
The Memoirs

Smallville fanfic by Kel and Diana

Chapter 15: Lovers' Quarrel

Jonathan shifted. Turned...took a step. Shifted again. Hip to hip...a sigh in his chest. Could he do this? He couldn't do this. He had to do this, for his son and his wife and his family. But could he face someone he'd....Christ. He dragged his fingers through his hair and frowned at--....Lionel. He immediately let his expression go blank, swallowing hard against the instant lump in his throat. Lionel. Tall and elegant, a little more gray, a little more wrinkled, but the same zest for life and the same intensity still flowed around him like a bubble. "Lionel."


"Follow me; there's an unused room down the hall we can appropriate."  Lionel led the way without another word, wondering what in the hell Jonathan had to say to him, after all these years. The room had originally been a lady's solar, but it had been redone as a small office, and Lionel headed straight for the bar and poured himself a large tumbler of scotch, throwing back a deep gulp before turning and looking at Jonathan.  "Would you like a drink?"


"No, I...I have to drive home." And I'd like to get stinking drunk. "I'm sorry for the sudden visit, after all these years."


"I'm just wondering why."


Jonathan frowned a little bit and didn't know what to do with his hands… settling for having them tuck into his pockets. "I wanted to apologize."


"Apologize?"  Lionel let the glass clatter to the bar surface as he turned around and looked at Jonathan.  "I can't imagine what you have to apologize for."


"Yes you can." His voice got a little quiet, and Jonathan met his eyes dead on like the man he'd grown up to be. "Things ended badly between us. I just wanted to tell you hadn't been me. My father refused to let me see y...." He let a heavy breath of air leave him as his eyebrows furrowed and he stared at the floor. "Its not an excuse, but I should have tried harder. I wanted to, but with college...with your coldness, with the changes in my life... it was very hard."


"Hiram Kent refused to let you see me.  That's nothing new.  But you didn't even try, Jonathan.  Hiram told me that you'd asked him to make the break for you, because you didn't think you were strong enough to do it yourself."  He pierced Jonathan with a hard stare.  "I didn't want to believe it at first, but when I didn't hear from you... I had no choice."


"I'm sorry, Ly." He murmured it, and he'd be damned if he'd let his emotions get the best of him. "I didn't. God. You made me so happy, in every way possible...but my father could be a very ruthless man, and you know it. He beat me down with words."


Lionel's hands shook at the mention of the pet name he'd not heard uttered in decades.  "Jonathan..."


"Fag, homo. Cock sucker. He beat me with words, and I almost did it to our children a handful of days ago. Experience teaches, Ly, you know it like I do. I....I gave my permission to them. Gave them a chance we never had." Dammit, and there were the emotions, clogging his chest and making him clear his throat too much. He backed up, started to leave. "So… I'm sorry."


"Don't go."  Lionel's voice was a quiet whisper.  "I'm so sorry, Jonathan.  I didn't know.... didn't know what Hiram had done to you."



~ * ~ * ~



"Yes, Mayor Mackenzie. Yes. Yes, sir., sir, it....--yes, yes, you've got it. Mm hmm. He's fine. Yes. ...yes, I'm feeling better. Yes...I...thank you. Mm hmm. Of course...first thing in the morning. Yes, thank you sir. Mm hmm… bye bye." Dominic hung up with a rapid click, shuddering and remembering why he always put off talking to the man. He could talk his ear off. He sighed, added another recipient of the fruit basket to his list of 12 already and clicked his phone off, stopping to rest a moment. Lionel. What on God's earth was he planning?



~ * ~ * ~



"No, of course you didn't." He kept his distance, because if he got too close he'd make a fool of himself. He had his pride, his dignity. If that's all he had. "I still should have tried. I should have, and I made a fool of myself and of you. I let you think for all these years that I didn't want you, when...when in fact I've never stopped caring. I have Martha now, Lionel, and I love her more then this world. But for know what part of me you have. And you always will."


Lionel crossed the small room quickly, pulling Jonathan into his arms.  "I did the same thing, Jonathan," Lionel confessed softly.  "I let you believe for how long that I despised you, when... when I never stopped caring for you.  I was angry, I was hurt, I was saddened, and I let that guide me for far too long.  You have Martha... I have Dominic and my son... but you will always be important to me, Jonathan.  You will always have a special place in my heart, though we'll never have what we had before."


Behind Jonathan's shoulder, Dominic was slowly crumbling. He'd just wanted to make sure they were all right, to ask Jonathan if he'd like to stay for dinner. To check and make sure that no blood had been shed. Instead...instead he was met with Lionel's arms in a tender embrace around a barely weeping man, Clark's father, holding on and soothing, whispering and rubbing his back.


"I wish things would have been different, Ly. It hurts me everyday." He pressed close, breathing in the familiar scent of soap Lionel hadn't stopped using for twenty years, and suddenly... suddenly he felt 19 again, with the furious, heavy love of someone in his heart that ached with every thrum.


A love for Martha he couldn't explain.


Something...a weight had been pushed off his heart with this apology, this mending of relationship that just fueled his heart and mind. God. What it was to be carefree, even for a moment, again.


"Don't waste your time wishing for things that can't be, Jonathan," Lionel said softly, his cheek pressed against Jonathan's hair.  "You have a much better life with Martha than you could have had with me, and Dominic is to me what Martha is to you. We will be friends again, special places for each other always held in our hearts."  A noise from the doorway, and Lionel looked up to see Dominic.


A hundred thousand thoughts flew through Lionel's mind as he stared at his beloved in the doorway, and all of them centered on the fact that if the look on Dominic's face was any indication, he'd just destroyed the only love remaining in his life.


Embrace of lovers.


He wasn't going to act like a spoiled child. They were all adults here, all grown men, and his voice was even and calm...almost cheerful as he spoke. A visage of carelessness thrown over tight anger he was keeping in check by a thread. He met Lionel's eyes, smiling the Businessman's Smile. "Just wanted to make sure everything was all right, I'm sorry to have bothered you." Dominic turned on his heel and left the doorway.


His eyes were wide as he let Lionel go and stared after Dominic. "Oh, no...Ly, shit." He dragged his fingers through his hair, glancing across at Lionel with a wince. "I'm sorry."


Lionel shook his head quietly.  "I need to go to him, Jonathan.  I can't... I won't lose another love.  I never expected to find a love like we shared; I have that with Dominic.  I'm sorry; I can't risk losing that again."


"Go on; go. I have to get home to help my wife cook." He nodded, pushing him a bit towards the door as he followed. "We'll talk again another time." He offered his apologetic look, the Kent Charm Clark had talked about in full swing, and with a final squeeze of Lionel's hand, turned and left.


Dominic had taken a turn, down a long corridor and into the first room he'd spotted. Blind with disbelief, anger; a slew of hot emotions running through his blood like lava. The room... War Room, good as place as any… was cold without anyone there to inhabit it, but he didn't even feel it. Just paced, urging the heat he felt in his skin to go away, to leave him. Deep breaths. Deep.


Lionel didn't look back, returning the familiar squeeze as his attention focused on one thing; Dominic.  A check of his lover's room showed that he wasn't there, nor was he in Lionel's room.  Noise downstairs led him to the war room, and Dominic was standing in the middle of the room, back to the door.  "Jiminy."


"Shut up." Instant reaction, not bothering to turn as his shoulders straightened even more.




The tone had the submissive in him turning, but the name had his anger peaking. He just stared at him, waiting for words as he clenched his hands at his sides.


"I know what you're thinking, Jiminy.  And it's nothing like that."  Lionel walked slowly towards him.


"Oh, really?" He spoke evenly and calmly, despite the war waging in his mind. "He was your lover and you didn't tell me."


"I told you once that I knew Jonathan Kent intimately.  It didn't end well for either of us; he came to apologize."  Lionel continued moving towards Dominic.  "Twenty years ago, Jiminy."


Cool fury, breathing slowly through his nose. "You were holding him. You had your arms around him like you hold me. You were whispering into his ear, like twenty years was nothing. You can't tell me you don't still care, because I'll call you a liar."


Lionel stopped abruptly.  "Yes.  I do still care for him, and I think that I always will.  But what he and I had is in the past, Dominic... and it's nothing like what you and I share now."


Dominic turned again, hands shaking with what he was feeling, and he looked down to calm himself down, to get his control back. "I thought I'd been your first. I thought you'd never had another man... that I was bringing something new to you. But I wasn't, not at all. You had a farm boy, just like your son. It's none of my business to know who you've had, I know that." He turned to look at him. "They're your personal affairs. I wish you'd just told me."


Lionel crossed the physical space between them to stand face to face with his lover.  "You did bring something new to me, Dominic.  No man, no woman, no boy, no one touched me the way you did.  NO ONE has been inside me but you, Dominic."  He shook him gently.  "You were my first lover, Dominic... the first person who made love to me."  He dropped his hands as soon as he'd felt Dominic stiffen under his touch.  "I didn't lie to you about that."


"I know." A whisper, looking down between them at the floor. "I'm sorry I'm reacting like this. I just... I don't know."


Lionel shook him again.  "Goddammit!" he roared.  "How many times have I told you to stop apologizing to me!"


He looked up in terror at the sudden yell, then agony as his shoulder screamed, wincing but not moving a muscle because, oh yes, anger was filling in all the gaps. He shrugged the hands away, stepping back and glaring at him. "Don't ever touch me like that again. I'm not your bitch to be shaken and slapped." He looked away, fury ebbing at the walls of his heart. "Does Jonathan have your mark? Did you cut into him and make him bleed? Does he have a half moon on his hip too, Lionel?"


Lionel dropped his hands as soon as he realized that he'd hurt his lover, but the words flew over him like wildfire.  "You're not my bitch?  The collar, Dominic? The cuffs, the whips? Begging for my cock in your ass, that doesn't make you my bitch?"  As soon as the words were out he regretted them, and balled his hands into fists.  "What do you think, Dominic?  Do you think he does?  Because the answer... is no.  You are the only one to carry that mark.  You... and me.  But I don't suppose that matters."


"It matters too much, you fucking bastard." He turned eyes back to him, all anger, all hurt and fury. He couldn't even answer for a moment, emotion strangling him as he struggled not to think about what exactly begging for his lover did make him, but for some reason it kept bouncing back into the forefront of his mind, cutting off any response he could... until, well, he was snatching the pot on a slim black pedestal and hurling it at his lover, yelling atop his lungs. "You stood there and told me you fucking loved me," He grabbed another antique, this time an old musket ball, and threw it as hard as the first pot. "You asked me to marry you, and then I find you telling your ex-lover, ex-lover who I knew nothing about, to forgive you. Do you want another chance with him, Lionel? Is that it? Want a chance for something new and different?" Fuck you, Lionel, FUCK YOU."


The screams and rages, the crashes, and his eyes were very, very wide, his mouth silent as Clark swallowed and tried not to listen too much. "Oh boy."


Lionel ducked the brass vase as it was thrown at him, the midsize musket ball catching him in the shoulder and he hissed.  "I don't want Jonathan Kent, Dominic!  He doesn't want me!  He wanted that chapter finished!"  He waded through the stream of flying objects, hissing as one caught him on the chest.  "And yes!  I did ask you to fucking marry me!  How little do you think of me, Dominic?  Do you really think I'd have asked that of you if I was still in love with Jonathan?"


Lex sat on the couch, his attitude not nearly as mild as he seemed.  "Oh boy.  Yeah, that's one way to put it.  My father certainly has a way with words, doesn't he?"


"You could have told me!" Dominic let it out as a half sob and half yell, an old antique gun flying back as he backed away, even as Lionel pursued. "If you didn't care about him you would have told me! If you didn't care you can explain to me while you were holding him like you hold me, goddamn you fucking asshole!" His accent was thick and hard on his words, all the schooling and training he'd had seeming to go out the window… just thick Irish accent and blue eyes filled to brimming and a flushed face.


"Suddenly...." Clark winced as something crashed. "Suddenly realizing that."


"I didn't think you cared to hear chapter and verse of my past affairs!" Lionel shot back.  "I could give you blow by blow accounts of all the people I have fucked--including Victoria--merely to get what I wanted from them, but Jonathan Kent was the one person, aside from my wife, whom I truly loved!  And I honestly didn't think you would care to hear about that!"  Lionel ducked more missiles as they came his way.  "And no, Dominic.  I don't hold him the way I hold you, because when I held Jonathan just now, I didn't want to kiss him, didn't want to slide my hands over his back and press him tightly against me, and I didn't want to feel his naked skin against mine!"  Lionel glared.  "I hold you to me like a precious object, Dominic, because that is what you are to me.  I want you as close to me as you can get."


Lex winced.  "That's... a bit more information than I wanted to know about my father... or yours, for that matter."


"Oh, really? A precious object, am I? Because a moment ago I was nothing but your bitch with collar, begging you to fuck me up my bloody goddamn ass." He snarled back, finally hitting the back of the dark leather couch in the middle of the room with the back of his legs and reached over, grabbing the lamp and hurling it. Too heavy, but the crash was magnificent, and it helped him to let out the bottled fury. Keeping it inside would mean the doom of their relationship… if it wasn’t over already.  "Maybe I don’t want to know about everyone you've fucked. No, in fact, I know I don’t. But when I walk in and find you wrapped around one of them it makes me angry. How would you like it, if you walked in to find me wrapped about my ex boyfriend? How would that make you feel?"


Clark winced visibly. "Or… collars and fucking. Yeah. More then I needed to know." He winced at a louder crash, holding Lex down before he could move. "Let them be. They gotta work this out."


Lionel wanted to walk across and shake his lover violently.  "You are a precious thing to me, Dominic!"  He truly itched to do someone physical violence, but unfortunately, it was himself he wanted to inflict it on.  "And if I saw with someone else?  I'd have him killed.  Painfully so.  Nobody will touch you, Dominic, not so long as I love you."  He growled softly.


Lex pushed against Clark, knowing full well he couldn't budge his lover if he tried.  "Clark... that's my father in there.  Despite the fact that I still want to kick his ass for having those meteor rocks in the factory... I don't want him killed.  I don't want Dominic to kill him and frankly... Dominic is proving to be far better for him than I would have ever thought and I don't want to see him throw it away on his temper."


"Godamn liar! Bloody bastard!" But the words were coming out in hitching sobs more then screams, and his muscles were slowly going lax. "You'd have him killed, but you expect me to just forget what I just saw? Is that it, Lionel? Do you just want me to forget it? How can you stand there and say you love me, and yet you lie? Eh?" He hissed it fiercely through tightly clenched teeth, urging himself not to break down, to stay strong. If Lionel looked at him one more time with those horrible, sad eyes he was going to stab himself. "I love you, and saw you hugging your past lover like it was yesterday, Lionel, I SAW you with him and it was like how you looked at me."


Clark shook his head, wonderfully lovely brown locks flying. "Sorry." He squirmed an inch, getting further onto Lex's back where he was currently perched. Lionel and Dominic's yells and bellows were loud in the hall and the adjacent room, and with each painful word spoken Clark held him down further. "You gotta let them deal with it, Lex. Its good for them to argue."


"Lie, Dominic?"  Lionel advanced slowly on his lover, ducking the various missiles still being hurled his way.  "When, exactly, did I lie to you?  When I said that I loved you?  When I said that I still cared about Jonathan but that it is NOTHING compared to the way I feel about you?  Just where, exactly, did I lie?"  He stopped a few feet away.  "I gave you a bath, Dominic.  I held you close to me and I asked you to share what's left of my life with me, and you think that I am lying to you?"  Lionel stiffened, drawing himself up and shutting down.  "I am sorry you feel that way."


Lex sighed as he stilled under Clark.  "Arguing is one thing, Clark.  But this?  This is beyond that.  Dominic... Dominic just called my father a liar and I know how he's going to react to that; he's going to shut down and walk away and flush whatever is there down the toilet and I don't want to see that happen.  I just got my father back; I don't want to lose him again."


The tears came. He'd tried to hold them at bay, but he hurt so bad, heart and body and soul, and the sob was low and hard as he clenched his eyes shut. A moment...two. Filmy eyes opened and tears tumbled down from the lids to trail his face. "Please don't. Don't. Lionel...I'm jealous. I'm jealous. Please, please don't."


He leaned in and nipped an ear in his vicinity, nipping softly at it. "It'll work out. Dominic's not dumb, Lex. He's been right there at your dads side for the last. .what? Like, ten years? He knows how to work your dad, he KNOWS him. He loves him for it. So.'s...yeah. I mean, it has to be. Okay, I mean."


Lionel still held himself stiffly for long moments, and then softened, going towards Dominic and stopping a few steps away.  "I--Dominic."  That was all he could think to say, and then he slowly slid down to his knees and rested his head against Dominic's thigh.


"More like fifteen," Lex murmured.  "And Clark... I hope you're right.  I sincerely hope so."


Dominic ducked his head, not touching...daring not to, not with his shaking hands, not when he knew, if he let his fingertips slid through those silky locks of hair, he was going to break down. And that was seriously something he didn't want to do. "Please tell me I'm not your bitch. Please." His voice was still thick and accented, like honey over an open fire, delicious and warm and quaking.


"I'm almost always right. Right?" Clark smiled that kinda sad, sideways smile he always had when he was trying to make light of a situation. He nuzzled the back of his lovers neck with his nose, sighing into the skin. "I hope it works out."


Lionel closed his eyes.  "You're not my bitch, Dominic.  You... you are the most precious thing in the world to me; I love you.  I want... I want to share my life with you, if you're still willing to."


The quiet had Lex sighing deeply and reaching around his back, seeking Clark's hands.  "You're always right, baby."


He thumped down to his knees and wrapped his arms tightly around his lovers arms, pulling him in and burying his face into his neck. Tight, tight hug, as tight as he could, rocking back and forth and damn his emotions, DAMN them. "I love you. I love you with my entire heart. I don't want to live life from dream to dream anymore..I want to be with you. I want to grow old with you. I want to sit around, eating cheetos in the chato by the lake, talking about how damn idiotic the president is. I want to loose my teeth with you..I want to go bald with you. I want to build dreams with you..I want children with you. Lionel. I want you, I want you."


"Nah. I'm only right about...." His smirk was priceless. "I'm usually right." He tugged Lex up into a seated position, taking a hold of his hand and rubbing it with both of his for a few long moments. "They got quiet."


Lionel reached blindly for his lover's hand and brought it to his chest, resting it first over his heart and then sliding it over to his nipple.  "Just because you said you wanted it, Dominic."  He wrapped both his arms around his lover.  "I'm sorry, Dominic.  I should... I should have told you, should have done something different.  I swear to you, I won't hurt you again."


Lex brought Clark's hands up to his mouth.  "I'm hoping, very much, that that is a good sign and not a bad sign."


His eyes, rimmed with red, got very, very wide. A flicker up into Lionel's...watching the warm puppy, chocolate brown with shock...denial...undeniable arousal and astonishment as his thumb traced the ring. "L...." His breath stuttered out, lungs empty, just watching him like an owl as he stroked, touched, explored.


Lionel slipped his hands over Dominic's back, careful of his healing shoulder.  "Forgive me, Jiminy.  Please."


"You..." He looked up again, right into his eyes, watching him...hissing with the touch and leaning in without knowing, pressing his face to his lovers upper chest. "God, Lionel. How can I not? How can you care about me like this? How? How did it happen, where was I when you fell in love with me?"


"I love you; I don't know how, why, or when; I don't question it, Dominic.  I just... don't want to lose it.  I can't.  I can't lose you."


"You won't. Don't you remember what I said? Until I die, I'll love you." He cupped the soft cheeks, rubbing the skin and prickly hair with his thumbs. "We had a fight. Couples fight. We fight, because we're human and we have to, to stay sane. But Lionel..." He touched his nipple again, where it was swollen and hard under his fingers. "This? You...this." And the last word was huskier then the rest. He swallowed hard, looking up...and did the only thing he could think of.


He leaned in, and pressed his mouth softly against his lovers.


Lionel hissed softly as Dominic massaged the slightly sore nub in his fingers and returned the kiss desperately, his hands pressing Dominic close as he attempted to devour his lover's mouth, tongue thrusting, tasting, scraping Dominic's mouth as he pressed his body closer.


Oh, God. It was like someone lit a match deep inside of him, and suddenly had had his lover pressed back into the back end of the couch, shoving him hard and following right behind to devour his throat and shoulders. Hard nips, soothing licks, sucks at pinpoints of skin that aroused him. The pulse point, laving at it with the flat of his tongue, feeling the heart under his begin to beat faster and faster. "Love you...Lionel, God..." He groaned it, still rubbing the hard nipple under his hands, the ring, and it was the most thrilling feeling of his life. To know his lover had just gone and.....for him. God.


Lionel molded himself as Dominic pressed against him, closing his eyes for long moments and pushing away the ball of tears that threatened to blind him and choke him.  "I... God.  Dominic, I love you.  I wouldn't... do anything to hurt you, I swear it."  He clung tightly, his back arching slightly and pressing their bodies even more firmly together as he gave himself to his lover. 


"Never, never baby, never, I swear to God, never," he said it against warm, supple skin, kissing hard and sweet and loving. He sucked his lovers lower lip into his mouth, chewing on it, sucking at it, as his body writhed close. Thank you, God, for painkillers. He didn't feel anything in his arm, just sweet, loving feeling of loose clothes and hard body underneath, of....god...of warm skin, right there under his fingertips as he dragged them over the long sinews and warm body, drugged with excitement and love.


Lionel moved so that his legs were spread and Dominic nestled between them.  "Are you all right?  Are you hurt?  Other than me, I mean?"  He whimpered softly as Dominic touched him everywhere, and he pushed into the delicate touches.  "I... touch me.  Please."


He squirmed in close as he could manage, licking his jaw with his tongue, biting it softly as he shook his head, giving in and rubbing himself up against him, chest and hips and legs and oh GOD a ring, a ring, in his lovers NIPPLE, because he asked for there to be one, and oh, Jesus god almighty. "L..Lionel...want.." He choked on his words because he was sucking at the oposite nipple through his shirt, mouthing around the little nub before sinking his teeth in around it.


Lionel raised his arms, squirming a little and arching as Dominic nipped him, twisting as he worked under his lover's body.  "What do you want, Dominic?"  He pushed himself up on his elbows, sucking Dominic's ear.  "I'll give you anything."


He breathed heavily into Lionel's own, grasping the long hair between his fingers and that was it. That. Was. It. He climbed to his feet and grasped Lionel's hand, dragging him up to his feet as best he could while kissing him and trying to hump his warm, intoxicating skin. "Bedroom, b-be..." Harsh gasp for breath, linking his arms around his lovers waist.


Lionel wrapped his arms around Dominic's waist and pulled him close, facilitating the kissing.  "Yes... now."  He pressed his face into Dominic's throat, licking the hollow at the base of his Adam's apple softly.  "Can you... climb?  Or should I carry you?" 


Oh, God. The blood drained out of his face and down into his cock, and if it wasn't hard before, he was godamned rigid now. He thrust helplessly, watching him with that quiet way he had when he wanted something very, very badly but didn't quite have the nerve to say it, slamming the door to the office open as he raced his mouth over the ample chest and glorious face.


At the slam he was at the door to Lex's humble office in a split second, peaking out into the hall....and when he looked back at said lover, he was blushing from the roots of his hair to his toes.


Lex raised an eyebrow.  "What did you see, lover?"


Lionel steadied himself against the wall as he lifted Dominic into his arms as he nodded for Dominic's arms to go around his neck.  "Hold on to me, lover."


He hissed and did so, stopping a second to nuzzle in close to restore his energy for just a moment. A caught breath. He linked his fingers around his lovers neck tightly and it gave him the perfect vantage to snake his fingers in between two unbuttoned buttons and rub against the hoop attached to his lovers nipple. A tug at it...harder, then fingering the places where it entered and left.


"You know the whole part about how they say kids should never see their parents go at it, cause its a therapy inducing experience? Lex, babe, you're screwed up enough." He let the door close behind him, grinning sideways and chuckling. "They made up."


"You got a nipple ring for me, Lionel." the words just...came out, and he was ducking his head to catch the gold ring between his teeth...and tug.


Lionel moaned softly as Dominic's fingers found the silver ring and pulled at it, and then cried out softly, almost dropping his lover as Dominic's teeth closed around it.  "Jesus!"  He pulled Dominic closer as he negotiated the stairs, barely stilling the thrust of his hips as he nudged the door to their room open.


Lex cleared his throat.  "Screwed up enough?  Are you telling me they're having sex in the hallway?  Now this I have to see," he teased, crowding his lover in the doorway.


And there they were. Dominic bucked up...they lost their balance, and he dropped down to his feet just barely, leaning against the wall at the top of the landing with a cry of agonized pleasure. Press in and he tugged Lionel's mouth down, into his neck, to lick and kiss even as he scratched his nails down his back and into his ass. Push IN and their erections were aligned, pressing together and tight, and he let out a barely restrained groan of want.


He was trying to cover Lex's eyes. Really. Valiant to the end. "Lex, no!"


Lionel hooked his leg around Dominic's and tugged so that Dominic landed against him as he thrust forward, rubbing their aligned cocks together.  "In the room... got more surprises for you," Lionel hissed softly, tongue snaking out to lick Dominic's ear and down his throat to nip softly.


Lex smiled as he ducked and looked, but by the time he was able to see past Clark, Lionel and Dominic were out of sight on the stairs.  "I am glad they've made up."


"No..." A hiss and he didn't sound like a slutty man pretending to fight it, right? Right. ", want to make scream...LIONEL!" The cry was loud and furious into his lovers shoulder, fingers rubbing against every inch of skin he could find...shoulders, neck, then down under his shirt to rub the sweating, warm skin.


"Are you? Really?" He glanced down at him and tucked his hands in his pockets, brow raised. "It doesn't bother you that your dads about to...." Another blush, like he was still naive. "You know?"


"You will make me scream, I swear," Lionel whispered.  "These things will help, trust me, please."  Lionel returned the fevered kisses, arching into the sweet touches of his lover.


Lex gave a snort.  "I have known since the age of twelve that my father is a sexual creature, and has appetites almost as diverse as my own.  No, it doesn't bother me."


"Yes, yes, yes," A rapid chant, door...bedroom...he toppled in backwards and tugged Lionel right after him, ripping his lovers shirt down his arms...tangle, at the wrists, and his fingers felt like gelatin as they struggled fiercely to get them off. Down...down..the bump through the simple under-shirt, and he groaned as he licked it, moistening the cloth with every touch of his mouth. One hand snaked down, past the waist band....heavily tented bump, and he rubbed it with just the pressure. "Show me, show me."


Lionel pushed Dominic back onto the bed and stripped quickly, pulling his clothing off over his head and over his hips before standing naked before his lover, silver nipple ring glinting in the light.  Bending over, he reached under the bed and brought out the black bag he'd edged under there earlier and unzipped it, handing objects to his lover.


The fur-lined leather cuffs, the long bullwhip.  The short leather crop, the silicon butt plug, and an oblong black case that nearly filled Dominic's lap.  "Open it."


He was shaking. Yes. Yes, shaking, because, alright, Lionel was naked and the silver was so bright against his skin and was it really his fault when he had to sit up and give it a wide lick with his tongue? No. When he'd finally satisfied himself long enough to look away he looked down into his lap, ignoring the other things first because he was going to lose it, and bad. He took a tentative lick of the dildo gag, mming softly to himself...stroked the leather cuffs, shuddered as he let his fingers slide over the whip. The plug...he nearly stripped to slide it in, but decided better against it. Tonight wasn't about him. No. Not by a long shot. He looked at the black case, frowning a moment...then unclipped it and lifted it up.


Makeup of almost every type imaginable nestled inside the black case.  There was eye shadow, eyeliner, lipstick, lip liner, blush, powder, foundation, and some things Lionel didn't recognize and couldn't put name to.  And tucked to the far side... a straight razor that was honed to a fine edge.  Lionel pulled the lid of the case back and then looked up, waiting for his lover's reaction.


He brought his fingers down and pinched the base of his cock hard, squeezing his eyes shut for a long moment...before opening them again to what he was seeing.


Colors. Subtle, nuetral....a very bright red lipstick the color of blood. Every color he'd ever seen...some he hadn't, and it brought a long, soft moan from his lips.


He had to pinch himself harder when he saw the razor. "L...Lionel.." He looked up, gasping hard as his fingers traced over the subtly expensive display in front of him, shaking with want, trembling with need. " it...?..."


"For you."  Lionel didn't take his eyes off Dominic.  "Everything you said you wanted." 


His breath was catching as he raised his arm up and wrapped it tight around a slim, elegant neck. Brought him in close....a touch to his mouth...a second, soft and inviting, loving and giving. "Oh...Lionel....God, I love you." He murmured softly, dragging his fingers through the luxurious hair as he slowly lay back. "Would..can I please you? Tonight? Please?"


Lionel shook his head, then nodded, swallowing hard as he held his arms out, wrists together, laying them on Dominic's lap.  "Do with me what you will," he breathed softly against his lover's stomach.


His smile was priceless.


With a single sweep all the toys were off the rumpled bed and he grasped Lionel's shoulder, rolling him over into the middle of the bed. He sat up, straddling warm hips, and inch by inch..button by button, he undid his shirt. Watching him, like a hawk intent, licking his lower lip with a sweep of his tongue. Down...done, and his shirt slid off his shoulders gracefully, if not a bit awkwardly. The bandage was smaller, slimmer, linking over his chest under his unwounded arm, around the pit, and across his back. The thick cotton was secure, wonderfully secure, and he thanked God for it as he unbuttoned his dress pants, the erection behind it not allowing it to be quite so graceful.


As he struggled he thrust foreword...slow, soft, catching cock under him in the groove between his ass and cock, stroking again and groaning quietly.


Lionel moaned softly, raising his hands to brace against Dominic's chest, thrusting up gently as he felt his cock nestling into the groove of his lover's body.  "Dominic.  Please..."  His hands slid to his lover's hips, rocking carefully.


"There's no please tonight." A low rumble in his throat, and his pants unbuttoned.. unzipped...he wasn't wearing underwear. He didn't bother to pull himself out because he enjoyed letting his lover want and look, and he leaned in to press a heated kiss to the ample, hard mouth under him, raising both of his lovers palms over his head and linking fingers for a moment to squeeze tight.


Lionel swallowed hard, getting the message that he wasn't to move and nodded once.  "I'm yours," he whispered softly, watching Dominic undress for him as he pressed his mouth hard into the kiss, tongue pushing into his lover's mouth to taste and tease.


Tease? Lionel was teasing. Badly. Skipping in to touch his tongue...sliding away..again..again, and it fueled what he wanted even more. He linked his fingers around the right wrist trapped under his hands....and wound silk around it, light, soft, and with a tug it was tied to the headboard. "You want to tease me, lovely one?" He ground his hips down then arched, twice in succession, so the head of his lovers cock was pressed tight to his tiny hole.


Lionel twisted gently as Dominic half-tied him to the headboard.  "Not teasing... honest... I am yours."  He felt Dominic situating himself and wanted nothing more than to thrust up and impale his lover, but he forced the urge down.  He wasn't slick, Dominic wasn't prepared, and no, he wouldn't hurt his lover, not like that.  "Ple--Dominic."


Did he know? Of course he knew. It only fueled him to grind down more, enjoying the reaction and, of course, his love tight against him. He reared up, taking away sweet pressure, and leaned up close to the headboard to lick Lionel's free hand..fingers, each one given a gentle suck before the wrist was tied as well. "Want to touch me, lover?" Warm in his ear now, for just a moment before he climbed to his feet. Yes, right on the bed. He snaked his belt off, watching his love down between his legs...let the pants drop and leave him naked and hard and wet. It only took a moment before he slid down again, only his hips were much closer to his lovers face, and his eyes, though fully intent on the game, still asked permission. "Suck me, lover."


Still shivering from the gentle service his hand had just received, Lionel looked up at his lover, eyes giving permission for anything.  He opened his mouth as soon as Dominic slid back to his knees, arms struggling against the silk as he raised himself just enough to bring his mouth closed around the tip of Dominic's cock.  He sucked, his head moving forward as he slid Dom's cock further down his throat, hands straining to touch and hold.


He reared his pelvis at the sudden feeling, grunting softly as he pressed his palms hard against the wall. "Can tell you're so excited...excited for me." His voice was heavy and guttural, thick with want and feeling, thick with pleasure. "Want me to whip you, Lionel? Tie you up...leave you without a way to come? Let you be blind...desperate with want? Do you want to be you cant see what I'm doing to you?" He moaned it, looking down to watch him, to speak to HIM even if he couldn't speak himself. "Want to be gagged?"


Lionel let his body answer for him, thrusting up with his lower body as his shoulders bulged with the strain to try and free himself.  His nipples were rough and hard, and he rubbed them against Dominic's thigh as much as he could, his mouth never stopping its service to his lover.  The things Dominic was reeling off frightened him, but he wanted them, desperately so, if only to please his lover and know the feeling of trusting someone else so completely.


"Do you want me to tie your nipple ring to the wall? Do you want to be me to fuck you hard with that huge dildo you have in there? Want me to pour hot caramel all over you...suck it off your cock? Want me to slick it inside you? Want to have your gag in your mouth while I fuck you...suck your own cock?" His voice sounded dirty even to him, delicious, and he pulled himself free with another grunt, sliding down...reaching over the bed to the floor. "Close your eyes."


Lionel nodded frantically, assenting to everything that Dominic offered.  He whimpered as Dominic pulled free of him, closing his eyes as bidden and trying to follow with his body.  "I… I want."


The sudden cool cloth was over his eyes...he lifted his loves head a bit and tied the blindfold behind his head, careful not to catch it in loose strands of hair, but it was tight. Tight enough not to come off, the silky cloth smelling of soap and comfort and...Dominic.


As soon as he tied it, he got up and disappeared.


The room got dimmer...heavy velvet curtains falling over the sunlight of dusk. Sudden soft scent and the click of a lighter....then the heady, sweet scent of vanilla and roses. The lights were cut....the room plunged into darkness but for the flickering candles lit around the bed. A click...a cd player whirred to life and the first calm, harmonious notes of Placido Domingo sang out over the room. Then silence, once more.


Lionel inhaled deeply, smelling the scent of his lover on the cloth binding his eyes, and he lost himself in the scent.  As soon as Lionel came back to himself, he realized that he was alone.  But before the panic could set in, strains of music washed over him, and he breathed in the scent of roses and something he couldn't quite place as it buoyed him, and he knew that Dominic was still in the room with him, and he forced himself to relax.  "Jiminy?"


Silence. Pure. Quiet. Then a wisp, soft over his ear, and a gentle kiss. "I'm here. Lie still." He whispered, and he was gone again.


Lionel nodded, but caught himself midmotion and stilled it, his body lying still and quiet on the bed, with the rise and fall of his chest the only motion in the room.


Another minute....two....three, just because it amused him in a very naughty manner to see his lover squirm, the thrill of it bringing him the utmost pleasure. Or something, whatever, it was damn hot. A low sound as he climbed at the bottom of the bed, fingertips dancing over the haired, long legs spread casually apart. How Lionel could even make a sexual sprawl look comfortable was beyond him, but he pressed a kiss between those thighs to award him for it. "You're turned on by this." Soft murmur, sliding his fingertips over the stiff head...over the quivering stomach, and reached in to nip at the belly button.


A silent nod was Lionel's answer to his lover's question.


"Want to touch me? Want to feel my skin under your hands? Want to feel me shake and shudder...want to feel me inside?" Murmur to Lionel's belly as he nipped and bit, sucked and soothed at the always untouched skin that was just too close to the pleasure zone to ever be kissed too much.


More nodding, and a soft moan of Dominic's name.  Then; "Yes... inside," he hissed softly.


It took him only a moment...but there was a sudden heat between his thighs as he slowly lowered himself onto his lover. He'd slipped into a pair of brief underwear, because his torture was high on his list tonight. He settled in...stroked foreword as hard as he could, in the same rhythm they always used during sex except the cloth was their only barrier. "Inside? Deep inside? Thrusting...tight like a fist, hot around you...feel so good..." It came out as a low, throaty murmur.


Lionel growled softly.  "You... inside me," he gritted out, rocking up against Dominic, hard cock chafing against the fabric of his lover's underwear and almost cursing him for putting it on in the first place.


"Lionel...I'm here...I'm here, lover..." deceptively sweet, quiet voice, and he leaned in to gently kiss him, as Lionel had done to him once before. And as that time, when he'd slicked his lovers mouth open, he pressed the dildo in, watching it slide into his lovers mouth with a low, hard groan. "So good...God, yes..." Groan, and he latched it behind Lionel's head, tight and secure. His lover, at his mercy, and wasn't it undeniably fantastic? "Took almost all of your senses, Lionel...." He reached between his thighs and grasped the hard, quaking cock between his fingers, squeezing teasingly and stroking. "So big and hard...feel so huge inside me...oh...yesss..."


Lionel instinctively sucked on the gag as it was slid between his lips, moaning softly in his throat as it filled him.  His tongue explored the contours of the fake cock in his mouth as he twisted into Dominic's touch.  His eyes were squeezed closed behind the blindfold, mouth working hard on the cock in his mouth, and he whimpered.


Then sudden...clamp and he zipped the leather cock ring case around Lionel's erection, kissing his lovers open mouth, despite the toy there between his lips. God. Oh. God. He wasn't going to come. No. No. Not with Lionel like this, panting and moaning uncontrollably.


He climbed up, and left again.


Lionel cried out, his hips bucking with the unfamiliar sensation of his cock being restrained, trying to rub his cock against the inside of the case but unable to.  "im-iny!" he cried out as he felt his lover moving away, and he tried to twist to follow him.  "don't go!  'orry!"


This time he left the room, Lionel’s cries following him, padding down the corridor until he got to the back stairwell. Down the steps...two at a time, until he got to the swinging kitchen door. Walked one. Thank God. He took his time, opening the fridge and pulling what he needed out, biting his lip and hoping from foot to foot in want. Damnit. Damnit. He wasn't a topper! He wasn't strong! He came like a teenaged boy all the damn time! LIONEL WAS SCREAMING HIS NAME!


A beep of the microwave, but he walked gingerly back to the room. Wicked. He was wicked. It took him a moment to walk in...close the door behind him, to the darkness of the room. Completely beautiful, lying there his prisoner. Tied and bound, gagged. God. The sweat sheened on Lionel's skin, and he ached to lick it off.


He'd be licking somewhere else.


Lionel listened for his lover to return, but the music obscured the sounds of anything, but Dominic didn't return.  Long moments passed, and Lionel was breathing heavily, his chest heaving as he fought to suck in air past the gag in his mouth.  He knew that Dominic wouldn't leave him, but he was frightened nonetheless, terrified of his own helplessness, and he had never been so hard in his life.  He knew, he knew this was his punishment for hurting his beloved, and he keened Dominic's name quietly behind the gag.


The candles sheened off every sinew, every strained muscle, and he murmured soothingly as he climbed back on the bed, the bowl lying at his side. "I'm, I'm here." And he was.


Between his thighs.


He lifted each knee up...then let the warm caramel drop down over his lovers body. Over the bound erection, down his thighs, over his belly...down the warm slit of his ass. It took him only a moment, but he slid down that crack...over the tight balls, down...tongue tracing around and around the tiny hole before he slicked inside. He thrust his tongue as far as he could, fingers squeezing the warm thighs as he sucked...nipped around the puckered entrance, and did it again. Again. Again.


Lionel's hips thrust forward onto Dominic's tongue, the feeling of the hot... thick... he identified it as caramel moments later as the smell reached his nose, and then the feel of Dominic's tongue had him whimpering behind the gag, pleading softly as he pushed down gently on his lover's mouth, keening and moaning quietly for more stimulation as his body ached and his nipples tingled.


Again. Again. Twice more, before he let his finger replace his mouth, sliding it in effortlessly with the caramel. slow....deep, opening him up, tracing the walls...deeper still until he could gently rub the prostate. "Like this? This is what you want lovely one?" A harder stroke, gently scratching his fingernail over it.


" 'es!"  Lionel shouted it as loudly as he could, eyes opening behind the blindfold as he felt the physical stimulation, finally.  He shuddered hard, fear receding and pleasure spiking as Dominic gave evidence of his presence, and Lionel wanted more.  More touch, more pleasure, more of his lover.  " 'im-iny... p'ease."


The slim vibrator was just like his finger...except when he slid it in, put it on, and tied the straps around his lovers thighs, he didn't think he'd make it. He himself. He ached to come, and come HARD, and he was sure the teasing was enough. Enough. He made sure the vibrator was pressed against the wall of Lionel's prostate, angling it just so, and rose up. He climbed up his lovers body and sucked the nipple and ring into his mouth, working it in his mouth..sucking hard...the tangy taste of a bit of blood, and he let go to kiss the dots around the new holes. Gentle kisses, the same to the other one, as his finger worked magic inside of himself, opening him up with the candy scented syrup. "Its coming..its want me, love? Do you want me?"


Lionel screamed.  He truly didn't mean to, but as the vibrator slid inside him and rammed against his prostate, tickling it and teasing it, he screamed in pleasure as his entire body locked around the vibrator, his back arching and bowing as he thrust his cock against the cage, aching to come, whimpering and babbling behind the gag.  The intensity only grew as Dominic's wet mouth wrapped around his nipple ring and his raw throat screamed again, cock throbbing in the cage as he pushed up, back almost painfully pushed to snapping as his body ached and he nodded as fiercely as he could.  " 'ANT 'OU!" he cried loudly around the cock in his mouth.


He was going to loose it. Bad. He was going to stick with the plan, but....a little deviation never hurt, not when his lover was screaming for him, not when he felt like he was rammed by a mack truck with intense pleasure. He leaned down and unzipped his lover from the tight leather pouch he'd been confined to...not letting the ring go but taking the leather harness off. He crawled up, angling himself right as he undid his lovers gag, letting it slip away as well so he could lean down and kiss the warm, soft, wet mouth. "Scream for me baby...I'm here...I'm here, see?" He slid down the hard length of his lover. Inch by glorious inch..taking him in deep, as deep as he could go, slow and sure and unprepared and wonderful, riding his bucks and thrusts, the tense muscles under the body only making him touch softer, warmer, gentler.


Lionel keened in frustration as the case was removed from his cock but the ring wasn't.  He worked his jaw rapidly as Dominic ungagged him and he tried to devour the kiss of his lover as a tired jaw and tongue nearly gave out on him and he refused to drool.  Instead he sucked at Dominic's tongue, and then shouted in frustration again as Dominic slid down on him, feeling the hot, wet passage tightly around his cock.  He rocked up, pushing himself into his lover, calling Dominic's name as his hands remained bound over his head.  "Dominic... need you... please, love, please..." he was babbling, he knew it, he was achingly hard and babbling.


He threw his head back and arched, taking on the fast paced, eager rhythm he knew. Pushed foreword with each stroke and it sent his body into waves of pleasure, thrusting hard and sure. And teasingly, with each mangled word, with each desperate sound. Leaned down..pinched the unpierced nipple as hard as he could, twisting it between his fingers and took a chance to look at his blind lover. Gorgeous. Just...god. Gorgeous.


He worked himself, hard and fast and good, and within only a few moments of sliding his lover in...he threw his head back with a roar and came as hard as he'd come in god knew how long. Rough, painful, erotic as all fuck and he looked down to see his come splash onto his lovers belly and chest. Groan, hard groan as he corkscrewed tight...pulling himself off when he was able to, and plopped down next to Lionel's aching, stretched form.




Lionel tried to roll over towards his lover, and was frustrated by the silken ties that held him, and he growled angrily in his throat.  "Dominic... I want... to hold you," he confessed in a throaty whisper, throat raw from screaming.  "I'm so hard it hurts... but I need to hold you, please... let me touch you," he pled softly.


He did. The growl ignited something in him that ached, wanted and feared, and he slid the cock ring off with a little snap. Unsteady fingers undid the scarves holding him tied to the headboard....and he prepared himself for the need. God, and how he wanted it. Craved it. He'd ignited something in Lionel he'd never seen and damnit, it turned him on like nothing else. His cock gave a vicious twitch with each knot undone, until both of his lovers arms were unfastened. He leaned back, terrified and aroused AGAIN and...even more terrified, watching...waiting. Rebellious.


Lionel reached out and dragged Dominic to him as soon as his arms were free, and did nothing more for long moments than hold him, bringing him close and breathing in his scent, almost cuddling him after the hard orgasm.  He still ached; his cock was boiling with the need to come and Dominic was pressed warmly against him.  Lionel kissed him, hard, possessively, claiming him as he remained on his back, Dominic pulled to rest on Lionel's chest.


He leaned in close...sucked Lionel's lip into his mouth softly, holding him just as warmly...securely...tightly. "Lionel...You don't...don't want to come? Baby..." He looked down into his face, pled with him without words. "Please...take your pleasure from me. I...I tortured you...please come...I....did I do it too long? Does it hurt?"


Lionel licked his lover's mouth, breathing in the words as his hands moved to tightly grip Dominic's hips.  "I... am... fine," he growled hungrily.  He rolled Dominic onto his back, making sure that his injured shoulder was pillowed on one of the huge pillows on the bed.  One hand stroked his cock gingerly, slicking it with the presume that flowed steadily, and the other probed inside his lover.  When he was satisfied with the stretch, Lionel slowly pressed himself inside his lover, and thrust hard.  He buried himself to the hilt in a single stroke, eyes burning like coals as he smiled down at his lover and started to ride him hard with thrusts that shook the entire bed frame as he pulled out to the tip and slammed back in to the hilt."


Oh. God. He let out a cry, heavy and hard, eyes rolling back as he wound his legs around Lionel's back. A thrust up, letting him lance in deep, his unwounded hand reaching up to grasp the head board as he let out a vicious, long cry. "Yes! God, YES!" He thrust up with each movement, then down again, moaning loudly in shock and pleasure, filmed eyes watching Lionel's every movement...the wicked smile, the fierce concentration.


The vibrator still whirred inside him.


He moaned loudly, thrashing at the sight, of the dark black straps around his thighs, the nipple ring glinting happily in the candle light. The smell of roses...the heady sound of Domingo's sultry voice shuddering him down to the core.


 Every time Lionel moved, so did the vibrator inside him, and it drove him to pound deeper into Dominic, holding off his orgasm by a sheer act of willpower as he fucked his lover hard, the cries and shouts music to his ears as he hammered, over and over again.  One hand rested on Dominic's hip, holding him still and pulling him hard onto his cock with each thrusting stroke while the other went to grasp Dominic's cock and stroked hard, his thumb almost grinding against the head.


That was it.


Between the look of fierce determination, the black straps so avid against the paler skin, the look on his face as he thrust into him, TOOK him as hard and violent and incredible and erotic as he'd ever done, and Dominic orgasmed out of the blue. Fierce, powerful, and he arched him in a cry of delight and...satisfaction?...sending dancing, stormy eyes up into Lionel's as he pushed up into the hard fingers.


Lionel growled again as Dominic came hard, his hand viciously twisting the spurting organ as the sheath twisted around his cock.  Another growl and he came, pouring scalding hot seed into his lover as he sealed his mouth against Dominic's, sucking hard at his mouth and tongue.


Electricity. It shot through him, all the way to the core as his come splashed his belly and chest, the sounds escaping him gutterel and barely understandable, other then his lovers name. Over and over, shuddering and shaking with the power of those words as his body tightened and every nerve, ever vessel screamed in want as the hot warmth spread inside of him. He clasped his fingers in Lionel's hair and kissed back hard, as hard as he could, bruising both their mouths in the process and it felt so good. So GOOD, just to be like this, coming around each other, from each other...the ache so sweet in his blood.


Lionel kissed back, teeth nipping and biting at Dominic's lips, feeling them swelling slightly against his own as his arms wrapped around Dominic, hot come sealing their bodies together as he started to rock again, head turned into the hands clasping his hair as the vibrator caused his cock to stir again, trying to rise as it was still lodged firmly in Dominic's body.


He was shuddering, pressed tight, waiting for his lover to finish the shallow thrusts into him he always did before lying next to him. Except this time...he didn't stop rocking, didn't stop pushing into him, and his eyes flew open as he felt him swell inside of him again. "L..Lio.."


"Yes?"  Lionel was feeling slightly perverse, now that he could think again, and he kept his face carefully hungry as he moved inside his lover again, the hot buzz of the vibrator in his ass pushing him forward.


No. God no. It couldn't....yeeess. It was happening, but even the realization couldn't get him hard, though his lust said otherwise. Damnit. He was already starting to fill again.  "'re.."


"I'm what?"  He was still moving, still growing inside his lover, cock hardening more with each stroke.


"Youre hard...hard aga--" A shallow rise up to meet him, a keening moan. --"ain...again..."


"Yes... I am..."  Lionel's cock was fully hard, and the vibrator was still rubbing against his prostate and he was slowly going insane.  "And unless... you tell me no... I'm going... to make love... to you again."  Each pause was a deep, slow thrust into his lover's body.


"Oh...Oh I say yes...y..yes...a..and yes..." He was shaking, his eyes still shocked, face open in expression, in feeling, and slowly moved with him, keeping their hips and bellies together, the contact warm and inviting and he'd made Lionel Luthor hard twice in ten minutes. Ohhhh yeah. He grinned up at him with that simple, sweet pleasure, bringing his lovers free hand to his his nipples.


"Kinky." He was grinning up at him, the innitial shock of his erection swelling in him again passing over him to fill his belly with warm pleasure. He met each shallow thrust with a sigh, twisting his hips and nibbling on the soft jaw. "Love you, lovely one."


Lionel sighed softly, purring against his lover's throat as his hips thrust again, rocking back and forth as he thrust.  "I love you, Jiminy," he said softly, arms wrapping around his lover and cradling him close.  Each slow thrust pushed him further into Dominic's body, and Lionel rocked firmly, sliding in and out of him.  He closed his eyes, pressing his forehead to Dominic's shoulder as he made love to him, biting his tongue on the plea that tried to spill out of his throat.


The press just reminded him of his other shoulder, which ached fiercly, making him shudder, which pushed his hips up, which pressed his lover into his prostate, and it was all devilishly erotic. Damn him and his pain fetish, damn him for getting such a kick out of it. He leaned in and pressed his lips to his lovers cheek..his temple...his ear. Soft, gentle, angling his hips up as they writhed on the satiny sheets. His legs spread, open for his lover, the little half moon rubbing against Lionel's birth mark with each rise and fall, each caught breath...each murmured word.


Lionel slipped his hand down to stroke Dominic's stomach, his thrusts speeding up as he rocked inside his lover.  His fingertips rubbed the mark on Dominic's leg as it pressed against the birthmark on his own hip, and Lionel's teeth gently worried the nape of Dominic's neck as his warm hand moved from thigh to cock, wrapping slowly and fisting rapidly as his fingers slipped easily along his lover's length.


He felt the hesitation...he'd been next to this man for twelve years. He caught his cheek and angled his face into him, looking into those dark puppy brown eyes as they moved, as his legs linked tight with Lionel's, as his lovers hot hand wrapped around him. He hissed..lightening need in his eyes, but it warred with the unasked question in them. He let his free fingers slide down the slick flank to massage a hip, bringing him in closer, raising his hips higher.


Lionel moved faster as Dominic brought them closer together, his ass squeezing down hard on the vibrator as it buzzed still inside him.  He looked down into Dominic's eyes, shaking his head softly to reassure him and kissing him deeply, tongue thrusting as deep as his cock as he rocked, squeezing Dominic's cock and stroking faster, determined to bring Dominic off as he came.


The slow, easy love increased to hot passion with the thick kiss. He thrust his tongue inside hard, matching the thrust of his hips up, matching the pace, the rythme of the beat of their hips. Harder but still gentle, erotic but pleasure filled, and he groaned darkly at the touch on his cock....brought his hand down and wrapped around Lionel's hand on him, helping him touch and stroke as the limit danced right in front of his eyes. He'd come too many times tonight..too many times, and he had to work to get there, as much as his body wanted it.


Lionel's tongue slipped over Dominic's, thrusting deeply and then pulling out to slide over his throat and sideways to his ear, which he bit lightly.  "Oh, Jiminy... if you only knew how much you mean to me," Lionel whispered quietly, his hand linked with Dominic's as they stroked his cock together, and Lionel's thrusts grew faster and harder as they rubbed his prostate.


"Lionel..." His mouth was close to his ear as he pressed their cheeks together, hips thrusting hard, aching...aching...feeling Lionel starting to shudder and shake, and he started to jerk in the way he always had before he came. He clenched his teeth tight and thrust up harder..twice...then let out a hard, long cry, goosebumps erupting all over his body as his body thrust up on its own accord, stayed there..and he came hard. Shot all over his lovers belly, all over his own, groaning loudly before toppling back down.


Lionel let himself go, pushing himself completely into his lover's body and letting Dominic's twitching muscles milk the come out of his cock as it filled his lover deeply, crying Dominic's name out softly, over and over again.  His head dropped to press hard against Dominic's before he rolled to the side, still thrusting lazily and emptying himself into his lover as he pulled Dominic against him. 


He rolled....moaned softly and linked their legs. The candles twinkled happily in the dark room, the opera music...the bed. He was sticky with come, rough and used and wasn't it exquisite? God, yes. He felt it on his thighs and meowled in pleasure, rubbing up close as they settled together...limbs every which way, linked. He returned the soft thrusts, tugging Lionel's face into the crook of his shoulder...letting his fingers slide through the strands of hair.


Lionel nestled his face into Dominic's shoulder, arms wrapped around his waist.  "Dominic... can you... take it out?" he asked softly, unsure of himself for once.


He didn't have to ask...he knew. He leaned down, unsnapping the leather after he shut the little vibrator off, and slowly...gently...tugged it out. He let it fall off the side of the bed and pulled him in close, kissing his forehead, his hair, his temples. Ears...the tip of his nose. "Are you alright, lovely one?"


Lionel hissed quietly as the vibrator was pulled out of him, and he felt empty... and slightly sore.  Not a pleasant ache as it had been when Dominic had filled him but subtly different and more painful.  But he wouldn't let his lover know that, his thoughts making the point that it was only because he was unused to playing like this.  Instead, he curled around Dominic, his body unconsciously melding around his lover's like a protective shield.  "I'm fine, beloved," he said quietly.  "Are you all right?"


"Baby..." Something was distinctly off, and he felt it. He tipped his head up, looking into his eyes, because suddenly he was overcome with fear and anxiety that the fight from before wasn't finished, that this had scared his lover, that maybe he'd been too rough for the first time, that he should have let him come, that he should have fucked him, that he should have been more. "Tell me. What is it?"


Lionel raised his head, propping it on his elbow as he looked down at Dominic.  "I just... don't know how you can forgive me," he said quietly, letting his chin rest on Dominic's chest, well clear of his injured shoulder.  "I... I wanted you to do this, don't worry.  I just wanted... to know if you are all right.  With... me.  Us."


It was an honest question, and not for the first time he was reminded of the strength this man had. Just by being himself, his real self. Open, honest, loving. Trusting. "Oh, Lionel." He played very tenderly with the ends of the locks of hair near his eyes, tugging them softly. "I'm alright. With me, with us. More then alright. I just need to make sure about something...because..." He swallowed. "Lionel, you really don't consider me your.....I mean...aside from the love we share, am I too submissive to you? Does it bother you?"


"No, beloved.  I don't consider you anything other than my lover and I hope... my friend."  Lionel turned and dropped his cheek to rest on his lover's shoulder.  "I don't think that at all; I was angry, Dominic, and... my weapons are words.  That is how I fight.  At the moment I said them, I wished I could take them back because I never wanted you to doubt how I feel for you."


"Oh, Lionel. Lionel." He cupped the cheeks softly. "The simplest words in the world are the hardest to say. Lovely, I want to marry you, if you'll still have me. I want you. You never have to wonder if I still care...if I'm so angry I'll leave. I told you once before, and I'll tell you again...I'm not leaving you. I want the jealousy, the anger, the love, the need. I want to roll over and see you every morning. Lionel..." His voice caught. "Maybe I sound strange saying this, but I don't care. I want children. I want children with you so much sometimes it aches. I want to have my life with you...I want to get started before its too late. Does that make sense?"


"Lionel, I'm a handful of years from being 40. Other men my age already have a brood, a career, a spouse to share their bed. Sometimes it feels like I missed out on the loop somewhere, you know?"


Lionel moved and let Dominic move closer to him.  "Of course I still want you, Dominic.  I was afraid... that you wouldn't want me.  You didn't--you were angry at me," he said, changing direction in mid-sentence.  "And no, you do not sound strange saying it... I want a family too, Dominic.  I want... I want to redeem the mistakes that I made with Lex.  I want to show that I can be a good father, and love my child as much as I love his or her father and brother."


He smiled, then. Softly. Stroking the spot right below Lionel's lower lip with his thumb, caressing it softly. "I want you, and damn me for it. I was angry..very angry. But now I've had a bit of time to think it through...can you tell me about Jonathan, Lionel? Please? If..." A pause. "If you like."


Lionel nodded against his lover's shoulder.  "Of course I'll tell you about Jonathan."






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