
The Memoirs

Smallville fanfic by Kel and Diana

Chapter 69: The Hibernation of Rip Van Senatori

He was bathing in the sun.

Warm, delicious beams of it were on his bare skin...bare, someone had stripped him at some point. Not that he minded, really...all the better to rub his belly against the silk sheets, and feel the sun splashing over his bare back and thighs. It felt bloody fantastic, and it was the only thing that had roused him, even a little.


What finished the rousing part was, of course, the sun itself.


Dominic opened a single deep green eye and looked. The was gone. The sun was shining in through the window, happy as could be, right over the bed he'd spread himself out on like a great lout. He vaguely, very vaguely, remembered peeing, drinking water during the night... and day, and going back to sleep. He had no clue where he was, what happened, who was were, what he was doing in bed, or why the bloody hell his belly was rumbling.


He blinked again, twice... and breathed in the soft scent of Lionel's pillow, where his cheek was pressed. "Mmph."


"Welcome back to the land of the living," Lionel said from the far corner of the room.  He folded his glasses and put them on the table beside the computer, and then looked over at his lover.  "Would you like something to eat?"


He blinked again… shifted. His muscles were all splendidly relaxed. He didn’t think he could move. "Mmmm." His lover’s voice from the corner of the room, and he moved his head just enough to look at him. Such a lovely man, and a groggy smile crossed his lips. "Mmmm."


Lionel smiled, rose easily to his feet, and walked over to the bed.  Casually dressed--for him--in a pair of gray slacks and matching turtleneck, Lionel stretched out beside his lover and gathered him close.  "You finally got your rest, I see," he grinned, leaning down to kiss the tip of Dominic's nose.


"Mmmm." Which was said, of course, with a sweet smile as he closed his eyes again. His teeth felt furry... tongue the same, and he made a disgusted face at himself, mumbling it softly as he stretched. Like a cat, fluid and graceful, back arched before he released the tension and sighed, heavily, in pleasure. "You smell nice." Was Dominic’s sleepy reply, kissing his lover’s chin... jaw, and cuddling close as he finished trying to wake up. "F'lls good."


"Mmm... I smell the same as I always do, the same cologne I always wear," Lionel chided him gently.  "You just haven't smelled it for three days."


He didn’t say anything for a moment, a moderately long one. His lovers arms were too cozy, the sun too much a sin, and really, the only thing that was bothering him was his belly. He was--wait. His eyes flew open, and he looked into Lionel's own. Okay, what? Go back. And said so, quite intelligently at that. "Uh?"


Lionel had to laugh at that, and merely tugged Dominic onto his chest, looking up at him with twinkling eyes.  "You've been asleep for three days, not that I begrudge you the rest.  You nearly worked yourself to death New Year's Eve."


Another blink. What? "T... three days?" He blinked again, twice more, processing it...then processed something else. He was lying on his lovers chest, legs wrapped together, resting on--oh, God! "N… L..." He started to roll off, shaking his head, fingers going to slide through all that rich chestnut hair as his body slowly woke up from sleep. Three days? Three bloody days?! "What day 's it?"


"It's Wednesday," Lionel said softly.  "You finally went to sleep, the closest I can figure out, about one AM New Year's Eve, which was Saturday night, and slept through Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday.  It's now... about ten in the morning on Wednesday."


"'nd I’m not dead?" He blinked. Wow. That was kinda... well, kinda neat. He was sure he could call Guinness. Three days? Three days? "Wh... what of the people? Are they 'kay? What happened?" His heart was jacktripping. Three days. Three days. He had so much work to do. "We... we should... Lionel..."


"Calm down.  Most of the people have cleared out, as their power has been restored.  Those that haven't, most of them chose to go to the official shelter at the high school, or have gone with friends who have electricity.  The governor has already declared Smallville and three other small towns in the area a disaster area, and FEMA will be coming in shortly to help begin cleanup and rebuilding.  We've had three days of above-freezing weather, the thaw has began, and I'm glad to tell you, not a single person died on our watch.  There were a few deaths, but nothing that we could have done to prevent them."


"Really?" As his lover had talked he'd calmed, laying his cheek back on his warm shoulder, and he listened quietly until Lionel finished. "That... I can’t believe I slept through it. I’m quite ashamed. How is Clark? Did he make it in alright? And Graham? And Toni?" His belly gave a loud rumble and he flushed softly, looking down and chuckling.


"Clark made it in just fine, and apparently, we have a new pet in the house.  I have been informed that his name is Samson, and he is worse than Shane to be underfoot."  He rubbed Dominic's stomach.  "Graham got home quite safely, and have taken all the doctors but Toni back to the hospital.  Toni, I believe, is sleeping upstairs in your brother's bedroom, and Graham has been sleeping in one of the other rooms."


An eyebrow perked at that, and he slowly sat up, sitting cross-legged with the silk over his lap, stretching both arms above his head. Something cracked… twice, and he snorted as he stretched, before sighing and loosening again. Arms fell in his lap and his eyes were half lidded with the lazy sleep and good feeling in his body. He didn’t say anything for a moment… simply watching the sweet, wonderful man in his bed, and before he could help it, he found himself crawling over to him. And over him. Literally. On hands and knees over the sweet man, and he lowered his face to kiss him, gently, once...twice. Closed kisses, cause he was utterly disgusted by his mouth at the moment, then open, soft, sucking kisses against a warm jaw. Twice… three times, and in his eyes was an invitation.


Lionel met the invitation in his lover's eyes with a nod of his head, and with his hands sliding possessively over his lover's back.  His hands slid down, touching and stroking, rubbing the firm mounds gently before squeezing them roughly.  His teeth softly raked over Dominic's ear, then bit down lightly on his shoulder as Lionel positioned him, then rolled them both over.


Oh, those lovely fingers were grasping him just so, and he gasped… murmuring softly as he helped them roll. He landed on his back in silk, Lionel’s warm, beautiful weight pressing him into the mattress, and he arched his throat and back in invitation. Oh, yes, my lover. Touch me. Three days had obviously calmed the household down, and maybe now he and Lionel could make out like too rambunctious teenagers without being barged in on, for the love of Christ. He chuckled at that, fingers sliding down to mold a firm bicep through the turtleneck... rubbing the center of his palm into the hardening nipple as he squirmed softly on the sheets.


"Mm... this isn't fair."  Lionel reared back onto his knees, tugging his turtleneck off and sending it sailing across the room before snuggling back down over his lover, kissing the throat arched in invitation of his kisses.  His teeth nipped gently along the beautiful column, marring it with red crescents as Lionel slipped his hands down, molding firm cheeks in his hand, deliberately avoiding Dominic's cock.  He grinned against the squirming body, and licked over each nipple, blowing hot puffs of air over them before tugging the left one between his teeth.  "Nearly forgotten... how sweet you taste," Lionel murmured into a stiff nipple.


A long, soft breath escaped his lips before Dominic could stop them. Oh, yes. Warm, hot, broad chest pressed into his, and Dominic wrapped his legs through Lionel’s on instinct. His toes played with his lovers, rubbing at them in firm, slow strokes as his body moved. Yes, oh, yes, "Yes."


Lionel’s mouth was entirely too skilled, delicate on his flushed skin, and Dominic let the whimper slip out when he felt those lovely, lovely palms cupping his ass. Oh. Oh, God. Another arch, whimpering again, louder, inviting marks to his body as he gave his own. His nails slipped down Lionel’s back, hard and strong, his still sleepy body waking up and flushing with pleasure. His body wasn’t under his control, not anymore, and as his palm moved into all that glorious hair, Dominic gave a soft, warm sigh of pleasure. "Tease." Mutter, but it was a pleased one.


"I'm not a tease," Lionel murmured, moving to the other nipple.  He sighed in quiet ecstasy as Dominic's fingers threaded through his hair, and he sucked hard in approval, teeth nipping the hard nub, then sucking again to soothe it.  Saber-calloused hands slid over Dominic's hips, fingertips teasing the silken pouch of his balls, and then back between his cheeks to massage over the opening.


As he moved, he lifted his hips, drawing Dominic's hands down to his belt and the button of his slacks.


Lex pushed the door of his father's bedroom open.  Lionel had said he'd be going over the financial reports for the quarter, and Lex needed the ones for the R&D divisions for his own checklist.  He didn't think to knock.


As soon as he walked in, he wished he had.  "I JUST WANTED THE FUCKING NUMBERS FOR R&D!" Lex bellowed as he saw his father on the bed with Dominic.  "AND YOU, I THOUGHT YOU WERE STILL SLEEPING!!!"  Lex was still bellowing.


Pleasure. Sweet, gorgeous pleasure, as roughened hands slid over his skin like feathers wings, and Dominic sighed, loudly... letting it turn into a throaty moan at the end, as that’s what it had wanted. His fingers had just slipped Lionel’s button undone… those same wide palms sliding down the back of them, to slide over silky boxers and a hard, tense backside. Mmm.


And he was unprepared, as Lionel’s gentle fingertips slipped over his balls, for Lex to suddenly barge in.


He gasped...eyes going wide, and he bucked, in fear, at the sudden cry, scrambling for a blanket and yanking the comforter that he'd slept underneath over there half naked bodies. "Lex! Oh! God, I... no! Get the bloody HELL OUT!" Dominic cried, face flaming as he pressed it into Lionel's strong shoulder. "Out, out, OUT!"


Lionel's face was almost purple with apoplexy.  "Alexander Joseph Luthor, if you do not get out of this room immediately, I swear before everything that is sacred that I will disinherit you on the spot!" he roared at his son.


"I DON'T WANT TO SEE THIS!" Lex bellowed.  "THAT'S IT!  NO MORE WORK IN YOUR ROOM, DAMMIT!  I AM NOT WALKING IN ON THIS EVER AGAIN!"  He slammed the door in mortification behind him, and then realized he didn't have the reports.  He slammed the door open, stalked over to the laptop, jerked the sheaf of papers out from under it, and slammed the door again. 


Dominic’s eyes followed the younger Luthor every step, erection wilting against his lovers belly, horror in his red stained cheeks and hazy eyes… and when Lex glanced there way, he buried his face in Lionel’s shoulder, fingers tightening around his long back.


The echo of the slammed door shocked him, and he gasped, swallowing... and didn’t dare, dare, move.


Lionel's shoulders shook silently.  When he looked up, his eyes were bright with laughter, and he couldn't stop the chuckles that were falling out.  "At least now... you and Lex have something to commiserate about... you've both... caught your parents in the act!!"


"Hey!!!" But oh, Dominic saw the merriment, and he let the snorts he'd held in out. "Oh, dear Jesus and God. I’m telling you, I didn’t see it. I have phased my mother completely out of my brain, and you should be ashamed for bringing her up when our dicks are pressed together." And at that, he give a little arch and rub, smiling at his love and wrinkling his nose. "I should say, I got the better deal. At least mine was dressed. No... I’m afraid Lex has now seen the Luthor and Senatori package deal."


Lionel laughed even harder at that.  "I believe your poor brother Graham is still traumatized, as he refuses to even speak to Rosalyn, and he's been giving Enrique death glares all week."  A deep sigh.  "Poor Graham, it's no wonder he's having a fit about his sister having sex.  I do feel sorry for him, however, as it's painfully obvious Toni's set her cap for him."  He rubbed against his lover's arching body.  "It's the best deal he'll ever see."


Oh, he laughed again, watching his lover crack up and it just put joy in Dominic's heart. "Graham is traumatized about everything. You should have seen his face when Riley told him he was going to marry Marie. He wept for a week, I swear on the grave of my Da." Dominic held up a hand in scouts honor. "And sex… oh, by God, he's always bellowed like a lunatic. When he found Megan was having sex with what is now her fiancée, he went ballistic. And you should remember Megan was a thirty year old woman. He expects us to live in convents, for the love of all good things." And there was a grin in Dominic’s voice. "Toni's the perfect match for him. Quick, sly, wicked. He needs that type of excitement in his life...he's dull as a door nail." But Dominic said it with love, and sighed softly, sliding his fingers down Lionel’s shoulders… up his back... and into his hair.


"I'm rather fascinated to see how your mother is going to react to finding out that Shayla is involved with young Mr. Ross."  But it was said absent-mindedly, purring softly in the back of his throat as Dominic's fingers stroked through his hair.  "Mmmm... that feels good."


"Lionel." His voice was dark, soft, and breathy. "Baby... are you too morally horrified to have sex with me?" Another undulation of his hips, soft and inviting, rubbing his hardening cock against his lovers, the rasp of slacks and the purr in his throat the only sound in the room.


"Mmmm..." Lionel purred again.  "Never."  He grinned down at his beloved.  "I'm rarely too anything to have sex with you."  He licked softly over Dominic's lips, tongue rasping over the soft wet flesh of them, and then licked down the column of his throat, kissing and suckling as he went.


Raw, earthy want gritted through his throat like sandpaper, tinged with a hard, blinding love. Rocking to the core, and softly, Dominic exhaled.


The pads of his fingertips, soft and slippery, learned the body of his lover all over again. It had been so long, so long since they'd done this, and Dominic couldn’t help linking his legs around slender, powerful hips. His ankles locked tight around the small of his back, holding on like an anchor. A gentle angle of his head and he met Lionel’s eyes... fingers sliding down over the rough stitches of his back. "How... how do you feel?"


"How do you think I feel?" Lionel asked softly.  "I've done nothing but eat and sleep myself for the past three days, and if you insist, I'll wake Toni and have her remind you exactly what I am capable of doing," he threatened softly, his hand sliding down to rub gently over his lover's opening.  "I believe... I believe this is where we were, yes?"


"Oh..." He gasped it, closing his eyes and arching his back again to push his hips down into that soft hand. "Oh, yes, beloved." And then his eyes opened... and a request ate him alive. He wanted, he wanted so much, but he didn’t know how to ask. Never knew it was okay to ask, until this moment. He'd showered, somewhere between the first and second days, as he'd been cold to the core and trembling. So he knew he wasn’t dirty. But... but he didn’t...  He swallowed, hard, and whispered, voice trembling, "C... can I-I a… ask f... for s… som-some… something?" Shouldn’t have asked, shouldn’t have ASKED Senatori, but it was too late now, and he bit his lip.


"You can ask for anything," Lionel nodded, then looked down, framing his lover's face with large hands.  "Don't be afraid."


"Can..." he swallowed, hard. "Can you… y-you put… put your mouth? There? Ag-again?" He half expected him to laugh. "You don’t have to, though, you don’t, its okay." A hard nod, and his mouth slid to Lionel’s ear, gently biting and sucking at the lobe in an almost apology for having even asked.


"Yes," Lionel said quietly.  "But... it will cost you something.  A kiss," he said gently, pressing his mouth against his lover's.  His hands slid down again, rubbing the small hole his tongue would soon possess.  "A real, deep, love of your life kiss," he whispered softly against Dominic's lips.


Oh... that brought a smile from him. He looped his arms around his lovers neck, tightly, and kissed him as hard and passionately as he knew. His tongue dived in, leaving him senseless, blind but for his lover. Erotic tastes filled his mouth... HE HADNT BRUSHED HIS TEETH.


He yelped and let go, eyes wide. "Sorry! Ah! Sorry!"


"I don't care; I'm not sorry," Lionel said, grinning.  "But it's close enough."  He pressed light kisses down his lover's body; over his chest, a light thrust of tongue into navel, a kiss on each thigh, a lick to the head of Dominic's cock, and then he tenderly, gently slid Dominic's leg over his shoulder, firm fingers spreading him wide as he licked.  First over the cheeks, then along the crevice between them, and then finally, as his lover's body relaxed more, Lionel saw his target and thrust his tongue in.  No teasing licks or puffs of breath, just a hard, simple thrust and suck.


FUCK.  FUCK!  Fuck, FUCK! And he cried it, gasping sharply. His eyes were wired open, staring at the ceiling as Lionel’s mouth... oh, fuck. He had to look. Had to.


Green eyes glanced down...past his weeping cock, to the brown hair bobbing between his thighs.


Oh, fuck.


His eyes widened even further as the hard, vibrating thrust pushed into him and he cried out, brilliantly, fingers clenching in the bed sheets and Lionel’s stray clothing as he arched and his eyes rolled. Oh. Oh, good God. Another sharp, loud cry... then a scream, and he muffled it into his fist, eyes rolling shut as he bucked up. Oh, oh, oh God. Wet and snaking and hot breaths and slithering.


Oh, fuck.


Lionel heard the sharp cries, the muffled screams and bit down.  Not hard, not enough to hurt, but enough to send vibrations singing through his lover's body.  He licked again over the outer rim, stabbing his tongue deep.  He used an unsteady rhythm, never letting Dominic know when the next attack on his opening would come.  Soft puffs of breath, a stubbled chin rubbing over it, but Lionel always, always returned with his tongue, buried as deep inside Dominic's ass as he could thrust.  The tip flicked back and forth, rubbing against the walls as he rolled the sides of his tongue together, narrowing it and allowing him to thrust even deeper than before.  Stabbing thrusts, hard and fast, no gentle licks in sight.


He couldn’t help it. Couldn’t. Without his consultation his fingers reached down and reached around his cock, stroking it hard as Lionel’s mouth... fuck, fuck, holy God and Christ. His fingers let go, abruptly, and went back to his mouth, letting out another hollow, masculine scream as he arched into that mouth. Pleasure was singing through him like a molten fire, alive with heat and adrenaline... and he lost his mind.


Control broke and he thrashed, letting out another hollow cry of pleasure, aching for pressure, pressure on his cock, and the image... chains, belts, clamps, dildos... it all filled his mind. Desire, heat, like fire, whispered promises in his lips, and he imagined, quite suddenly, being tortured like this.


He couldn’t help raising his hands over his head... pretending they were bound, and his cries escalated. "L... Lionel, baby, oh, GOD!"


Lionel raised his head, looking at his lover, and grinned brightly.  "Is that what you want, my love?"  He stroked his hand down Dominic's chest once, and then got up from the bed, went to the closet, and pulled out the little black bag he'd brought from Metropolis.  He dumped the contents out on the bed, and dangled the cuffs over Dominic's face.  "This what you want, my Jiminy?"


His chest suddenly started to rise and fall much, much faster, eyes glued to the cuffs... leather, black, gorgeous, and he moaned, hard, thrashing on the sheets and trembling. "L... Lionel... Lionel," He was flushed, with desire and embarrassment and need, and he couldn’t stop gazing at them.


"Mmm... my beautiful little cricket."  He leaned over Dominic's body, cuffing one wrist, guiding the chain behind the wrought iron of the headboard, and then cuffed the other wrist.  "There.  Beautiful."  He leaned over and kissed Dominic again, hands going to his hips.  "Be still, or I'll leave you like this."


His eyes met Lionel’s. Once. And in them, in them he read the pleasure, the giddy heat. It had been long, too long since they'd played like this...and their relationship had grown a great deal. There was a level of trust, of knowing one another now that they hadn’t had before, and it only increased Dominic’s pleasure because he knew his lover knew exactly what he was doing. And how good it was making them both feel.


And when one was wicked...well, one was wicked.


He bucked his hips, in pure defiance, raising his chin...and daring him.


Oh.  That both enraged and inflamed Lionel, and he smirked.  He unbuttoned the button of his slacks, let them fall to the floor in a pool of wool, and then slipped the charcoal briefs off as well, peeling each sock off until he was naked in front of his lover.


Then he sat on the farthest corner of the bed, just out of Dominic's reach...


and started jacking himself off.


He'd watched as his lover undressed… cool and elegant as always, and tugged experimentally at the chains. Tight. He wasn’t going anywhere... and the thought was exhilarating, and terrifying. And Christ, if he thought, he'd just gotten harder.


Well, and then Lionel had to go and do that.


Dominic gasped, hard, eyes widening into twin ovals... and whimpering. Yes, a whimper, and not at all a whine. He squirmed, aching for his lover, to just come over and get in him but, oh, Christ, those long aristocratic fingers so lewdly around his dick, pulling and tugging, jacking and rubbing, and he trembled. Hard. He moaned, tugging hard, the sound threading with a cry, and he gasped, pulling harder. "I’m s… sorry, sorry, I’m sorry, please, sir, please!"


Lionel groaned softly as his fingers worked himself rapidly.  "I... oh, Dominic... I warned you... that I would leave you... and you... oh, God... didn't believe me."  He slowed his stroking, sliding his hands down to gently roll his balls, lift them and let them fall, giving them a gentle, discreet tug to hold back his orgasm.


He squirmed, chest heaving, moaning and wishing he could roll onto his belly, offer his ass in penance… or rub against the sheets. But he knew if he did it he was a goner. Tempting… but he wanted Lionel, in, and he couldn’t take this, nonoono. "Please! Please!" He begged it, eyes glued to his lover’s hand working between his own thighs, moans tearing from his throat. "Lionel, sir, please, I… please!"


"Mmm... No."  Lionel looked on the floor, picking up two more things.  A strand of black jelly beads on a strong, nylon rope, and a tube of lubricant. 


Anal beads.


His heart was going to beat out of his chest. Positive of it. He moaned, harshly, almost terrified where those would go, eyes locked on them as he squirmed his hips. His cock was rock solid and wet against his belly, and he couldn’t help the trembling moans that were escaping him. "L...Lionel.."


"Yes?"  That was all he said as he carefully lubed up each bead, not taking his eyes off his lover.


"Wh... wh..." His throat was working. Hard.


"What, love?"  He continued lubing the beads until he got to the last one.


"What... what are you… w-with those?" He mumbled, watching his fingers slip on the beads.. .watching as he wet each one. "Wh… what?"


"Just this," Lionel said softly, getting on his knees.  A quick stroke of his fingers inside himself, and he sucked in a deep breath before sliding the first bead in.


The sheets rustled with each of Dominic’s movements, but now... oh, God, now. They screamed just as he let out a cry, hips thrusting into the air as he yanked, furiously, at the softly lined cuffs. The bed creaked and he didn’t care, yanking and struggling to get close, to touch him... throwing his head back so the wail could leave him undisturbed. "Lionel, oh GOD!"


Lionel didn't say anything, his lip caught between his teeth as he continued to slide the beads inside himself.  His cock throbbed, leaking and dripping wetness, and he didn't dare to touch himself as the cold, slick beads stuffed him.  "D--Dominic."


"Baby, please! Please!" He was almost sobbing, so hard and tight and ready, ready, God, he wanted a hard fuck, hard and blinding and he was going to die before this was over. He yanked, hard as he could, and watched, as those black beads disappeared inside of his lover... one... by... one.


He let out a hoarse cry, struggling on the bed, arching his hips. He wanted nothing then to be fucked, or fuck, or he really didn’t care as long as the pressure against his cock was there.


"Be-be still."  Lionel had to stop, half the beads inside him and half the beads out.  "Don't... oh, don't hurt yourself."


"I’m no-not, Lionel pl..." He gasped, still on his lovers command, but he was whimpering nonstop. "Please, oh please, baby, so deep inside you, they’re... Th… they, b..." Sweat trickled down his face… chest, legs stilling in the sheets as he fought to control his hips. Not that he was succeeding.


"Won't--won't go much further... tear stitches... can go in a few more... want to put them in me?"  He pulled up to just his knees and turned around, eyes looking down at his bound lover, panting as his cock throbbed, dancing out from his body as though hungry to buried in Dominic's tightness.


"W... with my mouth, here, come here," He begged it, eyes hazy and dark with lust, and he squirmed his legs around his lover, pulling as he yanked above his head. He loved, loved seeing how bound he was... how helpless.


Lionel leaned down and kissed Dominic hard, slicking his lover's tongue with his own, and then he moved.  He twisted his hips, his knees on either side of Dominic's shoulders.


He didn’t wait for his lover to move down completely. Dominic reared up, knees raising for his lover to hold onto, and dived. He sucked, hard, at that distended, spread little hole, where the moderate beads had slid inside. He sucked all around it...diving his tongue in where a bit of string still peaked from the puckered hole, and pushed in as far as he could. Something wet... Slippery… hee, strawberry tasting. The last bead Lionel had pushed in.


Drawing his tongue stiff, Dominic pushed it in further, whimpering as he did so, teeth catching and biting around the rim as he pushed it in. The next bead, there, by his chin, and he took it between his lips... licking it, sucking it, before maneuvering it to the tiny hole, as well.


And flattening his tongue, sucking at the exposed, dusky, puckered rim, pushed in.


Lionel dropped his forehead onto Dominic's raised knees, hands gripping his lover's hips tightly, moaning unrestrainedly as he felt the beads shifting and pushing inside him.  Fucking Christ on a cross, he was going to die, and he did the only thing he could do, and that was suck Dominic's cock into his mouth. 


Deepthroating quickly, moaning hard against the shaft, feeling the head swelling to fill his throat as he pushed back against Dominic's tongue.


Full.  Hungry.  Wanting.  He howled as one of the beads nudged gently against his prostate.


He gasped...cried out, the sound reverberating inside his lover where his tongue was currently buried. Oh, Christ! CHRIST! He pushed, more, again, whimpering hard as he stroked against that bead. He knew he'd hit something pleasurable, and he kept stroking the beads in, further, so his lover could feel them as they squirmed with each movement against his gland.


And, at the time, you know, buried in his lovers throat.


He gasped, thighs pressing against Lionel’s head, and leaned down to take the warm, hard balls in his mouth. Tense already and he sucked at them with a great deal of relish, sliding one...then both into his mouth. He sucked, soothing, softly, warming them in the heat of his body, sucking at one… then both at the same time. He let them go, trailing his tongue from the back of them and back to where the black beads buried. Four left, and he took a chance, and pressed one more inside of his lover. Took it in his very, very skilled mouth, shifting and pressing it in, tongue working against the tiny hole to push it in. He let his tongue go over it, over and over the hole and the bead as he pushed it inside... then let go as he felt the slow tug of Lionel’s body pulling it in, and bit around the rim as the bead slipped in and disappeared.


Lionel screamed again, the beads jangling and rubbing against his prostate as Dominic kept sliding them in, kept filling his ass full.


He didn't let go of his suction on his lover's cock, instead wrapping his hand around Dominic's soft sac, rubbing them against the growing stubble of his beard, licking and sucking each one into his mouth as he jacked the wet length. 


He twitched his hips away then, moaning softly.  "S-stop, no more... full enough."  He squeezed his muscles experimentally around the beads, and then reached down and nearly jerked his balls off to keep from coming.


The cry was more then he could take. Those sweet, beautiful, firm fingers sliding back to tug… that was the last straw.


Dominic began to pant, with oncoming orgasm, thrusting up now as he lost control of his body. His hips twisted, jerked, pumped harder and fast as the base of his spine tingled, a rolling wave of heat from his groin, down his legs, and back up again... and he gasped.


The last thing he saw, before coming, was that little hole tensing hard around the beads inside, and squirming in pleasure.


His cry rang hard off the walls as his muscles all bunched… and he came. Hard, forever, he felt his balls explode and a wave of pleasure, like that same heat, traveled up his spine, across his chest, and down to center in his groin.


A wail, long, loud and true, and he emptied himself, still thrusting, still yanking at the binds above him.


And all he could do was gasp. An orgasm. A lovely, lovely orgasm with his equally lovely, beautiful, sensuous, amazing lover. For the first time in ever. And oh, the pleasure of it made the moans racking from him deeper, harder, and silkier.


Lionel swallowed, drinking deeply, making sure that he didn't spill a drop of Dominic's precious seed as it slid down his throat.  He wrapped his tongue around the head, licking it clean with rough licks, hand coming around to stroke and squeeze, milking the last of his lover's come out of him. 


A tight clench down on the beads again as he shifted, and a deep, guttural moan rolled out of his throat as they rolled and pressed inside him, constant pressure on his prostate as he moved on his knees between Dominic's spread thighs.  "Tell me what you want me to do, Dominic?  Fuck you... jerk myself off... leave these in for you... tell me what will please you and I can please myself."


He was gasping... panting. Couldn’t breathe, couldn’t think, not now. Not when he'd come with his lover, come because of his lover. For the first time in almost six weeks. Oh, God, and he was yanking at the shackles now, in earnest, trying to get them off. He wanted, so badly, to curl about his lover and he couldn’t. "L... take this off, please, let me... please take this off, I want you, please, let me go, let... baby, feel so good, so good inside, want to pleasure you, get these off, please, please," He begged it, yanking again as he arched in offering. "Take me, let me suck you, anything, baby, anything, anything you want, anything."


Lionel's large fingers reached up and unfastened the shackles with unsteady clicks as he pulled them off and dropped them on the floor.  His free hand slid over the arched and offered body, sucking wildly on nipples and throat as he freed his lover, and then pulled his arms down to show that he was free.


And as soon as he did, he yanked his hands down, pushed his lover over, and feasted.


He reared above him, settling his weight on all that glorious skin… and gave. His mouth skated, like an angels wing, over a slender, long jaw... the hair, his ear. A bite at the lobe, fingers stroking down... and he decided, quite suddenly, that he'd start from the bottom and work his way up. Dominic squirmed down his body, sheets and blankets every which way… and let his eyes swallow Lionel in the sunlight. Sure, he could have been delirious with hunger, both sexually and belly wise, but he was positive he'd never, never, seen anything as gorgeous as that long, naked body in the sheets. Older, but wiser, and his body still rang true with the younger man he'd been, and the gorgeous man he'd be.


He reached the bottom of their bed...and watching, making sure Lionel’s eyes were on him... he sucked those warm, soft toes into his mouth.


Lionel couldn't tear his eyes away from the carnal creature that his lover had become.  Hot, wet mouth engulfed his toes and he cried out, back arching, nails twisting the sheets so hard he was shredding them.  "D--Dominic!" he shouted, twisting his body and sliding his hand down to his balls.  The tugs were wearing off, not lasting nearly long enough.  "Going to come, Dominic, going to come hard, fast, now, hurry."


"No. Because I don’t want you to." He said it clearly, precisely... and wickedly, as his dark green eyes met Lionel’s chocolate. "You will not come. Because I will punish you, beloved, and you don’t want the types of punishment I’ve in mind."


His mouth returned, sucking hard, hot, draining kisses from Lionel’s strong, muscular, haired legs. Up each side, sucking twin hickies out of powerful thighs as he switched from leg to leg, moving upward toward his goal. And passing it. He kept kissing, biting, nipping, up each hip. His chin and nose brushed Lionel’s hard, jutting cock with each sweep, and he only added it to the evil intent in his eyes.


He bit each hip, hard, traveling up to his belly button--which he delved his tongue into--and continued on his way up. "You will not, are we clear?"


“Can't--can't help it, can't stop it any longer!"  Lionel was arching into the bites, the teases, twisting his hips and rocking up into the licks and strokes, eyes shut, hands knotted in the sheets as he fought to hold onto whatever thread of control he still possessed--and there wasn't much of it.  "P--please... can't hold it, can't... can't."


It was in those terrorized, pleasured words that Dominic lost himself. He reached back, using his own come and his lovers pre, rubbing his hole quickly. Slipped his finger inside… then two. Enough. And he simply fixed it as he fixed things in every area of his life.


He sat on it.


Barely stretched, with only the come as moisture, Dominic leaned back. Arranged various limbs… and sank. The stretch was like smoldering fire, gorgeous and delightful and hard in his belly, but he only squirmed, pushing himself further down as he breathed out. Oh. Oh, yes.


Oh, yes.


Lionel shouted out loudly, wordless cry of pleasure as tight, molten heat slid down around his cock.  Hands on his lover's hips, gripping tightly enough to bruise, and he thrust up, driving deep into his lover with each stroke.  Rocking Dominic on his cock, the beads shifting inside him, one more twitch of his lover's opening and he would lose it.  "Dominic... I'm going... lose my mind... move, please, please, love, move."


His eyes, when he gazed into Lionel’s, were wicked and sweet, thrilled and courageous, and Dominic pressed his lover’s hands to his hips, and began to move. A rise… easy, thrilling over that hard, gorgeous cock… then down, pressing him in and out, back and forth, moving like a dance as easy and carefree as a dream. Slow, wonderful movements that only made his head spin and his heart sing, trembling with fear, and arousal, and outrageous, gorgeous... strength.


And he threw his head back, laughing with joy in the sunlight, as they were finally, finally joined.


Lionel came.  He didn't want to, tried holding it back, but he couldn't stop the tide.  It had been building inside him too long.  He roared into his pillow, sitting up and wrapping his arms around Dominic's waist, possessing him in a hot, hard, devouring kiss as he thrust deep, coming as hard as he had ever come before. 


He could feel every jump and shudder of his cock, every twitch of the organ as it spurted out, could count every single fucking bead as they shifted inside of him, his ass tight around them and squeezing them hard as his balls emptied themselves into his lover's body.


He gasped... the joyous laugh turning into a hard moan when Lionel’s lips pressed to his. He kissed right back, hard, glorious, arms wrapping around him as he felt the cock inside him swell… then heat spill forth into his body. It swept over him like a river and he couldn’t help moaning in pleasure, trembling as he pressed down harder, knees pressed against Lionel’s hips and sitting half on his upraised legs.


It was beautiful. It was wonderful, and he couldn’t stop smiling, as he squeezed hard around his lovers cock.


Lionel pulled his lover down onto his chest, squirming hard as he clung to Dominic, trying to find a comfortable place to lie where the beads weren't shifting in his ass.  He didn't slide out of his lover; he stayed buried as long as he could, arms tight around his lover's waist as he pressed hard kisses to his lips and throat.  "I love you, I missed you, I need to feel you like this always."


He moaned... softly, tenderly, and leaned down against his love. Gentle, trembling breaths... a sigh of pleasure, and he murmured something quietly as their bodies moved against one another. He let his lover lead the way...get himself comfortable, his eyes hazed and smiling… drugged with pleasure. "Mmmmm. Hi."


"Hello, my little cricket," Lionel said, in a voice husky and throaty from screaming.


Another mumble… another mutter, and his chest rose and fell, legs tight around Lionel’s waist, and he whispered, "I love you, my Lionel. I love you, with my heart entire. But…" His voice was wicked again, quiet in the shell of an ear. "I don’t want you to take them out."


Lionel blinked, shuddered, and then nodded.  "All right, my love... I trust you... I won't take them out."






His voice was tinged with a soft, shy lilt. "Shower with me? Then take me somewhere so I can feed the animal growling in the region of my belly?"


Lionel laughed softly.  "I can do that.  In fact... I will take you to McDonalds, if you so desire, and we can feed the beast in your belly to it's content."


"Okay." Another bright, soft smile. "Lionel?"


Yes, beloved?"  Lionel grinned indulgently.


"Thank you." And this time, he gently kissed him, cheeks… nose... lips. "Thank you, so much."


"For what?" Lionel asked between return kisses.


"For being with me." Softly, arching his back in case, you know, he'd forgotten or something. Hee. "Making me... making me feel so good."


Lionel hissed softly, and bit lightly at the chest being offered to his hungry teeth.  "We are here but to serve," he teased, and his eyes twinkled up at his lover.  "Tell me, Dominic... how would you have punished me?"


Oh, and this time it was his turn to grin ever so sweetly, wickedly, reaching down to gently caress the abused, tugged too often balls in his hand. "Do you really want to know?"


Another hiss as his cock started to half-stir at his lover's gentle caresses.  "Yes, I do... so I know what to look forward to."


"Well." He murmured conversationally. "I would have put a cock ring on you... if I were feeling so inclined. Stood you up, tied your hands to our bedpost, and tortured you with my tongue, which, by the by, is an amazing torture tool." He giggled, and it couldn’t be called evil. It was a giggle, for crying out loud. "Put a weight... here." He stroked the soft balls in his hands again. "Put nipple clamps on you, weigh them down as well. Slip something inside... a harness about your waist. Something that vibrates, I'd imagine." A serious nod. "Then leap up, slide down on you, and dare you to take me."


Lionel's entire body shuddered with the pictures that Dominic was painting for him with the lilting, accented, beautiful baritone.  "Re--remind me--that I must--misbehave soon," he grunted softly, rubbing his ass against the bed as his cock tried to rise further, shifting the beads inside him and whimpering as they rubbed against sensitive places.


And oh, it made Dominic grin. "Lionel, love...have you ever walked about...with beads inside?"


“I can safely say... oh... I have not," Lionel grumbled.


Dominic’s eyes were bright as he pressed his mouth to Lionel’s chin, and happily climbed out of his arms. "Good. Cause you're about to. Wear something lose, sweetie."


And he whistled, all the way to the bathroom.


Lionel swore.  Loudly, and in three languages, one of them Latin.  "Dominic Senatori... I am going to despise you for this, aren't I?"


"Utterly!" He called cheerfully from the bathroom... happier then he'd sounded in weeks. Yes, because sex will do that to you, even when he hadn’t quite had his fill of his lover yet. "Pull one out though, my love. Don’t want your moving about to scrape any stitches, as your arse'll be clenching more then you think." Yeah, so there was a snicker at the end of that.


Lionel did as he was told, arching his back with his feet flat on the bed and grasped the string, popping a bead out. 


And moaned, loudly, cock twitching as it slid out of him and jostled the others in there, moving every bloody one of them against his prostate.


Dominic heard the moan. It only broadened his grin, as he took a good look at himself in the mirror. He looked... outrageously well. Flushed skin, bright eyes, and he could focus without yawning with sleepiness. Alright. So maybe three days sleeping had been just what he needed.


He looked over his shoulder... and spotted the clothes he'd been wearing during the storm. He remembered, unclearly, being helped to his feet by his lover… stripped, and pushed under the hot water. A shower... a quick one, with quick, selfless hands washing him, then back to curl under the covers. When that had been... he'll never know, but oh, his heart just beamed.


And he smiled over his other shoulder, through the open door, at his love. "Feel good, my sweet?"


"Bastard," was Lionel's reply.  He still hadn't made it off the bed.  "I'm not leaving the bedroom, much less the house, with these things up my ass."


"You are, indeed. You're going to take me for an indecent amount of breakfast... then off to see the town, as I’ve been indisposed for the last few days, and then I want to show you the site I saw before the blizzard blew in... if its still there, anyhow."


His heart was singing as he spread paste on his toothbrush and stuck it in his mouth. He brushed quickly, over his teeth, tongue, and mouth, spit, rinsed… and did it again, for good measure. Then started the shower, waiting for it to heat, and walked back out with a big, shiny smile. "Try getting up. You'll get a kick out of sitting on them."


Lionel threw an incredibly evil glare at his lover in the bathroom.  "The site can rot under the snow melt.  Breakfast can be brought to you, and you can look out the top turrets if you'd like to see the towns."  He ended that with a growl.


The bed creaked under Dominic’s weight as he set a single knee on it, got on his hands, leaned forward... and kissed that scowl away, gently, nibbling at that full, luscious bottom lip before chuckling. "Come on, come out with me."


Another growl, but Lionel let himself be kissed out of his sulk.  "I do not have anything loose enough to cover wearing these things, nor do I have anything loose enough to conceal the effects of wearing them," he grumbled, sitting up, hissing, and then moaning softly as the beads shifted, and he rolled his hips, moving them gently up and down on the beads.


Oh, unmerciful chuckle. "Feels good, mmm?" He stood again and offered his hands. "Come on, you can borrow something of mine… and I’ve got a jock strap perfect for you. Twon’t cause any unsightly bulges." A caress to the stiffening cock. "Come on, now, love... you can put something equally as wicked on me, mmm?"


Another dark, hard growl.  "I haven't worn a jock in forty years, Dominic.  I don't intend to begin again.  Those things are bloody uncomfortable, and I will not have one on me."


Innocent blink, and he leaned down to suck the nipple ring right into his mouth. He looped his tongue through it...and looking up, tugged it away from his body until his nipple stretched, and he was grinning wickedly around the gold he'd bought for his love. Another soft, warm suck, his own fingers sliding down to the scar Lionel gave him, and he sighed, heavily. "Mmmm."


Lionel moaned darkly again, hoarse throat making the moan deeper than it usually was.  "Dom--Dominic.  That--oh, God--do that again."  His fingertips stroked through the short strands of his lover's hair, trying to pull his mouth further onto his nipple.


"Mmmm?" Another sweet, innocent smile, and he did it again. Reached forward, tip of his tongue stroking the taut nipple before he looped it through the ring again… and tugged. His hot breathe slid over it, warm and hot, free fingers sliding up the warm chest to do the same to the other one.


And he let go, sweetly, after too brief a touch, and stood up happily. "Come now, up you go. You sure you say no to a jockstrap? You're taking me to Denny's, by the way, and I’m sure the waitresses won’t like your leaving dents on the underside of their tables. They get picky 'bout those things, you know." Eyelash flutter, and he stroked the scar again, happily beaming.


Lionel whimpered.  "Dominic Senatori... you are going to be the death of me... I am going to throttle you once I get my hands around your throat."


"Yes, because your heavy breathing is so terrifying." Another smile, and he disappeared into their closet. "I wonder how you'd look in workout pants."


"I am not wearing those things!" Lionel shouted.  Moving was an entirely new experience with the beads sliding against each other--and him--as they were stuffed inside him.  By the time he reached the dresser, he was swearing in every language he knew--which was fairly impressive.  


"Bullocks for you, as you want to go about with a woody. Yes, I can see it now." He rose his hands in the air, "Lionel Luthor, Caught on Camera in front of Denny's with a hard on the size of an elm tree. Was it the waitresses that did it? Or does..." His voice dropped, and dripped with melodrama. "Lionel Luthor have a secret obsession with pancakes? Next, on Hollywood Insider."


"I will not be seen out and about in those!  They are well and good for you as they look good on you, but I will not be seen in them!" he roared.  He dug angrily through his dresser, and pulled out nearly every piece of underwear he owned until he found a pair of snug gray boxer briefs that were a size too large.  They'd been left there for God knew how long, and he flung them onto the bed as he went to the closet.  "I will get you for this, Dominic!"


"Those are mine." He managed meekly, eyes dancing as he tried to keep a sober expression on his lips. "I could dress stately, if you like… slacks, crisp shirt, loafers, tie." Sweet blink. "Or myself, as I’m inclined to look like a slob. Whatever floats your boat, beloved. I suggest you, as modest and gorgeous as you are, wear something..." He choked as he lifted a pair of pants Lionel had had for years. Rico had gotten the tailoring wrong, and as a heartstoppingly amusing joke, sent Lionel a pair of pants that had enough crotch room for a small child.


Dominic choked, turned, and his shoulders shook with laughter he was attempting to keep quiet.


"You... laugh... and I swear you, Jiminy... you will not come for a month!" Lionel growled.


Oh, he was trying. He was. Very hard, and his face was pink with the exertion. He climbed, simply, into a pair of briefs and comfortable, loose jeans  that fit well with his boots. And sweetly, without looking back, he slipped on a black, leather studded harness over his chest, glanced at him, and pulled a white t-shirt on over it. Another t-shirt.. .then a blue sweater, before he crouched for his boots. He was all together aware of it, saying nothing, and began to untie his shoes and pull socks on at the same time.


That did it.  Lionel stalked over to his lover, jerked him upright and kissed him hard, fiercely, deeply.  "You... are going to be the death of not only me, but my reputation as well.  Pick out whatever you want me to wear."


He kissed right back, fiercely and hotly, stroking his tongue and pulling it into his own mouth. He kissed him, hard, aching... then chuckled into the kiss, moaning a moment later when Lionel pressed against the leather. Oh… oh yeah. "I want you... to wear what you always wear." He murmured, fingers sliding down over his ass and squeezing. "There’s nothing else I’d rather you be in."


"What I always wear... will not fit," Lionel pointed out against his lover's mouth.  "They're a little too... shall we say, well-fitted to my frame?"


"Mmmm." He murmured… then looked over his lovers shoulder and pulled down one of his own sweaters. A dark shade of maroon, lovely, and he handed it over, smiling. "Pick slacks… this is long enough to hide anything." he set it against Lionel’s chest… peered… beamed. "Yes, well. Aren’t you a handsome devil."


Lionel grunted, and looked into his closet.  A pair of black slacks were the first choice, and he pulled them out carefully, and held the black against the maroon.  "Mmm... I think that matches."  He dug back through his underwear drawer, and pulled out the loosest pair of briefs he could find, and sighed, deeply.  "For anyone but you, I'd have said no, you know this, right?"  He slipped his arm around Dominic's waist.  "Come on... get me into the shower before I regain my senses."




"I am going to put locks on every goddamned bedroom in this house!" Lex snarled as he burst into his office, slamming the papers he'd retrieved from his father's bedroom onto his desk.  "I am going to put locks on the doors, I'm going to insist they be used, and I am going to officially FORBID working on ANYTHING in ANY bedroom in this house, because I am not going to see my father fucking his lover!  I am not!  Do you hear me?"


Didn't matter who he was ranting to.  Lex was just ranting.


And thank God, it was Clark.


And Bruce.


Another blink, and Clark watched his lover, red faced with heat and fury, stride in and begin bellowing. Now this... this was strange. Lex never bellowed. Or, okay, he did sometimes, and Clark barely kept the laugh in, eyes wide as he watched his lover strut back and forth, fury in his face. "I hear you... baby," Soothingly. Soothing was the way of this. "What happened?" He strolled over and took his lover in his arms, placating him quickly and gently. "What’s wrong?"


Bruce was, by all accounts, smiling smugly into his coffee cup.


"What happened?  What's wrong?"  Lex was tempted to throw the papers up in the air, just to watch them scatter.  "I walk upstairs to my father's bedroom/office where Dominic is sleeping and my father is working on his finance reports.  I open the unlocked door to the bedroom so that I can walk in and get these," he continued, gesturing at the papers on his desk, "And what do I see instead?  My father!  Fucking Dominic!  More than I ever wanted to see or know about my father!"


Oh, he choked. He tried to keep it in, but the snort sounded in his throat before he could stop it, and Clark slapped a hand over his mouth as he gently tucked his lover close to his chest. "Hey… its okay… breathe... you're turning pink, sweetie."


"I am not going to breathe!  I am going to take a fucking brillo pad and scrub my brain out!  And then I'm going to stab out my eyes with a hot poker."


One of Bruce's eye brows rose... the image not pleasant but sweet in a way. It took all kinds, and he supposed Lionel had been looking for someone just as all human beings did. He'd found that someone. Sure, Dominic wasn’t much older then himself, but hey. Unless Dominic was waiting until the coot croaked to take his money, Bruce appreciated their love and lived contentedly knowing it existed. "Clark, you should have seen him his junior year. Walked in on Sister Judy going at it with Pastor Rubio... I swear I had to all but tie him up to calm him down."


Clark was trying, here, but Bruce's sweetly said words had him struggling to hide the grin… burying it in the crown of Lex's head. His height advantage was a true advantage sometimes. "But I like your brains. They're actually really pretty."


"Then you can watch me scrub it clean and stick it back in my head," Lex grumped.  "And Bruce... thank you so much for reminding me of that lovely image, like I didn't have enough to worry about."  He rubbed his cheek against Clark's coat.  "I need a drink.  I need a lot of drinks.  I need a whole fucking bottle of drinks."


"I think its… sweet." Bruce declared, sipping from his own orange juice as he set his pen down on the financial reports Clark had been helping on. The boy had a brain like a sponge, and was sharp as a tack with words.


"Then you go up there and have a fucking peep for yourself."  Lex all but growled it at his old friend.  "See how you like it.  Bet you never walked in on your parents, Bruce... go ahead, walk in on my father.  I don't give a shit; and he's probably too wrapped up in it to care."


Bruce looked at him hard, for a very long moment, and looked down. He didn’t like his parents brought up. Period. And knew now an endless day of brooding awaited for him. Not that it hadn’t already... after he'd woken up after the freeze in Dick's arms under the shower head, the suits computer had shorted completely out. Fan. Bloody. Tastic. And so, now, he added this to his list of things to brood about today. He might even add an 8:30 for world hunger, if the mood arouse.


Lex shook his head and winced.  "Bruce--I'm sorry.  I'm--Clark can tell you, when I get absorbed, I can be a thoughtless ass."


"Bastard number one!" Clark chimed in happily.


And Clark’s smile was so infectious, so sweet, that Bruce found himself smiling too. "It's alright. Clark and I were just discussing some financial reports, and Batman."


"Thank you for your enthusiastic agreement, Clark," Lex said dryly.  "What did the two of you conspirators come up with?  Batman is a great moneymaking scheme just waiting to be marketed to the hungry youths of America?"


"See, Bruce? I told you he'd balk against the Pez dispensers." Clark heaved a sigh and let go of his lover to go plop back into his seat.


"And here, we were already planning what the T-Shirts would say." Another tsk and Bruce watched his friend, a smile quirking his lips, eyes flickering to Clarks head before he nodded. He's a keeper, Lex. "The suit, quite haphazardly, shorted out."


"Anything I can get for you is at your disposal, Bruce; between your name and mine, you should be able to get anything you need to repair it, even in a backwater town like Smallville--no offense, Clark.  If you think Batman can wait for a couple of days, you and I and Dominic and my father are going to be heading to Metropolis anyway, but if you don't want to wait, I'll lend you my lab downstairs to work in."


"No...." He glanced at Clark, offered a companionable smile. "Batman won’t be needed for a few days. I was just getting around to asking your illustrious, talented lover a few questions when you barged in." A glance to Lex, one brow cocking up again. "Is your brain alright, now?"


"No," Lex replied shortly.


"No to your brain, or no to the questions?"


"Both, actually," Lex said quietly, looking at Clark. 


"Nah, its okay." Clark nodded, the innocence in his expression overlaying the intelligence of his mind. "Everyone knows. Or, well, a lot of someone’s know, now. I’ve got some questions, too, anyhow."


"See?" Bruce smiled smugly.


"That's what I'm not exactly thrilled about," Lex said quietly.  "Bruce... you know that I trust you with my life, and that I'd drop whatever I had to in my life to help you--but you can't sit there and ask me to let you grill my lover about a secret that could be dangerous in the wrong hands."  Then he changed his glance to Clark.  "And you can't sit back and ask me to watch you go head to head with a man who's had a decade to sharpen his skewering skills."


"Do not underestimate me, aushna'." A soft murmur, and Clark was deeply amused and insulted at the same time. Alright… so maybe he was 16--almost 17!--years old. That didn’t change anything. Sort of. "I'd be happy to answer any questions, Bruce." A smile at the man who had him by ten years.


"Kiss my ass, Alexander." Bruce turned in the chair to give Lex a good view, then got comfortable again. "I won’t skewer your lover, or grill him, or any other disturbing cooking analogies, alright? I’m not going to ask him for his secret. I just want to clear up a few things."


Lex walked over to Clark's seat and leaned against the arm of it.  "I'm not underestimating you, Kal-El," he murmured quietly.  "But I know Bruce, and as much as I trust him with my life... I don't trust anyone, not even myself, with yours."  He rubbed his fingertips across the back of his lover's neck.  "Suck my dick, Bruce.  I have the right to worry about Clark; I remember how well you knew me after thirty seconds of being in the same room with me, and I don't trust that insight further than I can throw it."


It struck, but he smirked and steepled his fingers. "Our young friend is in the room, and I wont make that comment dirtier then you already made it." Then to Clark. "You're the one who fixed the dam, aren’t you?"


Clark listened with interest at the two men bickering, before nodding at the older of the two. "Yep."


"I won’t ask how... because Lex would have an embolism."


"I’ve heard that can be gross."


"You heard correct." A scowl at Lex. "That’s all I wanted to know, piss brain."


"How would you feel if I cornered Dick somewhere and started demanding how he learned spin kicks, snowmobile piloting, and lurking in shadows?" Lex countered.


"Amused, and waiting for him to kick your ass in."


A growl.  "It's not, and you know it," Lex said, crossing his arms over his chest.  "You'd be worried and wondering why in the hell I was questioning Dick about anything."


"Yes, I would." He murmured it. "I'd also be feeling outrageously guilty for questioning one of my best friends, when I knew he wouldn’t hurt my lover in any way, shape or form." He said that part with another eyebrow raise, and glanced to Clark once more. "Thank you, again, for the help. You have a way with words. Its a gift."


"Thank you." Clark beamed, eyes lighting up, and climbed to his feet. "I’m scheduled to pick a snowball fight with Ms. Megan, Ms. Lindy's orders. Be back later." And off he went.


Lex waited until Clark was out of the room.  "I won't apologize for trying to protect him, Bruce.  Not when you and I both know what I'm protecting."  He put his hands flat on the desk as he looked at his dear friend.  "That question about the dam was bullshit.  You knew from the start he fixed it."


"I did." He nodded, slowly. "I wanted to make sure… and hear it from his mouth. I don’t think you know what he did, Lex. The lives he saved. He built a bridge, a bridge, with his own two hands. I saw the melted steel for myself, there and on the dam. Thousands of gallons of water, stopped."


"I know what he did, Bruce."  He sighed, boosting himself up on the desk.  "I saw it in his mind.  Don't ask, I don't think I could explain it because I don't have the words.  Suffice it to say that he and I can share thoughts, share images, and he was damned near bubbling over with it when he came home.  I saw everything that he did, Bruce.  And I'm in awe of it.  And not a little afraid.  Not because I think he'll hurt me but because I don't know if I'm ready for--or worthy of, more importantly--a man as special as Clark Kent is."


"Then you're twice the fool I originally thought you were." Came the reply. "He is. He's amazing. I cant say I’m not jealous of him... what someone could do with those powers is astronomical. And he chooses, instead, to stay here in the backwaters, as you so elegantly put it, and put up fences for his father." A soft sigh. "I know you and his family are protecting him… but he's ready, Lex. The question is... are you."


"I know he's ready.  He asked me for a costume the other night, and God help me... I've started designing one."  Lex rubbed his temples and then pinched the bridge of his nose.  "I'm ten kinds of fool over that boy, Bruce.  There's nothing that I wouldn't do for him, and he knows it.  But this... God, you don't know how this scares me.  I've never known anyone like this, not even you.  Not like this.  It scares me because I know how much he loves me, and I know that if I told him not to do it, then he wouldn't.  He'd just tuck himself away here in Smallville forever, building fences and helping the people of this town without them ever knowing he did it.  Like the bridge at Elm's Bridge, and the dam.  The question isn't whether I'm ready or not, the question is... is there enough in me to stand by his side?  I've had nightmares.  You don't know the dreams I've had.  The things my subconscious knows that I'm capable of, and can I overcome that to stand by him and help him and be the guide he so desperately wants me to be?"


That humbled him. He hadn’t expected it and he watched his friend with the honesty in his heart, as brutal as it could be. But Lex trusted it, and he spoke his mind as easily as any other person would lie. "I know you're in love with him. Everyone does--its kind of hard not to see it when you look at one another. And I know you're scared… but Lex, this boy, this man, has a destiny. And with you, or without you, he has to do it. Its already beginning, like a ripple. Its going to grow, and grow, get deeper, harder. There will be times when he kills... times when he's almost killed. But he can’t do that--he can’t follow what waits for him by staying here." Bruce took a sip of his drink, as he watched his friend. "He's comfortable… this is where he grew up, this is his comfort zone. But destiny isn’t comfortable, and its rarely peaceful. But its your calling, and you have to do it. He is your destiny, Lex. Just like his is to be something the world has never seen...yours is to stand by his side. Even if you're terrified, even if you're scared one day you'll hurt him, you have to stand by his side. There isn’t a choice, here, my friend."


Bruce softened, and looked him again in the eyes. "I have faith in you. Deeper then you'd ever think. I know what you can do, and I know you can do this. You can overcome the darkness, Lex, just as I can. You need to trust in this, and mold this person you love so much into what he needs to be."


"You're right about one thing, Bruce... I belong with him. Wherever he goes, that's where I belong."  Lex looked down at his hands.  "I belong to him.  In ways I don't even understand, I just know inside me are right."  He didn't look up.  "I've given him my blood, my heart, my soul, my everything, and he's given me everything in return--everything but the one thing he can't give me.  He's got more faith in me than you do, Bruce--but he can't give me faith in myself.  I don't have it; I've never had it."  Then he did look at Bruce.  "You've got a reason to overcome the darkness, Bruce.  So do I.  But you... you have always done that.  I never have.  You were always above it... and I wallowed in it."


"You both have a bond that’s more then human, that I understand." Bruce nodded, just slightly. "No, that’s true. You are quite faithless, when it comes to yourself. Always. And its a pity, because you are worth so much more then you give yourself credit for. But nothing I could ever say would make you think so, and I’ve already allotted myself more words on this trip than I'll speak for the next year." A sigh. "I’m not above darkness, Lex. That’s where you're wrong. What do you think I do, when I dress as a rubber rodent and go out into the night?"


Lex smiled gently.  "You defeat it.  You push it back, save another soul."


"No. I push it back, and then drag my lover into the mix." And at that his hand went through his hair. "But that’s another topic entirely." A small smile quirked his lips. "You're already working on a costume?"


"Yeah.  The only restraint?  No tights."  He quirked in return.  "Dick giving you a few problems?"


"Other then the fact that I begrudgingly need him, much to his delight." Another sigh. "I hate him being out there. I trust him, and I care for him, but the fear… it sits like a fist in my gut." Bruce shook his head lightly and took a sip of his juice. "No tights. Got it. I could probably get the suit made, if you both give me a good design and come spend a weekend in Gotham."


"That's what I told him.  I'm still waiting on a decision on that.  Either way, it'd have to wait until the summer, when school's out."  A deep sigh.  "I can't believe I'm dating a high-school kid."  Another rub to the bridge of his nose.  "I don't envy you there, Bruce.  The only thing I have to worry about with Clark is him running into a pile of those meteor rocks that are lying around everywhere.  I may propose to my father that we clean this place up of all the meteor rocks before we build here, just as a nod to public health and all."


"He's got a weakness for the rocks?" His eyebrows creased.


"The green ones all but kill him.  The red ones... they're a little trickier."


His inner scientist started screaming and running around. He leaned forward, intrigued, peering at his friend. "What do they do?"


"They affect his mind.  And no... you're not going to test them on him.  I absolutely refused.  He all but killed me the last time."


"I wasn’t going to ask." Oh, and he sulked. "I wouldn’t hurt him. But it… its fascinating. What did he do?" A possessive touch of Lex's hand, peering at him as if he could see any wounds.


A quirk of his lips.  "Fucked me into the ground, bit me bloody, and then ran off." 


Oh, and at that Bruce rolled his eyes and sat back. "Yes, I’m sure that almost killed you."


"I still have a scar if you'd like to see it," Lex said softly, raising an eyebrow at his friend.


"Thank you, but I’ve seen enough of your scrawny ass to last me a life time." But there was a grin in his voice... one he was trying hard to hide. "Alright, so... green for body, red for mind. As I don’t see that kind, sweet boy fucking you, let alone hurting you, Id have to say it alters his mind. Now that is fascinating. Christ, Lex. You have all the fun."


Lex snorted.  "Although I'm sure this will tread into the realm of too much information, Clark and I switch on a regular basis, thank you very much."


His eyes widened at that... and he sort of grinned now, eyebrow raising. Images, of the night his lover had made love... four times--cause he was the master--and each time... so deep inside. Christ, he couldn’t be sated, and even now was considering, after this little psuedo-meeting with Lex, go finding his lover and nipping at him until Dick was inside him again. "Yes, too much information, thank you." A heavy, melodramatic roll of his eyes.


"You're welcome."  Lex smirked at the eye roll.  "So how's the bottom working out for you, Bruce?"


An eyebrow perked. "Excuse me?"


"Oh, come on.  The grin?  You think I don't know how to read you, Bruce?"


"Damn it." A glare, but he relented, and sighed… then sort of played with his glass, swirling the ice around in it gently. "There hasn’t been anyone... since you. Because I wouldn’t let him, basically. Moody, depressed phase and all that."


"A moody depressed phase that's lasted for... what, five years?  Six?"  Lex whistled.  "Hell of a phase."  He slid off the desk and walked over to Bruce, tipping his friend's chin up to look at him.  "I'm honored, that there wasn't anyone else."  He pressed a soft, friendly, chaste kiss to Bruce's mouth.  "But don't deny yourself the pleasure," he teased, walking over to pour them both a fresh drink.


He sighed--what else could he do?--and watched Lex walk over to the bar. "Orange juice, Lex. Too early to liquor." Amusement, now, and he shook his head. "Yeah, it lasted for five years. Five years and four months... right up the second I realized Dick was gone. We never..." He looked into his lap… his hands. "We never, without a condom, either. Because I wouldn’t let myself get that connected to him. And believe me, he made it more then difficult... he's so honest and open and trusting. And I was just a bastard."


"Suit yourself."  Lex poured orange juice into one shot glass, and scotch into another, and handed the juice filled one to Bruce.  "Now that's an assessment that I can't disagree with."  He raised the scotch to his mouth.  "Clark I stopped using condoms... after he told me everything.  There was one brief scare--the red meteorites--but otherwise... I don't intend to have anyone else in my life but Clark."  He looked at his friend.  "Bruce... trust me.  You and Dick... you're the same as Clark and I.  Ditch them.  You'll be surprised at how much better your relationship with Dick will be; you show that you trust him and he'll respond."


He snickered up at him, drinking the orange juice as his eyes danced. "We ditched them about a week ago."


Lex nearly choked on his drink, and sat his glass down carefully.  "And?"


God, he loved having that effect on his friend, and allowed himself a chuckle. "Right about the time I decided it was time to have a cock up the ass again. And you can imagine his reaction." Oh, and there was a deep love in his voice.


"Yeah, I bet I can."  Lex was proud of his friend; he knew from experience what it cost Bruce to do that for his lover.  "I'm proud of you, Bruce."


"Yeah, well. I can’t say I’m a martyr, here." His lips were curved way too innocently as he took a sip from the glass. "I couldn’t sit right for a day or so, but... alright, now we're delving into too much information." A smile.


Lex laughed out loud.  "Yes, I know that feeling too, don't worry."  He laughed softly.  "What the hell am I going to do, Bruce?"


"What about?"


"Clark.  My part in his life.  My part in his destiny, his part in mine."


"Ah. Well, speaking as someone who's steeped to his eyeballs in his own, I can give you some advice. You ready? It’s a doozy."


"I'm ready."  Lex made a show of settling himself in and bracing himself against the chair.


"Wing it." He nodded.


"The Bat telling me to wing it.  Cute, Bruce.  I never knew you had a sense of humor."


His face was completely innocent. "I’m glad you've got a few marbles left in there." But his eyes danced as he watched his friend. "I’m serious. Wing it. If there was a "Ten Steps To Becoming a Superhero" book out there, I'd be the first person in line to buy it. But there's not. You just...,you have to wing it. There are a few basic things you need, like, oh, a costume, and getting in good with the police. You don’t want to become Spiderman, making a mess of New York City, alright? Staying legal--also a plus. But as for the meat of it... you've got to wing it, Lex. There's not a set plan or anything--you just have to roll with the punches and hope you land on top at the end."


"This is Clark we're talking about here.  The last time the sheriff tried to arrest him, he hyperventilated over the phone until I calmed him down and cleared it up.  I don't think he's going to have any problems staying legal."


"He hyperventilated?" And at that Bruce exploded into rich peals of baritone laughter. Couldn’t help it. God, the kid was cute.


"He was hyperventilating.  Total and complete panic attack, down to begging me not to have him arrested for throwing me against the wall, when it wasn't even his fault in the first place."  Lex shook his head.  "He'll have no trouble staying on the good side of the cops."


Oh, man. Oh. "No… I can say he wont." He was still chuckling, wiping at his eyes. Christ, he hadn’t had a laugh like that in ages. "So, costume. Do you have any sketches? I'd like to see it. And you've got to ask him what kind of name he wants. He's a super human, so something along the range of... I don’t know. Colossus? Something to that effect."


"He likes Man of Tomorrow; I made the mistake of telling him about my campaign at Excelsior and he's become rather attached to the name.  Sketches are on the laptop; come on, I'll take you upstairs and show 'em to you."


Bruce rose with his long time friend, taking his cup and financial reports with him. "Man of Tomorrow?" Bruce made a face. "People aren’t exactly going to go around crying, "Oh help us, man of tomorrow!"  Christ, Lex. You're passing on your tacky gene."


"Man of Tomorrow was not my idea, Bruce.  He wanted a slogan for his class presidency and I gave him one.  The man of tomorrow is forged by his battles today.  He liked The Man of Tomorrow.  What do you suggest, oh Dark Knight of Gotham?  Superman?"  He scoffed.


Bruce blinked. Blinked again. Cocked a brow. And a slow smile crossed his face. "Actually.."


"You've got to be kidding me, Bruce."


A shake of his head, and a large smile was on his face. "No, I’m not. Hey, Clark?" A quiet call.


Outside, as he got coshed by a stray snowball Ellie tossed his way, he heard Bruce. And smiling at the squealing, laughing girls, he scooted inside and up the steps, tracking in water, mud, and dirt. Up to the second floor, where… oh, Bruce and his lover. He smiled from under his wet bangs, beaming at the two happily. "Hey, what’s up?"


"Christ, that’s cool."


Lex frowned.  "You don't call him like he's a dog, Bruce."  Then he smiled at his lover.  "We're discussing costumes and names, and Bruce wants to run something by you."


"He didn’t call me like a dog." Clark chastised, then shared a smile with Bruce. "It is cool. What ideas?"




A blink. "What?"


"Yes, he did."  But if Clark wanted to let it go, he would.  He slipped his arm around Clark's waist.  "Superman.  Your heroic alter ego, in whatever suit we're going to create for you."


"Superman." He blinked... blinked again. "Superman. Super. Man." Blink. "Superman. You know, that’s not half bad. Is it too pompous?"


"Not at all," Bruce shook his head. "Because you are. You're a super human, and you're a man, unless you hid your breasts well." A smile lit his voice though, at the gentle tease. "Superman. How do you like it? It’s much better then Batman, anyway."


"I like it." Clark smiled, then, widely, and his eyes went wide. "Hey, oh! Okay. I have this really nifty blanket my mom gave me a couple of years ago. Iroquois blanket, that belonged to the ancestors on my dad’s side, who lived here way, way, way before us. Nathaniel and Mary Glenowen-Kent." He beamed. "It’s got like, kind of an S shape symbol thing on it... it represents a snake, the symbol for healing. But... you know, the S, and the Superman, and... yeah. Cause... yeah." His eyes were lit, and he was beaming... and yeah, so maybe he did a little dance.


"At least it's not Snakeman," Lex grumbled quietly, and rummaged through his desk until he came up with a photograph of Alexander the Great's breastplate.  Fucking thing had more rhinestones on it than Liberache's coffin.  "Looks something like this symbol?" Lex asked, holding the picture up in the air.


Oh, God, and the mental image of a bejeweled coffin made Clark burst out laughing... holding a palm to his mouth until he could calm himself. God, Lex's thoughts were about ten times more amusing then what came out of his mouth, and he was still giggling as he looked at the photograph. "Hey! Yeah! That...uh huh! Except without the, you know, jewels."


"Whatever happened to... I don't know, Lex... I can't exactly see myself going into battle with that on my chest?"


"Well not that particular piece of armament, Lex." Clark scolded. "Hello, I’m gay, I’m not a pride parade, as you've so humbly put it before."


Lex had to laugh.  "Okay, okay.  No jewels, but a big S in the middle of your chest."  Lex sighed.  "No rainbow colors either.  Blue and red, because that's the only shades of flannel I've ever seen you wear."


Bruce cocked a brow, but kept silent, humming innocently as they continued up the steps. "I want to see these designs." And then he smiled. "I thought it would be black. Hmmm. Blue and red... that can’t be slimming."


Clark grinned. "My mother. She doesn’t buy anything other than the three primary colors, and yellow is only once in a while. So I’m kinda stuck.  I think my mother is completely racist towards green and brown and black. Though, I did pilfer a green t-shirt from the beach, cause my dad gave me some money for it." His smile was very, very happy.


"My vote is for black, Bruce.  I have this beautiful black and silver ensemble--based on one of your early, very early, Batsuits.  Black boots, silver wristbands, high neck, silver lined gray cape."  His arm was around Clark's waist as they walked up.  "I'll buy you any colors you want, though my own tastes tend to lean towards the purples and the blacks."


'Ensemble?' Clark mouthed at Bruce.


Bruce barely kept the grin out of his voice. "That sounds nice, Lex... but Clark... he doesn’t come off as a black wearing kind of guy. I think the blues and reds would work nicely on him." A resolute nod.


"Superman." Clark said it again...fitting it into his mouth. Oh, wait'll his mom heard, she was going to die. "Superman. I like that."


"Fine, dress him up like a gay maypole," Lex grumped, pushing open the door. "Basic black is always good for any occasion, even saving lives.”


He just grinned, and dropped a kiss to the back of his lovers head. "You’ve never complained of my maypole before."


Cough. Choke. Laugh, Cough. "Ah... anyway, lets see the designs. I hope you've got a cape. A good superhero needs a cape."


"Heeeeee!" Clark did another giddy dance on the hardwood of the floor. "I’m a superhero! That is so cool!"




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