
The Memoirs

Smallville fanfic by Kel and Diana

Chapter 252: Change

Lionel nearly put the egg on the bedside table, and then, thought better of it, instead going to the wall, swinging the mirror back, and revealing the wall safe. He spun the dial quickly, opening the safe and placing the egg well out of harm's way before closing the safe and the mirror. "There. That'll make sure no wayward kittens, puppies, children, or twins accidentally damages my present," he said, climbing back in bed beside his lover, and curling around him, hand seeking Dominic's shaft to stroke as he cuddled in.

Dominic let his lover cuddle back under the sheets with him, and he pressed him close, even if his face had fallen. In that safe, through that mirror, he'd caught a glimpse of the camera Lionel had told him about, and an uncomfortable feeling settled somewhere near his middle, as he gently tugged his lover closer.

"What's wrong?" Lionel asked softly, sensing the fallen mood more than anything else as he looked up to see the smile gone from his lover's face.

He didn't say anything for a moment, just shaking his head quietly as he slid his fingers through his lovers hair, and turned Lionel slightly so they were back to chest. He tucked his lover close to his chest, hugging his middle gently as he set his head on his lovers. If h said something he knew his husband would get upset, and he closed his eyes, thinking it through.

Lionel just lay there, patiently and quietly as he rubbed his thumbs over Dominic's wedding ring, looking down at the hands resting on his stomach.

After a few minutes, Dominic finally let himself speak. "Have you taken the cameras out and off yet?"

"Off, yes. They've been offline since we came home from Cobh. Out, no. I haven't had them removed yet." He didn't offer a reason why.

Dominic nodded... he didn't push. He knew better than that. Lionel would tell him in his own time... he just had to trust that his husband would. So he just relaxed quietly against Lionel's back and closed his eyes, bringing him close. "Thank you."

"You're welcome," he said quietly. "I told you that I would, and I did. They weren't removed because I haven't called a technician in to do, and I will not until I've had a chance to speak with Lex about Jor-El and if my tinkering with the electronics of the house will effect him."

He didn't care about all that. He just squeezed Lionel's waist again and tucked him in close, tugging the blankets up over their bodies as he did it, and warmed his lovers cooling skin against his. "That doesn't matter. I'm just… thank you for doing as I wished."

"You're my husband, Dominic, and you are my friend. Of course I'm going to do as you've asked me to." A little glare.

"You were very angry at me." He reminded, quietly. "I didn't know if you were going to or not. Friendship or not." He said softly, and set his cheek on his husbands back. "I'm glad you did. I don't like the idea that people can pop us in a VCR should they choose."

"Yes, I was. I was very angry with you, and I did consider not doing it. However, I wouldn't do that to you, angry or not." He glared again.

"Why were you so angry at me?" Dominic asked softly, because he needed to know.

"Because it upsets me that you do not seem to see yourself as worthy of anything," Lionel said softly. "Because I like knowing that, whenever you are angry with me, or if you are out of town or I am, I can take one of these discs or you can, and neither of us are alone or without the other."

While Lionel might have liked it, Dominic loathed it. Knowing his actions, personal for only his husband, were that, personal, and that they could be seen again… he hated that. Knowing that every time he'd been trapped in pleasure, screaming or begging, was on tape. Knowing every time he just lounged, or ate, or watched TV, was on tape... he hated it. Hated it so much. Hated knowing his crying jags were caught on tape, hated knowing all the private conversations on the phone were on tape.

He hated it.

But he didn't say anything, just smiled quietly down at his husband and nodded. "Home away from home, then?"

"Something like that," Lionel murmured softly, leaning back against his lover and then pulling away. "I know you don't believe me; go and look, if you want to. The combination is the day Julian died."

Dominic's throat caught, and he just shook his head as his husband pulled away from him. "I trust you. I don't have to look to know, my husband." He said softly, as his throat clawed with light, quick panic that made his heart flutter. "I trust you so much."

Lionel just gave a little noncommittal noise to answer, rolling back onto his back to look up at his lover. "If you trust me, then why do you ask me about it, when you were given my words that I'd turn it off and have it taken care of?"

His throat bobbed, tightly. "I just wanted… to make sure. I do trust you... please, don't be upset." He said softly, as his hand made to touch Lionel's chest... then came back the next moment.

"I'm not upset," Lionel said quietly. "Just wondering." He brought Dominic's hand back to his chest and left it there.

Dominic lay his palm flat against his husband, throat bobbing tightly. "I just wanted to make sure. I shouldn't have said anything."

Lionel didn't have an answer for that, for a moment. "No, you were within your right. I shouldn't be so... touchy." A little sigh. "I will try and stop the reflexive reaction when my word is questioned."

The sarcasm didn't fall on deaf ears, and Dominic felt defeat as he lay back down beside him, and looked up at the ceiling. He took his hand and set it on his own belly, the other going under his head. "I'm sorry."

"Don't be," Lionel said, turning on his side so that he could look at Dominic. "You're right; I'm too sensitive. I get defensive when someone calls my word into question, and I have to learn to stop." A little sigh. "Eventually, I will."

"No. Its not about that." He shook his head, looking at the ceiling again. "I just needed to know. I didn't mean to call your word into question, as you say. You've a right to be offended."

"Stop apologizing," Lionel said firmly. "Or I'll spank it out of you. If you can't ask me a simple question, how do you expect to be able to communicate with me? And if I can't answer you without flying off the handle, how do you expect me to communicate with you?" he asked sharply. "I will get over it."

"You won't spank me." But there was a tiny smile in Dominic's voice as he said it, even as he turned his head to look at his husband. "I just wanted to know. I'm glad you took it off, though… I don't think you understand how much. A lot has happened in this bedroom. It makes me uncomfortable knowing its on catalogue."

"You're right, I won't," Lionel said, meeting Dominic's little smile with one of his own. "It isn't all on catalogue. I told you, most of the discs have been destroyed, and the ones that haven't are locked in that same safe, behind a false panel."

"I'm glad you told me about it in the first place." Dominic murmured, as he turned the smallest bit to face his love, on his side. "I'm glad you told me it was there. I'm glad you can trust me enough to tell me these things." His hand came up again, tentative, to settle on his lovers neck, and gently stroke his jaw. "Don't ever feel you canna tell me anything."

Lionel's hand came up to give Dominic's a gentle squeeze. "I don't. I may sometimes want to protect you, but I don't ever think I can't tell you anything."

"Good. I love you so dearly, husband." Dominic murmured, as he stroked the jaw softly, before linking fingers tightly. "I haven't upset you too much?"

"As I love you, my little cricket." He held Dominic's hand tightly to his chest. "You haven't upset me very much at all."

"Okay." Another squeeze to those fingers, and he leaned forward to press a kiss to slim, soft lips. "I know I promised you I'd take you… but do you think..." A light blush stained his cheeks. "Maybe you could… to me?"

Lionel's free hand came up and caught his lover's face carefully, returning the little kiss with a smile. "Maybe I could make love to you? Yes, I could."

Harder blush, as his throat bobbed quietly, eyes widening for a moment at the smile before returning it. He shifted, squirmed lightly, because this all felt...different. His relationship with his husband had changed, for the better, and excitement shifted through him softly as he blushed again. "Really?"

"Yes, really." The little smile on Lionel's face widened slightly, and he chuckled softly. "You make it sound as though it's a chore, when it would be... my pleasure."

"Okay." Another smile, and he reached forward to nuzzle his lover's cheek. "Where do you want me darling?"

"Right here with me," Lionel said softly, rolling onto his knees and leaning over his lover.

Oh. Dominic let a long, slow breath slide from his lips as he spread his legs for his lover, offering him the cocoon of his body as he tugged him down to him and met his mouth. Long, soft, deep kiss, twice, three times, and again. He purred, quietly, deeply, as his fingers speared his lover's hair and grasped tightly.

Lionel gave long, full-body shudders as Dominic's hands slid through his hair, and he leaned eagerly into the kisses, his hand sliding between their bodies to stroke over Dominic's stomach, stroke his hard cock roughly to get him primed, nibbling along his lover's lower lip.

When Lionel slid down against him Dominic rose his knees and cradled his lover in close, hugging him tightly with his thighs as he kissed him all the deeper. He broke off with soft moans every now and again, his fingers cupping Lionel's face as they kissed, and it was sweet, complete pleasure. "I love you."

"I love you," Lionel replied softly, trailing his kisses further down Dominic's neck and throat, teasing his earlobe with scrapes of his teeth, rubbing his prickly beard over Dominic's cheek gently. One hand reached back for the same vanilla oil that Dominic had used to massage him, and he used the slippery liquid to coat his fingers before teasing the curve of Dominic's ass, finger seeking entrance as his mouth moved to nibble on pebbled nipples.

Dominic arched his hips to his lovers teasing fingers, as he scratched his nails down Lionel's back and grasped his hips, tightly. He squeezed the firm ass in his hands tightly, before sliding down his thighs and grasping his cock. He began to stroke, hardening it further as he continued to kiss his lover, softly, and whined softly in his throat as he begged the mouth down to his nipples.

Lionel's body gave a hard arch as Dominic's hands squeezed his ass and he shuddered. His finger pushed into his lover, stroking urgently and opening carefully but quickly as a second slick finger joined the first, moving faster as Lionel's teeth caught each little nub in his teeth, pulling the sensitive nipple gently before letting it go only to do it all over again.

"Oh yes." Dominic whimpered, softly. "Please, like that, feels so good." He arched up into the fingers as well, and it was three thirty in the damn morning but he didn't care. Being filled was so delicious, so hot and aching, and he squeezed tightly around the fingers inside of him as his lover stretched him. He thrashed under him as he squeezed his lovers cock and stroked, a little harder, until he had to let go and arch his back with a cry of pleasure that made him shudder all over.

Lionel's fingers pressed deeper with every squeeze, seeking out and then rubbing over his lover's prostate once before pulling out. With slightly shaking hands, Lionel slicked his cock thoroughly with the massage oil, rubbing the shaft until it glistened, and then slick hands rubbed over the arched and shivering body, caressing and comforting it before sheathing himself completely in one deep stroke.

Dominic raised his hips up, legs spreading further when Lionel slid in and oh. That was good. He gave a very soft, very thankful moan into his lovers cheek as his arms wrapped around his neck tightly, holding him close as he relaxed and accepted the intruder, big as it was. "Like that, baby, yes, oh please, that's so good." He whispered softly, eyes closed and shivering.

Dominic was hotter, tighter, and silkier than he remembered, and Lionel buried himself deep inside. He guided Dominic's legs around his waist, then slid his hands under his lover's ass, tipping his hips up just a little and leaning forward, pushing his cock even further until every inch of him was packed tightly into Dominic's ass. Then with a rock back, the hard length slowly slid out completely, the head of his cock resting against the stretched muscle before pushing back in again.

Oh *God*. The feeling was exquisite, delicious and delightful and Dominic shuddered as he arched upwards, accepting his husband in as deep as he could go. He linked his ankles around his lovers waist, holding on tight as they began to move, and oh, it was so wonderful. Gentle and careful, sweet and hot, good and hard. When his lover pushed in it was bliss, and Dominic's eyes shut tight as Lionel loomed over him, moving in perfect tandem.

After he'd adjusted, and the feeling was making his very head swim, Dominic opened his eyes and reached up to kiss his beautiful husband deeply.

Lionel returned the deep kiss with bright fervor, his tongue licking fiercely at his lover's, delving and licking almost in time with the thrusts of his cock.

His hands were gripping Dominic's ass tightly, massaging the firm flesh, spanking every so often as he pushed in and pulled out, gentle rocking motions that his lover met only making him thrust harder, seeking more pleasure, more closeness.

The gentleness turned to want, the want to ache, and Dominic found himself meeting every single one of his lovers demanding movements, his cry of pleasure echoing loudly in his head, though his voice was only a squeak as he uttered it. His cheeks were flushed with pleasure, his mouth trembled open as his eyes closed tight, and he thrashed under his lovers bucking movements as they thrust and rocked together. The headboard banged above him… he barely heard it as his hands came up to grasp it, and he gave a cry of "More!"

Lionel's hands let go of his lover's ass, leaning forward instead and putting his hands over Dominic's on the headboard, leaning forward with almost vicious lunges to pound into his lover, letting the arch of Dominic's body hold himself up as he rubbed and stroked against his lover's chest, fingers wrapping over fingers as Lionel thrust into his lover with jackhammer thrusts.

"Yes, yes!" Dominic sobbed it out loud as he arched his hips further. He took in the pounds with a vicious cry, twisting his hips on each movement up so it hit his prostate. Pleasure like lightening nearly tore him apart as Lionel moved like his namesake, lunging like a lion, fast and hard and strong, and there was nothing Dominic could do but hold on for the ride. He claimed his lovers mouth again, biting at smooth lips before delving deep, hard, sucking on a delicious tongue as he did it to show Lionel he was loving this.

Lionel broke his mouth away from his lover's with a growl, kneading Dominic's hands and forearms with his own hands as he lowered his head, biting and sucking on his lover's shoulder as he pounded against his prostate. He tossed his head with every stroke, throwing his hair back over his shoulder out of his way as he returned to bite and suck at his lover's neck, the same spot over his pulse mark becoming red, wet, and bruised.

"Stop… wait… stop." Dominic ground out through a gritty throat. He stopped his lover from moving, moved his arms, and shifted his legs from tight around Lionel's waist to up, over his shoulders. He shifted and motioned for his lover to help him, folding himself nearly in half as he gave a short, vivid cry when Lionel sank in even deeper than he had been, and he all but felt his husband in his chest, his throat, his brain. Another cry and he rocked upward, waiting for Lionel to continue as he grasped his lovers side around his own thigh, wailing his joy.

Lionel stopped, clenching his eyes shut as Dominic rearranged himself, Lionel's hands going to help push Dominic's legs into place, and held them there as he started thrusting again, feeling his lover's heels bouncing on his back as he reached between them, around Dominic's thigh as he started to roughly jerk his lover's cock. "Come, Dominic, come, come for me now, little cricket."

Dominic jerked upwards, thrashing as his lover thrust in harder right against his prostate, and he saw stars. His lover fucked him so good like this, so good and his fingers struggled against the headboard as he fought for something to hold on to.

And then his lover had to grasp him just like that, and say those words.

Dominic arched up into his lovers hand once, twice, and exploded over his belly with a low, keening, half strangled cry of pleasure. Orgasm swamped his body, sending it jerking and tingling, his muscles vicing around his lovers cock and not letting go. He gave short, deep sobs of agonized pleasure, thrashing underneath his husband as he did it, and he couldn't help it because muh that was good.

Lionel's back arched and he roared his pleasure as Dominic's muscles sucked him deeply and wouldn't let him go. The tight throbs of his lover's orgasm combined with the twisting and churning of the passage around his cock stroked his own orgasm out, emptying every bit of his seed into his lover. His hands dug into Dominic's thighs, in the heat of his orgasm forgetting his lover's injured knee as he used his grip to drag his lover closer to him as he shuddered.

The heat washed into him and Dominic shuddered as hard as Lionel had. Lionel dragged him close, flush against his pelvis and Dominic gave quiet, deep, shivering little moans as he whimpered in pleasure. Oh, that had been so goddamn good and he grunted and moaned softly, shivering as his foggy, half seeing eyes opened to look up at his husband.

Lionel's hair was hanging down on either side of his face, some strands caught in the sweat on his forehead and were plastered to his face as he panted, his arms still supporting his weight as he looked down at his lover with a satisfied grin.

Dominic saw the grin and gave one of his own, shuddering through a post coital wave of pleasure as he shifted and snuggled Lionel in closer, purring, deeply, in his absolute pleasure at the thought he'd just had, shuddering all over his body as he caught his lovers look again. "Keep your come inside me? Plug me up?"

Lionel let his hips thrust again, his softening flesh pushing into his lover even as he slid out again. "If that's what you want... I won't deny you." He slid down a little on the bed, and opened the bottom drawer of the bedside table, where they kept the milder of their toys.

Dominic nodded, several times, even as his cheeks flushed again. His eyes slid to glassy slits and he moaned, very deeply, very softly, in the ecstasy he felt in knowing his lovers wet heat would be inside of him.

Lionel went through the drawer and pulled out the black rubber plug in question, sliding it through the cooling come on Dominic's stomach and chest before slowly working it into his lover's opening.

"Ohgodallmighty." Dominic arched his back and accepted it, pulling it in even as he mewled softly, curling in around it. He didn't understand his own kinks most of the time, but this one was one he wanted right now and oh, God, the pleasure was unbelievable, extraordinary as he let Lionel push it in, deep. "Baby yes, please." He whispered, arched back and begging.

Lionel purred as he slid the plug deep inside his lover, making sure the flared base was outside so it wouldn't get lost inside his lover, and Lionel placed gentle kisses up Dominic's stomach as he moved to lie beside him.

He gave another wracking tremble as Lionel pressed it in snug and he mewled again, softer, as he rolled onto his side and snuggled in tightly against his beautiful husband. His crotch felt wet, his backside even more so, and uh, god, good. He couldn't even speak... he opened his mouth and all that came out were moans.

Lionel flashed a little grin as he slid in beside his lover and tucked him close. "Good?" he asked, biting gently at his lover's earlobe.

He nodded, hard, and reached down to grasp his cock, which was starting to stir, and stroked it softly. "Yes, yes please, yes, so good, yes." He whispered, quietly.

Lionel nudged his lover's hand out of the way, licking over Dominic's spent cock as it started to harden again, nibbling it as his lips tugged the head into his mouth. His hand came up to stroke the shaft, licking and cleaning as he sucked.

Dominic whimpered again, and again as his lover tucked the head of his hardening cock into that lovely, hot mouth and he bucked, head rolling as he squeezed around all the wet heat and the plug. He wanted it to be holding back water, a lot of water, but he knew better than to ask for something like that now. it was too early in the morning. And even though he wanted, he moaned softly and arched his hips up, bucking again at the fantasy rolling in his head.

Lionel's hands stroked over Dominic's hips as he sucked, letting Dominic's motions slide the shaft in and out of his mouth. He sucked hard, his tongue sliding around the head as he let Dominic slide deeper in his throat, teasing with his teeth as he swallowed.

Dominic shook his head even as he arched up, begging but not wanting, trying but not being able to. "Lionel, Lionel, you? You too? Don't… want to come alone. Not alone, no, no." He gasped, even as he writhed on the sheets.

Lionel shook his head softly, sucking slowly as he pulled his head off Dominic's cock. "No, this is for you, just for you." He lowered his lips again, sucking Dominic back into his throat as he used his beard to tickle his lover's balls.

Dominic whimpered, again, again, moaning softly in his throat as he shuddered. "Lionel… Lionel? Tomorrow? Can… can we.." He was choking on his own words, but he just couldn't say it. Couldn't beg for it. ..Alright, maybe he could, a little. "Can we... do something tomorrow? Do… oh, god, touch there, yess... do… do an e--.." He couldnt get it out. Couldn't. Trying though, points for effort.

"We can do whatever you want tomorrow," Lionel promised between sucks, his fingers leaving the shaft to link through his lover's before letting them slide into his hair. "I give you my word."

"W-won't punish me?" whispered, even though a sly grin flickered over Dominic's face, as he tugged his lover up to him so they could lay side by side. He grasped his cock firmly and began to stroke, as he kissed the bitter taste of himself off of Lionel's mouth. "Watch me, kay?"

"I won't punish you." Lionel stroked over Dominic's stomach and returned the soft kisses, nodding his agreement. "I'll watch."

Dominic nodded and blew out a long, deep breath as he began to stroke. Even, fast flicks of his wrist, his thumb rubbing the tip as he moved. It was wet with his lovers spit and his own precome and it slid easily through his fist, over and over. He changed movements once in a while, rubbing his cock up through his index and middle fingers instead of index and thumb, and he continued, as his pleasure made his eyes slit as he watched his husband.

Lionel's hand tightened on his lover's stomach as he watched. Dominic was so beautiful, and Lionel loved to watch, sit there and watch him pleasure himself, and he hardened too as he wrapped his fingers around his cock, asking with his eyes for permission to stroke himself too, not able to tear his eyes away.

Dominic nodded, unable to speak as his eyes slit down to watch his lover touch himself. It was deliciously sexy, private in a way that was almost sacred. Sharing this most personal thing with his husband, almost more personal than sex, because when he stroked himself off he was never with his husband. He purred, softly, shivering as his hips bucked into the plug, and moaned. "Yes, baby, yes, please."

Lionel gave little shudders as he started to stroke himself, not realizing that his fist was sliding over his cock at the same speed that Dominic was stroking his, mirroring his lover's motions.

"Love how you touch yourself." Dominic whispered. He was moaning, almost shakily, almost constantly, as he jerked his fingers up and down his cock. His free fingers came up to pinch his nipples, the left one being his favorite, and he rubbed at it insistently as his head fell back with a long, aching sound of pleasure.

Lionel leaned forward and sucked hard at the neck suddenly exposed to him, licking and biting over his favorite places on his lover's body, leaving little rings of teeth marks on Dominic's neck as he stroked himself viciously.

"Yes, please, baby," Broken words as their hips moved together, jerking up into twin hands, and the first touch on his throat was electric.

Alright. He couldn't help it. He'd tried. He'd tried as hard as he could.

He let go of his cock and rolled over his lovers long, handsome body, yanking the lube towards him. He kept off of his knee, sprawled over his lovers aching body, and lubed his fingers before stroking them firmly into his husbands body. Hard and hot, as deeply as he could, scissoring without asking, taking without asking. He didn't really care at this point, though, because he was rolling over, hugging Lionel's hips and shoulders tightly as he did it. "Can't. My knee. Ride me. Now."

Lionel nodded, arching into the stroking fingers as soon as he felt them penetrating. He spread his legs under Dominic, then as soon as Dominic rolled over onto his back, Lionel rolled over on top of him, steadying his cock with one hand and sliding down with a swift, quick push as he swallowed his lover's cock whole.

Dominic arched up, his fingers tight on Lionel's hips, and he watched with a dry mouth as Lionel's body arched, as that beautiful chest puffed out and he sank down, and oh, fuck. He couldn't help grasping his hips and yanking him all the way down onto him in one swift push. Didn't care, just lifting his knees so Lionel could hang on and started to jerk and thrust under him, rolling into his movements as his fingers caressed down a long chest, a hard belly, and an even harder cock.

Lionel's back arched as he started to move, bending and bowing his body to match the rolling thrusts of his lover beneath him. He gave an ecstatic shout as Dominic pulled him down, until he was entirely speared on his lover's cock and he clenched down, shuddering.

Dominic's hand wrapped around his cock and he reached down, wrapping his hands around Dominic's and helping him stroke, harder and faster as he rode his lover with little whimpers.

"I love you so...s-so fucking much," Dominic grit out as his lover moved over him like a bucking stallion, all long hair and golden skin. He arched and thrust, shoved and moved, and Dominic moaned loudly as he moved in and out of the tight body, and Lionel's cock moved out of his tight fist. He thrust harder, harder still, growling deeply in dark pleasure as he arched and pushed, and his own back bowed as he began to jerk. Orgasm was close, so close, and he squeezed Lionel tightly as he moved inside of him.

Lionel's hands tightened around Dominic's as his head fell forward, smiling and baring his teeth in pleasured growls. "I l-love you, l-little cricket," he said, shivering as Dominic's cock stroked harder even as Dominic's fist squeezed his cock.

"Come, come for me, come, Lionel, come, you have to come!" Dominic cried, his head thrashing as he kept his body, by a string, from exploding. Those hot, dark eyes, that wicked grin, had done him in, and the only thing keeping him from coming was sheer willpower. "Come, you have to come, COME FOR ME!"

Lionel shuddered at the command, and his body complied. A few more tight, hard strokes of his cock by their joined hands, a shift of his hips to get a nudge against his prostate, and his body exploded in orgasm, pumping out short, hot streams onto Dominic's stomach and chest as he rode, fingers moving to knead his lover's shoulders.

Dominic's eyes rolled back into his head, and he came. He thrust in as deep as he could, his hips bucking in tightly as he came, and oh, fuck, that was so good. He groaned deeply, eyes shut tight, body like a bow ready to snap, and he just moaned heavily as his lovers body squeezed around his cock, taking in everything it was being offered.

Lionel's body was trembling with the aftershocks of hot orgasm, and he squeezed Dominic's cock tightly as much as he could as his muscles started to give out. He shook as his arms wrapped around Dominic and held him tightly, even as he started to slowly pull off so he could cuddle close.

Dominic helped him up with a hand on a warm hip, and when his lover had slid off of his cock he grasped him tightly and pulled him down into the circle of his arms. He was panting, hard, his body shuddering as the hot, wet come on his chest rubbed against Lionel's, and oh, the purrs. Deep, quiet, moaning softly as they lay there intertwined, all legs and arms and crotches snuggled together.

Lionel just snuggled his lover closely, nuzzled his neck, and gave a little grin. "You're going to kill me, if we do that much more often. But, overall? I can't think of a better way to go."

Dominic grinned lazily into his lovers neck, and looked up in amusement. "Gotta keep up with you." He purred softly, and gave another hard shudder of post coital bliss as he squeezed tight around the plug inside of him and let his eyes close as he lay there, flushed in pleasure. "You're so good. Oh, god."

"Yes, yes, I am." Smirking arrogance that caused his smile to crinkle around the edges of his eyes.

Dominic didn't smile back though, because he wasn't joking. He leaned up to clasp his lovers mouth in his, giving him a hard, deep, passionate kiss, sucking as much as he could, biting, nibbling, his fingers streaking through Lionel's hair as he poured his passion for his husband into that delicious, arrogant mouth.

Lionel returned the deep, honest kiss from his lover, cupping his cheeks and his head carefully as his tongue licked and tasted, giving back everything that his lover was giving him, because whatever he was, he wasn't that without Dominic.

"Oh, God." Dominic moaned into that beautiful mouth, as he kissed him again, and once more, before he had to break away to swallow breaths. "Lionel, I love you so much. You arouse me in ways no one ever has, don't you understand that?" His fingers stroked through his lovers hair and brought him in for another kiss, deep and wanting as he loved.

He nibbled and bit, smiling down at his lover as he broke away again. "I love you, Dominic." His thumbs gently stroked his lover's cheek. "You don't realize how much."

Some of the need for his husband to know finally relaxed, and Dominic relaxed too, laying like pudding under sweaty sheets and blankets, wet with precome and come. "I love you. I love you so very much. I just love you so much. Everything's changed, do you see that? Everything is different. God, I love you."

"I hope that different... is good," Lionel said just as softly, snuggling close to his lover and stroking his hair and shoulders. "I love you too, little cricket." He kept stroking with soft, gentle touches.

"Don't you see it?" He asked softly, as he stroked his lovers face and hair, his neck and chest, gently, looking up at him.

"I see that I've never been so happy with you before," Lionel said quietly, smiling at his lover.

At that, Dominic grinned. Who wouldn't? He just beamed, wriggling as he leaned forward for another kiss, and slid his thigh between Lionel's legs, so he could tug him closer. "Its safe here. I love you. I love you, my husband." Dominic said quietly, as he burrowed under the damp blankets, snuggling them around Lionel's back.

Lionel just gave a soft chuckle as Dominic snuggled close to him, and he pulled his lover's arms around his waist. "You're always safe with me, little cricket. Even when we total car, we're still safe together."

"That's not what I mean." He didn't know how to explain it to his husband, but this moment had cultivated what he'd felt since they'd returned from Ireland. Something in their relationship had shifted and changed without him even noticing it, and had gone for the better. He felt... he felt like Lionel was his friend, that he could tell him things he hadn't been able to before, and that even if they got angry at one another, it was okay.

It was an exciting feeling. So exciting, in fact, that Dominic knew he had an idiot grin on his face, but he didn't care, as he pressed close to his lover.


Sat up, leaned over the bed looking for stray clothing... found a relatively clean sock, and used it to wipe their chests off. Ripped hairs bad.

Lionel chuckled softly. "Clark did suggest something while we were in Ireland, and I'm seriously considering it. His suggestion is that we start keeping wet towelettes by the bed for quick cleaning up. He and Lex don't seem to have the pulling hair problem, but he seems to think that we are overly hirsute people and might need the assistance."

"Well, no, Lex is hairless. Though let me tell you, last week when we woke up and had to unstick one another? That was not pleasant." At the memory he winced and rubbed his chest, before pressing it close to Lionel's and setting his head on his lovers shoulder. "And you're taller than me. Come on your belly rips out my chest hairs. This is not a pleasant feeling, thank you so much."

Lionel winced too. "Perhaps I will look into that after all," he said, snuggling back against his lover in welcome.

Dominic snorted, but he grew quiet on his lovers chest, as he rested. The day had been one from hell, he was exhausted, sated but cranky, and he let his eyes close as he took in a silent breath. "Beloved, I'm so tired."

"Then rest, Jiminy. You've earned it." Lionel let his hands stroke through Dominic's hair gently.

"I have a feeling tomorrow is going to be a hard day." He said softly, as he rubbed his thumb gently along one of his husbands ribs.

"Especially for Lex," he said softly, kissing Dominic's forehead. "Whether or not he realizes it, he's going to be losing two people he cares very deeply for in the process of regaining one."

"I think so, too." Dominic said quietly, as he rose his head up to set his chin on his lovers chest, so he could look at him. "I'm so worried about him."

"I'm worried about all of them," Lionel confessed. "Guilt aside, despite the fact I dislike Kal, I am worried about him."

"As am I." He closed his eyes for a moment, sadly, before looking up into those chocolate eyes. "I can imagine he wasn't happy when you spoke with him. How ever did you get him to open up?"

Lionel actually sounded sheepish when he spoke. "I'm afraid I bullied him into it, actually. He was... rather abrasive until I got him broken down enough to cry, and I'm appalled by that. Seems... he didn't want to cry in front of me."

"Sometimes the things we don't want to do are the best for us." Dominic said quietly, as he looked at his husband. "Bullying has its charms. Works often times, doesn't it?" A raised brow at that. "Its good he was able to break down… he was so...mean in the car."

Lionel sighed. "I don't think he is mean at all, Dominic. I think he is young, scared, and arrogant, and trying to hide behind machismo and bravado."

"Perhaps." Dominic murmured, as he looked up at his lover again, silently, gently tracing his fingers through the sparse hairs peppering his lovers golden chest. "I don't know if I would ever want to wonder what it would feel like to know I'm going to die in a days worth of time. The pain I would go through, knowing I was leaving you, and Lex. I'd die of heartbreak. I can only imagine how Kal feels."

Lionel gave a nod. "If anything, I can only empathize with Lex, knowing that time is rapidly dwindling, and there being nothing at all you can do about it despite your intense desire otherwise." His fingers stroked against Dominic's softly. "And possibly the guilt, for wishing their pain to be over so yours will end as well."

"Despite Kal and CK, Lionel, I miss Clark. Two Clarks can't take care of Lex the way one Clark can." Dominic answered softly, as he gently stroked a pert little nipple, watching it harden even as his eyebrows drew together in sadness.

Lionel nodded. "But if you'll notice? Lex is taking care of the two Clarks. Even when they won't let him, and he's doing it surprisingly well, despite the need for a private breakdown after the competition."

"Yes, he is." Dominic murmured, as he flickered the little ring so it was standing up from his husbands nipple, and traced the engraved words on the outside, gently, carefully, with one fingertip. "Lex is capable, and stronger, than either of us ever thought he could be, you know."

"Yes, he is," Lionel said, reaching up and cupping his lover's hand gently. "And I am very proud of him. I would like to be of more help to him in this situation, and it saddens me that I'm not."

Dominic lay his palm quietly over his lovers chest and under his lovers hand, feeling the quiet thuddings of a beautiful heart. "I think you were more helpful than even you have yet to imagine."

"I wish I could believe that," Lionel said softly. "I truly do."

"I know. Have faith, husband." Dominic murmured, softly, and turned his fingers around so he could grasp his lovers, squeezing them tightly. "Things will turn out right in the end. They always do, don't they? We just have to have a little faith to get us through. I believe in you, and I believe in Lex. Things will go well, I promise."

Lionel brought their twined fingers up to his mouth, and kissed them softly. "I am going to hold you to that promise," he answered quietly, and kissed again.

"You always do." He whispered, softly, as he gazed up at the person that he'd been absolutely blessed with. "And I've yet to let you down, have I?"

"No, you haven't. Don't let this be the first time." He squeezed again, and gave his lover a little smile.

Dominic smiled back, just as warmly, and winked saucily at his husband to get him to feel a bit better. "You know, I'm still thinking about getting that nipple ring."

Lionel gave a soft chuckle at that. "You should."

"Would you like it?" He asked it, as he set their combined hands right on Lionel's breastbone, above his heart.

"Yes, I would, but don't get it unless you want it." He tightened his fingers briefly. "But yes, I'd like to think of you having one too."

"Maybe two?" He glanced up at him. "Though you know, I'd rather have another mark." He rubbed the thigh where his crescent moon was carved over his lovers hip, gently.

Lionel craned his head just a little to look down at the scar. "Do you know, I didn't intend for that to happen so quickly? It just... seemed the right thing to do because in the moment that I marked you, I knew that I was not going to let you go."

"I know you didn't. If you had, you would have had everything on hand, ready for use. That you didn't was even more exciting, because really, Lionel Luthor doesn't do things without thinking them through." A quiet smile. "It was one of the most erotic moments of my life."

Lionel gave another little chuckle. "That's true; I am not a spur of the minute man, and yet, look at us." He stroked over Dominic's hip gently. "I'm glad it was as good for you as it was for me."

"Is it hard for you, Lionel?" Dominic suddenly asked, quietly, as he set his chin back on his lovers shoulder. "To tell me such things? Sometimes, when you are trying to hide what you feel, you make comments like that." He tipped his head. "I know it wasn't just good. Are you afraid of telling me you nearly lost your mind?"

"Things.... are very hard for me to say, to anyone. Including you. Especially things of this nature." He paused, as he tried to collect his thoughts. "As it has been recently pointed out to me, I tend to... not share to the point of closed-mouth-ness, and when I do share, it is in such a way that it makes the person feel inches tall. I am... working on ways to remedy that."

Dominic grinned at that. "Are you really now." But he was just teasing, as he stroked his lovers chin with one fingertip. "You share plenty. But that's not what I'm asking you. I'm asking you why you find it hard to tell me you were bloody well getting your rocks off in the best way you ever had."

Lionel's brow crinkled in distress as he tried to formulate his thoughts. "To say something like that... would denigrate all the other times we've been together since then. To say that one thing was the best ever... Is something I can't choose."

Dominic shook his head as he rolled up to sitting beside his lover, right next to him, tugging one of their pillows into his lap as one leg slid off the bed to dangle. The other he tucked under the leg dangling, and he snuggled in against his lover with a little chuckle. "That's not what I mean. You don't understand. What I'm trying to say is... its okay to tell me you felt bloody well fantastic. You don't have to say, 'it was as good for you as it was for me.' You can be dirty, you know. Just as I tell you when you're bloody well going to kill me with just how fucking sexy you are."

"Yes, I know that I can. And at times, I am. However, it is just not in my nature to habitually be that..." he paused, searching for an inoffensive word. "Coarse."

Dominic didn't take, instead, he was completely charmed. "Ah. Coarse. So... if I tell you that if I weren't totally fagged out I'd be on my knees before you, sucking every last drop out of your deliciously long, thick cock?" A raised brow. "And that hearing you scream my name makes my blood boil? And that when you're on your hands and knees with my tongue up your arse you make the most delightful noises?"

Lionel just raised a brow back, even as his skin pinkened slightly with a blush. "I'd say that you were trying to kill an old man."

Dominic saw the blush, but plowed right onwards, as his fingers began to itch to slide over all of that skin that was his. "And what about when I hold you down when I fuck you? When I use my entire cock to pound you inside, fill you up like a bitch… my bitch, and have you screaming for mercy? Screaming for more? What about when I yank on your nipple ring, and squeeze around you as you fuck me up the arse?" His fingertip stroked down the center of his lovers body. "What about my dirty little secret, over this love trail, and how when I'm alone I fantasize about licking down to this special treat," He gently circled his fingers around his lovers cock. "That's all mine?"

Lionel didn't respond, except for the soft blush to deepen and his fingers tightened around Dominic's.

"Would that be course language, Husband?" Dominic whispered, softly. "To tell you what I want... and what I want is you?"

Lionel turned his eyes to meet his lover's, and he smiled softly. "What I want is you, too. What I want is everything that you can give me. I could make a list, but it would never be complete, because there is no way under Heaven that I could possibly categorize everything that I want from you."

Ohhh now it was Dominic's turn to blush. "See? That was better. All it took was me making innuendo's." He chuckled, softly, as he leaned down to kiss his husband. "I love you so. You're just so damned adorable, you know."

"Yes, I know," Lionel said softly, giving a little smile as he returned the kiss. "Go to sleep, Dominic, because I'm afraid tomorrow is going to come far earlier than we want."

Dominic didn't think he wanted to sleep. Too many nights had passed already without dreaming of the evil woman in black, and he shifted for a moment, almost uncomfortably. "Yes. I know." Another shift, and finally he set his pillow back beside Lionel's and plopped backwards into it.

"You're nervous about going to sleep," Lionel asked, though it wasn't really a question.

"A bit. Keep me safe?" He asked it, softly, as he looked across at him.

"You know I always will." Lionel held out his arms, so that Dominic could get comfortable beside him. "I'm going to read for a bit until I get a little more sleepy; I will watch over you."

"Alright." Dominic leaned into the beautiful embrace, and shifted until they were comfortable, niches to crannies, angles to curves. "Tomorrow, will you look at my back? The bandage is to come off, I think."

"Of course I will." Lionel leaned down and kissed his lover softly. "When is the rehearsal for Felicia's wedding, by the way?"

"Friday. What do you think we should get her, darling?" Dominic asked it, quietly, eyebrow raised at his handsome lover.

"Something that sparkles," he said. "But then, that's my answer to everything, because I've yet to meet a woman who didn't appreciate jewelry. However, you know her best; I elect you to be in charge of gift-purchasing."

His eyes widened. "No. Nooo. I'm not buying anything. I'm not talking to her. I am staying away, and don't you dare give me a guilt trip about it." He hid his head under his lovers arm, and snuggled in close to him, under their blankets and sheets, as he let his eyes close.

Lionel calmly picked up his elbow and gazed at his lover. "Tell me again why you're staying away from the woman who you are going to be giving away?"

"Because. I don't want to talk to her." Dominic blushed, hotly. Yeah. He was being a wimp. WELL? Would anybody want to be in the middle of the warpath of a pregnant crazy woman a week from her wedding? Hell. No.

Lionel chuckled. "Is it the wedding or the pregnancy?"

"Both. In tandem." Dominic muttered, and winced at his husband. "I know that makes me a bloody yellow dog, but I don't give a shite." But he broke himself off with a deep yawn, which he buried in Lionel's side, and cuddled in close, sleepily. "I'm tired."

Lionel laughed softly. "I'll put in a call to Ethan in the morning, find their registry and have Christine choose something appropriate," he said, pulling him close. "Rest, little Cricket."

"I feel bad. I have to get her something nice. But that's for worrying about later." He murmured quietly, as his eyes fell, heavy lidded, and shut. He curled in closer to his husband... then stopped, finding that uncomfortable, and turned on his over side to press his back against Lionel's side cozily. He liked hugging his pillow like this, it was fluffy and warm and he yawned again, pulling his legs up as his eyes closed.

Lionel tugged his glasses over from the dresser, sitting them on his nose as he picked up the leather-bound book he had started several nights ago, and started to read. He would worry about sleeping later, when he knew that Dominic wasn't going to be having his nightmares. For now he was happy to just watch.



go on to the next part