
The Memoirs

Smallville fanfic by Kel and Diana

Chapter 216: Brotherly Love

Bear loved the quiet time. It's why he locked his fucking bedroom door half the time. Mom and Dad were downstairs watching TV, the kids were all out at late playdates or sleepovers, Pete was out on a date, and Dogwood was over at the Luthor place, workin' on the nursery for the baby.

Which he'd done the sketches for, and DW was just painting over the guides. He was kinda proud of that, actually. His sketch pad was leaning against his knees now as he spoke into the phone, the charcoal lines smearing and flowing into each other on the page, creating the shapes of two bodies intertwined as he spoke to his lover.

"Yeah. I miss you too, Billy. Yeah. I hate you working double shifts, but it's okay. I'm getting a new drawing done; wait until you see it. Yeah. You'll love it." Little grin. "Are you in it? Of course."

Billy smiled, quietly, in the darkness of his office. It was nearing midnight and he was up to his ass in work, but he didn't quite mind when the love of his very life was on the phone with him, talking to him in that low, rumbling voice. "I had better be." Quiet, soft voice to the low rumbling one, and it turned playful at the edge of it. "What are you wearing, baby?"

Soft, quiet snicker. "Are you coming onto me, Doctor?" he asked coyly. "But, if you must know," he said, teasing softly, "I'm wearing the same thing I do every night when I sketch; gray t-shirt with charcoal stains on it, pair of shorts with charcoal on 'em, and a pair of orange socks I inherited from DW."

"And what about your dick? Is it hard for me?" Quietly, very softly spoken, with a glance towards the door, as his own hardened in his pants. "Do you miss me?"

Bear looked down at his dick, which was currently hard and acting as a prop for his sketch pad. "It's holding up my sketch pad; what do you think?" A sigh. "I do miss you. A lot."

"I wish I was there with you, baby. But with everyone gone at seminars and shit... I'm stuck here." A quiet, heaved sigh. "My shift ends at five... come over to the house? You can spend the rest of the night with me."

"Mm... shouldn't be the rest of the morning?" But he smiled at the phone, as he added in more strokes, giving the bodies on the pages curves and twists and gripping limbs and arched throats. "I'll be over about five thirty; give you time to get home and shower."

"Alright. I love you, Berluce."

And Pete, in all of his wisdom, took the opportunity to come in through the door. He'd just gotten home from the restaurant, where he'd spent a tense hour listening to the others laugh and talk. Clark and Lex had left in a huff, as they were wont to do, but after they'd gone everything had kind of... calmed, and lightened. Not really for him, though, of course, and that's why he was pushing open his brother's doorway right at the moment, finishing with the tugging on of his sleeping shirt, and fixed the elastic of the boxers around his hips as he shifted his weight to one hip, crossed his arms, and made himself a perfect nuisance, waiting for his brother to get off of one of his endless phone calls.

"I love you too, Billy." Berluce gave his little brother a glare. "Brother's home; I'll see you later tonight, baby, okay?" He covered the mouthpiece, and turned the sketch over flat. "How about gettin' the fuck outta my room, Petey?"

"I need to talk to you." Stubborn eighteen year old glare.

"Tell him I said hello." Billy said in amusement, and knowing his lover had covered the mouthpiece, spoke anyway. "I love you, baby. I'll see you later." And he hung up.

Berluce hung up, and closed his sketchbook. "All right, Petey, what the fuck is so important you hadda barge in here?"

Pete took two steps forward and plunked himself on the edge of his brother's bed. Closed the door with his foot, making sure it was closed tight, and shifted. Okay. How to say this without making himself look like a sneak?

Couldn't. Oh well.

"I know you're gay."

"Uh huh. And?"

Not a shock? ...Wait. Not a shock? Pete blinked at him. "Oh. Well, I am too. Well, kinda. I've got a problem, and I need some help."

"No, I'm not fucking you. No, I'm not gonna teach you how to fuck, and I'm not gonna set you up."

Pete just kept staring at him. "EW, EW, and hell no." Another blink and he glared, motioning his arms out as if to sweep away the whole thought. "That's not what I'm talking about. How do you know I know you're gay, anyway?" Dawning moment in his head, and his eyes widened as he yelled, "DID DOGWOOD TELL YOU?!"

Bear snorted. "No, Billy did."


"Billy said Jonathan saw us, and then that you saw me up there with him, and that you weren't a dumb kid. So, not treating you like one."

Pete blinked. Twice. "Okay. Then how do you know I am too? A guy can't get any fucking privacy around this place."

"Petey? Baby? Spending night and day with Dick? Moping around like a brokenhearted thirteen year old when he left? Didn't take a rocket scientist, bro."

His brow fell, and he slid forward, laying on the foot of his brothers bed for a moment, sadly. "Yeah. But... hey, that's not what I came here to talk about." He looked up. "Shay... she and I... dude, please tell me you're not weird talking about sex, alright? I don't have anyone else to ask but Clark, or worse, Whitney, and I ain't even going there."

Bear blinked, opened up his sketchbook, and showed Pete the rough charcoal he'd been working on. "You think I'm gonna be weird?"

Pete's eyes widened to near ovals as he looked down at the paper. Two figures, men, faceless yet, tangled together in wild and passionate love, and oh boy. His throat bobbed. "Okay." Squeak. "Sex talk it is." He looked back up at his older brother. "Shay... she got… a strap… you know. On. And she... with me. Except..." Hot blushing. "It didn't get far. She got... inside... and then... Chloe called. And she picked it up, and talked to her. And I... got really fuckin pissed off, and left."

"Now... Shay's not talking to me."

Bear closed the sketchbook and leaned back against the headboard, hands clasped behind his head. "Did either of you two actually talk about this?"

"About what?"

He sighed. "About her fucking you. Did you tell her it's what you wanted? Did you talk about how you'd both feel about doing it, how you could make it less uncomfortable for the both of you?"

He shook his head, tightly, and looked down. "Part of the reason Dick left was cause he... we got carried away one afternoon, and he hurt me. And since then, I haven't really wanted to have sex, period. But... we started again, a few weeks ago, and she's been cool about it. Then yesterday I go over to her house to get some homework done and she's all decked out. Didn't even know what she had planned, know. I was cool with it. But then she picked the phone up and started talking to Chloe. And dude, alright, I was losing my mind."

Bear just buried his face in his hands. "Okay, I can understand that, she's a dumbass white girl, but Pete, man... hello?" He leaned forward and rapped on Pete's forehead with his knuckles.

Pete jumped and cringed back. "Ow! The fuck was that for?!"

"You see your girlfriend wearing a rubber dick, and you don't think to say anything?"

Pete blinked. Twice. He was blinking a lot... and drawing a blank. "Huh?"

Bear reached forward and thumped Pete's head again. "Okay. Let's look at this another way. Say you walked in on Dick wearing a dress, for no reason. You gonna stop and ask him what the hell is going on?"

"Well, yeah. But I mean... I know what she was doing. I did ask what she was doing, but she..." He shook his head, eyes wide. "She's like a damn siren, man. She's got fingers of gold."

Another thump. "Don't think with your dick, man!"

"OW! Enough with the hittin'!" Pete cried. He was still drawing the most massive blank, and he looked at his brother with complete and total confusion. "What did I do?!"

"You let her fuck you, Petey, instead of talkin' to her. Tellin' her what you wanted, how you were feelin', and what you expected." He dropped his head into his hands. "Gotta have a license to do ever'thing but fuck, and that's the most dangerous thing to do."

Pete's throat tightened, and he swallowed against it. "I didn't... I didn't know I was supposed to. I mean... we've talked about that stuff before." He slumped forward, his head in the blankets, and he wanted so badly to curl up and cry. "I always fuck up."

"Nah, Pete." Bear just sighed again. "You and your girl both fucked up. Somebody needs t'tear her a good one... answerin' the fuckin' PHONE, but Christ... Petey, baby... not everyone is as single-minded as you are, my brother."

"I should just listen to God, Bear." Still muffled, slumped there quietly. "I should listen to him and stop trying. Every time I have, I've gotten hurt, and I've hurt the people I love. You'd think I'd have gotten the damn clue by now."

Bear popped Pete again, this time across the back of the head. "Naw. You need to listen to your big brother. And fuckin' talk to your girl, huh? Tell 'er what you want, an' ask how you can help her give it to you." He sighed. "Okay. What happened after you left?"

No talking anymore. Pete was sick of talking, of being hurt over and over by a single act that he shouldn't be doing, anyway, and he was glad he had his face pressed against his brothers blankets, because the hot rush of tears coming to his eyes was absolutely mortifying. "She won't talk to me. I tried to apologize tonight, at the restaurant... figured a public apology would make her understand how much I was willing to apologize for running out. I just… I called her dumb, for picking up the phone in the first place, and she all but told me to fuck off and die."

"You... in public?"

Bear just couldn't believe it. "You called her dumb in public?"

Pete winced, his shoulders tightening, and he didn't say anything as he sniffled softly.

Bear just leaned over and hugged his brother. "Okay. Let's do a little crash course here in girl-ese. You don't never, ever call her stupid in front of other people."

His chin was trembling hard, but he didn't say anything, just swallowing and waiting to calm down before he spoke.

"The apology? Good idea. Really, really good idea. Calling her dumb? Okay for private. Not good for public consumption."

Pete nodded again, still not speaking. He didn't trust his voice right now, even if he reached up slightly at his brothers halfway hug and squeezed his arm, tightly in his.

"Okay. Let me pick up the story from here." Bear sighed, and held his brother tightly. "You called her dumb, she got pissed, you didn't know why, and you're still not talking?"

He nodded, cleared his throat and finally lifted up from his pressed face against the sheets. A gruff clearing of his throat, again, and he rubbed his face carefully, his eyes, the heal of his hand rubbing over his face without drawing attention to it. "Yeah. No talky."

"Yeah. Not surprising." Bear sat back on the bed, and just stared at his brother. "Okay, what do you want to happen next?"

Pete swallowed, hard, and nodded a little at his folded legs. He was much too grown to curl up beside his older brother, though he wanted to, badly. "I don't know. I want her to talk to me, and not be angry anymore. But every time I tried to talk to her, she was just pissed."

Bear sighed. "Wouldn't be your brother if I didn't know what you wanted." He patted the mattress beside him and fluffed up the pillows. "Dumb question coming here, but didja tell 'er you were sorry for callin' her stupid in fronta her friends?"

Pete shook his head and crawled the short distance between them, plopping his smaller body down beside his brother and curled up close to him without saying a word about it. It felt comfortable, and safe, and he swallowed again, tightly. "I tried to. She told me something along the lines of, fall over and die evil scum eating pig."

Bear opened his mouth, and rang like a telephone.

Pete looked up, blinked... then looked down at the receiver sitting down by the sketchpad. "Oh. Probably your boyfriend. Want me to go?"

"Nah, if it's Billy, I'll him you're still here." He picked up the phone and answered. "Hello?"

A little cough. "Bear? It's Shay. I'm tryin' to find Pete, is he home yet?"

"Dunno, lemme go check." He muted the phone, and held it out. "It's Shay. Wanna talk?"

His eyes widened, and he looked up at the receiver. Shay? "Crap. What… do you think?"

Bear gave a shrug. "S'up to you. You wanna talk, you talk. You don't wanna, I'll tell her you ain't home."

Fuck. "I'll... I'll talk to her. Here... give it here." He took the receiver but didn't move from beside his brother, and hit 'talk'. "Hello?"

"Hey." Shay's voice was very quiet. "I just wanted to make sure you got home all right."

"Yeah… I'm home." Another hard swallow, as he looked at Bear, then down at the phone again. "Look, Shay… about tonight. I'm sorry for calling you dumb in front of everyone. That sucked, and I shouldn't have done it."

She sniffled. "Do you really think I'm dumb?"

"No. Sometimes... you do things without thinking, yeah. But, no, you're not dumb. At all."

Another little sniffle. "Then why'd you say it?"

"I dunno. I was just kinda... I dunno. I'm sorry I hurt your feelings." He winced at the sniffles, and looked up at Bear with a second wince. "Please, don't cry."

"I just kept thinking that if you thought I was dumb, everybody else had to think it too, and I didn't want to think that everyone thought I was stupid."

"No one thinks you're stupid, Shay. The opposite, really. I promise. I don't think you're dumb at all, okay?"

Another sniffle. "You do. You wouldn't even let me make one mistake. Just left."

Another wince. "Shay. I don't. I don't think you're dumb at all. I left...because I was angry. I shouldn't have, and I'm sorry. We... we should have talked it over before doing it, but we didn't. That's not a good thing, you know?"

"Yeah, yeah, I know." She dragged her arm across her nose.

"Will you forgive me?"

"Of course!" She gave a little sob-choked laugh. "If I hadn't forgiven you, I wouldn't have called to make sure you got home okay. Lex didn't. Clark just tore in like a tornado, and no Lex."

He swallowed, tightly, and let his eyes close. "They were arguing a lot. "

"Yeah, they were." She sniffled again. "They helped me, you know. Get ready for you."

"I thought they might have." He was silent, for a moment. "I'm sorry it didn't go as you'd planned. I'm sorry it didn't, a lot, because I..I liked it."

"You were supposed to." She rubbed her eyes. "You were supposed to like it. It was supposed to be good for you."

"It was, until you picked up the phone."

"You didn't let me apologize for it. You just stormed out."

"I was angry." Pete finally let his eyes close, and he turned on his side a little, to squeeze Bears hand tightly in his, in thank you, and rose up to his feet. "I was really angry. I mean, I thought... you'd understand what it was to me." He opened his brothers door and closed it quietly behind himself, before crossing the hall to his own bedroom.

Bear squeezed back and nodded, picking up his sketch pad again. "You're gonna be okay, little brother," he said to the closed door.

Shay sniffled again. "I did, sort of, I mean, I knew you'd like it, but... you know, I didn't think it was going to be everything."

"Shay... since the afternoon Dick fucked me, I haven't even touched myself there. I haven't thought of taking pleasure from it… I didn't think I ever would again, until yesterday. It was huge for me, Shay. Really huge."

He closed and locked his bedroom door and flopped back onto his bed, letting his eyes close.

On her end, she closed her eyes and squeezed Otto tightly. "I didn't think about that," she confessed softly.

He didn't say anything for a moment, looking at the back of his eyelids. "I haven't masturbated, either. Until we had sex last week." Quiet admission. "I should have told you. Its my fault that I didn't say anything."

Her eyes opened wide at that. "R--really? I didn't--didn't know that." She swallowed hard. "I'm sorry."

"Its okay, Shay. We just didn't communicate." He stared back at the ceiling. "I'm sorry I put you through all this."

"I'm sorry I messed up too. Sorry I messed up on something for you."

"Its okay, Shay. I didn't lie when I said it was okay, you know." Quietly. "I love you, you know."

Little quiet sob. "I love you too, Pete, so much."

He swallowed, hard. Quietly. It was so good, felt so good, not to be fighting anymore, and he let his eyes close. "Shay?"

"Yeah, baby?"

"Will you fuck me, again?"

She swallowed very hard. "You... you sure you want me to?"

He nodded, tightly... realized she couldn't see him, and spoke. "Please. Oh, yes."

"Then... yeah. Okay. Yeah. I'll have to get the stuff back from Clark and Lex, but yeah. If you want me to... I'd like to. To make you feel good."

"I can't get it out of my head."

She blushed. "O--okay. Then yes. Please."

"Shay.." Quietly, softly. "I just got so hard... I'm so hard." A quiet, soft hiss, as his boxers tented. "Seeing you over me, sliding into me... I can't get it out of my head. The way you felt... like it was real, and you were going to make love to me."

"I was. I was really going to. I was trying not to hurt you, but I was going to, I was going to make love to you and slide inside and fuck you, just like you do me, and I wanted you to feel good, cause I know you miss it."

He shuddered, all over, and arched his back slightly in both pleasure, and pushing himself up onto his pillows. "Don't say anything more... its late, you can't come over and I can't go over. Okay? So we can both sleep." Yeah. Right. Like he could sleep with the hard heat laying on his belly.

She gave a quiet little sigh. "I miss you."

"I miss you." He echoed, softly.

She gave a quiet little sniffle. "I'm sorry things didn't work out. I wanted them to. I can't wait to try again."

"Neither can I." He whispered, ever so quietly. His cock was throbbing, hard, twitching in his shorts, and he made a low groaning whimpering noise in his throat as he rolled over. "I wish you were here."

"I wish I were there too." She curled up tightly around her bunny and gripped the phone in her other hand. "I wish I were touching you. Cause I heard you, I know... you've got to be hard."

"You make me hard." He whispered back, teeth grinding tightly. "I wish I were there. I might sneak out... do you want me to come to you, Shayla?"

"Yeah, yes, please, I do," she whimpered softly. "I don't want you to get in trouble, but please, yes."

He swallowed, tightly. "I'll see if I can. If not...if not, then I'll see you tomorrow, okay?" He swallowed, tightly, and let his eyes close. His cock was throbbing, so hard, and he let his fingers come down to carefully stroke one time over it.

"Get Bear to help?" she asked softly. "Please... I'd like for you to come over."

Bear to help with what?! ...Oh. He swallowed, and stroked over his aching cock, once, twice, unable to stop. "I'm so close already, baby." He whispered, very softly, and let his eyes roll closed.

"Then tell me," she breathed softly into the phone. "Tell me how you're touching yourself, tell me about stroking your cock, how good it feels."

He couldn't. It embarrassed him too much. He just slid his fingers into his shorts, and gripped his cock tightly in his fist. "I think, sometimes… about the first time… you saw Dick and I... you were so beautiful. I couldn't s-stop much I wanted to have you."

She blushed against her pillow as she listened to him. "I couldn't believe you guys were letting me watch, you were so hot." She slid her hand over the pillow that he usually laid on when he was with her. "You were so good looking, so much better looking than Dick, and you were a great kisser. But the thing I think about the most, is waking up beside you, even when you were so hurt, because you were holding me and touching me, and it made me feel so good, like I just wanted to giggle for no reason."

For some reason that made him groan, quietly, his hand tightening around himself. He felt... almost bad, dirty for doing this but he couldn't care less right now. "You were... you were so beautiful... innocent. Even then I wanted you, even when Dick was being an asshole. I wanted you for my own." His strokes came a little faster, now that the precome had leaked from him, and it gave his hand a faster glide as he jacked himself off.

She gave a little titter. "I wanted to join in with the two of you but I didn't know if you'd let me, so I just watched." Little gasp. "I'm glad now I didn't. I'm glad... I'm glad just you were my first time."

"I'm so glad too." A quiet, heavy whimper, as his head fell back. "Innocent… unbroken... mine, you were mine. You adored me… first person who ever loved me without problem or worry or anyt-thing." His voice broke on the moan, as he stroked faster. "Shay, so hot, so hot baby."

She breathed a little harder into the phone, and she let go of her rabbit to slide her hands between her legs. "I love you, Pete, I want you to be happy, I want to give you everything, that's why I want to fuck you. I want... I want you to feel me inside of you, like I feel you inside me, and feel how much I love you."

"I want you inside me." Croaked, hard, as he stroked faster, pushing his boxers down to bare his rigid, tight, hard cock. He stroked it, faster, fucking up into his fist with each push and pull. Over the tip, so sensitive, and he stopped to rub it as he listened to her move, and knew she was touching herself now. "I want to be full... I want you to fuck me. Want... please, I want." His voice lowered to a quiet, shuddering little gasp. "Shayla, can... can I... my dildo... can I... put it inside? Is that okay? I don't want you... you to be angry at me."

She nodded, until she could swallow and answer. "Yes, it's okay, Pete... you don't have to ask, it's okay, you can. I won't be angry, you can do anything you want, it's all okay with me."

Pete moaned, softly. "Shay… Shay. Ask Clark to bring you. He can really fast. Come here, come to me. Ask him, please? Please ask. Please, I want you, please."

"Yeah. Yeah, okay. I'll ask. Wait... wait here, okay?"

"Wait for you. Hurry, please." Was all he whispered, softly, as he closed his eyes and moved his hand from his cock. It was sitting like a stone pillar, tight, filled with blood and erect as hell, and he glared down at it even as he gave it soft pets. He leaned over at the same time and went into the false bottom of his side table drawer and took out his vibrator and the lube he had on hand.

Shayla threw the phone down on the bed, and wrenched her bedroom door open. Her socked feet skidded on the polished wood of the floors before she hit the carpet, and she ran like a banshee over three hallways, pounding on Clark's bedroom door.

Clark blinked up from bed. He was laying in it, tucked in for the night already, reading a mystery novel, when pounds came singing at the door. He blinked again...looked over at the empty part of Lex's bed, and almost hoped, in his darkest heart, that it was Lex. He rose, swiftly, pushing the blankets back, and opened the door quickly--


"Sh-Shay?" A glance behind her. No Lex.


"What's up?"

"I need to ask you for a huge favor, and I promise you I will do anything you want in return for it, but could you please please please take me over to Pete's, like, right now? He kinda needs me." She was bouncing foot to foot. "I know the timing sucks, but it'll give you a reason to get out and go drag Lex home," she pointed out.

Clark stared down at her. "What, I'm the Sex Express now?" His brow rose but his chest heaved out, and he just sighed. "Come on. Christ. Let me get some shoes on. At least one of us is gonna get laid."

She bounced up on her tiptoes to kiss his cheek. "Thank you, Clark, and I swear, I'll make this up to you. You are the best person ever."

"Of course I am. And I'm expecting ice cream cake. The Dairy Queen kind." He shoved into his tennis shoes, tied them, and sighed as he motioned at her. "Get a toothbrush at least, Shay. Some clothes for tomorrow... some underwear?"

"With extra chocolate sprinkles and butterscotch syrup." She paused in the doorway. "Seriously, Clark. You are the best. Ever." She bounced up for another kiss, and then pounded into her room. She grabbed the phone, shouted "I'm on my way!" into it, slammed it down, and picked up her backpack. Had her stuff for school in it, then crammed clean clothes in the black bag from before, toys still in the bottom, and then wrapped herself up in a big red and black checkered bathrobe as she pelted back down the hallway. "Got it!"

Clark just... he heaved another sigh, and rubbed his face. He had the bedroom window open, as he'd been practicing landing and taking off from the terrace, and he turned and lifted her easily up into his arms. "I don't really do this that well yet, so... bruises are a possibility, okay?"

"I'm okay with it." She rubbed his shoulders. "Clark, seriously. Lex? Go find him. I know. Pride and all, you've both got it worse than my brother, but... some things are worth it." She hugged his neck then. "Or I could just be waxing romantical."

"I chose the latter." Clark muttered, as he grasped her tight in thick arms and pushed off from the terrace hand rail to start through the night. The wind was cool and whipped through his hair and across his face, but he ignored it and few on, tightly, speaking under the whistle of the wind, "Sometimes people need some time apart."

She nodded against his shoulder as she hid against his chest. "Kay, I get that, but you're not... you and Lex, you ain't like normal people, CK. And I don't mean just that you're special. You're... intense."

She seemed to be completely okay with them flying through the night sky, and for some reason, that struck Clark as intensely funny, and he chuckled as he flew. He only landed once, to take off from a fence post, and soared his way to the thick trees behind Pete's huge house, silent as a bird.

She didn't miss the chuckle. "If I weren't holding on with both hands, I'd punch you," she groused.

He grinned down at her, as he carefully, quietly, landed on the ground with a thud and a roll, slamming into a tree right outside of Ross property, and grunted quietly in pain. "I was laughing were okay with me taking off flying. You're quite a character, Shayla Senatori." He looked up from his sprawl in the grass. "I'm going to get you up to his bedroom window, but that's all I'm promising."

"I can't stand to fly," she confessed softly "However? I know you're not gonna drop me. So, yeah. I'm good with it."

Clark just shook his head, looking at her silhouette in the dark. "Cool. And hey, its not flying. Its technically falling with style." His dimples winked on, as he picked her up. "His windows open. See, the wrap around porch? That's his door, right there. I can get you up there, okay?" He lifted her again, after dusting off his jeans, and pushed up, from the ground.

"Okay, yeah. You could make a ton of money in the Olympics High Jump, you know that, right?" She wrapped her arms back around his neck, bags in tow.

Clark snickered into her hair and fell silent as they moved up, gravity sliding further and further away because he willed it to, and grasped the handrail of the wrap around porch, quickly heaving himself and Shayla up onto it. "Okay... I don't want to see him through his window, in case he's... indisposed." A little smile at her, and a press of a kiss to her temple. "Have fun. You need me, yell… I can hear you."

"Okay, I will. And Seriously, thank you." She dropped her bags onto the porch and hugged him again, and kissed his cheek. "You're the best. If I can do anything for you? Let me know, okay? I mean, aside from the ice cream cake, which is--pardon the pun--cake."

Clark grinned, broadly. "Nope. Just cake. I'm a simple man to please." He hugged her back. "Keep your voice low... I think Pete's parents just went to bed. I can hear them in the room across the house." He climbed back up on the rail, crouching low. "See you tomorrow!"

"I will!!" She waved at him as he crouched down, and then picked up her stuff, crawling through Pete's open window. "Hey!"

Pete looked up. He'd heard Clarks voice, and Shay outside the porch door, and now he looked across the room at his girlfriend coming in through the little window, and he groaned, softly. He hadn't touched his cock but to rub and keep himself hard, and for the last five minutes he'd been losing his mind. Sweat was dripping down his temples, his t-shirt was damp, his shorts wet with his precome, and he moaned, softly. "Shay."

"Hey, baby." She came in completely through the window, dropped her stuff on the floor in front of it, and crawled into his bed as quickly as she could. She straddled his hips, rubbing his cock between her belly and his, kissing him hard and sucking his tongue. "I missed you, I'm sorry, I love you," she murmured between kisses.

He pushed back the blankets for her to slide under, her body hot and cold at the same time, skin chilled from the night and heat rolling from her in waves. He kissed her, hard, pushing her shirt up over her head as his body rubbed and moved against her. He kissed her, deeply, as deeply as he could, tongue stabbing in and staking his claim over her as his hands filled themselves with her breasts.

She slid under the blankets as they kissed, her hand sliding between their bellies to stroke his cock, and then down over his balls before she pushed up onto her knees over him and held out her hand. "Let me slide it in for you? We can start like this and then move up?"

He nodded, tightly, hard. His fingers had already been inside of himself… he'd spread lube inside, stroked and touched and rubbed his prostate until he'd cried out, and the memory had him shuddering, quietly. "Shay, yes. Please, yes. Just this... just this, but.." He pushed up and handed her his dildo, even as he carefully slid from under her and rolled over, on his elbows and knees, baring himself to her. "Like this, Shay… Shay, like this." His cock, full of blood and throbbing of its own accord, hung down between his thighs but he didn't care.

She took the bottle of lube still sitting on the dresser, and slicked the plastic shaft carefully before rubbing her fingers over his opening. Found him already open, hoped it was open enough, and slowly, carefully, started to slide the tapered head inside his body. As the entry went smooth and easy, one slick hand reached under him, stroking the cock that dangled between his legs like a hard rock, jacking it off firmly as she pushed the vibrator inside.

His body shook. It split open, allowing the familiar intruder inside, and he rolled his hips, shaking in pleasure as she pressed it in. Pushed until it gave resistance, and then he motioned with his hips for her to pull out a little and push in deeper. He wanted it all in, all of it, and his cock was going to fucking fall off. He groaned, quietly, deeply, eyes closed and face pressed into his pillow even as he arched his hips and thrust his hips up and out all the more. It felt so good, so full, lancing all the way in to his brain, so far he could feel it in his tummy and Christ that was good.

She stopped stroking his cock at the inviting motions, and she pulled the vibrator out, not far, but enough to push it back in again, and it went deeper inside. Soft squeak as her nipples pebbled, and she reached down with the hand that had been stroking Pete's cock and stroked herself gently, teasing herself once before bracing it on his hip and starting to stroke.

She was fucking him with his dildo.

It had been quite a while since he'd felt the familiar thrust and he grunted, groaned softly, and shook his head, wriggling his hips softly under Shayla's soft ministrations. "No… turn.…vibration on. And come here."

She stroked inside him a few more times, then twisted the base and let it start vibrating as she came around, getting on her knees in front of him and licking his mouth, his temples, sucking gently at the trails of sweat that slid down his cheeks.

He moaned, wordlessly, and let out a cry of agonized pleasure as he twisted and wriggled his hips, pushing back against the rubbing inside of him. It was so arousing, so absolutely arousing that tears caught in his eyelashes as he squeezed his eyes shut. He grasped her breasts, squeezing and stroking them, fondling them in his large hands as he rubbed his aching wet cock against the curve of her ass. The heat spilling from her was unreal and he grunted, groaned deeply, as he stroked the peaked nubs in his hands. Usually he was slow with her and very gentle, but his patience had worn thin, and now he stroked her, left red streaks from his hands on her pale skin, and couldn't stop himself from grasping her hair, yanking her head back, and kissing her, deeply.

Shayla gave a muffled little cry of pleasure as Pete yanked her head back, and her body went pliant under his. Soft curves molded themselves against the hard planes above her, her hips rubbing gently and stroking her backside along his cock as she whimpered in his ear, encouraging him to do whatever he wanted with her.

When she softened, stopped fighting what he wanted, it was the best moment of a series of best moments. His cock was rock hard, so hard it hurt. His brother was in the room across from his so as he finished kissing her he put his fingers to her lips, telling her to keep quiet, as he moved down her body. His hands returned to her breasts, squeezing them and stroking over them, as his lips made their way down her back. Over gentle slops, the sharp edges of her shoulder blades, and down to her waist. He slid his chest to her back and arched, so his cock drove against the wet heat of her panties, at the same time his fingers slid down to her crotch and hooked, pressing against her clit. He arched against her, hissing into her ear as he rubbed, stroking hard and quick even as his cock rubbed against where she was so wet.

She buried her face in his pillow and squeaked out the little cries of hot pleasure that skated through her. Pete was so hot, so hard, and she was so empty between her legs that his fingers were like the most welcome tease of all, but she wanted him. She arched her back further, pressing her ass flush to his abdomen as she rubbed against him. Her head turned to rub her cheek against his, sucking the hisses into her mouth as she thrust back against him, pleading without noise.

He kissed her, deeper, harder, his smile wicked around the edges as he did it. He sucked on her lips, on her cheek and neck...shoulder. His fingers, wet and hot from her core, returned to her breast and he pinched the nipple between thumb and forefinger, squeezing it tightly as his free hand yanked her underwear until it ripped, along one seam.

Finding her, hot and waiting, wasn't hard, and he slid between her spread thighs and slid into her hot little inferno in one solid push.

She bit down on his bicep to keep the little scream in as her body clamped around his cock and sucked it in. Hot and wet, her body trembled as he entered her and she pushed back, opening to accept him entirely in one deep thrust. Her mouth pursed into kisses, soothing the bite on his arm, sucking at the teeth marks she'd left behind as she pushed back against him, hands and knees supporting herself as she tossed her head back.

Her head tossed back onto his shoulder and with her arch he caressed her long arch of throat, tense there between her legs propped up on little knees. The hand not holding him up moved over her body, caressed and soothing his own rough strokes, and he squeezed his eyes tightly shut as he began to thrust. he pressed her down, further until her shoulders were propped on his pillows. Leaned down with her, covering her body with his as he began to thrust, hard and fast. He couldn't last long, he was too hot, and he kissed her, hard, from their arched position, sucking on her shoulders and throat as he thrust.

Muffled squeaks came out of her throat, and she pushed back against him, meeting every one of Pete's thrusts with a push of her own, her hands stroking over his as it touched her body, guiding his fingers to her mouth for sucking, and once they were sucked and wet, pushed them down, over her belly and towards her clit as she spread her legs wider for each thrust.

He was out of his mind. Pete couldn't stop, just letting her guide him as he moved down to her clit, and squeezed it tightly before rubbing. Over and over, didn't stop as he kissed her deeply. The vibrator was pressing up against his prostate, making him nearly blind with passion and he let out a cry into her mouth, swallowed by her kiss. He rubbed faster, whimpering softly as he fucked her, the sweat between their slapping bodies making it all the slicker, all the faster. He moved because he wanted to move, he made love to her because it felt good, and he grit his teeth, tightly, as he rubbed her faster. "Come, come, come Shay, come come!"

Shayla was rocking forward into the rubbing tugs on her clit, lunging back into the hungry strokes that filled her slit tightly, and she was in heaven. Her hands were tight around Pete's wrists, she was whimpering her pleasure into the mattress as they rocked, and she could feel his skin sliding against hers on the thick layer of sweat between them. Tried not to make a noise as she pushed against him, hands clutching his tightly, tried to stay still as her body fought to come with every rub of her clit.

Came with a hard squeak at his commanding tone, muscles clamping tight and squeezing him as her wetness doused their intertwined fingers.

Pete's eyes rolled closed, and with a bucking thrust into her… once... twice... he exploded. He came so hard he saw stars, heard nothing but the rushing blood pounding through his ears. His cock was being massaged by her quaking walls and he moaned, deeply, softly, as he pressed up close against her, arched against the vibrator against his prostate, and fucked close, pushing his orgasm into her with shaking thrusts.

Shayla's body stayed clamped tightly around Pete's cock, milking, squeezing as hard as she could as he came inside of her, the hot rush spreading through her body and warming her from the inside out as her toes curled and she rubbed her nipples against the sheets, pushing back against him as she rubbed the top of her head under his chin.

Pete just heaved a long, deep purr and slumped down on top of her, her sturdy little hips falling to the sheets underneath him as he moaned, deeply, in his chest and into the blankets. Jesus, Jesus Christ, and his mouth kissed over her shoulders, neck, ears, throat, and finally her lips, which he kissed deeply, his body trembling.

Shayla rolled onto her side so that she could curl up in the same skin as her lover, returning the sweet kisses with hard ones of her own, nibbling his lips as he kissed her deeply, and her leg rose to hook over his hip.

Pete rolled too, sliding out of her and rolling onto his side beside her. His fingers went around her shoulders and he tugged her in, close, tucking the blankets around her body before he reached back and flipped the vibration off of the dildo. He wasn't ready to slide it out yet so he wrapped her in, close, and trembled all over as his mouth returned to his kisses.

Shayla cuddled in so that her head tucked under his chin, and her lips brushed across his shoulder. Her leg still was thrown over his hip to tug him close to her, and she sighed, breathing him in. "I love you."

"I love you." He whispered, softly, his words broken by quiet, harsh pants. It was the only sound in the bedroom, aside from her breaths and the chirping from the night insects. He trembled, hard, and held her closer to his body, protecting her with his arms and the blankets, which he tucked up warmly around her shoulders. "I love you, Shay."

She tightened her grip on him at that, and kissed his throat softly. "I'm sorry. I won't hurt you like that again." Then she snickered. "And? After school tomorrow, we're taking Clark to Dairy Queen for ice cream cake. I promised. And I want to get him something else too, like a book or something." She propped her head up to look at him. "It felt kind of weird asking him to do that, like I was using him, or something. So I want to make sure he knows I wasn't."

Pete watched her lips move, but he wasn't all together clear on what she was saying. It was coming out just as beautiful sounds, of her soft lilt. He'd noticed it before, but not as much as right now, and his fingertips slid up over her lips, watching as they moved and he touched them. The thick length in him was unbelievable...after so long, so long of not having it at all, and his ass viced and pulsed around it, even as he trembled with the feeling. It felt good, so good, a very good thing, and he murmured just as he felt without really saying anything at all. She was so beautiful, and his fingers moved from her lips to slip down her throat, to her full, heavy breasts.

Shayla giggled at the light brushes of his fingers over her face and lips, and darted her tongue out to lick them. She knew he had no clue what she was saying, and she found it endearingly cute. She caught his hand on her breasts, and brought the palm up to completely cover her nipple, then turned so that she was back to his chest, and brought his arm around her waist, so that it could still cup her breast. "This is how I remember waking up with you," she said softly. "Hold me, just like this."

He nodded. He understood 'hold me' just fine, and he wrapped her in close, squeezing tightly around the dildo inside of him, and wrapped her in close to his chest and belly. He brought his hand to her hip briefly, to tug it and snuggle it against his wet crotch, and then wrapped her up close again, his fingers over her warm breast. "Love you."

"I love you," she said back, her fingers coming up to link with his over her chest. "I love you so much."



go on to the next part