
The Memoirs

Smallville fanfic by Kel and Diana

Chapter 75: Samson the Incredible

"Lex, you do realize, that its a natural part of growing up, yes? Some kids see it sooner then others, but you shouldn’t be so... overwhelmingly bitter over it. I mean, how were they to know you'd bust right in?"


The lounge of the Ritz, where people came to be wined and dined (and usually more) was interestingly quiet for a Thursday night. There were elderly folks, some lounge lizards looking for a rich, fancy woman to lay, and the typical round about travelers who were resting before a big meeting the next day. Bruce and Lex were seated, comfortably, in thick reclining seats, drinking brandy, and Bruce was smoking a cigar he'd gotten for this very occasion. "There's no use being bitter. It was your fathers bedroom, after all."


"I am not bitter, Bruce."  Lex was nursing his second glass of brandy.  "I am merely saying no child, not even one as bratty as I have been in the past, should have to see his parent having sex.  EVER."  Lex's hands scrubbed over his eyes.  "I feel like taking a Brillo pad and scrubbing my brain out every time you mention it."


"You're very bitter, and I should say it amuses me on a level I think you'd care not to think about." Bruce said easily smiling around his cigar as he re-crossed his legs comfortably and sighed. "You know, I miss Excelsior."


"I am not bitter," Lex protested again.  "I don't miss Excelsior.  I miss being that young and irresponsible."


"Didn’t have any worries, no complaints, no businesses… no annoying secretaries. Just you, me, sex, and alcohol." He rose his glass. "Good way to live."


"I'll drink to that."  Lex settled back in his chair after returning the toast.  "Wouldn't mind being back there for a while... though honestly, Bruce... there's things--like Clark, for example--that make maturity and age much more appealing."


He cocked a brow at that and shifted. The lights in the lounge were low and comfortable, with the snow falling out of the enormous windows they were sitting by. It was a beautiful night in the city, and Bruce forgot his hatred of it to appreciate the aesthetic beauty of it. Just for a moment, thinking. "Tell me about Clark, Lex. Why him?"


Lex smiled.  "Are you ready for an hour-long lecture?"  He could talk about Clark for twice that long, and never run out of things to say, or get tired of talking about him.


His lips curved. "Go for it. I've got all night."


Lex sat his glass down and leaned forward in his chair, holding his hands out in front of him as he talked.  "You ever met someone who doesn't have a bad bone in his body?  Doesn't know the meaning of the words wrong, evil, bad, immoral?  That's Clark.  He's... he's perfect, Bruce.  I know what you're going to say.  He can't be perfect, and I can't put that kind of burden on his shoulders.  I don't care.  It's true.  He's... he saved my life.  He's my friend, he loves me, he taught me how to love him, the right way, and there's... I'd do anything for him, Bruce.  Kill anyone and anything I have to to protect him.  He's my angel, my guardian angel."


Bruce's smile softened, completely, and he nodded, tipping his head and watching him. "That type of love doesn’t come around everyday. Treasure it. And I’m so glad things like age difference don’t matter to you. He's worth it… you're worth it. You both will be so happy together."


"I really don't care about the age difference.  I don't.  In two years, neither will anybody else.  I just can't imagine there being a time in my life when I don't have Clark by my side... or I'm not by his."


"Have you broached the...well, I don’t know how you'd feel about this, or where you could go to make it legal. But have you thought about marriage?"


In answer, Lex grinned, and pulled his arm out of his jacket.  Rolling up his sleeve, he showed Bruce the muted-rainbow mark that he and Clark shared.  "I already proposed to him, Bruce... we're as married as we're ever going to get."


Uh oh. Bruce leaned forward, peering at the mark... reaching out to run his fingers over it, and he watched with a sort of awe as the colors all swirled and moved together. A rainbow of colors...some he'd never even seen, and he was transfixed over it, eyes wide. "That’s... my God."


Lex shivered slightly as Bruce's fingers ran over it.  "Yeah.  Isn't it?"


"Its beautiful. What... what is it?"


"It's a mark that Clark and I share; when he touches it... God.  It's like... it's like it's directly connected to my dick.  You wouldn't believe how good it feels when he licks it; when you touched it, just now... it sent shivers down my spine."  Lex rolled his shirt down and re-buttoned the cuff.  "It's what shows that I'm his and he's mine."


"Whoa, alright." He immediately took his hand back. "Sorry about that. Is...does it have to do with his heritage?" Bruce watched it disappear--still rapt by it, but as soon as it was gone he could blink and look up. "That’s... Clark is...I should say for the first time in my existence, I’m at a loss for words."


"Yes, it does, and you should have seen my face."  Lex clasped his hands between his knees.  "Do you know what he said when he found it?  There it is, Lex... just had to rub your past away."


"I’m not the kind of man that goes about exclaiming sweet words here, but okay, aweee. That, my friend, is cute." Bruce let a grin touch his face. "Really cute."


"It's beautiful," Lex corrected.  "Sweet, beautiful, touching, meaningful."  He settled again, fingertips stroking over it.  "Speaking of sharing... I need a favor from you, Bruce."


"Dick's mine. We aren’t playing switch the boyfriend again."


"No, no.  I wouldn't take Dick."


"Alright, then." He was relaxed, though the tease, he supposed, had gone right over Lex's head. "What is it?"


"You still publish Lives magazine, don't you?"  Lex's face was unusually intent.


Bruce's brow cocked up high. "I do, yes."


"I need you to pull a few strings and get Clark and I in as your next cover story."


Oh, boy. Bruce looked down, blinking into his drink as he put his cigar out, and re-crossed his legs. A thousand thoughts whirled through his mind, and he wasn’t sure if he liked any of them. "Ah. You want to... come out."


"That's the general idea, yes.  Clark's already agreed to do it, and he's got the location all picked out."  Lex leaned forward.  "I know it's short notice, but can you swing it?"


"Lex... I understand you want to come out, with your lover, and I'd be more then pleased to help you… under different circumstances. But are you sure its the wisest of decisions?"


Lex just glared.  "Don't mince words, Bruce.  Obviously, you don't think it is."


"He's sixteen years old, Lex." Bruce said it gently, and calmly. "I can't put a 22 year old man and a sixteen year old boy on the cover of a magazine I own. I'll be put in jail for being party to statutory rape. And you'll get arrested."


"No, you won't.  Sixteen is legal in every state, including Kansas," Lex argued.  "And nobody will put either of us away for violating sodomy laws that most states are overturning as we speak!"


"Lex." He gentled, looking up at him. "Lex. Its not that I don’t want to. But think it through. Are you completely sure about this? Are you sure you want to tell everyone you're dating a kid, by all standards? I know you don’t care, but I do, and I don’t want your chances for the oval offices getting completely obliterated."


"Do you honestly think any of that matters to me if I don't have Clark?" Lex asked quietly.  "I don't care what anyone else thinks, Bruce.  I'm not ashamed of Clark."


"I didn’t say you should be." Bruce took a drink of the brandy in his glass... lovely year, but it tasted bitter in his mouth. "Do you know what it will do if you go public to the community… the world, with Clark? He'll be thrust into the spotlight, until the day he dies, simply for being Lex Luthor's lover. He'll be watched, and followed. As will his parents, and his friends. Do you remember what I told you a few days ago? Clark is still having his childhood. Don’t take it away from him yet, Lex."


"I don't want to take anything away from him, Bruce.  I just... I want the world to know that he's mine, that he loves me... that I've finally become worthy of something--someone--good."


"I know it." Bruce leaned over and gently squeezed Lex's hand. "From an old friend to another. Just wait… a few more months."


"I don't want to wait, Bruce."  But Lex sighed.  Clark had said basically the same thing to him, when he'd talked his lover into it.  I don't want you ruined, Clark had said.  I don't want you to regret something later.  "Fuck a goddamned duck."


"You know I’m right, don’t you?" Bruce said over his brandy, smirking as he finished his glass and set it to the side. "Come on. Lets go upstairs, I’m sick of the women staring at me."


"Clark said almost the same things, Bruce.  Nearly exactly the same."  He sighed.  "I don’t want what we have made into a disgusting, slutty thing… because its not.  That was the last thing he said to me before I convinced him it would be a good idea to do this."  He pushed himself to his feet.  "Come on... forget going upstairs, I'm going to the gym."


"Anything, but if that bitty by the bar gives me another come hither look, I’m going to hurl." He muttered, of course, before smiling brilliantly at her and following Lex. "Clark's a smart guy, Lex. Listen to him more often, he's got a brain cell or two up in his brain. Oh, and by the way? No, I won't be your escort, and I won't have Dick seeing you in pantyhose."


Lex made a face at his longtime friend.  "Fine, I'll call Clark and we'll go by ourselves.  Chicken."  He strode through the hotel, down through the stairs to the gym on the floor below.  "Come on... do you want to spar with me, or am I stuck with the punching bag?"  Lex stripped his jacket and shirt off, tossing them into one of the nearby lockers as he picked up boxing gloves.


He couldn’t help chuckling, raising a brow as they crossed the Ritz’s plush... ritzy front hall, and down the marble and red carpeted steps to the enormous gym below. A wrestling square, hanging punching bags, jump ropes, weight lifting machines. A hundred different items, polished to a high gleam, and the normal sweaty guy smell was covered with a masculine, yet flowery, scent that Bruce thought was hysterical.


And he was chuckling, as he locked eyes on Lex, slipping his hands into his pockets. "You can't be serious."


"Suit yourself."  Lex kicked off his shoes and his socks, hopping on one foot to peel them off as he laced up his gloves and headed for the nearest bag.  The rhythmic one-two thump of gloved fists against canvas was soothing, and Lex growled.  "What is it, Bruce?  I can feel you staring between my shoulder blades."


"Wondering where my hundred pound, skinny, scrawny lover went." He slipped his hands out of his pockets and began to peel his own coat off, as well as the tie and top shirt. The under t-shirt would be enough. "Missing you, in a hollow place inside me." He toed his shoes and socks off, dumped them near Lex's things, and began to slip into black gloves. "Remember what I do on my downtime, alright? If you end up with a black eye, its not my fault."


"He grew up," Lex said, looking at his old lover.  "That part of me will always be yours, Bruce.  Don't think otherwise."  He watched Bruce disrobing, and then grinned at his commentary.  "You're still thinking of me as that gawky kid, Bruce... I think I can hold my own."


"And you're underestimating what I can do." Bruce grinned right back, lacing the gloves tightly before standing and walking over...the cold cement soothing his feet and his raw nerves. "Today was really something. I need to apologize to your father, for underestimating him."


Lex rocked on his heels, waiting for Bruce to move as they circled each other.  "What did he do now?"


"And you know, you didn’t grow up that much. Lex, do you even eat anymore?" He waited to see where Lex wanted to do this, rolling his tensed shoulders back. "Nothing., firing those people. He was really professional."


"Yes, I do, I eat three meals a day, when I have time."  When it became obvious that Bruce wouldn't throw the first punch, Lex did, leading with his left shoulder and then pulling back and hitting solidly with his right. And winced as even through the glove his hand impacted with literal abs of steel.  It was almost as bad as boxing with Clark.  "The old bastard... he got a kick out of that, whether he'd admit it or not."


Bruce grunted, feigned a punch to the right and hit with his left, clipping Lex's right pectoral, and following through with a punch to his chest. "Yeah?" He panted. "When exactly do you eat?" He danced around him... if you can call it dancing. Wayne's didn’t dance, it was a rule. "Those packages were genius. I’m sure you all will be needing extra security. And don’t go out in public, they'll go JFK on you."


Lex grunted as the hits landed, and then moved out to circle again, aiming for the solar plexus.  "Breakfast?  Fruit and juice, usually orange, and a lot of coffee.  Lunch... whatever I have a chance to pick up during the day.  Dinner's whatever Ms. Bird sits down in front of me."  Two more feints and dances back as he kept looking for his opening.


He couldn’t help laughing, ducking out of the way of the hit to his chest and instead got Lex in the jaw, lightly though, because they weren’t wearing the mouth guards they should have been. "Is it a memorized speech or something, Lex? Who else bugs you about your bony ass?"


"You.  Martha Kent.  Ms. Bird.  Clark.  Chloe."


"They should know you've got a lot of energy by now." He smirked, jumping around his friend and lifting his arms in defense. "Best you've got, Luthor?"


"Just waiting for my chance, Wayne."  Lex smirked, arm snaking out to nail Bruce in the hip, unprotected since his arms had been raised.  "If they call me skinny one more time, I'm going to kill the lot of 'em."


"You are skinny. I can see your--mmph--ribs," He took the hit, and while Lex was distracted with it, got two in; one to his right shoulder, the other to his diaphragm.


"Fuck... shoulda see... that coming," Lex panted out.  "Never... got that move down."  Lex turned so that his right side was protected as he caught his breath.  "Never... got the concept... of taking damage to give it."


Bruce backed off, letting his friend get his breath back as he clapped his gloves together, eyes dancing. "I learned the hard way. I didn’t hurt you, did I? We should have gotten some padding on. I’m going to break your skinny ass in half."


"I'm fine... just out of breath."  Lex's eyes glittered.  "You're not... going to break me, Wayne... I am not skinny.  I'm, as they say in the movies, wiry."


Oh, he burst out laughing. Harder then he'd laughed in… well, in years, the sound was gruff on his throat, and he had to lean over and gasp as he guffawed. "Wiry? Yes, and I suppose I’m "broad"."


"You are, to quote Chloe Sullivan, built like a brick shithouse.  I am assuming that's good, as she was drooling as she said it."  Lex tapped his gloves against Bruce's.


He straightened again, getting ready to fight again, though he was still chuckling as he wiped his eyes on his sleeves. "Chloe's gorgeous, by the way. You need to convince her to do some layout work."


Lex narrowed his eyes at his friend.  "My Chloe?  Modeling?  Right."


"Your Chloe. Modeling. And why not?" He let his fist swing, clipped his friend gently in the chin. "Do you have something against vivacious blonds?"


Lex let his head snap back with the gentle hit, and then glared as his head came back down.  "You are not putting my Chloe in front of a camera, Bruce.  Did you see how she reacted when she met Megan?  Hell, did you notice how she reacted when she met you?  She's not ready yet, and I'm not going to let you pull her into something she's not ready for."


"I’m not pulling her into anything, Luthor." He grunted, dancing again around him as they feigned blows at one another. "She gets star struck easily. It goes away, you know. And she's gorgeous. She has a full body...not sticky and willowy, like Megan. That’s what’s in now. Skinny but... not.... anorexic, like you. She's gorgeous, and she shouldn’t be hiding in Smallville."


"Yeah, I know, but anybody that gets struck that easy is a perfect mark for the... oh, shall we say, less than scrupulous people in the business?"  Lex caught Bruce in the shoulder.  "I'm not anorexic, Bruce!"


He let his shoulder fall back in the way of the punch, rising up again and shaking it off. "Let her learn. All I’m saying is she can be on the perfect of Maxim. She's like the next Drew Barrymore."


"No.  She's already been hurt, Bruce.  I'm not going to let it happen again." 


"How has she been hurt?" He asked curiously, clipping his friend in the belly and hip, then lightning fast in the chest, catching him before he toppled over.


Lex leaned against Bruce until he caught his breath, shook off the flurry of fast punches, and pulled himself upright again.  "Some kid... he was in a hit and run accident... he came back to town, and he used Chloe to get the information about the person that ran him down.  Nearly killed her, I understand, had she not called Clark in time."  He started circling again.  "Came to my estate to interview me; some very ugly characters came in trying to rob me while she was there... she got thrown out a second story window for her trouble."


"You know, even at Excelsior, knowing you required a helmet of some kind," Bruce smiled at his friend, making sure he was still standing and okay as he began to circle too. "I still think she should try. I own Seventeen… maybe if I’m at the shoot with her, she won’t get scared. Or her boyfriend? I’m sure he wouldn’t mind being in the pictures; he's got the face of a model."


"And the brain of a brontosaurus," Lex grunted as he circled. He still didn't feel any better about the ugly truths that Bruce had so gently pointed out to him about the photo shoot and article, and he drove a hard punch at Bruce's midsection.  Which glanced off, and ended up hurting Lex's fist more than it did Bruce.


He still grunted… more for show then anything, though he was grinning as he looked back up. "Knew the Stairmaster would come in handy." But he offered the abuse Lex could toll out, and instead of hitting back as soon as he opened himself up, he circled him again. "C'mon, Luthor. I know you've got more then this."


"Since when... did you start... growing steel instead of bones?" Lex demanded, shaking his gloved fist.  He threw another wild punch, not even noticing where it landed or how badly he was opening himself up.


He blunted the blow with a forearm, and instead landed in three punches to his friends midsection in quick succession, and as it was habit more then thought he ducked and spun Lex's legs out from under him, doing a back flip back to his feet and looking down at his friend. "Since I got a nightlife."


Lex landed on his back, breath whooshing out of him. 


And it still wasn't enough.  His muscles weren't screaming and burning yet; it wasn’t nearly enough.  "I need... a life like that."


"No." And this time, Bruce was deadly serious. "No. You don’t." He crouched beside him… plopping on his ass and letting his gloved hands settle between his legs. "No, you don’t."


Lex looked up at Bruce from his position on the floor.  "Never understood why you do what you do; it's enough for me that it helps you," he said seriously, then held his gloved hand out in offering.  "Go look in my jacket and take my phone.  You can call Chloe while I finish down here; I'm going to go a few more rounds with the punching bag."


He shook his head but took his hand and stayed sitting. "I do what I do for a lot of reasons. None of them are sane, though, I'll grant you that. Sometimes... at midnight, one in the morning, I’m getting ready and I can't help wondering... what the fuck are you doing, Wayne? But every time I help someone, every time I save a life... it helps." He looked down at his gloved hands. "I won't call Chloe. You decide if she's ready, you know her and I won't hurt her."


"You're saner than you realize, Bruce."  Lex let his gloved hand rest on his friend's shoulder.  "Probably saner than I am."  He shook his head.  "It's Chloe's decision, Bruce.  Not mine.  Call her; she just might surprise you.  She has a habit of doing that."


He smirked a little and reared up to his feet, offering a hand down. "I’m actually going to call Dick." I miss him. "See how much trouble he's gotten in since I left this morning."


Lex held out his hand, and let Bruce pull him to his feet.  No one else would have gotten to do so, except perhaps Clark, but Bruce wouldn't stand for Lex's pride.  "And see if he's gotten Clark in trouble with him!" Lex called over his shoulder.  "Those two have gotten rather... chummy of late."


"Very alike, our lovers." Bruce said quietly, smiling at his friend once more before disappearing.


"No doubt there."  Lex stood in front of the punching bag again, and started whaling.  Left-left-right-left.  Over and over again.  Rhythmic pounding, harder and harder until he was throwing all of his body weight behind it, wrists and shoulders aching.


He wouldn't stop, didn't stop.  Kicking the bag was next; left-right-kick, left-right-kick.  Not even that addition helped.


The bag suddenly went stiff... it wouldn’t fly back, and long fingers gently slipped around it.


And Clark peaked around the tightly knit gray leather to peer at his lover. "You know, sweetie, if you're angry you could have just called me. I’m sure the punching bag wouldn’t have minded."


Lex almost jumped out of his skin.  "Clark!!  Jesus!"  His heart was pounding.  "Give me a heart attack why don't you?"  He stumbled back a step with his momentum, and caught himself before he fell on his ass.  "What are you doing here?"


In a careless show of his powers--not worried about things like security cameras or if there were other patrons in the gym, Clark zipped around and caught him in a dip as he stumbled. He took on a horribly fake, utterly amusing voice, eyebrow raising. "I em here to SAFE chu! From de… do you say... vork?"


Lex had to laugh at that.  "I'm not working, Clark.  I'm working out.  You want to join me?  There's gloves over there if you want; I was just sparring with Bruce."


"No. I actually want to take you out for coffee, then debauch you in your room." He grinned. "I saw Bruce on the way down here… he said I looked like a lost puppy, by the way." Clark sighed melodramatically as he rose his lover back to his feet. "I can't help it if the rich people look at me like I’m a backwoods hick house flower."


Lex raised one of his gloves to his mouth and tore at the Velcro and lacings around his wrists.  "Remind me to kick Bruce's ass for that," Lex growled, and then once his hand was free, he dropped the glove and pulled Clark down for a long, hard kiss.  "Coffee... yes.  Then, you'll have to run us back to Smallville, because you and I, my friend, have plans for the night."


"What plans?" He kissed back, just as hard, and snuggled his lover in close to his chest. "I’m lying, actually. I didn’t come for coffee... I came cause I was sitting all mopey with my mom, watching Jeopardy, and I was like, "wait a second. I can so come see my baby!", so, here I am." And he was chuckling quietly, snuggling his lover to his chest. "You give me warm fuzzies."


Lex curled around Clark's chest.  "Bruce said no to the magazine layout," Lex said abruptly.  "For all the same reasons you did."


"I figured he might." Clark nodded it, rubbing his clean shaven cheek against one as soft as a baby’s butt… which he didn’t bother hiding the image from his lover. "You're so soft. Mmm... and smelly, but its a nice smelly..." He began to nose his neck softly, keeping an eye on the door as he licked and lapped at that delicious little throat.


Lex sighed.  "I didn't want him to say no, Clark.  I wanted that... mmm... for the world to see."  He almost lost his train of thought as Clark's tongue lapped his throat.  "Mmm... no... Clark, wait... wait... save it for tonight... we'll need it."  He grinned, kissed his beloved's face.


"Nooo." He whined. "Been away from you for sixteen hours, too many hours, lemme take you here... look, see, corner? Wanna suck you." Clark murmured it, still licking, sucking softly at the pulse point as his fingers quested over his lovers back, and held him closer.


Soft whimper from Lex's throat.  Could not resist a pretty begging boy.  "Yes... yes, corner... too long, Clark, do it, take me, want you."  His hands tugged Clark's mouth up to his and kissed him hard, rubbing his body against Clark's.  "Anything, Clark, yours, anything, please."


Oh, the hands excited him, laced hard in his hair and tugging at the strands that wouldn’t ever come out, and that tongue, that tongue. YES! He tugged and pulled Lex up into his arms, scooting into the corner...far away from prying eyes, and he set his lover against the wall... making sure he was standing straight, as he dropped to the floor. His knees didn’t scream as they should have, his hands instead dragging and tugging at his lovers suit pants, and God, they were dirty but this was so sexy. Heee! He'd known he could beg for sex when he got here.


Lex arched his hips into Clark's hands as they yanked at his slacks, hands still locked in Clark's hair, carding through the silky strands as he leaned against the wall for support.  He had to lock his own knees to keep from collapsing in a gooey puddle at Clark's feet, because begging Clark and then Clark on his knees was just excruciatingly, unbearably hot to Lex's libido.


"Gonna suck you...super speed. Can you take it?" Clark murmured, burying his face in Lex's genitals as soon as they came into view. He sniffed, lapped wide streaks with his tongue, and rubbed his cheek against them as he pulled Lex's cock and balls from his zipper, keeping an eye on the door but his face buried where he loved to be.


"Stop you...if it gets too much," Lex panted.  "Fuck, Clark... just... Christ, suck me now, please."  Hadn't realized how hot and horny he was until his lover had shown up.  "Please."


His smile was positively wicked when it flickered up… then down and to Lex's cock. Strong, hard, weeping. Yes. He swallowed it in a single movement… having long gotten used to doing so, mouth stretched open, his lower lip rubbing against Lex's raised balls and the top lip stretched wide over the base. And because Clark was a kink, he waited for Lex's eyes to be on him before he moved.


Lex cried out sharply, swallowed the cry as it came out his throat, strangling it back down.  His eyes squeezed shut, and when he had the cry buried deep again, he cracked them open to look down between his legs.


And met Clark's wide, innocent eyes as they stared up at him.


"Fuck, baby," Lex hissed, unable to stop the pump forward of his hips.  "So... so hot when you do that."


He grinned around that wide, delicious cock and started to suck. Slow at first... normal, head bobbing as the back of his throat gave head to the tip of Lex's erection on the down swallow... then sucked hard at the tip on the way up. He sped up… slowly.... slowly.... grazing his teeth along the vein that ran along the underside as he began to go faster... Faster…


Until he was sucking Lex's cock at 20 miles an hour.


If Clark's tongue hadn't been slicking him the entire time, Lex would have sworn his dick would have caught fire.  As it was, he let go of Clark's hair with one hand, biting hard on his fist to keep the screams inside as he thrust into Clark's mouth.  "Christ, Christ, Clark, fuck, too fast, too hot, going to come, come now, fucking Jesus!" Lex swore, body trembling as he fought not to come, fought to enjoy this sensation.


Clark suddenly stopped, though not because of the strangled words. He changed the angle... sucking slowly, soothingly, laving his tongue around the warm dick in his mouth. Soothing… soothing… then the breakneck pace again, only a little faster, a little harder, sucking as hard as he dared for his lover.


And once again, slowed down… sucked slowly, softly, the barest of touches, eyes looking up at him lewdly as his mouth worked over his lover.


Lex came.  No matter how hard he tried to hold onto it, he came hard, hands fisting in his lover's hair and holding him tightly.  Spasm after spasm wracked his body, and Lex let the wall bear his weight as he thrust down Clark's throat, come pouring out of him.  More than he'd ever shot before, coming more intensely than he ever had, he rubbed a thumb over Clark's cheek and the stretched lips that sucked his cock.


And he sucked. Again. Fast as he dared, thirty miles an hour at least, sucking hard as the orgasm worked out of his lovers cock and down his throat even as he coaxed another one. He rubbed the warm balls in his hands gently, tongue tracing over the vein and where the ridges met over and over and over and over, willing his lover to orgasm again as he scooted closer and his hips fought the air as fast as he was sucking.


Lex reached down, dragged his lover's hand to his arm, rubbing over the mark that shone brightly on his forearm.


He muffled the shriek in his own shoulder as he felt his lover's touch on the mark, urged him to touch it more as he whimpered, friction starting to burn his cock as he gripped Clark's hair, pulling it to slow him down.  "Sl--slow down, Clark, hurts--slow."


He looked up, gasped as much as he could around his mouthful and slowed down, sucking softer, slower, looking up at him in apology as he returned to normal pace, fingers sliding down to his own cock and rubbing through his jeans. He laved the abused skin gently, licking and sucking it, moistening it with his spit that was thicker then a humans, gentling as he slid to the top. Deft fingers, of both hands, wrapped around him as his tongue and lips, teeth and mouth worked at the tip, fingers rubbing back and forth, like a campfire stick, pulling and tugging at the skin and head.


Shuddering at the gentling, soothing touch, Lex whimpered as he thrust forward, right on the cusp of a second orgasm.  "Want... want you to come too," he begged softly.  "Let me... let me suck you, too.  Please."


He shook his head, caressing his lovers mind with his own pleasure, emotions whispering that they couldn’t do that in a public place, and instead sucked harder. He nibbled very tenderly all along the tip, never stopping the constant sucking, lewd noises sexy as hell as he moved his mouth and worked to get him to come.


Lex whimpered again, hands caressing his love's head instead of fiercely gripping the thick black curls, and let himself go, riding on the pleasure that slipped into his thoughts and melded with his own, hot desire and need mating in his brain and his body came again.  His balls ached as they emptied again, so close to the first, but he didn't care.  He shuddered, his body going limp in Clark's arms as he gave himself, everything, to his aushna'.


His mouth filled with that hot, bitter seed and Clark fought to swallow the jets that came out of him, swallowing as much as he could as he caught his lover as he sank. His mouth slid from his cock as Lex's body slipped down to him, and he cradled him gently into his arms, still swallowing as he rubbed his face into Lex's shoulder and held him close. Human beings couldn’t take it, Clark knew, but he'd been selfish and had wanted his lover to have it. So he snuggled him, pressed kisses to his face and neck, and giggled into his ear.


"Wha's so funny?" Lex asked as he curled into his snuggling lover.


"You're jell-o-y." Another giggle, snuggling him in closer and pressing kisses to his cheeks, as he struggled back against the wall and held his lover closer. "You're like a big pot of Jell-o." And he reached down, very gently caressing the used, spent cock. "Did I hurt you?"


"No'so much," he said, not aware that he wasn't making sense.  "Did a little bit... okay now." His arms slipped around Clark's shoulder and held tight.  "Still... got surprise for you."


"Yeah?" he giggled again, still kissing his very loose lover. "Get dressed… gonna go back to Smallville 'n put you to bed. You sound sleepy baby."


"Not sleepy," Lex protested.  "Just... wore me out."  He looked up at his lover.  "Yeah... surprise.  Remember... promised you?  Well... tonight's open door at Brandywine."


"Brandywine?" He asked, slowly climbing to his feet and emasculating his lover badly, and did he care? Nope. Clark snuggled him right in his arms, walking over to the pile of clothes that had to be Lex's, and rubbed his cheek to a warm ear.


"Mmmhmmm.  Brandywine.  One of my old haunts.  Boys in dresses, lots of drinks and even more drugs if you knew who to go to."  He rubbed against Clark, stretching in his lover's arms.




Great Googly Moogly.


"Boys?" Clark gave a hard, wracking tremble in Lex's arms and arched himself hard against his lover. "In dr… dresses? Like… like dresses like skirts and s-stuff, not... not kilts or something, r-r-right?"


Lex rubbed back.  "In dresses.  Long dresses, short skirts... anything in between."  In his thoughts were easy memories of Brandywine and of the pretty boys and girls he'd fucked there, skirts thrown over their backs.


Clark's moan was guttural, eagerly exploring the memories, even if the hot, dark flash of jealousy sprung to life in his heart. He groaned again, letting his forehead fall onto Lex's shoulder as the trembles raced up and down his back like the waves of an ocean. " want u-us? To go there?"


"I do."  He nuzzled Clark's throat as he groaned.  "Open floor means anyone in, not just the ones on the list... though still... you'd get in regardless, because you're with me."


"Want us to... i-in... in dresses? Long dresses, a-and shirts… a-and heels?" Clark undulated his hips, hard as rock in his jeans that were too tight and not giving enough friction. His voice dropped to below a whisper, throat working hard. "And makeup?"


"No... short skirts and pumps and a pretty, low-cut blouse that shows off your skin.  But yes, makeup... little hairspray to tease your hair, make it a little more curly."  He rubbed his thigh against Clark's growing crotch.


"L..." He was breathless, unable to take in air or speak, just reaching down and yanking at the button of his jeans until it gave. It came off in his hand, he REALLY didn’t care, tugging the zipper down as his hand dipped inside his boxers and tugged at his hard cock. Oh, oh, oh my. Makeup, and… skirts, and… and Lex, in a skirt, and he was going to lose it, right here, topple over and die of a heart attack. "Fuck, fuck yes!"


Lex batted Clark's hands away from his cock and his zipper, squirming out of his lover's arms and kneeling behind the bench so that he could swallow Clark's cock down in a single motion.


FUCK! He barely clamped down on the cry, fist in his mouth as his free fingers laced across the back of Lex's head and he arched, begging for thrusts even as orgasm built in his spine. Teasing, teasing, he was already so close and his body gave a desperate pound of blood as he ached.


Lex sucked hard, head sliding along the shaft already wet with pre-come as he licked, tongue wrapping around the shaft and stroking in the wake of his sucking lips.  He slid two fingers into his mouth, wetting them with his saliva before sliding them inside Clark's jeans, rubbing the wet fingertips like a tongue against his lover's balls.


That was allll she wrote. He was sixteen here, people. He gasped, gagged on the gasp, and threw his head back so hard something popped. And swallowed the cry--BARELY--as he came. Orgasm slipped through his brain like fire, scorching his nerves as he thrust into that tight, deliciously hot throat and climaxed. He shot, hard, moaning in the glorious pleasure as it vibrated from his groin and out to the rest of his body. Oh, YES.


Lex swallowed quickly, mouth filling nearly as quickly as he swallowed down, and he loved every second of it.  He slid his hands up Clark's waist and chest, over his shoulders and out to lace their fingers together, squeezing tightly as he licked his love clean.


He held onto Lex's grounding fingers... whimpering hard as Lex sucked the orgasm out of him, and sank onto the bench with gelatin knees. "Oh"--gasp--"kay… you made your point." He was still trembling, shaking with pleasure, and he sighed as his fingers squeezed around Lex's. "Mmmmm."


Lex let go of Clark's hands long enough to wrap his arms around his lover's waist, resting his cheek against Clark's trembling belly.  "So do you want to do it?"


Did he want to do it? Did he WANT to do it? Was the sky blue? Did he have ten toes? "Oh...oh hell yes." He muttered, grunting and nodding once more. "Oh, oh hell yes. Oh, hell, yes."


"Let me get dressed, then," Lex murmured, "and leave a note for Bruce so he knows we're going out.  Then... you can run us home, we'll get ready and drive back up here for the night."


"I can’t believe we're doing this. I can't believe we're doing this."





And he was saying it, thirty minutes later, as he finally set his sweet, wonderful, slightly cold lover on the front stoop of his mansion. It had stopped snowing a little, and despite it, Clark had kept Lex tucked tight to his chest....much like he had his little puppy last week. "I can't. Believe. We're doing this. Can't. Can't--" 


The moment Lex rang the doorbell, he heard Samson, his tiny little guy, yipping on top of his lungs... a dull thud against the front door, and more yipping, right on the other side of the wood. "Samson! Hey, buddy, hold on!"


Hold on?  Yeah, like those words existed in Samson's limited vocabulary.  He smelled his favorite Clark and his second favorite Lex and they weren't COMING IN YET!  He kept yipping loudly, trying to break the door down to... huh... oh yeah!  the Clark!


Lex wasn't complaining about the gentle tuck; not at all.  In fact, he was quite happy to remain that way, hand slipping down the front of his lover's pants.


Alfred shook his head at the dog.  "Coming, sir!"  He took the little puppy by the scruff of the neck, picking him up and tucking him safely in the crook of his arm so he didn't get walked on.  He unlocked the door and opened it for them.  "Come in, Master Lex, Mr. Clark."


The Clark!  The Lex!  Samson started wiggling, yipping, barking, growling, anything to get to his most favoritest Clark in the whole world!


Clark was as addicted to Samson as Samson was addicted to him, and he held his arms out for the little guy... his entire face and body lighting up at the tiny barking dog. "Samson!! Hey little buddy! Yeah! I missed you too, ohhh, c'mere you big dork." Clark took him from Alfred and snuggled him up in his arms, laughing as he was licked and leapt upon. "Yeah! See? I told ya I was coming back!"


YES!  Samson yipped happily, tongue licking and slobbering and ooh... what was that taste that he smelled and yumm... he tried to put his tongue in the Clark's mouth where the taste was.  His little tail wagged hard as he licked and wiggled against the Clark. 


Lex laughed at the little drool machine as he slid out of Clark's arms.  "Thank you, Alfred.  I left a message for Bruce at the hotel, but if he calls, just tell him I was here getting ready, and I've gone out again.  He'll know where."


"As you wish, Master Lex."  Alfred inclined his head, watching Clark with the exuberant puppy, and then shuffled off.


Clark hugged Samson up tight to his chest, giggling as he licked all over his face, and he rubbed and stroked the puppies ears and back, scratching him as he set him back on the floor. He scratched his ears, his back, his sides, dropping to his knees to snuggle the little pup that was still so, so itty bitty.


Okay, holy crap, it was definitely Happy Samson time, because he was getting ATTENTION and he LOVED it!  He rolled onto his back, exposing his belly and whimpering for attention. 


He was a smart puppy.  He even knew his name, Samson, and that was good.  He also knew it was bad to pee and poop inside, so he did his best to hold it.  And when he couldn't hold it, he ran to the big place with the cold floors and the big white stuff and did it in the corner.


More whimpering for attention as the bestest Clark in the world put him on the floor and hey!  What is that about!  Samsons have to be carried and loved!  He yipped his displeasure at being put down.


And why wasn't the Lex petting him either???


Clark was laughing at the little guy, scratching him on the belly and rubbing his sides, snuggling his face into his little bit of fur and grinning as he was licked again. "Yes! Yes, that’s my big boy, he's such a good boy! Yes, Samson, good boy!" And Clark swept him back up into his arms, grinning at Lex like the 16 year old kid with his first dog was wont to do, and beamed. "Okay. I’m happy."


Now that's more like it!  Samson wiggled and licked his Clark happily as he was picked back up.  He still had that fun smell on his breath, and he really wanted to know what it was, and he sniffed it again, trying to lick it. 


Smelled sort of like the Lex.


Lex was flat-out laughing.  "You and that dog!  I tell you, Clark... that dog is not sleeping in the bed with us.  C'mon, we've got to shower and get ready."


"Eww, Samson, not in the mouth. I love you, but I don’t looooove you." Clark chuckled, kissing him on top of the head as they walked up the steps. He barely weighed anything, and he was easy to walk with as Clark wound his arm around Lex's waist and grinned broadly at him. "I love him. He's..." He motioned to the puppy. "He's just so, indecently, cute. But, yeah, shower, definitely on the menu."


Okay, unhappy Samson.  He whined plaintively, nipping at the Clark thumb as he couldn't get to taste the fun smell on his breath.  Not a happy puppy at all, and then he wiggled around and started sniffing down.  Oooh, more fun smell that was all Clark down here, and he nosed the Clark's crotch next.


"Looks like I've got competition," Lex laughed, watching the dog.  "You know, I think he wants to kiss you."


Clark glared at Lex, before raising Samson up in front of him, as they reached their landing. He held the little guy in the air, peering at him. "Alright, little guy. No crotch smelling, are we clear? There is to be no crotchiness little ma--" And Clark suddenly realized what Samson was smelling.


And turned pink.


Samson wiggled.  What, what was this no?  No sniffing?  But.. but... didn't the Clark love him?  He whined sadly, tail drooping as he was scolded.


Lex turned around just in time to catch Clark's blush, and burst out into full peals of laughter instead of well-mannered snickers.


"No! Noooo crotch smelling Samson, nonono." But he cuddled him again, rubbing his back as he curled him up in his arms, and stuck his tongue out at Lex.


More sad whining.  Samson didn't like no.  No meant he'd been a bad puppy, and he just barely wagged his tail when the Clark cuddled him and rubbed him.  Bad puppies didn't get cuddles.


Lex, in a moment of childishness, stuck his own tongue out at Clark before heading back into the bathroom.  And stopped.  Because in the corner... was a nice little present.  From Samson.  "CLARK!" he bellowed.


Oooh!  Samson wiggled.  The Lex was calling The Clark!  Did that mean the Lex had found Samson's little present??


Clark snickered verrrrry wickedly and grinned down at his little guy, giving him a good scratching behind the ears. "Good boy. Good boy! Look, you see how angry you made Lex?" He motioned to the bellowing. "Good boy! He deserved it!"


Samson wiggled, his tail thumping wildly against Clark's chest.  Oh, joy!  The Clark was happy with him again!  He was a good puppy again!  He yipped once and wiggled out, whining as they got closer to Lex.


"CLARK JEROME KENT!  That dog is going to sleep outside!" Lex roared.


"ARF!" came the loud bark from Samson.  Yeah, he was cool puppy.  Only cool puppies gave presents to their favoritest people, and what was a cooler present than a big moldy dead smelly thing?


Clark entered with the puppy, peeking his head around the door brilliantly before setting Samson on the ground. "Oh, come on, Lex. Its like, a miniature crap. We get a tissue, pick it up, flush it away. Come on Lex. He's only a couple months old!"


EEEE!  Yes!!!  The Lex liked the present!  Big smelly dead thing!  Samson ran for it, leapt in it, rolled around in it, and then trotted over to the Lex.  "ARF!"  Pick up Samson!


Lex gagged at the smell of three-day-dead... something.  "Get... get that thing out of here, and give that dog a bath!


"Lex, Lex, Lex." Clark picked Samson up by the scruff... sighing at his stench. "You haven’t worked with animals your whole life, and its apparent. Next time we're naked, remind me to tell you about the time I fell in the cow poop." Clark grinned, brightly, and walked out with his new puppy.


"I don't want to know!" Lex shouted.  "And you didn't clean... this up!" 


Whine.  The Lex really didn't like his present. He was back to being a bad puppy again, and his tail drooped again.  Bad Samson.


Clark took the little guy over to the next room, where there was a big bath he used sometimes when Lex forgot to turn the air on. Pfft. And he said Samson stunk.


He walked in and dropped the little guy in the big claw bathtub, capping the drain and began to fill it with a tiny bit of water. "You know, Samson, Lex is a big dorkhead."


Sad little wiggle and a yip.  Water was for very bad puppies cause that's what had happened to the other Samsons he'd been born with, they'd been very bad puppies and put in a bag and dumped in the water but the water was cold and they'd all gotten out and all went away but him and the Clark found him and he whined again, shying away from the water because he really wasn't that bad a puppy, and he whimpered.


"Its okay! Hey, its alright little guy. See?" He leaned way over and took the warm water off, grinning at him at the tiny little bit in the bathtub. "See? Just a little. Shhh, stop shaking, lets get some soap." He reached over and dug under the counter, where he'd put doggie shampoo there for when this very occasion arouse, and he took a small hand cloth and a big towel. "Here we go. Ready? I’ve never done this before little guy, so bear with me." He squirted some on his hands and gently began to rub and moisten his fur, smiling at him as he scrubbed. "There we go. Aren’t you a good boy. Yes, yes, you are."


Okay.  This was the Clark.  The Clark said he was a good puppy, but still... water.  Water.  Bad puppies.  Whine, whine, shiver. 


"Shhhh, c'mon, almost done, alllmost done." He gently scrubbed away the poo he'd rolled in, then turned the water back on low and rinsed him off with the washcloth.


The tub was a mess, but as Clark picked the little pup up, set him in the towel in his lap, and began to dry him was worth it. "There, see? Allll done. Look, and don’t you smell clean, huh? We gotta take you to the doctor soon, baby, but don’t worry, cause I'll so be right there, kay? Right there with you. Now lets dry off and go see Lex, and don’t get all mushy anymore, kay?"


Loud whining and little claws tapping at the bathtub as the water came back on, and then when the Clark picked him up... there was a very, very happy Samson.  Wiggles and cold shivers because he was WET and COLD and WET but the Clark was warm and had a warm fuzzy thing for him to cuddle up in and he did, wiggling his butt and wagging his tail at the warm fuzzy thing and the Clark talking to him.


Clark finished drying him off, and wrapping him in the towel, stood up and walked back to the bedroom. "Alright, Samson, my man. Clark and Lex are gonna have some alone time, kay?" Oh, but he didn’t wanna kick the little guy out! Dammit! He rubbed him in the towel, drying his little face and paws, and finally set him down on the floor.


Samson wiggled as he was put down on the floor, but he stayed away from the cold floor room cause the Lex was still in there and he didn't like the cool present.  Instead, he wormed his way under the bed, looking up at Clark with big, soulful brown eyes.  And a little, little whimper.  Cause the Lex was really mad.


"Noo! Samson, baby." Clark plopped down and offered his arms to the little guy. "Hey, boo, its okay, c'mere. No ones mad at you, I promise! Lex is just a big fat bastard thing who likes to yell at little puppy babies. I promise, he likes you, kay? C'mere."


Samson gave another little whimper and refused to come out from under the bed.  The Lex didn't like his present.


"Lex! You come in here and apologize to Samson RIGHT NOW!" Clark yelled at the bathroom.


"I am not apologizing to the dog!" Lex yelled back, scrubbing his head dry with his towel.


Wow.  More yelling from the Lex and Samson scooted further under the bed.  The Lex was really, really mad.


"Yes you are! He's under the bed!" A glare and Clark climbed to his feet, opening the bathroom door, and glowered at his naked lover. "Apologize to my baby right now."


"Isn't that where he's supposed to be?" Lex groused, slinging the towel around his waist instead.  "And I thought I was your baby."


"You're my other baby, but he's actually a baby! And he's crying under the bed!" Clark glared back. "Ashamed. ASHAMED."


Sad little yips from under the bed.  The Clark and the Lex were yelling now, and he scooted all the way back against the wall.


"He's a dog, Clark."


Clark turned and pointed where the little sniffle yips were coming from, and crossed his arms, arching a brow.


"He's still just a dog."


But a really cute dog.


"But look at him. Look at him. He's in there, crying because you're mad at him. I gave him a bath and he was crying." Clark cocked his weight to the left and looked at his lover expectantly.


Sulky voice.  "You don't give me baths."


Nobody loves the bad puppy.  Samson shook under the bed, fluffing his little bit of fur out, and licked his paw, whining quietly.


Clark took a step forward, a grin trying to tremble on his lips, though he was doing his best to be stern. "I give you tongue baths all the time." And now, serious. "Now go in there and apologize to my dog!"


"Ewww.  If you're giving Samson tongue baths too, then we're way past dresses and make-up kinky."


"I didn’t! I! LEX!" He reached out, and pinched his lovers nipple. Hard. "Go in and apologize to my dog!"


Lex yelped as Clark pinched his nipple.  "I'm not apologizing to the dog!!"


"Then I am not going out with you tonight and we aren’t having sex until Valentines!"


Lex casually knotted the towel around his waist.  "Maybe Dick would like to go out with me... though it wouldn't be the same without you." 


Okay, so the angry route wasn’t working. Instead, Clark took on a horridly sad, sniffling, pouting expression...looking up at his lover under his lashes and offering a sad face. "Please?"


Christ, Jesus, and goddammit all rolled into one.


The Pout.  The aptly-name Puppy Pout, the Clark Kent special.


Lex heaved a sigh and wondered when, exactly, he'd been pussywhipped.  "All right."


Clark’s face broke out into a grin and he pointed where Samson was under the bed. "You're going to have to coax him out."


"Whatever happened to apologizing?" Lex grumbled, but went dutifully over to the big bed, and got down on his knees beside it, peering into the darkness.  "Samson?  Come on out, you little sh--sweetie," Lex changed at the last minute.


A tiny yelp came from the very very far corner.


Christ.  "Hand me the flashlight there, will you, Clark?"


Clark followed him...catching a nice, lovely look at a nice, lovely ass, and he reached down, caressing Lex's balls, which were in the air, and going in their side drawer for the pen light. He handed it over… still stroking, still caressing, and gave teasing little thoughts of how much... fun they were going to have tonight.


Lex shivered at the gentle caress to his balls, and then flicked the light on, searching for the dog under the bed.  Of course it was at the complete other end of it.  "There you are, Samson.  C'mon out."


A sharp yip as the light was shined in his little puppy eyes, but then it moved.  The Lex!  The Lex was calling him.  His tail wagged once.


"That's right, come on out.  We don't want to have to move the bed to get to you, boy, come on.  Come on out, I'm sure we've got... Milk Bones, or something around here."  The light was shining in the corner beside the dog, and he could see him clearly.  "Come on, Samson."


"Baaaaaawr?"  Samson wagged his tail again.  The Lex.  The Lex not yelling.  That was good.  "Arf?"


"Sorry, boy, I don't speak Doggese," Lex said, rolling his eyes and holding out his arm, stretching his shoulder to reach under the bed.  "C'mon, little fella."


The Lex smell.  Lex hand!  Samson licked the wiggling fingers, and then bit one sharply.


Lex swore.  "Your motherfucking dog just bit me!"


Ah, crap!  Bad puppy!  The Lex just yelled again, and Samson cowered in the corner, whimpering.


And he wasn’t an innocent boy. So Clark dropped to his knees, and sucked Lex's balls into his mouth.


Soft, tender little sucks… playing and doing nothing to get him off by any other means. Just exploring, lapping at the silky skin of each tender sack, before taking both in his mouth. Clark's tongue massaged them, fingertips spreading...then grinned at the cry, and slapped Lex's ass.




"Lex, get my baby out of there." He let Lex's balls fall from his mouth, lapping up his spine to suck his earlobe. "Get him out of there, and get ready to go out with me."


Lex's body shuddered as Clark's hand slapped his ass, and he arched his back, rubbing against Clark's chest as it pressed against his back.  "Won't... won't come out," Lex protested breathlessly, shivering at the teeth scraping his earlobe. 


"Try harder." Clark chuckled, fingers winding down and around the towel flap, rubbing his cock once. "I’m not doing anything till he's out and with Ms. Bird."


Lex thrust against the sinfully warm hand.  "He--bit me.  Doesn't like me."


"He loves you. But you were mean, and he's scared of you." Husky murmur into that ear as his thumb moved to trace the perky little hole pressed to his crotch.


"He--oh, Christ, Clark--he left that... mess in the bathroom."  Lex arched back again, pushing himself against the teasing thumb.


"He's three months old, Lex." Clark breathed softly as his thumb slipped away, to caress the spot right between his lovers balls and the base of his cock. He rubbed in circles, murmuring sweet nothings as he kissed his ear. "Get him out."


Lex whimpered hungrily, deep in his throat.


Okay, what?  Samson's ears perked up.  The Lex... the Lex!  The Lex was in trouble!  The Lex never made noise like that!  Maybe if he rescued the Lex then the Lex wouldn't think he was a bad puppy anymore!  Yipping furiously, little claws tapping on the hardwood floor, Samson wiggled out from under the bed as fast as he could, teeth bared and snarling a little puppy snarl at--


The Clark?


The Lex was making noises at the Clark?


Samson cocked his head and tried to figure out what was going on.


Clark burst out laughing right into Lex's ear. Samson’s little nails had slid across the wood and carpet… and he was looking at them with the purest "…the fuck?" look Clark had ever seen. He was still giggling into his lovers smooth skin as he hugged Lex tightly and pointed to Samson’s little body. "He was coming to save you. I knew I named him right."


Samson was still trying to figure things out when hands picked him up.


Oh.  The Lex.  The Lex liked him again.  It worked!  He wiggled happily and snuggled against the smooth skin of the Lex.


Lex cleared his throat roughly as he picked the little puppy up and it snuggled into him.  "He's a cute little fella," he said through a tight throat.


Did it make him a huge sap to want to cry because a dog--a dog--had tried to come to his rescue--a dog that he'd all but kicked in the teeth?  Yeah, it did, so what?  He scratched Samson's ears gently, rubbing him under the chin and giving him attention.


Oh, yeah. Kent charm transcended even species. Clark giggled and wrapped them both in his big arms, hugging tightly and burying his face into Lex's neck. "He was gonna come save you, I just bet. He was even snarling, weren’t you, Samson?" Clark rubbed the little pups head, grinning at him even as his fingers tightened around his lover, and he kissed the base of his neck. "You're totally in love, aren’t you?"


Samson wiggled his head out through Lex's elbow so he wasn't squished, and then wormed happily at the pets from the Clark.  The Clark, his favoritest Clark in the whole wide world of people, and then the Lex was cuddling him.  He almost bit playfully at Clark's hand but remembered how the Lex had yelled and didn't.  He put his paws on the Lex's chest and licked his chin, right where the Clark had just licked.


"With you," Lex admitted, arching his neck into Clark's kiss.  Then when he felt a Samson lick there, he laughed, and lifted the little puppy so he could look into his eyes.  "You, little fella, don't go getting Clark's ideas of saving the world, all right?"


No.  Clue.  No idea what the Lex was talking about, but he wriggled his butt and wagged his tail anyway.  The Lex liked him again!


Clark grinned broadly, wriggling right against Lex's back in a completely different, much more wicked way then Samson was doing in front. "Uh… Lex... baby." He reached out, pet Samson's head...then gently slid his palm to his lovers chest and tweaked a nipple. "Ms. Bird will take care of him... I want..." He didn’t quite know how to ask, burying his face in Lex's neck and licking… biting again.


Lex shuddered, making the same throaty whimper as before.


What?  The Lex made the noise again!  He jumped up on his hind paws, front paws on Lex's shoulder, headbutting the Clark.  If the Clark was making the Lex make noise, then the Clark had to stop it.


"Yes... what, Clark, what do you want?"  A breathless laugh as Samson jumped on his shoulder and started headbutting Clark.  "No... Samson, it's okay.  It's all good, Clark's okay."  He picked Samson up and cradled him.  "Worse... than a baby.  Get him... to Ms. Bird... hurry back."


"Ow!" But Clark was laughing, and he gathered Samson in his arms, kissing the top of that head as he climbed to his feet from his Indian style plop on the floor. "I'll be back in like, twenty seconds." He looked down at Samson, peering at him. "Man, I am so not having you sleep in our bed. I was gonna sneak ya in, man, but there’s just no way."


Samson wiggled against the Clark.  Okay, he was happy.  Cuddles were good.


He gathered him close, covered his eyes with one wide palm... and sped through the house. Down the steps in a heartbeat, around the corner, and he stopped in front of the door to her rooms, knocking on it softly. "Hello? Ms. Bird?"


"Ja?"  Ms. Bird put down her book, and pulled her blanket around her shoulders as she walked over to the door.  "Vhat is it, Meester Clark?"  She opened the door slowly, grinning up.


"Hi." He grinned, broadly. "I wanted to know if maybe you'll watch Samson? Lex and I are gonna go into the city, and we don’t want him to wander the mansion by himself. He could get lost, or hurt, and no one would know."


"For chu?  Of course."  She held her hands out for the wiggly little bundle.  "He und I vill get along chust fine, don't vorry."


"Yay! Thank you, Ms Bird!" He handed the little guy over. "His bowl with water and food is by the door, and he already peed and poo'd while I was giving him a bath, and he should be sleepy." He beamed. "Thank you again. He's a good baby, my Samson."


"Vell... I'll spoil hem for chu.  He and I vill sleep in the de bed and he can haf one of my peelows."  She scratched behind his ears.  "You're velcome.  Off wit chu, haf fun with Master Lex."


"Thank you!" He kissed her cheek, and he bolted out of the room.


Oh yeah, Samson was cool.  This was Food Lady who snuck him samples of the good stuff in the big things on the heat maker.  Food Lady was a good person too, and he snuggled into her warm lap as she settled back into her rocker.


Lex was sitting on the bed, naked, one leg laid flat, the other bent at the knee as he blatantly displayed himself, waiting for his lover.


Clark raced up the steps... quite literally, and when he threw their door open… oh, God.


His mouth dropped... his cheeks flushed, and he panted with a lot more then the quick run. Oh. Oh, God. All long, sinewy strength, thighs open lazily, spread like sexual posing was an art he'd mastered long ago. That long, flat belly... those hairless arms, comfortable.


Waiting for him.




"Hello, Clark."


"Hi." Whispered breathlessly.


"You're overdressed."  Lex smiled easily, belly flipping hotly inside as he watched Clark staring at him.


He couldn’t stop looking. His gorgeous, beautiful aushna', like a Grecian god laying on the blankets, waiting for him, and Clark realized sweat had broken out over his back and he'd begun to tremble. He slowly began to unbutton his flannel shirt, Adam’s apple bobbing.


"You also need to shower before we get ready."  Lex let a wicked hand slide down his chest, tweaking a nipple lightly before it rested over his belly.


Clark's breath caught in his chest. "Sh… shower? I should shower… now?"


"You can't shower after I do your makeup," Lex said calmly. 


Oh, fuck. He couldn’t pull his pants down with a very, very obvious woody. So he just swallowed, hard, and turned.


Ramming into the wall.


He swallowed, hard, looked back at him, and took a step to the left, walking into the bathroom and putting the shower on.




go to the next part