
The Memoirs

Smallville fanfic by Kel and Diana

Chapter 165: Passing the Torch

Gabe Sullivan was trying very, very hard not to think of dinner the other night. When Whitney had called them one big happy family, he'd been very, very hard pressed not to choke the boy in that second. But, thanks to Lorraine, and her nearly unending supply of wine, he'd gotten through the night and only moderately tipsy.

Thank God Chloe had agreed to drive home. He wouldn't have tried to drive anyway, but letting those two stay in the same house? Not hardly.

To make up for it, he'd called Lex and left a message that if Clark wanted to come and see Chloe, he could come this afternoon. He was sitting at the kitchen table, hangover gone and spreadsheets covering the table in front of him when he looked up at the knock on the door. He hadn't told Chloe about Clark's visit... he wanted to surprise her. Try... try and get back in her good graces.

Clark had bought her a necklace.

He'd received his first paycheck from work just yesterday, and he'd escaped the house early that morning to buy his sha'nauch and aushna pretty things. To celebrate his place in the workforce. He'd only made a hundred and seventy two dollars, but it was his hundred and seventy two dollars, and he'd bought Chloe a necklace with a little penguin pendant with a little sparkly thing in the middle. Something she'd like, he knew, and for Whitney, a new beginers digital camera. He was going to go visit Whitney later today, but he just stood carefully at the door to the Sullivan's little white house, the little box tucked into his hand. He hadn't bothered with a jacket, just wearing loose pants and a bright yellow t-shirt, and he shifted, rubbing his fingers through what was left of his hair as he waited.

Gabe got up and answered the door. "Hello--"

He blinked. Clark was nearly bald.

"--Clark. Please, come in, but... quietly. Chloe doesn't know you're here, and... I'd like to surprise her." He held the door open for his daughter's young friend.

Clark nodded, smiling at the older man and ignoring the shock to his new look.

His mom had screamed this morning, but that wasn't something to say now.

"Hi, Mr. Sullivan." He said softly, stepping in and smiling a little at him. "How are you?"

Deep sigh. "I'm all right; well, as close as I can be." Rueful smile. "I'm worried about Chloe--I know she's very, very unhappy with me right now, and she's not talking to me. I thought... maybe surprising her with her best friend might get her to open up to you."

Best friend. Heh. "Oh, yeah. She'll talk to me, definitely." He winced, slightly. "I heard what happened with Whitney, that was pretty... dumb." Hardest words he ever had to say. "They're really in love, though, Mr. Sullivan. I've seen it, and since I'm in love myself, I can see it."

Gabe shook his head. "It's okay, Clark. I know you're her friend, and you probably don't agree with what I've done, but you don't have to say that." A little smile. "Come on, you remember the way, right?"

"Course." He smiled at him and motioned towards the steps, starting up them with the little box in hand, a pretty yellow ribbon around it.

Gabe followed behind him, a finger on his lips as they got to the top of the stairs. "Chloe? Sweetie? Are you in your room?"

Chloe seriously thought about ignoring him as she flipped the pages of her magazine, snapping each one as she did. "Yeah, not like I've got anywhere else to be."

Gabe winced. "See what I mean?" he asked Clark softly. "Honey, I have to go out for a while, so I brought somebody over to stay with you."

Clark nearly choked on the laugh at the snotty little attitude, amusement clouding through his mind as he shared it with Lex in the mansion, biting his lip and rolling his eyes at the door of his sha'nauch.

"Chloe, geeze. If you worked at it, you could have added a little more sarcasm there. I'm ashamed."

Chloe shot up off her bed. "Clark?" She asked it just as she was in the process of slamming the door open. "Clark!!!" She threw herself at him, hugging him tightly around the neck. "God, it's good to see you!!!"

He caught her as she launched at him, and all he smelled was soft female soap and lovely arms around his body, and he ducked his head to kiss her cheek softly, chuckling as he hugged her tightly with one arm. "Dork. Like you've been abandoned on the Titanic or something, geeze." A smile at Gabe. "Thanks, Mr. Sullivan. I'll take good care of her, and you don't have to worry about me."

"I didn't think so, Clark. Chloe... will you be all right with Clark?"

"Oh, yeah!" Her good mood at seeing Clark for the moment eclipsed her anger at her father.

"All right, then. I'm going to be working at the plant on the new computer systems; if you need me, give me a call there, all right?" Gabe left the bedroom door open, but a few minutes later, his car was rumbling out of the driveway.

Clark stayed in the doorway for all of five seconds, listening to the car as it backed up… slid down the street.

And he attacked her.

His arms wrapped around her body as he strode forward like an enormous mountain, grasping her up in his arms as he kissed her. Hard, violently, tongue stabbing into her mouth as the hand not supporting her ass up against him fisted in her hair. He dragged her head back and delved in deeper, humping forward even as his calves hit the bed and they fell and went rolling.

Chloe barely had time to squeal as Clark attacked her, and she wrapped her legs around his waist and returned the eager, hungry kisses. Some part of her brain that was completely linked to Clark was just taking over because she didn't have a problem with being mauled.

She situated herself against his moving hips as her back hit the bed, and when she ended up on top, her pelvis ground down on top of his with soft little cries into his mouth each time.

He let out sharp sounds of pleasure, as his wide, long palms stroked over her. Checking for hurt, for bruises and blood, because he'd known she was fine but he had to make sure. His fingers stroked over her face, shoulders, arms. Breasts, belly, then up over her back, checking as he kissed her and rocked up against her. Stone hard, couldn't help it, violently possessive part of his soul making him push and roll over so she was under him again. His lips wrapped around her large, soft breasts, his hands stroking down her hips... ass... thighs, knees, and dainty feet, as he kissed and sucked, licking around the swell before scraping his teeth along the hard tip.

One of her little, slender hands slid down Clark's back, rubbing the base of his spine and sliding over his ass through his underwear as she raised up against him. "I'm okay," she whispered softly, rocking up against him as he was over her, squeaks of raw pleasure pulling out of her throat as he touched her everywhere, checked her over.

Once he was certain of it, his hands and his mind had been appeased, he slowed down, and began to lick. Like a cat, all over her throat, neck, chest, and when he couldn't get to her skin he pulled her shirt apart, ripping it down the middle and filling his hands with her breasts as his tongue roamed. No words, because he had to do this, didn't know why but dammit, he didn't want to be distracted as he did it. "Ashikana, love ashikana."

Chloe's hands slid through what was left of Clark's hair and she was somehow not astonished by it as she stroked and petted his head, whimpering as he licked her, arching and rolling to accommodate his tongue, rumbling in her throat, close to purring, and it was a noise she'd never made before.

Which he found indecently erotic, as he looked up mid licking and blushed, hotly, as he pulled away. He was satisfied. For now. "S... sorry, ashia--..Chloe." He coughed, hard, gruffly, swallowing as he sat up and pulled her to sitting on her bed... wincing and carefully trying to cover her with the tatters of her shirt. "Oops. Sorry. S… sorry. I didn't... sorry."

"It's okay, Clark." She shrugged out of the shirt, shoved it under her pillow, and went to her dresser and pulled out another one. "Are you all right?" She sat back down, wound her arms around his waist, and just... snuggled. "I missed you. I hate this. I miss Lex and Whitney. Did I mention I hate this?"

He was still a little beyond words. He and Chloe hadn't been alone together in months, and he gently slid his fingers through her hair, bringing her closer to his body and kissing her temple… cheeks, nose. "I missed you, too, Chloe. Oake- ...Lex, Lex is worried. I was really angry. I missed you, did I mention?" He pressed his lips to her cheek bone. "Why did you have sex with Whitney in the house, Chloe? Should have come to me." his fingers came up to her breast again, lose and without a bra, and relished in the hot feeling as he hugged her close, bringing her to his body.

"I know, but... we were just... we needed to be alone. Somewhere people weren't." She moved closer to him and sighed as his fingers stroked over her. "We couldn't wait. We were stupid, should have locked the fucking door."

"Should have." He whispered, and stopped touching only long enough to get the box he'd set on the side of the table as he'd attacked her, climbing up to get it before sitting back down, and smiling. "Got you a present, Chloe."

"A present! For me? You didn't have to but give!!" She bounced on the bed beside her... coincidentally bouncing into his lap but she didn't think he cared.

Not with the erection he had, and he caught her waist and snuggled her closer to him as he mouthed her ear, cheek, neck, grinning at her and setting his chin on he shoulder. "I wanted to give. You are my sha'nauch. I almost went crazy the other day, feeling how upset you both were... I had to buy you something to show how I love."

"Dork, you didn't have to do that." She wiggled against his erection, getting comfortable as she settled around it, and turning her head so that he could fit his big chin better against her. "I missed you, Clark. Not just this... but you're my best friend. I miss that, too." She rubbed her cheek against his. "I was going nuts myself. And you!! You never told me you could do things with the weather!!!" She clutched the box tightly.

"I didn't know. Lex was all, Since when can your temper make it rain... and how the living hell do you know?" He demanded, staring at her.

Chloe tapped the side of her head. "Not stupid. I was upset, you had to be raging, there was a storm. That was just sort of the clincher."

"I thought I was going to have to tear through the wall to come get you." He whispered softly, pressing his lips to her cheek. "Now, open my gift already before I have a heart attack, here."

Chloe tightened her hand around the box. "You're the only gift I need, Clark." She turned around just enough so that her face was buried in the side of his neck, sniffling in his shoulder and sniffing at the cologne she'd never noticed him wearing ever before.

His fingers stroked very, very tenderly through her short hair, longer now since she'd forgotten to get it cut with whole thing that happened with his baby boy. Clark wasn't dumb, he knew how he'd hurt the lives of his sha'nauch because of the ghana, and his lips stroked, so tenderly, over her cheekbone. "Daphstemlin'aq, Chloe." He whispered, as he stroked her hair from her eyes and motioned with his shoulder to the box. "Open."

"Okay," she sniffled. With her arms still wrapped around Clark's neck, she opened the box, and muffled a little squeal against his shoulder. "Clark!!! It's Pongy!!" Pongy was her stuffed penguin, that she'd had forever, and only Clark knew about him.

"Its Pongy." His lips curved, and his eyes twinkled. "I saw it, and knew you had to have it."

"Thank you!!!" She tightened the squeeze around his neck, and rubbed her face harder against his shoulder. "I love him, I love you, thank you!!"

"Sure, ashikana." He smiled into her hair, holding her tenderly close to him, one large hand stroking down an almost miniature back. She was so small he was sure his entire hand spanned her back, and he stroked gently as he brought her closer, his lips falling to gently mouth the swell of her breasts in the scoop of her shirt, licking tenderly before kissing upwards, pressing soft, warm kisses to her neck and throat.

Chloe let out a small, content noise, necklace gripped tightly in her hand as she tilted her head back.

And saw Whitney's letterman jacket hanging on the chair over the door. She whimpered softly, deep in her throat, hugging him tightly even as she shook her head, trying just a little bit to push away. "Clark, Clark, please..."

"No." He whispered, and he reached out and snagged the soft, pale green thread that was his ashimel, connecting it with Chloe's petal pale pink one, and his features shifted, not physically, but in his, and his ashikana's mind. He was Whitney, in heart, and he looked at Chloe with the deep, beautiful eyes that her boyfriend had as he whispered, "Chloe, let me give you this. He can feel everything… let me give it to you, baby. can't you feel him? Gasping, in his bed."

"And now..." he reached out with his mind, and gave the long silver thread a hard tug, as he chuckled softly into Chloe's lips. "We're giving both our ashimels a show."

Whitney's eyes snapped widely open as he felt Clark tugging lightly on his mind, and then his entire body surged and arched, gasping hard with the sudden erection that he had, seeing Chloe beside him, her soft body pressed against his.

Chloe was trembling, and she stroked her fingers over Clark's face, but seeing them slide over Whitney's skin, feeling his stubble. "Oh, God. Whitney?" She shivered, as her lips vibrated with Clark's words. "Lex too?"

"Lex too." Clark whispered, as his mouth descended. He wrapped his lips around her peaked nipple in her shirt, tugged, and lapped at the hard peak through her shirt. His wide hands went around her back, then slid down to her waist, so he could carefully bring her up to his lips a little better, mouth wrapping around the front of her breast, sucking hard before sucking down to the peak, scraping his teeth across it. "Never... with a woman." he whispered, into soft breasts. "Never. You'll... have to show me."

"I--I can show you," she whispered, pushing down on his shoulders. "Let me... let me get on top. I can show you better... here." Chloe threw one leg over Clark's waist, pulling herself into his lap. She reached down, arching and pushing her nipple deeper into Clark's mouth as she stroked, and was surprised to feel the long, throbbing length of her boyfriend instead of Clark's thicker shaft.

Lex had just taken a drink of his brandy when he felt Clark tugging on his thread, and he almost choked on it, coughing and trying not to spew it through his nose as he felt what was going on. FUCK! Lex swore. My father's here! With Dominic!!!!!!!

Whitney cried out again as Chloe's cool, slender little fingers stroked along his cock and he shuddered, arching and twisting slightly, bucking his hips up and biting his lip.

Clark slid back onto his back, groaning softly around her full breast as he bit, tugged, lapping between them when he raised her shirt and tugged it up over her head, his palms stroking down her bare back, the gentle curve of spine, and then down over her jeans where her lovely, beautiful backside was perfect for dragging his nails down to her thighs. He continued to suck, content, his cock hardening with her tiny little fingers, and though he much preferred Lex's long, thick fingers and his lovely, flat, muscled chest, there was something delicious, something soft and fleshy, about his little Chloe. "So beautiful. Taste so… so good." He whispered, and arched up, letting his cock, still clad in denim, rub against her valley, staying arched and rubbing as his hands came around her and he rolled.

And smirked, wickedly, into her chest, as Lex's bellow echoed through his ashimel and ashikana. "Lex is pii-iissed." Said, of course, through his mouthful, his palms coming up to take the full chest as his mouth came up, to kiss her deeply.

Dominic looked up as Lex coughed and gagged, raising his eyebrow before wincing and taking one of the linen napkins from the table. "Here, Lex. You're dribbling, darling. Are you alright?"

It felt so strange to have someone so round and curvy, soft and tender, over him, thrusting against him, and he almost didn't know how to react as he rubbed her flank softly, his lips delving between full, very, very, very soft and tasty lips, and stroked over her tongue. Smaller than Lex's, much smaller, but he found himself pleased by her touches, as they pleased his sha'nauch, including his aushna', very much. He rubbed against her valley, stroking forward and back, pleasure in his mind as one leg stayed braced on the ground, keeping them close.

"Fine," Lex snarled, ignoring the hardening of his cock and the X-Rated video playing in his head. He snatched the napkin and wiped up his table, as well as his face and mouth. "Just fucking dandy."

"Forget about Lex," she whispered, rubbing against him. Her arms snuggled tight around him, pressed her body close to him. She tasted his mouth and knew that it wasn't Whitney but it felt like him, she could feel him in her head, and she held his head between her hands and kissed him again, hard and heartfelt, trying to reach her boyfriend with her tongue as she rocked down against Clark.

His hands were larger, smoother than Whitney's but rough too, in certain places, and they tingled as they rubbed over her.

He threw himself into loving her, when she whispered to him. Stubble on his cheeks, blond hair, and Clark rubbed the stubble of the day against her, sharing it with his ashimel as he took the ideas right from Whitney's head and did them. Stroked down over her hips like Whitney loved to do, stroked her belly and her ass, and brought her up closer as he pulled the t-shirt he had on over his head.

It fluttered to the ground and was forgotten, as he took her hand, her free hand, and set it on his chest where his heart was beating, and then across, to the scarred nipple, to touch him as he began to slide her jeans down. He could feel both his lovers in his mind, and his Chloe underneath him, and he reached out to give soft, arm caresses to Whitney's heart as he touched Whitney's lover.

Dominic... blinkblinked. "....R-i-ght." Eye roll. Something had apparently crawled up the young mans ass, and he rolled his eyes at him as he turned back to Lionel, sitting in front of him in the lovely Zeus office, and showed him the second set of financial paperwork.

Chloe moved her hand over Clark's chest, rubbing the nipples with her palm, nails teasing the smooth, otherwise-unmarred skin, then pulled away. She pushed him down, straddling his chest as she worked her jeans down, letting him help her as she licked. She licked down over his collarbone, bit lightly at the apex, licked down his breastbone to capture the unscarred nipple between her teeth and tug.

Clark groaned, loudly, as he sat up enough to watch her pushing her jeans down, and he gasped, grunting softly as his fingers immediately slid down. He'd never... felt before, just Lex and Whitney, and he wanted to know. His fingertips slid down the wet slit, no clue what he was looking for but it was so hot, so warm, so delicious, and he groaned softly as he stroked, three fingers over the lips, terrified to slide in and hurt her. He didn't have any clue how this stuff worked, how these things worked, because he'd never experienced it in his life, and he buried his face in her breasts and looked down, watching and feeling. "Sm-smell good Chloe, good, baby, so good."

His cock was stone.

Chloe moaned as his fingers stroked over her lower lips, and she spread her thighs, opening the wet lips further. "Mmm... just inside... here, like this." She reached down, took one of his fingers and guided it inside of her, showing him how to rub over her clit as she cried out, soft little whimpers, and then showed him how to slide his finger deeper inside her. His fingers were slightly larger than Whitney's--his hands were huge, swallowed hers completely--and she was so glad she was wet.

Whitney felt like his eyes were wired open as all he could see was Chloe. Feel her wetness as tentative fingers stroked into her sheath, tasted her in his mouth from their kisses, and he was jacking himself off hard and fast.

There was a bump, a little tiny thing, and Clark gasped softly as he looked up and saw her crying out. Throwing her head back, long arch of her throat, and his teeth grazed her long arch as his fingertip moved, over and over. He could feel what she liked, and he made sure not to rub on it completely, fingers wet, hot, in her body, and he was in shock, awe, and pleasure as he shared the feeling of newness, of discovery, with his aushna'. His free fingers clamped against her lower back, his hips working upwards as he slid his fingers out of her, only enough to slide them into his mouth and suck the taste from them. Soft, musky, Chloe, and he groaned again as his mouth stroked over her chest and belly, fingers returning to where they'd been. He could feel, further back, something that was giving off waves of heat, and his fingertips slid back, further... and he knew what he was feeling.

Deep. Heavy. Moan. "C… Chloe, baby." He whispered, gazing up at her as his fingertips ever so gently stroked up into her sheath. Two, for now, sliding in, feeling her, and he whimpered.

Lex growled in the back of his head as the numbers on the financial reports made no sense to him at all. His nose was full of Chloe's scent, his nostrils flaring, and his tongue felt slick with her wetness even as he tried to wash it down with brandy. I hate you, Clark.

"I'm here, I'm here." She was almost breathless, head tilted back as his fingers rubbed inside her, almost squeaking as she rolled her hips, riding his fingers. She squirmed further down, sliding off his fingers as she brought them up to her mouth to suck, and she paused over his cock. "W--wait. C-condom. Ju-just in case."

"F-for you or me?" He gasped, though he was smiling at her, as he tugged his jeans down a little more, baring his hips for her as he kicked his jeans down his thighs and caught them before tossing them to the floor. He always had a condom in his wallet, just in case, and this one was ribbed for pleasure as he pulled it out, letting it all fall on the floor as he grasped the foil...and handed it to her. "Roll it over me, baby?" He whispered, Whitney's voice echoing in his head as he stroked over his cock, once, twice, groaning softly as he gazed at her.

"B-both!" She almost sobbed it, and then took the condom from him with shaking hands. The foil ripped easily, and she took the silk little rubber ring and pinched the tip, rolling it down his shaft and squeezing the base. She stroked his cock several times, wrapped in the rubber sheath, and then moved so that she could rub the head of his cock over her lips. " want... top? or bottom?"

"Do-don't care." He was losing his mind. His cock was stone, his balls drawn, electric shocks running over his body. Their breaths were mingling, her breasts hanging over his face, and he pushed a pillow under his head so he could wrap his lips around her nipple, fingers going down to grasp soft, lovely hips as he whispered, "Slide down on me... want to feel. If… if I tell you, wrench my balls, kay?" He whispered, his fingers sliding down over her ass, before sliding around and over, to her clit, as his cock jumped and twitched in its plastic hell.

"Oh--okay." Chloe braced her hands on Clark's shoulders, slowly easing herself down over his cock. Soft grunts, little whimpers, and pants of ecstasy as she pushed, unfurling her tight passage around his wide shaft. She rocked down until she couldn't rock any further, and then raised herself up, just enough to work herself all the way down on his cock.


Tight. Like a squeezing little inferno, so hot, so wet, and he could feel it through the condom. He gasped, eyes wide, arching his hips without meaning to and pushing all the way in, as deep as he could as his body exploded with tingles, all over, gasping with enormous eyes at the ceiling as he worked himself in as far as he could, grasping her tightly to him as orgasm rushed to his brain. "Pull! T-them!" He gasped, pushing up even if there was no more of him to press in, groaning loudly. Still not as good as Lex, but this was a very new experience and he had no idea how to act.

Chloe reached behind her, snagging his balls in her hand and she yanked.

Whitney yelped as Chloe yanked on his balls, shuddering as a sheen of sweat broke out over his skin and he thrust up hard into his hand, squeezing his cock as hard as he could.

Chloe leaned forward, rubbing her nipples over Clark's mouth, getting them wet and letting them harden in the air as she started to move, riding him slowly, pulling off before sliding back down on her.

"Ashikana!" Couldn't help the cry of ecstasy as he pushed, grabbed her and rolled over. Couldn't help it, nononono, pressing her into the pillows as their bodies, slick with sweat, began to move. He held Lex and Whitney tighter to his mind, so they were there with him, thrusting into Chloe, thrusting and moving, feeling her trembling, feel her tense as some spot got touched that she liked, and he just groaned in hard, heavy, delicious pleasure. She was accepting, tight and warm, and he wrapped her up closer, burrowed under blankets and sheets, pressed into pillows, as he made love to her, made love to all of them. His pleasure was intense, sweat sliding down his back, down his temples, and he dove and kissed her, deeply, as the blanket rubbed against his working, moving hips. Thrusting he knew, definitely knew, and he pressed in and out, careful with her, his free palm under her ass and holding her at a slight angle so he could slide in and out without hurting her.

Chloe wrapped her legs around his hips, lifting herself up to meet her lover's thrusts. Clark was moving deep inside her, and she shifted her hips, just a little to change the angle, so that he could slide to the hilt with every stroke. Her mouth opened under his, kissed him, tasted him, sucked his tongue and nibbled his lips as she rocked against him. Nails raked down Clark's back, dug into his ass and pulled him in closer.

Lex's grip on the brandy glass was white-knuckled as his cock throbbed under the desk, listening to Dominic and his father droning on about the finances and what was going where, and not hearing a goddamned thing other than Chloe's moans in his head.

Whitney had turned onto his stomach, fucking his hand violently as he buried his face in his pillow, screaming in ecstasy as his cock plumbed deeply into Chloe's sheath, his free hand tugging his own nipples as he pushed his orgasm down.

Alright. Dominic finally turned and glared at Lex, as he breathed a little too loudly over beside them, and stared. "What. The bloody hell. Is wrong. With you?"

Clark felt Whitney's pleasure, felt Lex's as he fought to push it down, and moaned, loudly, as he tapped into both of their pleasure and shared it with Chloe. God it was cool to be him, and he'd never felt such ecstasy in his life, as he rubbed and rocked against her, orgasm pushed down as deeply as it could be even as he ached. He thrust into her, faster, when her hips tilted and accepted him, and he kissed her, hard, violently, whispering his pleasures and I love you's as he sped up. Rocking thrusts, in and out, the ribbed condom making his eyes roll around in his head as the friction sped up and his brain all but exploded with pleasure. He wanted her, first, wanted her to get to that brink first, twice if he could pull it, and his fingers slid down where they were joined, sliding in to pinch her little bundle of nerves, rub it over and over as his cock rubbed up against it on the inside.

Lex just glared. "You wouldn't believe me if I told you." He clenched the glass even tighter in his hand, didn't feel the desire lessening one bit as he felt Clark funneling it into Chloe. "You really wouldn't."

Chloe was in pure, tingling ecstasy as Clark's fingers rubbed against her, and she slid her own inside, guiding his to press her clit down, then rub it gently, whimpering and crying out. She could feel the ribs on the condom scraping her soft tissues and driving her crazier and crazier, and she shivered, shuddered, rubbing her clit against one of the ribs on the condom and screaming as she wormed.

Clark's scream echoed with Chloe's when she clenched and squeezed down around her, rubbing faster as he went to her breast, biting and sucking it, tugging it up by the nipple and burying his face in the warm globes. He was going to come, going to come so fucking hard, and his fingers left her clit, sliding down around where they were joined to gather her wet heat, and slide his first finger back into her back entrance, as far as he could, worming it in and thrusting against where he could feel his finger inside of her.

Stretched her. Then slid in another finger, tight, crooking them so they scraped against his cock, and he groaned, loudly, thrusting harder, faster, deeper, pounding in and out of her, listening to her scream, and moaning in hot, dark, lovely pleasure.

The dual penetration was enough to make her come. Didn't have a chance to scream it, declare it, anything, just tightening around his cock, flooding him with her juices, muscles clenched tightly as she bucked up against his cock, arms and legs rigid. Her head was thrown back, eyes squeezed shut as tremors rocked her body.

He watched her come, with hard, dark, wide eyes, and felt her flood around him, squeezing and he couldn't get out of her. Couldn't, couldn't, and he let out a sharp, deep masculine cry as he grasped her. orgasm was seconds away, seconds, his body wracked with shudders of pleasure, toes curling, eyes rolling, his body lifting up, up, UP, up off the bed but he didn't care, just holding her as close as he could to her body as he thrust in, in, in, twice, three times, CLOSE!

Holy shit!! Whitney thought he screamed it as he came, feeling his body lift off the bed as his arms and legs flailed, pushing at nothingness as he floated.

Chloe leaned down, sucking his nipple into her mouth and whimpering, begging him to come. She wished the condom off, wished it off more than she'd ever wished anything else before but wiggled her hips as she came, so, so slippery.

"Fucking Christ!" Lex swore. He felt himself lifting up out of the chair, and he put his hands on the edge of the desk, exerting all his strength down to keep himself in his chair.

Dominic's eyes were very, very big in his head, as he watched, half unbelieving, as his young stepson's ass, legs, and lower body floated off the chair, and... turned, to stare, at his lover, for a good long moment, before back to Lex.

He came. He couldn't help it. He pressed in, once, twice, and erupted. Exploded, all over, filling the condom and feeling the heat of it seat all over his cock. His body shuddered all over, legs tightening, thighs bulging, as he squeezed and thrust out his orgasm, head tossed back like a horse, an animal, feeling Whitney coming and felt himself coming and Chloe still coming and LEX.

He yanked, yard, on their thread, and filled his lover with all the pleasure he was feeling in that very moment.

Lex exploded. His cock exploded inside his pants and his underwear as he came, and the wrenching pleasure tore his grip off the desk and sent him straight up into the air. His back whammed into the ceiling as he cried out, but he didn't feel the thump because of the hard, unbelievable shot of pleasure that inundated his body.

Chloe squealed softly as she felt Clark coming, then the squeal turned into a scream as they lifted off the bed, and she locked her arms around his neck and her legs around his waist as they both went up. "Clark!!!"

"This is like the Exorcist." Strangled out of Dominic's throat as he stumbled back out of his chair, climbing to his feet and grasping Lionel's arm, tightly, tugging him back from Lex who was ON THE FUCKING CEILING.

Clark moaned, deeply, hard as he felt Lex come, and the sated feeling that ran like a river through his blood made him lose whatever was holding him up as he tumbled towards the ground. Turned and curved Chloe to his chest as they hit the bed... bounced off of it, and fell off the side, rolling on the ground, a lamp and books falling in their wake.

Lex waved his dad and Dom back. "Get back! This is going--" Lex plummeted. He could feel it cresting, then ebbing inside him as he fell like a rock, landing half on the desk and then the rest of the way down, the wind knocked out of him as he fell on his ass to the floor. It whooshed out of him, and one arm went across his chest as pain flared across it from the impact with the desk. "--to hurt."

Whitney fell with a thud back onto the bed, which thankfully didn't break under his weight. The springs creaked, gave a little, but didn't break, and he lay on his stomach, panting and terrified.

Chloe screamed again, oofing both times they bounced, and she just held on tightly to Clark, burying her face in his neck and trusting him to protect her.

Silence. Complete. Didn't move for half a second...felt the terror in his sha'nauch, and blinked, twice, at the ceiling, still buried to the hilt in his ashikana. Blink.

Looked down at her.


Chloe just barely pulled her face out of his neck. "Don't you EVER scare me like that again!!" She slapped his shoulder lightly, then squeezed his neck again. "Are we down? For real?"

"Lex! Fucking Christ." Dominic wove around the chair he'd knocked to the ground and crouched in front of his stepson, touching his head to get him to look up, and he investigated for broken bones. No blood, no screaming, just Lex's hand on his chest, and Dominic pulled the long fingered palm away to investigate, make sure no ribs were cracked. Not that he could tell, but... well, sort of. "Are you alright?"

Yeah. Clark grinned, broadly, squeezing her tight little tushie and glancing out to Whitney and Lex, making sure his lovers were alright. Yeah. Pride, here. He could get them both to come and not even be there. Woo!

In that moment, Dominic caught the scent of orgasm. Stumbled back, threw his hands up. "Alright! I Do NOT want to know! Don't tell me, don't explain it to me, don't look at me! Don't! Want! To! KNOW!"

"I--" Lex groaned in pain as he stood back up. "--told you so."

Chloe peeked out over his shoulder, saw the Pongy pendant laying on the floor, and picked it up. "Here. Make yourself useful. Put this on for me." She dropped her head back to his shoulder, and lifted her hair with one hand. While her head was down, she placed little soft kisses on his shoulder.

"Thank you." Clark whispered, as he pressed his lips to her face, her own mouth, her jaw, her temples, and gently connected the little penguin pendant around her neck, as he very slowly, very softly, slid out of the inferno of her body. She was hot, extremely so, and he purred softly as he slid out and reached down, tugging the condom down and sitting up to tie it, still with her in his arms. "Thank you."

"Well... you're welcome." She looked shyly at him. "We should clean up. Before my dad comes home. You, uh, mind showering with me? Or, you can, you know shower in my bathroom, and I can use Dad's."

"Do not be shy, ashikana." He whispered tenderly down at her, as he gathered her close into his arms. "I love you. I love my sha'nauch. Never before, you and me. Was... was it what you thought it would be? because I know...for a long time, you had… a crush on me. And... and I do not want it to interfere, with you and Whitney, which was.." He cleared his throat, fighting for his English on the post coital high. "Which was why I hadn't... before."

Chloe was sure she was blushing. "I was. In love with you, Clark. For a long time. And... for a while, it really really bothered me that you weren't in love with me back. But now, it's okay. Cause you and Lex? Are good. And I do love you, Clark. Just... not the obsessive, he's the only man in my life, kinda way." She touched his face lightly. "For that to be your first time? You were pretty damn good."

"I knew it hurt you." He gently stroked his fingers over the flushed cheeks, over the sharp cheek bone. "While you were pining for me, I was pining for Lex. I've been gay for most of my life, Chloe. I tried not to be, but I'm... I'm not attracted to females bodies." A beat, his lips quirking wickedly. "I'm attracted to yours. And I'm attracted to Lex in a dress, but we won't go there. But as far as boobs, long eyelashes, long hair?" A sad shake of his head. "Though..." His palm stroked over her in a single swoop. "I like this. Because you are sha'nauch, and I am attracted to everything about you." He knew Whitney could hear every word they were saying, and his lips quirked. "Whitney really likes this. He is very, very deeply pleasured, Chloe."

She shivered as his hand stroked over her. "Really?" She couldn't help the dopey grin that spread over her face as Clark said he was attracted to her. "That's... wow. Thank you." She snuggled closer to him, to hide the blush. "Is he? I'm glad. I--I miss him, Clark. I miss him so much."

"Whitney loves you." He said softly, as he brought her close into his lap... then heaved up to his feet, with her in his arms. Just because he could. "He loves you beyond imagining, beyond anything. Do you love him like that, ashikana?" Tenderly asked, because he wasn't an idiot. He knew about the things simmering below the surface, and he asked it, as gently as he could.

"I do. I want to. I do. I just... I love him so much, Clark. But... I love you, too. And Lex. And Shayla. You're all my best friends and so close to me and I just... I don't know. I just know that I love Whitney more than anything, and I'm gonna find a way to prove it to him."

'No, Chloe." He whispered, very softly. "I love you, and I love Whitney, because you are mine. But my love for Lex transcends everything in my life, even for my sha'nauch." He said it as tenderly as he cold, stroking her face. "Lex is my soul mate. He loves me, and cares for me, as I love and care for him. I picture my life being he, and I, and our children. Can you picture that with Whitney, Chloe?"

She thought, for several very long minutes, as she leaned against Clark's warm shoulder, and stared at Whitney's letter jacket. "I want to," she finally said.

"You want to picture it? Or you can't? You have to be honest, ashikana." He whispered, pressing another soothing kiss to her face as he set her down on the closed toilet lid, furry with a pink cover.

"I can't picture it," she finally confessed, in a sad, scared whisper. "I want to picture it, Clark. I do. I just can't. Please. Please don't tell him, cause it will crush him. And I can't crush him. I just... don't know if I'm where he is right now. Clark, he wants me to marry him! I'm Chloe, Chloe's don't get married!!"

"Yes, they do, when they're ready." He murmured, pressing his lips to her face. "Just young, Chloe. That's all, sweetie, you're just young. Don't let it freak you out. You do what you feel is right in your heart, because at the end of the day, you only have yourself, your heart, and the choices you have to make. But don't… don't tell him, okay?" he whispered, kissing her cheek softly as he closed the links to Lex and Whitney carefully. "Don't tell him, because it will hurt him far more than you know."

"I don't want to hurt him, Clark. I don't. I love him, so much, but there's so much I'm not ready for." She hugged his neck again, squeezing tightly. "I do love him so much."

"I know, Chloe." Clark murmured it, quietly, into her hair. "I know. Don't let it get in the way of what you have now. Love him, and the rest will come later."

"Okay." She trusted Clark, and trusted his words. "Come on. When we get out, I have something serious to talk to you about, okay?"

"Why do good things never come from those words?" He muttered, pressing a kiss to her cheek before he rose and leaned into the bathtub, the curtain already pushed aside. It was a pink paradise but boy was he ever not going to comment on that, as he turned the hot water on. "What is the deal with you and Shay anyway?"

She shrugged. "We're friends. We're best friends. And she's... she needs me. There's a lot she doesn't know yet. A lot she doesn't understand and while we might have both been virgins? I think I'm a hell of a lot less innocent than she ever was."

"She is, very innocent." he said softly, as he climbed into the running bath, waiting to be slipped into shower mode, and missed his Lex more than words could express. When he got back to the building he was going to snuggle and hug him and not let go, even as he soothed and caressed him with his mind. "Chloe, I think Lex got hurt on the downfall from orgasm. I need to go find him soon, okay?" he coughed softly, cleared his throat. "Shay is very innocent, and there isn't a lot she knows. But... kissing and making out with her helps?"

"Okay. But we need to talk first, it won't take long, I promise. And if he is hurt, let me know, and I'll come over and help take care of him, okay?" She turned around in the little tub and pushed down the little metal thingie on the spigot that made the shower turn on, and she raised her voice to speak over it. "Yeah, it does. She needs that, cause it's calm and sweet and innocent, and she knows it's safe." Chloe paused. "And it is, because it's never going to really go anywhere. I love her, but... not like I'm in love with Whitney."

"Why can't you talk to me here?" He asked, under the din of the shower, as he wrapped an arm around her waist and ducked under the hot spray of water. He needed to check on Whitney before he went to find Lex, and the rush to help his lover was turning his belly. Are you okay, baby? I'm so sorry. "Shayla is just about the sweetest person I've ever met, even if she's got an attitude and a half. That's what appeals to Pete, I think, that tenderness, that sweetness in her."

"I guess I could." Chloe turned around, back to the hot water coming out of the showerhead, and looked up at her best friend. "Clark... you know... what happened. Principal Reynolds... took me off the Torch. And, he's making me find my own replacement, and I want it to be you."

Lex let loose a silent spate of Kryptonian curses. Yes, I'm all right. My father and Dominic think I've lost my goddamned mind, but I'm fine.

Clark stared at Chloe for a very long moment, fingers halfway to where he'd intended them to run it down her chest, and instead blinked, twice, three times, as he stared at her. "Chloe... I c... I couldn't, Chloe. I mean, sure, writing a school lunch menu, where everyday is meat surprise, sure. But I'm no journalist. Please, me? I write fiction, not investigative reporting."

"Clark, yes, you are. That piece you did on the Stalagmite Cave collapse? That was like, journalistic gold. Please. You know what the newspaper means to me, and I... I trust you with it. You can keep it going until Principal Reynolds lets me back. I'm not asking you to be Daily Planet guy, just... Torch Guy."

His throat bobbed, as he looked down at her. Okay. He could see how much it meant to her, and he could see that she was hoping and dammit. WHY was he physically incapable of saying NO?! "Alright, Chloe." He relented, with a nervous little smile. "I'll try. It might be crap, but I'll try."

"It won't be crap. But you'll be managing editor and everything, Clark. Pete'll help you, I know, and I'll ask Shayla to help, and maybe when the suspension is up, Principal Reynolds will at least let me still work at the paper as a writer." She hugged him tightly. "Thank you, Clark. So much. I know the Torch won't go out with you in control."

His lips quirked nervously, fingers stroking over her hair a little. "Nah. You know me. I am physically incapable of being out of control, and when I am I get the wiggins. So... no out of control, I swear."

"You're the best best friend ever." She tightened her hug around his waist. "You don't know how much this means to me, Clark."

He kissed her hair and smiled a little down at her. "Promise me? You won't get angry at me, though, for anything?"

"I promise. I won't get mad at you for anything. I promise, I promise, I promise. Thank you so much. Clark... you really are the best."

He wasn't so sure about that, but he smiled and kissed her cheek as he squirted a little bit of the orange shampoo on her head. "Okay. then, yes, I'll do it. I'd be honored." A big smile at her, as he scrubbed the shampoo through her little hair, then bent down on his knees so she could reach his.

And if it gave him a good place to kiss her tummy, then that was his business.

"EEEEEEEE!" She squealed it at the top of her lungs, and then squirted shampoo in her hands, and started working on Clark's. "You know, this is kind of a sexy hairdo on you, Clark," she said, working her fingertips and fingernails through the tight, close-shorn little curls. "It makes you look... grown up." Little butterflies skated through her tummy from where he kissed her at.

He looked up, grinning in a little bit of shock. "Yeah? Lex keeps looking at it like he's grieving. I kinda like it, too. I needed to get the weight off my shoulders." He dragged his hands down from her hair down her back, giving each perky little nipple a tender kiss. "Hey, Chloe? What's this scar, here, all about?" He traced a faint line down her side. "I don't remember when you got hurt."

"That's cause you didn't know me then!" She looked down at him on his knees in front of her, and got happy tingles in places she really shouldn't have. "I had appendicitis, when I was a little girl. In Metropolis. Dad took me to the hospital and they took my appendix out before it ruptured. Don't have any tonsils either, cause they were taken out too, though you were here for that."

"Brought you ice cream for a week." He affirmed, but because it amused him.. "Did you know I still use my appendix?"

She blinked. "You use it? What the hell for?"

He laughed up at her. "To process the enzymes from the sac I have in my back for the baby. Its where the baby's wastes filter down into, are broken down, and then through a tube, it goes to my bladder and colon."

"Oh." Sudden seriousness. "I didn't realize--it had--the baby. I'm sorry. Wouldn't have made a joke. If I knew."

He grinned up at her, rolling her eyes and pinching her hip. "You don't have to be weird about it, Chloe. I'm not, anymore. I'm happy, actually. Not every gay man gets to have kids with his lover. Mar was my gift, the greatest gift I've ever received, and the best lesson I ever learned."

"I know, but... it's still weird. Because. It was so long. And you and Lex... I didn't think would ever... you know, recover. I was worried about you guys. And it's still... just so serious to me."

"Does it make you weird?" he asked softly, as he rubbed her behind gently with soap he'd rubbed onto a poofy sponge.

"Define weird, Clark. This is Smallville, Land of the Weird, Home of the Strange, remember?"

Clarks lips quirked, but only a little. "You know what kind of weird, Chloe."

"Yeah, okay. I know what kind of weird, and no, it doesn't. It's just that... sad kind of thing. You know how, like, when Lana died, nobody talked about her for like, six months, and then all of a sudden, somebody did and it was all okay to do it then? Like that. Only it'll never be okay because I saw that dead little baby, Clark, and I saw what it did to you and Lex and it hurts me because I couldn't help."

His eyes were so sad, but his lips smiled, very softly, as he held her close, climbing to his feet to lead her under the spray, the both of them, so they could rinse. "I think it will. Lex and I aren't quite there, but we can think of him, and we aren't so sad anymore. He's buried close to the house, and we can go visit him whenever we want to." A pause, as he stroked down her arms. "You don't… understand, yet, but having a living being come out of you is a life changing experience. I learned a lot, just by being graced to have him. His little soul is strong, as strong as Lex and me, and we would have hardly been worthy to be parents to such a baby. He was... oh, Chloe, he was amazing. Strong, brave, handsome, kind, intelligent. But it wasn't meant to be, you know? I'm just happy I got to have the precious moments that I did with him. And I'm glad Lex got to share that with me."

"You were lucky," she said quietly. "I thought I was, and I was terrified. It scared me, so much, because I knew I wasn't ready. I knew I had so much more to do with my life, and having a baby, it just terrified me, and I ran. I ran away. I won't ever be as strong as you are, Clark."

"Yes, you would. Theirs strength in you, ashikana, that if I hadn't seen, I never would have claimed you as my sha'nauch. Same with Whitney. There's something extra, something special, in the both of you. Something you don't even know about yet." he touched her chin, gently. "Don't fuck it up with him, Chloe. He's special."

"I won't." She shook her head firmly. "I want everything in my life to be with him. The house, the car, the dog, the picket fence."

He grinned down at her, and kissed her nose. "You're a dork." He pushed her under the spray, ducked under himself, holding his breath as he did without any effort, and rinsed off as he kissed her, softly, before coming out, pushing his squeaky clean locks from his eyes.

"Yeah, I am a dork." She returned the kiss, and finished rinsing her hair out. She peeked out of the shower curtain. "Clark? Look in my closet and lay me out some jeans and a shirt, okay?"

Clarks eyes widened, before he flounced a hand at her, taking on a stance much like Aden and Rico a few nights before...queen, all the way, and rolled his eyes, swiveled his chin, and fluttered his hand to his heart to make her laugh. His voice, a few octaves higher, was snooty and way too Olivia Newton John. "Whooooo do I look like, your slave?"

"Weeeeeeeeeeell... you do look good on your knees," she thought, tapping her chin with her fingertip.

"PSHAW! Talk to the HAND!" He pushed her head back with the width of his palm, pinched her butt, and jumped out of the shower before he himself got jumped, tugging a towel from one of her shelves and scooting into her bedroom.

Chloe laughed as she grabbed a towel and started drying herself off. "You can use the phone in the bedroom to call Lex if you want!" she shouted from the bathroom, as she wrapped her hair up in her towel.

He peeked back in. "Chloe, I can talk to him in my head. Why do I need a phone?" An eye roll at her, before he went back into her tiny walk in closet, and stared. She had... a lot of clothes. And he? Was not a fashiony person at all. Which was why he stuck to the safety of jeans, t-shirts, and flannel. When he was fashiony, he usually was a fashion MISTAKE. Yeesh. And now...faced with....rows and rows and ROWSof CLOTHES, and he stared at it… then down at the collection of at least forty pairs of shoes.

"Oh, yeah. I keep forgetting that, though gee, after you just blew my last brain cell, I can't imagine why I'd forget." Pongy the Penguin was still securely around her neck, and she left the towel around her hips and shoulders. She didn't get a response, as he stared into the abyss of her closet. "Yo, Kent? You okay?"

He blinked once, and turned to stare at her. "What the fuck is THIS?"

"My... closet?"

"You have to have little Bulgarian children lost in here."

"Um... no, why?" She wrinkled her nose at him. "Outta my way, boy."

He pressed back against a rack of dresses, and he turned, to peer at them. Every single event dress for the past four years, and he blinked at them. "Why... do you keep all these dresses?" Pulled one out, a maroon dress with white and pink Chinese style designs. "When we went to spring formal." Pulled out another. "Pete's ROTC Christmas ball." And another. "Sally Hotkins dance."

"Sadie Hawkins, thank you very much." She reached into the closet, and pulled out a pair of comfy jeans and nabbed a sweater off the door. "There, see? Easy."

"What. Ever." He turned and stared at the collection of jeans. At least sixty pairs. "Easy?!"

"Yes, easy. Took me two seconds to find what I wanted."

"The question becomes, how you did it." He peered at the clothes... then down at the shoes, and eyed the six inch pink platforms. "The day you wore those to school, I thought Pete was going to die. His eyes were bloodshot from laughing for two days."

"Reached in to the jeans, pulled out a pair, reached into the sweater bag, pulled one out. This is not rocket science here, Clark." She gutted the sweater over her head, and shimmied into the jeans without bothering with underwear. "There. Do I look like I just had sex with my best friend?"

He purred. Deeply.

"Oooh. Maybe I should have gone with underwear after all," she said, swallowing hard and feeling herself starting to get wet.

His lips spread, ferally and innocently at the same time, eyes all but batting as he smiled, sweetly, at her. "What makes you say that, Chloe?" Innocent little hum, but he didn't have time to take her again, but… yeah. Uh huh. Had he had time... definitely.

Sudden thought of himself inside of her and Lex inside of him, and he shivered all over, cock stirring. "Mmmm." he whispered.

"Bastard," she hissed softly. "You know exactly what." She glared at him. "You and your little purrs and whispers and moans."

His lips spread, broadly. "I was thinking..." He leaned down, and murmured quietly into her ear. "Me pounding into you. And my beloved pounding into me."

The strangled noise Chloe made could barely have been qualified as a response. Her body reacted, though, to her sha'nauch's words. Her nipples tingled and she felt herself getting wetter and wetter as her eyes slitted and her arms wound back around his neck.

"You like that?" He whispered, as her arms went around his still damp back. He was hardening, whispering as he spoke. "I like it too. That's why..." His fingers slid down to the crotch of her jeans and stroked, gently, upwards, so she had to get on her tiptoes with his upstroke. "We will wait. I want my ashimel to be inside of you... I want to kiss him." He murmured, as he pressed a kiss to her lips. "I am going to see him." Amused, quiet, as he gently slid her arms from around his neck. "You are special, my ashikana."

She rose up with the stroking, arching her back as she did, and whimpered. "Give him a kiss for me, okay?" She couldn't help rubbing her hands over his shoulders again.

"Don't worry about that." Was his wicked response, but his eyes softened, as he rubbed her back gently, as he held her close. "I love you, Chloe."

"I love you, Clark. Thank you so much, for not leaving me here to rot. Thank you for coming over."

"I'm happy to do it, Chloe. Thank you, for entrusting the Torch with me." he said softly, kissing her once more before looking towards his clothes and smiling, crookedly. "I bought Whitney a digital camera. He likes photo stuff, so I got him one."

"Can you take a picture? Of me, I mean? For him? As like, a surprise?"

"Okay." He smiled, softly, and pressed his lips to her hair as he walked past her and threw on his jeans, the bright yellow t-shirt half under her bed, and he pulled it on, and his boots, quickly before slipping out of the room.

He hadn't bothered to mention that the million dollar car Lex had bought him was sitting on her curb.

He opened the car and took out the bag from Fordman's, scooping through it until he got out the box with lid that held the digital camera and scooted back up the steps. "Here I am," He opened her bedroom door and slid through again, closing it behind him, just in case. He sat beside her on the bed to open the white box with a blue ribbon, and took out the camera, who's instructions were sitting in the tissue paper beneath it. "Alright, lets see. I already loaded it with batteries, so..." He flipped a switch, opened the lens, situated all that had to be, and smiled at Chloe. "Pose for me."

Chloe had quickly stripped in the time that Clark was gone, and while Clark watched, she arranged herself on the bed, sheet drawn up to cover all the naughty bits, and she slid her hand behind her head. "Okay, I'm posed."

Clark finally turned...blinked.

Coughed. And turned beet. Red.

Chloe giggled. "You've seen it before."

He was almost purple.

"Clark? You okay?" She clutched the sheet to her chest and sat up.

"Nude pictures?" He whispered, eyes big, wide, and he would have kicked himself in the ass if he'd seen how innocent.

"Well, duh."

"That's... way kinky." His throat bobbed, hard, his crotch was... definitely enjoying that, and because he knew Lex was paying attention to what they were doing, gave him an image of the both of them being videotaped while Lex tied Clark down and whipped him.

Another very... very soft purr, a murmur, and he sat back, getting up on his knees. "Okay. Y-you can pose. Wow."

"Yeah, well. When your best friend's sister is a supermodel, you learn a few things. Now hurry up and snap already, and then I'll move the sheet."

"M-move?" He whimpered, but angled her in the frame and snapped the shot and oh my GOD.

Chloe threw the sheet back and she quickly rearranged herself to showcase it. "There. Snap it before you have a heart attack, and I'll get dressed again."

He did, quickly, and then put himself in the shot, gave a wicked grin, a thumbs up, and snapped a picture of the both of them, and scooted out of the way before she could hit him. That super speed came in wicked handy sometimes, and he beamed as he kissed her nose. "I'm going to go see him, then go visit my aushna."

"Okay." She tugged her sweater back on, fished out a pair of clean panties from her underwear drawer... paused, and dug through until she found a flimsy bikini bottom. "Here. Put that in the box for Whitney." She shimmied into the underwear and jeans, then tossed the panties to Clark. "He'll know what to do with them."

"Cock. Tease." Was all he muttered, as he fixed the box just so again, closed the lid on it, and dropped a kiss to her belly before he was gone. "I'll be back later, C'lo!"

"Bring Lex with you next time!!" She waved goodbye and watched him streak out to his car.

Holy shit, he hadn't even TOLD her it was THE CAR. "ASSWIPE!!!" she bellowed from her open window, huge smile on her face.

He flicked her off, laughing, as he drove.



go on to the next part