
The Memoirs

Smallville fanfic by Kel and Diana

Chapter 53: Readjustment To Normalcy

The sun, so it seemed, had broken in through the dark storm clouds, and through some miracle of God, the beams were shining right over their bodies as Dominic shifted.


The covers, maroon and white and cream, warm and cozy when cuddled underneath them, rustled just a little. He'd been awake for some time...watched the day break, and now, the sun beams, cold with winter but sunny and cozy, lay over their bed.


He'd been watching his lover sleep.


Lying beside him, first in the dark...then the warm light of the dawn, had been his pleasure. But hearing the soft heart thud quietly in his chest...matched to his own, that was something he couldn’t find words for.


The soft slope of nose. Slightly crooked, where it had been broken years before...but the little ridge fit perfectly against his own, and when they kissed, and cuddled, it was perfection. Stately, high cheekbones his son had inherited...gaunt now, with his wounds and his refusal to eat. The full, beautiful lips...the gray wisps of beard that were growing from his chin.


Dominic didn’t dare touch...not yet. Not when he knew slight movements awoke his love. He just watched him....his heart aching, pounding out furious, heavy love that was so strong he trembled with it, and his lips curved...watching him inhale...then let it out, softly through his nose, and sleep on.


All those waves of hair. Brown and shining, like nutmeg and fire, the strands of red catching the suns light and reflecting it along each perfect strand. Dominic touched the ends… just a little, just a tiny bit. Just to feel the wisps of curls slide through his fingers.


Lionel was still sleeping soundly, probably for the first time since the accident.  He felt the sun and snuggled into it, never having been much of a sun worshipper but nevertheless enjoying the feel of the hot beams sliding over his injured skin.


The rise and fall of his own breathing comforted him; the rise and fall of breathing beside him was even more comforting, and in his sleep he sought it out, arm sliding around his lover's waist and assuring himself that Dominic remained with him.


He didn't wake until he felt a feathery-soft tug at his hair, playful, delicate touches.  His eyes opened into a narrow slit, looking up at his lover.  "Good morning, Jiminy."


His eyes widened...and he winced, just a little, and whispered, "I’m sorry to wake you, baby."


"Don't be... I can't think of any way I'd rather be wakened than by your hands."


His lips spread at the groggy words, and he leaned in, pressing a kiss to the still mottled, bruised cheekbone, then the tip of that slightly crooked nose. "You're very beautiful when you sleep. I couldn’t help it." A single fingertip danced up and traced the line of his jaw.


Lionel stretched delicately, favoring his sore body and mending injuries, and pressed a soft, open-mouthed kiss to Dominic's lips.  "I find that hard to believe, Jiminy... you are the beautiful one in this relationship... there is nothing about you that I find unattractive."  He raised his hand to trace a hollow, dark circle under his lover's eye.  "You didn't sleep well, love."


"Tell that to my balding spot." But he accepted the compliment graciously, and curled in tighter as his lover kissed him, and their mingling breaths comforted. "It was too long a night."


"Where did you go?" Lionel asked curiously.  "I hope you weren't working."


"I should have been." His voice smiled. "I was talking to Ms. Bird, and Lex. Seems I wasn’t the only one finding trouble getting to sleep."


Lionel rested his head against Dominic's shoulder, content to cuddle for the moment.  "I'm sorry that no one is sleeping.  If you'd like to call the doctor and get something temporary to help you sleep, I'm sure the others can take care of themselves.  My son has a lover to worry over him."


He shook his head a little bit, and pressed his cheek to his lover's hair... sniffing quietly, because he just couldn’t stop himself when he got around him. His hair smelled like something exotic and beautiful and luxurious, and he sniffed softly at it every time. Put his Pert Plus to shame. "I don’t like sleep aids. I find the best things happen in life when you can't sleep."


Lionel smiled at the quiet sniff.  "So what monumental thing happened last night when you couldn't sleep?"


"Lex and I became friends."


A stunned silence.  "That is a monumental happening, beloved."  A squeeze to his waist.  "And I am happy for you."


"Don’t get me wrong, love. I still want to wring his head like a chicken." There was a smile in his voice as he pulled Lionel closer, and snuggled in deeper… linking his legs through his lover's. "But now its less of an impulse then before."


Lionel chuckled deeply at that, a velveteen sound deep in his throat.  "I am well acquainted with that impulse, though I don't believe I've ever heard it put quite so quaintly before."


"I could have said I wanted to kick him in the ass, but it doesn’t quite have that same ring." And he propped himself up, holding his head with his palm and looking down at his lover with a smile. "It seems we're snowed in. What do you want to do today?"


A not quite wicked smirk danced near the corners of his lips.  "What I'd like to do today, I don't believe I'm nearly recovered enough for."


Oh. Crap. He groaned...dropped his head to his lover's neck. "Don’t tell me these things. Oh, my good Jesus." But his voice smiled, and he bit at the exposed neck a little as he got back up onto his palm. "Seriously! And don’t tease me now."


"I was being serious." Lionel arched his throat a little to give his lover nipping access.


"Lionel, don’t. My poor hand can't take it. Its out of practice, you know." He smirked and ducked his head again, licking at the exposed skin... linking an arm across his chest and tugging him close, kissing and nipping at that soft, scented neck. God, whatever Lionel put on his skin before bed drove him absolutely insane. But he'd never ask what it was...ever. It was special, and he didn’t want to know where it was from or what it was called. It was just... Lionel.


"Fortunately, mine got quite a bit of practice in Hong Kong," Lionel smirked in return, and rolled into Dominic's arms.  "I could help."


"Noooo. No, and no. And also? No." He shook his head firmly. "You're not well enough yet. You’re just going to have to wait, baby. But...I can...." His fingers danced down Lionel’s belly, and trailed across his crotch hidden under the blankets. "If you feel you're well enough. I know I tired you last night."


Lionel shook his head.  "No, love... I can't.  Not right now, as much as I wish I could."  He sighed, deeply.  "I wish I could return what you gave me."


He just smiled and shook his head, taking a soft kiss from him. "Its alright, baby. Don’t ever think its not. I won't push you… when you're ready, you're ready." He did, however, lay his head down into the crook of a warm arm and yawned.  It cracked his jaw and he sighed, grinning a little self indulgently as he sat up. "Mmmmm." He was sticking out every which way.


"It isn't okay," he said quietly, watching as his lover sat up.  "It's near torture lying with you at night and not being able to touch you, to take you into me or to slide inside you."


"'re saying it like its going to be forever." He turned and crossed his legs Indian style, taking his lover's hand tightly in his. "A few more weeks. That’s all its going to take, and then you can do whatever you like with me, and that I promise to you."


"A few more weeks is forever."  And yes... maybe he was whining.  Just a little bit.  Not noticeably, mind you.  "It is not a situation that I find acceptable."


Oh, yeah. He grinned, broadly, and rolled over, climbing to his feet with a creak of old bones... the sun having ducked behind the clouds, as if the brief rays this morning were just for them, and he padded quite nakedly to the bathroom. "And if I didn’t know any better, I'd say that Lionel Luthor was sulking." He turned from the door, and from further in the room, the bath came on.


Five minutes later Dominic padded back, pulling the blankets from his lover and offering his arms. "C'mon. Bath with you."


"Then I am certainly glad you know better."  Sulking... no.  Deep in thought, yes.  But not sulking.  Never sulking; Luthor's didn't sulk. He rose carefully from the bed, balancing himself on Dominic's arm as he stood.  "You realize, of course, that I despise convalescence?"


"Whining, and sulking. Look at you. Whatever am I to do with you?" He slipped his arm about his lover's waist, leading him to the bathroom as he pulled Lionel’s other about his shoulders. And his grin was trying so hard to twitch his lips. "For shame, Lionel, for shame."


Lionel drew himself up stiffly.  "I am not whining."  Liar.  "Nor am I sulking.  I am merely deep in thought, contemplating the state of my recovery."


He nearly choked on the giggle... staying as composed as he could, and nodded sagely. "Of course. I myself am contemplating your state of recovery as well. I have to give Ms Bird a date, after all." And his eyes sort of... flickered up at him.


"A date?" Lionel asked curiously, flicking his eyes over to his lover.


"Yes. A date. I...I asked her, if she'd be our witness. Is… is that okay?" Puppy gaze of deep blue green eyes, and he smiled sweetly as an added bonus as they slowly walked into the bathroom.


"Of course it's all right; as long as you swore her to secrecy, that is.  If she tells your mother and the rest of that brood you call a family, I swear to you, I am eloping with you to Sydney."


"Hah! You say that like we're not going to go for our honeymoon." Eyelash flutter, and they stopped at the filling bathroom. "Come on, beloved, leg at a time. I know your back wounds still hurting you, and you're too stubborn to tell me, so we'll go slow." He began to help him, gently. "She won't tell a soul."


"Good."  Lionel glared murderously at his lover.  "Dominic... if you do not stop coddling me this instant... I swear that I shall fire you on the spot."  He didn't like being helpless, and liked even less that Dominic knew it and helped him.  "I am quite capable, thank you."


He didn’t say anything, but it struck his heart. He smiled a little, shrugged, but didn’t let go until he was sure Lionel was in the water and safe from slipping. "I know you are. There’s shampoo on the shelf...a new bar of soap there behind you. I’m going to get cleaned up a bit and get started on our work, mm?"


Lionel closed his eyes as he sunk into the tub of warm water.  "Yes.  That sounds like a grand idea, Dominic."  He heaved a sigh.  "I'm... sorry."


"Don’t be." He set a towel down on the small rack beside the bath, and got one for himself, opening the shower stall next to the tub and putting the water on to warm. He snagged his toothpaste and brush and stuck them on a little shelf inside the stall. After another eye told him Lionel would be alright, he got in and closed the glass door, ducking under the spray and sighing.


Lionel dropped his head into his hands as he listened to the spray.  I never wanted my life to be easy, but cannot one simple thing go right?  He truly had not meant to upset Dominic, but... his helplessness grated on him, as did his inability to physically be with his lover.  Frustration nagged at him, and he resolved to attempt to apologize to his lover again when Dominic stepped out of the shower.


He washed his hair first… then his teeth. He didn’t normally brush them in the shower, but he didn’t feel like doing it when he got out. Soap went over his body... left shoulder, as he'd grown accustomed to doing with his wound, and he scrubbed over the raised, ugly scar, then down his arm. Across his belly and up the other arm, washing away the nights sweat. Down his chest and belly... across his genitals, down his legs. Each foot scrubbed clean.


A rinse and he washed his face with the little hand towel... washing off the soap and cutting off the water. He sighed... coughed and rubbed the water out of his eyes as he dried himself off with the towel he'd thrown over the glass. Dried his chest...arms and legs, and wrapped the towel around his waist as he opened the glass door and stepped out. Both hands swept through his sopping hair, pushing it off his forehead, and he sighed. Damn stubble. But eh. He left it, and turned to peek at his lover, making sure he was still okay, before going into the drawer for deodorant.


"Dominic... I am truly sorry."  Lionel spoke as soon as he saw Dominic looking at him.  "I didn't mean to speak so shortly to you."  He spread his hands flat on the surface of the water.  "Forgive me, please."


"Its alright, Lionel, I promise." Muffled from under the sink, and why didn’t Ms Bird just leave the things out? Wasn’t it easier to grab them every morning? Lord, God. "You're a capable man, and I’m hurting that, I know."


"No, you're not.  I despise being helpless in any situation, and I despise even more that I am subjecting you--someone whom I care so deeply for--to it and forcing you to live with it."  His fingers dug into his knees.  "I--did not handle it well."


"Lionel, you're not subjecting me to anything." He rocked back on his heels, and glanced across the bathroom to the back of his lover's head in the clawed tub. "Nothing. You're being exactly as you should be. I know you're tired of being hurt, tired of my babying you, tired of being weakened. But love, there's nothing on this earth you can do about it. I'll stop being overbearing, but it doesn’t mean I’m to stop worrying...or that I love you any less. Okay?"


"No.  I don't like it.  Not a single bit.  It's... infuriating, it's degrading, and it's upsetting to me.  I don't know how you stood it, and quite frankly... I believe it makes you the stronger of us for having endured it."


"Sure, because the whining, and the constant mood swings, were very strong." He snorted and stood, rolling on the deodorant under each arm. "Lionel, I say you soak it up for as long as you can. Ms. Birds not going to be making you strawberry cheese Danishes at midnight for much longer, you know." He grinned, and left the bathroom, just walking around the doorway to the dresser where they had their underclothes.


"I would gladly give up the Danish and the walking stick and everything else if only I were myself again."


"I know, sweetie. It won't be that much longer, you know. Just a bit, and then you'll be able to do anything you want to." The towel fell and he squirmed into dark blue boxers that might have been Lionel’s, but their things were so mixed up he couldn’t tell anymore. He pulled on a white t-shirt and looked for a pair of white socks. Cozy as hell and thick, and he pulled them on before wandering over to their closet. He grabbed the first two things he saw...a pair of old, very dark blue jeans and a white sweater. Threw them both on the bed, and walked back to the bathroom.


He sank down in front of his lover in the tub, arms propped up on the porcelain, and his cheek resting on his arm. "I love you, Lionel. I won't treat you like an invalid anymore... and I’m sorry that I did in the first place."


"It isn't just you... it's everyone.  My son, Ms. Bird... your family... for as long as I can remember I have struck fear--or at the least, respect and awe--into the people I deal with on a daily basis, and being treated like a porcelain trinket is... nerve wracking to say the least.  You... did not deserve that."  He raised his hand to clasp one of Dominic's in his own.  "I would not fire you."


"We're worried about you, Lionel. You scared us all, very much. That’s all. You're not used to people worrying for you... and they do, all the time. That is, quite unfortunately, what family is, Lionel." Softly, as he let one hand fall into the water, and he skimmed the back of his fingers along the back of Lionel’s hand lazily.


"I just wish the worry took a less... tangible form."  He sighed, and leaned carefully forward into his lover's touch.  "Yes... my back does still bother me, but the hot soaks help it," he offered as a truce.  "If you will move my chair in front of the fireplace, then I can sit up and help you, because the heat will help my back again."  He ran over the stitched wound from his kidney removal. 


"Okay." He smiled, just a little and softly, and leaned forward to press a kiss to his forehead. "I love you. If you need me, just yell."


"I always need you, Dominic."  Lionel's hand caught Dominic's wrist carefully.  "There's outlets over the sink; if you'll bring your computer in here, I can help you from here."  Another truce, letting himself cater to his own weaknesses in front of his lover.


He gently skimmed his fingertips over Lionel’s chest...then up, to his cheek, and murmured every so quietly, "It hurts you, doesn’t it, baby?"


"Yes, it does.  Not enough to cripple me, but... yes.  It does."


"That’s not what I was talking about." Dominic murmured, and sat down on his legs and knees, feet supporting his backside as he lay better against the side of the tub.


"I know.  And yes... it does hurt.  Not merely my personal vanity, but it attacks down to the foundations of who I am."  He slid down further into the water until he and Dominic were level, face to face.  "I have spent most of my life not needing anyone, and now... not even by my own choice I'm forced to rely on someone else for help, and it galls me."  He looked at his love.  "I love you.  I am honestly glad that it is you, but I would be even happier if there were no need at all."


"Trust me. I'll not hurt you... I won’t laugh at you, I won’t hurt you, baby. I would never use this against you. Did you ever use it against me? No, of course not. And I would never hurt you. You're so much more of a man… strong and gentle and good and brave, and I won't ever hurt you. Ever."


"I know you won't, Dominic.  I trust you.  You are the only one I do trust.  I don't trust my son--Lex has been too well trained not to take advantage of this.  I don't trust your family not to try and use this as an excuse to take you away."  He clasped Dominic's hand even tighter.  "I just... simply do not."


At that he looked at him... really did, and furrowed his brows. "Lionel, I’m almost forty years old. No one can take or put me anywhere."


"I know this, Dominic.  And yet it bothers me.  Your mother still has an intense dislike for me, though I think the rest of your family has grown tolerant of me."  A tight squeeze of his lover's fingers.  "I don't want them to use this, and twist this incident and this accident as an excuse to cart you away for cooling off time or whatever euphemism they choose to use.  Graham, despite my respect for him, would not hesitate to cart you away over his shoulder if need be."


He frowned again...a little deeper, and studied his lover for a long time. "Lionel, they are my family. I love and respect them. But I am a grown man, and they respect that. Just as they respect my choices. They don’t have to like them... but they won't be carting me off anywhere, if I chose not to be carted. And if Graham were to take me off over his shoulder, Id be back in fifteen minutes after scraping the sidewalk with his mountain man ass. Lionel, do you honestly feel I’m going to leave you at the first sign of hard times?"


"No, I don't."  And it was true, he didn't feel that Dominic would.  "But I've come to expect it from everyone else.  I know you are not like everyone else--I know this, Dominic, believe me--but the fact remains... if I saw me in this... condition, I would have nothing to do with me.  I can't help but expect the same from others too."


"Ah. So when I was lying where you are, hardly able to stay awake for more then fifteen minutes at a time...did you want to leave me in my condition...hand me over to one of the nurses, and not deal with me? Mmm?" A perked brow.


"Absolutely not," Lionel growled softly.  "I wouldn't have left your side no matter what."


"Well then?" His dimples winked in each cheek. "Must you really ask why I’ve been babying you?"


"Dominic... the situation was entirely different."  He glowered softly.  "Entirely."


"Oh, really? Lets see. I was wounded, could barely do anything for myself for a while there, and when I was finally able to, you wouldn’t let me. Lets're wounded, you could barely do anything for yourself for a while there, and when you are finally able to, I won't let you. Hmmm."


"You are also twenty years younger than me, Dominic," Lionel reminded softly.  "I'll not have you saddled with taking care of me before my time."


"Twenty three actually, and you're not saddling anything, Lionel. If I'd become seriously hurt, and was unable to walk, or function as I should anymore after that bullet tore through me, would you leave me out in the cold?"


And a shudder passed through him at that thought--not of Dominic hurt like that, but of being without him.  "If you'd been seriously injured by that... I'd have stayed by your side, brought in every doctor I could have until you were well again."


"What makes you think I'd do differently for you?"


"Because, Dominic... I am old.  I am not getting any younger, and we both know that it will be a miracle if I survive this long enough to return to my old self again."


The words were like a slap in the face, and Dominic physically flinched. He looked away… then set his forehead on his arms, and stared at the tile between his knees.


A thousand images filled his head.


And the nightmare he'd been having, night after night, was at the forefront. In it, he was dressed in black... Lex was weeping next to him, Ms Bird with a tissue at her eyes. Soft weeping... rich, famous people. Too few friends. Himself.


And his lover, in a black coffin.


Lionel straightened as he saw Dominic's face fall.  "Dominic?"


He spoke softly, and his voice was slightly muffled. "It won't happen if you don’t believe in it. It won't. You won't get better unless you believe you're going to. I have faith in you, but I can't have faith for the both of us. You won't get better, if you don’t want to get better."


Lionel reached out, and rested a hand on the back of his lover's head, waiting for him to look up.  As he waited, he spoke quietly.  "I believed myself back into sight, Dominic.  You had faith in me and I could not let you down.  I believed my sight back into being for you, and I am trying to believe that I will get well again, but the frustration is rising, because I can't even touch you right now.  I can't make love to you; I can't feel you inside of me, and every time you kiss me on the forehead like a child, it only makes me angrier at myself for not being the whole man I was only a few weeks ago."


"I don’t kiss you like a child!" He looked up, and his eyes were red and dark. "I don’t kiss you like a child, Lionel, and shame on you for even thinking that I do. Goddamn you." He'd gotten so used to it, in the hospital... the only place on his lover's face it had been safe to kiss, and not hurt. "You are such a stubborn man, so stubborn. Do you think this relationship relies on sex? Do you think I don’t think you a whole man, just because we can't have sex? Where are your priorities, Lionel? Just because we aren’t fucking one another doesn’t mean I love you any less, doesn’t mean I don’t think you're a great man. How can you even think that? You should be ashamed, and deeply so."


"I never said that's what you thought, Dominic.  I said that's what I thought."  He sighed.  "No.  I don't think it relies on sex, but what you don't understand... it is more than sex to me.  It is... it is literally how we can be a part of each other, almost in the same body, the same person, and when I am with you like that... I can't tell you how it makes me feel.  I don't have the words."


He looked away… laying his temple back on his hands and frowning softly. "I’m sorry for snapping. I understand what you're saying... I know. But Lionel... baby, you are inside me. All the time. You are a part of me." He swallowed, and rubbed his skin against his hand. Christ. He was going to have that breakdown sooner then he thought.


"It's all right; you've got a right to snap."  He sighed.  "You've been under a lot of stress."  He wanted to do nothing more than tug Dominic into the tub with him, but refrained, instead, leaning as much as he could over the side and offering his arms to his love. 


He accepted them... sliding into them and holding him as tightly as he dared, and buried his face in damp hair. He sat there for a moment, just holding him… and finally said very softly, "I kiss that, because...because before, there were so many tubes, and your face was so cut and hurt, and I didn’t… I didn’t want to... hurt you worse. I don’t m-mean to kiss you like a child. I won't anymore."


Lionel held his love close, large hands splayed out over his back, pulling him in and rubbing gently, soothingly.  "I'm not hurt there anymore, Dominic," he said softly, reassuringly.  "I’m only hurt in other places.  I'm sorry to be a cranky old man; I don't mean to make things harder on you than they already are."  He did not like the haunted look that had entered his lover's eyes moments before.  "I will be well again, don't worry."


He just nodded, and yeah, well. The tug, and he just sort of crawled into the water with him, clean clothes be damned. They got wet, but so did he, and he didn’t mind. As long as he got to curl up to his lover, it was okay. "You’re not cranky... I’m so worried for you, baby. I don’t know what to do to make it better for you... tell me what to do, and I will."


Lionel wrapped his arms around Dominic completely, holding him close in the water and fitting their bodies together.  The back of the tub helped to support his lover's weight and he felt no discomfort.  "You just did it," Lionel said softly, his grip not loosening a bit.  "You just did."


He swallowed and pressed his face into Lionel’s throat, curling in deeper and linking their legs. "I'll stop being condescending, and I won't baby you anymore. I just... I got carried away. I wanted to do everything for you, and I’m so sorry for that."


"It's no more than I did for you, you said so yourself," Lionel reminded him.  "It is not your fault that I have difficulty accepting help from a loved one."  His arms gathered Dominic into him, pressing his lover almost through his skin.  "I will still need help with things, will you still help me?"


"You don’t have to ask." Softly, and he twined his arm about his waist, gently kissing his neck. "Anything I can do, I will do it. Anything at all, Lionel. You need only ask."


"And I promise, I'll stop snapping at people and telling everyone to go to hell." He nodded. "So you see? Everything better now."


"Then just stay with me for a while; let me hold you and have you next to me."  He chortled softly.  "If you can stop telling people to go to hell... then I will give up Shane."


"Never going to happen." But he didn’t smile… simply closing his eyes and holding him close, the gentle swaying of the hot jets of water propelling through the sides of the bathtub sin.


"Neither will you be able to stop telling people to go to hell."  He ran his hands over his love's shoulders.  "You know what we need?"




"A nice, long, restorative vacation."


"Mmmmm." He smiled a little, and rubbed his thumb against a bare side. "Any ideas where?"


"The hot springs at Bath.  A few weeks there... then we fly Ms. Bird to Venice and meet us there, a week in Rome, and then to Sydney for a week and then back here."


"Sounds like the perfect dream." He murmured softly, fingertips looping through his lover's and hanging on tightly. "It would be beautiful."


Lionel brought their intertwined fingers to his lips.  "Then we'll leave as soon as the flights resume from the airport."


"We can't, lovely." Quietly. "There wouldn’t be a LuthorCorp when we got back. There's no way we can take extended leave, not with the way things are going."


"Mmm... but you're forgetting something.  Bruce Wayne is under our very roof."


"He is. I still don’t… I don’t think..."


"You don't think what?"  He nuzzled Dominic's neck.  "You said yourself that Wayne Enterprises would be able to protect LuthorCorp while the move is in motion."  Another nuzzle.  "It can be a working vacation; we can work out of the London office and make sure that the overseas operations aren't destabilized by the upheavals here in the states."  A third nuzzle.  "We also have an office in Rome."


He was trying to stay awake. Really. But between the soft arms holding him, and the hot water swirling around him, and Dominic’s eyes had drooped... then closed, and he was talking with them shut and his body relaxed. "Oxymoron, my love. Working vacation. When we get married, I don’t want to think of business. I want to think of you, me, and some sandy beach somewhere. I don’t want to remember our real lives exist."


Lionel nodded.  "I know, Jiminy... but I don't want to wait that long.  I don't want to wait another year or more until these things are all settled."  He cradled Dominic's relaxed body against his own, holding him tightly and beginning to relax as well.


"I know." He exhaled quietly. "I love you, Lionel."


"I love you, Dominic.  More than anything else in this world."


~ *~* ~ 


Morning sun beamed in through the windows--the same morning sun that a few rooms away, Lionel and Dominic were enjoying--and Lex stifled the grin.  His lover was soaking up the sun, arching into it and almost purring.


"Clark, would you like breakfast?  There's toast, Danish, coffee, and orange juice especially for you."  Lex sipped delicately at a cup of coffee.  "And I promise it's better than the crap the Talon sells."


"Mmmm." Alright, so he liked the sun. Who could blame him? All hot and warm when on your face, but to his new skin, it felt like warm milk pouring onto him. His eyes were closed, and they were seated at the small table beside the window. Or, well, Clark was sort of seated, if sitting on one foot and curling the other out onto the floor in a ray that hit the wood floor was called sitting. He was naked but for a pair of white briefs that hugged his hips, and he sighed carefully as he opened his eyes. "Orange juice." He just nodded, and closed his eyes again. "I can’t wait for the summer again."


"Neither can I," Lex said quietly.  "It's the best season for Clark-watching.  The solarium downstairs gets the greatest sun; I'll take you down there a little later in the year when the sun hits it directly; it's usually the warmest room in the house."  He poured orange juice into a tall glass and slid it across the table. 


Oh, he just beamed. His face spread and he smiled at his lover, nodding and shifting a little. Yeah... so, the sun wasn’t the only thing on his mind. He reached over and twined his fingers through his lover's, on their little table...and very innocent tapped into the pleasure center in Lex's thoughts, to send a nice, hard jolt down through that gorgeous cock. He hummed, innocently, and let go to take a sip of juice, eyes sweet as he looked back out the window.


And tried so hard not to grin.


Lex's fingers tightened on Clark's as he hissed, thrusting forward slightly.  "Clark... that was very... very naughty.  And not at all the type of thing that's going to get us out of this bedroom any time soon."  He leaned over the table, and bit the back of Clark's neck, and then laved over the bite with his tongue.  "Sorry, baby... didn't mean to hurt you."  So maybe he was a little paranoid about his lover's new skin


And maybe he arched and groaned, and uh huh. Okay. So. Clark grinned into the sun, letting his eyes flutter closed. "Lex… I’m really okay. Really. Really, really okay. So okay. Want to know how okay? I’m putting a dent into the bottom of your table okay. Come on, I swear I won't break in half." Big, pleading green eyes.


Lex snickered.  "Dent away, Clark... I can always replace tables... I can't replace you."  But he leaned over the table again and mouthed the same space he'd nipped, licking down Clark's back and tasting the new skin.  Tasted just like the old, just a little bit sweeter. 


Clark wasn’t to be held responsible for any of his actions. He'd started it, sure, but Lex had messed with him. So… it was only natural when he surged to his feet, his cock hard in those snug briefs, and prowled around the table to his lover. Lifted him up...bodily, batting away the cup, which thankfully landed on thick carpet, and pushed him over the table. "See, I was going to ask nice." He snagged a glass container of sugar, and set it on the cart of food Ms Bird had brought up, instead putting each palm on either side of Lex's head and staring down at him. "Really. But then you had to go and lick me like that. So the only thing I can really do..." Sweet, wicked innocence, as he sighed dramatically, tugged Lex's pajama pants down, and sat in Lex's vacated chair.


And he leaned down, blowing a soft breath over the already hardening cock.


Lex trembled and jerked, his hips thrusting up as Clark blew over him.  "You... your fault.  You started it."  His hands reached up and grabbed Clark's shoulders, pulling him down closer and sliding his hands in Clark's hair, trying to direct him to his hungry cock.


He smirked, wickedly, and shook his head free. "Ah, ah, ah. I don’t think so, Mr. Luthor. You see, I have about a week and a half’s worth of sexy thoughts stored in my brain. I couldn’t quite do anything about it, but now I can. And you see..." He trailed a fingertip up along the thick vein along the underside of his lover's cock. "I got to thinking. What exactly can I do to enact my revenge?" He very, very lightly traced the tip and cupped his own chin, propping his arm on Lex's hip.


Lex swore softly.  "Clark Kent... you are an utter bastard."  He squirmed happily under his lover, trying to get more comfortable with the thundering hard-on that was pounding in his ears.  "And I love you for it.  But right now... I think I could very, very easily kill you."


"No, sweetie. You’ve not quite gotten how frustrated I have been for the past week. Seeing you in the shower, naked with Chloe, nearly gave me a heart attack. The other day, when you dropped the pen and bent over to get it? If I hadn’t been molting so bad, you'd still be limping today. But you see, love..." He leaned down and bit at the nipple he'd long ago claimed....hard, drawing two little drops of blood that he laved away. "I haven’t gotten to reclaim you. And you, AJ, have never claimed me. But now...." His smile was sweet, as he took a glass of orange juice from the cart and poured a few drops along his lover's belly...watching it catch in his belly button, and he thrust his tongue into that little hole, sucking up the juice with a moan of pleasure.


Lex shuddered hard, moaning softly and whimpering.  "Don't--call me AJ."  But the protest was only half-hearted.  "Wanted--you reclaim me, long time ago.  But know now... you were sick."  He tried to sit up, tried to reach for his lover's cock.  "Want to claim you too."  As he moved, his forearm brushed against his knee, and his cock jerked as the new tattoo on his arm sent a shot of pure bliss straight to his groin.  "Motherfucker... Clark... please."


"Nope." But the little jerk surprised him... and he reared up, attaching his mouth to the tattoo and sucking. Very, very hard, tapping it with the tip of his tongue like he might his cock, rasping it with the flat of his tongue as his fingertips trailed down to Lex's balls. "You claim me. After." He murmured into his arm, free hand clasping Lex's wrist to hold his arm close... and suck again.


Lex's head thumped hard on the table and he swore as a bright flash of pain from the stitches flared behind his eyes.  Thank God for his hair, because the thick ponytail cushioned the most of the blow, but it still hurt.  The pain only caused his cock to thump harder against Clark's belly, and he swore colorfully.  The pleasure of Clark's mouth on the tattoo sent fire screaming through his veins, and he was squirming hard under his lover, arching and trying to rub his cock against Clark.  Beyond words, all he wanted was... something.


And Clark knew. Of course he knew. He knew the pain the thud against the hard wood, he understood the thick pleasure. And he just couldn’t help the wicked, dark grin. He let go and sat up, eyebrows lifting as he blinked sagely at his love. "Are we having problems? Really, Lex. You should learn to control your hips." He gave a loving, condescending pat to the hot, hard cock. "What is it exactly that you'd like me to do about this?  And you better answer correctly, Mr. Luthor." He murmured darkly into his belly button.


Lex's eyes remained screwed closed as he panted harshly, sucking air in through his parted lips.  "You want... an answer?  Fuck that... Clark... barely thinking here."  He ran his hands through his hair, breaking the rubber ponytail holder with his fingers and fluffing it out to pillow his head.  "Suck me, fuck me, jerk me off, let me come, please."


"Suck you? Jerk you off?" He cocked a brow up high, and deft, swift fingers reached down to tug lightly at the hairs sprouting from Lex's balls... before back, and around, to trace the small hole. "I’m sorry, I thought I was the one in control, here." He very, very lightly pushed the tip of his thumb in....then slid it back out, and rubbed the outside of the tiny hole as he blew softly on the hard cock. "I really don’t think sucking you off is the answer."


Shudder and jolt as he pushed down, trying to slide Clark's thumb back into his opening.  "Then... fuck me... something... please, Clark, please... need you."  He tried to wrap his legs around Clark's waist but couldn't as Clark's arms gently blocked him.  "Goddammit, Clark!"  He reached down for himself, intending to jerk himself off.  "You're in control."


He caught the hand moving down, and pulled it off just as it wrapped around his cock. And using his strength held him off... shaking his head as he gently continued to tease. Tiny, warm licks at pebbled nipples... his thumb sliding in part way, then out once more. His free palm trapped Lex's cock against his belly...refusing to let him thrust with his own weight, as he climbed up and looked down directly into his lover's eyes. "I am in control. Don’t try to touch yourself again, Lex, or I'll punish you. And I don’t think you'll like my punishment."


Lex's eyes flared again, but for an entirely different reason.  "And what kind of punishment would that be, Clark?  Tying me up and fucking me?"  He tried to arch and twist against Clark, tried to jerk himself off against his lover's hot skin.  "I need you, Clark."  He squirmed his hips, trying to get even a little friction against his lover's skin.


Clarks eyes widened...and a Cheshire smirk crossed his face.


He climbed to his feet, and without any type of preamble, tossed Lex quite naked over his shoulder. Two steps and they were over to their still rumbled bed, and Clark tossed him onto the mattress, crawling right in after him with a perked brow. "I told you to stop, and yet you still disobey me and try to get yourself to climax. Why? Why won't you listen to me? Mmmm?"


Lex rubbed himself against Clark as Clark climbed in after him.  "Because I don't like what you're saying, Clark.  I'm not... used to being denied what I want."  He thrust his hip up, rubbing his cock against Clark's thigh.  "I want it, I take it.  I have it." 


He climbed up, on his hands and knees, and as if it were tissue paper, ripped their sheet in half...then fourths. Every instinct in him was screaming to fuck him, claim him, make those words disappear. But the human, controlled part of him just smiled, and took a slim, pale wrist, tying the sheet around it tight enough to hold him, and slipped it through the bars of their headboard. "I’m sorry? What did you say? You want it, you take it, you have it? Well you know what, Lex? I want you. I’m going to take you, when I’m ready. And you, my friend, are going to enjoy every moment of it."


"Then hurry up and do it, Clark," Lex goaded, reaching down with his free hand and getting in a single stroke, thrusting up and rubbing against Clark.  "Hurry up... take me... now."


"No." He smirked, and slapped his wrist before pulling it up and tying it to the headboard as well. He squirmed down to the bottom of the mattress and leaned against the footboard...sucking his lover's toes into his mouth.


Warm, hot laves of his tongue first over the arch...then each toe, sucked on and licked like it were a fine, delicate morsel. His cock was so hard it was a dark red, pressing against his belly. His balls were hard and drawn, tight with want, and he wanted something inside of him so badly.


And he'd have it. In a minute.


He finished sucking and tied his foot to the foot board, before repeating the same process to the other leg until... oh, Christ. He was bound, hard and tight but not painfully...and he was all his.




Lex shuddered as the hot mouth wrapped around his toes, and he wiggled them in his lover's mouth.  "Clark... fuck, Jesus... don't... need you... have you... mine now, please, fuck me," Lex babbled, his bound body twisting on the sheets and arching his back as he sought out Clark's touch.  "Please, touch me, fuck me, need you, hard and fast."


"Ahh, and see, that’s the question, love. Because..." He snaked between his lover's legs, lifted his hips, and dropped his mouth to the hot, tight little puckered opening. He bit at the rim, hard, and snaked his tongue inside, flickering it against the contracting walls… before letting go. "The question badly do you want to get fucked?"


"Anything, anything, just do it, Clark, fuck me."  Lex clenched his jaw tightly, whimpering behind his teeth as Clarks' tongue snaked into his ass.  "Please please, Clark, please."


Whimpering. Begging. Oh, God yes. "Tell me, Lex." He whispered over a hard cock. "Where are your toys?"


"Cl--closet.  Go to the back... false panel... open it... behind there.  Little room.  Can't--can't miss it."


He smirked, and arched his back as he climbed to his feet... making sure his lover got a nice, long look at his naked ass as he walked to the closet.


He stepped inside and walked towards the back...and with his x-ray vision, spotted the panel.


Pushed it open...stepped in.


Moaned, so loudly he was sure the walls vibrated.


There were toys all over the three walls that comprised the small room.  Leather harnesses of all sizes, collars, cuffs, ankle wraps.  Whips, tawses, crops, teasers, and even a simple leather belt.  Gags, blindfolds, and then, on the farthest third wall...


Dildos.  Vibrators.  Of every shape and color, along with strings of beads, more things Clark couldn't quite put a name to.  Long, short, wide, slender, thick bases or thick heads, they were all there.


In the drawers against the wall were leather outfits of every kind, more straps and harnesses, D-rings and O-rings.


Every toy that Lex could possibly have bought, was stored somewhere in this room.


And he didn’t know what half of it did. Clarks heart caught… held in his throat, and he shifted his weight to the other foot on the spongy carpet. Oh. Oh, God. His arousal peaked...he reached between his thighs and squeezed his balls, and his eyes, at the same time.


And through their link, let Lex feel what he was feeling.


Oh, Christ. Oh. Okay. Alright. This was SEX. Pure, hot, and he ran his fingers over a slender harness as he walked to the wall of dildo's. There was mirror behind the simple clear shelves. They... they were... Christ.


His fingers skipped over an enormous blue one...huge, 12, 13 inches long and 3 inches wide. Oh, god. He hoped this one was only for show, and not for use… cause... Ow.


Or not. And he trembled, hard. He selected, instead, a dark red one beside least ten inches, but not as thick. Just about as thick as him, actually. He took it... then looked for something for himself. Because there was… just... no...WAY he could leave without being full with one of these.


He glanced, again, at the harnesses, and bit his lip. Another day. He just didn’t know how to use it.


Instead he lifted another dildo...smaller but thicker, and he wanted his ass to be full. So, so full. So he picked it up...then peered at a small drawer. Clothes hanger pins.






He picked up two of them, as well as one of the several bottles of lube, and walked back out of the room, cock weeping against his belly. He closed the panel, and the room...and wrapped his things in a small blue t-shirt from one of the hangers. He stepped out of the closet, closed the door...and just looked at his lover.


Lex was going insane.  Just out of his mind, moaning and whimpering and feeling every goddamned thing that Clark was feeling and arching against the bonds.  His hands clenched around the headbars, and he cried out.  "Clark!!  Hurry, please, goddammit, please, hurry!!!"  He didn't know what Clark was seeing, didn't know what he was bringing out.  "Let... please, Clark... let me see, let me see, fuck me, please."


"No." But he was in shock, and his throat worked as he set the things beside his lover on the bed, and climbed atop his lover. Lay down on him....and kissed him, as hard and wet as he could, tongue thrusting as he pushed his hips forward, heads skating warmly across one another. He...yes. Okay.


He opened the lube...pushed some onto his fingers, and slipped his fingertips behind his lover's balls, pressing in two at the same time. A long...hollow stretch before he pushed them in as far as he could, and began to scissor them as they kissed. "L… Lex... blue... blue one... C... can you…?"


Lex sucked hard on the tongue that invaded his lips, moaning hard as two fingers slipped inside him.  More moaning, thrusting up against Clark and twisting his hips.  "Yes... can take it in, all the way... gotta be stretched first."  He spoke between bites to Clark's lower lip.  "Please... fuck me... now... I'm sorry for touching, just please, fuck me, claim me, please, Clark, please."


He shook his head and let go of the sweet, warm mouth...licking a trail down to twin nipples. He laved each one...then reached into his things, and pulled out one of the clothes pins.


It snagged his nipple so beautifully.


"H… hurts?" A whimper, as he connected the other to the other nipple. He ducked his head...laving the pinched, purpling nipple... sucked tenderly at them.


"Clark!!!"  Lex's torso twisted under the pins, whimpering, his entire body shaking and twitching.  His nipples and his cock were throbbing in concert, felt it pounding in his head and his ears.  "Feels... good.  Hurts so good."


"Didn’t... I know there are nipple clamps... don’t know what they look like." Sweet painful pleasure was radiating from his lover's mind, and he swam in it as his fingers stroked in and out of his lover...then spread his knees further apart as he slipped his hands away.


But instead... he took our the burgundy dildo...and studied it for a moment.


It was veiny and thick, like a real one. Pinched, at the top, as if it were about to come. The head even looked real… and Clark flicked his tongue out, trailing the ridge of the head. Oh. It even felt like skin.


So he did the only thing he could do. Met his lover's eyes, and sucked the dildo down his throat.


Lex whimpered.  Loudly.  Cried softly, jerking up.  "Clark... Clark... suck me, please... not that, suck me, deep, please, baby, please... need you."  He couldn't rip his eyes away from Clark sucking the fake cock.  "Please, please, suck me."


Clarks ears took in the pleading...the begs, and he sucked softly… letting his eyes flutter shut as he moved his tongue around the dildo.


Or, vibrator, because the little switch flipped on by accident, and he moaned as the plastic writhed and moved in his mouth. He sucked, hard, lips going red with the movements...head bopping up and down along it. Fuck. Shit. Christ.


He let go of the dildo with a lewd slurp and reached back, snapping the bindings at his lover's feet, and, watching his eyes...slid it into the wet, hot passage.


The dildo was bigger then he was. Width and girth. And he wasn’t a small guy, so that was saying something. Why someone would want something so big inside them was a mystery... but one he hoped to figure out with his lover. So he just watched him... sliding it in slowly, mouth trailing along his lover's heavy, drawn balls as he moved.


Lex's mouth snapped open, throat frozen as he keened in pleasure.  His feet slammed down on the bed and he braced them flat, tilting his hips up and rubbing along the fake cock vibrating inside him.  He closed his eyes tightly, wiggling his hips as Clark slid into him.


Nails dug into his palms as he gripped around the headbars, his eyes squeezed tightly shut and ass squeezing against the vibrating shaft.  "Cl--Clark," he grunted.  "In... fuck me with it… in and out, in and out."


"Shhh...I know." Soft amusement from below him. Clark gently moved the switch... a slower vibration for now, and his eyes locked onto the tiny hole stretched so wide. Oh, God. He'd always wanted to watch himself fuck his lover... and now he was going to.


Oh. Shit. He left the vibrator inside of him...looked up. "Not done...keep it inside. Don’t push it out." Clark sat up, one of his lover's legs under him so he could rub himself, and he lubed the smaller, thicker dildo quickly. He didn’t have to stretch himself... he never did, and did only as to not hurt his lover. But now... .plastic couldn’t hurt, so he reached back and pushed it in.... five inches long, three inches wide.




He groaned very, very softly and rolled back onto his belly between his lover's thighs… eyes closing as it shifted. Oh. Christ.


His fingers caught the vibrator again and he pulled out...before pushing back into the concave depths of his lover's body.


A hoarse, needy cry tore from Lex's throat as he watched Clark slide the dildo inside himself, and then another shout, a howl of his lover's name as Clark moved the dildo inside him.


Pure, hot lances of pain-edged pleasure slammed into his brain, twisting around his spine and he clenched his ass down on the intruder.  He couldn't believe it, couldn't stand it, the double assault of feeling the one fucking his ass on top of the one fucking Clark's ass, and his brain was close to shorting out.  "Fuck me fuck me fuck me goddammit Clark, fuck me, suck me, please, I'm going to come, can't stop it, fuck, Clark, PLEASE!"


He let out a short, hollow cry of pleasure at his lover's screams...squeezing his muscles down on the dildo stuffed up his own ass, and leaned down, engulfing Lex's cock into his mouth. Deep... deeper, and it was the perfect position to...yes. He knew this. He could do this. He'd sucked his lover far before... but nothing as he was going to tonight. Nothing.


He straightened on the bed...feet dangling over his backside as his knees hit the backboard, and he looked up as far as he could, so his throat was a straight line.


And slowly...ever so patiently, he slid Lex's cock down into his throat. Past his gag reflex...far, farther, and he didn’t have to breathe, not now, so he just shut his eyes...and swallowed his lover to the root.


Lex didn't know what he did first; scream or come.  Because both hit in an instant, both were ringing in his ears.  A loud, shrill scream as his body arched to near breaking and his balls exploded as he was buried--to the fucking root--in Clark's throat.  Another thought of that and another pulse of his cock as his legs wrapped around his lover's chest, hips snapping as he drove his cock down deep. 


"Clark!"  That was the only thing he could wring out of his throat.  He trembled in his bonds, panting and moaning as his cock pulsed in Clark's throat.


He couldn’t do anything... just follow his lover's movements, eyes clenched tightly shut, as his lover came. Hard and blinding and the scream that echoed in his ears and in his head terrified him... and exhilarated him. He didn’t even taste Lex's come... but felt it shoot down, scalding his throat with his lover's pleasure.


He sucked softly...working him through his orgasm, throat swallowing around the hard intruder, fingertips gently tweaking the pins holding his nipples... then caressing his twitching belly. He left the dildo inside but took the vibration off... and slowly... carefully... slid himself off of the spent cock. "L... Lex... 'kay, baby?"


Lex dragged his eyes open, lifting his eyelids open to glare at his lover.  "Not... not okay... want you in me."


His heart, he was sure, physically dropped...and he swallowed hard around the burning in his throat already going away...untying his bonds and looking down at him. "S... sorry...a-angry... sorry..." He cupped each cheek gently and caressed his lover's face. "I’m sorry… it… not good? I’m sorry, I’m so sorry.."


"No sorry, Clark... just fuck me."  He touched Clark's face gently.  "Need you inside me, baby.  Please... not the same without you in me, waited so long... please, baby.  I'm okay, just need you."


He was having a hard time focusing on words...he was so hard he felt like he was going to explode, and he rubbed himself against his lover softly as he spoke...trembling at the words. "Want...want you to.. .b… but... on me.. .like...l-like when you ride me, Lex, feels so good… different, but so good.. .pl...?"


"Yes, of course, yes, please, God, anything."  He rolled onto his beloved, and wrapped his arms around Clark.  "Yes, God, yes."  He straddled Clark's hips, rubbing the base of the vibrator across Clark's cock.  "Wanna... wanna watch me squeeze it out?"


He was so hard, and so hot, and his lover's heat was rolling over his erection in waves, and his voice was strangled and foreign, moaning, dark and heavy. "No, light of my sky, I yearn for you, I ache, please, join me in pleasure, I beg it of you. I cannot stay this way much longer..." He thrashed, hard, the tongue gorgeous and beautiful rolling from his lips. "Please, please, Oakenepel, please join me, please, do not tease me in this pain of flesh, please.." His voice was sobbing as he tried to still his hips, to keep himself down... he would hurt his lover, and the dildo was so long and buried inside, and he couldn’t hurt him, not like this. "Please."


Lex leaned down and offered a long, comforting kiss.  He didn't waste any time reaching behind himself and pulling out the vibrator, his muscles clenching and helping to expel the toy.  Once it was fully out of him, Lex tossed it to the side and positioned himself over his lover.  "I am sorry, my love," Lex answered back in the same, rich tongue that he shared through his lover's link.  "I will join you, belong to you forever."  He pulled himself up just enough, and then slid down his lover's stiff cock.  "I am yours, Kal-El... we are joined."  His fingers wove through Clark's as he took another, deep comforting kiss and licked his lover's lips as he started to ride.


He sobbed with pleasure, gasping and straining upwards as his lover's mouth moved over his own, and he couldn’t feel it. He felt like he was burning from the inside a fire had lit in his belly. His body clenched and unclenched with pure, hazy want, and his powers were being kept in check by a thread as he thrust and took his lover as he rode over him. Harsh, panting moans rumbled from his mouth...his chest, and he was trying so hard to get there, but he was so hard and he wanted this to last so badly.


His fingers held tight to Lex's as they moved, working himself in and out...helping, as Lex rose and fell over him. Tight, hot… and all he could think of was when he'd worn the skirt, and the corset with the fake breasts.


He keened loudly... his vision whited out... and he thrust up, hard, time slowing down as he lost control of his powers. He thrust as fast as he could, hips pistoning, and he knew he was going to hurt his lover, he knew, but he couldn’t--




He climaxed so hard that his vision blacked out...his ears screams and he roared, on top of his lungs.


Lex winced once at the hard slam of their bodies together, winced again at the tight grip on his hips and knew he'd have hand-shaped bruises on his hips and he didn't care.  His nails dug into Clark's shoulders, holding on as he rode the hot, bucking wave of Clark's orgasm.


He kissed Clark again, swallowing the loud screams and pinching Clark's nipples in his fingers, rolling and pressing the hard little nubs as he made his ass clench, massaging the come out of his lover's cock. 


His own cock was hard again, but he didn't touch himself--yet.  Wanted to wait for Clark, know what Clark wanted from him.


Clark moaned. Loudly. Trembling and shaking like a leaf as the muscles around him worked him through the orgasm, and he groaned heavily, falling back onto the sheets and gasping, softly. He hadn’t come like this in so long...orgasm still trembling through him in shocks and waves...then shakes.


The toy was still lodged deep inside of him.


He moaned again, louder, and writhed, panting heavily before... before all his muscles relaxed. He slumped back into the blankets and sheets...not saying a word--not because he didn’t want to, but because his mouth wasn’t working. Something had short wired in his brain, he was sure of it.


Lex remained seated on Clark's cock, gently squeezing every now and then, drawing his fingertips over Clark's lips.  Then, without warning... he leaned over and bit Clark's left nipple.  Bit hard, sucked harder, then licked to soothe it before laying his head on his beloved's shoulder, curling up on his chest and massaging the softening cock as it slipped out of him.  "Mine," Lex said softly.


He gasped at the bite, eyes widening in a lance of pain...then pure pleasure, and he cupped the back of his head and held him close to his neck with the energy left. "Y....yours." Clark whispered, groaning softly at the fingers gently going over him, and if he could move, he'd do more. But unfortunately, he was completely...utterly...boneless.


But he felt the hard cock. And he gazed at his lover shyly, with eyes that were clearing from their haze of sex.


Lex smiled into Clark's chest, the soft hand cradling his head supporting him as he bit again and again--not as hard as he'd bitten the first time, but nibbles and nips and sharp snaps of his teeth over the invulnerable skin.  "Mine."  He rubbed his cheek against Clark's, and then ran his fingers through Clark's hair.  "My shy little baby."


He grinned, very softly...and lifted his hips a little to his lover in offering. "Be… be inside? C'n feel you... be inside me? Pl--oh.." He gasped, then moaned when a stray bite got him in the jaw, and yes, sin to be swimming in all of their blankets having sex, and he just grinned.


"Of course you can."  He grinned back, and thrust up lazily against his lover.  He kissed his way down Clark's chest, nipping and nibbling the firm skin and licking down over his bellybutton as his fingers found the base of the dildo and slid it quickly out of him.  His fingers stroked in almost immediately after, scissoring gently.  "Baby... need more lube?"


He shook his head quickly...groaning softly at the squirming, real fingers, and he'd take his lover over any dildo any day of the week. "Mmm...Lex...little..." He lifted his hips a little...then keened in pleasure when he rubbed a soft little spot inside of him that… oh yeah. " my homemade nipple clamps?" His smile was just priceless, looking at his lover with shining eyes as he squirmed his hips...pushing his head into the pillows and sighing softly.


Lex used his other hand to slick his cock with the last of his come, and positioned himself against Clark's opening.  Looking down at his chest, he grinned.  "Love them, Clark... wanna try them?"  Lex thrust forward, sheathing himself in his lover's passage as he leaned down, licking each hard little peak and tugging delicately with his teeth.


He shook his head...then sighed again, heavily, when he slid in. Oh. Oh yeah. He raised his hips... murmuring softly as they began to move, and he wound his arms around his lover, arching his lower body to help him in further. "You can g… get that blue one in?"


Lex nodded.  "I can.  Takes a little work and a lot of lube."  He rocked his hips again, sliding into Clark further as his lover canted his hips up.  "We can try it later, if you want to."  He buried his face in Clark's neck, lapping delicately at the sweat rolling down.  "Mmm... beautiful."


"I want you to take me out." He murmured it softly, bringing his legs up around his lover's ass and twining, heels pushing in and holding him close. "Wearing that stuff. I...oh, there. A.." He swallowed, heavily, and clenched down hard around Lex's cock without meaning to. "And a dr...dre..."


Lex started thrusting harder, sliding easily in his lover's slick body.  Harder strokes as Clark's legs pulled him in, and he indulged the unspoken need for harder and faster.  "Clark!  God... yes... can show you... lots of things in there.  How to use 'em... we'll both go out."


He didn’t speak anymore. Couldn’t. His body felt like it'd been through the ringer, but sex like this... yeah. They'd been at it an hour and a half, and he couldn’t help laughing in pleasure, arching up to his lover...rolling, twice, and ending up more on Lex's side then the middle, and Clark gazed up at his sweet man in joy and this good feeling, eyes dancing before closing to concentrate on the pleasure. "I love you."


"I love you," Lex said, grasping his lover tightly by the hips and hammering into him.  "Want to make you mine, baby..."  Then he caught Clark's face in his hands, rubbing his fingertip over his own nipple, collecting the few drops of blood that slowly oozed from the love bite and rubbed it over Clark's lips, and then kissed it clean.  "Want to be yours."


He looked up at him... gazed at him in utter submission, which was so strange for him, but here he was. He nodded... sucked the finger that had rubbed along his lip, and the taste of... oh, God. He moaned, loudly, bucking upwards with each push into him. He wound all the way around him… arms and legs and face and heart, burying close as he slid in and out...burning the inside out, and he moaned softly.


“Yes, baby... yes... come on, give yourself to me, let me have you, all of you."  Lex's body clutched tightly at Clark's, winding himself through the crooks of Clark's limbs and sharing the taste of blood with him again.  His hips moved faster and harder, twisting slightly to start pounding against the soft protrusion of his lover's gland as he slipped a hand between their tightly linked bodies, questing for Clark’s cock.


He began gasping, harshly, with every twisting push of his hips, and Clarks body began to shake with impending orgasm. His cock had filled without him knowing it...but the hand that slid over him made him all to aware and he moaned, crying out as he turned his head to his lover's arm...turned it, and leaned in to attach his mouth to the tattoo. Their tattoo. The mark of mates, glimmering under the surface like a pool of water, and he sucked and lapped at it as his nails raked down a long, lithe back. ""


Lex cried out, cock shoving to it's full length inside Clark, twisting once, and sliding out only to hammer back in again.  Each suck to the tattoo drove him to thrust harder, deeper, pound faster as his hand stroked hard and fast over his lover's hard cock.  "Clark... fuck... Jesus, baby, don't... don't wanna come before you!!"


"Come, b… baby, come baby, come on, come fo-for me, inside, baby, inside, inside," He whimpered against the soft skin. The pounds in his ass were driving him to insanity...each push and throb against his--




He came without warning, letting go of his lover's arm a split second before his teeth clamped together and he cried out. Hot, melting orgasm like the first flash of a flame, exploding through him, and leaving his mouth a sob of ecstasy. He came, hard, all over his belly and lover's hand, and once he was sure he wouldn’t bite through his lover's arm, sucked on it again. "Pl… pl!"


Lex tried to hold on as he felt Clark's body clamping around him, and he was almost able to until he felt the hot mouth closing on his arm again.  He cried out--a wordless yell that echoed in the bedroom as he came hard, body twisting and cock spurting hotly into his lover at almost the same time Clark's ass milked him.


He couldn’t stop trembling. He was just shaking, head to toe, as his hips undulated softly. Presses and pushes against his lover, hot come inside of him and he moaned in pleasure. Oh, god. Yes. "Le...Lex..." He mumbled... moaned, fingers moving to his lover's sweat soaked cheek and sliding off.


Lex let himself fall on Clark's chest, and wrapped himself around sweatslick skin.  "I'm here, Clark... I got you."


"Lex..." Each word was a moan. "Le's...I feel...feel you. Feel you i'side." Clarks voice was sated and quiet and he rolled easily...putting them both on their sides. A foot kicked out and pulled the blanket in over their cooling bodies...and he giggled. "We're lazy."


Lex snickered back.  "Lazy?  Why?  Cause we'd rather have sex together than get out of bed?"


"Mmmmmmmmm." A low, satisfied purr as he snuggled in close, his new skin shining with sweat and sex glow. "Three times is goooood."


"Yes, it is."  He rolled over onto his lover again, curling into the warmth that Clark always seemed to give off.  "Three time's the charm."


Oh, man. He giggled again and leaned back into their fluffy pillows, eyes dancing as he watched him. Still so far inside, and he sighed happily, rubbing his belly as the little trembles and shocks raced through it. "You're better then any dildo. Plastic can't replace you."


"You're damn right it can't," Lex growled softly.  Then he slipped his hand down to gently cup Clark's soft cock.  "Can't replace this either."  He nipped hard on his love's chin.  "So you like my toy room."


Oh. Lex had such clever little teeth, and he tipped his head into them, sighing softly with giddy pleasure as that delicious, warm mouth moved. "Mmmm. I don’t know what half of it does." He admitted it shyly, throat swallowing and a little blush staining his cheeks. "But... but I like it."


Lex nibbled along the line of Clark's blushing cheeks.  "Mmm... I can show you what all those things do, though they're actually fairly easy to figure out."


"Nuht uh." Softly, and he shook his head. "I… I know some stuff. Like, like the dildo's. Easy. B… but… stuff in there, some of it? Its confusing." He nodded, though just a little, as to not disturb his lover's sexy mouth. "Oh. Baby..." He winced, and slowly... carefully... unclipped the home made clamps he'd made from the clothes pins, and caressed each dark, sore nub gently with his fingertips. "I’m sorry, I forgot."


Lex hissed with pained pleasure as the pins were removed and the blood flowed back into his aching nipples.  His cock, still buried inside his lover, twitched hard and tried to rise again inside the tight heat surrounding him.  "Fuck... it's okay... damn, I'd almost forgotten... how those things feel."


He gasped at the sensation of... ooohhh. His grin was priceless, eyes twinkling up at him as his lips curved and the blush was replaced with something else. "Mmm. You like these toys a that what these pins are for?"


Lex nodded.  "They... lack the artistry and finesse... of manufactured clamps... they're not made for play... so they work the best."  His fingers were massaging the hard, painful nubs and his cock twitched again with each massage.  "If that makes sense."


He nodded, simply, watching him innocently as he undulated his hips. "Mm hmm. Lex..." Another little push upwards. "Play with them with me sometime?"


Lex paused, and folded his arms so that they rested on Clark's chest, and propped his chin on the back of his hands.  "You sure you want to, baby?"


He beamed at him, and nodded several times. "Oh, uh huh, uh huh. I can't say uh huh enough times to properly convey my uh huhness." He reached up and gently pushed a strand of the red hair out of the way.


And it fell out in his hand.  Lex didn't notice at first.  "I didn't think you'd want to, but I'm kind of glad... I won't ever be careless with you."


He blinked. Stopped... and he didn’t really hear his lover, because he stroked another strand... and came back with it. Oh. His eyes shifted to his lover, and he already knew his baby was going to be heart broken. "Lex.."




"Baby..." Another stroke...and he came back with more, and he winced. "Baby...I love you. So much. Sweetheart...your hair."


"My hair?"  Lex turned... and saw the small handfuls of hair that was coming out in Clark's hands.  "My... hair."


To be honest?  Lex wasn't quite sure how he felt about it.  He'd just gotten used to it... but he'd been without it for so much longer.  He ran his fingers over the prickly hairs of his goatee...


Only to come back with a handful of red wisps and smooth skin. 


"I think we'd better go into the bathroom, Clark.  Less mess.  I can... shed, I suppose you'd call it, over the trash can."


He nodded and waited for his lover to slip out of him...and he sat up, then climbed to his feet, offering his arms to his lover. "Can I be honest with you?"


Lex slowly eased himself out of Clark's body, and took the arms offered to him, rising to his feet.  "You can always be honest with me, Clark."


"I thought... I wanted to see what you looked like with hair. But now that I’ve seen it, and I’ve touched it... Lex, nothing compares to how you feel without it. Warm and soft, like babies skin. And you're cold sometimes, and I love warming you up. And... and your mouth, when its so bare and soft, and your lips are begging for a kiss. And your head...I love running my hands over your scalp. you see, the hair? It… I’m glad." He smiled and slipped his arms around a slim waist, and led him to the bathroom.


Lex laid his head carefully on Clark’s shoulder.  "I know, baby.  In a way, I'm glad too.  But... for once, I felt what it was like to be... normal."  A deep sigh.  "I looked more like my father than I ever wanted to know I looked.  I had the chance to be a normal son for my father, not the bald freak I turned out to be."  He ran his hand through his hair and came out with great handfuls of it, dropping it idly in the trash.  "This sucks, Clark, though.  I had just gotten used to the idea of having my hair again, and now it's gone... all over again.  Just like when I was nine."


"But baby..." he turned him around and cupped those soft, wonderful cheeks. "Baby. You're not a bald freak. This...this hair, it was a look into the future. Lex...if you hadn’t lost all your hair when I came to earth, I don’t think you'd be the same man you are today.'re so humble. You're beautiful and kind and sweet....AJ, theres nothing I wouldn’t do for you. Nothing your dad wouldn’t do for you. He loves you, and not because you do or don’t have hair. He loves you because you're you."


Lex sighed.  "Maybe you're right.  I don't know.  But if I have to be thankful for it, then I have to be thankful for the fact that for the first time in years, I feel like I can finally trust Dominic again."  He continued to gently rake through his hair, pulling out clumps of it.  Thank God it was painless, and he wasn't surprised.  It had been mostly painless the last time too, except for the aftereffects of the radiation.  "I told you one time, that my baldness was my strength, it defined who I became--I'd just lost sight of that.  Thank you."


"I am who I am." He quoted softly, smiling as he pulled at the hair...then rubbed his thumb against a spot becoming visible against his scalp. "Oh...look. There you are." He murmured softly, before his eyes twinkled. "You and Dominic are friends again."


"Despite the fact that he tortured me with hot wax... yes, we are."  He sat down on the toilet and grasped his ponytail, pulling it off painlessly and dropping it by the sink.  "There... all the weight is gone.  Feels... very odd, but it's what I'm used to."  He winced as he caught a look at the stitched-up gash in the mirror.  "I'd hoped that had gone away by now, but apparently, the hair kept it from healing fast enough.  Damn.  At least it'll be gone by tomorrow."


Oh. The sight of it had his chin trembling, and he gently leaned over his lover... looking at the stitches, the gash he'd caused. He skimmed his fingertips over the rough stitching... so softly, and he pressed his face into warm hair and even warmer scalp, holding his lover close for a moment. He gained control of his emotions... barely, and swallowed down a lump that had caught in his throat. "I’m sorry."


"It's not your fault, Clark."  He wrapped his arms around Clark’s waist.  "Not at all.  I don't blame you; don't you blame yourself."


"It is. Because I can't control myself, you have... thirteen stitches, here, on your head. And I’m so sorry, Lex, because I could have done something, and I didn’t. I'm just...I don’t ever mean to hurt you. Like this.." His fingers stroked a red nipple. "But not...not so you’re hurt this way."


"No."  Lex caught Clark's chin in his hand and made him look up.  "If I were sick, Clark, would you blame me for anything that I did?"


"No." He murmured, and brushed his thumb against a slim, soft cheekbone. "No."


"Then why do you think I'm going to blame you for something that you did while you were sick?"


"I...." He swallowed, and gentled his thumb, softly sweeping over the hollow of his eye. "I know. I’m just...I’m so sorry. It...does it hurt still baby?" A little whisper, as more of the hair began to fall with each little touch.


"No... it doesn't hurt at all."  He kissed the heel of Clark's hand as the thumb brushed gently over his eye.  "It stopped hurting the day after it happened."


"Good, baby." He murmured, and gently tugged more of the hair out, where it was coming off in clumps. "You need to keep some of this, love. Just a little."


Lex shook his head.  "I know I should; I need samples of it to study later, but I don't want it."  He was starting to itch with all the hair that was shedding.  "If it wouldn't clog the drain, I'd take a fucking shower."


"Well, here." He began to take it off in earnest, where it was already unconnected to his scalp. It was coming off in pieces, and bald spots were showing… increasing with each clump he put into the waste basket. " had a lot of hair."


"No lie, Clark."  He tried not to snort, and then, tried not to claw as he added his fingers to Clark's.  "This is irritating."


"Sexy." He whispered, and began to kiss all the spots that were showing. Oh. God, there was his lover. He tugged, dropped more into the basket… then began to tug off the remaining wisps.


And there, with a goatee that looked like it was raining...was his lover.


He let out a loud, emasculating squeal and wrapped his arms around him, tugging Lex up and spun in a circle, holding him tightly to him as the body hair began to shed all over the floor. "There. There you are. There is my Lex."


Lex couldn't help but laugh as Clark spun him around.  "There I am."  He held on tightly, and his brain noticed, in the back of his head, that the faster he spun, the quicker the hair came off.  "Spin faster, and please don't drop me," Lex teased.  "The air friction is pushing the rest of the hair off."


"Lex! Ew!" But oh, he cracked up. Instead he hauled his lover into the enormous shower, setting him down and turning on the spray. hot as he knew his love could stand, and he nuzzled his neck and wrapped his arms around him, and strangely enough, in an instant, became ten times more lovable and friendly and...well, Clark, towards Lex. The hair had been giving him the wiggins of his life, and now that...that it was coming off, he was just so happy.


"Ew?  How... very Clark-like of you."  But Lex snickered as he lifted his hands up, rubbing his hands over his scalp while Clark nuzzled and nibbled at him, feeling the last of the hair on his head washing off.  The goatee was next, easily scrubbed from his face like a bit of dirt, his arms and legs were almost gone, and then he sighed.  "You know, I almost wish these didn't have to go," he said mournfully, running his fingers through the curls that nestled around his cock and came off around his fingers in the water.  "But I'm glad they are going."  He washed there until his skin was hairless and smooth again, and then he pulled away from Clark, turning around once.  "Aaah... there, you see.  No hair."


And oh, he just looked so happy. He beamed at him and wound his arms about his chest, pressing his face into Lex's neck and hugging him as tight as he could. And his voice was muffled from his spot. "I missed you."


"I think I missed myself."  He nipped Clark's ear.  "You should have seen Bruce's reaction; you'd have thought I'd grown a second head instead of just hair.  Nobody recognized me, Clark... not even Dominic at first.  He wasn't going to let me in the room to see my father."


"You looked nice with it...but now, you look so beautiful, Lex. So beautiful and wonderful... so gorgeous." He whispered softly, and trailed his fingertips over a bare skull. "I’d rather have one of you then ten of hairy Lex." And he grinned.


Lex rubbed his hair over his chin.  "I'd grown rather fond of the whiskers."


Oh, he just about died, gathering his lover up and laughing until his sides ached. "Whiskers? Lex, my dad says whiskers. Your dad says whiskers! Never say whiskers again." But he was smiling, and rubbing the sleek, smooth, soft body all over.


"Whiskers," Lex repeated again, squirming wetly in his lover's arms.


"I love you, Lex." He gathered him up, all slippery, wet, warm six feet of him, and snuggled him to his chest as he got the soap off the shelf.


"I love you, Clark."  He obliged and wrapped himself around all six feet four of his farmboy lover.  "You know, as often as we do this, I'm thinking of equipping myself with Velcro on my hands and feet."  He moved his hands apart, mimicking the sound of Velcro pulling apart.


He cracked up all over again, holding him close and snuggling him deep. "Your slippery again. Like an eel. Though I dunno how Velcro would feel on my skin, thank you." A wicked smirk as he ducked and pressed a soft, open mouthed kiss against full, tantalizing lips, and gently poured some of the soap on a poofy sponge.


Lex kissed him back through a smirk, and wiggled against Clark's body.  "Yeah... I like being slippery like this.  Friction is easier this way, plus... I get to reintroduce the joys of massage."


"Nauht! Lex!" He peered at his lover diligently and rubbed the soap over him. "I gotta go, member? Its already almost nine. Look, look at what you've done! You are an evil child."


"Go where?  Oh, yeah.  You have to go and bring your parents back."  And then Lex looked seriously up at his lover.  "Clark... we're going to have to work at keeping your father and Dominic separated."


"My...why?" Clarks eyebrows furrowed, as he gently swept the sponge over his lover, to get any remaining hair off. "Why, AJ? What happened?"


"I'm... not sure you want to hear this, Clark."


Christ. Nothing good ever came from those words. "Just tell me… please, sweetheart." His heart was pattering in his chest. "What happened? Is everyone okay?"


"Everyone... is okay."  Lex sighed. 


"You're being evasive." Clarks heart beat a little faster.


"Yes, I am."  He looked up at Clark.  "I don't want what I'm about to tell you to change anything."


"Between us? Between my parents? What, Lex? Please." He frowned as he stilled the sponge. "You're scaring me."


"Between you and your parents; specifically you and your father."


His throat worked... hard. "I don’t want to know this, do I?"


"No, Clark.  I don't think you do."


"Then don’t. Don’t tell me." He swallowed again… and he trembled, a little. "Its alright, I don’t want to know."


"You do want to know," Lex clarified.  "But you're afraid.  And you should be, Clark.  Just... trust me when I say that they need to stay in separate rooms--separate ends of the house if we can arrange it."


He didn’t like that. He didn’t. He loved his father, and he'd grown to care for Dominic. He was a good man, with a good heart, and he talked to him sometimes about things. Clark could call him his friend and be completely right about it. So he just swallowed again, reflexively, and nodded. "I am scared. But we can keep them apart, yeah.”


"Good."  Lex rubbed his smooth cheek against Clark's shoulder.  "How are your parents doing, by the way?"


"Okay... better then I thought." He smiled, a little bit. "They got mad at one another... prolly this thing I don’t want to know. But they’re okay now...better."


Lex nodded.  "I'm sure it was.  But I'm glad to hear they've worked it out."  He smiled.  "Your mother is a great lady, Clark... just so you know."


"She's the best mom a guy could ask for." He grinned at his lover, and continued to wash him, scrubbing the sponge over a concave belly. "She really likes you, you know. She just says you need more meat on your bones...and that you eat like a bird. Both, of which, are true."


"She is being a fussy mother," Lex groused, but appreciated every word.  "I eat."


"Baby, you don’t eat. Since I’ve met you, I’ve seen you eat like, two things." He was exaggerating, but he rolled his eyes anyway as he rubbed soap over the bald scalp. "You eat like theirs something gross growing in there. See, I’m going to have to do what Dominic did, and get you addicted to junk food."


"I have eaten more than two things.  I consume breakfast every morning, dinner every night, and lunch if I can fit it in to my schedule."


"Oh yeah? And what exactly is it that you eat at each of those self imposed times, mmmmm?" Clarks eyebrows quirked.


"Breakfast usually consists of orange juice and whatever flavor of muffin or Danish Ms. Bird leaves out for me; dinner is whatever is prepared in the kitchen.  Lunch, when I can eat it, is coffee and one of your mother's muffins from the Talon."


"See?" He glared, wagging a chiding finger. "Lex, do you want to know what I eat everyday?"


"I already know it's enough to fill the back of your truck, which is still sitting in my garage."


His grin was priceless. "Bowl of cereal, toast, orange juice, glass of milk and an apple for breakfast. And I’m usually still hungry." He ticked the things off on his hands. "And that’s breakfast alone, baby. Ask Ms. Bird. I spend more time bugging her then talking to you."


"Yes, I know, and I'm thankful for it.  The more you bug that sweet little woman, the less time remains for her to nag me."  Then he grinned.  "Everyone, Ms. Bird included, seems to believe I'm undernourished."


"You are! Look at you. You’re skinny as a waif." Oh, but he purred it, as his fingertips danced low. "But I don’t mind, ya know."


"I am not skinny as a waif, Clark.  I am wiry and trim."  Lex scoffed at the idea.  "You ladies need to find a hobby other than trying to fatten me up."  He elbowed his lover.  "Sorry to include you with the ladies."


He huffed... sniffed...looked utterly pitiful for all of ten seconds.... before he groaned. Okay. No. "I've got the perfect thing to fill you u--Lex, I have to go. I'm getting thoughts. Thoughts are bad. Lookit me, having bad thoughts." He winced and sneaked a kiss anyway, before washing himself with super speed... rinsing, and hopping out of the shower, before he returned to the normal. "Me! Leaving!"


"You!   Horny!"  He laughed.  "Stick it in the snow; cold is usually helpful!"


"Fuck you, Lex!" He bellowed, and snuck off to the bedroom for clothes.


"I'm right here, baby!!!  Anytime!"  He turned his head back into the spray of the shower head, trying not to laugh.


It took him three minutes to throw on a ratty pair of jeans, just like all the other ratty pairs he owned. A blue t-shirt under a slim hunter green sweater, and his black boots. He threw on his jean jacket and flew out of the bedroom, murderous thoughts thrown towards his showering lover as he bounded down the steps.





go to the next part