
The Memoirs

Smallville fanfic by Kel and Diana

Chapter 340: Shayla Makes Five

Clark...was in high spirits. Better, anyway, than he'd been for weeks. He felt things were on the mend with Whitney, he and Lex were okay, and now they were going to have another ashikeeneh' and it felt... it felt *good*. He'd stopped in town to pick up some things from the computer store, get some dry cleaning, and run by Walgreen's for condoms, lube, and other necessities. All the way home he'd grinned like an idiot, and Lex had been scarce when he got home, so he went up for a hot shower.

He was standing in the closet, now, the duffle bag on the bed and a few sex toys and the things he'd bought inside. He stood naked in front of his clothes, looking at the stuff hanging and looking for something sexy but understated.

"Clark, how would you feel about moving to New Jersey?" Lex asked as he came in, stripping off his suit jacket and kicking off his shoes as he came in the door.

He had a letter in hand from the dean of Admissions of Princeton University, admitting him to the microbiology doctoral program at his earliest convenience, and he couldn't believe it'd actually happened.

Part of him had expected his father to move to block his education, again, because it didn't fit what he wanted for Lex, but he had the proof, in his hands.

Clark shifted onto one hip, dropping the shirt he'd had pulled out, hanger still on the bar. "Don't know anyone in Jersey, but I've heard it's nice. Why?"

"Because I just got accepted into Princeton's doctoral program, and I can start anytime I want," Lex answered, flopping onto the side of the bed as he put the letter down and started peeling off the uncomfortably tight dress pants that matched the suit. "I just got back from the bank and Dad wasn't lying. He set up a special account for me, and he's deposited almost half a million dollars already for tuition, books, and any other expenses."

"Hey!" Clark cried, turning with wide eyes and smiling. "Congratulations! That's wonderful, Lex!" he leaned over and gave his lovers mouth a big kiss. "I know you'll do great! That's excellent. When do you start?" he plopped on the edge of the bed next to him, taking the letter to read.

"Whenever is convenient for me," Lex said, handing over the letter. "If you want to stay in town, they'll let me take the classes at Metropolis U, and what isn't offered there I can take via satellite--Dad's arranged it all."

"I'm so happy for you, Lex, and so proud," Clark said, beaming at him and leaning over for a big kiss. "This is amazing. You should start as soon as you can... spring semester?"

Lex nodded. "That's what I was thinking, but Clark... we've got a lot of things to decide before then, the biggest one being, are we going to move all the way onto the upper East Coast? Granted, it would probably be better for you as far as being close to Bruce and the rest of the League should they need you again, and it goes without saying that I'd love to be closer to Bruce myself, but it's up to you, because I know you may not want to leave you friends and family behind. We also have to talk to Whitney and Chloe and see if they would mind moving with John with us, because we can't move without them," Lex added sensibly.

"Lex... New Jersey?" Clark's eyes widened a little, as he realized just what Lex was saying, and slumped a little. "I don't... it's so *far*," he said, softly, looking down at the letter again.

Lex nodded. "Yeah, it is. Which is why we're not going to decide now, Clark. We've got months to do it in. I just... I had to share the news with you." He leaned over and kissed his aushna's cheek. "And like I said, there is the option of the satellite classes and such in Metropolis, Clark. We may not move anywhere, except three hours away."

Clark smiled a little brighter at that, and kissed Lex back, gently, on the chin. "I'd miss Lionel and Dominic," Clark whispered, high points of color teasing at his cheeks. "But I'm still so proud of you. This is going to be so great for you, and for us." He beamed and handed back the letter. Now, did he dare tell Lex what was probably going to get him in a lot of trouble?

No. No, he didn't. So he stood up again and went back to the closet. "We're due at Chloe and Whitney's in an hour. You should shower… I'll get our stuff packed up."

"What's going to get you in a lot of trouble?" Lex asked, folding the letter back up and sliding it in the envelope before tucking it in the top drawer of the bedside table. He stretched, popping his neck and his shoulders, and started stripping off his underwear on the way to the shower.

"Hey, now." He peeked out of the closet. "No mind reading without me letting you," he chided, wagging his finger at him before holding up two cock rings--one green, one metal. "Which is more comfortable?"

"Hey, I can't help what leaks out of your brain," Lex defended himself. "And pick the metal one; the green one is probably too small for either of us now."

Clark nodded, peered at the metal one, and figured Lex was right. He unclipped the green one and reached down to his interested cock, winding it around his balls and cock and tightening it enough to make him hiss. He attached it with the snap, shivered, and went back into the closet. "I've got the nipple clamps, the vibrating eggs, the plugs, the handcuffs… what else do you think we'll need? The vibrating clit tickler thing? Bet Chloe'll love that."

Lex grabbed a towel off the linen rack, and turned the shower on before peeking around the bathroom door. "Bring the spearmint oil, and the lavender oil," he said. "The lavender should neutralize the sting of the mint if it gets somewhere it shouldn't."

Clark purred and grabbed it too, and as the shower came on, he also grabbed a ball gag, a newer toy Lex had gotten recently that was a round ring to keep the mouth open and a cock to fit through, and a collar, which he slipped on over his neck just to feel the coldness of the leather. He shivered at that, swallowing against the light constriction, as his mind filled up with fantasies.

Lex hurried through his shower, and was scrubbing the water out of his face when he felt Clark's shiver go up his spine. You could pack the crops, the paddle, and the bridle set. They're all in a box in the mini-closet, he said after a moment.

"Got it!" Clark called, his voice a little tight as he lightly stroked the tip of his *very* interested cock, and sighed softly as he went back into the small room. He picked up a vibrator as well, the clit tickler, and another two bottles of lubrication. It wouldn't do to run out mid way through. He also looked through Lex's array of female toys, fascinated with them, and got nipple clamp weights, and a double sided dildo which made him shiver with delight at the sight of.

Lex came out of the shower and the bathroom, dripping wet, while Clark was dragging out the box and the other things. "You could also pack that leather skirt of mine and the corset. I won't go all out with tits and a wig, because I'm still a little wary of my control issues right now, but I don't see any reason as to why the skirt and corset won't work."

Clark shivered all over in pleasure, eyes dancing, and he got out the skirt and corset too, setting all of it on the bed with a beam. He leaned over and licked a long dribble of water from his lovers throat, loving how he barely had to lean down to do it, and purred. "Lex water. Should be bottled," he murmured, and pressed a kiss to a warm collar bone. "You love me, Lex?"

"Mmm. You know I do, Clark." He closed his eyes and let Clark lick the water that ran down his throat. Then his eyes cracked open. "Who do you need me to kill?"

His lips twitched, as he nuzzled a wet nipple. "You trust me, Lex?"

"Yes, I do," Lex answered instantly.

"Then you trust me enough, and love me enough, to know that tonight is a part of my culture, and that you'll understand after you feel it?"

Lex's other eye cracked open. "I have a feeling that what you're about to clue me in on is going to throw me for one hell of a loop. But yes, Clark, I do trust you enough to let you do whatever you need to do. I'd never blame you or be angry for anything that is required by your heritage."

"Well, tonight... Chloe and Whitney are going to be there. But...I also invited someone else."

"If you invited Dominic, my father, or Adam, I will have to disown you," Lex teased.

Clark's lips twitched, but he looked up through his lashes, and said softly, "Shayla. I invited Shayla. She's Johns ashikeeneh'."

Lex blinked. "The little pink smurf?"

Clark nodded. "She's Johns second mother. We have to take care of her. Don't you feel the link there?" He gently prodded it, to get his lovers attention on the pearly white strand freckled with pink. "She's been there for some time. I thought it was just because she and Chloe were friends, but this is more. Chloe loves her, and Shayla loves Chloe--and Shayla is John's ashikeeneh'. She's part of our community." He shifted the smallest bit. "You know how people on Earth say it takes a village to raise a child? I think... I think on my world, that's part of the natural order. These things… that's how it works." He shrunk the smallest but. "Don't be mad."

Lex prodded the little strand himself, and snorted when he got the distinct impression of being smacked in the face. "I'm not mad, Clark, and I can't say as I'm surprised that she's the one that Chloe picked," Lex said carefully. "I am, however, worried about the state of my balls if Dominic ever finds out."

Clark winced. "It's... cause she's kind of your aunt. It's kind of... weird. That's why I didn't want you to freak out."

"Don't worry, Clark. I won't call her Aunt Shayla. Ever."

That made him grin, and Clark offered it to Lex, as he nibbled the corner of his mouth. "Then get dressed, and lets go have amazing sex."

Lex returned the nibbling kiss. "Okay. Getting dressed. Got it." He slid off the bed, staying connected to Clark at the mouth for a long moment, then letting go. "I'll be right back." Lex paused at the dresser and pulled out a pair of silky black briefs, and disappeared into the closet.

- = - = -

Chloe was bustling to get everything ready. She had pasta on the stove, and had changed all the sheets and blankets off the king sized bed she and Whitney had splurged on, because she? Was a kicker. She'd put some KY and condoms in the side drawer, had dressed with rather sexy underwear on under her slacks and sweater.

Lex had gone with her nearly two weeks before for a skin tightening and tuck--it had hurt, but not as badly as giving birth, and gave her a smoother tummy and thighs, after her skin was stretched to hell and back from the baby. She still had quite a few stretch marks on her thighs and belly, but they were nearly invisible. They were worth it, for John.

She smiled down at the baby in her arms, as she rocked in the rocking chair. it was five to seven, and Clark and Lex should be there any minute. She was rocking the baby, who was already asleep. He'd stay asleep at least till midnight, and she hoped the games that were coming tonight would be over by her twelve thirty feeding.

She lay the baby in the crib, putting his tinkling music on and covering him gently with the soft blanket, before slipping from the room, barefoot, to the door which was open but for the screen. Whitney was outside, drinking a beer, and she smiled at his back before going to check on her pasta. Light food, best for sex.

And Whitney was really enjoying the beer. He didn't make a habit of having it in the house, because of Chloe and the baby, but occasionally, he did have Lex pull a few strings and have a six-pack or three delivered to the house for him.

He'd put the beer in last night to chill, and they were perfectly cold for tonight. He was sitting on the front porch of their condo, feet propped up on the railing as it was just starting to get dark. Lightning bugs were zipping back and forth in the hot, heavy air, the bob-whites and doves were cooing as they settled in to sleep for the evening, and the street lights were shining little pools of yellow down onto the inky blackness of the street.

He was just settling comfortably into the chair, and trying to decide which car Lex would have when they pulled up in Clark's Ferrari. He waved from the porch, and turned his head over his shoulder. "Chloe! They're here!"

Lex had made him drive the damned car. The. Damned. Car. Clark liked it, but he felt so weird to park a bloody Ferrari on the curb. he did anyway, putting it in park and purring along with the car as he turned it off. He grabbed the bag from the back seat as he took the keys from the ignition, and grinned at Lex. His lover had... needed to borrow some pants, because even when he took the hem out of his slacks, they fell too short. He was wearing some of the pants Chloe and Shay had bought Clark at the beginning of the year, and though he didn't fill them out all the way in the hips, they were still very, very sexy.

He himself had put on his jeans and the green sweater Lex was crazy about.

He climbed out of the car with the bag, the distinct feeling of the cock ring rubbing his balls against the cloth of his jeans pleasant as he lifted a hand to Whitney in greeting.

Lex was very, very cranky that the leather pants he had wanted to wear no longer fit.

He was even crankier that the leather jacket fit a little snugly across his shoulders and fell a little short of his waist, but he took solace in the fact that his boots were still the right size, and that Clark's jeans felt very, very good.

He had a small bag of his own thrown over his shoulder, which basically included fresh day clothes for him and Clark tomorrow, as well as for Shay, because Clark had been thoughtful enough to raid her laundry pile in the laundry room before coming. He waved as well, and then smirked at the green bottle in Whitney's hand. "If you have Corona in the fridge, Whitney, I'll give you a blowjob right now."

Whitney snorted and spread his legs, hooking a thumb towards the kitchen. "On your knees, Luthor. Clark'll fetch the beer."

"Hey now, no blow jobs in public," Clark said, leering wickedly at Lex as he pushed a small memory of yesterday's activities in the hallway at his lover as he leaned down for a Whitney kiss. He went in the house to leave Whitney and Lex to talk a bit, and set the bag down by the door. "Chloe?"

"In here, hun!" Chloe called, and smiled as Clark gave her a soft kiss on the cheek. "Get the beers out of the fridge, hun, I'm sure Lex wants one. And I'm almost done here...we're eating light. Pasta, bread, wine. Good?"

"Excellent," Clark murmured, and kissed Chloe's cheek again before opening the fridge and finding the beer. He uncapped them with a flick of his wrist, and shifted a little on his feet. "Where's John?"

"Asleep." Her eyes danced. "He had his dinner and fell asleep. As long as we're moderately quiet, he'll sleep till midnight."

"Moderately quiet with these two?" Whitney yelled in as he turned around and slid his hands up Lex's arms.

Lex murmured softly and turned his arms up, so that Whitney's hands slid up his forearms and the thumb rubbed the inside of his elbow gently. "We can be quiet," Lex said.

"Yeah, when hell freezes over," Whitney snorted. "Come on, stand up, let me see how tall you are now." He pulled Lex to his feet, and was surprised to find that he was almost the same height as Whitney now. "Christ on a crutch. When do you stop growing?"

Lex chuckled softly, and let Whitney's arm slide around his shoulders. "I think Clark and I are both done growing now."

"Tell them to come in!" Chloe called quietly after Clark, as he walked out of the kitchen and back down the hall.

Clark opened the screen door again, handing Lex a beer, and motioned his shoulder. "Chloe says to come back in." The slightly impatient vibe he was getting from Chloe matched his own, and Lex and Whitney were much too calm for his own state of mind.

"Thanks," Lex said, taking the beer and tilting the bottle to his lips as he took several long draws of the amber liquid before offering the bottle to Clark. "Libation?"

Whitney thumped Lex gently on the back. "Come on, Lex. When Chloe says jump, you ask how high, mistress."

Lex choked on his beer at that. "Mistress? She's got you trained, Fordman. CHLOE!" he called, raising his voice only a little bit. "You got Fordman trained!"

"Shut your damn mouth, or you're singing to John for the next hour!" Chloe called sweetly back, as she peeked out of the kitchen door, dish towel in hand. "Of course I've got him trained. House trained. Dinner's ready!" She smiled. "Shayla said she wouldn't be around till around eight, so it gives us plenty of time to eat comfortably. I made some appetizers… French onion slices that Dominic's sister Lindy helped me make."

Lex just patted Whitney on the shoulder. "Feel for you." He slipped his arm around Clark's waist and pulled him closer, draining the beer bottle in a few quick swallows. "Dinner sounds great; I had a brunch this morning and the toast didn't go very far," he said.

Chloe beamed as she watch Lex and Clark--Lex had gotten *tall*!--come into the kitchen, and her eyes danced as she looked up at him, beckoning him down for a kiss. "It's my special recipe. Mushroom and zucchini pasta. You'll like it." She grinned, and kissed his cheek. "Come on, sit, sit. You brought clothes and all, right?"

Lex hefted his bag as Clark did the same. "We brought clothing for all occasions," he said, leaning over and kissing her cheek, and then her lips, snuggling her body next to his for a moment before letting her go. "Though I sincerely hope that we won't be needing them for the majority of the evening."

"She never makes the special recipe for me," Whitney pouts, glaring teasingly at Clark. "It's always when you guys come over that she's all, oooh, I can make the Chloe Sullivan Soon To Be Fordman special recipe!"

Clark grinned, poking his ashimel's lean side, teasingly and gently cause he didn't know how far he was allowed to go yet. "You're too skinny," he said, softly, shyly. "Does she even feed you anymore?"

Whitney gave a dramatic sigh and laced his fingers through Clark's, squeezing them tightly and not letting go. "Nope, she doesn't. She's... you know, still holding a grudge about the whole baby thing."

"Ooohh, you mean the part where she vowed to chop your cock off and stew it into a nice soup?" Clark asked, squeezing Whitney's hand back, just as tightly, and pressing it close to his side.

"Yeah, that's the one," Whitney agreed, snuggling into Clark's side. He'd *missed* his ashimel. "I've still got my cock, so I know it's safe to eat soup, but I'm not sure about anything else she makes me," he snorted.

Lex just rolled his eyes. "I have full confidence in your ability to castrate him in his sleep, Chloe. And if you need assistance, I'll help." He shrugged at Whitney's outraged look. "I know to get on her good side, Whitney."

"I won't like Whitney castrated. That means he can't do fun things," Clark said, shyly again, and leaned forward to nuzzle Whitney's neck. When he wasn't shoved away, he gently kissed the spot he'd licked.

"Kiss ass!" Chloe hooted, smacking Clark's rear as she walked by with the wine, and grinned. "Sit, sit. Whitney, help me get the pasta bowl on the table."

"I'll do it," Lex said, jumping out of his chair quickly to avoid her swat at him. "Whitney has his tongue--er, hands--full with Clark," he said, leaning down to nuzzle Chloe's hair and breathe deeply of the sunflower and vanilla shampoo scent that clung to her hair.

"In a minute, honey," Whitney answered, turning and letting Clark nibble his neck as he angled his head to bite Clark's earlobe.

Clark sighed softly, deeply, at the willing offering of peace Whitney gave him, and he licked and nibbled along his jaw, tasting after shave and sweat and bear, and it made him make a soft, nearly unintelligible noise. "Good... so good, tastes so good," he whispered, nipping a warm, soft throat, but shying away from his mouth just yet. He let go with a low, contented sigh and smiled at him, brightly.

"I miss you," Whitney whispered into the ear he was nibbling, but let Clark straighten. He scooted his chair closer to Clark's, refusing to let go of his hand, and Whitney's thumb stroked the back of Clark's hand with soothing gentle strokes.

Clark beamed all the more at him, totally missing Chloe's indulgent smile, as he kept their fingers interlocked and their knees all but pressing. "Forgive your ashimel?" he asked softly, bringing their entwined hand to his lips to kiss.

Whitney nodded, and his free hand stroked over Clark's cheek as his ashimel kissed his knuckles. "Forgiven already," Whitney whispered back in answer, leaning his head forward to rest his forehead against Clark's. "Always forgive my ashimel, who is a part of me."

Chloe beamed--just *beamed*, as she set the salad bowl on the table, the wine next to it, and Lex set the big bowl of pasta in the middle. "I love you guys so much. Now, eat! Food!" She pointed at it. "not too much, though, I don't want you to get a tummy ache."

Yeah. Right. Like Clark could eat anything with his ashimel sitting there, smelling so good, and the cock ring a constant presence, as well as the collar that was hidden just so by his sweater. He licked and nibbled warm fingers, and reached his other hand out for his aushna', squeezing it tightly and bringing Whitney's hand and Lex's hands together.

"Tummy ache when we do unmentionable things to one another?" Clark asked, green eyes dancing at Chloe's over the hands.

The fingers of Whitney's free hand clasped through Lex's, surprised that he was being allowed in but not questioning it as Lex's squeezed his fingers gently.

Lex's other hand wrapped through Clark's fingers, squeezing gently as he brought them in for kissing, and then rested their linked fingers against the bulge of cock lying down his thigh. "Maybe we should put the pasta back in the microwave and save it as a snack for afterwards?" he suggested, despite the light rumble in his stomach, because he wanted other things far more.

Chloe almost cried, 'no!', but then a clever, long fingered hand was drifting over her breast, and she smacked Lex's hand lightly to keep his hands off the titties as she climbed to her feet. "Oh, fine, you insatiable beasts. My creation will just have to be eaten nuked."

Clark gave a quiet cheer, climbing to his feet quickly and dragging Lex and Whitney to theirs, by his hands on two warm, delicious cocks.

Lex gave a little moan as Clark's fingers wrapped around his cock, and he surged to his feet. He wiggled his fingers from where they'd been slapped, but as soon as he was standing up again his hands slid inside the neck of Chloe's shirt to stroke her breasts and rub the rough lace of the bra cup against her nipple.

Chloe smacked Lex's hand away again, glaring at him and wagging a finger. "That would be your godson's midnight snack. Hands off, boyo," she harrumphed, and flounced for the bedroom in front of all of them.

Clark grinned at her retreating back, grinning at Whitney as he nuzzled his ashimel's neck, then leaned over to lick a broad width across Lex's throat. He didn't say a word, just leading them behind Chloe to the big, cool bedroom lit with candles and looking… looking desperately erotic and romantic. Black silk sheets were on the bed, a thick, warm comforter folded at the bottom of it, and Clark squirmed in his pants.

"Lucky godson," Lex murmured, and then gave a contented growl as Clark licked over his throat. He ran his hands over Whitney's hips, because they were closest to him, and he growled again at the firm curves there. "Big bed you got," he said into Whitney's ear.

Whitney reached out for Chloe and dragged her back against his groin, rubbing against her as his arms went around her waist, keeping his head turned so that Clark could lick to his heart's content. "We're big boys," he grunted. "Need the room."

"You bought it big for us? Flattered," Clark said, but gave a little frustrated whine when he pulled Chloe close. He wanted Whitney, *he* did, and he whimpered for him as his fingers stroked over his ashimel's side and ass.

Chloe got the message loud and clear and she smiled up at Clark from her snuggle against her lovers chest and hips, rocking back against him as she brought Clark down for a gentle kiss. "He's yours, sweetie," she said, and instead reached out for Lex, a pleased sigh echoing from her as she nuzzled his cheek.

Whitney surrendered Chloe to Lex's gentle touches as he pressed full length against Clark, rubbing his ass against Clark's groin and reaching back, wrapping his arms around as much of Clark's waist as he could manage. His back pressed to Clark's chest, and he leaned his head back so that it rested on Clark's shoulder as he purred softly. "I'm yours, Clark," he murmured softly, turning his head to catch an ear between his teeth and tug.

Lex drew Chloe over to him, then against him, sliding his hands over her hips and pulling them forward so that he could rub his cock against her thigh, letting her feel the length of it as his hands slid down her hips, then back up to the waistband of her slacks. His fingers slipped inside, rubbing the lines of her panties as he tugged. "Off, Chloe."

As if Lex's words were for him, Clark began to strip Whitney down, yanking off shirt and pants, shoes and underwear, before doing the same to himself. His hands were everywhere, stroking golden skin too long hidden from him, and he groaned as he traced a full ass, warm, muscled thighs, a flat belly that went concave and goosebumped when he stroked. He rubbed tight nipples and hard biceps, memorizing his ashimel again and whimpering at each lovely, warm, smooth touch.

He nudged Whitney towards the bed as Chloe undressed behind him, but he honestly didn't care as he topped his ashimel from head to toe and kissed the hell out of him.

Whitney was doing the same thing, sliding his hands over as much of Clark's body as he could in his eagerness to re-learn. His thigh slid between Clark's, rubbing against his cock as he shivered slightly at the ticklish skim of fingertips over his stomach. The laugh was nothing more than a breathy sigh as he fell back onto the bed with Clark on top of him, his hands fisting in long, dark hair as he kissed back hard, tongue thrusting and sucking on Clark's as it pushed into his mouth.

The thigh not between Clark's legs rose and wrapped over his waist, pulling him down harder as he pressed up, scraping his chest against Clark's as he begged softly.

Lex was helping Chloe undress, down on his knees as he eased her slacks off, then her underwear. He licked his lips once before letting his tongue snake out and lick over her clit and the top of her slit before sliding down between her legs. His hands worked to part her thighs enough to let his tongue in all the way, and he flicked it back and forth as he pushed deeper.

Chloe exhaled, deeply, softly, moaning quietly as she raised her hands to her chest, flickering her pert nipples over her breasts which were more full than ever, heavy and large, and groaned as Lex licked between her thighs.

"Lex," Clark gasped, his body thrumming with arousal and need as his mouth traveled over Whitney's lovely body, preparing him for the carnal delights he would experience tonight. "Lex," he said again, and after one last, harsh and lovely kiss, Clark rose and disappeared down the hall.

He came back with both bags he and Lex had brought, and stooped down to pick up Chloe's sopping, silky underwear from her pile of clothes. He set it on the bed, as well as a cock ring from the bag and a small inflatable anal plug, and clambered back on the bed.

And swallowed Whitney's cock to the root.

Lex gave Chloe one long, last lick over her clit before turning around and rocking on his heels to look at Clark. "Yeah?" he asked, licking his lips and ingesting the taste of Chloe's wetness.

Whitney's back arched as Clark swallowed him down, and he couldn't help the hoarse cry. Clark had luckily closed the door behind him, so the cry didn't wake the baby yet, but Whitney wasn't really thinking that far ahead as his eyes crossed. His cock throbbed to full attention and then some in the hot cavern of Clark's mouth, and his shoulders shook with the pleasure of it. "Clark, Clark, Clark," he chanted.

Clark smiled around the long length. If there was one thing he knew how to do, and do well, was suck cock, and he went about it with gusto, sucking and licking, slurping, licking his tongue across the slit, the ridge around the head, and down all the sensitive spots of the hot, warm, delicious erection he had so missed.

When he was satisfied with the girth and hardness, he let go, slurping at the tip until his cheeks sucked in and Whitney was squirming and chanting beneath him, before letting go to look up. "Lex...get our Chloe excited, hmm? I'm going to... make sure Whitney doesn't forget who controls his orgasm tonight." He looked down at the man stretched underneath him, and smiled. "On your knees, Fordman."

Whitney whimpered as Clark let go of his cock, but at the promise, he shuddered deeply, and did as he was told, rolling over onto his stomach and then pulled himself up to his hands and knees, legs spread wide so that his ass was open and exposed to whatever Clark was going to do to him, and he trusted his ashimel.

Lex looked up at Chloe from his perch on his knees. "I think I can do that," he said wickedly, sliding his fingers into his mouth, sucking them hard to get them wet before sliding two of them inside her slit as his tongue went back to her clit, laving it gently and nibbling around it as his fingers started to thrust. He was the only one who was still dressed, and it excited him more than a little as his fingers stroked harder inside Chloe's slit.

Clark watched to make sure Lex was following his instructions, before turning to Whitney. He lifted the wet panties and sniffed at them, then snuffled deeply. He reached forward and rubbed it over Whitney's cheek, the hot wet of the panties rubbed over Whitney's lips across his chin, everywhere so he'd *smell* Chloe as Clark did this to him.

He lightly trailed the panties down Whitney's chest, belly... then wrapped them around his cock and started to jack him off to the hot silk as he leaned down and buried his mouth between Whitney's ass cheeks and drove his tongue into him deep.

Chloe cried out softly as she watched Clark rub her wet panties over Whitney's mouth, her hips jerking when Lex stroked against her, then licked, on the floor before her feet and sucking at her like she was a special treat. She spread her thighs and all but mounted his face, rubbing against his mouth, his clever tongue, fingers tight on his bare head as she cried out.

Lex's tongue slowed it's rhythm drastically when he felt Chloe's hips starting to move, and he slid his fingers out, ghosting his breath between her lips instead as he kept his tongue licking slowly and erratically, keeping her wet and excited, but not letting her come yet as her fingers stroked over his scalp.

Whitney moaned deeply as the panties were rubbed against his mouth, his tongue snaking out to lick the wetness as it was pressed against him, knowing the smell of his girlfriend and the taste of her and absorbing it. He gave another sharp cry as the panties were wrapped around his cock, stroking with her scent all over him as a tongue shoved deep into his ass. His hands clenched in the blankets, and Whitney thrust his hips back into Clark's mouth, begging unintelligibly for something a lot more than this as he rocked on his knees.

Oh, Clark gave it to him. After making sure his ashimel was wet and relaxed, at least a little bit, he pulled the panties free from his cock and set them beside his own knee. He unscrewed the lube bottle and squirted a bit onto his fingers, returning them to the little hollow his mouth had just been and stroking deep. Two fingers, he stroked and crooked them to rub the prostate. He added a third finger on the thrust out, and when his lover relaxed enough to take the intrusion, he used a fourth finger from the other hand, making sure Whitney was open and flexible to what he was going to do.

He poured more lube into his hands, rubbing them until they were wet and slick, and picked up the panties, slicking them up until they were wet and slippery, forever stained but Clark didn't think Chloe would mind, when she was watching him with enormous eyes.

Clark slipped a cock ring on his ashimel's balls and cock, snapping them closed, before he took the panties up and gently began to work them into the stretched hole.

He pushed them in, one finger at a time, pushing until the cloth and Whitney's ass gave, and pushed each inch of lacy, silky fabric *in*, slowly, methodically, but surely.

Whitney keened when Clark's finger stretched him, and for the briefest instant as Clark's four fingers slid inside him, he thought for sure that he was going to feel Clark's entire hand next, but instead, he jumped when the cock ring was strapped on. Fuzzy-headed and muddled, Whitney didn't register at first what was happening until he heard the squeak from his girlfriend and felt the scratch of lace and fabric sliding inside him.

He lowered himself further onto the bed, opening his ass up further for Clark's fingers pushing and packing him full as his fingernails scraped over his nipples.

Lex's tongue kept flickering over Chloe's slit, just enough to keep her excited while she was watching Clark, and he took the opportunity to slide his cock out of his pants, stroking it and moaning softly against Chloe's slit as the large organ was finally freed.

Clark made a small hole at the end of the panties and looped it around the small butt plug, pushing the panties in until Whitney was packed full of wet, slippery cloth. As soon as he had he pushed the wide head of the plug in as well, making sure it was fit and secure, so no one could see what was packed tight into his lovers belly. His own girlfriends hot, wet panties.

Clark's cock was harder than it ever had been before, hot, tight, high, and he gently stroked it once before he came the bed to face Whitney. "There we are," he said calmly, as if he hadn't just stuffed his lover full. "How is that?"

Whitney couldn't speak for a very long moment. His teeth were clenched, his eyes were closed, and he was trying very hard to formulate a reply that involved words instead of grunts and groans. His ass was throbbing in their clench around the panties and the plug that was holding them in, whimpering and rolling his hips as he tried to get the thing filling him to *move* but it wouldn't. It couldn't thrust against him, just kept him full, hard, and begging, and Whitney turned his pleading eyes up onto his lover. "Feels full, fuck, Clark, please, gotta... gotta come, gotta *something.*"

Clark smiled, very sweetly, and shook his head. He looked up at Shayla, who he knew had been standing in the doorway watching him stuff Whitney full for the last five minutes. "Going to come in, or are you planning on watching us all night, sweetie?"

Chloe groaned, riding Lex's face hard for a moment and she was so close to coming, so close, but Lex wouldn't let her and she *whimpered* as she met Shayla's eyes. She rubbed her high nipples, eyes closed and beyond caring who might be watching as she fucked herself on Lex's teeth, mouth, talented tongue.

Shayla's eyes were huge in her head as she came in. "I used... I used my key to come in I hope that's okay," she said. "John's asleep, I checked on him and changed his diaper before I came up." She swallowed hard as she got to the bed, and ran her fingers gently over Whitney's full ass. "Wow.

Whitney gave a high-pitched whine as Shayla's fingers dragged over the place he was fullest, and he pushed back against the light touch, his fingers still yanking roughly at his nipples.

Lex stopped licking entirely as Shayla came in, and he turned around to give her a smile. "Shayla," he said, keeping his hand steady on Chloe's hip as he looked at Shayla, standing beside his aushna'.

Clark slipped from the bed and climbed to his feet, gently taking Shayla's hand from Whitney's ass, and smiled as he lifted her to her feet. "You come to his, Shayla, consensually and fully knowing what we are about to do?"

She nodded. "Yeah, I do," she said softly, looking up at him. "I know what's going to happen here, and when I joked with Morgan about it in the hospital, I had *no* idea it was actually going to happen."

Lex looked up at that, eyebrow raised at Clark. "You weren't wrong after all, aushna'," he said softly. "I apologize for doubting you, even though I trusted."

Clark smiled down at Lex, and gently reached out to stroke his fingers through the hot, wet liquid on his face, bringing them to his mouth...stopping midway, and instead bringing them to Shayla's, to let her lick. "Beautiful ashikeeneh'," he whispered, and tilted her head, gliding his fingers across her lower lip before kissing her.

This wasn't the friendly kisses, the sweet ones of before. This was thick, heavy, deep, hot and tongue and kissing her roughly as his fingers stroked over her back. He bunched her shirt at her shoulders as he pressed her slight body against his much larger one, kissing her as a man kisses a woman. Her tiny, pert breasts felt amazing against his chest, her hot valley burning through her pants, and he rose, lifting his mouth from hers enough to wrench the shirt up and off. The bra snapped easily off, and then his hands were filled with her small breasts, big enough to be pleasurable but small enough so that when he ducked his head, he could take almost one whole one in his mouth.

He suckled hot, scraping the tips with his teeth as his fingers began at her jeans.

Shayla's tongue licked at Chloe's familiar taste as Clark's fingers swept over her lips, and then when he kissed her, she was swept away.

Her arms wrapped around Clark's neck as he kissed her, holding on tightly. Her toes curled as his tongue pushed into her mouth, and she moaned softly at the strength behind them. A little squeal as her bra snapped, though it didn't mar her flesh at all, and her fingers scrabbled against his wide shoulders for a handhold as he pulled her shirt off, and his hands on her breasts were amazing.

Hot, huge--so much larger than Pete's had been and feeling so much different and oddly better--and gentle, Clark's hand engulfed her entire breast, and Shay had just caught a breath when Clark's head dropped to her chest and he sucked her nipples into his teeth. Her fingers anchored in his hair as she shuddered, rubbing her thighs together as she squirmed.

Lex's hands came around Shayla's waist and undid the button of her jeans for Clark, helping to slide them down and off, tossing them to the side before crawling back over to Chloe, ducking his head back between her thighs to lick again.

Shayla kept her legs tightly together once her jeans were gone, rubbing her thighs together and keeping pressure on her slit as she got wetter and wetter as the seconds went by, soaking little damp spots into her pink cotton panties as she held onto Clark, head falling forward as she watched him between slitted eyes.

Whitney rolled over onto his back, rubbing his packed-full ass against the sheets, clenching hard on it as he wrapped his fist around his cock. He was so hard he could have screamed, and he squeezed his shaft roughly as he stroked it, unable to come, unable to do anything to alleviate the ache inside him as his ass pushed down on the bed.

Clark wrenched her panties from her body, hearing the loud rip but not focusing on it at all. He tossed them to Whitney, and lifted his head from a pert, reddened breast to say in a deceptively calm voice, "Wrap it around your cock, Whitney. Use her lubrication… stroke it hot against the tip."

And with that, he gave each nipple peak one last lingering kiss before he lifted Shayla, naked and tiny and all curves and softness, so her legs and thighs wrapped tight around his waist. He pulled her arms so they were around his neck, and without asking, without waiting, he grasped her back tightly, arched his hips, and plunged into her. Smooth, hot, wet heat grasped at him as he thrust into her, carefully but not gently, thoroughly and heavily. He pushed all the way inside her, moving out and pushing back in when he had to, until he was buried deep.

And then right there, standing with nothing to hold onto, he began to fuck her.

She was so small and so light that it was easy to grasp her bottom and hips and fuck her on him, driving into her smoothly and carefully, always making sure not to hurt her. His mouth dropped to her neck, sucking hard at the warm flesh and biting down to raise teeth marks and what would surely be a bruise. His pleasure was unspeakable, unseeable--he was swimming in his own arousal, more than he'd ever felt.

He heard Chloe gasp behind him--saw Whitney laying on the bed jacking himself off--but he was too engrossed in fucking Shayla's brains out to give a shit what anyone else was doing. He was too wrapped up in this pale flesh, warm skin, hot, deep, thigh grasping tightness around his aching erection.

Chloe keened in a high, tight voice as she watched Clark fuck Shayla, her breath gasping from her as she forgot all about her own arousal and dropped to her knees beside Lex, watching with a low, heavy moan. It was unbelievable, so completely arousing, and she shuddered and moaned, twitching as she bucked her hips and brought her fingers down to all the wet heat between her thighs to rub her clit.

Whitney caught the underwear without thinking, wadding it up around his cock and stroking himself with it, doing exactly what Clark had instructed. The fabric in his ass seemed to be swelling with every stroke of his cock, and his erection was starting to be painfully hard, but he wouldn't have changed anything. He just tightened his fist around his cock, using the panties as a barrier and jacked himself off as hard as he could stand, grinding his thumb and the wet crotch against the head of his cock.

Shayla's legs went tightly around Clark's waist without a second thought. Her arms held tightly to his neck, hanging onto him as she had a hundred times before, only this time neither of them were wearing anything and she was so wet she was nearly dripping onto his cock.

When he thrust into her for the first time, she screamed, burying the loud cry against Clark's throat. He was impossibly huge to her small body, her eyes crossing as the entire length pressed into her, and it felt like the head of his cock was just nudging the bottom of her brain. Her head fell back as Clark started to thrust inside her, and her hips rolled with every thrust, pushing down as much as she could as he thrust up inside her.

Her hands linked behind his neck when his mouth sucked on her, and she kept her head craned to give Clark access. He was pounding her hard and fast, never too hard but enough to make her hungry for every stroke that followed, pleading in his ear for more, harder, faster.

Lex's hands went around Chloe's waist, pulling her back against him, erection pressing against her ass as he reached around, catching her hands and pulling them away from her slit. "No, not yet, just watch," he murmured, his cock throbbing with every teeth-rattling pound of Clark's cock into Shayla's body.

Clark snarled, the sound half laugh and half arousal, as he thrust into the tiny body. He moved hard, pounding her virginity of this experience out of her as he lifted her enough to suck her nipple back into his mouth, biting and licking at it as his fingers of his free hand moved down her cleft. He paused, only to stroke his fingers through all of her wet heat dripping down his cock, before he pressed one finger into her cleft, up into her ass, and began to pound again, thrusting her onto his finger, and then onto his cock. He had to lean her against the bed post for it, but it was good, so good as he squirmed the finger inside of her, grateful she was so tiny as he crooked it and scraped his own cock as he thrust in.

Chloe was whimpering, out of her mind with lust as she watched her best friend get skewered on the end of Clark's admittedly huge cock. Her hands were shaking, her body strummed with energy as she watched, unable to rip her eyes away, the high breasts, the flushed face, the tiny hips pushing into Clark's powerful thrusts. She couldn't stop moaning, trembling with arousal as Whitney all but howled on the bed. "Oh, God, oh, God!"

Shayla's body was starting to sweat all over, getting slippery in Clark's grasp. It only made her squirm harder onto his cock, the sweat letting her slide faster against his body.

His fingers barely brushed against her slit, but when they slid into her ass, she screamed again, her pussy clenching down *hard* on Clark's cock as he filled both ends of her. She tried to rock back and forth, but his arms held her caged and protected against his chest, the bedpost cold against her back as Clark leaned her against it and fucked her harder. Her ass clamped down on his fingers as they stroked inside her, and between deep gulps of breath, Shayla's tongue licked Clark's jaw, nibbling along the strong cheekbones and sucking kisses out of his slightly hollowed cheeks, tasting his sweat as it rolled down his temples.

Lex's fingers strayed every so often to Chloe's slit, making sure she was still wet, and still on the edge but not quite able to come. He brought his knee up, separating her thighs so she couldn't rub them together as his mouth feasted on her throat and shoulder. His eyes were glued to Clark and Shayla, but he didn't let his ashikana go unattended either.

Clark was lost in her. In this. The tiny body doing something new to him, something so deliciously good, hard movements and her ass clenching around his fingers and her sheath contracting around his cock. He howled in pleasure as he thrust into her, heavy and deep. The tiny tongue flickered across his face but he couldn't open his eyes--just felt it moving along his jaw, his cheeks, his neck and throat and it felt good, God it felt good. "Touch, touch yourself!" he hissed, because she needed to come, she needed to come *now* or he wasn't going to last for what he wanted to do, cock ring or no--she felt so good, so hot and wet and clenching and oh *God*. The pressure was eating him alive. With each thrust she grew tighter, hotter, and he bellowed into her neck in the want for orgasm, there, held *there*, so close, oh God!

Chloe watched as Clark lost his control, there against the bed post, nd started to shake with arousal, with need, whimpering loudly as she struggled for Lex to let her go, to touch her. Her nipples felt rock hard, her thighs soaking wet with her arousal, and the hard cock burning a brand into her naked ass said something about it, too. She whimpered and squirmed back against it, pushing and moving, softly wailing in need.

Shayla couldn't choke out an answer, just nodded frantically against Clark's cheek, her skin rasping across the stubble on his cheek as she did. Her fingers slid down from Clark's neck, letting him balance her against the post, trusting him not to let her fall as she only held on with one hand. As the other slid down Clark's chest, she scraped her nails over each hard little nipple, pinching it before reaching between their bodies and sliding her fingers onto her clit.

Didn't even have to close her eyes this time, letting her forehead rest against Clark's temple. She worked her clit hard, rubbing it against the cock slamming into her, pinching it roughly, tugging it as she whimpered into Clark's ear, biting it and sucking it into her mouth as her legs pulled her down further onto his cock.

When his fingers fucked into her ass to the hilt, rubbing against his cock as Clark yelled his ecstasy into her ear, and that was the last thing she needed. She exploded into her orgasm, both pussy and ass clenching around Clark, holding him tightly as she throbbed, soaking both their groins with the force of the orgasm as she shuddered hard, nearly losing her grip but holding on as tightly as she could.

Lex shook his head, rubbing the gesture into Chloe's neck as his fingers stroked into her wet slit, teasing but not penetrating deeply. "Wait. See," is all he could say, his own cock throbbing hard with the want of plunging it deep into someone and *fucking.*

Clark gave a deep, heartfelt groan from his soul when Shayla's beautiful back bowed and she came. The clench around him almost undid his control, and he grasped it with a thread as he thrust into her through her orgasm, fingers rubbing her inner walls along with his cock. And when she was done, when she was nothing but a trembling mass in his arms, he carefully pulled his fingers free, lifted her from his cock, and set her on her feet. His cock felt boiling hot and *agonized* in the cool air, and his voice was hoarse when he looked up and spoke. "Do not touch, Chloe. Lex, bring me the bag with the toys. Whitney, move to the left side of the bed."

He bent to his knees and drew his tongue over the swollen, soaked vagina before him, licking across it, swallowing down all of Shayla's come, licking and nibbling the warm folds before he rose and nibbled her lower lip, sharing the taste. "You will do as I say, Shayla. I will not hurt you," Clark murmured to her, and took her hand tightly in his. He lifted his head. "Chloe, lay on the bed, ashikana. You and Kenep have been so patient." He carefully let Shayla go and lifted Chloe from the ground, spreading her out on the big bed.

Shayla's mind was fuzzy and her legs weak when Clark slowly let her down, and the thing she was most aware of was that Clark had not come.

His tongue stroked over her slit and she trembled, letting out a weak little keen as she throbbed again, the rough licks over her slit and clit making her hungry all over again. When Clark's mouth came up to hers, sharing the taste of her own come in the kiss, she devoured it greedily, sucking his lips and tongue as her hand reached down, wrapping around his cock and stroking until his hand caught hers and pulled it away. She listened to Clark's deep voice, feeling it tug something deep and primitive inside her, and she crawled onto the bed beside Chloe.

Lex did as Clark asked, rising to his feet and shucking off the rest of his clothes in the process as he brought the bag over to Clark, opened it, and held it out to him. "I always obey my aushna'," he said softly, letting Clark guide him.

Whitney barely had enough brain left to comprehend simple orders. His cock was so taut it was aching, the skin stretched over the hard shaft until it felt like it would burst. His brain had already exploded inside his skull when Shayla came, and again when Clark got on his knees to lick her clean. Hard, hard shudders as his ass bore down on the filling inside of him, trying to squeeze it out or make it *move.*

He barely got himself rolled over the way Clark told him to before he was trying to jerk himself off again, knowing better than to remove the cock ring that bound his balls.

Clark carefully stretched Shayla out the other way, moving her himself, so her head was pointed at the foot board, and Chloe's at the head board. They were lying together, their legs tangled, and Clark murmured, "Shayla, move until your vagina and Chloe's touch." he said softly, the calm in his voice a direct opposite to the blood red, almost purple, of his cock. He rummaged through the bag, his fingers quietly shaking, and removed just what he wanted. Two vibrating clit titillators on belts and the long dildo, twenty inches long. He set them beside Shayla's head, so she could see what he was about to do, and removed one set of nipple clamps, two ball gags, and two sets of adjustable length handcuffs.

"I'm going to make you both feel so good," he said, very softly. "Trust me?"

Chloe nodded frantically. "Trust!"

At her cry he smiled, still rummaging in the bag, and took out a handful of clothes pins as well.

Shayla's eyes met Clark's and nodded. "Trust, Clark," she said softly, reaching up and stroking over his jaw. "You've always been good to me, and I will always trust you."

She angled herself just a little, pulling a wadded up blanket under her head so that she could raise her head and see what was going on as she spread her lips open, fingering her clit as she rubbed her toes along Chloe's inner thigh.

Lex put the bag carefully on the bed beside the two girls, and went to the other side, sitting on the edge of the bed and pulling Whitney's head into his lap so that he could see what Clark was doing. "We will come to you soon, ashimel," he said softly, leaning over and kissing Whitney's mouth deeply, sucking his lower lip as he broke away.

Clark carefully, very carefully, began to put the things on the bed to good use. The first thing he did was to tie each black strapped clit titilliator to each girl, though he didn't turn it on he made sure it was snug against each tense little ball of nerves. After that he handcuffed Shayla's arms, the adjustable leather strap between them long enough to tie around the rungs at the foot of the bed but enough to let her move a bit, though her arms were on the bed over her head. He did the same to Chloe.

He licked Shayla's nipples, watching as they firmed, and then gently squeezed each breast as he attached the nipple clamps to her high peeks and twisted the clamps until they weren't painful, but enough to catch more than just her attention. He licked each reddening peak and nibbled down her body until he smelled her musk, and Chloe's right next to hers, and licked at Chloe's entrance before nibbling Shayla's. So much deliciousness, so little time.

He used the clothes pins to clamp their folds open, and the duel cries made his toes curl. Watching as each girl was forced to hold a ball gag in her mouth, mouth held open and eyes wide, nearly made him come, and he was sure he would have if he didn't have the cock ring on.

He shuddered, groaning softly at the image they made, as he softly, very carefully, lifted the huge dildo between them. "Scoot back a little, Shayla, Chloe. I want you both to sink down on this, until your crotches meet."

Chloe rushed to obey, her body singing with pleasure, as she pulled back enough so that Clark could position the dildo at her entrance. She squirmed down onto it, moaning behind the gag as she began to wriggle and squirm down the long dildo, yanking at the cuffs as she did, as she fought to suck more in, more, hot and now and oh, God!

Bound and gagged, slaves to their lust, unable to speak or scream as Clark nurtured the pleasure they could find in one another, the conversation with Shayla earlier that very same day still ringing in his mind. He smoothed blond hair back from wild eyes, leaned over to kiss Chloe's mouth as he did so, then did the same to Shayla, smiling as he watched the dildo disappear between them. "Good good..."

Shayla's shoulders rippled as she tested the handcuffs holding her to the bed, and she arched her back, letting the cuffs take her weight for a long moment as Clark used the pins to open her vagina wide. Slowly as the throbbing subsided, she lowered herself back onto the bed, her nipples painfully aching in the clamps, needing to be pinched and rolled and tugged but unable to do it herself.

As she lowered herself back onto the bed, she felt the huge head of the plastic cock pressing against her pinned-open lips and she shoved down, swallowing as much of the plastic as she could in a single lunge. She screamed behind the gag, her entire body jiggling and tugging on clamps and pins as she rocked. The dildo was huge, cold, and unyielding inside her as she scooted towards Chloe, putting her feet down on the bed and using the extra leverage to suck more of the dildo into her pussy as she moaned.

Clark's kiss and his soft words made her whimper softly in pleasure, trying to push more of the dildo into herself to please him as she realized abruptly that she was completely impaled.

Clark watched them, silently, his heart slamming somewhere in the vicinity of his larynx and Shayla and Chloe began to rock and bear down on the dildo they were sharing. He pet Chloe's high, full breasts, then gently slid his fingers down to flick the clit titillator on. He did the same to Shayla, and left them to it, walking around to the other side of the bed. The box the titillator had come in said it was guaranteed to cause multiple orgasms after less than ten minutes of use, so Clark kept one eye on them and the other on Lex and Whitney.

He bent down low, gently drawing Lex's cock into his mouth for a sharp, hard suck, and licked the head gently before peppering kisses up to his lovers open, panting mouth. He kissed him, ever so gently, warmly, before looking down at Whitney. "Ashimel?"

Whitney had no idea what was going on around him. He moved, his cock was a log of aching *hurt* between his legs, his ass was on fire, packed full and deep, and his cock was bound so tightly it felt like he was going to break the bonds any second as every brain cell he owned exploded out the head of his cock with one huge, massive orgasm.

He realized his name was being called, and he dragged his arm over his eyes, trying to clear them just a little as he looked over at Clark. "Yeah?" he croaked, licking his lips and shifting his hips.

Clark smiled down at him and leaned down to press a gentle, open mouthed kiss to his heaving lips. "Ashimel, do you trust me not to hurt you?"

Whitney's eyes crossed. "O-of course," he croaked again, returning the little kisses as best he could, stilling his hand on his raw-feeling cock.

Clark gently pulled Whitney's hand from his cock, as raw and red and aching as Lex's own, and reached forward to press his lips to Lex's mouth. "Lex… lay on your back," he directed, and snagged the lube on the bedside table. He hunched between Whitney's red thighs and moaned softly at the wide anal plug pressed deep inside of him. Keeping him wide open.

He slid it gently from the abused hole which was about to get totally debauched, and took the end of the panties. He pulled on them, sliding them out inch by clever inch, as his mouth came down to suckle gently at tight, drawn balls.

Lex kissed Clark deeply, hand coming up to cup his lover's face as he pulled himself up onto the bed, his head lying beside Chloe's stomach as he settled himself, and he reached over to gently tug one of her nipples into his mouth, nipping lightly without sucking.

Whitney keened as Clark removed the plug first and then the cloth. His body clamped down as hard as he could, attempting to keep the delicious filled feeling for just a little longer.

It took him several moments to feel Clark's mouth on his balls, because they were so taut and abused, but the warmth and wetness was heavenly torture as the heat warmed and the wetness made him harder.

Clark ever so gently, and ever so calmly despite the fact that he was about to lose his mind with pleasure, opened the lube, squirted some on his fingers, and began to lube his ashimel up like a slip in slide. One finger... two... then two more from the other hand, bunched and squishing and making sure Whitney was slick and wet before he drew his fingers away. He gave his ashimel, through the link, a sliver of his power and invulnerability so he wouldn't hurt, and then took Whitney's hands. "Lay with your back on Lex's chest, Whitney," he murmured, very gently.

"I'll crush him," Whitney whined softly, panting as he tried to remember Lex's weight, his own, and the addition of gravity.

And then rapidly gave the fuck up as he felt cool, strong hands pulling him down and moving him around.

"You let me worry about that," Lex murmured softly, stroking his hands over Whitney's chest, teasing his nipples as he pulled Whitney down onto him. He adjusted himself just a little so that his cock pressed against Whitney's ass, his teeth were in perfect nibbling range of Whitney's throat, and his fingers had clear access to hard little male nipples.

"Slide inside of him, Lex," Clark whispered, and turned to watch Shayla and Chloe, fucking one another with the dildo watching him, and he smiled at them rakishly as he more heard than felt Lex slide inside Whitney's body. It was perfect, gorgeous, just enough so that Clark could see Lex's cock disappearing into the puckered, stretched flesh.

And without a word, he lined his cock up beside Lex's, leaned over Whitney, and with a hand on his stone-hard flesh, pushed in beside his lover with a deep, heartfelt moan.

Whitney groaned deeply as Lex's cock slid inside of him, getting situated. He barely got a chance to get used to it before Clark leaned over him, and he expected Clark's cock to go into his mouth, not into his ass beside Lex's.

His eyes crossed again as he stretched open wide, feeling like he was going to burst on both ends as both huge cocks slid into him. He choked out little gasps that should have been screams but he didn't have it left in him anymore as he felt utterly impaled and packed full beyond endurance as Lex started to thrust .

Rolling, shallow thrusts that let Lex's cock slide along Clark's, urging him to move as he pinched Whitney's nipples tightly, rolling them between his thumbs and pulling them out from Whitney's chest as he rocked up.

Clark gently shifted Whitney's legs higher up onto his shoulders, making sure Lex could take the brunt as he began to thrust inside of Whitney's body. It was a tight, clenching hot fist that nearly blew his balls from his body--the pressure was unbelievably intense. He leaned down and captured Whitney's mouth, channeling more invulnerability into his ashimel so he wouldn't hurt, and grasped Lex's head tightly, kissing him as well beside Whitney's ear. They moved in tandem, fucking the boy sandwiched between them hard as Chloe and Shayla moaned beside them.

Chloe was ready to lose her mind. The light vibrations on her clit were bringing her unbelievable pleasure, and the dildo she was sharing with her best friend--Shayla, it's Shayla, oh god!--made her want to scream in pleasure. It was hitting all the right spots, all the good spots, and Whitney was being fucked by *two* men and she squealed on top of her lungs.

Shayla was close to losing her mind. Her slit was locked around the huge dildo that she was completely impaled on, her clit was throbbing and felt like growing twice the size with her orgasms as she rubbed her ass on the bed, feeling it tighten on nothing and straining to get her arms loose. Her nails dug into her palm as her feet dug in for traction, rocking her hips in rhythm with Chloe and keeping the dildo stroking hard inside both of them.

Lex's tongue stroked deep into Clark's mouth, teasing him with wet kisses as his fingers stayed on Whitney's chest, scraping and twisting and teasing as he kept rocking up and thrusting as hard as he could into Whitney's tightly-packed ass.

Whitney was giving out hoarse shrieks that should have been screams but were buried in Clark's throat so that they didn't wake up John.

The tight press of his knees to his chest as Clark leaned into him made Whitney pant for breath, feeling himself fucked within an inch of his life. His prostate was getting hammered by two cocks, a constant stream of pressure shoving against the tender gland, and his cock was boiling, red and raw and painful.

Clark fucked forward into the hot clasp of Whitney's body, thrusting into him hard, steadily, thickly. His muscles were straining, his head screaming, his blood roaring, but still he thrust, hard and quick against his lovers cock and he could *feel* Lex in there, feel him clear as day and he whimpered, he whimpered and reached out to his lover through their link. Hurry Lex, come, you have to come, I can't hold it back anymore, my aushna', fuck us raw.

Lex's fingers let go of Whitney's nipples at that, and grabbed onto his hips instead. He started to pound Whitney's ass hard, fucking as deep as Clark did on the pulls outward, shivering hard as he bit Whitney's shoulder.

His cock, scraping alongside his lover's, buried to the balls in his ashimel's ass, tight hot throbbing little passage that was squeezing him tight, Clark's pleasure bleeding through the link, and he couldn't hold back after the sweet plea from his lover.

His back arched as he came hard, his cock spilling out spurt after spurt of semen into Whitney's body as he kept the young man pressed to his chest.

"GOD!" Whitney screamed. He felt the hot lava-like flow of come inside of him, didn't know who it belonged to and didn't care. His body jerked, trying to come despite the binds on his cock, and couldn't. "Please, Clark, please, take it off, it's killing me, please, Clark, I want to come, please let me, please, God, Christ, please," he babbled, his hands scrabbling on Clark's shoulders for a handhold.

Clark did, he did. He reached down, wrenching Whitney's cock ring off, at the same time he pulled his own off.

He wasn't aware of coming. He felt his balls contract, felt his body spasm, but all he felt was the onslaught of pleasure that wrenched a soundless scream from him. It was intense, more so than anything he'd ever felt, hot and dark and passionate. His hair stood on end, his toes and fingers curled, and tears spilled down his cheeks, and he thrust hard into the squeezing little channel of his ashimel.

And blacked out.


Whitney was not conscious of anything other than the explosion of his cock. He came for what felt like ages, screaming hoarsely with each jerk and each painful spurt of fire out of the head, his balls twitching until there was nothing left and his cock simply spasmed, denied release too long.

He was far past caring, dead to the world and passed out on top of Lex from the force of it all.

Lex borrowed his aushna's strength for a very long moment, slowly lifting both insensate bodies off his chest and onto the bed beside him, then letting the strength trickle back as he heaved great breaths of precious oxygen without nearly four hundred pounds of human and alien pressing him down.



go on to the next part