
The Memoirs

Smallville fanfic by Kel and Diana

Chapter 347: Goodbye, Smallville

Lex looked around, and couldn't help feeling... a little sad, but also, very, very happy.

Everything was gone. The bed was made up with impersonal white sheets, instead of the ones he and Clark had selected together so many months ago.

The closet was empty, with all their clothes packed and on the way to Metropolis, all their toys similarly packed in a mobile cabinet and on the way as well.

The big bathroom was devoid of all their personal items, down to the half-empty bottle of Clark's shampoo that had always sat on the edge of the shower ledge.

There was a small suitcase on the bed that held a few days' change of clothes, a few other personal necessities, socks and shoes and underwear, but that was the only thing in the bedroom that belonged to them.

The bedroom across the hall was just as bare. The mechanism of Jor-El's ship had been sent to Metropolis several days ago, Jor-El himself was at the new apartment, receiving the shipments of their moving boxes from the movers.

The office downstairs was similarly bare, devoid of Lex's computer, his papers, everything that had made the study his.

The puppies were even gone, packed off to the farm for a day or two, until they were settled into the new studio apartment and could bring them to Metropolis.

The lab had been closed off and sealed, the mobile equipment had been sent to Cadmus, and they had put aside a lab for Lex's use only. The samples of Clark's skin, of his hair, all the things he'd collected from his lover's molting were sitting in the Metropolis studio as well, in a cryogenic storage tank built into a false-fronted bookcase.

His entire collectable room downstairs had been packed up and Lex had bought the apartment across the hallway from theirs for his things. The windows were being sealed as he spoke to keep sun from damaging his collectibles, the environment being made friendly to his collection, and the keys jangled heavily against his thigh.

Chloe and Whitney had the apartment to the right of theirs, and all was right with the world.

Clark looked around himself. After several days of packing, they'd finished yesterday, and now... well. Clark looked around the bare room, and sighed. He didn't feel sad to leave--he wasn't the sentimental sort for those types of things. The only thing he was going to miss wasn't a thing at all, but his son, buried on the hill. He'd come back and visit as often as he could.

For now, he glanced around the room, and sighed, rubbing a wide palm through the messy shock of hair tied at the nape of his neck. "Well, that's done."

Lex nodded. "It's all done, Clark," he said softly. "Everything's packed and gone. Adam's already bitching about the commute, but I think he secretly likes the helicopter at his disposal."

"He would," Clark said, and wrapped an arm around Lex's slender waist, cupping Lex's hip in his hand. "We had a lot of great sex here, you know."

"Yes, we did," Lex said softly. "We had a lot of great sex in a lot of places here, if you want to be honest."

Clark smiled at him, and pressed a kiss to his cheek. "Don't get sentimental on me. We're not moving away, just moving to college. This will always be our home, you know."

"Yes, it will be." He studied the blank walls carefully. "It's also a prison," he said, his voice still quiet. "It holds... so many bad memories, just as it holds so many good memories." His hand reached out to caress the door frame. "for there is nothing either good or bad but thinking makes it so; to me it is a prison," he quoted softly.

"Oh, yeah. You're sinking into the bowels of sentimentality, and we just can't have that," Clark announced, and took Lex by both hips, pulling him close. "Tell me, Mr. Luthor. Are you a betting man?"

"Only with my life, never my money," Lex quipped.

Clark's lips twitched. "I thought so. What're the odds that we can bring these old walls down to the ground?"

"More than my life's worth, because if I damaged even one of these stones, my father would have my ass in a sling, and I don't mean the sexy kind."

"I don't mean actually," Clark said, grinning broadly now and turning on one tennis-shoed foot, flouncing out without waiting to see if Lex would follow.

Of course Lex followed, after picking up their suitcase and quietly closing the door to the bedroom.

Clark was a cock tease. he knew it. Lex knew it. When he was in the right mood he loved to flirt, and if he flexed his butt a few times as they walked, glancing over his shoulder with high points of color on his cheeks and dancing eyes, well then it was his business as he hummed cheerfully.

Lex just trailed behind him, enjoying the view of Clark's ass in jeans that had been perfectly tailored to fit him, long legs wrapped in dark denim, big feet in ugly work boots that hinted at the very large prize inside Clark's underwear.

He was very, very well aware of what Clark was doing, and for once, he didn't mind being cock-teased, not when Clark was the reward.

Clark turned, eyes crinkling in amusement as he watched the hall and listened to Lex follow him down the stairs. He set the suitcase in his own hands down by the door, bending over far more than he should have, but he didn't care. He straightened, glanced in amusement at his lover. "I didn't mean actually bringing the walls around. I mean fucking in every room in this castle."

Lex's eyebrow raised. "There are four hundred and twenty six rooms in this castle, not counting the passageways and the little half-rooms inside the closets."

Clark grinned. Broadly. "No closets. No passageways, no attics and basements. That rules out your lab, but not the garage. What do you say?"

"And that leaves roughly four hundred rooms," Lex said, smiling back. "I say we can try to get it up four hundred times."

"No one ever said we have to have stationary sex. I'll bet I can hit ten rooms for one orgasm," Clark said, smirking wickedly.

"With your speed, I don't doubt it," Lex answered, coming up to stand right in Clark's personal space. His arms snaked out and wrapped around Clark's chest, pulling him close as Lex's groin rubbed roughly against Clark's before turning around and grinding his ass against his lover's cock.

Clark… loved... LOVED... it when Lex got demanding. When he initiated it. When he got right up close and *rubbed*. And the fact that they were now *much* closer in both height and body width made it feel all the more incredible. He exhaled slowly through his nose as Lex's arms wrapped around him and something firm and delicious rubbed against him--and then that *ass* and Clark moaned softly. He tipped Lex's head back and kissed him deeply, his hands going to Lex's hips to hold him firm against him.

Lex's head stayed still, kissing Clark deeply in return, sucking on the morsel of his lover's tongue as his ass kept grinding against Clark's cock. Hard pressure, a rotation of his hips, then a rub of his ass and a tight squeeze of his cheeks to make them feel hard as steel when he pushed them back against Clark.

Clark moaned again, letting Lex's mouth go to gasp, and clench his eyes shut. he rocked his hips forward, fingers trembling the smallest bit on Lex's hips. He snaked a hand over the front of his lovers crotch and *rubbed*, grabbing a handful and stroking it as he leaned down to feast on his lovers neck.

Lex tugged playfully away from Clark's mouth, lifting his lover's hand and wrapping Clark's arm around his shoulder. "I thought you said no hallways?" he breathed, before dropping his mouth to suck each one of Clark's fingers.

"Gotta start somewhere," Clark muttered against his lovers skin, blowing a soft breath over the damp skin, and then--oh, shit. Oh. SHIT. Lex had to go and suck his first finger into his mouth and Clark's knees nearly buckled. "Lex... w-will you..."

He blushed. Crimson.

"Can... will you… suck me?"

Lex kept his tongue swirling around Clark's finger, sliding his lips along the length of it, looking up at his lover through light lashes as he finally let go with a wetly obscene slurp. "Pick a room," he murmured softly, sliding his hand down to massage the lump in his lover's pants.

Clark groaned out loud. Lex hadn't done that… in a long time, and the anticipation nearly had him keeling over. he looked around once before he chose the library, and taking his lovers hand in his, dragged him towards the room.

Lex brought the hand twined in his up to his mouth, lavishing each finger with wet licks and sucks, swirling his tongue around each fingertip as he let Clark drag him along, concentrating all his attention on teasing his aushna'.

All right, then.

Clark slammed the library door closed, pushed Lex against it, and attacked. His mouth ran over his lovers flesh like the experienced man he was, sucking at all the right points on his neck and throat, before yanking Lex's shirt up over his head. He sucked a hard, tense little nipple into his mouth, gave it a sharp bite, and brought another kiss up to Lex's mouth before rolling along the door so he was against it and Lex was leaning against him.

"Suck my cock," he growled into his lovers skin, as he groped that tight, glorious ass.

"Yes, sir," Lex murmured softly, kissing his way down Clark's chest as he flowed gracefully to his knees. He kept his head bowed, licking his lips as the head of Clark's cock rubbed across them, getting the taste of his lover's pre-come on his tongue.

He'd been denied it for ages, first because Clark had needed his come, and then because his lover's fluids had been toxic. Afterwards Clark had been so depressed, and so sad, Lex had made sure to love his aushna', not just fuck him.

Now, though?

Lex swallowed Clark's cock like a professional, absorbing the long shaft into his throat without a problem, slicking it with his tongue and his saliva as he slid back and forth, his head bobbing along the length as he swallowed mouthfuls of Clark-flavor.

Clark slammed his head back against the door with a hard crack and wailed out loud as Lex sucked him in all at once. it was glorious, deviously, incredibly, indecently glorious and his fingers dug into the door, holding onto it as Lex sucked. It was... it felt... like his whole soul was going to come out of him by way of his lovers mouth--that tongue, those lips, so fucking talented. "Oh, God!"

Lex kept his mouth moving slowly, teasing the shaft, nibbling around the head, tugging gently with his teeth and lips as he sucked. His fingers stroked lightly over his lover's sac, rolled his balls against each other between his warm palms, nuzzled his nose into the freshly shaved skin around Clark's groin as he swallowed the entire length, humming softly in his throat.

Clark moaned again, and again, eyes squeezing tightly shut. If there was one thing that brought a man down from having a decent handle on the English language it was this--it could reduce him to trembles, groans, and other animal noises. Which was exactly what it was doing right now. His crotch felt so sensitive, and with Lex playing him like a violin, he was reduced to, "God!" and "Nuuh!" and "Yes!"

Lex was careful as he slurped around his lover's cock, licking and sucking the long shaft with delicacy, his fingers getting wet and slippery from his own saliva as they wrapped around the base, stroking and jacking gently as he pulled off.

The head of Clark's cock rubbed wetly against his cheek as Lex's mouth opened, and he sucked each of Clark's balls into his mouth, rolling each one against the roof of his mouth as he did.

"Can't… Lex… no... can't... fuck you," Clark snarled, even as his fingers, now calmed the smallest bit, stroked across a hairless head. "Lex, please, Lex, want… lube, lube in here?"

"No," Lex said softly, his hands moving to slam Clark back against the door, his mouth going back to envelop his lover's shaft. He was going to have his treat first, and the rest of the day be damned but he'd have it.

His tongue started to work harder around the base and the head, his fingers started to jack what wasn't getting sucked more ferociously, and his head bobbed faster along Clark's cock as one elbow stayed across his lover's stomach to keep him pressed against the door.

Clark cried out as his lover told him no, and oh, *God*. He shuddered and gasped, tingles and pleasure running from everywhere, and his eyes finally closed as the waves of pleasure crested from the hard, heavy sucks on his cock. It felt... so fucking good, so *good* and he shuddered, pushing damp hair out of his eyes before his fingers scraped down to his t-shirt, where his nipples had made twin bumps. He rubbed them through the cotton, shuddering and spreading his legs all the more.

Lex kept his eyes downcast, head bowed, bare-chested but still wearing pants and shoes, the perfect picture of submission while at the same instant, he was taking precisely what he wanted from his aushna'.

He could feel through their link the scrape of Clark's fingers against his nipples, he could feel the cresting pleasure in his lover's body, and Lex sped up his sucking strokes, dragging his teeth teasingly along the shaft, tugging a little more firmly at the head before blowing a soft breath across it.

The drag of teeth was this side of pain, and then the tug and the blow of air and Clark knew it was only a matter of moments before he came. He cried out, jerking against his lovers touch as he scraped his nipples again, and couldn't help but look down as Lex blew the breath over the head of his cock.

And then sucked him back in. And that, that was it for Clark.

He cried out a warning, body tightening, and came, in hot, heavy spurts. He cried out with it, eyes clenched close and ecstasy on his face before his orgasm crested and his entire body bucked, shuddering, arching and he nearly lost his footing as his knees buckled.

Lex's arms wrapped around Clark's waist to steady him as he kept his mouth sealed over his lover's cock. He swallowed every thick jet that poured out, giving soft little whimpers as his cock throbbed. The taste was familiar and new all at once as it exploded over his taste buds, and he greedily licked every drop from Clark's cock as he slowly pulled away.

He rocked back on his heels, looking up at his lover and licking his chops like an extremely well-satisfied cat.

Yeah, Clark's knees finished buckling.

He slid down the door until his butt connected with the floor and he groaned, just groaned, as he pulled Lex toward him and licked his mouth, sucking kisses that tasted like himself and like Lex. He pulled his lover into his lap and kissed him, over and over between his pants for breath, eyes closed tightly. "So...much for...fucking in every room," Clark gasped.

Lex rubbed his still-hard cock against his lover's hip. "Only for you, maybe," he murmured between kisses, running his fingers through Clark's hair.

Clark shuddered in the promise of that phrase, green eyes widening. "Lex… you can't carry me."

Lex didn't even have to siphon off Clark's abilities to do it this time; he used his own. He *thought* about lifting Clark, and he *did.*

"Says who?"

"Oh, shit!" Clark yelled, coming an inch or two off the floor and grasped Lex like a burr, holding onto him tightly. "Don't do that!"

Lex lifted easily, not sure if his body was expanding to fulfill his mind's orders, or if his mind was making Clark lighter, or quite how it worked.

He just knew it *worked.*

"Now, where would you like to go?" Lex asked, once Clark was completely settled against him.

Lex climbed to his feet and Clark clung to him. He wasn't exactly the kind that was used to be carried anywhere, not since he was a boy, and his eyes were squeezed tight as he held onto Lex. "Uh...anywhere," he squeaked.

Lex pondered for several long moments, and then took off across the hallway, cutting through the main foyer, going past the War Room, taking one of the hidden passageways in the wall, and coming out in the empty collectibles room. "How about here?"

Clark couldn't help it--he laughed out loud. He held onto his lover tightly, thighs around his waist, and grasped the strong shoulders with amusement. "You've been dying to have sex here, haven't you?"

"Yes, yes, I have. And now that there are no toys to worry about, no collections to ruin, and no rare object to break, I think we should go for it," Lex said, nodding as he pressed Clark against one of the empty bookcases that had held the entire run of Warrior Angel comics.

Clark's grin could have split his face. Now that he'd gotten used to being hauled around by his lover, he arched his hips against Lex's crotch and *rubbed*. "No sex smell to get in your comics now, hmm?"

"No toys to get covered in alien jizz, as you so classily put it last time," he said with a wrinkle of his nose as he leaned in, pressing his hard cock against Clark's groin harder and harder.

"Got an idea," Clark said, grinning at his lover wickedly and holding onto his hips tighter. he brought one of Lex's hands from his ass and up to the bump on his lower back. "Rub here," Clark said softly, as he dove his fingers down between his legs and began to stroke himself, already partially hard, to full arousal. He attacked his lovers mouth, kissing and being kissed, the hot, wet headiness of that lovely tongue making him see double.

Lex did as he was told and put the flat of his palm over the small bump at his lover's back, rubbing firmly and teasing him as he stroked back and forth over it. He leaned over and pulled away from Clark's kiss, his mouth moving to suck at his lover's throat instead, licking his skin, biting at the pulse higher up.

Clark made "Ah… ahh!" hissing noises as Lex rubbed it--it was so sensitive, and he thrust against his lover with every stroke of the bump without realizing it, squirming in Lex's arms, hips rubbing, moving as Lex covered his skin with biting kisses. His eyes rolled shut as he frantically rubbed between his thighs, and after a minute or two of labor, they were rewarded. He gagged on the hard gasp as he felt something inside of him let go, a flood, and it was so uncomfortable but...he smiled, wickedly, at his lover. "Knew maturing would… oh... be a good thing."

"Guess this means I can stop carrying lube in my back pocket," Lex teased, his fingers moving down to slide his hands inside of Clark's already-unzipped jeans, shoving the underwear aside so that he could reach down and feel the thick, gooey secretions oozing out of Clark's opening. "You know," he said, after a moment, "I kind of like making you all wet for me."

Clark shuddered and arched against his lover. "That's the grossest thing you've ever said," he teased, eyes dancing even as his hips squirmed. "It feels disgusting. No ass should ever do that," he said. Didn't mean he didn't encourage his lovers fingers to slide into him, which he all but begged for with small, humping movements.

"But it does do it, and I rather like it, especially since I'm the only one who knows how to do it to you." Two of his fingers slid inside Clark at once, the slickness of the goo helping him move in almost instantly as he started to stroke.

Clark had never been so slick in his life. Lex's fingers slid in all too easily and he groaned as the stretch was eased by whatever it was that filled him. He moaned softly, deeply, and clenched his eyes shut as Lex moved in and out, intimate and he shivered, mouth falling open and eyes closing. "Oh...that feels good," he whispered.

"I could fit my whole hand inside you, as slick as you are," Lex whispered in Clark's ear. "Just like you did to me back at the cottage." He slid a third finger in, wiggling it to prove his point, flexing them. "I can't wait to fuck you."

The thought was enough to make Clark buck into Lex's fingers, and he gave a short, hard wail as he did. "Oh, God! Lex, please!" he cried, shifting against his lover and humping his fingers. "Please, its enough, please inside!"

"Please what?" Lex teased, keeping his fingers stroking. "Tell me what you want, Clark. Tell me, and I'll do it. But you have to tell me first."

"Please... please..." a blush stole his cheeks. "Please… inside me, inside?" he whimpered, moving against his lovers hand. Oh, for the love of--"Fuck me!"

"That's my baby," Lex crowed, pulling his fingers out. He loosened Clark's legs from around his waist, and put them down on the ground long enough to strip Clark's jeans off of him. Once they and the underwear were gone, Lex heaved Clark back up, legs back around his waist. One hand reached down and unzipped his slacks, and rubbed the head of his cock over Clark's stretched opening. The slick goo oozed onto his cock and Lex stroked it over the length, and then pushed easily inside. He didn't stop, thrusting in hard and fast, pushing until he was completely sheathed inside of Clark's body, and his teeth bit hard on his lover's shoulder. "Your wish is my command."

Clark's entire body bowed as Lex thrust in, all the way to the hilt without stopping, and his mouth opened and closed with no sound coming out. His eyes clenched shut and his cock leapt to attention, hard as rock and red, leaking against his stomach. He made a high keening noise and squirmed down into his lovers cock, head thrown back and hips arched in, to accept all of it. ALL of it, all the way deep, huge inside of him, so huge, so big, and he made the high noise again, whimpering in pleasure.

Lex's cell phone, in his pants pocket, was ringing insistently, and he ignored it as he kept Clark pressed against the bookcase as he started to thrust.

The gooey lubricant-like substance that Clark was producing let him slide nearly completely out, and then thrust to the hilt again with the goo almost paving the way for every deep plowing thrust of his cock.

One hand steadied Clark against the bookcase, and the other reached up and slammed Clark's wrists against the wood. "Don't touch until I say you can," he growled.

Yeah, well, Clark didn't have to. He was already yelping with each thrust in, slipping past his prostate and up, deep, so deep inside. He knocked against the bump from the inside on the first thrust and Clark bellowed, he couldn't help it, eyes rolling back and hands clamped against the book case. He cried out on each thrust, his mind quickly losing all reason as Lex began to move, easy and slick inside and oh, *God*. Lex hit a certain way and Clark screamed, and screamed, bucking like crazy against his lovers body.

Lex gave a sharky grin and kept up the frantic pace, making sure that he kept the same angle and the same deep thrusts that had wrung the screams from his aushna' before, kissing him and drinking the screams into his own body as Clark writhed on the end of his cock. "We could stop now and go for another room," Lex offered, between thrusts.

Clark thought that if Lex moved him now, he'd kill him. Still...they could experiment, try other positions, and they were both so blissfully hard, and.. "Okay," he gasped between the panting breaths, bucking and moving and squirming as hard as he could.

Lex chuckled softly. "Pick a room," he said, slowly stilling his thrusts so that he remained embedded inside Clark, but not moving.

Clark squeezed around his lover, tightly, the squelching noise gross but oh, that felt *good*. "Uh… uh…" he gasped, panting, thinking with the few brain cells still up to the task. "K-kitchen?"

"Been there, done that, and left the mess for Ms. Bird to clean up," Lex said, biting his lover's ear. "Try again."

"Oh, God," Clark yelped. He squirmed on the unmoving cock and how could Lex be so *calm*, and oh, *God*. "G-garage?"

"Mmmm... I think I could fuck you over the hood of one of the cars there," Lex said, his fingers kneading Clark's cheeks tightly. "Bend you over the cool metal and fuck you until you scream."

"Yes please," Clark begged, gasping as he squirmed on his lovers cock and dropped hot kisses all over his throat. "Please, please, I can't... hurry, it… so tight, need to.."

"You know, if you get come on my car, I'll make you lick it off," Lex said calmly, making sure that Clark's legs were tight around his waist as he opened the door and started through the hallway, leaving Clark's jeans in a heap on the floor and walking them both half-naked towards the garage.

Every step jolted Lex's cock into him, and Clark clung like a burr, face buried in his lovers throat. He was achingly hard, his body tense from the thick, long length inside of him. He wanted to scream, or yell, or come all over the floor. He moaned softly at the thought and bucked against his lover, squeezing him hard as he kissed him ferociously.

Lex kissed back as roughly as he could, biting and sucking and nipping, sliding his cock in and out of his lover as they walked. He had his arms around Clark's chest, and his fingers reached up to pinch his lover's nipples as they ducked through the kitchen and the short hallway leading to the garage.

The only car left in the garage was Clark's Ferrari Spider, and Lex pointed to it. "Over the hood, on your face, *now.*" He let Clark slide down from his cock, and gave him a sharp pop on the ass to help move him along.

Clark yelped when Lex popped him and he scrambled to comply, slipping off of Lex's cock and turning, chest against the Ferrari, hips thrust out and legs spread. His hole, stretched and glistening, tightened as he squeezed subconsciously, begging for something inside.

Lex followed his lover quickly, sliding his wet cock back into the hungry little hole that was clinging so tightly to it. He put his hands on the hood, on top of Clark's, linking their fingers together as he thrust forward, sheathing himself completely again as he leaned his weight against his lover and started to ride.

When Lex thrust in, Clark nearly lost his mind. He shoved a good deal of his strength through their link so he wouldn't put furrowed dents into the hood of his car, and leaned down, grasping the car tightly and wailing as Lex began to ride him like a stallion--hot, hard, ruthless, but giving at the same time. it was incredible, *incredible* and he screamed into his arm as he bit a mouthful of his t-shirt to keep himself from screaming out loud.

Lex just chuckled softly as he felt Clark's strength flooding into him, and he thrust harder, his cock pounding Clark as deep as he could go, the power behind the thrusts rubbing Clark's cock against the front grate of the chassis as he stroked into him. He kept their fingers tightly laced together, squeezing them firmly so that he couldn't reach away to touch.

"Lex, Lex," Clark babbled as his cock struck the metal again, and oh, GOD, he was going to lose his mind. Lose it. His mouth, bitten ruby, cock-sucking red, was glistening from biting it and licking it, and sweat had popped up over his forehead, down his back, across his upper lip. They moved sharply, rocking against one another, Lex's forceful thrusts moving them both and Clark wanted to scream again but his throat was too tightly closed to do it. He settled on squeezing Lex's fingers as his cock burned and boiled and *begged* down at his crotch.

"What?" Lex asked softly, keeping the strokes of his cock steady while he whispered intimately to Clark. "Want me to let you go so you can jack yourself off? Come hard all over the car like a bitch and then wait for me to blow my load in your ass while you whimper?"

Nothing could have sounded better. He nodded his head hard, hair hanging in his face, body trembling and shuddering. "Pl-pl… please!" he cried, as his cock contracted and began to pull in. He needed to come, come right *now*, he needed a touch, a touch, he needed to come!

Lex considered making him wait, not quite sure where the sudden urge to tease and dominate had come from.

But in the end, he took pity on his lover's aching cock and unlaced his fingers from Clark's. He softly kissed the back of his aushna's shoulder as he reached down and wrapped his fingers around Clark's cock, stroking it roughly as he angled his hips, slamming his cock against Clark's prostate and the small bump inside as he jacked his lover.

It took exactly three strokes for Clark to come. He reared back against Lex, crying out sharply as his orgasm crested, body spurting, and *came*, jerking and crying out again, mouth tensed open, neck corded, muscled taut as he did. He jerked involuntarily, a harsh, low wail escaping him as he came all over the damn car and just..."Oh, GOD!"

Lex made a clicking noise in Clark's ear. "Shame on you, Clark, you messed up the pretty car. I should make you lick it off, but that would be mean of me." He petted Clark's sweaty hair gently as he thrust again, fighting to pull in and out of the tight clasp of orgasming muscles, and when he couldn't pull out any further, he slammed roughly back in and came.

His come flooded his lover's sticky passage, and he shuddered hard through it, his head resting on the back of Clark's shoulder as the massive orgasm rolled through him.

Oh. Oh, God. Clark shuddered and squeezed as more of the wet heat rolled through him, spurting and spurting and he moaned softly and deeply where he lay against the car. Lex... and he… and... "Oh," he whispered hoarsely.

Lex chuckled softly. "Was it good for you too, Clark?"

Clark shivered all over and nodded dully, moaning over and over again. "Oh, God… oh, God.."

Lex's grin widened. "We've got another three hundred and ninety-eight rooms to go, Clark. Don't tell me you're giving out on me after just two."

Clark groaned and nodded his defeat, exhaling and squirming against Lex's cock. "Uh huh. Stick a fork in me, I'm done."

"How about stick a cock in you?" Lex wriggled against his lover, feeling the squishiness. "I think... we need a shower, and possibly an enema to clean you out, and definitely some clean clothes. And, before we leave, did you remember to pack Shayla?"

Yes, well, Clark was half asleep against the car, and he opened one eye to glare at his lover. "Sleepin', here."

Lex eased slowly out of his lover, letting his cock finally withdraw with a wet little pop that sounded more than slightly obscene. "No sleeping. Work. We have to get going, Clark, we're due in Metropolis in a couple of hours."

The pop made Clark grin broadly, and he blushed into the car as he opened his eyes blearily. "Work? Do we have to?" he whimpered, and straightened.

Oh. Bad idea. His knees almost buckled, but he held onto his lover tightly to keep himself straight, and get his balance. "Clothes. Shower. Enema. Shayla."

"Very good, you *were* listening to me after all," Lex said, wrapping his arms around his lover's waist to help steady him. "Shower, enema, clothes, Shayla."

"Shower, enema, and Shayla?" Clark asked, eyes dancing as Lex's arms wrapped around him. If he leered a bit, well then.

"Well... I'm sure that screwing what little brain she retains *out* would make it easier to take her with us, however I think we'd do better invite her along in what passes for sound mind."

"You're not fun," Clark pouted, even as he smiled and kissed Lex's lips. "I love you."

"I'm always fun," Lex said. "I just tend to be somewhat logical." He returned the soft kiss with a grin, and rubbed his cheek against Clark's. "We could always go and talk to her like this, and then have her scrub our backs in the shower."

Clark's grin brightened, but he shook his head. "Not if you've got to give me an enema. Do we even have one in the house?"

"I have fourteen bags, three nozzles, four IV racks, and eighteen yards of tubing down in the lab," Lex said smugly.

Clark's eyelids, all on their own, fell softly. He made a low noise in his throat, then blushed hot and looked away, cheeks red as he looked at their naked feet while walking back for their pants.

Lex choked on the snicker as he wiggled his toes.

"You know, Lex, you could give him your pants, and then you wouldn't have to explain to me why you're both wandering around the house half naked," Shayla said, leaning against the staircase banister.

Clark yelped out loud and scrambled behind his lover, peeking over his shoulder. "Shayla!" Crap. he had... come and whatever the fuck that goo was running down his thighs and he was *uncomfortable* and sated and sweaty, and SHAYLA.

Shayla wiggled her fingers in greeting. "Hi!" she chirped.

"Why don't you get lost and go pack?" Lex suggested.

"Okay!" Shayla went up two stairs before turning around and looking at Lex. "What am I packing and where am I going?"

"To Metropolis. For sex," Clark muffled from his lovers shirt, and waved her off. "Go away. We'll be up in a while."

"Metropolis?" She blinked. "I'm going to Metropolis?"

"Well, yeah." Clark shifted from behind Lex a bit. "If you want to come, anyway. To live there with us."

Shayla blinked.

Plopped her ass down on the stairs and looked up.

"Live? Metropolis?"

"Live," Clark echoed, and squirmed. "Lex, go grab my pants, will you?" he asked, and hid himself with his hands as he looked down at Shay. "Live with us in Metropolis. Chloe and Whitney are coming, as soon as they get things settled here. Lex and I are going to school, and I'm starting my career at the Planet. Lex bought four apartments, the top levels of the building, for us. For you."

Lex snorted. "As you wish. I'll be back with pants."

Shayla batted Clark's hands away and pulled him down to sit on the steps beside her. "Seen it, had it pounding my pussy, I don't think you need to hide it," she said, trying to absorb everything. "Wow. I knew... I knew Whitney and Chloe were moving at the end of next week, I just... wow. Yes. Of course. Yes. My own apartment? That's going to... yeah. Wow. YES!" The last one was shouted, quite loudly, and she flung her arms around Clark's neck.

Clark bucked up about a second before Shayla pulled him to sitting, and instead leaned on his leg as everything squished and squirmed back there. He winced, then tried to listen as Shayla spoke. Her joy was obvious, and Clark grinned at her as he gave her a one armed hug, as the other was keeping his balance. "Yeah. We were going to offer it to you anyway, but… well, we were going to talk about it. Dominic's gonna flip, you realize."

"He'll be happy to get me out of his hair, though he'll be sad to lose a great babysitter," she said with a snort. "Come on. I'll fold, you can pack, and if you move fast, I can be ready to leave with you guys this afternoon!"

Clark's lips twitched. "I'll help you, but… I need a bath first."

She yanked on his arm. "I've got a shower in my bedroom."

He shook his head, eyes widening. "No. Lex has to help me, Shay. Clean… uh… me out. I..." he cleared his throat and blushed crimson, ducking his head. "I can... lubricate… uhm... myself. Sometimes. When I'm really... you know... aroused. And it gets sticky and squishy and thick."

"Oooooh!" She craned her head, trying to get a look. "That's so *cool.*"

He glared at her. "Only you would find that cool, Shayla."

"Oh, I don't know, Clark, I find it kind of interesting myself," Lex said, throwing his jeans at him from across the hall.

Clark caught them and stood, squirming into them quickly before Shayla craned her head all the way around. "You would," Clark muttered, then gave him an impish, sweet smile. "Come on, Shay...want to… um... come?"

Shayla perked up immediately at the flirtatious invitation. "You just said the magic word, Clark," she said with a giggle, bouncing up to her feet. "I'd *love* to come with you. And because of you. And for you."

Clark grinned down at her, still blushing, but the squishy wet feeling was getting worse, and he squirmed the smallest bit. "Come on. I really, really need a bath."

Shay reached up on her tiptoes and kissed his blushing cheek. "I'll wash your back, and Lex can scrub out everything else, okay?"

Lex gave a nod. "I can live with that. I get the good parts."

Clark simultaneously blushed and glared, and led the way up the steps muttering under his breath.



go on to the next part