
The Memoirs

Smallville fanfic by Kel and Diana

Chapter 4: The Penthouse

It took Dominic twenty hell-bent minutes, but thankfully, only twenty. He had a quick phone conference with the head of Lionel's...blood hounds...wrote up a completely acceptable, and even moving, press statement should the need arise for it. He packed a few things, despite the fact that Lionel had told him not to...though he supposed amenities like tooth brushes and paste would be a good idea. He left a note with his own assistant to take any messages over the weekend, and tied up any loose ends that would ensure him a trouble free weekend. A quick stop at the postal office to pay his phone bill and he was driving in his exceedingly sexy blue Jaguar to the pent house.


"Mr. Luthor?"


Lionel answered the buzz from his doorman.  "What?"


"Mr. Senatori is approaching."


"Send him up and turn anyone else away.  Dominic and I have several important matters to attend to."


"Yes, sir."


Lionel rose from the chair in his bedroom, and walked naked into the living room, positioning himself so that he was the dominating feature of the room and would be the first thing that Dominic saw upon entering the suite.


Dominic shifted his briefcase to the other hand, getting into the elevator. A click to "4" and he waited patiently in the lush elevator as it rose. The sickly whir of it always got him and he breathed slowly, counting to ten as his therapist had told him to do. The feeling passed and the doors opened, leading down a long, private hallway to the apartment door. A passing glance at the lovely green plants and ivy through the hall, a mural of the Metropolis skyway its backdrop. the woman who'd painted it had been. He paused, using the private key in his keychain to unlock the door, and he pushed it open.


And moaned.


Lionel inclined his head as Dominic entered the apartment.  "You made good time, Dominic.  I'm... very impressed."


Rendezvous in the back rooms of LuthorCorp...quick blow jobs in his office. Kissing, licking, tasting. But this....he'd never thought Lionel's body, warm and hard and tight and lovely, would be quite such a pleasure to the eyes. He was still strong and smooth, despite his age, and the soft bulges of muscle turned his belly to water. "I...I-I work fast." He managed very quietly, closing and locking the door behind him, though he didn't move from his if frozen in awe.


A mild smile.  "One of us is overdressed for the occasion."


His briefcase dropped, as well as the small bag he'd had over his shoulder. He swallowed very, very hard around his very, very dry throat, watching him in something akin to disbelief. "You're naked."


"How perceptive of you.  Anything you brought with you, you can leave it in the bedroom, and when you come back out, I expect you naked as well.  And Dominic?  Don't touch anything yet."


He nodded, but didn't move. "Lionel.."




"If I act like a randy teenager tonight, please don't be offended." He said it quietly, picking his things up and tried not to stare to much, walking to his left, down the short hall into the bedroom.


And the moan that echoed from the room was louder then the one at the door.


Their were so many...oh, god. He squeezed the base of his erection very, very hard as he swelled up against his belly, hissing and swallowing down his heart again. Don't look, Dominic. Just strip.


And so he did. He toed his shoes off and let the slacks slip down his thighs. A tug and his gray dress shirt was over his head, followed by the coat. He dropped it all in a corner, tugging his socks off as he inhaled stiffly, and very, very nakedly. He could do this. He would not come.


Lionel heard the moan and trod softly as he walked into the bedroom.  Swift steps had his naked body wrapped around Dominic's, legs tangled together as one arm loosely trapped his lover's throat as the other hand trapped his hard cock.  "I heard you moaning, Dominic."  He stroked the hard length, keeping Dominic's head trained on the toys on the bed.  "Did you disobey me already and touch when I told you not to?"


He shuddered violently as Lionel pressed himself very, very nakedly against his back, squirming his hips back into the hard heat pressing into his ass. He shook his head many times, eyes still wide in his flushed face, "N-No, no sir, no." And he couldn't control his hips. He thrust helplessly, his manhood swelling even more as he tried to control his treacherous body.


"Good man."  Lionel landed a sharp slap on Dominic's bare ass.  "On your knees, Dominic."


Chills ran down his spine as he did what he was told before the words had finished coming out of Lionel's mouth, faced away from him as the burn of the smack went straight to his cock. "Yes, y-yes sir."


Lionel moved smoothly around his kneeling body, retrieving one of the many things from the rolling table beside the bed, and returned to sit in the chair in the corner.  "Between my knees.  Now."


He didn't bother getting up, crawling over with a cat-like intensity in his blue-green eyes as he settled himself between the hairy, thick legs, and watched his lover with question and interest.  And, okay, a good dose of sexual fear, and it was way too hot.


"Raise your chin."  Lionel reached out with his empty hand and stroked Dominic's face, playing gently with the fringe of beard and soft lips, encouraging the tilt upwards.


He did so, swallowing hard and he kept watching him with that intensely erotic gaze, fingers grazing over his lovers thighs.


Lionel's fingers stroked over the swallowing throat as it worked, and then when there was no further movement, Lionel dangled a thick strip of black leather in front of Dominic's eyes.  A heavy silver buckle graced the back, a D-ring at the front for God only knew what, and Lionel leaned forward, wrapping the leather tightly around his throat and buckling it in place.  "Turn around.  Look at yourself in the mirror."  Lionel's voice was already hoarse and throaty as he pointed over Dominic's shoulder to the full-length pier glass in the corner.


Eyes as huge as saucers went opaque with passion and desire, turning to look at himself and the groan that shot from him was soft and strangled...from the leather, and from his own constricted, passionate chest. He gripped himself hard not to come, looking down at himself as he squeezed. "Li...Lionel..." The words shuddered out of him, his eyes, glazed with heady need, meeting Lionel's.


Lionel's sure fingers dipped between collar and skin, making sure it was not too tight to seriously constrict his breathing.  "Dominic."  He turned his lover to face him, and sucked another kiss from pliant lips.  "There is... do you trust me?"  It was a painfully hard question for him to ask, but necessary.


It was so sweet and chaste, just a gentle meeting of lips that he hoped he didn't ruin by his panting. "Yes, God yes. With everything I am, I trust you."


"Pick a word then.  If there is something that hurts you, then use your word.  I want... I want to please you, Dominic.  Not harm you."  Lionel's hands gripped Dominic's shoulder's tightly, and he almost shoved the man away, the need to protect and the need to possess warring within him.


"Pumpkin." He murmured, stroking his fingers over his lover's arm, sliding down, down to stroke a taut, hard nipple with his thumb... licking the pad of his finger before doing it again, watching it swell and harden with agonized pleasure.


Lionel keened softly at the gentle touch of another hand on his flesh.  He indulged himself a few more moments, allowing Dominic's reverently exploratory touches, and then he rose.  "Hands... behind your back."  Reaching over to the table, he brought a pair of soft-lined leather cuffs to rest in his lap.  "Hands behind your back, Dominic."


He nodded quickly, sitting back on his haunches as he held his arms behind him, veins and strong muscles heavy in his limbs. He was shaking...did he care? Nope. "Yes, sir." The words were very quiet, biting his lip hard.


Lionel knelt behind Dominic, pressing a kiss on each upturned forearm before snapping each cuff in place and securing the chain between them.  "I will ask you only once, Dominic... what do you want from me?"  He wasn't sure if he meant tonight or always, and chose to let Dominic interpret the question.


"You." He said it from his heart, chin tight to his chest as he squirmed in the leather cuffs… just for his pleasure at seeing how tightly he was dominated he was. So hot. "Just...just you."


Lionel pressed his chest to Dominic's back, his arms sliding around his lover.  "Look in the mirror, Dominic.  Tell me what you see."  His rough fingertips abraded over Dominic's nipples, his mouth pressing against Dominic's throat.


His breath rushed out, eyes peeled into the mirror. "M…my skin's so… so flushed... your h-hands... Lionel, your hands. They're on my...on my chest..." A low arch, soft groan, and the barest of an accent came out as he spoke. "Your' hot."  He swallowed deeply, tipping his head into Lionel's welcomed mouth. "I'm so hard."


Lionel stroked his lover's cock.  "And now?"  He jacked steadily, roughly.


"G-gonna come!" His cry was of warning, and he held on, held on. He wouldn't come. In fact, he fucking refused to even consider coming, not now, not when the fun had just started. Damn him, damn him and his over-reactive penis! "Your hand, your hand is on m... dark against me...g-god! There!" He cried it as his lover’s fingers brushed the head. "God!"


"You don't want to come, Dominic?  You don't want to feel me pulling it out of your cock stroke by stroke?"


His arms worked furiously to rid himself of the cuffs, his mind screaming to touch, touch, touch. This was the most agonized pleasure of them all...being touched but not being able to touch in feel the warm body quiver against you in delight, to feel what you did to them. Only receive, and it was the knifes edge of passion. He was shuddering with the need to feel and the need to hold on, because he had a very sure feeling Lionel would punish him the night through if he came now. "Yes...God...want to...can't...not…not yet… can't..." He was almost begging, thrusting his hips up into the waiting palm… the sheath of warmth and tight heat.


"You can."  Lionel tipped Dominic over, pushing until he was on his back, cuffed arms trapped beneath him as he wrapped his mouth around Dominic's cock and sucked it into his throat.


Christ. Oh, God, Christ on a cross. God, almighty. He arched into the waiting mouth, linking his legs around his lovers shoulders as he thrust helplessly.


Lionel Luthor was sucking his cock.


Or he was thinking as he came. Hot vicious, he arched with the agonized pleasure of it, roaring his orgasm as he thrashed on his arms, back arched strangely for his trapped arms as his shoulders screamed. As his mind screamed. He let out a half sob and half wail, shuddering hard as his belly spasmed with the immense feeling of it. Of...this.




Lionel hungrily consumed the orgasm that rushed out of Dominic's cock and into his waiting throat.  He let his lover's cock slide out of his mouth, and pulled him back to his knees.  "How do you feel?  Tell me, Dominic.  Everything."


His eyes were at half mast, his breath heavy and dull, and without thinking about their dominance game he let his head slide into the crook of Lionel's throat, mming very softly. Boneless. He was boneless and skinless and he'd never felt so good in his entire life. The man who he'd wanted for years had just sucked his cock and it had been one of the most amazing feelings of his existence. "'m Jell-O-y." He murmured into warm skin, laving it softly. "Feel so good."


Lionel cradled Dominic against him.  "It does feel good," Lionel admitted, and then he pulled Dominic to his feet.  "But I want more... I want you spread eagle and open for me, can you give me that?"  He sighed as he relinquished the warmth of Dominic's body against his own as he pushed him towards the bed.


He glanced up, and his eyes were almost wicked through the haze of lust. "You shouldn't ask of your slave, Lionel."  He was sated, for the time being, though his belly was already starting to stir again. He climbed to his feet, swiftly and sexily for someone with their hands occupied, and murmured, "Where do you want me, sir?"


Lionel bit Dominic's shoulder roughly.  "Get on the bed then."  His eyes twinkled softly at Dominic, and God... he felt so free.  "Now."


He mewled like a kitten and climbed onto the bed, falling face first because he couldn't be graceful about it with his hands tied. He spread his legs wide, arching his back to lift his ass in the air just a bit, and grinned privately into the bed covers, facing away from his lover. "What do you want of me sir?"


Lionel moved onto the bed beside Dominic, hand landing hard on Dominic's bare ass.  Over and over again Lionel's hand fell, reddening his lover's ass with large handprints.  "For now, this."  He stretched his legs out on the bed, and moved Dominic over his lap, where he continued to rain spanking blows onto Dominic's posterior.


He let out a cry of pain, eyes tightly closed as each slap went straight to his brain. Each slap, harder and faster against his aching flesh, and he made the pain his pleasure, shooting straight to his groin. A moan now, mixed in with the cries, and he squirmed and wriggled as his hands clenched tightly into fists against the small of his back. "I won't do it again! Sir, I won't!"


"But you didn't do anything in the first place," Lionel said softly, licking Dominic's clenched fists.  "This is merely for my pleasure."


"And mine, God, mine!" He let the last word cry out into the blankets as he thrust into Lionel's leg...hard AGAIN and reveling in it. "Sir, harder! Please!"


Lionel pulled Dominic more firmly into his lap, shaking his hand for a moment.  "Do you want my hand, Dominic?  Or do you want this?"  He reached to the table and pulled back a round, leather-covered paddle and ran it over the curve of his lover's ass before popping him once with the leather instrument.


The cry was loud and rang in his own ears, eyes wide and glazed as he whispered, "No.  Sir...sir...I don't want to be punished for… for coming. Again." He closed his eyes tight. "Spank me with it please? Hard sir, please hit me hard."


"Sweet little slave," Lionel whispered.  "Roll over, onto your back."  As he instructed Dominic, Lionel reached over to the table and brought a silver device, two small rings linked together.  "This will help you, Dominic.  Help you not to come."


He bit his lip to keep the moan in, eyes just rolling all over into the back of his head before he focused on the cock ring. "Yes..." he hissed it, groaning it out. "Yes, god, yes."


Lionel stroked Dominic until he was hard, on the verge of coming, and then snapped the ring in place around the base of his cock and his balls.  "There you go, Dominic.  Now, back over my lap."  He motioned to his lap and held the paddle up invitingly.  "Don't make me tell you twice."


His shoulders flexed in pain as the tight ring held his orgasm in, setting his cock to pleasure filled agony like something he'd never known. He squirmed back into his lovers lap, making sure to rub the hard cock against himself as he situated himself, whimpering.


The paddle cracked down hard against Dominic's ass, stronger than before as Lionel was able to throw more of his strength behind each paddling stroke.  Each crack of leather on skin brought a red flush blooming in his ass, and Lionel felt the heat against his belly.  "Talk, Dominic.  Tell me how this feels to you."


"H...." Crack. "ard! H-hurts, hurts so--" Crack." "So much! So g--" Crack. Crack. "Good, god, g-good." He gritted it out, struggling away from each smack against him pushing his hips into the warm inviting thigh, and his bound cock screamed.


Ten more strokes, and Lionel dropped the paddle as he unfastened the chain between Dominic's wrist cuffs.  "Lay on your back, and spread your arms and legs wide."


He couldn't stop shaking. He spread his legs, stretching his sore shoulders as he spread them wide, breathing hard into the blankets as he felt more then heard Lionel move. All he did hear was the ringing in his head, the rush of blood as his hips tried to thrust into the bed, skin soaked with sweat as his abused, welted ass glowed a vicious red. "Yes, y... yes sir."


A crack in the air beside Dominic, and a sting of leather.  "I said, on your back.  Now."


He nodded quickly, rolling over to stare at the ceiling and pant, his gaze traveling to Lionel's in something like trepidation and fear, want and desire. "I'm sorry, sir, I'm sorry."  And oh, did his ass sting now? Yes. He arched, hissing as his skin tightened, groaning in pleasure and okay, he was very sick, but who cared?


The leather crop in Lionel's hand snapped again, and landed on Dominic's nipple.  "That's your only mistake."  He leaned over Dominic, straddling his lover's waist as he fastened the wrist cuffs to the headboard, and then did the same with his ankles, cuffing them to the footboard with cuffs and chains he'd set up prior to Dominic's arrival. 


Looking at his bound lover, Lionel flicked Dominic's chest with the leather crop, popping each nipple in alternating strikes.


His eyes went glassy and wide and his mouth dropped before his expression tightened and he arched up heavily. The feeling of Lionel, there, straddling his body in warmth... naked above him, miles of impossibly warm skin and dark, gorgeous eyes and the hair, and Christ, he was going to loose it, cock ring or no cock ring. His chest hurt after only a few smacks and he ached to rub the painfully hard nipples, to relish in the feeling of them dragging across his fingers. The mental feeling off it had him yanking at his handcuffs, moaning loudly.


"What is it you want, Dominic?  Tell me."  Lionel moved down, straddling Dominic's legs as he snapped his lover's trapped cock with the crop.  A snap to the head, a drag along the shaft, another pop to the balls before back up to the head again.  "I gave you an order, Dominic.  Speak.  Tell me what it is you want."


He was panting nonstop, head thrashing from side to side as he struggled to keep himself still and failed miserably. Zings of electricity fired from his cock to every nerve center in his body, sparking heavily every time he smacked the leather against the tip of his erection. Christ. Christ. "FUCK ME!" He let it come out as the near scream, thrusting up into his lover at every chance he could get.


"And if I don't?"


"God, pleasefuckmeplease!" He cried it out, arching, out of his mind with need and desire and he wanted so much right now. "Please, sir, please!"


Lionel stopped all motion, and brought the crop down hard across Dominic's cock.  "I asked you a question, Dominic.  Which you did not answer."  He moved off the bed entirely.


He thrashed on the blankets, face trapped in his arm as he bit his lip to keep the scream in, chest heaving as the sweat slid down his skin. "Please sir, please, I'll explode, I want you ins-inside me, please, be inside me, pl-please, I beg you, please. I'll do anything, anything you ask, anything."


"And what should your punishment be, Dominic?  I asked you a question twice before I got an answer.  What should your punishment be for that?"


"Please, no! Please!" But it wasn't a plea but a whimper, squirming hard under the hard gaze of his lover as the pressure climbed in his tightly drawn balls. "Please, no, please."


"Every time you do not answer my question, Dominic, you're only building up more punishment for yourself."


"I d-don't know, I..." His voice was desperate, needy, wanting. "I don't know what punishment, sir, I don't know, please..."


"Do not.  Make me.  Ask Again."


He was shuddering, shaking, out of his mind with want, and Lionel expected him to think? God dammit. God dammit! "M… make me...d-deep throat you."


Lionel's crop lashed out and raised a bright red welt along Dominic's thigh.  "That's not a punishment, Dominic. That's a privilege."


He gasped hard, arching, shuddering hard as his back bowed. "I d-don't know! I don't k…know what p…punishment..."


Lionel leaned over and whispered in Dominic's ear.  "And what if I deny you my body? Is that punishment enough for you?"


His low rumbling sob was almost pitiful if it weren't half out of passion. "Please, please no." He shook as he struggled with the cuffs, tugging blindly.


"Then give me an alternative.  And this is your last chance, Dominic."


"D...don't let me...m-me come...come a-all night..." He whispered it even as he struggled, flush with embarrassment and need, arching up as his cock gave a hard jerk.


Lionel wrapped his hand around the bound length.  "Now that... sounds like the perfect punishment to me."  He leaned over the bed, sucking the length into his throat again, massaging the shaft with his throat muscles before letting it slide out again, unsatisfied.  "Dominic... I should find a way to mark you permanently," he whispered softly before retrieving a small box from the nightstand, opening it to reveal lube and condoms.  He held the condoms up for Dominic, waiting silently for his choice.


He nodded at the condom desperately, agonized in a way he'd never felt, more pleasured then he'd been in his life, though the tinge of pain, despite it being pained pleasure, was starting to brighten his eyes and make his toes curl. "Mark...yes...God, yes...always remember this…yes..."


Slowly Lionel rolled the condom on over his aching erection, and he coated himself all over with a thin layer of lubricant.  "You'd like that, wouldn't you, Dominic?  Something... something to remind you who you belong to... who made you scream and beg, who made you cry?"  Lionel's knuckles brushed over Dominic's cheek, and then he positioned himself between his spread legs and pushed two fingers in at once.  Firmly but not brutally, Lionel worked the slick digits into the tight opening exposed between the still-red globes of his lover's ass.


His eyes rolled. Again. He fought to control the sensation, but there was something about Lionel's fingers up his ass that was going to drive him slowly insane before the night was through. He thrust as best he could down into the slick fingers, grinding his teeth hard as his knees tried to flex and grind Lionel in. In, in, in, a chant in his head.  "Y-Yes, want... want to be reminded... e…every time I jack off you..." He grunted through a gritty throat, eyes squeezed tight.


Lionel's fingers twisted upwards, seeking his lover's prostate.  "And where would you have this mark?  Shoulder?  Thigh?  Stomach?  Tell me, Dominic.  What kind of mark do you want?  Brand?  Tattoo?  Scar?"


A low hiss....then a scream and a buck upwards because yeah, his cock was going to explode. The pleasure, overwhelming pleasure through his belly, sending goosebumps and shakes across his skin as he shuddered, twisting back and forth. "S-Scar...w...want a s…scar."


Lionel's fingers crooked, and slammed into Dominic's prostate.  "Where do you want it?"


A long, throaty moan that vibrated across his body. "Thigh…m…my thigh... w… want it o… on... m-my… my thigh.."


"Your wish is my command."  Lionel reached to the table and brought back a glittering switchblade.  "Do you want me to gag you?"


His breath suddenly increased all the more, chest heaving hard as he stared at the blade. Christ. Oh, God. "Y...yes…yes..."


Lionel paused, and stroked Dominic's cheek.  "Are you sure?" he asked softly, for the moment breaking out of the game.  "It... it will hurt."


He nodded many, many times, swallowing heavily as he kept his eyes shut, sure he was going to go out of his mind if he had to stay this hard for another ten minutes, let alone all night. "Yes, yes, please...Lionel," He opened his hazed eyes to look into his. "Pl...please."


Lionel kissed Dominic deeply, tongue fucking his mouth and tasting every crevice.  "You... you know, don't you, Dominic.  How I--"  He let his words trail off, not able to say more.


He kissed back just as hard, want and pleasure and desperation, looking at him again with question. "What? Wh...what is it, Lionel?"


Fuck.  "You know how I feel about you."


"G...God, yes." He nodded it, and wondered if Lionel knew exactly how out of his mind he was right now. Because suddenly, the words were tumbling out. "I'm so in love w-with you so m… much...want you...mind...b-body...want...want everything, Lionel..."


Lionel cut off the flow of words with another deep, heartfelt kiss.  "Dominic... yes.  I can't... I don't know that I can any more, but... it is you."  His fingers tightened around the switchblade handle.  "I promise you, I will give you everything that I can."  He sealed his mouth to Dominic's again, and then plunged the tip of the knife into his lover's inner thigh.


It took a moment for him to realize what was happening. His eyes widened and he screamed into Lionel's mouth, struggling NOT to struggle because he wanted this, yes, he had, but oh god it hurt like a motherfuckingBITCH. His cry ended on a long moan, inhaling hard around Lionel's mouth as he tried not to squirm in pain, and didn't bother with his safeword. They were beyond that now, like two halves reading each other, side to side. He groaned, both from pain and from pleasure, and he's sure he would have come if his orgasm wasn't held in place by the slick, tight little ring.  Or...okay, lets be honest, more pain then pleasure, but it came with the territory of being marked as Lionel's lover. Lionel... who... had said in too few words...that he loved him. and wasn't that the most wonderful thing he'd ever felt?


Lionel twisted the blade just once, carving a half-moon shape in Dominic's leg before pulling the blade out and pressing his hand against the bleeding wound.  His mouth barely left Dominic's for the moment.  "This is going to hurt; I'm going to cauterize it so the bleeding stops."  He reached over yet again, and there was a small metal tube that he wrapped his fingers around.  A flick of a button and the miniature surgical laser flicked on, and Lionel slammed his free hand over Dominic's mouth as the laser sealed the wound shut.


His eyes darkened with black spots, sliding in from the edges of his vision. He didn't have to scream, he was so close to passing out that it almost didn't matter. It felt good, so good, to be someone's for the first time in his life, and if this was the bond, then he would take it gladly. And had, despite the pain it brought him. But all pleasure in life is accompanied by pain, and it was only how one dealt with it that made them who they were. Blood rushed loudly in his ears and he wondered vaguely if he was still hard, struggling away from the brink of unconsciousness as he whispered, "Please...please..." Oh, and god, yes he was, hard as rock, Christ, Christ.


As soon as the laser was done with its work, Lionel raised Dominic's hips and thrust into him in a single, hard stroke.  His hand reached up and unclipped the cuffs from his wrists, and then slid down to cradle the back of Dominic's head as he kissed him again, thoroughly, gently... needily.  "I'm here... I have you.  You're mine now, Dominic."


He shuddered violently as he slid down from the tight cross the cuffs had held him in and he wrapped his arms around his lover. Filled, so deeply filled, and he groaned as he pressed his face into warm skin. " always...always had me, L...Lionel...always." He kissed back just as needily, wrapping his arms tighter around him as his body thrummed in pleasure.


Harder strokes, possessive strokes as Lionel pounded into Dominic's body.  "I... used you for so long.  I'm sorry."  His tongue licked and sucked at every inch of tongue, lip and skin that he could reach on his lover.  He used his own hands to slide Dominic's hands into his hair.  "Touch me.  Please... don't be impersonal.  Not like I was.  Please."


He was going to loose consciousness before this was through. He knew it, because between the cock ring and his claiming, the long night of pleasure and his emotional rampage, it was too much for his system. And wasn't that the guiltiest pleasure of all? This total overwhelming of senses, perfect and arousing and erotic beyond his wildest dreams?




He slid tight through Lionel's hair, fisting there to bring his mouth down to him, and for the first time....he kissed his lover. Strong and wet and silky, sliding his tongue across Lionel's in a heady stab of 'mine'. Explored, felt every crevice and cranny, met his thrusts as best he could but felt more inclined to be taken and it was perfectly okay with him. Lionel, as he always was, was huge inside of him...except now it felt different. Now...there was love, and it felt like a new person, a new experience, a new feeling. And it was beyond anything he'd ever known.


Lionel gave the kiss willingly, his cock pushing deep inside Dominic with every stroke as Dominic's tongue tasted every inch of his mouth.  He whimpered quietly, the noise vibrating against Dominic's tongue as his arms wrapped around his lover's waist.  He was feeling emotions now for Dominic that he'd long denied ever having, and he was filled with both fear and exhilaration.  Exhilaration, because Dominic... wanted him.  Fear... because he wanted Dominic all the more because of it.  More hard lunges, cock swelling almost to bursting and Lionel knew he was about to come.  With a swift flick of his fingers, Lionel removed the cock ring that bound his lover's organ and came blindingly hard.


He dragged his fingers down over the wide, aristocratic shoulders, sliding across sweat dampened skin to the narrow waist. The warm ass, full and soft under his fingers as he cupped...felt every single thrust, the powerful muscles and sinews in the skin beneath his fingers as they flexed and pumped into him. He felt every single thrust, wide and wet and powerful, pushing into him... claiming him. Then the sudden powerful arch of Lionel's body, pushing deeper inside, and....and Dominic felt himself coming, coming and coming and he couldn't stop, screaming with the intensity of. He arched blindingly, latching onto Lionel's hair until he felt the dark spots start to take him under again, groaning low in pleasure as he rode his orgasm out. Exhausted. Spent.


Lionel thrust hard into Dominic, over and over again, spilling his seed and then cradling him as Dominic's spilt between them.  Leaning back, Lionel freed Dominic's legs as well, then fell exhausted to the bed, Dominic clutched tightly to his sweaty chest.  His arm wrapped firmly around Dominic's waist, and his breath tickled the other man's ear.  "Are you... all right?" he panted.


He curled deep into the giving arms, sweaty and panting as he leaned in close… closer, cuddling up as much as Lionel was willing to give. "Mmm... I'm okay." He groaned softly, shuddering again as he tucked his head close to his lovers. "You okay?"


Lionel clung as tightly to Dominic as he would allow.  "I've never been better."  His hand slipped to caress one sweaty flank as he pulled Dominic close, carefully situating their lower bodies together as he rubbed his cheek only once against Dominic's.


" leg." Damned if he would whimper, and damned if he wouldn't return the caress. He gently skimmed the side of his face against Lionel's, again and again, trailing his fingertips warmly over his hip. "It… it's... can I see?"


"Of course you can."  Lionel rolled Dominic over, so that their bodies were displayed together in the mirror.  "There."  He caught Dominic's hand and returned it to his hip.


And wasn't that a sight to see unto itself? Lionel curled around him, his fingers on his lovers side and the most contented looks on their faces? He propped his leg up a bit, peering at the red stained wound in the shape of a moon, shuddering softly. "I lost it there for a second, I'm ashamed to say." His voice was smiling. "Didn't mean to scream quite so loud. Sorry if I blew out your ear drum." He smiled and looked up at him from his comfortably sprawled position, letting his eyes close again. "Hurt like a damn bitch."


"You... were fine.  I'm sorry it hurt you."  Lionel watched in the mirror as he nuzzled Dominic's neck, and liked the way they looked together.  "Don't... don't be ashamed."  He paused a moment, and then brought Dominic's hand to the birthmark on his hip, a small raised crescent moon.


He studied it, tracing the shape with his fingertip with a quiet kind of smile before up into Lionel's gaze. "I'm so glad it’s not in the shape of a tiger or something." He said it to ward off his own emotion, except he's an emotional person and he felt his heart tugged at. "We are equals, now, in this way."


Lionel looked down at his lover's face.  "We are... in more ways than just this."  He brushed his fingertips over the welts on Dominic's chest.  "You'll... have to forgive me, Dominic.  I am... not good at things like this."


"Matters of the heart?" He supplied warmly, shaking his head. "Lionel...I should tell you something." He said it softly, in the warm, comfy, secluded way lovers had after intense sex. "I understand. In more ways then you'd ever know...I understand. Things don't have to be said for me to get them, especially from you."


"You know, better than anyone, what kind of man I am."  He closed his eyes for long moments as he settled back beside Dominic.  "I am... touched.  I will try, but I don't know that I am capable any longer."


They were quiet for several long moments, until they'd both settled comfortably together...and he chuckled quietly. "I suppose then, it’s a good match. You be the commanding lord and master, I'll be Jiminy and totally get off on your being the commanding lord and master, and then the cycle shall start again."


Lionel laughed, long and heartily, and his eyes were nearly glowing when he looked down at Dominic.  "And you are going to be my conscience, aren't you?"  Lionel sighed.  "Be patient when I don't listen?"


He was grinning up at him when Lionel looked down. "Of course, in both respects. Have you ever known me not to?"


"No, I haven't."  He smiled down at Dominic.  Then he sobered for a moment.  "If I was not sure before... I am now.  You asked earlier if you could... take me.  I gave you half an answer; I give you a whole one now.  Yes.  If you still want it... yes."


His eyes were huge. "You give yourself to me in that way, Lionel?"


"Yes.  I do.  Would.  Will.  Am.  Whichever."


"I'm going to admit something to you."




"Promise me you won't laugh?"


"I swear it."


"I..." Dammit. How to say this without coming off as a total poof. "I'm 34 years old, Lionel. I've had one previous relationship, with a man as well. He was a very dominant person, like yourself, except he wasn't giving, or generous, or loving at all. He hurt me, many times, and I think perhaps the reason it means so much to me for you to say that is because it was rare when he let be inside of him. I can count on one hand in the two years we were together. And....frankly, I miss it. I do. I.." Idiot. "I just wanted to tell you."


Lionel looked slightly troubled.  "I... know that I will hurt you, Dominic.  And I don't mean... like this," he said, waving his hand around to indicate their play.  "It will never be deliberate, but... I have yet to be... involved with someone whom I didn't hurt.  I am not a man driven by his wants, you know this.  But... I have never felt anyone inside me before.  I believe... I believe I would like to, and I do know I want it to be you."


He paused and rolled over onto his back, looking up at him. "You've hurt me before, and I've never left. I don't plan to now, Lionel." He stroked the warm chest in front of him. "When the sun rises, I will show you what it is to feel your lover be a part of you." He blushed softly. "Partly because I want to see the sun on your skin. And....I don't think I could get it up right now even if I tried."


Lionel touched Dominic reverently.  "I will hold you to that promise... my lover."  He traced the blush that highlighted Dominic's cheeks.  "There are cathedral windows in the living room; the sun always shines in them at daybreak."


Oh. Warm flush of pure emotional pleasure right to his toes, and he could almost feel them curl. "Then that is where we'll be. With a sea of blankets." A moment....and he blinked. "Can I ask you something?"


"You can ask me anything, Dominic.  You don't have to ask."


"You've never...even touched yourself? There?" A skim over his ass. "Never explored inside yourself?"


"No.  I haven't.  I usually... you know my usual methods of getting off."  Lionel... blushed.


And it brought a smile of delight to his face, as he skimmed the back of his knuckles over his cheek. "My love. You've never experienced true pleasure, then."


A tremor passed through Lionel as he gathered Dominic to him.  "I... like the sound of that."


He smiled as he curled in close, linking their legs… his wounded leg laced between Lionel's to keep pressure off of it. Arms all curled up, and he struggled to tug the blanket over their shoulders as they burrowed in. "The prostate is an amazing thing. When someone touches it...or I myself touch feels like a dozen tiny orgasms setting off inside of me, sparking every time it’s touched. When I was a teenager, my lover barely ever got a chance to be inside because he would start opening me up, and there I was, with spunk all over my belly and a blush on my cheeks." He grinned with silly eyes.


Lionel wrapped the blanket around them both, still studying their intertwined reflection in the mirror.  "I know how it works; but I've never allowed anyone to touch me."  Lionel closed his eyes, unable to look at Dominic.  "I... I am comfortable when I am in control.  There are few people on this earth that I trust, and until now, none of them enough to offer them that part of myself.  I want it from you, and I have not from anyone else."


He groaned softly, pressing an open mouthed kiss to a bare shoulder. "From the bottom of my heart, I will pleasure you like you've never known." And damn, he was going to cry if they kept talking about it.


Lionel wrapped Dominic tightly in his arms.  "I wish I could say the same to you."


"Lionel." He looked up in awe. "What do you think you've done tonight? I've never in my life felt so out of control, so impassioned. I could not think, or speak. You drove me to a bumbling idiot with your skill."


Lionel brushed his thumb over Dominic's lips.  "That's... not what I meant."


He stroked his lover’s cheek, skimming to his ear before sliding in his hair. "You are a delight to me. Never think less then that. I'm so desperately in love with you."


"It's so easy for you to say that."  Lionel turned his face into Dominic's hand, away from his eyes again.  "And for me, to even attempt to think it is nearly physically painful."


"You've had your love forsaken too many times in your life, but do you know who cares about you more then I?"




"Lex." Quietly.


Lionel shook his head in denial.  "No.  Lex does not... at all.  He's... amply proven it.  Though I've never given him reason to do otherwise."


"He's 21 years old, Lionel. He's barely come into conscious thinking, let alone come out of rebellion. He loves you more then anything in this world, and I don't want to preach, because it's… well, preaching. But he cares, even when he does everything in his power not to show it."


"He loved his mother, Dominic.  And maybe his father, a long time ago.  But that is done with.  Whatever Lex feels for me now... it's not love.  He's the son that I raised him to be, Dominic, and I am proud of him.  But I know one day, he will destroy me."


He didn't say anything, curling in closer to him and cuddling under the blanket, and he didn't say the words on the tip of his tongue. 'then we can move to the tropics and make love till the day we die'. "I hope it doesn't end that way."


"There's really no other choice."


"Living your life day to day is the only way to enjoy it, Lionel. Don't cross the bridge before you come to it." His voice was soft, and his eyes were closing in hazy sleep.


"Enjoy.  I don't think that I remember the last time I merely enjoyed my life."  He pulled Dominic even closer, and if he could have, would have pulled him into the same skin.  "Rest.  You'll need it... in the morning."  He kissed Dominic softly, and within half an hour, had them wrapped in a cocoon of blankets on the leather sofa in the den, facing the cathedral windows and waiting for the sun to rise.






It was so warm. Cozy, cocooned tight into a foreign embrace that was alluding him at the moment. Warm, despite the cool air of the room, despite his shivers...before he realized the shivers were from his leg. It ached, hard and steady, and he shifted lightly with a soft groan before....God, before it rushed back to him like the rush or orgasm, powerful and sweet. He smiled into the pre dusk light, squirming a bit in the possessive arms as the blanket rustled, trying to get on his back to see him. His lover.


Lionel felt the warm body next to him shifting, but made no move to release him.  He opened his eyes slowly, running his hand over Dominic's hip and cupping his ass.  "Dominic?  Are you... all right?"


A groan and a moan, and didn't it sound like the same sound? "Mmmm..s...stings a bit" There was a smile in his voice as he stroked his lovers warm thigh under the blankets, curling in close. "Sleep well?"


"Better than I have in quite some time," Lionel confessed quietly.  "How... is your leg?"


"That's the part that...that stings, unfortunately." He murmured softly, letting his eyes flutter closed again. "I've not felt this good in a very, very long time."


Lionel's face didn't change, but his eyes winced in sympathy.  "I'll bring you some ice; that should help for the moment; later in the day I'll have the physician sent up to make sure that you're healing properly."


He grasped the hand sliding along his hip and tightened, shaking his head softly. "It will heal. I've had worse, but none as pleasurable as yours."


Lionel's hand stopped its stroking as Dominic touched him.  "You're sure?"  Lionel brought his other hand to cup Dominic's jaw, brushing his lips lightly with his thumb.


He kissed the warm fingertip as it moved, hugging the arm to his chest. "I am." A pause. "Lionel...have you ever felt that intense feeling to just know?"


"Constantly."  Lionel brushed his lips over Dominic's ear.  "Right now... I want to know what drives you, but things like that can wait."


"I've known you for years now, but even now...I want to know you. I want to know what type of ice cream you like. I want to know the way you sleep...I want to know if you prefer blue towels to green." He smiled self chidingly. "I'm quite silly, I know."


Lionel smiled softly.  "I detest ice cream; most flavors are too sweet and artificial. I have no preference as to towel color, only because they're always black and always provided for me.  I suppose if you asked me to choose, I would prefer green."


Dominic grinned.  "I have always liked green."


Lionel leaned down to kiss his lover.  "Remind me to have housekeeping purchase green towels for the master bathroom."


He turned at that, laughing as he pressed his mouth to his lovers. Tight and sweet and chaste, wonderfully comfortable, and he pressed his forehead to Lionel's as he played with the ends of a lock of his hair. "You're very near impossible."


Lionel's hand splayed over the small of Dominic's back, pressing him close.  "Impossible?" he asked softly.  "I assume that's in a good way?"


"The most beautiful way there is." he murmured, pressing another kiss to his jaw as the sun peaked over the horizon.  He rubbed his lips against Lionel's, warmly skimming to the long expanse of jaw, licking softly at the edge of his jaw and right beneath his ear.


Lionel turned and lifted his head, allowing Dominic the access he needed.  The sunrise brought with it several questions that Lionel was too afraid to ask, and too afraid of needing to ask.  Sighing softly, his hands played carefully over Dominic's shoulders, and then pressed tightly to his chest.  "You're... exquisite."


He couldn't speak, simply nibbling very tenderly on his lovers earlobe...tracing the shape with his tongue as he rubbed his fingertips over the hair of his neck. Tender movements, all unplanned and lovely, as he moved his hand up from the long expanse of neck to the angular, beautiful face. He skimmed his fingertips over his lovers face, memorizing each angle and curve for later joy.


"You need... you need to take care of yourself today."  Lionel's voice was choked as Dominic touched him as though he were something treasured and adored.  "I... will take care of you."  God.  Even that was so hard to say.  "Your pain is my fault, Dominic.  I will help you through it."


"I am not in pain." He murmured, skimming his thumb over the bridge of his lovers nose before down, around his eye to rub at his cheekbone. "Though, I should say my ass is a bit sore today." His voice smiled. "I've not had a spanking like that since my college days."


Lionel's hand slid from his back to his ass.  "I'm glad you're not in pain.  I don't want you to be.  Ever again."  He rubbed Dominic's ass soothingly.  "I will let you recover a few days before we do that again."


Again? He met his eyes as the low groan escaped his lips, mouth dropping slightly as he breathed hard. His fingers though were never anything but gentle and sweet, and he traced his lovers lips warmly before down his neck. "I'm sorry if I have morning breath." He said quietly, leaning in to kiss him gently as he cupped the strong neck.


Lionel pulled Dominic close, erasing the distance between them as he thrust his tongue into Dominic's mouth.  His fingers stroked over his shoulders and down his chest to lightly tweak a peaked nipple, and then broke the kiss to whisper.  "Yes, Dominic... I said again.  We will do that again.  But... only after a few days and you're at your full endurance.  This... this was just a taste."


He groaned loudly, melting languidly against him and shuddering. He wrapped his arms around his neck as he got closer, arching without wanting to as he scratched his fingernails down the warm sides. "Make me scream?"


Lionel arched into the scratching fingernails, hissing his response.  "Then?  Oh yes."


"Lionel..." The sun had peaked over the horizon, sending the sky into the bright orange, yellows and reds of almost dawn. He watched his face, hoping he'd understand his question, shivering softly as he mouthed a warm nipple.


Lionel's arms tightened around Dominic's waist, and he nodded.  "Yes."  Rolling over amidst the huge cocoon of blankets, he settled himself on his back and guided Dominic to rest on his chest.  "Just.... for you."


He was shaking, even now the loyal submissive lover. He looked down at him with glassy eyes as he lay atop his lover for the first time...felt his shape and weight and the glorious warmth of his skin all over his body. Wasn't that a marvel? It was indeed, so much so that he couldn't speak, simply leaning down to delve his mouth into his. Kissed and sucked hard but sweet, thrusting his tongue inside with each possessive beat of his heart. "Mine."


Lionel shivered, and nodded.  He couldn't say the words out loud, and it took all his willpower to lower his hands to his sides, allowing Dominic to have control.


So he did the only thing he knew. He sat up on his haunches, pushing the blankets back to look his fill. God, he was the most beautiful man he'd ever seen, and murmured so before he began to move his hands. Over the ample chest...down the narrow waist. A circle around his navel, then down the long, powerful legs to rub at warm, naked feet. And through it all, he couldn't stop staring, memorizing the dark hair and the warm belly and the way his legs connected with the rest of his body.


Lionel turned and arched into Dominic's touches, his jaw locked achingly tight to keep in the hungry, needy sounds that threatened to spill out and fill the room.  Dominic was teasing him with gentle touches, teaching him... something that Lionel was unprepared to grasp.  He lifted himself up, his body on offer to Dominic.  "You... yours," Lionel whispered, his eyes closed and body held tense, as though he expected a blow.


Hips thrust up to him in offering, and it shocked him to realize that perhaps Lionel didn't know what the touch of a lover was. He expected to be the toucher, not the touchee, and this was something new to him. ....So he'd show him. He kept his hands stroking over strong, muscled skin, his mouth starting at his lovers warm jaw line. He kissed and licked, nipped ever so gently. Down, down the pulse point beating rapidly in his throat....the collar bone tasting sweet on his tongue with cologne from yesterday and sweat. The small indention at the base of his throat, and he paused there to dip his tongue in. "Mmm...taste good here, Lionel..." Again, lapping gently. "Like honey."


Slowly Lionel let his body relax, not sure of what Dominic was doing but knowing that it felt... amazingly right.  He raised his hands slowly, letting them slide down Dominic's sides to rest on his hips as he raised himself up to rub against his lover.  "Dominic."


He didn't answer, letting him rub against him all he wanted as he kept his mouth on a downward journey. Nipples...cold and hard and wet after he was done with each. Down the center to dip into a small navel, lapping at it slowly as he veered to the right. He licked Lionel's hip gently, the feeling good and different then the rest of his body...closer still, to gently kiss his lower belly. Further now, passing up where it ached to kiss down the inside of a thigh, murmuring about it tasting so, so good as he stopped at his lovers knee. He flicked his tongue along the inside of his knee, tickling it gently with his goatee before lower... lower still, to press a warm, gentle kiss on the middle of the bottom of his foot.


Lionel jerked and twisted as Dominic kissed and touched his body.  Never before had he been touched and loved like this, and fear rolled through his belly as he pressed himself against Dominic.  The lower he moved the more he felt the absence of Dominic's body until finally, the only part of his body that was touched by his lover was his foot.  He knotted his elegant fingers in the sheets, twisting them as he fought to remain quiet.


He watched his lover with curiosity from the corner of his eyes as he gently mouthed the heel of the sturdy, strong foot. Lionel was so proud...and wasn't it the sweetest thing he'd ever seen in his life? Instead of seeing it as a challenge he saw it as endearing, feeling his body tense with each movement. Tenderly, softly, he kissed up the warm foot to suck at the smallest toe, kissing it gently before moving on to the next, laving it and the third toe at the same time as he kneaded his ankle with his fingers.


Lionel whimpered softly, the mewling sound the only one that escaped his throat.  "D--Dominic?"  he whispered softly.  "I can't... please.  This is... something I've never felt before."


"You are the reason I wake up everyday.." He murmured it as he finished licking the toes, nipping at the big toe before up the inner thigh. "And sleep through the night." He murmured it into a shallow hip, kissing it...then across, gently nibbling and kissing along the warm manhood beneath his lips before he repeated the entire process to his left leg. Except this time, when he'd finished sucking and was kissing up his thigh...he lifted Lionel's leg softly to rest on his shoulder. "You are my sunshine, and my stars." He kissed up the thigh...higher...and side tracked to kiss the soft spot right behind his balls. "You are my night and day, my light and dark. You are everything." He pressed a soft kiss to the tiny hole, gently nipping around it.


Lionel's body relaxed with each whispered endearment.  Dominic... Dominic was his, and he was Dominic's.  "I... I trust you, Dominic.  I want... so much."  His voice trailed off softly.  "Is it allowable to want you so much?"


He didn't answer right away, licking the tiny hole with the flat of his tongue as he stroked his fingers over the relaxing thighs as he pushed the tip of his tongue in, moaning softly as he did so. He let go...again, further in. "Yes...oh, yes."


"God, I do."  He wrapped his legs around Dominic's chest, the feelings inside him pushing him and moving his body of their own accord, pulling Dominic closer to him.  "Don't... stop.  Don't leave me.  Please."


He thrust his tongue in...deeper now but not deep enough, gently skimming his mouth over the hole as he let go and looked up. "I wont leave you. I promise you that." A gentle skim with his fingertips, tracing them over the erection in front of him. "I need a few things...can I get them?"


Lionel nodded.  "Anything.  Just... hurry back."  He felt vulnerable and exposed to his lover, but also he knew that Dominic would not hurt him.  Would not cause him pain, and he slowly slid his legs down Dominic's sides until they lay flat on the blankets.  Unconsciously, he turned his body into the sun that was starting to pour through the glass windows, soaking the heat into his body.


And it was breathtaking. Breath taking. He'd never seen anything so beautiful in his life, but didn't kiss him, as much as he ached to. He wasn't sure how Lionel would react to his mouth as it had just been in an unmentionable place. So instead he climbed to his feet, caressing his lovers face before slipping from the room and going back to the bedroom. It smelled like sweet sex and Lionel's shampoo, and wasn't that wonderful? He crouched down to his bag, opening it to go through...a few condoms and a small tube of slicker. Or lube, whatever it was called. He paused as he looked at himself in the mirror...the sight making him stop for a moment. He looked so outrageously happy, and he couldn't help grinning at his reflection.


Another few moments before he was back in the living room...and it was he who whimpered. He was just as beautiful far away as when he was close up, and he padded quietly over to the wide, comfortable couch and onto the floor. "I'm" He slipped in on his side, back to the foot rest of the couch, and rearranged himself to free his hands.


Lionel opened his eyes from the cocoon on the floor, his body hot from the sun's rays.  "Dominic... you... where do you need me?"


"Here....lay on your back, like that. Just that, Lionel." He nodded gently and gently skimmed his fingers over the tense belly. "Are you sure you want this?"


"Yes.  I'm sure.  I have never been more sure of anything."  He looked up at Dominic.  "I am just..."  The words frightened, scared and afraid refused to be spoken; they didn't exist in the Luthor vocabulary.


But yet, he understood. He nodded and gently pressed a kiss to the edge of his lips. "I'm going to prepare you first...I'm going to touch you unlike you've never known." Without drawing attention to it he spread a bit of the lube on his fingers, warming it softly with friction before he gently massaged his lovers belly. "Tell me if you're uncomfortable...I'll stop." He slickened the tiny hole with his fingertip, kissing his lovers chest as he watched him like a hawk. "Breathe...breathe in when I tell you to, okay?"


Lionel nodded.  "I won't tell you to stop, Dominic.  I don't want you to stop.  I need... you.  I need this.  I want... you.  To have this.  As possibly the only good, honest thing I can give you.  And because I want to know what you feel like inside of me."


"You'll never know what it means to me." He murmured it, and nodded at him, swallowing reflexively as his cock jerked hard. "Breathe in… breathe in for me."


"I want to know," he hissed as he sucked his breath in.  "Tell me, Dominic.  I want... need to hear it."


He waited till Lionel was blowing the breath out to push the tip of his finger in very slowly...waiting for him to relax again as he gently touched. "It makes me feel like a man. It makes me feel makes me want to give you the world on a silver platter. It makes me want to learn the world for you, so I could answer the questions you ask of yourself. Every step I take is for you...I'll always defend you, always honor you in everything you do."


Lionel tensed as he felt the tender touch behind his balls as the slick fingertip slid into him, and instead he concentrated on Dominic's voice and his body relaxed.  "You... you should have a better person in your life... than me," Lionel said softly, working his hips and attempting to impale himself further on Dominic's fingers.  "You could have... so much more than I could give you."


"You are an amazement to me. An amazement. The greatest gift I will ever give you is to stand by your side, and the greatest gift you'll ever give me is to let me." He massaged Lionel's belly softly, relaxing him as with the next breath he slipped his finger in slowly...past the second tight muscles until he slid his finger in effortlessly. All the way inside. He stroked the walls softly, watching his love with sweet, hazed eyes as he touched… shuddered in delight at each new sensation. "Lionel...I wouldn't be here if I didn't want to be. I believe in you… in what you stand for, in what you strive towards. In your heart. I will never falter, that I can promise."


Lionel trembled under Dominic's soft touches and beautiful words.  If he weren't such a coward... if he dared once more, he knew that he would love Dominic without reservation.  And that was a frightening thought unto itself. 


But then Lionel realized that it was already happening, whether he had allowed it to or not.  He was lying on his back, keening quietly and arching into his lover's touch as Dominic truly touched him for the first time.


It was overwhelming, the sudden realization.  "Dominic."


He had his face pressed into his lovers chest, laving a nipple gently as he pushed in further, to the second knuckle, and skimmed a fingertip over the lump he found...over his lovers prostate, and waited for the reaction. "I'm here, lovely one."


Lionel cried out as the bright flare of pleasure screamed through his body, and his hands closed on Dominic's shoulders.  "I... God... I love you."  Whispered so quietly on the tail end of his outcry, Lionel was not sure Dominic heard and knew he didn't have the strength to repeat it.


He heard it. He did, but he knew what it cost for his lover to say it, and simply looked into his warm brown eyes as he pressed into his prostate again...again, rubbing his fingertip over it as Lionel's cries sent shocks through his system. "With everything I am, Lionel," He felt the tears prick his eyes. "I will always love you back. Always."


Lionel gripped the back of Dominic's neck tightly and brought their mouths together.  He kissed Dominic hungrily, tongue pushing and tasting his lover's mouth.  His body thrust upwards with every stroke of Dominic's fingers, and into the mouth covering his own, Lionel allowed himself to moan.


Randy teenager. He had very suddenly become a randy teenager in the past day and a half and he allowed himself to rub against his lovers outer thigh, groaning right back as he kissed. Heavily, passionately, and he whispered softly into the pliant, sharp mouth. "Going to...add another finger...Lionel, breathe out when I tell you, o-okay?"


"Yes," Lionel whispered back, nipping at Dominic's lips and chin.  "Anything you say."  He slipped his hand between their bodies and stroked his lover's cock, rubbing it against his skin.


Gyuh ubba er. And he's vaguely aware that he vocalized that as he pressed a second fingertip in, stopping as he slipped just the tip in and waited for his lover to tell him if it was okay. Moaning softly, he tilted his head into Lionel's mouth, enjoying the touch immensely. "Y… yes... oh..."


Lionel rolled his hips, his ass sliding down and taking both of Dominic's fingers.  He winced slightly, hidden against his lover's mouth, his hand tightening on Dominic's erection the only other sign.  "Yes... I need you, Dominic.  Soon.  Please."


His instincts were starting to rush up and claim him, and he was trying so hard to keep them close but he was loosing it. Tight… Lionel was so unbelievably tight, and the realization of it had him groaning as he got more atop him, grinding his lips in to his as he scissored his fingers and started to stroke them slowly in and out. He arched into Lionel's touch and panted softly, claiming his mouth as his own. "Soon, soon, soon."  His fingers were always slow, always soft, always tender. Never meant to hurt but not stopping either, opening him up as easily as he could, making sure to brush the prostate with each touch.


Lionel pushed himself down on the fingers opening him up as his arms wrapped around Dominic's torso and pulled him close.  "Hurry."  His teeth nipped at Dominic's throat as his cock twitched against his lover's belly.


He nodded frantically, reaching between them to grasp the erection tight between them, jacking it softly until he slipped his fingers away and grabbed one of the condoms. Ripped it open with his teeth, eyes intent on his lovers, and he rolled it on with one hand as he continued to jack him off slowly. He coated his covered cock and groaned, before he slipped between his lovers legs and took each of his hands in his own, lacing the fingers. "Tell me you're sure, lovely one."


Lionel's fingers squeezed Dominic's tightly.  "I'm sure, Dominic.  Do it now."  He lifted himself slightly, tilting his hips upward to allow better access to his body.  "I've never been more sure."


And so he did. He pushed in, eyes blazing into his lovers before glazing. Tight. Oh, God. So goddamnfuckingtight and he moaned loudly as he pressed more inside...trying to stay gentle, but his body was screaming for him to slam home and start rocking.


He didn't. 


Slow... intent on what he was doing, until he was in to the hilt and it felt like something out of a dream. Tight, unbelievably hot and good and it reached inside him and tore him in half. He moaned loudly, jerking as he tried to stay still, pressing his mouth into his lover's neck.


Lionel moved on his own instincts, leg wrapping around Dominic's waist and trapping the smaller man against him.  "God... Dominic... this... move.  God, move."  He thrust upwards once, experimentally, feeling the vibration of his voice against Dominic's lips.  Dominic felt huge inside him, and Lionel felt stretched to his limit and unbelievably wanted more.  "Move... please."


He was taking Lionel Luthor. He was. Him. Man who'd never done anything worthwhile in his entire life, voted to be most mediocre in high school...was inside the most powerful man in the world. Was inside his lover. And that sent his back arching and his hips pulling back before a quick push back in, perfect and rhythmic and tight and he moaned loudly. "So t..." He couldn't believe it, couldn't believe he was inside him, inside HIM, and it nearly drove him mad with desire.


Lionel thrust back against Dominic, immediately picking up the same rhythm as his lover and moving in counterpoint to it.  He held Dominic's hands tightly in his own, riding the thrusts of his lover's cock.  "I need more," Lionel hissed, licking Dominic's throat.  "Harder, I think.  I want... to feel you riding me the way... the way I fucked you."


"Oh, God..." he moaned softly and rearranged his legs to give him leverage. He pulled almost all the way out on his next thrust and shoved back in as hard as he dared for a virgin. Another steady thrust that had his balls slapping against Lionel's thighs and he grunted, latching onto Lionel's throat and biting just hard enough, laving the bite with his tongue.


"Yessss!"  Lionel rocked down, his ass squeezing tightly around Dominic's cock.  Whatever objections he'd had to not doing this before were quickly fading in the light of his lover's hard thrusts inside him.  "Dominic... I'm going to have to hurt you," he gasped, "if you don't hurry up and fuck me."  He pushed against his lover forcefully.


He let out a cry and sped up, harder, faster, teeth clenched as he pressed his face tight into Lionel's shoulder. Each thrust was so smooth and easy, sliding inside and out like they'd been born to do this. Lionel was....Christ, he'd never done this before? Ever? He couldn't believe it but in a way did, relying on his sweet lovers voice to keep him from coming. It saved him a few moments, hard...harder, grunting deeply in his chest with each push in and pull out. Each hard, rhythmic slap of their bodies coming together, moving in sync.


Lionel wrapped his other leg around Dominic, lifting his entire lower body so that Dominic had deeper access.  His hands rubbed over his lover's chest, thumbs pressing down on the tight nubs of Dominic's nipples.  Touching he knew, and he thrust himself into every hungry caress on his body.


That was it. He arched and came, hard, blinding, burying himself as far as he could go as he roared out his orgasm. A second low, heavy cry and he tore himself out of his lover as gently and swiftly as he could, tugging the condom off, tying it off, and in one swift movement impaled himself on his lovers cock. He was still shaking with orgasm as he pushed Lionel into him, further, deep, lifting himself up and impaling himself, again, again, harder as he rushed to meet the pace they'd had moments before.


Lionel roared as Dominic came inside him, his head twisting from side to side, hair flying.  His hands moved to Dominic's hips, gripping them tightly enough to bruise as he rocked them back and forth.  He didn't even stop to think that they were unprotected at this moment; Dominic was hot and tight and Lionel thrust hard into the willing sheath that gripped him tightly.  He was going to come and soon.


He rocked hard, fast, shuddering from his hairline to his toes, sweat dripping into his eyes...Lionel was...was sweating. Christ. He leaned in to lick a line of it from his forehead before arching backwards, grabbing onto Lionel's hands as he thrust harder, crying out his pleasure and pain as the wound in his leg screamed to be known. Dominic reached down and caressed it, there, in his thigh, rubbing it like he would his cock and moaning loudly.


Lionel's eyes riveted on Dominic's hand on the scar, rubbing it and caressing it, and the lick of Dominic's tongue on his forehead was the last straw.  He came hard, buried to the hilt in Dominic's ass, seed pumping into the velvety depths of his lover.  "Dominic..." was the only thing Lionel could say, sated body limp as his hips rolled gently, thrusting the last of his orgasm out.


The cool rush was almost a sin and he moaned softly, shuddering as he sagged atop his lover as he thrust out his orgasm, swallowing very hard as his eyes slipped closed. Christ, Jesus. He set shaking fingers on Lionel's chest, pulling slowly up with a hiss until he was out, and plopped inelegantly beside him, curling in close. "Mmmm."


Lionel lifted Dominic's hand and kissed it softly, showering each digit with a gentle kiss.  Then suddenly he realized.  He had--they had--just made love together.  Not sex, but making love.  And the feeling was... warming.  Like the heat from the sun, only blossoming inside his skin instead of outside.  "I... love you, Dominic.  Thank you."


He looked up at him with a smile, nodding softly as he pressed his own kiss to his lovers mouth. "I love you, too, lovely one." He murmured softly, skimming the back of his fingers softly against his cheek.





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