
The Memoirs

Smallville fanfic by Kel and Diana

Chapter 246: Qutenyu For Andes

Kal looked up, the anger dissipating as he sat up. "Hey baby. Nothing… you should go back to bed. Lionel and I are just talking, okay?"

"You're yellin'." He yawned again, and padded into the living room. "Woke me up."

Lionel put his glasses on. "Nothing to worry yourself over, young man. Lex will be home soon with..." he consulted his watch. "Breakfast."

Kal offered his arms up to him, and cuddled him into his embrace, gently, wrapping his arms around his waist and kissing his belly softly, as he tugged down. "Come sit here with me. I missed you... how are you feeling today?"

He blushed brightly, and leaned up to whisper in Kal's ear. "Kinda horny," he whispered, tugging at Kal's hand on his tummy.

Kal's eyes widened, broadly, and he made a gaping face for a moment before grinning, broadly, and tugging him down to sit on the couch with him. Slid in close, draped limbs comfortably and grinned at him, in total, complete adoration, as he whispered, "How much?"

CK blushed again as Kal gaped at him, and he tucked his feet up under him to get them warm. "A lot," he admitted, and kept his eyes down on his lap.

Lionel gave a little roll of his eyes, but didn't say anything.

"Yeah?" Kal nuzzled his neck and throat, gently, licking his jaw softly even as he pressed a warm, gentle kiss to the spot. He'd forgotten about everything but his CK sitting here, and he beamed at him, happily, as he nudged his neck tipped sideways so he could lick and kiss. "Is there anything you want me to… do?"

CK gave a happy little meep as his Kal nuzzled his throat. "Could... your tongue? The rimming? Like Kenep did last night? Then... he can... you know. Fuck me when he comes home?"

Kal couldn't help the very guttural groan he gave. He shuddered, all over, and nodded quickly, as his cock began to stir, hidden there in his jeans as he nipped and sucked at that lovely jaw, then down to the collar bone, sucking softly at it as he purred softly. "Oh yes, baby. Anything you want, anything in the world baby."

Lionel cleared his throat.

Very loudly.

CK jumped a mile, bolting upright and looking wild-eyed around before he got it, and blushed scalding red.

Kal rolled his eyes at Lionel and tugged CK back down to him. "Like the dude hasn't ever gotten laid before. Motherfucker. You'd think it. Jesus. Come back, CK, I'm not done with the hickey."

"Be-be-bedroom?" CK asked, panting softly as his heart pounded out of his chest.

"I think that would be a capital idea," Lionel chimed in.

Kal rolled his eyes and climbed to his feet, winding his arms around CK's waist as he did so. "C'mon, babe."

CK glared at Lionel. "You--you didn't h-have to scare m-me like that." Little glare, cause it was CK, but still, it was the thought that counted, and he hugged Kal's waist tightly. "T-tell Dominic you n-need to g-g-get laid."

Kal burst out laughing. Couldn't help it. The little, timid delivery, the apologetic glance at Lionel after it was said, and Kal hugged him, tightly, squeezing his middle and snuggling him close. "God, I love you. He does need to get laid, baby, in the worst possible kind of way. I think I gave him blue balls though, so he's kinda cranky."

"KAL!" CK was completely scandalized. "B-b-b-b-but what about Kenep!"

Lionel returned the half-hearted glare with half a one of his own. "That was my question."

"Just a little." Kal grinned at his CK, gently stroking his fingers through all of that hair. "I was seeing if he had qutenyu for Andes. He does, my love."

CK was mollified with that. "Oh, if that's all." He snuggled against Kal's body and rubbed gently, artlessly, but eagerly. "Kenep won't mind that."

Kal gave a sudden, quiet sound as CK snuggled against all... the right… places... and he smiled at him, pressing his lips to his nose. "Yes. He kind of went crazy after that, and now he's cranky, but I'm sure Dominic will thank us later." A sideways glance at Lionel, before he motioned CK to turn and follow him to the bedroom.

CK did, snuggling against Kal and rubbing a little more enthusiastically as they headed back into the bedroom. Once they were in the room, CK hooked his leg around Kal's hip and squeezed gently. "L-llike that?"

"More... than you know." Kal gave a low, quiet groan and closed the door with his foot as he arched up and forward, rubbing his very... over reactive cock against CK's, and groaned, deeply. "I didn't… last night. After you fell asleep. I need so much, baby." He grunted, kissing and licking over his neck, down to the hickey he'd begun. He sucked, hard, using his powers behind it, and marked that lovely skin, which just made him shudder. "I couldn't, without you."

CK blushed, and then rubbed against Kal with little nibbles to his neck. "I want to, too. You're... your'e so hot, Kal. I want you!" His body gave little trembles with every sucked mark on his skin, and he grunted a little. "Ooo. Kal!" A little meeped out squeak. "That feels good!"

"This?" Another hard suck. "Or this?" A blatant thrust forward.

"Both!" CK meeped again as he rocked up, rubbing against Kal hard as he could. "P-please!" His cock was jiggling again between his legs, and he was wiggling against Kal.

"Kenep is going to come and take your virginity, you want... want to be inside of me?" Quietly asked, as he sank down between those lovely thighs and tugged the hard cock out of the elastic of the shorts, before he wrapped his mouth around it for a hard suck.

CK's eyes crossed, and he nodded. "Uh huh uh huh uh huh." His fingers tightened in Kal's hair as he nodded violently. "Want to want to want to!"

Ohh yes. CK's cock tasted so goddamn good and he sucked at it steadily for a few seconds, before he let go with a wet, quiet pop, and hmmed as he ran a fingertip along the head. "Are you sure? We could… do other things… play bingo… do a crossword… maybe watch some Price is Right..."

CK's hips twitched and his cock jiggled as Kal licked over the head. "Yes yes yes, wanna be inside you, Kal, please please, wanna Kal, wanna!"

The insistence and pleasure radiating from CK's body made Kal twitch all over, and he purred, deeply, as he stood up and yanked his shirt up over his head, and tugged his jeans down. "Come here, baby… come on. Come over here to the bed." He pushed his boxers off and down, as naked as CK was in the next moment, when his fingers came to slim hips and tugged the shorts down. "Come on, baby. A good hard fuck. Sounds good?"

Fast little nods as CK jumped from foot to foot. "Yes, yes, sounds good, sounds good, wanna touch you, Kal, wanna so bad." His hands stroked desperately fast over Kal's broad chest and shoulders, palming his nipples and scraping across them with his nails.

A startled groan slid from him as CK scraped his nipples, and he grunted, leaning forward to claim his mouth. Kissed him soft, yet hard, hard and fast and slow and gentle, even as he stumbled over the mattress, with his other in tow. Ended up sprawled under him, which made him laugh breathlessly, and he groped his sweet, innocent lover insistently as he motioned his head. "Side drawer. Lube. Condom."

CK gave a little giggle as Kal laughed, and he fumbled the lube and the condoms out of the drawer, then looked down at Kal. "Why? I mean... you can't give anything to me and I can't to you?"

"No, but I can impregnate you, and you me. I think. Better not chance it, right?" He looked up at him, eyebrow raised, even as CK fumbled in all. The right. Places. He grunted and thrust his cock up against his others, groaning softly as sweat began to bead at his forehead.

CK furrowed his brows, and thought for a minute. "Can we really? That'd be weird, like... having your own baby." But he didn't argue again as he squirmed, sliding his cock against Kal's as he rolled the condom on, then lubed it up. "Like that, right?"

"It'd be weird." Kal echoed, even as he moved and squirmed under the solid weight on top of him. "Just like that, baby. touch me a while, okay? You can touch me... I'd really like for you too. Okay?" He reached for and gave his cock a squeeze, before letting go and taking CK's slick fingers in his and setting them on his chest. "Touch me first. Please."

CK gave a little trembling nod as his fingers stroked over Kal's chest, exploring a hard, well-defined six-pack that was only softly visible on his own body. He scraped over pebbled nipples, tugging them with slippery fingers and squeezing them like little toys, delighting in Kal's gasps and little noises. His tongue found a home in the hollow of Kal's throat, and he gave a little breathy squeal into it as his cock twitched against Kal's.

"Oh, God, yes." His others excitement was bleeding through like an open circuit into his own body and he gave a soft cry when that tongue slid over his throat, and his cock, wet and oiled and ready, stroked against his. "Yes, just like that, yes baby, yes please, oh God." He arched his hips, forgetting that Lionel even existed, forgetting the world existed, even as he gave a short, hard cry, stroking his hips up and down and rubbing insistently on the slippery cock against his. "Yes, yes!"

CK was puffing up in fragile pride as his fingers found and teased all the right spots on Kal's body. Big, beaming sweaty grins shone down on Kal as CK sat up, straddling his hips and thrusting forward as his hands explored well-cut hipbones, carded through pubic hair getting sticky with lube and precome, reached behind him to grip tree-trunk like thighs that were larger than his own, and he moved so that his cock rubbed Kal's. "Do--do you like it, is it okay?" he panted out breathlessly, his hands moving down behind Kal's hips, stroking over the top of rock-hard flanks, and up to the outer edges of the scar across his back.

Yeah. Right. Like Kal could talk. CK knew exactly where to touch, where and how, and he gave sharp, loud cries of pleasure as he writhed in his lovers hands as they touched right there and oh, GOD. "Yes, baby, yes, please yes!" Kal nearly sobbed, shifting and writhing in the sheets as he begged like some bitch, but it was okay. It was CK, and it was safe, and in that knowledge, he moved and knotted his fingers in the sheets.

CK was further boldened by Kal's positive responses to his tentative explorations, and he moved them along, sliding under his arched back to stroke over the little bony lump they both shared, rubbing up Kal's spine gently, then leaning over to bite his shoulder and suck hard at it, leaving little teeth marks behind.

Lex grunted as he navigated the luggage cart down the hallway. They'd been lucky to find it--Lex had expected to use a forklift to carry up the four hundred dollars worth of food they'd bought at the grocery store. But the man behind the counter had apparently seen them coming and brought the little wheeled cart to have it waiting by the door, and Lex was absurdly grateful, tipping the man another two hundred dollars as he and Dominic loaded the groceries onto the cart, and carried what wouldn't fit. He was pushing the weighted down cart, Dominic was pulling it, and Lex pounded on the apartment door with his foot. "Dad! Kal! Get your lazy asses over here and help!"

Dominic opened his mouth to add something, and a scream echoed out of his mouth.


Not… not him.

For the first time in what felt like twenty years, Dominic blushed a shocking red, mouth dropping as he looked at his lover casually sitting on the couch reading the paper, and the sex screams coming from the far off door.

Just… stood there.

Kal gave another loud, long howl as the teeth scored his shoulders and the bump, and he erupted, exploding all over his belly. He didn't know how, or why, because he'd never come just to come, and his moan was overshadowed by his sudden scream as he climaxed. It had him jerking, thrashing on the sheets in pleasure as he finished coming on his belly, and he moaned, loudly, deeply, even as the fire jerked inside of him like a flame. "Inside… inside, CK, pl… please, please," His voice was hoarse, but he could care less.

Lionel looked up from his newspaper. "Ah, you're home, excellent. Lex, I trust you can take things from here?"

A nod that wasn't even that, because he wasn't even paying attention to his father. He knew that scream, Clark gave it often when Lex touched him, and deep-seated jealousy rose up and choked him, even as he forced it back down. He forced his brain to wrap around the realization that it was Kal and CK together, and nothing more, but still the choking ball remained in his throat.

CK's eyes widened as Kal came, and he looked in shock. "You--that's usually--I mean, I do that!" Little shameful beam as he leaned his head down, licking at the come on Kal's stomach as he picked up the lube bottle. "You... I have to... stretch? You?"

Kal moaned, deeply, even as he writhed on the sheets. When CK licked his come off of his fucking stomach it nearly killed him, and he shuddered, even as his head rolled to the door. "Kenep is here." He whispered, softly, and shuddered hard as he shook all over. "CK, we have to get him." Another hard shudder as he whimpered and writhed on the sheets, as he grasped his hardening cock again. "Please… please... have to get him, he's jealous."

Dominic just...stayed that same flushed color, looking utterly scandalized as he wheeled the little cart into the kitchen and began unloading. "I'm not fucking asking. Lionel, come help."

Lionel folded up the newspaper and tucked it in the side of the couch as he rose smoothly to his feet. "It's better you don't ask," Lionel said calmly, giving his lover a kiss on the cheek as he started going through plastic bags and setting out boxes, cans, bottles, and frozen pizzas.

CK was half out of what mind he had because he'd reduced Kal to this little quivering mass, and his little guarded ego was growing by the second and waving it's little flag. "Kenep!" He dropped the bottle of lube onto Kal's stomach, and bolted for the door, getting tangled up in his own feet and almost falling. "I'll get!" He caught his balance right before he crashed into the bedroom door, and it wasn't until he flung it open that he realized he was naked. "Meep! Kenep!!!" He was mortified, and danced back behind the open door.

Lex barely acknowledged his father and stepfather as he heard CK call his name. Barely registered that it was CK until he heard the little squeak of terror at being naked, and he picked up his pace, stalking across the bedroom and inhaling the scent of his aushna' mating. And it wasn't with him. As soon as he caught up to CK, he grabbed dual handfuls of hair and kissed him hard, deeply, sucking down his tongue and the little frightened whimpers that came with it. "Mine," he growled softly. In the next second, he caught another noseful of Kal's arousal and saw the remains of his come still on his stomach, and he ravaged Kal's mouth with the same fierce intensity he had CK's. "Mine," he repeated.

"Yours." Kal sobbed softly, even as his hips stroked against the sheets, and he was begging, begging, wanton and sexual and he didn't care because he wanted CK in him and in him NOW goddammit! "Please, please, CK, please baby, please." He begged, even with his eyes, as he shifted from CK to Kenep, and begged him, as well, because both he and CK had relinquished power to him the moment he'd slammed in through the door. "Please, Kenep, please, I need, please. Don't make him stop, please, don't make him stop."

Lex shut up Kal's pleading with another hard, devouring kiss as his hands slid down, tweaking hard nipples. "Not going to make him stop," Lex growled. "Going to watch." He licked over Kal's lips, biting and sucking the fullness of them as he followed down, mouthing his chin, licking over the faint scar on his throat, fingers still twisting and tugging nipples.

CK nodded a little bit as he heard Lex's snarled answer, and he nearly dropped the lube bottle as he got his fingers and his condom-covered cock slick again. Little shivers went through his body as he looked down at Kal's spread legs, and swallowed quickly. "Um.. what... fingers? In there? Right?"

Kal spread his thighs, all the more, and arched his hips, taking twice to stick a pillow under his hips, so his thighs were spread as far as they could be. "Lube… lots. Lots of lu... lube baby. Grease your fingers... make it warm, okay?" He jerked as Lex stroked over his nipples, and he wailed, jerking as he did so, his eyes falling on Lex. "Can't come... when he's not near. Found it… found it out. Can't. Oh, God, oh.." He jerked again, opening his mouth to Lex's kisses and accepting him close as he writhed. "Fuck… fuck… fuck, oh, fuck..."

CK did what he was told, adding more and more lube to his fingers until they almost dripped with it, using his heat vision to warm it up and then meeping when it got too warm and he had to blow on it. "Cripe! Sorry!" CK did a little apology dance as he cooled down the lube, and then one trembling finger pressed against Kal's opening gently. "Let me in?"

Lex nodded his understanding, not surprised and at the moment not precisely caring as he kissed Kal harder, sucking almost violently on his tongue as though he knew he couldn't let his aggression and possession out on CK. Instead, he gave it to Kal, scratching his nails over Kal's nipples, then down his hips and around his back to his scar and the little bony nodule there, giving it an ungentle scratch before another savage kiss.

Kal screamed into Lex's mouth when the knob got scratched, in no way gently, and he pushed down, as hard as he could, against the finger pressing just against this opening. He writhed, begging it inside, wanting it in, in deep, and he wailed into Lex's mouth again as his fingers scraped over his skin. The burn of entrance was new, VERY new, and he let go of Lex's mouth to pant through it, closing his eyes before opening them again. "Fuck... Lex, stop… help CK." He gasped, panting it as he did. "Would… easier on my hands and knees?"

Lex realized in that second that somehow, CK might not be the only virgin in the bedroom. He nodded in answer to Kal's request. "Yes, on your knees," and he shooed CK back gently. "Come here, baby. Gonna show you what to do, all right?" He buried a little laugh at the amount of lube on CK's hands, and took them in his, getting more than enough on his fingers without having to open the bottle. He cupped his palms together so the gel would warm, and he watched Kal move. "CK... you don't want to have so much lube you're going to slide out as soon as you get in. You need enough to make sure you don't hurt him. That's all."

CK flushed, but listened intently as Lex instructed him. "Okay, but but... I was in the right place!" A little wail. "Did I hurt him? Kal? Are you okay?"

"Fine." he grunted, as he rolled over onto his elbows and knees, bending forward as much as he could to open himself up, and grunted, heavily. "The… feel the burn, Lex. Never felt it before." A quiet groan as he jerked his hips back, begging with each movement as he did, and closed his eyes, shuddering. "You guys gonna sit there and talk tea all day? Fuck me already!"

Lex put the back half of his mind to working on it as the front half of his attention was on getting his aushna' ready. "Here's what you do. Take the fingers of your hand, spread his cheeks open so you can see the opening, then very gently, but very firmly, press in." Lex suited action to word, pressing one slick finger inside Kal's body and stroking slowly. "See? You see? it's spreading the lube everywhere inside."

CK's eyes were wide open. "You just pushed it in!" he screeched.

Lex nodded. "That's what you're supposed to do."

And a deep, loud, heavy groan from in front didn't mind that, at all. Kal bent backwards, pressing himself against the finger until it pressed in the rest of the way, and squeezed tightly, as he thrust back against it insistently. His head rolled on his arms, sweating, eyes closed and mouth trembled open in ecstasy. "God this is good. So good, so very good, please, yes. Don't stop, don't stop, please don't stop." Another squeeze, another shudder through his body, and his hand came down under himself, to his cock, hard as steel.

Lex slapped Kal's ass. "Don't touch." He kept stroking his finger inside until he felt Kal loosen, and then he slid a second finger inside the first. "There, you see? He's getting off on it, and you can tease him for hours like this. Just in and out. When you feel he's getting loose, add a third one." Quicksilver grin. "I don't think either of you are ready for the whole hand."

CK's eyes widened even more. "Wh-who-wh-whole hand?"

"Don't... tease... him." Kal croaked, though he gave a short, hard cry when Lex slid his third finger in. To much, it hurt very suddenly, and he stilled, waiting for the stretch to come as his cock twitched between his spread knees, against the sheets and pillow he was leaning against. Slow movements back and forth and his body loosened enough to accept the finger, and oh, fucking hell almighty that was good. "Yes, please, like this, please, more, don't stop, don't stop, please," Begged. Like. A bitch. "Please, don't stop, touch me, please, please."

Lex's other hand came up to stroke Kal's back, gentling him and pressing little kisses to his spine. "Sssh, baby, it'll... there we go, see, it's okay. It loosened up." He gave a little grin. "I'm sorry I teased you, CK." Lex's three fingers bunched together as they stroked inside, slipping up and massaging inside his aushna'. "He's ready. I'm going to take my fingers out, but I want you to slide yours in, just to feel so you know the next time, all right?"

CK just nodded with huge eyes, and slid his fingers into Kal's body. The heat that wrapped around his digits was unbelievable, and he gave a full body shudder at the thought of his cock wrapped in it. "Oh oh ohkay. I think I'm ready."

Lex nodded. "Make sure the condom's on tightly, and then here... let me guide you in. Slowly, so it doesn't hurt." Lex waited until CK was in position, and he pressed his aushna's cock against Kal's stretched hole. "There we go. See, like that? Feel that grip pulling you in, go with that."

CK shuddered as he felt Kal pulling him in, and he meeped out a series of little squeaks and squeals as he sunk further in. "Kaaaaaaaal!" His hands were tight on Kal's hips, pulling him back as he slowly pushed forward.

Lex smiled softly, once CK was embedded, and then he slid under Kal, bald head at his crotch, and after batting Kal's hands away again, Lex swallowed his cock.

Lex's fingers out, CK's in, and he gave a long, loud, hard sob as CK slid in. It hurt, the stretch of him sliding inside, but when Lex swallowed him down his throat his mind went from pain to holymotherofJESUS. He let out a short, loud scream as Lex slid him into his throat, and he reared back against CK's cock, wailing loudly as he did so and shuddering, jerking in pleasure. He grit his teeth, tightly, rolling his head on his elbows as he did it, unbelieving how this could feel. CK, sliding into him, never ending, so long and big and he was going to slice him in half, and if he was panicking a little he ignored it, because Lex was sucking his cock, and that was good.

Lex sensed the panic and brought his hands up, stroking his palms up Kal's side and gentling him like a horse. He slid Kal's cock out of his mouth just long enough to caution CK. "Not too fast; gentle, CK, remember." He kept palming Kal's sides, thumbing along the outer rim of his abs as he swallowed his cock again, rubbing his cheek against Kal's thigh as he sucked.

CK slowed down from the eager pushing in he was doing, and eased himself in slowly, working gently like Kenep said. "B-better, Kal?"

He nodded without lifting his head, and grunted deeply when Lex's fingers slid over his sides. It tingled down his body, full and tight and he was filled everywhere and he gave a soft cry, then another, when Lex sucked his cock back in. It twitched in the hot entrance, his entire body enveloped in a sheen of sweat and pleasure, and he nodded again against his arms, groaning deeply. "In… in and out, slow and easy, till your inside the whole way baby, okay? Just like that… fuck that's good."

CK nodded and gave a little grin. Now that he'd gotten the hang of it, he could actually concentrate on other things.

Like, you know, not coming for the next hundred years or so. He gave out sharp little moans as he worked himself into his other half, the tight hot clasp of muscle around his cock was so exquisitely good that he was on the edge of coming then and there, but he wasn't, no chance, not until Kal got to come first, cause Kal always took care of him first, and now it was Kal's turn. His hands tightened on Kal's hips and kept pulling him back into CK's little gentle thrusts forward.

The little thrusts were driving him wild. He knew, a little, what CK was doing, and though Kal was in no way innocent, his body was like this. He was doing a good job of hiding it though, definitely, even as he jerked and wailed, thrusting back against CK's pushes even as he thrust forward into the throat under him. "Yes, yes, YES!" FUCK! That… that was so...fuck! "Please, hurry please, please CK please!" He squeezed tightly around the intruder in his body, begging him in deeper as he moved, wailing loudly as he shook. "Please!"

Lex's tongue was working wildly over Kal's cock, attempting to pick up the rhythm CK was stroking with but eventually gave up and chose his own, slow, steady sucks that swallowed the hard length to the hilt, only to release it entirely for a rub against his chin before being swallowed again.

CK could definitely do more. He could. Really. And he did. His hands held tighter to Kal's hips, pulling him back harder to meet each push forward as he thrust, clumsy at first but refining his gait quickly as he remembered how Kal's ass and hips had moved while fucking Alexa and he duplicated the deep, stabbing thrusts.

Oh, God. Kal lost his mind as the deep, hard thrusts began behind him, the sucks under him, and he lost his mind with pleasure. He didn't know where he was, it was unreal, that he could feel this good, this good, and his eyes rolled back into his head as he jerked and moved as they wanted him to. Didn't fight it, even as the long cock burned inside of him, and though there was a significant amount of discomfort, there was also--


He gave a shrieking scream as CK nudged against something and his entire body shook, arching up and thrusting back as he jerked up in surprise. "Holy FUCK!"

CK recoiled in horror at the exclamation, and he tried to extract himself from the tight clasp of Kal's body. "Oh God, oh God, Kal! Did I hurt, are you okay, oh God, oh God, Kenep, Kenep, I can't get out, Kenep, Kenep, Kal!!!"

Lex had almost gagged on Kal's cock when CK rammed against his prostate, but he let it slide out of his mouth at the panicked yell. He wrapped his arms around CK and held him tightly. "Ssh, no, baby, look, he's so hard he's about to burst. That was good, that was his prostate, like the little bump, only inside. Don't pull out, thrust over the same place again." He kept Kal in position with a hand to the small of his back. "Go on, baby."

Kal hadn't budged. His body was bowed, waiting for another touch right in that spot as he shook in pleasure. Even when CK had tried to tug out, it didn't matter, cause that felt GOOD. He couldn't talk, couldn't do anything as Lex soothed. Not that he heard a word. the tone was gentle, and he begged with harsh pants, jerking as he kept his hips just like that, waiting as he rubbed back in waiting.

CK was hyperventilating, but he was calming down. Kal hadn't moved, his body was trembling, and Kenep said it was a good thing. He was waiting for another stroke, it looked like, and CK thrust forward. His erection had wilted just a little at the terrifying scream, but then as soon as Lex had calmed him down, the tight hot clasp of Kal's ass had brought it back, and he thrust forward again, experimentally, bracing himself for the scream as he rubbed over the same place again.

He gave another scream, then another as CK nudged that spot, and his hand came down to his sopping went erection, squeezing it tightly as he closed his eyes as hard as he could and thrust into the palm of his hand. He was nearly ready to die, and if "You don't hurry up I'm going to have to hurt you, MOVE!" Jerked back into him, begging as he he moved, and he was so close, so close, "So close!"

CK gave a nervous meep as he started thrusting deep again, mimicking the hard, deep thrusts he'd seen before, pulling Kal back to meet each one.

Lex slid down on the bed beside Kal, long graceful limbs and slender fingers, and he slid those fingers into Kal's mouth for sucking even as he twisted his torso around to suck the head of Kal's cock into his mouth.

Kal came. There was no other way he couldn't. He tried to hold it back but he couldn't, when Lex's fingers slid into his mouth, when CK surged against that spot, with a hot mouth encompassing his erection. He jerked forward, rolling with CK's thrusts, twice, before he came, exploding as he felt his entire life getting drawn out of his cock as he sobbed in pleasure. It felt unbelievable, the expressive feeling of release, and his entire body locked up for the pleasure that stormed him only seconds later. Like an ocean wave, swamping him, and he cried out in utter pleasure as he threw his head back, teeth grit tightly and his cry caught tightly in his throat.

Lex slid his fingers out of Kal's mouth before they were bitten and swallowed every drop that came from his aushna's cock. Little licks over the head, fingers wet from Kal's mouth jerking the shaft and squeezing out the last few drops of come, and Lex purred loudly.

"WHOA!" CK came in the same instant Kal did, his seed spilling into the latex sheath and threatening to burst through it as his own body tensed up, riding the same wave of orgasm that racked his body with shivers and trembles seconds later. There were moon-shaped indents on Kal's hips from his nails and he cried out softly, giving each little mark a healing kiss.

Kal slumped forward as soon as he felt his beloved other come. Felt him come, felt him jerk, and then he just fell on Lex, unable to keep himself up any longer. He gave a low, quiet sound of pleasure, and a little fear and anxiety, but then more pleasure and happiness, and he shuddered, hard, all over his body as he did so.

Lex wrapped his arms and legs around Kal--and CK, since CK was plastered helplessly to Kal's back--and hugged them both. His purr increased in volume as he knew his mate--mates--were pleasured and sated, and he nuzzled the closest face to him. "Good?"

CK's heart was thumping wildly as he slowly extricated himself from Kal, and then let his limp body plaster against Kal's back. He wound his arms tightly around Kal's waist, stroking over Lex's calves and thighs as they hugged, and gave Kal's neck it's own nuzzle. "Good, Kal?"

He nodded, unable to speak as he rolled them over onto their sides, and trembled as he came down from orgasm. He felt very, very, unspeakably good, and when he finally spoke, it was a low, quiet, tired groan. That neither of them knew his secret made it all the better, and even though he felt like curling up and crying somewhere, the bigger part of him was too tired, and too sated, to move. "Goooooood."

Lex rolled his head and looked straight in Kal's eyes, questioning without words as to what caused the bright shudder of sadness.

"Yay! I did good!" CK did a tired little victory wiggle, but his wiggler was wiggled out.

Kal looked away as soon as Lex looked at him, and instead grinned over his shoulder, as he shuddered and snuggled CK's arms around him. "God you were good. Oh, baby." A long, low purr, as he rubbed back against the wet cock against his back. "Natural at this, you know. So good."

CK gave another wriggle, and then a snuggle. Then his belly rumbled, and he blushed. "We're sticky. And stinky. But I'm hungry!"

"Look out the door," Lex said quietly, with an indulgent smile. "If Dad and Dom are gone, you can go out there and get whatever you want to eat."

A hopeful wiggle. "You got me pepperoni?"

"I sure did," Lex said. "In sticks and slices."

"Meep!!" CK wiggled against Kal. "C'mon, Kal. Let's eat."

"I'm okay, baby." He gave another grin at him, and winked saucily, as he squirmed back again. "Sex makes me sleepy. Go eat. Get some juice too, or something, okay? I'm going to sit here and rest for a while."

CK looked a little distressed. "But Kal..."

Lex gave a little smile. "Don't worry, CK. I'll stay with him. He won't be by himself. Then you can come back in here and after his nap, maybe take a bubble bath."

CK nodded at that. "Okay. You take care of him, Kenep." Little beam as his tummy rumbled again, and he peeked out. Lionel and Dominic were gone, and he scooted out of the bedroom, and into the kitchen, making little "ooo!" noises at all the STUFF that Kenep had bought for him!

Once CK had left the room, Lex just looked down at Kal, without saying a word.

Kal didn't meet the intent eyes, just closing his own and cuddling under the damp sheets, the come on his belly sticky and wet, yet very good. He was just tired, and he kept his eyes closed. If he looked up at his lover, the pain and guilt in his eyes would surely leak through, so he just gave a contented little sigh and rolled onto his belly, snuggling to the nearest pillow.

"Are you going to tell me what's wrong?" Lex asked softly, snuggling down beside Kal and propping his chin on his aushna's shoulder.

Kal's eyes suddenly flew open and he gasped, looking up. "You didn't come! Want me to... I'm so sorry, fuck, I didn't think. Do you want me to get you off?"

Lex shook his head. "Don't worry about it." He stroked Kal's cheek softly. "I'm just glad you and CK did."

"We were going to wait, but we got so hot. He told me he was horny, and then kind of attacked me, and..." Another quiet sigh, and he set his head back down.

"No excuses necessary," Lex answered. "I didn't mean to barge in all jealousy raging like that; I just smelled my aushna's arousal and knew it wasn't because of me. I had to make myself realize what it was so it would die down, and it did." Little strokes to Kal's shoulder and chest as he spoke.

"It was because of you. Because we'd been waiting for you, and we were so hot we couldn't wait for you." He let himself go quiet again, eyes closing quietly as his chin trembled softly.

Lex didn't say anything else, just crawled over Kal so that they were face to face, and brought him in tightly against his chest, hiding the trembling chin against his shoulder.

"I hurt your dad." He whispered softly, into warm skin, even as he closed his eyes and kept himself pressed close.

"He looked fine when Dom and I came in, so I know you didn't hurt him physically," Lex said softly. "I wouldn't worry about it; my father is the master of manipulating, and if he made you think you hurt him, then chances are you didn't."

His chin trembled, harder, and his voice was very small as he spoke. "I looked to see if he had qutenyu with Dominic without telling him I was." Softly, quietly, in horror his lover would shove him away.

"And did he?" Lex asked calmly. Anger and disgust rolled through his heart, but he shoved them both down, and instead kissed Kal's hair softly.

"Yes." Even smaller voice. "Please, forgive me."

"For what? Caring enough about my family to make sure they were aushna' to one another?" Lex let his fingers run through Kal's hair. "No Luthors were harmed in the production of this relationship," he said with a small grin.

"I know you." Kal whispered, quietly, and turned his head the other way, as his body slumped against the sheets. "You only say that because I'll be gone in a few days."

Lex shook his head. "I'm saying it because it's the truth. I admit, I'm a little... disgusted, because come on, Kal, it's my father. And my aushna'. And that's just not right on any number of levels. And I'm slightly angry, that you didn't tell me about it before you did it, so I could have been a little more prepared for it, but no, I'm not angry, and I don't hate you." He kept his fingers carding gently through Kal's hair. "But I understand something, Kal, that I don't think you realize I get. I know you weren't going to my father because you preferred him over me. You were going to make a discovery, a point, and I get that. I'm not angry about that, not at all."

He closed his eyes, tighter, and kept his head turned away as he listened to him. He knew he wasn't intelligent, not by any means, but he'd been trying. And even if it cost Clark and Lionel their friendship, at least now he knew Lionel and Dominic were solid aushna', and that part of him that always nagged would always know. "I'm sorry."

"Don't be sorry," Lex said. "You don't have anything to be sorry for." He tugged gently. "Come on. Look at me, aushna'."

"I don't want to right now." He said quietly, as he rolled up to sitting, letting his feet slide off the bed, his back to Lex. "What food did you bring?"

Lex almost hid the hurt, but didn't, and let it show on his face. "I bought... pretty much everything, actually. There's frozen pizzas, hot pockets, there's frozen dinners, a rotisserie chicken from the deli, five pounds of shaved ham, three of roast beef, two of corned beef, three of provolone cheese, four loaves of baguette bread, mustard, enough greens for a salad, there's pasta of all kinds, there's the little microwavable cups of soup and pasta, and there's about four or five gallons of ice cream."

Kal's chin trembled, hard, when he heard the sadness in his aushna's voice, and the knife that speared at him knowing he'd caused it made him tremble. "Don't be angry with me. Don't be sad. Please, I fucking hate it when you do that."

"I keep telling you, Kal, I'm not angry. Yes, I'm sad. You won't even fucking look at me, no matter how many times I tell you that it's all right. What else do you expect? For me to be thrilled that you can't look at me? I'm sorry."

Kal gave a very low growl in his throat, at the unspoken feelings in Lex's words, and he turned, and glared darkly at him. "Don't say those things to me. I'm looking at you, now, aren't I?" A harder glare.

Lex leaned forward and met the glare head-on with a gentle look of his own. "I won't say them if you'll believe me when I say I'm not angry."

"I'm angry at myself. I should have told you and CK. You just weren't there, and it was the perfect moment." He grunted, and glared down at his lap.

Lex let him turn back around, and reached out to touch his shoulder. "Don't be angry. I'm not. Not really."

"We only have a few days together, Lex. How can you not be angry at me, for almost fucking up with the little time we have left?"

"Because I know you weren't intending to," Lex answered back. "I know you weren't intending to go and fuck my father just for the fun of it--at least, I sincerely hope you weren't." Little smile. "I can't be angry at you for testing their bond."

"He was. He was furious." He'd never tell Lex how Lionel had struck him. Ever. Their bond, so tentative and new, would be ruined. So he stayed quiet for a moment as he thought. "I don't want to fuck him. I find him attractive, yes. But I don't want to have him. You… are aushna'."

Lex's eyes flicked over Kal as he half turned, and he gripped Kal's chin tightly in his hand and turned his cheek.

There was a light tracery of bruising along it, and Lex was... more than a little shocked. "What happened?" he asked, stroking his fingers lightly over it. It couldn't have hurt, because the purpling was light, and would be gone by the end of the day, but the fact that it was there at all made it blaringly obvious to Lex.

Kal's smirk was easy, as his brow rose. "CK got a little... excited." He looked down, pointed at the bruises blossoming on his thighs, his hips, his belly, his cock, and grinned, broadly, wriggling his brows now as he leaned back against Lex. "He's a hot little tamale when he wants to be."

Lex dragged the sheet off Kal's body as he cradled his aushna' against him and ran his fingers over livid bruises. "What... how?" He couldn't believe it, as his hands traced hand-shaped bruises on Kal's hipbones, saw the vivid purpling over his belly and where CK's body had thudded against Kal's with hard strokes. "How?"

"Dunno. But I'm tingly." A very, very pleased purr as Lex's fingers stroked over his skin, and he led Lex's fingers up to the hickey he could feel just under his earlobe. "I know my backs the same, huh? I'm still burning from where he fucked me." A delicious stretch of muscles as he shuddered in pleasure, and watched Lex in case he didn't want to cuddle, even as he snuggled against him.

Lex leaned eagerly into the cuddling even as he explored the bruises. "Tell me if you feel this," Lex asked, angling his head and biting right around the rim of the hickey as sharply as he could.

Kal gave a sharp, gasping groan, as arousal stirred in his belly. His muscles all tightened and he arched back into Lex's bite, purring loudly as he did so. "Fuck yes. Do it again."

Lex did as he was told, biting around it again, sucking before he thought as his fingers slipped over the marks on Kal's chest. "I don't know how this happened," Lex said, moving his mouth to Kal's ear, nipping his earlobe. "But if you let me think long enough I can come up with a theory, I'm sure. If I had to guess? I'd say you lost your powers, and CK has them."

"Yeah? I didn't think about it. Powers are on the back of my head right now." Kal muttered, through his pleasure as he sighed and squirmed back into Lex's hands. Thought for a moment... then turned his head slightly. "You know I was a virgin, don't you."

Lex gave a little nod. "The thought did occur to me, yes. I'm kind of curious, actually, as to how you both are, considering Clark himself definitely... isn't. In any sense of the word." Another little kiss.

"Because I'm a human being apart from Clark. I'm Clark, but I'm not." Kal muttered, even as he shuddered. "It makes sense. I'm a new body, created from an old. Like giving birth, only not. I have only Clark's memories as experience. You know that old saying... innocent of body, not of mind?" Wicked grin back at him. "I take it to whole new levels."

Lex nodded. "I understand." He slid his hands over Kal's shoulders and wrapped him close, then had to stifle a giggle at the smirk. "God, yes you do. You are the most dirty mind I have ever met--outside of my own--and I'm actually... glad." He rubbed his hands over Kal's sticky belly. "You want to bring CK in here and have a bath? Tub's big enough for the both of you, and I'll fix something for you and I while you're soaking."

Kal smiled back at Lex for a moment, even as he threaded one of Lex's hands through his, and set it on his belly. "I don't know if I do. Much, anyway. No matter what my head said, I couldn't get hard without CK here. He couldn't, either, not without me near him."

Lex squeezed Kal's fingers gently. "It's all right; I'm not upset about that. That's why I said for you and CK. I figured you'd both need to clean up, after this last round anyway, and since he's been fed, I need to feed you and me both." Gentle nuzzle to Kal's neck, soft and loving.

"What? Dude, I'm not fucking saying no to sex." Kal brought their intertwined fingers down to his hard cock. "I'm saying that I couldn't get hard before when CK wasn't around. I can't explain it dude, but there it is. But hey, bath sounds good. With bubbles. Can that hot tub fit us three?"

Lex squeezed Kal's cock gently, but not hard enough to send the erection away. "If you want me to take care of that, I can," he offered with a little smile. "Or you can wait for CK." He kissed Kal's throat gently. "I don't know if it can fit three people; I've never tried it before, but it should, if you don't mind being a little... cramped."

"Babe, cramped is definitely my style." Kal smiled, shook his hand away, and turned to give a long, deep, soft kiss to his beautiful aushna', his eyes dancing, his bruises shining dark on his skin. "I love you."

Lex returned the kiss as deeply as he could, his fingers sliding gently, comfortingly over the marks on his skin. "I love you, Kal." Softly spoken in a beautiful ear. "You are my aushna', even as CK is." Another kiss, this time to the bruise on the side of Kal's face. "Did my father hit you?"

The question, if it took him by surprise, he didn't show it at all, just shaking his head. "No, he didn't, aushna'. He was just angry at me, is all. He was mighty pissed when you and Dom came up, wasn't he?"

"I don't remember CK hitting you, is all," Lex said quietly, but let it drop. "He was actually... not upset. He was sitting on the couch, reading the newspaper as though he didn't hear you and CK screaming in the other room."

Kal smirked, then, and sat back up, as he offered his fingers to Lex to stand with him. "Bastard that he is. He's so great. Come on... you go fetch CK, and I'll get the bath started."

Lex slid across the bed to stand up with Kal, and squeezed his fingers as he brought Kal's arm around his waist. "I'll bring him. Food in tow, as I'm sure he's still eating." Little grin. "I have a fear of walking out there and seeing him with two gallons of ice cream open, one on either side, alternating between ice cream, pizza, and cola."

He walked out of the bedroom after another hug, and his jaw dropped. "CK!!!"

"But I was hungry!!"


go on to the next part