
The Memoirs

Smallville fanfic by Kel and Diana

Chapter 148: There's a First Time For Everything

Eight months had passed since his wife's funeral. Six of then had been spent on more medication and in more therapy sessions than he ever wanted to admit.

Lawrence had been fired three years ago, and he'd promoted the young Irish kid... Senatori, his name was, to take his place. And despite his doubts and his qualms, Dominic had been more than adequate in the job, and Lionel had been quite impressed by his tenacity, his determination, and lastly, his loyalty.

Nor was he quite as ignorant of the younger man's adoring gazes as he seemed to be. He was actually quite aware of them, and his fingers tightened around the telephone on the desk as he called whatever secretary the pool had sent him that week to have Dominic sent here to him, right away.

The one thing Dominic had never, ever, ever been, was late. Tardy, in any way, was unacceptable by Mr. Luthor, and he'd gotten an important lesson in it a year or two ago. Lectured until he couldn't be lectured anymore, threatened... you name it, and there was just no way he'd ever make that mistake again.

The young lady with the blond hair, Carolyn, had come searching for him in the work room a moment ago, and he was trailing her quietly back into the richly decorated offices in the back rooms of LuthorCorp. She was gorgeous but he wasn't here to look at pretty girls, and he kept his eyes trained on the back of her head as he stepped lightly.

Dressed to kill, because Lionel Luthor wouldn't permit anything less. Armani, deep blue suit that didn't quite fit his still lanky frame, and a goatee he was trying desperately to grow and just... barely could. Two whiskers, as Meggie teased him for, and he situated his tie as Carolyn opened the door for him, and he entered. "Mr. Luthor, you wanted t' see me?"

Lionel left his back to the door as he looked out the window. "Yes, I do, Mr. Senatori. Carolyn, thank you. That will be all." He waited for her to close the door. "Mr. Senatori, you will lock the door."

"Sir." He nodded and quietly locked the door behind the young woman, careful of the catchy thing that didn't want to work half the time, and turned back to the heart of the room. Mr. Luthor hadn't turned to see him yet and he swallowed, training his eyes somewhere other than him.

He was in love with him. Even if Mr. Luthor terrified the bejesus out of him. "What can I do for you, Mr. Luthor?"

Once the door was shut and locked, Lionel turned around slowly in his chair. "You don't mind if I call you Dominic, do you?"

First time for everything, and he looked up in surprise for a moment before shaking his head. "No, sir, not at all."

"Very good." Lionel took a deep breath. "Dominic, I have a job for you."

"Yes, sir." Not strange, though it was nearing six o'clock, and he shifted just a little bit. "Before you go any further, sir, I gave Mayor Riser the information you wanted sent to him last night. Early this morning, sir, at ten o'clock, and the changes you asked for should be in place... by now, I believe, sir."

"They already are; I checked an hour ago and they were already in place. Very efficient, Dominic." Lionel leaned a little further back in his chair. "Come, have a seat." He indicated one of the chairs in front of his desk. "I must say I've noticed your enthusiasm hasn't dimmed over the time you've worked for me, and I find that to be a quality I appreciate."

"I enjoy my job, sir." He did as he was told, striding across the beautiful carpet and carefully taking a seat in the chairs in front of the desk. He was fired. He knew it. Whatever it was. He was fired. Panic fluttered his chest, and he looked down a minute, swallowing before back up. "I have been very honored to work for you, sir."

"Mmm. I'm sure you are." He folded his hands on his desk. "Why do you think I've called you in here, Dominic?"

"You're going to fire me." He said instantly, though he swallowed hard and looked at the man in the eye. "I would just like to know what it was that I did, so I might go to my nex' job, wherever and whenever it might be, and be more efficient."

"Your next job? My dear boy, I'm not going to fire you. I just got through complimenting your performance. Whyever would I fire you?"

Swallow. Hard. Little breath.

He hadn't wet the carpet. Points.

"I... I don't know, sir. I am, however, very glad you're not going to." And God, he was. He took a deep, relaxing breath, and swallowed hard as he shifted a little bit. "I enjoy my work with you, very much."

"That's very good to hear, Dominic." And it was, because he didn't want the young man to be completely miserable in his service. "Come around here, Dominic."

"Sir?" Blink. Come around where?

"Around my desk."

Odd request but perhaps he needed to show him something on the new contraption he'd gotten just this past year... a Computer, and he straightened his suit without thinking, walking around the desk and bringing his hands behind his back as he stood beside him. "Yes, sir."

"Get on your knees."

Oh. Fuck.

This was going somewhere... not... no.

Oh, fuck.

His throat bobbed and he stared at the man a moment... two, and he had to be dreaming because there was no way Lionel Luthor would ever… no. He was having himself a heart attack for nothing. Overly hormonal, stupid twenty five year old boy. But he swallowed, hard, and asked, voice not quite straight, "Sir?"

"You heard me, Dominic. On your knees." He turned in his chair so that he was completely facing his young assistant, and uncrossed his legs. "And I do mean now."

"Yes, sir." He carefully got down on his knees, looking up at him from his spot on the floor. The carpet was soft as he'd imagined on his knees, and he looked out the window which he himself, personally, had had the drapes and blinds taken off of. The city of Metropolis lay below them, beautiful in the early evening lights, and he gazed up again at Mr. Luthor in question. "Sir, I don't understand."

"Then that's a shame. I'd have thought that a smart young man such as yourself would have realized by now. I am disappointed, but you'll learn for next time." To accommodate, Lionel reached around and unzipped his fly.

His chest heaved and his mouth trembled open. His body goosebumped everywhere and the SHAME of being Irish was that the flush hit your skin faster than you even realized you were shy or embarrassed. He looked away, throat working, and it... it was erotic but wrong, not... no, this was his boss and he was not some bitch. He was NOT a BITCH in ANY way, and his throat bobbed as he looked up. "Sir, I don't t-think... I d... I'm your assistant."

"Yes, you are." Lionel's hand reached out and gently caressed the young man's head. "And you have assisted me in many things, and been especially invaluable since my wife's death. However, I find myself having a new need, and I choose to have you assist me with it."

Oh, mother of Mary and sweet baby Jesus. "S-sir, I don't..." But his hands had come up to rest on Lionel's knees, tentative and asking, his Adams apple bobbing in his slender, skinny throat as he watched. It... he'd only done this a few times before, and not since Lawrence, and oh, Jesus. It would be the first sexual experience in years and he didn't..he didn't... this was wrong, but... he just didn't know, and he was so confused, and he looked up at him, swallowing softly. "S-sir."

"Either do it or get out," Lionel growled, but his hand still stroked Dominic's head. He was pretty sure he hadn't been misreading the boy's looks, but he would not force it. He was many things, but not that.

Do it or get out.

Dominic had loved this man with everything in him since the first day he'd seen him. The feeling had only grown, intensely, and the people he'd talked to about it thought he was nuts. Being in love, or lust as they said, with ones boss was ludicrous, and insane. But he was nothing if not both those things, and his long fingers came up, his throat still working as he carefully undid the buttons on Mr. Luthor's slacks the rest of the way, carefully pulling the sides down. "I h-haven't. In a long time."

"Neither have I," came the softly whispered admission. "It's quite all right." He didn't stop stroking the younger man's hair. "Just do your best, and that's all I can ask of you."

Mr. Luthor's fingers in his hair felt just like everything he'd ever dreamed. Warm strokes, thumb gentling over the top of his head and going through his short hair softly and Jesus. Jesus.

He let go only enough to tug his suit jacket off, sliding forward on his knees a little more and his fingers returned to Mr. Luthor's trousers. Carefully tugged down, and his underwear, silky black boxers, that were pushed aside to… to showcase one of the most beautiful cocks he'd ever seen. Tensing and hardening under each touch and he could not fucking believe he was doing this, as big green eyes came up to look at the man before quickly back down. He stroked the hardening length with his long fingers, over and over, carefully getting himself situated with what one felt like, one that wasn't his own, again.

And when no violent flashback came to bite him in the ass, he leaned down and rubbed his lips softly over the head, getting his bearings before looking back up again.

It's all right, lovely, Lionel wanted to say. Because the young man was beautiful, crouched before him so skittishly. But instead of speaking, he continued the gentling touches, pushing firmly but gently until Dominic's lips parted and the head of his cock barely slipped through.

His eyes shut tight with Mr. Luthor's hips came up and spread his lips open, sliding in. A shaking shudder down his spine, in pleasure he knew though it'd been so long, and yes. He could do this. He wanted this, more than anything in the world.

His fingers tightened on the base as he brought his mouth down, mouth opening wider to accept more of the long cock in his mouth. Soft, easy licks, tender sucks, up and down as he remembered. Slide down, suck up, slow and easy as his fingers squeezed and thrust what he couldn't reach, fist coming up to meet his lips on every down stroke. His eyes closed as he felt Mr. Luthor's fingers in his hair, and he... he moaned, because he couldn't help it.

Lionel murmured softly, words that didn't make sense as he pushed slowly into Dominic's mouth, letting the young man do the work as he felt the wet glide of tongue and lips around him. The hand not stroking Dominic's hair was gripping his chair, and it gave him just enough leverage to raise and thrust slowly, then at the moan, pushed a little deeper.

Oh. Deep, too deep and he fought the gag as he came up, swallowing hard and looking up at Mr. Luthor. Lips around his cock and his eyes wide, and he knew... so lewd, but... couldn't, not... no. Not because he didn't want to but because he didn't know how.

He brought him in, a little deeper than before but not too deep, and sucked again, eyes closed tight as he moved up and down, sucking hard and sometimes slow and soft, to move the pace around. Not that he knew from personal experience, but he'd read about it, and his fingers flexed as he moved.

Lionel didn't try to thrust deeper again; there would time later to teach this young man, were he willing to learn. For now, it satisfied him to let Dominic set his own pace, complete with soothing murmurs and gentle touches. "It won't always be like this, Dominic."

Didn't know what the hell he was talking about and he let go of the hard cock to carefully pull the underwear down further, looking up with questioning eyes before his mouth came down on tightening balls, sucking one into his mouth and sucking softly, lapping around it before he did the same to the other.

Lionel didn't stop him, encouraged him by raising into the tentative laps, his fist stroking his abandoned cock as Dominic lavished attention onto his balls.

He felt, for the first time in months, alive. Blood tingled in his veins, and he slowly felt like he was awakening from a horrid, long nightmare, and the hand on the chair arm moved to stroke Dominic's hair again.

There was something dusky about Mr. Luthor's taste that he adored. Soft, earthy and lovely, and it filled his brain as he lapped softly at balls that felt like velvet on his tongue. He'd known Mr. Luthor would taste just like this and he carefully kissed each tightened ball gently before coming back up, moving the stroking hand gently. "What… what won't it always be like, sir?" He asked softly, gazing up at him before down, to the long erection which he began to suck at again.

"This," is all Lionel answered, moving his hand as Dominic encouraged, letting his lover--for that's what he was now--slide his cock back into his mouth. His head fell back against the head of the chair, the tingle at the base of his spine growing into a large pressure as he thrust shallowly again, and then started to nudge Dominic away from his cock.

He sucked and moved, faster and harder as Mr. Luthor responded under him, and he could feel that he was near. His eyes were closed tightly, his forehead peppered with sweat as he sucked, his free fingers... he was daring and bold very rarely, but there was something about him... his fingers came up and stroked under a white shirt to gently pinch a hardened nipple.

And when Mr. Luthor began to nudge him off his cock he shook his head, looking up at him. "Don't… don't you want me to..?"

"I won't force you to," Lionel gritted out quickly, arching his chest into the touch on his nipple. His hand touched the back of Dominic's briefly, holding it to his nipple as he jerked once. "Hurry and decide," he grunted.

He didn't even have to. He covered his mouth back over Mr. Lutho'rs cock, sucking harder at it, steadily faster, deeper, stronger as he fought to get him to orgasm, his fingers pinching and moving on the tense little nipple as he did so.

Lionel cried out softly as he came, hand clenching tight around Dominic's as his cock twitched and his first orgasm in almost a year poured out of him.

The rush filled his throat as his eyes widened. He'd never... before, and so many people told him the taste of come was horrid. But... Mr. Luthor's wasn't. It wasn't pleasant, but it was him, and he swallowed, mouthful after mouthful that was given him, sucking and hating the noises he was making as he did it but he didn't really care about that because Lionel Luthor had just come into his mouth and down his throat.


Stone. In. His pants. And he moaned.

Lionel felt himself slowing, then softening as his orgasm finished. Gently he pushed away, and tucked his limp cock back in his pants. "Thank you, Dominic," he said, meaning far more than that. "That'll be all."

What? That was... what? He was... so hard, and... what?

He was only to service Mr. Luthor. And his Adams apple bobbed as he wiped his mouth carefully, nodding and grabbing his jacket from beside him. Couldn't quite get to his feet at the moment as he fought his wretched, young body to calm down, pulling his jacket on and rising to his feet.

More than a little stung. But he understood what had gone on here. He wasn't a stupid boy. So he just nodded, swallowed hard, and fought for his voice. "Yes, Mr. Luthor, sir."

"Would you like a drink, Dominic?" He rose from his chair behind the desk, and opened up the liquor cabinet that sat to the side. "There's brandy and scotch, cognac and claret, port, sherry, and water if you'd like."

"No, thank you, sir. I don't drink." He said quietly, as he buttoned his jacket to hide himself from anyone when he left the room. "Is there anything else you'd like done before the workday is over, sir?"

"No. You're free to go whenever you're done; your position as my assistant gives you a bit of leeway in that. You're no longer punching a time clock."

"Yes, sir, I understand. However, my hours are from eight till six, and I will abide by that until I am no longer in your service." Because he'd been taught well, dammit, and he straightened a little in that personal bit of pride.

"As you'll have it then, Dominic." He poured himself a glass of brandy and set it on the corner of the desk. "Your help today... is very much appreciated."

"Yes, sir. Thank you, sir." He said quietly, and shifted his weight to the other foot.

"What is it, Dominic?" He didn't turn around.

"I'm sorry?"

"What has you shifting nervously foot to foot like you expect to be beaten?"

It was close, very, very close to his dark, deadly little secret and his heart stuttered once before he swallowed it down, as easily as he could.

He was shifting, however, because he was so hard he could chisel diamonds from stone with the head of his cock right at the moment. But he didn't let that on, as he watched Mr. Luthor go about his business, not even looking at him. "My foot fell asleep, sir."

"I see." Apparently the younger man hadn't been as aroused as Lionel himself had been. Or if he was, he wasn't admitting it, and Lionel had no time to play games.

The tone had something in him hitching. Almost... disappointment. Sadness. He was beating around the bush for nothing, for the love of Christ, he'd just had the man's cock down his throat. Alright. He could do this. "An-and, sir... I'm... I'm very...." Put thoughts to words. "I'm very hard at the moment, and I'm trying to stay inconspicuous."

Tight grip on the corner of the liquor cabinet. "Come back to me, then."

Oh God. He took a tentative step forward... another. "I don't want you to w-worry yourself with my own... necessities, Mr. Luthor, sir, as I am here but to help you."

"You're not worrying me, Dominic." Lionel turned back around, and faced the young man. "If you were, I'd have told you to simply get out." He walked closer to Dominic, and rubbed a flat palm over the other man's hard cock. "Let me see you."

His mouth trembled open and everything woke up, violently so, his hair all but standing on end as he unbuttoned his coat with fingers that suddenly had a shake in them. Carefully unbuttoned and removed once more, because he hated the blasted thing and only wore it for Mr. Luthor, and he looked up at him carefully before going down to his pants.

Unbuttoned, unzipped, and his underwear pushed aside. The scars along the base of it had finally healed, leaving now only light white lines of old wounds around the base of his cock. Wispy blond hairs and oh, he was so hard, as he carefully bared himself to the older man and burned in embarrassment over doing such a thing.

Lionel ran the fingers of one hand through hair a little shorter than he thought he remembered while the other wrapped around Dominic's cock. Firmly but gently, he started to stroke, feeling the wetness at the tip smoothing his hand's path while the hand in Dominic's hair pushed the slightly wavy bangs back off his face before pressing Dominic's forehead to his shoulder and speeding up his strokes.

No need to let the rest of the company in on what was happening, and he gently muffled whatever cries Dominic was making against his shoulder.

Oh, God and he was choking them down as hard as he could as his free fingers viced on the shoulder his face wasn't pressed against. Fingers around him, for the first time in a very, very long time. He hadn't even felt the need to get himself off in almost....almost a year, and this was the most beautiful sensation he'd ever known. Rough but soft, talented hand touching all the right places and he thrust up into the channel Mr. Luthor's hand made.

He smelled like money, power, and the forest. Warm scent on his skin that spoke of mansions and silk sheets, and he groaned in ecstasy as he thrust and moved, getting almost on his tip toes before rocking back down onto his heels. He was a few inches shorter then Mr. Luthor was but it didn't matter, because he was just… perfect.

Didn't say a word, just kept stroking, urging the younger man clinging to him further towards orgasm. Soft touches kept Dominic's face pressed to his shoulder, gentle strokes to his hair, firm, rapid strokes of his cock as Lionel's thumb started stroking over the head.

Wanted to speak but didn't, knowing it was the medication talking, and instead, he just stroked harder, flicking his wrist gently and stroking down faster.

"S-S-sir," He gritted out as he moved into the hand, and all he wanted to do was wrap his arms around that long, hard chest and hug him tightly close to him as he touched him. Touched him because Mr. Luthor wanted to touch him, and it had been so long since anyone had wanted to that he was so close, so fast. "Close, M-Mr. L... close, close." He was seconds away from orgasm and he knew it, and he had a dark, unhealthy suspicion that if he did, he'd be in trouble. That this was all some sort of mine game and he was probably fired already, and his throat bobbed, back arching into the tight hand around him.

If he was fired, damn, what a way to go.

"Good. It's all right." He stroked both hair and cock faster, his free hand slipping down from Dominic's hair to wrap around and tug gently at his balls, not to stop orgasm but to encourage it. "You can come." Words whispered directly into Dominic's ear, and the hand stroking Dominic's balls let them go for a moment and somehow, a linen handkerchief appeared in Lionel's hand as he stroked Dominic's cock.

His head fell back with the soft, soft words and he arched, clamping down on his vocal cords as he came.

Thick ribbons exploded from him and he gave a cry without a single sound spoken, mouth trembled open and his body tense as he came into Mr. Luthor's hand. Explosion of pleasure all over his body, pleasure that he'd been without for a long time, and he thrust his orgasm out into the large, lovely hand, finally allowing a very, very soft moan of pleasure, green eyes still tightly closed.

Lionel gave a very soft grunt, stroking the hot fluid out of his lover's cock and into the cloth in his hand. Careful to collect everything and make sure nothing dropped, he let Dominic thrust into his hand, softly milking and making sure that everything was out.

When he was sure, Lionel used a corner of the handkerchief to wipe Dominic's shaft clean, and then slowly let go, dropping the used cloth into the trash and picking up the brandy he'd poured earlier. He took a drink, then wordlessly offered the glass to Dominic. "You can leave whenever you're ready," he said softly.

He was shaking, breath sliding in and out of his lungs in hard, gasping sounds, and he stared at the older man in something akin to shock, pleasure, more shock... more pleasure, and he took the glass, tossing the entire thing back in one swallow.

Lionel gave a small grin at that. "I can appreciate a man who can hold his liquor, Dominic."

He swallowed, struggling to catch his breath as he handed the glass back, and swallowed again, twice, as he tucked himself back into his pants carefully, and he was flushed hot as he looked at his shoes.

Lionel Luthor had just jacked him off in his office.

The richest man in the world. Had just. Jacked him off.

He was... understandably, in shock, though the arousal, the erotic wonder of the experience left him deaf, mute, blind, swallowing and struggling to remember his manners as he struggled with his breath, grunting softly in his chest when his fingers brushed a still hot, satisfied cock as he tucked his shirt back in. "Th… thank you, Mr. Luthor."

"You're welcome, Dominic." He refilled the drink, and offered it again silently. "It was quite... a good experience. One that I intend to enjoy again, unless you have any objections?"

Ughumpher. "N-no. No objections." He said it quickly, shaking his head softly at the drink as he re-buttoned his shirt with shaking hands. "Th-thank you, sir. I... I should go. Work to... to do." A pause. He'd worked for the man for five years, and he... he felt he could ask something like this, and not get beat in the head for it, so he said softly, "Why me, sir?"

That was a fair enough question, and Lionel felt that he owed the young man a truthful answer. "Because I've noticed the way you look at me when I think you're not looking. And because I have faith in the fact that you can become a force to be reckoned with. All you need is a little training, a little faith, and someone willing to drive you to the brink. I am taking you under my wing, Mr. Senatori. This is all part and parcel of the job, if you accept it. Unofficial promotion to my personal assistant, your own office instead of the communal one you now share, and greater responsibilities."

Okay. Blow the boss and you get a raise.

The bubble of hysterical laugher rose in his throat, but thankfully it wasn't given voice to as he clamped down on it, swallowing hard as he stared at Mr. Luthor for a moment, and just… he nodded. Twice, three times. "Sir, yes. A hundred times yes. I would very much like to be your personal assistant, and I know I will make you proud."

"Yes, you will." Lionel paused. "Just so you know this, but this wasn't the reason why. This was only a test, Dominic. Don't presume to think you can suck your way through the ranks, because it won't work. Stop by Carolyn's desk on the way out and pick up your forms; I expect to see them turned into Personnel first thing in the morning."

"I don't..." His eyebrows furrowed as he looked down for a moment, and back up. "I've never done anything like this before, Mr. Luthor. Before just a few minutes ago, I doubted I ever would." He nodded carefully and tugged his jacket on, straightening it as he watched the older man quietly. "Thank you, sir, for the opportunity to work with you. I'll work very hard, you won't have to worry about that."

"I know you will, Dominic. I've had an eye on you for quite some time now. You were the perfect choice."

"Thank you, sir." He motioned towards the door. "Will you be needing anything else, Mr. Luthor?"

"Not today, no. But first thing in the morning, Carolyn will be turning over my scheduling to you, and it will be up to you to inform me of the day's meetings and such."

Which meant he'd be stopping by the store on the way home for a new appointment ledger. But he was good at keeping things in order in his head, and he'd continue to do so. Except now he'd do it for Mr. Luthor, and the chance to be beside him everyday, working with him... doing what they'd done tonight again, was enough to put a smile on his face. "I look foreword to the challenge, sir. Thank you, again."

"I have no doubt that you'll excel, Dominic." Lionel nodded in acknowledgement. "You're free to go until tomorrow, at which time I expect you promptly at eight. I will likely already be here."

"Yes, sir." Dominic nodded at him carefully and turned, leaving the office. He closed the door quietly behind him and stopped in the hall, taking a gulping, swallowing breath and squeezing his eyes shut. Pinched his thigh.

Wasn't dreaming.

Oh, Jesus.

- = -

Several years had passed since Dominic had first started working closely with Lionel. It had been beneficial to them both, and Dominic was turning into a very capable man sought after by other executives.

Lionel refused every offer he received for Dominic's services, because he had absolutely no intention of letting the younger man out of his clutches.

And that was the gist of the phone call he had just taken, and hung up on. He'd all but told Harry Hardwick to go and fuck himself, because Dominic was staying with him.

And he wondered, exactly, why it was that the thought of losing Dominic to someone else--anyone else--filled him with such a burning rage.

It only took him two seconds to hit the intercom that linked his office to Dominic's. "Dominic, could I see you in my office please?"

"I... sir." The voice was cheerful and a moment later Dominic popped his head in the door, peering around the hard wood. "Hold on just a moment, Mr. Luthor, I've got the Ambassador from Russia on the phone. I'll be done in just a moment, and I'll be right in."

"I don't care. Now."

Uht oh. Dominic's throat bobbed and he glanced back at Carolyn, pointing to the phone and stepping into the door.

In the years he'd been working for Lionel his chest had broadened, and he'd lost that terrified little boy look he'd sported for so long. He was still slender... too slender, but he wasn't the bony boy he once was.

Turning thirty this summer often did that to a man.

He shut the door behind him and blinked, looking at his employer quizzically as he swallowed and looked at the ground, shifting uneasily. "I'm sorry, sir. What can I do for you?"

"Make sure the doors are locked, and have a seat, please." He clasped his hands on his desk, and watched.

His eyes appreciated the slim lines and the larger chest, the body that his young assistant had finally developed and grown into, and that realization blossomed something inside of him.

Jealousy was a new emotion for him, and one which he did not wear well.

Dominic blinked and locked the doors after him, making sure the damn thing caught before he turned and walked towards the desk, settling himself in the seat before the desk. Mr. Luthor was rarely demanding these days, and it shocked him at the sharp words from a moment ago, as he shifted and swallowed. "Yes, sir." Didn't dare say another word, shifting and setting his hands in his lap before staying still.

"I've been taking numerous phone calls over the last week from other corporations trying to lure you away from LuthorCorp. Should I be worried about your loyalty, Dominic?"

His eyes widened, considerably. Something hard kicked in his heart at the open suspicion and his eyebrows furrowed a moment later, as he shook his head quickly. "Sir, I have worked for you for nearly ten years this May. I enjoy my job, and my work, very much. I have not been looking elsewhere, and if I had been, you would have been the first notified that I was searching for other employment."

"I sincerely hope that is the case, Dominic. I... do not like to be betrayed." He glared at the young man. "Especially by someone I have come to... trust, as much as I have you." The pause was laden with several things, none of which Lionel would put a name to.

"And not to put too frank a point on it, but I'm disappointed you would believe something so underhanded of me, sir." Dominic retorted coolly, his eyebrows furrowed and his lips in a tight line. "I have done nothing but show loyalty to you, and in our work, for a decade. I'm sorry you would even be suspicious of me, sir." Carefully respectful at the same time HE TOLD HIM THE FUCK OFF.

"As much as I detest my fellow sharks, they usually do not come sniffing around unless they smell blood. Perhaps they merely think you're dissatisfied with your position, or perhaps not. Whatever the case is, I am tired of it. You work for me; you are my right hand, and I will not give you up. Is that clear?"

The words had the line in the middle of his eyebrows furrowing even deeper, and his thick Irish temper spiked up hard in his heart, his lips tightening even more. "No, sir. I am my own man. I am no one's property. And in so saying, I am an honorable man, and if you truly believe that I am going behind your back, to other men lesser than you, who don't have the respectability, honor, and integrity of you yourself, than perhaps I shouldn't be here working for you at all, sir. I am quite pleased with my work, my job, and my life. I enjoy being here with you, and helping you, sir. However, I will not sit here and be accused of under handed things you seem to be suspicious of."

Soft growl in his throat at Dominic's unspoken threat. "You'll work for me until I say no longer, is that understood." It wasn't even a question. His large hands were flat on the desk, fingers stiff with the refusal to curl in anger.

"No, sir. I'll work for you until I say no longer." Dominic shot back, and oh he was pissed. He had done everything for this man, and to be accused, outright, of doing something so foolish as to GO looking for another JOB was ludicrous and he wouldn't stand for it.

Calm. So calm. "Come here, Dominic. Now."

He was pissed, fuming, and he glared at him from his seat.

"Do not make me come and get you, Dominic."

Fucking hell. He climbed to his feet and came around the desk, trying to keep his face blank even when he was hopping mad, and his jaw clenched tightly as he stood before the man, hardly able to look at him.

Lionel stood in a single sweeping movement, pushing the chair out behind him as he rose. He pinned Dominic against the wall, hands fastening in the strands of short hair on his lover's head, and for the first time, he kissed. Hard and rough, tongue pushing in with no thought of whether it was wanted or not, just knowing it was good and he kissed.

And probably for the first time in his long life, Dominic was speechless. He was pushed against the wall, and rather then the blow he'd expected... this. Strong, experienced mouth diving and pushing and kissing him as hard as anyone had, and it took him a moment to respond, because he couldn't... believe what was... happening.

But this he knew how to do. And his fingers reached up and fisted in Mr. Luthor's hair, tightly, and kissed back. Just as hard as he was, tongues diving and tangling and the first time. No mouths had ever been involved, other than Dominic's on his employer's cock. He stroked and soothed, bit and tingled, and his head fell back in submission to the torrent Mr. Luthor was unleashing on his mouth.

Lionel grunted softly as hands twisted in his hair and it sent surges to his cock that he'd long forgotten about. He wanted more; he deepened the kiss, sucking Dominic's tongue as it entered his mouth, licking over it, scraping his teeth over it, and grinding against Dominic as he was pinned against the wall.

Soft, soft whimpers and he was supposed to be angry. Supposed to, but the man was grinding his cock against him for the first fucking time and he let out a cry into Mr. Luthor's mouth, arching up and sending their hips into contact, their cocks. His fingers tugged and yanked him closer, taking as he received, kissing hungrily and hard as he tried to breath and almost couldn't. Oh, God.

So. Good.

This soothed. This soothed the hot jealousy that fired in him and he didn't relent. His hands moved from Dominic's hair to his hips, holding him still and thrusting hard against him, growling softly at each breathy whimper from his lover's throat. His mouth still hungrily devoured Dominic's, and the harder he kissed, the deeper, the more his tongue possessed his lover's, the more he was soothed, and he sucked hard.

The pleasure was intense, outrageous, and he could come from this, just...this, moving and feeling the hard heat rolling against him and he could barely breathe. Each one he sucked in was followed by a sound of need, of ache, his body shuddering in pleasure and not even knowing if he was going to be fired--

Oh. So there was the anger.

Did Mr. Luthor think he was some bitch that could be claimed by a kiss? Even if it was the kiss to end all kisses, and his hands viced in hair and tried to tug away. Except somehow, even as he pulled, their mouths kept meeting again, over and over, and oh, yes, mm hmm, he was the one who moaned.

"No," is the only thing Lionel said when Dominic tried to pull away. "No." His fingers tightened on Dominic's hips, rocking forward, sucking harder as he moved his mouth and bit lightly on Dominic's throat before moving back up to his mouth. "No." His hands and his mouth claimed as hard as he could, body thrusting into the hot, hard body pressed against the wall.

His head fell back in total submission as he let out a soft cry. The head had rubbed his own when Mr. Luthor had stroked against him and he let out a gasping cry of pleasure, his head snapping back and thudding against the wall as he arched. One leg came up to anchor around the older mans hips and keep him close as they moved and he was close but so far off at the same time and he kissed back, mouth moving under his and sucking, kissing hard. Tongue, teeth, lips, the raspy feeling of his goatee and Mr. Luthor's beard scratching against one another, the soft skin rubbing and the mixture of Mr. Luthor's cologne, which Dominic was crazy over, and his own mixing with the heady scent of pre come and healthy sex made his head swim.

Lionel wanted more. He did. His hands squeezed hard on Dominic's hips, letting Dominic kiss him before pulling away enough to move his mouth to the young man's ear. "Turn around," Lionel answered softly, coupling it with a gentle thrust up, giving every clue as to what his intention was. He wanted to say please, but didn't. He didn't beg. He ordered.

Oh, God! Oh, GOD! He hadn't had a lover since he'd moved out of Ethan's apartment, almost a year and a half ago, and the thought...yes! And it was him, and Dominic had never wanted so much in his life as he moaned, harshly, and turned, shaking in pleasure and want as his palm came down and stroked over his cock still in the confines of slacks, and he had to get his suit jacket off. He struggled with it a moment and it fell with a plop and did he ever not care.

Mr. Luthor was making a point. And Dominic wasn't dumb enough to miss it. But he knew better than to speak, whimpering softly in want as he faced the wall.

Lionel kicked the coat to the side as he leaned against Dominic's back, cock hard through his slacks and thrusting along the curve of his lover's ass. His hands braced on the wall, weight doing the job of pinning Dominic against the wall as he rubbed, and harsh pants came with his next words. "Do you want?"

"Yes, sir, yes," He hissed as he pressed back into the cock rolling against him and he whimpered. Too long and he wanted something, someone, pounding into him, and he bent over further, exposing himself against Mr. Luthor's thrusts and uh, God, yes.


And couldn't find himself to be as he thrust backwards, gritting out, "I... want... to be... here. Don't ever... doubt... again."

"I won't." Lionel ground his cock into Dominic's ass, then gripped his hips tightly. "Over my desk, now." He pushed the young man there gently, going into the bottom drawer and bringing out condoms and lube, always kept there since his marriage, because Lillian had, when she had been in health, made surprise visits to his office when he worked late. He'd never found it in himself to throw them away, and now he was glad.

He pulled out one of the slick rubber sheaths and rolled it on over his erection as he waited for Dominic to bare himself.

Lionel Luthor was about to fuck him over his desk.

Surprises never ceased with this man, and Dominic had learned that early on as his hands flew to his belt, yanking it open and bringing his pants and boxers down his hips before leaning over the desk, not saying a word but begging with each movement as he lay flush against the pine, papers he knew would be ruined caught under his flat belly, and his eyes opened as he looked directly at the black pencil holder as he spread his legs and thighs, his body shaking in anxious pleasure.

He wanted Mr. Luthor to hurt him. But he would never, ever, voice that in front of this man. One fantasy at a time.

Lionel leaned over the young man's back, slick fingers probing and finding his lover's tight opening. One digit slid in first, then a second, stroking and scissoring together, stretching the tight muscle open in preparation for accepting his cock. His mouth sucked at the base of Dominic's neck, biting and marking him right below the collar line.

Marking him as his.

His cock was hard and throbbing, he knew that Dominic wasn't stretched quite enough, but he couldn't wait. Lionel's hand pulled out of his lover, and guided the blunt head of his cock against Dominic's opening, and made sure the rubber covering him was slick as he pushed forward.

Shattering cry as he reared back and he pushed himself back flat against Lionel's crotch. Took him in in a single swallow and he was so big and he was GOING TO COME. He reached underneath himself and wrenched at his balls to keep him here, keep him from coming as he squeezed around the hot, thick length as hard as he could. He was shaking with want and pleasure and his hair stood on ends, nipples tight, hard little pebbles and his cock throbbed as he situated himself. And whimpered.

The bite on the neck had done it. Done him in. Bite and suck and his entire neck and back tingled from it, only making his nipples all the harder.

Lionel's hands slammed down on either side of the desk, pinning Dominic against the deep mahogany wood as he started to thrust. Deep, penetrating thrusts, to the hilt before he slid to the head, sinking to the hilt before out again, fucking his lover with the entire length of his cock. His hands moved, tightened on Dominic's shoulders as he thrust in, rocking back to slide deeply forward again. From shoulder to waist, and Lionel's arm moved around Dominic's waist, lifting him slightly to drop him down on his cock.

They couldn't scream. He wanted to. But he couldn't. Not here, not in his office, and Mr. Luthor... Lionel. Lionel had never, ever done anything like this before and he was nearly driven mad by pleasure as he thrust back and forth against him, his hips working against Lionel's, the mans arm around his hips and bringing him back and forth.

His hand came down and wrapped tightly around his cock, jacking himself off as lightly as he could without losing his mind as they fucked. What, on Gods earth, had been the reason Lionel had--

Jealousy. He was jealous. Jealous of someone taking him and Dominic let out a cry of pleasure. His ass had not been used like this in quite some time and it hurt--but the pain brought the pleasure to a fine, sharp edge that he loved.

The cry of pleasure brought Lionel's hand down sharply on his lover's ass, reminding him without words to stay quiet as he leaned over, chest pressed to Dominic's back as the fingers of his other hand moved and pinched the roughly pebbled nipples on his lover's chest.

His teeth closed around the mark again, sucking the skin into his mouth and kissing it hard as he rocked forward, the thrusts turning into a hard hammering rhythm as he moved harder and faster.

He came.

He couldn't help it.

The spank on his ass was hard and his entire sheath quaked around the driving organ and he submissed, immediately, and the pinch on his nipples...the suck on the mark, the mark of possession, and then the slam against his prostate, and Dominic was through.

He clenched his palm tightly around his cock and jacked, hard, harder, twice, three times and exploded all over the lovely mahogany of the desk, his own hand, his shirt, his belly...everywhere. Hadn't come so hard in so long and he bit the inside of his lip as hard as he could to stop the wail, breaking skin and a thin line of blood slid down the side of his face as he climaxed.

And the pleasure. The pleasure was outrageous.

Lionel grunted softly as he felt Dominic's sheath rippling around him, then tightening with hard wrenching as orgasm was torn out of him. Completely unexpectedly, his hands tight as he pulled Dominic against him.

He drove himself to his balls inside of his lover, filling the condom with come as he shuddered, stroking shallowly as Dominic's rippling sheath milked it out of him.

He brought his hand around to Dominic's mouth, covering it with his palm as he heard the wail building, then waited until he was done before he slowly withdrew and turned Dominic around.

The blood startled him. "You're hurt."

Okay. They'd just had the most mind boggling sex, and all Lionel had to say was--oh. Didn't… even… notice. He stared at the man for a long, hard moment, and wondered if… no. He could. Kissing like that... he could. He brought his arms softly around Lionel's waist and pressed close, hugging him tightly to him, but only for a moment. Frightened of what wrath he'd incur with it and oh GOD he was boiling and not thinking clearly. He could barely move as he lay splattered on his back, groaning very, very softly in pleasure.

And the purr was not, in any way, under his control.

Lionel didn't move for a moment, but then his arms came around Dominic's waist and squeezed gently, tightly. Yes, he was jealous. He could admit that now, now that he was sure Dominic was his. His hand stroked restlessly over Dominic's back, and kept him close.

"W's good." He grunted, shuddering and he had to sit down somewhere because his knees were about to give out. "So, so good."

Lionel pulled his chair back over and eased his lover down into it, then kissed him roughly on the mouth, licking gently at the blood.

He slid back into his, eyes closed tight, and the assault on his mouth wasn't expected. But delicious. He kissed him back, hard, enjoying every moment of it as he sat down in Mr. Luthor's chair and he was half naked, but the older man didn't seem to mind. Let his eyes flicker open and he reached up to gently touch a shoulder, not daring for more, and cleared his throat softly as he said, "I'm not leaving."

Lionel caught the hand on his shoulder and pressed it there tightly, then went to the liquor cabinet, and poured a glass of brandy for himself and one for Dominic. He held his lover's glass out to him and sipped at his own. "Are you all right?"

"Mm." He muttered, setting the glass to the side as he leaned foreword and wrapped his mouth around the limb cock still hanging out of Mr. Luthor's pants, sucking it easily down his throat. He'd been taught by the master and he sucked, soothed, his palm coming up softly to gently cup his employers balls, rolling them gently in his palm as he mouthed his mouth up and down.

Soft moan from Lionel's throat as his hand stroked through Dominic's hair. He knew the rubber aftertaste had to taste horrid, but it felt too good for Dominic to clean him for him to stop it. He just stroked softly. "You're very important to me, Dominic." He ran his fingers over Dominic's cheek gently.

You're in love with me. You just don't know it yet. He thought softly, as his eyes came up to look at him. The taste was rancid but he didn't care, because as soon as he got past it...there was Lionel, there, for him to taste. And it saddened him so much, because he was such destroyed goods, and he had this man, without having even realized it, caring for him in this way. But he looked away, sucking more, lips flush against soft balls before up again, and he let go with a soft, wet slurp as he looked up. "When again can you be hard?"

Lionel shook his head gently. "Half an hour, possibly a little less." His fingertips still stroked over Dominic's cheek. "Go finish your business with the Ambassador and come back when it's concluded."

A nod, a swallow, and he climbed to his feet carefully. He knew when he'd been given an order and oh Jesus Christ he felt hollowed out and it felt… so good. He hadn't felt this good in so long, because he hadn't let himself. He had forced himself to be numb.

But every little show of intimacy Mr. Luthor showed had the shell cracking, and the real him, the boy inside with the accent and the night terrors and the therapy; the boy who fought not to kill himself upon waking every morning, who was in this living limbo with this person he loved so much, and it was all… breaking. He was going to come out, even as hard as he kept himself together, going to explode and he struggled with it silently, in his heart, as he began to dress again. His shirt was ruined but nothing his jacket wouldn't hide, and he tucked himself in before reaching out and gently tucking Lionel back into his pants, buttoning him back up.

Lionel kept his eyes on Dominic's, trying to read the rapid flicker of thoughts through the emerald orbs. Dominic fixed himself up first, then Lionel, still sitting in the chair behind the desk.

He wouldn't apologize. Instead, he leaned over and placed a quick, soft kiss to his mouth. "I'll see you soon, Dominic..." A pause. "Clear your schedule this weekend. You and I will have some business to take care of; we'll be working out of this office most of the time. There's a small bedroom upstairs where you'll be sleeping."

"Yes, sir." He looked up, at the soft kiss, and gently kissed back, fingertips stroking ever so softly over the older mans face. "Thank you, sir." Just as he said, every time they this. Thank you, for caring enough about him to touch him. And he was rapidly going to embarrass himself, so he climbed quickly to his feet. "Is there anything you need?"

Lionel closed his eyes against the words that wanted to tumble out. "No, Dominic. I'm... satisfied." He offered a small, tiny smile.

"I am, too, sir." A little smile at him and he was going to embarrass himself. Embarrass himself. He was going to break down into tears, and his hand simply came up to gently fix Lionel's mussed, sweaty hair.

And he pressed a soft kiss to a warm cheekbone before disappearing.


"So you see, Jiminy? Being the eager little puppy isn't... always a bad thing. Eagerness is nothing more than veiled initiative. Calm him down and accept him, and I guarantee you, he will excel. Just as my little puppy did." Older and wiser now, Lionel smiled at his husband.

Dominic's eyebrows furrowed, his nose wrinkled, but he grinned, from ear to ear. His large eyes bat innocently as he came around the desk and slid so easily into his lovers lap, ignoring any oomphs he might give and winding his arms around his neck. "Your little puppy loves you, so much. In fact... he has for quite some time, even though his master wouldn't admit to adoring him. And it was just so obvious." He chuckled, pressing a kiss to a soft, warm mouth.

Lionel's arms slid into place around his lover's waist. "No, I wouldn't admit it. But I did. I adored you. I was jealous when other people tried to woo you away."

"Yes, much wooing they did, as I never even got a phone call." Sad sigh as he set their temples together. "I knew you loved me, back then, you know. But I...was a mess. And it was so much easier to hide under the numb shell then ever admit anything to you, you know." He grinned at rubbed the indent of his lovers chin. "We have had some serious fun over the years. Pfft. And Lex tells me I never do. Hah!"

"No, I got all the phone calls." He rubbed his cheek against his husband's. "I love you, Dominic. I truly do."

"I love you too, my handsome lovely. But!" He got up with a flourish. "We must work our little tight buns off for the next.." A glance to the watch Lionel had given him, some three years before. "Fifteen hours."

Groan. "Promise me we'll at least eat something fatty and full of grease for lunch."

"Of course. We'll go and have lunch at McDonald's. We'll also take a break about the time everyone goes home, and perhaps... recreate here in the office."

Sni. Cker. "What a thin veil you hold, my darling." Another pecking kiss and he plopped in the seat in front of the desk, kicking his boots off, tugging his feet up, and setting his laptop in his ...lap, beginning to load it up as he heaved a yawn. "You never answered me. Are you going to come shopping with me when the Farmers Market comes to town or not?" An expecting look. "Pass me a pen, also, if you could love. And you've got a fuzzy thing in your..." He reached forward and absently plucked a white fuzzy out of Lionel's bangs, tossing it somewhere near the garbage and instead it caught on his pants leg as he shifted and got comfortable again.

Instead of picking out one of the pens from the desk, Lionel went into his briefcase and pulled out a long box wrapped in a red velvet ribbon. He passed the package over without a word. "Here you are." He settled back into the chair and set his own laptop up as he started spreading the papers from his briefcase. "I will think about going."

"Ass." But a smile spread over Dominic's face as he took the package, gazing down at it before up. "You didn't have to do this, my love." Yeah, and he looked so happy and couldn't help it, as he fingered the velvet tenderly. "What is it?"

"I suppose you shall have to open it and find out." But a quiet smile played about his lips. "You just asked for it."

Dominic beamed, carefully tugging the velvet strips open of the long, slender box, setting the ribbon aside to carefully put away later, and cracked open the box.

A silver engraved ink pen sat on the little cushioning inside the box. Jiminy Cricket was inscribed on the clip, and on the barrel itself, there was a little engraving of Jiminy Cricket.

Dominic… he just grinned, looking up at his lover and reaching across the desk without another word, wrapping his free arm around his lovers shoulders and hugging him sososososo tightly, kissing his cheek, then his lips, and laughing in happiness as he did it again. "You are too sentimental for your own good. We are just a couple of saps." But he was beaming and he carefully pulled the lid up, smiling at it as he tested it out.

OH! It was one of THOSE pens.

There were pens, and then there were Those pens, and then there were THOSE pens. Lionel knew which were THOSE pens, the inky kind that wrote like a dream, and he did a little dance in his chair in glee as he kept testing it out. "Entirely. Too. Good. To. Me."

"No, not nearly good enough." He opened another little velvet box that matched Dominic's, and pulled out another one of the same kind, exactly the same except for the engravings. Lovely One was engraved on the clip, and on the barrel, there was a small engraving of... Pinocchio. "Because you make me into a real boy."

Oh Jesus and Dominic didn't know whether to laugh or to cry, and did a little bit of both, shucking his work to give his lover another big hug, kissing each cheek, his lips and chin and more lips, and just about died in cuteness as he hugged him. "Entirely. Entirely too sentimental. Christ but I love you. You are a real boy, my real boy. Mine, and mine alone. I adore you, Lionel."

Lionel hugged his lover tightly, squeezing. "I love you, Dominic. You do make me real, and I thank God every day for you."

"Of course I do. Who else but me, eh? God through us together in a melee almost twenty years ago, and the fact that we're still here, and I haven't killed you for being a sod and you haven't killed me for being an idiot really shows something very... very good about who we are as people and what we have between us. Because we're independent and strong, but when we're together...." A big grin. "Lindy says she just about shites her pants every time we're both angry and stalking off somewhere together."

"Mmm. I still like the vision of the four horsemen of the Apocalypse. Death and Pestilence." He nuzzled Dominic's throat carefully. "But now, we work. Because if we work now, we can... not work, later." A soft grin.

"Not work later?" Though he was greatly amused, and rubbed his lips softly against his lovers. "I love you, Lionel Luthor."

"I love you, Dominic Luthor," he said softly, rolling the new name off his tongue.

The first time spoken and he looked up in soft shock, the pleasure roiling through the pit of his belly and tightening everything up as he smiled, very, very softly, at his lover, shyly, as he sat back down and looked at the ground.

Lionel reached out and raised Dominic's chin with the tip of his finger. "You don't have to drop your eyes, Dominic."

"I know." He said softly, dimples winking in his cheeks. "I'm just a little shy."

"Why shy, little cricket?" Lionel picked up his new pen and tapped his lover on the nose with it, an out of character gesture that yet felt... right. "Nothing to be shy about."

Wrinkled his nose and normally he'd snicker and make some comment, but this time… he just looked down, at his fingers again. "Because I like it. I like it a lot. And when I did it… I was hoping you'd like it. And you do. And I'm just shy."

"I do like it. I like it more than I can tell you." He stroked his fingertips over Dominic's lips. "Come on. Let's get to work, before someone catches us making out and attempts to suspend us."

HEH! At that he did snicker, and he looked up, fighting the blush on his cheeks as he got his laptop open. "Let him try."



go on to the next part