
The Memoirs

Smallville fanfic by Kel and Diana

Chapter 130: I'm Sorry

The Ross house, a friendly little two story on the edge of town, was a mad house at any time of day. Usually. There were normally only 4 children home, but now... The television was blaring, the fryer was going, the laundry being done, the vacuum being passed, the radio on, the computer printing, and the Ross brothers, of all age and size, were bellowing at one another. Called names, snarls, punches thrown, phone conversations attempted, normal conversations impossible. Screams for mercy, screams of rage... crashes, and a motherly voice telling everyone to "SHUT UP!"

Didn't help.

And the sound was bounding out into the yard as the middle Ross brother and his girlfriend walked up the front walk and to the door.  "Now I know why you aren't bothered by my family," Shayla grinned, squeezing Pete's fingers in hers. "And, now I know why you told me to take the half bottle of aspirin, too." She leaned over and kissed his cheek as they walked up the sidewalk. "Pete... thank you. I won't embarrass you, not like Mama did you. Promise."

They hadn't even gotten in the house, and already he was mortified. He glanced at his girlfriend, color draining out from under his cheeks, and swallowed. Hard. "I promise I'm not a Neanderthal. I promise they're not a pack of wolves. Its just... we have temperaments. All of us. And--" He stopped as he opened the door, and blinked down at his baby brother.

Just turned two the week before. Holding his cheerio box, with his diaper hanging half off of his hip, a blues clues t-shirt well as teenie dress shoes. Another blink at owl eyes, and Pete crouched down, whispering, "Is everyone being crazy Jack?"

"uh huh." little nod, and more cheerios got crammed in his mouth. "dey're all cazee."

"I agree." Pete nodded seriously at him, cocking a brow and motioning towards his girlfriend. "This is my girlfriend. Wanna say hi?"

In the background a tall, outrageously handsome, light skinned guy bolted across the hall and into another room, letting out a bellow of fury. "YOU took MY shit again you ASSHOLE!"

"THERE WILL BE NONE OF THAT LANGUAGE IN MY HOUSE!" Came a female voice from across the house.


"BERLUCE! Give it BACK! NOW! You are NOT too old for me to give you a whoopin', boy!"

"hi, layla." Jack waved a little hand full of cheerios. "wan' ceral?"

"Hi there!" Shayla took a handful of sticky cereal. "Thank you, but I think you'd enjoy it more!" She handed the cereal back.

"kay." Jack stuffed the cereal back in his mouth and yelled. "DEY'S HERE, MAMA!!"


"Dog, Jay and Bear." Pete grinned, lifting Jack up and resting him on his hip as he took Shayla's hand. "Hold on to your cheerio's, my man. Where's mama?"

CJ was just skidding out with a handful of white briefs when he caught the beautiful blond hanging on his little brothers shoulder. He shoved them behind his back, and immediately smiled, tossing the briefs in his room as he debonairly walked into the living room where Peter and the lovely girl were standing. "Peter, introduce me to your lovely date."

"Man, back off and get your own." Pete glared at him, listening to Andy and Sam fighting up the stairs and sighed, shaking his head at Jack and, with Shay on his arm, walked towards the kitchen. "Mama?"

Hah. Cant be that easily pushed aside. CJ took Shayla's hand… kissing it softly, and his warm, vibrant eyes danced. "My name is CJ. And you've got to be an angel from heaven, because no way would a woman so lovely as yourself date my brother."

Oh man. Shayla melted. "You've got to be CJ," she breathed dreamily. "I'd know that voice." Deep, moony sigh. "I'm Shayla. We talked on the phone before the blizzard." SSSSSSSIIIIIIIGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHH.

"Get outta my way, Andy!! Jesus! I want my fuckin' underwear back!!!!!" Sam was jumping up and down on the stairs, and then just gave up and dove between Andy's little legs and bumped down the stairs on his belly.

His eyes twinkled, kissing her hand again and ever so tenderly setting it on the crook of his elbow, leading her instead to the living room. "Of course we did...I remember now. I remember thinking how beautiful you sounded, and I just had to meet y--"


Andy shrieked it, bounding down the stairs with tiny tennis shoes, and landed on top of his brothers, elbow jabbing him in the back and sitting on him. He had an enormous gap, where all his baby teeth had fallen out at one time.... helped, of course, by his brothers. "You'th got nerff finkin' Im gonya letya get 'way wif zat!"

"Jack, baby, I dunno how you're still in one piece." Pete sighed at him, setting their foreheads together so he could tickle him softly. His baby man, and he fucking adored him. He held him close, peaking into the kitchen... and blinking, before letting out a cry. "Come ON ma, not with company in the house, GEEZ!"

She'd just been kissing her husband. That was it. At fifty four, Judge Gloria Ross was a dream. Slenderly built, with long fingers and big, bright almond eyes in a beautifully structured face. A face which, at the moment? was blushing. Furiously. She glared at her son... than rolled her eyes at her youngest, plucking him from Pete's arms and transferring him to her husband. "Dogwood, get the baby in his pants, will you? Peter and his--.." Oh. Oops? She let out another curse, taking the pots off and starting to transfer food into dishes. "Peter, why didn't you call?" She demanded, glaring.

"Hey, don't kill the messenger! Tried, ma, but stupid Bear was on with his ugly fiancé."


"What?! She looks like the wrong end of a--..." Wince, at his mother's deeper glare. "Rose. Uh. Going now. Come meet Shay?"

Heaved sigh, and Gloria finished taking her stove off, wiping her hands on her apron and bustling with her son in tow towards the living room.;

"Of course, Gloria." Mr. Ross took the baby. "Come on, Jack. Let's get you dressed, young man." He didn't even try to take the cheerios away.

"kay." Jack wrapped one arm around his daddy's neck, and waved with the cheerio box as he was carried through the house. "bye bye bye bye!"

"Get off my back, ya little rugrat!" Sam shook his back, trying to buck his little brother like a bronco. "You're the one helpin' CockJerker there steal my underwear!!!"

Shayla didn't hear a word of it. She was just grinning dreamily at CJ, not sayin' a word, just listening to that awesome, beautiful voice. "Uh huh. That was me."

With a single sharp look Andy skittered off of his brother, climbing to his feet and gulping. Their shirt's were askew, noses bloodied, rumbled and dirty from playing outside. Gloria gave each of her children a sharp look and then looked at the steps, and watched with satisfaction as each of them got gone.

Another smile and she plucked CJ away from Shayla, and gave her a huge bear hug. First reaction had been that she was a white girl. Second? That her son loved her, so that made her love her too. She just hugged the girl, beamed at her, and sighed. "Alright darlin', well come on, then. Shayla, is it? Want to help me get the food prepared?"

CJ scowled at his mothers back, and stuck his tongue out at his brother, before smiling cheerfully and flouncing off to go kick Bear's ass for starting the underwear steeling.

Sam looked guilty, then snarled at CJ when CJ stuck his tongue out. But he was scared of his Mama, and he ran like hell, slamming the door to his bedroom upstairs.

Dogwood Jr. came out of the kitchen. "Mama, it smells good." He did a double take at the little-ass white girl standin' in the middle of their living room, and then looked at his little brother. "Petey... might I have a word wit'you?"

Shayla nodded. "I'd love to help, Mrs. Ross. Thank you."

"Sure." Pete smiled as his mama and his girl walked off into the kitchen together... heh, his ma was already taken with her, and he grinned like an idiot at his oldest brother, tipping his head slightly and slipping his hands into the pockets of his chino's. "What's up?"

Dogwood held his hands about two inches apart. "Girl's about yay big, Petey. You sure bringin' her in here was the best idea? 'Tween Berluce, Sam, n'Andy, that girl's gonna broke inta million pieces."

"She's tiny, but she's got a temper and fists that could knock a guy straight up onto his ass." Pete grinned crookedly, motioning his head out to CJ and Berluce in their rooms. "Ever gonna show his face? And can I break Jay's?"

"Nah, not gonna show that ugly mug. Too busy jerkin' it off while he's talkin' to that dumbfuck girlfrienda his." Then he slung an arm around Pete's shoulders. "And what'd Jay do to you this time?"

"Man, bein' his sly ass, tryin' to get up in here and talk to my girl like he's Gods gift to women." Grump as he looked up from his big brothers shoulder, sighing heavily. "Dunno how you deal with the ass, man. Lives closer to you than us, but noooo. Comes here every freakin' holiday to bug the shit out of me and steal my cologne."

"He's easy. 'Sides, if she's your girl, you ain't gotta worry. CJ can charm a snake outta it's skin, but he ain't gonna take your girl if she don't wanna be taken, know what I mean?" He held out his fist to his little brother.

Pete slapped his own against it, and sighed. "Yeah, I know. He's just got the whole shit going for him, and I'm a runt."

"Y'aint too bad, Petey, if you got that girl." Dogwood gave his brother a hug. "Come on. Let's go beat him up."

"Naw, man, g--" Pete looked up and smiled, offering his arms to his toddling, now somewhat dressed, little munchkin of a brother. "Come on, Jack. We were about to go eat. You hungry, buddy?"

"yay! me wan' food!" His box of cheerios was gone, for once, as Mr. Ross came down the stairs. "Petey!" He gurgled it as he hugged his big brother.

"Dogwood, did I hear you say that you were going to go and beat up on one of your younger brothers?" Mr. Ross crossed his arms and glared at his youngest son.

"No sir, you didn't. You musta been hearin' things."

"Yeah, I must have been. Get on to the dining room, both of you."

Pete grinned at his dad, winked, and heaved his tiny brother onto his shoulders. "Hang on to my hair, Jack! I know there's not a lot, but grab on!"

CJ popped out behind his father, made a face at Dogwood behind his dads back, then smiled charmingly at his father as he snuck off to the dining room.

And with a clean face, clean jeans and a somewhat clean t-shirt, Andy returned down the steps, snuffling and hugging his dads leg as he looked up at him. Smiling his almost toothless smile.

Oh, Gloria liked this girl. Smart, responsive, and nice to look at. Well woo-y, she might get one of her sons married off before she was eighty after all. She wanted a wedding to plan, dammit. Sure they were a bit young, but Berluce wasn't producing her any grand babies with that slut of a girl. But this one... no, this one was a keeper, and Gloria smiled at her as she handed her a huge plate of vegetables. "Set it on the table, sweetheart, will you?"

"Yay!!!" Jack grabbed handfuls of Pete's hair, much as he could, and held tight. "Horsey!!!"

Sam slapped CJ in the back of the head, and then ran to the dining room, shouting for Berluce to get his ass downstairs.

Mr. Ross picked Andy up, and set him on a hip. "Come on, little man Don't you look nice." He straightened Andy's t-shirt, and then carried him into the dining room.

Shayla just smiled. "Yes ma'am." She balanced the large tray easily, weaving around Sam as he charged into the dining room and raising the plate up high when CJ tried to snag something off it. "Keep your hands off the food, Mister. Nobody touches until we eat."

"Definitely. Definitely like that girl." Gloria mused, before smacking Sam's hand when he tried for a biscuit. "Go get the high chair ready, mister."

Pete tipped over, snagging Jack's little arms and tugging him over his head to crouch and set him on the floor, grinning and motioning. "Go get in your chair, baby. We're coming." He rose again and stepped over a Tonka truck, grabbing the plate of meat and whisking it into the dining room, setting it down before glancing at Shay and smiling shyly, setting the little baby in his chair. "C'mon, Andy! Come sit down!"

CJ slipped into his seat beside Dogwood, and cause he knew mama was coming knew better then to eat anything, just putting his napkin on his lap and sighing. "You'd think cause we lived so far away we'd get this treatment everyday we came home."

"Tomorrow is Pizza Hut." Gloria announced as she set the last dish on the table. "Sit down, everyone."

Dogwood thumped CJ in the back of the head. "Mama did this every time we come home, she wouldn't have time to do nothin' else!" He pulled out his chair and dropped into it, rubbing his hands together. "Sure does smell good, Ma."

Jack "uh!'ed" loudly as he was put in his chair, but settled down as soon as he was pushed up to the table with everyone else. His little chubby fist held his spoon in his fist, and he beamed at everybody. "layla!!"

Sam slunk into his chair on the other side of CJ, and leaned under the table to kick Andy as he slid into his empty chair on the other side of the table.

"Thurk head." Andy grumbled, giving his mother a look of fear before he looked back down at his plate.

"Peter? Go get your older brother, please." Gloria said cheerfully, sitting down even as she was ready to ring his neck for not joining the table. She pulled Jack further over to her and put a bib around his neck, smiling at him as she beamed at Shayla. "Its nice having female company at the table, Shayla. Its been a while since there were any women in the house but me."

At his mama's glare Pete quickly climbed to his feet, skedaddling out of the dining room and down the long hall. His brothers bedroom was at the end, and he knocked before flinging it open... glaring at his brother on the phone. "Dude, if you don't get out here, mama's gonna take a belt to your ass. Come on."

Shayla just grinned. "I bet my brother Graham could sympathize with you on that. For a while there, it was him, me, Mama, and then Lindy living a couple of doors down, and he was the only guy." She loved Mrs. Ross. "I don't know how you do it, with all these boys in the house. I've only got three brothers, and I almost always want to kill at least one of them."

Berluce flipped his little brother the bird. "Baby, look. I gotta go. Ma's bitchin' about dinner and she sent my little bro up to fetch me. I'll get back with ya after I eat, k?" A few seconds of silence, and a few little kisses into the phone and he hung up. "There, damn, I'm comin'."

"You are prolly the most disgustin' individual I ever did meet." Pete made a face at him. "Dude, what the fuck? Kissin' her ass? Jackin' off? Ain't no chick that important, come on."

She giggled, softly, shaking her head and sighing. "Eight men. One me. Only used to be six, until we got Andy and Jack. My boys are all annoying, but all the light of my life. Unfortunately." She glared at CJ, skinny as hell, as he looked longingly at her pot roast, and grinned sheepishly at her. "You come from a big family, Shayla?"

"Fuck you, man, you'll know it when you get a lady of your own." Berluce zipped himself back up and pulled on a clean shirt and pair of jeans, then stuffed bare feet into sneakers. "Jesus, you're impatient!"

"Yes ma'am," she answered. "I'm the youngest; I got three brothers--Riley, Morgan, and Graham--and two sisters, Megan and Lindy. Morgan and Meggie are twins; the only set of 'em in the family."

Pete just snickered at him and turned, whistling down the hall. Considered announcing to the table that Berluce had been getting off... decided the belt wasn't worth it, and plopped back down into his chair just as Shayla finished telling everyone about her family. "Yeah, mama, Mr. Senatori is the one who works with Lionel Luthor. You know him."

Amusement, instantaneous. Yes, she knew Dominic Senatori. And it just pleased her, immensely, because she knew then what a good family Shayla came from. Oh, and she was just so pleased, waiting for her second oldest son to join them before her husband said grace. "It's wonderful knowing you come from a big family as well, Shayla. Knowing the heartache I go through helps." Dramatic sigh, as she gave her baby son his sippy cup.

"Yeah, big families are a pain in the butt sometimes, but I love 'em all. Lindy and Graham both have kids, so Aunt Shayla's good with the young kids too." Shayla just grinned at Jack's big grin around the raised spout of his cup.

"Ap'el juice!" he crowed happily, sucking noisily.

Gloria grinned down at her easily amused baby boy and smiled again at Shayla... before spotting her older son over her head, and raising a brow at him. Her kids thought so but she wasn't a stupid woman, and both brows came up high as he walked in. She just knew what he'd been doing and she glared at him as he took his seat. Couldn't stand that little slut of a woman he was dating, and she just looked to her husband, nodding. "Say grace, baby?"

Berluce just shrugged as he sat down at the table, leaning his chair back against the wall."

"Berluce, put your chair down." Dogwood Sr. clasped his hands together and bowed his head. "Dear Lord, thank You for this great bounty that You've put on the table before us today, and thank You for allowing us to be together as a family. Take this food, and bless it to the nourishment of our bodies, and our bodies to Your service. In Your name, Amen."

"Amen." Gloria announced, raising her head, rubbing her hands together, and beaming. "Lets eat. And if any of you become pigs who look like I've never fed you in your lives, I'll hang you by your toes." But she smiled, snatching the plate of pot roast from CJs hands, slapping the back of them, and started to put it on everyone's plates.

Pot roast! Jackpot! He could chew with the side of his mouth and Andy beamed at his brothers... 'specially his biggest, bestest one, Berluce, cause yeah, he was cool. And Peter's new sex person was really pretty, too, and he beamed at her shyly, looking away and hiding under Dogwood's arm.

Shayla caught the little grin hiding behind Dogwood's arm, and she motioned to him to lift his elbow up.

Dogwood rolled his eyes, but lifted his elbow up.

Shayla's foot nudged Pete's leg under the table as she waved at the toothless little grin that was hiding from her.

Andy flushed, bright red. He was lighter skinned then his brothers and it showed every time he blushed, but he was tryin' not to, but oh well. He was just... positively pink. And he giggled and waved back, shifting star stricken, in love eyes up at Dogwood, and again at Shayla, before he ducked his head and ate some of the mashed potatoes his mama put on his plate.

His own smile wide, Pete shook his head, spooning vegetables onto Shayla's plate. "Shayla sings really well, mama. And dances? Like a dream. I'm considering asking her if she'll go to the dance competition with me this year."

"Now that would be a sight for sore eyes." Gloria smiled at her son, and glanced to Shayla. Things hadn't been well for her baby boy for a while now, but this girl had changed him all around. She supposed it had been losing Nell Potters young one, but now her son seemed to be back to normal. Oh, and she liked that. "The meringue this year?"

"'Course. Got the steps mostly planned out."

"Good. Tell me what day it is, and I'll be there with the camera."

Shayla just blushed. "Pete dances really well. He did this thing at the mall before school started again, we'd gone shoppin', me and him and Chloe and Whitney? He was just great. Everybody was whistlin' and clapping and cheering." She giggled as Andy ducked and hid behind Dogwood, and she just grinned at him again. "And don't believe him--they made me sing at Clark's birthday party, and it was terrible."

"Of course he can dance, Shayla." Gloria beamed, now, as she passed the biscuits 'round the table and began to cut up Jacks food. "He's won three state wide competitions, and one national." Pride for her baby boy, and she chuckled as he groaned and blushed.

"Yeah well ma, I'm thinking bout getting Shay involved...if she wants to." Pete smiled at her, then looked over and snerked at Berluce. "Berluce, this is my girl, Shay. Shay, my brother, Berluce."

Love! Lovelovelove! But Andy didn't show it, just muttering to his much bigger brother to pass the apple juice.

"Really? I didn't know he'd won all that!!" She beamed proudly, and then turned her attention over. "Berluce? Hi, how are you?"

"'Sup, honey? And welcome to'the family from hell."

Dogwood picked up the pitcher of apple juice and filled Andy's cup with it, and then reached for Jack's. "Pass me Jackie's, and Berluce, shut the fuck up!"

Gloria reached over and smacked Dogwood across the back of the head...then did it to Berluce, too, at the same time, glaring at the both of them.

Pete choked on the snicker, biting his lip...getting smacked for it too. "OW! Mama!"

"No. Language. Like that. At my table!"

"Theyre'a bad ifluensh on me, mama." Andy said resolutely, nodding and then shrinking away from all the glares pointed his way, hiding under his dads arm this time.

Heh. Only one not to get clipped, and CJ smirked at them, before glancing at Shay. "He's an idiot, Shayla. We're wonderful people. Most of the time. The other parts we suck, but every family does, you know."

"They are a bad influence on you, Andy. But I'll protect you cause I bet none of these guys will hit a girl."

"Wanna bet?" Berluce muttered, but that earned him another slap on the back of the head from Dogwood.

Mr. Ross patted Andy on the back. "Don't worry, Andy. We won't let your brothers beat up on you." He pushed the little boy back to his chair. "Go on, finish your supper and your juice."

"Apee juice!" Jack banged his empty cup on the table, and Dogwood refilled it.

Shayla's grin at Andy switched to a dreamy grin at CJ. "Yeah, I know. I got big brothers and little kids in the family too." She couldn't help the little sigh, even as she cuddled up against Pete's arm.

"You know, Shayla, if you ever want to ditch Peter, I--MA!" Smacked in the back of the head for it and he grumped, digging back into his meal.

Andy beamed at his dad and plopped back on his chair, sighing happily... whistling actually, between his gap, and eating again, though the pesky noodles kept falling out.

"I would just love to meet your mother, Shayla." Gloria said, smiling at the young woman as she drank some of her iced tea. "I bet we could trade more than just a good war story. Like, the time my boys decided to use a kiddie pool as a landing base, leapin' off the roof. Or… the time they set Peter on fire and watched him run down the street in the rain."

"I think I've still got the belt marks from that one." CJ muttered.

"I'll keep the offer in mind, but... I think Pete's it for me." She wrapped her arm through his and gave him a grin. "But I tell you, CJ... you gonna make the girls very very happy." Then she frowned. "No, ma'am. You wouldn't want to meet my mama right now. I don't even wanna meet her." She tightened her grip on Pete's arm, and squeezed his fingers with hers.

"Yeah, mama, her mom freaked out cause I'm black." Pete answered, looking up at his mother.

She wasn't particularly offended. Never was, about these things, even if her sons went to hell with a handbasket over it. She smiled at Shayla, and reached over to pat her hand. "She'll get over it, don't you worry."

Andy had... no idea what they were talking about, but ate cheerfully, though his mouth and belly missed most of his food with each spoonful.

Shayla gave Mrs. Ross a grateful smile, glad that the woman wasn't holding it against her. "I don't care, you know, and I don't know why Mama does. But she's being just horrible about it." She squeezed Pete's fingers tighter. "She's gonna have a cow when she finds out about Graham dating Dr. Braxton."

"Some women are just like that." Gloria shook her head, though she was smiling. "My own mama had a fit, when my sister brought home a Latin guy. Just... went on and on, about how he'd never give her anything. And now... eleven kids, five grand babies, and thirty years of marriage under her belt."

"Mama's actually having an affair with Enrique. Which I don't get, cause the guy's just blech. But hey, it's her life. I don't complain about her bangin' a Spanish guy young enough to be her son, don't know why she's got a problem with Pete."

She just cracked up. Threw her head back and laughed. The exact same words, almost down to the letter, had come out of Dominic's mouth to her the other day when he'd come to visit their sewing circle. Okay, she had a special place in her heart for the little Irishman, and soon, Shayla would move in too. Oh, she just laughed, smiling and shaking her head as she met her husbands eyes over the table and gave him exactly what she was thinking. This one's got spine and mouth enough for our Peter.

Shayla just blinked. "What did I say?"

Dogwood Sr. just nodded in response to the look his wife was giving him. Oh yes. This one was going to give Pete a run for his money and then some. He dropped his eyes to their young boy, Andy, and then back up to his wife just to point out that Pete wasn't the only smitten one.

Dogwood Jr. lifted his elbow again. "Andy, you get yourself in any further under there n'my elbow's gonna be bouncin' offa yo'head."

He giggled and looked up at his brother with big, shining owl eyes, and beamed at him with nothing in his mouth.

"Man, ya'll are doing that telekinesis 'gain, aren't you?" CJ grumbled, though he grinned and refilled his moms, and his own, glass.

"My parents," Pete explained, smiling himself as he took Shayla's hand. "Have ESP. They can transmit ideas to one another through VOPM." A beat. "Very Old People Marriage."

"Peter Isaac, if you weren't far away enough from me..." Gloria threatened, though she smiled and picked a piece of roast off of Jack's head, spoon feeding him mashed potatoes instead.

"I'll do it, ma'am." Shayla raised her hand and smacked Pete on the back of the head.

Ohh. Mm hmm. Another smile at her husband. Definitely. She gazed at her Andy, and his blushing cheeks, sighing and shaking her head softly.

"Uh, OW!" Pete cried, though he was laughing, rubbing the back of his head and glaring at her. "Not funny, Shay."

"I didn't do anything." She leaned over and kissed his cheek gently, then put a soft kiss on his lips. "Besides, it's more fun when your girlfriend beats up on you," she whispered in his ear.

Mr. Ross just nodded. "Yes ma'am, Gloria. You're right."

"Don't I know it." Gloria smiled, and stood up, because it seemed her brood was finished eating. Never took them long, and she looked around in happiness. No leftover were good leftovers. "I bought a chocolate cake... anyone want some?" Innocently said because it was the weakness of her children. "Why don't all of you go into the living room... play a little piano while I get it ready."

"Yo, ma! Chocolate cake, right here!" Berluce held out his empty plate.

Dogwood echoed the sentiment, as did Sam, holding out their empty plates with almost-matching angelic smiles.

"Chok'at cake 'n' ap'el juice!!" Jack was grinning. He loved chocolate cake.

"No, we'll eat it like civilized human beings, on a new plate." Gloria humphed, picking up their empty ones. "And milk and tea and apple juice for the baby. Go sit in the parlor and be human beings for one night. We don't want to scare Shayla away." Though she winked at her and swept off to the kitchen.

"Yes, Mz. Senatori." CJ rose to his feet, taking her hand and carefully pulling her chair back for her. "Want to sing with me? Sam can play a mean piano, Id love to duet with you."

"Uh meh meh me me meh meh." Pete mimicked under his breath, rolling his eyes at them as he wiped Jack clean with a practiced hand and lifted him out of his chair, putting him on his hip and lifting the now clean highchair to take with them.

Shayla just grinned. "No, I wouldn't subject you all to that. They made me at Clark's party, that was the only reason I did it. But I'd love to hear you sing." She slipped her arm through CJ's since Pete's arms were full of Jack.

"Of course." He took her into the parlor, where the rest of the brothers were entering, and motioned at his younger brother, Sammy, already sitting at the piano. "Join in now, you hear?" He turned to Sammy, glancing through the enormous books of sheet music on the piano, a glossy baby grand their mama had bought for them when they were young and had NO money, and set the book on the stand in front of the piano. "This one."

CJ turned to her, grinned, winked at his brothers, and cleared his throat, as Sammy began to play. "Its a little bit funnnyyy... this feeling inside. I'm not the one of thooose who can easily hi-i-ide it. Don't have much moo--onayyy but... but if I di-id? I'd buy a big house whe-ere, we both could liiiive. If I was a sccullpptaa... but then again, no... or a man, who makes potions in the traveling sho-o-oo-ww. I know its not mu-uch, but its the best I can d-o-o-o. My gift is my song... and this ones for yooouu. And you can tell *every*body that this is your song... it might be quite simple bu-u-ut... I hope you don't mind, I hope you dont mii-i-iiind!"

He sang like an angel from the heavens. His voice was soft, masculine, deep and clear. Harmony like the angels singing. For the last line Pete joined in on the chorus, the same clear, soft, lovely voice joining his brothers.

Shayla just settled into the huge overstuffed chair, and pulled her legs up to her chest as she listened to CJ and Pete. She hadn't realized how talented the whole clan was, and as she turned around, she noticed Dogwood with a sketch pad, and when he caught her staring, he held it up so she could see the outlines of the piano, the barely-sketched in forms of Pete and CJ and Sam, and then pulled his pad back down and went back to sketching. Berluce was nowhere to be seen, and Jack had plopped down in the middle of the floor.

Everything was going fine... until Pete hit a very bad, very high high note. And cracked him the hell up, so that they had to stop, all of them bursting out laughing. "Pete, dude, man."

Said guy just grinned, broadly, and plopped back into his seat, lifting Jack-o into his lap to snuggle. "And that's why I don't sing."

CJ just smiled, suavely, and picked up his daddy's guitar he'd used back in the seventies, sitting himself on the couch arm and strumming it softly. An old song came from it... a Bryan Adams song, and he smiled softly, glancing at Shay. "Come on, girl. Sing it."

Shayla just shook her head for a minute, but she couldn't resist CJ's soft glance. "Okay, but if you guys laugh, I'm shutting up." She cleared her throat, and listened for her cue.

"Look into my heart

You will see

What you mean to me

Take me as I am

Take my life

I will give it all,

I will sacrifice

Don't tell me it's not worth fighting for

I can't help it

There's nothing I want more."

She shifted her eyes to Pete, blushing.

"You know it's true.

Everything I do...

I do it for you."

Girl had talent. CJ was a young man but not a stupid one, and he smiled at her a she continued to sing, finally giving a low whistle as he pat the strings of the guitar and smiled. " sing like a damn angel."

Pete smiled in pride, puffing up and just beaming, smiling at his red girlfriend, and to his brother. "Told you. She sings great... gonna convince her to record a CD, dude."

Shayla just kept blushing, and made herself very, very small in her chair. "Thanks, CJ." She hadn't really believed it, but at least nobody was laughing. "I sing in the shower all the time, but that's about it." She really wished that Pete were sitting with her so she could hide behind him.

"Then, you're dumb." CJ said, though he was smiling, and tweaked her nose as he did it, shaking his head as he glanced up. His mama, loaded down with pieces of chocolate cake the size of Manhattan, his pops carrying plates and glasses filled with milk. He set the guitar down and rose to help them, smiling at his parents as he set it down atop the piano, just out of Jack's reach. He reached down, scooping him up and dipping his finger into the side of the cake, offering it to his little brother and kissing his cheek.

Pete smiled at his mother and took a plate of cake, handing it to his girlfriend. He took his own, and a single glass of milk, leading her out onto the porch. The air was clear, the sky was beautiful, and he breathed in the night deeply, sitting down for the first time in peace on the swing.

Jack grabbed the offered finger and slurped it happily, sucking the chocolate icing off the fingertip and laughing. "Chokat!"

Shayla sat down on the swing beside Pete, and curled up against his side, putting her head on his shoulder. "I like your family, Pete. They remind me of mine. Only... you know, more. Like, dialed up to 11."

He chuckled, eyes dancing as he looked down at her. "We've got young people in mine... all of yours are already older, Shay. They were prolly worse than mine when they were young." He gave her a forkful of his cake. "See why I like to escape?"

"Uh huh." She took the cake off his fork, and it melted in her mouth. "I see why." She was quiet a minute. "I'm really glad your mom seems to like me."

"She likes everybody. Well... okay, I lied. She doesn't like Lionel Luthor. But I think she's got a married person crush on your brother." Which made him chortle, grinning as he ate more cake and tasted Shayla on his fork. "He brings her and her sewing circle shit all the time."

"Yeah, Morgan's sucking up to everybody around here cause he knows nobody likes Big Daddy." He was smooth and warm beside her, and she left her hand on his arm. "I was scared she'd hold what my Mama said against me."

"Nah." He looked down at his plate, shaking his head and offering her another forkful. "My mom doesn't really get offended by that shit. She likes you just fine, too, I can tell."

"I'm glad. Cause I like her too."


"Yeah, Pete?"

"Want to go for a drive? Its warm enough out...I wanna take you out to the peak over Smallville. Really pretty, to lookit the stars."

She grinned. "Yeah. I'd like that. As long as your mom doesn't mind us ducking out like this."

"Nah, she'll be cool. Come on." Pete rose, setting the plate on the porch hand rest and calling into the house, "Mama! We're gonna go out!"

"Be careful!" Gloria called back, smiling and walking over to give Shayla a hug. "It was wonderful meeting you, sweetie."

Shayla hugged back tightly, and just grinned. "It was so great to meet you, Mrs. Ross. I had so much fun tonight." She looked down to the little face hiding behind her legs. "Bye, Andy."

He hid, even more, and blushed. "Byee."

Pete smiled and waved at his family, tugging Shayla with him out the door and down the steps. The chaos stayed in and they got OUT, which was just... thank the lord and Jesus.

Shayla giggled softly and wrapped her arms around his waist. "Your family's not so bad."

"Bull. Shit."


The moon, in all of its brilliance, was out when Dominic's eyes opened. Full and bright, it shone down through the open door that led to the porch. The brisk, soft breeze of the early spring night blew in beautifully, making the scent of grass and earth permeate their room so that when he woke, he felt like he were laying under the stars.

The day had ended...Diane Sawyer talked to. His muggy brain couldn't remember much of the details, and only knew that, as the clock said, in four hours he would have to be up again, getting ready to go to Metropolis. Except right now wasn't four hours from now. It was now, two in the morning, with the crickets chirping, the scent of flowers and the world in their bedroom... and Lionel.

They hadn't spoken much to one another after having the Sawyer conversation, and it burned at Dominic's heart. Just eaten dinner in near silence, and while Lionel had been showering after, he had gone to sleep. He couldn't bear his lovers soft, cold eyes at him anymore today.

Christ knew he was in the wrong, and yet... he'd still not apologized. Holding the hurt and the pride, and it made his throat choke with emotion as he looked at his sleeping lover. Hair tussled, cheek buried in a warm pillow, sheets and blankets pulled up over a bare chest. So beautiful, but Dominic didn't dare touch.

And it was in such a half asleep state that he leaned over, fumbling for a moment in the first drawer of the side table, for the tiny bottle they kept there. He opened it and poured some of its content onto his fingers, slipping back behind himself. He had gone to bed with clothes, and at some point shucked them off in his heat, which was better now.

His fingers slipped into his body easily, his still sleeping body protesting at first before opening easily, muscles relaxed and allowing two fingers...than three.

Wiped clean on the t-shirt on the floor, and he pulled the blankets just enough. Just enough so that he could thumb his lovers cock softly, already half hard with whatever dream he was having, and he was open enough so that all he did was slip each leg over him, straddling him and taking his lover into his body.

Lionel had gone to sleep much earlier than he usually would have. Between the arrival of his young friend Shane, the wound on his ass, and the fight with Dominic, the day had taken more of a toll on him than he had been willing to admit.

Dinner had been a painfully silent affair, with barely more than "pass the salt" being spoken, and then a shower after it, only to find his lover asleep in the bed before him. He seriously considered finding another bed to sleep in, but even in his anger he didn't want to sleep apart from his husband. Instead, he lay down in the silence, lulled to sleep before he was even aware of it.

The dreams that came to him were half troubled and half sad, dreams of Dominic lost to him, reaching for him only to encounter an invisible wall between them. Only one dream wasn't troubled, but it wasn't pleasing. Lionel reached out for his lover, but Dominic refused to be touched, instead pushing Lionel against the wall and taking him roughly from behind, punishing him for the harsh words spoken.

He wakened with a sudden jolt, expecting to find himself either alone in the bed, or with a sleeping, silent husband beside him. Finding his beloved on top of him, swallowed carefully inside his heat, wasn't what he expected, and he couldn't help raising his hand and softly touching his lover's face. "Dominic?"

The long line of his torso... muscular with the work of his life, stretched tightly as he slipped down, and he closed his eyes to Lionel's touch, eyelids flickering open. He was groggy with sleep but laced with pleasure as well, settling softly on warm hips as his palms came up to hold Lionel's on his face... taking it from his skin and lacing them instead.

He rose up with his legs and knees, pushing himself up and a trembling, silent breath left his lips at the burn of the first move up, pressing back down in the next moment and pressing his husband deep inside of him once more. Up and down, each movement becoming more easy, his sleepy, tired muscles waking up just enough for pleasure. He gazed at his lover, quietly down at him, fingers vicing tightly around his lovers as he moved. Backside flexing with each movement, squeezing his lover on every tug up, and letting him slide easily in on each push down.

He was so sorry for the wrong he'd put on his lover, so sorry, and he closed his eyes so he wouldn't cry, concentrating instead on the giving of pleasure.

Lionel's fingers tightened around Dominic's, didn't say a word as he laced their fingers together, rubbing the clasped fingers across his bearded cheek. He closed his eyes as well when Dominic didn't speak, afraid that this was a waking dream. He didn't speak either, afraid that if he did that he would wake and shatter this beautiful illusion.

His hips rose and fell lazily, thrusting softly into his lover's tight body as Dominic moved on top of him, and from the corner of his closed eye, a single tear slid out as he felt, despite being buried in his lover, alone.

He saw it. He was exhausted, half asleep and doing this, but he saw it, and his own sob came out, bringing their clasped fingers to his face as his hips moved, stuttering their movements with each hitched breath as he pressed them to his lips, his face, His beautiful lover, beautiful and Christ, he felt like such a loathsome toad. He hated hurting this one person who meant more to him than the world, for doing something he didn't even have to.

He brought the soft, large hands to his belly, his hips, where he could feel Lionel so deeply inside of him. His movements were easy and soft and he tipped his head back, stroking his own palms over his chest and belly... before down, to Lionel's. He tweaked each nipple, tugging softly at the nipple ring as he scratched his short fingernails gently over the nubs. Mouth open and lips soft and swollen with arousal, breath shaking and shuddering in and out of his lungs as he touched.

Lionel pressed his hands to Dominic's stomach, keeping them splayed there and rubbing over his own moving shaft through his lover's skin. The feel of hands on his body was real, didn't feel at all ghostly as he expected them to. He lifted himself into the soft touches, voice in soft moans and whispers, the tear track drying and cooling on his face.

The nails scraping over his nipples and the fingertips tugging the nipple ring aroused him, caused him to press his palms harder against Dominic's stomach to feel himself moving inside his lover.

He threw his head back, groaning softly as the hard column inside of him finally hit the small place inside of him that he adored, and he moaned softly, grounding down on that one spot for a moment as his eyelashes fluttered. He covered his lovers palms on his belly, groaning as he arched and fell on that one spot, squeezing his lovers erection tightly as the night owls hooted and the moon shone over their splayed, dampening bodies.

He let his eyes flicker open, gazing down at his lover, and met his gaze, looking at him with a mutual masculinity, of pride and hurt and apology. Didn't dare speak, not yet, because if he did it was all coming out, and he thrust harder, lifting and planting himself as his palm came down to his weeping erection, thumbing the tip as he stroked over himself.

Lionel's hand moved over, brushing Dominic's hand out of the way and he stroked his lover's cock himself. The gaze stabbed through him, the hurt in Dominic's eyes pressing down hard and tight on his heart. He pulled one hand away from Dominic's body and cupped his face instead, stroking over his cheek and rubbing Dominic's lips with his thumb.

Dominic kissed the pad of the thumb softly, opening his mouth and sucking it into his mouth immediately, licking and sucking... and letting it go, to kiss the center of his palm as he arched into the hard, familiar hand on him. Lionel's grip was always tight and hard, perfect, and he thrust up into it as he leaned back to gaze at his lover sliding in and out of him. God and it was beautiful, and he threw his head back, arching as encroaching orgasm made itself known. He wanted nothing more than to speed up, but he kept the same pace, steady and sure, and it built up like a dream inside the pit of his belly.

Lionel's thumb stroked into Dominic's mouth, sliding in an out as another lone tear slid out of the corner of his eye. Slow, beautiful and perfect, the silence and unreality of the encounter surrounded him as he pulled his thumb out of his lover's mouth slowly, stroking his fingertips down the arch of Dominic's throat and down his chest. Then back up, his fingers curling gently around his lover's cheek as his thumb pushed back into Dominic's mouth, back into the wet heat.

His cock thrust harder, trying to stay slow even as his body picked up the pace, stroking in and out of Dominic's body as it rocked on top of him.

He willingly sucked the thick thumb back between his lips, sucking hard at it as his skin broke out into goosebump's and sweat, arching his back and planting himself harder and more firmly down on top of his lover. The burn for orgasm was close, so very close, and he sucked hard on the finger in his mouth, tongue rolling around the tip of it as he rose and fell, rose and fell. His muscles burned with want, chin trembling as his mouth moved over the large hand, sucking on each of the fingers as his free palm pressed into his belly, where his lover was sliding in and out of. He was always so full when Lionel was inside of him, and now, more than ever, he realized the extent of what that fullness could bring him. Lionel's love was like a rose that blossomed every single day... every petal was something new Dominic hadn't known about him before. And he just wished, with all his heart, that he hadn't snipped the stem before it could grow.

He arched his back, pressing down and coming up… leaning forward as he did it, as he went faster, bracing himself on his lovers belly as he sped up. Close, close, and he was shaking with it, muscles hardly controlled as he moved.

Lionel's thumb thrust just as quickly as his cock did, his hand tight around Dominic's cock jerking quickly and roughly. Not hard to hurt, but a speed that matched his movements as he made love to his Dominic.

To his husband.

Dominic leaned forward against him and Lionel pulled his hand away from Dominic's face to wrap his arm around his beloved, pressing them chest to chest, capturing Dominic's cock and his own stroking hand between their bodies as he lifted up, stroking.

He leaned forward into his lover, not able to get as close as he wanted but it was okay, his breath exploding from him in short puffs, up, down, hard and quick... and came. He didn't say a word through his orgasm, his body tensing in its pleasure as he shuddered out a hard shake that moved all over his body, his little channel tensing and squeezing hard as he kept his lover against his prostate. Soft ribbons of white exploded onto his husbands belly and chest, his own, his body shaking with pleasure as his balls  emptied. He pressed as close to Lionel as he could at the angle they were at, coaxing him to do the same, to come, squeezing hard around him as he closed his eyes.

The hard squeezes around his cock were the last touch Lionel needed to bring himself to orgasm. He kept stroking Dominic's cock as he came after his lover, hips rolling softly and thrusting with each spurt out of his body and into his lover. He felt the heat of Dominic's seed spilling onto his own body, heat pooling on his skin where his lover came.

He wiped his hand on the sheet, putting both of them around his lover's waist and pulling him close, holding tightly before the dream ended.

Dominic felt his love come, spilling deeply inside of him, and he expelled another soft breath, closing his eyes and wrapping his arms around Lionel's body as he slid off of him, so they were on their sides... so Lionel was more on top of him, and opened them to look up at him, his skin goosebumped and shaking as he whispered. "Please forgive me."

Lionel's eyes blinked open in rapid succession of shock and surprise. "Of course you're forgiven," were the first words out of his mouth as he rolled with his lover's arms tight around him. "I thought I was dreaming."

His voice was thick with emotion, with tears, and he shook his head, looking up and cupping his cheeks. "I'm sorry. I didna mean to hurt you. I got angry at you for the very thing that makes me love you so much... your integrity, and your loyalty. You love me enough… my family enough, to protect them when things like this happen. You did just the right thing, and I was shocked, and scared, and angry at Roddy. Not at you. I'm sorry I took it out on you, you didn't deserve that. I'm so sorry."

"No, Jiminy; you were right. it was your family, and I shouldn't have kept it from you." He didn't let go of his lover, couldn't look at the tears in his lover's eyes. "I won't keep it from you again, I promise."

"No, Lionel… you did the right thing. You did. You saw how I lost my temper, and Lindy couldn't have handled it when the whole situation was happening. I've a temperamental soul, you know it. I'm just... I'm sorry. I'm so, so sorry. I don't ever want to spend another day where you can't speak to me, and you look at me the way you did. I feel like a toad. I'm sorry, lovely."

Lionel couldn't speak for a long minute, instead pressing his lips to Dominic's temple until he could. "I don't want to either. I never realized how much I want to share with you and how much I'm with you until I didn't have you. Until you were there and I just couldn't have you. I don't want that again."

"I don't want to anymore. I don't want to not share things with you. I felt so alone all day, and twasn't till now that I could take hold of my pride. I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to make you angry with me, and I didn't mean to pick a fight." His chin rose then, and the brimming tears finally slid down the sides of his face, as he watched his lover. "But you owe me an apology too. Don't keep things from me like this, because I'm not an excitable person, and I can handle things with a calm head. I did it for you for fifteen years, and I can do it now."

Lionel reached up and brushed the tears away with his large, rough, clumsy hands. "You're right; I am sorry for that. I shouldn't have kept it, no matter what promises I made. I won't keep it from you again."

"I'm not asking you to not keep promises… I'm asking you to not... not think of me as someone who will let things go to hell in a handbasket and fritter about. I'm that way with you, but with other things... with business things, with things in our lives, I'm not. I wasn't that way when Lex and Clark lost the baby, Lionel. Please, you've got to know I can... can be counted on, on things like this."

And he never thought he'd see the day where he felt he had to prove his competence to his lover again. But here it was. "I've a level head... I won't make mistakes, and lose my temper, anymore. I'm trying to... its like having a new outlook on life, since I've married you, and gained the confidence that I am worth something. Can you understand that? Its like being twenty all over again. Horrifying."

Speaking of horrified, Lionel was. "No. NO, Dominic, absolutely not. It's not that. It wasn't at all about your competence or lack thereof. No. It's about the fact that I'd been asked to keep a confidence and I chose to do so. No. It's not that I didn't trust you to not be able to deal with this, because you could. I merely... made the wrong decision. It was not at all about you, or how I think you would have handled the information."

"You didn't make the wrong decision, beloved, no." Dominic cupped his lovers cheeks softly, there in the dark where they couldn't even see one another but for shadow, and brought him close, hugging him tightly and smelling the soft soap of the night on his lover. Christ, he loved him, loved him so much, and he'd been such a cad, and he kept shaking his head, swallowing hard. "You made the right choice, and I'm not angry at you over it. I hope you can just… you can forgive me, for expecting you to tell me every single part of your live. We're spouses, not joined at the hip. I just lose track of it sometimes. We all need our space, and our secrets, and it was none of my business. The fault here is entirely mine, beloved. Lindy would have told me in her own time, and I'm just... I'm so desperately sorry for hurting you."

Lionel shook his head and gripped Dominic's shoulders tightly. "Stop it," he said softly. "Just stop it. You are my husband. You are my friend, you are my vice president, my son's stepfather, the father of my daughter. You are important to me. I don't ever want you to doubt it. I won't make you doubt it again; I will share things with you."

"I don't doubt it." Dominic shook his head, tightly. And he didn't. Not anymore. Since they'd gone to see the therapist he'd been reflecting, thinking, taking down thoughts and hopes. "Not anymore. I don't doubt it at all. That's why I... I feel like I'm twenty. Because learning how to have ones own voice is hard, and I never got to have the opportunity. But with you...its okay to. You don't make me doubt anything, Lionel. If anything... you are the most concrete, sure of thing in my life. I look at you and know. And that's why... I yelled at you today. Because I knew, even if we pissed each other off, we'd make up and continue on. Y... you know?"

"You'll have your own voice if I have anything to say about it." He stroked Dominic's face. "I always hope that we will, but when we lasted today... I was afraid," he confessed softly. "I was very afraid."

"Don't be." A tight shake of his head. "As long as you don't murder anyone with a toothpick or something, 'Im not going to leave you. I have faith in us. The renewed kind. Clark and Lex losing their child did it for me. I have faith in you, Lionel. You and I will last. Our wedding rings say so. I'll be with you till the end, beloved, so its..." He reached up, stroking his fingers through his husbands hair. His husbands, which by law, was now fifty percent his.

And it made him giggle.

"I'm not going to murder anyone with a toothpick," Lionel said softly, moving his head so that it lay closer to his lover's. When Dominic mentioned their rings, his thumb rotated it on his finger. "What's so funny?"

"I just had the best thought. I was feeling your hair, and I law? Its now fifty percent mine. Which just… heee." He giggled again, pressing his face into Lionel's and sharing his pillow as they snuggled in very, very close.

"I love you, but you cannot have half of my hair."

"Even when I'm fat and bald?"

"With your metabolism, you'll never be fat. But if you ever go bald, I will pay for your hair transplant surgery." He ran his fingers gently through the hair on his lover's chest.

And he'd never admit it, but he loved his lover stroking across his chest like that, and returned the favor, the arm tucked under the pillow slipping out from atop it and stroking Lionel's hair back from his eyes. "Not if. When. You? You'll never be bald. You'll never have gray hair, either." A moment, softly stroking as they lay there, pressed snugly close. "You're beautiful, Lionel."

"You haven't looked at my beard. I am going gray almost as we speak." Lionel pointed. "These? Are Lex's. These? Belong to LuthorCorp. My temples? Yours." He didn't stop stroking, but he did chuckle softly. "No, my little Cricket... you're the beautiful one. Not me."

"You look stately." Murmured softly though with a great deal of amusement, tracing his lovers fingers over the few gray hairs sprouting here and there. His thumb caressed softly over where his lover had said he'd caused gray hairs, beaming in the dark as he rubbed his lips over it. "All I know? I'm in bed with the most handsome man in the United States, six times over."

"There's five more of you?" Lionel turned and kissed the wrist of the hand stroking his temple. "We're going to have to get up in a few hours."

A soft, heavy sigh. "I know it. I'm not looking forward to today, beloved. Ms. Sawyer will be out at six with her entourage. Beloved.." He said it shyly now, quietly. "Are you sure this is right?"

"Telling the world about us? Yes, I'm sure this is right." He squeezed Dominic's hand. "In fact, I'd be willing to say that I'm glad of it."

"What if she embarrasses us, Lionel?" Soft words of worry, as his fingers intertwined with Lionel's. "What if your public opinion goes down? Its like a PR nightmare, and we're right in the middle of it."

"What if it does?" Lionel shrugged. "I've done most of the damage to my reputation that can be done over the years, and I have still come out as one of the most powerful men in the world. If we have problems, which I am sure we will, then they will be dealt with firmly."

"Can I tell you a secret?"

"Of course you can."

"I'll finally get to hold your hand in public. ..And I like that, more than you could know."

Lionel just grinned. "I know what you mean, my little cricket. I'll finally be able to acknowledge you... for what you really are to me."

"Which, you know, is damned wonderful." Another chuckle in the dark, and a knee slipped between two powerful thighs, lifting up just a little and snuggling in, legs linked and his free arm slipping around a slender waist. "You're bigger than you look, did you know that? But I suppose I'm smaller then I look."

"Yes, you are. You look like you're a tall, gangly fellow. But... you've turned out to be just the right size for snuggling." Lionel pulled the blanket over them, tucking it warmly around his lover's shoulders.

"And fit to perfection." Muffled from under blankets, as he snuggled his lover in close and closed his eyes, yawning heavily and they got all tangled and cozy. "I love you, Lionel Luthor."

"I love you, Dominic Senatori." He rubbed his lover's back gently. "I am very, very glad you're not upset with me any longer." His arms were tight around his lover's waist.

"I'm very, very glad you're not upset with me either, b'loved." And he giggled again, from under his lovers arm where he was tucked. "Look at us. You can teach old dogs new tricks."

"Speak for yourself," Lionel huffed. "I am not old."

"Speaking of? How's your ass feeling?" Wickedly spoken, and the moon shone just enough for his innocent, tired face to come into view.

"Very very bitten," was Lionel's reply.

"I am really sorry you know. I didn't really mean to bite a chunk off of ya, you know." Secretly? He was thrilled. Just... thrilled. He was marked.. and now, so was his husband.

"Mmm, I'm sure you are sorry. You just wanted to see if I tasted as good as I looked, I know that. Unfortunately, I'm going to have to on the record as saying my ass is officially off-limits from anyone's teeth."

"I actually..." Shyly, from his lovers chest where he was pressed. "You're marked, now. Too. Property of Dominic Senatori."

Lionel was quiet. "Do you know, I hadn't quite thought of it like that?" He stroked down the smooth expanse of his lover's side to leave his hand resting on Dominic's hip. "But... I do like the thought. Quite a bit."

"Just wait until it becomes an erogenous zone."

Lionel's eyebrow quirked. "That's assuming it hasn't already."

"Sneaky." Muttered as he rolled over, just because he liked being held in his lovers arms. Pressed his back as close to Lionel's chest as he could, snuggling down in the blankets as he reached out, bringing Lionel's pillow, now vacant of its user as he and Lionel were sharing his, and snuggled it to his chest. Oh.

Comfort. He found his sleepy position and heaved a yawn, mming softly. "Gonna hafta fuck you for tha'."

"I don't foresee a problem with that." He kept Dominic cradled against him, as closely as he could. "I don't see a problem at all."

"Mmm. Ge'th' lube." Another mummble, and if he could have? Would have roused himself from sleep. As it was? He was passing out right in the place where he belonged.

Lionel kissed his lover's temple. "I'll get it for you in the morning."

"I's mornin' 'ready." Mutter, from the depths of his lovers pillow. "C'n we pr'tend tomorrow's n'gonna happen?"

"Sadly, no." He stroked Dominic's cheek. "Go back to sleep; we'll deal with it when you wake up."


"Yes, Jiminy?"

"I canna wait f'r our baby."

Another soft kiss. "Neither can I, beloved... neither can I."

"Promise me y' won' name her Ingrid, or some such nonsense?"

That won a snicker. "No Ingrid." A quiet pause. "No Lillian."

"Our little girl's goin' to be a princess. Sh' needs a princessy name. Bu' not Ariel, cause Marie took it." He was falling asleep, but he wasn't so asleep that he didn't hear what his lover said. "Perhaps her middle name should be Lillian."

"No, Dominic. I don't think so. Let the past remain in the past." He stroked Dominic's face carefully. "Just sleep; we'll name our princess in the morning."

"I love yeh. So deeply."

"I love you too, my husband." Lionel tucked himself around Dominic, nestling their heads together.

And with those soft, reassuring words in his heart, Dominic fell asleep, snuggled in to Lionel's pillow and the warm, soft sheets, with rest now finally in his heart.

Lionel curled around his lover, silently cursing the twinge of pain in his back. He shifted several times on the mattress until he found a comfortable position, and promised himself that in the morning, he'd take aspirin as soon as he woke up.


go on to the next part