
The Memoirs

Smallville fanfic by Kel and Diana

Chapter 18: Redrum

Lex was still not used to waking up alone, even though he knew that Clark had had to wake up early, go home, and take care of his chores before he could come back.  He went to sleep with Clark beside him, and part of him expected to wake up with Clark beside him too. 


Rolling over into the rumpled blankets left by his lover, Lex breathed in Clark's scent before climbing out of bed and hissing as his feet hit the cold stone floor as he hurried to the shower.


Half an hour later, Lex was seated behind the desk in his office.  He was dressed surprisingly out of character for him, in a pair of brand new work boots acquired over the weekend, one of the four new pairs of jeans he'd also acquired over the weekend, and a royal purple turtleneck that hid the silver chain around his neck.


A knock on his door brought his attention away from the laptop and he raised his head with a smile, expecting Clark but dropping it when he saw that it was only a deliveryman.  "Yes?"


"Mr. Luthor?"


"Yes, I'm Mr. Luthor."


"Great.  If you could just sign here please, we've got a couple of packages for you."  The nervous deliveryman extended a clipboard.


Lex scrawled his signature on the two lines indicated, and then passed the clipboard back as two boxes were dropped onto his desk.  The smallest one Lex inspected first, didn't recognize the address on, and dropped it into his desk drawer to be dealt with later.  The second package was rather large, and he studied the name on it.  Elfin Fine Chocolates and Sundries, the label read.


Hesitantly peeling the paper from the box, Lex was shocked.  A dozen bright Red Delicious apples lay in a little box in front of him, dipped in handmade caramel and rolled in nuts.


On top of the clear plastic lid was a padded envelope, and Lex tore it open and slid out the object inside.


A picture frame; inside the frame... a young boy, laughing and smiling, riding his father's shoulders with one chubby, caramel-covered hand tangled in his father's hair while the other greedily clutched a caramel covered apple, rolled in nuts.


"Dad," Lex choked out softly, past the lump that had risen in his throat, and he set the frame reverently on his desk as he lifted the cover, selecting one of the confections and biting into it.


The first bite brought back such a flood of memories he was lost in them.


He'd skipped. Loathe to admit it, but if he had to sit through English with the indecently boring Ms. Ancha any longer, he was going to accidentally laser the desk in half out of boredom. He'd copied the homework from the board, went to the bathroom and never came back. Instead, Clark was knocking softly on the office door of his lover, grinning a fool. Slim navy blue t-shirt over slim, tight jeans that once weren't so tight, but his mother and her damn habit of doing the wash everyday. He paired it with black boots and a heavy jean jacket, hair all tousled and wind blown. Or so was the image when he opened the door and looked.


Lex. Sitting at his desk. Eyes full of tears, eating a candy apple and looking happier then he'd ever seen him. Ever.




Clark's voice shook him out of the memories, and he put the picture down, blinking up at his lover as he unconsciously clung to the candy apple.  "Clark?  What... what are you doing here?"


"Skipped." He smiled a little in that worried way he tended to have, eyebrows wrinkled. "You okay, babe?" A snap of the door behind him and he walked in quietly, plopping down in front of Lex's desk and offering a hand to squeeze. "What happened?"


Lex reached out and took Clark's hand in his.  "My father... sent me these this morning."  He laid the apple down on the plastic lid, and pointed to the picture.  "I haven't had one of these since that day.  He'd... we'd gone to the local carnival, and we'd played those rigged shooting gallery games all day because I wanted a stuffed horse and he was trying to win one for me.  After a while... we just stopped playing, and Dad picked me up and carried me like that.  I hated fruit, but when I saw the candy apples... I wanted one.  Mother got it for me and handed it up to me, and she took that picture of me and Dad.  I gave him a copy of that picture years ago, but... I never saw it on his desk.  I thought he got rid of it."


"Lex..." He smiled from ear to ear, looking at the picture of his very young boyfriend, tracing a fingertip over all the gorgeous red hair...then the grin that hadn't changed in all these years. "This...I almost don't know what to say. That's the nicest thing I've ever seen anyone do."


"This is the nicest--only--thing I've ever seen my father do," Lex said quietly.  "It was... one of the last times he was my father, instead of Lionel Luthor."  He ran his finger over the picture as well, barely bumping into Clark's.  "It was the last present I ever gave him, Clark... for his birthday."


He leaned over and kissed his lovers cheek tenderly, skimming his fingertips over the jaw. "I wonder what made him think of this?"


Lex shook his head gently, not dislodging his lover's mouth.  "I don't know, baby... but I'm glad he did."


He couldn't help smiling, because if he thought...really all the time he'd known this man, he'd never seen him this overjoyed, this moved, this shocked. "Maybe you should call him."


Lex picked up his candy apple and took another bite, crunching it thoughtfully.  "You know, Clark... I think you're right."  He leaned forward and placed a sticky-sweet kiss on his lover's mouth, and then sat back in his chair as he picked up the phone and dialed the Metropolis penthouse.  After seven rings, he was directed to Lionel's voicemail, and he hung up.  Another call to the Metropolis office yielded the same results--voicemail--and then he tried Lionel's cell phone, dialing and listening to the ring as he chewed, holding Clark's hand tightly in his own.


He leaned in and licked the tasty lower lip, grinning as he dropped his book bag on the floor and took another look at that picture. Memorizing it, for later mussing. It was The sweetest thing he'd never seen.


Brrrreeee. Brrrrreeee. A groan....roll. Brrreee. Brrreee. An eye cracked open, and Dominic simultaneously grunted and sighed. He let his feet fall off the edge of the bed, his pajama bottoms just long enough to cover the top of his cold feet, and he stretched his shoulder absently with a grunt of pain. Another ring before he picked up his lovers cell phone from the side table. "'ello?"


Lex... blinked.  "Dominic?  I'm sorry, I didn't mean to wake you.  I thought I was calling Dad's phone."  Both his eyebrows shot straight up to where his hairline would have been, had he had hair left.


He shifted, letting his eyes open...the shower was going in the adjoined room, and it gave him a stab of happy pleasure to know his lover was in there bathing. "It's alright, Lex. You did, he's not here at the moment. Is there anything I c'n do for you?" He cleared his throat a little, climbing to his feet with a crack of his back, sighing and walking to the window where the cheerful sun was shining over the busy city.


Lex shook his head before realizing the gesture was useless over the phone.  "No... yes... I got a package this morning, Dominic, and I wanted to thank him for it."  His hand dropped down to rub lightly over the sticks protruding from the apples.  "It meant a lot to me, and I... I wanted to tell him that.  Will you have him call me, when he can?"


"He was hoping you'd get it before tonight." He smiled at that, sliding his fingers through his hair before down to scratch his bare belly. "I'll let him know."


Lex's breath caught in his throat.  "He did... send it himself then?  Not... not you?"


"Of course not. Well, I did help him pick them out. He wanted the bigger ones, but I knew they'd break before they got to you." He grinned, glancing up as the shower shut off. "Do you want to talk to him now? I think he's just finishing up."


Lex darted his eyes up to Clark, down to the picture, over the apples, and then back to the picture again.  "Could I?  If... he's not busy."


"Of course. Hold on just a moment."


Clark watched him, eyes dancing, squeezing their interlocked hands softly and rubbing his thumb over the tight knuckles.


A moment of noise as he walked to the bathroom, knocked quietly. "Lionel? Lovely, your son is on the phone, he'd like to speak to you."


Lex tightened his grip on Clark's hand, waiting for his father to pick up the phone.


Lionel slowly opened the door and peeked around.  "He's not... he's not angry, is he?" he asked, reaching out and taking the phone.  "Lex?"


Lex was momentarily thankful that his lover wasn't human, because his grip would have hurt normal man.  "Dad... I got... your package this morning.  I... I don't know what to say."


Lionel closed his eyes as he leaned against the wall of the bathroom, feeling Dominic's hands on his shoulders.  "I hope you like it."  He reached up and caught one of his lover's hands.


Lex's voice was quietly choked.  "It meant the world to me, Dad... the picture, the apples... I can't tell you how I felt when I opened the box and saw the picture there.  I... I felt like I had a father again."


Lionel opened his eyes at that, a thick sheen of tears shimmering over them that he refused to shed.  "You do, if you still want one."


Lex shook in the chair with the effort of staying calm.  "I do, Dad... so much."


Dominic leaned in close, pressing a kiss against the wet, naked back of his lovers neck, gently squeezing his hands and linking his arms around the slim waist. Holding him close, as he talked.


And at the same moment Clark ever so gently skimmed his thumb over the bottom of Lex's eye, where a tear was threatening to fall, murmuring, "It's okay, sweetheart."


Lex swallowed hard, letting the silent tears creep down his cheeks.  "I love you, Dad.  I missed you so much."


Lionel pressed himself closer to Dominic as he heard the tears choking his son's voice.  "I love you, Lex."  He turned around, letting his lover see the single tear that slid down his own cheek.  "I'll try to make it up to you."


Dammit. He wouldn't cry. He wouldn't. He'd be strong, now, here, for Lex. He leaned in and wrapped his arms around him, over the desk, over the candy, holding him tight, not knowing that three hours away, Dominic was doing the same thing.


Except Dominic was smiling crookedly, holding him close and kissing each tear that fell away with his lips, murmuring his I love you's in his skin.


"We shouldn't be doing this over the phone, son... I'm sorry."


Lex clung to Clark.  "It's enough, Dad... we'll see each other again soon, and we'll talk then.  I just... I had to know if this was something you had done... if it meant as much to you as it did to me." 


Lionel leaned into Dominic, soaking up strength and support.  "It does, Lex... it means a lot to me.  I hoped... I hoped you'd remember."


"I remembered," Lex said, arms still holding Clark tightly.  "I didn't think you did."  He paused.  "How long are you going to be in Metropolis?"


"Another three days, at the most."


"We... we missed Thanksgiving.  Dominic was in the hospital, all this was in our way... when you come home... let's have dinner.  Together.  As... as a family."


Lionel shook his head in disbelief.  "I'd... I'd like that, son.  I'll... call you later?"


"Please do... I'd like that."  Lex turned his face into Clark's shoulder, his own shaking.


"Goodbye, son."  Lionel closed his arms around Dominic.


"Goodbye, Dad."  Lex turned off the phone, dropping it as he wrapped both arms around Clark, body shaking.


Clark wrapped his arms tightly around him, tugging him in close and rocking him gently. "'s alright, baby." He murmured it into the naked ear, kissing it softly as he cradled him to the long expanse of his chest softly. "Hey... it's alright... see? It's okay now, everything's okay."


Lex shook his head, for the first time feeling like the young man he still was.  "He loves me, Clark."  Lex's voice was filled with shock, surprise, wonder and amazement.  "He... he sent me this.  Not Dominic, him.  He did it himself... because he wanted to have his son back."


He let go to look at his love, smiling from ear to ear, all those teeth glinting and eyes shining in his joy. "I see that. I didn't even have to know...Lex, you're..." He gently rubbed the tear marks with his thumbs, cupping the slender face softly. "I told you everything would be okay. It's gonna be fine, now."


Lex looked up at Clark, into the smiling face and shimmering eyes.  "You were right, Clark... everything is gonna be okay."  He reached up to cover Clark's hands with his own.  "I think things are finally going to look up."  He squeezed gently, blinking hard and clearing his throat.  "I'm sure this isn't what you came over here for," he said, trying to grin and change the subject.  "What's on our schedule for today?"


Yeah right. Like his lover could think of anything else while lit up like a Christmas tree. "Dominic was there? You sounded kinda shocked." He teased it gently, still squeezing, still holding on with his half smile that was all dreamy sweetness.


"Yeah, Dominic answered Dad's phone.  I knew... they were sleeping together, but... I mean, nobody touches Dad's phone.  He's so anal-retentive about it."  Lex was still smiling.  "Dominic's never answered Dad's phone before, plus... wherever they were, they were there together, and it wasn't the penthouse or the office."


"Lex, what's come over your dad?" He asked it softly, letting go of his love for just a moment to pull Lex around his desk and into his lap. "Like you said...less anal, more human. He...he sent you this. Maybe he's finally making amends?"


Lex snuggled into his love.  "I think so, Clark.  I don't know what brought this on... maybe it was almost losing Dominic, or..."  And then Lex felt punched in the gut as his entire body chilled.  "Or something's wrong with him, and he's trying to make the most of what time he has left."


"Don't say that." He murmured, leaning in close to kiss his jaw. "Lex...these are the special times people remember...I think your dad finally got it. With Dominic bringing it out in him...he finally got it." He refused to let his lover think any differently, squeezing his hand softly and kissing his shoulder. "These kinds of things are the things we hold in our hearts."


"You're right.  You're right.  Lionel Luthor is too mean and too stubborn to be sick."  Lex shoved the thought out of his mind with all the certainty that Clark possessed.  "I think you're right, and he's just... finally pulled his head out of his ass."  He leaned back against Clark, briefly craving warmth.  "And if he lectures me on Alexander the Great again, I reserve the right to kick his ass."


He laughed out loud, eyes dancing as he glanced up at him. "He lectures a lot, I'd wager." He barely stopped his tongue from saying that it was something Lex had inherited, looking at him carefully sweet.


He shifted him closer in his lap....then suddenly blinked and looked down. "Lex?"


"Every time I see him, it's a diatribe on how much I've disappointed him, and then a lecture on Alexander the Great, or the Caesars, or some other great historical figure that I care nothing about.  I'm just glad that the lecture gene was bred out of me."




He snorted and rose a brow up at him. "What the hell are you wearing?"


Lex looked down.  "Jeans.  Turtleneck.  Work boots.  I'm supposed to meet the cleanup team out at the plant site, and I dressed accordingly because I intend to stay around and get dirty."


He smiled from ear to ear and stayed quiet for a long moment, fingers dancing on his lovers knee. "You look...uhm..." His cheeks turned an adorable shade of red, as he looked up at him from under his lashes. "Really nice."


"Really nice, hmm?" Lex teased, sliding out of Clark's lap.  "Come on, Clark, you can do better than that."


He rubbed the edge of the top of the turtleneck...traced Lex's neck, to his jaw, up to his bald pate before Lex slipped out his grasp and he ached to follow. "I dunno...uhm..." He blushed again, smiling. "Really, really nice."


Lex stood in the middle of the room, and held his hand out to Clark.  "Well... come on then.  If you like this, you might as well see me work in it.  You want to come out to the site with me?"


His breath whooshed out at his lovers choice of words, rubbing the back of his burning neck as he abandoned his book bag. "I shouldn't. I want to...but...I shouldn't. I've got about three more classes before the days over...I just wanted to come see you. I can head over there after class tonight though."


Lex stopped his lover with a hand to the middle of the chest.  "What if I call the school and arrange for you--and anyone else who wants to work here--to get extra-curricular credit for working at the site during school hours."


"Then I will call you a spoiled brat and hope not to have to debauch you in those tight jeans at some point today." His smile was priceless as he swung Lex up in his arms and hugged tight.


"Then call me a spoiled brat, because I called Ms. Glover over the weekend and made arrangements with the school board for this to work, especially since it's something that affects the whole town."


"Yeah! Lex!" He grinned broadly and barely kept his excitement under wraps. "Then I'll help you guys, sure. I mean, yeah. Oh, yeah. I'll call Whit and Chloe and Pete, too. What're you guys gonna be doing today?" He went back to his book bag, reaching inside for his wallet. He stuffed it in his back pocket and zipped his bag back up, setting it on the chair like he always did.


"Well, we're going to start trying to clear out the rubble, and see how extensive the damage is to the foundation, and if we have to, we'll crack the old foundation and rebuild it."  Lex watched the hand slide into Clark's back pocket, and shifted slightly to relieve the pressure from his observation of Clark's ass.  "You're actually... going to see a Luthor man do manual labor today."


He turned, the oblivious look on his face he'd always had whenever he'd felt Lex's eyes on him in the past, except this time..."If you don't want to be man handled, Luthor, keep thine eyes to...thine self." A serious nod, but his expression cracked with a grin as he reached for his hand. "Manual labor, huh."


"And who says I don't want to be manhandled?" Lex said, sliding his eyes over his lover's body.  His hand met Clark's and he grinned.  "Yes, manual labor.  Work.  Real work, according to your father."


"Because if I manhandle you, forget about us leaving here today. At all." He smirked and squeezed the offered fingers. "Plus, I'd much rather see you sweating and pulling bricks for a while."


Lex laughed.  "Self control, Clark.  Self control.  I've practiced it as long as I've known you, now it's time for you to practice in return.  Self control will allow you to watch my ass moving and not pounce on it."  He wiggled his ass against Clark's groin, just to tease him as he moved out of his reach.  "Let's go, Clark... chop chop.  We got work to do.  You can call Chloe and the others on the way."


"Gyuhhhh...grmph." He groaned it, glaring at the back of his lovers head...and oh, pouting. "I don't wanna have self control...can we go out later? Like, say, in an hour? After we make memories in every room of this place?" He whimpered loudly as Lex rubbed against him, slapping him in the ass. "You're into cruel and unusual punishment, aren't you?"


Lex turned back around, grinning.  "It's going to take more than an hour to go through every room in this mansion, Clark... though we might be able to hit all the other pool tables in that hour."  His grin had turned positively wicked.  "But no.  My meeting's in half an hour, and if I time it just right, that's just enough time to throw you up against the wall of the foreman's trailer and suck you down before he shows up."


A loud groan and oh, thank YOU Mama Kent for the tight jeans. Sob. "You're trying to ruin me and my super libido, aren't you?" He gritted it though his amusement shown through, leaning in to bite his lovers lower lip just a bit before Lex jumped out of the way. "You are so evil. Evil. Lex, may all evil people look at you and bow at your greatness." A breath. "I can do self control. Self control! I'm 16 years old. I can't do self control. Who am I kidding? Did I tell you I had a very interesting dream the other day?"


Lex laughed.  "I never said I wasn't evil, Clark... I just said I wasn't a criminal mastermind.  Evil... evil is a whole different ball game."  He narrowed his eyes.  "No, you didn't.  Tell me about this dream on the way to the meeting."  He walked out, heading for the garage and the Lamborghini."


He followed quickly behind, sparing a glance at the garage full of very nice, very fast cars, sighing in lust for them before grinning at the back of the naked skull. "I was a part of an orgy. With about six Lex's. Licked me everywhere...fucked me, screwed me, let me screw them. Every part of me was filled, my mouth...two of you let me blow you at the same time." He sighed a little forlornly, skimming his fingers over the top of the 'Ghini as they walked to it. Sleek little thing.


Lex stopped right beside the 'Ghini and stared at his lover.  "I want inside your head so badly right about now, lover... because that was one hell of a dream."


"Believe me, you don't have to tell me that." He winked and smiled wickedly. "I'll give you the specifics later, when I'm not ready to hump a hole through your car." He opened the door, slid inside, and was immediately wrapped with leather and that lovely new car smell.


"Specifics... yes.  I want to hear specifics.  And I'll have to figure out a way to clone myself, so that we can all bang you... I didn't know you were quite that kinky."  Lex slid in beside his lover and ran his hand up Clark's back. 


"Ya know...I didn't know either." He looked at him with dancing eyes. "You bring out that side of me." He smoothed his fingertips down the side of Lex's face before squirming and looking at the wooden finished panel. "Put it on! I wanna here it growl." He mimicked the noise. "Grrrr. Grrrooowwwwrrrr." A lustful sigh.


Lex cranked the Lamborghini and revved the engine as he backed out of the driveway, spinning a dust cloud as he took off.  "Tell me more about this kinky side of you that I bring out in you, Clark... and we'll see what we can do about getting the kinks indulged."


"Brrrrr....BRREEE..."He mimicked the cars sounds, pretending to have his hands on the steering wheel and his foot on the gas and was he this playful? Survey says yes. "I dunno...I never really thought about it." He pretended to swerve with his lover, eyeing the speedometer...90? Damn. "I've thought about you doing stuff to me before.” Impish glance. "Like my fucking the pool cue for you."


"Well... think about it."  As soon as the Italian car hit triple digits, he held it steady as the scenery whizzed by.  Then a hard gulp as the speedometer jumped to 110.  "You've thought of me fucking you with the pool cue?  Or you fucking me with it?"


He was blushing, a hot, bright red. "Of you watching while I fucked myself."


"Oh, Clark... that would... be so amazingly erotic," he said, his hand drifting from the gear stick to rest on Clark's crotch, massaging gently.  "What... what else?"


He leaned back, swallowing hard and trying not to squirm. "Lex...if you don't want your upholstery ruined..." He swallowed again, harder, glancing at him and grinning a little crookedly, trying not to let his hips jump. "I don't…I don't really think about it...just...a lot of my fantasies deal with masturbating, cause for...for a long time, that's all I could do."


"I don't give a holy fuck for the upholstery, Clark," Lex said, rubbing a little harder and faster.  "Humor me, love... think about it.  Tell me... tell me the masturbating fantasies.  Tell me what you'd make me watch you do."


"Can I confess something to you?" A low murmur as he lowered his hand on top of his lovers, adding more pressure and letting his hips rock up. Dammit. They were going 100 miles an hour and Lex was jacking him off and they were gonna get there too soon and whimper. "I saw you once." He swallowed and couldn't meet his lovers eyes, instead watching their fingers, amazed at the feelings they were causing together. "Masturbating. I didn't mean to... but... X-Ray vision. I was looking for you...and were in the shower...masturbating." His smile was dark, soft, as he murmured, "You have a very sexy skeleton, Mr. Luthor."


Lex sped up his strokes and the car's speed together, keeping one eye on the road as the other kept massaging his lover.  "You like my skeleton?" he asked quietly.  "Remind me to... one of these days... show you the live show."  He squeezed Clark's cock hard.  "You know, I can slide three of my own fingers inside me when I jerk off," he said quietly.  "But I want to hear about you, Clark... tell me what you'd make me watch."  His voice was steely hard.  "You can even... tie me to the chair, if you want."


He groaned loudly, thrashing his head on the back of the seat until it was locked tight down against his shoulder, squeezing his eyes shut as he thrust up and down with each squeeze, each stroke. "Thr...three fingers?" He groaned again, hissing as he struggled to unzip his pants, pride or no pride. He needed to get off, nownownownow. "Make you watch me fuck my bed...pretend it was you I was clutching, not my pillow. Make you watch me use my vibrator...Make you watch me slide it in and scream your name."


Lex helped his lover unzip.  "Three fingers," he whispered hoarsely.  "And they're still not as big as your cock."  Once Clark's cock was free, he tightened his fist around it.  "Fuck my hand, baby... and think... think how much it turns me on to watch you touch yourself, and then remember I've got my hands tied behind my back and I can't do anything but watch... want to jack off and I can't... just watching you touch yourself for me."


He moaned hard at the tight clutch of Lex's fingers, a hot sheath he couldn't help bucking into, rolling his hips as much as the little car would allow. It was a dream come true, a fantasy here in real life, every single night he spent jacking off hard and rough to Lex's face, Lex's body, Lex's hands coming back to slide into the forefront of his memory. All the times he stole away to jack off in the bathroom at school...the couch in his loft. His warm bed, picturing this man riding him. Oh. God. "Always come so hard for you...even when it was just my dreams... always had to do l... laundry in the middle of the night." Dark hiss at the touch of his head, shuddering and trying to keep his grip of reality as he slid under into dreams.


Lex eased off the accelerator as he sped up his strokes, wanting to get his lover off before the parking lot, which was fast approaching.  "Come for me now, baby... think about me jacking off like this for you, spread out on the hood of the car, just stroking myself because you're watching me.  Or... me jacking off while watching you, watching me do what you do, touching myself wherever and however you touch yourself, like a mirror."


That was it. He thrust up and came without a sound, face screwed up tight before relaxing, mouth falling open and gasping hard as he came and came hard, all over his lovers fist. He shuddered, violently, deliciously naughty in the open sunlight with Lex's hand over him like this. Always like this. "L...Lex....oh, g...." He rasped, slumping back against the leather with a full body shudder.


Lex's hand tightened as he felt Clark coming, pumping him quickly and firmly as hot semen dripped from his fist, and he brought it quickly to his mouth, cleaning it before it could soil either of their clothing.  When he was clean, he put his hand on Clark's shoulder, squeezing tightly and brushing his knuckles against Clark's cheek.  "I love you, baby... you're so beautiful."


Except he couldn't speak, because his mouth was hanging open, watching Lex with huge, glassy eyes as his cock jerked hard. " just..." He gasped silently, his throat swallowing reflexively, looking from Lex's hand, to his mouth, hand, mouth.


"I just what?" Lex asked softly, following Clark's gaze down to his hand.  "Oh, cleaned up, you mean?"


Another hollow gasp, eyes still as wide, just...watching him like a hawk.


"Are you all right, Clark?"  Lex pulled into the parking lot, and rolled the tinted windows up.  Now nobody could see into the car.  "Clark, baby, talk to me... what's wrong?  Did I... did I do something wrong?"


He didn't say a word, just leaning over, barely restraining from tearing his lovers pants apart, unzipping them and without a word said, swallowed his lovers cock down his throat.


Lex slammed his hands against the roof of the car, strangling on his cry of Clark's name.  "I guess... that means... I did something right!"  His voice raised sharply on the last word as Clark sucked him deep, tongue swirling.  "Jesus, Clark!!"


He did it again, bringing him out before swallowing him deep, working his tongue muscles over Lex's erection...and like the rest of his body, those muscles were very, very powerful. He slid up and down, swallowing around him, bringing him in deep before up, down again, his free fingers reaching down and around to clasp his balls tight and tug them lightly from his body, working them in his hand.


Lex's hands clenched into fists as he pounded on the roof of the car again, his hips thrusting his cock helplessly into Clark's throat as his balls rolled in Clark's hand.  "Clark... baby... God... fuck."  One hand fell to land on Clark's head, twisting tightly in his hair as he thrust harder.


He moved with him, clear thought pretty much in the next hemisphere. Hard sucks of his mouth, wrapping his lips around Lex's head and sucking hard, five times in a row, like a Popsicle. Then down again, in, letting his lover help...use him. Screw him. And the single thought brought a moan from his chest.


The moan vibrated through Lex's cock and straight to his balls, and he shuddered, thrusting deeper into Clark's mouth as his hand dragged his lover's mouth down his length until he was buried in Clark's throat.  "Fucking Jesus..."  He kept thrusting into his lover's throat, his lover moving with him.  "Love... love you."


Couldn't respond, couldn't even think, moaning again as Lex tugged him down his hot length then up again...down...up...Lex is fucking my mouth. That brought on a full set of shudders that shook him down to the core and he sucked and twirled his tongue, free fingers gripping the base and jacking whenever he moved up, tightening around the end as he went down. Up... down... up, and Lex was moaning his name. Oh, God.


Lex couldn't hold back any longer, and with a single, loud keen of his lover's name, Lex's cock emptied itself into Clark's throat, his body shuddering and hips rolling as he thrust shallowly, riding out the last shudders of his intense orgasm.


He swallowed reflexively, some of it still running down his chin and he didn't care, swallowing harder, milking him for all he was worth. Every drop. And finally when he'd finished thrusting those soft, shallow thrusts, he got up and wiped his chin with the back of his hand...then licked his hand cleaned. "Mmmmmm."


Lex fell back into the driver's seat, panting softly as he twisted around, stealing a kiss from his lover's mouth, tongue pushing in and tasting himself, sharing Clark's taste with him.


He kissed back just as hard, sliding his fingers to hold the naked back of his head close, kissing as hard as he could...sucking his tongue like he'd just done his cock. He pressed a few more soft, luxurious kisses against his cheeks...chin. And smiled. "Mmmm."


"Remind me... to tease you again sometime... and then have you fuck me," Lex panted quietly, returning his lover's smile.  "And see?  Just in time... for the meeting."  He sucked in a deep breath, and tucked himself away.  "You ready, baby?"


He helped him smooth his clothes out...still beyond words, just nodding and fixing his own jeans, smoothing his shirt out and sliding his fingers through all of that glorious amount of hair he had.


Lex reached out, putting his hand over Clark's.  "Baby... Clark... talk to me, all right?  I want to make sure you're okay... please."


He breathed in deeply, swallowing what was left of his libido, and smiled despite himself. "I'm... I'm okay. Yeah. Woo." He shivered and leaned over to kiss the hand Lex had licked a few minutes before. "You are really...really hot."


Lex cupped Clark's face.  "I love you, baby."  He reached into the back seat and grabbed a leather aviator's jacket that had been discarded there weeks ago, and slid it on, pulling his sunglasses out and sliding them over his eyes.  "Let's do it, Clark."


He watched him tug the jacket on, the glasses, and before the drool could pool in his mouth he was laughing, getting out of the car....and the laughter kind of just fizzled as he looked out over the destruction sight. God. It was unbelievable the mess that had been created with a single explosion. "Wow." He breathed.


Lex nodded.  "I know.  But Clark... that's what we're here to fix.  We're going to clear out the destruction, and we'll rise again.  Better than ever."


"How many died all together, Lex?" Quietly, walking around the car to meet him.


Lex laced his fingers through Clark's.  "Forty-eight died in the blast or shortly after it; three more are still in serious or critical condition, and their survival is still in question, though with each day that passes, their chance of making it goes up."


He frowned heavily and he sort of...sagged, the weight of the world sitting right there on his shoulders. "I wish Id known. I wish.."


"No, Clark... don't.  I know you wish, but you did what you could.  You can't save everyone, Clark... I told you that before.  You can't save everyone, and if you try, you'll only drive yourself crazy with guilt."  He glanced at his lover.  "We know someone inside pulled the alarm to evac the plant, before anyone should have known what was going on... my guess is, that was you."


His chin trembled. "I tried. Lex, but I've got these gifts, I SHOULD have gotten everyone out. Why else was I given them? I have to help people, and....and....all these people... they..."


"They survived because you sounded the alarm and gave them the time to escape," Lex pointed out, pulling his lover into his arms.  "If you hadn't been there, if your gifts hadn't gotten you inside to see what was going on, they would have died.  But your gifts... your gifts saved their lives.  Maybe you didn't carry them out in your arms, but you saved them, Clark."


He nodded a little but didn't say anything else, hugging him hard and tight for a moment before letting go. Clean up crews, too many people to watch them touch, and he instead squared his shoulders a little and nodded. "Point the way."


"That big trailer about ten steps away."  Lex turned and pointed, managing to barely hold his smirk in.  "That's the foreman's trailer, and that's where we're heading."


"Alright." He nodded, his good mood gone to waste, and followed his lover...though a strange, distinct feeling of being off was ticking at the corner of his mind. Aside from the numbing GUILT of course. "I'll call the guys."


"You can use the phone in here.  Come on."  Lex watched Clark out of the corner of his eye, resolving not to let the young man out of his sight.  "Clark..."


"Yeah?" He glanced up as they walked up the small, rickety steps of the trailer.


"You'd tell me if something was upsetting you, right?"


"Yeah, of course." He nodded a little bit, opening the door and holding it open for him, comfortably cutting off their conversation as the foreman and his people all looked up and began their greetings.


Lex shook hands all the way around, and settled down in the chair across from the foreman.  "Mr. Connery, this is my friend, Clark Kent... he's going to be helping me supervise this clean-up over the next couple of months.  My father, Lionel Luthor, will also be by from time to time, I'm sure, but you'll be meeting him in due course.  Clark... this is Mr. Jason Connery, and he's LuthorCorp's head foreman."


"Hi, nice to meet you." He smiled, shaking the hand firmly and he got that distinct weird feeling again, shrugging a shoulder a little to get rid of it. "What's going on?"


Connery shrugged, and handed Lex and Clark two huge chunks of red rock.  "Our men have been finding these things scattered all through the wreckage.  No idea what they are, but one of the local boys on the team thought they might be some of those meteor rocks that come down a few years ago."


Lex weighed the red rock in his hand, and then flicked his eyes to Clark, watching for his reaction.  If it were meteor rocks, he'd have to get Clark out... and fast.


Oh. God. ...Except. Except he didn't feel any agony, no need to get away, nothing...just looking at the rocks as that strange feeling overcame him again. Very weird, and not in a good way. He barely stilled his step back, instead sliding further into the seat and weighing the rock in his hand. Very...yeah. God. He handed the rock to Lex with a hard swallow, glancing up. "Meteor rocks are green. Everyone knows that."


"Clark's right; they're all green around here."  He sighed.  "Any more of these?"


"Got a whole truckload out back," Connery answered.


Lex pulled out his wallet, and withdrew a white business card, and scribbled a name and phone number on the back.  "Call Dr. Hamilton, at that number.  Have the rocks shipped to him."  He looked over at his friend.  "I think Clark and I are going to take a walk around the site, see exactly what kind of damage we're looking at so that I can return some kind of estimate to my father in a few days."


Connery waved them out the door.  "Make sure you get a couple of hard hats, Mr. Luthor... we don't want you getting hurt in the work zone."


Lex nodded as he got up and shook the man's hand again, concentrating more on getting Clark out of the trailer and out in the open, away from the rocks.  He tossed a yellow helmet to his friend and took one for himself, tucking it under his arm.  "Come on, Clark... let's get out of Jason's hair."


"Cool. I'm bored, anyway." He got up and accepted the hat...then when they were down the steps made to toss it. "I don't need this. Like anything's gonna break through my head of rock." A pause, and he shook his head at his lover. "Who's Hamilton?"


Lex stopped him from tossing the hat.  "Hamilton is a scientist at Cadmus laboratories, and he specializes in studying meteor rocks and meteor fragments.  If these are new variants of meteor rock, he'll know."  He stopped Clark from throwing the helmet away.  "Wear it, Clark," he said, frowning.  "We know you'll be fine, but we can't let anyone else know your secret, remember?"  Something... was off about his lover.


"Oh, yeah." He grinned wolfishly and plopped it on his head, tucking his hair behind his ears. "Cant forget that. You know, I was thinking about this a few days ago. Do you realize how easy our lives would be if I just...came out with the secret? I mean, A, I could prolly kick whoever's ass if they tried to study me. B, I'd be able to stop hiding, pretending I'm someone I'm not. C....I could kiss you in broad daylight and it'd be okay." He sighed. "Its too much work keeping it all quiet sometimes, you know? That guy in there, your foreman? What a bunch of bull. You mean to tell me he's been working on Luthor lands for years and hasn't ever seen that kinda rock? Yeah, right." He stepped over a slab of concrete, broken into bits.


Lex stopped, considering what Clark had just said.  "Clark... I saw how you reacted... to the meteor rocks, I mean.  If... if someone else saw that, or put two and two together and used the meteors to keep you weak and in chains... then you couldn't kick their ass."  And wasn't that a frightening though, because his father's face flashed suddenly to the forefront of his mind.  "But... I can't argue with the other two.  I'd... I'd love to kiss you and touch you in public, Clark.  I'd love to--"  He stopped again, listening to Clark's rant.  "Jason Connery has worked for LuthorCorp in Metropolis, Clark.  I daresay this is the first or possibly second time he's been to Smallville period."


"Still doesn't keep him from being a dumbass." He stepped over another piece of wreckage, glancing out over all the pure crap they had to clean. "Man, I could have this done in an hour. If that long. This is such crap."


Lex sprinted to catch up with his lover, and planted himself directly in Clark's path.  "What is wrong with you, Clark?"


"What?" He rose a brow at him that was this side of condescending. "What do you mean?"


"What I mean is, why are you copping this sudden attitude?  Ever since we--"  and Lex's mouth snapped shut as his brain clicked.  Ever since we ran into Jason's red rocks.  "It's the rocks."


"Huh?" An eye roll at him as he pushed him out of the way and kept walking. "Lex, please. Its not the rocks. Maybe I'm just sick and tired of being me. Ever think that?"


Lex landed on his ass and watched in silence as Clark walked off without him.  "I happen to like you," he called out after his lover, nodding.  "It couldn't be the rocks," Lex mumbled.  "He was acting strangely in the car." 


"In fact, I hate being me right now. Look at this. Look at what I could have prevented. But did I? No. And you want to know why? Because I was scared. Alright? I was scared. So don't come to me and tell me..." He stopped and realized Lex hadn't followed, turning and glaring at him. "Are you coming or not?"


Lex shook his head.  "I'm not coming with you, Clark... not until you tell me what is going on with you."  He set his jaw stubbornly.  "I'm not taking another step with you, in fact, until you do."


He blinked. "Alright." And turned, walking off by himself.


Lex got to his feet, reached into his jacket, and dug out his cell phone.  Without taking his eyes from Clark's retreating form, he dialed the Kent farm, and was relieved when Martha picked up.  "Mrs. Kent?  Can you come out to the plant site?  Clark's... not acting himself right now, and he won't listen to me."


He sighed.  "Quite frankly, I'm beginning to worry."


She frowned as she listened, one eyebrow raised. "You remember what happened the day of the explosion, I...I'll be right there, honey."


"I remember, Mrs. Kent... that's why I'm calling you.  I'll explain when you get here."


"Chloe!" Shock through his expression because she suddenly came into his eyesight, she and Whitney with their hard helmets on, helping a group of people who'd already begun to remove the rocks.


"Hey, Clark!" She smiled at him, delight scoring her eyes as she tugged on Whitney's arm to get his attention. She beamed at her friend, made to hug him...but he stepped out of her way. She shrugged it off though, because nothing could ruin her pleasure at seeing him. "I didn't know you'd be out here today."


"Yeah. Came with Lex." He smiled at her....then glanced at Whitney. His eyes, dark in his face, smoldered when they looked at him, rolling over his body like he were a chunk of meat. "Hey, Whit."


Whitney swallowed hard when he saw Clark watching him, and he stepped closer to Chloe when he shrugged her off.  "Hey yourself, Clark.  Nice to see you out and about, you know?"


His eyes locked onto his. "What's that mean?"


"Just what it sounded like," Whit came back, dropping his eyes as he drove his shovel into the ground.  "It's nice to see you in places other than school and school-related functions."


"Oh. For a minute there I thought you were insinuating I'm Lex's bitch." Amusement warred in his face as he stepped closer, leaning down to pick up an average sized rock, setting it on the truck bed behind the group...his eyes watching the way Whitney's body moved in his clothes.


She blinked in surprise, dropping her eyes as she herself lifted a much smaller rock and set it in the truck, and because she's wonderful like that, changed the subject. "How is studying for finals coming along?"


"If I'd meant something like that, Clark, I'd have asked where your leash was," he snapped, uncomfortable with the way that Clark was acting towards himself and towards Chloe, and he started hauling rocks again to distract himself from it.  "My studying's going great, thanks to you," he said, following his girlfriend's subject change.


"That's not very nice, Whit, considering yours keeps you on a tighter one then mine. Suck up." Clark puffed his chest out a little, straightening but not looking at him. "Haven't really started, Chloe. Was hoping you'd come by some afternoon...and we could show each other a few things."


Alright. What? "Clark, what's wrong with you?"


"All right, Kent... that's it.  I thought we were going to be friends, but apparently I was wrong."  He picked up the shovel again, and headed towards Clark.


He laughed out loud, watching Whitney approach with avid amusement in his face. "You don't know who you're messing with, little boy."


"Little boy?"  Whitney's eyes narrowed as his grip tightened on the shovel.  "I hung your ass up on a cross, Kent... I can kick it." 


"Whitney!" By now they've attracted a crowd and she didn't like it, grabbing her boyfriends arm and keeping him back. "Stop it." She glared at Clark. "Look, Clark, if theirs something wrong, just say it, don't be like this."


"Only cause of that damn necklace, pretty boy. I could take you any day." His eyes sparked with laughter. "Make you scream...moan..."


Whitney stopped as soon as Chloe took his arm.  "I'm not going to let him talk to you or me like that, sweetheart," Whitney said, but staying put for the moment.  He swallowed hard when he heard the unspoken meaning behind Clark's threat.


"No...its alright." She glared. "He's just being a jerk. Its alright, Whitney." She nodded, cupping his face for a moment before dragging him further away.


He grinned again, broadly, and walked off in the opposite direction, towards the road. He needed to get out of here... to run and be free. Get naked and fuck something raw. "See you later, pussy."


Whitney broke away from Chloe at the last comment, and charged after Clark, slamming into his back and grabbing his arm.  "You apologize to her, Kent, right now."


Martha braked to a stop, getting out of the truck right next to the sleek silver car and spotted Lex looking into the distance with that pensive look on his shed seen on her own mothers face a million times. "Lex!"


He laughed out loud as Whitney slammed into him, turning so Whit had twisted his arm behind his back and the furious mouth was close to his ear. "Always knew you liked it rough."


"Fuck you, Kent... I'm not going to let you insult my girlfriend like that," he said.  "I don't know what's wrong with you, but you're going to apologize to Chloe, even if I have to beat it out of you... nobody calls my girl names."


That weird feeling Clark had gotten before was singing in his veins...making him feel so off and strange, but in an exhilarating, wonderful way. He fed off it, feeling free, speaking his mind and not giving a shit about the consequences. Being free for the first time, when all his life he'd had to shut up and take it, take it, take it. Being tied up to the scarecrow being one of the forefront of his mind. "She was my girl first, moron, I'll call her whatever the fuck I want."


Lex looked up as the truck rolled to a stop and Martha got out.  "Mrs. Kent... thank God you're here.  There is something... something seriously wrong with Clark, and I don't know what it is."


Both brows shot up and she looked into the distance, where Whitney had her son in an arm lock...and Clark looked like he was enjoying it. "What happened? What's going on?"


"Chloe was never your girl, Kent.  But she's mine now, and you're not going to call her names like that.  I won't let you disrespect her like that.  I love her, and I'm not gonna let you fuck with her like that."


"I don't know, Mrs. Kent--he was acting strangely in the car on the way over here, I thought... he said he was just feeling guilty about not saving everyone here at the plant, but then... then when Jason--my foreman--showed us these red rocks he'd been digging up... it only got worse."


He made kissing noises...laughing louder when his arm got twisted up. It didn't hurt...felt kinda good actually. Made him hot. "I'll remember that, Whitney." He pretended sincerity, suddenly snatching himself away from the boy with the greatest of ease.


Her heart was broken. Clark had called her...oh, God. She watched the boys talk with that kinda quiet way she had when her feelings were hurt, not saying anything as she crossed her arms over her slender chest.


"Red rocks?" She frowned deeply, watching her son walking away from Jacks son and Chloe.


Whitney stumbled forward, losing his balance and pitching down onto his hands and knees.  "You better... because Chloe doesn't deserve this shit from you."


"Yeah... Jason said one of the locals thought it might be meteor rocks, but they're red, not green, and they didn't affect Clark physically at all."  Lex reached into the backseat of the car, where he'd stowed one of the rocks after Clark had walked off.  "Here.  This is one."


"Just remember, Whitney. If I want her... I'll have her." He looked over Whitney with a leering look, his grin wicked and dark. "If I want you, I'll have you. No one can stop me." He stepped over Whitney's crouched form, walking off with a whistle.


She peered at the rock Lex had handed her... frowning softly. "I... mmph. I've never even seen it before, Lex." She looked up at him, frowning.


Whitney pulled himself up to his knees, and then to his feet, watching Clark walk off, and then turned back to see Chloe, standing there brokenhearted.  He sprinted back to her, and held his arms open.  "He's being an asshole, baby, I'm sorry."


"Neither have I, and that's what's bothering me.  It looks like... rock.  But... I know it has to have something to do with Clark's mood."  He looked up.  "He's leaving."  Lex cupped his hands around his mouth and yelled.  "Clark!  Your mother's here!"


He kept right on walking, through the grass, out into the parking lot...and didn't come out between the cars, having obviously shot out at lightening speed.


She rose a brow at him, looking up. "Lex...let me get you in the know about Clark. He...he's a moody child. Always has been. When he gets upset, he lashes out...he's always been that way. I'm not sure if this..." She rose the rock, handed it back to him. "I'm not sure if this is causing it."


She sighed softly. "Its okay." She leaned up to hug him. "Clark..." Another sigh. "Maybe he and Lex had a fight or something."


Lex looked at Martha, blushing faintly.  "We… were being romantic in the car, on the drive over."  The blush intensified.  "He was more… vocal about certain things than he usually is.  Then… he suddenly got very quiet and guilty as he looked out here, and then we went in to talk to Jason, and he flipped out completely as soon as we left the trailer and started walking."  He paused.  "Clark pushed me, Mrs. Kent, and that's something he's never done before.  And I bet if we talk to Whitney and Chloe, they'll tell us the same thing; that Clark has done things that he never has done before."


Whitney held his girl tightly.  "No, baby, it's not okay.  And even if they did have a fight, that's no reason for him to treat you like that.  Nobody calls you names, nobody treats you badly.  Not while I'm around."  He hugged her close.  "I won't let him have you, I promise."


She nodded slightly as she listened...yes, that was...yes. "That is strange...Lex, we have to go looking for him. He might...theirs something definetely wrong. Can there someone that can analyze the rocks?"


She raised her brows. " ones going to have me that I don't want." A little frown, but she held him tight. "And next time he comes around with that attitude, he wont treat me like that, either."


She let it slide about the romance...she understood. More then he'd ever know, she understood. "He'd never hurt you, Lex. Something's definetely wrong...and the reaction he has to the green rocks..." A soft sigh.


Lex agreed.  "They're already on the way to a scientist in Metropolis, Dr. Hamilton.  He's been on my payroll now for quite some time, and he's been studying the meteor rocks since the shower."  He put his hand on her arm.  "I know he wouldn't, Martha.  And he didn't.  He just pushed me out of his way, and that's how I knew something was wrong."  He didn't mention the fact that his feelings had been hurt, but he knew that this wasn't his Clark.  "We have to find him and make sure that he's okay."


Whitney shook his head, and held Chloe tighter.  "I don't want you around him alone, Chloe.  Promise me that, please?  He said... he said some pretty nasty things, things along the lines of if he wanted you he'd have you and nothing would stop him... and I'm scared.  He threw me off like I'm nothing, and if I can't protect you... please, just promise."


"I... I promise, Whitney." And not because she didn't think she could take care of herself...but because she saw a side of her Clark that she didn't like. "He'd never hurt me, Whitney. Ever. We're like brother and sister...he's just upset."


"I'll go around the south part of the town, you hit the north. Check major know how he can run, honey. He might not...not show up again. In the meanwhile, I'll get Jonathan to start a search."


"Yeah, and if he's upset, he can get out of control, and I don't want you hurt."  He kissed her softly.  "Thank you for promising; I'll make sure I'm always around."


"I promise, sweetie." She nodded, tried for a smile, and picked up her shovel again. "C' doesn't have to ruin our day. Lets keep working."


"I can call in any people we need," he said quietly.  "They're paid well to do what they're told and not say anything about it."  He dug his keys out, and stood by the door of the Lamborghini.  "I won't give up until I find him."


"I know." She offered a tight smile, and with a rush of exhaust from the truck, she was gone.


Whitney picked up his own shovel and moved back into place beside Chloe.  "We won't let it."


Lex got into the driver's side of the Lamborghini, taking a moment to hurl the red rock back into the middle of the wreckage, and then he spun out of the site, heading towards the interstate.  Not that Clark would be stupid enough to run on them, but... It was the quickest way to get to Florida, and that was the first place Lex was going to check.


He ran. And ran...and ran. Through five states, before he realized where he was. Just ran, as fast as he could, until the sweat trickled off of him in waves, until the land changed from wheat and long prairie grass to desert and cacti. He ran, all the way through Oklahoma, Dallas...and finally stopped in Houston, two hours after he'd began to run. He knew, beyond all things, what he wanted from here. He'd read things on the about an underground place that did things.


He was finished with his business an hour later.


His blood boiled. There were no other words for it. He was hot, hot, fucking horny as he'd ever been. Some part of him...whatever part that was still Clark didn't let him accept the many invitations for a good fuck. He was better then that. He had something waiting for him at home ten times better...ten times more delicious.


Bald. Rich. Perfect ass, waiting for him. So he stopped in an ally way in Oklahoma city and jacked himself off, rough and hard, coming in seconds of having had himself in the tight confines of his new clothes being like heaven. Then on he ran.


They looked everywhere. All through the county...Jonathan even drove into Metropolis for any sign of their boy.




Martha trusted Clark. He was her son, in every way a child could be. He was hers, and he had a good head on his shoulders...she'd made sure to put one there. But if he WAS somehow affected by the rocks...what would her baby do? The tender age of sixteen, so young. Not old enough for the fears of the world.


She sat in her kitchen, and wept.


Lex kept his foot on the pedal, pushing the sports car at it's highest speed as he flew down the interstate.  Clark had too much of a head start on him, and Lex knew from personal experience he was faster than the car itself.  But he didn't give up; instead one eye stayed on the road, and the other roved either side, checking for disturbances in the foliage.  He kept willing his fucking phone to just ring.  Whether it was Clark, Martha, or Jonathan, he just willed the fucking thing to ring.


Clark knew where he'd be going. How very Lex a thing to do. He got up from his comfortable sprawl in the middle of the highway, stretching long arms above his head as the Lamborghini rushed at him. 110? 120? Hah. "Don't see me again, Lex?" He asked the early evening sun, smirking.


Lex stood on the brake pedal with both feet, downshifting and dumping as much speed as he could as he spun the car into the breakdown lane and close to the railing.  He fought the spin, barely keeping the car on the asphalt as nearly half a mile of black rubber laid out behind him by the time the car finally stopped.  Lex jumped out of the car, ignoring the smoke from under the hood and gagging on the smell of burnt rubber.  "What the fuck, Clark!  Are you out of your goddamned mind!!"


He laughed out loud, eyes dancing as he looked at his lover. The dark brown leather was a stark contrast to his caramel skin, the white sleeveless t-shirt hard and tight against his body as the painted leather.


He had tattoo's all over his shoulders. More, down into his shirt, over the sides of his neck. His eyes danced, glittering in malice...but didn't move.


"Hello, lover."


Lex slammed the door as he stalked over to Clark, but only after a few steps he stopped, and looked.  "Clark... what?  How... what the hell?"


"Stop in Houston. Like it?" He spun in a circle, then walked towards him, black boots quiet against the pavement. "Needed a change. The flannel and jeans get kinda old after a while, ya know?" He dragged his fingers through the hair that had been windblown from the hard run. "Was gonna go home to you...knew you'd be out here. You really are too sentimental, Lex."


Lex backed away.  "Sentimental?  Sentimental my ass!  Your mother and father and I are going out of our minds looking for you, and you're prancing around like... I don't know what!"  Even as he backed up, Lex found himself pinned against the side of the car.  "Clark... what the hell has gotten into you?"  But damned... damned if he didn't kind of like it, in a very dark and dank corner of his psyche.


His expression glittered with something like annoyed impatience but with a distinct animalistic edge, stopping about three steps from his lover. "What? You don't like the change? Come on, don't tell me the flannel was doing it for the Almighty Lex Luthor." He shoved him the rest of the way against the car, looking down from his height vantage point and roughly leaned in to suck a hard kiss out of his neck...lacking all the sweet gentleness they always shared.


Lex arched into the rough kiss, his hand going out to push Clark away but instead wrapping around, nails digging into Clark's shoulders and dragging down his chest.  "I like," Lex admitted in a strangled, rough voice.


"I'm sick of being who I am, Lex." He shoved him in closer, taking another hard kiss, this time from the spot under his ear. "Sick of being meek and mild and sweet. I see." A harder kiss and none too gentle bite to his chin. "I want." He claimed Lex's mouth for his own, kissing ferociously...even growling hard at the end. "I take." He punctuated the last word with a grasp at his lovers cock, squeezing through the thin materiel of his slacks.


Lex shuddered at the rough kisses, the hard squeeze of his cock with strength just barely contained.  "Clark... CLARK!  Stop," Lex ordered, fists flattening out against the tattooed chest as he pushed against the rock-strong torso.  "Let me go, Clark."


"No." He reached up and simply ripped the fabric of Lex's jacket and shirt down to the cool air, hardening the nipple that came into view, and he leaned down to bite it, none too gently...the tang of blood in his mouth making him grin. He looked at the spot...laved the few droplets with a smirk up at his lover. "You like it."


Lex's hard cock certainly proved Clark's statement.  "What... what I like... isn't the question Clark," he panted out, nipple throbbing from the savage bite as he held his hips still so that he didn't thrust against Clark.  "Let me go, because I'm taking you home."


"No." His voice was a little darker now, and he ground his body in against Lex's, hard and hot and he thrust up, taking his pleasure. "You're not. I'm not going back to that fucking hick town. I hate it there. Hate it. I'm not going back, and you can't force me."


Lex hissed, thrusting back against Clark helplessly as his body fought to take over his brain.  "I'm... going back.  I have... a home.  People... I made promises to... family," he panted out, rubbing against Clark as his hands were trapped by his sides.


"Fuck you." He leaned in and claimed his mouth, holding his arms tight as he rocked, thrust, debauched his mouth with his passion. Hard sucks and kisses, tonguing his throat hard as Lex had taught him to do in the ocean, punctuating each thrust of his mouth with his hips. "Fucking hot..."  He hissed it, leaning down and ripping Lex's pants in such a way that as soon as he hoisted the mans thighs up around his hips, he slammed inside his lovers tight passage. Hard, hot, no preparation, just a solid thrust inside.


Lex shouted Clark's name as his legs tightened around his lover's waist, sucking hard on the tongue that teased his throat.  He squeezed hard with his ass, pushing down on Clark's cock as it pushed into him, whimpering at the pain but getting harder and harder with each inch of penetration.  "Clark," he whimpered, biting hard on his lover's throat.


"Don't fucking call me that." He hissed, pulling out, then in, thrusting hard and fast as his powers overtook his senses. "I'm not the good boy you used to know." He slammed in harder, faster, burying his face in Lex's throat and biting at the exposed skin, grunting hard and panting like a wild, free animal. The muscles in his back rippled with each movement, tension in his thick arms and fingers as he held Lex's hips and slammed him on top of him. Over. Over. Over. Faster, harder, pistoning his hips.


Lex whimpered, riding the hard thrusts and slams, nails raking Clark's chest repeatedly as he dragged the white shirt up enough to slide his hands under the shirt and pinch hard nipples, twisting them as he cried out.  He yelled when Clark's teeth broke his skin, moaned just as loudly when his lover's tongue lapped the blood, and mewled softly as Clark's cock fucked his ass hard.  He was sweating, hot, and this was some of the best sex he'd ever had just because Clark didn't care and was just fucking him and Jesus he screamed again as Clark finally rammed against his prostate and pain turned to sparkling, burning pleasure.  "Clark, God... please, just... fuck me harder, do it, do me!"


Nothing but pure animal sex, fucking for the sake of fucking, no emotion...just hard beat of their bodies on the cold highway. The car finished smoking...the smell of rubber was replaced with the thick scent of writhing bodies and sex. Pure animal mating, willing or not. Clark took his lover like an animal, growling, hissing. Snarling. Touched him in places he shouldn't have touched...took him up higher, higher, his words turning distinctly thicker in accent...then not human at all. The screams fell on deaf ears as he fucked him, hard, willing body and he the more then willing cock. Vicious pleasure in this, in pushing against the prostate and feeling the body ripple around him. Again. Again. Over. And over. And over.


Lex's screams grew louder, arching into the rough, hungry touches of his lover as he howled, twisting helplessly under Clark as he felt for the first time the extent of his lover's strength as he was held down, taken, twisted and moved on Clark's whim.  Every slam of his prostate made Lex's vision swim, made his brain white out with the intense flare of pleasure before it burnt itself out to be replaced by the next hard thrust. He didn't even feel the soreness of his ass any more, the only thing he felt was the cock that seemed made of steel and was pounding into him as he screamed his acquiescence to the skies over them as he reached for his cock, aching and throbbing.


Fucking, fucking, hard, intense harder, faster. Close. Hot pleasure in his body, building in his balls, at the base of his spine, up his back and into his brain. His ass throbbed, his mouth tingled, his nipples peaked and went hard as rocks as he began to jerk with every thrust, faster, harder. He lifted the willing hips under him, angled them, and slammed in harder, as deep as he could, thrusting harder as orgasm approached. As the body under his jerked and the screams echoed in his ears. As he bled from the bites on his shoulders and chest...then his lip, as Clark sucked Lex's lover lip into his mouth and bit.


Lex's hand closed around his cock and he screamed again, the sensitive organ jerking in his hands as he jacked himself roughly, riding the hard strokes of his lover and arching into the deep kiss that Clark bestowed on him, rolling his hips and twisting his cock.  His balls throbbed, tightened, and then exploded, jets of come splattering between them, on both their chests and bellies, and over Lex's fist as he screamed Clark's name a final time, his ass locking around the cock fucking him and squeezing tightly.


That was it. He shoved in as far as he would go and roared his orgasm in his native language, the sound deep and rough in his body as he shot deep. He slammed Lex's hips into his and held him close as he came, bellowing, roaring the feeling, the hot, helpless feeling, the triumph. As soon as he finished coming he slammed Lex closer to the car and took his mouth hard, kissing fiercely and long as he shallowly thrust the rest of his orgasm out.


Lex wrapped himself weakly around Clark as much as he could, arms and legs clinging to his lover as he rocked against him, loving the feel of Clark still moving inside him as he kissed, tongue thrusting and hands touching as he whimpered.  "Clark... baby... that was... I love you," he murmured into Clark's mouth, words coming out more like moans than he liked.


He didn't like that. At all. English came back to him at the end of that, and he dropped Lex very suddenly, tugging out of him and just letting go, stepping back. Tucked himself in his pants, pulled his shirt down over the intricate henna tattoo of a dragons snout coming down on his left nipple. Of the partial sun done around his belly button. And stopped to really look at his handiwork, smirking. "Good lay."


Lex leaned back against the car, his eyes flashing at his lover, refusing to show the hurt as he opened the car door and got in the driver's side.  "I'm going home, Clark.  You'll know where to find me."  He settled gingerly into the driver's seat, trying to find a comfortable position as he reached for the phone on the passenger seat.


"Oh, come on, Lex." He was laughing as he backed up, eyes dancing with malicious humor, but it wasn't as bright as before. No, and neither were his movements. "It...its just sex."


"No, Clark... it's not."  He slid the keys in the ignition and cranked it, then looked at his lover through the window.  "What do you want me to tell your mother when I come home without you? That I didn't find you, so she can keep worrying, or that you didn't want to come home, so she can wonder what she did wrong?"


He cleared his throat, backing up some more, only he looked very...very confused. A little heart broken...a little strange. " Who gives a...a f...fuck about..." He stopped and rubbed his eyes... his head... then suddenly let out a hollow sound of pain because very suddenly he was himself once more and he'd just RAPED HIS LOVER. "Le...Lex..."


Lex turned off the car, getting as quickly as he could out of the car and going to his lover.  "I'm here, Clark... I'm here."  He wrapped his arms around Clark and held him, not sure if he'd be thrown off or what, but the broken hearted noise that Clark had just made had killed Lex inside.  "I'm here, baby."


He lost his footing, sinking to his knees...the leather squeaking as he looked down at the gravel with wide, horrified eyes. "Lex...I...I j... just...Lex.."


Lex went down with him, holding him tightly.  "Clark... whatever's wrong... we can get through it together.  But, baby... you gotta tell me."


"I just..." He couldn't meet his eyes, dragging his fingers through his hair and fisting before shuddering hard. "Lex, I was feeling weird, so weird all afternoon, and...Lex, I raped...I..." His words were quickly becoming thick, heavy, unshed tears clogging his throat, and he couldn't even bring himself to grasp the hard arms because he'd ruined it, ruined their relationship and Lex would never forgive him and oh, GOD.


"No, Clark, no.  You can't rape someone who asked for it, I mean, really asked for it."  Lex shook him.  "Do you remember, Clark?  I asked you to fuck me, asked you to just fucking do it."  He ran his fingers through Clark's hair and refused to let go.  "You didn't rape me, Clark, I wanted it, wanted it every step of the way."


His breath was whooshing fast, and he grasped the welcome arms tight, letting out a hollow sound of pain. "I hit on Whitney...I called Chloe a p...p..." He squeezed his eyes tight. "Something's wrong. I've felt weird since the explosion."


Lex tightened his grip on Clark as they rocked together on the side of the road, leaning against the car.  "Let me get you home, Clark, please.  Your parents will know how to help you.  I think... I think there's something about those red rocks that were at the plant that's messing with you like this."  He kissed Clark's mouth firmly, pulling him into his arms.  "I love you, baby... we're going to get through this together."


"I feel it. Lex, I feel weird inside. Its going to happen again. I only just saw the red rocks in the office for a second...Lex, its been all day and I've...I....I went to Houston and had a girl put this all over me, Lex, Lex, I.." He was sobbing. And he didn't care. "She sucked me off, Lex, she sucked me off and I'm so sorry, I'm sorry, oh god, I love you, I'm so sorry, I didn't stop it, I could have, I'm sorry, I'm so sorry, Lex, I'm sorry."


Lex rocked his lover.  "It's okay, Clark."  It wasn't.  Not by a long shot.  But there couldn't be that many female henna artists in Houston, and he could kill her later.  "Baby, it's okay.  We'll get through this.  I promise.  You don't have anything to be sorry about, okay?"  He lifted Clark's chin to look at him.  "It doesn't change anything."


His face was in a permanent state of being crumbled, tears sliding down the sides of his face as he stroked his lovers face desperately, curling in his lap and holding tight. "Please, don't be angry with me, please, I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to, I'm sorry, Lex, I'm so sorry."


Lex cradled his lover against him.  "I'm not angry with you, Clark, not at all."  He rubbed his thumb over his lover's face, drying his tears.  "Please believe me, baby, I'm not."


How strange, that this bulk of man could fuck his boyfriend through a car one minute, and be in tears the next. Same man, except the soul behind him was different. One had been wild, crazy... dark. This one... this was sweet, giving, nurturing, in love. He couldn't even speak, just bringing his knees up against his chest, leaning into Lex's touch and trembling.


Lex turned slightly so that he was pressed against Clark's back, holding his lover to him.  "Clark, baby, please... look at me.  Look at me, see that I'm not angry with you, see that I still love you, baby."


He looked up at him, tipping his head before bringing him in close, holding him tightly to him. "Lex...Lex, I'm cold. Please...take me home. Please."


Lex nodded softly.  "Let's go home."  He picked up his leather jacket from the ground and wrapped it around his lover's shoulders, and slowly helped him up.  "Come on, Clark... I'm taking you home... our home.  You can call your parents on the way home, but you're coming home with me... our home, our bed."


"How can you still want me?" Hoarse whisper, holding him close, the leather pants creaking with each step. "After what I did to you? How?"


Lex shook his head.  "Because it wasn't you, Clark.  You wouldn't hurt me.  And... because I liked it, though I hope that doesn't disgust you."  He opened the door for his lover and helped him slide into the car, the crouched beside him.  "But most of all?  I love you, Clark... and nothing is going to make me stop."


"Sa'lumkana." He whispered, stroking Lex's face with his fingertips softly, swallowing as he tugged Lex's jacket tighter around his shoulders. "Lex... I liked it too."


Lex caught Clark's fingertips against his lips, kissing them softly.  "Then it's okay," he said with a small smile.  "You didn't hurt me, and if we both liked it... then it's okay."  Then after a pause... "What did you just say?"


He shrugged, misery in his expression. "It means my beloved."


Lex's smile widened.  "Sa'lumkana," Lex repeated softly, trying to get the inflection right.  "You are my beloved, Clark."


He barely stopped the chin tremble, squeezing his hand tightly as he slowly swung his legs into the car, hair falling in his eyes and going unnoticed. "I just kept thinking how much you'd like me like it would remind you of the fun times you had as a teenager. How sexy it would be. I never m... meant to... to... any of this. Not... not purposefully."


Lex brushed the hair out of his lover's eyes, and turned Clark's face to that he looked directly at him.  "I do like you like this, Clark... believe me.  I do.  But... sexy isn't what you wear, baby... it's who you are.  You can be sexy in denim and flannel, henna and leather, or an old flour sack.  You are sexy.  Clark is sexy, not your wardrobe.  And you know why that is?  Because of how much I love you.  Because no matter what you're wrapped in--denim, leather, flannel, whatever--you are still my Clark."


He smiled a little, just a little, eyebrows knit together as he squeezed his loves hand. "I know that. But... this... it made me feel sexy. It...I just wanted to let you see me like this. Like I wasn't just a small town kid."


Lex shifted in his crouch so that he could lean against the door, and look up at his beloved.  "I never thought you were just anything, baby," Lex said quietly, bringing Clark's hand to his lips.  "When we get home... After you've gotten through this... I'll show you the rest of my closet, we'll pick out leather together, and we'll go to Metropolis together."


He couldn't help it. He smiled at that, tipping his head to watch him, the misery sliding slowly to aching sadness... but getting better. "You mean that?"


Lex nodded.  "I mean that.  I'll show you all the places I got those scars that fascinated you so much; I'll show you all my clubs and if they haven't killed themselves by now, I'll introduce you to some of the people."


He reached over and touched his cheek. "Its enough that you'd do it for me. I love you, Lex."


Lex clasped the hand tightly against his face.  "I love you, Clark."  He leaned into the car and wrapped his arms around his lover's chest, hugging him tightly.  "You ready to go?"


He hugged back, burying his face into the soft scalp, kissing it tenderly. "I'm ready."




Lex stayed in Clark's arms for a few more moments.  "Yeah, baby?"


"You're my miracle."


Lex shook his head.  "I'm nobody's miracle, Clark... I'm just a man who is lucky enough to love you."





go to the next part