
The Memoirs

Smallville fanfic by Kel and Diana

Chapter 19: Consequences

Lex climbed in the car, and off they went. Good speed this time...only 80 as they shot down the freeway, headed back to Kansas, and Smallville, where home was.


After switching twice to drive, the clock on the sleek dark dashboard read 2:37 a.m. in illuminated bright green before Clark stopped in the driveway. They hadn't said a word to one another...just shared a comfortable silence that had eventually led to Lex falling asleep. And there he sat, in his purple turtle neck and rumpled blue jeans and boots, the jacket tucked around his shoulders as he slept. He looked so innocent...eyelashes on his cheeks, chest rising and falling quietly, his lips in a soft line that begged for a kiss.


Clark didn't dare.


Instead he locked the car up tight and with his lover gathered up in his arms, sleeping there in the crook of his neck, he walked in to the dark house, thanking a sleepy eyed, fear-tinged Enrique. Murmured words before he carried his lover up the steps, careful not to jar him, or the quiet peace settled over the castle.


Lex didn't exactly wake, but he was aware of being cradled and held and moved, and he curled into the body carrying him, slipping his arms around the strong neck and shoulders that carried him as he nestled his face into the warm skin, and murmured something quiet about apples and fairgrounds as he tightened his grip on his carrier.


He held him softer, warmer in his large arms, gently cradling him as they got to their bedrooms. A twitch of his hip and the door quietly closed, slipping a small bedside lamp on without saying a word. He lay Lex down softly on the comforter, cradling his head and setting it on the pillows...and not for the first time did he realize how fragile his bare skull was. Could be wounded, could be fine china, and he treated it as such. He slipped to the bottom of the bed and gently tugged the boots off, working the laces before each shoe was set silently on the floor.


Lex stirred in his sleep, waking up just enough to blink and make out Clark's form at the bottom of the bed.  "'Lark?" he slurred.  "Wha'sup?"


"Nothing, sweetie." A murmur, quietly unbuttoning his ripped jeans, tugging them, and the boxers, down his legs. His breath caught silently at the bruises flared on pale hips, of the finger prints marring that porcelain skin...of the traces of blood on his inner thighs. Oh. God. He didn't look...couldn't, sliding the warm turtleneck over his head without fuss so Lex lay there, naked for him to see what he'd caused. Bruises, bite marks heavy around his lovers throat...his nipple. He bit his lip hard, then skimmed it over Lex's lower lip, kissing his barely awake lover softly and gently. "Stay here, okay?"


"M'kay."  Lex stretched and then curled up.  "H'rry back."


He pulled the warm comforter over Lex's slim body, emotion choking him as he leaned in to skim a kiss over the side of his head. "I will." He climbed to his feet, steeling his eyes away from what he saw, instead walking into the huge bathroom. He let the door close partially and took a good look around him. Bathroom done in all pale creamy colors and mauves, gold accents everywhere that had to be real. Gorgeous. A bathroom made for a king. The toilet itself, the thick fluffy towels on bars hanging from the wall and piled neatly on a small shelf made into the wall itself. A huge bay window with plants and flowers growing underneath it and under it a huge claw tub sat beautifully. The sinks were there, by the door, and Clark walked around them, dropping to his knees on the tile. He tapped the bathtub before turning the gold rings. Adjusted them to a perfect warm temperature so hot water fell from the gorgeous tap, filling the inside of it as the ripe scent of peaches and rosemary filled the room. Clark dropped ample amount of the soapy bubbles in...climbing to his feet slowly.


Then promptly leaned into the toilet and threw up. Hard, hard as he could, everything he'd ever eaten since he was freaking born...and flushed so his lover wouldn't hear. Again...then washed his face in the sink, cold water over his features. He took a good look at himself, and understood in a way why he'd wanted this. The thick tattoo's over his skin, the white wife beater, tight leather jeans.


It wasn't him staring back. Couldn't be.  But it was. And he hated it.


He opened the door again to the bedroom, stepping out, and looked and the slim, dark figure under the covers. His baby. His Lex.


Lex turned away from the light, turning so that his back was to his lover, and then when the light didn't go away, he pushed himself up, blinking and holding a hand up.  "Clark?"


"I'm here." He took another few steps, watched the thick white back bunch, the muscles ripple, and his belly kicked hard. "I'm here, sweetheart." And in a single scoop, he had his lover in his arms, cradling him close like before. "C'mon. Let's bathe."


Lex wrapped his arms around Clark's neck.  "At three in the morning?" he muttered, curling up against Clark's chest and hiding his face in his shoulder.  "It better be warm, because if you drop me in a cold tub, I'll kick your ass."


"Its warm, love." A murmur into the warm skin of his cheek, tucking Lex in close, naked in his arms. He turned when he got to the bathroom, side stepping them in and walked to where the bathtub was nearly full of water, and a slim skim of perfectly shaped bubbles. He leaned down, leather creaking, and slowly slid his love into the warm water, arms and chest wet. " it too hot?"


Lex sighed happily.  "Feels good... get in."  He stretched under the water, and then pulled himself up against the back side.  "C'mon."


He swallowed hard and leaned back, watching him a moment...before nodding slightly. He tugged his boots off...pulled the white shirt over his head. Unbuttoned the leather pants, sucked his belly in and dragged them down his hips, stepping out of them. Naked. Vulnerable. He walked foreword and stepped in, sinking under the bubbles behind his lover and pulling him close to him. "You feel okay?"


Lex snuggled up against Clark, leaning his head back to rest against Clark's shoulder as his body floated.  "I do now."  He slipped his hands over Clark's as they rested around his waist.


He dropped his head and pressed a very, very tender, very, very soft kiss to the slim, unmarked, strong shoulder, rubbing his lips against it as if to wipe away the evidence he'd touched there. "Can I ask you a weird question?"


Lex murmured softly in response.  "Sure, but expect a weird answer."


"Do you have a middle name?" Quiet, soft, reaching for the bottle that had to be the 120 dollar soap and a small hand towel.


"Joseph," Lex answered immediately.  "Alexander Joseph Luthor, at your service."


He couldn't bother to smile, just sitting up and making his love do the same. "Joseph...biblical?"


"I doubt it," Lex answered, sitting up as Clark did.  "My father was never quite the Bible type, and my mother's faith was strong, but... she never brought it into our family."  He sighed softly.  "I'm sure it's after Napoleon's wife, Josephine... they couldn't exactly name me Alexander Napoleon."


"Woulda been kinda nice. Alexander Napoleon Luthor. Very stately." He rubbed the soft cloth over the shoulder he'd bit and sucked at with his mouth, over the wounds he himself had caused...sweeping over them with the utmost care and attention.


"And it would have gotten my ass whipped at every school I ever went to, Luthor or not.  There are some things that transcend the power of my last name, especially to bunch of spoiled rich brats."  He sighed softly.  "Mmm... that feels good."


He didn't speak because he could feel the tightness in his throat...sweeping the soap down over the wounded nipple before away...over the long expanse of his back, then up over his neck.


The pendant hung from Lex's neck, wet and soapy, soft against the paleness of his skin.


"Did kids ever tease you?" Quietly, sliding down the unwounded side, washing it silently.


"They did.  For a little while.  Until I got old enough to realize I had a gift; pretty soon the teasing stopped and I had people lining up to give me anything I wanted for a chance to fuck the Luthor freak." Lex shifted slightly in the water, getting more comfortable in the warm bubbles.  "I was... I think fourteen the first time."


"When you lost your virginity?" He asked it softly, rubbing the towel down over the muscled arms.


"That's right," Lex nodded, leaning forward so that his back was exposed to Clark's ministrations.  "I don't even remember who it was, now... but they paid quite a bit.  Several cases of alcohol and a hundred thousand dollars, which covered my spending money for two terms."  Lex shrugged it off.  "That was a lifetime ago."


He swallowed reflexively, letting the cloth slide underwater to gently sweep over his lower back, fingers trembling over the pale skin. "Do you remember his name?"


"Let me think."  Lex closed his eyes, leaning back.  "Lionel.  Lionel B. Schneider.  Such... such a fucking pansy ass name, but he was a bruiser." Lex laughed, slightly bitterly.  "He wanted me to call him Daddy.  I refused."


"Was the money worth it?" Another low murmur, gently skimming the beginning of his backside, sliding over the top part of his ass as he set his forehead on the shoulder.


"At the time?  It wasn't about the money or anything else; it was about using people.  Getting what I wanted--getting fucked, having people owe me, owning people.  That's what it was about.  The money... the money was just a fringe benefit, something I could flaunt to my father when he threatened to pull my allowance.  I'd show him the cash and tell him to go ahead and do it, and I'd just sell my ass again to the next person who offered money."  He purred softly as Clark washed him. 


"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry it was like that for you. Lex..." He swallowed very hard, letting the cloth sweep down through the crevice to gently skim the puckered hole. "I'm so sorry." He swallowed and kissed the spot where his arm and shoulder met, squeezing his eyes shut tight. "What did he tell you? About it?"


"It's in the past, Clark."  He half turned to look at his lover's closed eyes and anguished face.  "Clark... baby, what's wrong?"  He tried to turn the rest of the way around, but he felt Clark's body trapping him.


"Nothing." He gently swept the cloth up to lather it again, then down his lovers chest...belly...over his soft cock, not realizing he was mimicking Lionel’s soft caress's of Dominic only days before. "Did you go to a lot of schools?"


"Yes, I did; I got kicked out of most of them and Dad just shuttled me off to the next one."  He leaned back against Clark, giving him access for the soft touches.  "Clark... I know something's wrong... is it tonight?"


His lower lip trembled as he held him close, gently skimming the cloth over Lex's raised knees. "Did you ever travel? Overseas, I mean? Did you see Paris and Rome, and Berlin?"


Lex gently pulled away from his lover, turning in the tub so that he was face to face with Clark.  "The more you dodge my questions, Clark, the more I know that something is upsetting you... please, tell me what it is.  I'll help you with it, I promise."


His chin dimpled hard, throat muscles working reflexively. "Nothings wrong, Lex."


Lex slid closer, so that his legs fit inside Clark's, tucking them close.  "I thought we weren't going to lie to each other anymore."


He pressed his lips tightly together and swallowed again, willing his face not to crumble. To stay strong. "I..." He traced the bite mark around the dark nipple. "I hurt you."


Lex shook his head, looking down at the mark Clark was touching.  "No, baby... you just marked me.  Love bites.  Nothing more than I'd give you, if I could."  He caught Clark's hand, forced it to lay flat against his chest.  "I like them, Clark... I like knowing I mean enough to you that you mark me as your own."


"You bled." His voice cracked hard, as he gentled his fisted fingers on the hard chest. "I made you bleed, in your skin. In.." A trace down to the soft swell of Lex's backside. "I made you bleed here."


Lex shook his head again.  "If you did I didn't feel it; It's just because we didn't use lube."  He looked Clark in the face.  "I'm fine, I promise."


" don't know." He swallowed against the lump in his throat. "You don't know what I'm capable of. You have no idea. I could tear you apart and not care...Lex, I bit you. I bit you hard enough to bleed. I..." He leaned in to press a kiss against one raw bite. "I love you so much. I could never do this, never...not when I'm myself."


"Clark... I don't care.  I trust you.  You didn't hurt me.  You didn't rip me apart.  You drew a little blood; that's normal for rough sex like we had.  I'm in love with you, Clark... there's nothing that you could do to hurt me."


"I let some girl suck me off. How can that not hurt you? How? Lex, how can it not break your heart?" He said it with self loathing, turning his face away from him.


Lex swallowed hard; this would be the roughest part.  "I don't like it, Clark... in fact, I'd seriously considered having her killed for touching you."  He put his hand on Clark's cheek, turning his face around.  "It does hurt me, Clark, but I know that it wasn't you.  Not really.  It's... it's whatever made you act this way, and that's... that's not my Clark."  He let the hurt shine in his eyes, but also the intense love he felt for Clark.


"I love you. I love you, Lex." His voice cracked hard as he reached foreword to envelope him in his arms. "She didn't even get me was too weird. It wasn’t you. I didn't like it...I didn't let her get me off. She...she put the...the tattoo there first, then said she had to lick it to make sure it stuck and I didn't know, but she...and she was...I didn't like it, at all, and I love you, Lex, so much, I'd never hurt you, I promise you with my life, I promise you, please, just don't be angry with me, please."


Lex wrapped his arms around Clark.  "I'm not angry with you, Clark.  I'm not upset with you, I'm just glad you're all right, glad you're back home with me where you belong."  He rubbed Clark's back and shoulders, shaking his head.  "I don't want to know; I don't care.  I know you can't get sick, I'm not even worried about that.  I just... I'm glad you're back.  And that's all."


"I don't want to give something to you. Lex, I can't. I can't live with myself if I do. I can't. Is there some way you can test it? My blood? Some way you can make sure it... it''s okay?" He swallowed hard, stroking his loves shoulders...then up to cup his cheeks. "Don't ever tell me you don't know what love is ever again. Never."


Lex shook his head.  "You can't give anything to me, Clark.  Considering you've never been sick a day in your life, I think it's safe to assume that any sort of human or earth-based bacteria or germs can't exist in your body, and most are not viable outside a human body for very long; by the time you got to me, anything that you might have carried from her would have been dead and inactive.  Couple that with the fact I've never been sick since the meteor shower... I don't want you to worry.  But, if it will make you feel better, I will call Dr. Vargas in the morning, and he will come out and take blood and do a screen."  He looked hard at his lover.  "I only know what you've shown me, Clark... this is the only way I know how to love."


"Needles don't penetrate my skin." Quietly into Lex's skin, linking their fingers after Lex's intelligent, quiet words had slipped into his mind, squeezing the slim digits as he fought to swallow. "I can only say I'm sorry."


Lex shook his head.  "My blood, Clark... not yours.  Yours would be different, and I won't let anyone know that.  I meant, he'd take my blood, and look for the antibodies that come with any possible diseases."  Lex lifted their hands out of the water, kissing each finger separately.  "You don't have anything to apologize to me for, Clark.  Nevertheless... I accept it."


"Do you want to study me, Lex?" He asked it without looking at him, just looking at their fingers and his lovers mouth going over each one, guilt lapping at his throat.


"Yes, and no.  I want to cut a lock of your hair, snip a bit of your fingernails, swab the inside of your mouth and see what your cell structure looks like.  I want to see how you're different from me.  But do I want to strap you to a table and cut you open to see how you work?  No."  kiss  "Never."  kiss  "Not that curious."  kiss


He nodded, watching him, tingles running down from his fingertips to his elbow, them up through his chest and neck. "You can do those things. What..what you said. You can look at my pee, if you want. And the cotton swabs...and my hair. Tell me when, and I'll do it for you. Do you want to look inside me? You can take x-rays, if you want. Or cat scans."


Lex shook his head.  "I don't know what the radiation from the X-rays might do to you, though you seemed to be all right when you broke your ribs--and how did that happen anyway?  I'm not going to put you through any kind of tests that might hurt you, Clark."  He stroked his lover's hair gently.  "But I might ask you to run for me, so we can find out your top speed, how much you can lift, things like that.  Would that be all right with you?  And I want to watch you burn things; I want to know how your vision works, but I'm not going to hurt you.  I swear it, Clark.  I swear to you now, on the memory of my mother."


"No. Lex, no, I know. God, I know you'd never hurt me." He leaned in and pressed their foreheads together. "I'll do anything for you. Tell me when, and I'll be there." A moment, softly pressed together, curled in tight. "I got hit by lightening...a classmate of mine got all my powers for a few days. He went a little power happy and threw me across a parking lot onto a car. I..." A pause. "I want to know, too. What I can do. If I'm...I'm invincible. I want to know if there are limits."


"Then we'll find out together, Clark."  He looked Clark in the eye.  "I promise you something else, Clark... I swear to you that anything we find out during these trials will stay in your family--your mother, your father, yourself and me.  My final promise to you is this; I will never use this information to hurt you in any way.  I swear it."


"I know." Softly. "I know your inner scientist screams every time you look at me. Tell me when...and we'll do these tests. Pick a day and I'll be there with bells on." A hard swallow, kissing his jaw softly. "Not real bells... but... partial bells."


"He doesn't scream so much as rub his hands together in glee," Lex admitted quietly.  "When... when is whenever you're comfortable.  Which will not be in the next few days.  After Christmas and New Years?"


A few soft nods, tugging him close, the water sloshing, and he pressed his mouth tightly to his. "Lets go to bed, Lex. I want to hold you for a little while. Please?"


Lex returned the gentle kiss, curling into the protective embrace of his lover.  "You don't have to ask, Clark... let's go to bed."  He stood up after a moment, and held his hand out to his lover.  "But... let me look at you first... I didn't get a chance to see you before."


He swallowed very hard, shaking his head. "No...Lex. I don't want you to see me like this."


"But I think you're beautiful, Clark."  He sat back down in the water.  "I could never get a tattoo; my skin always healed and the ink disappeared; it's part of my gift from the meteors.  I... I like these, Clark, what I saw of them earlier.  I think you're beautiful, and these only add accent to the beauty, much like ornaments on a Christmas tree."


A bite of his lower lip...and he reached out, taking the hand and slowly standing in the cooling bathwater. "Just don't go singing jingle balls around me."


They were everywhere. Dragons. All done in various shades of mulberry and black. A huge dragon swept over his upper chest, wings bat out, its snout and feet leaning in as if to land on his right nipple. His belly button was sphered by a bright sun made of dragons scales, and two sat on his left hip bone, holding on as the long tail wound down around his leg, stopping at his middle thigh. The left dragon swooped down, past the shaved pubic area to coil lithely down his cock, stopping at the head with a Cheshire smirk. Across his shoulder blades sat another dragon, dark and wicked looking, its eyes glowing a menacing red. Its own tail swooped down, tracing his spine, to end in a curl where his back ended and his backside began. Its long arm was up, high around to stop at the indention between Clarks neck and shoulder, hanging off as if he were going for a ride. "They're dragons. I don't...don't know why. They just...are."


"They're.... exquisite."  Lex's fingers traced the intricate designs over Clark's chest, and then grinned at the shaved crotch.  "At least we're the same here," he said, rubbing his palm lightly across the hairless flesh.  "These... these are beautiful, Clark... much like the one I had."  He sighed, tracing the dragon that hugged his lover's hip.  "I had a yin-yang drawn here," he said, touching the small of Clark's back.  "And the dragon coiled around it, grasping it.  It lasted less than a week."  He couldn't stop rubbing the designs, first with his fingers and then with his tongue.


His breath rushed out of him, closing his eyes as his lovers soft voice warmed him like honey. "I wanted to be like you. I wanted to know what you felt...not having any hair down there. I wanted to feel how you felt wearing pants without anything to protect your skin." He swallowed hard, shuddering. "You can get one henna. Where the old one doesn't go aw-away...for a while."


Lex suddenly got a wicked smile as he trailed his mouth up Clark's throat to his ear.  "Tomorrow night... you take me to the place you got yours done... and we'll show that bitch exactly who you belong to."


He couldn't help it...he smiled broadly against his lovers cheek, looking at him with shining eyes. "Yeah?"


"Oh yeah."  He touched Clark's face gently, rubbing his cheek easily.  "We'll show her just how to get you off... and who can do it."


"I'd love to." Soft murmur...then he glanced up. "Except her touching me in that way ever, ever again." He brought his lovers hand up to the back of his neck, letting his long fingers sweep away his own hair and he turned partly around so Lex could see the small dragon painted against the base of his neck. "This one was for you. The keeper of the gates to my mind. My..." Blush. "My soul."


Lex kissed that dragon hotly.  "I want you to keep that one, always," he growled gently, tongue licking over the design.  "And I will always keep you safe, I give you my word."  He wrapped his free arm around Clark's waist.  "She won't touch you, Clark; she'll put the tattoo on me and I'll be the one touching you."


His breath stuttered again, leaning in to the hot touch and squeezing his lover’s hands tightly. "I told her about you...she said she was sorry for hitting on me." Without thought he leaned further back into the kiss, letting his eyes flutter closed. "I want you to have one. I want to see it."


"Then that settles it," Lex said, nipping the skin all around the tattoo.  "We're going tomorrow, and I'm getting one."  He nipped harder.  "Maybe two; one here," he said, bringing Clark's hand to the back of his neck, "And one here," he said, pushing it down to the small of his back.  "And Clark... women like that... are never sorry.  They're just sorry you're taken."  He bit a little harder.  "Which... you definitely are."


"Lex." A hard gasp, arching into the feeling, even as he tried not to, as the dirty, guilty feeling swamped his belly, overpowering even the lust he had for this man. "I want you to have them... I want to be able to see them." He swallowed harder. "I'm taken. I'm yours." Then a soft groan. "Lex... Lex... not...I can't..." His face flushed red as he screwed his eyes shut. "I can't. Not...not tonight. Please...just...just let me hold you." Let me make sure you're not hurt. Let me make sure you still love me. "Please."


Lex said nothing as he wrapped his arms around his lover from behind, changing the hard nips to gentle kisses to his neck and shoulder.  "I love you, Clark."  He let go only long enough to shift around in the tub, the water sloshing around their ankles as he stood in front of Clark, wrapping his arms around the young man again.  "Hold me all you need to, Clark... I love you, I am always going to love you, and I will do anything you need to be reassured of that."


Clark slid his palms down the smooth flank... down the hips, then around to wrap tightly around his waist. Gentle, soft, tugging him in and pressing him close. "I know you do. I...I just..." Feel like an idiot, a moron, foolish, idiotic, sentimental. "I just want to hold you. Just like..." Their bodies fit so right together, sliding perfectly into crooks and angles and curves. "Like this."


"Then hold me, Clark."  Lex formed himself to Clark's body, pressing closely, touching everywhere.  "Hold me as long as you want me.  Let's go to bed; you can hold me and we can sleep."


" mom. I have to call my parents... let them know I'm okay. Lex..." He tugged him up into his arms like he had to carry him up the steps, holding him tight against his chest, cradled in his arms, as he stepped out of the water. The walk into the bedroom was easy enough...the room was warm with the heater and the huge fire someone must have lit while they bathed. Even the blankets were warm, and Clark set his damp lover right in them, tucking them up over him and sitting down at his side. He picked up the telephone, and dialed.


Lex wrapped himself around Clark, pulling one of the large blankets up to wrap around Clark's shoulders and torso.


Jonathan was sitting awake in bed when he heard the phone ring, and his hand shot out to answer the phone before he thought.  "Hello?"


"Dad. Dad... it's me."


He leaned in to his love close, biting his lip and cupping the phone to his ear.


"Clark!!"  Jonathan shook Martha's shoulder, gripping it tightly.  "Clark!  Where are you?  Are you all right?  Please, son... are you all right??" 


Lex rested his chin on Clark's shoulder, refraining from kissing his skin and instead stroking it calmingly, fingers playing in Clark's hair.


"Baby! Oh god!" She swiped away the tears shed been shedding, gripping her own husbands arm tight.


", I'm fine. I'm with Lex." A heavy swallow. "Dad...theirs different meteor rocks...they...they effected me really strangely, but I'm okay, I swear."


Jonathan pulled Martha close, putting the phone between them so they could share it.  "Lex... Lex found you?  He brought you home?  You're all right?  Meteor rocks?"  Jonathan knew he was firing questions too rapidly to be answered, but he couldn't help it.  "Affected you?  How?  Clark, are you sure you're all right?  Are you at the mansion?  Do you need us to come over?"


"I found Lex, dad...some bad stuff happened, but we're both okay. He brought me home... I'm fine, I swear. And yeah...y.." A heavier swallow, calming the shake he felt in it. "Red ones. the great uninhibiter. I felt like... like it was okay to say or do anything, dad. But I'm okay now...I'm going to sleep. Mom..." Cause he knew the one sniffling was his mother. "Mom, I'm fine. Lex even let me take a bath. Promise. I promise I'm okay. I'll come home early tomorrow morning."


"What happened, Clark?"  Jonathan wrapped his arm around his wife, hugging her tightly and rocking her against his side.  "Are you sure you're all right?  You didn't get hurt?"


Lex took the phone from Clark.  "Jonathan... Martha... Clark's all right.  He's going to be staying with me tonight.  He found me on one of the interstates; he was on his way back home.  He's okay."


"Oh, thank god." She let it cry from her mouth, squeezing her eyes shut and pressing her face into her husbands shirt, holding him tight.


Which is exactly what he was doing as he lay back in bed, stretching out and pressing his face into Lex's lower side, swallowing hard. "Tell them I love them."


Jonathan hugged Martha tightly.  "Amen to that, honey... amen to that."  He finally let his own tears fall, tears of relief that his son was home, and safe.


"He wants me to tell you... that he loves you.  He loves you both, and will see you first thing in the morning."  Lex paused, hearing Jonathan's tears, and offered the phone to Clark, muffling the speaker.  "Your father's crying, Clark... I think you should tell them."


He wasn't much better. "I... yeah, dad, I love you. I love you and mom so much. I'm sorry for this... I'll be home tomorrow. I promise."


She wrapped her arms tight around her husband, unable to think of punishment with the bright relief of having her son okay, swallowing hard and trembling as she held Jonathan tightly.


"We love you, Clark... don't you worry about sorry... just so glad you're home.  Son... I love you."  He rubbed his wet cheek against Martha's.  "You... you get some rest, son, and we'll see you in the morning."  His throat closed, and he couldn't choke out a goodbye.


"I will. I promise. Night, dad." He hung the phone up, wrapping his arms around Lex's body and just...laying their, numbly, swallowing a little. "They sounded so worried."


"Goodnight son," Jonathan said to the dead line, and then hung up the phone, clinging tightly to his wife, sobbing quietly into her shoulder.


"Everyone was worried about you, Clark," Lex said quietly, curling around Clark and pulling him up to the pillows as he tucked the blankets in around them.  "Even Chloe and Whitney."


"Oh...God." He groaned it, shutting his eyes tight. "Whitney... I... he thinks I called Ch... goddammit."


Lex rubbed Clark's back.  "You can apologize tomorrow."


"Lex... my head is hurting... can... please. Lets go to sleep. Please?" He murmured quietly, leaning in and curling up tight. "I just want to sleep and forget today ever happened."


Lex moved to sit up against the pillows, and pulled Clark's head into his lap.  "Go to sleep, baby... I'll watch over you."


"Lex, I love you."


Lex dropped a kiss on Clark's forehead, running his fingers through Clark's hair and fingertips massaging his temple.  "And I love you, Clark... only you."






Whitney rubbed the stone in his pocket with his thumb; he'd been a total geek and spent most of the night reading about rock polishing and stuff and had ended up with a heart-shaped chunk of red rock from the plant site.  He'd shined it and polished it and shaped it just a little more, and he was waiting outside the Torch office for Chloe, bouncing lightly on his heels.


He knew she was still upset about Clark's treatment of them yesterday, and hoped that this little present would bring her smile back, because he missed it.  It made his heart ache, and he wanted to see her happy again.


Except here he came. He could barely meet anyone's eyes...he'd been strangely quiet all day. Not even Pete was around...hanging out with Sam now, he supposed. He just kept his back pack on his shoulder, trudging along and praying he didn't see Chloe or Whitney. He supposed it made him a coward, but he was disgusted with himself and the way he'd acted, even if he'd been under an influence.


Whitney stiffened as soon as Clark came into his radius.  "Kent!  What do you think you're doing, skulking around here?  You're not welcome around here."  He crossed his arms over his chest as he glared.


No, and not half the student populace heard you, Whit. Try again. ...and didn't he feel bad for making pompous mental remarks? "Whitney... look, I wanted to apologize."


"You damn well should.  You had no right calling Chloe... what you called her.  And you had no right saying to me what you said, either."


"Yeah, I..." He swallowed and tucked his hands deep in his pockets, going full denim and flannel and suede coat today to make up for...for the other things. "I'm sorry. I wasn't acting myself, and I...I had no right to say any of those things. I'm sorry I hurt your feelings, Whit." And it was sincere.


"It ain't my feelings you hurt, Kent.  It's Chloe's.  I'm not gonna say shit to you until you apologize to her.  She thinks of you as her best friend.  Her big brother."  Whitney shoved his hands in his pockets to keep from swinging at Clark.  "I can't believe you just fucked her off like that, and until I see her smile again, your ass is mine, Kent."


He frowned, swallowed down what was left of his pride and humility, and turned to look at the Talon office. He could see her there, in between the shades, looking lost and sad, quiet and strong. "I..." He turned again, to look at Whitney helplessly. "She'll never want to talk to me again."


"Get your ass in there, Kent.  And if you make her cry?  You'll just wish I was hanging you up on a pole again."  He shoved Clark none too gently towards the office.


His temper flared but he fought it down underneath the guilt he felt, instead, pushing into the Torch office. And there she sat...quiet...understated, blond hair happy around her face, pink lipstick, soft green sweater and dark jeans. He opened his mouth to speak, and--


"Get out."


"Chloe, I--"


"Get. Out."


"Chloe... please." He swallowed hard to keep the waver from his voice, but if it was one thing he had promised himself, he knew he wouldn't get emotional. Not here. Not now. He'd already humiliated himself enough.


"What, Clark?  Do you want to humiliate me some more?  Maybe... maybe hit on me again?  Oh, no, I know, call me another nasty name."  Chloe fought back angry tears.


"No, I....Chloe." He swallowed again, much harder, because there was nothing like girl tears to make a man want to rip his heart from his chest. He sank to the chair in front of her, not daring to try and touch her, instead gazing at her with all the pleading he could muster. "I'm so sorry, Chloe. I was angry, and hurt, and...I'm so sorry, Nothing can excuse the way I treated you."


Chloe sighed.  "No it can't."  Then she sniffled.  "Clark... I thought... I mean, we're friends, right?  What's... what's wrong that you just couldn't talk to me about it, instead of... instead of all that junk yesterday, huh?  I mean... you've always been my go-to guy, and you just... you hurt me, Clark."


"I know. Chloe, God. I know. I know, and it killed me when I woke up this morning. I'm sorry I called you all those things I did, I..." He reached for her hand. "You're my best friend, Chloe."


Chloe held her hand back for a minute, and then grabbed his, eyes watering.  "Promise me, Clark, just... talk to me next time, okay?"  She got up and ran around the desk, almost bowling him over with her hug. 


He reached up and wrapped his arms tightly around her, hugging her fiercely to him, as tight as he can without hurting her, and kissed her hair softly. "I promise. I promise I promise, even if the worlds ending." He murmured into that same hair, swallowing hard.


Chloe sniffled in his ear again.  "Don't be such a big jerk next time."  She squeezed him tighter, letting her head lay on his shoulder.  "But you're okay now, right?"


"I'm...I'm definitely okay. ...Chloe...I'm living with Lex." Quietly into her own shoulder, holding her close and just like always, it was like coming home after a cold journey. "And...I didn't call you a p...p....the 'p' word. By the way. It was Whitney I did. ...not that it makes it better, but you're a lady, and I'd never, ever, ever call you that."


"I... I figured.  About you and Lex.  After... we saw."  She shivered.  "Whitney'll be okay, he's just really, really upset about me being upset.  But Clark... why'd you call him that?  Never mind... doesn't matter.  I'm just... it's nice to have you back, Clark."


“Its nice to have me back too." He smiled, rubbing her hair gently. "Chloe... does it bother you? About me and Lex? I...I should have told you, but...I didn't...I mean, it... it happened so fast...I don't want you weird with me. It doesn't make you uncomfortable, does it?"


Chloe blushed brightly.  "Um... it doesn't... exactly... um... bother me.  See... I kinda saw you guys.  In the hall.  Here.  at the soda machines.  And I got a chance to... you know, get used to it."


"Oh...God." This time it was his turn to flush red, from his hairline to his toes, swallowing hard and wincing at her. "I'm sorry...Chloe, I should' I'm sorry."


"It's okay, Clark.  I mean... from the sound of it, you and Lex were just... figuring it out yourself, you know?  And I kinda knew, cause... I mean, I just saw the way you two were together.  So, it's cool, Clark.  Totally."


"Is it..we're not....flamboyant, are we?" His face was laced with horror, but he tried to remain nonchalant about it, shrugging a shoulder a little as he shifted uncomfortably in his seat. "We are. Just figuring it out. Or, well, we were, and now we're pretty sure."


"Flamboyant?  You're not like a couple of Liberache's or anything, but... yeah.  I mean... you two look at each other and the temperature in the room goes up by like ten degrees." She nudged him in the ribs.  "So, is he a good kisser?  Lots of tongue?  Dry?  Dish!"


He flushed hotter, looking down at his lap and trying not to wince but oh she had him squirming, and grinning, and squirming, swallowing hard and he couldn't help the smile in his voice. "He' And more? Wow. It's just... wow. I couldn't say wow enough to cover the full extent of wow that is Lex Luthor. He's"


Chloe giggled, and moved to sit on the corner of the desk so she could pin him with her Reporter Glare.  "I know you're doing it, Clark... and I really shouldn't ask, but... is he good in bed?"


Whitney was watching through the window in the door, and when he saw Chloe hug Clark, he got jealous for a brief moment before remembering the feel of her in his arms, and he settled.  The thousand-watt smile made him grin, and he leaned back against the door, happy now that Chloe was happy.


Oh my god. He turned a hotter shade of red, stuttering a little and looking at the floor, trying to rub his neck...only, badness, cause their sat the dragon at the gates and he flushed harder, looking up at her through his lashes. "Really good. Amazing. Chloe... amazing. He's the most giving person I've ever known."


"Giving?  Like... like head giving or hugs giving or what, exactly?  C'mon, Clark... enquiring minds want to know what the 2nd Most Sexy Man in the World does for his lover!"  Chloe kept the stare pinned on him.  "And whoa, wait, rewind... when did you get the tats and why aren't you dead?"


"They're not!" Sudden horror. "You can see them?! Oh god." He groaned and slapped his hand over his face...then looked through his fingers at her. "It was for him. And...they're not permanent. And... Chloe... Lex does things you haven't even heard of. I mean, I hadn't even heard of, either, okay? And I'm a horny 16 year old kid here." He paused. "Hey, and what about you, huh? I saw the looks you and Whitney were giving each other. What's the deal? Are you guys going out now, or what?"


"Well, yeah, I can see them, and your parents?  Your parents let you get tattoos for your lover?  Wow.  I mean... your mom and dad must be a lot cooler than I remember."  And then she blushed brightly red.  "Well... yeah.  Me and Whitney are dating."


"My parents... kind of...don't... know." Hard swallow, before he nudged her leg. "Dating? Yeah? He's a good guy to you, I can imagine. He got pissed as hell at me a while ago... will you let him know you don't hate me, please? He threatened to cut off vital things."


"Okay... how don't your parents know that you have tattoos all over your body?  I mean... haven't you seen them lately?"  and she blushed again.  "He was really pissed at you, Clark... I mean... he likes me, and he doesn't like it when I'm not happy."


"You so can't see them all over! Just the one on my neck!" He looked at her in terror. "Not funny, C'lo. Not laughing." He paused... took a breath. "He's a nice guy... protective of you, and that's really, really good, you know? You both need someone, Chloe, after everything with...with Lana." He looked at her closely. "You don't feel guilty over her, right?"


Chloe smirked.  "Maybe not, but now I know they're there."  The smirk turned into a grin.  "And yeah.  He's... he's a great guy too."  She picked up her little green alien doll and started fidgeting with it.  "I... I kinda do.  I mean... He was her boyfriend.  It... it felt kind of weird the first time we went out, but... we talked about it.  And... and he loved her, and he was good to her, but... he needs somebody too, and he loves me.  So... we're taking it slow."


He couldn't help it... he leaned in and hugged her waist hard, hugging her to him. "You big cheesepuff. You're jonesing big time."


Chloe oofed softly as she hugged back.  "Is it that obvious?"


"Its obvious. And I'm so, so happy for you." He glanced up, grinned. "See, now all we have to do is get Pete hooked up with some super model and all of us can be happy. And go miniature golfing! Speaking of that, and the ugly golfing pants Lex has, did you see him yesterday? Jeans, sweater. Hello."


Chloe shook her head.  "I... kinda didn't notice Lex yesterday."  She didn't say anything else for a minute, hoping he'd catch on.  "And Sam's hooking Pete up left and right, so we're just hoping one of them sticks."


He smiled a little, chewing on the inside of his lip as he climbed to his feet. "I hope he finds one that gives him more then the body shudders." A moment. "Love you, Chloe."


"I love you too, Clark."  She hugged him again.  "I'm happy for you too."  She gave him a huge grin.


He hugged her softly, nudging her chin softly with his knuckles, then picked up his book bag. "Tell Whitney not to kill me, please?"


"Oh, yeah.  About that... um... Clark... what do you think of Whitney, by the way?"  She twisted her hair for a second as she said that, causing the ends to flip up even worse.  "Cause... I really, really like him, and... I don't want my boyfriend and my best friend at each other's throats."


"Oh." He turned to look at her. "He's...well. He's Whitney." A little grin. "I mean, he's great. But when we both get riled up, then we ruffle each others feathers, you know? Other then that, he's a great guy. If he ever hurts you I'll be forced to break his legs, of course, but you know what I mean."


Chloe stamped her foot.  "Then we won't get anyone riled up at anyone else!  Easy!"  She clapped her hands once as she went to the door, and opened it.  "Whitney?  Oh!  There you are.  Come on in, stop skulking around."


Whitney shouldered his book bag and came into the office, standing beside Chloe but glaring at Clark.  "Everything okay in here?  We got a problem?"


Which of course got him straightening his back, puffing his chest to make himself taller, and raised his chin. "I just apologized to her, you can stop now."


Whitney bucked up.  "Says you."


Chloe interposed herself between them.  "Okay, guys, drop the testosterone.  Whitney... calm down.  It's okay.  He apologized, and we're okay now.  We made up, so you can stop the death threats.  Clark... put the claws back in."


Whitney relaxed his stance as he looked at Chloe.  "You sure this guy's not giving you a problem?"


"'This guy'? What's that supposed to mean? Excuse me, but you're the new guy here, my friend, not the other way around." A glare that was all Clark Kent, including pouted hurty expression. "I apologized, we're okay now, listen to the lady and stop the death threats."


"It means that you're an asshole who hurt my lady, and until you prove that you're not gonna hurt her again, you lost your--"


Chloe whirled.  "Whitney, stop, okay!  Clark's right.  He's my friend, and he apologized!"  Then she glared at Clark.  "You, grow up.  The winner doesn't get to keep me!  This isn't an 'I was here first!' situation!"  She turned her glare back to Whitney.  "And you... chill out."


A grump. "Well I was. Excuse me while I remember all the times you chewed me out cause I wasn't a girl, and held your hand when you dyed your hair orange, and let you cry on my shoulder afterwards." He muttered it under his breath, still glaring at Whitney but it wasn't so much a glare as a harrumph.


Chloe turned her evil eye on Clark.  "I heard that, Clark Kent.  It doesn't matter who was here first, all right?  You're both my friends, I love you both, so deal with it."  Then she glared at Whitney.  "And you, you apologize to Clark for being a jerk."


"Chloe!  I--"


"Apologize, Whitney.  I know... I know you were just trying to protect me, but... I don't like it when my friends insult each other."  She crossed her arms over her chest.


Whitney turned to Clark.  "I'm...."  A kick from Chloe prompted him.  "I'm sorry.  I over reacted."


"I'm sorry I was a creep." A nod at him, but they could barely meet each others eyes, arms all but crossed. "I gotta go to class...I'll call you later tonight, Chloe." He leaned down, hugged her again, and gave Whitney the hawk eye.


Whitney returned the glare, watching Clark leave the office, and then he turned back to Chloe.  "You expect me to forget that?"


"Whitney...please." Soft gaze of the warmest green eyes ever, her blond locks tumbled around her features gently, like a cloud of soft hair. "He's my friend..I want you guys to get along. Please."


Whitney sighed, giving her a smile from under dropped eyelashes.  "Well... he did kind of apologize... and since you asked... okay.  I'll be nice to him."


"Promise? You're not just saying that?" She gazed up at him, touching his chin softly with her fingertips as she scooted a little closer.


"I promise.  I'll be nice to Clark... for you."  He raised his chin up to look at her, letting her see his smile.  "He's a nice guy, when he's not being a jerk, after all."


A wrinkled nose and after getting her way let go with the sly, wry look she got at times, plopping at her desk and behind her whirring, ancient computer, the wall of weird papers fluttering gently in the breeze from the open window. "Speaking of jerks, or reformed jerks anyway, look at what Lionel Luthor's doing." She turned her screen towards him a bit. "He was serious about giving the employees half their paychecks every month until things are rebuilt. He's dished out almost 50,000 dollars for it this month."


Whitney studied the figures on the screen.  "Wow.  I thought that was just a bunch of bull they were shoveling out to look good, I didn't know they were actually gonna do it."


"They did. Isn't that amazing?" She pulled the computer back, reading out loud. "Sunday afternoon Lionel Luthor, head CEO of one of the largest corporations in the united states and free world, has proposed the rebuilding project of his factory in Smallville, Kansas at a record rate of 5 billion."


Whitney whistled softly.  "That's a lotta dough to be pumping into that place, when it was barely makin' it in the first place.  But at least he's keeping his word."  He looked at Chloe.  "That's gotta make you and your pop feel better."


"In a way." She looked up at him, tipped her head and propped her chin on her hand. "To confess to you...I missed Metropolis everyday before all of this. I mean...Smallville? Hick Town, USA. But after finding Clark, and Pete, and Lana and you...this is where my home is. If we'd moved, I wouldn't be half as happy as I am now."


Whitney had to laugh.  "Yeah, we're Hicksville, but... I'm glad you're here."  He crouched down in front of her.  "I was worried that you and your dad would be having to move, and him look for another job.  I mean... I'd have gone with you, somehow, but... I'm glad that you're getting to stay."  He reached into his pocket, and brought out the lead and iron box, about the size of a ring box.  "No, no, it's not what you think."


Whitney opened the box and passed it over to her.  "Okay.  I found this while we were working at the cleanup yesterday, and I polished it up last night, cause I wanted it to look nice when I gave it to you."  He handed her the open box, where a small heart-shaped red stone rested against the black velvet that lined the box.  "You can use it for a paperweight or whatever, but... I figure you'll want to give this to Clark, so he knows you're not mad at him."


She gasped quietly, holding the small box in her palm as her free fingers skimmed the stone. It was exquisite, brilliant, shining and catching every sinew of light, reflecting it back off of it in one of the most gorgeous, ruby shaded color she'd ever seen. Her eyes flickered up to her loves, mouth open at the hinge. "Whitney...Oh, my god. Its beautiful, I....thank you. Thank you, so much." She reached over and wrapped her arms around him, hugging him tightly to her. "Thank you."


"You're welcome," he said with a grin, hugging her back and laughing softly.  "I love you, Chloe... this is just kinda... you know, something to remind you of that."  He grinned at her reaction.  "I wasn't sure how you'd like it."


"I... it's...oh wow! I mean, look at it!" She pulled it from the velvet box, eyes dancing as she held it up to the light...then reached over and hugged him again, laughing as her eyes shined with unshed tears. "I love you, so much. Damn you for making me emotional." She giggled in his ear, kissing his cheek softly before swiping at her eyes with her first finger, setting the heart on her desk. "Its gorgeous.”


"It's not nearly as gorgeous as you are, Chloe."  He hugged her again, running his fingers over the heart, then kissed her in return, quickly and sweetly because they were still in school.  "I'm gonna go find Clark; I promise I won't go postal on him, I just wanna talk to him and let him know we're cool."


"Thank you." She bit her lower lip and smiled at him, tugging at the edges of his long, gorgeous hair. "You're too good to me."


Whitney blushed.  "Not nearly good enough to you, sweetheart... I'd be better if I could."  He stood up, and grinned at her.  "Just so you know... I suck at peacemaking but... just for you, okay?"


"Promise you wont punch him for good measure or anything?" Hawk eyebrow rose, because yeah, she knew him way too well.


Whitney scuffled his feet.  "What, you've added mind-reading to your list of talents?"


"Right next to 'levitating objects with my mind' and 'making my eyes turn yellow'." A solid nod at him, though the smile was perking the edges of her mouth.


"Yeah, yeah, all right.  No punching for good measure," he grumbled.  "Even though he deserves it," was added under his breath.


She reached up and pecked his cheek, then slapped his butt to get him moving and...well, just to slap his butt, cause, alright, have you seen his butt lately? Rowr. "I'll see you tonight. Want to go out and get something to eat? Chinese, maybe?"


"Chinese is great; I love the way you eat lo mein noodles."  He grinned as she slapped his ass.  "How about we meet back here... say five?  We'll take my truck, and then... I don't know, maybe hang out?"


"I like the way you crunch on the broccoli." Her eyes were dancing as she watched him, nibbling her lower lip in a purely sexy way she didn't even realize she was doing. "Five is good. Five is...very good. We can even take my car, if you don't feel like refilling the gas in your truck."


Whitney leaned forward and grabbed Chloe around the waist, kissing her sharply and nibbling her lip instead.  "If you knew how that drove me nuts," he growled against her skin.


The spear of lust from him was always a welcomed surprise... like she almost couldn't believe that boys were horny, like people say they are. She loved it. She eagerly leaned into his grab around her waist, kissing back and sighing into his mouth when he bit...then squirmed and threaded her fingers in his hair. "I love mak... making you crazy."


"You do it very, very well," he muttered against her throat as her hands slipped into his hair.  "And now I really don't want to go and look for Clark; now I just want to stay here and nibble and debauch."


"Maybe I want you too." A low murmur in her throat as she leaned up and in, exposing her skin to him as her fingertips stroked through his scalp. "Except...Clark...a.." A heavy sigh as his broad hands touched her back and pulled her closer. "And you should go. And make things right."


Whitney purred low in his throat.  "Five can't come soon enough, you know."  He kissed her again, pulling her close into his body and curling around her.


She leaned in and stroked his cheek gently...then kissed the bottom of his jaw, tasting stubble and after shave and something distinctly him, the soft, warm taste of his skin. "Whitney..."


"Yeah, baby?"  He lifted his head slightly so that she could have at his jaw better


"Will you sleep with me tonight?" A murmur against his skin, not able to look at him, just tasting and touching, skimming her lips over the hot skin as her nails raked very lightly down his neck.


Whitney's entire body electrified.  "Chloe... are you... are you sure?  The answer is yes, God yes, I'd love to."  He pulled her back into him, closing his eyes and resting his cheek on her hair.  "Of course I will."


Her smile was crooked as she looked up into his excited face, into the trembling lips and goose bumped skin, and she ever so gently touched those rows of goose bumps to let him know it was okay. That they were okay. "Yes. I...I want to feel you inside me. I want you to touch me, Whitney."


"I'll make you so happy, beautiful, I swear it.  I'll make you smile, I'll make you pant, I'll make you cry out for me, and I swear to you, Chloe, and I will always, always love you."  Whitney held her close, stroking and caressing her.  "I want to be with you so much."


She bit her lower lip tightly at his words, shuddering breaking over her body...and it wasn't cause of the breeze in the office. She smiled, curling closer to him, stroking her fingers through his hair. "Do you ever feel like we've met before?"


"Yeah... sometimes I do," he said quietly.  "Cause... there's just no way I'd love you so much... if I didn't already somehow know you."  He blushed before he said something quietly under his breath... "Maybe we met once upon a dream?"  The cheesy Disney reference had him blushing, but hey... Sleeping Beauty was one of his mother's favorites and finally--finally--he could come up with an appropriate quote for the occasion.


She couldn't help smiling at that, her eyes shining as she watched him and all his cheesiness and dammit, DAMMIT, she loved him so much. He couldn't be any more adorable. "I feel like I went through lifetime after lifetime, Whitney, looking for you. Sometimes I didn't find you....I just thank God that in this one, I did."


Whitney kissed her again, dipping her slightly and grinning like a dork.  "I'm just so glad we found it this time, Chloe... cause I think I'd be miserable without you."  He dipped her even deeper, and deepened the kiss.  "I love you."


She laughed out loud, hair hanging off her head and down to fan over his hands as he dipped her, her leg rising up to latch onto his thigh as she grinned up at him like a loon. "I love you, you big dork, lemme up. Principle Kwan'll have a cow if he sees us." She grinned and buried her face in his shoulder. " 'Are you kids threatening a law suit?' "


Whitney straightened up, laughing and cradling the back of her head against his shoulder as his other hand slid under her butt to support her against him as he kept her legs wrapped around his.  "Chloe... you just... drive me absolutely... fucking... insane."  He punctuated each word with a kiss to her throat and face.  "Now... if I don't go... Principal Kwan is gonna have a lot more to worry about than me kissing you in this office."  He kissed her cheek again.


She couldn't help it, alright? She couldn't. But she was giggling like a school girl, blushing up at him as she jumped down after having sufficiently felt the reaction she had given him, and yeah, she was wicked. "Can you walk okay, sweetie?" All sugar sweetness, pretending to curl a piece of her hair around her finger.


Whitney growled.  "No.  But I'll manage."  Then he got a wicked glint in his eye as he unzipped his jeans and leaned against the door, effectively blocking the window with his body and preventing anyone from coming into the office as he stroked himself in front of his girlfriend.  "I'll be... able to... God, Chloe... walk fine... fuck... in just a second."


Her eyes went into two enormous spheres, watching him pull himself out there in her office and would she ever be able to get any work done in here ever again? Survey says NO. Her heart caught and her breath held in her chest, swallowing reflexively as she leaned back against the desk to keep her footing...just....watching. "Oh...G...." Her voice cracked.


Whitney stroked himself faster, not taking his eyes away from Chloe's as he watched her lick her lips, and he tightened his grip on himself.  He closed his throat around the loud cries, muffling them into small squeaks and choked whimpers that echoed in the quiet office.  "Ch--Chloe... so--so beautiful," he gasped out.  "Can't wait... feel you around me." 


She gripped the edges of her desk, eyes wide as her eyes never deviated from his erection, his fingers around the stiff column of flesh, and, okay, whoever said that small town boys couldn't be damned erotic? She swallowed hard, whimpering when he said her name in that throaty voice he got when he was turned on, biting on her lip like if she let go the world would end. "Me... me too, I..."


"I want... when you bite your lip like that... wanna bite it for you... suck it to soothe it... it's so hot, Chloe," he said, voice almost a rumbling purr.  "I just keep thinking... how you felt when I touched you... how hot and slick and... it was cause of me."  His body stiffened, and his strokes grew shorter as he fucked his fist faster.  "God... Chloe... so... fuck!"  His entire body trembled as he came, a handful of tissues appearing out of his pocket to catch and clean as he came.


She whimpered loudly and squeezed her eyes shut, looking away because he'd just tortured her in a way he'd never, ever know, her thighs slick with need, trembling as he hissed, and that voice...that...he screamed my name when he came. She shuddered, looking up at him and biting her lip again, eyebrows furrowed with arousal and disbelief, shock and pleasure. "Wh..."


Whitney was shaking, trembling, half-disbelieving of what he'd just done, and his eyes were half-lidded and sleepy when he looked up at his girl.  "What is it, baby?"


" just..." A full body shudder and she breathed hard, stepping away from the desk to walk unsteadily towards him. "You...I....Whitney." Husky in her throat as she said it, groaning quietly.


Whitney's hands caught hers as she came over to him, and he pulled her against him.  "You... are you okay?  I didn't... did I weird you out?"  He nuzzled her damp throat, gently mouthing her earlobe as he just held her.


"" A hard swallow. Vocalize, Chloe. "You just jacked off for me. was so, so hot." A mutter into his skin as she kissed his chin, his cheek, tasting the sweat and smelling the heady scent of arousal.


Whitney shivered, blushing as her breath skated over his sweaty skin.  "Yeah... I did... I had to, Chloe... I was so hard it hurt... you always make me that way."  His hands stroked her hair as he made soothing noises in his throat as she kissed him.  "You always make me hot."


She was whimpering too much. "I'm so wet...Whitney...I feel so wet..." Quiet groan into his cheek, looping her arms around his neck and tucking him close to her chest. "I want you so much... promise me, tonight, promise me."


"I promise you, Chloe... tonight... tonight is going to be so beautiful, baby, just like you."  He rubbed his hand over her stomach, fingertips stroking lightly through her shirt.  "I swear it to you."


Her breath hitched...twice, and she was about to speak when the bell sounded over there heads. She pressed her forehead to his chin, swallowing hard, and letting go. "Go to class. I'll met you here at five...okay?" Her fingertips skimmed his cheek. "I love you."


"I love you, Chloe."  He stepped back from her, and looked at her, memorizing her.  "I miss you already; but I'll be here tonight."  A smile of longing, a look back over his shoulder, and Whitney was gone.





go to the next part