
The Memoirs

Smallville fanfic by Kel and Diana

Chapter 78: The Education of Clark Kent

Lex had finally agreed to letting Clark put the convertible top down.  There was enough hairspray in Clark's hair to withstand a tornado, much less the top down, and he merely pulled his own wig off as he leaned back against the passenger seat. 


The view from this side of the car was actually kind of... nice.  Especially when it wasn't whizzing by in a blur. 


He ran his fingers over his bald head, whistling softly as he watched his lover drive.


And he was driving alright. He was having a ball doing it, too, but lets not get too hasty. If he said it, he knew his lover would take the wheel back, and he was just having too much fun. The car, gray Aston Martin, hummed underneath them like a big, sated jungle cat, content and purring with each push of the accelerator.


He was, however, forever a Kent no matter what his heritage said. And he did not, would not, go over seventy.


Okay, seventy five ONCE, but they'd just gone over a hill.


The radio was blasting today’s top forty, the wind was in his hair, he had a rack of really fantastic breasts on his chest, and he was going out to the big city with his lover. Hell. Yes.


And his grin proved it.


"You know, Clark, this car is capable of triple digit speeds," Lex chimed in from the passenger seat.


"Don’t care!" He whooped, so glad his shoes didn’t have heels as his shirt billowed in the breeze and he laughed, joyfully, turning the radio up when Shakira started head banging her Latina little ass all over the place. ...He had a secret place in his heart for Shakira… not that he'd ever tell anyone. Or anything. It was a new song, though, despite his pinpointing her vocals anywhere, and he bopped his head.


"Right," Lex said dryly, idly slipping his hand in his pocket and flipping on his lover's vibrator.  Let's see if that will put some skip in your step, my lover!


Truth be told, he barely felt it. The car was humming under him, his hips bopping in the seat with each beat of the song, but when it tickled his prostate... he let out a yelp, then another laugh, putting on his lovers as well and grinning impishly at him, farm boy shining through the layers of gloss over his body.


Lex squirmed in his seat as his own vibrator clicked on, and instead of the ladylike crossed legs he'd adopted, he slid down in the seat as far as he could and let his legs fall open, thighs spread wide under the tight skirt as he wiggled, riding the twitching cylinder inside of him.


This was another benefit to being a passenger.  You didn't have to worry about running out of the road.


He noticed. It amused, and aroused him, but hello. He was behind the wheel of a $200,000 vehicle. He couldn’t look off the road... cause it was expensive, and cause it was damn fun. His free fingers slid over his lovers lap, sliding under the mini skirt to squeeze the tightened package once, as the chorus went across the radio. Ooooh. He squeezed again, straightened, and laughed all over again, as he switched lanes and passed a truck driver, before getting back in the slow lane. The chorus of the song passed once, and damn it was jumpy, and he was so pumped that the second time around, he sang along. "Lero lorebray...sabes que, estoy a tus pies! Contigo, mi vida, quiero vivir la vida, quiero vivir contigo!" He bellowed into the night, squirming in pleasure and giddy joy.


Lex's eyes boggled as he tried to think through the pleasure of the thrumming in his ass.  Clark was singing along with the radio, in Spanish, without missing a word, feeling him up, and passing other cars like they were standing still, and all without ruffling a feather.


There was some serious cerebration going on in his lover's head, and he squirmed again at the thought.


He was still singing, loudly, not very well but he was enjoying himself tremendously, as his fingers slipped back under his lovers skirt, tugging him by his bound cock. "Turn this way a little, baby," He gasped mid lyric. "Want me to get you off?"


Lex seriously considered it as he arched up, letting Clark's hand soothe his bound package.  "If you do... I'll never get... packed away again," he gasped out between thrusts up.  In light of that, he really should have stopped rubbing his flat crotch against Clark's hand, but somehow... it just felt too fucking good to stop.


"Can stop by the side of the road, Alexa...get you off." Clark murmured huskily, gazing at him as he let his foot off the accelerator, leaned over, and sucked a hard, warm kiss from the flat crotch, right at the base of his lovers cock, before raising again without a swerve, his fingers sliding back and down, around. And damned if there wasn’t challenge in his eyes. "I’m yours for the night... never said I couldn’t tease you." He slipped his hand lower, stroking the bound head and feeling the vibrations of the toy through his lovers ass.




He pushed the knob up a little higher on his little remote, and stroked harder.






Lex was going to lose his--or Alexa was going to lose her--mind.  "Clark--"  That was all he could strangle out before the egg jumped to the second speed inside its sheath, and his entire body jumped, pressing up against the hard push down of Clark's hand.  "Fuck... going to kill me," Lex glared back.  "Messy, messy death."  His hips were rocking rapidly against Clark's hand, and his eyes were all but watering as his cock tried to free itself from the confines of the tucked pouch it was in.


"Can you come this way?" He murmured, dropping their speed again because he realized he'd been going 71. Naughty Clark. Or, rather, Clair. He stroked Lex a little faster, fingers skirting the head to rub the ridges through silk, stroking up and down the shaft in teasing little strokes. "Don’t you wish it was me? In my pretty skirt and hose, behind you, fucking you wildly?"


"Question... is not can, Clark... but when will I... come this way."  He grunted softly, and glared at his lover again, eyes shooting daggers.  "Yessssssssss..." he hissed.  "You know I do... know it's how I intend for this evening to end," he continued in a growl. 


He ducked his head, and gave his lover thickly done eyes that were so big and innocent, and he whispered under the scream of wind and the music, "Yes, master." ...And he meant it.


He kept his face innocent, soft like that, as he continued to stroke, harder, for just a moment, before taking the vibrator off, tucking it in his cleavage, and taking the wheel with both hands again.


Lex grabbed Clark's face with both hands, one sliding to fist in his hair while the other one firmly gripped his cheek.  "If you're gonna tease me like that, Clark... then you better be ready to play," he warned softly.  Clark calling him master both thrilled and terrified him, and he didn't know which was responsible for the clammy goosebumps on his skin.


All that power, under his hand, and his beck and call... all that trust, put in him.  Terror and exhilaration fought for prominence.


"I’m ready." Clark murmured very quietly, and leaned over, to lick his lower lip lewdly, darkly, wickedly. "The question is, baby, are you?"


At the lick against his lip, exhilaration won out.  "I'm always ready, Clark... remember who you're dealing with."


"I think I've got a handle on him." Clark nodded, sagely, and his voice, as he'd been practicing, rose an octave, and went silky, and sultry. It was still masculine but inherently feline and female at the same time, and when he looked again at his lover, it was with the wicked, teasing eyes of Clair, and not of Clark. "He tends to be overprotective, and pussy whipped. I wonder if he can see someone new for the night... I’m dying to see."


The raised voice sent shivers down Lex's spine, and he straightened abruptly.  His own voice dropped to a thick, honeyed whisper that was nearly the same timbre as his speaking voice but yet, wholly different.  "I'm not pussywhipped... Clair," Alexa answered smoothly.  "I merely spoil you and let you have your way.  There is a difference."


"Is there?" Challenge in Clarks eyes as he took the Metropolis exit, where life was evident on the road. He pushed the button to raise the roof, slowing down to forty on the exit ramp as the roof rose, and closed them in... making it so much more intimate, and sexy. "I don’t know. I think maybe I have you wrapped around my little finger." He murmured in that same, sultry voice, as he wove in and out of traffic like the pro he'd long become around the farm.


As the top went up, Alexa adjusted her hair, brushing through it with her fingers and fluffing the curls that framed her face and her shoulders.  "Oh, yes... there is a difference.  And while Clark might have Lex wrapped around his finger... Clair hasn't met Alexa before, and Alexa... doesn't wrap around anyone's finger.  They wrap around hers."


"We'll see about that." Clark followed suit, slowly slipping into this persona they'd been practicing. Much like his own, only female, and he was sure he could handle being shy like a pro. Really. No contest there, he had it pegged. "Because... I think Alexa doesn’t know what a fine ass it is that I've got."


"I know," Alexa purred softly.  "I'm just not interested in your ass.  I'm more interested in what's between your legs, and how long I have to wait to get it."  Alexa looked through the small clutch purse, and touched up her lipstick and her powder as they entered downtown Metropolis.  "Take the next right, and then two lefts.  You should see Brandywine at the end of the block."


Clark was, at the moment, driving slow as hell. Honking went past him, and he didn’t give a fuck. He was driving an Aston Martin during the night in METROPOLIS, where the people were KNOWN for being rude bastards who hit stuff. Excuse me, he was going to drive as slow as he wanted, following Lex... Alexa's instructions. Remember who she is, he reminded himself. And who he was. He wasn’t Clark for a while.


She was Clair. And it was invigorating. "Alexa? Can I just say, you've got quite a rack."


Alexa pulled her mirror back, checking her cleavage out before snapping the compact shut and tucking it back into her purse.  "Yes, I do."  She smiled at Clair.  "I try to keep myself looking... good."  Another soft grin as a pale hand with a silver bracelet on it slid over Clair's hard, leather-encased thigh.


"I’m so hard, Lex," Clark murmured, breaking character a moment as he absently shifted so Lex's hand slipped to his crotch, and he moaned very, very softly, as he took the first left after flicking off some fucker who'd tried to pass him and hadn’t succeeded.


Lex's hand stroked hard against Clark's crotch, moving to slide under the slit to touch skin.  "I know you are, baby... I can get you off before we go inside, and then you can fuck me after we leave," he offered in his own voice.


"No... I want to suffer. I j... just thought to let you know, suffering, its a go." Clark murmured, taking the second left, then pushing himself right out the window, bellowing in the high, sultry voice of Clair, "GET OUT OF THE FUCKING WAY ASSHOLE! YOU HIT MY CAR AND YOU WON’T SEE MORNING!" He leaned back in, snarling, then flicked the guy right back, honking hard, and finishing his turn from the guy who'd actually cut AROUND him to get in front of him. Bastard.


Lex dissolved into helpless laughter.  He couldn't help it.  "Suff--suffering, are you, Clark?  You're... a bit testy," Lex choked out between peals of giggles.


He turned a glare at his lover and accelerated, colorful curses under his breath at the fucker who was now in front of him, and he rode his bumper too close for comfort, but enough to annoy him. "Bitch. I hope he hates me. He wouldn’t remember what daylight was, because I'd shove his HEAD so far up his ASS he'd be counting intestines, and don’t you laugh at me, Lex Luthor!  Its called courtesy. Where did these people grow up, Gotham?!"


Lex was doubled over in the seat, his forehead resting on his knees and he was thanking God and Max Factor for waterproof mascara as tears poured from the corners of his eyes.


"FUCK YOU!" He bellowed, and because he was an evil bastard, turned the vibrator on to the highest setting.


And left it there, as he drove down the street, looking for Brandywine.


The laughter turned into a howling shriek as the vibrator slammed on inside him, the highest setting thrumming against his prostate and he couldn't help it. 


Despite his cock being tucked away and everything else, he came hard.  His entire body went rigid with it, throat locked as he keened at the top of his voice, collapsing in a shuddering heap as his hips rocked on the vibrator, orgasmic afterglow quickly fading as he rode the hard shaft still moving inside him, hardening again almost impossibly fast.


Clark was good at judging his lover, and he'd wanted to walk into this club with his sated lover. Despite their game, he loved his baby, desperately, and he would never let him suffer needlessly. He smelled the come, and though he wished he could have tasted it, he lowered the setting, fingers in his shirt and bra, lowering it he could switch it off.... and smile at his lover adoringly before he could catch himself. "See? Fucked you."


Lex wasn't even sure he could walk or think, much less glare angrily at his lover.  But he did, eyes narrowing.  "You, my friend... are going to suffer for that," Lex swore softly.  "I promise you that, you have my word on it as a Luthor."


Clark’s smile, all Clair now, was priceless. Sexy and shy, eyelashes fluttering, and his tone whispered down softly, seduction in it as he swept his gaze over his lover. "I was hoping you would, master."


Savage twist of his fingers in the carefully coiffured hair of his lover, and Lex dragged Clark's head down for a brutal, hard kiss, tongue thrusting hard and deep, raking and tasting instead of gently teasing.


Clark moaned, harshly, tapping the brakes so he wouldn’t plow into whoever had replaced Fuck Head in front of him, and he gasped, struggling against him in desire and ache and desperation, looking back to the road. "L..."--heavy mutter, streaking tongue--"Gotta... d... drive...!"


"You should have thought about that before you started this," Lex growled into Clark's mouth.  "Deal with it."


"I deal with it, you-you're not gonna like it," Clark muttered, and... he gasped into Lex's mouth. The club... it was so... elegant. He supposed he'd been expecting some outrageous, hopping joint, but it was classy, elegant, despite the club music booming from it. It was... seductive. Sexy. Understated.


He loved it, immediately. He began to squirm in anticipation and mind numbing fear, slipping into a parking lot behind the guy in front of him, and found a spot near the end of the lot. A little walk, but not much. And it wasn’t as cold outside as it should have been for a Kansas winter, which was a godsend. The crops would grow hard this year, and--


No crops. No Smallville. He was Clair, from Edge City, with Alexa. And he was going to enjoy every minute of it.


He pushed the car into park, cupping his lovers cheeks and pulling them close, kissing him hard and lavishly before sighing and rubbing his lips over his. "'m nervous."


"Don't be.  You're beautiful, you're sexy, and you're confident.  That's all you need for a place like this."  Alexa stroked her fingers through Clair's hair gently.  "Don't worry, baby... you're going to be fine.  Just stay with me and you won't go wrong."


"Sexy. Confident. Terrified." Clark whispered at the end, straightening his shoulders and swallowing as he cut the engine. "C'mon. Lets go in... don’t let go of my hand, o-okay?" He whispered softly.


"I won't."  Alexa had no intention of letting the beautiful woman with her out of her sight.  She got out of the car, and met her lover at the driver's side door.  "Come on... let's go inside."


"Okay." He flowed out of the car like water. The leather hiked dangerously high for a moment, showing a little too much… until he straightened, and it fell back into place, high on his thigh. His skin shined, eyes huge and hair mussed. Just fucked, and it looked really good. He arranged his breasts a minute, softly sighing as he shut the door and hit the alarm button, and his fingers slipped into Le--Alexa's. Have to remember that. "You're so sexy, Alexa. So soft... like milk." He whispered in Clair's voice, running long fingers down her arm.


Alexa moved so that Clair's arm wrapped around her waist, and held her tightly to her side.  "There we are, baby."  She leaned her head on Clair's shoulder as they walked, her own hand resting possessively on Clair's hip, leaving no question as to whom belonged to whom as they approached the bouncer.  "You ready, Clair?"


"Yes." Was the soft whisper, and his arm went protectively... possessively around Lex's waist. "I’m ready." He murmured seductively, mimicking the soft sway of Lex's hips as he studied the club, and the bouncer. A tall woman, built like an Amazon, and--it was a man. Clark swallowed, heavily, and reached down, mouthing the shell of his lovers ear as he whispered, "Are we that obvious, Alexa?"


"No, we're not.  Some people just aren't built for it," she whispered back.  Reaching into her purse, she pulled out her ID and a hundred dollar bill.  "Genna... it's been a while."  Gene Raymond had been Brandywine's bouncer for as long as Alexa had been going.


"'Lexa... nice to see you back with us."  Genna pulled the velvet rope away from the door, and let the two of them in, without even asking to see Clark's ID.  "Here you go, and enjoy yourself tonight.  Some of the old crew are up on the second floor already, if you'd like to join them." 


Alexa tucked her license back into her purse and smiled.  "Maybe later, but thank you."  She tugged Clair in behind her, and then rose on her tiptoes.  "Can I buy you a drink, beautiful?"


Clark couldn’t stop staring at the guy as he let them in...then realized it was hickish and naive of him, and quickly glanced at his lover with eyes like a deer caught in headlights, and he almost dug his heels in, if people hadn’t been entering behind them. As it was, his fingers flexed hard around Lex's, tightening but not crushing, as he swallowed and arched a little to push his chest out a little.


He was scared. Not stupid.


"M...maybe we shouldn’t...--alcohol?" Okay, so maybe he brightened. "Yea--yes. Yes." He murmured seductively, heart trip hammering in his chest as he noticed all the people in the bar turning to look at the new arrivals.




Alexa warmed under all the scrutiny as she led Clair to the bar behind her.  Two stools were open near the bartender, and with a delicate swivel of her hips, she planted her backside on one of them and spun around. 


The bartender, ironically enough, was a woman... dressed up as a man.  Hair pulled back, a smudge of theater makeup to approximate five o'clock shadow, and she threw a bar towel over her shoulder as she spoke gruffly.  "What can I get you?"


Alexa looked at her nervous lover, and then back to the bartender.  "I want two B-52's, and... two slow screws against the wall."


Clarks fingers held empty space for a minute, as Lex let go to slide into the stool beside him... and the skirt slit fell open, revealing a whole lot of tanned, luscious thigh to whoever happened to be looking. The tight leather hiked his breasts higher as he sat and everything shifted up, his throat working at the arousing feeling of his packed crotch shifting on the fluffy, leather stool. He smiled at the bartender nervously, itching to speak through the frog in his throat… until Lex had to go ahead and order screws against the wall.


Hello. Fucking Lex against this bar was sounding better and better as the time passed.


"With or without a banger?" asked the bartender.


"Without," Alexa answered.  "Just a slow comfortable screw against the wall.  And can we get the bombers first, please?"  She flicked a smile over at her lover.  "Trust me, you'll love the screw."


"Coming right up."  Quick flips and twists of the bottles as the bartender layered the two shots, and then slid them down the bar. 


Alexa caught the shots before they slid past her, and she passed one to Clark.  "It's a tall shot, but you throw it back in a single drink and let it burn.  Like this."  Alexa took the shot glass, tipped it to her lips, and drained it in a single gulp.  She blinked, and then slammed the glass on the bar.  "Throw it back and knock it.  The knock will help it go down easier."


"What knock? Breaking the glass on the wood?" Came Clair's sweet, easy voice, eyebrows raising as he did as he was told, tossing the shot back... then nearly tearing the bar in half as he hissed through it. It burned like acid, racing to his belly, and his poor tummy convulsed heavily before lighting on fire, and it didn’t really matter. He was dead. He knew it. Kryptonite wouldn’t kill him, this would.


He stared at his lover with watering eyes...swallowed...and offered a crooked grin. "Good?"


"No, you don't break the glass, baby, just knock it on the bar." 


Then she laughed.  "Can we get another bomber to go with the screw?"  Alexa trailed her nails over Clair's thigh.  "Okay.  But you can do better." 


Two tall glasses of Pepto-pink liquid over ice were slid down the bar, along with another layered shot.


Alexa picked up the shot and passed it to her lover.  "Here you go, baby.  Smooth this time."  She picked up one of the glasses of gin and sipped it carefully as she watched.


Clark’s brow raised to his hairline, and he self consciously glanced around them a moment, shyness fluttering in his face as he shifted and swallowed. "Okay." He picked up the candy pink glass, and sipped a little with lips that were shades softer and lighter, but just the same anyway. He sipped again, sighing softly as the slightly sweet alcohol slid down, and he smiled a little. "I like this one better, Alexa." He whispered softly, fingertips sliding over his lovers as he looked out at the bar. People were still throwing them glances, and a lot of whispering was going on, which Clark snatches of, even though he tried not to. He respected peoples privacy, no matter how tempting it was. "People know you here."


Alexa's heeled foot was stroking the line of Clair's calf.  "Yes, they do."  She smiled.  "And as soon as you finish your drink, you, my friend, are going to take me dancing.  And then, I'm going to take you upstairs, and introduce you to some of the associates I used to hang out with."


"D...." Came the stuttered, soft reply, and his eyes went wide as dinner plates. "W...we can't dance, th… there are other people there." He whispered. Oh, God. He didn’t say they were going to dance. Clark danced like a lumberjack, and he suspected Clair did to. Oh, God. His heartbeat fluttered, fingers vising around his lovers, even as his bound cock gave a resounding throb at the pump slowly stroking his leg. Wasn’t it a marvel, stroking through pantyhose?


"I can have the floor cleared, if you prefer, but believe me, it's much more fun when there are other people out on the floor."  When it became clear that Clair wasn't going to drink the second shot, Alexa threw it back, and then sipped again at her drink.  Sloe gin was too sweet for Lex's taste, but it was perfect for Alexa and Clair.  Her foot stroked harder, and she pulled Clair's fingers to her mouth for sweet kisses.  "Relax, beautiful."


"Trying." She whispered...he whispered, trembling, but looking under his lashes at his lover in gratitude, and anyone with half a brain would have seen the love, the devotion, the commitment.


So when a slender blond walked around to them, in a skin tight, leather, strapless cat suit with heels that could kill, Clair’s eyes narrowed.


"I’m sorry." The blond said throatily, switching her drink to the other hand. "I couldn’t help noticing you when you came in," She whispered to the red head, and gazed at the brunette with innocent eyes. "Would you mind if I stole your girlfriend for a dance?"


What, she hadn’t heard his teeth grinding? Clark swallowed, and reminded himself this was for fun. He was in love with this person, this man in front of him, and dancing could be permitted. He trusted his lover enough for that. "It's the ladies voice." He said seductively, gazing at Alexa again as his lips went pouty, full, gorgeous. "Whatever she would like."


Alexa leaned forward, hand sliding up into the shadows of Clair's crotch, stroking the hot skin under the leather skirt.  "I'm sorry... I've already promised the first dance to my date," she declined gently.  "But... maybe later."


The blond smiled, watching the touch, sweet, unprepared for by the brunette as those innocent eyes widened. "I understand. My name’s Stella, by the way. If you'd like to sit with me and my girls, we're right over there," She motioned to the classily dressed women, smiled again, and with a blush staining her cheeks, walked away.


"Alexa." Clair moaned very softly, watching the buxom blond walk away as her fingers caught Alexa's under the skirt. "We... everyone’s watching." Trembles, trembles now, and soft, heavy gasps.


"And this is a problem?"  She took the drink out of Clair's hand and set it on the bar as she slipped off the stool.  "Come on... let's give them something to really look at."


Clark… Clair, she smiled and slipped off too, fingers trembling in her dates hand as she squeezed her fingers around them and followed, shakily breathing in and letting the air slide away. "There’s… that group? Over there?" She pointed to a group of women dressed as Latinas. "They... they haven’t stopped staring a-at me. Are you sure everything’s okay? I don’t look too much like a guy?"


"I told you when we got here that you were beautiful."  She pulled Clair out onto the fringe of the dance floor.  "Nobody's been able to take their eyes off you since you came in."  Alexa turned around so that her ass nestled against Clair's groin, and she brought Clair's hands to her hips.  "Follow my moves, pull me back against you, and you'll be fine."  As she slid her hands over Clair's, Alexa flicked Clair's vibrator on as she started moving to the music.


"I’m nervous." Clair whispered, and through their link, shared her fear even as she slid his fingers seductively over Alexa's hips, leaning in to nibble at her ear with pretty pink lips as Clair whispered, "I dance like a lumberjack on crack." Then down, to press a soft kiss to the slender throat just lightly scented with some perfume that nearly made her crawl up the wall. She purred, licking at it with the flat of her tongue, and moaned as that flexing, packed ass slid close.


And groaned, heavily, when the vibrator up in her own ass began to vibrate. "Oh, God."


Alexa took the fear and wrapped her own confidence and awe of Clair's beauty around it as she let her feelings flow back into her love.  "You do not.  Just move with me."  Her hips started to slide seductively across Clair's groin, knees bending as her body slithered down and then back up.  "Ride it, Clair."


"Okay." She whispered, and because it felt so fucking good, began to move. She rocked up into each downward movement, rolling her hips and the valley of her thighs into each downward thrust. They moved like liquid, graceful, Clair's fingers sliding up the flat belly to cup firm breasts for just a moment, sliding up Alexa's her shoulders, then down each arm, until her palm was atop Alexa's hand, and their fingers laced that way. "Oh, God," She whispered, rolling her hips, and what was trapped between them, into each flowing movement. "God, you're so sexy."


And they were. The stares at them were proving it, but Clair was in her own little world, where there was no farm, no mansion, no age difference, just this seductive melting of bodies.


Once Alexa was sure that Clair was into the movement, she turned around, facing her love as she pulled Clair's arms back around her waist.  She pressed tightly against her date, one leg sliding up Clair's leather skirt and rubbing around her hip, then did something surprising.


She locked that leg around Clair's waist and dipped herself, her body arched,  breasts firm and heaving slightly as she slid her fingertips over her belly, over the leather corset, up the white shirt to her throat, and then pulled herself back up again to slide down Clair's body.


Clair… Clark... was going to lose her mind. She gasped, watching in awe and pleasure as Alexa leaned back, breasts heaving high, and run her fingers over them, her red hair shaking all over the place. Oh. Oh, God. When Alexa brought herself back, all she got was a cloud of red hair... and those fuck me lips.


Clair couldn’t resist.


She delved in, got a taste, nipping that lower lip hard as her body throbbed. Sex. Sex. Sex. Alexa smelled like it, perfume, makeup, body rubbing against her own, and she snagged those hips and brought them close as she turned them and nibbled up her neck. Easy, soft movements, and if he didn’t think about it he knew he was dancing. Or having sex on the dance floor, one or the other.


Stella whistled soft in her throat, cocked a hip, and sighed at her girlfriends. "Knew it wasn’t gonna happen. Why'd you tell me to try for it, Rica?"


"Because, darling, that's Lexie, and Lexie is well known for switching around her dance partners when she gets tired of them," Rica--Rico, when he wasn't wearing a dress--said calmly.  "You'll see."


Alexa wrapped her leg around Clair's hip again, using it to pull herself in and thrust against her love.  Her tongue snaked out, licking her lips and making them shine more in the strobe lights as she thrust, nibbling the tan skin exposed through the sheer shoulder of Clair's shirt as she rocked.


"Yeeeesss.." Clair hissed, rolling with each thrust movement, licking those luscious, warm lips as they danced, the vibrator sending wicked, dark thoughts skittering down her spine. So when those warm, soft, big hands cupped Alexa's waist a little roughly, it couldn’t be said it was her fault. When she thrust a little harder against her, she couldn’t be stopped. "Yeees, yes, baby, please," She begged softly, mouthing her neck as the pounding music filled her brain.


"Does she?" Stella’s eyebrow rose as the two moved on the dance floor, amongst all the other dancers. "It doesn’t look like she's going to be switching any time soon."


And quiet as a mouse, beside his boyfriend and lover, Aden watched on. He was mousy, terrified, and going be Adaline for the evening. He grasped his lovers elbow a little tighter, staying close...and watched the couple dance, too. "Wow. Th-the-they’re s… sexy. Who are... are they?"


Rica's arm slipped snugly around Adaline’s.  "That, my darling... is Lex Luthor and his toy of the moment, Clark Kent.  What you see on both of them?  My creations."  She puffed up proudly.


Alexa bit hard at the crook of Clair's neck, and then slid her other leg around her date's waist.  She was now hanging to Clair by strong thighs, hands on her shoulders as she slid down to situate them groin to groin and rubbing hard, thrusting forward as she licked Clair's throat.  "Please what, baby?  Want to come?"


"Th..." Adaline gasped, hard, as the smaller woman leapt up and anchored herself to the taller, grounding and moving with the music, ass nearly bared to the club and holy moly, it was hot. "Th-that’s Lex L-Luthor? The... the Luthor?" He whispered back, shy and uncertain, as his fingers wrapped into Rica's. "T...they’re beautiful."


"Please... please, Alexa," Clair's voice was raspy, soft, begging as Alexa leapt and snagged onto her like a bur. Her hands could go nowhere but that tight, delicious ass, cupping the cheeks... until one hand slipped into her own cleavage, and turned on Alexa's vibrator. Medium purr, and Clair grasped those vibrating cheeks and hauled her closer as she sucked on that strong neck. "Please."


Stella whispered through her teeth, and plopped back down into her seat. "They’re fucking on the dance floor. My God, they’re hot."


Rica nodded.  "Yes, darling... the Luthor," she said, and then stood up, tugging Adaline to her feet.  "Come on, can't let them have all the fun."


Alexa slipped one hand down between them, through the slit in Clair's skirt as she rubbed her hand against the soft mound that led to the hard cock tucked away in there.  Fingers teased the rim of the pouch as she worked her fingers in to stroke.  "Yes, baby... don't have to beg me, I'll make you come."  She worked her hand in faster, finally gripping the base of his cock and stroking.


Where Adaline should have been shy, she giggled, and grasping Rica's hand, nodded and slid from the stool. The long, soft blue dress fit her perfectly, and she followed her date to the dance floor. "K-Kay."


They were having sex on a dance floor. They. Were. Having sex. On a dance floor. And Clair couldn’t have liked it better. She threw her head back, arching her throat and trying to keep her voice soft, as the gyrating bodies around them gave them the privacy they needed. Clair had a sneaking suspicion that even if they hadn’t been guarded, Alexa still would have done it.


So was her lover, and she gave her the merriment of it as her breasts pressed into hers and rubbed. They moved across the nipples underneath, and she moaned very, very softly, pressing her face into Alexa's as they swayed. "Yes... Yes... L.... Alexa… yes..."


Alexa kept her hand stroking Clair's cock, squirming closer, getting a better grip, and finally tugging enough out of the way so that she could stroke the entire length, thumb rubbing over the leaking, throbbing head before her fist stroked back down her lover's length.  She sucked hot, hungry kisses from the full lips pressed to her face as she stroked and thrust, grunting softly as she humped against her love.


Rica tugged Adaline against her, looping shy arms around his neck and dancing them through the crowd, sinuous bodies slithering around each other as they moved until they were only a few feet away from Alexa and her date.


Adaline moved like a pro, comfortable though shy, vibrating against her lover, fingers searching through clothes to rub nipples, then down to slide over a full, sensuous ass, her mouth sliding over and over that succulent throat.


Oh, God. Soft, warm fingers under his skirt, lewdly rubbing his cock through all the layers they were, and the vibrator shifted against his prostate. Clair began to move into it, eyes closed as she concentrated on coming, concentrated, ached for orgasm, grasping her lover tightly to her as she arched and thrust into that hand as much as she could. Her cock ached to rise, hard and tight between sweet thighs, and she gave it a squeeze with the muscles of said thighs, groaning softly into Alexa's neck. "Please. Oh, God, please. Please."


Rica pressed hot, wet kisses to Adaline's face, stroking her hair and sliding her hands down to hold her tightly.  "Mmmm... enjoying yourself, darling?" he murmured.  "Lexie getting you bothered?"


Alexa tightened her fist on Clair's cock, stroking it hard and fast, thrusting her own groin against Clair as she felt the moan vibrating through her.  She closed off her own hungry need for the moment, instead concentrating on Clair's as she slipped a hand into Clair's shirt and twisted a pebbled nipple under the bra.


Aden nodded just a little bit, and wished they were at home, so he could leap on his lover and fuck him blind. He didn’t like it like that often, much more preferred it up the ass, but at the moment, if he could have, he would have bent Rico over where they stood and slammed home.


Oh, and the thought had a lick of pleasure rolling down his back.


That was it. Clair froze, on a hair pin. The twist had done it, and orgasm crawled up her legs, down her spine, and pooled in her groin. She let out a keening, deliriously pleasured sound that was swallowed by the club music, sighing heavily and rolling her hips into Alexa's fingers and flat little pussy. Oh, and the thought was enough to make her arch and come harder, burying her face into Alexa's neck and keening softly.


Rica pulled Adaline close.  "Mi pulchera chica," she said softly.  "Whatever are you thinking, darling?"


Alexa rubbed against the trembling, hard cock in her hand, and with the other hand flipped the vibrator off as she kept her legs linked around Clair's waist.  "Love you, baby, make you always feel so good... told you I'd make you come."


"X-Rated." Adaline whispered, rubbing her fingers over his back. Rica had at least a foot and a half on her, and she had to look up as they moved.


"Yeeess.." Clair moaned, harshly, shaking, beads of sweat sliding down her temples as the shyness began to take over her again. They were standing in a crowd, fucking. But on second glance… so was everyone else. Was that okay? Not really, but she didn’t feel so bad now. She grunted, softly, and took the palm Alexa had used on her, and licked it free, sucking each finger softly.


Aden moaned softly as he caught the fingers, each sliding into the brunettes mouth as easy as a cock sliding inside a hot, tight sheath, and he pressed his shaky lips into Rico's neck. He wanted. He wanted so, so much. Oh, boy.


Rica's hands and arms slid around Adaline and stroked her back, her hips, and her thighs.  "I know you're hungry, baby... come on.  We'll talk to Lexie for a bit and then we'll disappear into the corner."  Her hands slipped under Adaline’s ass and lifted, sliding legs around his waist as he moved towards them.  "Lexie!  Lexie, precious!"


Alexa rubbed against Clair, moaning softly, thrusting her fingers into her lover's greedy mouth, other hand sliding through Clair's hair.  She bit down hard when she heard someone hailing her, and grimaced at the precious.  "Ignore them and they will go away."


"I w… want. I want, Rica." He slid easily back into character… they'd been coming here for the two years that they'd lived here, and it wasn’t anything new. He'd progressed from the shy, stuttering boy he'd been... to a less shy, less stuttery version of himself now.


Sort of.


Adaline whimpered softly as she wrapped her legs tightly around Rica's waist, the slender blue dress with slits all the way almost to her waist spread easily, and she latched on tighter, kissing over her neck fiercely.


"Mmmm." Clair murmured, sucking each digit clean of her own climax, until all that was left was the delicious taste of Alexa's fingertips and the lotion she'd slipped over her skin at some point before they'd left home. "Its... i's okay," She whispered, letting go of those delicious fingers and reaching in to whisper, "I want to meet your friends."


"Come on, then."  Rica hefted her lover gently against him, holding Adaline close as they came to stand beside Alexa and her date.  "Lexie... you can't ignore me forever, I'm a persistent bitch."  Her head was tilted to the side to accommodate Adaline’s kisses.


"You'll be sorry," Alexa warned, but she didn't slide her legs down.  "Rica... hello.  It's always a pleasure."  She bit Clair's shoulder lightly.  "Clair, this is Rica.  Provider of the clothing you now have on.  Rica... this is Clair."


Adaline gasped and quickly got down from her lover, heels clacking as her cheeks flushed a gorgeous pink. Alright, she'd been coming here for a long time, but it didn’t mean she couldn’t get shy. Her fingers grasped Rica's, tightly, every time they met new people together like this...part in fear, and part in shyness. "H… h-hi."


Clair waited until her date was down, making sure she was sturdy on those killer heels, fingers absently sliding through the hair that was too much like the rich auburn she'd had just a few weeks ago. After smiling softly, she turned that same smile at Rica, offering a hand. "Clar... Clair. Hi. make clothes really well." The blush hit her cheeks a moment later, and the smile was slightly farm boyish and crooked. "Really well."


"Clair... nice to meet you."  Rica shook the offered hand gently but firmly, and then tugged Adaline forward.  "This is my date, Adaline."  Rica kept her arms possessively around Adaline’s waist as she introduced her.  "Clair, you wear my clothes quite nicely, I must say."  She raised a brow at Alexa.  "And you, Lexie, you've upgraded your wardrobe since the last time I saw you.  More cloth, less skin."


Alexa smiled at Adaline.  "There you are; usually you're hiding behind Rica every time I've seen you... it's a pleasure."  She offered her hand to Adaline.  "Rica... stop being a bitch.  I wear what's flattering."


Adaline smiled and offered her hand too, shaking it and squeezing before sort of slipping a little closer to Rica. She was breaking her shell--didn’t mean it was broken again.


"Hello, Adaline." Clair shook her hand next, then slipped his fingers through Alexa's...the ones she'd just sucked and licked on. "Thank you...they fit very well. A little too well," The look shot towards Alexa was all Clark, "But beautifully, and I thank you."


Then the comment about more clothing. Clair stared at Alexa for a moment, who was wearing all but an eye patch and a swatch of silk top....and in the alien, deep heart, jealousy and fury warred both. Hard. He reigned it in before reaching across and snapping Rica's neck in half, however, squeezing Alexa's fingers sweetly and smiling. "She looks beautiful." And she punctuated the statement with a soft kiss to full, warm lips.


Alexa shook Adaline’s hand and then scooted in next to Clair.  "It's okay ,baby."  She returned the kiss wholeheartedly.


"I'm not being a bitch, Lexie.  I told you, I like when you wear more of my clothing and less of your own skin.  You don't look like a slut."  She pulled Adaline close.  "You look better when you have clothes on."  She wrinkled her nose.  "Looks like Clair's been a good influence on you."


And it was. It was okay. Clair smiled at her lover, then laughed at Rica, nodding happily. "She's pussy whipped. She doesn’t want to say it, but she is." And Clair wrinkled her nose cheerfully.


"I-I.." Adaline swallowed, hard. "Do you...w-want to have a dr...drink? Maybe? We're o-o-on the dance...f… floor." A nod, and she nervously looked around her at the gyrating couples.


"I am not pussywhipped."  Alexa grabbed Adaline by the wrist.  "Come on, Adaline.  We're dancing."  Before Adaline could protest, Alexa had dragged her off into the middle of the gyrating floor.


"A drink would be--Lexie!!!!  Bring my Adaline back this instant!"  Rica's eyes narrowed as they followed the redhead. 


Aden looked back at his lover in sheer horror for a moment, before getting pulled by the buxom, sexy individual tugging on his wrist. He slid back into character easy as glass, fingers gentling in the tug that she'd wanted to pull from Alexa, until they stopped and she could gaze up into those flint gray eyes. "I’m" She whispered, trembling and shifting weight.


And Clair... Clair had seen something in the smaller girl that she could identify in herself, and knew Adaline was not a threat. She was just entirely too adorable, and Rica's face? Priceless. "Rica...want to buy me a drink?" Clair said easily, sending laughing, dancing eyes at her lover before grasping Rica by the elbow and tugging towards the bar.


"Believe me, darling, it shows."  Alexa gave a wide, sweet smile.  "Come on.  Hands on my hips, that's a girl."  She guided Adaline's hands into place, and then grinned.  "What's the ling from the song... let your body groove to the music, you know you can do it."  The grin turned into a sultry laugh.  "We're not going to break your shell so much as shatter it to pieces."


"No, what I want is to get those little purple talons off my precious Adaline!" Rica growled, not quite realizing the strength that was in Clair's arm as it pulled her back by the elbow.


"Why don’t I like the sound of that?" Adaline murmured, trembling now as she put her palms on each vivacious, slender hip. The leather was cool under her fingertips, smooth, and she bit her lip as she looked up under misty smudged eyes shaded a lovely sky blue to accent the flecks in her soft green eyes. "I’m a little… uh huh. N-n-ner... nervous." She murmured, then couldn’t help smiling and laughing a little too.


"Alexa won’t tear her to pieces, promise." Clair nodded and dragged Rica over, the leather skirt sliding off her bare thigh with each step. At an angle, she looked half naked, and realized it when she saw the other club goers staring at the both of them. Well? Who wouldn’t? Rica, tall, gorgeous Latina, and Clair knew her breasts looked damn good. So she thrust them out, rubbing her free fingertips down the slit and her thigh as she gazed out over Alexa and the poor little chick who was indeed in her purple clasp.


"There you go.  No reason to be nervous, just move."  Alexa started moving gently against Adaline, sensually but not erotically, not the hard thrusts she'd done against Clair but gentle strokes that moved like water against her.  "C'mon, Adaline... move like me."


Rica growled at Clair.  "No, I'm going to tear her to pieces if there's one single mark on mi corazon!"


Adaline had dear in headlights alive in her eyes. She was terrified...but no one seemed to be watching her, though, just the sexy red head dancing with her. The movements were easy and graceful, and Adaline moved a little rockily at first.... then slowly began to imitate Alexa's, moving her hips and grasping hard onto the warm hips...then one palm, around, the cup the small of Alexa's back, stuttering a moment before falling silent.


"She won't." Clair said softly, throatily, pulling Rica, who was in a total tizzy, gently down into a stool. "Order me something, Rica. Something that won’t make my eye shadow run, okey? And watch them.. your Adaline dances so beautifully. Alexa is doing this so you can watch...and so I can be jealous. I’ve got a possessive streak."


"That's the ticket," Alexa purred, moving with Adaline and feeling the hand on her back.  Alexa's fingertips dragged down Adaline's throat, moving against her in the throbbing music.  "See, now, nothing to be nervous about."  Her hands slid back to cup Adaline's ass and pull her closer, adjusting her just a little and guiding her in the movements to make.


Rica snapped her fingers.  "Give me two Midori slimers, a green dragon and a girl scout cookie."  Then she paused.  "And give Clair a girl scout cookie too."


"Yes ma'am."  The bartender went back and lined up glasses, fixing the drinks that Rica ordered and smirking softly.


An eyebrow rose. Uht oh. In joke. Clair wasn’t sure if she should be offended, and instead rose the other brow warily and tipped her head. She couldn’t would only make her feel young and stupid, and since she already had a lot of that in her everyday life, no use adding on to it. So she tipped her head, watching Alexa out of the corner of her eye... breathing slowly when her hands slid down the short woman’s back, and growled very, very softly.


And, Adaline decided, she was having the time of her life. She was dancing, dancing, and though Rica could do it SO well, she was usually interested in thrusting AGAINST her, not dancing WITH her. But here, they were dancing, someone had asked her to dance! Hee! And it was so fun! "Y-y-you're a g-good dancer!"


Rica glared at Clair for a moment, and then back to Adaline.  "What the hell does she think she's doing to Adaline!  That bitch!"  So Rico was a little possessive of Aden, no matter what he was wearing. 


Alexa giggled as she slid her hands up Adaline's back, keeping them moving in the same space.  "You're not so bad yourself, sweetie.  We need to do this again."


Clair smiled a little, biting her lip, and her eyes danced as the bartender poured their drinks. She was still a little worried as to what was being poured, but Rica looked so worried she had to pat her knee. "Its okay, Rica. Alexa... she won’t hurt Adaline. Because then I'd have to hurt Alexa. ...Want to see something fun?"


Adaline grinned back, dancing back as the song changed.... much faster, much jumpier... twenties flap music, and she suddenly went sheet pale. "I...I d-d-don’t kn... know how t-to dance to this k-kind of music!"


"The only thing I want to see right now is for Lexie to bring Adaline back where she belongs!"  Rica's voice was a deep growl by now, and she picked up the pale green drink--the girl scout cookie, and poured it down her throat as she glared.


But Alexa did.  It's not like you could pick up the Charleston in two seconds, but jitterbugging was easy enough.  She grabbed both of Adaline's hands started to jitterbug.  "Just watch my feet and do what they do!"  step step kick backstep kick kick step.


As soon as Clair saw Rica lift the drink and toss it back, she did the same, expecting the harsh burn... and then blinked when she realized it was smooth as glass. "What the hell?" She glared at Rica, tugging her around to look at her as she lifted the glass. "What the hell is this? This doesn’t have any alcohol in it! What, am I suddenly eight?" Another glare.


Adaline let out a wail, following as soon as she could so she wouldn’t look like an idiot... and it surprised her immensely when she realized... hey! She was dancing! Like Alexa! HEY! What the hell happened here?! She looked up from their feet, gasping... then burst out laughing, grabbing onto Alexa's hands tighter and keeping on.


The tinkling, soft, indecently cute laugh had Clair looking to the dance floor....and grinning, forgetting for the moment the what seemed to be alcoholess drink, and spoke in Spanish cause she wanted to. Not that she knew it or anything. "La corazonita esta teniendo un tiempo buen buena." She grinned and nodded, then glared again over her drink. "What the hell was this mess?"


"It's a girl scout cookie," Rica growled.  "Crème de menthe, half and half, chocolate liqueur."  She dropped the glass back down onto the bar and glared.  "It has alcohol, just not a lot.  I'm not going to have Lexie on my case for getting you drunk; I'm not suicidal!"


Alexa grinned like an idiot.  "There you go, darling!  Told you that you could do it!"  She picked up her pace just a little, laughing with Adaline as they cleared the spot around them, the other women and drag queens in the club stopping dancing and giving the two of them room to move.


Clair was jus smiling at the two dancing, joy fluttering in her heart. She giggled, covered the giggle with her hand, and took another sip of the drink as she glanced at Rico. "I don’t get drunk easily. I’m young--I’m not innocent. Look at them go!"


Adaline was having the time of her life. Just the time of her life"! She picked it up fast, dancing like a loon, heels clacking as her blue dress swished around her hips, accenting long, lean, killer legs and a trim little waist. She had a power grip on Alexa's hands, but oh, God, she was having fun!


Rica rolled her eyes.  "Of course you don't, darling.  You hang out with Lexie, of course you've built up an immunity."  She slid the green slimer over.  "Just drink it down, swallow the Jell-o, and then start on the green dinosaur.  Eventually they'll remember we're here."


"The green wha'?" Clair’s long lashes fluttered in a blink, gazing down at the green drink with another blink, as the song behind them died down to a slow jazz, to let the participants catch their breath. "Oh. ...Its not toxic?" ...Waita go, slugger. Show Rica your innocence. "I mean… yeah." He took a sip of the drink... hissing softly, his nose all but bubbling and falling off his face as his eyes watered. "Meep?"


Finally able to catch her breathe, Adaline giggled, helplessly, grabbing Alexa and hugging her hard. "You m-made me unafraid of dancing! T-thank you!"


"The green dinosaur," Rica clarified.  "It's not toxic.  It's green Midori, sour apple pucker... don't remember what all else.  Just drink it."  She shot back her own jell-o shot before starting in on her own dinosaur.


Alexa hugged back, laughing as she steered Adaline over towards the bar.  "You're welcome, dear.  You just needed someone to swing with, that's all."


And Clair would have, if she hadn’t spotted the little green monster in her heart. Her lover, and Adaline, walking back this way, and all Clair wanted do was snag her, hide in a corner, and fuck her blind. She hadn’t known that Alexa... LEX, could dance like that, and my God, Almighty. She looked at them shyly as they returned, eyes twinkling, and grinned. "Did you both have fun?"


The hunger was still there, deep in Adaline’s gut, as they neared. She wanted, but she'd had so much FUN, all she could do was hang on to Rica's arm and beam up at her like a thousand watt light bulb. "Hi."


Alexa twirled so that she landed in Clair's lap, hopping up easily on the stool between her date's legs and nestling her ass against Clair's crotch.  "I had fun, baby... what about you?"  She squirmed just a little against her lover, getting comfortable in her lap.


Rica pulled Adaline possessively against her, stroking over her arms and back, holding her and kissing her, deeply and roughly.


Adaline barely had a moment to catch her breath before she was in a crushing kiss, and the heavy, purely male need from before came rushing back between her thighs, making her jump and wince, moaning softly as the bound cock Rica herself had done lay trapped between her legs. She groaned, heavily, arching again as her fingers scratched through Rica's well done hair, stroking hair pins out until she could clench in the silky locks and pull Rica closer.


Clair murmured her approval softly, slipping her fingers around Alexa's waist as the club began to get crowded...and she got a chance to look at it, murmuring softly into her ear. "I’m so in love with you, my aushna'." And it was in that seductive, soft female voice when she murmured it, her fingers sliding over Alexa's crotch before up again to her hips and waist.


Brandywine had, many years ago, been a skating rink before the owners had bought it and sunk a half million dollars into redecoration and renovation.  The old rink floor had been replaced with a dance club floor, the beginner's rink at the back had been turned into the DJ's corner.  The spotlights overhead were set on swivels, and the management had mounted a huge chandelier in the ceiling in lieu of a disco ball.  The strobe lights inside the chandelier threw flashes of white light into the corners and onto the floor.


The walls were hung with thick velvet and brocade curtains, giving the club a slight taste of formality during the day when it hosted private parties and celebrations, and in the evening, providing soft cushions for writhing couples to fuck against.


There was a second level to the club, a wide catwalk that circled the building, open walkways between the leather couches and on the left side, private rooms that could be bought for an hour.


Rica slid her hand between Adaline and herself, rubbing her rough palm over Adaline's crotch.  "Mine, corazon... tu es mio."   She batted Adaline's hands down and gave her head a savage shake, letting the short, thick black hair cascade down to his shoulders and into Adaline's waiting grasp.


Alexa pressed against Clair and wrapped her arms around him.  "I love you, Kal-El," she whispered softly, grinding her crotch against Clair's wandering fingers for a brief moment before they skipped away.


Adaline gave a harsh, nearly silent sound, arching her crotch up to Rica's busy little fingers, before grabbing her hair and pulling her back down. One hard, thick, soul shaking kiss, before she realized they were in company, and let go quickly, flushing hotly as she looked under her lashes at Alexa and Clair. "I’m... I h-have no m...m-manners, I’m sorry."


Clair simply shook her head...groaning very softly into Alexa's ear as her fingers slipped through said gorgeous woman’s, watching her as she whispered, very softly, "Do you know what I’m thinking about?"


Alexa squirmed again into Clair's lap. "If I'm lucky... you're thinking about how much you want to fuck me," she purred.


Rica growled.  "They're no better; they don't care.  They're doing the same thing as we are; forget them, chica, and pay attention to me."


Clair giggled, quietly. "You think too much about yourself... but as it happens, that’s exactly what I’m thinking about." She whispered it, quietly. "Thinking how you look.... how you'll feel, what you'll sound like when we make love as these two women." Her voice was powerfully seductive in her own ears, as she murmured into Alexa's, brushing her lips over her neck...her cheek...her jaw, her ear. "Thinking about how much... I want you."


Alexa reached around and dragged Clair's arms around her waist.  "I don't think too much of myself," she whispered arching a delicate throat into the wandering lips.  "I just know... that I've been doing my best... to seduce you tonight."


Adaline reached up, snagged her lovers fingers, and pulled. "C… come be with me? Rica, please, I... I’ve had heat in my belly a-all night, all night, for y... please." And in her voice was a soft desperation. Heat like this was rare, but now, it was out to consume him from the inside out. He wanted to push Rico over the first flat surface and fuck him blind.




Clair murmured appreciatively, rubbing her lips against a long throat. "And Ive been doing my best to ignore it. made me come on the dance floor, AJ." Her voice was low, soothing in Alexa's ear, even as she whispered things that were meant for the blood to boil. "I want to make love with you, where people....people will know, what we're--"


"Hey!" A large, not particularly well dressed woman snarled at the two of them, when Clair's elbow accidentally jutted a little too far accommodating her lover. "Watch your corners, chic, you almost took out a rib. Bitch." She glared and turned back to the Bartendress... then paused, and sent big, pouty brown eyes at Alexa. "Heya, cutie. What do you think about coming over to my table, get away from this lumberjack?"


"Fuck you, bitch."  Alexa stood up on the bottom rung of the stool, balancing on her heels and towering over the woman.  "Don't you talk to my Clair like that... fucking apologize, right now, or I will not only kick your ass in front of all these people, I'll have you thrown out of this fucking club!"  She snarled.  "I wouldn't go to hell with you, you cunt."


Rica was just about to agree to Adaline's request, kissing his hand and then her elbow until he heard Alexa's snarled threat.  Tugging Adaline with her, Rica moved to stand behind Alexa, and subtly let the woman know Alexa was not alone.


"I’m not apologizing to no slut, and you can’t kick me out anyway." The woman huffed, and turned, glaring and walking away... once she realized there were four of them and one of her.


"Shhh... shh, aushna'," Clair whispered very softly, sending daggers into the woman’s back as she walked away. Everything screamed to take out revenge on the bitch who'd just tried to take his man, but Clark calmed that part of himself… very... very softly, very, very tightly, keeping a hold on it with an iron grip as he breathed softly. "Shh, its just a tregnuy, shhh. She doesn’t matter."


Adaline...Aden couldn’t really see straight, so she let herself be pulled wherever Rica saw fit, hard on pressing into her balls and the skin behind it, tight and secure and oh, fucking hell, she wanted so bad.


"Let... go... of... me..." Alexa said quietly.  "I have some cunt hairs to rip out."  She jerked her arm out of Clair's hold.  "GENNA!"


At the bellow of his name, Gene turned over bouncing duties to the relief bouncer and followed the bellow to Lex.  "You called?"


Alexa pointed at the bitch.  "I want her out.  Now.  She insulted Clair and me, threatened both of us, and I want her out.  Now."


Gene knew better than to argue.  He walked up behind the woman and grabbed her arm tightly.  "Come with me, please."


Rica put her hand on Lex's shoulder, and then thrust back against Adaline.  "Lexie, precious?  Are you all right?"


Alexa knocked Rica's hand off her shoulder.  "Don't fucking call me precious, all right?  I'm not some fucking gold ring."


The woman got carried off, without a word said, as she raged and threatened. "Ass licking bitch!  Pussy fucker!"


"Aushna'." Clair’s voice was low, but strong, and Clarks eyes looked up from the makeup and the glitz, to stare hard into his lovers. "Calm yourself down, baby. She wasn’t worth this. I’m not angry, and you shouldn’t be. She saw a woman who is sexy and sure of herself, and she went about it the wrong way." And if we were in the street, she'd be dead in a cardboard box by now. "Don’t be angry, my love." He reached his fingers out and skimmed them over his lovers fingers… up his arm, to his face. "I love you. Rica didn’t mean anything."


And Adaline… she was hiding behind Rica, peeking over his shoulder in fear as her fingers latched onto Rica's hip like an anchor, nails digging in.


Clair rose, her voice sultry and quiet, and it rose over the lull in the music as everyone stared at the commotion. "Besides, its so obvious he's got a five o’clock shadow, and an extra pair of love handles." Innocence at her lover, voice louder then needed. "And one boob is missing a nipple." She clucked her tongue and sighed, winking at Rica as she turned, snagging Alexa's hand and Rica’s arm, and pulled them towards the stairs leading to the second floor.


Alexa growled deep in her throat as she looked down at Clair as Clair tugged her towards the stairs.  "Clair... do not try and calm me down.  I'm fucking pissed at that bitch."


Rica grabbed Adaline as Clair pulled her along.  "Damn, but the boyo is strong," Rica muttered, nearly running to keep up.


Alexa was easier to pull along, as she let Clair pull and drag her over to the steps.


The bitch was hollering as Clair saucily pulled them up the steps--letting go of Rica and expecting her and Adaline to follow as she wrapped her arm about her dates waist and whispered, "I'll calm you down if I chose to. You are mine, don’t you forget that." Was the softly whispered words, pushing curly hair from her eyes as she shyly winked and smiled at a boxy chic in a skin tight green dress whistled as they passed.


Alexa wrapped her arms around Clair's waist.  "You're right... I am yours."  She stopped them on the middle of the stairs, not giving a flying fuck who saw as she kissed Clair hard, deep and fast.  "I love you."


Rica kept a tight grip on Adaline as they climbed the stairs.  "Come on, Adaline... you can get me in one of those little rooms and have your wicked way."


Clair's smile was soft as she kissed back, just as deep and fast, listening, suddenly, to bits and snatches of conversation from the people. Who looked good, who was fucking who, who was doing drugs.


It was an interesting feeling, and her fingers squeezed tightly around Alexa's as they stepped on the top floor. The carpet was plush and thick--and her heels sank into it each and every step as she gasped softly. Up here....was a different world. People were fucking in the hall, doing said drugs, making out. Half naked wherever she looked, cocks and breasts that had to be real, and Clair’s cheeks colored pink as her fingers flexed around Alexa's as fear took her over. How could someone have breasts and a dick? How? Why would anyone want it? To play, yes. To have, God no. She stuttered once...and fell silent.


Adaline shyly leaned over, and kissed Alexa's cheek as her fingers squeezed the affirmative around Rica's. "We'll see you in a l....l-little while. Have a drink with us before y-you leave?"


Alexa nodded.  "Of course; we'll find you before you go.  Rica... thank you again for the clothes; you do great work.  My father will be contacting you shortly, I believe, he mentioned something the other day about time for new silk."


Rica muttered something about Lionel Luthor and comparing him to the back end of a horse, and dragged Adaline towards the rooms, throwing down a hundred dollar bill and slamming the door behind them.


Alexa felt the tight clench of fear in her belly from her lover and looked around, trying to see what had caught her attention.  "Baby?  What is it?"


Clair watched the pair disappear with a grin, and her thick lashes flickered over to Alexa... dragging her close and slipping her fingers in her own bra, cupping the fake breast a moment before putting the vibrator on to the lowest setting and letting it whir. She could barely feel anything from the waist down, from being packed so tightly so long, but she knew the warning tickle in her chest was arousal waiting to make itself known. She'd kept a handle on it, but swam through her blood, and her fingers skimmed over Alexa's breasts...rubbing the nipples and in her mind, she gave her lover a gift. She took control of the sensation in Alexa's real nipples... and transferred it to the rubber, fake nipples Clair was rubbing against. So... so maybe it could feel like they were real, like they were heavy and tight and erect and full.


And she moaned, softly, ignoring the people having sex around them to lick Alexa's top lip.


Holy shit.  Alexa nearly jumped out of her skin when the sensation suddenly twitched in her brain and all of a sudden she felt fingers on nipples that should not have been feeling anything and oh, God she moaned.  The vibrator twitched in her ass as she pushed back against Clair, rubbing her smooth ass against her lover's crotch as she moaned again, her nipples pressing hard into Clair's fingers.


Clair dropped her mouth to Alexa's neck, and nibbled. Her tongue laved the perfume, rubbing her cheek against the hair as she traced each line and crevice, each freckle across the smooth expanse of skin. Her hands cupped each breast, letting her lover feel it, feel the fullness, the feeling of having them cupped, and started to squeeze and massage, getting the nipples harder, transferring each touch back and forth between plastic and real nipples.


And there was a smile in her voice as she spoke. "You're so much fun. So sexy."


Alexa pushed Clair's hand out of the way, letting her nails slide inside her bra and scraping over the nipple, tugging it roughly as her knees trembled.  God... yes.  "Cl--Clark... Clair... you... oh, God, this is... you're going to kill me, I can't--fuck me, right now, please."


Clair smiled softly, sliding her fingers into the back, slender pocket of Alexa's tiny skirt, and take out the hundreds she'd slipped in there before they left, because God knew where her hand bag was. Clair took out a hundred dollar bill, and taking her lovers free fingers, walked with her through the hall... all the people just macking on the floor. It was... now that the fear was gone, it was sexy as hell. "Feel them, Lexie? How full... they bounce a little, the nipples straining your shirt. Twin handfuls, feel so good in my hands."


Alexa wrapped her fingers tightly through Clair's as she was tugged along.  She could barely speak, feeling the nipples grating against the lace of her bra and the pushing up of the leather corset was making them stand up harder, poking more through her shirt than she usually would have.  "F--feel them.  So scratchy... need to touch them, need you to touch them, pull and lick and bite and tug, p--please."


"Its my present to you." Clair whispered shyly, stepping over a stray leg as she looked over her shoulder and lowered her eyes softly... submissively, sweetly. "Anything for you, mistress." She whispered, and stopped at the end of the hall, as it was the only one that didn’t have an "occupied" sign. Clair slipped the money into the small box… typed in two hours worth, and took one more of Alexa's hundred dollar bills, before the lock of the room gave way. She smiled, tugging again, and without looking in yet...let the door shut, with a click.


Alexa shoved Clair against the door of the room, hands tearing at the shirt in her haste to get it off, mouth sealing against Clair's throat as her fingers dipped in behind the bra to tease real nipples.  Her legs wrapped urgently around Clair's waist, quiet noises of hungry want and need boiling up and spilling out as whimpers.  She didn't care what Clair did to her, as long as she did something.


Oh, God. Alexa's fingers, all over her, and now she threw herself into this fantasy, full fledged...moaning roughly. A woman, woman pressed into him, HIS woman, his LEX, and Clair shook her head firmly, grabbing Alexa's fingers as she tightened the hold on her wrists and brought them to the fake breasts in her bra. Where she'd linked her nerves to, before they'd left the house. They felt full, soft… tender now, and she hissed softly as Alexa's fingers moved, throwing her head back and moaning. "Oh, yes... never... never with a woman, want you, want you to feel me, feel me, please, touch..." She whimpered louder. "Touch me, touch me!"


Alexa nodded, not stopping to think how, exactly, that this could be happening, instead ripping and pulling at Clair's shirt, throwing it, finally to the side and licking her lover's nipples through the lace in the bra.  Her fingers kneaded the rubber, knowing that it should be just that, rubber, but having got the message that they were real, tonight, for her lover.  Just like hers were. 


She thrust forward, rocking her crotch against Clair's thigh, moaning softly against the nipple in her mouth as she sucked.


Oh. God. Clark would never again, NEVER, tell Chloe it felt the same for a woman as it did for a man. It was a sharper pleasure, headier, and Clair let out a shattering cry, thrusting her chest forward as her fingers found Alexa's and cupped, hard, squeezing and grinding the nipples into each palm as she pushed them both forward. A step, two, and they suddenly fell on the biggest bed Clair had ever seen. No matter, no thoughts right now, just pleasure--the sharp, needle point of it centered in her chest and groin.


She let out a cry, rolling, ending up laying on her side facing this gorgeous specimen and rolled her own hips harshly against her as she frantically kicked off her boots. "Yes, yes. YES!"


Alexa cried out as hands found her sensitive nipples, arching hard into the touches as she switched, sucking on the right nipple now as she ground against Clair.  Her heels went flying in the room as she ran her hosed foot up and down Clair's leg, teasing the back of her knee with dexterous toes.


"I’m yours, mistress, I’m yours," Clair all but wept, heavily, so pleasured in her heart that they could be doing this… and it was okay. It was sexy, it was hot, it was SO fucking SEXY, had she mentioned? She dragged her fingers down, snagging the leg and pulling it up higher, under the skirt and trapping her foot there with her hand, so Alexa could feel each clench of her ass muscles, each wild bucking thrust against sensitive, warm toes.


Alexa teased the taut globes with her toes, stroking the curves and wiggling lightly before stretching her leg back straight again and rolling onto her back, pulling Clair on top of her.  "Mistress Alexa..." she purred.  "I like the sound of that."  Alexa's fingers opened the chromed belt of the skirt and let it drop, then peeled tight, wet underwear off her lover's body, and then looking up at her lover.  "Do you want me to take you all the way out, Clair?  So you can fuck me hard, legs spread wide to take you in like this?"


"No." Clair growled softly, rolling over her so their breasts pressed together, naked belly and the pouch pressing into the soft leather skirt underneath her. Her mouth caught Alexa's ear, biting it roughly, before her movements got very... very personal, very possessive, grabbing each of those slender wrists and pulling them up. "No." She whispered again, and leaned down, biting savagely at her lovers neck… hard enough to draw blood, and leave a mark. It was punctuated with a wet thrust, the scent of her own arousal driving her half mad with desire, and her fingers slid under Alexa's skirt to squeeze her own tight package...and increase the vibrator speed.


And drag her tongue, flat, across the mark along her forearm.


Alexa whimpered as her arms were pinned down, but it was a good whimper, arching into Clair and rubbing their chests and bellies together.  Another cry of pure, unadulterated pleasure as Clair's mouth bit down on her, feeling the welling blood sliding across her skin as Clair sucked, and then a scream she could not bite down as a tongue licked over the rainbow mark. 


Bruce rubbing it had only sent a slight tingle; this wet lick of her lover's tongue sent stabbing shards of pleasure through her, lancing her brain, her nipples, her balls, cock, ass, every erogenous zone she owned with nearly unbearable pleasure.  Burning and white-hot, it coiled in her belly as she keened out Clair's name.


Oh, God. Her lover, crying out for her, and it was so new an experience that all Clair could do was rub harder, fingers cupping her right breast again and stroking. The nipples were perky under his fingers, and he looked up, looking at the blood, at the tension on that gorgeous face, and brought the lace cup down from one breast, making sure it would stay in place...and bit, as hard as she dared. She bit that nipple, then tugged and razored her teeth over it, before covering her mouth over the whole thing, taking in as much as she could into her mouth, and suctioning upwards. Hard.


Alexa moaned softly, arching as her breast was sucked into Clair's mouth, and she did the only thing she could do.  She wrapped her stocking-clad legs around Clair's waist, lifting her hips up as her hands were held down, rubbing herself against her lover as she whimpered, begging for more and harder and faster.


Clair carefully recovered the breast, pulling at the rest of the shirt and corset that had been tucked up and out of the way… baring soft shoulders, long chest, long abdomen... leather. The leather was gone in a moment, pulled down her thighs, until.... all that was left was spread legs, black lace, and hose.


Oh, God. Clair moaned, hard, the sound vibrating, and let herself squeal as she buried her mouth between those thighs and sucking at the covered cock. Her fingers raced over those covered thighs, the garter, lapping at it next before covering her mouth over one thigh… and biting.




Alexa squirmed and twisted, whimpering and then shouting out at the bite on her thigh.  The cold air in the room made her skin feel clammy, covered in a sheen of sweat already as she lifted and turned her body so that Clair could undress her.  "I want!" she yelled, unable to formulate anything else for the moment, leg wrapped around her lover's torso and squeezing hard, rubbing against his back as her thigh throbbed happily from the bite.


Clair let out a cry, letting go of the bite... claiming done. For now. Now.... now there could be sex. She let out a husky cry, yanking, though delicately, and the silky, lacy underwear. She unhooked the garter and pulled the underwear down, sliding the vibrator out as soon as she did. She wanted her lover closed when they made love, tighter, and she pulled the pouch down, finally freeing a cock that almost hit her in the cheek with its urgency to be free.


She would have laughed, if she didn’t suddenly have a mouthful of it.


Clair sucked, hard, raking her teeth across the sensitive head, and gazed up at her lover over the mountainous peaks at Alexa's chest as she slipped her mouth away from that full cock. And pulled, snagging those gorgeous hips and rolling so her lover sat  on her face, and she could fill Alexa's poor, abused ass with her wet tongue.


Alexa pushed her cock deep into Clair's mouth, loving the feel of heat around her cock as her fingers tugged gently at her own nipples.  She pinched and rolled them carefully, then sobbed deep in her throat when the mouth pulled away, only to have the sob turn into a moan as Clair's tongue slipped inside her.  "Cl--Clair, baby... yes... feels so good, so sweet... need you so much, hurts inside with it, baby, please, need you."


Clair couldn’t speak… her mouth was too busy. Thrusting in, deeply, the stretched channel so good and perfect and she was going to lose it, lose her mind at the cry, squeezing her lovers ass cheeks hard. She raked her nails down them, rubbing hard as her mouth returned back to the long, thick cock in front of her. She sucked hard at it, offering a willing orifice, offering anything. She was her lover’s slave... all she wanted to do was please her Alexa, anything, anything she asked and she would have done it without a hesitation.


Alexa's hands, freed of Clair's grip, slid down through the dark curls and pulled Clair's mouth up, off her cock and onto her mouth.  "Fuck me, please... hard, fast, slow, gentle, on my knees, I don't care, just please, I want you, need you, inside me now, please please please!" she pled between thrusts of her tongue, pressing it into Clair's mouth and sucking the taste of her precome from Clair's lips and tongue.


Clair let out another cry right into Alexa's mouth, squealing and moaning as they rolled, and she started to yank the blasted cup from around her cock. It was hard, leaking, bound and stiff and it hurt but oh, God.


As soon as she slipped it from the pouch... she lost her mind.


She let out a hollow, loud cry, grasping Alexa's wrists were they lay, yanking her up onto the pillows, and slammed into her, snarling loudly as she plunged in to the hilt. She didn’t care if Alexa hurt, she didn’t care if they heard them in china. She just screamed, on top of her lungs, and began to thrust wildly. Sex, the primal, dark beat of it slammed in her chest like a bucking mare, and her movements only increased. Yes, yes, YES, breasts rubbing together, mouths...tongues lewdly licking one another, eyes shut tight and fucking.


Alexa had not been prepared for the savage assault of her lover but was dying for it, and the scream that ripped out of her throat was half in pleasure and half in pain.  Both feelings twisted and melded into a single white-hot entity that fried every synapse in her brain, her eyes closed as she thrust up against Clair, riding every painfully pleasurable stroke to the hilt, fingers twisting hard nipples through lace, nails scratching a firm chest and strong shoulders, teeth biting a soft lower lip as she sucked on it.


She didn’t hear it. Clair’s mind was on one thing and one thing only. Her body, young and untrained, couldn’t take being contained for so long, and her grunts and cries were of the vicious sex she was taking from this gorgeous lover beneath her. She pounded, harder, driving her cock in fast and tight, the headboard banging with it, and her own screams mixing in. She let out a vicious, trembling cry and sank her teeth into a pert breast again, yanking at the little nipple as her hips drove in and out without heed.


She didn’t give a fuck. She was packed, tight, the vibrator still lodged firmly in her ass, and she reached back, viciously yanking it out with a flair of pain that turned to numbing pleasure a moment later.


The headboard thumped, loudly, against the wall with each punishing stroke, each vicious pound, fingers gripping those lovely hips and moving them at her whim.


Alexa hung on through the battering, mind cut off and blown out, literally, as her body enjoyed.  No more pain; vicious, cutting pleasure that knifed through her with every stroke of Clair's cock inside her twisted inside her belly.  Her throat was sore with her cries, body aching as she met every one of Clair's thrusts with a push of her own.


Hands on her hips moving her, and Alexa completely gave herself over to Clair, letting herself be moved, fucked, used as her lover wanted without complaint as she clung tightly, hands slipping down to squeeze her ass tightly, nails digging in as she gripped.


Sudden movement, and Clair rolled, twice, onto the fresher side of the bed where the blankets hadn’t been completely mussed, and fucked, harder. She was burning, from the inside out, and she angle Alexa's hips up, keeping them that way... and pounded into her prostate. Over, over, her cock driving against the small gland with each thrust in, scraping it with each thrust out. She drove against it, willed her lover to accept the pleasure in her shorted out brain, her teeth scraping her nipples again, then her lips, sucking vicious kisses out of those full and pouty lips as she moved.


Clair was primal… animalistic, and she couldn’t stop. No matter how much she wanted to, there was nothing but the wild slapping of their bodies joining, and the heat, the scent, of her lover. Thick, gorgeous, like sugar and lemons and sex, and she fucked her harder, harder, pushing her past everything she'd ever known and to what she was capable of. Darkness around them, like a bubble, a shield, complete blackness other then Alexa's face, her body, and the endless thrusting of their bodies.


Briefly Alexa was on top, and she ground her hips down, seeing stars as her prostate was rammed repeatedly with Clair's cock.  Over-stimulation and the hard, mindless fucking sent her over the edge without touching her cock, and she came.  Hard.  Her cock ached with the force of it, blasting hot semen over Clair's chest, arms, and chin.  Her tongue shot out, lapping her lover's face clean as she rode, feeling her ass spasming and contracting around Clair's hard shaft as it fucked her.  She bore down on it, squeezing as tight and as hard as she could with every press forward.


She felt it... felt the hot splash below her, watched with pleasure and awe as Alexa orgasmed. Her pretty face, framed with all that red, gorgeous hair, screwed up tight....and the pleasure that crossed it was unmistakable. Then heat, hot splashes of come over them, and it was nothing, a pin prick in Clair's need to come. Come, come, come. Need, hot, hard, need, little tongue flickering over her face and she couldn’t think, couldn’t move, fucking harder… harder… grasping for orgasm, but it had been such a long night, and her body, now, here, wouldn’t give it to her.


She let out a frustrated sob, tears shining her open, desperate eyes as they caught in her eyelashes and fell, pushing harder as orgasm kept leaping out of her hands. Her eyes screwed tight, aching for it, pushing for it, pressing her face into Alexa's neck.


Alexa raised up on her elbow, rubbing her cheek against her love's.  The frustration leaked out into her, and she was weak, watery from the intensity, cock struggling to rise again.  "Sssh... I know what you need my baby," she croaked out, and slid her fingers through the come on Clair's chest.



Before sliding them into her ass.  Thrusting deep, stretched by the vibrator that had been ripped out of her earlier, her fingers wiggled gently, rubbing her prostate at the same time she clenched down hard on Clair's cock.  "Come on, baby... that's it, please, God,... come on, wanna feel you lose it inside me... feel it all spill in me, please, baby."


Fingers, squirming, moving in her ass, real fingers...not the vibrator, feelings hot and warm and alive, and when they moved, pressed against her prostate, she let out a shattering cry, thrusting back into those warm digits, then forward into the clenched fist around her cock, and she didn’t know whether to scream or laugh...and did both.


Her cry was furiously pleasured, screaming on top of her lungs as she thrust forward, nestling into all that heat, screaming louder, hoarse as she came. Orgasm, ripped out of her with gentle fingers, the climax boiling in her balls...before she lunged, buried herself to the root, and erupted.


She screamed, all over again, vibrating louder, louder, and she let out a sobbing wail as she collapsed on top of her lover.


Alexa wrapped her legs around Clair's waist, fingers sliding out slowly so her arms could link around her lover's sweaty back.  Her mouth licked at the strong jaw of her beloved, nipping, biting, tasting.  The screams were like music in her ears, putting fire in her blood to match the one in her body, spreading up and out from Clair's cock. 


Hot come boiling inside her, sending desire and satiation boiling under her skin and she breathed deeply, teasing and rubbing her body against Clair as Clair collapsed onto her.  "I love you, I love you so much, my aushna', my love, my darling, I love you."


" you." Clair whispered, slowly sliding back into his own self. He felt...he felt amazing, sated, mumbling into a bare shoulder as he let go of the hold on his lovers nerves and the plastic was plastic again. There was nothing else he could do, because breathing was quickly becoming a perilous chore.


If he had to roll over and die at any moment, now would have been it, and damn if he wouldn’t be happy over it. He curled up, closer, still wearing hose and bra's and other things that didn’t matter, and he wanted to roll over and sleep the night away with his lover.


Considering it wasn’t their bed, and it would cost Lex almost thirteen thousand dollars, he decided not to sleep. Instead, his fingers slipped through all that luscious hair, his mouth licking and tasting each scent, spicy on Lex's skin, and moaned.


Lex wrapped himself around Clark as Clark licked and nuzzled him.  "Hey, baby."  He licked softly at Clark's ear, murmuring little love words and soft whispers into his ear.  "You want to take a nap?  It's okay... we'll be good for an hour or so."  He stroked over Clark's back, unable to get enough of touching his lover's skin.


Clark muttered something, very softly and sleepily. His chest was rising and falling furiously with the need to breathe… something... he didn’t feel... no.




He could barely move his muscles, but they gave when he wanted them to. He wasn’t Man comma Super for anything here, people. He pushed and rolled, moving himself back over his lover, and he sank down, muttering darkly in his home tongue as he reopened the wound on Lex's neck with a savage bite. "Mrena." Then down, yanking the bra off, cupping bare skin and biting hard at his lovers pert little nipple. Hard. Drawing blood, that rolled down his side and Clark didn’t care because he had to DO this. "Alaiyn." Then down, over his lovers thigh. He bit it, just as hard, drawing more blood. "Syreftren." Clark whispered. His voice was dark, grainy, possessive, and he sucked at the tattoo on his lovers forearm, Lex's blood smearing, as his heart pat in his chest like a bird’s. Possess, make sure Lex knew who was whose, and Clair and Alexa were not THEM, and they never would be and Lex was his and he'd be god damned if any other people looked at him, ever again, like they did tonight.




Lex shuddered under each of the painfully wonderful bites.  Flares of pain that shot straight to his cock, the sticky feel of blood sliding over his skin and the coppery smell of it as he ran his fingers through Clark's hair.  Hard tugs, forceful as he could to pull Clark's mouth up to his, sucking on a slippery, red tongue as he kissed his lover hard.


"Yours," Lex growled into his lover's bloody mouth.


"Mrefentha." Clark muttered, kissing back, sharing the blood because Lex knew, Lex knew. The end of the bond was complete, renewed, and each was pure, sweet pleasure. His heart thrummed in joy as he pulled back, licking his lower lip and gazing at Lex under his lashes.


Their makeup was smeared. Blood was dripping and squishing between them. Sweaty hair plastered to their temples and backs... and Clark just grinned. He chuckled, softly, gazing at his lover as he cupped his fingers over each of the wounds, so they could close a little. "Beautiful."


Lex swallowed his own blood from Clark's mouth, aroused by it and pleased with it at the same time.  The bites burned pleasantly on his shoulder, his chest, his thigh, everywhere that he'd been gifted with the possessive marks.  He stroked over Clark's face, thumb rubbing at a bit of smeared eye shadow.  "There's a sink in the back, where we can clean up," Lex murmured softly, curling around his lover.




"Yeah, baby?"


Clark. Just. Blinked. "We're lying on a big pink and red bed after having had phenomenal sex as women in a transvestite club in Metropolis."


"It's actually mauve and brandywine, but I'll give you a break on not knowing the specific colors."  Lex smiled.  "Yes, we are."


"Red and pink." Clark nodded it softly... and yeah, everything was suddenly coming back in a rush. He'd felt almost ethereal, locked away, but he finally sat up... and realized he'd bit Lex up.


He kind of liked it, but this wasn’t the place to be doing it.


"Lex, Lex, fuck." He whispered, gathering his lover up in his arms. He hefted him like a woman, or a child, or his aushna', walking into the very small but lush bathroom, and set his lover on the sink. "You could have gotten gonorrhea, or hepatitis, or something from that bed! Why didn’t you stop me?!" Terror grabbed him by the throat, cold, clammy hands of it, and he grabbed a small, gold encrusted hand towel, pushing it under the faucet an equal golden sheen and setting it on Lex's neck. "Baby, baby. Don’t friggin spoil me like this, I could have killed you. Christ, you're going to need stitches."


"Clark... calm down.  I'm not going to get anything from that bed.  The sheets are changed after every... visit."  He put his hand on Clark's shoulder, stilling the frenetic motions.  "I'm going to be fine.  I like spoiling you.  And I am not going to have stitches.  Don't worry.  Please."  Lex's fingers stroked the sweaty nape of his lover's neck, pressing soft kisses to the crook of shoulder and neck.


He was shaking like a leaf. So? He swallowed, heavily, still trembling as he closed his eyes and kissed his lover, peppered kisses over that slender, long face... pulled the wig away and just looked at his lover, his sweet, wonderful lover, as his chest hitched. "I... It… you're going to be okay?"


"I'm going to be okay," Lex repeated, stroking Clark's chest with his fingertips.  "Go down to the bar, if you're worried, and tell Jennifer--the bartender--that you need my kit.  You'll find what you want in there." 


A moment. Two. "Your what?" Clark shifted his weight to the other hip, and stared at his lover with wide eyes.


"My kit.  There's a great deal of things in there, including a Lancôme kit to fix our makeup and a medical kit that Toby left me after the Club Zero incident."


Clark shifted a little, and looked at his lover in those flint gray eyes, his fingertips sliding over slender arms...over his thigh, which was still oozing a little bit of blood, but the towel wiped it away. "Lex?"




"I love you. I'll love you until the end of eternity. You know that...right?" He looked up, and his eyes were very quiet and soft... hidden, secretive, throat working hard.


"I know, Clark."  Lex met his lover's eyes with gentle ones of his own.  "Just as you know that I will always, always love you.  With everything that is in me."


"Can I tell you something?"


"Of course."


"I liked... I liked this. I liked giving you breasts, I l-l.." He was flushing, his cheeks pink as he gazed at their somehow intertwined fingers. "I love the reaction you had to me... to Clair, I mean. B-but... this... it scared me, a little."


"Then we won't do it again," Lex said immediately, sitting up straight.  "We won't do anything else, ever again, that scares you."  His hands clasped the sides of Clark's face tightly.  "I'm so sorry, love.  I didn't want to scare you."


"No.." Clarks chuckle was unavoidable, and he shook his head in those palms, sliding up to hold Lex's wrists. "Not that. It scared me, because I liked it so much… because I got so into it. Because we had s... sex as girls. The whole sexy side to that not withstanding. It scared me, a lot more, when I saw those people in the hall. Those m... men, or women maybe, with...." Clark motioned to his chest. "And..." And then down to his crotch. "At the same time. That freaked me out, because I don’t think I could ever like it that much, and some people do. I don’t want to disappoint you, baby," He whispered, kissing his lover softly and keeping his fingers around his wrists.


"Clark... look at me.  Do I have both of them at the same time?  No.  I don't expect you to, either."  His thumbs rubbed his beloved's face gently.  "There are some men who do.  Some men who take the hormones to alter their bodies, others who get implants.  There are women who do the same.  You, and me, Clark, we're just in it for fun and kink, not for a lifestyle.  It's okay to freak out when you see it, because it's something you've never seen before."


"Its wild." He whispered, looking up and shaking his head. "Wild. I mean, yeah. Okay? I gave you boobs, and..." He paused mid rant, and a smile curved his lips. "Speaking of... like them?"


"Yeah, I did."  Lex grinned up.  "What's the saying... they were a nice place to visit but I wouldn't want to live there?"  He leaned forward and kissed his love softly.  "They were fantastic, Clark.  I'd never felt anything like that before."


"Oh yeah." He nodded it, and grinned very softly, sliding between Lex's thighs and pressing his own hips into the counter. "That was… yeah. If... if I ever do something like that, and you don’t like it?" Clark rubbed his own lovers cheek bones... ears... neck, softly, soothingly. "Tell me. I don’t want to hurt you, baby."


"I will tell you.  I have told you in the past.  Don't worry."  He wrapped his legs around Clark's waist and squeezed tightly.  "If you don't want to go back downstairs dressed in this, I'll send the bouncer out to the car for the suitcase."


A soft grin, a shake of his head. "No, I want to get dressed up with you and leave again. Go out on the town... want to? Are we dressed appropriately to get a drink and a meal somewhere?" He murmured it softly, as his fingertips lingered on his lovers back, belly, massaging gently and softly.


"Yeah, we're dressed appropriately enough to eat pretty much anywhere in the city.  My father will, of course, have a heart attack, but I don't give a particular fuck."  Lex rubbed his hands over Clark's shoulders.  "Mmmm... if you'd like, we could have dinner with Bruce back at the Ritz, though he swears he won't be seen in public with me when I'm in a skirt."


Oh. God. "He… h-he knows? you do this?" Clark asked softly, eyes wide in his face as he gazed up at his lover.


"He knows.  My father knows.  Dominic knows.  I daresay Dick Grayson knows.  In fact, outside of Dominic's family and your friends, I'd guess that my cross-dressing tendencies are probably the worst kept secret in Metropolis."


Clark flushed, a bright pink. He wasn’t sure if it was anger, humiliation, glee or pride. ...Probably a picture of the four. "People… know?" He whispered again, swallowing hard and shifting. Okay. Just another secret. Just something new to know. "Lex? Is there anything else maybe you should tell me? Maybe? I’m looking for three. Magazine layouts, cross dressing.... don’t tell me you have a love child with a Hungarian, web footed slave girl."


Lex blinked.  "No, no love children.  No children at all, thank God."  He thought.  "Cross dressing, magazine layouts..."  He paused.  "I used to drink, I used to do drugs, I used to create drugs in my chem lab, I had a lot of sex with a lot of people I don't remember, I drive fast cars, I buy new cars as soon as they are available, I box in my spare time... help me out here, baby, I need a little reference as to what you're exactly looking for."


"I love you, so much." Clark murmured softly, caressing Lex's neck and tipping Lex's chin softly with his fingers so he could see him. "But there’s so much I don’t know about you. I want… I want to know things, you know? I’m hungry to know more than I do. I want to know who you are, why you are the way you are. With me, there’s just me. I’m Clark, what you see is what you get. But're this mystery, waiting for me to unfold it, and.... I don’t want you to be upset with me, when I poke and prod where I shouldn’t. I just want to know more about you, know about my aushna', why he is."


Lex settled back on the stool beside the sink, and smiled at his lover.  "Then poke and prod, Clark.  Ask, demand, dig.  I won't get angry; I'll tell you anything that you want to know."


"Who's that woman you keep seeing in your head? The vivacious one, the brunette? When we were dancing, whenever you looked out, you'd picture her in the crowd." Clark asked it softly, curiously, peering at the bathroom floor inspection-like before putting down one of the soft, clean, fluffy towels and sitting on it. "She's from your past… she was so beautiful."


"Yes, she was.  She was very beautiful, and she never, ever believed she was.  I don't know where she is now, but... i related to her a great deal on many levels.  Her name was Adina."  He smiled softly.  "She was one of the few people I met through here that I ever had any respect for."


"Did you go out with her sometimes?" Clark asked softly, tipping his head.


"I went out with her quite a bit," Lex answered after a moment.  "I miss her, sometimes.  She was wickedly sarcastic, biting almost.  She was definitely a higher class than most people here, and I called her up quite a bit.  We would even go to straight clubs together sometimes."


"You liked her a lot." Came the little nod, another tip of his head, as he crossed his legs Indian style and got a little more comfortable on his towel on the suspicious floor. "What happened to her? You don’t know?"


"Yeah, I did.  I liked her a lot."  He rubbed his head gently.  "I don't know what happened to her, though I wish that I did."


He didn’t press. He was an alien, not a retard, and he could see it was hurting his friend, so he moved on. "Okay, Rico does your dads tailoring? The same guy who made the outfits we wore tonight?" His grin was crooked and wicked. "Yeah. That’s a little creepy. You're sure your dad doesn’t do a little bling-bling on the side?"


Oh. Then he remembered Lionel’s current hatred of him, and moved on. "I think... coffee, and a hamburger. So what I’m feeling like... though maybe..." And now he blushed. "Maybe I can convince you to wear some of the clothes I brought, instead?"


Lex shook his head softly, reading his lover's expression.  "It's not hurting me, Clark... just saddens me, a little.  I think that she and I would have been friends, if I hadn't had my head up my ass."  Then he grinned, and nearly choked.  "Yes, Rico does my father's tailoring, as well as my own.  And yes, he made the outfits."  Then he did choke.  "The only bling-bling my father is doing is Dominic, and do I have to think of that?"  He mock-growled.  "Clark?  What was that?"  He caught a bare flicker of fear in his lover at the mention of his father.  "Coffee and burgers are fine."


"Dominic would look" And he took on the Irish accent and the eyebrow raise that were Dominic’s signature. "Uttaly smashing in a cheneeeele dress."


Lex shuddered.  Full body and violently.  "Clark... never utter that again.  That's an image I don't need."


He cracked up, raising and taking his lovers hand in his, tugging him to the bedroom. "Come on, don’t tell me you don’t think he's got his kinks. Your dads vocal about his, but Dominic's just as bad, I'd bet you anything." Clark grinned, and picked up the underwear and clothing littering the floor. "Call for the suitcase? I do want to change after all....and there's something I want you to wear. Think you can handle it?"


"I know my father has kinks.  I'm fairly positive Dominic has complementary kinks.  I refuse to consider it as long as they're... kinking with each other."  He rummaged around, looking for what passed as the house phone in the room, and found it shoved under the mattress.  Dialing down to the door, he waited for Gene to pick up.  "Gene!  Clark and I are in one of the upstairs rooms... can you go out to the Aston and pop the trunk?  Yeah, the suitcase, just like always.  Right, same tip as always."  He dug for his handbag, dropped to the floor as soon as they'd entered and kicked under the bed.  Rooting through it, he pulled out two hundred-dollar bills and a small bag of white powder.


"I can handle it, Clark.  So what am I wearing?"


Clark stopped, as soon as he saw it. His eyes narrowed, deeply, his nostrils flared, and he stared at his lover for a very long moment.


Lex looked up.  "Yes?"


He was speechless. What else could he be? Lex was standing, naked before him, ready to go out with him... and to go get a suitcase, he was offering more money then Clark saw in year and drugs.




Lex sat the money and the bag of cocaine on the bed and walked over.  "Clark?  Are you all right?"


He took a step back. Two. No. Because it wasn’t happening. Everything his mother had ever warned him, in her soft, tiny voice, about Lex... was true. He'd tried to deny it, tried not to see it, but suddenly seeing it, seeing Lex with a little plastic bag of whatever it was... it made his heart leap into his throat. He knew, but he'd never known. Two different entities, two different sides of the same coin.


Okay.  Something was seriously wrong.  Lex took another step forward, reaching out and putting his hands on Clark's arms.  "Clark."


He held up a hand and shook his head, pulling back again. "Don’t touch me right now."


Lex blinked, hurt.  "Clark, what's wrong?"


And he said, softly, murmuring and looking into his eyes. "Those are illegal drugs?"


"Yes, they are," Lex said softly, realizing what had to be the problem.  "They're just another form of currency here."


Tears filled his eyes, making them shimmer and fill as he took another step back, whispering, "How did you get them?"


"I bought them, the last time we were in the city.  I knew I'd be bringing you here, bringing you to the clubs and the crawls, and I knew I needed it to pay people off with."


He keened, in hurt sadness, looking away again and walking towards the center of the lush room, rubbing the back of his head with one wide palm, the other sitting on his hip as he tried to think this through. Think it before reacting, when all he wanted to become was numb. "You've had...." He motioned without looking. "In your bag all night, while you were out with me."


Lex stayed quietly on the other end of the room, arms wrapped around himself.  "Yes.  I have."


"Why? Why would you ever think it was okay, to bring me to a place where drugs are just...are passed around, like candy? Before, I didn’t... but seeing it, you, seeing you, porcelain and beautiful and mine… with it. You had drugs, Lex." He looked over his shoulder at him. "How would you feel, if I suddenly took that whole bag, and swallowed what was in it? How would you feel watching me convulse and die before you?"


"I wouldn't have let you, Clark.  I wouldn't have let you get into the bag."  Lex shook his head.  "I wanted to bring you here, Clark.  You just said you didn't know everything about me.  I wanted to show you part of who and what I am.  I'm a dissolute club asshole, Clark.  Before I met you, I drank, I screwed my brains out, and I sucked up coke like a Hoover.  I'm not proud of it, but it's who I was.  It's the world I was in, and it's the currency I dealt in." 


"Lex?"  Gene's deep voice was at the door.  "Got the suitcase and your keys right here."


"Just a minute."  Lex jerked his skirt and his shirt on just enough to cover the nakedness, and handed the money and drugs over and took the suitcase and keys without another word.  He shut the door again, and heaved the suitcase on the bed.


Clark had remained silent, and in his heart, something died. Something very precious he'd been fanning into a flame, because it all seemed so... so much. Who was he, to become someone in the bowels of the night, to save people when they couldn’t save themselves?


"Then why did you give it to someone who's going to do that? Maybe not tomorrow, or the next day, or next year. But somehow, someday, drugs will get to him and he'll overdose and he'll die. And his children will find him, and in one instant, giving someone one bag of drugs had suddenly ruined countless peoples lives." Clark shrugged a big shoulder, wrapping his arms around his chest and staring into the dark corners of the room. "Not just that mans life. You've ruined his wife’s, and his children’s, and their spouses and their own children." He quieted, for a very long moment. "Maybe I’m just a goody-goody, though. It's possible." He looked at the floor. "Ask Chloe sometime, if she thinks its just fun and games, though. You'll be interested to hear what she has to say.”


Lex shook his head.  He didn't get it.  "Clark, it really isn't that big of a deal.  Gene's not an addict, not like I was.  He's recreational."  He didn't try to step close to Clark again, although he wanted to, very much.  "You... maybe you're right, Clark.  Maybe I don't understand because this is the world that I've always dealt in, but nothing is done for free."


"You don’t get it. No, you don’t." And his trembling chin had tears slipping from his eyelashes and splashing down his cheeks. "You don’t get it at all, you don’t understand what I’m saying."


If Lex could have died in that instant, he would have.  Clark's tears were like sharp little knives that carved his heart out of his chest.  "Clark, please... don't cry."


"I’m not crying." He said forcefully, turning his back further to retain whatever masculinity he could as he controlled, with an iron fist, the shaking in his chest. "I’m not fucking crying."


"Yes you are, and it's killing me."


"I don’t want to come here any more." He said it, suddenly, because it was the truth. Never again. He'd never again fantasize about this, not anymore, not when the harsh reality of this place had fisted him in the gut. He began to pull off the stockings, the garter, tugging it all off and away, and walking over to push it into the open suitcase. "I want to leave. I don’t want to come here anymore."


"Then we'll leave."  Lex started pulling his own clothes off.  "I'm sorry, Clark.  I didn't know this would ruin it for you like this."


And because he couldn’t help it, and knew his lover would eventually see it in his heart, he whispered, "I can’t believe you did this. I can’t believe that you, the sweet, good person I see... could have done this."


And that single sentence hurt Lex more than anything else they'd ever said to each other, even when the truth about Clark's heritage had come out.  "I told you, Clark," Lex said softly.  "I told you from the beginning that no matter how much I tried, I could not, would not be able to be the man you thought I was.  I'm sorry it had to happen this way."  He wouldn't cry; he'd had too much practice choking back tears and hiding them from Lionel Luthor to cry in front of Clark Kent.  "I'm sorry you had to be hurt, I'm sorry you had a fantasy ruined because of it.  Most of all, I am sorry that I couldn't live up to your expectations of me." 


Now he knew how his father had felt.  You expected me to be your mother, Lex, and no one could have loved you like she did, Lionel had said, and now, Lex understood that.  Understood how much someone could be hurt by failed expectations.


"I didn’t think... I didn’t think you'd take me, as young as you know I am... into the city, with drugs in your bag. What were they, Lex? Crack, marijuana? I don’t know the difference. Maybe something funner. Ecstasy?" He choked back the sarcasm because he could barely breath, turning away from his lover as he grabbed a pair of jeans from the suitcase and began to yank them on. "It wasn’t a fantasy, you're a good man, but you.... you...." He was at a loss for words. "After all the good you did, helping those people in the storm, saving lives, then here, to ruin them, to take them with drugs, with payment." And now that streaked face turned back to his lover. "Have you done them? Since we started seeing each other?"


"Cocaine," Lex answered quietly. 


The tear-streaked face knifed into him again.  "No, Clark.  I haven't.  And you know that.  I haven't done them, in fact, since I came to Smallville."  Another knife in his gut, because Clark no longer trusted him.


"Cocaine. Cocaine, isn’t that wonderful. If we'd gotten into an accident, gotten stopped for any reason, you could be in jail, waiting to be sentenced for life for having a juvenile in your car and crack in your bag. Think, Lex. Think about this, long and hard. Everything, everything I believe in is about good in this world. And somehow, the most wonderful part of my life, the best part of everything about me..." And he realized, very suddenly, something mind shattering. He had, in his heart and mind, idealized Lex into some sort of knight in shining armor. He wasn’t perfect, no, but everything Clark had ever known about him had been good and chaste and wonderful. And it wasn’t like it. Lex was a human being, prone to mistakes, and Clark just hadn’t believed it possible. Naivety did that to you.


But because he did realize it he softened, and shook his head a little bit as he reached back into the suitcase and pulled out a light blue sweater, tugging it over his head. Lex had hurt him on a primal, deep level, and just now he was realizing the waves of how far it reached. The very foundation to his life had been rocked, for loving this man so deeply and seeing him be human, and make a mistake, even if he didn’t see it as one.


"I’m sorry for reacting the way I am." He shrugged it softly, looking away and rubbing at his cheeks. "I don’t mean to be such a drama queen over it. I’m a farm boy, though, Lex, and you're a worldly billionaire. I didn’t really realize what those things meant, till now."


Lex didn't say anything.  He left the keys to the car on the bed, picked up a pair of black slacks and gray sweater, pulling them on without underwear, and took his wallet out of his handbag.  "I'm sorry, Clark," was the only thing that Lex said before he walked out the door of the small room. 


The leather skirt he'd left behind had nearly a thousand dollars left in it.


His throat closed, tightly, as he watched him leave. Anger rose, hot and heavy in his throat, sadness, betrayal, hurt. He packed their things, quickly, grabbing loose clothing wherever he went, including the skirt Lex had half kicked under the bed in their haste to get the clothing off, and he lifted it as he left, as well.


Lex was already outside the club, hands deep in his pockets as he started walking.  Cold air was bitter against his delicate skin, and he didn't even realize he was shivering.  He knew Metropolis better than he knew Smallville, and the only place he wanted to go was back to the hotel.  The hotel had a bar, the bar had alcohol, and the alcohol would get him stone... fucking... drunk.


He'd even left his car keys with Clark so he'd have a way back home.  Fuck.  It hurt.


He walked down the hall, over sexing couples, hardly able to see them. His mind was a blur, his need to go home to his mom outrageous. All he wanted was to curl up in her soft arms and cry. Maybe he was too young for this. Maybe Lex didn’t need him anymore. Maybe he'd realized how stupid Clark was, how stupid he himself was for seeing him.


Maybe they weren’t aushna' after all.


And he ran. As soon as he could, he rushed down through the darkness, straight, following the signs, the lights, and the places that led to home.


The first thing that Lex did when he reached the hotel was hit the bar. 


The bartender took one look at him, and called the front desk.  The front desk, in turn... called Bruce Wayne, who'd left a message to be called when Lex came back in.


Lex wasn't aware that anyone was doing anything but feeding him scotch.  Finally, he made it easy on the bartender.  He leaned over, took the bottle, and drank directly from it.





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