
The Memoirs

Smallville fanfic by Kel and Diana

Chapter 137: Comfortable Silence

The rain had stopped.

The thick torrents of it that had blanketed the earth had slowed to a trickle, then to a light drizzle, the clouds finally emptying of their bounty and moistening the earth. The scent of spring was thick through the light breeze blowing in from the open window, tickling the thick curtains back with each lightly blowing stream of wind.

And Clark was kissing his favorite person in the world.

The fire, which had roared only a little bit ago, now quietly crackled with cheerful licks of flames. The couch cushions were thick and inviting, and the both of them sunk down into the pillows, necking like the kids they were. Lex's lips, the soft shape of them, the sexy scar that bisected them right down the middle. The little dimples at the end... the tongue between them, that slipped out and met his over that little scar. Licking, laving softly, their fingers intertwined amidst blankets and socks, snuggles.

Lex's feet had wiggled out of black dress socks, and his toes wrapped around Clark's, folding together just like their fingers did as they kissed.

His tongue licked over Clark's, his fingers stroking over the back of his lover's hands, leaning back against the couch as he cradled Clark's larger body against his. He wrapped one leg over Clark's hip and cuddled him carefully to his body, squeezing gently. He licked and kissed as long as Clark would let him, heart open and loving his aushna' so much.

And it was mid-lick, mid kiss, tongue tasting and soul experimenting when Chloe and Whitney barged right in.

Clark didn't bother to stop smooching, however, even as he became aware of them, kissing his lover softly with closed eyes. His long lashes lay on caramel skin, the shape and largeness of his eyes apparent even more so when they were closed. His shortly cropped hair was sticking up everywhere, his fingers, thick and long, laying flat on his lovers chest and belly, and he just... he kept right on kissing, rubbing his lovers belly softly with the center of his palm.

Whitney cleared his throat.

When that didn't work, he gently kicked the edge of the couch. Then when that didn't work, he kicked the couch harder.

Lex didn't even look up as he moved his head, turning it so that Clark's mouth found his ear and his throat instead. "Whitney, if you kick this couch one more time, I will see to it that your foot is not only broken but shoved up your ass." With that, he turned his attention back to Clark, sliding his hands through thick black strands, petting and stroking.

Alright. At that Clarks lips curved, just a little, eyes flickering up to the two new occupants, and offered his hand to them gently. "Hello, sha'nauch." Said quietly of course, as his eyes flickered over them.

Chloe reached out, automatic response, stroking her fingertips through his palm before taking Whitney's palm, expression quiet as she linked the two boys' fingers. And easy as a breeze, slipped her way into Lex's lap, between him and Clark, and beamed up at him.

Whitney wrapped his long fingers through Clark's, and pulled their intertwined fingers up to his heart and thumped them there lightly. Then he smiled down at them.

Lex wrapped his arms around Chloe's waist, and put his chin on her shoulder. "To what do we owe the pleasure of this interruption?"

Clark very, very tenderly tugged, so that Whitney slid into his embrace easily. He slipped back enough to slide him between his legs, and he snuggled damp blond hair and lip gloss marks, not caring as his fingers looped around his friends waist and snuggled. Just nuzzled him all over, licking and kissing an earlobe and winding their fingers together.

"Oh, we're mad at you is all." Huffed and a shake of mostly unpinned hair now, her fingers reaching out to caress over Whitney and Clarks clasped hands.

Whitney purred softly and let his head fall back against Clark's shoulder, kissing their linked fingers and resting them on his knee as he squeezed. He nibbled on Clark's jaw line as Clark nibbled on him, and he smiled softly. "You guys left us to do manual labor all alone."

"I bet you looked pretty sweaty." Clark whispered into the shell of the ear he was nipping, and gave it another hard little snag as he lapped and licked at his friend softly, letting go just for a moment to reach across and kiss Chloe. Soft taste, like...distinctly Whitney and distinctly her, and his tongue thrust in, one palm letting go enough to cup a hard breast....shocked to find it without the confines of a bra, but it only pleased him more when her nipple peaked as he kissed.

Yeah... oh. Mmm. Thick, talented tongue, soft mouth, big lips, kissing the hell out of her, and her fingers viced around Whitney's tightly as Clark kissed her and touched her, her hips squirming softly in Lex's lap. her free palm came up to cup the back of his neck and she just sighed.

Lex leaned forward and licked the small of her back, teasing the creamy expanse of skin bared by her raised top with his tongue, hands on her hips as she squirmed in his lap, and his fingertips dipped into the waistband of her pants. More surprise, this time, as he found her without underwear and still wet, and he cocked his eyebrow at Whitney. "You guys were busy before you came over here, I see."

Whitney blushed as he squirmed in Clark's lap, turning and leaning so that he could kiss both Clark and Chloe once before leaning over and offering his mouth to Lex.

Lex sat up and sucked at Whitney's mouth as it was offered to him, licking at the slick little tongue, nibbling at full lips. He tasted all three of them, Chloe Clark and Whitney, and one hand moved from Chloe's hips to cradle Whitney's face in his jaw.

Oh. Oh. Lex had fingers like a great artist to match his face that seemed sculpted of stone, and when those digits slid like a breeze over her still damp mound, oh she shivered. She arched just a little into his fingers, kissing her lover and lapping at Clarks tongue as they three of them kissed. It was intoxicating, like some delicacy, and she shivered.

When Whitney offered his mouth to Lex, an Lex accepted it with a touch of his lips, she gave a soft, soft moan of pleasure, giggling as she kissed the corners of their merged lips.

As Whitney's long back bent to touch his mouth to his aushna, Clark let his fingers dip, down to meet Lex's over Chloe's wet mound, his own fingers sliding easily over Whitney's backside and rubbing at the little hole gently, as he licked and nipped shoulder blades.

Whitney moaned softly as Lex's mouth plundered his, arching back against the fingers rubbing against him, inside jeans he hadn't even realized had been opened. He bit on Lex's tongue, sucked along his lower hip, and undulated in Clark's lap. Sinful, beautiful fingers dancing over his skin, and he dropped his mouth away from Lex's, resting his forehead on Chloe's shoulder as he pushed back against Clark.

His eyes focused on Lex and Clark's fingers sliding together inside Chloe's workout pants and he shivered, moaning softly again as he looked up at Lex.

Lex met Whitney's eyes as his fingertips stroked over Chloe's wet lips, barely slipping inside long enough to tease over her clit, and he murmured into her ear. "What... are you angry at us about again, hmm?"

"Wh... what?" Squeaked as she arched her small hips up to Clarks teasing fingers stroking over her folds, begging him in even as she groaned, leaning back into Lex's chest as she grasped Whitney's free hand, bringing it to her breast and holding it tight.

His smile spread over his face softly, dimples winking in each cheek as he stroked softly over Whitney's little sunburst, rubbing his thumb against it… tracing the edge right around the inside of it, and dropping his head to pepper soft, warm kisses down his spine. Wink to Lex and he very carefully slipped his fingers free of both Chloe and Whitney, buttoning and zipping Whitney's jeans gently and snuggling him. "Knew we'd make you forget."

"Teasing bastards, both of you." Whitney grunted it, and snuggled back against Clark, head on his shoulder and he pulled Clark's arms around his waist. "Just for that, I'm not forgiving you for whatever it is I'm not forgiving you for."

Lex laughed softly, pulling his fingers out of Chloe and licking them clean as he settled her between his legs, one leg drawn up to support her back with. "We're just good that way."

Ohh. Trembling little sigh. Ohhh. She snuggled into her friends legs, glaring at him as she gave an extra hard press back into his crotch just for that as her leg hung off his hip and off the sofa as she snuggled in. "We...came to yell. Oh! I remember!" Declared loudly. "I have no blood rushing to my crotch! You! YOU! Both! Ditched us out there!" She flung her fingers to Lex, glaring at him over the now clipped short nails. "I had to cut my nails because they all broke! And my hair! I can't tell you what happened to my hair. Because of you."

Lex snickered, and caught the nails that were flung out at him and he kissed each and every one of them. "Well... let me tell you about our day. Clark and I are getting ready for breakfast and I get a phone call from Dominic and I find out that my father's in the hospital. So Clark and I go to the hospital and wait to find out about my father. While I am at the hospital, I get a phone call from Bruce. Bruce was in a car accident, and Dick had hurt Pete and was very sick himself. So, I ran over to Richardsonville to pick up Toby, my doctor, operated on Dick, made sure Bruce wasn't dead, and then finally relaxed for a bit of alone time with my lover when we were interrupted."

Blink. Again, as he held her hand gently in both of his...another blink at him. "Oh. Well… maybe we can forgive you for that." A beat. "Bruce? And your dad? And... is everyone okay?"

Whitney was a little a less calm. "Lex? Do you like, ever have a day that's NOT filled with exciting yet traumatic events?"

"Not since I came to Smallville, no." Then he looked at Chloe. "You're right, Clark. I owe you ten bucks--she asked about Bruce before anybody else."

Clark was noticeably quite, but he smiled at his lover, snuggling Whitney in. Whenever he was around him he felt so much calmer, so much better, and he buried his face in blond hair, wrapping his arms tight around him and hugging him gently as his eyes twinkled over a broad shoulder. "You smell good, ashimel." He whispered into warm skin, kissing the shoulder blade tenderly as he snuggled.

Smack of the back of a petite hand against Lex's arm. Hard.

"It's Chloe's soap and shampoo," Whitney whispered back. "And sex, yeah." He felt comfortable around Clark, and he snuggled against Clark, nestling into his broad chest and warm grip.

"Kinky," Lex commented softly, raising his brow at Chloe. "Why, if I may ask, are you beating me up?"

And Clark, as he was in tuned into his sha'nauch directly, choked violently on his next kiss as Chloe's immediate, violently strong mental image flittered right into his brain like a projection, and he almost toppled himself and Whitney off the couch as he coughed hard. His face was beet red, fiery as an apple as he gaped, openly, at his little innocent blond ashikana.

Lex's gaze snapped almost audibly onto Clark's, demanding that he share the thought.

"Whoa!" Whitney almost fell with Clark, but he braced himself on the arm of the couch, and he started pounding Clark on the back as he followed his friend's gaze to his girlfriend. "Dude?"

Clark did. He shared it with Lex, and with Whitney, as Chloe smiled smugly at him, and just… he trembled. The three of them in chains, torture devices, tied up and strapped down. And Chloe. In miles of thick leather strips of a dress, barely covering what needed to be covered, over them with a whip and a strap on. A single leash that connected to each of their collars and she was dragging them towards her spread thighs and fuck.

"Holy shit!" Whitney just blinked at his girlfriend. "I... woo. Dig."

Lex just gave a small smile to his aushna'. "Should we tell her about the room, Clark?"

"No. Noo. No. She has too many thoughts as it is." Softly spoken as he stared at her.

Innocent smile at the three of them as she squirmed, crossing her hot pink legs and bopping her foot even as a little bit of fear crossed her face over her thought… was it trampy? She didn't know but she bit her lip, smiling anyway. "Sorry, boys. can't help that. Hey, where's Shay anyway?"

"Good question." Whitney raised his eyebrows as he snuggled back into Clark's arms. "b

"By now, she should be stuck up our asses."

Lex signed. "Shayla. Well. That's another story." He leaned forward and kissed Chloe's throat softly. "Don't worry, Chloe. You're just fine."

She tipped her head a little, fingertips stroking over the back of his naked skull, and she wondered, very vaguely, how Clark just didn't sit around all day and stroke the back of Lex's head. It was petal-soft, tender, and her fingertips, and what was left of her fingernails, grazed gently as she touched. "Is she okay?"

A soft, pleasured hiss. "The last I heard of her, she was cursing all men, Mr. Ross in particular, and crying. I attempted to see what was going on with her, but I got a pillow thrown at me for my trouble, and was told in no uncertain terms to get the fuck out."

Fingers stopped. Chloe gazed up at Lex with wide eyes, and quickly scrambled to her feet. "What happened?? What happened to her??"

Clark was watching with only a quiet word or two, his palms flat on Whitney's belly to rub. When Chloe got up he snuggled closer to Lex, Whitney in-between himself and his lover, and kissed and licked Whitney's neck softly as he offered him hands to hold.

Lex shook his head, shifting to balance Whitney as Chloe got up off his lap. "I have no idea. She told me, and I quote, I'm not speaking to anybody that's got a dick, unquote."

"I don't have one." Firmly declared and she walked around the couch, smacking the three of them in the head for good measure. "That's for the Bruce Wayne comment, assholes." And a stomp to the door.

"But what did I do??" Whitney cried out plaintively. "I didn't do anything!!!!"

"I'll...tell you what you did later when I think of it!" She cried, and stomped right out the door. The enormous house was quiet... the life and verve that Lionel and his husband gave off was strangely devoid, and she walked up the steps, following the way to get Shay's room as if she did this everyday. Which she nearly did, but that didn't count. She took the second hallway and walked all the way down it, stopping at her friends room and knocking softly. "Shay?"

"Go away." Her voice was muffled through a pillow and the door, but the tears were clear.

"Baby, its me. Open up?" Chloe asked softly, wincing as she pressed a palm to it.

"Do you have a dick with you?"

"Nope, I'm dick free and vagina full. Open up? Let me in. What happened baby? Come on, open up."

There was a quiet pause, then the click of a key in a lock and the squeak of door hinges, and the door was pushed open just enough for Chloe to come in, and Shayla threw herself back on her bed.

Ohhh boy. Sob city. Tissues everywhere, a water bottle, clothes and a rumpled bed with a very red faced Shay. Meep? She winced and quietly shut the door behind her, locking it behind her as she stepped in. Stepped over a pizza box, a smashed bottle of coke... and noticed, right away, the flaming pink hair that her best friend now sported. She very softly lowered herself to her knees beside the bed where her friend was half hanging off of it, and caught her hand, kissing the palm tenderly before hugging it close. "Shay? Sweetie."

"Hey, Chloe."

The pink dye hadn't had a chance to settle and it was all over her friends pillows, planets and fingers, and Chloe viced her hand around it, hard, gazing at her turned head. "Baby, what happened?"

"Huh? Oh, I dyed my hair. Nothing huge, it just hasn't dried yet." She nodded her head fiercely. She couldn't say anything else, not after how hard it had been for Pete and Chloe and Clark and all of them to be friends again.

"Yeah. Because six boxes of tissue and a hack hair job are all signs of nothing huge." Chloe stood and grabbed her friends hand, tightly, gently bringing her face to her as she grasped her arm close to her chest. "What happened baby?"

"I just over-reacted to stuff." Hard sniffle. "Thought somethin' that really wasn't true, and I put way too much faith in it, and I got myself hurt."

Her eyes darkened, immediately. She wasn't a stupid girl, as much as people wanted to classify her as, and she growled very softly in her throat. "When I find him, I'm going to castrate him. Stupid selfish mother fucker."

"No, don't. It's okay, really. I mean, it was my fault, Chloe."

"Yes, baby, I'm sure it is. You're beautiful, kind, sweet, wonderful and the best person a girl could ever ask for. SURE its your fault." Snarled as she growled, very, very softly, her eyes dark and brooding as she squeezed her hand. "Baby, you didn't have to go back to pink. God... come here. Let's get you cleaned up, okay?" She reached down and hugged her, very gently, as she gripped her fingers in her own.

"Yeah, I did. It's just... it's safer that way. I like it better when I'm pink, because nobody takes a freak with pink hair seriously." She squeezed Chloe's hand gently, but didn't move.

"I do. I take you serious. Shay, since you've been here you've grown so much. Do you even realize it? You've become this wonderful person and I don't want you to go back to being her. I want you to be you, now, my friend, and my more than friend, and the Shayla who I love. Come on, sweetie, please." She didn't even have to ask what Pete had done… didn't want to know, as she held her hand softly and begged.

At that, Shayla jerked her hands away. "Don't.... just... don't say that, okay? You're my friend, and I love you too, just... don't. Don't say it, because if you don't say it, then I won't start believing it."

"What? What, Shay? That you're wonderful? That I love you? What don't you want to hear?" Shay was pulling away from her and she felt on the verge of her own tears, fingertips plucking softly at her friends robe. "Come on, Shay, please."

"Don't say it, dammit! Don't!" Her breath hitched. "Because if you--and you do--then I don't know what I'll do, okay? Just don't say it!!! Don't!!"

"O… okay. I won't." Her chin trembled and she lay her cheek softly down on her friends arm, holding her close. "I don't want you to be the person from before. I want you to be my Shay. Don't go back to being her, okay?"

"She doesn't get hurt, Chloe. Don't you see that? She didn't have friends, she didn't fall in love with people, she didn't get hurt like I do."

"Getting hurt is a part of growing up. We all hurt, Shayla. You can't hide under pink hair and an attitude, because if you do you won't learn what you're supposed to learn. Please, you can't, okay? You're my best friend in the world and I h… hope I'm yours. Please, Shay. Forget him, okay? Fuck him. Just please, don't."

"You are mine," she said, grabbing Chloe around the waist and hugging. "That's why I don't want you to ever say it like he did, because I don't want you to be like him. Ever."

"What did he do baby?" She asked it with a hitch as she climbed into bed beside her best friend, spooning her tight and hugging as tightly as she could.

"He... he... and Dick."

"He and Dick wha--..oh." Oh. FUCK. Fuck. Double fucking fuck. She squeezed her friend gently, whimpering softly and wincing as she kissed her shoulder and her neck, her cheek, as she held her friend tenderly close, rocking her softy. Matter of time but god DAMMIT Pete was such an asshole. Why couldn't he just have told her?! Instead of cheat? Fuck. Fuck. "Oh, Shay. Shay, baby."

"See? It's not his fault. I mean, I knew I wasn't what he really wanted, but I forced him into... this whatever we had anyway, this relationship, I met his family and everything, and I had no idea, Chloe. I thought... I thought he was okay with me. Even though I wasn't... you know. Didn't have it."

"Shay, Shay. No. God, he loves you. He told me himself, just a few weeks ago. Told me how very much he loves you, how he'd give you anything, how you were his entire world. Its so obvious, every time he looks at you, he loves you. He's such an asshole for doing what he did and he can be eaten by rats for all I care. But he does love you sweetie, what you had wasn't a lie."

At that, Shayla looked up at Chloe. "No, it was. It had to have been. Because if it wasn't, then this wouldn't have happened. He wouldn't have done... that, with Dick, if I could have made him happy."

"Shay... baby. Oh... Im so going to spill beans." She gently stroked over her friends hair softly, gazing down at her as her fingers came away pink, but she didn't mind as she kept right on stroking. "Whitney's bi, Shay. Clark fucks him on a regular basis, because I can't give him what he wants. He loves me, loves making love with me, but he just... he wants cock sometimes. Clark… he... its complicated, but they have sex sometimes. If... if Pete had told you baby, but he didn't. He's such a… a fucking prick, but you can't hate him for it, sweetheart."

"I knew Pete's bi, Chloe." Shayla said it softly. "But he told me... he told me I was all he needed. and I was stupid enough to believe it. But not again."

"Oh, Shay." Her eyebrows knit together as she gazed at her friend, tenderly stroking her hair as she looked at her. "Tell me how I can make this better."

"You can't." Shayla just shook her head as Chloe stroked her. "You can't make it better. Nobody can."

She just kept right on touching, gently sweeping her sticky hair from her eyes, shaking her head again and sitting up. "Let me help you clean up. Okay? Sweetie, a bath will help, and the dye is going to burn your skin. Come on, okay?"'

"The dye'll wash off as soon as it's dry. It's that... pomade. It's sticky stuff. It's safe, I used it all the time, before I came here. It'll be okay."

She hated her friend this way. Hated it. But there was nothing she could do, so she just lay back down, gently hugging her softly.

- = - = -

And downstairs, Clark was making out, heavily, with his aushna and his ashimel. His fingers were stroking taut nipples, free hand tight around Lex's head as he and Whitney kissed and uh, God it was erotic. So easy to forget about his worries, his fears, everything that he had seen in himself, forget he'd hurt his father and Toby, forget he'd nearly killed Dick today, and just be. It was easy to be numb, he was used to it, and his mouth sucked hard on Whitney's ear, biting the lobe. Touching Whitney and touching Lex were totally different experiences... he was partial to his aushna, but feeling the soft hair all over Whitney's body was so arousing unto itself, and he stroked over a taut bicep as he rolled his hips up into the air.

Whitney leaned back against Clark, relishing the feel of being trapped between two hard bodies as he kissed Lex, his tongue seeking out the other man's as one hand braced on his shoulder and the other on his hip. He was almost on his knees on the couch, nestled between Clark and Lex.

Lex's mouth was open, lazily kissing Whitney as he let the younger boy do all the work, his hand laced tightly through blond locks, gentle fist of hair holding the boy still as Clark's hand stroked the back of Lex's head, holding it still as Whitney's mouth moved against his. He looked over Whitney's shoulder at Clark, and gave a lazy smile, glad to see that his lover was finally finding solace and peace.

Clark peaked over and smiled back as he carefully brought his fingers down over Whitney's hard, tense cock, stroking over it softly. All he wanted to do was fuck something, someplace, somewhere where it felt good, but giving Whitney pleasure now, was enough. He couldn't do more than this with anyone but Lex, but for now he enjoyed licking and tasting dusky skin, little teases of it as he nipped and kissed where he could. His fingertips were as lazy as Lex's smile as he slipped them up Whitney's belly under his shirt, stroking hard little nipples and pinching them tightly.

Whitney gave in, finally, getting to his hands and knees on the couch, ass nestling tightly into Clark's groin as he leaned over Lex, nuzzling into the bald man's open shirt collar to lick skin, mouth barely protruding collar bones, sucking at small pools of sweat that collected at the base of his throat. He pressed the rest of his body back, his chest puffing up and thrusting forward as Clark teased and caressed him.

Ohhh he growled, groaning as his head fell back and he arched up, pushing his heat right into the curve of Whitney's hips and oh yes. Whimper as he searched for Lex's fingers, grasping them hard a moment later as is free fingers scratched over tensing little nipples, and he shivered in pleasure. Didn't know what girly things Chloe was doing but he was just... so pleased, because he got to watch Whitney suck his lover. Pride, then, because Lex was just... so beautiful and worth it, and he smiled at him in glee. "yeshCxremn ol', aushna." (you're worth it, aushna)

Lex wound his fingers through Clark's and pulled him down against Whitney's back, arching up into Whitney and smiling at Clark's words. He didn't say anything, just slid their hands down so that they guided Whitney's hands to Lex's crotch. "Open, Whitney." He watched as their hands guided Whitney's to open his fly, then slowly pull him out. "Good... beautiful ashimel," Lex encouraged, then looked over Whitney's shoulder at Clark.

Whitney moaned as Clark's nails scraped over his chest, teasing his nipples and moving him closer. He sucked harder on Lex's chest, and then closed his eyes for a brief moment as he opened Lex's fly and looked down. Beautiful cock, hard and thick, and he wrapped cool fingers around the shaft, stroking it.

Clark's fingers were tenderly around Whitney's as he watched, like a hawk, as they stroked over Lex's leaking cock together, and he shuddered on Whitney's back as his hips humped forward without his letting them, pressure and oh god it was good. Mental images of watching Whitney and Lex move together, join and oh the jealousy only made it hotter. His fingers let go of Whitney's and went to his ashimel's own aching length, tenderly pulling it out as his hips moved insistently, stroking over the incredibly long length.

Whitney thrust forward into Clark's fist, whimpering and pleading wordlessly for Clark to fuck him. His mouth moved down Lex's body as he humped into Clark's fist, his ass rubbing against Clark's groin as he moved.

Lex grunted softly, rocking up into Whitney's hand as he felt the wet mouth moving down. He knew where it was going and he ached for it, rocking up and pushing a little deeper into Whitney's fist before rocking back down.

He couldn't, there was no way, even as he felt, he knew what his ashimel wanted. Couldn't, no, but he could do something else to please this beautiful man.

Jeans were no obstacle, and he tugged them effortlessly down creamy thighs, boxers following, as his mouth moved down across the puckered opening, lapping all around it as his teeth grazed over the tiny wrinkles, free fingers jacking the hard length as his tongue stroked and finally pressed inside for a moment. Out again, and he bit ashimel's ass tenderly, whispering, "Never tease Lex about my tongue going in his ass again." Another smiling bite and back down to stroke his tongue in as far as he could, fingers stopping the jacking on his ashimel's cock as he squeezed the tip and flicked back and forth, like he loved doing to himself, so the little opening was titillated.

Whitney cried out softly, the tongue filling his ass like a small cock and he bit hard on the hollow of Lex's hip. He sucked immediately, soothing the sting of his teeth as he moved down, and then in a single motion, he swallowed Lex's cock to the base. Long practiced motion, throat held still as he started sliding his head, and his moans vibrated through the hard column of flesh in his mouth as Clark's tongue reamed him out inside.

Lex's hands reached down and fisted in the seat cushions, holding himself down from forcing his cock into Whitney's throat with hard, careless strokes. Instead, he held his body straight, arching his back and offering his cock for deeper sucking.

He brought his palm down to his cock, squeezing the base hard as he sucked and stroked his tongue in and out of Whitney's body, aching and wanting and fuck. Mindless pleasure that he didn't have to worry about because these were his sha'nauch. And in that, it felt wonderful as he squeezed his own cock tightly and stroked twice before returning with the precome, stroking his fingers deeply into the tight little channel and immediately beginning to scissor and fuck his fingers in and out of his ashimel. His palm came down to the hard cock that he stroked with abandon, hard and fast as he sank his teeth into Whitney's ass cheek, grunting as he watched his fingers slide in and out.

Harsh cry from Whitney's throat that shot zings of pleasure through Lex's cock as Clark's fingers thrust into the quarterback. Whitney rocked back, knees and thighs spread as he sucked Lex's cock down his throat, and his hands braced on Lex's thighs as he bore down on the fingers inside him, squeezing them as they slid in and out. His cock slid wetly in Clark's fist, and all he could do was moan, rock, and suck.

As Whitney finally got the rhythm Lex wanted, Lex slid his hands up Whitney's arms, through the armholes of the tank-top, and started to firmly pinch and twist the hard nipples poking through the cotton fabric.

No. No. He knew what he wanted because he'd wanted it for a while, and after making sure the office door was locked, he rose up on his knees, slipping his fingers free of Whitney's little hole and climbing to his feet. His cock made a huge tent out in front of him and he knew he looked so lewd walking but he did anyway, opening his lovers desk and retrieving… oh, yes. Back to the couch with his prizes clutched in his hand, and he climbed back on the couch, kissing the back of Whitney's neck.

He softly got rid of the rest of his jeans, leaving the sexy white t-shirt on as he spread lube on his fingers and replaced them back into his blond beauty. Stroking in and out a few times before he ripped open the ribbed condom, batting Whitney on the cheek to get him to move. It was... ribbed a lot, rippled as he rolled it down his lovers cock, and he met deep gray eyes as he sent his message. He wanted... to see it. To help. To watch. And he wanted to know… if it was okay.

Lex nodded. It was okay, and he pushed himself up on his elbows, raising his hips to help Clark slide the condom down onto his cock, and then he reached out and beckoned to Whitney. "Come here, ashimel," Lex said softly, the word rolling off his tongue.

Whitney looked from Clark to Lex and back again, moving as the slap on his ass dictated, and he squeezed himself firmly at the jolt of pleasure that went through his body at the slap.

Clark gently slipped his palms around his lovers hips and carefully moved him into position, straddled over the bottom part of Lex's legs as he held Whitney's hips gently but carefully, fingertips grasping Lex's cock and keeping it still to help Whitney guide himself in. "Fuck him for me." He whispered softly, though to who he was talking to was a mystery, watching like a hawk as his cock burned.

Whitney gritted his teeth as he lowered himself onto Lex. He leaned forward, bracing his hands on Lex's shoulders, mouth sucking hard, wet kisses as he pushed down. He felt his body widening as Lex's girth slid into him, and he worried Lex's lower lip between his teeth.

Lex slid his hands around, spreading the cheeks of Whitney's ass as he slid down, exposing their joined bodies to Clark's view as he thrust up. The slickness of the condom and the lube let him move easily inside the boy, and Whitney was riding himself, helping Lex fuck him deeply with each stroke.

Oh fuck. Clark let out a gasping groan as Whitney sank down and came up on the hard length of his lover, and all he could do... oh, God, was watch and it was so good. Whitney smelled so fucking good when he was having sex and it was a scent he could get lost in as his fingers came down and squeezed his cock, hard. He began to jack himself off as he plastered himself to Whitney's back, pressing a palm to his ashimel's belly and he could all but feel Lex thrusting and uh. The sound came out of his mouth on a trembling gasp as he shuddered and squirmed against them both, whimpering in pleasure.

Whitney leaned his head back, one hand fisting hard in Clark's hair and dragging him around, kissing him as he rode Lex. He whimpered into the kiss, tongue thrusting and sucking vigorously on Clark's he rocked on Lex's cock, riding the hard length in his ass and squeezing it tight with each bounce.

Lex grunted, and he started to push himself up, which would push Whitney flat on his back. Blink of an eye, and he sent a picture to his lover of Whitney on his back, Lex fucking his ass while Clark fucked his mouth.

"Uh, God, yes!" Came the cry and he squirmed free, immediately, waiting for his lover to show him the way as his fingers jacked furiously, trying to prolong the pleasure and oh, he was going to explode and… oh, God.

Lex kept pushing himself up, which pushed Whitney down. He wrapped the boy's legs around his waist, keeping himself buried to the hilt as he gently eased the boy onto his back, stroking his body and soothing him quietly as they shifted. "It's okay, Whitney. Sssh... trust me."

Whitney nodded firmly, head bobbing as Lex adjusted him and he moved with the bald man's directions. On his back, legs wrapped firmly around Lex's waist, and he grunted as Lex withdrew and pounded into him. "Fuck, yes," Whitney hissed, reaching out for Clark and dragging him over.

He just whimpered because he didn't know what to do… and very easily, did. Instead of fucking his mouth like he wanted...he arranged himself over Whitney's body and begged for his ashimel to suck him as he wrapped his lips around Whitney's huge, long cock and began to suck. He could smell the raw sex as Lex fucked him and Clark could see everything. Shrill cry of pleasure as he watched Lex slip out before pound in, his fingertips vicing on Whitney's thighs as he urged Whitney to let him in, sucking hard on his ashimel's erection.

Whitney opened his mouth immediately, the keening noises from Clark's throat a signal to some part of his mind. He opened and sucked, taking Clark down deep and his hands braced on Clark's hips, squeezing hard as he sucked, whimpering against the mouthful as Lex fucked him roughly. Clark's sucking nearly drove Whitney out of his mind, especially when Lex's next stroke slammed into his prostate.

Lex looked down to see Clark's head nestled in Whitney's groin, sucking busily and one hand lifted Whitney's leg over his shoulder, letting him slam in at a different angle and stroke hard against his prostate. His own ass clenched as he felt his cock rub against the protrusion, and the fingers of his free hand laced through Clark's hair and tilted his eyes up. "You, aushna'. Inside me later," he growled.

Didn't know how they'd ended up naked but it was good and oh God he was still dressed and it was the most lewd, sexy thing he'd ever done in his life. He stroked Whitney up and down his throat, getting used to his girth and size quickly and fucking him fast as he whimpered in that throat as Lex made his promise to him. He couldn't help it, gazing down as his lover fucked and his fingers searched for Lex's, to make sure it was okay, that this was okay and they were still aushna, and his fingers clenched around his lover as his body began that assent to orgasm. He was always so fast because he was so young but he was holding off orgasm as best he could, sucking harder and watching his lovers dick move in and out as his mouth buried Whitney further so he could see.

Lex's fingers twined through Clark's, dropping his hair and holding tightly to him, leaning over Whitney so that Lex could share Whitney's cock with Clark. His tongue licked over his lover's, sucking Clark's lips softly, doing everything that he knew to let Clark know it was all right.

And it was too much for Whitney. Two mouths on his cock, prostate pounded with every stroke, a cock deep in his throat, and he exploded. White ribbons shot out of his cock, hips thrusting up and falling back down, ass clenching down on Lex's cock like a vise.

Lex... could fold himself in half. Clark was shocked to feel Lex's soft bald head and soft lips come close, licking and lapping and Whitney exploded in his mouth. He swallowed, hard, eyes wide as he lifted off quickly to share it with Lex. Shocked from having his own orgasm, shocked from what he was seeing, and he licked Lex's cheek in outrageously erotic pleasure as he held himself steady, cock burning with want as he waited for Whitney to come so he could. ached, ached, ached, and he lapped at the white ribbons that had splashed his lovers cheek, licking them up and moaning.

Lex sucked Clark's mouth hungrily, licking Whitney's orgasm out as Clark offered it to him, grunting as his cock was locked inside Whitney's sheath. His hands locked on Whitney's hips, slamming his cock home before coming hard, shuddering and twitching as he emptied into the slick rubber that covered his cock.

Whitney's hands wrapped around the base of Clark's cock, squeezing and jacking, rolling Clark's balls against his cheek as he whined softly, urging Clark to come, not wanting to leave his lover out.

Oh God and he was working, working hard for it, setting his forehead on the crook of Whitney's hip as he worked in his erection in Whitney's hand, whimpering in displeasure as he tried, begged his body for orgasm, and he just… he could make it, as much as he was trying, and he gave another whimper of discomfort and aching want, sweat breaking out over his brow. "Pl… please… please..." He grunted, half to himself and half to his lovers, groaning hard and shuddering.

Lex knew. He pulled himself slowly out of Whitney, batting him away from Clark and pulling Clark into his arms. He kissed his lover deeply, tongue licking every crevice of Clark's mouth that he could reach, then entrusted Clark's body to Whitney as Lex got on his knees, engulfing Clark's cock in a single swallow, until he was flush against Clark's groin.

Whitney gathered Clark to him, his fingers tugging on Clark's nipples as his mouth moved to suck his earlobe, pleading in soft whispers for him to come.

Oh fuck. Explosion of tingles everywhere and he arched back, gasping hard as his eyes opened wide. Pleasure, hard, delicious pleasure he almost didn't know what to do with and his mark tingled, nipples hardening into stiff little pebbles as he brought his palm down to the back of Lex's head, gasping as he moved his hips shallowly in pleasure. Just a little bit, little bit would get him there and he gasped in aching pleasure, wailing with it as he fought to come.

Lex reached up, pressing his thumb down on Clark's mark with one hand while the other slipped around to the small of his back, stroking hard over the little bump right above his lover's tailbone.

The end.

Clark let out a harsh, vibrating cry and thrust up, hard, burying his length in his lovers throat and exploding. A push, muscles tense, and he orgasmed right after and oh GOD it was so GOOD. Pleasure erupted from him everywhere and he gave out a long, keening moan, shivering in pleasure as his fingers stroked over his aushna's head and uh, god.

Uh. Oh. God.

Whitney's arms stayed tightly around Clark's waist, nosing against his neck and throat as he came, licking wet kisses from the moist skin and cuddling Clark close to him.

Lex closed his eyes, stroking his fingertips over Clark's thighs, sucking the orgasm out of his lover's cock. He didn't lose a drop, pushing his head back into Clark's stroking fingers as he pulled back to the head of Clark's cock, sucking the slit clean.

It brought a soft, long, guttural keen from his throat and he slumped back against Whitney, panting hoarsely for breath and uh. Uh, God. He gasped, wet palm sliding off sweat slickened skin, and somewhere along the way he'd shucked his jeans, his button down open and exposing his long, hard torso which was panting and glistening with sweat. A hard groan and a shudder of post orgasmic MUH as he brought Lex up for a kiss, tongue dipping in deep and lazy in thank for to his lover.

Lex pressed his slick body against Clark's, rubbing their stomachs together as he reached down between them, tucking Clark away and reaching for his own clothes. His tongue licked back at Clark's, nibbling at the tip of it.

A heavy, pleasured moan and he wanted to roll and cuddle for an hour or two. But instead he turned his head up, sharing a sloppy, lovely kiss with Whitney and smiling into his lips as a palm came up to stroke the back of his hair. "'s not you. Don' feel like it is, kay?" More kissing, wet and sucking with soft noises that were both pleasing and run, licking and lapping his pleasure as he snuggled Lex close.

Whitney just nodded. "Okay." He returned the sloppy kiss that Clark gave him, hands stroking through his hair. For some reason, he didn't mind; he knew that Clark wasn't jerking him around or playing with his head. Clark was like Chloe and they were honest. And he believed them.

"Got issues." Clark murmured, and he just...he looked at his ashimel, his claimed ashimel, with such adoration, hugging him tightly to him and kissing and licking him, as his ankles hooked Lex's waist and brought them into a messy sprawl, with Clark sandwiched in the middle.

He really… really liked that.

"Whole suitcase full," Whitney agreed, curling up around Clark, tucking his knees behind his lover's and laying his head on Clark's shoulder. Curling up like a big cat, and he yawned, piling on top of Clark and snuggling in.

Lex just laughed softly, wiggling up to put Clark completely between them, curling his front to Clark's and making sure that between himself and Whitney, every inch of Clark's skin was tucked, touched, stroked and warmed.

"Spoilers." Clark muttered, eyes closing as he le himself relax, body loosening as they lay sprawled… tossing pillows on the ground off the wide couch, making it wider still as the three of them snuggled like a couple of big dorks, snuggled in. The door was locked so no one would be barging in on them and mmmmm he was a happy guy. He smiled sleepily, yawning and wrapping his arm around Lex and the other around Whitney's arms, snuggling in and closing his eyes. "Mma nap, kay?"

"Good idea," Whitney yawned from behind. "Been trying to nap all night."

"Love you, sha'nauch. Love you, aushna." Clark muttered from between them, and because this... was the safest, most wonderful place to be, he closed his eyes and went right to sleep.

Lex stroked over Clark's shoulder possessively, kissing it once before resting his cheek on it and looking at Whitney. "Thank you."

Whitney yawned, blinked, and then looked at Lex as he scratched his head. "Didn't do nothin'."

"You gave him calm; you made him sleep." Lex cuddled his sleeping lover close. "Thank you for that."

"Welcome." Whitney put his cheek on Clark's hip, yawned again, and was asleep in seconds.


go on to the next part