
The Memoirs

Smallville fanfic by Kel and Diana

Chapter 7: Lawrence

"Every breath I take for love...I could never be wrong...the journey is looong..."


The soft song came from out of the bathroom and from under the running water where Dominic was currently standing. He'd felt sticky and while Lionel dozed, decided to bathe. His leg ached furiously and it was a huge bruise along his thigh, carved and deep. It hurt like a bitch. With every shift it pinched and pulled and fueled fire through him and he found himself shuddering with the cold goose bumps every time. He gently swiped his washcloth against it, hissing before leaving it alone. Fine then, bitch. Be dirty AND in pain.


He was talking to his leg. Sigh.


Lionel woke to find Dominic missing.


He rolled over and listened, hearing the shower running and, now sure of where his lover was, he rose and stretched.  The stickiness on his body was nothing compared to the slight burn of his ass, and he liked it.  He threw off the sheets and padded into the bathroom as well, not bothering to ask permission as he got into the shower behind Dominic.


He jumped and grinned, glancing over his shoulder at his sleepy eyed lover. "Hi, there."


A deep, throaty rumble was his reply as Lionel's hands fastened on his lover's face as he kissed Dominic deeply, his tongue battering its way into Dominic's mouth.


It took him by surprise but not much, and he returned the needy kiss himself, turning to tightly press his fingers along the ones grasping his face, accepting the kiss with a heady groan. " are...are you feeling?"


"Very... nice."  Lionel licked a rivulet of water from his lover's throat.  "And very... very..."  Lionel paused as he searched for the right word.  "Hungry."  His voice was all rumble on the last word.


It shook a tremble from him and he blinked, turning in his lovers arms and getting the shampoo from an arm level shelf. "I don't suppose you mean that as in pancakes and waffles?"


Lionel's hand grabbed the shampoo bottle from Dominic and squeezed some out into his hands.  "No... I don't."  Instead of sliding his fingers over Dominic's hair, Lionel rubbed his hands together, and then pushed Dominic forward just a little, his fingers going to probe at the slick, soapy opening of his lover.


Oh, God. He gasped as the spray of the shower hit his back, moaning softly as he planted his hands on his knees to keep him steady, shuddering hard. "Lionel..." He murmured it over the rumble of the shower.


"Yes?"  Lionel's slick finger slid in easily, stroking to its full length inside him before pulling back out again.


He moaned softly and pushed his ass back into the slick finger, whimpering as it brushed his prostate and his face flushed red. "Did I make you feel g...good?" He needed to hear the answer, for his very quietly guarded ego, and he shuddered again as the finger slicked inside of him, giving him a chance to rub his nipples furiously as his semi erect cock started to fill.


"You... made me feel... very good," Lionel admitted honestly.  "I've never felt like that before."  He slipped a second finger inside Dominic, stroking a little harder than before.  "I can still feel where you stretched me open... and I like it."  He coupled his emphasis with a firm stab to his lover's prostate.


Which produced a loud cry and a blug as he spit out the mouthful of water he'd inhaled and thrust back hard into the looking fingers. He pressed his palms to the small seat in the shower, spreading his legs wide because he knew what was coming and oh, god, he wanted it bad. "I-I'm so glad...I'm so h-happy you liked it." And the words came straight from his heart.


Lionel's hand wrapped around Dominic's waist, soapy hand gripping his lover's cock as Lionel slammed his own slick organ into Dominic in a single push.  "I... enjoyed it... more than I thought possible."  He thrust hard.  "I want you... to do it... again... and again... and again."  Each again was punctuated by a deep, hard thrust into his ass and a rough twist to his cock.


He let out a guttural, long cry, arching up as the fingers took hold on his erection and squeezed. God, ohgodohgod, and he was pounding into him and bliss. He met the rhythm easily, moaning with his words as he struggled to get closer, ached to get closer. "Yes! Again, again, yes!"


Lionel sunk his teeth into Dominic's shoulder as he thrust up into his lover's tight passage.  One hand moved to his shoulder, pushing him down as Lionel's head loomed over his shoulder.  "Touch yourself, Dominic.  Tease your nipples; I want to see you touch yourself."


He didn't even bother waiting for him to finish speaking, slickened, wet fingers sliding and catching on his skin and he pinched his nipples hard, rolling them in his fingers as he moaned. He met each violent thrust, shoving back with each movement to rub against the spots that gave him the most pleasure, moaning loudly. "Oh God, God..."


"No, Dominic... just me."  He twisted his lover's cock as he pumped roughly, his hips moving faster as the strokes turned to prolonged, hard poundings.  He fucked harder and faster as Dominic touched himself, and he grunted again.


He met each powerful thrust, not saying anything now as he rubbed with his free hand, the other keeping him upright on the small seat. His body shook with tremors, and for some reason he'd thought that after making such sweet love that wouldn't go back to this...but in the darkest part of his mind, he was insanely pleased they had. He rubbed and tweaked his nipples before trailing down his belly...past the hand jerking his cock, and to the wound. It burned brilliantly as he touched it, a mixture of pleasure and pain and he tightened up, roaring his orgasm as he shook violently. "Lionel!!"


Lionel stilled his hand on Dominic's cock as he came, his body stilling too as his sheath rippled around Lionel's cock, and then pounded into him again.  It only took a few more strokes and a deep, tongue-filled kiss to have Lionel emptying his seed into his lover.  Not withdrawing, he reached around Dominic and his large hand rinsed his belly and thighs clean.


He shuddered hard, kissing back as he felt the rush of cool liquid and let out a sated sigh, holding himself up with both hands, afraid to straighten because...because Lionel wasn't sliding out of him as he always did. He questioned the tiled floor underneath his feet, shuddering softly with each post orgasmic tremor that made his cock twitch, sighing softly. "Lionel...let me up?"


"No."  Lionel's voice was quietly foreboding.  "I like feeling you around me like this."


The soft malice in the voice had him shuddering again as his muscles tightened around his lover and he groaned, back rippling with the feeling. "You don't want me to clean you?"


Lionel thrust gently as Dominic tightened around him.  "In a minute."


He nodded a little, groaning at the tight feeling inside of him and enjoying it immensely. "Feels so well fucked...burns...tight but so good.."


"Yessss..." Lionel hissed, still making slow, shallow thrusts.  "Tight... hot... and slick.  Better than your mouth, even."  His arm was still wrapped tightly around Dominic's waist.  "Get out.  Lay on the bed, close your eyes, and don't touch yourself.  Wait for me."


"Wait...Lionel...." He pulled himself slowly off of his lover, groaning at the loss as he straightened. "My.." Wimp. "My" He frowned a little, watching Lionel's face. "It's been hurting me. Do you have anything for it?"


Lionel's face shifted immediately to concern.  "Get off of it.  I'll bring you something for it in a moment.  Have you any medical allergies?"


He shook his head a little bit, flushing. "I... I'm sorry. It....I was trying to with it on my..." Another deep sigh. "I'll be waiting for you, lover." A gentle kiss and he walked out.


"Dominic!" he called out sharply.


A start and he jumped back, eyes wide in the doorway. "What??"


"Don't apologize to me for that.  Don't ever do that again.  Don't think that you are less than a great man simply because you are unafraid to admit that you are in pain."  He turned off the shower with a savage twist of the faucet, and strode to tower over his lover.  "Do you really think so little of me to think that I would begrudge you something for pain I inflicted on you?"


"No. No. Of course not, that's not it at all." He looked up with fear and arousal, love and trust. "At all. I...I was...just ashamed. I thought my tolerance for pain was higher, but.." A wince. "I don't think little of you, not at all."


Lionel gripped his shoulders tightly as he kissed his lover harshly.  "Your pain tolerance is the least of what I concern myself with," Lionel growled.  "Don't ever be ashamed of anything you feel.  Ever again.  Do you understand me, Dominic?"


"Yes...yes, sir." His eyes were wide as he kissed and let go, licking the taste of Lionel's mouth from his lips. "I understand, and I promise I won't." He murmured it softly, pleasured in a way he'd never felt at the strong feeling of protection washed over him. He laced his arms around Lionel's waist and hugged him softly, kissing his shoulder tenderly.


Lionel's arms locked around Dominic's waist as he pressed close.  "I will wean that streak out of you, even if I have to beat it out," he rumbled into Dominic's ear.


He chuckled softly into the warm neck there for him to kiss. "It's been embedded. Try as you might... it won't come out. Though you might repress it a bit..." He grinned.


Lionel growled, and smacked Dominic hard on the ass.  "Then who do I have to kill for embedding it in you?"


His voice was quiet. "You."


"Me?"  Lionel was... thunderstruck.  "I... did this to you?"


He looked up into dark eyes. "In a way. I've gotten so used to apologizing to you, Lionel, trying not to make you angry with me. Do you remember when I first started here, with you? 12 years ago. I was fresh out of college, and the first thing that your employees did was blame me for ruining your chance at taking over Wayne Enterprises." He nodded softly. "I refused to apologize for something I hadn't done... Your previous personal assistant beat me for several days. You don't remember?"


"I... no."  His hands went protectively to the back of Dominic's head.  "I didn't even realize you were there until months afterwards, when I fired Lawrence and promoted you."  A pause.  "He... beat you?"  His eyes narrowed and he filed that information away for later.  "I... had my hands full with the takeover and its failure... I didn't know.  I'm... for what it's worth now... sorry."


"Don't be. It was quite the learning experience, actually." He nodded it, then grinned up at him. "And of course you know I didn't find it completely unpleasurable, so in all it worked out. I came to be by your side after all."


Lionel shook his head.  "No.  I am sorry.  I should have been aware of what was going on in my own office.  I should have known."  He still held Dominic pressed close to him.  "I'm sorry I did this to you."


" just said it yourself. No more apologies between us. The past is over and done." A serious nod that was full of need and desire and love. "It is done, we cannot change it. So let us just... love, for the sake of it."


Lionel cradled Dominic carefully, reverently.  "Go, lay down on the bed.  I'll be in in just a moment with something for the pain."  He let his hand slide down Dominic's sleek back.  "And Jiminy... don't listen in to my phone call."


He chuckled but he was sweetly clueless, nodding and stepping out of the gentle cradle of his lover's arms, walking back to the bedroom. He closed the door behind him and stretched out on the bed comfortably, sighing softly as the cool sheets someone had changed and made up during the night tickled his still raw ass. He shifted a little... but the pain spiked, and oh....erection. Damn. He looked at the door, wondering how long Lionel would take...if he....too late. He stroked his erection softly, sighing into the air at the pleasure happily zinged his brain.


In the bathroom, there was a phone, and Lionel picked it up.  His fingers skipped over the keypad, nimbly dialing a number from his memory and waited until the man on the other end picked up.


"I have a job for you."


"Pickup only or termination?"


"Termination.  In a very... painful, protracted manner."


"Understood.  Target?"


A nimble rub over the head and Dominic swallowed the groan, fisting his fingers into a tight sheath and he stroked down over himself, fingertips in his mouth, sucking and licking at the salty, fleshy taste before down to rub at his nipples.


Lionel paused.  "Lawrence Hayes.  He worked for me twelve, fifteen years ago.  Fired him for insubordination.  The last I heard of him, he was buried in the Hardwick conglomerate."


"Do you want records?"


"Yes.  Photographs.  Sent to me personally.  And I want to be notified when he's found.  Call here, but don't expect an answer."




The man on the other end of the phone hung up, and so did Lionel.  He moved around the bathroom, bringing out a cold, wet towel and a bottle of prescription painkillers.  He paused in the doorway, watching avidly as Dominic masturbated himself.


His head was thrust to the side, stroking hard, each avid touch sending a ripple through his body. He let go of his nipples and sucked on his fingers again, rolling away from the bathroom and down to penetrate himself. A husky moan and he thrust his fingers deep inside, searching....found. He bit down the cry and shuddered with the force, stroking his prostate as he tugged and pulled at his erection, moaned words escaping anyway. "Li...Lio...uh...harder...yes..."


Lionel very nearly dropped the things he held in his hands as the mangled syllables of his name spilled from Dominic's lips.  Instead he shifted his burden to one hand, using the other to stroke his own hardening cock.  He remained quiet, for the moment pleased to watch Dominic masturbate for him.


His hands quickened and it was obvious he was near orgasm, pushing his hips through his hand and then back into his fingers. Harder...harder... his movements became jerky for just a moment before he came silently, gasping raggedly as he shuddered into a ball, groaning as softly as he could. A moment before he pulled his fingers out of himself, sagging into a limp heap atop the sheets as his back rose and fell with each panting breath.  Quick, effortless orgasm that gave him a bit of relief from his passion, just for the moment. So delicious.


"You're magnificent when you do that," Lionel said from his stance in the bathroom door, hand still languidly stroking his cock.


He was in big trouble.


He started and rolled over, looking at Lionel with hazed eyes and a quickened pulse. ....Big, big trouble, and oh, it was really hot. His eyes widened before he blushed, relishing in his words as he smiled a little...then realized Lionel's fingers were going over himself, and oh, God. " you want me to...?..." He rose to get off to bed, intent to give his lover a blow job, and he licked his lower lip at the anticipation.


"No.  I want you to lay down, exactly as I told you to before." No inflection in his voice as he stalked over to the bed and waited.


He simply nodded, staying on his back and stretching out, not saying a word as he watched like a hawk. "Would you like me on my belly, sir?"


"No.  On your back."  He leaned over and wrapped the cold towel over the painful mark on his lover's thigh, kissing the soft skin at the juncture of leg and hip.  Then he handed the medicine bottle to Dominic.  "Those should stop the pain.  Or if you have an aversion to pills... I have this."  He handed Dominic a tube of cream.  "It's pending approval to be sold on the market, but cut down to the bone, it's a local anesthetic.  Rub your sore spot with this, and you no longer feel it.  Whichever you prefer."


He hissed but it wasn't in pleasure, his eyes scrunching hard as the cold towel pressed against him. The wound was cauterized, as his lover had done it moments after it had opened, but it threatened to split and be very, very mad and very, very bloody. "I...I'll take the cream, instead." He nodded it, biting his lip. "I don't like pills."


Lionel raised the towel and took the cream from Dominic's hands.  "Let me."  He inspected the wound carefully, before throwing the tube down in anger and cursing himself.  "Don't move."  Lionel vanished into the bathroom again, and returned bearing bandages, tape, and other things.  "If this splits, I'm going to ignore the fact that you said you would be fine and have the physician sent up anyway to stitch this closed."  He slid his free hand up to Dominic.  "This will hurt."  Squeezing the tube carefully, Lionel massaged the cream onto the cut and the angry red area around it.


"Fucking hell!" He cried it, then hissed and stared at the ceiling, making quiet noises as his lover rubbed it in. "I...don't need a doctor… Lionel, its not so deep."  Christ. He was turning such a romantic thing into a mess. "I don't need all that, r--shit! fucking hell."


Lionel wiped his fingers clean, then carefully bandaged the angry cut with the clean bandages and put the cool towel back over it.  "I don't think you were arguing with me, were you, Dominic?  I'm going to assume that anything you just said was said because you were in pain and I am free to disregard it, am I correct?"  His crossed arms and stern glare said that the answer had better be yes.


Oh, God. And he was already in hot water for coming, and… ooh. "Yes...y-yes, sir, of course, I...yes."


"Good."  Lionel knelt on the bed, quietly thankful that Dominic would not argue with him.  And that he hadn't heard the phone call.  "Jiminy... the telephone will be ringing at some point during the day.  I forbid you to answer it, do you understand me?  Let it ring."


He watched him move with a bit of a frown, tipping his head at the request and he knew, without asking, what Lionel had done. Well, you know? It had been the worst days of his entire life. He'd never known pain like what he'd endured by that man's hand, the humiliation and the rape, and he watched Lionel as anger and frustration singed old wounds. He knew what he'd done. His only response? "Good."


Lionel turned and saw realization dawning in Dominic's eyes, and was not sure he was pleased.  But he let it go, instead bending to kiss his wronged lover softly.  "There will be... proof.  If you want to see it."


His chest heaved with it. "Yes." A moment. "He has proof of what he did to me. He sent it to me in a manila envelope after I was out of the hospital."


"Do you want that returned to you or destroyed?"


"Destroy it, please." A quiet nod, watching him as he touched his thigh with all the gentleness of what he was...a lover. "I love you."


Lionel's throat closed.  "And I love you, Dominic."  He reached over his lover, picking up the phone from the bedside.  "Before I make this call, Dominic... is there... anything specific you wish... done?"  It was as gently as he could ask.


He shook his head firmly. "I don't wish what he did on anyone… even himself." He rolled over onto his side and looked out the window, back to Lionel because he couldn't stand to watch.


Lionel gave his lover's back a long, lingering caress before walking out of the bedroom, and closing the door behind him.  Dialing the same number as before, he waited.  "I have another order for you.  Destroy everything you find.  I don't want you to look at it, just destroy it."




"And... I want it to hurt."


"It will be taken care of."


"You'll receive your payment as soon as I receive proof."


The line went dead, and Lionel sat for an instant, staring out the windows before throwing the phone at one of the mirrors on the wall, shattering it.  Rising to his feet, he avoided the pile of glass, and knocked on the bedroom door.  "Dominic?"


"Yes, I am here."


"I'm coming in."


"Please, do, sir." Quiet murmur.


Lionel pushed the bedroom door open and then shut it again behind himself.  He stopped for a moment, seeing Dominic's back to him once again.  "I'm sorry, Jiminy."


"I like it when you call me that." He murmured, and finally rolled over, looking at him. "Lionel...I want you to understand something. What...what you and I do? That is my pleasure. I enjoy it very much. I don't want you to think I don't… I do. What happened long ago is just that… long ago. Twelve years. I was but a boy....but I'm a man now." He nodded and sat up. "I can defend myself… I'm not stupid any longer. If I don't want something, I'll say it. But Lionel...I want you."


Lionel sat beside his lover. "I won't have you mistreated, Dominic.  I... could not prevent it.  I can avenge it."  He ran his fingers through the short bristle of Dominic's hair.  "You know that it has been... quite some time since I have felt... this way about someone."  He paused, searching for the right words.  "Nobody dared to harm Lillian; I couldn't protect Lex from the meteors.  I have the power now to protect you.  And I will use it."  He sighed.  "I can't... I can't allow anything to happen to you because I do not know what would become of me."


And it was, he decided, the best thing anyone had ever said to him in his life. "Nothing will happen to me while I have blood in my veins and you to protect me, Lionel." He kissed the tender hand as it slipped passed his cheek. "Remember that."


"I will remember."  He looked down at his lover.  "And I will always protect you."  He leaned over to kiss Dominic deeply, but the urgency turned almost brutal as Lionel's fingers latched tightly in the short buzz of blond hair and held him firmly, tongue thrusting forcefully into Dominic's mouth and prying his teeth open.


And he moaned, very softly and opened for him in every way possible. He let their tongues graze, quickening his pace to meet his lovers, moaning in wantful ache as he stroked his fingers down to hold onto strong shoulders. "Y… Yes..." The tug at his hair was as pleasurable as he'd ever felt, leaning into it and trying to touch him without bringing attention to it. "Yes..."


Lionel's fingers held even tighter, feeling him move into the touch and forcing him back down again.  He sucked hard on Dominic's tongue, raking hard over his teeth and palate, the hard ridges electrifying against his tongue as his body shifted, moving to straddle Dominic's waist as he used the handholds to pull him up as much as Lionel's own weight would allow.


He moaned in want but obliged, doing what his lover wanted without a question asked, tasting the sweet coffee on Lionel's tongue that he himself had drunk that morning, and wasn't that a pleasure? He arched up, hissing softly and being tugged up without a qualm, moaning into the warm lips and biting none too gently at the lower lip.


Lionel only pulled away when he couldn't breathe any longer, and he drew in deep breaths of air to his starving lungs.  He let Dominic bite him, the pleasure spiking straight to his cock as it hardened further.  "You're mine, Dominic.  You know that, don't you?"


"In every way possible." He murmured, sliding his fingers around his lover's erection and slowly starting to move up and down. "As you are mine, lovely one."


An easy thrust forward, and Lionel thought he could learn to answer to lovely one.  "Mine... to protect... mine to love... mine to fuck."  He thrust forward with each declaration.  "Yours... yours to touch... to love... to fuck."  He suddenly reached down and trapped Dominic's hands in his own.  "But you touched what's mine," Lionel hissed, eyes sparking.  "Nobody... touches what I love."


His eyes widened because he didn't understand, whimpering softly in delicious fear. "What? What have I touched? I'm sorry, sir, I didn't mean to! Sir, I..." He suddenly had a passing thought, and murmured it as the feeling of him being trapped by Lionel's hands started to sing through his blood. "Lionel...sir. I want...w-wanted to ask you… I... do you want me to be Lex? You've fed my fetishes, and I'll be more than glad to... to feed yours, sir."


The question shocked Lionel to his core, and the offer had him nearly breaking Dominic's wrists in his grip.  "No.  Never again, Dominic.  I can't... I won't use you like that."  He was angry, in a way, that Dominic had had to ask him that.  "No.  I only want you.  Lex... is not for me.  You are.  It's you that I... love."  He stroked Dominic's chest with his own.  "No more Lex."


His smile was this side of wicked. "Good."  He tugged at his hands, full body shuddering when his grip didn't give, whispering quietly, "What have I touched that is yours, sir? Please, forgive me." It was quiet and submissive, and he looked up at him under his soft lashes.


Lionel barely relaxed his grip on Dominic's wrists as he shifted one hand down to stroke Dominic's cock.  "You touched this."


A heady moan echoed from his lips. "I didn't mean to sir...but...." He shifted, squirming because he was hard again and Lionel was pressed so close. "Before...I was thinking you told me we...we would play again...and...and it was..." Another moan, a shudder.


"And it was what?" Lionel demanded, still holding Dominic immobile.  "You know that you belong to me, and you took your own pleasure... without me."  He licked Dominic's cheek.  "That was a very naughty thing to do."


The grin that spread across his face was priceless. "I know. I...I couldn't help it. You had me in nipple clamps, and… oh.." He shuddered again, leaning into his lick with a murmur.


"You're a very naughty young man, Dominic."  He reached to the long table, still filled with toys from the previous night's entertainment, and he found the wrist cuffs by touch.  Pulling them up to Dominic's wrists, he bound them together, instead of spread apart, and attached the chain to the headboard so that his wrists were pinned together and immobile.  "Nipple clamps, you say?"  Lionel rose once Dominic was bound and walked over to the table, fingers stroking over several items before choosing a small pair of spring clamps.  He tested the grip and hissed slightly.  Returning to Dominic's side, he licked each nipple once, hardening it before closing each rubber-tip clamped around a hard peak.  A long chain connected the clamps, and Lionel tugged it gently.  "Like these, perhaps?"


A very long, very dark sound echoed out of him and his eyes shut tight, the muscles in his chest and belly rippling with the effort to stay quiet. "Oh....god...Yessss..." He hissed, moaning softly as he struggled not to jerk his hips, the blood leaving his nipples and making them very hot and very tingly. "Oh...God, Lionel...sir...yes.."


Lionel shook his head.  "I can see already, keeping you quiet is going to be a lost cause."  He walked back over to the table, and picked up a small device and held it up for his lover.  "This actually cost a pretty penny to have made.  Custom toys don't come cheap, especially when they're done in proportion to a living model."  The small dildo looked to be only a couple of inches long, slightly wider at the base, with a black leather strap attached.  "Perhaps you can guess who the model was."  He bent and kissed Dominic softly, prying slick lips and teeth open with his tongue, then pulling back to slide the small hard rubber cock into his mouth and Lionel's fingers belted the strap closed at the back of Dominic's head.


His eyes were huge in his head, watching his lover because he'd never, in a hundred million years, ever thought Lionel would do this. But he did. And he was going to come in about 5 seconds as he swallowed with the thick cock in his mouth....sudden realization, and his moan was muffled around the perfect replica of Lionel's cock. Another moan, shuddering and shaking and he thrashed, sucking on the fake cock like it were the real one with his eyes clenched shut.


Lionel surveyed his work critically.  One end was taken care of... it was time to work on the other end.  "Turn over, Dominic.  On your stomach.  The chain will move with you.  Go on."


He was trying to moan or scream or something but it didn't come out the way he intended, struggling onto his belly. His hips involuntarily jerked into the covers and the nipple clamps pressed into the sheets, making the noises coming out of his chest loud and guttural. He thrust again, trying to control himself as the exquisite pressure pushed down on all the spots being invaded. And the cock in his mouth. God. Lionel knew, damn him, how much he loved giving head, and this...this was his fantasy come true. He sucked and moaned, shuddering as his muscles moved under his skin.


Lionel picked up the same paddle from the previous night and cracked it down on Dominic's ass.  "Be still."  More hard cracks on his ass until he stilled, and then a blindfold was draped over his eyes, and Lionel petted his hair.  "Good."


Dark. Desperate. Aching want. "Mmmyuhmph." He moaned, completely blocked off to anything but feeling. God. Oh, God.


Another set of blows to his already reddening ass, and Lionel ran his hand over the glowing cheeks.  "Perfect.  Just... perfect."  He sat the paddle down, and picked up a small plug and lubricated it well with the oil sitting in a bowl on the table.  "Dominic... hold still now."  He worked his finger into his lover's opening, slicking and stretching before sliding the thick plug in its place.  "I expect you to keep this in."


He couldn't speak. He wasn't going to come. He wasn't going to come. No. Nononono. NO. Oh god, yes. He struggled to stay still, eyes clenched behind the blind fold as he violently yanked at the hand cuffs, moaning again. He was sure his toes curled in pleasure. He nodded several times at his love, trembling as he squeezed his muscles around it.


Two more cracks with the paddle, one on each cheek.  "Back on your back, Dominic.  And remember, keep it in place."  He picked up the silver cock ring from the table and warmed it against his chest, hissing as the cold metal touched his nipple.


Oh god. Oh, God. Oh God, oh God. OH GOD. He rolled, moaning loudly as he could as the nipple clamps tugged at his chest as he rolled, the plug shifting inside of him and oh god. This was the most exquisite torture he'd ever known, and he would have never done it with anyone but Lionel. He shuddered, thrusting down into the plug, tugging at the wrist binds again.


Lionel leaned over to whisper in his lover's ear.  "If this is too much... nod."  He ran the now-warmed cock ring over Dominic's chest and stomach so he could realize what Lionel was doing next.


He shook his head no, shuddering and thrusting up, unaware of how lewd he looked but really, even if he had he wouldn't have given a shit. Payback was bright in his mind, and it was a bitch and a half. He wound what was left of him, his legs, around his lover tightly, aching to feel and to touch as he got used to the cock holding his mouth open in an 'o'.


Lionel clipped the cock ring in place around Dominic's balls and the base of his cock, and then ran his nails down his lover's legs, scraping them none-too-gently as he carefully avoided the wound on Dominic's thigh.  Then he caught one ankle in his hand and did to his love what Dominic had done to him last night.  He sucked the big toe into his mouth, lips wrapped tightly around the digit as his tongue scraped the bottom, teeth nibbling lightly at the top as Lionel applied suction to the entire toe.


Shitfuckdamnittohell! He thrashed hard, arching as the nipple clamps danced, managing a few syllables around his lovers cock as goose bumps raced up and over his body. Hard rush of blood to his groin and it swelled hard, leaving him in aching want.


Lionel reached, with his free hand, and brought the paddle down on the outside of Dominic's ass as Lionel's mouth moved to the opposite toe, treating it to the same lengthy blow job the first had received.  His thumbs moved to massage his lover's instep, and he looked up.  "Problems, Dominic?"


Bitch! He was going to kill him! Murder him! If he didn't applaud him first. He knew the safe word was to nod, so instead he shook his head violently and shuddered, wishing to god and hell and whoever was listening that this weren't so completely arousing. He was filled everywhere, every sense tugged at, every erotic hot spot filled or pinched or strapped, and Lionel's mouth. God. Warm and wet and lovely. Dammit.


Lionel stifled the grin at his lover's obvious frustration, and took the opportunity to slide the plug in and out, fucking him gently with it while he planned his next move.


"o-nyel!" He cried, frantically pushing his hips down to meet every thrust, struggling with the arm bindings that just wouldn't let go. But did he want them to let go? God, no. He arched with every push in and shuddered with every pull out, practically thrumming with energy.


Lionel stopped at the muffled cry of his name, and brushed his fingers over Dominic's chest, catching the chain that connected the clamps and tugging it rhythmically.  "You know, I really should do something about your feet, Dominic... but I like you spread open and ready to be fucked."  Dropping the chain, he glided off the bed and picked up the only toy he'd laid out and was apprehensive about using.  Without a word, he cracked the long bullwhip in the air beside the bed and waited for Dominic's reaction.


He stopped for a long moment, paused completely....before he went nuts. An arch, a long, hollow cry, because yes, god YES! He shuddered and struggled to push the plug into him deeper, grunting with the effort of trying not to jump head long into furious need.


Lionel nodded once, more to himself, and quieted.  This took all of his concentration, and he allowed himself several practice snaps, all well to the side of his helplessly bound lover.  When he was confident of his handling, he snapped it once over Dominic, the tail cutting across his bare stomach, above his navel, and raised an instant red welt.


He barely kept the scream in, sucking hard at his gag, thrusting down and shaking all over. Shudders raced over his body as the pain became instant pleasure and his cock jerked, his hands struggling to be untied as he arched up into it, silently begging for more. More, more, more. Oh, god.


Another snap, and another cut of the whip, almost directly parallel to the first.  Then a third and fourth, jagged blows that had no intended target.  The third landed high on his chest, snagging and pulling the clamp chain, and the fourth low across his groin, barely missing his wounded leg.


He cried out with each one, cock oozing precome, aching to orgasm but not being able to. His body was jerking, his voice loud and keening and muffled with each whip, shaking and shuddering and he silently wanted to ask what would happen if he did come. How much he'd be punished. And wasn't that a delicious thought?


A fifth blow caught Dominic's cock, and Lionel paused, changing his angle.  The sixth and seventh both caught nipples, eighth and ninth caught his feet, and Lionel wound the whip around his hand.  "Where do you want the last one, Dominic?"


No. It really wasn't. And it wasn't because if he didn't come NOW he was going to very comfortably loose his mind. His chest ached with need, his groin, his ass, his mouth, his heart, his eyes...everything on his body wanted to be set free, to touch and explore and fuck the hell out of the nearest living thing. Or possibly be fucked raw. He heard Lionel's voice and shuddered because he didn't know, he didn't...he was out of his mind with pleasure and want, moaning loudly and thrashing.


Lionel took the coiled whip and wrapped it loosely around Dominic's throat.  Gentle tugs slowly tightened it until it was just tight enough to be felt whenever he breathed.  He rolled silently off the bed, slicking his cock with oil and then realized, as he looked at the unused pile of foil packets, that he had... he had trusted Dominic enough to not even consider protection.  That was a surprising thought to Lionel, and it won Dominic gentling touches and the whip being unwound from his throat.


What? Huh? Ohpleaseohpleaselethimfuckme, and he made rough noises in his throat as he arched heavily.


Lionel slid his hands over Dominic's body, cataloging the tensile strength in his muscles, the slick sweat that covered his skin, the deep, ragged noises that his explorations brought forth.  Finally, his hands reached the butt plug, and he started to fuck Dominic with it again, sliding it out easily before slamming it back home.


A scream and he met each thrust hard, tugging blindly at his ropes though it was futile and he knew it, arching with each pull out, then slamming home. Why the sudden gentleness? Why the kissing and touching...why...god, he'd never felt more free in his entire life. He didn't have to worry about performing badly, or looking unappealing to his partner. Didn't have to worry about trying to explain why he screamed a man's name when he orgasmed. With was all so simple, so perfect and easy, and he thanked whatever and whoever watched them for him. For his lover. For his Lionel.


On the last stroke with the plug, Lionel replaced the rubber length with his own cock and pushed himself inside Dominic with a single, long stroke.  He reached up to tear off the blindfold, and pressed kisses on each of Dominic's eyes before allowing him to open them.  He slid his hands up his lover's arms, twining their fingers together as he thrust roughly, fucking him hard and deep.


He moaned around Lionel's fake cock as their eyes met, his a little bleary from being clenched, focusing and moving with him with each thrust. Hard whenever his lover slammed into him and he squeezed as hard as he could every time, giving as much pleasure as he could in his current situation. He linked his legs around his hips, pushing in every time with the soft, muffled noises.


Lionel slid one hand down to cradle the back of Dominic's neck, unbuckling the gag and sliding it out, only to slide his tongue in its place.  Over the heated whimpers and grunts from both of them, Lionel vaguely heard the telephone ringing and ignored it, plowing deeper into his lover and releasing his mouth for the first time since they'd began.  "Say my name," he ordered softly.


He could barely get his jaw to work, kissing sloppily and passionately and erotically, groaning with each thrust up inside of him as it filled, consumed him and made him ache in pleasure. "Lionel ...Lionel.."


Lionel thrust harder, faster, his own pleasure building too quickly to be denied.  "Dominic... you are mine," he cried out softly, pressing his forehead tightly to his lover's as he came, hot seed spilling into Dominic's welcoming passage.


He moaned loudly, holding his lover inside of him tight as the rush of coolness filled him and in passing thought he realized Lionel hadn't used a condom was both exhilarating and worrying, but that was a thought for later because, oh yes, HE HAD NOT COME. Or so his loins were screaming at him as he let go of his trapped lover, whispering his I love you's over and over.


Lionel kissed Dominic softly and lazily.  "I should leave you like this, shouldn't I?" he teased.


"" Soft moan into a softer mouth, and here was the Lionel he'd come to adore in the past two days. Sweet and gentle and kind, giving in a way he'd never known and cherished with his whole heart.


"I wouldn't, not you."  Gentle fingers removed the harsh clamps and tossed them aside, massaging the sore nubs carefully.  The bonds on his wrists were the next freed, and all that then remained was the cock ring.  Sliding down his lover's body, Lionel sucked Dominic's cock into his throat, and only when the entire length was devoured did he release the cock ring and suck.


He lost his mind with pleasure. A grasp into the long hair and he arched into the warm mouth, holding onto his orgasm for as long as he could. Never had a chance to enjoy this, never, because he came like a teenager, hot and quickly and done in three minutes. He stroked the long locks and shuddered, pressing his back into the hot sheets and thrashing hard.  The phone was ringing again in the background.


Lionel made no move to answer it as he slowly released Dominic's cock from his mouth, then moved to lay alongside his lover, pulling him close.  "You mean so much to me, Dominic."


A long, gentle noise and he scooted in close, wrapping his arms around his lover and whispering mindless sweet nothings into the quiet ear, struggling for the blanket and finally pulling it over their shoulders. "Love you so much."






go to the next part