
The Memoirs

Smallville fanfic by Kel and Diana

Chapter 56: Planning For the Future

It wasn’t right that she, Megan Senatori...or rather, Gina Seniori, should be stuck in a blizzard. It just wasn’t right. Not at all, actually. She was bored to absolute TEARS. She was tired, cranky, she'd gained five pounds, and her family was uncharacteristically quiet.


She. Was. BORED.


"Lindy, come on. There has to be something better on that television."


Lindy looked over at her cranky sister.  "I'm sorry, honey, but this is the best that's on.  Why don't you go and raid Lex's DVD collection?  Morgan says he's got every one known to mankind and then some, I sure he won't mind."  She nodded.


She frowned… shifted... frowned again, and finally sighed heavily and got up. "I’m sick of watching movies! I’m sick of TV! I’m sick of eating! Lindy, I want to go out for a run and not turn into a Popsicle! GOD! I HATE HICK LIFE!"


And she stomped away.


"Mama? Is hicks good?"


Lindy gathered Ellie up into her lap.  "No, sweetie... it's not good.  Megan's just a little grumpy... I think cabin fever is starting to settle in."


"I don’t have ceeban ferber, mama."


"No, sweetie, I know you don't, and it's a good thing too.  Want to watch Sing Along With Elmo again?  Or do you want to watch Babe?"


Graham had actually become good at fading in and out of the woodwork.  "Megan?  You look... out of sorts."


Megan snarled at him. Just... snarled... before throwing her hands in the air. "I’ve been stuck in here for TWO DAYS. I cannot TAKE anymore! No! No more! No stores, no restaurants, no nothing! I’m sick of this! I HATE SNOW!" She shrieked.


"You just miss Metropolis, that's all.  You're within walking distance of every boutique, I know.  But Megan... we're not here for shopping, remember?  Remember Morgan?  Your brother?  Pressure cooker ready to boil over?  He's why we're here."


"What about ME?! What about MY needs?! I’m going to go nuts! I can't TAKE THIS ANYMORE! I have looked, I have watched, I have eaten! I’M SICK OF THIS! I’m going to go… go... DO SOMETHING!" And she stomped away.


Graham shook his head as his baby sister stomped off.  He had half a mind to go and hunt Shayla down, just to make sure she wasn't getting in trouble, but discarded it fairly quickly.  She was calm, she was quiet, and it was totally better to let sleeping Shayla's lie.


She stomped her way right into the main hall, and she had half a mind to get her coat and go outside anyway. ...So she did. She piled on her fur lined suede coat, her scarf and hat, and snagging the mail, stomped outside and sat on the stoop.


Oh. Fresh AIR. God, yes. She breathed it in, heavily, bills and things in her hand. She'd been waiting for some proofs from Sancho, her photographer, and she started looking through the heaps of letters.


The fourth down were her proofs, and she squealed, pulling it out... and snagged to the envelope by the stamp was a single sheaf of paper. What?


She curled up a little warmer on the stoop, and blinked at the lovely cursive writing on the front cover. "Corazon." She mumbled out loud, and opened the paper.



My dearest Corazon,


It may seem so strange to hear this on paper instead of spoken softly into your ear as we lay pressed together, but I could not help but tell you how I feel about you.


You are more beautiful than anything else on this earth.  Your cheeks light with a red blush, fresh as the velveteen petals of the softest Spanish roses, and skin just as soft as the petals themselves.


Every minute of every waking hour is spent thinking of nothing but you. My fingertips feel your soft, firm body in everything I do... I cannot pick up a pen without feeling the slim, delicate fingers that grasp mine. I miss you, querida mia... do you miss me?


Your touch, your breath against my ear, the feel of your body pressed against mine haunts me through the day and the nights that we spend apart.  It becomes almost torturous to be so close to you, and yet so far.


The footsteps of this house frighten me...but not as before. Now, when we are hiding from the world, and that body is pressed flush, hot, slick against mine, every fear I have fades away in the fantasy that is your soul. Aching, alive, like the beat of every drum that ever rang on this earth before we were ever a dream, your heart flutters against mine. Calm yourself, Corazon...for I am close.


I am but a simple call away; summon me and I am at your beck and call.


Until we meet again, my treasured flower of the ancient lost worlds, I am always...




She just...gasped. Oh. My. God. Her eyes widened...she looked at the front, then the....






Lex... Lex used to call her..."Spanish rose." Oh. God.


She hauled to her feet and dashed back into the house. "MAMA!"


Rosalyn didn't hear her daughter's bellowing; she was upstairs, working in her bedroom behind closed doors, and couldn't hear a thing.


In her rush to find her mother, Megan didn’t even realize she'd dropped it, running as fast as she could.


~ * ~ * ~


"And so, in a nutshell, Bruce... this is why Dominic and I are approaching you about this.  We both think that it's a beneficial move, moving the headquarters here, to Smallville, and we thought that you might be interested in taking the chance to... acquire interests in LuthorCorp."


Lex nodded, cutting his eyes to Dominic as he sprung this surprise on both his father and his friend.  "Especially since, come tomorrow morning, the fledgling LexCorp will have been merged, asset-wise, at any rate, with LuthorCorp in an attempt to show familial solidarity and insure that, for the short term, there's enough upheaval that an outside force won't want to come in quite yet."


Lionel quickly turned his head to stare at his son.  "You--"


Lex nodded.  "Dominic and I talked about it last night, and I made the decision this morning, setting it into motion."


Bruce's eyebrow was raised... he was sitting quite nonchalantly in a chair beside the men, and had listened with a careless interest to the men’s proposal. The Proposal itself had been very well done, and he almost didn’t know how to say no if he chose not to do this. However...everything in his mind was telling him that there WAS no reason NOT to do this. Asset wise, company wise, stock was the most intelligent move he could ever make.


Yet, he was still wary. The elder Luthor had never been anything but spiteful towards him. However...he was a good judge of character, and it seemed that he was truly honest and up front about this.


"I'd have to think this over."


Dominic hadn’t said much after the proposal had been given. He was sitting next to Lionel in his rather uncomfortable suit. He was, however, the picture of civility and constrain, watching the young man as he thought. At the mention of his name he glanced at Lex...then simply nodded at his lover.


"Bruce... what's to really think about?"  Lex leaned against the table where his father sat, hip hitched up against the corner.  "I know what you're worried about."  His eyes flicked quickly to his father.  "And that's not at all the case this time.  I'd like to speak frankly." 


"Go ahead, son."


"You're worried that my father is going to try and screw you over.  It's not an invalid assumption, but it's incorrect.  Because I'm working with him, Bruce.  And whatever feelings you have towards my father notwithstanding, you've got to know that I wouldn't be a part of anything to take advantage of you."  He felt more at ease with himself and the situation now that he was bald again, and it showed as his posture was more relaxed and his expression more easy.


Lionel remained quiet too, hands clasped together on the silver knob of his walking stick.  The proposal had gone very well; Dominic had once again proven that he was truly the best in the world, and he was slightly irked that Wayne was taking so long and playing coy with his decision.  But he didn't allow his emotions to show, instead masking them with a bland, civil face that he was quite used to donning in negotiations such as these.


Bruce's lips quirked a little eyebrow cocking up as he sat back and watched his friend, quietly and negotiably. He listened...and nodded. That’s all he'd needed, really. The grantee that Lionel wouldn’t fuck him over. He looked past Lex to his father. "I don’t mean to be untrusting, Mr. Luthor. I just have to make sure the assets of my fathers business… my business, aren’t taken advantage of. He offered his hand to Lionel, and his face lit with a true smile.


Dominic smiled too, relief showing in his face for a brief instant before he swallowed and remained professional and business like.


Lionel leaned forward and clasped Bruce's hand in his, smiling in return.  "Of course, Mr. Wayne.  Believe me, I understand the need for reassurances, and... in this case, I'd be willing to sign a non-hostility waiver that would prevent me from using the interests I obtain in your company against you."


"Yes...I'd feel much better if you could. Again, I mean no disrespect, but I’ve got thousands of jobs to think of." He squeezed the older hand tightly, and nodded. "Its going to be a pleasure working with you, Mr. Luthor. I’ve not always liked what you've done, but you're an honest, good man. And I am more then honored to share your name in this business venture we plan on starting."


"Dominic... can I have the waiver please?"  Lionel was nothing, if not thorough.  "I had it faxed over from the legal department this morning.  If you'll read over it and sign it, I'll be glad to do the same.  If you wish to have amendments or addendums, please let me know and I'll have them prepared as quickly as possible."


Dominic went into the open briefcase beside him, and by touch slipped the waiver still warm from the fax machine out. He slid it to Lionel’s hands, with a pen, and closed the briefcase once more, all without a word.


"Thank you, Dominic... excellent work, as always.  Bruce... I think you'll find this to your liking." He scrawled his signature on the line required, and then passed it over.  "Dominic, Lex, you'll be needed to serve as witnesses, if that's amenable to Mr. Wayne."


"Of course." Bruce took the pen and paper, and in a single pen stroke, signed his life away.


"Yes, of course." Quietly, Dominic nodded.


Lex leaned over Bruce's shoulder, and scrawled his name under Bruce's, leaving the spot under his father's name for Dominic to sign.  "You won't regret this, Bruce.  Since the merger's going through, you'll be able to get your hands on the Cadmus research you've been trying to buy."


Dominic took the pen and signed it as well, right under Lionel’s name, and handed the paper back to Lionel, capping the pen and setting it to the side.


"I suppose I will." He smiled up at his friend privately. "Its for the University Health system in Gotham. I think with the research you've been doing, they can take a lot of strides with the burn unit in south central Gotham."


"I hope that's the case," Lex said sincerely.  "There's quite a bit to be done now, and I think that Cadmus' advances in cloning skin tissue will be greatly helpful." 


Lionel rose slowly to his feet, and nodded.  "I think we could all use a drink to celebrate."  Leaning on the walking stick for balance, he walked over to the sideboard, set out four glasses, and filled all four of them with brandy.  Turning back around, he handed two of the glasses to Lex, who passed one to Bruce, and then handed one to Dominic.  "What shall we drink to?"


He took his, watching his lover...worried eyes watching him walk, making sure he didn’t trip, and then he'd gone and had to handle glass and Dominic was going to have a fucking heart attack before this meeting was over. "The blizzard to be bloody over?" But he smiled.


And so did Bruce. "Hey, now, I'll drink to that." But he grinned and offered his glass in toast. "To the future, gentlemen. It seems everything just got a little bit more interesting."


"Now that is something I think we can all drink to."  Lionel raised his glass in answer, and drank down a sip of the fine brandy.  He sighed appreciatively as it slid down his throat, and then set it on the table, still leaning on his stick for balance.  "I've heard you've been having problems with Luxor Enterprises again, Bruce." 


He took a drink of his as well, then sighed and shook his head. "Unfortunately. If I can be frank, sir, that man is going to drive me to drink before he's through. He has, ineffectively till now, attempted every trick in the book to get a hold of Waynetech Electronics.  I’ve been able to hold him off till now, but he's been quite for a while, which of course means he has something up his sleeve he's just dying to unleash."


A small smile curved Lionel's lips.  "Then perhaps you'd like to know that LuthorCorp controls almost thirty percent of stock in his company." 


Oh. He blinked for a moment... stared... then laughed out loud, and offered his hand. "You know, I had a feeling this was going to be a good move."


Lionel shook the offered hand again.  "At the risk of sounding clichéd... perhaps this will be the start of a beautiful friendship."


Bruce smiled again, shook the hand firmly, and set his drink down. "Thank you, gentlemen. Now if you'll excuse me... I’ve got a distraught Dick to find, and wherever my butler has gone off to. And hey, Mr. Senatori, you keep that old Ms. Bird away from him."


"Googled eyes, I know." Dominic smiled lightly, then nodded as the young man rose. "Its a pleasure, Mr. Wayne."


"The pleasure is mine. Thank you again, gentlemen. Shall we congress tomorrow morning...nine? We can get started on the logistics of it all... it shouldn’t take my lawyers more then a day to get the paperwork fixed."


Lex nodded.  "Alfred was in the kitchen a little while ago with Ms. Bird, in fact," he added helpfully.  "I believe she had him folding croissants."


"Tomorrow morning sounds wonderful, Bruce.  Nine sharp, and if you'll let Lex or I know what you'd like for breakfast, we can have a late breakfast during the meeting."  Lionel's eyes twinkled happily.  "The logistics shall be a complete nightmare, but I'm willing to work through them all."


"Of course." He nodded at them all, smiled, and he was gone.


Dominic sighed a little...smiled a little more, and finished off his drink, leaning back into his seat with a heavier sigh. "Yes, well."


Lex looked at his father.  "That went exceedingly well."  He ran a hand over his head.  "Dominic... I don’t believe I've ever seen a more detailed presentation.  The PowerPoint slides were particularly effective," he teased gently.


He couldn’t help the happy grin. "If you want a presentation, call on Dominic Senatori. He's done a million--he can get you fixed up, right as rain." He glanced under his lashes at his lover, tipping his head at him. "That went very well. I’m proud of you."


Lionel threw back the last of his drink.  "I knew the non-hostility waiver would be a sticking point for him; Thomas was damned proud of that company, and so is Bruce."


Dominic looked down... nodded, and closed the briefcase, after slipping said waiver inside. "I'll get it sent to the main office… Carolyn’s waiting for it. I'll get it sent over to her, then get the lawyers on the telephone." He rose, walking his glass back to the counter, and lifted the briefcase. "Lex, makes sure your father doesn’t smack someone in the head with his cane, alright?"


Lex almost snorted the brandy through his nose.  "I'll make sure, Dominic."


He nodded, and he was gone.


Lex studied his father.  "Was it just me, or was Dominic... quieter than he usually is?"


Lionel shook his head.  "He was.  But he's not been sleeping well; I think he's worried about me."


"I can't imagine why that would be."


"Lex... please.  Don't start."  Lionel finally gave in to his weakened body and sat down in the chair.  Privately, he was thrilled.  It was the longest he'd been on his feet since the accident, and he felt... good.  Tired... but good.


"I'm sorry, Dad.  I just think... maybe it's time you put your foot down and stopped spoiling him.  Insist that he sleep, if nothing else."


Lionel rolled his eyes as he looked up at his son.  "You really think he listens to me?"


~  * ~


Or, well, as gone as it was to head down the steps, tug at his tie until it was half undone, hanging on his neck, and followed the hall to the second flight of stares leading to the western wing. Dominic climbed up those, yawning softly, the soft music he'd left playing greeting him.


He dropped the brief case on the bed...yawned as he tugged the tie off, and looked for his house clothes. Christ...suits could be one of two things. Completely empowering, or completely ANNOYING. He shucked his jacket, and looked for--ahh! Found. He tugged off the simple button shirt and tugged on his gray knit t-shirt...bwahaha. Blue warm up pants found. He slipped them on...sighing as he kicked off the dress shoes and donned socks. Comfort.


He sat back against the headboard and tugged the phone into his lap, dialing the main office by memory, and opened his briefcase, sitting indian style as he peered into it and dialed.


"The office of Lionel Luthor."


"Carolyn, love, its me."


"Oh. Oh, this better be good news, Dominic Senatori, or I am never speaking to you again."


He couldn’t help a tired grin. "Its good news, sweetheart. Listen, I’m going to fax over some of the paperwork we just signed, and--" He stopped...sighed melodramatically, and waited for her squeals to quiet down.


"Sorry! I just...ahhh! This is going to be SO great! And--and," She whispered, "You can get rid of the assholes!"


"Ah, yes, well, Lionel will, and you and I will help, as we're good at." He smiled and nodded. "I'll be sending it over, alright?"


"You got it, cupcake."




Dominic climbed back to his feet, pulling out the manila envelope he'd slipped all the signed documents into, and turned their desktop on beside the bed. As he waited for the blasted thing to load he tapped his foot... sighed… glared at it.... growled.


~ * ~ 


Lex snickered at that.  "You know, Dad... I never expected you to be so whipped."


Lionel snapped his head up and glared at his son.  "I am not whipped, Alexander."


"You know, Dad... it's never good when you trot out my full name."


"And if you weren't being such a spoiled little brat, I wouldn't have to."  He looked seriously up at his son then.  "Dominic said the two of you spoke last night."


A wary look.  "Yes, we did.  I didn't do anything to him."


"Don't worry, son... I know you didn't."  He used his stick to point to the chair across from him.  "Sit down, Lex."


Lex sat, and leaned forward.  "Dad?  Is everything all right?"


"You asked my help, several days ago, in your laboratory.  Although we haven't had a chance to work on your problem as of yet... I have a favor to ask of you in return."


"What is it?"


"You know that Dominic and I intend to spend the rest of our lives together.  I'm done asking for your acceptance, Lex--I'd like to have it, it would mean everything to Dominic, but I'll not keep waiting on you.  All I need is your help."


"Help with what?"  He let the rest of the issue go, because frankly... he wasn't sure if he could give it yet.


"We'd like to have a child, Lex."


A very long... slow blink.  "You... what?  Dad?  I'm good, I'll admit, but not even I can rewrite the laws of Mother Nature."  It was the only response he could come up with; he was floored by the request.  "And... what... what can I do?"


"You have had more... practical experience lately with the latest bioengineering techniques.  I know the theory; you have the practical skill.  We... we need your help to bring our child into the world, Lex.  Your sibling."


"Are you... serious?" 


"Yes.  I am."


Lex studied his father, long and hard.  "Then of course I'll help, if it means that much to you."


~ * ~ 


The fucking computer FINALLY booted, and Dominic snarled at it, DARING it to freeze. "C'mon, Windows. Make my day." 


...Unfortunately, it worked, so he booted the fax machine up as well, and let it suck in the paper...snatching it before it fell and it was sent 4 hours away to Metropolis.


The phone rang a minute after he'd sent it. Dominic lifted the receiver to his ear, and shifted his weight. "Get it, love?"


"Uh huh, first page... second page... got a third one?"


"Sending now."


"Alright.... there... there it is! Oh, my God. Dominic, what the hell are you guys doing up there?"


"Shh...don’t say anything, Carolyn. Don’t let this slip. We want to... ah.... surprise the Board Members, if you will."


"He's going to fire a whole lot of people, isn’t he?"


Dominic shifted again, sending the last paper, and nodded into the phone. "Yes, he is."


"....Am I on the list?"


Alright. He couldn’t help smiling at her open fear, and he chuckled as he sat on the edge of the bed. "Carolyn, you're the reason the office hasn’t burst into flames yet, darling. You were not even considered to be on the list. However... I’ve a question to ask you."


"Is it going to be one of your elusive, make me think for two days type of questions, Dom?"


"Mm hmm."


"Bastard." Sigh. "Fine, shoot."


"How do you feel about reconsidering school districts?"


Long pause. "Dominic, you suck."


"Quite well, and often."


"Ewww!" But she cracked up. "Fine, alright? Fine. You got me. Just... yeah. Don’t make me kill you." She grinned. "I’ll call you up in about an hour, once I’ve got these over to Brewers and Associates."


"Thank you, gorgeous."


"Anytime, handsome."


After he'd set the computer to hibernate, Dominic set the phone back beside the bed, picked up the manila folder, and walked back out into the hall. Instead of going all around like he'd done before, however, he took the secret entryway right across the hall from him and cut across. A moment later he opened the door and stepped out into the eastern wing...seeing Lionel and Lex speaking quietly to one another in the table room they'd used for the conference.


Dominic stepped across the lovely runner and tapped his knuckles against the door, folder in hand. "Sorry to bother you both... I just got these sent to Carolyn, she’s bringing them over to Andrew, Lionel."


Lionel looked up at his lover, eyes shining before he quickly blinked and smiled.  "You didn't have to do that right now; that could have waited until after lunch.  Regardless... thank you.  That'll make things much easier tomorrow morning."


"It's why I did it." He blinked… eyebrows creased. "Is everything alright?  Lex! Did he hit you somewhere?" Dominic glared at his lover.


"No... he didn't hit me... just shocked me."  He looked hard at Dominic.  "Is it true?"


He blinked. "Yes, I’m sorry, my name is actually Pollyanna and I grew up in southern Switzerland on a little cow milking farm where my parents were one legged Grecian love slaves who'd migrated in from Venice. I thought the surgery would work, but..."


"Is it true that you and my father want to have a child?"


He cracked a grin and plopped down beside his lover. "Don’t mind me. I’m ti--" His voice caught, and he swallowed... looking at his lover, and asking a million questions with his eyes. And he felt hope... a hope he never thought that he'd ever have in his life again.


His green eyes shifted back to Lex, and he swallowed, just a little. "Yes. Yes, it's true."


Lionel met his lover's eyes head on, and nodded once.


"And you want me to make it happen?"


He swallowed… looked down at his hands, before back up. "Yes. You... you know what you're doing, Lex. And we trust no one more."


Lex met Dominic's eyes, and stared for a very, very long time, searching.  Reading.  Learning.  Finally, he stuck out his hand.  "You find me an egg and a surrogate mother, and I'll make sure you have a viable embryo that will grow into your child."


Oh. Oh, God. His heart caught, and he grasped Lex's hand, tightly, shaking it before he looked at his lover and he just...he could do nothing but throw his arms around his neck and hug him, as tightly as he could, hold Lionel against him and pray he didn’t cry in front of his young man. "Lionel..."


Lionel held his lover tightly, hands soothingly caressing his back and his shoulders.  "We still have work to do, Dominic... we'll have to find someone willing to carry our child, and donate the egg.  But yes... it's going to happen, just as I promised you."


Lex swallowed hard, and nodded at his father over Dominic's shoulder.  "I believe," he said quietly, an then rose silently to his feet, dropping a hand on Dominic's shoulder and squeezing before making a quick exit. 


"Lionel… Lionel.." He choked it into his lover's shoulder, rocking back and forth. "Lionel, we're... we're going...we're going to have a baby, Lionel, its... its going to happen, we're… we..." He sounded on the verge for a moment… before he looked up and laughed in pure joy, hugging him tighter and leaping to his feet. "We! Are! Going! To! HAVE! A BABY!" And he was just so happy, offering his arms down at his lover and just grinning with the biggest idiot smile.


"Yes, love, we are."  Lionel rose to his feet without his cane, using Dominic's arms to steady him as he smiled at his Jiminy.  "We are going to have a baby."


Nothing, on this earth, could have thrilled him more. Nothing. He looped his arm around his lover's waist and held him close, walking with him as he nuzzled his neck. "Today has been a very, very good day. You know, merging business's, babies...did I mention the part about the baby?"


"No, love, I don't believe you did."  He allowed himself a wide smile.  "Tell me about the baby."  He leaned over and kissed his lover's mouth firmly, tongue sweeping over his lips and tasting him again.  "Now tell me about the baby."


He kissed him back, just as gently...yeah, and his eyes were a little brighter then they should have been, but here he was. "The baby is going to be beautiful. Dark hair, huge bright eyes. Sweet, gorgeous little girl. Our baby, we're going to get to care and love for, simply because we can, my love. A baby all for our own. Rotten, did I mention? Spoiled to the core."


"Ah ah," Lionel tsked softly.  "She'll be blond, just like her father, and have deep, soulful brown eyes."  Then a twinkle in his eye.  "But yes... our little princess will be spoiled rotten."


That made him think a moment...and he glanced at his lover, questions in his eyes. "Do you engineer everything?  Or...I mean… how does it work, Lionel?"


Lionel looked at his lover curiously, and then his furrowed brow relaxed as he understood the question.  "Help me upstairs, and once we're settled in, I'll explain it; it takes a bit more energy than I've got right now to lecture and stay on my feet."


He grinned at that, and shook his head, instead prying open the secret entryway and holding it open as he helped his lover in. "Easier. Just watch your head… they used to be slaves byways… mostly for women, that’s why its so small."


Lionel mumbled slightly about becoming a stooped old hunchback before his time, but in no time, the passageway emerged into their hallway, and he straightened up easily.  "I despise those things; it's a wonder my son can even fit through them at all."


"He's as wiry as you." But he smiled again, and helped his lover into their room. ...oops. He'd left his clothes everywhere, and scooped them up as he helped his lover in, pushing his briefcase to the side...then remembered his lover didn’t want to be coddled. He let go, walking into their bathroom and tossing his things into the hamper, before emerging once more and plopping onto the bed. "Are...are you alright?"


Lionel squeezed Dominic's hand once as he let go, and eased himself onto the bed.  The charcoal turtleneck and slacks were eminently comfortable and about as casual as he ever got.  "I'm all right, Dominic... just tired.  But the good news is... I'm regaining my endurance... slowly." 


"That’s good." He smiled and nodded, limbs all askew as he lounged at the end of their bed, looking up near the top and nodding. "We can nap in a while...first you've got to tell me how this is going to work. I've got three sisters, Lionel, and a sister in law who I’m sure wouldn’t mind giving up an egg or two."


"Do you think that Megan would be willing to donate an egg?" he asked, in all seriousness.  "She's your twin; out of all your siblings, you and she would share the most DNA."


"Are you kidding? I don’t even have to ask, Lionel. She loves me, and I her... its the twin thing, I suppose. She's just... she's Megan. If I ask her, she will, beloved." He nodded… and smiled.


"Then we'll need to ask."  He sighed, and made himself comfortable at the other end of the bed, studying his lover.  "After we extract the ova, they'll be cryogenically preserved until Lex is ready to fertilize them.  That's what will take the most time, though, because of the procedure that I want done."


"What do you mean?" He was listening, quietly, leaning on his belly on his elbows.


"Recombinant DNA was merely theoretical when I studied, but the new advances, especially in Lex's Cadmus research... has brought the technology to an entirely new level.  Instead of introducing both our sperm into the egg, and seeing which one fertilizes it, Lex and I are going to combine my DNA strands... with yours.  Create a genetic mixture of our chromosomes which will then be introduced into Megan's egg to be fertilized.  We're combining it with mine for two reasons.  One... so on any tests that are performed at any time, the child will register as both of ours; your blood and mine will be in her.  Second... because there will have to be a substitute set of chromosomes to add to Megan's instead of yours, because otherwise, there'd be an increased chance of genetic abnormalities, such as Down's syndrome.  Combining our DNA significantly reduces that chance to almost nothing."


"I..." Christ. He just stared at his lover for a long moment...biting his lip....blinking. "You’re going to... combine our DNA, Lionel?" it was almost... it was amazing. He just stared at him… rolled and sat up... still staring. "You're going to combine our DNA... this baby... this baby will be completely, and utterly, ours?"


Lionel nodded.  "That's why I asked for Lex's assistance; as you yourself said, he's the only one qualified to perform an operation of this type, and of this sensitivity."  He pulled himself up and clasped his hands over his knee.  "This child will belong to you and I, and nobody else.  Artificial womb technology is so new, I don't trust it's efficiency.  Otherwise, I wouldn't even ask for a surrogate mother.  As it is, whomever we choose, be it family or otherwise, will have to sign an ironclad agreement stating that she understands this is a surrogacy only and that she has no claim on our child."  A flick up to meet his lover's eyes.  "Completely and utterly ours, in every conceivable way."


"I love you, Lionel. I love you. I love you so very, very much. You...I can't...I can't say it better then that. I love you. You are my life." He clasped him close, then let go enough to tug him gently down...curl up on their blankets and pillows, and close his eyes as he snuggled in as close as he could and still remain in his own skin. "Lionel...a year from now, we're going to have a baby in this bed with us." He said it so softly, eyes closing tightly as he swallowed the lump forming in his throat. "Our little girl will be sleeping here between us."


Lionel wrapped his arms and legs around his lover.  "Yes, she will be.  Because I'll not have her sleeping rooms away from me.  I want to keep her close by."  Memories of Julian, dying alone in his crib, haunted him for a moment before he pushed them away.  "I love you, my Jiminy."  He tugged Dominic to lay half underneath him as his hand rested on Dominic's stomach.  "We will make excellent parents."


He curled as close as he could, cheek pressed to a warm shoulder, and he gazed up at his lover...squirming until he was level with him, and he grinned. "Your damn right we will. And damn right SHE will. Right here beside us, or in bed with us, as long as you don’t run over and squish her. She'll have to learn to beat her fathers up from an early age in that respect." But he was just beaming. "What would you like to name her, beloved?"


"I'm sure you can teach her the finer points of paternal fisticuffs."  He nuzzled Dominic.  "I don't know... something melodic, austere... but beautiful."


"As long as its not something like, "Chastity", or "Rome", or "Lionola", I’m quite pleased." His eyes danced. "Though, doesn’t Dominica have the right ring?"


"Dominica," Lionel repeated thoughtfully, rolling the name around on his tongue.  "It does have the right ring to it.  Dominica Senatori-Luthor," he said, trying the name out.  "How does it sound?"


"I was kidding!" He laughed, nudging him in the ribs before settling back down. He was exhausted, and he was beginning to feel it. "God, no. I’m vain--I’m not THAT vain." Grin. "What about Willow?"


"My daughter shall not be named after vegetation, gemstones, seasons of the year, nor months of the calendar," Lionel said with finality.  "And I am not sure about flowers."


Oh, he just grinned. "Darling, you've taken out half the worlds female population in a single sentence. Though, I should say with a bit of dignity that no one in my family has such a name."


"Thank all the bastions of good taste for that."


"Funny, seeing as how none of us have any good taste." Bright, winning smile. "Lionel..." The smile faded to a little joy filled expression, and Dominic pressed his face warmly into his lovers shoulder. The blankets underneath them rustled with each movement, and it was decidingly difficult not to think about sex while lying like this. Just great. 

But he kept his hips a little away, despite the want in his heart, and kissed a tender chin softly. "My dreams are coming true. I cant believe...I cant believe its you." And he pressed a soft kiss into his lovers jaw, and was smiling as he whispered. "Tomorrow is my anniversary. Working with you for 14 years, beloved."

Lionel caught Dominic's chin in his fingers and brought his mouth up for a deep tender kiss. "You taste just fine to me," he whispered softly, and snuggled his beloved close. "By this time next year... the fifteenth anniversary... we'll have our child," he reminded softly. "We'll have everything. Our business, our family... our relationship. Everything that you've ever wanted, you'll have." He stroked his long fingers along his lover's jaw. "And I'll be the one to give it to you."

Oh, he just grinned. Wide, eyes bright and shining as he held him close. "I love you, lovely one. I do. Everything has just..happened, and I cant believe we have it. It seems as if it's all been a dream...and we're going to wake up, and its going to be like it was. For a long while, the days would pass, and I'd almost wake up in the morning and almost expect to be in my apartment, alone, with everything as it working for you, your threatening to fire me, home to a cold house and a cold bed and take out and football games on the tellie. But I don't wake up expecting to be alone. Because I see you, and I know you're here, and I can feel your body against mine. And's okay."

Lionel nodded. "Yes... I do understand that." He slid his arms tightly around Dominic's waist as they snuggled. "Well... I am still threatening to fire you but there's absolutely no way in hell that I would, and I am more than slightly peeved." But he was grinning. "I seem to have lost my only leverage with you, but that threat stopped working long before this."

"Bah." He shook his head. "You've got more leverage then you think." He was quiet for a moment...gently stroking his fingertips over a wrinkle their cuddling had caused in Lionel shirt. "Much more."

"I'm not going to ask... I don't want to know." And that surprised him, greatly in fact, but he found that he was completely okay with it. He truly didn't want the leverage over his lover any longer--didn't feel the need to shield himself or cloak himself with power. "I sometimes feel rather bad using you as just an assistant when you are so much more to me."

"You don, anymore, though I hope to remain your assistant." His smile was soft into dark, warm turtleneck. "Unless you go and do something rash, like hire Martha Kent as your personal assistant, or some such nonsense." And he chuckled, very quietly, and let himself squirm and cuddle close, as was their way. Sharing warm cuddles like this through the day always seemed to make the day go by faster, and much, much more pleasant.

Lionel was quiet for a long moment. "It's less nonsense than you think," he said quietly, after a while. "And not outside the realm of possibility. I know her credentials, and while they're a bit out of date, I know that she could pick things up--though perhaps not as quickly as you did. You dismissed the idea once, when I said that I would like to promote you, and I'd still like to do that. I'd like to put you under me--and not just in our bed. I'd like to move you into the executive vice chair, I know you're more than capable, and since McIlhaney's on the termination list anyway... there's no one I'd trust more to take his place."

He just stared. "Are you joking, beloved?"


"I'm completely serious."


"Lionel… there..." He rolled over, and looked at the ceiling for a long moment... before back to his lover. "I’m...I can’t tell you enough how thrilled I'd be to accept it. But Lionel… things are different now. I can’t...I can’t just jump into your vice chair. I don’t have the credentials, and I’m missing some of the schooling. Lionel, darling, and I’m your gay lover. Do you honestly think my taking up your vice chair would be the best idea? Don’t you think people would assume I was only there because you and I are together?"


"What you don't have in credentials and schooling, you've more than made up for in experience.  You've got over a decade, and that's more than most people have.  If anyone has a problem with it, they can take it up with me.  But I need a capable, trustworthy person in that position, and my son has no interest in it."  He turned and looked at Dominic.  "If anyone knows me, then they know that I do not make my decisions based on whom I am or am not sleeping with."


That was certainly true--if Lionel had offered jobs to half the women he'd slept with, LuthorCorp would be called SkankTown instead. But Dominic only chuckled to himself, eyes dancing as he glanced up at his vivacious, gorgeous lover and bit his lip. "I would be honored, Lionel. Truly, and deeply. I’m glad you trust me enough to take the position on... and I thank you. I just have... a single request."


"Name it."


"Don’t fire Carolyn." He shook his head. "Don’t even consider it, anytime in the future, unless she does something horrid like, you know, murder someone or something. That woman is the most capable, strong willed, amazing person I have ever met. She's kept the office floating for two months on her own. She's just... astoundingly amazing."


Lionel nodded.  "Carolyn will move with you; I thought that was understood.  You'll need an executive assistant, and she's worked with you long enough to continue the relationship, don't you think?"


"Oh...oh yes." And in his heart, he sighed with relief. And then...well, yeah. He grinned. "Lionel, you really are an amazing creature, you know this, yes?" He rolled over him a little, laying half on him and not putting down his entire weight, and he kissed him. Hard, but gentle, deep but soft, and his fingertips slid gently through his hair to tug him up to meet him. "I..." He stroked his tongue in deep, stroking Lionel’s own, and pulling it back into his mouth, muffling the sound as he kissed. "A'slutly ad're" Another mumble, kissing him a little harder. "You." Which he said with a suck, nipping at the tip of his lovers tongue.


Lionel slid his hands down to rest on Dominic's hips, adjusting him to rest so that his legs lay on either side of Lionel's left one.  "I adore you," Lionel murmured into the enthusiastic kiss as he lifted his leg up slightly, rubbing against the hardness Dominic had been trying to protect him from.


Gyuhny. He swallowed and broke their kiss almost immediately, shaking his head and trying to get off him. "No... I’m so sorry, Lionel, I..."


"Shut up," Lionel said quietly, hands pulling him back down.


"No, but..." He swallowed, quietly, shaking his head as he tried to get away... but he was weak when it came to his lover, and he was pulled down as Lionel saw fit. "Baby, no, you'll… no."


"I'll go insane," his lover countered softly.  "I need you close to me.  This is all I can give you now, in a week, I can do more."


"Lionel..." He murmured softly, pulling him close to him and gently kissing his cheeks… his chin... his mouth. "No. Not for... I'll be okay. Your back hurts you, baby, I don’t want… I can’t live with myself if it hurts you worse. What do you want? Sex now and hurting yourself so badly we can't again for another month? Or waiting, and getting to sooner?" And damned if he didn’t know he was right. "Its okay... we can wait, baby, and I love you so much. Just... just hold me for a while, okay?"


"Dominic, I can stand on my feet.  I can move and pour brandy... I think I can stand it if you lie here on me and allow me to touch you."


And he wanted. So badly. But he loved, deeper. "No... baby, no. Not yet." He shook his head, and gently stroked the dark hair from his eyes. "I’m so sorry, beloved, my lovely one. But you have to… heal. You have to. And my lying and thrusting against you isn’t quite what I’d call healing." He rolled off of him... but gently touched his cheek. "Please, don’t be angry with me."


Lionel growled deeply in his throat.  "I am not angry," he said in a smooth, even voice.  "Merely frustrated."


"You're angry." Softly, and he wasn’t quite sure if kissing him was the right choice. "I’m sorry, baby. I’m so, so sorry. I shouldn’t...I just react like that to you, all the time, but… I shouldn’t tease you. I’m so sorry." He winced and sat up...gently touching his hand. "I'm going to go into town... get some McDonalds. Want some? You've healed enough for some fries, I’m quite sure."


"Dominic... I am not angry.  Rather... let me say, I am not angry at you.  I react to you the same way, you well know it, and it's not necessary to apologize for your body's reactions.  I am merely... frustrated beyond my ability to express."  A long, deep sigh.


"I can’t help it either, beloved." He said it very softly, and caressed his cheek in apology. "I get a raging hard on every time you look at me for two and a half seconds." There was a soft smile in his voice. "As I know do you. And... and beloved, I want... can I make you happy? Please." Softly. "There is nothing on this earth more pleasurable to me then sucking you down my throat." Quiet declaration, and he blushed a little. "I taught myself to derive enormous pleasure from it when...while I was just your assistant.  Okay...I lied." He backtracked. "Two things. Your slamming inside me, and my sucking you off." And he beamed.


Lionel caught Dominic's hand and held it tightly for a moment.  "I feel like I should be guilty for teaching you that," he said softly.  "But part of me is not sorry for having used you, because if I hadn't, I would never have grown so close to you, but part of me is uncomfortable when you do this because... it is a guilty reminder of things I am now sorry I've done to you."


He tipped his head a little...and smiled, very tenderly. "Lionel, beloved, let me... I don’t think, in the time we've been together, that I’ve been all that clear with you." He sat up and faced his lounging lover, sitting crosslegged in front of his lovely. "When you first asked me to do it, all these years ago...I was shocked, to be sure. The second and third times...mortified. about...oh...the fourth time, I was having to hide in the men’s room and jack off at the mere thought of your asking me to get on my knees." He grinned. "Sweetheart, I’m a capable man, and I’m a hard man. When I don’t want something, I don’t want it, and I will let everyone in the free world know it. You didn’t do anything to me I didn’t want done. It would have been very easy for me to walk out and head over to Wayne's company in Gotham, of Sir Harry's, or Luxor. But I didn’t. And you know why? Because I have had this enormous crush on you since I was twenty three years old. You didn’t teach me anything I didn’t want taught to me. I can say, with great relish, that I’m quite skilled at it." He grinned. "I’m not sure if I should be proud about being a bloody fantastic cock sucker, but let us move on. gives me pleasure. Enormous, wonderful pleasure. Just as everything else we do...all the sex we've had, all the....the times we've played with your toys. Its okay, I swear that to you."


Lionel looked up at his love.  "It gives me more pleasure than you realize, to see your head moving between my thighs and know now that it's because you want to, not because I'm demanding it of you."  He sighed.  "Perhaps I am selfish but I am very, very pleased that you learned to pleasure yourself from it."  Another sigh, and he blinked. "When I am well... I am taking you to Metropolis for a weekend, and I'm not letting you up off your knees."


Oh, God. His eyes closed and he trembled. Hard. A million thoughts, of chains and whips and nipple clamps and paddles, and he gasped, groaned, and had to hold himself very still for a moment to keep the immediate lust down. Not now, Senatori. Later, while you’re hiding in the shower. "I...I'd like that very much, Lionel." Softly, and he met his eyes once more. "I always wanted to. I could have said no, and you could have pretended to threaten to fire me. I suppose...I lived under that, and had a great time all the while."


Lionel lay back against the pillows, oddly relieved for having heard that.  "I feel... much better now, Dominic.  I suppose I knew, but needed to hear it."


He grinned, and softly touched his cheek. "Can I? Or do you want to wait for tonight… and enjoy your McDonalds in peace?"


Lionel's grin was wicked.  "I'd rather wait for tonight... and have my dessert after my French fries."


He snerked, eyes dancing as he met his lovers, and leaned over to kiss his cheek. "Wicked man." But he rolled off the bed, nervous tension back in his muscles, and sighed. "I should say I’ve just about had it with this blizzard." He peered out of the window, where the snow was falling like God was freaking flaking. "I might go out for a while, lovely. I need to...just need to. Do you understand?"


"I understand, believe me.  Despite the seventy five rooms, this can be a rather small place to be sometimes."  Lionel stretched himself out full length on the bed.  "I don't believe I feel the need to go outside quite yet, though I'm sure I shall before this is over."


Dominic nodded, and went into the closet beside the bathroom, walking in and--


Crying out.


He gasped...a loud thud echoed from the closet, and the sound of paper ripping rippled through the air.


"Dominic?"  Lionel sat straight up in the bed at that, struggling to his feet.  "What in the name of God is going on?"


Oh, Shane could have just died.


He laughed until he couldn’t anymore...every time his uncle twitched, he just rolled. He was clapping, squealing out loud as he met his Uncle's eyes and laughed even harder, crawling over and just giggling.


Dominic blinked. He'd walked in and very suddenly come upon his nephew, chewing paper, and rather then step on him, he'd stepped over him… tripped on one of their shoes, and gone down like a giant. He was still blinking as the baby crawled onto him... and then, well, he had to laugh to. "Shane, bloody Christ, you nearly broke your Uncle's leg!"




"Shane!  What in the bloody hell are you doing in here?"  Lionel moved as swiftly as he could over to the closet, and put his hands on his hips as he looked at the baby sitting on his lover.  "I think I'm going to start calling you David, my young man."  He held his arms out to the baby.  "Did you come to find your uncle Lionel?" 


"Inol!" He squealed from his comfortable seat on his Uncles chest, and he reached up, wriggling his fingers and "uh! UH!'ing.


Dominic couldn’t help it--he laughed. He looked up at the two of them, shaking his head, and peered at the tax papers Shane had been… well, playing in, Christ. He arranged them any which way--he could do it later--and rose. "Lionel, you've got that infant trained. I swear. Yesterday I found him sitting in your office, chewing on your pen."


"That's because he's a smart young man, and I'm going to do everything in my power to turn him into a fine, upstanding citizen like his uncle and not that Philistine of a father."  He looked down.  "Do me a favor, Jiminy, and hold him up for me, please?"


"Of course." He groaned and rubbed his leg, Shane sitting on his hip, and he held the little tyke out with a sigh.


"IIIIIINNNOOOOLLLLLLLL!!!!!!!!!" Was the answering squeal, and Shane all but had a heart attack reaching for his favoritest uncle. "Inol, Inol!!!!!"


Oh, Dominic just smirked at the face his lover had.


"Aah, thank you."  Lionel immediately reached down, picked the baby out of Dominic's grasp, and cuddled him to a broad shoulder.  "There we go, my young gentleman.  Your uncle Lionel was about to watch CNN and check the stock reports for the day, would you like to help?" 


"Cooooookie!" He squealed, and clapped his hands happily, before grabbing onto Lionel--shoulder, beard, and hair--and just snuggling him up, hanging tight to him as they walked. "Cooooooooooo-ooooookie!"


A heavy sigh and Dominic rose, watching them walk back into the bedroom with a little grin. At least Lionel would have someone to keep him company, now...he wanted to get dressed and get out for some fresh air.


After jacking his dick off in the bathroom, of course.


"He's a bottle of juice here, lovely," He carried the sticky treat Shane must have dragged across the whole house with him, and washed it in the sink before handing it to his lover. "If he needs a pamper change, find one of my glorious sisters to help you."


"Thank you, Jiminy, but I believe I can handle a diaper change."  He cuddled Shane onto his lap as he searched for the television remote.  "Cookies, young man?  At this hour of the day?  No no no.  Scones, dear boy.  Cookies are for afternoon delights, not morning meals.  I'll call down to the kitchen and have a tray of hot buttered scones and marmalade sent up, how's that sound?"


"Cookie." He was positive of it, clapping his hands and yanking on Lionel’s turtleneck. Where was the rest of his neck? Hmmmm. Strange.


"You say that now." But Dominic was coddling again and he swallowed, smiling a bit as he grabbed his sweater and walked into the bathroom… carefully closing and locking it behind him.


"No, scones."  Lionel caught the yanking hands and rolled down the turtleneck for his young friend.  "Now you see it."  He rolled it back up.  "Now you don't."  He slipped his arms around the baby's waist and turned the TV on to CNN.  "Your Uncle Ommie is trying to take care of some private business, so I think we need to either be very very quiet, or make very loud, very helpful noises and suggestions."  He raised his voice just enough to be heard in the bathroom on the last half.


He choked at the words...would have laughed…then did, and couldn’t help shaking his head. "Don’t tease me." But he leaned back against the wall and pulled himself out of the warm up pants, fingers tightening hard around himself as he began to stroke. He was in the need for a quick orgasm; just get rid of the hard on and be able to breathe through the pressure in his chest. And a thousand memories of doing this very thing at home did make him laugh. He could remember being fourteen, and getting caught with his hands around his dick more then once. So three in the afternoon, when his sisters were either talking to friends on their way from school or his brothers were watching reruns of Ed Sullivan on NBC...he'd jack off, locked tight in the bathroom.


He tightened his fingers, stroking quicker…those memories sliding away to be replaced with Lionel’s body...his wonderful, beautiful body, that accepted him so easily inside.


"'Me, meee, meeeeeeeeeee!" Shane chanted, clapping his hands again and snuggling close to his uncle. "Cookkiiieeeee!" Oh, and he just cracked up, exploding into giggles. Meeeeee coooookiiieeeeeeee!!!!!!"


Lionel flipped through the channel until he found cartoons for Shane--some sort of idiotic blue dog and a human being in a badly-animated house looking for mystery clues--and looked at the bathroom door.  "Laughing while you're doing that?  My technique must be off; I never remember laughing when I took care of myself.  Granted, it's been quite some time--right before I went to Hong Kong, remember?"  He smirked; he knew Dominic remembered.  "Quite a fun time, and I didn't laugh once."  


He looked down at the baby.  "When you get older, I'll teach you how to tease and make your significant other quite miserable."


He was shaking. Couldn’t stop, fingers tight as he stroked harder, and he closed his eyes. That beautiful, soft voice teasing him through the wall, his hand...smaller and more slender then Lionel’s stroking over him, and his free fingers snaked up his shirt, pinching his left nipple as he tightened his fingers around his cock. "Thinking… a-about revenge." He called, managing to keep his voice light and innocent as his palm flattened over the cock head and ground in. Oh, Christ.


"COOKIE!" Shane all but about had a cow, pointing at the TV and squealing on top of his lungs. DUDE! The guy with the cookie! How did his bestest friend KNOW these things?! "Cookiecookiecoooookiiieeeeeee!"


"Revenge?" Lionel asked innocently, teasingly as he bounced Shane on the mattress.  "For what?  I'm merely having a conversation with you--rather one-sided, I admit, but there's only so much blood to be distributed through your body, I understand that."  Wicked cackle.  "And I imagine right now, it's due southwards."


Oh, Christ. His fingers reached down...massaging his balls for just a moment, before he stroked and teased his opening, keeping his groans as internal as possible. He was panting, quietly, and his eyes were screwed shut, tightening when he slipped his index finger into himself. Only up to the first knuckle, at this angle, but it felt so good and right that he didn’t give the bloodiest of hell. His fingers quickened on himself, breath catching, and managed to respond, through gritted teeth. "All south."


"You know, Dominic, that would be much easier with one of the toys that's stored under the bed," he offered innocently.


God, Christ, FUCK how this man KNEW him. He grunted quietly... leaning down on the warm carpet throws Ms Bird was keen on, and lay on his side. He tugged his finger out from in front and moved around back...sliding two into himself as he fucked his fist as hard and fast as he could. "You...are a-an asshole, L-Lionel."


"No, I'm not, but there are things that I'd like to be doing to yours right about now," Lionel answered back.  "You shouldn't use such language in front of the baby."


"Cookie?" Shane asked questionably, pointing as Steve and Blue hopped across the TV. "Cookie?"


"There a-are things I...oh...I’m doing to mine r-right now." He managed. The two fingers slid deep...he arched his back and pushed into his fist, clamping his teeth shut as he sped up. Quick… quick… orgasm was coming, close, so close, and he pushed faster, whimpering very, very quietly in his throat.


"I'd like to think that my cock would be better than your fingers," Lionel said quietly.  "But perhaps that's my own vanity."  He followed that with a grin his lover couldn't see.


"That, my friend, is not a cookie.  That is an idiot."


He couldn’t say anymore, because he was coming. Hard, fast, and whatever fell hit the shirt he was about to change. He moaned, softly, pleasure racking him as his cock gave a resounding thank you, stroking it to get through his orgasm as he lay there, on the carpet of his bathroom, with his lover and nephew sitting outside.


Christ, he was such a loser.


He coughed...slid his fingers out and sat slowly up. His fingers still lazily stroked his softening cock, and he sighed at it, eyes at half mast. He rose, pulling a little towel off of the shelf and flipping the water on.


"Inol?" Shane blinked at his best friend. Something was up... he wasn’t stupid here, people! His Uncle was grinning, and talking to him like Shane had any clue what he was saying, and he blinked, and pointed again, this time at his uncle. "Cookie?"


Lionel laughed softly as he heard the water running.  "Idiot," he reiterated again.  "He's nearly as bad as the little moron in the Dell commercials."  He cuddled Shane again.  "If you can say Scone, then I will give you a cookie."  He leaned over and picked up the phone, asking the kitchen to send up a tray of scones, a small jar of jam, and a box of cookies for his bedmate.  "There we are.  Now, my boy... make your uncle Lionel proud."


"COOKIE!" YES! Someone FINALLY got it! And hadn’t he known long enough that when one lived in this house, calling for something usually meant food and/or milk was coming? Huh? Shane wasn’t a dummy, and he beamed at his uncle happily, crawling over and oomphing into his arms.


Dominic scrubbed at his face... sweat that had slid down his temples. Washed his hands, his belly… his cock, and changed his shirt. And once he was done doing all of that, he opened the door, dropping his dirty shirt into the hamper along the way, walked over to the bed, and crawled into it.


He plopped down, face buried halfway into his pillow and halfway into his arm, and sighed, ever so softly.


Lionel laughed, first at the baby and then at his lover.  "Feeling better, Jiminy?"  Lionel leaned over and kissed the back of Dominic's neck, and then changed the station back to CNN.  "I'm sorry, Shane, but your uncle Lionel has work to do.  You can help, but I need the television."


He didn’t say a word, murmuring absently and his eyes fell all by themselves. God, he was so tired. So exhausted. All he wanted to do was sleep, and he absently lifted himself up, groggily, and tugged at the blanket that had been folded at the end of their bed. He pulled it up over himself, then plopped back into his pillow, yawning so hard his jaw popped, and curled deeply under the soft cotton.


And got a noseful of sticky hand.


He cracked an eye open...gazing adoringly at Shane’s happy, big blue eyes, and kissed the little hand as it smushed his mouth.


Blue was gone. What was a Shane to do, anyway? So he plopped down next to his OTHER favorite uncle, sharing his pillow, and gurgled at him. Adults liked it when you gurgled at them, for some strange reason.


Lionel grinned.  "Poor tired-out Jiminy.  Should Shane, the cookies, and I go to the downstairs office and let you sleep?"


"No." He said it softly, and rolled over onto his back, looking at the ceiling again. He stared for a moment... exhausted beyond recognition but not sleepy in the least, and he sighed as he rolled back up and stood. "I think... I’m going to go out, as I said. Fresh air, and the like."


"Dominic... you're exhausted.  Are you sure you'd not like to sleep first, and then go out when you wake up?"


"I can’t. Wish I could, though." A smile as he leaned over and kissed Shane's forehead. "I'll be back in a bit." He reached over, squeezed his lovers hand, and he was gone.


Lionel picked Shane up and looked after his disappearing lover.  "You know, my boy... I think I'm going to slip something in his drink.  Make him sleep, if nothing else."  As Dominic went out, the tray of cookies and scones entered, and Lionel handed a cookie to his young friend.  "Cookie, Shane."



go to the next part