
The Memoirs

Smallville fanfic by Kel and Diana

Chapter 247: Unique Therapy

"Somebooody once told me the world is gonnnaaa owe me. I ain't the sharpest tool in the shed. She was looking kinda dumb with her finger and her thumb in the shape of an L on her foooreeehheeead."

Or so Dominic was humming.

Trying to.

As he sucked on his lovers neck.

He'd had the song stuck in his head since his niece had come in, tapping in her white shoes with poor, poor Mr. Bun Bun caught under her arm, shaking her tushie and singing it on her unca's lap. Of course, Dominic now had the damn song stuck in his damn head, and he had hummed it against his handsome lovers neck until he'd realized Lionel wasn't having his normal responses, and stopped.

So they stood there, waiting for the elevator to take them to the third floor, and hummed to himself, hands grasped loosely in front of him.

Lionel was warring slightly with several things, the least of them being the fact that his son's... well, husband, for all intents and lack of legality, had tried to have sex with him this morning. He had no idea what the alien word Kal had told him meant, but he was guessing it was something to do with love and/or honor, but his preoccupation with what had happened that morning was keeping him from reacting to his lover.

When Dominic stopped, Lionel leaned over and kissed his mouth softly, and tipped his face up to meet his eyes. "It's not you, Dominic, believe me," he said softly.

Dominic's grin was soft, as he looked up from his blond lashes at his handsome lover. "Of course. Though I do understand darling, so don't feel like I don't, my love." he hummed it as the doors opened, and he stepped out, waiting for his husband to follow suit, before leading the way to the doctors office. Waved at Julie at the front desk as she waved them past herself, and stopped in front of Dr. Ma'am's office with a little bit of trepidation. "She's going to make us realize we're angry schizos today or some such, you realize."

Lionel gave a laugh. "I'd say not; I think we're rather well-adjusted, don't you think?"

Elaine overheard the amateur diagnosis outside her office. "Well, look who went and got himself a psychology degree. Come on in, guys, the door's open."

"Of course I think." Dominic grinned as he pushed the door open, then, and offered his lover to step in first in front oh him as he offered the door. "Hullo, ma'am Elaine dear."

"Welcome to my office, Mr. Dominic," she said with a grin. "Pull up a couch; I got all day." She gestured. "And a brand new tape recorder, plus?" She held up a little plastic six-pack of tapes. "Tapes galore."

Lionel rolled his eyes as he came into the office. "You might try sounding a little less thrilled about your patients' problems, doctor. I'm sure they would open up to you faster if they didn't think you enjoyed their suffering."

Dominic grinned at her, brightly, even as he tugged his jacket off and hung it up on its regular place on the coat wrack, and motioned for Lionel's, waiting for him to hand it over. "And how are you, ma'am Elaine? you look rested."

Lionel passed his jacket over, and then pushed his lover to the chairs. "Sit, Dominic, you're going to worry the carpet into a knot."

"I'm not gleeful. I'm just prepared, and with you two? I am prepared for anything," she said, with a great deal of relish. "Can I help it that I get no small bit of amusement out of the fact that you're always in a perpetual pissy mood when you come here?"

"Myself or my husband?" Dominic asked, mockly shocked as he hung Lionel's coat up and winked at him. He plunked down into his usual chair and got comfortable, shifting himself until he was cozy in the chair, even as he offered his hand to her. "Darling, he's in a perpetual pissy mood wherever he goes. its a part of his roguish charm, indeed."

"Charm my high-heeled foot." She leaned back in her chair, and clicked the tape recorder on. "I have to say, you've both gained weight. Dominic, I don't think I've seen you look this healthy in a decade."

"I'll take that as a compliment." He grinned at her, with a raised brow. "It's Lionel who looks stunning. His face filled out a bit, didn't it? God, he's so absolutely delicious." Wicked grin across at him, even as he took his fingers in his own gently.

Elaine raked an appraising eye over Lionel. His eyes were slightly pinched together at the corners, mouth tightly quirked into the supercilious smile, and shoulders held surprisingly tight. "He looks like someone shoved a lemon up his ass and told him to suck on it," she said frankly.

Dominic's mouth dropped, and he bit his lip, tightly, to choke off the laugh that bubbled in his throat. "He does not. My poor husband. he's had a rough morning, as it were. A rough week. Though things haven't been all that bad, indeed."

Lionel just growled, deeply in his throat at that. "Madam, I would prefer you keep your comments to yourself and focus solely on the reason we are here."

Elaine sniffed. "Somebody's going all high and mighty on us, Dom." She turned her attention to him. "What's his damage, anyway?"

"I don't really know." Dominic sideglanced him, but the amusement slid away. "He wasn't happy when we got back. I think he traded words with Lex's boyfriend, but we're not quite certain." A light shrug. "This week hasn't been as wonderful as we might have imagined, in any case."

Elaine turned an eagle eye onto Lionel. "And I don't suppose his royal assyness would like to let us piss-ants in on the situation?"

"Not at the moment," Lionel bit out sharply. "Suffice it to say that Lex's young man and I are not on the best of terms right now, and let's do leave it at that, shall we?"

"Your whine is my command," Elaine said lightly.

Dominic smiled, but only a little, as he gently squeezed Lionel's hand, and kept his attention on Elaine. "I missed seeing you, ma'am Elaine."

Elaine grinned. "You never call, you never write... seriously? What's up with this? Lionel tells me you're back to having nightmares again? And sleepwalking?"

Lionel squeezed Dominic's fingers tightly in his own, keeping their hands linked together.

Dominic smiled, but only a little bit, as his eyes fell to the hands clasped on Lionel's chair arm. "Yes, I have. The bony bitch woman, again."

Elaine nodded, and picked up one of her pads to take notes. "I need you to tell me about them. Take your time, but you know that I need details, as many as you can remember."

He nodded, almost silently, and heaved a quiet sigh. "I went to the doctor about them already, by the by. Had a scan of my head... I've got some swelling, from when Graham decided to use my poor, old, frail body as a punching bag. But, alas. Its the bitch woman again, the one from before. Only she guts me, and everyone I love. So far, its been Lionel, Toni, and Graham."

She mmmd. "Before you leave, I'm going to need you to sign a HIPPA form and a release form, so I can get a look at those records and have a meeting with your doctor, but I can get that information from you later. Right now, I'd like you to tell me everything else that you can."

He nodded again, and then sighed deeply as he shifted uncomfortably. He hated going back and thinking about the goddamn dreams again, but if she wanted, she got. "It started out with her hunting me. I could feel the hair on the back of my neck prickle...I could almost feel her breath on my skin. She stabbed me, out of the blue, caught me in her snare and murdered me. The next time, it was on the plane. I was in the cockpit, talking to the pilot, and when I walked back to the bedroom in the back, she was killing Lionel. She chased me into the plane, tried to stab me… failed. Cut the plane open and pushed me out." A little quiet shudder at that. "The third time she gutted Toni and Graham, then chased me through dark woods."

"Mmm." Elaine scribbled down her notes as the tape recorder reeled off, recording everything Dominic said for her to listen to later. "Who, or what, do you think this woman represents?"

"I don't know, really." But then he stopped...and grinned. "If you say my mother, I might have to bury you under the house too, ducks."

"No, I don't think it's your mother," she said idly. "But it might be, you never know. Do you think your mother hates you enough to kill you, your husband, the woman carrying your child, and her eldest son?"

"No." Dominic shook his head. "Just my husband." But he just sort of sagged, as he looked at Lionel for a moment. "I don't know who she represents. But the nightmares have gotten steadily worse. I haven't had the chance to, since the hospital stay--" he cut himself off. "Do you know they stuck a bloody fucking needle up my back?"

"I'd assume you're referring to a spinal tap?" She snorted. "It's the only procedure I know of where they do that."

But Lionel leaned forward. "Haven't had a chance to do what since the hospital stay?"

"Bleeding. Christ. It was the worst thing I've ever endured. Toni insisted on it, the buggering bitch." Dominic made a face before he sideglanced Lionel. "What? Oh, I was going to say, I haven't had a chance to dream since the hospital stay, with this bloody headache."

"And how do you know she buggers? Been eavesdropping on her private life?" Elaine gave a smile. "If the caffeine isn't helping, then you need to call your PCP and tell him or her that, because it might mean something serious. Though, depending on the severity of the swelling, it might be just intra-cranial pressure." Tap of her pen against the pad.

"Thank you, Elaine." Dominic dead panned, with a glare. "Now, instead of dreaming about a woman chasing me with a scythe, I'll just have delightful nightmares about my head exploding. Honestly. Thank you."

She smirked. "That's what I'm here for." Then she got serious again. "The nightmares. How do you feel when you're inside them, can you tell me that?"

"Like the terror and panic are going to eat me alive." He didn't have to wait to speak. "Like its going to crawl out of me as a sentient thing. I'm so scared in these dreams that I can't speak, I can't think, I can't do anything but stare at her. And its only at the last moment, when its too late, do I flee. I run as hard as I possibly can."

"That's interesting," Elaine said thoughtfully, nibbling the cap of the pen. "You're terrified of her, and yet, you're not afraid to face her."

He made a face at her, though it was mostly for show. "I'm not a coward, after all."

"No, you're not. I'm just surprised, that's all. Usually in most cases, people are afraid of whatever the terror figure in their nightmare represents, and are therefore unable to face it. Whatever you're afraid of, it has to be something that, in reality, you've accepted despite your fear of it."

"I've faced true monsters, you know. In our line of work, its hard not to. I've also faced great wonders, ma'am Elaine, and I know that there are both in this world. Monsters, bitch women who need a Mars Bar? Not very scary. I'm more scared of her blade than anything else. Its wicked, sharp and jagged."

"Really? It's always the same blade, is it?"

He nodded. "A scythe. With a hooked edge, and sharp, jagged thingies on it that tear and shred when they come down. She's also got a knife."

Elaine scribbled down the description of the blade, and drew a quick sketch of it to boot. "Since you're not afraid of the woman but the blade, then it's the blade we've got to concentrate on," she said, tapping the cap of the pen against her teeth again.

"It probably just means I'm afraid of death, and of death from a source I can't control. Which isn't news." Dominic nodded, as he leaned back in the chair and shifted comfortably. "I'd say I need Jesus, but Jesus wrote me an I O U and never got back to me."

"Actually, the more you tell me, the more I'm convinced that this woman is a mere extension of whatever is causing these nightmares, and it's the blade itself that's the actual horror." She doodled on the side of her pad, not paying attention to Lionel as he glowered. "Do stop glaring; I'm doing my job, Mr. Luthor." Then back to Dominic. "Faith is a good thing, Dominic, but don't let the lack of it be a roadblock in your life. There are more--and less--important things that should be dealt with first."

"I've faith." Dominic said, as he tipped his head, and didn't say anything else on the subject. He and Elaine had never gotten into faith but for one time, when he'd screamed at her for an hour on end, for even insinuating there was no God. Which had been nearly twelve years ago, though the afternoon was still thick in his mind as he listened to her. "What do you think might be causing them, ma'am Elaine?"

"I honestly don't know, Dominic. I'm going to have to talk to you a lot more before I can offer you anything other than a wild guess pulled right out of my ass."

He rubbed his face for a long moment, and closed his eyes for a second, as he lay his head on Lionel's shoulder. "I'm bloody tired of doctors. Not to offend, miss."

"No offense taken, I'm not a doctor. I'm a psychologist, which is close but no cigar." She capped her pen. "Why don't you tell me how your vacation went?"

Much better subject, and he smiled a little. "Good. We had a lot of s--" His eyes widened. "Fun. Lots of fun. My family was overbearing, my Gran tried to steal my husband, we shopped. I brought home a sea chest with me that's sitting in my bedroom right now, untouched, as work has been a bitch since we got back. But all in all... a relaxing vacation."

"Had a lot of sex? Good. Good for your ego and his heart," she said again, with entirely too much relish. "Lionel! Hi! You've been awfully quiet. Anything you'd like to share with the class?"


Dominic kept his head on his lovers shoulder for just a moment, before looking up, and gently squeezing Lionel's fingers. "We had a good time, indeed, ma'am Elaine. Lots of… yes. Sex. Lots of buying things and eating, as you can tell."

Lionel looked down at their clasped hands. If Dominic could share, so could he.

"Lex resigned from the plant and handed the position over to someone else. Ordinarily that would be a good thing, however, he neglected to tell me about it. I'm actually quite angry. I opposed the resignation, however I was outvoted."

"Do you think he can't do the job?" Elaine asked.

"Actually, no. I think he's supremely capable of running LexCorp, which is what he is doing."

"If he can do the job, and you'd ordinarily be happy for him, then what's the deal?"

"He's abandoning LuthorCorp," he said softly.

"You mean he's abandoning you," she clarified, cutting through the shit.


Dominic, during times like these, often offered his own advice, as he knew his lover more than Elaine did and knew how his mind worked. However, this time he simply squeezed Lionel's hand as gently as he could and let Elaine do her magic.

"Okay, let me get this straight," Elaine said. "Your son is basically doing what you've raised him to do--run a business--and you're pissy about it because you haven't resolved your abandonment issues?"

A little growl from Lionel was his only answer.

"I'll take that as Yes, Elaine, you're correct." She snorted. "Boy, I should have been working with you years ago, and I'm going to work with a new therapy I've been reading about in the journals." She picked up a rolled up magazine and thumped Lionel upside the head. "Get your head out of your ass. Lex is twenty three years old, if I do my math correctly." Another thump. "That means he's an adult. Let him be an adult." She settled back in her chair. "There. Did that help?"

Dominic bit his lip, tightly, looking at his husband, then at Elaine. She knew how Elaine worked, and he knew she did the things she did for a reason. She treated him very gently because his heart couldn't take it. But Lionel didn't work with gentle, and a thump was often what he needed. So he just winced, and tried not to get burned by his husbands glare he was sure was melting Elaine into a puddle behind the desk.

Elaine was thrilled to be ignoring the glare from Lionel, which if she had been heeding it, would have burned right through her. "Feel better now that we've got that out in the open?"

"If you hit me with that magazine one more time, I will report you. I am not an errant dog who cannot keep control of his bladder. I am a gentleman and I expect to be treated as such."

"Ah-hah!" Elaine hah'ed. "You want to be treated like an adult gentleman, but you're not willing to afford your son the same treatment! Lionel... is he moving to Buttfuck North Dakota?"


"Is he moving to Metropolis?"

"Not at this point, no."

"Is he even moving out of the damn house?"


"Okay, so... how, exactly, is he abandoning you? Cause I don't get it."

Dominic sideglanced his husband, then Elaine, this his husband, wincing again as he squeezed Lionel's fingers gently, to help him get through this without committing homicide. He hoped his touches and squeezes helped, because they were meant to after all, and he gently ran his thumb over the back of Lionel's hand gently, as he pressed a gentle kiss to their clasped fingers.

They were helping, if for no other reason than keeping him in his seat so as not to strangle the woman sitting behind the desk. "Lex is leaving LuthorCorp, the business that has been in the Luthor family for several generations now, including my own, and that has been built up over my lifetime for his--and Aurora's--specific inheritance."

"Man, I feel sorry for Aurora. You already got her life planned out for her." Low little whistle. "I'll reserve the next twenty years of therapy sessions for her."

"Madam, you are treading on quite thin ice," he said darkly. "Do not speak of my daughter in such a way."

"Just pointing out," is all she said, and then she looked at Dominic. "Hey, Dominic? You know everything--what's LexCorp's status?"

Dominic was flinching with each passed garb between them, and he cracked an eye open at Elaine finally. "LexCorp? Its quite good, actua--..." Another withering wince, this time from Lionel. "Its doing well."

"Aha, and isn't it still part of LuthorCorp? I remember..." She turned back to her filing cabinet and dug out the notes from past sessions, flipping through until she found the transcript where Dominic had told her that Lex had merged LexCorp with them, during the move to Smallville. "...ah. Here we go. I thought I remembered this. Dominic, you told me that Lex merged LexCorp with LuthorCorp, am I right?"

Another wince. "Yes, ma'am. its to remain so for the foreseeable future. Until Lionel decides to let it go, in any case, as it would be his decision to cut the merger off. Should he find it prudent. Of course."

Back to Lionel, and ooh, wasn't she having fun? God, she was getting too much joy out of needling Lionel Luthor. "And have you terminated the merger?"

"Of course not." His tone implied the rest of the sentence, you ignorant cow.

"Okay then! I'm really confused, because I really don't see the abandonment here." She scratched her head.

Dominic was flinching with each word. Lose his breakfast? Quite probable. "Ah… should I go sit outside? I'd rather not be caught in the crossfire when Lionel's head explodes."

"Abandon me in my moment of need so that Lionel can kill me with no witnesses? I think I'm safer with you here, Dominic." Elaine grinned. "Besides, if it does explode, I'll need help putting the brain back in and the skull back together."

Lionel was growling. "My head is not going to explode. Remain right where are you, Dominic. Doctor, this does nothing but remind me why I ceased to visit you in the first place."

"It rather is a pretty brain. I enjoy it so. Quite intelligent, you know." Dominic winced at his lover again, then as brave as he was, reached up and kissed his cheek. "Lucky you've got me, love. She's good for you."

Lionel gave his darling husband a withering glare, and then turned it on the therapist. "You are implying that I have no reason to be upset?"

A bright, bright beaming grin. "He can be taught!"

Dominic flinched, choked down the laugh, and set his face against Lionel's shoulder for a moment to hide it, even if his shoulders shook. "Elaine, you perfect bitch."

"Yes, I am, and I'm proud of it." She grinned again, then put her chin on her hand as she looked at Lionel expectantly.

Lionel heaved a put-upon sigh. "I am more upset that Lex has made these decisions without consulting me."

"Inconsiderate bastard." She smirked. "Kind of like you didn't consult him when you sent him to Smallville?"

Dominic glanced up. "One moment, I might like to add, that Lex didn't consult with anyone but me, and that was because he was in a right emotional state at the time. He surely regretted it later, I'm sure. Said he wasn't happy. I didn't expect him to quit without a word to Lionel, though."

"I'm assuming you and Lex consulted on this before he and Clark had their reconciliation?"

"During it."

"Mmm." Lionel didn't say anything else.

"So, to recap, Lex isn't really abandoning you, just being an inconsiderate ass by not running his life's plan by you first, which you're just as guilty of as he is so I'm gathering it's a Luthor trait."

"What a pair." Dominic sighed, quietly. "Living with them is an interesting venture, Ms. Elaine."

"One which you actually deserve a medal for surviving," Elaine said softly, waiting for Lionel's response.

Lionel growled. "I will... apologize to Lex when we get home."

"Its actually quite a bit of fun. Ms. Bird enjoys it." Dominic said distractedly, even as he smiled at his lover. "And I'm sure he'll apologize to you for being an insensitive ass."

"I will not be holding my breath," Lionel grunted.

Elaine just beamed. "I'm so proud." She turned back to Dominic. "Tell me how you got fattened up, Dom."

"Gran." A solid nod. That's all that needed saying. "My Granny decided that we were too skinny. She fixed it up. Can you tell too much?" He made a face.

"No, it actually looks good on both of you." She smiled. "Seems like you two had a fun vacation; it was what you needed, by the sound of it."

"We had a good time. What with the sex." Dominic teased her, but he smiled anyway, as he looked at his husband. "it was a much needed diversion. I know Lionel feels better."

"And what about you? Do you feel better? Less stressed?"

He smiled a little, and shook his head. "Not particularly."

"Let me guess. You need a vacation from the vacation?" Sympathetic glance. "Family getting to you?"

"A bit." He nodded. "My brother. Grating on both my nerves and Lionel's, I'm sure. My family was wonderful, but I miss my Gran something fierce. And then this whole business with my head."

"I could close my public practice down, treat you two and your extended family, and not lose a bit of my income," she said dryly. "Graham, is it? Still having issues about the baby?"

Dominic grinned at that. "You could, indeed. God knows there's more than enough of us to go around." A shift. "He's having issues with everything. I don't bloody know what his problem is anymore. Threw me out of his house the other day by the ear, after I'd come by to see Toni."

Elaine leaned forward and just grinned. "Here's my advice, and it's free of charge--won't even put it on the bill. Ignore him."

"I have. Its only pissed him off worse. Which, on the upside," He added with a smirk. "Is oddly amusing. But alas." He shook a hand at her. "I'll live."

"Yes, you will, but you've told me before how much he means to you." She sighed. "I'll work on a solution for you. Meantime, what else is happening in your lives?"

"Nothing, really." he looked at Lionel. "LuthorCorp is back up to high numbers, Charlie and his girlfriend are having regular sex on my couch, my sisters are well. Lex and Clark have.... ah. Been having some difficulties, indeed, but I'm sure they'll be fine."

She tapped her pen against her pad. "I tell you again, you're more than welcome to send them to me if you think that it'd help; I'm more than willing to work them into my clientele."

"I know." He thought for a moment. "They have… very unique problems, Ma'am Elaine."

"Well, Mr. Dominic, I specialize in unique problems. Just don't forget I'm here if they decide to pursue counseling." She slid an extra card across the desk to him.

"Thank you." He had no doubt Lex and Clark would never come to her, but he took the card anyway, with a light smile. "I'll pass it on to them, ma'am Elaine." He shifted his eyes up to Lionel, and mouthed quietly, Jor?, as if to ask if they should talk to her about him, and trusted Lionel to tell a good story.

Lionel gave a little nod. "The main thing that's been concerning Dominic and me is the arrival of Clark's biological father. He was adopted by his family nearly... well, in 1989. That's nearly fifteen years now. However, lately Clark's been interested in finding his biological parents, and during the vacation in Ireland, Lex's private detectives notified them that he'd been found. Jordan Elliot is the man's name, I believe, and it's already caused a little friction in our home. Clark... seems to regard Dominic and myself as father figures, and Jordan seems... a little uncomfortable with that. He believes that he should be accorded automatic respect as Clark's father, despite the fact he has not--though with good reason--been part of the young man's life."

Dominic nodded, filing the story away in case it should come up once again. "He's a nice man, a good person, and has honestly found joy in having Clark close to him. They've become good friends in a short amount of time, but...trusting him is an entire other can of worms."

Elaine nodded. "That's not a new story, by any means. Many adoptive parents seem to think that simply because they're related to their child by blood, they have a right to speak in their lives, and I personally don't believe that's the case. They should earn that right, as they were the ones who chose, for whatever reason, to allow their child to be raised by others. But again, I point out that this is only my personal opinion. The best thing, in this situation, that I can recommend is that you sit down with Mr. Elliot, just the three of you, and talk frankly. You're three adults, and you should be able to make him understand that you are part of Clark's life, and that you are in no way trying to exclude him, but that it is going to take time for him to fit in."

"It makes sense, doesn't it? Its just a bit complicated, though I'm not at liberty to say what." He nodded, and shifted. "You're a good doctor, Elaine. I thank you for the things you've done for Dominic and myself."

She gave a little nod. "I understand you're not at liberty to disclose everything, but the more I know about the situation, the more I'm able to advise you on it." Then she smiled. "You're welcome, both of you. It's what I'm here for; to help you both deal with your demons and become healthier individuals because of it. My... methods might be a little unorthodox, but I believe they're sound."

Dominic pinched Lionel's thigh before he said anything, just smiling at her. "Thank you, ma'am Elaine. We'll leave you to your other patients, if Lionel has nothing else to talk about?"

Lionel muffled the yelp from the vicious pinch on his thigh, and glared at his lover. "No, I believe that we've covered everything," he panted out between gritted teeth. "Dominic, do remove your claws from my flesh this moment."

"They're not in your flesh." Dominic answered mildly, as he offered his free hand to Elaine. "We'll see you again week after next, correct? The day after the wedding?"

She held out her hand and shook his warmly. "That's right. I've got a whole Tuesday cleared for you." Wicked little grin. "I'm sorry we'll miss next week's sessions, but I'll be in Philadelphia at a conference. You have my cell phone, in case of an emergency?"

"Of course. I'll leave an email and tell you how everything goes with my swollen head." A little innocent grin at that, but he squeezed her hand gently with both of his, and smiled. "You're to take care, mm?"

"Of course I will. If you have any further nightmares while I'm gone, write down everything you can about them, so you can tell me when I get back, all right?" Hard little glare, that she didn't mean.

"I will. I promise. I also solemnly swear to tell you everything that happened at the wedding, down to the theatrics. I'm sure there's going to be at least two women bursting into tears at odd moments, you know."

"Oh, of course." A grin. "And if you catch the bouquet, I'm going to give you hell about it." She came around the desk and hugged him then.

Dominic hugged her back, tightly, and gave another bright grin as he let her go, and got his and Lionel's coats.

"Lionel, I trust that you're not too angry with me?" Little innocent bat of her eyes.

"Not so much so that it will keep me from coming back." He stiffly shook her hand. "Doctor."

"I'm going to keep you on the Effexor for another month, and then I'm going to have just a session with you to evaluate it. All right?"

He nodded. "I will fit your appointment into my calendar."

Dominic pinched his lover again, hard, as he helped him into his coat, tapping his shoulder to glare up at him in warning, as if to say, You'll find a way to fit it. "Hopefully, by the time you get back, we'll have the first ultrasounds to show you, as well." He smiled it, at her. "Toni's going to go get them a few days before you return, love."

"Dominic, if you pinch me one more time, I am going to break your fingers!" he growled. "I told the doctor that I will fit it in and I shall!"

"You'll fit it in as soon as we get home." Dominic warned in a low voice, as he helped his lover put his jacket on his shoulders, before he tugged his own on.

"No, I will fit it in as soon as the doctor calls me with it!" Lionel jerked his jacket out of Dominic's hands and pulled it on himself. "Do not pinch me again!"

Dominic's lips twitched. "Alright, darling. Let us go, shall we?" He leaned forward and gave Elaine a cheek to cheek kiss. "Good evening, darling."

Elaine was chortling her ass off as she gave Dominic a kiss. "I'll see you in a couple weeks, Dominic. Don't... don't kill him, okay? You really don't have the temprament for jail, all right?"

"No, just the ass." Dominic winked at her, snickering as he opened her office door, and offered it to Lionel to go first.

Lionel glared at them both, and sniffed as he stepped regally out of the doctor's office, and started down the hallway.

Dominic grinned at Elaine, waved, and stepped out as well, closing the door behind him and catching up with his lover after a moment. He waved good afternoon to Julie and caught up to his husband, not saying a word as they stopped in front of the elevator.

"I am going to have bruises from where you pinched me," Lionel accused.

"They'll match the ones I'm going to give you as soon as we're alone." Dominic answered mildly.

Lionel's expression became a little troubled. "Dominic... we need to talk."

"You know," just as mildly. "Every time you've said that, we haven't both left with heart ache. Is it serious?"

"Not as serious as the other talks have been. But yes, we need to."

He sighed, quietly, as the elevator opened in front of them. "Where, then?"

"Somewhere private, that isn't the penthouse," Lionel said.

"My flat, then?"

He nodded. "Yes. That'd be the best place. And it's not far; do you want to walk, or call for the car again?"

"We can walk, love, the afternoon has turned out to be mild." The good humor Dominic had been in had vanished, and worry was a gnawing ache in his gut. He didn't say a word, however, as the elevator opened, and he held it open for Lionel even as he himself stepped out. His knees shook a little, his belly roiled, and he was positive it had been from the dumb elevator ride, and not absolute fear. "Are you angry with me for something?"

"No. it's not you. It's about... Clark's current state of being." Little pause as he tried to figure out how to say it, and settled on state of being.

Low snort. "Which one?"

He opened the door of the building as well, breathing in the quiet morning air, and drove his fingers into his pockets as he waited for Lionel to follow, then looped his arm through his lovers gently and hugged him in close.

Lionel returned the hug. "The arrogant bastard one."

Dominic squeezed, gently, then slid his fingers over Lionel's elbow and kept him close, as they began to walk together up the street. "The sexy one. What all did he do?"

Lionel paused, looking around at the streets around them, littered with people going about the beginnings of their day. "Before I tell you that, it's important for you to know that I did not succumb."

Dominic's eyes widened, and one eyebrow rose. "Succumb to what?"

"His attempt to seduce me."

"He tried to seduce you?" Dominic's eyebrows rose up even further. "Really? How was it?"

Lionel just glared. "Unpleasant."

"I doubt that. He tried to seduce you? Honestly? That's what this is about?" Dominic didn't dare laugh, but he bit his lip tightly, and gave his lover a gentle squeeze against the arm pressed to his, and kissed his jaw. "My husband, you are always troubling me about one thing or another. Its part of your charm. But the one thing you are not, in any sense of the word, is a cheater. I know you'll never cheat on me, just as you know Id rather die than cheat on you." He grinned up at him. "I'm proud of you. Clark... the... sexy one anyway… is quite unbelievably gorgeous. Lionel... you're married. Not dead. Darling, its quite alright. You should be flattered."

Lionel was infinitely relieved, despite the confidence he'd had when telling Kal that Dominic would believe him. "I would never cheat on you; he said it was a test of some kind, to make sure that we had... honor? Love? Devotion? Something of that nature, in the least, between us." He stroked his hand over the back of Dominic's. "My body did have a physical reaction, but I didn't."

"That's alright, my love." Dominic grinned up at him. "You passed. Feel proud, after all. I know you'd never cheat on me, down to the quick of my heart. You believe it of me as well, correct?"

"I know it of you. More than I know anything else, I know that you wouldn't betray me like that. Ever." He smiled, and gave his husband a quick kiss.

"Good. Is that what's been bothering you, then, this whole time?" A dramatic sigh, as he dug in his pocket for his keys. "Honestly, darling."

"Yes, it is." Lionel gave another relieved sigh as they approached Dominic's building.

"Well, don't you worry yourself too much about it." He grinned and squeezed Lionel's elbow gently, giving him a crooked grin upwards. In truth, he was very mildly upset, but it wasn't directed at his husband, of course. That he'd said no, to Clark, spoke very much about Dominic himself, and he puffed up a bit in pride at that, unable to help it.

Lionel squeezed Dominic's elbow back, and gave him a little grin in return. "It was easy to say no to him," Lionel said softly. "All I had to do was remember you."

Another pride filled grin. "Really now?"

He nodded. "Really. Of course, it didn't help matters that we had been making out beforehand, but nonetheless, it was easy. I just had to remember how much I loved you, and nothing else was possible."

"Tell me something." An amused little glance upwards, as he opened the apartment door, hugging his husbands arm to his side. "If I hadn't been in the picture, would you have...?"

"Define in the picture," Lionel asked.

"Your husband." Dominic was still grinning, teasing his lover deliciously as he entered the lobby, and walked backwards, taking his lovers hands in his. "What would you have done?"

"If you were not my husband, and Clark were not my son's fiancé, if neither of us had ties to other people and we were both interested, then I don't suppose I would have stopped him."

Dominic grinned, even broader. "Good answer." And he winced as he bumped into someone. He turned, to wince... then glared. Deeply. "Shayla Senatori. Pete." He'd completely forgotten she'd be using his flat today, and he glared down at her, then at Pete, as he slid sideways to slide his fingers over his husbands elbow again. "I thought you'd both would be arriving later?"

Pete grinned, crookedly, and waved a few fingers as he hitched his bag up higher on his shoulder. "Hey, Mr. Luthor. Mr. Luthor. Thanks again for letting us use the place... but hey, if you guys need it, we can--..." He motioned a hand to Shay's car, parked on the curb.

"Actually, no, we can't. Because we have to get ready, get dressed, have a last quick practice, and then leave, and if they wanna fuck, they can go somewhere else to do it. Like, say, Lionel's apartment. And by the way, blow me, bro, I told you we'd be here early, but oh no, don't believe your kid sister." Shayla's hands were on her hips and she was glaring at her brother.

Lionel just sighed. "Remind me to never have your sister baby-sit our daughter."

Dominic's glare dissolved into a grin, as he let go of Lionel to hug her tightly, and kiss her hair. "I love you darling. I'm so proud of you for doing this… Lionel and I will be there, front row, tonight. Alright?" Then a slight wince. "As for Lionel's apartment, its being occupied. Don't worry, we'll find a good quiet corner somewhere to neck. Pete, you do my sister proud, you hear me?"

Pete thanked Jesus for his dark skin. The blush that lit him couldn't be seen too well, after all. "Sure. Thanks, Mr. Sena--I mean, Luthor."

"Front row?" she asked suspiciously, glaring from brother, to brother-in-law, to lover. "What's this front row shit?"

Pete's eyes suddenly went wide as saucers. "Erm. He means...first row. In the… the..." He swallowed, and shrank back from his girlfriend a step.

"Didn't tell her. That was smart, Pete."

"I… I thought so too." Pete winced at Dominic as Dominic winced back, and looked at his girlfriend with a terrified look. "Erm… baby... so... there's some stuff I haven't... told... you."

"Didn't... tell... me?" She focused her attention on her boyfriend and stalked forward. "What didn't you tell me?" she shrieked.

Lionel caught Dominic's elbow, and then the cuff of his jacket. "Perhaps we should remove ourselves from the incendiary zone?"

"Uh... baby... there's gonna be... people there."

"Too late." Dominic sighed, as he grasped his sister around the middle before she went ballistic in front of Penny the security guard, and hauled her towards the elevators.

"PEOPLE!!!!! WHAT THE HELL DO YOU MEAN PEOPLE ARE GOING TO BE THERE?" Dominic had her firmly around the waist and was dragging her back to the elevators, and her torso was straining over his arm trying to get within swinging distance of her boyfriend.

Lionel winced at the ear-piercing shriek. "Perhaps we should take the next car up?"

"Please do so." Dominic reeled her in, as she weighed all of eighty pounds after all, though it was a struggle to keep upwards as she swung around.

Pete stayed firmly behind Lionel, wincing at each ear piercing wail as he kept their bag firmly on his shoulder. "People, baby. Four hundred of them. They're gonna watch us… but it'll be dark. You'll never be able to see them."

"Not the right thing to say, boyo." Dominic flinched at him, as he kept Shayla's arms locked against her sides.

"FOUR HUNDRED PEOPLE?" she shrieked it again as she lunged for her boyfriend. "I AM GOING TO KILL YOU, PETER ISAAC ROSS!!" She was trying to break out of Dominic's grip to go and strangle her boyfriend, but he tossed her into elevator first.

As soon as the doors closed, and she started hyperventilating. "FOUR HUNDRED PEOPLE, MORGAN!!!!!!!"

"Yes, well, I must say, that family does know how to create a scene." Lionel pressed the button on the elevator again, waiting to summon it back. "Do not take offense if I wish you good luck, not at the competition but at surviving until then."

Pete winced at him, even as he looked sheepishly thankful at getting another elevator. "Yeah, you're telling me. I'm a year or two away from marrying into it, too. Its mortifying."

"Do shut up, ignorant girl!" Dominic growled, as he pushed the third floor. "Who did you think was going to be there? Santa Clause?"

"It's not nearly so bad once you get them isolated away from the other members; it's only when they get in each other's company that they tend to revert," Lionel said dryly. "Trust the voice of experience."

"You!! The judges! Big Daddy and Lex, cause it's their hall! Clark, cause he's Lex's boy-toy, Chloe and Whit cause they're INVITED! Not four hundred fucking other people!!!!" She was still hyperventilating. "Jesus Christ, Morgan, four hundred fucking people!"

"Well, yes, darling, but did you think that the other people in the competition have parents and siblings and friends they'd like to see watch them perform? Duh. Ass. Darling, put your head between your knees. Darling, its going to be fine, I promise. You and Pete have practiced for almost two months, you've got it down. Stop panicking, mm?"

Shayla did stick her head between her knees and gulped down deep, deep breaths. "Oh my God. Oh my God. Four hundred people. That's a little more than the thirty or forty I expected. Heeeee. Hooooo. Heeeee. Hooooo." She was wheezing. "Think if I run... Pete'll notice?"

"I think when he's hoisting up air at the competition he might begin to suspect." Dominic said, as dryly as his husband downstairs, though he had no idea he'd taken the same tone. "Darling, just breathe. There we are. Take a breath for me too, so I won't panic here on this elevator. There. That's it. There. And, look." He was the first off the elevator, dragging his sister with him and leading her down the hall to the last door. "There we go. Heee. Hoooo. Breaaathe."

"Fuck you, you're not the one dancing in front of FOUR HUNDRED PEOPLE!" she yelled.

"You haven't seen me shake my bon-bon." Dominic muttered, as he got the door open and pushed it with his foot, leading her inside. "There we go. Breaaaathe. There we are. Sweetie, do stop screaming, the neighbors are going to suspect. You're going to be fine, see?"

"I don't give a shit about the neighbors!" She looked down at her neatly manicured nails. "He can dance with one eye, right?"

"He might, but I'm sure the blood would obscure the other. There." He soothed it, as he sat her down on the stool in the kitchen, and shucked his jacket off. A glance made sure the door was cracked open for his lover, before he turned to the pantry and fetched a plastic cup from the shelf. He took it out of the plastic bag and ran it under the water in the sink, before filling it with cool water and offering it to her. "There. Breathe, love."

"Fuck you and fuck your breathing." She downed the water without breathing and plunked the cup back down. "And fuck the water. Gimmie the strong shit."

"No, darling." Instead, he refilled her glass with water, handing back to her while he shoved his sleeves up his forearms. "Better? Drink slowly, you're to get the hiccoughs."

She glared and hissed, just waiting for her chickenshit boyfriend to show his damn face in the door.

"I know what you're doing. Calm yourself down love. He didn't do anything bad... he didn't want you to panic, love. Now, not telling you at all would have been an enormous mistake of course, but alas."


He hummed and leaned his front against the counter right across from her, and tipped his head sideways. "You always did so well when you were doing your ballerina recitals. What's changed?"

"Stage fright," she explained in two, very succinct words. "At the last recital I ever did, one of the boys in the glass thought it would be fun to drop me during one of the twirls. Only when he dropped me? my leotard ripped and literally showed my ass. After that? Not so much keen on doing public ANYTHING."

"Oh, darling. You were what, six? It was actually quite adorable and--" A blink. "I'm not finishing that sentence right now." He came around the counter, and offered his hand to grasp hers. "My beautiful darling. You're not going to humiliate yourself. You're going to be wonderful. You're going to show us all up, you're going to dance your little ass off. Don't you understand that?"

"NO YOU BLOODY WELL ARE NOT YOU WANKER!" she blasted. "I DON'T CARE HOW OLD I WAS, IT WAS NOT ADORABLE!" She just glared. "If I remember, that's what you told me the LAST time!"

"I told you because you were crying. I'm telling you now because its the truth." He took both her hands in his. "You are going to make me proud, Shayla. You're my shooting star, darling. Look past your fear, and understand that you are going to shine tonight. Its your night, baby. You're going to make us all wonder how a body can move so beautifully, and you're going to win this contest, because you are amazing. Don't you see that?" he gently let her hands go to cup her face, ever so softly, and pressed a kiss to her forehead, then her nose, and hugged her, as tenderly as he could. "I love you. You're going to make me so proud, I can feel it."

"You have to say that. You're my brother." But she hugged him tightly, almost cracking his ribs. "I'm gonna try. I'm gonna make you proud of me, Morgan. I promise."

"I don't have to say that. I've told you you're a dolt as many as any, haven't I?" he murmured into her hair, then smiled down at her as she hugged him. "I know you will. You're going to be wonderful. So don't give your poor boyfriend too much grief… he knew you wouldn't want to do this with him if you did."

"Bloody fucking wanker," she sniffled against his shoulder. "I'm going to rip his balls off."

"No, darling, you're not going to. He loves you, doesn't he now?" Dominic murmured gently, and rubbed her back soothingly. "I've heard your dress is amazing."

"He does love me. I love him. I'm still going to remove his balls in a painful manner for not telling me sooner!!" She sniffled again, and rubbed her cheek on Dominic's shoulder. "It is. It looks great, especially with the heels and all."

"I can't wait to see, baby. But... I'm going to leave you to it, alright? Lionel and I have some business to finish up... I still haven't got a tux. And Lex.." A little wince. "Well then. If you need, call me on my cell, hhmm?"

"What about AJ?" She glared at the wince. "That better not be bad news."

"No, not at all, beloved. He's a bit… busy… with Clark. If you know what I mean." And it wasn't a lie, now was it? he blushed, anyway.

"Uh huh. I know exactly what you mean, and he better un-busy his bald ass and get it to the convention hall tonight, or my pointed shoes are going up where the sun don't shine!" She crossed her arms over his chest. "Get a white flower for your tux. It'll look better."

"Thank you, Ms. Fashion." Dominic snorted, not answering the first part of her demand as he heard the door open. "Ah. And we leave you to your conventions. Lionel? Call the car. And the dry cleaners, to get the eventual blood out of my couch."

"The car is waiting for us downstairs." He poked his head through the door. "Is it safe for Shayla's young man to come in? No pointed objects are waiting to be thrust?"


"I second that ew." Pete muttered, as he waved a little at Shay… then shrank back at her snarly looking glare. "Baby, don't kill me. I'm sorry! Really!"

"I am going to rip your ballsac off and shove it down your throat," she threatened.

"Meep!" He hid behind Lionel again. "Take me with you!"

"Oh, no, you don't. Get your dancing ass in here and get it right... fucking... now." She glared from the barstool, drumming her fingers on the bar.

Lionel just elevated an eyebrow, and held out his hand to Dominic. "Shall we leave the bloodshed?"

"Indeed, darling." Dominic took the offered hand, linking their fingers mid air before kissing the backs. "Shayla, be good. remember what I told you... I'm waiting to be inspired, my darling. You'll do wonderful... I can't wait to see you. Do good, beloved."

Shayla just snarled at her brother, and crooked her finger at Pete.

Pete physically winced and stepped forward, around Lionel as he creeped in. "Th-th... thanks for letting us--"

"Its alright, love. Good luck." Dominic grinned at Pete and shook his hand tightly, before sliding out and closing the door behind him.

Shayla just glared. "You? Are never going to get off my shit list for this, Peter Isaac."

Pete winced again and locked the door after Lionel and Dominic, before he lifted the bag up from across his chest, and set it by the door. He smoothed his t-shirt a little from being all wrinkled up on his belly, and he shifted on one hip in his trainers and work out pants. "I love you?"

"Not saving your ass this time."

"But I do love you. A lot!" Big charming smile, even as it petered out. "Shay, seriously... I knew you'd freak out baby."

"And you thought it would be better to like, let me freak out THE DAY OF THE COMPETITION instead of like, a day or two in ADVANCE!!" So, maybe she shrieked it, because she was still a little freaked out.

"N-no. I--" wasn't going to tell you at all. "Thought you'd be okay with it, if you saw.. .them… and we danced… and... you know what I'm saying? You would have been okay. And all." A swallow.

She slid easily off the barstool. "You... can't lie for shit," she said, finger poking him in the shoulder. "You. Didn't. Intend. To. Tell Me." She poked again with every word. "You were going to let me get up on that fucking stage, panic in the middle of the fucking dance, and make a fool out of myself again."

"No! I wasn't! I wouldn't have let you!" he took a step back with each of her pokes into his chest, eyes huge in his head. "I never meant for that, honest! I wouldn't have let you look like an ass! I love you! You're my girlfriend!"

"Then Why. Didn't. You. Tell me?" More pokes, and she was backing him up against the wall.

"Because! I KNEW you'd flip out and I didn't want you to flip out, cause you dance so good and I didn't want anything to ruin that, and please oh PLEASE don't hate me, I am so sorry!"

She gave a little smirk, but didn't let him see it. "Yeah, you ARE sorry, Peter Ross, and you are in deep shit."

He gulped, hard, eyes huge in his head as he thumped up against the wall, shrinking against it as she poked. "I'm really sorry. Really. Really sorry. I mean, I didn't think you'd... its not as many people as you think. Please don't hate me. Or de-ball me. I like my balls. Okay? I'm sorry."

"I like your balls too. I like them so much I'm going to rip them off and wear them as earrings!" she yelled.

He cringed. Hard. "I mentioned I love you?"

"You did, and it's NOT getting you out of this, Pete."

"What... I'm sorry. I'll do anything. Please, just don't be mad! Not now, not when we're… hours away from… from..."


"The competition."

"Mmm." She didn't say anything else, just GLARED.

He winced and his testicles all but shriveled and made his lower intestine home. "Meep?"

"Meep my fuckin' ass."

She wasn't letting him up, and he positively broke out into a sweat. "How can I make it up to you?"

"There's not enough flowers, candy, sparkly things and cars in the world to make it up to me."

He winced again, and his heart began to jack trip painfully. "You still... still want to be with me, right?"

Her glare narrowed. "What do you think?"

His heart hit harder, and he gulped in a breath. "No?"

"Of course I still want to be with you, you right bloody wanker!!" She shoved him back against the wall and glared before she kissed him.

He kissed back, but only a little, because his heart was in his throat. "You don't hate me?"

"No, I don't hate you. I'm ready to kick your balls out your nose, but I don't hate you."

"Oh. That's good, then." He said, but then grinned just a little at her little wrinkled nose as his palms came to her hips and tugged her forward, the smallest bit. "I think maybe you're just missing the… physical release."


Instead of being horrified by the scream, he grinned, now that he was sure she wasn't dumping him on his ass, and kissed that hissing lower lip.

She kissed back, and then snarled at him. "We've got to call AJ. Dominic says he's busy, but he's going UN-busy his ass and get it to the convention hall, because I want some familiar faces IN THE FOUR HUNDRED PERSON CROWD!!!"

He kissed her again, a little softer, a little deeper, and sucked on her angry tongue as his fingers went around a petite waist and brought her closer, quieter, snuggling her in very gently and smiling into her mouth softly as she did her little furious dance. "You're so cute when you're angry." He murmured with one last long, slow lick of her lower lip, before letting go. "Let's get ready, love."

She melted a little at the kiss as he deepened it, and just sighed at him. "All right. But don't be surprised to feel a high heel going up your ass tonight, kay?"

His grin broadened. "Promise?"

She glared. "Not in the fun way, Pete."

"That's what you think." He winked at her, picked up the bag, and flounced into the back rooms.



go on to the next part