would do my tastes just fine is to slap Shayla into a convent and then rip that Ross boy's head off," Graham growled.


Ms. Bird cackled lightly.  "Chu are a bully, Sir Graham!"


Oh, he just grinned. "Graham, darling, calm yourself. Our Shayla is almost eighteen years old, in March. What, did you expect her to stay virginal forever? I think she's shown that you did do something right by her, as she's waited this long, and I know good and well how many boyfriends she's had. Lets see...I lost mine when I was...17. You, 16. Megan, 15. Lindy, 19. Darling, it doesn’t take a rocket scientist."


"I am not going to calm myself!"  Graham's hands slammed down on the table.  "And you!  The least you could have done was back me up!  But you went and took her side!  Now I've got my baby sister upstairs with that boy in her bed, doing God knows what, and nobody but me seems to be concerned about this!"


"Out of all of us, Riley was the only good, Christianly one. Waited till marriage he--" He winced at the bellow, and cringed. "Graham..." A little wipe of his hands on a dishrag, and Dominic walked back to the table, sitting in the chair in front of his. "Graham." He squeezed his brothers clenched fists. "I do have a problem with it. A big problem with it. What, you think its easy knowing the little lass I bottle and pampered for years is up there with a boy? No. But I also know that telling her no will make her want to do it more...and she won't be smart about it. She'll end up pregnant, or worse. So that is why I approached her the way I did, instead of telling her no. Don’t you remember, Graham? How hard it is for you, I know, but its what happened with Lindy, and look. Dead beat who she had to marry she became pregnant with our little Ellie. And what became of that deadbeat? Mmm?" He nodded, and squeezed his brothers hands tighter. "You should be proud of Shayla."


He growled.  "Lindy's husband was a complete bastard," Graham enunciated clearly.  "And it has nothing to do with the fact that Shayla is having--"  He visibly choked on the word.  "Sex."


Oh, his heart went out to his poor brother. "It has everything to do with it, because Mama told her to stop seeing that man, and she wouldn’t. Even after he hit her, and she miscarried the babies, she wouldn’t stop. Don’t you see that, Graham? I love Lindy, with my whole heart, but she's made mistakes, and she's learned. And I don’t want to watch my baby go through the same thing."


"Which is why you should have backed me up and helped me keep her away from that boy!" Graham shouted.  "Now I've got to sit by and watch my little sister get her heart broken, because nobody is good enough for my little girl and this boy definitely isn't!"


Ms. Bird snorted from the sink.  "And vhat do chu know of Sir Pete, eh?  Nothink but vhat you saw."


He rose then, and went back to Ms. Bird and the sandwiches, but not before squeezing his brothers shoulder... and grinning at Ms Bird behind his back. "As for the sex part, she isn’t having sex. She's making love. What does that tell you of this boy, mmm? Did you make love your first time?" He glanced over his shoulder. "Say yes and I will stab this serving spoon through your eye."


Ms. Bird passed the tray of sandwiches to Dominic and carried the large carafe of coffee to the table herself.  "Und I vill spill this," she said threateningly, tipping the pitcher forward.


Graham yelped and knocked his chair backwards as he scrambled up as she threatened his lap with hot coffee.  "No, you know damned well I didn't," he groused.  "Didn't really make love until Mindy."


"Well then?" A peered at his brother. "As I remember correctly, you met Mindy senior year of high school. And oh, look. Our Shayla will be a senior in exactly four months." He snorted, and loudly, as he set the tray down... but didn’t quite rouse the troops yet. Just a moment more. "Graham, I know its hard for you, but why is it so hard for Shayla? Do you honestly see her as that young a girl?"


"She's like my daughter, Morg."  He sighed, and sat back down, far away from Ms. Bird and her coffee pot.  "You, Meg, Lindy... you guys were mostly grown when Dad died.  Not so with Shayla.  She's my baby girl, I was her father, for all purposes, and yeah... she's my baby."


Oh, Dominic grinned at that, and lovingly to boot. "I know." He pet his hand, very softly. "She was all of ours....I think she's was kept us from going insane, a lot of times, and we've spoiled her, rotten. But Graham..." And he sobered. "She's not an eleven year old pixie anymore. She's a young woman, a beautiful young woman. And you should be very, very thankful that she is with Pete Ross. From what Clark has told me, he's a very, very nice young man. His mother is Judge Ross, from here in town. He's from a good family, and he's a decent, caring young man. Would you rather it had been that god-forsaken loser... what was his name..." He motioned towards his face and looked utterly disgusted. "Tommy, with the piercings, and the tongue he had tattooed?"


Graham just growled at that.  "No.  But Morgan... the hair.  The clothes.  The metal.  Granted, I'm not complaining that they're gone, but... if this boy's making her change for him, then he ain't any better'n than Tommy was."


"Maybe she didn’t change for him." Softly. "Maybe she changed for herself." He cocked a brow, and nodded....then let his eyes widen as he looked past his shoulder.


Pete swallowed. Hard. He'd known that he'd find the older man in Shayla had told him, even as she'd begged him not to come down. know, yeah. He'd washed up, changed his clothes...and he was standing at the base of the stairs that led from the bedrooms, his throat bobbing relentlessly. "H...hello...I’m sorry, um, interrupt."


Ohhh fuck, and Dominic almost said it out loud.


"Boy... I thought I told you to get the hell out of my sight," Graham growled, standing up and towering over the boy.


He swallowed...very hard, again, and stood a little straighter, looking up at him. "I’m sorry, sir. I..I came to apologize, t… to you."


"Graham." Softly, but there were a thousand words in that single name, and Dominic didn’t even bother standing, just letting his eyes bore into the mountainous back.


"You damn well should." 


"I apologize, for you having to see us. I never m… meant for Shayla's family to see that, a-and I’m sorry you had to." He swallowed, harder, but stood his ground.


Graham glared at the boy.  "You're not going to apologize for--for being with my sister?"


He shook his head. "No, sir."


"And why not?"  He crossed his arms over his chest, still glaring.


"Because...because no one should have to apologize, for being around her." He swallowed again, and almost barely flinched back… just in case.


"So let me get this straight.  You're going to apologize for me seeing you two... having sex, but you're not going to apologize to me for having it with her?"  He left his arms crossed over his chest, waiting to see if Pete would make the same distinction that Shayla and Morgan both had.


"No, sir. I’m not." He swallowed, hard, and he was slowly getting a ball of fear in his gut… like he wasn’t supposed to be saying this, and he tried to calm his trembling muscles. Christ, this man could sit on him and squish him. "We didn’t... we didn’t have sex, sir." He swallowed again. "She... I like her, a lot, and I'd li-like to see her. I came to... to apologize, f-first."


"And if I tell you to stay the hell away from her?"


Please, Oh, God, please don’t say that. "I'll respect what you say." Softly.


"You'd let it go, just like that?"


"I'd have to. If... if I build something with her, we'd never be happy knowing her family d-doesn’t approve." He barely managed not to bite his lip.


"And that would actually matter to you?"


"Very much so." He was being grilled. And he knew it.


"And I'm supposed to believe this why, exactly?"  He didn't let up on the glare or the stance, even though he felt Dominic's glare shooting daggers in his back.


"You don’t have to, sir." He shook his head. "I’m just te… telling you how it is, with me."


"What, exactly, are your intentions towards my sister?"


"She's more then my friend." He said it carefully… because he didn’t know what he held inside of himself for her... though he had a sneaky suspicion what it was.


"That's not a very positive answer, boy."


"This just started, sir, and I don’t want to lie to you."


"This?" he repeated, glaring.  "Dare I ask what this refers to?"


"Our relationship." His throat worked hard. "Our relationship."


Graham was silent, merely glaring at Pete without saying a word, watching him.


And he looked back up, meeting him head on, eyes locked on even though his spine was melting.


Finally, Graham broke the silence.  "You hurt her, and there's not a soul on this earth that can protect you from me."


"If I hurt her, not a soul on this earth who will remember me but her, sir. And that's why I won’t."  He nodded, and his knees...his knees were never going to recover.


Graham was silent again, staring.


A little smile?


Graham didn't return it.  But he did uncross his arms, and move his hands to his hips instead.  "I'm not giving this my approval--I'd be a fool if I did.  But I will accept your apology.”


"Thank you, sir." He nodded, and looked down at his feet with a cough. "I’m, go. Back. If... if that’s okay? If not, its okay, too. I came f-for...well, to talk to you, sir, and... and Ms Bird? Do you have any more Pepsi? W...we're gonna watch Buffy." Another swallow.


"Of course."  Ms. Bird had a small smile on her face as she pulled out two three-liter bottles.  "Here chu go.  If chu need anyting else, chust call down."  She also piled on a large bag of potato chips.


"Go on, get out of here.  Go back and watch... whatever it is you're watching."


Pete gave Ms Bird a look of sheer terror, gathered the soda and chips, and escaped before Graham decided to yank his head off.


And Dominic burst into peals of laughter.  He just laughed, nearly falling off his chair, and tried to hold it in in vane. He did. But oh, the snerks escaped him, and just ended up laughing harder.


Ms. Bird glared at Graham.  "Chu should be ashamed of yourself!  Chu are nothing but a bully!  Dat boy came to mek tings right and chu!  Chu acted like und asshole!"


Oh, my GOD. Ms Bird was cursing, and oh, this time he all but did fall out of his chair.


"Chu should be ashamed of churself!"  With that, she dumped the pitcher of water she'd just drawn into Graham's lap and huffed out of the kitchen and into the pantry, slamming the little half-door behind her.


Oh, God. At the loud splash Dominic covered his mouth… eyes watering, and winced visibly at his brother. Oh... oh buddy. He coughed, wincing more, but didn’t even dare touch his brother. "Ah...Graham.."


"Don't.  Say.  A.  Bloody.  Word."


So he did the next best thing. Reached over, kissed his brother on the crown of the head, and walked off, whistling.



go to the next part