
The Memoirs

Smallville fanfic by Kel and Diana

Chapter 192: What's the Worst That Could Happen?

There was nothing quite like a warm bath paralleled on the planet. Nothing that could cause such innocent, perfect pleasure, leave one feeling refreshed, invigorated, and new. Their was nothing as wonderful as that bath, with candles, and a bit of jasmine.

Of course, that's all Dominic had thought about, as he'd scrubbed down in the shower with an abrasive sponge to get the dirt and grass stains off. Of soaking in a hot, warm tub for a few hours until, thankfully, you were either asleep or so relaxed your toes curled. And that single thought had stuck with Dominic all the way through his shower, shave, teeth brushing and hair combing.

He'd donned snug, dark blue jeans and a deep navy blue t-shirt, and he'd meant to go downstairs. Really. But instead he'd curled up in bed, watching the news and finishing their packing, and had fallen asleep, belly down, amongst half folded socks and knickers.

Freddie poked his little nose into the room. Huh. NO water, and the idiot on the bed seemed to be quiet, and that was good. The bigger idiot didn't seem to be anywhere else around, so Freddie scooted the rest of the way in the room, shook his little butt and launched himself up on the bed.

His claws hooked into Dominic's jeans--and his leg--and he used the clawholds to pull himself up and curl up on Dominic's hip.

"Ow." Muffled into a pillow, and Dominic heard his little baby breathing, so he knew just who was breaking his skin. He looked over his shoulder at his kitten, the kitten they'd be leaving in Ms. Birds care, and gently tugged a treat out of the side pocket of his briefcase, sitting on the bed beside him. He was still bleary with sleep but he offered the kitten treat to Freddie with a little smile, glancing over at him. "Hullo, love."

Hmph. But ooh, yummy. Freddie sniffed the kitten treat, licked it, and then crunched it happily between his mandibles of death and started to purr as he perched on Little Idiot's shoulder.

"That's my lovely little man. I do love you so, Freddie. There we are... chew well." Dominic muttered from his faceful of pillow, and scratched the back of one leg with his opposite foot.

He gulped the treat, sniffled for more, and when nothing else was forthcoming, he jumped into the huge boxy thing that had all the soft smelly things that smelled like Little Idiot, and pawed himself a little bed as he started to purr again.

"If I didn't know who Freddie was, I might be jealous of you making declarations of love to another male." Lionel had followed the kitten into the room, and was more than a little amused watching his half-dead lover play with the cat.

"Mmmm'lo." He muttered, without looking up, as he hugged the pillow closer to himself. He was very... very tired. Very being a word not large enough to encompass the exhaustion. He and Lex had chased after golf balls for three hours, and while Lex was quite fine, Dominic, being the old, old man he was, could barely lift his head. "Here, Freddie." Because he'd seen him sniffing for more treats, he set another little biscuit on his shoulder and waited for his baby to eat it.

"I take it that your little escapade with Lex took a lot out of you?" Lionel's hand went to rub the small of his lover's back.

Freddie sniffed the treat in the air, but when Big Idiot sat down beside Little Idiot, he turned his butt to the treat.

"Your cat is a bastard." Dominic muttered into the pillow, then sighed, softly, when his lover rubbed right at the base of his back, above denim, and he himself purred softly.

"My cat? No. My cat wouldn't have a name like Frederick, Marquis von Kittenstamp. He would have something slightly more royal and befitting his attitude. Like Rasputin, for example, as he always seems to be plotting something."

"He's a mean little bitch, but I still love him." Dominic murmured, softly, before rolling his head and rolling over, setting treat on mattress and rolling on his back to smile at Lionel. "Hi."

"Good evening." Lionel consulted his watch. "We're going to be leaving in about three hours."

"Mmm. I missed you today." His fingertip gently reached up to stroke back a lock of his lovers hair. "Has everything been taken care of?"

Lionel chuckled softly, and leaned back to kiss the stroking fingertip. "Yes, it has. Bruce is aware of our leaving, and he'll be checking in with Lex periodically while we're gone. Lex will be running things while we're gone, he is going to be training Felicia, Carolyn will be checking in with our voicemail every few hours, relaying the messages to their appropriate persons, and I've already set both of our emails to auto-respond with a notice about us being out of the country."

"Mmm. Seven glorious days with no problems." But then, hearing the irony in his voice, he cracked up, and rolled back over onto his side, though facing his lover this time. "Maybe we can get to the plane about... thirty minutes early. You said you've a bed on the jet, right?" He took his lovers hand... his was ice cold with nerves. "I might sleep."

"Yes, there's a bed. There's an entire bedroom suite, actually. Rather smaller than you're used to, but it's there. However, you won't be able to get into it until after takeoff, because the bed isn't equipped with safety belts."

"That's fine. I can wait." He swallowed, hard. "We aren't going to plummet to our deaths or anything, right?"

Lionel rubbed his lover's cold hand warmly between his own. "We're not. Consuela is going to be our pilot again, I specially requested her."

"Alright." He paused. "On the offset that we do, you've got your will in order, correct?"

"My will has been in order since I was twenty eight, Dominic." Then he paused. "There's something you should know, however."

"Good. You never can know." But at his lovers words his eyes widened, and he glanced up at his lover as Freddie tore something up with little growls behind them. "Oh God. You've got cancer. Or... tuberculosis. Or mumps. Because that's how it always happens, in all the shows, following that line."

"No, no, nothing like that. Relax, Dominic." He smiled softly. "It's a new amendment to my will." Quiet pause. "Should anything happen to the both of us, I've asked that Lex and Clark be named Aurora's guardians."

"Oh." A pause, and he suddenly brightened. "Oh. Lionel, that's lovely. There isn't a soul I'd trust more... outside of Toni, of course." He gazed up at him. "That's perfect, Lionel. It takes a weight off my mind knowing they'll be the ones to care for her."

The breath that Lionel had been holding was slowly expelled. "I'm glad you think so; I was afraid you'd rather have her left with your family, but I think Clark and Lex... they'd understand her needs more."

"Christ, yes. I love my family, but I want our baby, if we both die for whatever reasons, with Clark and Lex. I trust them more than I trust myself." Dominic nodded, softly. "There is something more, Lionel. Something I've been meaning to tell you, ever since I heard something on the radio. I need to tell you... Christ, its rather grotesque, right before our flight."

"Tell me." He stroked the back of his lover's hand gently.

"If I die, for whatever the reason might be... I'd like you to have my organs donated to the hospitals. Whatever they can salvage. Eyes, heart, kidneys...everything. Even skin grafts. Alright? Whatever they can take from me before they dump me in a box."

Lionel nodded. "I promise. I'll make sure your viable organs are donated." Soft pause. "What brought this on?"

"The mention of your will, I suppose." He gazed up at his lover. "I also have a standing DNR, that I don't want you to mess with, Lionel. When I'm gone, I'm gone."

Another nod. "All right; I'll respect that. I did away with my DNR when I met you; I knew there was too much I wanted to do with you."

"I'm deathly afraid of dying, Lionel. But when its finally my time, finally, I don't want to be brought back." His eyelids lowered, his brows furrowed. "You've got to promise me, Lionel, you won't go back on it, you won't bring me back, if the need should ever arise."

"I promise, Dominic. Should the need arise, I will let you go." But he squeezed his lover's hand tightly. "However, as I am currently reigning as God, I know that you won't need to worry about that for a very long time."

"Good." He brightened, softly, and squeezed his hand. "No, my dear lord, I'm quite sure I'll be about pestering you for a good long while to come. I'm only thirty five, you know, soooon to be thirty six, though you shall never know day or time. I do hate birthdays with a fiery passion."

"Beware the Ides of May, for with it brings another year of life," Lionel said smugly.

Dominic. Just. Glared.

"Yes, my little lovely cricket?" Couldn't keep the smug out of his voice, either.

"Bastard. Here, I'll be the ripe old age of thirty six. Can you imagine? in four years I'll be forty. And most likely bald and with beer belly. I'm not at all happy with the picture." Dominic moped from his lovers arm, where he was curled up, and sniffled up at him. "I'll be half done with my life!"

"In four years, I'll be sixty-three. I don't think my life is going to be anywhere near over, and neither will yours be."

"Mmm. And handsome as ever." Dominic smiled into a warm shoulder and licked his lovers skin softly, a teasingly little touch. "No, I'll be bald and fat. I'll just have to hide away in the offices."

Lionel snorted. "You will not. You'll be just as handsome as you are now." He rubbed Dominic's stomach teasingly. "Come on. Let's get going if we're going to go. And? In case you decide you want to take Frederick, I got the papers from the veterinarian this morning that proves he has had all of his shots and such. I also had Lindy and Eleanor help me pick out a carrier, a collar that is obnoxiously orange for his tags, and snap-close containers that hold food and water."

"No. Nooo. Lionel. Beloved." Dominic gave a little nervous laugh that cut off into a groan, and he grasped his lovers shoulders. "Noo. Lionel. There will be enough people brawling and young small things running underfoot, to add a cat to it. He'd never survive the plane ride there, without scratching our eyes out."

"I also have animal tranquilizer in pre-measured syringes for a kitten of Freddie's age and weight."

His lips curved, and Dominic... couldn't help smiling. "Really? You'd take Fredrick all the way to Ireland, for me?"

"If that's what you wanted, I'd truck the little hellion from one end of the earth to the other."

Dominic grinned. Just… he grinned. Broadly. "I love you, Lionel Luthor." he reached up and pressed a soft, deep kiss to his lovers mouth, the familiar rustle of beard of goatee making him smile. "We'll leave him here, this time 'round."

"I love you, Dominic Luthor." Little chill that skated happily down his spine as he said it, and he leaned into the seductive kiss from his lover's mouth. "This time 'round makes me believe that there will be a next time that he will accompany us on?"

"Of course." Another big grin as he rolled up to his feet, straightening his rumpled clothes from being laid down, and snickered as he finished piling knickers and socks into the last bag. "This is our vacation. But he must of course accompany us on our trips about the planet. He's my Freddie, after all, even if he hates my guts."

HEY! There is a FREDDIE here. Freddie hissed as he was toppled off his comfy perch of warm fuzzy things and shoved ungraciously onto the bed. Instead, he hooked his claws into Little Idiot again and climbed his way up to Little Idiot's shoulder.

"Fuck! Jesus Christ, kittie!" Dominic cried, as he unhooked claws from his now bleeding arm and gave the kitten a glare... relenting, and sighing, as he set him cuddled in his arm. "You're one snooty little bastard. I knew I should have gotten a dog."

Now that's more like it. Royal treatment. Freddie kneaded Little Idiot's floppy thing with his sharp little claws until he was happy with it, turned around twice, and then flopped down and purred.

A grin, then, as he looked down at the kitten, and rolled his eyes to heaven as he deposited him on a cozy, fluffy pillow. "Get me a Band-Aid from the drawer, love? its under the lube. Oh! I don't think I packed any, get the two bottles in there, too."

Hey! Don't put me DOWN! Freddie clawed his way right back up into the comfy spot, kneaded it several times, and flomped down again.

Idiot head.

Lionel snickered as he opened the bedside drawer and pulled out the box of Band-Aids that resided there. "Here you go." He disappeared into the bathroom and returned with three bottles of lube, and picked up the ziploc baggies on the dresser. He made a small face of distaste at them before depositing two bottles in one bag and one bottle in the other, sealing them both and tossing them into the underwear bag.

"Are we packing for a slip and slide session?" Dominic asked, innocently, his lips quirking wickedly as he pushed the baggies into one corner of the bag, so it would be easy to find, and piled some under-shirts into the bag as well.

With Fredrick hanging off his back.

He sighed, and shifted the kitten so he wouldn't fall, as he stopped the process of packing a moment to get the medicated Band-Aid onto his little claw cut. "Bastard. Shame I love you so."

Finally. Little Idiot stopped moving and he clambered up to perch on the Little Idiot's shoulder. One claw sunk into his shoulder and one into the ear so that he wouldn't fall off, and he gave his finest little kitten smirk.

"Ow! You fucking cat!" Dominic cried it softly and unhooked the claw from his ear, glaring sideways at him. "Ass. Lionel! Before I forget, get our cologne from the dresser, and our cufflinks."

"Yes sir, Mr. Dominic, sir." Lionel closed the little velvet-covered jewelry stand closed, into the large boxy rectangle that was it's carrying case, and tucked it whole into the bag, and then turned to the dresser. He picked up both bottles of cologne, and put them in little bags as well, and tossed them onto the bed.

Dominic took both bags and quickly slid them inside, before stopping and gazing around the room for anything they might forget. He plucked his glasses from the night stand, sliding them onto his nose, and hooked Lionel's glasses in his lovers shirt so they wouldn't be forgotten. Everything else was in place, and Dominic had managed to get some suitcases combined since that morning, and all together they had two suitcases, two bags, and the laptops. "Not bad. "

"Did you remember the extra bags, for the things we'll be bringing back?" Lionel turned and went to the wall, pulling back the Waterhouse portrait that hung to the side of their bed to reveal a wall safe. He spun the combination in quickly, and opened it to reveal banded stacks of money. "Do you think a quarter of a million will be enough?"

Blink. "Lionel, I've got traveler's cheques made for our joint account. Its much easier, and safer, that way. I also had six thousand dollars changed into pounds, but that's as far as traveling with a great deal of money we should do, love. We've also got the world wide credit cards, and the Swiss bank accounts will work in Ireland. Don't worry, alright?" A smile at him.

"Dominic... we're going to be furnishing an entire house," he said carefully. "Most of the little shops in the area, if I understand you correctly, would not know what a Mastercard was if it bit them in their asses. We are going to need more than six thousand dollars to buy the furniture we need."

He grinned. "Dublin is forty five minutes away, my dear. We'll be fine, don't worry. Its the same as when we've traveled other places, so don't worry about thing, I've got it taken care of."

Lionel gave his lover a mutinous glare, pulled out five stacks of crisply banded $100 bills, and tossed them into his suitcase.

"You're going to put me in an early grave, Lionel." Dominic glared at him. "Start planning the celi, you'll be having it before we come home for Ireland, for the love of Christ. Come on, ducks, we don't need this much money. Even if we do bring it, we can't use it without going to the bank! Why does it make sense to drag all this money everywhere, when we're going to be going to the same place to exchange it?"

"I am not going to get caught in a country that is going through as much political upheaval as Ireland is without cash reserves. If you don't want to carry it, that's fine, we'll stop at the Metropolis bank and I'll withdraw it from my account there and exchange it on the spot, and wire it to the Dublin LuthorCorp office to pick up when we arrive."

"You....are SO ANNOYING!" Dominic yelled at him, and threw a sock his way. "Fine! We carry money. Stubborn ass!"

Lionel caught the sock.

And laughed.

Until the tears ran down his face, clutching the sock in one hand and leaning against the dresser.

"What? No lamp? No vases, no antiques? All I'm worth to you is a sock?"

Dominic just glared, darkly, and tried to keep his twitching lips to a minimum. "I happen to like my lamps, my vases, and my antiques. Plus... it was the closest thing that wasn't lube or a pack of money. And as we're going to be using the lube..." Dominic took one of the tightly bound hundred dollar stacks and threw it at his lover.

Lionel caught the money.

And stuck it in the waistband of his pants. "Throwing money at me? My my my, my morals must be slipping."

"You incurable ass!" but Dominic was grinning, and rolling his eyes, as he zipped the bag up. "Come on, Lionel, let's get a bite before we go. Christ be to God, a week alone with you is going to drive me right up the walls."

Lionel broke into a grin, and picked up all the money except the stack in his pants, and he pulled out his wallet. He broke the paper band on the stack and counted out half, 25 $100 bills, and stuck them in his wallet, and tucked it back in his pocket, before offering the other half to his lover.

The other stacks went right back into the safe, and Lionel swung the painting shut.

"Thank you." Dominic took the bills and stuffed them into a snug back pocket, before hefting the bag up and sighing at His Highness on his shoulder. "We're going to go find Ms. Bird my little rotten kitty, alright? Where we'll dispense of you for a glorious week. You'll be happy, we won't be here to annoy your excellency."

Freddie was too busy batting at Little Idiot's hair as it moved around.

Oooh. Toy. He dug his back feet in and launched his front feet up, so that he was standing on Little Idiot's shoulder, tummy rubbing Idiot's ear and front paws on top of the big fluffy moving thing.

"Fabulous. I'm a fucking trapeze." Dominic muttered, and caught Freddie by the scruff, lifting him down into Lionel's arms as Dominic shouldered the laptop, as well. They wouldn't be in their room for an entire week, and... alright, he turned back, and grasped one of the bed pillows, for the plane, and nodded at his lover as he motioned his head for him to follow. "What time is it love?"

MORE of the toy-stuff on Big Idiot and Freddie was in kitty heaven. His paws and claws batted at Big Idiot's fluffy face stuff, then the fluffy stuff hanging over his shoulders, and then he started chewing it. Big Idiot fluffy stuff tasted better than Little Idiot fluffy stuff.

Lionel cradled Freddie carefully against his shoulder, picking up the other laptop over his own shoulder, and nodded at the rest of the luggage. "Enrique will be up to bring that down as soon as we get downstairs. "It's..." He consulted his watch. "five-thirty. Our plane leaves at nine."

"Christ. What are we going to do to fill the time for three hou--.." He cut himself off, and looked tentatively at Lionel, to make sure he hadn't put bad ideas where Dominic wouldn't be sitting for three days in his head. "We... uh. Could go get some dinner somewhere."

Lionel just snorted as he pulled his hair out of Freddie's mouth, narrowly avoiding a bite. "I saw what went through your mind, Dominic Senatori, and believe me, even I am not that much of a Viking."

"Yes, you are. I can see it in your face, you're considering it. Have been since you got home, haven't you?"

"Me?" Lionel's face suddenly took on an angelic innocence that would have made Raphael's cherubs look evil.

"Oh, no you don't! I've clean clothes on, and I sincerely do not want to be squishing for the twelve hour plane trip." Another glare. "So don't you even think about it, Lex Luthor."

Lionel crooked both brows as high up as they would go. "Something you'd like to tell me, Dominic?"

"I thought about it too. Ass. I thought about you taking me, but I sincerely will *not* be sticky, mucky, lubey, or dirty for twelve hours."

A snort. "No, I mean about the fact that you just called me Lex Luthor."

Dominic blinked, and looked at him. "Sorry. I've been screaming it all day long, its just been engrained into my fuzzy brain."

Lionel snorted, and caught Freddie before he ran. "I take it Lex gave you a bit of a hard time then?" A nostalgic sigh. "There was a time, when Lex was four years old, I would have sworn he'd have grown up thinking his name was Dammit, Lex instead of just Lex."

His lips quirked. "Not hard time. He's just hyper, and energetic, and random. Not to mention that we were shooting balls all over the fucking place where they were supposed to go. I'm so tired, love, and that's the truth."

"Then, would you like to just call in our order to Sandine's and pick it up on the way and have dinner on the plane as we wait for takeoff? I'll even ask them to cook my prime rib completely this time, so as to minimize the upset."

"No, love, better not. Because I'm going to be sick regardless." And it was so true, because his skin had paled at the thought of plane rides. "I don't want to add food to the mix. I don't even know if I want to eat anything heavy."

The crude joke was on the tip of his tongue, and he prided himself in not making it. "Did you pick up both our prescriptions from the druggist?"

Dominic glared at his innocent expression, and let it go. "I did. I already took one when I got home, to calm my nerves a bit… I'll be scheduled to take more around eight thirty."

"Excellent, that's just takeoff time. Wonderful bit of timing there." Hearty cheer as he hugged his lover tightly. "Just think, in a few short hours, we'll be on our way to the beautiful Emerald Isle."

"The thought of going is making me ill. Lionel, are you sure we can't take a boat? I mean, really?"

"I am positive. We are not taking a boat or a train. We are taking a plane."

Dominic just sulked, quietly. "Promise me you won't laugh if I throw up."

"I won't laugh. I'll bring you soda water and a cold towel for your face and forehead, but I won't laugh."

"I love you, Lionel."

"I love you, my little cricket." Kiss to his lover's forehead as he juggled Freddie.

- = - = -

Take off was in twenty minutes.

With a rock in his belly the size of Canada that entailed French fries and a vanilla milk shake, Dominic was stuck, plastered against the limo seat, his entire body squished against it as tightly as it could be. He had a grip on the side door handle, his face was ash white, and the plane, impressive and beautifully built, was already humming. Warming up, Lionel had told him from across the seat. Whatever.

Dominic had the cell phone to his ear and his eyes closed, as he fought silently through the panic and tried to catalogue all he needed Lex to do. It rang, quietly, in his ear, as he waited for Lex to pick uppickuppickup, his throat bobbing and warning Lionel away with a tennis shoe.

Lex was standing impatiently in the lobby, waiting for his crew of little Bobbleheads and Butt-Boppers to get their drinks, popcorn, candy, soda, and every-bloody-thing else from the concession stand, and he tried to ignore the phone. But he couldn't. A look at his watch told him that it was nearly time for his dad and Dom to be taking of, and he sighed, reaching down and answering the phone. "Luthor."

"Hi. Its me, sorry to interrupt your night, love." Quiver was OUT of his voice, thank you. "Just wanted to tell you your father and I are at the plane… we'll be leaving in a half hour or so."

Lex smiled. "Great news, Dom. You guys need the vacation. Don't let Dad give you any crap, okay? Just kick his ass and pull it back in line."

Lionel scoffed at the tennis shoe being waved at him, and rubbed his hand over Dominic's ankle.

"I will, indeed." But he was grinning, and a little of the tension went out of him. "Have fun with Clark. Fredrick is in the good care of Ms. Bird, so you won't have to worry to much about him. The puppies were asleep before we left, taking a nap I suppose, and I refilled water and kibble, alright? Also, your suit and your father's for the charity ball in two weeks should be out of the cleaners on Tuesday. Watch over Charlie, his computers been locking up recently. A bug of some sort in it. Take care with Sir Harry, and keep his minions out. Oh, and there's a weekends worth of pay per view fights this weekend I paid for--remind Clark and Whitney to tape them so I can watch them next week. Alright?"

Lex nodded. "Right. Don't worry about Freddie. He'll sleep with the puppies and he'll be fine, even though he seems to hate Clark and kind of like me. Cute little fella he is. Charlie's computer isn't the only one; there's a bug in the Linux OS that Dell's coming out to fix on Friday. Breathe, Dominic. Relax. You're going on vacation. The new DVR is set, and it'll record the fights straight from the digital screen. If you don't want to wait, I'll burn you a DVD of them and ship it over to the Dublin office and you can pick it up there."

"No. I'm fine. About to puke, but fine. Christ, Lex. I swear, the next time we go anywhere I'm booking a cruise ship." His voice wavered, just slightly. "If we crash and die, you can have all of my Highlander, Sentinel, StarGate and Farscape tapes. Give Buffy to Shayla. Okay?"

Lex's eyebrow elevated. "You have Buffy tapes?"

"All seven seasons. In order."

"You've been holding out on me, Dominic. Wait until I tell Clark. He'll hijack you for a marathon when you get back."

He grinned, crookedly, at his lover. "Probably. You both can watch them if you like, they're in the cabinet in the library, beside the piano. So are all my DVDs, and the other shows I told you about. I think I've got an episode or two of Brimstone in there, too. But here, want to talk to your father? We're about to get on the Death Trap from Hell."

Lex hooted. "No, I'll skip the Brimstone, thanks. Bad enough thinking Dad's the devil, don't need confirmation. Did you ever realize how much that guy looks like Dad??" Deep sigh. "Yeah, let me talk to him a minute."

"Take care, laddie, we'll see you when we get home." He handed the phone over to his lover and gathered his things, laptop and carry on bag, his body all but jittering as he looked out at the plane. He'd taken more pills with their light dinner, and now his milkshake, a rock in his belly, wasn't letting the medicine work apparently, because he was nervous as hell.

Lionel watched his lover with an eagle eye as he gathered up things. "Enjoying your night out, Lex? I have a bone to pick with you when I return home, about exhausting Dominic on the golf course and worrying him prematurely bald."

Lex just snorted. "Get a life, Dad. Dom had fun, we both know it, so stop whining. Look... this is going to sound weird, and I can't explain it, but... just be careful with him, all right? He's nervous as hell, right about to puke, and next time, take a fuckin' boat."

Dominic rolled his eyes at his lover at what he said, snorted, and pulled his light jacket on, leaning down to tie a tennis shoe before sitting back, and waiting for his lover. "Not prematurely, love. I found another four hairs in the sink this evening. FOUR! I'm going to have nothing by the time we come back, and live my life under a ball cap."

Lionel just raised his foot, put it against his lover's ass, and shoved. "Get out, get up the stairs, I'm coming in a moment." He went back to the telephone. "Lex... I have every confidence in you. If you need assistance, don't be afraid to interrupt us."

"I'll be fine, Dad. Go, get on the plane, have fun." He hung up, and tucked his phone back into his pocket, glaring at the group in the concession line.

Lionel tucked the phone away, and sighed. "Let's go."

"Lets go where?"

He'd gotten from the limo okay. Had his stuff. But as soon as he saw the plane, the enormity of it, he dug his heels in, and slammed back against the limo. "You can't make me get on it!"

Lionel just shrugged, and started up the steps. "I'll give your family your regrets."

"No! Wait. No." A hollow whimper. "Lionel, you right bastard."

Lionel just kept climbing, and hesitated in the threshold. "I'm sure your grandmother will understand your not coming to see her."

"Don't you bring my granny into this!" Dominic glared, as he started up the steps behind him, and he felt the nausea dampening his palms and making him light on his feet, as he climbed higher and higher… then entered, carry on and laptop in tow, and grasped his husbands arm, tightly. "Oh, God."

Lionel pulled him the last few steps into the cabin, and closed the door. The vacuum seal whooshed as the door sealed itself shut, and there were quiet thumps as the rest of their luggage and such was stowed in the belly of the plane. "You did wonderfully, Jiminy. Now, let's sit down."

"Sit. Okay." He followed his lover, not thinking about where he was because having a panic attack was in fact NOT on the nights agenda, and he swallowed hard as he picked a seat, one of the few, and plunked into it, hard. "Sitting. Sitting is a good, good thing."

"Yes, it is." Consuela smiled at the both of them, as she opened the cockpit door and slipped through. "Good evening Mr. Luthor, Mr. Luthor. Its a pleasure to be flying tonight."

"Good evening, Consuela." Lionel casually leaned over his lover to buckle Dominic's seat belt firmly, and then straightened to shake her hand. "It's a pleasure to see you again, and I'm sorry to have you flying a late night shift; I know that intrudes on your family, but there's no one we trust more."

"No, its really alright. My husband took the kids to go see Dora The Explorer at the Majestic Theater… believe me, I'm much happier flying tonight." But she grinned, and shook his hand firmly, then shook Dominic's much colder, shaking one as well with sympathy abound. "We'll be up in there air in about fifteen minutes...after that, feel free to move around the cabin. We'll be at Dublin International in about ten hours, eight if the weather holds up." She turned, to the meek young lady behind her. "This is Trish. She'll be your stewardess for the evening, if you need anything, just let her know."

Trish poked her head out from behind Consuela's shoulder, and nodded to the two gentlemen. Holy God in Heaven help her, she was going to be trapped on this plane with the Luthor's for the next ten hours.

She was going to be lucky to survive the trip. "H--hi," she stammered out softly.

"Thank you, Consuela. You're a godsend." He nodded in return to the mousy little stewardess. "Hello, Trish, and thank you for putting your busy night aside and coming to accompany us on the flight."

Dominic wasn't saying anything. No. Not a word. He nodded at the two of them, but concentrated on keeping his eyes closed, breathing, not puking, and not passing out. Because both of the last two were seconds away from happening. He breathed, slowly and deeply, keeping himself as calm as was humanly possibly, eyes half closed and his body every so slowly relaxing.

"Leo's in the cockpit, getting the engines started. He'll be back later, Mr. Luthor, to say hello." Consuela smiled, and motioned Trish to the two gentlemen. "I'll leave you in Trish's care. Have a good flight, gentlemen."

"Thank you, Consuela, we know we will in your tender care."

Trish's voice was a squeak when she spoke. "I--is there anything I c-can get you be-be-before take-takeoff?" She was all but wringing her hands.

The entire plane gave a gentle shudder as the jet turbines whooshed to life, and the roar of engine noise sounded under the wings.

"OH MY GOD!" Dominic cried it, loudly, and all but bolted from the seat… couldn't, because he was latched in, and he grasped his lover instead, around the neck, dragging him close and letting out a sharp, horrified sound as he held him tightly, shaking and puking was very close on the days agenda, rather than a panic attack. Yep. Close.

Lionel almost laughed, but he didn't, just petting his lover gently and attempting to disentangle himself so he could sit down also. "Two glasses of scotch, would be lovely, dear. Thank you."

"We're going to crash and DIE!" Dominic wailed it, loudly, and for as much as his lover tried to disentangle, Dominic clung tighter, like a burr. "Oh my God. I can't do this on two pills. Lionel, cough them up. Now. I can't, I can't, I can't. We! Are! Going! To! DIE!"

"LET ME GO THIS INSTANT!" Lionel thundered at the top of his lungs, and for a second, drowned out the engines. "We are not going to die! And I will not cough up any more of your pills until the appropriate time, do you understand me?"

Trish jumped a mile high, and nearly dropped the glass bottle she had in her hands. Instead, they shook like an earthquake as she tried to pour and ended up sloshing several splashes onto the counter, missing the glasses entirely.

Dominic let go, with a gasp, and his eyes widened as he shrank back. Oh. Oh, that was bad. Lionel never yelled... well, mostly never, and his throat locked up as he nodded, twice, three times, and crossed his arms tightly around his chest.

"Thank you!" Lionel rubbed his throat, and sucked in a deep breath. "Now. Dominic. Please. I know you are terrified, but you have to remain at least slightly calm. You see? The engine vibrations are dying down even as we speak and we'll be taxiing down the runway shortly."

Dominic glared at him, darkly, and looked away, keeping his arms tightly locked around his chest, fists tightly against his body, without another word said.

Lionel settled into his own seat and buckled the safety belt over his lap.

Squeak. "H--here you are, sirs." Trish handed each man a glass half-full of deep, amber colored scotch, and then went to her little seat behind the cockpit and belted in.

A deep, gusty sigh emerged from Lionel's throat. "I'm sorry, Dominic."

Dominic nodded at Trish, thanking her without a word, because their was no way he could let go of the stance he was in right now. He just held on, tightly, as the plane purred underneath them, and then everything started to move and the nausea and panic, heavy and hard panic that filtered up into his throat, locked everything up, so that his leg was tucked under him tightly, his arms not moving, and he fought to take a breath. It was horrid, because he wanted to get up and scream and get the fuck off this plane. If it had been under his diction, he would have taken half the bottle of pills by now. Better to be a sheet to the wind that feeling this. But nooo. Lionel had them, and fuck.

He ignored him, pointedly. Didn't say anything, as the unsteady, flimsy, shaking, horrid plane began to move.

Lionel growled softly in his throat as his apology was ignored, and he drank down the fine liquor in a single gulp. He could feel the plane moving and starting to roll down the runway, and he didn't say anything else, just kept a close eye on his lover as they started the takeoff.

He'd done this for most of his adult life. Keeping himself tightly under wraps, so that the only sign that he was in full scale panic mode was the fingers that let go to vice on the seats arm rest, knuckles going nearly white as he held on and closed his eyes. Moving, the sickening pull of displaced air as they moved up, up, and he would have begged for Herbert had he had the chance because he was going to faint, puke, fall a hundred million trillion feet to his death.

There was a slight bounce with the change in air pressures, and then the LuthorCorp jet was flying. High in the air, gaining more altitude, and in a few minutes, the co-pilot appeared at the door to the cabin.

"Gentlemen, lady, my name's Leo, I'm your co for the flight, and we're now twenty thou and cruisin'. You can unbuckle the seat belts and enjoy your in-flight entertainment." He smirked, because he'd heard rumors of what kind of in-flight entertainment the Luthors liked.

Dominic didn't move. Twenty thousand feet in the air. Holy mother of all that was good on this earth. He just kept as still as he could, because being still meant staying alive. Karma's principle, twisted to his means. The less movement he made the less likely he'd plummet twenty thousand feet and end up a squished Dominic on some poor mid west bastards lawn. His throat bobbed, tightly, and he finally looked at Lionel, with a sliver of apology in his heart. "The next time you yell at me like that I'm going to cosh in your brains."

Lionel sighed softly. "If you'd listen to me, I wouldn't have to yell. I don't mind you being afraid, Jiminy, I truly don't. Not any longer. But... I need you to listen to me, even through that fear. I only want the best for you."

"You wouldn't yell at me if you didn't mind." Dominic muttered it at him, and he wanted to get up and visit the toilet in came the nausea didn't go away, which it wasn't, just glaring at his lover darkly. "If you don't want me to turn to you when I need you, fine. Then I won't. I'll deal with it alone, like I always have." He let go of his tight crossed stance to tug at his seat belt until it gave way, and rose, to shaking legs. "I'm going to the bathroom, and then I'm going to bed."

Lionel just sighed. "Fine, Dominic. If that's what you want to think, then I can't stop you. Go to bed; I'm going to hook up the laptop and finish processing the final reports from the construction site."

This sucked. "Fine. Stay here and do all the reports you want." He muttered, and walked through the cabin, grasping pieces of furniture as he went, and pushed into the small back room. A bedroom, very small and comfortable looking, with a double bed. It smelled cozily clean, and he toed his shoes off and peeled out of his jacket, which had covered with a cold sweat, and went to the bathroom.

He washed his face, not looking at the man reflected in the mirror once he was certain he wasn't going to puke. Used the toilet because that afternoons coffee had gone through him like a river, and finally, finally, crawled into the bed, blankets and sheets and a warm pillow, and when he slid into it, still with jeans, t-shirt and socks, he could forget for a half a second that he was in the air flying home, and just in his bed, with Lionel. A Lionel who wasn't mad at him, anyway.

Lionel left his back to the bedroom door, unpacking his laptop with long-practiced motions, and connected quickly to the LuthorCorp intranet. He paged through the reports from the construction site, and started going over the figures, digging out a pen from his laptop case, along with the printouts he'd made before leaving, and he started comparing figures, tapping out a light rhythm with the end of his pen on the papers.

Trish knocked on the door to the bedroom lightly. "Um... sir? Can I? Get you anything?"

"A lobotomy." Dominic muttered, from under his pillow, and sighed as he rose up on an elbow. "Nothing. Thank you. Just please, if I sleep through, let me know when we're an hour from Ireland, alright?"

"Ye--yes, sir. I'll l-let you know." She closed the door quietly, and stood beside the other Mr. Luthor's table, clearing her throat softly.

"Yes? What do you want?" he snapped angrily.

Squeak!! "Ju--just t-t-t-to see i-i-i-if you n-n-n-n-n-needed anything!" She turned on her heel and fled to the cockpit.

Damn. It. Dominic knew he was in the wrong. Again. Just like every time. He looked up at the door, listening to his angry lover, and… fucking hell. He swallowed every single scrap of pride and rose to his feet, wearily. The cabin door swung open without a sound, and he crossed the airplane, thinking as little 'airplane' ness as he could, and instead, picked his lovers laptop up, and slid into its place on his lovers lap, hugging him softly. "I'm sorry."

Lionel looked up in surprise as his laptop was removed and his lover sat down in it's place, and his arms went around Dominic's waist. "I thought you'd be sleeping this trip away in the bedroom."

"I'm sorry." He repeated it, quietly. "I'll leave you alone if you're busy."

"I'm not busy, just keeping myself occupied." He tightened his grip on Dominic's waist. "I know you're sorry. It's all right."

"I don't like it when you yell at me."

"I don't like it either, Dominic, and I'm sorry I did. But you were panicking, and you weren't listening to me."

He nodded, and didn't say anything else, just laying his head on his lovers shoulder. "Okay. I'm going… to go back to bed."

"Do you want me to come in there with you?"

Oh. He nodded, hard, and ground his teeth tightly when the plane dipped a little. "Please."

Lionel stroked his fingertips over the grinding jaw. "Do you want me to distract you?"

Another hard nod, and he barely kept his nails from digging like a burr back into his lovers shoulders. Instead he let go, and climbed back to his feet, swallowing hard. "Its okay if you're doing something else of importance."

"Nothing of importance at all," Lionel said quietly, and sat his laptop on the chair, closing it. "Come on. Let's go."

"Okay." Dominic took a step back so Lionel could get to his feet, and he swallowed again, throat working. "Come on. Get the scotch, will you?"

"Of course." Lionel gave his lover a little smile as he got to his feet, and went to the drink cupboard, pulling out the crystal bottle from before and holding it out to his lover. "Here you go." He took down another, smaller crystal bottle, and tucked it under his elbow. "Just in case."

"Just in case." He echoed quietly, and tucked the bottle under his arm as he turned, grasping the furniture again as he moved. He walked through the cabin without dropping the bottle, a miracle unto itself, and stepped into the darkened bedroom once more. The set sun was barely visible through the tiny window, and he swallowed, hard. "Careful, my shoes are over there, Lionel." He set the bottle down and sat down, hard, on the bed, sliding under the blankets and sheets again and hugging their bed pillow, which he had pulled with him from the front cabin on the way. Just for a second, to ground him, and he sighed, softly, as he pulled blankets back for his lover.

Lionel toed off his shoes, his socks, and his shirt, and climbed into bed with his lover. "Mine are too, now." He set the second bottle down beside the first, and once he was settled in bed, he pulled his lover over close to him. "Ssssh. It's okay. We're going to be fine."

Dominic wrapped his arms around his lovers stomach and lower back and hugged him close, setting his head on his chest. The strong, warm heartbeat, not racing like his was, normal and unafraid. "How… how is it, that you aren't scared o-of anything, Lionel?"

"I'm scared of quite a few things, Dominic. Just... not airplane flight."

"Liar." He muttered, into warm skin, nosing the nipple ring softly before going back to hugging him tightly. "You're not afraid of anything, anything like me with this stupid phobia."

"I'm afraid of losing you," he answered softly. "Afraid of losing our daughter, my family. Afraid of someone finding out about Clark."

"But those aren't irrational things, Lionel." Dominic whispered, from his lovers chest. "Those aren't irrational. I know we're not going to crash to our deaths, and yet Im mortally afraid of it."

"They are irrational, Dominic." Soft stroke to his lover's hair. "I know I'm not going to lose you. You're not going to leave me. I know that Aurora is going to be born fine and healthy, because she's being monitored. I know that Clark's secret is well-protected."

He understood, and he nodded, against warm skin, swallowing against the lump in his throat as he held on tight. "If you'd have drugged me, you'd be having a fine time with Herbert right about now."

"Which is exactly why I didn't drug you."

"I don't know about that. Herbert's a fine fellow." Dominic muttered, looking up with a little grin. It was safe, exactly where he was, in Lionel's arms, only now he knew he'd have to ask for it, especially when he was in this high level of alert panic wise.

Lionel held his lover tightly. "Herbert is a fine fellow. But I'd rather spend my flight with Dominic instead." Kiss to his forehead. "I just like Dominic better--I'm strange that way."

"You are, indeed." He said it, softly, curled up under blankets, cocooned safely in warm arms. And his fingers, quietly, moved from their latch around a slender, hard waist up over a warm back, caressing softly.

Lionel turned onto his side, holding Dominic firmly and carefully close, caressing him slowly. "It's all right, you know. You're going to be fine."

"Only with you here, by my side." Dominic's fingers moved, easily, from over his lovers back to around his chest, in front, carefully stroking across the wide expanse. And asked, with his touches.

Lionel nodded softly. "Yes, please."

At the nod his fingers came up to a little nipple and pinched it, carefully, between them and forefinger. He rolled it for a moment, rubbing, over and over, as it hardened, and then kept rubbing as his mouth came up to a warm throat and kissed, pensively, shyly. His other hand moved to the other nipple, tugging at the ring as he brought it to the same full hardness, and when he normally would have moved on after getting them he stayed, continuing to rub with his thumbs as he sucked hot kisses from his lovers throat.

Lionel's hands came up to slide under Dominic's shirt, nudging it up gently, over his head. He shivered gently as Dominic kept lavishing attention onto his nipple ring, his cock starting to harden as he sighed softly, arching into Dominic's touch.

"I love you, Lionel." Dominic answered, softly, and gave his left nipple a savage twist. "Don't you ever yell at me like that again." Then a soothing lick, as he came down and lapped over it softly, disappearing under the blankets.

Lionel almost threw the blankets back but didn't, knowing that they were likely shielding his lover from realizing where they were, and gave up the pleasure of seeing him as Dominic moved lower, hot tongue licking and teasing on it's way down as his body shuddered, hips lifting and legs spreading wide under the blanket as he urged his lover on. "I won't... won't yell like that again."

"Promise." Muffled, under sheets and quilts, where his body was tucked down around his lovers waist. He whispered it against Lionel's cock, over the head that would be dripping soon, over balls that had yet to tighten, over a cock which had yet to fully harden, and he moaned, softly, over his own power… over what he could do to his lover. He licked, softly, over the warm balls, sucking them both into his mouth.

"I promise," Lionel said softly, pushing the blankets aside just enough to slide his hands under them, stroking through his lover's hair and over a strong back, smooth shoulders, beautiful cheekbones that spoke of good breeding. "I promise, I won't yell at you like that." His thumbs stroked over his lover's skin as he shuddered, his cock growing slowly under the licks and breaths that skated across him, each one bringing more and more blood to center in his groin.

"It thrilled me." he whispered, into his lovers skin, even as he slid up from under the blankets and hiked up to tug his shirt off over his head. It fell on the blankets beside them even as he leaned onto his lovers side, tucking his husbands head in the crook of his elbow as he kissed him, fiercely, deeply, and stroked the hardening cock at the same time, thighs twining together as he worked his lover with both tongue and hand.

"Thrilled?" Lionel barely had time to groan it out before his mouth was filled with his lover's tongue and he sucked it fiercely, thrusting up into Dominic's hand and rubbed the rest of his body against his lover, slacks scraping against jeans as Lionel pushed up, bare chests heating up with friction as they stroked together, and he moaned softly with every stroke of Dominic's hand on his cock, bringing him quickly to full hardness even as he licked and sucked at Dominic's lips.

"Thrilled… because I liked it." Dominic murmured into those lovely, full lips, even as he scraped his mouth down to his lovers neck and throat. His fingers kept up inside of expensive underwear, stroking firmly, and what his fingers didn't catch the blankets did, rubbing against Lionel's cock with each stroke. "I liked can still make me do what you want with one word." A shaky little moan was leaving him even as he wrapped his mouth around Lionel's nipple and sucked, hard, scraping it with his tongue.

Lionel arched up, hand going down to the back of Dominic's head and pulling him up, using a careful handful of hair to do it. "Never think... that I would do anything like that, just to make you do what I want," Lionel said softly. "Never think that I'd yell at you as a way of degrading you into submission. Never think it. If I yell, it's because I'm angry, or I'm trying to get through to you." It was so hard to talk when all he could think about was his cock and flipping Dominic onto his back and pounding in, but he had to. Had to know that Dominic understood.

"I know." He whispered, against lovely smooth skin. "I know you wouldn't. But now... now that its later, it..." He took his lovers free hand, and pressed it against his hot crotch. He was burning with heat and want, now that his lover was here, here where it was safe, and he stroked, teasingly now, over his lovers cock. Light, light touches, with a ground of a palm against the head, before more light, light touches.

Lionel shaped the palm of his hand and his long fingers around his lover's cock, trapped still behind denim and underwear. He stroked firmly, almost roughly, urging Dominic on as he rolled fully onto his back, and spread his legs open, one coming to snuggle around his lover's hips and tug him forward.

Dominic's mouth was going crazy. Over his lovers lips and face, down a strong throat, and now it was sucking hot hickeys out of his lovers chest and belly. His skin was flushing hot, sending tingles up his sides, over his scalp, down his chest to harden his nipples and let his cock surge harder inside its trap. When his lover rolled Dominic did too, and ended up half on his husband, still sucking and kissing. His nails raked down long sides, down to the hips of his slacks, and Dominic tugged and toed them off from the hem line down, dragging them even as he dropped down to suck his lovers cock into his mouth. Just once, just teasingly, before down, down to the warm little sunburst. He licked across it, raked his tongue over it, encouraging his lovers touches even as he was partially backwards...then completely backwards, half in the sixty nine position, so he could bring his lover all the way down his throat once more, as far as he could go, and suck.

Lionel pushed himself up to half-sitting, so that he could stroke his lover's skin, but when Dominic's tongue swiped over his opening, he cried out sharply. He sat up completely then, his hands digging hard into Dominic's waist, pulling, shoving, tearing his lover's jeans in his haste, shoving them down, pulling them off over his feet, and pulled Dominic's hips up to him, forcing his lover's body to turn to accommodate him.

His lover, going crazy to get his pants off, and hadn't he firmly said no soiling of the Dominic? Dammit. He grunted anyway, moaning softly around a hard, long cock that he knew intimately, and helped his lover tug off his jeans.

And ever so casually, used his mouth, and throat, to thrust against the cock in it, to make his lover feel like he was in a hot, tight channel, fucking roughly.

Lionel's nails dug into Dominic's hips as he started thrusting with his mouth, and he couldn't believe it. Dominic was finally helping, the jeans flying off the corner of the fucking room, just somewhere OTHER than in his way, and he flung the underwear his lover was wearing quickly after them.

Then he opened his mouth, grunting as he swallowed Dominic's cock, sliding him slowly, achingly slowly to the root, sucking as he did, tongue sliding over the shaft as he sunk his mouth further down.

Dominic let out a harsh, sobbing sound as his lover sucked him down, and a rush of tingles flew over his body, pooling tightly in his gut and crotch. He thrust down the last little way, unable to help it, whimpering his apologies around Lionel's cock. Couldn't help it, as he began to suck, hard, heavily, mouthing and moving as he braced himself on one elbow, the other going around to his lovers opening. He stroked over it, wet heat from where he'd licked allowing him to slide a bit of his thumb inside, just inside. A heavy wail of pleasure that he couldn't help and he whimpered. He wanted his lover to fill him, fill him tight, and he would, but first....first the ever so fun fore play which he loved.

Lionel grunted off the apology; he didn't care. He was a big boy, he could take a little thrusting, and he tilted his hips up to accommodate his lover's inquisitive fingers.

Ungh. Harsh grunt as his muscles contracted down on his lover's thumb and sucked it into his body, riding it easily as he sucked harder, pulling the rest of Dominic's length deep into his throat, the prickly hairs of his beard scraping over his lover's balls.

With every one of his lovers bucking rides under Dominic's thumb Lionel stroked up, and Dominic welcomed it like he welcomed everything else of his lovers, accepted into his body without a question. He followed the thrusts up, sucking him hard on the thrusts in and harder on the sucks out. Cock blanketed in a hot, lovely mouth, body stroked and touched, and he whimpered, deeply, softly, as he sucked three times more...four, and then began to thrust with his thumb, in and out, teasing because he knew it was neither big enough nor deep enough.

Lionel raised his hand, let Dominic's cock slide out of his mouth as he licked his palm, dampening it before he wrapped it around his lover's cock, stroking it with rough strokes as he licked over the little piece of skin between balls and opening, then licked over the taut little hole, flicking just the barest tip of his tongue into the muscle before blowing over it, hot, moist breaths that made it twitch as he kept jerking Dominic off.

"GRAHHH!" Dominic bellowed, loudly, gasping in agonized pleasure as his body viced with pleasure. His cry was muffled around a hard cock but it was enough, loud enough to reverberate off the walls. Another cry, filled with pleasure as his lovers hot breaths flew over him, almost stabbing into him, and he wailed, sucking harder with the pleasure that was shaking his elbows and knees like crazy. It filled him up, spread heat over his crotch and his dick leaked with precome, sobbing in pleasure and want as he sucked.

Lionel grinned savagely, taking a sharp nip out of his lover's cheek as it rubbed against his face, and then without further teasing shoved his tongue into his lover's ass. Long, deep strokes that tunneled in the full length of Lionel's tongue and slithered back out again, leaving wet trails across Dominic's little opening as he licked and bit.

"Oh GOD!" He sobbed it on another scream, shaking and losing all pretense as he offered, offered himself, opening his knees wider and begging as he slid his lovers cock from his lips, lest he bite him. He shuddered, hard, wracking trembles that moved over his body like wild fire, sobbing quietly with soft begging noises as his cock grew even harder, stone hard and filled with blood. "Please, please, Lionel please, I beg you, beg, please, please!"

Lionel bit his lover's cheek again, lightly, and then went back to his rimming. Deep thrusts of his tongue, lips sucking at the rim of muscle around it, teeth scraping gently across it as Lionel felt his hand grow slicker with the leaking precome from his lover's cock.

Christ, no, no, fucking was good, fucking was good right now and Dominic let out another wail into his lovers thigh, grasping the cock by his face tightly in his hand as his lovers beard scraped across places he knew beard was never meant to scrape. He wailed, louder if at all possible, and his hand came down, immediately, wrenching his tightly drawn balls and crying out again because the pleasure was too close, too sharp, his cock was stone hard and he was this close to coming. He bit his lovers thigh again, on the end of the cry, licking at the sinewy muscle that joined crotch and thigh, licking before going back to sucking on the hard cock. It felt so good, so good so good that tears had gathered at the corners of his eyes in pleasure, his lashes caught with them as he sucked, hard, hard as he could.

Lionel chuckled softly, and popped his lover on the ass once. "Dominic? Do you want to make love to me, or do you want me to take you?" Softly spoken as his hand landed rhythmic slaps to Dominic's ass.

Couldn't talk, not at the moment, as his lover slapped his backside, his channel clenched, and he let out another hard sound. Lionel's cock slid from his mouth on one soft slurp, and he swallowed, hard, before looking over his shoulder. His muscles were vibrating, pleasure was radiating through his body, and he couldn't... "Take m-me, pl-please, please, take me please."

Lionel rose up then, on his knees, and pushed Dominic onto his back. "Did you know there are drawers under the bed?" Lionel laid himself down flat, half over his lover and half off, arm hanging over the bed until his fingers found the clasp and it sprang open. "And look what I just happen to have." He pulled the bottle back up and dangled it over Dominic's face.

He was kind of beyond words. His eyes caught the bottle of lube… not the kind they usually used but as long as it was slicker he didn't care, just trembling and shaking with acheful pleasure. His cock lay on his belly, hard and dark, painting his tummy with wet trails, and he shivered, pressing back into the blankets and pillows under his husband. His fingers ran, shaking and heedless, over Lionel's back, ass, belly, down to the hard cock that was about to fill him. Thighs like tree trunks, then up, up to those lovely shoulders. "Boy s-scout. Always… prepared."

"I do try; you never know when you're going to get caught in the mood for love, and believe me, it's very uncomfortable without this." He squirted the slick gel onto his fingers, and slowly pressed one inside his lover, other hand going to stroke his cock.

"Faigh muin," Dominic whispered, though he couldn't help his hips bucking up. His thighs, milky and soft in the darkness, spread wide around his lover, allowing him admittance. Didn't think that they were--no. Not thinking about their surroundings, just Lionel, just him with his finger wriggling inside. He reached up by his head and tugged one of the extra pillows down, pressing it to his side, then up under him, so his hips were at an angle. He whimpered, loudly, his free hands stroking over his lovers shoulders, tugging him down to him for a deep, warm kiss, heavy and delicious, kissing because they could. Sloppy and wet and lovely and in that lovely mouth he vented all his wants, hips bucking with each suck and nip.

Lionel stroked a second finger inside of his lover, returning the hot kiss with equal fervor, wiggling both fingers inside his lover before stroking a third inside him, then slicking his cock with quick strokes before guiding it down to his lover's opening. "Ready for me, Dominic?" he asked softly, pressing the head against the stretched little starburst.

Dominic arched and pushed down, pressing his lover into him. His fingers scrabbled for a moment before grasping the pillow under his head and he bit down on the wail, pushing in and down as far as he could without his hips coming off the pillow he'd pushed into them. He grasped his lovers hands, tightly, dragging them close to his body. "Please, please, Lionel, please!"

Lionel quickly sunk his length into Dominic's waiting body. No more teasing foreplay, and he pressed deep in a quick stroke, rocking slightly to get himself situated. He slid his hands down, then over his lover's legs, lifting them to his shoulders and slipping just a little deeper, buried to the absolute hilt.

Dominic waited, until his lover had pressed in as deeply as he could, whimpering, and he had a plan. Of course, the plan was dissolving, under his lovers gorgeous stroke inside of his body, and he wriggled his hips, begging without words and whimpering softly.

Lionel started thrusting harder, rocking on his knees and leaning over, until Dominic's knees were pressed to his chest and he was pounding hard, each stroke pulling out nearly completely to sheathe himself back entirely. His hands reached around Dominic's legs to tweak his nipples gently.

Oh, God, he liked this. He liked this, so. Much. His head arched back, legs pressed in tight under his lovers weight, and he held on, held on tightly as he lover began to fuck him. He whimpered again, heavier, muttering in a language not at all English as his body began to shake and tingle. He wrapped his thighs tightly around his lovers back, holding on tightly and getting his legs out of the way so he could kiss his lover, hard, deep, deeper, holding him close as their bodies moved.

Alright. Now, now that he had the thrusting, maybe he could take what he wanted.

He was good at flipping men much bigger than himself over, as Lionel had taught him, and he pushed, using the pillow he'd situated under him to roll them over, towards the middle of the bed. He panted, sitting up and arching his back as he sank even deeper onto his lover, sighing deeply and softly for a long moment. He squeezed his lover, tightly inside of him, sitting splayed atop him, and murmured softly before opening his eyes and looking down.

And turned around.

He lifted himself up and turned, Lionel's cock staying inside of him, so that instead of facing his lover he had his back to him, and he sat on him that way. Very... very interesting, the feeling inside when they were turned like this, and he whimpered, loudly. Pressing against tissues that normally wouldn't get pressed against and he wriggled his hips in pleasure, sinking further onto his lover and sighing, softly.

Lionel moaned softly as Dominic viced around his cock, seeing instantly what his lover was doing and let him do it, relaxing and turning and moving his hips as his lover's motions dictated, and he couldn't help the sharp cries that tumbled out of him as his cock twisted slightly with the turning, and then was viced tightly as Dominic pushed down on him.

His hands rose to grip Dominic's hips tightly, and started rocking him back and forth, thrusting up gently and pressing into him as Dominic wiggled against him.

He groaned, heavily, back arching as he squeezed Lionel within him, tightly, and began to rock. In this position, facing down instead of up, it was easier, and faster, to thrust, grasping his lovers knees tightly and tugging them up as he moved, so he could hold onto them, tightly. He thrust, hard, moving and moaning, softly, at the sensations going on in his body. He'd been taken on his hands and knees many times, but it was different when the weight was put on your lover, not the other way around. He squeezed, tightly, his feet pressing tight to his lovers sides as he moved, back arching again as he gasped in pleasure. He didn't want to take hold of his cock, not yet, not yet, stretch the pleasure out just a little longer. His knees dug into the sheets and he grasped his lovers legs, tightly, holding on and throwing his head back in agonized pleasure. "Gnuah!"

Lionel was loving the view. Seeing his cock sliding in and out of Dominic's ass, the sweat gleaming on his back, the lube glistening as it slicked his way into his lover, over and over again. He raised his knees as Dominic tugged on them, letting him have them to brace on as he tried to rock up.

When his lover pressed up a smile flew over his lovers face, and he turned his head, still grinning, and saw him out of the corner of his eye. "Tricks... up... this old mans... sleeve, just yet, Luthor." He arched up and planted himself a little harder in that moment, grunting hard and turning back to grasp his lovers knees tightly. Couldn't take it anymore, either, as much as he'd tried, and he grasped his blood filled cock, hissing heavily and lifting and planting even faster.

Loud grunt from Lionel as Dominic planted himself down forcefully. His grip on Dominic's hips tightened, and he moaned sharply as his lover sped up. It was just flashes now, of seeing his cock buried in his lover's ass, and he twitched, seeing Dominic's elbows start moving as he jerked himself off.

His muscles bunched, tightly, body aching as he stroked harder, faster, his body arched painfully tight, tight as a bow, because orgasm was close, close, close, and he'd taken all control from his lover in one roll. He wanted Lionel to come, come now, and he whispered it even as he stroked himself harder, back arching and rolling as his head fell forward, tightly. His grip on his lovers knees squeezed and he gasped, whimpering as he ground out, "Come, come L-Lionel, husband, come, come for me, come, come!"

Lionel cried out with every squeeze on his cock and his knees, and he thrust up, shivering. He heard Dominic pleading with him to come, and he thrust up, once and then twice, his cock shuddering as he came by sheer willpower, just because hearing his lover plead for him was the most beautiful thing he'd ever heard.

As the heat flooded his inside, Dominic let himself go and let his own heat flood out. It painted his lovers legs with ribbons of white, his cry heavy and startling, just as his pleasure was heavy and startling. He squeezed, tighter, milking his husband for everything he was worth even as his fingers squeezed and stroked his cock, as hard as he could. Orgasm was just what he'd needed and he felt good, so good, so very good, his body sheathed in sweat, shivering with pleasure.

He'd just made love in an airplane.

Lionel reached up and hooked his arms around Dominic's waist and tugged him down, so that they lay back to chest, still joined, and Lionel's hand stroked calmingly over Dominic's chest and stomach.

"Uhhhn." He gasped, as he lay back, moaning heavily and gasping in aching pleasure. "G-good?"

"Very good," Lionel croaked out hoarsely, sweat plastering his hair to his head.

"Very...v-very good?" Dominic gasped, panting as he fought for breath, his cock hot, wet, softening against his belly as he lay on his lover, cock deep inside.

"Best I've ever had in an airplane," he said with a breathy grin, teeth tugging on Dominic's earlobe.

His lips spread, wide, and he had to see his lover. He squeezed him one final time before letting him slide free on a greasy, slippery movement, and yeah, this lube was definitely better than the other one they used. He turned, softly, rolling over onto his side so that they were again facing each other, and his grin turned into a soft blush as his fingertips trailed through the mess he'd made over his lovers legs. "Oops."

"There is a small bathroom I can clean up in; I'm not at all worried." He licked across his lover's mouth, teasing his cheeks and goatee with kisses.

"Can't believe we just… with all those people outside." Dominic whispered as he licked back, kissing him with an even harder blush. "Were we loud?"

"I'm sure if we were ,there would have been someone knocking on the door, asking if we're all right or telling us to keep it down." Lionel snuggled his lover close. "Don't. Worry. It's your plane too, you can do whatever you like."

"Mmkay." He whispered again, quietly, and wrapped his arms around a long, warm back. "Lube is good. Slippery."

Lionel chuckled softly. "That is generally why one buys lube, yes."

"Slipperyer." He was two steps asleep, already, and he made a quiet, soft, sighing sound, there cozy and pillowed in his lovers arms. "Safe, here."

Lionel just chuckled again, and kissed his lover's forehead. "Sleep, Dominic. They'll wake us when we get there."

"If we plunge to our deaths, tell me." Whispered into his lovers side. "Tell me you love me."

"I love you, Dominic. But we're not going to plunge to our deaths." He just prayed they didn't hit turbulence, and decided if they did, Herbert would be a better option. "We're going to be just fine. I love you, Dominic."

"I love you." Not going to plunge to their death his ass, and he held on, a little tighter, a little deeper under the covers, and let his eyes close. "Need medicine again in three hours. Wake me up, kay?"

"Of course I will; I wouldn't let you miss your medication." He hugged Dominic close. "Relax. Sleep."

"I do love you, Lionel." He whispered. "I love you, for putting up with me. I love you, so much."


go on to the next part