
The Memoirs

Smallville fanfic by Kel and Diana

Chapter 84: S'Mores

Lionel looked beside him at his blindfolded lover.  "Dominic, do stop fidgeting with the ascot.  You're only going to get it wrinkled again."  He crossed his legs in the back seat of the luxury car, and sighed softly.  His own gray waistcoat was immaculately pressed, the six diamond closures glittering brightly as the pleats in the black slacks fell perfectly, symmetrically, down the sides of his legs.  the long tailcoat sat easily on his shoulders, and the high collar and gray silk ascot made him feel comfortable.  His black mahogany walking stick and a tasteful black top hat sat on the seat beside him.  "Do not take the blindfold off; you will spoil my surprise if you do."


Dominic. Just. Sighed. He'd been blind folded, the ever dutiful and patient lover for over a half an hour. They'd gone into the hotel, and before they'd come down, he was blind folded as a monkey.


If Lionel thought he could toss him into the Atlantic, he had something else coming.


He amused himself with the thought, shifting in the suit he'd been dressed in about a minute after the blind fold went on. It was silky against his skin, pressed where he touched, lovely and comfortable. And it was scented just enough with his own cologne, and it was little thoughts like that that made him love his lover.


Another shift. Another crooked grin. "won't take it off, beloved." Any other time he would have complained and teased until he got his way, but he was feeling particularly nice right now, and he lifted his fingers, looking for his lovers own. "I miss you in here."


Lionel's fingers immediately found his lover's and squeezed them tightly.  "I know you do.  I'm only asking you to be patient a little longer, until we get to where we're going, and then you can take the blindfold off."  He, too, was wearing his lover's cologne, a tribute to the "happy" occasion. 


And for that Dominic had teased him mercilessly the first five minutes of the drive. At the moment, however, he just flexed his fingers in the tight hold, lacing their digits together and crossing his legs comfortably. His arm, the arm that had held the worse wound of his life, was healed, comfortable in the jacket and soft, silky cotton. It still ached on occasion, and Dominic figured it would until the day he died.


He could live with that, if he was at Lionel’s side to complain of it.


Oh, God, and he was so giddy, and the humming? Not under his control. He hummed cheerfully, a little ditty from the sixties, squirming in the seat juuust a little.


Coincidentally the same song Lionel had been humming earlier when they'd left the penthouse to get on the plane.


His foot tapped a quiet rhythm to the song Dominic was humming, and though his lover couldn't see it, Lionel was actually smiling brightly.  He leaned forward to look out the window, and saw they were very, very close to where they were going.  There was a little red convertible sitting in the driveway they were to turn into and Lionel smirked happily.  Their special guest was there.  "All right, Jiminy.  You've been very patient, and since we're about to turn into the drive of the place we're going, you can remove your blindfold."


The driveway led to a private beach access where a small pavilion had been set up on the beach, complete with gauzy white tents and a very small catered reception for themselves, their special guests, and the minister.


"If I have blind fold hair, its your fault." Dominic slipped the blind fold off his head, rubbing his fingers through his hair... then letting out a trembling gasp. Oh, God. It was...oh, God. There was… and it... and they were about to get married.


They were about to get married.


Dominic’s fingers viced like steel around his lovers, giving him every ounce of pleasure, of joy, of excitement. They were going to get married, here, where his parents had gotten married, and it was just so beautiful and he couldn’t help it because he was so damned happy, and he reached over to his lover, wrapping his arms around him and hugging him as tightly as he could. He buried his face in his lovers--




Lionel’s suit was probably the most beautiful thing he'd ever seen. He gasped, softly, looking over him and shaking his head a moment, before back up to those dancing chocolate eyes. "Oh, baby."


Lionel smiled softly.  "Do I meet your approval?"  He slipped his hand into his pocket and held out the black velvet jewel box containing his parents' rings.  "Here.  I believe you should hold this until the time comes." 


Dominic grinned, helplessly, nodding as many times as he possibly could. "Oh, God, its beautiful. But its just for us beloved, you shouldn’t have done all this." He took the rings though, keeping the box as he gently slipped the slender box into his--




Second oh in a minute, brain. Catch up.


He wore light blue, tie and vest, with a suit black as coal and the effect was stunning. And because it pleased him immensely, he laughed joyously at his Jiminy tie tack and cuff links. "Oh, darling." He glanced up at his lover, leaning in to kiss him softly. "Christ but I love you."


"I should hope you love me, as you're going to marry me in a few moments."  He leaned into his lover's offered kiss, licking his lips gently and sucking a pliant tongue into his mouth.  "Mmm."


"Are you nervous?" He asked softly against those lips as he kissed him, took warm touches from him and derived the sweetest pleasure he'd ever felt in his life.


"Just a little," he admitted.  He slipped his fingers through Dominic's again, and lifted them to his lips.  "But not enough to stop me."


"Me too." He squeezed those fingers, tipping his head as his green eyes twinkled. Okay, he was a lot nervous, but he was positive that all he could see, for years in every direction, was this man with his growing beard and his soft eyes and the soul he could see deep inside of them.


And he was okay.


"I love you, Lionel."


"And I love you, Dominic."  The car rolled to a halt, and Lionel grinned widely.  "I believe they're waiting for us."  He picked up his hat and his walking stick with one hand and slid easily out of the seat.  He perched the hat on his head and leaned on his walking stick as he offered his other hand to his lover.


Oh, his grin was just crooked as hell. Only Lionel would done the hat… and pull it off. He took his hand and stood from the car, leaving the blindfold behind as he straightened, and the powder blue, in the sun just beginning to set, accented his skin and hair like the suit was made for him.


Which it very possibly was.


No matter, Dominic squeezed the fingers as he straightened himself out, biting his lip softly in pleasure.


"You know, twasn' a stupid man who said the Senatori men can clean up shiny 's a penny."


Lionel smiled softly.  "Come on.  There's one more surprise waiting for you at the pavilion."  He tugged Dominic beside him, cane moving easily through the sand as Lionel used it more for balance than any real need for assistance walking on the slippery sand.


Megan turned her glance up to her lover, her lips curved against the petal paleness of her skin, and she squeezed his fingers lightly as she watched them approach. So handsome, so lovely a pair, the both of them. Lionel, set in his old ways and sweet as the cookies her mama used to bake everyday. Her brother, energetic as a puppy and with a soul old as Moses.


And for some reason, they just. Fit. And it pleased her, in her heart, to know her brother, her kindred spirit, her soul mate, was finally settling down with a person she knew he loved more then the earth itself.


Philippe nodded against her cheek.  "Oui, angel," he said softly, voice tinted with a lilting French accent.  "It is as you said, they are here precisely on the moment."


"Aye? Don’t think my heart can take many more surprises." Dominic smiled it, his feet sinking into the sand as he walked with his lover...and his eyes were more rapt on the ocean than any decorations set out on the sand. The water, the brilliance of it, lapping at the shore like a lazy cat. They splashed, magnificent and powerful in every right, and he couldn’t stop staring, watching as it pushed up onto shore and took with it the sand of the day.


"And aren’t you right, in every way possible?" Megan murmured.


Lionel waved at the couple standing down under the shade of the white gauze tent, and smiled as he realized Dominic was too intent on the scenery to notice anything else.  A pause and he reached forward, tugging Dominic back and physically turning his face down towards the pavilion and the people standing there.


"Of course I am," Philippe said softly.  "I do not think your brother has seen us yet."


Guilty as charged. He'd live somewhere like this someday, somewhere where he could look out his window and watch as the water lapped onto the sand in front of his home. He would, because he wanted it, and he could have it if he did. Lionel had taught him that. Whatever he wanted, he could reach his hand out and grasp.


He blinked as Lionel took him and turned him, but what he saw warmed his heart more than anything on the face of the globe.


His cry was of pure pleasure and he let go of his lover, racing forward even as she did. Her hair all done up and her face painted, her dress long and slinky and gorgeous, but what he saw, as that woman lost her shoes racing towards him, was the little girl with pig tails and ratty jeans he'd grown up loving as deeply as one person could love another. He caught her half way, hauling her up in the air before tightly in his arms, hugging her as tightly as he possibly could because in her being here, to see this...he could never be happier in his life then he was at this very moment.


Oh, Megan was laughing and crying and doing it all at the same time, hugging her brother as tightly as she could because she knew. She just...knew. No one could understand it, not the way she and Morgan did, and she kissed each of his cheeks as she ruined her mascara. "Oh, aren’t you a picture, just a picture. And look, look at your fine fiancé. Oh, the pair of you are just so darling and I do adore you so, you block head, finally getting married."


Lionel moved slowly, more stately, down towards the pavilion where Dominic and Megan were hugging each other and crying.  A happy smile warmed his face and his heart as he finally reached them, rubbing his lover's back as he stood beside him.  "As soon as I found Ms. Bird was going to be unable to join us, I called your sister and her fiancée and had them join us here as soon as they could," Lionel explained softly.  "I knew you would much prefer having your family here than strangers."


"Oh, God, yes, Megan, Lionel, you bastards, not telling me!" Dominic cried, though he was too happy to be frustrated over it, hugging her as he laughed and helped her pick her shoes back up, shaking sand out of them and handing them back much to his pleasure.


She yanked them away from her idiot brother, though the exact same grin was on her face, and she was stepping back into her heels as she reached over and hugged Lionel. "God, you both look so amazing. I can't begin to tell you… how honored I am to be here. How happy." She reached over to pinch her brothers cheek to his annoyance, and smiled up at her own lover as he rejoined her. "Phillip, this is Lionel Luthor. Lionel, my fiancé, Phillip Allen."


Dominic grinned at Phillip, then back to his sister, and he couldn’t let her go. Having her here meant more to him then the world, the absolute world, and his thank you was in his heart and his expression as he looked at his lover and took his hand.


"It is a pleasure, M'sieur Luthor."  Philippe shook the man's offered hand firmly.  "Congratulations on your wedding, and, if I might be bold, can I ask you later, for the planner of your party?  I would very much like to treat my angel here to a similar special day."


Lionel nodded.  "Of course.  I made most of the arrangements myself, but I know of a woman in Rome, very capable, who can produce the same results."  He returned Philippe's handshake, and gave Megan a stern look.  "Megan, I am going to insist that you return my fiancée to me very shortly, because I can't very well marry him with you still hanging on his arm."


She giggled at Lionel and let go of her brother--shaking him lose as well, though they shared a look that said a million words. She reached over, kissing Dominic’s cheek softly... then did the same to Lionel’s, and hugged them both tightly. "I am so honored to be sister to the both of you." She whispered, tightening a moment before letting go and took her lovers palm as her eyes grew misty eyed all over again. She sniffled softly and couldn’t help it, cause damn, okay? Her baby getting married, and it was so special to her, so wonderful.


She stepped back as the priest walked up to them, smiling at him in respect, as her fingers tightened around Philippe.


Giacomo Ralisso had been born into the Catholic faith, but knew by the time he was fifteen that Catholicism was not for him.  Which brought him, at the age of thirty, to a private shoreline of Venice's beautiful beaches as a minister of the Methodist faith, to perform a marriage between the 2nd richest man in the world... and the man that he loved. 


He cleared his throat, and spoke in Italian before he thought, blushed slightly, and began again in English.  "Bravery is one of the most important traditions in Christian faiths.  Even as far back as Moses and beyond.  Moses was brave enough to confront the Burning Bush and carry out God's will for God's people.  Noah too, was brave enough to listen to the Word and follow the Dictates of God.  The Apostles were brave enough to follow Jesus despite persecution and execution, despite martyring and death.  The testament of bravery reaches down through time, and it has brought Lionel and Dominic together before us today." 


Giacomo looked at the notes in his hand and then back up at the two people in front of him.  "Lionel, Dominic... please, come and stand before me, and take each other's hands."


Dominic felt more then saw Megan begin to cry behind him, and he looked at his lover nervously... shyly... softly almost, and reached out and took his lovers palm in his own. And because it was in his blood, down to the very marrow of bone, he waited for his lover to make the first move, to show how, to let him follow right behind. It was in his heart.


He'd follow this man to the end of the world, and then some.


Lionel clasped his hands around Dominic's, linking their fingers together and guiding them to stand in front of the minister.  He rubbed his thumbs across his lover's hands, squeezing them gently, and letting his eyes sparkle with the happiness that Dominic gave to him, every second of their life together.


He stopped in front of the minister, gazing at him, and behind, where the water splashed onto the shore and the sun began to set. The sky was brilliant, red, orange, yellow, a thousand colors or more. And here, before it, they were about to get married.


The first time he'd ever laid eyes on the man that was so beautifully by his side, he'd known he would stand here someday. And joy, the untouched, unburdened, perfect glory of it, fluttered in his heart like a caged bird finally broken of its cage.


Giacomo tucked his notes into the sleeve of his robe, and reached out, taking their clasped hands in his.  "These two people have come before you to be joined together for eternity.  We have witnesses here to ensure that what is seen today is not broken, and I charge you both, Megan and Philippe, to help Lionel and Dominic safeguard this bond.  If this is a responsibility you are willing to accept, step forward now, and place your hands on their shoulders."


Philippe looked at his fiancée, and nodded.  He stepped forward, and lightly placed a hand on Lionel's shoulder, taking Megan's hand in his free one.


Megan did so, immediately, and set her palm on her brothers shoulder. Her fingers linked through her lovers, linking tightly as her palm lay there, on her brothers strong, hard, broad masculine shoulder. When had her baby grown up? When had he become a man, getting married?


"Lionel has informed me that instead of the traditional vows of the ceremony, both he and Dominic have their own vows they wish to speak instead."  His hands briefly tightened around the clasped one of the couple.  "Lionel, look at Dominic, and in your own words, swear your life to him forever."


Dominic turned to his lover, looking at him, face a mask of so many emotions it was impossible to read. But the deepest, the truest… was love, as he gazed at the man before him with everything inside of him, ready to be given.


Lionel nodded, and cleared his throat.  He tried to speak for a moment, and nothing came out.  A deep breath, and he tried again.  This time, his throat worked.  "Dominic.  It's become easier every day to say to you the words I never thought to say to anyone else. Because of you, I have been happier, sadder, angrier, gladder, and touched in more ways than I can express. You've opened doors for me, showed me things that I'd never done before, and taught me that love truly does conquer all... for I have been conquered."


Giacomo turned to Dominic, and when he spoke, his voice was slightly gruffer, touched by the man's speech.  Obviously their love had been hard won, and the words he spoke proved it.  "Dominic, look at Lionel, and in your own words, swear your life to him forever."


"I’ve forgotten every word," Dominic murmured softly, unable to take his eyes from his lovers. "Because no words will ever give meaning to how much I love you. Our road together hasn’t been easy...its had its ups and downs, twists and turns. But today, on this day when we are united before God, I vow to love you with my entire heart.  I vow to give you parts of myself I've long closed off; to speak my mind when I feel the need to.  I vow to give you the rest of my life, and will never forsake that promise during times of temper and anger.  I vow to love you, unconditionally, through stormy skies and bouts of rain; through the blinding sunshine at the peak of summer.  I vow to love you every day, of every week, of every month and year. Through good times and bad, through sickness and health, through pain and sacrifice and reward and pleasure. 'Till the last day I am on this earth, I vow to love you as my own. You are my soul, my spirit, and my everything."


Giacomo paused for a moment, to let the seriousness of those words sink in.  "At this point in the service, this is when I would normally ask for objections.  But since those here have pledged to help keep this bond sacred, I will not ask for objections and will instead ask for the rings."


Oh. He had the rings. Get the rings. Don’t cry. Rings, Morgan, rings.


Dominic slipped his fingers into his coat pocket, pulling free the velvet box, and he looked up at the minister, swallowing down the rest of his heart as Megan wept behind him.


"Thank you."  Giacomo snapped open the box, and held it out.  "Lionel, take this ring, place it on Dominic's left hand, and repeat after me.  I, Lionel, pledge my life to Dominic."


Lionel untwined their hands long enough to take the ring from the box, and slip it onto Dominic's left hand.  That done, he took Dominic's hands in his again, and spoke.  "I, Lionel, pledge my life to Dominic."


"Through the joys and sorrows, triumphs and tribulations."


"Through the joys and sorrows, triumphs and tribulations,"


"Until the end of our days."


"Until the end of our days."


Giacomo looked at Dominic.  "Dominic, take this ring, place it on Lionel's left hand, and repeat after me.  I, Dominic, pledge my life to Lionel."


His heart was in his throat. It was all so real, so sudden, so beautiful and blinding and tears sprang into his eyes, shining them over and he begged God to work with him, just this once. He took the ring, swallowing around the joy his heart had lodged in his throat, and cleared his throat softly as he looked down at their hands.


Giacomo quietly offered Dominic a white, lace-lined handkerchief.


Lionel looked up at his lover, rubbing his thumb over the ring on Dominic's hand, and raised his right hand, stroking Dominic's cheek softly with it.  Joy and love shone brightly in glassy brown eyes, and he smiled at his beloved.


Oh, it made him grin. He couldn’t help chuckling, taking it and pressing it to his eyes, and had he known, in his sister’s eyes she'd never seen him as masculine, and beautiful, in her life. But he simply smiled again, clearing his throat again, and gazed at his lover in the eyes as he slipped the ring over Lionel’s ring finger.


It fit to perfection.


"I, Dominic, pledge my life to Lionel."


"Through the joys and sorrows, triumphs and tribulations."


"Through the joys, and the sorrows, triumphs and tribulations." He repeated softly, fingertips covering his Da's ring, that Lionel would now wear. A ring that had more meaning in it, more hopes lying on it, then either of them could ever know.


"Until the end of our days."


Lionel caught Dominic's hand as it brushed over his ring, and thought he'd never let it fall, a tear formed in the corner of his eye as he felt the touch.  Both completely familiar and completely alien to be wearing a wedding band, it felt right.


The tear just made his own composure fall into a heap, but for a single steady beam that was keeping him from bursting into completely unmanly tears and leaping at his lover. So his voice was gruff, roughened around the edges with his lilt, but he spoke as he tightened his fingers around Lionel’s, encasing his lovers hands in his own. "'ntil the end uff our days." He said softly.


Giacomo took their clasped hands, and pulled the purple stole from around his neck and wrapped it around their hands in a symbolic gesture of binding.  "Let those who are gathered here see now that Lionel and Dominic have given their lives to one another.  Go from here with the blessings of God upon you, and know that what He has joined today, no man nor woman on this earth can tear it asunder."


Dominic tightened his fingers around Lionel’s, hard as he could and he could barely feel it. They'd just bound themselves to one another, and it was the most beautiful thing he'd ever been a part of. The most moving experience of his life. When the twin tears finally fell from his eyelids, he didn’t bother swiping them away, simply holding onto his lover and keeping himself from launching at him and kissing the hell out of him.


Lionel didn't wait for the priest to give them permission to kiss; he pulled Dominic over to him, keeping their clasped hands together and kissing him deeply.


And Megan... Megan had seen it a hundred times or more. But here, standing so close to them as they did this for the first time... the wave of love from the both of them wa almost staggering, and she let g and gazed up at Philippe, eyes red and face wet with tears, and sniffled as her brother kissed the man he loved. The man that, before her, he'd just married. And Christ but if it wasn’t beautiful.


Dominic kissed back, fiercely, their clasped hands moving up to their chests to stay there, to hold, to clasp against each of them and be tight and the beauty and the absolute joy were making him both giddy and teary, and he let out a little sound as he kissed him, trying not to cry and really, it was okay but he didn’t want to, not here, not yet.


Later, when he could stare at his fingers and know he was married. Then he could.


Giacomo smiled.  "I would say you can now kiss the groom, but I see that's already been taken care of."  He put his hands once more on the clasped hands of the newly-married couple.  "Blessings to you both, and may good health and good times follow you all through your journey."  He nodded to them, and left the small party to their celebration.


Dominic heard the words but he couldn’t stop, finally letting go of his lovers hands to throw them around his neck and hug him, hard. He pulled him as close as he could, hugging him as fiercely as he could. Mine. You will always be mine.


The joy, the pleasure of it, was overwhelming, and he let it out in a gasping laugh, cupping the sides of Lionel’s head and setting their foreheads together.


Lionel clasped his lover's face in his hands, stroking his cheekbones, kissing his mouth softly.  "You're mine, Dominic," he said quietly.  "I wasn't sure we'd make it here, but we did, and thank you for never leaving me."


"Ditto." He whispered, stroking his fingers through all that lovely hair, before a loud, hard snuffle beside them made him aware of other people. His sister, the poor dear, sobbing her heart out, and Dominic laughed, letting go of his lover, though not leaving his side whatsoever, and pulled her into his arms.


She set her face in his neck and sobbed, and damn him should he laugh over it.


Lionel rested his hand on Megan's shoulder, rubbing her back lightly and offering her his handkerchief.  "Dear lady, if I'd known you were going to cry like this, I would have brought more than one," he teased her gently.


Philippe tapped Lionel on the shoulder.  "I do know her, M'sieur."  In his hand was a thin stack of perhaps five or six white linen handkerchiefs.  "I know my angel."


"My baby is married!" But she laughed, looking up at him and planting a kiss right on her brothers mouth, before hugging him as tightly as ever. "Christ, I love you." Then she turned, and launched herself right into Lionel’s arms, hugging him as tightly as she'd hugged her brother. Because... because Lionel was her brother now, and Lex her nephew, and the pleasure of that was enough to make her squeal and hug him tighter. "Do I ever love you."


Lionel oofed softly as he returned Megan's enthusiastic hug with his usual aplomb.  "I think quite highly of you too, Megan."  Which was as close as he'd get to admitting that he liked anyone--besides Lindy and Shane--in Dominic's family.


"You’re family! You’re family! This is so great." She giggled, then wrapped her arms around her lovers waist and hugged, tightly.


And Dominic pulled at Lionel’s elbow shyly, softly, not saying a word as he tugged.


Lionel stepped back a few steps, looking at his beloved.  "Yes, Dominic?"


He reached up and kissed him again. This time his kiss was full of promise, of joy… and of hope. And he kissed with these things inside of him, things he hadn’t felt in so long--he kissed his lover because he wanted to, because he loved him, because it was his husband and he adored him with every fiber of his being. "I love you."


Lionel's long arms wrapped tightly around Dominic and pulled him close, hands stroking his back and his shoulders as they kissed.  "I love you, my beautiful, wonderful little cricket."


Dominic’s eyes filled again, arms wrapping tightly around his own lover, and the ring felt so strange on his hand… heavy in a way, but light as a feather at the same time. "Lionel? Can we get our engagement rings enlarged? I want to wear both, all the time. Can we?" He asked softly into his ear, rubbing his back, his shoulders, as he fell in love with his lover all over again.


He'd never been this overjoyed, this happy, in his entire life. It was a stunning, beautiful feeling, and he couldn’t keep the idiot grin off his face.


Lionel nodded.  "Of course we can; there's a jeweler in Metropolis who specializes in things like this; he'll merely crack the shell the ring is made from, and enlarge the titanium band in the middle, and seal the pearl shell back around it."  He pulled back to just look at his lover, and he could not stop stroking the ring on Dominic's finger as he clasped their hands tightly between them.


"Morgan? Morgan, darling?" And didn’t the hazy, spaced out, dreamy pleasure on her brothers face make her smile?


"Hmm?" He murmured, winding free fingers through Lionel’s own, looking into his face, a face he'd memorized long ago...a face that was now his own, a body his own, a heart his own. Lionel belonged to him. And he to Lionel, in every way, shape, and form. He always had. He gazed into those soft chocolate eyes, flecked with enough gold and green to make them so beautiful, and Dominic quoted softly, "The first time I kissed your mouth, I felt the earth move through my hand, like the trembling heart of a captive bird...and the earth would stand, at my command, my love."


Lionel raised his lover's ringed hand to his mouth and kissed the palm lightly.  "I think that I have always loved you, even when I didn't know what it was that I felt."


"Hellooo? Guys?"


"And I to you. Every relationship I’ve ever had, ever since I was a lad... it didn’t feel right because it wasn’t... I was waiting for you." Dominic whispered back, running the fingers of the hand his lover had pressed to his mouth to sweep across that cheek. He reached in, kissing him gently, lips touching… letting go. Touching… letting go. Sweeping, skimming with joy.


Lionel's hand rested on Dominic's cheek, kissing him back just as gently as Dominic kissed him, tongues teasing and tasting each other, licking and sucking softly.  "You... tonight.  I have at the hotel, the suite, the Jacuzzi, even a bottle of champagne waiting just for us."


Oh, God. And it would be the passionate love making Dominic had come to adore beyond every earthly matter, having his lover inside of him, making love to him as they kissed. He trembled in his lovers arms, wrapping his arms back around him and hugging him tightly, as the tears built up again. "Christ, I love you. I love you so m--"


He yelped, loudly, when powerful little fingers grabbed his ass and twisted, pinching hard, and he looked up in time to catch his sisters snickering grin. "Megan what th--"


"'ve been tryin' to get your attention for the last five bloody minutes." Megan giggled, shaking her head at the two of them. "Philippe and I have to go, darling. We had enough time to fly in for the ceremony, but we've got to get to a photo shoot in Tokyo in a few hours." She reached forward, pulling her brother away from his… his husband, and wasn’t that a thrill? She hugged him, tightly as she could, and kissed each of his wet cheeks. "I adore you. I love you, my prince. I wish you as much happiness as you're capable of having, and you're a right cheerful chap, so I think you'll be fine."


Then to Lionel, hugging him fiercely. "If you hurt him, I'll break your legs." And she punctuated it with a kiss to his cheek.


Dominic grinned helplessly at his lover over her head, then turned and offered a hand to Philippe. "What she said. I expect an initiation to the wedding, whenever it should be."


Lionel hugged Megan tightly.  "If I hurt him, I will lie still for you," he said answered back quietly, stroking her hair and hugging her.


Philippe shook Dominic's hand and nodded.  "Oui.  Of course you will, you will be my best man, of course."


Dominic smiled softly... and softened inside, looking up into the face of the man his sister was in love with. "Take care of her. She's my treasure."


"You’re damn right you will." And oh, she was weeping again, but she sniffled and let Lionel go enough to look into his eyes with her own identical to her brothers. "You’re such a good man... a good, decent man. Remember one thing. Love is the key to all doors, the bulldozer to all barriers, and the light to every life. You've found that love in my brother, though I really don’t know what you see in him." She grinned at him, stroking his hair softly... sisterly. "Treasure it. It comes around but once in a lifetime, and you should be so happy to have found it. I wish you happiness, Lionel, and the shadows that were once in your eyes to never come back again." She kissed each cheek, then his mouth softly, and hugged him again before hugging her brother once more. "You're both such a pretty couple. Oh, and I’m going to start weeping again, dammit," She sniffled, rubbing her cheek against Dominic’s before letting go. "The best of happiness, to the both of you. We've sent your gifts through the mail, and they'll be waiting for you when you get home."


"Oh, darling, you didn’t have to." Dominic murmured, kissing her cheeks softly as she let go.


"You say that like I sent anything serious." Megan grinned, broadly, and wiped at her cheeks with the fourth hanky Philippe had brought. "Oh, I do love you both. Be safe, have lots of sex, and call me as soon as you're back in Smallville, alright?"


Philippe tugged Megan back against him.  "Do not embarrass them, angel," he chastised softly.  "They need all the composure they can get."  He kissed her softly and tenderly, and looked back at Dominic.  "I will take care of her, Dominique.  She is my angel."


Lionel snuggled Dominic back against him.  "We will be safe.  And we will call you.  I promise you, Megan, I will take good care of your brother."  His hands stroked gently over Dominic's stomach, clasping his hands there together.


"Oh, I know you will, I know darling. Take care, be safe, I love you both!" And before she could cry any harder she kissed them both, each once, grabbed Philippe’s hand, and started for the car waiting to take them to the hotel.


Dominic waved at his sister when she turned back to do it, and it broke his heart and made him laugh at the same time to see her crying. Oh but he loved her, and having her, here, had been the best gift anyone had ever given him. He watched until they were safely in the red sports car and had driven off, before turning to gaze at his lover in the light of the set sun. The sky was yellow, orange, red, with the beginning blue in part of the sky. It was beautiful, and his lover looked so magnificent against it, that he could do nothing but breathe in the salty, ocean air and kiss him.


Lionel slipped his hands through Dominic's hair gently.  He cupped the back of Dominic's head, cradling it reverently as they kissed.  The sea air made him feel invigorated, strong, able to leap the greatest chasms as he held Dominic against him.  The comfortable weight of his ring pressed against his hand, and he loved it. 


"Nobody can take you away from me now," Lionel murmured softly in Dominic's mouth.  "Nobody can take me away from you.  We belong to each other."


"It feels like a dream." Dominic murmured into his mouth, standing close, hip to hip, chest to chest, and it was so... it was beautiful, here, to be wearing these beautiful clothes and the rings that bound them to one another, the sea air beautiful and deep, the crashing waves loud and reverberating and Dominic couldn’t help getting swept up in the utter romance of it. "Walk with me? Lets walk for a while. I don’t want this night to end."


"It's not going to end," Lionel said softly.  "It's not going to end as long as you're together."  He gripped his walking stick tightly, and left his hat sitting on the small table in the pavilion.  "I'll walk with you anywhere you want to go."


"Lead us, beloved." Dominic murmured, taking his lovers hand with both hands, and sliding as close to him as he could. "You know where we can go... I'll be right next to you."


He shook his head gently.  "No.  I'm not going to lead you, Dominic.  And I won't let you lead me.  We walk together.  Side by side."


"Until the end?" Dominic murmured, looping his fingers through his lovers as they stepped off the pavilion. The sand was cool under his shoes, and the ocean so close. The air in Venice, usually so cold around this time of year, was at last fifty five degrees cold, and the breeze was cool but crisp. Refreshing, as he breathed it in and kept his darling lover... husband, mate... by his side.


"Until the end."  He squeezed Dominic's fingers between his, and wrapped his overcoat tightly around himself.  His arm pressed against Dominic's, and he turned them to look out at the water.  "Was it what you dreamed?"


Dominic shook his head, chin trembling as he gazed out over the reflected water, as far as he could see into the horizon. "No. It was so much more than I ever dreamed possible." Dominic gazed up at his lover. "No one will accept us. But what matters is that in Gods eyes, we are united. In our hearts, we are united. I will never falter, my lovely one."


"I have never given a damn what people think of me before, why should that change now?"  He smiled.  "I have done what I have had to do for corporate acceptance and that is all.  I will continue to do the same, but I will never deny you or repudiate you; you will always be by my side."  His smile grew wider, slightly crooked.  "I had hoped it would be what you'd dreamed of."


Dominic returned the smile, shining on his face, and he slipped his arm around his lovers waist and rested a cheek on a strong shoulder. "I’ve never felt as happy in my life as I am right now. A great weight… is gone. All the joy you've brought to my life, lovely one, can never be dreamed. Its a reality, a matter of the heart, to be felt and enjoyed and treasured. This day will never be forgotten, in my mind and heart."


"Good."  That was all Lionel could say as he tugged Dominic to lean against him, bodies touching from shoulder to hip.  "I haven't been this happy in years; because of you, things are finally going right in my life.  I have my son; I will have a beautiful daughter, and a strong company.  I have my family."


Okay. So Dominic snickered wickedly, as they began to walk along the shore, hugging tightly as they strolled. "My family is your family. Graham's your brother. My mother is your mother in law. Are you terrified yet? Shane's your nephew." Dominic couldn’t help chuckling evilly. "As are Riley and Marie's six children. Ellie is blood now. Isn’t that wonderful?"


"Ah, yes.  Wonderful.  One of the myriad words I could use to describe that auspicious happening.  Insane would be another."


"Horrifying? Mortifying? I swear on the head of the sweet baby Jesus that you get to see me break the news to Lex. We'll have to keep the paramedics on speed dial, in case that vein in his head explodes." Dominic cackled wickedly, though it was all in good humor, and he was unable to stop stroking the ring on his finger.


"Not only will I allow you to break the news to him, it will be in a room with full audio and visual capabilities, because I am sure that our daughter will love to see a home movie of her brother's head exploding."


Dominic burst out laughing, the sound carrying and crashing with the waves falling onto the shore, and he kept right on laughing as they walked. "Somehow," He managed to wheeze after a moment. "I’m sure Clark wouldn’t appreciate having to spatula his boyfriend off the walls."


"And I am equally as sure the young man would get over it."


Dominic tipped his head up and looked at his lover from his cuddle next to him, the sand sinking as their shoes stepped on it. They were full of sand already, caught in their hair and clothes, and when Dominic leaned in to kiss his lovers skin, it came back sun kissed, salty, and sweet.


It was a taste he'd have to sport more often.


"I’m so happy, Lionel. I’m so outrageously happy. This...we...I should say, climbing the cooperate ladder these days isn’t what it used to be." And he grinned, kissing his lover again, fiercely, wrapping his arms around him and walking backwards for a moment as they kissed. Christ, he loved this man with his entire being, and vowed to tell him so everyday of their lives.


Lionel returned the hard kiss with one of his own, possessive hands stroking over his lover's back and hips.  He guided their steps carefully, walking stick tucked into his elbow as he maneuvered them.  Then he broke it and smiled.  "Take off your shoes and socks; get your feet wet."


He swallowed the unmanly squeal. "I was waiting for you to say that. You knew it, didn’t you?"


"I know you," Lionel pointed out softly. 


Dominic held onto his lover, ducking down and toeing each shoe off, socks following, and because he didn’t want to ruin the suit his lover had to dutifully picked out. He rolled the pant legs up… sighed in pleasure as his toes sank between the sand, and his eyes were full of pleasure. "Take yours off too. Come on, I want to see those gorgeous toes." He offered a shoulder for him to support himself with, fingers snagging his lovers tightly.


With a longsuffering sigh of indulgence, Lionel bent and untied his dress shoes, and fastidiously rolled up his socks and tucked them into the toes of his shoes.  Following Dominic's lead, he rolled his pants legs ups, and looked over.  "Am I ready for foot-wetting?"


Dominic glanced at the hastily untied laces and the socks stuffed haphazardly into the shoes... then his lovers own, done immaculately, and he laughed out loud as he stepped into the water. "Eeep! Its... chilly, but," He wriggled his toes as the waves pushed up onto the shore, and sighed in pleasure. "Lionel, I love the ocean. I love it. I grew up by it, and its the most pleasurable, simple thing on the earth." He kissed his lovers fingers softly. "I ever tell you I can swim like a fish?"


Lionel hissed as his feet touched the cold water.  "No, you never did.  Though it doesn't surprise me, and that reminds me, if you miss swimming so, why have you never taken advantage of the heated pool at the mansion?"  He stepped in a little further, feeling his feet and his toes wiggling in the cool mud under the surf as it lapped at his ankles.


"There’s a pool at the mansion?" He blinked, wriggling as he felt small fish and sea weed brush his ankles. They walked easily, comfortably, dipping his toes into the sand as he gazed up at his husband, and covered his foot over Lionel’s toes.


And had he known, it was the exact spot his parents had, almost forty years before, gotten married, with the water lapping at their bare feet and laughter in their hearts.


Lionel rolled his eyes.  "Yes, there is.  It's behind the conservatory, in a glass dome.  It's heated year round so that it is warm, and there is a fairly good sized hot tub that goes along with it."


He blinked. "You know, Lex is good at keeping things to himself." Dominic groused, squirming his toes into the mud before they began to walk. Shoes easily in hand, the sky lighting with brilliant light blues and pinks, they walked, strolling back to civilization... to people in cafes that sat on the beach itself, to laughing children and couples, and to the barks of large dogs racing to catch the pelicans before they flew out to sea.


"Lex is also good at being a petty child," Lionel sniffed as they walked.  "I'm sorry that I never thought to mention it."  He slipped his arm around Dominic's waist, and nodded to the large, towering hotel that dominated the landscape.  "The Privet Tower.  That's our hotel."


"You know, Mr. Bogart," Dominic said warmly, gazing at the hotel as his arm went back around his lovers waist, and slipped into the coat pocket Lionel’s hand was already in. "If I'd known a night of wining and dining would get me here, I might have jumped you sooner. You see, I lied... I’ve had this enormous interest in you for quite some time."


"Well, Mr. Bergman, I'm not an easy target, but this has been in the works for quite some time.  Remember that Lothario I told you ran off on me?  This was planned for him, but I think you were quite a better substitute."


He gasped, scandalized. "You mean you've been planning this? For shame, stranger. To think, I’ve been waiting for my Don Juan. Don’t tell me you ran him off as well."


Lionel nodded, sadly.  "I'm quite afraid that was me."


"I should say, I’m not displeased. Its been a fairy tale.... I’m just glad you didn’t have me wear white." He slipped easily into a grin, glancing up. "Lionel, if you made me wear white I would have killed you. Strung you up like a chicken from the hotel ceiling."


"The only white outfit that I saw included a mandarin jacket that would have had flames shooting out of your ass."


Dominic. Nearly. Died. He cracked up, laughing in his lovers arms as he gazed at him, then at the ocean, shaking his head in amusement as they stayed close to one another. "Flames can be a good thing. For instance, if you're ever on a deserted Isle in the middle of the winter, you sure as hell would be warm. Or! Ass flames would have worked wonders the other day on Anderson. He'd have been too shocked to dodge the heat."


Lionel laughed deeply.  "Flames would not have been a good thing.  You would not have believed this outfit; I must show it to you on the store's internet site when we return to the hotel room.  You will see what I mean."


He shook his head softly. "Baby, we're not going to make it to the computer."


"I didn't say it had to be today," he said just as softly.


"In fact..." He glanced up as they started to walk across the sand, to the twin doors lit cheerfully. "How much are you for coming out on the Venice beach front?"


"I have no problem with it, provided there is no public nudity as there are laws against that sort of thing."


Good. Because Dominic found himself wound around his lover, arms around his neck and body plastered to his own, kissing him as fiercely, as hotly, as passionately as he could remember ever doing. He kissed because he loved, and he loved like he lived--endlessly and fiercely. And now, right now, he was pouring his emotion into his every movement--every suck of his tongue, every nip at full lips, every exploration into a mouth he knew as well as his own.


Lionel dropped their shoes and his walking stick, giving his lover his full attention.  He slid his hands down and lifted Dominic up, bodies sliding against each other as Lionel gently undulated against his lover's hips.  His tongue thrust hungrily back against Dominic's, for the moment happy to allow him to lead their kiss.


And he did. Every movement, vicious and full of pleasure, was hard earned and hard won. He cupped his lovers face and sucked Lionel’s lower lip into his mouth, biting, nipping, before delving deep after a sucked in breath of air.


More, more, lightheaded with the need to give his love, stroking and thrusting his tongue against, around, lovingly about Lionel’s as his hips moved as well.


When finally he had to let go or pass out from air deprivation, he was panting, cheeks flushed, and he was nibbling and sucking at his lovers neck.


Lionel brought Dominic's face up, gently rubbing swollen lips with his thumb as he turned his love's face to the people on the pier.


Some were clapping and cheering, some were leaving in disgust, others popping flashbulbs left and right.


Oh, God. He flushed crimson and turned away, pressing his face into Lionel’s cheek in embarrassment, pleasure, terror. Hid it, where it was safe in his lovers arms. "Oh, Christ'lmighty."


Lionel chuckled softly, rubbing Dominic's head gently.  "What, are you worried about coming out now?"


"'mbarrased." He murmured, as he listened to the people beginning to talk, heard and felt the light bulbs flashing, and in a secret place in his heart, he was outrageously pleased. That his lover was okay with it, that it was alright, and he rose his head to grin at him adoringly, before linking their hands and walking into the hotel.


Thank God Lionel had picked his people well; there had been no tip-offs and there were very few press people waiting there, and the ones that were waiting he ignored as he pulled his love with him to the elevator and stepped in.  Once the doors snapped shut, Lionel pressed the key for the top floor, and dangled the penthouse room keycard in front of his lover.  "Here.  This is their best suite."


Dominic grinned crookedly because his lover... they were still bare foot. And it was okay. It was really okay, and he was just so giddy and grinning and still embarrassed but not so much and he was pleased. Enormously, outrageously pleased. He took the key from his lover, tucking it into his shirt pocket with a grin. "You're entirely too good to me."


"And not nearly as good as I'd be if I had half the chance."


"You don’t need to be. I’m in love with this man. This man before me, strong willed and temperamental and beautiful. I love you just as you are--I love you because you are you. You’re the love of my life, and I could not stand being away from you."


Minnie sighed. Heavily. She propped her hand on her chin, watching in the security camera's as the men looked at one another with love radiating like rose petals, and it was just so sweet. They were gay, but so were a lot of people, and she was enormously pleased to have Lionel Luthor be here in this place of romance.


A softly cleared throat at the counter, and there was a man standing there.  Tall, dark-haired, a press pass perched on his lapel.  "Hi... my name is James Woodburn and I work for Lives magazine, and I'll pay you a thousand dollars for that security tape," he said softly.


Lionel stroked Dominic's hair lovingly, rubbing the short strands through his fingertips.  "I know, Dominic.  I just wish I could do so much more for you than I do."


"Geet los', unshole." Minnie said cheerfully, and signaled over Vincent. He was twice the size of an elephant and as strong as an ox, and she motioned to the man and made a sweeping motion as she took the video off. It was going to be hard keeping the press out of the mans life, but she was going to do it. Not just because she'd gotten a handsome bonus for it, but because the emotion between the men was sacred, and she wouldn’t let any asshole ruin it.


"Give me a baby." Dominic murmured, gazing up at his lover as he kissed his chin, his cheek, softly. "Give us a child to love. Its too much, too much love inside me, I can’t keep it all inside. Its spilling out the edges, lovely one, spilling everywhere."


Lionel warred with himself for a moment.  "I had meant to save this surprise for when we got back to Smallville, but since you asked me... I can't deny you.  Before Megan left Smallville, she donated three eggs.  They're being kept viable in Lex's cryogenic tank and he will be working on the genetics soon."


He froze. Completely stopped, gazing up at his lover and now... he understood what Megan had meant about leaving them gifts in Smallville.


His heart swelled, hard against his chest cavity, and his eyes filled with tears all over again. "She..."


"Yes," he said, stroking his lover's chest with his hand.


Oh, God. The love for his sister was fierce in his heart, and the emotion for his lover overflowing until he gasped and hugged him, tightly, wrapping his arms right around him and hugging him tightly. "Oh, Jesus. Lionel, oh, Jesus."


Lionel held his lover tightly, resting his cheek on the crown of his lover's head, cradling him tenderly to his chest.  "I know, Jiminy.  I know."


And Dominic held him like that, shoes in his hands, arms around his lover, until the bell for the elevator rang and the doors slid open. He sighed, heavily and softly, gathering Lionel close and stepping out onto the plush carpet. It was spongy and soft under his wet, sandy toes and he swallowed hard as he slipped the card out of his pocket and opened the door.


And gasped.


"Oh, my God."


They were the only room on the floor, and it was a good thing.


The room itself was large enough to encompass half the hotel floor.  There were actually two large bedrooms, one on either side of the huge suite.  In the middle of the suite was a huge living room, with milk-white couches on the plush carpet, a deep fire pit in the middle of the room that roared with a warm fire.


Beside the fire pit was an economy size bag of poofy marshmallows and two long sticks.


Through the archway into the master bedroom, there was a Jacuzzi in the bathroom, along with a shower stall, a large sunken bathtub, two sinks, and gold fixtures.


The walls were hung with rich tapestries all around.


The bedrooms were done in deep burgundy and golds, with aimless patterns on the wallpaper and on the linens.


Christ, and it was beautiful. He stepped in, eyes wide as he took it all in… the ocean lapping at the shore right outside the window. He walked in, shoes still dangling in his hands at his side, and peaked into a room… the bedroom. Plush and lovely, with a bed like a lake and a thousand pillows. Beyond it... the bathroom. It was almost like a lagoon, gorgeous, and Dominic heaved a sigh. He turned back to his lover, eyes still wide, and shook his head in delighted surprise, grinning at him as he walked back to him and took a hand. "Wow."


Lionel took the hand and spun his lover around, dropping their shoes and everything else in the middle of the floor and tugging him down to the fire pit.  He tossed the bag of poofy marshmallows at his lover, and picked up one of the pointy sticks.  "I am assuming that "Wow" means you like it?"


He laughed out loud, still shocked as he dropped his shoes and shucked out of the suit jacket and vest, dropping both on the enormous couch and nodding. He untied the tie, laying the delicate silk next to the jacket, and plopped on the floor beside Lionel. Arms wound around his waist and Dominic kissed his husband tenderly, grinning as he sat cross-legged next to him. "Told you you were a marshmallow. Tell me you've got chocolate too."


Lionel reached for the bag sitting beside the couch, and brought out a handful of Hershey chocolate bars, as well as graham crackers.  "I was told this was the appropriate ingredients for something called... s'mores."


"You’ve never had s’mores before lovely?!" That just was. Not. Right. He stared at Lionel for a moment in horrified amusement, before kissing him again, right on the mouth, and tugging his suit jacket off. "C'mon, beloved, get comfortable. To eat these...its a mess. Are you ready for mess?"


"Let me ask you the same thing I asked you about McDonald's.  Have I ever sent you out for these ingredients?  No?  Then no.  I've never had them."  He peeled his jacket off, then his ascot and shirt, and folded them carefully over the back of the sofa, so that he sat, bare-chested and barefoot, silk pants rustling as he settled in.


Except Dominic’s hormones, when around his lover, weren’t very well controlled. At all. The saliva pooled in his mouth as that lovely bare chest came into view, paired with the simple nipple ring, and he reached down and tugged his own shirt up and over his chest. He was skinnier then Lionel, not as broad, but he really didn’t care, tossing the shirt over with their things as he put a marshmallow on the stick and took his lovers warm, large hand, setting the stick in it and guiding the marshmallow out into the licking flames. "Here...stick it out in the fire like this. See? Turn it a few times. When it gets melty and gooey looking, pull it back."


"Melty and gooey looking?  As opposed to solid and fluffy?"  He sighed.  Deeply.  "I cannot believe that I am toasting marshmallows on my honeymoon."


"I can, because licking it off you might be indecently delicious." Dominic said innocently, putting chocolate on a graham cracker and keeping. His hands. Off. For now. He was a good boy, but because he was, the boy in his heart wanted to share this delicious little sin with his lover before they made love until morning.


"Mmmm."  Lionel turned the marshmallow carefully, toasting it on all sides.  "Oh, just so you know, there is a small kitchen off to the side there, and there's rocky road ice cream in the freezer," he said absently, lifting his stick and inspecting his toasty confection, looking at the crisp golden coating on all sides.


Dominic guided his lovers hand and the stick to the cracker and chocolate in his hand. He scraped the gooey marshmallow off the stick, closed it and squished it down with another cracker, and offered it to his lover with a soft smile. "I'll use it in a little while."


"And I do what with this, exactly?" Lionel asked, brow raised to his hairline.  "Surely you don't expect me to consume this concoction of sugar and more sugar, topped with yet more sugar, do you?"


He reached forward and bit the back end of it. Just a little bite, and the marshmallow had melted the chocolate into a gooey sin, and he mmmmed softly as he pulled it back, grinning and pushing the wet, wormy, delicious strings of gooey goodness into his mouth. Another nod as he chewed, eyes slitted in pleasure and he sighed softly.


Lionel made a click in his throat as the marshmallow and chocolate oozed out over his long fingers.  "Dominic!  This is a mess!"


"Mmmhmm." He reached forward, licking the chocolate from his lovers fingers, sucking softly and lapping at it. Just a little, just innocently, and he mmmed again, softly, fingers softly brushing the arm holding the s'more up as he pulled a knee up a little.


Lionel sniffed it gingerly, and when he didn't gag on the rich, cloying smell of the melted, gooey chocolate, he took a very, very small nibble of it.


And nearly died in ecstasy.  A quiet moan slipped from his throat as his tongue licked out to clean the bit of chocolate from his lip, and he took another bite.  Crunchy hot gooey and sweet, three textures and a taste that he'd never thought of together and now, couldn't imagine not tasting again.


Dominic couldn’t help grinning broadly, nodding at the moan that had vibrated in his lovers chest, and he took another bite before leaving him to enjoy his treat, starting to melt another marshmallow as he began to build another one on his knee. "Surely, you do not expect me to consume this concoction of sugar, toped with more sugar, and more, do you?" Dominic repeated teasingly, though seeing his lover obviously so pleased with what he was eating just made him grin like an idiot, melting the marshmallow out over the fire before pulling it back...and instead of sticking it on the chocolate, he ate it hot off the stick.


" 'm 'ot 'onsoomin' it," Lionel muttered around a hot, gooey mouthful.  " 'm 'karfin it."


"You're what?" Dominic laughed softly around his own marshmallow, reaching over to lick a bit of chocolate from his lovers lower lip...biting softly and grinning before reaching for the bag, and melting another marshmallow. This time the melted gooey goodness went on the graham cracker, and he smushed it, chocolate melting in an instant, and handed it to his lover. "You know what we need?" He set the stick beside the fire and kissed his lover, raising and walking barefoot and bare-chested to the small kitchen beside the living room and by the door. He walked in… opened the slender freezer at the bottom and spotted the bucket of ice and chilled wine. "You know, darling," He said conversationally as he strolled back into the living room with his prize and two slender flutes in hand. "I know you too well."


" 'ank oo."  Lionel swallowed down his last bite of the first s'more.  "I said, I was not consuming it."  He bit into the second one, chewing daintily as he figured out the proper method to bite.  "You found the wine; did you find the champagne?"  As Dominic walked back into the room, Lionel was doing something completely, completely uncharacteristic, and he swore he'd never do it again.


He was licking his fingers.


Dominic spotted it, and he grinned, broadly. Lionel licked his fingers in only one another situation he was aware of, and seeing him this pleased was a pure swelling in his heart. He plopped back down beside his lover, shaking his head and opening the bottle with a small cork popper that was inside the bucket. "Champagne tastes gross with s’mores. Trust me." He poured his lover a glass of it, handing it over to him… and a single drop rolled down and hit his lovers shoulder.


So he just reached over and lapped it up.


He sucked at the hot skin, kissing it before reaching out into the bag to make himself a s’more too. "See? You have to turn the marshmallow, and make sure its crispy on the outside and gooey in the middle. Its got to be melty to be good."


"I trust you."  Lionel took the wine flute and leaned back against the steps that led into the fire pit, warming his still damp and still cool feet by the roaring fire.  "I will take your word for that."


He smiled, shyly now, and melted his own, setting it on the cracker and chocolate on his thigh, and squishing it shut. He shifted, Indian style and comfortable, and took a sip of the wine before biting into the graham cracker. A mess, as always, but his eyes slitted again in the familiar hot gooey center and chocolate loveliness, and he sighed heavily. "My mama, she used to have my Da' make these for her when she was pregnant with Graham. That’s why they named him what they did. Twas that or Hershey, and me Da' didn’t want to call his son Hershey. So, Graham it was."


"That poor child," Lionel said thoughtfully, sipping his wine with relish.  "It isn't any wonder he's perpetually cranky.  I do believe I would be cranky too, if I were named after one of my mother's pregnancy cravings."


"I won't tell you what Megan and I were named after, then." Dominic grinned and took another bite. He was being a good boy, see? Good. He could stay good. "And Riley, aye, the poor dear."


"Captain Morgan, I presume?" Lionel snickered.  "I think I'm much, much happier not knowing the genesis of your clan's names.  Thank God Graham was kind enough not to give his own son such a strange, outlandish name."




And there went his control.


His need to be claimed was fierce, and if Lionel was going to take his time, he would too. So he just set his chocolately treat to the side, took a sip of wine, and dropped his hand to his own covered crotch.


And began to rub himself.


"I don’t think you want to either, darling. Lindy's the only one of us who has a semi decent name."


Lionel watched the rubbing with a raised eyebrow.  "Is there something itching you, Dominic?" 


So he was becoming a bit of a tease. 


"You could say that." He tipped his head, watching his lover. "You got very angry the last time I did this."


"Yes, yes, I did.  And who's to say I'm not angry now?"  He sipped his wine carefully, and was proud to see his hand didn't shake.  "Or perhaps I'm just... enjoying the show."


His pulse was beginning to thicken with the pleasure he was giving himself, and the look in his lovers eyes. Slowly...warmly, he began to stroke his hardening cock, just like he did when he was alone. His back was lose, arms tense, and he sucked in, unzipped, and dipped his fingers in, hidden away.


Lionel shook his head.  "Out, Dominic.  Out, where I can see."


"Enjoying the show? Mmmm." Dominic murmured softly, leaning back against the steps as well as he stroked. His hand was hidden away in his pants but his lovers words had him looking up under his lashes, fingers lewdly working where they were hidden away. "But I’m just scratching an itch, darling."


"Either move it out where I can see it, or stop entirely."


Oh. He shivered and slowly pulled his cock free from his zipper, balls still hidden away inside as his fingers slipped back over himself, and his head lolled so he could see his husband. Pleasure was starting to zing in his heart as he stroked, and he shuddered, making a soft noise as he rubbed over the head. "I was being good."


"Yes, love... you were being good.  I'm proud of you.  But... I want to see you, Dominic.  I want to see you touching yourself, for me, for my pleasure."


"Don’t have to ask twice. Perfectly okay with it." And though his eyes were hazing his grin was bright. He wrapped his fingers around himself and began to stroke in earnest, his hips popping up into his hand every once in a while as he flicked his wrist. Fast, easy, gorgeous, one hand sliding up his chest to pinch and knead his nipples as he closed his eyes and tried to forget about his lover. He did what he always did when he was alone, under the covers, or in the shower.


Lionel spread his legs more, the cuffs rolling back down to his ankles as he opened his legs, unbuttoning and unzipping his pants to give his cock room to grow.  He was quiet and watched his lover, keeping quiet sighs in his throat.


Dominic shifted, pulling more of his cock out so he could knead his balls with his free hand, tugging and rolling them between his fingers as his hand sped up on his cock. Swift, easy strokes, rubs at the head with each movement, and he tightened his thighs as the waves of pleasure crested and platoed, crested and platoed. He moaned now, softly and insistently, rolling his head on the step he was leaning against, arching it as his throat worked. He swallowed hard, sighing softly, and looked at his lover with drugged, pleasure filled eyes. Watching his reactions to him...watching Lionel as he stroked his cock and continued to rub his balls.


"Stop, Dominic."  Lionel put his wineglass to the side, and looked at his lover straight on.  "Stop."


"No.." He whispered but he let go of his cock, and his balls, giving each a last stroke before letting his hands fall away. A flurry of goosebumps raced up his spine and out over his body, each limb tingling as his cock burned.


"Yes."  Lionel moved from his recline on the steps, and moved to kneel over his lover's splayed body on the steps.  "Stand up.  Take everything off."


"Kay." He murmured, and reached up to kiss. A soft, gentle mating of lips as his fingertips stroked down the long, impressive, gorgeous flank of his love, and he slowly squirmed and rose, after touching his beloved, after making sure he was real. "I love you."


His pants slid down his hips easily and he stepped out of them and his boxers, the same creamy blue as the suit. Which was was such a Lionel thing to do that he grinned and hugged himself, standing before him and sighing softly in pleasure.


Lionel stood up next, taking his lover's hands in his own as he tugged him to the bedroom.  He pushed his naked lover down on the huge bed, and started to undress himself.


"No." He shook his head and pulled himself to his feet, stilling his lovers fingers. "Let me."


Slow, deliberate care were in his hands and heart. He very softly kissed his lovers neck...his chest, his jaw, and dipped both palms into the opened pants. His fingers slid easily over the hard cock hidden under silky underwear, and he used his handhold to push the pants down...then around, to slide over his lovers ass and hold him close as he nibbled. "You taste like the ocean." He murmured, licking softly before glancing up and smiling. "I tease you entirely too much. I’m sorry beloved."


Lionel stroked his lover’s back gently.  “No, Jiminy… you don’t.   You’re just fine, and you’ve got nothing that you need to apologize for.”  Once he was naked, Lionel pressed his lover back into the bed, and lay on top of him.  “But now it’s my turn.”





go to the next part