
The Memoirs

Smallville fanfic by Kel and Diana

Chapter 11: Pool Table

Lex silently climbed the steps up to Dominic's impromptu hospital room, and stopped outside the door.  He was more than mildly surprised to see his father in the room, head down and--he was asleep. 


On Dominic.


More specifically, his head was resting on Dominic's stomach, carefully pillowed by his arms.  Hair was disarrayed, face was tightly drawn, and he looked...




Lionel looked old, Lex reflected.  For the first time in Lex's memory.


Studying the picture in front of him, he realized that he hadn't seen Lionel sleeping at someone's bedside since Lillian's illness.


He still remembered it.


He couldn't have been more than twelve; too old to sleep with his mother, too young to understand his fear that she would be gone when he woke up if he didn't sleep with her.  Pam had tucked him in hours ago, but he'd crept out of the bed, sneaking into her bedroom and stopping by the door.


His father was already there, sitting by her bedside, head resting on her stomach as she spoke quietly to him, letting her frail fingers trail delicately over his hair.  He couldn't hear the words but he heard her voice, and he wrapped himself up in his blanket, sitting in the threshold until Pam found him and bundled him back off to bed.


Lex shook his head, and looked at his father again, studied the lines that seemed etched in the deep grooves around his eyes and mouth.


A quiet, sudden realization washed over Lex as he watched his father and Dominic sleeping together.


Lionel loved.


Somehow, Dominic had succeeded where Lex had failed and had found a way to make Lionel love again. 


When had it happened?  Lex wondered.  When had his father become his father again, and stopped being the cold bastard Lex had grown so used to?


Dark. It was very, very dark...or so he thought when he opened his eyes. The constant beeping had driven him from a drug infested dream, strange and powerful and why did crack addicts like it again? Christ. He shifted a bit and the previous day rushed in on him. Shot. Arm. Surgery. Lionel.


His arm was nothing but a dull ache that numbed his fingers and a bit of his chest, but he figured better the ache then the constant pounding pain he'd grown accustomed to.


And Lionel. Always Lionel. Lying there, atop him like a knight, protecting him with all the valor and kindness of a true gentleman. And a real lover. He couldn't move much... but he did have the strength, just enough, to touch his lover’s hair gently, stroke it out of his eyes to look at his features. So beautiful. And always, always his. The strength seeped out of him with the single movement and he had to catch his breath, letting his arm slide down on its own accord… and he found fingers there, as if waiting for him to find them. He linked them slowly, resting against the blankets, the IV poking him and the tubes annoying him, and the constant beeps and the tangy smell of old blood and he hated doctors, had he mentioned? Yes.


Lex remained quiet, watching as Dominic touched his father's hair, almost as delicately as Lillian had, and wondered again when this transformation had happened.


Lionel felt fingers stroking his hair, and nearly didn't wake.  He'd been dreaming of Dominic, and the feathery touches on his hair seemed only a part of the dream.  His features softened slightly as Dominic touched him, but the linking of fingers brought him awake, and he raised his head to look at Dominic.  "Are you all right?  Do you need something?" 


Lex shook his head in quiet disbelief.  Lionel had woken almost instantly at the touch of his lover's hand, and his first thought had been for Dominic.  Lex could not believe this, and was very quiet, watching.


A silent shake of his head, looking into his eyes as he held on, fingers around fingers, linked together in the most beautiful, simple way there was. He was slim in the shadows of the old bedside lamp, its golden glow reflecting over their features, softening them. And when he finally did speak, it was in that quiet way he had whenever he was with Lionel, and only with him. "When did the doctor say I can shower?" He pouted teasingly and very softly, mumbling absently, "I feel nasty."


"You can't for several days yet.  But I can have one of the nurses come in and help scrub you down later, or if you don't want to wait, I'll do it.  I can't promise to be as delicate as one of the nurses, but I think I can do it."


Lex was stunned, and he took a step farther back, into the shadows of the doorway as he waited.  His father... had never bathed anyone in his life.


He chuckled silently, eyes dancing as he brought his fingers to Lionel's cheek, skimming it softly. "You dork. Can you possibly imagine?" His speech was a bit slurred, but it didn't slow him down. "You'd more then likely take off a few layers of skin in the process." His eyes twinkled. "Or I'd coerce you into very gentle sex that would probably kill me."


Lionel kissed the fingers that skimmed over his cheek.  "I would not do anything that would hurt you, Dominic.  Ever.  And that includes making love to you, at least until you're well."  He rubbed his cheek unconsciously against Dominic's hand.  "I will have one of the nurses show me how to do it, if you'd like.  I'm... willing to learn, if that's what you need of me."


"You're too good to me." He murmured, and though he hated himself for it, he couldn't hold his hand up anymore, letting it slide down to his side with a soft sigh. "You spoil me, when you shouldn't." He watched Lionel with that in his eyes, pure adoration. "I think… I think I'd like for you to. To wash me. Though I find it very degrading to say so." He smiled.


Lionel shook his head.  "No, Dominic... if I were good to you, this would not have happened.  I would have protected you."  He raised his own hand, linking their fingers together as his free hand caressed Dominic's face.  "I don't find it degrading at all; it's... it's an honor that you would let me take care of you."  He kissed Dominic softly, a brief press of lips to lips and then moved back to his chair.


"No...lovely one. No.'ve saved me. In every way a man can be saved." His voice was choked, his eyes shiny, and the touch of his lips made him want to die, because he had finally reached that point of being so happy he could feel no other emotion. "You are my everything."


Lex watched and listened in awed, amazed silence, turning from the door and walking slowly down the steps.  That had been... a learning experience.


"You... you are my world, Dominic.  When... when just for that short time... I thought you were lost... my world just... ended.  I didn't feel anything."


Halfway down the steps, Lex turned and climbed back up them noisily, then knocking on the open door.  "Is anyone awake?" he asked softly.


His eyes flickered to the door hazedly, glad for the drugs for his aching wound, and glad that he was beginning to tire again. The less time awake the better. Unless it was with Lionel, of course,  but other then that, they could keep it.


"Only for a few moments; Dominic is going back to sleep.  What do you want?"


"To see how he is doing; to talk to you about things."


"He's doing as well as can be expected; I am fine and we have nothing to talk about."


He struggled to pull himself up a bit, loathing that he was flat on his back, then turning to glare at Lionel with that "Don’t you dare." look he gave that was all Jiminy. He gave up on pulling himself up and instead settled back down as the staples flared like a hundred bee stings, breathing out through his nose and closing his eyes for a moment.


Lionel turned his attention immediately to his lover.  "Lie still, Jiminy," he ordered softly, acknowledging the glare.  "You tear the staples and stitches loose, and you'll be back in the hospital."


"You wouldn’t." It should have came out as a command...instead it came out as a whimper of protest.


"No, but the doctors would," he immediately relented.  "You know that I wouldn't."


His smirk was a hundred percent Dominic, teeth flashing in a pale face. "That’s cause you loooove me."  He drew in a sharp breath.  "If you'd like... Lionel, you can stay here. I'm about to fall asleep again, you both won’t bother me." He nodded it, murmuring softly as he settled in comfortably as he could.


"Yes, yes, it is.  I won't let them do anything like that to you."  He straightened the blanket over Dominic's shoulders.  "We'll be quiet, I promise."  The offer to stay had been a godsend, because Lionel hadn't intended to leave Dominic's bedside.


He nodded again, his eyelids dropping a little. He wanted to stay awake, to say hello to Lex and not be in his moment of weakness, so he kept his eyes open, though… oh. Warm blanket. Yes. Warm and cozy and Lionel. Sigh. "You… you'll do fine."


"Only with you to guide me, Jiminy." 


Lex walked over softly.  "Hello, Dominic.  I'm sorry to wake you, I just wanted to see how you are doing."


He hadn't caught Lex walking in, but now that he loomed over him he could see his expression quite clearly. And everything inside of him hoped to god that the tension in the room from father and son would be gone and resolved by morning. "Mmm. Hello, Lex.'s Clark?"


"He's doing fine, he's home with his parents right now."  I dearly hope.  "He wanted me to make sure you were all right; I'm sure he'll be visiting in the next day or two, when you're more up for visitors."


"I'm okay." Liar. "I hope to see him… I... I owe him a great deal of gratitude and thanks." His voice was slurring for real this time, and he struggled to keep awake for just a bit longer. "How bad is the plant?"


“Don't worry about the plant, Dominic.  It's not important right now."


"Lex is right.  You need your rest, Dominic, not worry about things you can't affect right now."


He couldn't hide the smile as both men said the same thing, and wondered if they could see how completely alike they looked. "Mmm." He let consciousness go, sliding into the cool comforting release of sleep, body settling down, and he could vaguely hear them talking as he fluttered into the land of dreams.


Lex watched as Lionel settled in beside Dominic's bed, lacing his fingers through Dominic's as he faced Lex.  "Dad..."


"How bad are things at the plant?"


Lex sighed.  "You saw for yourself, the entire plant was destroyed.  None of the gas tanks blew, thanks to the safety walls, and they're being tapped and moved now to other facilities."


"The assessment team?"


"Just landed moments ago."  Lex watched his father moving slowly closer to Dominic.  "Their assessment will be into us by the end of the night."


"If the plant is a total loss, I want it closed, the rubble cleared, and you back in Metropolis."


Lex shook his head.  "No.  We have to rebuild.  People depend on the plant for their livelihood.  Not to mention the fact that we were just beginning to implement new ideas that were bringing us up ahead of the competition.  If you close the plant down now, after this, we lose the opportunity to completely upgrade the plant and use it as a test facility for the new procedures and equipment that I wanted to bring in."


Lionel held up his hand in surrender.  "All right, Lex.  All right.  You win, you win, you win.  Redesign and rebuild the plant.  Hire back all your people."


Lex snapped his mouth shut.  "You mean that, Dad?"


"Yes, son, I do.  I... trust you.  You know what you are doing.  And I'm tired of second-guessing you.  It's time that I give you the breathing room you've earned and let you... thrive."


"Dad... thank you.  That... you don't know what that means to me.  I won't let you down; I'll make you proud.  I give you my word."


"I know you will, Lex.  You already do make me proud."


Lex's throat closed.  "You... mean that?"


"Of course I do."


"I've waited... waited so long to hear you say that."


The old castle walls weren't good insulators. In fact, they trapped the cold in the old stone, and if not for the central heating and the huge fire blazing at the end of the room, they would have frozen. The room, wide and long, had huge windows overlooking the back of the old house, to the hundreds of acres of trees and corn that grew beautifully. They were dormant now as it was almost harvesting season, asleep until the sun rose and shown its heat down onto the cooling, winter time land. The room was full of antiques, beautiful and shiny, with thick carpets on the stone floors. The old bed was missing the end board, but it gave the blankets a chance to flow down the sides, the same rich auburn color as the curtains, as father and son looked at each other.


Lionel raised his head and looked at his son directly.  "I've always been proud of you, Lex.  Every time you've bested me or won your battles, I've been proud of you because you have finally embraced the man I know you can be."


"I don't want to be your kind of man, Dad.  I just want to be your son.  And whether I cut five throats or a thousand, I want you to be proud of me."


"A running man may cut a thousand throats in a single night," Lionel quoted.  "I don't want you to run, Lex.  Dominic was right; I have been stifling you and forcing you into something you're not.  And it's time I stop that."


Snickergiggle. ...Well, not really, because he was asleep. But his subconscious would make sure he giggled for no reason tomorrow as repayment.


Lex studied his father for a very long while.  "I love you, Dad.  Even when I hated your guts, I loved you.  I hated that I wasn't good enough to be your son."


Lionel reached across the small space that separated him from his son, and wordlessly embraced the young man.


"I'm sorry I hit you, Dad."  Lex apology was muffled against his father's shoulder.


Lionel shook his head.  "I deserved it, Lex.  I was trying to shut you out, and it was wrong.  You did the only thing that would work." 


Lex tightened his grip on his father's shoulders.


Little did Clark know that Lex had stood in this exact same spot only a few minutes before, watching his father and Dominic embrace. Now he was watching Lex and his dad embrace and it was one of the most warming sights of his life.


The conversation with his mother a few moments before had been teary and overjoyed, sad and overwhelmed. However, she'd promised to talk to her husband without beating him over the head, so it was a start.


Clark didn't want to interrupt, not at all, but he felt weird about just standing here, so he coughed softly and stepped in, looking up through his strands of hair.


Lionel looked up and saw Clark first.  "Come in, young man... I have something to say to you."


Lex turned around quickly, eyes shining brightly as he looked at his lover.  "Clark," he said quietly.


Oh God. Why did those words never have a good meaning? Oh, God. Clark walked in slowly, dear caught in headlights, though the look of joy of Lex's face was enough to bring a genuine one from him. He walked over, trying not to beam at him too hard, then looked at Lionel seriously. "Yes, sir?"


He rose to his feet, leaving one hand on Lex's shoulder as he met Clark.  Then he held his other hand out.  "Thank you.  For Dominic's life."


He took it, gripped it like his father had taught him and shook it, meeting his eyes honestly and okay, a little fearfully. "Yeah. I mean, yes, of course. I...I saw him in the rubble....luckily he escaped, is he?"


"Healing, thanks to you."  Lionel turned to look at Dominic quickly.  "Clark... if you hadn't found him, I don't think that he would have made it, and... I am in your debt."


Lex looked with wide eyes up at his lover.  Lionel had never voluntarily put himself in someone else's debt before, and shock showed clearly on his face.


Clak chanced a glance down, looking for all the world like he'd been floored, just shrugging an ample shoulder sheepishly.


"You are a brave young man, Mr. Kent."  Lionel sat back down beside Dominic.  "If there is anything that I can provide for you, you need only ask.  There's no price too high for his life."


"No, uh, nothing sir. At all...Oh! Well, you could let Lex stay, y-y'know, but, you don't have to, or, or anything, but it'd be great and save me some money from moving to Metropolis and all, an-and… okay, well. Babbling now."


"Quite all right, young man.  Lex has already informed me of his plans to rebuild the plant and remain here to oversee it and he has my full support in it."


"Good. Yes. Very...very good." He grinned from ear to ear, looking down at his boyfriend with the delighted eyes of someone who'd had a really good night, barely restraining from attacking him in hugs. "That's really cool, Mr. Luthor."


Another glance down at the sleeping Dominic, and he squeezed his hand gently.  "Call me Lionel, Mr. Kent."


"Then call me Clark... Lionel." Weird in his mouth but he said it anyway, grasping Lex's arm. "I'm going to take your son out for a walk…we'll be back soon."


"Of course.  Lex... remember what I said.  Clark... take care of my son."


Lex rose to his feet, and shook his father's hand, and then used it to pull him into a hug.  "I'll see you soon, Dad."


He nodded and smiled and tugged Lex from the room, jumping like a little kid. He closed the door quietly behind him, then turned and looked at Lex with pure predatory intention in his eyes, a grin plastered on his face as he led him downstairs. "You and your dad made up?"


Lex wrapped his arm around Clark's waist.  "Yes, we did.  We had... a nice talk.  How did it go with you and your dad?  Well, I hope?"  He prayed that Clark's good mood meant things were once more fixed with he and Jonathan.


"Very much so." he leaned in and nipped at his lower lip, nearly sending them tumbling down the steps before righting himself, rubbing as much of his free skin over Lex's. "We had a heart to heart. He told me about him and "Ly". It was all very tragic and romantic and Christ, I love you." He leaned in to sniff happily at his throat, and nip at the collar bone.


"Ly?" Lex questioned, clinging to Clark as they stumbled down the stairs together, his throat arched to allow Clark access to him.


"Your dad." It was muffled into his throat, passing a shocked, stuttering Enrique and with another stumble he slammed the office door closed behind him and hauled Lex up against it in the next minute, growling into soft, lily white skin that was his for the bruising and licking and tasting and oh. He growled again, deeper, shifting to slide beside his lovers hard cock and thrust. "Love...your dress pants...easy...easy to--uh--feel."


Lex wrapped his legs around Clark's waist as he boosted himself against his lover, rubbing his body against Clark's.  "Let me... take them off... you can feel... all you want," he whispered between biting kisses that took his breath away.


Clark didn't hear the gently cleared throat, just biting hard at Lex's nipple through his shirt as his body raged with want, his heart pounding furiously in his chest as his hands gripped Lex's hips and angled them towards him, thrusting up against him with a soft, throaty moan.


Chloe was in shock. Her eyes were huge in her head, watching Clark and Lex move against each other in a way she'd never seen two people do let alone feel, and she could feel the flush creep up her neck. She didn't dare look at Whitney, just shifting in her chair as she cleared her throat again, a little louder, and didn't let her boyfriend see how it turned her on to see these two boys go at it.


Lex moaned softly, quietly pushing down against Clark as Clark pulled him close, and his mouth hungrily attacked Clark's ear, sucking the skin behind it as his tongue swirled around his earlobe, biting it hard.


Whitney gripped Chloe's hand tightly.  "Um... HELLO!??  Guys???"  He was flushing bright red, the obvious love and passion between the two of them making him shiver as his cock thrummed lightly.


Clark let out a shallow cry of want as Lex bit his ear, ducking his head into the crevice of his lovers neck and shoulder and sucking hard, biting as they moved against one another. He heard something vague over the roaring of his blood but it was just that, so vague and quiet that he couldn't think. His fingers ran down and latched onto his lover’s ass, one palm caressing, the other at the center of his back, gripping a handful of his shirt as he tried to steal kisses from him between sucks and licks.


She was seriously embarrassed now and she ducked her head, looking at anything other then the two... and when she glanced up at Whitney, her eyes were dancing with laughter and arousal, amusement and disbelief. His red face only made her chuckle softly with abject humiliation.


Whitney cleared his throat again and looked at Chloe.  "At least we don't have to worry about Clark knowing that I know," he pointed out, red faced and embarrassed.


Lex rubbed himself hard against Clark, one hand slipping between them to pop open the buttons on his shirt, back arching to press his nipple further into the arousing bite.  "Clark... God... need you now," he moaned quietly, hips thrusting and rocking down against Clark's upward thrusts.


At least their faces matched, and she couldn't help coughing and biting her lip. She blinked at him for a minute, before sighing heavily and turning in her chair. "HI CLARK."


He froze. Just completely paused, mouth still around his lover’s nipple, hips grinding up against Lex, Lex's legs around his waist... they weren't alone. He opened his eyes and looked up at Lex, his green irises dark and huge, full of want and confusion and the beginning of true embarrassment. Because, if he was correct...that had been Chloe. His Chloe. Behind them.


Lex tried to stop his motions as he rode Clark's thrusts, tried to force his mind to think and when his eyes focused, they landed on Chloe and... the quarterback... what was his name... Fordman.  "Chloe... Mr. Fordman... a pleasure to see you."  He then dropped his face against Clark's shoulder, his entire scalp and head flushing a bright red.


She couldn't help a smile, wriggling her fingers at them as her cheeks flamed red, squeezing Whitney's hand with her free one and offering a grin. "So, we interrupted the sex. Hi!"


Clark groaned softly in mortification, grabbing Lex's thighs and helping him get down, not ready to quite turn around yet as, okay, his freaking crotch was tented out in front of him like a damn circus was in his pants and oh god, he needed to come so bad. Oh, Lex, Lex, smelling so good, so...."Trees." He murmured into his lover's ear, straightening Lex's clothes as he blocked him from Chloe with his bulk. "Paper. Gravel. Old librarians. Old boobs. Your dad. Your dad's tiny shriveled left pinky toe. Baseball."


While Clark was busy straightening him, Lex slipped his hand into Clark's jeans, rubbing the bulging cock.  "Hot wet suction," Lex murmured quietly.  "Me on my knees sucking your cock while Chloe and Whitney watch.  Fingers sliding up your ass to rub against your prostate and make you scream."

Whitney was approximately the same shade of red as his girlfriend was and he held her hand like a lifeline.  "Um… yeah.  Sorry?"


He gripped Lex's shoulders hard, watching with desperation in his eyes and ache in his body before he recognized the tease. He controlled every movement and clamped his lip between his teeth to keep the sounds in, eyes shut tight as he fought to control himself, but it was so hard. So, so hard with Lex's fingers in his pants and he was so aching and oh, God. GOD.


"We....we can come back another time, I...well, except not, because… well. No." She frowned it, biting her own lip as she watched Clark's hunched shoulders and heard them speaking to one another...damn. She hated embarrassing other people.


"We'll be with you in just a few moments, Chloe," Lex reassured her.  Then he dropped his legs to the floor, still hiding behind Clark's bulk as he pitched his voice for just Clark.  "Come for me, baby... I know you want to, I can feel it."  He looked into Clark's face.  "I love you, Clark."


Whitney moved and wrapped his arm around Chloe's waist.  "You have a right to be here," he murmured.  "Just because they're horny and can't keep it in their pants, you know..."  He hugged her.  "You're worried about your dad, you have a right to be here."


Yeah, well. That was it. He hoisted Lex up by the arms, glanced over his shoulder, apology grunt, and opened the door to the office. He slammed it closed, pulling Lex up around his waist again and stumbled through the bottom floor, passing a stunned Enrique again and finally ended up in the billiard room. A pause--he'd never been in here before--and he dropped Lex's ass unceremoniously on the side of the huge pool table in the center of the room, tearing at his mouth with fevered want. "Don't care. Want you. Now."


Lex didn't hesitate, instead his hands worked on stripping off his own shirt first, and then worked on Clark's until both their chests were bare and the shirts safely discarded over a nearby cue rack.  Lex rubbed his ass against the felt table and wrapped his legs around Clark as he guided his lover's hands to his nipples.  "Let me undress you; you'll just rip both our clothes off," Lex breathed between kisses.


Clark strangled the moan that wanted to echo from his mouth as he helped his lover’s fingers to get his pants off, then was quickly occupied by the lovely nipples. Hard and tight and small in his mouth, on his fingers as he rubbed sweat slickened fingers against the one not in his mouth. A heavy, heady moan then, very suddenly, because he realized they were about to do it on a pool table and it was the hottest. Thing. Ever. Clark brought one of his hands to his own chest, rubbing at his own nipple with the pad of his thumb to relieve the ache as he licked and sucked at his lovers, mouth leaving bruises and discolored marks wherever he licked. "Please, please yes!"


Lex rocked forward against Clark as his hands tore at the fastenings of his lover's jeans and pushed them down, along with blue boxers to bare his cock.  A brief look up and Clark was touching himself and oh fuck that was just... too much.  Lex moved across the pool table, wrapping his legs around Clark, and rubbed his bare cock against the rough seam of his zipper.  "You're... driving me nuts, Clark.  Touching... yourself."  He tore savagely at his own zipper and buttons, shoving down wool and silk and kicking them off entirely.  "Fuck me, Clark.  Hard.  Please."


Clark moaned loudly, this time fully aware that he'd done it and not giving a royal shit, arching at the touch of wool then… smooth, hairless, pure sex and he shuddered hard, hooking an arm around his lovers waist as he climbed up with him. Scooted in, towards the center, before he lowered Lex down onto the green felt. He got on hands and knees atop him, looking down with the purest sweet love and want and lust, and as he claimed his lovers mouth for his own, he brought the pale legs up and around him as high as they could comfortably go. "Love you, love you so much, love you..."


Lex used the legs wrapped around Clark's chest to pull him down, and he raised his ass, hands spreading himself open for Clark's perusal.  "Please..." Lex whimpered, kissing Clark as deeply and as hard as he could.  His fingers slid into his own ass, slick with sweat and precome as he offered himself to Clark.


"P… put your arms around me...l… like that... yeees..." he groaned, unaware of what Lex's fingers were doing, but when he looked down and saw those slim digits deep inside of himself, he almost lost it. He let out a heavy sound of breathless surprise, eyes wide before he went insane. He kissed and sucked, licked his chest and nipples, laved all the skin his mouth could reach before pinning Lex's arms up above him. "Mine mine mine mine," And he vaguely realized he was chanting it, slicking himself with his spit before gasping loudly and clamping his lips down around the more sensitive nipple of the two, starting to slowly slide inside. Just the tip, and it was a vice, hard around him, so hard he thought he'd break in two with pleasure.


Pool. Table.


Lex wrapped his arms around Clark and lifted, pushing himself down on his lover's cock, his ass opening and swallowing Clark's cock as he slid down it.  Feet gave him extra leverage and as they dug into Clark's back, Lex used it to pull himself completely onto Clark's cock.  His body was screaming as Clark licked and bit his nipples, God, the most sensitive part of his body, and his nails dragged roughly down Clark's chest.  "Fuck.  Me."  His eyes glittered with hunger.


Long, helpless sound of pure pleasure as he slid down... down… further, until he was in his lover to the hilt, explosions rocketing off his skin everywhere they touched. He moaned loudly around his lover's dark nub and let go, pulling out just a bit before pushing back in. Another slide out, before a jerk in to the hilt, his rhythm off, his passion too high and his body too inexperienced to know what to do. He would have wept if he weren't too horny, struggling to grasp onto a good rhythm that they'd both enjoy, mouth buried in Lex's throat as the heat and friction of his lover's body washed over him with goosebumps.


Lex was too far gone to care about rhythm.  He was riding the thrusts of Clark's cock, legs around his waist pulling him in, setting a rough gait for both of them as his muscles squeezed Clark's cock.  "Hands... hips... pull..." Lex gritted out before his tongue attacked Clark's throat, licking, biting, sucking everything he could reach as one hand slid over the raw suction marks his lover was leaving behind.  "Mark me..."


The word beautiful doesn’t do his lover justice. Not by any regard. Slick planes, low slopes, perfect alignment of body and skin, bone and sinew, all moving together to form his inarticulate thing of the most astounding beauty he's ever seen. Clark could barely wonder what he wanted more… to watch him arch, to look at the muscles ripple over his chest, or to hold him in tight to feel it. Of course none of those thoughts were conscious, because he was balls deep inside of his moving, writhing lover and the muscles inside were tugging and squeezing and thank god he was learning self control. Thank--


"Mark me..."


Oh, Christ. "L...Lex..." He shuddered, getting a grip of the slim, pale hips and tugging him, sliding in deeper with each thrust he could feel all the way in his brain. He pushed in hard, out, in, mind a helpless screaming thing, out of control and loving it, thrusting as hard as he dared and moaning loudly into creamy skin.


"Clark!"  Lex shouted, digging his hands into Clark's arms as he pulled himself up.  "Yes... just like that, baby.  God."  He rocked up, meeting each savage, twisting stroke with a push up of his own.  "Fuck me, Clark... let go, mark me... let me have all of you." 


Lex let his nails scrape Clark's arms and then dragged them over his lover's chest again, scoring his nipples with light red marks before moving lower to scratch over his belly.  "Fucking do it, Clark!"


He let go. He possessed, holding his lover closer, tighter, pushing in and out without heed, keeping his super strength in check but the human side, the male side of him, let go completely. He let out a guttural cry, pinning Lex's arms to the felt table as he leaned in to the crook of his shoulder and neck, his favorite spot, and bit. Hard. Enough to draw pricks of blood but not harder, his love, intense love for this man forbidding anything else even in his fevered, wanting mind. But the very thought of it, the very thought that Lex wanted this had him pushing in, jerking with the hard, rough movements he always had right before he came, holding onto that single thread keeping him from jumping off the edge to get his lover there. To make sure he was sated and loved, pleasured as deeply as he could.


Lex cried out, arching his throat into Clark's mouth as he felt the teeth breaking his skin.  "Yes!!"  He twisted on the felt table, feeling the scratchy fabric scraping on his ass but he just didn't care.  All he cared about was Clark fucking him and he dragged one hand off his lover and onto his own cock.  A twist of his hips, and Clark's cock was stabbing against his prostate with every stroke.  "Fuck... Clark... love you.... so fucking much."  His hand was busy moving on his cock, twisting it and jacking himself off, his prostate slamming on Clark's cock until his entire body tensed, orgasm ripping through him with a scream of his lover's name and a hot splash of come between their bodies.


He hadn't gotten that part yet. He always forgot to jack Lex off, but he was learning. He would remember, for next time. For now, Lex's ass held him in a vice, tight and hot and he was going to come, goingtocomegoingtocome and he couldn't stop, no, even as the slim body relaxed under his he only had to thrust two powerful, hard thrusts before he was coming, letting out a wail into Lex's shoulder as he bucked and held as still as he could, instincts on overdrive. He let out a second shallow cry, moaning softly into the slim shoulder as he thrust a few more times, slow and shallow, working out one of the most powerful orgasms of his life.


Second time inside of his lover, and he'd made him scream his name.


" you... love you..." Clark whispered into sweat dampened skin, sliding down to lay against him as he panted, shuddering hard in post orgasmic shivers and groaning quietly. "Love when... when you call me it." He murmured.


Lex kissed Clark deeply, wrapping himself around his lover's sweaty body.  "I love you, Clark... I'll call you baby anytime you want."  He rubbed his hands over his lover's back, panting softly, loving the feel of Clark pressing him down.  "Feels so good, you inside me, baby."


He moaned softly, muttering something about not getting him started again, and pulled out of his love before he got any fresh ideas. He mumbled quietly, rolling and taking him with him so they were side by side, and his mouth kissed and licked Lex's shoulder gently. "'m sorry hurt you. You akay?" Another mumble, kissing softly as his very young, very inexperienced ego needed some petting. "It wasn't bad?"


"You didn't hurt me, baby."  Lex curled tightly into Clark's body.  "I'm okay.  And it was... amazing."  He licked down Clark's jaw.  "Fucking... amazing."  Lex slid his leg over Clark's hip, and nestled their bodies together.  "It's never bad with you."


He didn't have the energy to smile but to smirk? Oh yeah. He gave Lex his most self important, 'I. Rock.' looks that was just about as adorable as anything on his face. He slid in closer, touching all over his sweaty back and head, damp thighs and the warm leg up over his. His soft cock pressed against his lovers softening one, and it wasn't sexy but… relaxing. It was relaxing. Did he ever think he could have a cock pressed against him and not be raging hard? "Love you." A mumble into his cheek, and he could feel the exhaustion tugging at his consciousness, before..."Chloe. Whitney. We...we left them."


Lex sighed lazily.  "Yes, we did.  And if they're smart, they're waiting quietly for us to come back, and putting their privacy to good use."  He kept Clark nestled close to him, and his warmth was comforting.





Whitney blinked angrily as Clark wrapped Lex around him and they left.  "That's fucking rude.  I'm going after them."


"Whitney... not... not the best thing to do." She shook her head a little bit, offended a tad but more romanced then anything. They were, okay, really cute. "They're probably already...yeah."  Except… well... her dad worried her, and she bit her lip tightly as she crossed her slim arms over her slim chest and sighed.


Whitney wrapped his arms tighter.  "It's still rude, Chloe, and they shouldn't have treated you like that."  He kissed cheek softly, knowing how worried she was.


She smiled at him softly, touching his forehead with her own, and gently squeezed his fingers. "You're so sweet, Whit."


Whitney blushed.  "Just... don't want to see you upset.  Kills me, right here."  He brought her hand to his chest.


She smiled softly and gently touched where his heart beat under her hand, her eyes dancing with joy and sweet gentleness… or as much as they could, without knowing where her father was. If he were alive, or dead, or... she sniffled softly, chin quivering, and set her head on his shoulder.


Whitney's hand gently cupped the back of her head as she rested it against him.  "It's okay, Chloe.  I won't let anything hurt you.  Your dad's going to be fine.  You gotta believe that.  And... and if something did happen... I'll take care of you."


She nodded softly and let him hold her, sniffling softly as she grasped his hand. "I just want to ask Lex and go home."


Whitney pulled her over to the leather sofa in the office, and sat down on it, curling around her.  "I know.  And we will.  If they're gone too long, I'll go hunt them down, fucking or not."


She settled in with her boyfriend, setting her head in his shoulder cause… well. "I can’t believe they... I... I mean... wow."


Whitney snuggled Chloe protectively against him.  "I can't believe it either.  Man.  I thought Lex would have... you know, self control and all that."


"I did too. That... wow. Is it always like that, Whitney? Sex?" Her eyes rose, filled with question.


Whitney blushed.  "Yeah... I think it is always like that.  At least, for people who love each other, it is."  He held her tighter.  "I... don't know, though.  But I'd like to think that, anyway."


She smiled softly and curled in, taking his hand in hers. "Then we should try it sometime." She said it lightly, but the meaning was heavy behind her words.


Whitney ran his fingers through her hair.  "Only... only when you're ready, Chloe."  He rested his cheek on top of her hair.  "I don't want to take advantage of you.  But... I want to.  With you."


Her cheeks reddened with soft pleasure, reaching up to hug him to her. "When I'm ready… we will. I promise you."


Whitney blushed.  "I can't wait.  I mean, I can, but I can't.  Well, you know what I mean."  He returned the hug whole-heartedly.


She jumped in his arms at the hollow scream from further inside the castle, eyes wide and her cheeks flushing a brilliant crimson.


Whitney buried his burning face in her hair.  "At least we know they're close to finishing," he mumbled.  "And I'm glad I'm not a screamer."


The revelation surprised her and she grinned, but decided not to add fuel to the burning fire. Instead she just squeezed his hand, sighing softly and waiting for them.


Whitney blushed yet again, and wondered if his skin should be permanently pink.  He squeezed back, and whispered in Chloe's ear.  "I wouldn't mind it if you made me scream for you, sweetie... I can see myself screaming your name like that."


Her eyes got wide in her face, blushing as well and smiling up at him. "I think I could."


"Think you could make me scream?"  Whitney nodded.  "Yeah... yeah, I think you could.  You drive me crazy, Chloe.  And I mean that in a good way."


She got kind of antsy, crossing her arms over her chest as her nipples peaked and her face flushed with embarrassment. They were flirting, and she was reacting… so not well. "You… you too. You drive me crazy. Really...really crazy. In a good way." Big smile.


Whitney smiled back at her.  "You've got a beautiful smile, Chloe."  He held his hand out to her, and pulled her close.  "I'll stop now.  I don't want you feeling uncomfortable."  He shifted away slightly so that the stirring of his cock wouldn't press completely against her.


"I'm...I'm not uncomfortable, just..." She grinned in delight and blushed. "See, my body does things I don't want it too sometimes, and its embarrassing, and ohh." She smiled at him, hoping he'd understand.


Whitney shifted again, letting himself press against her just a little before shifting away again.  "Yeah... I understand.  Believe me."


Oh. My God. "Whitney..." She peaked up at him, shifting a little. "I..." She almost didn't know what to say, or...well, actually, HOW to say it, and she bit her lip tightly.


"What is it, Chloe?"  He sat up straight, looking at her and rubbing his thumb over her cheek.


"When… I... I mean, not now, but...." She flushed. "I want you to touch me. Just...just me. In a...a place that..."


Whitney nodded one, and slid his hand over her stomach.  "Here, Chloe?" he asked, pausing his hand right above and refusing to dip lower until she answered him.


Her eyes were very wide in her very small face, blond hair falling around her face as she swallowed hard and nodded, watching him with hawk eyes as she felt his wide palm on her slim tummy. Her voice was raspy and soft when she spoke. "Y...yes."






He muttered something from the depths of his chest, his eyes fluttering shut despite the fact that he didn't want to, nap? It'd be okay, right? Right. Cause he had his very own Lex blanket and it was a sin of comfort.


Lex ran his fingers through Clark's hair.  "Unless you want them wandering the halls and finding us stuck together like this...."


"Mmm… should find them..." He nodded it from his burrow of comfiness, kissing the indent of his throat gently, then up to nibble the scar along the top of his lip.


"Yes, we should."  Lex was... less than enthusiastic about the prospect as he cuddled Clark, licking and nipping his lover's lower lip.


His voice was just this side of whiny when he spoke. "Leeex....wanna stay...warm Lex...pool table..." He suddenly grinned, opening his eyes to look at his lover. "So. Hot."


"You don't hear me arguing," Lex pointed out.  "Clark blanket."  He tugged said blanket over him.  "Remind me to introduce you to the pool table in my office."


He rolled over, nestling in close, and cause he's bad, murmured into his ear. "I almost broke it once. Masturbated on it. It was too rickety."


Lex looked up at his lover in near-shock.  "You... on my pool table.  Jesus, Clark.  That's... hot, baby."  Lex slid his hands down to gently knead Clark's ass.  "Will you do it for me again sometime?"


He grinned into tender skin, feeling light as a feather and just as joyful, and he propped himself on one elbow to look down into the blue gray pools of color with wicked intention. "Uh huh.'d gone to get a phone call you said would take a while...I couldn't take it anymore. The...the blue stick? I used that one too." A wicked blink at him, brow raised. "I was just buttoning up when you walked back in."


"You used.... my blue stick... I... oh, Jesus.  I remember that.  My father... on the private line.  My... Clark.  Will you... do that for me?  I... I want to see it.  Not now... but some time?"


Lex was babbling. Cause of him, and the profound giddiness of it sent Clark to grinning like a loon, nodding and stroking his cheek softly with his knuckles. "I will, sometime. I couldn't even take my clothes off... my pants were squishy for the whole day. Every time I sat down I'd get so hot, feeling myself… how dirty I'd gotten because of you."


Lex was beyond words as he thrust up against Clark, cock hard as he tried to vocalize, but the image of Clark with the pool cue and on the table was just... Christ! too much, and he contented himself with babbling syllables of want as he rubbed.


He'd gotten Lex hard. He. Most mediocre, total newbie, barely any experience...and he was making Lex hard. Just by his words. So he kept talking, absently rubbing himself right back, eyes boring into his. "I don't know why I did it... but there I was, sitting on top of the side, jacking off and… it was right there. It slid in's thick, but not as thick as you. I...." He blushed as he stole a kiss from the corner of his lips. "I got on my hands and knees and pretended you were fucking me."


Lex whimpered, and brought one of Clark's hands around to his cock, wrapping his own hand around it as they jerked him off together.  "Keep going, baby," Lex pled softly, fucking their intertwined fists as he whimpered.  "So fucking hot... wish I'd known... would have kept the security tape."


His fingers wrapped around Lex's cock, unsure of what to do because, okay, he hadn't done this much to anyone else ever. But he had one, so he picked up the pace he normally would, moving as he whispered into his mouth and spoke. "Wanted to tear through the wall...felt so good inside of me, so good and hard and long, so long, couldn't even take my coat off, nothing, just my pants around my thighs and you, YOU inside me, deep and hard and stroking. Not enough hands for my cock, couldn't do a-anything, just let it...let..." He groaned softly, picking the pace up as his body writhed against Lex's.


Fuck.  Lex moved faster, his cock slick and slipping in and out of their combined grip with just enough friction to push him closer.  "Want...," Lex whispered.  "You're so... hot... beautiful... mine."  He whimpered as he imagined Clark fucking himself with the pool cue, and he brought Clark's other hand to his opening, still slick and open.


He pulled his hand away. No. No. This wouldn't go that way. Instead he let go of his lovers cock, crawling up his body and he spread his legs, reaching his fingers back to open himself up, just as Lex had did. Only he was going about it just as much for tease as for literally preparing, watching his lover with huge eyes. "Can you imagine me fucking myself with a pool cue, Lex? Your pool cue, that your fingers have touched every single day?"


Lex couldn't reach his cock around Clark, but that was just as well; he would have exploded.  Breath caught in his throat as he rocked up, his cock pushing against air as Lex braced his hands on Clark's thighs and wrapped his mouth around the large cock just waiting for him.  He paused in his sucking to answer Clark's question.  "I can... and God... it's so hot, baby... I can't begin to say."


He was moaning. Hard, long, loud, but after enjoying it for only a few more moments he pulled back and sat up, grunting quietly as he did so, rubbing the tip of Lex's erection against his stretched hole. "W... want you to tell me... what feels best... just for you, Lex... Want you to show me… pl… please show next time I fuck your… your pool cue...I'll know what to do."


Lex shuddered as he gripped Clark's hips, pressing into him in one long, firm stroke.  "You...fine, baby.  You can't... go wrong with love."  He rocked Clark back and forth on his cock, hips lifting to press deeper with each stroke.  "Touch yourself, Clark... for me."  He gripped Clark tighter.  "Touch me... like that.  Bite... suck... lick... twist hard."


Clark looked down at him, watching with desire and want, pleasure and giving, and he gripped his cock by the base hard, throwing his head back and starting to jerk. He rode his lover softly, lifting himself and lowering, following the easy rhythm Lex had begun and trying to memorize, to learn it even as he skipped his thumb over the head of his erection and moaned. Then he leaned in and bit Lex's left nipple as hard as he dared, laving it roughly a moment later before sucking it into his mouth.


Lex growled in pleasure as Clark bit him, letting go of his hips as he tangled his fingers in Clark's hair.  "Just like that, baby," Lex cooed softly, thrusting up as Clark rode him.  "Touch me just like that, bite me... just like that."


He muttered something dark in his chest as Lex filled and thrust, biting with each exquisite arch, moaning in want and ecstasy at the slow, easy, passionate love making. "W…want m…" He mumbled, arching again, his own fingers dragging tight through his hair when Lex hit his prostate. "Gyuh! Uh!"


"Yes," Lex growled, moving his fingers to pinch Clark's nipples tightly.  "Bite me, Clark, suck hard, leave your mark on me... I like it when you do that."  His cock pounded Clark faster once he'd found the right angle, and he dropped his hands to Clark's hips, rocking him and increasing the speed of his strokes.


He shuddered hard and increased the pace with him, leaning in to suck heavily at the spot right above Lex's nipple, laving it and sucking at it with a heavy, gasp filled groan and he was going to come, come, COME, and he mumbled it as his muscles got jerky.


"Want you to come, baby."  Lex pounded harder, his cock hammering Clark's ass faster as he slid his fingers to wrap over Clark's and tugging his cock.  He gave his body over to his lover, letting Clark bite and suck everything he could reach.  "Love... love your marks... love knowing... you love me."


He did. God. He did. He bit his ears, his chin, jaw. Shoulders, arms, fingers. Sucked each finger into his mouth, sucked his throat. Nipples. Flank, Sharp little bites peppered over his skin as his body took over, and he braced himself against Lex's chest as he stroked harder back into him. "L… Lex...!..."


Lex's fingers stroked Clark's cock faster, arching mindlessly and wildly as he fucked him.  "Come, baby... come for me, let me see it... come for me, mark me, make yours, baby, come on."


He thrust harder, harder, harder....then a cry and he buried his mouth against Lex's throat, screaming his orgasm as his fingers clenched, his eyes clenched shut, and he moaned loudly, shuddering fiercely as he gasped, "N…not...gonna...gonna h...hurt you t…too much...Lex..."


"You couldn't!"  Lex cried out, his body freezing as Clark's orgasm tore his own out, his lover's muscles milking stream after stream from his cock as he clung to Clark, nuzzling and kissing.  "Never gonna hurt me, baby... you couldn't.  I love you, Clark, love you and trust you."


He grunted and sprawled out over his lover, murmuring softly into a pale ear, "You make me lose control. Don't wanna bite... you know... your nipple off... or... something as gross." He giggled quietly and licked the small scar on his lovers lip, mumbling, "Where'd ya get that?"


Lex wrapped an arm and a leg around his lover, keeping him sprawled over him.  "Fencing game.  My opponent's saber slipped, caught me in the face."


"Mmm." A soft mumble, as he traced the long line on his shoulder. "'n here?"


Lex looked down.  "A knife.  That's where Jude sliced me open.  At Zero.  I didn't tell you about the knife, just the gun.  Toby sewed me up."


"Ohh." He frowned, kissing the scar gently, then down to touch the long white stripe by his hip. "And here?"


Lex followed the touch.  "Another fight.  The same one that gave me the pin in my knee.  I don't remember many of the details."


He picked a spot, right on his side, and squinted as much as he could without his eyes being completely shut. A slim beam of red sliced out of his eyes and cut a very small shape into the skin, blood seeping from it and it broke his heart, but...he needed this as much as Lex. The shape...a heart, made from their first name initials. Small but pretty, and he immediately blinked away the lasers, cupping the wound softly with his palm. "I'm sorry… I'm sorry… are you okay?"


Lex hissed as the fiery brands cut into his skin but stilled instantly as Clark's touch soothed him.  Then in moments the pain was gone, and it was a small, dull throb that quickly faded.  "I'm fine, Clark.  It's beautiful."  He ran his fingers over it, wincing and hissing in pleasured pain at the same time.  "I... thank you."


He smiled softly, leaning in to touch his mouth to it, gently kissing it. "Its the only place without a scar, Lex." He grinned cheesily. "You had a wild childhood, man. I’ve counted 16 scars so far, including the cute one on your butt I wont ask about."


Lex grinned in return.  "Wild... that's a word for it.  Clark... this isn't a scar... this is a promise."  He cupped his lover's face in his hands.  "This is a promise for us, always to be together.  Scars are ugly; white, twisted reminders of bad things.  This... this is a beautiful thing, reminder of something pure and wonderful... this could never be a scar."


"It...Lex? Its the first place I touched you." He smiled, rubbing his thumb over the spot. "You were leaned over your desk, reaching for something...your shirt hitched up, and I accidentally touched when I went to grab a pen for you. It… oh. Wow. I'll never forget. Now...its ours." He beamed softly, kissing him. "I want to go for a run. Come with me? Let me take you somewhere, anywhere you want."


Lex beamed softly.  "I remember that... I also remember it was one of the first times I didn't walk you out because I had a hard on that simply wouldn't go away; I ended up locking my door and jerking off several times to get rid of it."  He wrapped his arms and legs around Clark.  "I will go with you.  But only if we come back and get rid of your friends."


He laughed out loud in obvious delight, eyes wide and dancing. "I did too! I mean, well, not in your office, cause, well, yeah, but... yeah." He was still smiling, his dark green pools beautiful and framed by his dark curls. "We can, yeah. Except...they're a little... preoccupied." He was still grinning as he climbed off his lover, hoping off the table and offering his hand in help.


Lex tweaked one of his lover's curls as he let Clark pull him off the tabletop.  "It's nice to know that I wasn't alone."  He stood and stretched, wincing slightly at the well-used feeling, and then looked around.  "Preoccupied?"


As soon as Lex's arms went over his head to stretch, Clark wrapped his arms around the long chest and waist, pressing him close to nuzzle because he'd never seen a sexier sight in his life. "Mmm. Lex...Lets go see the ocean. Wanna?"


Lex tingled.  "Ocean... yeah.  Do you want to get dressed first, or do you have a particular nude beach in mind?"  He snuggled against his lover's nude body, soaking in his warmth despite the teasing.


A cheesed out grin and he let go, loping over to where their clothes was on the floor and he gathered it up, handing over the articles to Lex....except he kept his lovers silky blue boxers, offering up his own blue flannel. "Wanna switch?"


Lex licked his lips and lifted the blue flannel to his face, rubbing the softness against his face.  "Yes... switch."  He slid them down, over his chest, and then stepped into them, sliding them up and over his hips.  "Oh, this is nice."  And he didn't just mean the feel of flannel against his naked skin, but the fact he wore part of Clark against his skin.


"Oh...oh yeah..." He slipped up Lex's boxers over his thighs... a little tighter then his own, but he had a narrow waist and slim hips. It worked. He mewled in pleasure, smiling over at his lover and tugging his jeans on over them, then the t-shirt, over t-shirt, flannel and jacket, curling in tight. "Wear something warm, babe."


Lex pulled his wool slacks and his dusty lavender pullover, and wrapped himself against Clark.  "Stop by the hall closet, and I'll grab my leather duster.  That'll keep me warm."


"And mittens. And a scarf. And a hat." He ticked it off in his head, following him out when suddenly...ohh. Leather. Meow. "And it cost half your annual income, right?"


"Half mine?  No.  Half yours?  Probably."  Lex grinned.  "I never bother with those things."


Oh. A Lex smile. Lex never smiled...and he barely had, since they'd been together. But this...he rubbed his thumb against the lower lip, smiling back and kissing him gently. "See, that's not funny." He tried to glare. Really. He did. "You spoiled br--" The wail from the office cut him off, and it took everything in him not to laugh out loud. "Lex, its gotta be a full moon."


"I thought it was.  But I also have a very odd sense of humor, so I'm told," Lex deadpanned.  Then he smiled again.  "Considering the noises... I hope Dominic wasn't woken up.  But... this means that we get to go and see your friends, get rid of them and then go to the ocean."  He pulled Clark against him.  "And we don't have to come back until we're ready, because they won't be waiting to see us."  He sighed.  "My business I can conduct by telephone."




Whitney slowly slid his hand down to brush gently over the zipper of her jeans, and then back up again to rest on her stomach and then her shoulder.  "I think about touching you there too, Chloe.  With... everything.  My tongue... my fingers... my cock."


Ooohh. She inhaled stiffly, looking up at him under her lashes, her mouth partially open as tiny breaths struggled in and out. "Y…you know..." She mumbled it, pressing the back of her smaller hand against his. "You sure can push my buttons really well for...for..." A husky sigh. "Being so sweet."


Whitney's fingers caught hers and moved them both down to her stomach, teasing the waistband of her jeans.  "I shouldn't tell you this... but I touch myself... thinking about touching you."


Her heart was going to thud out of her pants, still watching him but scooting unconsciously closer, looking up at him with her wide eyes and full mouth. "I too. Thinking about you touching me… so hot sometimes."


Whitney leaned over just a little and kissed his girlfriend, bringing her to settle closely between his legs as they faced each other.


She mumbled something incoherent and settled close to him, arms trembling as she kissed softly, her fingertips tracing his chin lightly as their lips met.


Whitney pulled her closer still, pulling her legs around his waist and kissing her deeply, his tongue teasing hers carefully as he moved slowly, hands steadying her back as he let her go, letting her move if she needed to.


Surprise had her gasping and holding her hands to his chest, waiting for the feeling of...of his erection pressed tight to the valley of her thighs and she gasped softly, wrapping her arms around him and groaning. "Whi… oh..."


Whitney moaned softly as she pressed against him, the noise vibrating against her throat.  "Chloe... just think... how this will feel... when it's the right time."  His hands slid over her skin, touching her through her blouse, teasing and tasting as he rocked up against her, rubbing and stroking.


"Th... thinking too much...Whi...Whitney, pl... please touch me, pl... please.." She mewled it, begging quietly as she felt him slide over her, hard and long and...harder and longer. Just so big. "Pl... oh... g..."


Whitney nodded and laid down on the couch, rolling so that she lay underneath him.  He kissed her softly, deeply, and slid his hand over her chest and her stomach, coming to rest over her jean zipper and button.  With slow, deliberate finesse, Whitney opened her jeans, sliding the zipper down enough to allow his hand to touch, and he slipped in, fingers brushing over the damp cotton of her panties, teasing the triangle of fabric that disappeared inside her jeans.  "Tell me when to stop," he whispered.


Oh God! Someone was touching her! Someone that wasn't really herself! Oh, god oh Jesus almighty and she gasped, panting softly as she arched her hips up to accept his touch, her own wriggling over his shoulders and through his hair, his weight unbelievable on her, and here'd she'd thought he would squish her. Yeah, right. She could feel every muscle, every ripple of tension, and it drove her half mad. "Don't st… stop... please, don't…"


Whitney leaned over, kissing her deeply as his fingers pushed her panties aside, trailing his fingers up and down the slick valley before gently sliding just the tip of one between her wet lips.


She let out a husky groan into his mouth as she arched up, unbelieving that he was... and she… and he was... and oh God. "Yesss..." She hissed softly, arching her hips up to accept more until his fingertip brushed the little tight bundle of nerves and that was it. She pushed against him, moaning, kissing him harder as she urged his hands on her chest, on her body. "T...touch"


Whitney slid a second finger along side the first, and started to move them in and out of the wet channel, thumb brushing against the small little hard nub that begged for caresses.  His free hand moved to open her shirt, lips capturing a nipple and suckling it deep in his mouth.


She let out a cry, arching into his skilled finger and if he ever said he was innocent ever again she was going to beat him. Because this man--she winced suddenly, very hard as his second finger, whimpering at the tight stretch and the burn. "Whitney...w...wait...I..." She shuddered, gripping his shoulders as his mouth found her breast, pleasure burning bright under her skin.


Whitney stopped, blood cold as she shuddered when she told him to wait.  He stopped the smooth motions of his hands and wrapped his arms around her, holding her close, all activity stopped.  "Chloe, what?  You can tell me... did I hurt you?"


"It…its tight." She whimpered in lust, fluttering her fingertips around his face, her smile full of lust and want. "I'm okay…its tight."


Whitney nodded in understanding.  One for now.  "Do you want me to stop?" he whispered, nuzzling her throat.  "Or do you want me to touch you again?  It won't hurt this time, I promise.  I won't use two, just one."  He kept nuzzling.  "We've got all the time in the world."


"No...two..." She moaned it, as the mental imagery hit her, struggling closer as she slid her fingers through the back of his hair and pressing him in close. "Want...want you to do it... please, Whitney." She nodded it, holding him closer as her knees slid to each side of his hips, unconsciously driving herself up against him.


Whitney nodded as he looked up at her, and slid his hands over her hips, sliding her jeans down as he rolled on top of her again.  He slid her panties down too, and looked down at her.  "You're beautiful, Chloe," he whispered, his fingers sliding back to tease her cleft before slipping both fingers back inside her.  "Open... just a little wider," he whispered.


She did so, opening them, one on each side of his thighs, or as far as her pants would go, and she kept his mouth to her neck as he touched. Heavy, dark moan...a hitch in her chest in pain, and she tightened her eyes shut for a moment before...God. She felt so wet, slick, and her mouth opened and ducked, laving his neck softly with her small tongue.


Whitney's touch was slow and easy, gentle strokes that rubbed her clit as he pushed in and pulled out.  As she moaned softly, he pulled the second finger out, stroking for long strokes with a single digit before slipping the second back in.  "You're so tight... I don't want to hurt you, sweetie... I love you so much."


He didn't have to worry… she was close, so so so close and she was mewling like a kitten, writing in his arms as her hips rose and fell. "Love you... love you... you're so good at thhi... ahhh...Whitney... oh, God..."


Whitney pressed hot, frantic kisses to her throat and face.  "So beautiful, Chloe... love you so much... love you for letting me do this... letting me give you this..."  His fingers pressed firmly into her, rotating slightly, his thumb brushing repeatedly over her clit as he pressed it very gently.


"Whitney… love you, love you s... so... ahhhhh!" She arched up heavily, shaking and shuddering as she felt it let go inside her and she came all over his fingers, her muscles vibrating and shaking against him as she shuddered, fingers tight in his hair as a few rooms over, Lex came as well. "Oh, God! God!"


Whitney slowly moved his fingers, pulling her clothes up and cuddling her close as he dried his hand on his handkerchief and stuffed it back in his pocket.  He slipped his clean hand through her hair, kissing her softly as he held her.  "I love you, Chloe Sullivan.  I don't want anyone else, ever."

Okay. So...okay. So... she'd just… and he... she took his head and sucked the two fingers into her mouth, the two he'd used on her, and watched him with big eyes as she tasted. "I love you, Whitney. More then anything."


Whitney shivered as her tongue wrapped around his fingers, and his cock throbbed as he thought of her mouth other places, then shoved the thought down.  "I wish... we were just a little bit older."


"I'm 17. How old are you?" She murmured it around his fingers, sucking softly, before down to kiss the wide width of his palm, licking a stripe from wrist to the tip of his middle finger.


"I'm 18," Whitney breathed softly.  "I wish you were 18 and I was 19... then I could take you somewhere and nobody could stop us."  His hand cupped her face.  "I'd ask you to marry me, take you away somewhere, give you a wonderful life."


"Whitney..." She cupped his cheek gently. "I'm not ready... I... I'm so scared about life and living and jobs and school... can you understand what I mean?"

Whitney nodded, a touch of sadness.  "I know, Chloe.  That's why it's only a wish."  He kissed her again.  "I know you're not ready.  I understand that, believe it or not.  Right now... I'm just happy to love you."


"Whitney...thank you." She murmured it, smiling softly. " made me....thank you."

"You're welcome," he said quietly, ignoring his own needs for the moment.  "It was... my pleasure."  He gave her a crooked grin.  "Anything for you, Chloe, you know that."

She was very aware. Very. She could feel him tensed on top of her, his body shaking, and she murmured quietly, "If...if you rub against me...can you... that?" She blushed. "I... I just... I'm curious."

Whitney nodded.  "I could.  But I'm not.  Because I'm not going to take away from what I just did for you by taking something for myself too.  I love you.  I'm not going to be selfish."


"But... I want to, Whitney, I want to see you... what you do when you... you know. Please? I want to see. Please." She looked up at him hopefully.


Whitney shivered.  "You... you shouldn't ever have to beg."  He kissed her again, moving so that the hard bulge of his cock pressed against the zipper of her jeans.  "I love you."  Slowly, Whitney started to rock, pressing his cock down as he moved his hips, thrusting forward against the zipper, pressure and friction rubbing against his cock as he threw his head back.


She let out a gasp, lifting her hips with each of his movements because here he was. Very much a boy, rubbing himself against her and she was nearly overwhelmed with passion, moaning low as he took his pleasure. And it was so primal, so lustful, that she found her pleasure too. "I love you...I love you...Yesss..."


Whitney moved faster, rocking into Chloe's upward thrusts, pushing her down with each gentle downstroke as his hands moved to her breasts, kneading them and rubbing his thumbs over the nipples as he dropped his head to take one into his mouth.  Even faster rocking, the pace more frantic than before.


It was heat. Pure heat, and she keened loudly with lust, rubbing hard against him, giving him what he needed, trapping him between her thighs and hoping he went faster. Her fingers laced tight through his hair, moaning gutturally, punctuated with a little "uh!".


"Ungh... God... Chloe," he gritted out, feeling the tight clasp of her thighs trapping his cock, and he moved faster, strokes that should have been hard but were gentle instead as he moved frantically, orgasm building in his balls.  "Chloe," he hissed, hands working her nipples roughly as he moved his tongue from peak to peak.  "You're going... to make me come."


Nimble fingers had somehow unbuttoned his pants and her fingers slid inside, stroking what she could feel with shivering fingers, eyes wide and watching his.


As soon as her fingers touched his hot, hard flesh, Whitney realized that he was a liar.  He was going to be screaming as soon as he came.  His own hands shook as he slipped down and wrapped her fingers around his cock, and slid it up and down his length.  A sharp inhale of breath, and then a deep, throaty howl.  "CHLOE!"  Whitney came, blindingly hard.


Her eyes were wide before they shut tight and let out a husky groan, loud and echoing, her small fingers tight around him as he came. Her mouth attached itself to his, kissing rough and hard and as long as she could, moaning into his soft lips all the while.


Whitney clung tightly to Chloe, throat burning as he rode out the aftershocks of his orgasm and clung tightly to her.  He consumed her greedy moans, whimpering himself as he cradled her.






"Okay." Cause who was he to ignore his lover? A flashed smile before he straightened, glancing over and knocking. "Guys? Hey...we're coming in, okay?"


Deer. Headlights. Her eyes flashed to the door, trying to cover her breasts a bit with the cloth of her shirt as she squirmed to get up, eyes huge and terrified in her head. "Ju...just a minute!"


"Five bucks says Chloe's on top because she's a progressive woman," Lex said, for his lover's ears only.


"No way. She's loud and annoying, but at the middle she’s a sweetie." He cracked open the door, seeing the two fumbling with their clothes, and he snickered. "Whitney’s about as red as a tomato."


Whitney batted her nervous hands out of the way and pulled her shirt together, buttoning it nearly as quickly as he'd unbuttoned it.  "Come on in, guys, we're just making out."  He zipped his fly quickly, moving Chloe in his lap to hide it.


Her mouth dropped at his words, staring at him and nearly falling off the couch, sliding into his lap with swollen lips and mussed hair and what the hell?!

Lex snorted.  "That's what I used to think about you--being a marshmallow, that is--but look at how easily you take to topping," he teased, rubbing his hand against Clark's back.  He smiled at Chloe.  "What can I do for you, Chloe?"


Clark  grinned and settled in on the couch after striding into the room, adoring the look of pure horror on his friends face and patting her thigh as he plopped next to Lex. "Hey, and sorry about before. Rough week."


" My dad?" She croaked.


Whitney leaned forward.  "It's not like they didn't know, Chloe.  Might as well admit to the lesser evil before they ask about the greater," he whispered, wrapping his arms around her waist.


"Your dad... let me look.  The tactical team has been faxing in rosters for the last half hour."  Lex moved quickly, all business for the moment.  "Chloe... Gabe will be fine, I promise you that."  He settled back on the couch beside Clark, drawing one leg up as he sifted through the papers.  "He's not on the casualty list; there's less than twenty names so far, thank God.  And that includes the bad guy and his accomplice."  The list of missing was next, which was slightly longer, and Lex winced.  "He's not on the missing list either.  Which means he either hasn't been accounted for, or he's on the injured list, which... hasn't been faxed through yet."  He got up again.  "Let me call the hospital."


She nodded and bit her lower lip, brow furrowed as the guilt washed over her. She'd been here making out with her boyfriend while her dad could be dead, DEAD, and the tears were building as she watched Lex root around his desk.


Whitney sensed the abrupt shift and turned her around.  "Hey... Lex said your Dad's okay.  Don't you know he's got a direct hotline to God?  What he says, goes."


Just as Lex picked up the phone, his fax machine whistled and started to print the incoming fax.  "It's the injury list."  He scanned it; five pages long.  "It'll take a minute to print.  Chloe... I may not have a direct connection to God, but I do know your father and I know my tactical team.  Your father will be fine."


Ohhh... chin trembled hard and she ducked her head down, pressing her forehead to his as her voice hitched. "Its not right, he would have come home, he would have, Whitney, he should have come to make sure I was okay, he always does."


"Listen to Lex, Chloe." A serious nod. "He's too smart for his own good."


"Unless he's in the hospital being treated," Whitney reminded her.


"Thanks, Clark.  Chloe, the power lines and the phone lines to the plant were cut.  There was no way he could have called you.  There's not a working phone around there now for half a mile.  Chances are, your father's at the hospital."  He crouched in front of the distressed young woman.  "Your father is a brave man.  He had the nerve to face me down the first day I showed up in Smallville at the plant.  If he's not afraid of Lex Luthor, what makes you think he's going to give into an explosion?"  He offered her a wry smile.


"I know." She sniffled softly, swiping the tears away with her fingers as she tried to stay strong, swallowing hard around a lump in his throat.


The fax machine beeped, and Lex leapt to his feet, jerking the papers out with a savage twist and scanning.  There it was, page three.  "Here you go, Chloe.  Gabriel Sullivan, assistant plant manager, taken to Smallville general four hours ago with possible broken arm, contusions on his face and upper body and smoke inhalation."  He looked up at her.  "I can have my driver take you there."


"Dad!" She let the cry come out of her, climbing to her feet and not caring that Whitney was in a state of undress, tugging his arm hard as she struggled to get to the door. She paused, turned back, and threw her arms around Lex's shoulders, hugging as tightly as she could before she was gone in a whirl.


Whitney followed her out, and Lex returned the tight embrace.  Picking up the phone, he called Smallville General, telling them to expect Chloe in a few minutes, and that if she weren't given the absolute best treatment possible, they would be answering to the Luthors.





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