
The Memoirs

Smallville fanfic by Kel and Diana

Chapter 23: What the Little Bird Said

Lex crawled out of the backseat, and put his arm around Clark's shoulder and his waist, realizing that they look like they just came home after a night of rough clubbing; his shirt was half undone, his leather jacket was billowing out behind him, sunglasses still on his face, and Clark's marks showing out his collar.  Clark looked just debauched, hair mussed, shirt tight, jeans snug, and both of them looked well ridden.  "Night, Dad... see you in the morning."


Lionel moved silently aside for them, letting them pass without a word as he glared at his lover as Dominic approached, and when he tried to slip in the door, Lionel's free hand closed hard on the back of his neck.  "We... need to have a little talk, Jiminy."


"Meep?" Dominic swallowed, handing the car keys to Enrique, who shot off like a bat out of hell. Poor bastard. Had to withstand Lionel fury for god knows how long. "Hello, was your night?"


"My night?  My night was just dandy.  I woke up alone, came downstairs to a destroyed office, empty liquor bottles strewn about, lead containers that I was threatened if I touched, blood and torn clothing strewn all about, no idea of where you'd gone with my son, and no news for several hours.  My night, Dominic... has been a bed of roses.  How was your night?"


"A bit better, suffice to say, though not much. Though I swore I couldn't say anything, and I know you don't give a rats ass if I promised or not, but I did, and alright, well. See? I kept my sling on!" Hopeful beam.


Lionel's grip tightened.  "Do not try and bullshit me, Dominic... I saw you angling to get the sling on as you pulled up into the lights.  I'm not blind, merely willfully ignorant on certain things."  The hand tightened.  "And you could not see fit to leave me some sort of word, even a note merely saying that you had gone out with Lex and that you would be back soon, considering the state the office was in?  Did your promise not to tell preclude that as well?"


"I'm sorry, beloved, I..." He winced as they walked, biting on his lower lip. "I'm sorry, I didn't think, it just happened so quickly and we didn't really have time to do anything, but it all ended alright in the end and I'm so, so sorry, I was just hoping you'd sleep through it...not that I was going to lie to you!" C'mooon Dommie. Dig that hole deep, buddy.


Inside, Lionel was fighting a grin.  He'd known that Dominic had gone off with his son, the staff had told him that much at least, and he'd believed that they'd take care of each other.  But this... this was too good to pass up.  "I see.  So, it's all right to keep me out of the loop as long as I am asleep, and even though you've promised not to tell me anything, you're not going to lie to me either... you're quite the orator tonight, Dominic."


"I know! I'm sorry! I didn't want to, but I promised Lex and Clark and I cant say anything to you, but I would have told you we'd left but you were asleep and I didn't want to wake you up, and I'm sorry! I'll never do it again, I swear! I'll even leave the blasted sling on, and I DID have it on, b... because what you saw was a trick of the light, you see, and I had it on. The whole time!"

Lionel gave in and laughed at Dominic's desperate babble.


His mouth dropped. "You were making fun of me!"

"No, I was merely giving you a taste of what I woke up to."  Lionel swept his lover into his arms.


Dominic slapped his shoulder. "You jerk! Creep! That is so MEAN!" But he didn't slide away from the given embrace, still glaring, but oh, The Pout came out in full force, big green eyes shining. "You aren't really mad?"


"Oh, yes, I am angry, Dominic... but not so much so that you need to fear for your life.  And I do expect a full accounting--or as full as your promise will allow--of the situation."

"I wasn’t fearing for my life." Liar. "But I will tell you...well, as much as I know, anyway. And only the parts I can. The other has to come from Lex himself." He nodded, still pouting, looking at him sadly. "You're mad?"

"If you weren't fearing for your life, then I have lost my touch," Lionel grumbled.  "Enrique was sure that I was going to kill him on the spot, and Ms. Bird... is quite the feisty little woman.  I was forced, at duster-point, to promise to leave your ass untouched only so she could beat it herself."  He kissed his beloved gently.  "I'm angry, Dominic.  I'm angry that I woke up alone, with no note, no word of where you were, and I'm angry that I was left out of the loop and didn't know where you were.  But... I am so glad to see you in one piece, that all of that... doesn't matter."


Oh. Now he just felt BAD. And inconsiderate! And BAD! "I'm so sorry, darling, I...I'm sorry my love. I'm sorry." Dominic kissed him back, cupping his cheeks tightly and trying to convey the meaning of his words. "I promise I won't do it again, it was just...when I tell you you'll understand. It was a run and tumble sort of thing...I...I'm sorry. I'm so, so sorry." A moment. "I'm also sorry I'm more afraid of Ms. Bird then I am of you, darling." He tried for a little smile, setting his forehead on his lovers. "She'd whip my ass but good."


Lionel sighed.  "Is Lex all right, Dominic?  I've seen him look that way before... what has he done?  He... he hasn't looked like that since I sent him to Smallville; he'd come home from clubbing at five a.m. and look like that.  What did he do, that you and he had to go off together?  And where does the boy fit into this?"


"Nothing illegal was done. I swear that to you." He paused, searching for words. "Clark... was effected a little. By a drug he hadn't been aware he'd consumed. He...acted a bit out of character. The blood in the office is Lex's... they... em..." He coughed. "Clark left in a rage just as I found them, and we went off looking for him. Thankfully...the effects wore off when we found him, and he's right as rain, now. That's why I couldn't write you a note, it was too quick when he left...and we didn't want him off by himself, small town or no small town."

Lionel raised a hand.  "The blood is Lex's?  What did that boy do to my son, Dominic?"  His eyes glittered hard suddenly.  "What is going on?  What drug?  I can't believe a Kent would be--this is something to do with Clark's... special qualities, isn't it, Dominic?"

"I cant tell!" But his eyes said yes. "It....Lex wanted it, but it was still something I didn't like at all. I helped him clean up a bit, but..." A sigh.


The hand Lionel raised went to massage his temples.  "I do believe I shall remain willfully ignorant of my son's sexual practices," he said with a deep sigh.  "And Dominic... it's frustrating beyond expression knowing that you know what is going on, but I respect you more for keeping my son's confidence."


"I can't tell. I'm sorry, beloved." He gave him a wince, then hugged him warmly, kissing the temple he'd just rubbed. "Let's just say everything's taken care of now..." He glanced up. "We just can’t let Clark near the red meteor fragments that were found at the bomb sight. Alright?" A moment. "Its a damn shame how I can worm around the truth."

Lionel snorted.  "Yes, it is a damn shame.  But, in the end, I would have to admit that I am proud of you, because you're not being a bit dishonest, just...evasive.  That, my beloved, takes class.  And talent."

He smiled sweetly and shot him a glance under long lashes, nibbling his lower lip a little and rubbing at the side of his jaw where the blond hair grew. They walked back into the mansion together, and Dominic wound his free arm through his lovers, looping and hanging on. “Beloved, if only you’d seen what I saw tonight. Your son is…he’s more then enamored, darling.”

 Lionel nodded. "Oddly enough, I've been getting that impression now for quite some time, ever since the accident, in fact. I can't quite put my finger on it, but I am beginning to think that Clark, not Smallville, is responsible for the changes that I've seen in my son." He strode purposefully towards the stairs, negotiating their intertwined bodies up the steps with great ease. "Suppose you sit down and tell me everything that you can tell me over a drink, and I'll be deciding how I'm going to... punish you." The not-quite-wicked grin darted over his face with the offer.

"Herr Dominic, just vhere do chu tink chu are goink?"  The thundering German accent echoed in the hallway as the two men negotiated the stairs.


Dominic froze mid-step, the snide remark staying frozen on his lips as he paused mid stride. Oh. God. He was in big doo-doo. A little blink and he turned in the circle of Lionel’s arms, looking down the stairs and striking a casual pose. "Ms...ah...Bird! Hello. And..." Squeak. "All."


Lionel grew uncharacteristically silent as held tightly to his lover.  "I think you are in deep shit," he whispered softly.


"Don't you 'Hello' me, you naughty boy!"  Ms. Bird started climbing the stairs, feather duster trembling in her hand as she shook it.  "Vhat did you tink chu vere doing vith Herr Lex?!"


He shrank back, sending a heated glare his lovers way for suddenly going mute, and then back to Ms Bird and GULP. "Helping him! I wasn’t doing anything wrong, I promise!"


"Vasn't doing anythink wrong!"  Ms. Bird's pace picked up as she all but charged up the steps, surprising for a woman her age but managing it anyway.  "And don't you go looking at Herr Lionel like that!  He is not to blame for your irresponsibility!"  Her feather duster was flying in his face now.  "Downstairs!"


Lionel merely stepped back a step as the feather duster attacked, and crossed his arms over his chest.  "Dominic... even I am not suicidal enough to come between her and your ass."





Clark smiled into a warm cheek as they climbed up the steps, shuffling quietly. "Earlier today...Lex...the...the sixty-nine thing we did? It….Lex. It was my fantasy come true. Thank you. It….wow." A soft grin. "You’re my cheetah. Cheetah in the sack, cheetah in my heart. Cheetah Lex."


Lex purred.  "Mine was... just rolling you over, rubbing your back, and listening to you purr."  He grinned wickedly.  "Cheetahs... the fastest animal in the world... yeah, I can live with that."  He rubbed the top of his head under Clark's chin.


A huge smile as they got to the landing, and he slid his fingers through his hair before kissing the crown of his lover's head. "Fast, but not easy." He winked, starting down the long hallway. "The back rub was really nice...I'm so untense and stuff." He wouldn't let on that it turned him on. Nope.


Lex smiled.  "I'm only easy for one person, Clark... and that's you."  A soft snicker.  "Untense?  And stuff?"  He followed behind Clark, and then once they were in the room, he pushed Clark forward onto the bed, and then crawled up his back.  "Feels plenty tense to me, beloved."


He blinked, suddenly finding himself on the bed and oh, wow. Gulp. "I....oh." A soft murmur, closing his eyes as he felt his lovers body get up on top of him. "Yeah... oh... tense now."


Lex mmmmed softly and started kneading his shoulders.  "I can feel that... but we need heat.  Steam.  Lots of it... and oil.  Come on."  He reached down and slapped Clark's ass.  "Bathtub.  Hot, steamy bath.  Back rub for my baby."


He mumbled softly, rolling his shoulders up into the working hands...then keened when he rolled off of him and took his hands with him, and...slapped his ass? When had Lex ever slapped his ass? Strange, but in a really nice way, and he rolled over and got up too, smiling and reaching for his hand. "Yeah?"


"Yeah."  Lex twined their fingers together and towed his lover into the bathroom, humming a verse of Mozart's William Tell Overture as he moved around the bathroom, pulling out towels and oils and cloths from under the cabinets.  "Strip, baby."


He nodded, doing as he was told, tugging at his pants and watching his lover move around the bathroom. "Lex?"


"Yeah, Clark?"  Lex tossed his leather jacket out into the bedroom, and stripped the rest of his clothing off, dropping it in a soiled heap in the corner hamper.


"Are we okay? I...I mean...after...Lex, it’s been a rough few days. And...I just...I was just wondering if...if we're still...okay. I mean...about everything. Us, and the relationship and..." Quietly. "The sex."


Lex straightened and turned to face his lover. "Clark... we are okay.  I'm drunk tonight, I'm going to be feeling sorry for myself because I hurt you with the green meteors--don't tell me I didn't, I know I did, you told me and you showed me--but yes, baby... we're still okay.  I'm still... I'm still so much in love with you it scares me."


He bit his lip, hard, crossing the distance and crushing Lex to him tightly. "You hurt me, but Lex, Lex, can you imagine what I would have done if you hadn't? I wouldn't be able to live with myself...I...I wanted things you could never know, things that scare me now...things I didn't know I was so curious about until I didn't have inhibitions anymore. saved peoples lives tonight, Lex. You did. You're my'll always be my hero."


Lex looked solemnly up at Clark as he filled the bathtub.  "I broke my promise to you, Clark.  I swore to you that I would not use your weaknesses to hurt you, and I did.  I used what I knew would make you helpless and powerless against you, and you trusted me with that knowledge in the first place... and I abused it.  I used it against you.  I broke my word to you, Clark... and I don't like the person that makes me."  He put his hand on his lover's chest.  "Tell me what you wanted, Clark.. and we can explore those things together, if you want."


"Lex…no. No." Clark took the hand from his chest, not letting him change the subject. "You used it against me, but you did it for the common good. You saw how out of control I out of control I am when I'm under the influence of that thing. I...Lex, I would have hurt you. I would have hurt your dad, and Dominic, and I would have hurt Whitney. I would have hurt Chloe...the thoughts I had are something I can never bring to our life. Never." He swallowed hard and kissed the center of the slim palm in his hand. "I love you. You saved my life when no one else could."


Lex shuddered.  "I didn't want to use it, Clark... I asked you to stay with me.  You... you couldn't have hurt me as badly as you could have the others.  You... you wouldn't stay.  I had to, Clark... I'm sorry."  He crumpled against his lover.  "I was afraid I had lost you forever, Clark."  He looked up into the gentle eyes that loved him so.  "There is nothing that you can't bring into our lives, Clark... nothing that we can't deal with together."


"You didn't lose me...even when I was out of my mind, I was in here, and I was so, so proud of you. I love you, Lex. I love you, so, so much." He wrapped his arms gently around his back and shoulders, cradling him close. "Nothing will ever change that. Nothing." They were quiet for a long moment before Clark let go, holding up a hand. "Theirs something I've wanted to do since I met you. I'll be right back."


"Hurry back," Lex called quietly, pouring scented oil into the water as he sat on the edge, waiting for his lover to return.


He was gone for a minute or two, and when he came back he had a boom box in his hand, classy and expensive, but portable, which yay. He set it on the broad sink, plugged it in (why Lex would need sockets for in his bathroom was a mystery, but oh well) and changed the station a moment...voices...then Brian Adams came up, singing 'Please Forgive Me'. "Lex?" He smiled very gently and offered a hand to him.


Lex got up from the side of the tub and took Clark's hand, walking into his space.  "I love you, Clark."


"I love you, Lex." He slid his hands around his waist, holding the other out beside them, and slowly danced with him, thigh to thigh, hip to hip...heart to heart. 'So if I love ya, a little more then I should...please forgive me, I know not what I do, please forgive me, I cant stop loving you...don't deny me, this pain I'm going through...please forgive me for needing you like I do.' He dropped his mouth down, kissed a bite there on his shoulder that made him very warm and fuzzy inside, smiling into it.


And there was nothing left to say.





 Dominic arranged himself a little, making sure to draw attention to the fact that he was wounded here, people, cheesy, pitiful smile on his face, then a look of pure murder that said, 'I will be getting you back for this.' before a tender smile at Ms Bird. "Thank you f... for worrying for me, b… but we're...I mean to say, Lex and I are fine now! don’t… have to get angry! ...Or something!"


“That sveet smile vill not work on me, Herr Dominic!  I vant you downstairs, right now, because I not going to be happy until I have seen for myself what you are all right or not!"  Her English syntax began to suffer as her concern and anger bubbled over.


He swallowed and let go of Lionel, pitiful look on his face, and he hunched his shoulders as he walked by the lovely maid, like he was being scolded...which, to say the truth, he really, really was. "But… Ms. Bird...I promise I’m okay. I swear! And Lex is, too. Everything is all taken care of."


"I vill be the judge of that!"  Ms. Bird turned her scathing glare on Lionel.  "Chu.  Go and run a hot bath.  I vill send him up for it before the water is cold."


Lionel held his hands up in a gesture of surrender.  "I am not--"  The murderous intent of the glare he received from the little German housekeeper stopped his sentence in mid-thought.  "Of course, Ms. Bird."


From behind Ms. Birds shoulder, Dominic gave a smug, shit eating grin.  Then promptly sobered as the little lady turned back around, his eyes going a darker green and enormous in his face. "Sorry Ms Bird."


Lionel glared at Dominic, and nodded.  "Just remember, Dominic... I've yet to have my crack at your ass."


Ms. Bird huffed.  "Vhat makes chu tink there vill be anyting left?"  She did not soften a bit at the attempt of puppy eyes from her favorite young man.  "And chu... downstairs.  Now."


Eeep! He popped down the steps, making sure to look nice and pitiful, following her and half expecting her to grab at his ear. He adored her to bits, but yeah, she was plenty pissed and damned if he didn’t know it.


Ms. Bird dropped the feather duster onto the small hook on her belt, and gripped his ear tightly, almost dragging him by it.  "Vhat in the name of God did chu tink you vere doing out there tonight?"  She half dragged and half pushed him into her living quarters, three rooms all of her own off the kitchen, and pointed to the nearest chair.  "Sit."


"Ah ah ah ah!" He hissed in pain but promptly hushed, plopping in the seat she pointed to and rubbing his ear with his free arm. "Ms. Bird, I haven’t been grabbed by my ear since I was sixteen. My mom used to...." A glance up under his lashes. "'s not the time for family stories. I'll...hush now."


"I vill grab you by de ear whenever I feel you are being childish!"  She slammed the door to her room shut, and even seated, she could not tower over him.  "Off vith the sling.  And de shirt.  Do not argue vith me, young man!"  She crossed her arms over her chest.  "I am vaiting!"  Her little foot tapped as she waited.  "Chu nearly gave me a... how do you say... heart attack!  And Herr Lionel!  I have never seen that man pace as he did over chur carelessness!"


Alright. So now he just felt bad. He winced softly and started to unbuckle the sling slowly, almost dragging his feet. "I didn’t...I couldn’t....Clark ran off and....Ms. Bird, I'd never hurt Lionel intentionally, or you! Because I adore you and you're just wonderful, and is that a new apron? Its rather slimming." A hard swallow and he set the sling on the table, unbuttoning his shirt just as slowly.


"None of your sweet talk now, young man!"  Her feather duster was back in her hand, and in his face, shaking and twitching in emphatic counterpoint to her speech.  "I know vhat you are trying to do!  And it vill not vork!  Hurry up!"  The duster went back to tap against her arm, and she glared.  "Flattery vill not vork."  Then she softened.  "Chu could have left us vord.  Or called."


"It was too quick, but I cant tell and really, I’m going to castrate Lex the next time I see him for this and okay. See? You've gotten me to babble, Ms. Bird." He unbuttoned his shirt and pulled it off, sitting there with his skinny, pale self, and fidgeted. "And you know you like my sweet talk." Dazzling smile he sicced on his mom more then once.


"Chu could not have called vhile chu were on the way to vherever you were goink?"  As soon as his shirt was off, she started to prod at the wound on his shoulder.  "Chu are going to be de death of me, do chu know that?"  Then she glared.  "You vill not touch a hair on Herr Lex's head."  And then she stifled a very un-angry giggle.  "Vell, chu know vhat I mean."


He grunted, wincing as she poked and prodded but knowing better then to glare. She had giggled. This was a plus! The less reaming his ass got, the better. Partly because he had a feeling that once Lionel was through with him he wasn't going to be able to sit for two days. "I know, but really, wouldn't it be boring around here without me? No one to get shot up and thrust out in the middle of danger."


Ms. Bird snorted.  "Vhat do you tink ve have Lex for?"  As she noticed the wince and flinch, she smacked his good shoulder with her fist.  "Look at chu!  Chu have put yourself back!  You are still hurt!"  She smacked him again.  "Chu... boy!"


“I’m not! OW!" He scowled for just a moment like a little kid before his eyes lit up and the smile was back, three fold. "'You boy'?"


"Chu are not a man!" she scowled back at him.  "Chu are a little boy, going off on adventures with another little boy!"  She smacked his shoulder again for good measure, and then glared at him.  "Serves you right."


"Ms. Bird." He got to his feet and gently took her hands in his, squeezing them tight. "I appreciate your looking after me like this. My mom lives really far away, and it...its hard not seeing her all the time. I...I thank you. Lionel dotes and Lex rolls his eyes, but no one really...wonders if I’ve drunk enough milk in a single days time or have the right kind of soup." Sincerity was written in his eyes, and he leaned in and hugged her gently. "So...thank you."


"You're velcome," she said, hugging him tightly in return.  "Someone needs to make sure chu do not kill yourself with these adventures.  Now put your shirt back on and go upstairs.  Chu don't want the water to get too cold."  She coughed once, clearing her throat.  "I vill send up coffee."


She was going to cry… and really, how adorable was that? Dammit. Now he just felt inconsiderate and bad and...BAD all around. "Do I have to? Really?" Partial smile on those slim lips that was more pained then anything else. "Lionel isn’t going to let me off as easily as you did."


"And vell he should not!" she huffed.  "He should tan your hide for vhat chu did!  He nearly frightened poor Enrique to a nervous fit!"


 He barely swallowed the giggle, looking up at her with tired green eyes as he got back into his shirt, stepping away from the lovely wooden table and decorative seat to get the blasted ass sling on. "Is he alright?"


"He vill survive.  Chu do not live in this house vithout learning how to weather storms."  She put her hands back on her hips, and glared.  "I vant to see chu downstairs in the morning for breakfast, first thing.  You are too skinny."


"Lionel doesn’t mind." An innocent smile that was almost...too innocent, leaning over and pressing a stubbly goatee kiss against her cheek. "If you don’t hear from me by tomorrow morning, make sure I’ve still got a pulse, okay?"


"Herr Lionel needs to eat.  He is almost as skinny as you are."  She allowed the kiss to her cheek, and bustled him out.  "Tell him chu are expected for breakfast; I do not think he would like it if someone came and looked for chu, especially if they see more than they should."


He whimpered as he stepped out, making sure the sling was in place. "Darling, that’s not exactly what I’m worried about." He offered her another haphazard grin before walking out of the kitchen, his comfortable dressy but casual shoes silent against the wooden floors. Past Lex's study, the office where everything had been cleaned up and straightened, not to his surprise, and stopped at the foot of the long, elegant steps. He just knew what was waiting for him up in that bedroom; an evil Lionel with revenge intent on his mind.







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