
The Memoirs

Smallville fanfic by Kel and Diana

Chapter 62: Emasculation, Part II

Lex heaved a huge sigh.  Not only had he just gotten vicariously involved in his father's sex life--a place where he never wanted to be again, thank you very much, but he'd done a good deed.  That was one lump of coal out of next year's stocking at least. 


Christ Jesus and God Almighty.


He took the steps one at a time, leaning against the wall and wishing for a very, very stiff drink.  And aspirin.  Aspirin would be very nice.


Bruce was in the deepest love he'd ever been in in his entire life. He lived… breathed... walked, spoke his lover. He cared for him so very, very much... everything Dick did brought him pleasure.


And he had someone he had to thank for it.


He's been thinking about it for some time, truth be told. Quite some time. Lex had been, in many ways, his own guardian angel. Just be existing he'd kept Bruce from the abyss, time and time again. And now, with the old year ending and the new starting in just a few hours… it was time to thank his best friend in the world.


He'd left Dick sleeping in front of a warm fire, headphones on his ears and a blue blanket snuggled around him. And he'd gone looking, for Lex.


Lex stepped down off the last stair in the staircase and headed down the hallway to his office, intending to collect his notes, stow them in his safe, and find Clark so that they could be locked in a closet kissing when the New Year struck.


He was surprised to see Bruce wandering around.  "Bruce?  Anything I can do for you?" He asked softly, in deference to the pain in his head.


"Lex...yes." He stopped wandering and looked at his long time friend… and did the only thing he could think of. He took the five steps separating them, wrapped his arms tight around his more slim body, and hugged him as tight as he could.


Lex oofed softly as he wrapped his arms around his friend--oldest friend, and probably, outside of Clark, only friend.  "I love you too, Bruce... is everything all right?" he asked, suddenly concerned.


He hugged him, hard, for another few moments and let go slowly, as was his way. He wasn’t one to suddenly show affection...anywhere, and he was even shocked by himself. "Everything... everything is fine, Lex. Very fine. I wanted to tell you something I’ve neglected in doing for quite some time... and just recently realized."


"Thank you. From the bottom of this old mans heart. Thank you."


"You're welcome, Bruce."  Lex let his hand fall on Bruce's shoulder.  "You're more than welcome.  I didn't know a lot of things before I met you, and you helped me be proud of myself and turn myself into the man I am today; if not for you, then I wouldn't have Clark; of course you're welcome."


Relief at that and he smiled once more, sort of crookedly, eyes dancing as he pushed his fingers through his dark hair. "Good. I’m glad. Its been weighing for a while needed to be said." He sighed once more. "Dick and Clarks friend...Pete. They had a fight...and I talked to Dick about how you and I have overcome enormous obstacles."


"It just got me to thinking... that I’ve never thanked you. You're... you're sort of my guardian angel." More words of friendship and closeness and affection, and it wasn’t as strange as he thought coming from his lips. "And I thank you."


Lex nodded.  "Yeah.  I thought you might.  He needed to heart it, needed to see that things can be overcome and turn out all right in the end.  It may take them a couple years, but who knows."  He paused.  "You're welcome, Bruce.  Anything that I've needed throughout the years, you've come through for me when I've needed you; no thanks are needed, Bruce.  It's what friends are for."


My only friend in the world. And I thank whoever might be watching us for you. "Of course." he clapped him on the arm and followed into the office, fingers sliding back into his pockets. "I also needed to talk to you about something else."


Lex swept a hand to his chair and his desk.  "My office is your office," he said with a bare grin.  "Would you like a drink?  I'm going to have one."


"Please. Something... ahh, well, strong." Bruce nodded a little bit as he slid into the plush comfort of Lex's chairs, and crossed his ankle at the knee with a sigh. His dress pants rustled against his sweater as he shifted, and made himself a little more comfortable so he could talk to Lex's back as he poured their drinks. "How's Clark, by the way? I've yet to meet him."


Lex poured two doubles of scotch, and carried one back to his friend.  "He's doing well; I'll have to make sure you meet him tonight.  I need to talk to you too, but it can wait."  He settled himself behind his desk, and then threw his feet up on it as he leaned back in his chair and rummaged through the desk drawer.  "What can I do for you?"


He took the drink carefully… sipping from the glass with pleasure. It felt like fire running down his throat, and he got a little more comfortable, shifting and heaving a breathy sigh. "I just wanted your council on this business venture I’ve found myself starting with your father."


Lex nodded sagely.  "Don't mince words, Bruce... you want to know if I think it's bullshit, a long shot, or what?"  He sighed at that.  "Honestly?  I don't know.  Personally I think it's good.  But then again, I have interests in Smallville that you don't.  There's a lot more on your end up front--you'll be the one protecting LuthorCorp while we get re-stabilized, but once we do, then our part of the deal kicks in, and we protect WayneTech while Wayne Enterprises uses our options to buy out Luxor."


"That’s not what I asked." He said it carefully. "Nor what I intended. Your father won't fuck me over. He can’t, because of the paperwork I signed, and you know how I feel about your father. I'm going to have my lawyers get a more legal standing in this. Though I must say, he's very much changed then the last time I remember him. What I’m asking you..." He swished the scotch in the glass lightly. "Do you think this is going to be a fruitful venture?"


"Fruitful?  As in profitable?  Yes.  Maybe not at first, but yes, I do think it's going to be profitable.  Fruitful as in beneficial?  Absolutely, especially for you, because you get hold of some of our corporate assets that you otherwise wouldn't be privy to."


"I’m worried. You know this."


"You have a right to be, Bruce.  Truth be told, I'm worried.  Everything that I'd built LexCorp into is now tied into this."  He leaned forward.  "Granted, it's not much.  The plant, which we're starting to rebuild, Cadmus, a few other odds and ends.  But it's tied with LuthorCorp now, and I was less than sanguine about going into this deal, but I support what my father is doing, and I chose to help him."


Bruce watched Lex for a long, long time...drinking more of his scotch as he thought. He finally spoke, tipping his head, and a single brow rose. "I see a lot has changed, in that department. What happened, Lex? Is he such a changed man because of his assistant? I can't believe that." A shake of his head. "Is he ill, or something? Is there anything you're not telling me?"


"Actually, the majority of it is because of Dominic."  Lex finished his shot of scotch and set the empty glass on the table.  "He has, apparently, caused this great change in my father.  I know--I didn't believe it at first either.  Hell, I didn't believe it at all until recently.  But between Lionel nearly losing Dominic in the explosion, and then Dominic nearly losing my father in his accident... I've seen the changes myself."  He snickered.  "I've seen my father eat fries from McDonald's and drink Coke out of a paper cup."


Bruce… just... blinked. "You're lying."


"I wish I were."


He blinked again… twice... three times, and drained the last of the scotch at that. "That is quite… interesting. I never thought the old goat could...well, be nice." And he suddenly chuckled. "He's like Ebenezer Scrooge. Only more flint-like, and gay."


"He's like the fucking Grinch, only not green."  Lex snorted.  "Let me show you what he gave me."  Lex turned the photograph of his young self riding on Lionel's shoulders.  "He gave me this a couple of months ago... a present, out of the blue."


He leaned over… smiled a little... then a lot, at all the flame red hair. "I never knew it was red." He murmured, before tipping his head more to see the rest of the photo. They looked...they looked happy. How odd… but strangely sweet. "That... that’s really nice, Lex. I’m glad you and your father are patching your relationship up… you need that in your life."


"Yeah, well, I didn't exactly go around bragging that I had flamingly red hair."  Lex studied his old friend carefully.  "I remember when you ripped him a new one at the White House about my old pedigree."  He ran his own fingers over the photograph.  "This man, carrying his son on his shoulders?  That's the man you just made a deal with, Bruce."


"I know it." And he was smiling. "I know it." He sat back in his seat once more...then rose, and took Lex's glass, to get refill's. "I’m glad. Because I’m not above calling him an asshole, again, I hope you realize." He winked.


"Oh, no, I know you're not."  He chuckled softly.  "Would you believe I decked the old bastard?"


He swiveled at that, mid pour, and blinked. "What?"


"I punched him in the jaw."


"Why the hell would you do some thing like that?"


Lex shrugged.  "At the time?  It seemed like the appropriate course of action."


"What happened?" Bruce poured them each a drink, and returned, holding out the glass to his friend.


"Well... our plant had just exploded and collapsed onto itself."  He took the glass and raised it in acknowledgement. "Dad thought that Dominic was still trapped inside, and he went... completely glacial.  Worse than he had at my mother's funeral, and... I lost it.  I just decked him and made him pay attention to me, but by that time, Clark had found Dominic around the back side and was helping him to the ambulances."


"I remember your being angry, when I called... I’m glad it wasn’t me, now." He nodded it softly, sitting on the arm of the chair. "And I’m glad you hit him. I hope it felt really, really good."


"It was the best experience of my entire life." 


At that, Bruce could do nothing but laugh. "It seems like it might have." He stopped, smiled again at his friend, and rose. "Come on. Lets go see what Ms. Birds got to eat. If I remember correctly, she can still make a mean strawberry cheesecake."


"She still does, if you can pry her away from Alfred's company.  They've been spending an inordinate amount of time together, when she's not trying to run all our lives here."  He swung his feet down and got up to walk out with Bruce.  "Tell Alfred that if he takes her away, there's going to be unhappy people in this household."



~ * ~ * ~  



His bestest friend had abandoned him. Dude, that was so not funny. Not even a little. Not even a little tiny bit funny. Sure, he'd been whining for a bottle, and he'd pooped and stuff, but come ON. That didn’t mean his bestest buddy had to push him off to GRAMA for crying out loud! And she'd just clucked, and yabbered at him like he knew ANYTHING she was saying, fed him, and put him down for a nap in the living room.


Except hello, Shane here. Master of disguise. Hoogeenie, like daddy had said! So he'd snuck out of his playpen... a little head bump, but he'd survive. And now... where on the earth was his uncle?




No, that wasn’t it. Crap. Being a baby sucked sometimes. He plopped down... looked for his paci… hah! Found! Time to take a breather, Shane-o.






THUD. Thuuud.THD!


He just blinked. Alright, what? What was coming out of the...out of...out of whatever the heck that big white thing the grown ups walked around? He blinked… jumped... then squealed. A game! A game! The big white thing liked him! YAY!!!!


He clapped his hands, and walked close... then plopped down in front of the door--yeah, a door! That’s it!--and clapped his hands.


Come oooon Uncle Lionel! Find your best friend!



~ * ~ * ~



Megan had jumped a half-mile into the air when she'd heard her brother bellowing.  After ascertaining the world had not ended and there was fairly little bloodshed, she picked up her bag full of little goodies, and trudged up the stairs to Shayla's room.


A big, hand-lettered "PLEASE DO NOT DISTURB" sign was hanging in the middle of the door.


A heavy sigh.  "Okay, Miss Meggie... just suck it up and do it."  She raised her little fist, and knocked on the door.  "Shayla?  It's Megan, we need to talk."


Pete leapt.


A mile.


And fell off the bed.


He hadn’t been kissing anyone! No one! In fact, look! Evidence! Popcorn and coke and tissues, and alright, so maybe Shayla's lips were a little swollen, but NO funny business had been going on! Christ. Was there a good hiding place? Her closet? Under her cluttered bed? SOMEWHERE?!


Shayla giggled.  "Pete... come on.  Get back up here."  She yelled to the door.  "Come on in, Meggie, it's open."  She held out her hand to Pete, urging him back on the bed.


He peeked out from the other side of the bed... coughing, swallowing, and picking up the box of tissue he'd chunked half a mile. He picked them up and slowly slinked back beside Shayla, pulling his legs Indian style and coughing again... softly.


Shayla laughed and snuggled up to Pete.  "We're even decent!" 


Well, they were... if him in shorts and her in his shirt was considered decent.


"I'm coming in with my eyes closed!"  Megan opened the door and walked in, not sure what she was expecting to see.


"You... you... um... not pink?"


Shayla grinned at Pete.  "Yeah... I decided to dump the pink."


He was quickly yanking on a shirt, though. Cause… you know. He was Pete, but he was a decent Pete, and he pulled his undershirt on over the top, and pulled a small blanket Shayla always had over his lap. Legs hung off the end of the bed now, and he swallowed, looking up at--




"Holy fuck!" And he flushed. RED. Or as red as he could. "'re...!!!"


"Shay?  That was positively mean of you."  But Megan blushed. 


"Okay, yeah, but hey... sis, you were the LAST thing on my mind."  She looked at her discomfited lover.  "Pete, this is Megan Senatori, my big sister.  Megan... this is Pete Ross, my best friend."


"No! That’s... THAT! She!" His eyes were all but falling out of his head, and he gasped, and immediately rose and offered his hand. "Hi. Oh. Hi. I’m sorry. I just... hi." A cough, and he couldn’t be any more wide eyed if he could. "'re Gina. The super model, Gina. You... you and my Shay are sisters?"


Megan caught it right off.  My Shay.  Immediately, she liked this young man.  "Yes, we are, I'm ashamed to admit."  She grinned, and held out her hand to shake.  "I promise, I won't bite."


Shayla glared at her sister.  "Better not put those claws on my man, Meggie," she hissed under her breath.  She'd almost introduced Pete as her boyfriend, but wasn't sure if Megan knew or not, or how she'd react to it.


"… and the...I can’t believe I’m sitting in the same house--ROOM, with Gina. Okay." He sat down next to Shay again after he'd finally let go of her hand, eyes still wide as saucers, as he elbowed his girl in the ribs. "You. Gina. Wow. I’m so star-struck." He stared at her. "If I stutter, don’t think I’m an idiot."


"Oof!  You won't think that once you get to know her.  You'll get exasperated with her just like the rest of us are."  She snuggled up against him.


Megan coughed lightly.  "Shayla... you and I need to have a little woman to woman talk."


"I know about the birds and the bees, Meg.  I've known since I stumbled onto Riley's stash when I was twelve."


Okay, well, she'd tried subtle.  Picking up the bag, she upended it into Shayla's lap.  "This is what we're going to talk about." 


"Oh, my God."  Condoms, personal lubricant, douche, and a small canister of foamy something landed in Shay's lap.


Pete thought he was going to die. He stuttered... twice... and fell silent. Just. Staring. He coughed... swallowed, and burned, finally hiding his face in Shayla's hair to keep the blush out of Gina--...Megan's eyes. Oh, my God. Oh, my GOD. It was like getting a woody in front of Tom Cruise. A sneezing fit in front of Julia Roberts. Oh, and he blushed.


"What in the--Megan!!!  I already have enough condoms to last us--well, through the weekend, at least."


"Shayla Marie!" Megan said sharply, face burning.  "I did not need to know that!"  Deep breaths, Meggie.  Deep breaths.  She was beginning to understand Graham's reaction.  "Okay.  Basics first, and then you can ask me anything you want."  She held up the box of condoms.  "Use these.  Always.  No matter what.  I know you, Shayla Marie, and you'll think that just because you're on the pill, you can't have anything happen to you.  That's not true.  Nothing is foolproof, except not having sex."  A light cough.  "And since I'm assuming the ship's already sailed on that method... this is what you use."


Shayla caught the condoms as they were thrown to her.  "I've got some of these, but Gold Circle's what I buy for... you know, regular stuff."


Megan plowed on, and held up the can of foam.  "This is contraceptive foam.  Use it with the condom."


He was blushing. So hard. He looked up at the two women talking... and tried not to see the supermodel standing before them, and instead the woman and sister of his… well, his girlfriend. "I..." Another cough. "I k-know. About the f-foam. And stuff. I c... can do it." He was so hot, but he picked the condoms up, and nodded. "K-know how to use them... w-we always w... will use them, promise." Except that one time when we didn’t. God, he was embarrassed, and shy, and... mortified! God.


"Good!"  She tossed Pete the second box of condoms.  "I'm assuming, then, that you know how to put them on without tearing them?"


He gasped, caught them… and flushed, hard. "I...I kind of j-just roll them on." And he suddenly looked up, in terror. "Isn’t that... that the way?"


Megan choked down a laugh at the boy's horrified reaction.  "You've got to make sure you leave enough room at the tip when you roll them down; that's why these have the reservoir tip to make them easier to um... put on."  And it was her turn to blush.  "Shay?  Give me one of your old ones."


"Okay."  She leaned over Pete, belly pressing down over his lap as his shirt--too big for her--rode up over her backside.  "Here."  She pitched her purse to Megan.  "Pick one, but oh!  Don't use the flavored ones--we haven't had a chance to use those yet."  She perked up.  "You said I could ask anything when we're done?"  She sat up, and gave Pete a mysterious smile.


Megan didn't ask.  She just automatically pulled out a blue wrapper, and tore it open.  "Oh--kay.  This is how it goes on.  Little pinch at the top, hold the tip back, and then tug gently instead of roll.  It's um... less tight that way.  You... you'll um... feel.  The difference.  Both of you."  She wiggled her fingers inside the slippery latex.


He was going to faint.


Positive of it.




He just... stared. Because one of the world’s biggest super models was telling him how to put on. A condom.


He stared some more... then couldn’t help laughing, and rubbing his palm over the crown of his head. "Only me, man." But he watched, and listened, and felt a little better, because he could tell she was embarrassed too. "I always just thought you rolled them... tugging… I can do that. But it w...won't rip? That way?"


"No, it won't.  It'll be more likely to tear when you roll it, actually, because you're putting added stress on the rubber as it stretches across the... head."  Megan cleared her throat.  "These new ones, um... you should be okay to roll them, because it's got the tip already built in, and it's not... stretched as thinly."  Her flush deepened.  "Assuming you're not... you know, too big for these things anyway, in which case, this is kind of a lost cause."


Shayla giggled.  She almost went there.  Almost.  "He's just the right size for me."


He kicked her. Quite solidly, before he stood, and did something his mama always taught him. He tugged Megan’s hand gently... gorgeous, soft, GRAWR, and he led her to Shayla's desk chair, which he pulled out and put in front of the bed. He walked back to the bed, sat next to Shayla again, and resumed speaking, as if they hadn’t done anything at all. "No ones told me this stuff... thank you, Ms Megan." He nodded. "Can I try it? I want you to show me, okay? Because I… I don’t want Shayla to have to deal with my mistake, if… if it happens."


"OWWWWWW!!!!!  Pete!!!!!!!  You kicked me!!"  She rubbed her shin where he'd kicked her.  "If this bruises, I'm telling Graham."  Then she grinned.  "I'm just kidding, Pete, don't panic."


Megan nearly missed the chair when she heard Pete's question.  "Um... you... want... um... okay.  BUT!!!  I'm going to go to the kitchen and get a cucumber.  Because Pete... just... no.  Some things I don't need to see."


"WAIT!"  Shayla scrambled through the stuff at the foot of their bed, and yelped in victory.  She waved the blue Ty-Nant bottle over her head.  "this work?" she shouted, voice muffled as she hung upside down over the foot of her bed, naked bare ass shining to the world.


Oh, God, and he just grinned. "I was going to use my fingers." His grin widened at the poor woman, but then.. .yes, well, Shayla had to show her butt to everyone, and he literally grabbed her around the waist, leaning over and hauling her back up. He planted his girl flat on the bed, cheeks BURNING, and swallowed once before shooting a glance at Megan. "We didn’t do anything. I swear it. Like, hours ago. She's just naked cause she likes it. Don’t kill me."


Megan leaned forward and patted Pete on the knee.  "Welcome to the Wonderful World of Shayla.  I've seen it more times than I can count over her seventeen years, and I'm sure this won't be the last time I see her show her ass--literally and figuratively.  I'm not going to kill you--I like you, Pete.  And hey... I don't care when you do what, so long as you're safe about it."


"EEE!"  Shayla squealed as Pete hauled her back, and leaned against his side.  "Think Mama will like him?"


"Yeah... I think she will, soon as she gets used to him."  Megan laughed.  "Your fingers will be just fine."


His throat worked, hard, but he smiled a little at the older woman, sent a death glare at Shayla...and blushed at the comment of mothers. "I… I’m cool on my ratio of people who want to kill me at the moment. Cause… yeah. Mr. Senatori… he doesn’t like me much." He coughed, hard, and blushed even hotter, looking down. "I didn’t mean any disrespect, and now I think he thinks I’m just some punk kid, you know? That sucks. But I’m not! I’m going to prove it." A few nods, and he picked up another one of Shayla's condoms, ripping the package open and going inside for a condom. "The only thing… I don’t know how to... the foam? How?"


"Mr. Senatori?  Oh, you mean Graham.  Pete... don't worry about Graham.  He's just a bit... blustery.  He'll get over it.  I mean to have a talk with him anyway about this, and I'll put in a good word for you."  She cleared her throat and blushed.  "The... oh, what the hell.  I'm in this far, I might as well go in all the way."  She looked at Shayla.  "You are responsible for the foam, Shayla.  See this?"  Megan held up a small, syringe-looking apparatus.  "This, little sister is called an applicator.  It's your best friend.  Shake the can, pull back the plunger, and fill up the applicator tube." 


"Like the doctor did for the yeast infection that one pill gave me?"


"Yeah, exactly.  Then, once it's full... slide it inside yourself, like a tampon, until you can't slide it in any deeper, then push down."  Megan pushed down, and the foam started sliding out of the applicator.  "Pull it out as you're pushing down, so everywhere is coated."  She put the applicator and foam down, and held up the douche. "Now, I know that the directions on the can say you don't have to use this, because the foam disappears on it's own, and it's quite possible that's true.  However, personally?  I can't stand the feeling of the stuff left over.  That's why I use this to clean up with, though you can use plain warm water, or a warm water/vinegar mix.  But if you're going to mix, please, go ahead and buy a douche that's already made, because it's a lot less messy and a lot less likely to irritate you."


He hid his face in his hands. "I wish the world would open up and let me crawl in sometimes."  Douches, and foams, and applicators, and other things that were femaley that he wished to God he didn’t have to listen to. But he was a man, and this was his... well, his girlfriend, friend, etc., and he should be attentive. So he pulled his hands away... coughed... turned pink... coughed again.


Shayla leaned over and pressed a soft kiss to his ear, and laced her fingers through his.  "At least you're getting sex ed from Gina.... how many other people can say that, hmm?"


"God, its only more embarrassing." He flushed at the older woman. "Never thought in a billion years, I can say that."


Shayla giggled, still teasing.  "Here I thought it would be a turn on.  Talking sex with Gina."  She made a tsking noise, and then looked at her sister.  "You're losing your touch, Meggie."


"If you don't stop teasing Pete, I'm going to smack you upside the head," Megan warned.  "Pete... ignore her.  If you can sit through this, I'll show you the new proofs I just got today, all right?  Help me keep her in line and you get a preview of my newest layout."


Oh. He perked at that, immediately, smiling at her and nodding. "Hey, now that’s a deal. And not like I can move... Shay'll kill me. Shoot laser beams right into the back of my head from her eyes." Another smile, a shift, and he coughed. "So… showing condomese?"


And the look, the little glance he sent Shay let her know that Gina wasn’t the one turning him on... wasn’t one who turned him on.  Not at all. And he glanced away again, pulling the condom he'd ripped earlier out of the little package, and lifting it.


Shayla just snuggled back against her lover, pulling his free arm around her waist.  "Love you too, Pete," she whispered into his ear, and then watched as he picked up the condom and opened it.  "It's a shame to waste that."


Megan just shook her head.  "You're incorrigible, Shayla."  But her entire face softened as she watched her sister cuddle up to Pete, and she grinned at the look Pete gave her.  God, they were so cute together, and she wanted to pet them both on the head for it.  "There you go, you got started right.  See the little tip there, that I was talking about?"


"Uh huh." He reached behind Shayla, coincidently getting snuggly... not like he did it on purpose, or anything. No. Of course. Not. Cough. He snagged the Ty-Nant bottle... and for lack of anywhere better, snagged it between his knees to hold it steady. "Okay. Soo. I’m seeing the tip...pinch, right? You said?"


Shayla just grinned.  Hugely.  And she didn't say a word, just... kept smiling and getting closer to her man.


Megan was trying to keep down the "awwww" that wanted to come out.  "That's right.  Pinch the tip while you're easing it down."


"Okay." He caught his lip with his teeth and pinched it...studying it as he began to tug it downwards, instead of rolling it. It moved easily, hugging the bottle tightly, and he squinted as it got near the bottom… eyes wide. "Okay. So these things can stretch. Heh." ...Then he realized his company, and immediately flushed. "I mean... yeah. These things. Ah. Do. That’s it... that’s how you put them on? And the pinched end… that’s for the..." He blinked. Oh God. What word to use? Come? NO! Not in front of these gorgeous women. Excretions? He wasn’t shitting, here. Love juice? AHHH! 70's porno! FUCK! "The... stuff?" There. There, good Pete.


"Come," Shayla volunteered.


Megan ignored her little sister.  "That's exactly right.  And yeah, they do stretch, but if you'll feel the bottom of it, it also grips tightly, which is why you have to peel it off when you're done."


"How..." He looked up, mortified, questioning, terrified. "How do you do it so… so when you pull it off, it doesn’t... doesn’t come out? That happened… um… the other day. And... and I’m j-just… just wondering." Hot flush.


"See, that's another benefit for the tip."  She nodded.  "Tip the bottle over, and let whatever's left in there fill the tip.  Then, just roll it off like you normally would."


"O-Okay." He tipped the bottle over, and was quite sure his hair turned pink too. A few droplets of water caught it, and he slowly rolled it off like normal… swallowing and not daring to look up.


"Ooh, it's caught!!"  Shayla reached over Pete's shoulder and flicked the water-filled tip.  "Oh, I see how it works!!  It gets all down in there, and then, when you take it off, you won't spill it cause you're not handling the tip!"  She rested her chin on Pete's shoulder and watched.


He watched Shayla flick it... and something tweaked in his belly. "Hey..." he glanced up, and just beamed. "That’s really... that’s really cool. I wish I'd known about these."


Megan cleared her throat.  "That's why Morgan and I bought them for you guys.  If you're going to do this, we want you to both to be as safe as humanely possible."


"Megan... do I have to use the foam?  It's... gross.  I mean... ick, shoving this up there?"


Fire flamed in Megan's cheeks.  "You... you really should.  But um... I won't make you.  I mean, you're old enough to choose what you want to do.  But please, baby... promise me that you'll always use something."


Shayla looked over at Pete, and then back at Megan.  "I promise."




"But... for how long?"


Megan was blank.  "What do you mean, for how long?"


"When... when will it be... you know, safe to be not so safe?  When will it be okay to get rid of all this stuff and just... do it the way God intended."


God never intended for me to have this talk with you, Megan thought dryly.  "When you're married, and you know that your husband isn't cheating on you."


"But I know Pete's not cheating on me."


Hoo, boy.  "Shayla, sweetie.... I'm not saying that he is.  But... you know that he just got out of a relationship, and you don't know what... precautions were taken."


"You mean you think Pete is dirty!!!  Well, he's not!!"  Shayla's arms looped around her lover's waist.


His eyes widened. Just...widened. Mortification, embarrassment, and a deep, deep hurt fluttered in his heart. Everything in him wanted to scream no, God, no! Sam wasn’t, and he'd never! and Sam had always said he wasn’t... but Pete couldn’t... couldn’t be sure. Not after everything. And he swallowed. "I should confess to you, Ms. Megan, that earlier today we did. Without anything. Curiosity… and stuff. And you're right, I don’t know if I’m clean or not. This... its a mistake, I know. You don’t have to tell me, I can see it in your face. It's just... its a mistake." He looked down at the girl wrapped around his waist, and shook his head. "She's right, Shayla. I don’t know."


"Pete, I know you are.  I know it, cause I know you.  You're not stupid.  You wouldn't do anything that'd hurt me."  Nothing but confidence in her lover.


Megan's eyes widened.  "All right.  Well... let's just keep that between the three of us, shall we?"  Then she glared at Shayla.  "I thought you knew better, what with all the things you carry around in your purse!"  And she transferred her glare to Pete.  "You're right, it was a mistake.  If I thought my bull-assed sister would listen, I'd forbid you both from making love together, protection or not, but I know that she won't listen to me any better than she'd listen to Graham or anyone else.  Both of you, listen to me, and listen to me very well.  I want you two to use every means of protection at your disposal until we can get you both to the hospital when the storm clears, do you understand me?  One more time, and I'll tell Graham, and you won't be seeing each other.  Do I make myself clear?"


Shayla's eyes went wide.  "Megan!!!  You can't!  You can't tell Graham, because I can't not see Pete!  Megan!  You can't!  Please, I'll do anything, I'll even give back all the porn videos I took from Riley and Morgan!  I'll take out my earrings too, anything, please!!"  She was desperate, and she clung tightly to Pete.  "Megan... please.  I love him, you can't tell Graham."


He shook his head...and in his eyes was an old soul. He understood this. He did. And he knew Megan’s point of view exactly. He understood her anger at him, and he flinched as her glare passed to him. "Shayla didn’t know, Ms. Megan. She doesn’t know… she's never done this before." His throat worked. "I have. You're right; the last person I was with, recently, was a jackass." God, I loved him so much. "He said he was clean, but I can’t be sure. I’m... I’m very sorry." He swallowed again and looked down. "I should have known. But I’ve never… before, like that. I j… just wanted to see." Softly. "Its not an excuse. It won’t happen again, that I can promise you. I won’t touch her until we go to the h…hospital." Needles. Oh, God. "I wouldn’t let her see me either, if I were you."


"No!  Megan!"  Shayla actually got down on her knees in front of her sister.  "Don't make me give him up, please.  He's the best thing that's ever happened to me, Meg.  He--he makes me happy, he makes me feel good, right here."  She put her hand on her chest, and fought to swallow.  "Please."


Megan leaned down, and put her arms around her sister.  "Come on, both of you.  I didn't say I was going to, I said I would if it happened again.  Come on, Shayla... don't cry."  She rubbed her sister's back.  "I'm not going to take him away, I'm not going to make you stop seeing him."  She met Pete's eyes over her sister's shoulder.  "I'm not going say anything, Pete... I look at you two and I see how you are with her and... I don't know you that well but I trust you." 


He nodded, absently, and leaned down on the floor too... gathering Shayla up in his arms and holding her, closing his eyes and pressing her head against his shoulder. "Hey... hey. Shhh... its alright, baby. See? She said we wouldn’t have to stop seeing each other… kay? Don’t cry, break my heart when you do. Shhh."


Shayla let go of her sister entirely and wrapped herself around Pete, arms and legs holding him as tightly as she could.  "I--I'm sorry, Pete, shouldn't have made you, shouldn't have asked you to do that, it's my fault."  She cried harder.  "You can't leave me, you can't, you can't, you can't."


Megan moved and let go of her sister, and then tapped Pete lightly on the shoulder.  "It was Bruce's friend, wasn't it?  The young man?"


"I’m not going to leave you, baby, hey… shhh… calm down, I’m here, see? Not going anywhere… shhh... don’t cry, shhh, nothing is your fault, I promise, I’m the one with the dick here, it was my fault… shhh... don’t cry..." When he looked up, a thousand images of Sam’s face flashed in his eyes. Smiling, laughing, moaning, grinning, crying, yelling, beautiful. And the last image his mind pressed into his heart, was the woman who was going to make that pain go away… just by being herself… and caring for him. "Yes."


"I thought so."  She nodded.  "You should know that a man like Dick Grayson is going to keep himself fastidiously clean.  I'll corner him and beat it out of him later tonight; you stay with her, okay?"  She handed him the box of tissues from the corner of the bed.


"Not your fault, Pete... knew you couldn't say no to me, shouldn't have asked, my fault, not yours."  Shayla was still crying into his neck, though the sobs were starting to taper off.


"His name was Sam." Softly, and he rubbed Shayla's back gently, keeping her close as his sad eyes stayed on Megan’s face. "When...when I knew him, it was Sam."


"I get the feeling there's a story here I'm not getting told."  She kissed his forehead softly.  "I'll get to the bottom of it, Pete.  I think you'll be okay, but... humor me and keep things safe."


"I will. I promise." He nodded, several times, and then looked back down to the girl in his arms. "See? See, beautiful? Its okay, now. I won’t leave... can’t leave you. Come on, gimme a smile, honey."


Shayla looked up at him, and gave him the smile he asked for, pushing down and choking back the rest of her tears.  "I--I'd do anything I had to to keep you with me," she said softly, hugging him and holding him tight.  "Anything."


"I know." But he smiled it, and held her very gently. "I know. You're so beautiful. See now why you are, good family genes."


A choked sob turned into a laugh.  "You're just sayin' that to make me laugh." 


Megan put her hand on the back of Shayla's head.  "No he's not, honey.  We've always told you that you'd be prettier without all the crap in your hair and your face."  She kissed her wet cheek.  "I'm going to go find Morgan, and then Mr. Grayson, and have a word of prayer with him.  I'll be back in a little while."


He glanced up, and caught Megan’s hand before she could escape. "Ms. Megan....thank you. You... you really helped us today. Thank you."  And he said it as his fingers found Shayla's by touch, and his much larger ones spread her tinier ones, and linked them tightly.


"You're welcome."  She gripped his hand and shook it lightly.  "You're very welcome.  Don't worry; you're doing right by her."


Shayla choked down another quiet sob and gripped Pete's broad fingers tightly in both her hands, holding on for dear life.


And as he watched the older lady leave the room... Pete glanced down at the very wet and lovely Shayla, and whispered, "I cannot believe I just met my teenage fantasy. Shayla. Have I told you lately how much you rock?"


She sniffled, and then smiled up at him.  "Not... you know, in like the last fifteen minutes or so."  She didn't let go of him as she pressed in closer, holding onto him with sheer willpower.


"You rock." Quietly. "You're beautiful." A light kiss to her wet cheek, licking the tears away. "You're lovely." Another kiss, to the opposite cheek. "You are a joy to me." And he set his forehead on hers. "And I meant what I said. No sex till the hospital."


"Pete--Pete... no."  She squirmed until she could link her arms and legs around his waist.  "Well... at least it'll give me a chance to work on my blow job technique."





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