
The Memoirs

Smallville fanfic by Kel and Diana

Chapter 24: Brandy

Dominic walked back up the steps, treading softly against the carpeted wooden floor. At the top of those steps was the world he knew, the world of the life he'd made with Lionel. The world that until this point in his life, he'd never known could be for him. It was strange, but to think that a year ago today he was spending Christmas alone, drinking and watching a football game, was almost...pitiful. How ones entire perspective could change when faced with 

He got to the landing and looked down the long hall. Delicately wallpapered walls, potted plants and exotic flora. Windows. It was was home, simply because the power of Lionel’s love had made it so.


He walked down the hall, stopping a moment to knock gently at the only closed door. Lionel’s other room...the one they slept in occasionally, even if Dominic’s room was officially their point of origin. Or whatever. "Lionel? Love?"


Lionel heard the footsteps trudging up along the staircase, and he grinned, leaning himself against the bedpost.  "Ah, Dominic... none the worse for wear, I see.  Survive your little outing with Ms. Bird?"


He cracked the door open and peaked inside, unerringly finding his lover in the darkness. If he couldn’t find him in the dark, where else could he? "I’m here, beloved."  A quiet smile as he stepped inside, closing the door behind him and letting himself get used to the soft golden light from the lamp table. "She was unsurprisingly blunt and sweet. I do love her so. I’m telling you, beloved..." A quiet, teasing voice as he toed his shoes off tiredly. "If she weren’t too good for me, you'd have a problem on your hands."


"I see that."  He straightened and took two steps forward, and then wrapped his arms around Dominic's waist.  "Come on into the bathroom; I've got a hot bath waiting.  And then... you and I, my little grasshopper, are going to have a little chat."  His grip on his lover was just firm enough that Dominic could not wriggle free.  "Dominic... nobody is too good for you.  Not even me."


He gazed up at him, eyes dancing, and gently traced his thumb over Lionel’s cheekbone, rubbing it softly and cuddling in close… mistaking the possessive fingers for a warm cuddle, and yeah, could the way he curled in and lay his head on Lionel’s chest be any sweeter? "I don’t know. You seem to be the perfect fit."


Lionel kissed the top of Dominic's head.  "And that's you being generous."  He negotiated backwards, walking and opening his robe at the same time.  "I even made sure there was brandy this time."  He smiled in the darkness, rubbing his bearded cheek against Dominic's.


"I was so panicked tonight, beloved. A thousand things could have gone wrong...Lex could have hit that cow...Clark could have hurt someone. But every time I'd start to go into worry mode… I'd just think of you standing by my side, and was okay. That you were there. extra courage, there for me to draw from. And...and it helped." A soft smile, following him and rubbing against him gently, softly. "I love you so, Lionel."


Lionel couldn't help but grin wider.  "Dominic... you're talking about my son hitting a bovine while I am attempting to undress you... are you sending me a message?"  But he couldn't help but glow at the softly spoken words of confidence from his lover.  "I love you, Jiminy.  I adore you."


"Oh, Lionel, darling, I’m hot for cows." A silly grin as he pressed his lips ever so gently against his lovers, gazing up at him with shining eyes. "Forgive me? For not being able to tell you everything? I would share it with you in a hearts beat, but...I’m a man of my word. And Lex...he trusts that. Do you understand?"


"I understand, Dominic."  He briefly framed his lover's face with his hands as he smiled at the passing cow joke.  "And as I said before, I admire you for keeping your word to my son.  Especially in the face of... well, me.  I am not a man to be easily denied, Dominic, and you are keeping your word in the face of my maelstrom, and I believe that my son will appreciate that, even if I do not." 


"I’m sorry for worrying you, beloved." He gently kissed a smooth collar bone, slowly unbuttoning his shirt as he surveyed the cozy bath and candles and bubbles. "I'd never mean to, not purposely."


"I know, Dominic."  Lionel let his robe drop to the floor.  "You simply did what you had to do, and I will respect that, as much as I can.  But... in return, I do expect a full accounting of everything you can tell me."


"Ah. Well...Lex almost hit a cow." Stout nod, letting his shirt slide soundlessly to the ground. "Erm...Doctor Hamilton helped us a bit with an antidote." Another simple nod, unbuttoning his slacks and letting them slide down his narrow hips as well. "Clark and Lex made up, after he was withdrawn and whatnot. They’re...immensely in love."


"Can you tell me about this antidote?  Antidote to what?  And how does the cow figure into this?  And you are sure that boy didn't do permanent harm to my son?"  Lionel slid his hands into Dom's shirt and helped it ease off as his fingertips danced carefully over the wounded shoulder.


He smiled again, softly, leaning into his lovers touch and letting his eyes close. "Your son, to this day, cannot drive to save his life. He almost hit a poor, defenseless cow. The cow shits itself now just hearing the purr of an engine, I’m sure of it." He let his fingertips drift to the haired belly, gently sliding his fingers along the warm skin. "No permanent damage to your son. And...the antidote part is one I cant tell you about."


Lionel sighed heavily.  "Dominic... this is more frustrating for me than you realize.  But... I won't ask you anything else, because my curiosity can't handle it, and I won't put you in a bad position by demanding you break my son's confidence."


He smiled a little, kissing him underneath the jaw, right where he could reach, gently laving it with his tongue as his wandering fingers slid comfortably around to link at the small of his back. "Everyone’s alright, now. Things will be okay. But as I said before...we have to keep Clark away from the meteor fragments. Period."


"Between Lex and myself, I think that something could be arranged.  Perhaps a collection of the rocks for later destruction or study in a safe environment."  Lionel looked down at Dominic.  "I have one more question to ask you, Jiminy."  He paused for a moment.  "Does Lex drive as well as I do?"


He nearly choked, looking up with a completely straight face as he nibbled at the corner of his own lip. "Yes, darling. Even better, I might say."


"Well, that's good to know that at least one thing has passed along from father to son."  He released Dominic long enough to climb into the tub, and reaching over the side, pulled the small wheeled tray holding brandy and glasses over to the side.  "Well, what are you waiting for?"


His lips spread this time and he walked over, watching him for a few long moments. "You're just magnificent. So beautiful. I didn’t...didn’t realize it until...I saw you standing at the door, waiting for me. You're so good to me. Its almost a secret, like this is this quiet, private thing just for us. A club, but only two people are allowed in. Does… does that make sense?"


Lionel held a full glass up to his lover, smiling.  "Yes, it does."  He nearly snickered at "magnificent," only Lionel was not a snickering person.  "Magnificent... interesting choice of words, Dominic.  You do realize that I have been called a magnificent bastard, from time to time, don't you?"  He drank from his own full glass, waiting patiently for his lover to join him.


He grinned at that, broadly, tugging off the last lone sock and stepped into the warm water, sighing softly at the warm scent of lavender and soft Lionel skin. He happily took the glass, taking an experimental sip from it and sighing once more. "Have you, now? Well, maybe you're my magnificent bastard."


If Lionel could have pouted at that, he would have.   "And here I thought I was your lovely one.  Though, I notice, you don't say one of what."  And this time he did smirk. 


He smiled a little at that, gently tugging at the fringe of beard and mouthing his lower lip softly. "My mother used to call me lovely one. I never knew what it meant...but it evokes feelings in me that I feel for you. So...this is why I call you lovely one."


Lionel moved his mouth gently over Dominic's face as though he were blind and learning it by kiss.  He nipped and mouthed gently at his cheeks, his nose, the sweep of his ear, and the curve of his lower lip.  "You do realize that I like the term, don't you?  I am not complaining, merely curious."  His voice whispered softly over Dominic's skin.


And with it, his breath escaped. Touched, loved, and the feeling was uncanny. "I...I always thought you did." He slid fingers that trembled through the long hair, as if encouraging the touch because he could feel his knees turning to water underneath him. "You are my lovely one. Always."


"Good... I always did."  Lionel's kisses became more intense, but no less gentle as he moved to kiss Dominic's eyes, his throat, then over his forehead with careful nibbles.  "You frightened me tonight, Dominic... I woke up alone."


He leaned in closer, breath trembling now as he moved into each nibble, each touch, those soft fingers on his skin like a sin. "Never be frightened...even when I’m not there, I’m always with you, Lionel."


"I know.  But the feeling was still there, Dominic.  The bed cold beside me, you nowhere to be found, then the catastrophic mess in the study; I didn't know what to think until I'd found Enrique who told me you'd left with my son."  Lionel's nibbles gave way to full kisses.


When his love swept his mouth by his jaw Dominic ducked and met those lips tenderly, the fingertips in all that luxurious hair sliding back to cradle to back of his head. Tentative, sweet meeting of mouths, gentle, and he gently rubbed his lips against Lionel’s as his neck tingled with the sensation. "It was too fast… Clark left too fast, we had to find him. I’m so sorry for making you wake in an empty bed...the feeling is depressing."


"Yes... it is."  He drew one of Dominic's hands to rest on his belly.  "And right here.  There was a cold, cold weight lodged right here as soon as I woke up and you weren't there.  And it didn't melt until I saw you in the driver's seat of the Porsche."


“'I’m lost as can be; then you look at me and I am not lost anymore'." He quoted quietly, gently stroking the taut belly, as if to take away that ache he knew had been there for all those hours. "I'll never do it again. Never. I swear to you, beloved. You mean so much, and....I hate to have frightened you so."


Lionel arched into his lover's delicate touch, and quietly tipped his brandy glass over.  He watched as the amber liquid spilled down his lover's smooth torso and he followed the trails with his tongue, lapping up the liquor and tasting his lover's skin.


Sudden gasp, and his libido made itself very, very known, the groan caught in his chest as he watched with wide, shocked eyes as his lover leaned in and licked and oh, god. He moaned, hard, goose bumps erupting all over his body as he shuddered and dragged his other hand through all the hair to match the first. "L...Lionel..." Strangled in his throat.


Lionel licked until most of the liquor was gone, and all he could taste was Dominic.  Without a word, he lifted his lover's unwounded arm and trickled the dregs of his glass down the long, smooth expanse, sucking the expensive brandy from Dominic's fingertips as he brought them into his mouth.


His eyes fluttered, rolled before he could focus again, mouth parted as he tried to gasp for breath through a sudden boulder on his chest. He watched his lover wrap those wonderful soft lips around each digit, and he almost lost his mind in desire but could do nothing


Lionel consumed each finger and thumb, suckling until they were dry.  He moved his mouth upwards, licking up the curve of Dominic's bicep and over his shoulder blade to where a small pool of brandy still remained, caught in his collarbone.  Lionel sucked that one clean instantly, his tongue lapping Dominic's throat before moving up to capture his lover's mouth in a kiss.


He could barely get his mouth to work, trembling with desire he'd never felt so strong in his life, nipples as hard as rock, erection pressed tight to his belly, skin flushed brilliantly. He kissed back with everything he was, shocked into utter silence as he explored… tasted brandy and himself there in his lovers mouth.


Lionel left his mouth open for his lover's exploration, using his own tongue to guide Dominic's into his mouth to discover and devour the mingled tastes that waited there for him.  His hands moved to Dominic's waist, pulling him close between Lionel's outstretched legs.


He was as pliable as melted wax, moving where Lionel wanted, doing exactly as he silently asked. He leaned up close and kissed, stroked and possessed, fingers sliding from his hair to slide down the strong, thick back; stroking muscle and sinew wherever he could. Then sudden slide and he was pressed so close and the moan that came from him was unlike anything else, ever. Deep and from his heart and the purest sound of uninhibited pleasure.


Lionel pulled him even closer, situating them together to where Dominic was nearly sitting in his lap.  His hands guided Dominic's thighs around his waist, and then with a quiet surge, Lionel rose to his feet, hands supporting his lover as he climbed carefully out of the tub and headed to the huge bed in the middle of the room.


He was shaking, and hard, lacing his legs about his lovers waist and watching him without a was like something really beautiful was happening here, something different and new and better then before. Something that he couldn’t quite pinpoint, not when his thoughts were full of this… how... he was being swept off his feet, and he hadn’t even realized. He pressed close to his love, the body under his so warm and if he really stopped for a moment, he could feel his heart beating like that of a captive bird; quick and shallow in his chest.


Lionel gently deposited Dominic in the middle of the bed, and then climbed in after him, teasing his lover's exposed skin with touches and caresses as he knelt over Dominic's waist.  He brought both of Dominic's hands together and brought them to his mouth, kissing each one and giving his injured arm and hand the same gentle attention that he'd given the healthy one in the bath.


Strange as it was, this was how he and his lover were the same. He'd never, ever been touched like this, never been caressed and licked and loved like this and he didn’t quite know how to react. It was arousing beyond anything he'd ever felt, the soft tickle of beard, the gentle touch of mouth and wet heat, and even though his erection was screaming to be known...he didn’t acknowledge it. Something inside of his heart had cracked open, and what was coming out thrilled him and drove him to words that sounded foreign in his strained voice. "I love you."


Lionel was quiet for a moment as he finished his careful attention to his lover's hand, and then when he dropped it, he brought it to rest on his chest.  "And I love you, Dominic."  He leaned down, weight pressing against his lover as he situated himself over him.  "Trust me."  He moved his mouth to gently nibble the pebbled nipples.  "I love you, you are mine... I treasure you."


He cupped his lovers face with his free hand and gazed at him in delight and confusion and need and tenderness and joy, all mixed into one expression that made his face absolutely beautiful. Then sudden lance of primal pleasure radiating from his chest and he gasped, squirmed, fingertips sliding over his lovers back as he raised one leg and wrapped it around his lovers thighs. "I will always be yours. Only yours."


Lionel nodded against his lover's skin, moving his mouth lower as he trailed kisses over his stomach and paused to tease Dominic's navel with wet licks and cat-like nibbles.  Then he shook his head, letting the ends of his hair dance and stroke over Dominic's exposed skin.  "You will be my life," Lionel said quietly.  For the moment, he passed over the erection that rubbed against his beard, and instead, he put his mouth over the healing crescent moon and sucked hard.


A sudden arch and guttural cry, fingers slipping in the sheets as he twisted and writhed before gasping hard, grasping the bedding around them as hard as he could. One hand slid down to his lovers head, sliding his fingers through the luxurious hair as he made quiet, whimpering noises deep in his chest. Nothing. There was nothing, but his lover and this feeling. Nothing but them, nothing existed beyond them. Nothing.


Lionel continued to suck, his tongue teasing the ridge of flesh that would develop into the scar, tasted the bare tang of blood before releasing the mark and moving down.  He licked a wet trail around Dominic's thigh, then down to nip lightly at the hollow behind his knee before down even further to nibble on the tendon that connected calf to ankle.


Twisted fragments of his lovers name slipped past his lips and into the warm air between them, desperate and aching. The slow, treacherous move down his leg was a sin into its own right, the wound throbbing along with his erection and Lionel’s practiced, knowing mouth.


Gentle swipes of his tongue along the arch of Dominic's foot was his next target, and Lionel laved each extremity gently before sliding his mouth around the toes.  Each toe was treated to a long, loving suck and delicate licks before Lionel moved again.  "Turn over, onto your stomach."


The silk at his back, the warm mouth at the front, and he himself in the middle, to feel it all, to experience this feeling of being truly touched and adored. Then sudden suction at his...the cry was louder this time and he arched with the feeling, his entire body wracking with a shudder. His toes. Lionel was....was licking his.... He didn’t hear his lover right away... He couldn’t think, could do nothing but tremble and shake with the need to be possessed, taken.


Lionel moved his mouth back up along Dominic's leg, and paused as he bit sharply at his hip to get his attention.  "Dominic.  Turn over.  Onto your stomach.  Please."


"O-oh..." Hard shudder and he realized very suddenly he felt almost boneless, his elbows trembling as he rolled himself over, laying on his belly a--...oh, God. Every spot Lionel had licked and touched and kissed lit on fire and he moaned again, eyes falling shut and staying shut. So hard he hurt, but he wouldn’t give this up for an orgasm, ever.


Lionel ran his hands over the backs of Dominic's thighs as he pulled himself up, starting at the nape of his lover's neck and licking down his spine, stopping to nibble and nip the occasional protruding vertebrae.  Down to the small of his back, and Lionel kissed there before sliding his hands over his lover's firm cheeks.  He rubbed his beard against the firm cheeks, teasing them before pushing them open and blowing a gentle, moist breath over Dominic's opening.


His mouth trembled open again, eyes flying open as all his muscles locked over the feeling, groaning darkly because Lionel would But the fantasy of it was enough to make his eyes roll closed again, fingers clenching in the pillow underneath his head and upper chest. "Li...Lionel...oh..." Another full body shake and he hoped to god Lionel knew how much he was enjoying this...the pleasure he was taking from it.


"I'm here."  He blew another breath over the trembling, jerking opening before dropping his head and licking across it.  He paused once, waiting for both Dominic's reaction and his own, and when Dominic didn't stop him, his lips turned into a small smile as he dove back in, his tongue thrusting with more assurance than the previous teasing lick.


His scream was so loud he's sure he shook the bed. Lionel’s. Tongue. In. His. Ass. He went wild, thrashing, squeezing the pillow tight as he buried his face in it and screamed again. The mental image, of Lionel on his hands and knees behind him, mouth buried in his ass, was going to fuel him for the next fifty years. Squirming thrust inside, wet and hot and licking him there, where no one had ever licked him before, and he reached down and squeezed his dick as hard as he could, stopping the spontaneous orgasm that had wanted to erupt. No, God no, please, not yet.


Lionel slipped his arm around Dominic's waist and pulled him backwards onto his tongue as he pushed it forward.  Deep, stabbing thrusts in and out of the quivering hole that was now his alone, and he wanted to know every part of it.  He licked over the rim, biting hard at the ring of muscle and then rolling his tongue to press it deeper inside, flicking the tip gently back and forth. 


He let out a sob of want, pure, down from the bottom of his chest, back arching hard at the intense feelings stabbing through him. Skin soaked with sweat, eyes clenched, hair matted to his temples and Lionel’s arm, there, around him, holding him, and he could barely control himself, barely stop himself from loosing it and...then Lionel bit.


Another loud, ringing scream erupted from him without thought, shuddering so hard he was sure he was going to shake them both off the bed any moment. Hands. Knees. Lionel’s mouth there, biting. Oh, fuck.


Slowly Lionel withdrew from his lover's opening, and pulled himself up over Dominic.  His chest pressed against his lover's back, and his mouth covered Dominic's ear.  "How do you want me, Dominic... face to face, or on your knees?"


He's barely heard him over his rushing blood, over the gasps and pants for air and what? He was asking him to have simple thought? He worked his tongue over his dry mouth, expression wild and helpless and so aroused he was half conscious, moaning as he tried to speak...even the rumble in his chest being arousing. "Knees."


Lionel nodded in response, and he pulled Dominic up to his hands and his knees.  "You do want me inside you, yes?"  He was teasing softly as he reached for the small glass jar of lube.  He slicked his fingers carefully and then teased Dominic's already-wet opening as he waited for his answer.


He couldn’t speak. He couldn’t. He tried really hard but he was so aroused, so romanced and loved this moment he couldn’t say a word, trembling and waiting for his lover to get inside, to make love to him, to be with him as it was meant to be. He'd never felt like this, not ever in his life, because no one had ever given his body a second chance...never worshipped it like Lionel had just done, never kissed or touched him in places he would love for teeth to nibble.


Tonight, Lionel had fulfilled that part of his soul that was missing. And for that, always for that, would he treasure his lover.


Lionel nuzzled the nape of his lover's neck, teasing it with gentle bites and licks.  "I love you, Dominic... there is no part of you that I don't love."  His finger slipped easily into the wet passage his tongue had just opened, and he stroked carefully and slowly.


He would have never, ever thought Lionel would ever lick and bite him where he just had. But he did, and he would apologize later for underestimating his beloved. He rocked back into the stretching fingers, willing his lover to stretch him, to hurry, because he was going to loose his mind in very short order if he wasn’t inside soon.


Lionel was beginning to worry, because his lover hadn't said anything other than screams and quiet noises.  "Dominic... have I... have I done something you don't like?  Are you... all right?"  He pulled Dominic against him, fingers still working slowly and carefully as he kissed his love's face. 


He looked over his shoulder and hoped that his expression said it all, holding onto control by a thread, passionate and erotic beyond his wildest dreams, watching Lionel’s hand disappear behind his backside and then the feeling of fingers sliding inside of him. He didn’t even remember his erection, the heavy balls that were tight and drawn, the rocks his nipples were. Just the erotic feeling of Lionel’s hair brushing his skin and the slim, elegant fingers working magic inside him.


Lionel caught Dominic's mouth in a sweet, fiery kiss as he withdrew his fingers, and used them to slick his cock.  Once he was done, Lionel released the kiss and brought his hands to Dominic's hips, stilling them as he pushed himself home, working gently until he was sheathed entirely in his lover's body.


His chest was so vice tight he almost couldn’t breath, letting his head drop down as he clenched and re-clenched his eyes, moaning loudly as the feeling, there, inside, so deep, deep inside, filled all the way and he shuddered hard. He rocked back but didn’t take control, didn’t demand, waiting for his lover to do what he wanted, what he liked.


A slow, careful stroke at first, answering the desperate rock of his lover's hips, then hard, pounding thrusts that built in intensity until the need he'd reined in all night broke free.  His forearm pressed down on Dominic's shoulder, pressing his torso down as Lionel loved him fiercely, hammering strokes that almost completely withdrew before pounding back in.


He leaned down, pressing his cheek against the pillow and gave in to his love. Let him pound in, every push in eliciting a sharp moan, until the moans escalated to cries, then to sobs of want that had tears pricking his eyes. The ache was inside, so desperate to be free, and he worked his muscles hard around his lover, meeting each push with an arch of his own. In...body swallowing the willing thrusts, out, his muscles catching and holding on, begging him not to leave the warm hollow of his body. To stay.


Lionel rocked their bodies together, and then without a word he wrapped both his arms tightly around Dominic's waist and rolled onto his back, leaving Dominic speared on his erection as Lionel's hand came and stroked his lover's weeping erection.  "Come for me, Dominic," Lionel whispered, stroking the hard shaft with fierce, rapid strokes.  "Come for me, and I will come for you."


He let out another loud cry, arching into his lovers tight fist, aching, aching, aching, the sudden displacement of gravity throwing him off, making him feel like he was floating through the air...weightless and disoriented and then the orgasm ripped through him.


It started at his toes, a cry of warning before he jerked hard, letting out another helpless scream as the orgasm tore through his body, lighting every single nerve ending with the most exquisite pleasure he'd ever felt in his life. He arched against the warm body beneath his, helplessly coming everywhere, aching with bliss as he shuddered and reached down to grasp Lionel’s hand hard, to keep himself here. Keep himself conscious, because he was sure he was insane now.


Lionel's fingers gripped his lover's tightly, weaving through them and anchoring him as his body twisted.  "I love you," Lionel whispered, again and again as Dominic trembled and rode him.  He fought back his own orgasm, savagely twisting his balls and keeping his lover pressed tightly against him as he stayed nestled warmly inside his lover.  "I'm here, Dominic... I'm not going to let you leave me again."  He kept their bodies linked together as he kissed his lover's face and throat.


He was very sure he was half dead. He couldn’t move, holding onto the fingers threaded through his dully as he pressed his face into Lionel's, unable to do anything but draw breath. ...And very suddenly realized his lover hadn’t come. He opened his glassy eyes, flickering over him, grunting and trying to get his voice to work. ""


"I will, Dominic... soon.  I can't hold back much longer... but I want to feel you.  Like this... like a part of me, or I'm a part of you."  He kissed Dominic again, his hips rolling gently and thrusting as they lay back to chest, Lionel's arms around his lover's waist.


He was shaking so bad and he grasped hard onto the arms about his waist, pushing back just as gently into his beloved as his muscles contracted around his lovers length with post orgasmic bliss. "F...f...feel s-so g...good...good, L....good..."


"Sssh... I know.  It's beautiful... just like you."  The gentle, rolling thrusts grew quicker and shorter, and Lionel buried his face in Dominic's shoulder as he came, crying out his lover's name softly, holding him close.  "Dominic... I love you."  His hands kept Dominic's backside pressed against him, his softening cock slipping slowly out of his lover.


He felt the hot rush and moaned softly, slumping back against him and drawing him as close as he could, curling in as tightly as he could physically go, linking arms and legs and hearts and bodies. "I you, love you, Lionel, I love you."


Lionel moved so that they were face to face again, and he wrapped Dominic around him like a blanket.  "I'm sorry I was scared," Lionel admitted quietly.  "But I realized that I'd never shown you just how much you mean to me, and I couldn't... wouldn't let another second go by."  He kissed the nearest patch of skin he could reach.  "I thought after you were shot that saying it was enough, and then I woke alone and realized that it's not enough... that it is never enough.  I wanted to show you, so you would always know... always have this in your thoughts if you ever doubt."


His lips were spread, eyes brimming full, trying still to breathe as he leaned in and pressed his face hard against Lionel’s chest. "I love you, I love you so. You... you loved me tonight, and...I never...Lionel, I love you so very much, so much inside of me." And there were no more words for him to utter, nothing, just wrapping him close and kissing him deeply and tenderly, molding his mouth to his lovers and giving all he could.


Lionel held Dominic carefully, as though his lover might shatter in his grip.  "I've always loved you, Dominic... I am sorry it took so long for me to make love to you," he whispered softly between kisses.


"Perfect, perfect, felt amazing, Lionel, amazing and wonderful, you...and..." he was babbling. So what? But he hushed, swallowing hard and meeting his eyes. "No ones ever.."


"Then I am honored," he said, pressing his finger over Dominic's lips.  "You shared with me something that no one else ever had, and I am... awestruck, in all honesty, in that no one else has had the sense to see what a treasure you are, and to treat you accordingly."


"Only you. Always you. Never anybody else. Love you so much, love you with my whole heart, love you so much it hurts." He whispered, peppering Lionel’s face with gentle kisses as he dragged the blanket over their shoulders, snuggling in deep.


Lionel pulled Dominic's head over to rest on his shoulder.  "You are all that remains inside me now," he whispered softly, pressing his cheek onto the soft bristle of Dominic's hair.  "You've earned your rest tonight, beloved."


He linked his arm about his lovers waist, lying half on his belly and snuggling in close, murmuring sweet nothings to him as his eyes began to fall. "Sleep...sleep with me...don’t want you to be alone...not anymore...never again."


"I won't be," Lionel said softly, closing his eyes as he felt Dominic beside him.  "You're a part of me now."





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