
The Memoirs

Smallville fanfic by Kel and Diana

Chapter 253: Three Way Tie

The ride home had been silent. Dead silent, not a word but for their intermingled breaths... Lionel's eventual snores, the radio and the air passing through the AC. The walk into the house had been silent... Kal had put CK to bed, and had gone to sit in the study. The puppies had all looked at him strangely, Cleo had started crying when she saw him, until he talked to them and they realized it was still him.

And there he sat. Looking out the window, listening to the wind whistle through the trees, Samson asleep on his lap and Artie snuggled up against his hip.

Lex had sat with CK until he'd fallen asleep, not out need but out of desire, making sure that he was able to fall asleep without Kal, and Lex found himself pulling the blankets up tightly around CK's shoulder, tucking him in and brushing the hair back from his face and tucking it behind his ear.

Once he was sure that CK was asleep, he changed again, out of the clothes he'd worn to the accident and into something slightly more comfortable--a loose turtleneck and soft fleece pants--before closing the door to the bedroom and going downstairs. His office was appealing because he had work to catch up on from Friday when he'd taken over for his father, but he knew that there was no way he could concentrate on working, but he didn't want to go into the study either.

He wasn't sure why, exactly, it hurt so much whenever Kal made it clear that he didn't want Lex around. It just did. And he'd almost come to terms with it, after the long drive with Phillip, but it still bothered him. He hid it well, though, as he went into the study, pouring himself a drink and carrying it silently up the steps to the second level, where books lined the top of the room. His fingers traced well-worn covers as he looked, and finally selected one of the newer novels in the library, Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil. He carried the book and the drink back downstairs, and paused by Kal's chair.

Almost said something, then left. Turned around at the door, and sighed. "I'll be in the other room if you need anything."

Kal watched the night, the moon lighting so very little, but in the darkness of the room it was easy to see the outline of trees on the bright spring night. He listened as Lex moved around, walked up and down the stairs, and his depression weighed like a rock against the pit of his stomach. Lex walked in, then turned to leave, and spoke. The words were quiet, but Kal was good at gauging people, and he heard pain. Pain he'd caused.

"You don't have to go."

Lex gave a soft little chuckle. "Actually, yes, I do. Because... I can't do this, Kal. I'm not my father. I can't do this civil silence thing any longer. I wish I could; I wish I could sit here and read and ignore you, but I can't. I'm... I can't shut you out. You're under my skin, always in my awareness, just like CK. Just like Clark."

He let his head fall the softest bit, as he gently stroked Samson's ears. He didn't know what to say and keep his carefully guarded masculinity at the same time, so he just continued to gently stroke soft ears as he fought for words. "I'm… I'm not like him." Frustration spiked at his inability to say what he needed to. "Its hard for me."

Lex still stayed leaning on the doorframe as he looked at the back of Kal's chair, and the spiky red hair over the top of it. "You don't have to be like anyone but yourself, Kal. Nobody's asked you to be; at least, I haven't. All I asked you to do was to let me love you, but you've made it clear that's not what you want or you need. I understand that. I understand that you're not Clark, and you don't need the same things he does. And this isn't feeling sorry for myself; believe me, I've done that already and accomplished nothing. It's simple fact, based on your actions. What I have to offer you, you don't need." Hard little swallow. "But I can't sit here in the same room with you and pretend you don't exist."

Kal's throat felt like it had been scrubbed with raw glass. "its not...about that." There was still a part of him that wanted to shove him away, keep him safe, but for the first time he understood what Lionel had said. Pushing Lex away wasn't working, wasn't helping, and he had run out of ideas to keep him safe. "Its not... you don't... its not about...that." More frustration, and he ran his fingers through his hair again. "Its not... I'm not Clark, but... I didn't... hurting."

"Then tell me what it is about, Kal." Lex still didn't move forward, when ordinarily he would have, offering his arms and his ears both. "Because I don't understand."

Fucking goddamn hell. "Because... hard for me. To explain it to you. Because... I didn't want you to hurt. That's...the pushing. I didn't want you to… to feel like… like you were losing two of us. If... you hated... it would be better." The words had all but ripped out of his throat, and the cost on his pride had cost him dearly.

The noise in Lex's throat sounded like a surprisingly bitter bark of laughter, brittle enough to shatter. But he strangled it, pushed it down and instead, walked into the room. He put the book down on the desk and leaned against it so he was looking towards Kal, but not quite at him. "Let me... see if I understand this. You... were trying to make me hate you?"

Kal couldn't meet Lex's eyes, as he gazed down at soft brown fur and nodded, quietly.

Lex shook his head, and strangled off another noise before he could make it. "I could never hate you, Kal. No matter what you did to me. You could hurt me, but it wouldn't make me hate you because you are my aushna'. No matter how much you hurt me, you couldn't make me stop loving you, and you won't stop me from missing you or mourning when you are gone."

At that, Kal's chin shook, and he lowered his head further down so Lex wouldn't see, just stroking Samson all the more. "I thought... if you hated me, it would... easier. Be easier for you. And CK, too, easier for CK. Because… then you wouldn't have to hurt so much. Not because of… of me, or anything." His throat tightened, all the harder, and he had to keep blinking to clear the tears in his eyes away. "I didn't mean... to make you sadder. I... Lionel and I talked. He told me... stupid, I was being."

"You weren't being stupid, Kal," Lex said softly. "You were being a good aushna'. You were trying to protect me from something you know would hurt me, but you can't. Not from this, not this time. This isn't something you can pummel into submission and protect me from, this isn't a bad guy. This situation... it's going to happen, despite what I might want, or you, or CK. You can't protect me from it."

Samson raised a sleepy head as the petting woke him up, and he gave the hand a little lick before putting his head back on his paws.

"I had… to try." Kal grit out, his teeth clenched tightly together, even as he gentled his strokes on Samson's head and closed his eyes. He bawled his fists into the pillows on either side of him, as he fought not to break down and be a goddamned pussy. "You can't hurt. I won't let it."

Lex's hands shook as he put his drink down on top of his book, but he slid them in his pockets as he saw Kal's balled up fists. "I already hurt," he said softly.

"Because of me?" His voice was absolutely broken, cracking violently.

"Because of you. Because of the situation. Because I know that no matter what I do, what I want, what I feel, I'm going to lose people I love," Lex confessed. "I hurt because I feel guilty; I miss Clark and I feel guilty for missing him and being ungrateful for the two of you. I want you and CK to stay and experience everything, and I feel guilty for wanting to deny Clark his life again." He pushed his hands deeper in his pockets. "I hurt because you hurt, and you won't let me help you. You won't let me share that burden."

"Can't hurt because of me." But he had to shut up, because yeah, he was right there, and his pride was hanging by a thread. Instead he shrugged Samson onto the cushion with Artie and leaned forward to thread his fingers tightly in his hair, keeping his face bowed down as he began to rock back and forth. "Hate, hate this, hate, can't take it, can't take it."

Lex held out his hand, and paused it in mid-air. "If I touch you... are you going to tell me to get lost?"

At that, Kal's shoulders shook, and he nearly caved in on himself. His fingers slid out of his hair, head leaning further down as his shoulders shook silently, his body heaving with each sound.

Lex didn't wait for an answer after that reaction, just getting to his knees in front of Kal's chair, reaching out and putting his arms around his aushna's waist, and pulling him forward. "Don't cry," he pled softly, hands moving to rub his back.

Kal let himself be pulled. Couldn't help that. He slid off of the couch and to the floor with his lover, as he wrapped his arms around his chest and buried his face tightly. He was shaking with his silent sobs, holding him close as they rocked. His last night alive, and the sorrow was sharp and intense, terrible and painful, as he held tightly to the one person who loved him, despite everything.

"Please don't cry," Lex said again softly, cradling his aushna' close. "Tell me what to do, Kal. Tell me. And I'll do it for you. I'll do, buy, find, bring you anything you want, whatever you need, just don't cry. I can't stand it when you're sad."

It went on for several minutes, after Lex spoke. He rocked in his lovers arms, letting himself be held as completely de-balling as it was. And finally, when he had a reign on himself he let go abruptly to rub his face dry, clearing his throat tightly with a stuffed voice as he stayed right in Lex's personal space, close but trying to collect himself and gather his dignity. "I'm not sad."

Lex let his arms drop from around Kal, but his hand stayed on his lover's leg. "Yes, you are." He felt behind himself on the desk with the other hand, pulling forward a box of tissues and handed them to Kal, taking one before he thought, but stopping before he did anything with it, just silently held out the box.

Kal just glared at Lex's total lack of thought about his carefully guarded ego, and he rubbed his face on the corner of his shirt just to spite as he did it, clearing his throat again as he leaned in close again, begging for touches but unable to ask for them. "I'm not sad. Don't you forget that. You tell anybody about this and I'll kill you. Oh, and I'm not gay, either." Dark glare even as he leaned forward and pressed his lips to Lex's, not knowing if he could handle being pushed away but risking it anyway.

"I won't tell," he reassured, just before Kal kissed him. He didn't pull away; the box of tissues hit the floor as Lex reached out, bringing his hands to cup his aushna's face as he returned it, flickering his tongue gently but not forcefully, unsure of how far Kal would let him go, but he was starved, almost, for anything he could get as he gave a quiet, heartfelt moan in his throat.

Kal gave a soft sound, a cry of happiness when Lex kissed him as he pulled him closer, harder to him, winding his arms tightly around Lex's body and tugging him close. He didn't know how to ask other than forcefully so he yanked, pulling him close and begging with his hands and his fingers for intimacy, for closeness to him. "I'm sorry." He whispered, just barely audible, but couldn't bring himself to say it again as he kissed his lover again, harder, deeper.

Lex heard it, but he didn't have a chance to answer audibly as Kal kissed him again, and he opened under his lover's assault, his body relaxing from the stiffness of before and molding around and against Kal's body as he gave the deep kiss back, just as hard as he took it. His arms wrapped around Kal's chest, hands slid up over his shoulders to anchor in the red spikes as he urged Kal on, his body fitting and pressing against him at every inch, pliant in his lover's hands.

"I want, please, I want." He begged quietly, unsure of what to do but he wanted. "Please, I want you to suck me, please, okay? I want to suck you, too. I don't know how, show me, please, I don't know. Please? Okay?" He felt horrible asking and he squirmed in discomfort even as he plucked at Lex's shirt. "And CK, CK too."

Lex quieted the squirms with gentle touches, and he let his hands fall out of Kal's hair to come down to his hands, squeezing them and kissing them before looking up at Kal. "I'll show you," Lex promised. "I'll show you how to do everything, if you'll trust me." He smiled softly, kissing Kal's knuckles again as he started to get up. "Come with me? Upstairs, to our bedroom?"

"Okay." He sounded disgustingly like CK but he didn't care because this was good. He rose up to his feet without having to be told twice, the feeling of Lex's kiss burning his hand. Pleasure, hot and thick, and he squirmed again, foot to foot. "I didn't know if you'd want me anymore."

Lex gave a soft smile as he let Kal's motions pull him to his feet as well, and his hand slid to rest on the small of Kal's back. "I never stopped wanting you, Kal." He left his drink and his book sitting there, knowing he wouldn't need either the rest of the night, and he squeezed Kal's waist tightly. "I left CK asleep, but I don't think he'll mind waking up for this." He gave another little smile as he started up the steps, and pulled Kal with him. "I'm glad you still want me."

Kal followed, quietly, grasping Lex's hand tightly in his own. "I'm so scared. Maybe I should have let you slide away from me, Lex. At least you wouldn't... tonight, when we..." His throat tightened uncontrollably, and he had to physically bite back another hard sob. "Make me forget for a few hours, okay? Just make me forget."

Lex stopped on the stairs, and pulled Kal against him, wrapping his arms as tightly as he could around his lover. "Whether or not I was with you like this, Kal, I would have. I will, no matter what." He pressed soft kisses on his aushna's face until he found Kal's lips, and kissed them deeply. "I love you. I'll make you forget for as long as I can."

Kal kissed back, desperately, pushing his entire body close to Lex's as he wrapped his arms tightly round his neck. "Please, its all I want. I want to be inside you, okay? I want to be inside, so far inside. I want you to be inside me. I want...I want everything." He kissed his lovers face, then his hands, bringing them up to his lips for a careful, gentle kiss showered on each digit. "God, I love you."

Lex nodded, his throat tight as Kal kissed him, then his fingers, and he tightened his grip on his lover once his hands were released. "We'll do everything; you'll make love to me, and I will make love to you, and you will know, Kal, you will know what it is like to live and love, because it's the only thing I can give you now."

Kal nodded, a sob building in his throat, and he masked it with a harsh, deep kiss, even as he grasped one of his lovers hands and motioned onward. His lips were red and swollen, eyes rolling closed with a half sleepy, half deeply excited stare, and he licked his lips softly as he murmured in quiet want.

Lex started up the stairs backwards, leading through their kiss and knowing the stairs well enough that he didn't have to look where he was going until they reached the top of the staircase. His tongue flicked back over Kal's, licking and sucking his delicious taste as he climbed upwards, giving urgent little moans as he picked up the pace.

Kal let go, quietly, shyly, though he didn't fucking dare utter that he was just a shy pussy, so he shifted and bit his now red and swollen lips, eyes big and he had to know, by his lovers expression, that he looked ready to be debauched. That thought made him shiver all over in anticipation and he stepped up the stairs, grasping Lex's hand tightly as they went. "CK won't mind, you think?" He asked quietly.

"I don't think so at all," Lex said, his fingers clinging tightly to Kal's like a lifeline. He pushed open the door, and CK was already sitting up in bed, legs crossed under him and staring in anticipation at the door as it swung open. "But maybe you want to ask him yourself?"

CK had the sheet gripped tight in his hands and pulled up over his lap. His knuckles were white because his grip was so hard, and he was trembling just a little bit, shoulders shaking.

Kal looked at his other, quietly, begging for forgiveness with his eyes as he and Lex stepped in, and his moan was very soft, very deep, because CK looked like he was ready to start fucking the mattress. He shuddered, grasping Lex's hand tighter in his, and couldn't even croak enough to speak, just trying with harsh grunts to explain how sorry he was, and how much he loved his other.

CK gave a quiet, trembling little sob as he dropped the sheet and held out his arms to both of them, bolting up off the bed and meeting them halfway across the room.

Lex pushed Kal forward first, watching with a tight throat as they embraced each other tightly, and then when CK looked up at him, he went and joined them, sliding an arm around each and hugging them both. "I love you both so much," he whispered. "Let's move back to the bed; I think it'll be easier that way."

Kal grasped CK as tightly as he could and gave his own soft sob as he held him, tightly, to his body. Wound his arms around his shoulders and waist, grasping him close, molding their bodies tightly together as his throat got tight. He held his other as closely as he could, feeling Lex slid in close and hugging him too, and he let go of CK with one arm to grasp Lex tightly, as tightly as he could, as he kissed CK frantically. All wet, sloppy, lips and tongue and messy but he didn't care because it was his other and it was okay, no matter what.

Lex pressed tightly against Kal, rubbing the back of his body against CK as he added his mouth to the kiss, sucking on Kal's tongue as it sloppily licked CK's lips, nibbled and bit CK's lips gently as he guided Kal's tongue in, sucking on it the whole while as his hands slid down identical backs, each hand cupping a firm, strong ass as he started orchestrating the move to the bed.

CK answered Kal's sob with another little one of his own, and just hugged him as tightly as he could. His other was here, with him, and with their aushna', and it was going to be okay now, because they were together. He kissed Kal back, just as eagerly and wetly as Kal kissed him, feeling Lex guiding but not caring as he just kissed.

There was a hand on his butt, and ohhh. Kal jerked and moaned in pleasure as he wriggled his backside into the tight grasp, and a little glance saw it was Lex's hand. He moaned again, deeply, moaning in quiet pleasure as he squirmed and wriggled, begging without words as he grasped CK's hair in tight handfuls and dragged him closer to him. He sucked on his neck and throat, then back to his lips, over and over, as his hands slid from thick hair to hard pecs, and equally delicious little nipples.

Which he leaned down and covered with his mouth an instant later, purring uncontrollably.

Lex got the message, and slid his hand apologetically out of CK's pajama bottoms and moved them both down to cup Kal's ass, squeezing the little moans out of his throat as his fingers roughly kneaded both firm cheeks. Pulled Kal back against his crotch as he undulated gently, rubbing his cock against one tight cheek then the other, before reaching around and unbuttoning Kal's jeans. Lex pushed underwear down with the jeans and licked over the crack of Kal's ass before starting to work his tongue between them and towards his opening.

CK gave a little ecstatic cry as Kal's mouth came over his nipples, alternating between one and the other, his own fingers coming up to pinch the one not currently in Kal's mouth. His fingers tightened on Kal's shoulder, hard enough to leave a bruise but he didn't realize it at first, just holding on as his other made love to him.

Lex's tongue was starting to... oh shit, and Kal gave a sharp cry of hunger as he arched his back into Lex's eager mouth. His own hands stroked over CK's bare skin, sucking hard on twin nipples before sliding down to a cock almost hard for him. He grasped it tightly and started to stroke, his fingers pinching the wet nipple as his mouth returned to CK's. He kissed him, hard as he could, and let go of CK's a cock only for a moment to yank his own out of his underwear.

Lex really had a clever tongue.

Kal gave a sharp cry of pleasure at it, arching his back as he bent over, and hand still on his own cock, sucked CK's into his mouth and down his throat with a single push.

As Kal bent over, Lex let his tongue slide into his lover's opening in a quick thrust. Rocking his tongue in and out, he realized that Kal was bent over at the waist, hand on his cock, and Lex remembered his promise. After a few strokes of rimming, he stayed on his knees, crawling around Kal's legs to nudge his hands out of his way, and swallowed his cock whole.

CK's body gave a hard, hard shudder as Kal sucked him down, and his mouth worked against the emptiness. Then instinct moved his body before he thought, and he reached down to his aushna', flipping Lex upside down in a single, smooth motion. Lex was still facing Kal, and CK easily supported Lex's weight as CK craned his head, and swallowed Lex to the root.

Lex gave a short scream as CK flipped him over, but his body remembered, even though his brain didn't. Since his hands couldn't balance on the floor, he wrapped them around Kal's hips, twisting his hips and torso in such a way that it didn't stop Kal from sucking on CK while Lex swallowed Kal again.

"HOLY FUCK!" Kal roared, on top of his lungs, as he watched what had just happened in total, complete shock. CK grasped Lex around the hips, sucking on him upside down and his eyes widened into twin spheres when Lex wrapped his lips around him. He couldn't get to CK like this, because the blood had fallen down to his cock in one steady swoop, so he straightened and joined CK's mouth on Lex's cock. How his beautiful, gentle other was so fucking sexy was just... Kal couldn't even explain it. "Rim him, kay, CK? Kay?" He kissed the stretched lips as he held Lex's thighs too, and nudged his other's head away so he could suck on Lex's cock.

Lex felt CK shift him, so that he was pointing completely towards Kal, and Lex's knees hooked over CK's shoulders. He didn't hear what Kal was saying because of the blood rushing in his ears, he just sucked as hard as he could.

CK nodded to his other, lifting Lex's knees gently and pressing him forward, offering Lex's cock to CK as his tongue dipped tentatively into the crevice between Lex's cheeks. "F-first time I've done this," CK whispered to Kal. "Tell me if I do it right?"

Oh, Kal shuddered as CK relinquished Lex's cock to him, and licked the flat of his tongue across Lex's ass. It was possibly the sexiest thing Kal had ever scene, his own other, himself, lapping across Lex's opening. And all of a sudden he wanted whips and chains and screams and begs and oh, fucking hell his hormones spiked and he thrust his cock forward to Lex's hard sucks, his voice keening out a sharp sound of pleasure as he grunted. "Lick… lick around it... then thrust your t-tongue in, tongue in!"

CK nodded and he did exactly what Kal told him, licking around the tight little hole, then working the tip of his tongue in. Lex was tight, but not painfully so, and CK loved the feel of muscle clenching around his tongue as he pushed, and he shoved deeper. He started working his tongue in and out, stroking deeper with every lick, and moaning.

Lex's hands tightened on Kal's waist as he sucked, and he gave a quiet little scream into Kal's cock as CK's tongue slipped into him. His eyes slammed shut, his body tensed hard, and his ass tightened with every lick of a tongue inside of him. His cock rubbed against Kal's lips and cheek, feeling him talking and instructing, shivering as he felt his wet cock bobbing in the air.

Which Kal fixed a moment later. he wrapped his lips around the hard cock stroking against his cheek and sucked it in deep, working his tongue over it, upside down. This way, Kal had to admit, it was nice and easy to get the deliciously delicious underside of Lex's cock, which was much more sensitive than the top, and he nipped and licked, sucking at the long vein as he stroked in and out.

Lex shuddered hard, giving grunts and moans into Kal's shaft, deepthroating him with every outcry as teeth raked gently over the underside of his shaft. His body jerked and trembled, hips involuntarily pushing his cock deeper as Kal sucked in all the right places.

Lex's weight was nothing for CK to hold up, and he did as he rimmed, working his tongue in to the hilt and licking before sucking on his way back out, teeth scraping inelegantly over the soft tissues. Each scrape brought another hard twitch to Lex's muscles and a tight grip around CK's tongue and he loved it as he nibbled and bit.

Kal gave a sharp cry into Lex's erection as his body began to move on its own accord. He wanted to come, and he wanted to come now, now, right now, but he couldn't because Lex was teasing even if he didn't mean to be, and oh, fuck that was so goddamned good. But he wanted more, more, he wanted more, and, "Please, more, I want more, please, please okay? Please, I want, I want...please I can't, this isn't enough, I want... inside, filled inside, hard, thrusting, FUCK ME!"

CK nodded, keeping Lex aloft with one hand and stroking over Kal with the other hand. "Which? Me? Kenep? We can both take turns?" He slowly turned Lex back onto his feet, holding him and supporting him as the blood rushed.

Lex closed his eyes as he felt himself being turned again, and didn't open them until he was back on his feet. Dizziness swamped over him for a moment, and he steadied himself on Kal's shoulders as he leaned forward, head resting against his throat. "I want to be inside you, Kal. And CK can fuck me."

He didn't care. He was twitching, his entire body begging, broken out with sweat and he began to yank at his clothes until he could tug his t-shirt off, and his jeans fell the rest of the way, with his underwear. He couldn't explain why he wanted to bend over right now and get fucked like he had never been fucked before and his other and his aushna' didn't understand his desperation as he jerked from foot to foot. His cock was leaking, hard as stone against his belly, and he gave short, whimpering breaths as he moved. "Please, fuck me, want, fucking me, please, can, can you both fuck me? Want filled, filled all the way, okay, filled with my other and my aushna', want, want yes, please, please don't make me beg, please!"

Lex pulled himself up at that, and kissed Kal quietly, desperately, stroking over his shoulders and his body. "I love you, Kal, yes, we can both be inside you, sssh... please, calm down, we can do this for you." He cradled Kal's frantic body against him. "Don't beg, you never have to beg, you just have to tell me." He looked up. "Go lay down, let me get undressed, CK will get the lube and start stretching you open."

He didn't understand why he was so desperate but he couldn't calm down as Lex held him. He kept twitching, foot to foot, his cock leaving wet streaks on his belly as he whimpered and shuddered all over with severe need. "Please, okay? Please? Please, I want." He didn't know what else to say so he just twitched when Lex let him go, nodding frantically as he plunked down on the bed and lay back. He didn't know what else to do, didn't, so he just ran his fingers over his body, waiting for them as his fingers stroked down over his cock, over his opening that was about to be breached in a way it never had before, over his thighs, and up, over his belly, eyes closed tight as his cock thrust against air.

CK watched his other stroking himself, touching his body and pleasuring himself, and he gave a little moan. In the bedside table were bottles and tubes of lube, Clark and Lex always kept enough on hand to do anything, and he trembled just a little as he picked up one of the new tubes. He squeezed out enough to cover his fingers, and remembering what Lex had done to him, the stroking with his fingers, he moved in position to do that to his other, and then met his eyes as the first finger slid in. "Is it okay?" he asked, working just his fingertip in first, then pushing the rest in after it.

Lex was going to explode. He'd gone to the brink and then been stopped so many times over the last twenty four hours that he felt like his cock was going on a hair trigger. In the car, with Chloe and Whitney, the times he'd started making out with Kal and been pushed away, and he reached down, giving his cock a vicious squeeze, ripping his balls as he pushed down the warm flannel. Seeing CK stretching his twin was not helping, and Lex was glad of the reprieve of pulling off his shirt.

Kal gave a hard scream and pushed down on CK's fingers as hard as he could. Burn of entry, slight right now but so fucking delicious, and he pinched his nipples as he jerked and writhed, squirming on the sheets. He wanted to be filled, as deeply as was possible for his body, and he gave sharp, hard thrusts up and down as he begged. "Please, CK, please, fuck me with it, please, please, I want, please." The aching burn of entry was nearly driving him mad and he squirmed all the harder for it, aching with pleasure.

CK nodded and started moving his finger faster, pushing deep and stroking out, opening him up for a second finger. Two slick ones probed deep, moving as fast as he could without hurting his other, his free hand going to Kal's hips and holding him down, wiggling his fingers inside his other, and smiling.

Lex was finally naked, and he came back over to the bed, rolling on beside his aushna' and rubbing his hand through the wet trails on Kal's stomach. "CK, you're going to have to be on bottom, because you're the only one of us who can take both his weight and mine without being hurt," he said softly, gripping Kal's organ in his hand.

Kal was absolutely frantic. He twisted and writhed, even as CK added another finger. it was better than he did because he knew they were going to fuck him, he knew it, and some of the panic went away as he pushed down into CK's hand. The hand on his hips stopped his movements though and he sobbed in want as he wound his legs around CK's waist, begging for him as he reached out and knotted his fingers in the sheets. He heard them talking but he didn't care, because now, it had to be now, please God, please!

CK nodded in understanding even as he drove a third finger into Kal. Stretching him open, making sure he was slick inside, and he looked at Lex. "This... won't hurt him, right?"

Lex chuckled even as he leaned in, stroking Kal's cock as he kissed CK. "No, it won't hurt. He's bigger than I am, and one of your fists--well, one of Clark's--fit inside me. Both of our cocks together? Aren't nearly that big. We're not going to hurt him." He stopped CK's thrusting fingers. "Get under him, slide in."

As his other slid the third finger inside of him he stopped, shifting his head and wincing in discomfort as CK stretched him open. He shifted, waiting for his body to open… then it did, and accepted him in, and Kal was begging again, shifting and rolling his hips down into the intruders inside of his body as he wailed. He couldn't hear a word they were saying, just dragging his fingers over Lex's bare ass so close to him, and he gave another hard wail as he shuddered all over, grasping his cock tightly and squeezing it.

Lex leaned over Kal, kissing him deeply and holding him up as CK slid under him. He held Kal tightly, letting CK slowly guide himself in and get settled. "There... there, my aushna'. Soon we'll both be inside you," Lex soothed, stroking over Kal's chest as CK worked his way in.

As CK's fingers stopped stroking, he lubed his cock thickly, and paused as Lex added more, and then slowly started to press inside. Cried out at the tight, hot grip of Kal's body around him as he eased slowly in, working in with gentle strokes.

Kal lay back against CK's chest, shifting his knees up as he wailed. CK was sliding in, easy, sweet, gentle and careful and Kal gave a sharp cry of aching pleasure as he arched his back and rocked down, begging entrance of the enormous intruder inside of his body. The burn was absolutely delicious and he wailed, feeling filled where he'd once been hollow, packed in tight and thick. He shuddered, grasping CK's hands as he slowly thrust in, and he let the back of his head rest on CK's shoulder as he wailed. "Please, yes, please, Yes!"

Lex watched with sheer erotic want as CK worked his way into Kal. His body trembled hard, imagining himself in Kal's place, filled with both his aushna', and his nails dug into his palm as he forced the thought back down for now. He reached out, opening his hand as he stroked Kal's forehead, and made Kal look at him. "Are you sure you want both of us?" he asked, wanting it more than he could say but not wanting to force anything on his aushna'.

CK's body easily cradled Kal's as he sunk in, thrusting up firmly as he started to fuck his other. His arms held Kal's chest, hands coming up to lace with Kal's, and he rocked, waiting for Kal's answer.

CK started to move and Kal screamed in pleasure. His hips bucked, his skin flushed hot, and his entire body shook with craving as Lex asked, and expected an answer. CK was a purely devious little bastard for starting to fuck him while they were still getting situated, purely to tease Kal was sure, and oh, fuck that was so good, so good. He grasped Lex's hand as his body rocked, pressing his lips to the palm as he begged Lex without being able to speak, tugging him down as his body shuddered.

Lex nodded, and crawled onto the bed, giving CK's balls and then Kal's cock quick licks before mounting him. Lex brought Kal's legs up over his shoulders, fully exposing the hole that CK was stroking in. He gauged the slow rhythm as he slicked his cock thickly as well as adding a little more to CK's, then as CK pulled out, Lex stilled him with a touch and pushed himself in.

His cock nearly exploded as it entered Kal's body alongside CK's, the tightness made almost unbearable by the other cock sliding against his, scraping along the length as he pushed in, CK sliding out.

CK's hands tightened on Kal's hips, grunting as Kenep's cock slid in on top of his own. High-pitched squeal as he did, feeling both cocks in, rubbing against each other and the increased tightness that meant without the lube, he wouldn't be able to move nearly killed him as he thrust.

"Wait!" Kal almost screamed it. He jerked, waiting for his body to open, to admit Lex in, because the panic of being this open terrified him in an instant. The burning was unspeakable, the heat intolerable, the pleasure so sharp and so fine it was on a razor's edge, waiting to fall off into the abyss.

And then someone nudged his prostate, and all was lost.

He jerked up then, tugging Lex's shoulders so he'd go in further as he gave a long, deep moan. He was almost smushed in half but he didn't care because holy, holy FUCK! Oh, dear God, he gave wordless cries of pleasure as he squeezed as hard as he could around the two lengths inside of him, the feeling unbelievable. He would have never, ever thought Lex would agree to it, but oh, Jesus, fuck! He stayed completely still, letting his other and his aushna' move inside of him, and he wailed in pleasure as he reached down for his cock, laying like molten lava against his belly.

Lex responded to the jerking on his shoulders, pushing himself in as deep as he could go. As he pushed in, he felt CK sliding out, and suddenly, he was buried to the hilt, the head of CK's cock was rubbing against the base of his cock, and he was lost. His head fell to the crook of Kal's neck, biting and sucking at the scar his throat, surprised to feel the skin tear as he sucked gently, lapping at the slightly opened wound as he thrust, feeling CK starting to move with him.

CK was giving hoarse cries of his own. His cock was throbbing, moving almost with a mind of its own as it thrust against Kenep, feeling his cock together with Kenep's and both inside his other. He was happy, insanely so in that instant, and he crushed both of them to his chest, hugging them, kissing the other side of Kal's throat and Lex's ear as he rocked, almost crying in his joy.

Kal was in nirvana. Total, complete. Lex bit into his throat and the sharp pain and heat of his blood open to the air made his eyes roll shut. They were thrusting against one another, over and over, and his body felt open, like his neck. A great wound, like his heart, ground and open, bared for all to see. He began to cry in joy, tears sliding down his temples to catch in his hair as he grasped Lex to him as tightly as he could, hugging him as his fingers found CK's linking tightly as he held on. His legs slid down from Lex's shoulders to his chest, linking tightly so he could bring Lex down to kiss him. He was shaking, his body was delicious, he was in pleasure so sharp and unreal he almost couldn't believe it was happening to him. He sobbed in joy though, his happiness unreal as he screamed his lovers' names.

Lex kissed Kal deeply, bloody tongue thrusting into Kal's mouth, teasing and sucking and tasting as he thrust against CK. Hard moans and cries, and Lex's kisses licked up some of the tears that fell, his fingers coming up to slide through Kal's hair and tug softly, nuzzling and loving his aushna' as much as he could.

CK's fingers were squeezing Kal's as tightly as he could as he sobbed. His throat caught on every cry out, caught again when Kal called out his name, and started to pound in as hard as he could, forcing Lex to speed up as well.

Lex felt CK pounding faster, sped his strokes up to match so they stayed at the same rhythm, and he shifted, guiding both their cocks towards Kal's prostate as they both slammed into the gland, a series of repeated strokes with almost no rest between them, because as soon as CK pulled away, Lex pounded against it, then CK's cock returned to take it's place.

Kal was unaware of his orgasm, at first. He felt his body lock up, felt as he began to shake and arch uncontrollably, and then he exploded and he screamed, so loudly, so hard. His cock burned on his belly, untouched but for the squeeze before to stop his orgasm, and he bucked against Lex as his entire body tightened like a bow string in pleasure so sharp, so severe, that he felt like he'd never come down from it, never stop feeling this unspeakably delicious.

He fainted, before he could come down from orgasm.

Lex shuddered as he felt Kal clenching and coming around him, his hands tightening on his lover's shoulders as he bared his teeth, growling as he thrust against CK as he came. Couldn't help it, couldn't not come when Kal's ass clamped down around him and locked him against CK.

CK whimpered at the tight clasp as his cock jerked, feeling his come pour out a second or two before his orgasm hit. He jerked his hands off Kal's hips before he broke them, and his throat let out a scream as his body froze in place. He felt Kenep throbbing and spitting out cream against him, and he shuddered, his joints locking as he tried not to hurt his lovers.

Kal was completely unconscious. He had fainted completely, his body slack against his lovers, legs falling off of Lex's hips. Eyes closed, lips red, bruised, debauched. His body was covered in sweat and pre-come, the salt of his tears and his chest heaved as his body fought for breath.

As soon as he could move, Lex rolled off of Kal and landed on the bed beside him, kissing his mouth softly as he stroked over his cheek. "Kal?" he asked hoarsely, voice tight and gruff with exertion as he petted. "Are you all right?"

CK swallowed several breaths, still buried in balls deep in his other, and his eyes widened when he realized the weight on his chest wasn't moving. He turned his head to look at Kenep, eyes widening all the more even as he finished thrusting out his orgasm. "He... did we... kill him?"

Lex chuckled softly. "No, we didn't kill him; he's still breathing," he said softly. "I think we just made him pass out." He kept stroking Kal's face gently, pressing kisses to a damp cheek. "Kal?"

Holy shit!

His eyes flew open and he gasped, swallowing several breaths as he stared, unseeingly, at the ceiling. His breath was coming out in ragged moans, his body completely relaxed, and he gave another long, low, deep moan as he rasped, "Ho'l sh't."

"See, CK? I told you we didn't kill him." Lex's fingers ran through CK's hair, petting and nibbling on his mouth. "Hey, welcome back." He stroked his other hand down Kal's chest, checking his breathing.

CK beamed when Kal came around, and he slowly slid out of his other. "Okay, I just wanted to make sure." He cuddled close to Kal, moving so that Kal's limp arm was around his neck. "Hi! You okay?"

Another deep, deep moan, coupled with a racking shudder so hard he almost swallowed his tongue. He whimpered, deeply, tightening his legs so his ass would close a little, except fuck, Ck was still lodged inside, and the squeeze only made him moan deeper, harder. He felt CK slide out and he shuddered, meowling as he cuddled up beside his beautiful other. "Pl-please… plug inside? Want… keep inside, please?"

"Okay!" CK chirped it, and he was already looking for the plug around the bed when Lex stopped him.

Lex put a gentle hand on CK's wrist. "We better not," he said softly, and shimmering eyes looked down at Kal as the hand not restraining CK reached down and stroked over the edge of the scar across Kal's back.

"Please?" Kal whimpered softly, his chin trembling for a moment as he looked up to Lex, with his heart scratched raw, vivid in his eyes. "Not allowed?"

Lex's heart just... shattered. "We can't. We don't know... how much you are or aren't like Clark," he said softly. "We can't risk... can't risk another child."

CK just blinked owlishly, stroking Kal's forehead and hair as he listened, and didn't say a word.

Kal nodded, quietly, and lay his head back down on the pillow, whimpering again and burying his face in the pillow under his head as he curled back against CK, where it was safe. He couldn't think about this, not right now, he wanted to forget, just keep on forgetting.

CK wrapped around Kal and hugged him, stroking his back and looking up at Lex reproachfully.

Lex shook his head, and even his shoulders shook as he reached up to touch Kal's shoulder. "If you want it, we'll risk it. We'll risk it for you, Kal, and deal with the consequences when they arise."

"No." Kal shook his head, tightly, and just reached forward to wrap his arm around Lex's waist and tug at him until he came close. "Can't fucking do that, ass. get close to me, okay? Its cold, and your hairless ass will keep me warm." But he squeezed Lex's waist as he tugged, even as he rubbed his face on the pillow quietly, enough to look at him and shudder. "That was so hot."

Lex moved instantly, rolling over beside his aushna' and cradling Kal between himself and CK, arm going around his waist to squeeze a hand. "I can turn the heat up if you're cold," he offered, pressing kisses over Kal's shoulder in apology. He rubbed his cheek against his shoulder next, kissing the back of his neck. "Yeah. It was hot. I wasn't sure... you'd be all right with it, but I'm glad you were."

CK just scooted closer to Kal, and blinked. A tiny beam shot out of his eyes, warming the pile of sheets on Kal's feet, and then he pulled one of them up over his other's hip as he blinked the heat away.

Ohhh yeah. Kal grinned back at CK at that, and beamed at him as he kissed his throat. "My ass is sore baby. Man am I ever not complaining, that was fucking A." Another purr, as he wriggled his butt back into CK's crotch, and beamed back at him in pleasure. "Gimme ten minutes, and I'll be good to go again."

CK's hand slipped down to rub said sore ass, and gave a dorky beam. "I was good," he said, chest puffing out.

Lex just cracked up. "Yeah, baby, you were good." He reached up and rubbed his thumb over Kal's cheek, kissing his lips lightly. "You were damned good." He looked down at Kal, mock-severely. "You better be ready to go; I want to be in your place."

Kal grinned. Just... grinned. Broadly. Even as he laughed himself and squeezed CK's hand tightly in his. "Damn you were good. Don't fuckin' pass out for anyone, now do I?" he asked, eyebrow raised even as he shuddered. "I feel so loose. God this is so sexy."

Lex waggled his eyebrows as he snuggled up beside Kal. "You're so sexy. Look at you lying there like that. I could swallow you whole."

Kal grinned, even as he snuggled close...then sat up, abruptly, untangling himself. "I need something to drink. Water? Parched. Want some?" He looked back down at his lovers, as he climbed to his feet… groaned… straightened...shivered all over in pleasure, and gave a huge, dorky grin.

Lex groaned. "Now I know you're feeling all right." His eyes rolled. "No, I'm fine."

CK shot up. "Oooh. Yeah. I could drink. Water, I mean. Lots of it."

"Me too. I'll bring cups. Big cups." He squirmed, shuddered and rubbed his poor butt. "Ow. It's all stretched feeling. Sexy." He purred, softly, though his cock could not rise right now. "Maybe when CK and I get back... we can play with your toys?" Kal asked, motioning to the closet lightly as he switched from one foot to the other.

Lex chuckled. "Of course we can. You get water. CK and I will lay everything out." He gave a little grin. "Unless you want CK to help you and leave me to my own devices, so to speak."

Kal grinned. Broadly. "uh hu--" He stopped when he heard an ear shattering wail from down the hall, and he jumped, eyes widening as he looked up. "What the fuck was that?"

CK blushed. Brightly. "It's... uh... it's... Dominic. And Lionel. They've uh... been at? It. For a while now. I've heard. But you couldn't."

"Dominic? Dominic screamed like--" Another sharp, reverberating cry, and Kal broke out into a grin. "Damn Ly's gotta be good, now. He screams like a pussy man."

Lex winced, and then coughed. "You should hear my father."

"Yeah? Little Dom makes him cry?" At that, Kal's grin went proud. "You're damned right. He's a good sa'lumkana after all, now ain't he?"

"Dominic tends to make my father very... vocal, yes," he said with a wince. "They're both good for each other."

"I wonder if they heard us." Kal grinned. "Aside from my ear piercing scream there. I'd give my left nut to be a fly on the wall." He grinned, wolfishly. "They tend to make one another bellow. I wonder how."

CK perked up. "I could peek, you know."

"Yeah?" Kal ignored Lex's face and nodded, several times, at his other. "Dude, yes! Take a peek!"

Lex just dropped his head in his hands. "I give up."

"Kay!" CK turned his head towards the wall, and started looking through them until he got through the wall in Lionel and Dominic's bedroom. "W-wow. Dominic's flexible. Lionel's got him b-bent in half. And is going at it."

"Really??" Kal tried to peek in CK's head but only got a dull mist, so he sneaked closer to CK and peered at the wall where he was looking. "Bent in half? Really? How the fuck can someone be bent in half? I knew he was a flexible little guy, all the while."

"Kenep? Can we show? Him?"

Lex shrugged. "Of course. There's not nearly enough mortification in my life." He went back to the bed and laid on the bed beside Kal. "Bend me, shape me, any way you want me."

CK nodded, and keeping one eye on the action, he moved Lex's legs up to his shoulders and leaned over him, so that Lex's knees nearly touched his chest. "Like this."

"Holy shit!" Kal pointed at the wall. "They're doing that?! Damn! Lex!" His gaze was feral, this side of animalistic and snarlingly giddy. "You just wait. Dude. Let me recharge. Holy shit, I can't believe they're... CK, come on. Keep an eye on it." He tugged on CK's arm as they stepped out into the hall, closing the bedroom door behind him. "Dude, they're really... like that? How does it look? Come on, I know you're as curious as me."

CK flicked his eyes back to the bedroom with Lex behind a closed door, and then picked Kal up. "Sssh." In a second, they were down the hall in front of Lionel and Dominic's bedroom, and CK was staring through the door, and he put his hand in Kal's. "Kay. Touch me. See if you can see now, when I'm thinkin' about it?"

Kal did. He pressed their clasped fingers on CK's chest...and he gasped, softly, eyes wide. Long back, long hair, golden skin. Smaller body... paler skin, freckles. Blond hair, and lithe little muscles everywhere. A sea of blankets... snarls... gasps... and ohhhh HOLY fuck.

CK just nodded as they kept watching Lionel surging forward into Dominic, hammering the smaller body under his with a power that had to be hurting them both but neither seemed to notice. "Wow," he whispered, barely audible and afraid of being heard.

Kal closed his eyes, still watching through CK's mind. Lionel's furiously shuddered words down to the smaller Dominic under him... then Dominic's legs coming down, and with his ankles around Lionel's shoulders, yanking him down for a ferocious kiss, full of lip and teeth and wet but good. He shuddered, all over as he watched, his own cock starting to hello, stand up and take note, as he licked his lower lip. "They're so beautiful together. Look how they move."

CK's eyes were still trained on them moving. "They really are beautiful," he nodded. "Lionel's kind of hot, but... just wow. They're so good together."

"We're gross peeping toms." Kal whispered. "Is it bad that I don't care? Oh... fuck, look at Lionel, there. He's got such a fucking hot body. If it weren't his dad, I'd get Lex to come watch."

Fierce nodding on CK's part. "He's got a great ass," CK said, blushing brightly as he said it. "And Dominic's hot too."

"Dominic's got a nice cock. Classically shaped. But dude, Lionel's... look at his chest. Holy fuck. I always thought Dominic was just tiny and cute, but he's got a gorgeous build. Look at the way his hips go down to his thighs. I bet Lionel likes licking there." Kal purred, even as he tugged on CK's hand. "We should go. This is bad."

"Very bad," CK nodded. "Shouldn't be watching. But they're so pretty. And hot."

"I know." Kal couldn't bring himself to rip away, either, and he gave a low whimper. "Lusting after the guy we consider a dad isn't good, CK."

"But... hot," he pointed out again, and he couldn't bring himself to blink away the x-rays.

"So hot." Kal purred, and he gave in and allowed himself another moment to...oh. Orgasming. He watched Lionel's face screw up in the most gorgeous display of pleasure he'd ever seen... watched as Dominic bucked and exploded over his stomach, streams of white ribboning from his cock over his belly. It was so erotic, to watch them both bowed back, bowed close to one another, taking all the pleasure they could from one another, giving as much as they could, and oh, Kal shuddered hard and grasped his cock, which hello, laying against his belly. "Gnuh."

CK was shivering as Lionel came, and watching his face contorting and his body arching. "Wow. Wow. It's. Wow. That's... he's hot. They're... wow. Kenep looks like that. When he's with us."

"Kenep is going to be pissed as hell when he finds out we watched." Kal whispered, though oh he did not care. He couldn't say more, because Dominic gave a heavy cry of pleasure as he came down from orgasm, and Kal watched the wanton abandon cross those soft, blond features. Watched something like a lion take over Lionel's face, watched as they began to kiss one another and uuuuuuuuuuuuh.

CK nodded. "S-so he doesn't find out." He closed his eyes, and when they opened again, the x-rays disappeared. "We need to go."

"Keep a secret from Kenep?" Kal asked, and suddenly his eyes were wide and mildly fearful. "Really? Think we can get away with it?" He squeezed CK's hand and tugged him to the stairs, not caring in the least that he was sporting an enormous erection.

CK nodded. "W-well? Are you gonna volunteer the information? And do you think he's going to ask, Did you watch my dad fucking Dominic?"

Kal grinned, crookedly, then. "Hell no I'm not volunteering. And hell no, he'd never ask. Dude, did you see the way he was pounding into him? How that little body can take it is a miracle of God. Lionel is huge. What do you think, nine inches?"

"At least," CK nodded as they started down the hallway with quiet footsteps. "He's... wow. Yeah. If... Chloe and Whitney weren't sha'nauch? Lionel? And Dominic would be worthy."

"They would have been. Remember? We almost made them our sha'nauch." Kal elbowed him lightly so he'd remember as they plunked down the stairs. "We didn't cause of Lex and Lionel. They'd kill each other first."

He nodded. "They would. And Kenep? Would be grossed out. Cause it's his dad." He plunked down the steps with Kal, shrugging. "But he's weird."

"I know. I think he would have been grossed out, yep." Kal sighed, as he pushed into the kitchen.

Then stopped. Got in front of CK, and slapped a hand across his own groin. Erection? Sank faster than the Titanic. He made a very deep strangled noise in his throat, eyes wide at Ms. Bird, sitting there, doing a crossword and drinking tea, so it seemed, Ricky Lake on the little kitchen TV.


Very few things distracted Hilde during Ricky Lake, her favorite television show.

But the two naked boys in her kitchen certainly got her attention.

Not to mention the fact they were both Clark, which, at this point? Nothing surprised her any longer, and she sighed as she turned the sound down on her little television. "Vhat ken I do for chu?"

Kal just stared at her, deer-in-headlights, his eyes so big they were drying out. He opened his mouth to say something...keeping CK behind him as much as he could as he tried to babble something out, and nothing came out but a hoarse gasp before... "M-Ms. Bird... look… we... we... its... I... explaining, I can. Me. Explain! I can. Really. I'm sorry we're naked. Germs. I'm sorry. Fuck. I mean!" Eyes even wider. "Sorry! I mean... sorry. yes."

She just sighed, and levered tired old bones out of her comfortable little chair, taking pity on him and throwing her pink ruffled apron at him. "Dere." Then she put her hands on her hips. "Vhat did chu come down here fer?"

CK gave a little wave over Kal's shoulder, and he peeped, wide-eyed. "Um... water? Please?"

Kal took it and yanked it over his head, keeping his body in front of CK, shielding him from the nakedness. "Water. Parched. Please." And he was abso-fucking-lutely mortified to feel his face flush as crimson as his hair. "If-if its okay."

Ms. Bird snorted as she bustled across to the fridge. "Of course et's okay. I am chust surprised dat chur not drinkin' orange juice." She rummaged for a little bit, and came out with three one-liter blue glass bottles, and put them on a tray, then went to the cabinet and came back with three monogrammed drink tumblers.

"Is there orange juice?" Kal asked hopefully, then turned red and gasped, hiding behind the hand he slapped to his face.

Another snort, and she patted his cheek as she turned around. "Like I vould have dis keechun vithout et."

That Ms. Bird wasn't panicking was weird. That Kal was blushing six shades of red, two of pink, and one of purple? Not so weird. He kept a hand firmly planted on CK's hip, and bit his lip, tightly, as he watched her walk around. "W-what're you... three in the morning?"

Ms. Bird put the water bottles back in the fridge, and pulled out the gallon pitcher of orange juice, and put it on the tray as she turned around. "Dese bones, dey are not as young as chu, Herr Clark. My aches and pains, dey keep me avake."

"I'm Kal." Kal blurted before he could stop himself, and his eyes widened to saucers before he slapped a hand across his mouth and looked at her over it...swallowing hard. "Yeah. Aches and pains, I hear ya. Its why we're here, cause... we need a drink. Cause... erm... well, cause..." Not even he was crude enough to talk about sex in front of Ms. Bird, and he bit his lip.

Her eyes twinkled. "Because chu have been ridden to aches?" She peered over his shoulder. "Ef you are Kal, den who is this quiet fellow?"

"CK," he chirped over Kal's shoulder. "But, uh... yeah."

"Oh my God! Ms. Bird!" Scandalized, behind his pink apron. "You... are an evil, evil woman!" But he grinned, anyway, and glanced sideways at CK right behind him. "CK. We're only here for a while."

She chortled, and thrust the tray at him. "I em old, Herr Kal. I em not dead. Yet, anyway."

"Not ever. You're Ms. Bird, you can't die." Kal nodded, firmly. "My dad isn't around, right? I mean uncle! SHIT!" He sideglanced his other and glared at him. "Shut me up sometimes, will you?!"

"Uncle my foot," she snorted. "Mr. Elliot is, de last tray I took him, vas in de vest ving library."

CK cringed. "Yeah, uncle." Smack to Kal's shoulder. "It's Ms Bird!"

"Sorry! I didn't mean to curse." Kal winced again as he took the tray from the woman and bit his lip, tightly. "He's... our... uncle. Yes. Uncle. I bet he's pissed as hell, though." Another wince. "And hey, Ms. Bird? We won't be able to like, remember this soon, cause... yeah, we'll be... but anyway, you know, we're aliens. And stuff. Just in case you ever wondered and all. Clark won't remember ever telling you, so... you're like, in the know, now, you know? Cause... well, you're Ms. Bird. I bet you already knew, huh?"

"Chu are just different," she stressed quietly, and then her accent dropped for a moment. "You are special, because you have made Lex happy. And that is enough for me." Then she cleared her throat. "Off with chu."

"Hey! I totally knew the accent was baloney." But Kal grinned, and leaned forward to peck her cheek with a big, sloppy, wet kiss. "Cool. Thanks. We'll... yeah, clothes. See you tomorrow!"

She gave him a glare. "De accent is not phony. Chust... overstated." She puffed her little shoulders out, but then melted at the kiss to her cheek. "I vill have breakfast ready for chu. French toast und bacon vith sausage und eggs."

"Oh God." Kal gasped at the words. "And those like, little roll things you make with all the butter in them?" Hopeful beam.

"Ja, ef dat is vhat you want." She transferred her glare to the little one hiding behind Kal. "Und vhat do you vant?"

CK's high-watt grin came up. "Some of those crusty egg pastries? And... some chocolate Danishes and coffee too?"

Ms. Bird nodded, making a list in her head. "Ja, dat is possible."

"And maybe one of those huge new york cheese cake things. And like, some of that apple juice you get from my mom. And maybe... erm... I'm shutting up." A hard blush and he elbowed CK in the waist, clutching the juice to his chest. "We're going. Erm... I'll get your apron washed and bring it back for you, okay?"

Ms. Bird nodded again. "Ja, I know vhat you like. Chu vill not be disappointed." She put her hands on her hips. "You do not disgrace my apron, Herr Kal." Stern glare at him. "Chu take et off before chu do any hanky panky with Herr Lex."

Kal turned six shades of red again and he groaned, slapping a hand to his face. "Ms Bird! You're going to kill me, you know." Another kiss and he prodded Ck backwards, keeping a hand on his butt to keep… most... of it hiding as he scampered out of the kitchen with his lover.

She cackled. "Chust be glad I did not tell you vhat I saw before chu put de apron on. Chu vould put horses to shame."

"MS BIRD!" Kal cried it back as he grasped CK's hand tightly in his and mosied as fast as his legs could carry him up the stairs, pink apron, juice, and cups in hand. "That kinky old bitty! Did you hear her??" He gasped as he plunked onto the second floor, and high tailed it down their hall.

CK was half laughing, and half blushing as he hid behind Kal. "That's Ms. Bird! She's not kinky! She's just... Birdy!" His hands moved fast, and tied the apron on behind Kal's back. "Pretend... be a maid? Kenep will think it's kinky."

"Kenep will? What about you?" Kal asked, half grinning, half blushing himself, and pushed open the bedroom door abruptly with his hip.

CK squeezed Kal's ass and propelled him into the bedroom with handfuls of firm asscheek. "Course I will," CK said, blushing, and he licked up the back of Kal's neck before blushing harder.

Kal cracked up, still laughing as he turned, and gazed at his aushna'. "Ms. Bird. Caught us. With the naked! She made me..." He pointed to the apron, then laughed as CK licked his throat and neck. "But hey, we've got to go see Jor--CK! Stop that! You're making me all..." Another giggle.

"That's the point," he admitted with a blush, and a squeeze to Kal's ass again.

Lex fell off the bed laughing at the little tent growing in Kal's pink apron, and he was wheezing as he tried to pull himself up, rubbing his bruised ass from where it bounced on the stone floor.

Kal grinned and set the juice on the table, smacking CK's hands away as he tugged the apron over his head after untying it in the back. "Enough of that, naughty boys. Come on, let's be serious for a minute." Said without looking at his cock, of course. "We've got to talk to Jor. He's in the library."

"Hope... ::wheeze:: you have... ::giggle, choke:: something loose!" Lex choked out, pulling himself to his feet, and glaring at Kal's proudly erect cock.

Kal glared... but kinda grinned, down at his cock, giving it a little stroke. "Yeah. He's big. But! No. All I have to think about it my current mortal horror and..." His cock started to go flaccid, and he beamed.

"Ms. Bird saw us naked and said Kal had a cock like a horse." CK beamed proudly. "That means I do too."

Lex's ass promptly hit the floor again as he was hit by a new peal of giggles.

"Hey! Its not funny! My cock is wicked sexy!" Kal yelled it, even as he glared and stomped into the closet. He found a t-shirt, a green one, and a pair of blue jeans. That's all he needed after all, as he ran his fingers through his hair, so it stood up all the more. "Coming, CK?"

CK looked longingly at the bed, and the naked state of his aushna'. "I wish," he said, and plodded to the closet.



go on to the next part