
The Memoirs

Smallville fanfic by Kel and Diana

Chapter 70: How To Win a Mountain Man

 Graham almost fell off the bed at the muffled shout from the bedroom that his brother shared with Lionel Luthor.  "Christ, Jesus, is everybody getting laid but me?" He mumbled to the ceiling.  Not that he exactly had had the inclination to be since his wife died, but still... with his family?  Sometimes it seemed that he really was the only one not getting laid. 


And then another thought, reminding him exactly why he was sleeping in a guest room--Toni was sleeping in his.  And that thought wasn't entirely unpleasant.  Since he'd been awakened by the god-awful noises, he rolled to his feet, and quickly got dressed before going in search of the lady doctor.


His bed was a dream. Huge... queen sized, with enough leg room that she could spread out on it like an island. The sheets were like water, cool and silky against her bare skin, and she sighed. She'd been sleeping here, waiting for the streets to melt enough so she could get home. The dam, despite someone’s being able to… well, dam it, had leaked, and frozen ice and water was everywhere. Or so the radio said.


She was inclined to lay here and keep sleeping. Eleven a.m.... she had some time.


Toni rolled over, onto her belly, hugged a pillow that smelled exactly like a certain mountain man, and dozed again.


Graham swallowed hard.  The bedroom door had been cracked open, and his knock had gone unheard.  He'd pushed the door open just enough to see if Toni was still in the room or had gone and oh.  He'd gotten glimpses of beautiful, smooth, and creamy skin as Toni shifted in her sleep, and he sighed, softly.  God, she was beautiful.  He pulled the door closed, jumping slightly when it thudded in the echoing hallway, and walking a few steps down the hall.  He wasn't going to wake a sleeping beauty like that.


Her eyes blinked open. Uht oh. She looked up, just as the door closed, and scrambled from the sheets. One of those sheets went around her, covering what needed to be covered and then some, and she rushed to the door, opening it again. "Graham?"


Her hair was utterly mussed, eyes heavy lidded and sleepy, but she held the sheet to her chest, wrapped about her body tightly. "Hey… Graham, its alright sweetie, I’m up. I was just being lazy." She smiled. "You need some clothes?"


"N--No," he said softly, turning around to look at her.  "I just--wanted to see if you were up yet.  If you needed anything.  Coffee, breakfast, ride back to the hospital, whatever."  He stuffed his hands in his pockets and kept his eyes on the floor.  "I didn't want to wake you up when I saw you were sleeping."  He couldn't stare at her; that would be rude.  But good God... she was beautiful.  Just... yeah.  And he felt a fire in his stomach, for the first time in a long time.


"I'd like some coffee, sugar." A smile lit her face, and she invited him in. "Come on, it's your bedroom, I’m just imposing on it. You can keep me company while I get dressed." And she disappeared back into the bedroom.


He absolutely could not do that.  "I'll go down and get the coffee and bring it up to you, how's that?"  There was no way in holy hell that he could watch her getting dressed in his bedroom.  No.  Way.  Just... not happening.


She peaked back out… just her head and a single bare shoulder. "Come on, Graham." A bite of her lip. "Don’t be shy, sugar."


It was fairly obvious she was wicked... but this man, he brought it out in her. Some men brought our her sweet nature, other men brought out the tiger... and Graham brought out the flirt. She decided she really liked it.. really, and she was going to flirt until she got her way. "I'll hide in the closet, how does that sound?"


Graham almost reached out to touch the bare shoulder she stuck out of his doorway.  "I'm not shy, Doc... just..."  Prudish? his mind volunteered.  Prim?  Proper?  Uptight?  "...not sure I should."  Hiding in the closet... no.  Unless she could completely close the door and break the mirrors.


"You're a very intriguing man, Mr. Senatori." She could see the twitch in his arm, and her entire shoulder and neck tingled. He wanted to touch her. Whooaa buddy. Her belly went to water and she held in the sigh… instead snaking her fingers through his and pulling him in. "Come on, sit down, sweet pea. We'll go downstairs together... a girl can’t be proper in a sheet."


She'd had a few things with her at the time in her medical bag… including her toothbrush. So she stepped into the bathroom and closed it a bit, leaning a crack open so he could see the wall. The sheet fluttered down to the floor, pooling at her feet, and wasn’t it a thrill being naked with him a room away? "Is Shane feeling any better? I hope the fever went down."


He knew he'd given in as soon as her fingers laced through his and pulled him inside.  "Okay."  He didn't have the will to argue with her, and he dropped down on the side of the bed, and couldn't help running his hand over sheets that were still warm from her body.


Bad, Graham.  Bad.  No biscuits for you.  Behave, he told himself sternly. 


"Shane's feeling much better, thanks for asking."  He saw the sheet fall down through the crack in the door, but thank God he couldn't see more.  "The children's Tylenol you had in your bag really did the trick; I'm lucky you had it.  He'd stop crying if Lionel could pull his dick out of my brother's ass and get in there to see him."  He said it before he thought, and then clapped his hand tightly over his mouth.  "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said that."


The laugh escaped her before she could stop it. Long and loud, and she had to spit the toothpaste out of her mouth. Oh, dear Jesus.


She poked her head out, baring her shoulder and the top of one breast, and he looked so mortified, so embarrassed, she had to laugh again. "Sweetheart, it's alright, I’m a grown woman, you know. I’m clear on what Lionel and Dominic do." She smiled at him, winked, and went back to washing her face. God, wasn’t he pretty sitting there in the bed she'd just rolled out of. Tall and muscular, and really, the words came out before she could stop them. "When do you think you and I will enjoy that particular activity?  As for Shane, it was a teething fever, darlin'. He'll be alright in a day or so when the tooth breaks through... the top one. The bottom's not coming out for a while. Just keeping putting that baby Orajel on him and he'll be alright."


Graham's blush deepened as he heard the laughter, and then, when she poked her head out... okay, that was almost it for whatever vestiges of control remained.  "Yeah... I know you're a grown woman."  He got up off the bed when she asked when they'd be doing what Dominic and Lionel were doing, and he walked over to the open bathroom door.  "Toni... there's only so much teasing this man can take," he said, letting his hand rest on her bare shoulder, thumb rubbing the side of her throat.  "Especially when the woman's as beautiful as you are."


She looked up at him, eyes twinkling, and it was so very tempting just to show all… for him to pull her up into his arms, throw her on the bed, and have his way with her and my my, wouldn’t she have enjoyed it. But the time wasn’t right, not nearly yet, and she wasn’t a tramp that opened her thighs to anyone. It was a gift that was won, and though this great gorgeous hunk of man was close... he hadn’t quite got the prize yet. So she just smiled prettily, sweetly, and murmured, "I think there’s a whole lot more teasing that you can take, sweet pea."


Then his hands had to slide onto her. Oh, Christ Jesus. They felt exactly as she'd imagined… heavy and rough and gorgeous. He slipped that talented thumb over her throat, and well, she wasn’t so sure she hid her pounding pulse from him. "Aren’t you a pretty thing."


"Isn't that my line?" he asked, his thumb still stroking over her throat and feeling the rapid beat of her heart under his touch.


Then he kissed her.  Soft, chaste, and fast, her chin held in the fingertips of his other hand as he pressed his lips to hers and then pulled away quickly.  "Less than you'd think, maybe," he whispered softly.  Her skin was so soft, mouth even softer, smooth to the touch of his rough hands and he stepped away before he did anything else. 


Oh, my God. Didn’t he know how to take a woman’s legs out from under her? She grasped the door, and felt... felt his mouth slide over hers. As soft as a dream and just as quickly over, skimming over her lips gently. His beard didn’t feel scratchy but baby soft, and she ached to grab him by the ears and rub that beard all over her body.


Helloooo, nurse. She had not had these feelings in quite some time, and their resurfacing had her barely keeping the whimper in her throat, where it belonged. "I… oh." She cleared her throat, eyes foggy, and looked up at him. "Yeah, sugar. It's gonna be sooner then the both of us expected." And she quietly closed the door to finish getting ready.


Graham had never been so glad to have a door shut in his face before, and he sat back down on the bed.  He couldn't believe what he had just done.  The feel of her skin still lingered under his fingertips, and the barest taste of her still lingered on his lips. 


Yeah... it was going to be soon.  And Graham was very afraid that it wasn't going to be nearly soon enough.


Ten minutes later, after having sufficiently calmed herself and slipped into the clothes Lex had said she could use, Toni stepped out. Slender, long jeans that were a little big in the waist, but they were comfortable. A dark blue sweater that had to be a mans, and she smiled at the man sitting on the bed where she'd slept. My God, and her belly went to water again after she'd carefully put it back together.


But she smiled, and offered a hand, pointing to the door. "Coffee, shall we?"


Graham smiled up at her as she held her hand out.  "Coffee... sounds great."  The clothes looked good on her, he had to admit.  "Blue's your color," he said, taking her hand and putting it through his flannel-clad elbow.


Which she used, quite suddenly, to drag him down and claim his mouth for her own. She leapt, using her wiry strength for good and wrapping her legs around his waist. She clung like a burr, tight and hot, and when he took gently before, she ravaged now. Just a kiss, just a kiss, but this wasn’t merely a hot mating of lips... this was… oh, God.


She felt a cry build up in her throat as her mouth and her powerful, talented tongue slid inside and tasted. Took, gave, pouring everything she'd ever felt inside of that hot, gorgeous place that tasted like something dark and exotic and sexual. His beard was so soft in her fingers as she grabbed, held tight, and brought him in for a deeper kiss. She thrust, as she was so good at doing, her tongue deep inside, moaning now in her throat and giving him just a taste of what he was going to have.


Graham's arms wrapped tightly around Toni's waist as soon as he felt her legs wrapping around him.  He didn't think to tell her to stop, to go away, didn't think to do anything but kiss her back.  His back slammed against the wall but he didn't care, barely felt it as his mouth opened and her tongue took a long, hot kiss.  One hand slid up her back to tighten in her hair, stroking down over the back of her neck and back through the soft curls of her hair, cupping her head delicately and holding it.  Utter, pure, hot... Heaven.


And she leapt down. Enough. Enough, because she'd felt arousal, in both of them, and it was time to stop. Oh, but she couldn’t help taking another kiss, softer and sweet, and looking up at him from her short height. A clearing of her throat... yeah. So he'd been a wall, that had hummed around her like a live wire, waiting to pounce.


But his gentle fingers in her hair... that gave him high marks, and she was flushed, smiling as she looked up.  So what if there was a slight wicked curve in them? "Sorry. Had to."


"Glad you did," Graham murmured softly, hand raising to stroke her cheek, fingertips brushing gently over slightly puffy lips.  "Don't be sorry."


"I’m teasing you." And yeah, her grin was priceless. "I actually did mean to."  God, I want more with you then a holiday romance. "Just a taste."


Graham growled softly in his throat, but it sounded more like a purr.  "That's a dangerous thing to do to a man who you've just kissed like that."  He pressed his lips to her forehead, and let his arm go around her waist.


So long, since anyone wanted to hold her in this particular way, and her sigh, throaty and soft, made her want to do a dance in the hallway. But she let go, flouncing in front of him and down the steps, and with a tossed smile over her shoulder, walked away.


~  ~  ~


Shayla sat on the bed she'd shared with Pete for the past--damn, five days, or thereabouts.  She clutched a little brown teddy bear to her chest, hugging it tightly as she watched Pete pack.


To go.




She found herself very not ready for him to go.  "Pete... you sure you gonna be okay?"


"Yup." He hadn’t said much since he'd started getting his things together... and he hadn’t started getting his things together until it no longer looked well for him to stay. The blizzard was gone, the snow was clearing, and it was time to go home and see how he could help his mom pick up what was left of it. "I'll be fine."


And he would. He'd finished crying… finished feeling anything other then numb. He smiled when he was supposed to, laughed when he was supposed to, and looked angry when it was called upon him. And he hid himself, as he was so good at doing.


The guilt was eating him alive.


"You... you want me to come home with you?  Mom'll let me, I'll tell her I'm going to help with your little brothers and keep them occupied while you're helping your rents," she pled softly.


He shook his head, gently. "Nah, it'll be alright. Sammy's good with Andy and Jack. We'll be alright." He laughed a little. "They were happy to see their GI Joe's, so my ma told me."


"Then I'll tell her I'm going to help you and your rents out, cleaning up and stuff."  She just hugged Ferdinand tighter, cause she already missed Pete, and he hadn't left yet.


"No, Shay. You gotta stay here... take care of Ellie, help your aunts. I gotta do this." His bag was in front of him, already loaded with underwear and clothes... and he slowly sat beside it, and her, on the bed. "Thank you, Shay."


"You're welcome," she said, dropping the bear and wrapping her arms around his waist.  "You're very welcome... I just don't want you to go, that's all."


"I know. But hey… we'll see each other at school… and we'll go out with the guys. We'll go out… and stuff. Okay?" He gently stroked her hair... allowing himself to bury his nose in it.


"I'll hold you to that."  She rubbed her face in his shoulder.  "S'only a few more days... c'n see you this weekend sometime too... Christ, I sound like such a girl."  She sounded slightly disgusted with herself.  "Sorry... you don't need this."


"You don’t." And now he offered a little smile, and tugged her face up. "Its gonna be cool. I'll call you as soon as I get home, okay? Don’t be sad, Shay." He swept his thumbs over her cheekbones.


"Do too."  She looked up at him and gave a little smile.  "Listen to me.  Don't go, Pete, please stay, let me come with you..."  She put the back of her hand against her forehead, which gave her just a second to breathe deep.  "Sound like a girl."  Then she put her hand on his wrist.  "I won't be sad.  I'll just be waiting by the phone."


At that, he couldn’t help chuckling, and he hugged her, softly and warmly. "Now you sound like a girl." But he kissed her forehead and rose, going back to his bag.


He was such an idiot.


"I told you so," she snorted, and grinned, hanging on to her bear.  "Okay.  And Monday?  When we go back to school?  You're elected to help me figure out where in God's name I'm going."


"Meet you right in front." He confirmed, and winked. "You're going to hate it. But hey, you've got four classes with Chloe, two with Whitney and Clark, and three with me. I say you've got it made."


She made a face.  "I'll take your word about Whitney... I just can't shake the big and dumb vibe I get from him." 


"He's a jock, but he's not dumb. I think... he's shy, actually."


"Shy... right.  He's got the linebacker thing down though... still sore from where I rammed into his arm the other day at the Talon."  She snickered, then softened as she remembered what else had happened that day.  "I'm just glad Mama and Graham went ahead and talked to the Principal and got my schedule and everything."  She blinked.  "At least I got gym with you... does that mean I get to see you shirtless?"


When Sam sucked me off.


And Pete looked away, throwing his deodorant and toothbrush in, before smiling at her again. "Naw. Shorts, sure. But not shirtless, till it gets warm again. Gets friggin cold around here in a hurry, you should know."


The second semester they'd be starting without Lana. And his broken heart found a place to mourn for her. The beauty and sweet temperament she'd brought to their little click... even though she hadn’t been high on brains, she'd been a sweet girl. And it hurt him, until all he could do was shake his head. A glance to his… well, his girl, and he offered a wan smile. "You would have chewed her up and spit her out."


"Would of chewed who up and spit who out?"  She bounced.  "Was she mean to you?  Do I have to kick someone's ass?"


He grinned again. "Naw. This girl I used to know...we all did. Sweet thing. You woulda chewed her up and spit her out. She had a… whatcha call it... sweet disposition." And he tugged on a blond curl. "You're tough. I dig that in a girl."


Another huge bounce.  "Oh yeah.  I'm tough like you don't know."  Then she hugged him out of the blue.  "You know... whenever I get around you, all that toughness goes right out the window.  So, who was this girl?  Or do you wanna talk about it?"


"It's alright... Clark can tell you more than me. I didn’t know her very well. Her name was Lana." Another smile, as he looked at her sadly. "She was kinda the girl I told you I had a crush on for a long time."


"Oh, I remember you tellin' me about her."  Shayla left her arms around Pete.  "Didn't she own the coffee house?"  She rubbed his back.  "It's okay.  You don't have to say anything else." 


"Nah, its cool. Yeah, she owned it." A nod. "Its strange, goin' back to school without her. She would always bum a ride off me or Chloe… we'd meet Clark for breakfast. Milk, doughnuts, whatever. And hit school... it kinda made things easier when it was the five of us. But things… they’re a little more complicated now."


"Complicated?" Shayla asked, stroking her fingertips over the back of his hand.


"Complicated." He affirmed, slipping the zipper to his bad closed.


"Complicated how?"  Her voice was quiet, as though she were afraid of the answer.


"Because we're not really good friends anymore. And it makes me sad, cause its gonna be our last year soon. We're supposed to be having fun, right? It’s not fun anymore, and I dunno if... if I wanna make it."


"Wanna make it?"  That troubled her.  "You'll be good friends again.  Pete... come on.  Look... I'll help make it happen."


"Make us friends again, Shay." Softly. "Is what I mean. But... yeah, you know? Clark’s the man. Been my best friend since the first grade. But things are different."


"Hey... c'mere.  Sit back down with me."  She scooted over and made room for him.  "I talked to Clark before the storm hit.  He knows he's had his head up Lex's ass... he wants to talk to you, when you're ready."  She squeezed his hand.  "He knew you weren't ready then, but... you know, when you’re ready."


"He's my friend. I love him a lot." He smiled a little, but shook his head to her invitation. "I gotta get goin', Shay. My rents are expecting me, so we can start putting stuff back together, and start the insurance claim."


"Okay.  But I'll come if you want me to."  She let go of his hand after kissing it, and then smiled at him.  "Just give me the word, baby, and I'm there."


"I will. Thank you, Shay...for everything."


"You're welcome... for everything."




~  ~  ~


"And Iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii will alwwwaaaysss loooveee youuuuuuuuuuuuu and IIIIIIII will always! LOOOOOOOVE! YOUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!"


Grand finale... little twirl and everything. Chloe spun, struck a pose in the shower, and made the crowds going wild noise with her mouth. A nod, a nod, a bow to them, and she rinsed her hair on the bow. The walls had all but vibrated with her gorgeous, harrowing rendition, and she giggled and beamed as she stepped out of the shower stall and struck a pose for her boyfriend at the sink.


Whitney grinned as his girlfriend struck a pose against the wall.  "You're beautiful, Chloe.  I'd love you the rest of my life.  But you can't sing a single note."  He grinned as spit out toothpaste and water.


She threw her head back and laughed, setting her mic, a scrubby sponge on a wooden stick, back in the shower as she wrapped a towel around her body. "Don’t deny a woman her singing!"


Even as she struck her pose she was walking over to him, and kissing a soft, freshly scrubbed shoulder tenderly. "I love you, my HeroMan." She was never going to let him forget his heroism of just a few days ago. Never. Her baby had helped Lex get the trucks from the garage, and rush all of those hurt people to the hospital. Regular man of action, was her lover.


He blushed.  "Didn't do that much.  Just drove a little bit."  He wrapped an arm around her waist and kissed her.


Chloe reached up on tiptoes and pressed a single kiss to his nose. "No you didn’t, and you know it." And she scooted off, into the bedroom, grabbing the clothes she'd laid out on the bed and starting to wriggle into them.


He blushed again.  "Just tryin' to help people, Chloe... not a big deal.  Didn't do nothing that nobody else did.  What about you, you did great helping Shayla with the kids and making sure parents and kids got back together."


"You take the cake, sweetie." She said it with a beam through the open bathroom door. "You. I can’t believe I’m dating a certified hero." She pretended to swoon, falling on their disheveled sheets and giggling.


He giggled, and swooned on top of her, then rolled onto his back.  "You know, we gotta blow outta here soon... none too soon.  I like your bedroom better than this one."


"Yeah..." She blinked around at the antiques and old money that permeated the furnishings. "Reminds me of a museum." Splattered next to him was comfort, so she didn’t bother rolling on top of him… simply taking his hand and looking at the high, ornate ceiling. "You know, I like my bedroom better too. And I like yours best of all." Blush.


He snorted.  "Have you even seen mine lately?  It's like... Guy Central.  Jackets and jeans thrown all over, football crap hanging on the walls, trophies and stuff..."


"And your bed smells like you." Softly, and her eyes danced. "I want to be covered in Whitney blankets and Whitney sheets."


Whitney blushed.  "You... you can... you can come over any time you want."


She glanced over now, linking one of her shorter legs around his, and smiled. "I love you, Whitney."


"I love you, Chloe."  He snuggled down beside her, and pulled the blanket up.  "For all the heaters in this damn house... these rooms don't stay warm for shit."


"I can make you warm." Whispered softly against his ear. "In fact... I’m pretty sure I can make you.." Her fingers tip toed down. "Very warm."


"Oooh..." Whitney hissed softly as her fingers slid down.  "That would be--"


There was a pounding on the door, and Shayla whipped into the bedroom and landed on the foot of the bed beside Chloe.  "We need to talk."


All Chloe saw was a sailing blond and her fingers snapped away from Whitney’s little... at attention soldier, blinking and turning her head to look right into Shayla's face. "Sweetie, there’s a thing. Its this amazing thing… not very technological, but you can take it as you like. Its called the Knock. You know. You rap these very interesting things called knuckles against any surface that happens to be closed, and you bellow if people are about to start making out."


"I did knock, you just didn't hear me," she said.  "We need to talk.  I need help.  Advice.  Whatever you wanna call it."


"Shayla, blow!"  Whitney was half-hysterical, clinging tightly to the sheets so that Shayla didn't get an eyeful of something that she shouldn't have seen.


"Seen Pete's, you got nothin' to worry about," Shayla said, and turned her attention back to Chloe.  "Please?"


She gnawed on her lip...unable to help a grin, and glanced at Whitney. She leaned in, pressed a cheek to his flaming cheeks, and then smirked at Shayla as she sat up. "Alright, come on. We can go over to the little living room two doors down."


Chloe climbed to her feet from the elegant, sinful sheets, and padded in her too long jeans to the door. "C'mon, leave my boyfriend in peace."


"Okay, cool!"  Shayla bounced off the bed and followed Chloe.


"CHLOE!" Whitney bellowed plaintively.


"Look, do you really want to hear your girlfriend telling me how to give Pete a blow job?" she demanded.


Chloe nearly went pink. She tried to hold the laugh in… she did, but her boyfriends face was priceless, and she burst out laughing as she grabbed Shayla's hand and dragged her away, door closing on his sputtering face.


Whitney was sputtering and stammering as the door slammed in the bedroom, and he dropped his forehead to his knees.  He was going to be so, so very glad when she left Smallville.


Shayla followed Chloe easily.  "Okay, so, you'll help me, right?"


"Well, duh. But don’t embarrass Whitney anymore!" She chided her friend, wagging a finger at her. "He's got a gentle spirit. You mess with him and he might melt into goo."


"I open my mouth and he gets embarrassed!  I can't help it!" she protested.


"He is a boy, after all." Chloe opened a large wooden door and pushed in...a fire and a warm couch, plus a thousand or so books. But besides that the room was surprisingly chic and bare. Her bare toes felt fabulous on the thick Chinese rug, and she was pushing her blond, wet locks behind her ears as she plopped on the couch. "Okay, start over."


"Start over? Oh, yeah.  Okay.  So... I need help.  I need you to help me figure out blow jobs.  I know what to do, just not how to do it, cause... okay, no experience."


"For... Pete?" Chloe blinked. "Pete's with Dick. Unless you've got a penis, sweetie, I don’t think..."


"Don't think," Shayla said.  "Dick's with Bruce, and Pete's with me."


Her eyebrows lifted. High. "What?"


"You've been out of the loop," Shayla nodded.  "Okay, long story, so don't interrupt.  After Pete and Dick took me to Metropolis to buy a vibrator, you guys showed up at the Talon with Bruce Wayne.  Bruce went after Dick, Dick took Pete home but Pete, being the angel that he is, convinced Dick that he should be back with Bruce because Bruce is Dick's one true love or whatever, which means that Pete was left brokenhearted, but that's where I came in at... he and I--we started making love, and I want to learn how to give him a good blow job because of something he said to me."


Another blink. Blink. "Okay. So... Bruce and Dick. I went with Lex to Metropolis to get him... I just... yeah. Loopless. With the storm, and everything, Whitney and I have been hiding out." She dropped her head onto one upraised knee. "Crap." Because very suddenly she was aware of the pain one of her best friends had to be in, and her eyes filled. "Is... is Pete okay?"


"No, he's not.  He's not okay at all." Shayla rested her chin on her knee as she wrapped her arms around her legs.  "He's hurt, bad."


"Oh...Pete..." ANnd those filled eyes overflowed, tears trickling down her cheeks as she pressed her palm to her mouth. "I wasn’t... I didn’t know, Shayla, oh God. Where is he? I need to go talk to him. I’ve been… b-been so wrapped up in Whitney, that I didn’t... oh."


"He's on his way home.  Promised he'd call me when he got there."


"Oh, Shayla. I didn’t mean to, you have to know how much I love him." She was trying not to cry, and her fingers were trying to rub away the tears in her eyes.


"I know.  I think he knows.  He said something before he left bout how it wasn't the same anymore... stuff was more complicated cause you and he and Clark weren't such good friends anymore."  Okay, so maybe she was exacting a little revenge on Pete's part, rubbing a little salt in some open wounds, but somebody needed to stand up for her sweetie.  "But I told him, I'd make it happen for him again, I'd get you guys to be friends again."


Oh, it just made her cry harder. She pressed her face into her knees, and wept for having hurt one of her closest, sweetest friends. "I should have b-been there, should have... oh, Shayla, I’ve been a bad friend, I didn’t.... it’s been so wild in my life, and..." Oh, Christ. "I have... h-have to talk to him."


Shayla reached out and tentatively put her arms around Chloe's shoulder.  "C'mon.  It's okay.  When we all get back to school, we're all going to still be in the same classes together, and hey... Monday?  Let's all have like, breakfast or something, okay?"


She sniffled, hard, rubbing her cheek against her upraised knee. "Pete was the first person who talked to me when I came to Smallville. No one wanted anything to do with me... with my faux fur and purple lipstick. And he... he just came up to me, told me to lose the crazy, and he took me around. Showed me my classrooms, introduced me to Clark… e-everything." Sniffle.


Shayla rubbed Chloe's arm.  "Know that feelin'.  He was the first one around here that wanted to have anything to do with me, too.  Talked me outta the pink and everything... check it out, we're both blonde now."  She sniffled too, just a little bit.  Cause... okay, hey.  She's a mushball.  "He misses you, that's all, and y'all gonna be friends again."


She sniffled again, and raised her own arm to wrap around Shayla's neck, and hug tight. "I f-feel so bad. I want to talk to him right now… but he probably hates me."


"He doesn't hate you, okay?  He's just on his way home to help put stuff back together again.  Tell you what... he promised to call me when he gets home, and I'll tell him that you and me and him and Clark and Whitney and Lex are all gonna meet up somewhere Saturday, okay?  That way... you all can talk."


"Yeah! Oh...b-but he hates Lex, Shayla, hates him sooo much. And if we get them in a room together, they'll implode, I swear."


"Hey... he was talking to Lex, okay?  He was talking to Lex during the whole relief effort thing, and plus... you know, there's me.  I'll distract AJ if he gets too bitchy."


Chloe sniffled again--Christ, she hated being a girl. She wiped her cheekbones, laughing at herself, sniffling and rubbing the tear stained fingers on her jeans. "Look at me. God, I’m such a waterfall." Another few sniffle's, and she was okay. "Definitely. I want to talk to him, Shayla. Clark and I both, we've got to."


"It's okay.  I'm a girl too, even though I can't stand sounding like one."  She rubbed Chloe's shoulders.  "You'll get there, you'll let Pete know how much you love him."


"Shay," Snufflesniffle.


"Yeah, Chloe?"


"I’m so buying you a teddy bear for this."


She had to laugh.  "He can be Ferdinand's little brother." 


With a smile gracing her lips, Chloe hugged her new friend. Tightly.


Shay hugged her back, just as tightly.  "Feeling better?"


"I am. I’m sorry, sweetie... I don’t get worked up like this. Ever." Chloe heaved a soft sigh. "What...what is it that you needed? Blow jobness? Are you... you and Pete, like..."


"Don't be sorry.  It's okay, I cried when Pete left, so... you know, girls get to be girls and all that."  But then she blushed.  "Yeah.  Me and Pete.  Like... doing it.  Like bunnies.  So... I need to know how to give him a good blowjob."


She watched her friend for a long moment, and wished for ice cream. This was an ice cream type of conversation. "You and Pete are having sex? But didn’t he and Dick just..?"


"Yes, and yeah.  But... you know, that's kind of why.  He says I make him feel good, and that I help him forget the stuff that's bothering him.  And he's... so sweet, and I just... I love him so much, Chloe.  I know that sounds so stupid and girlie and stuff cause you know, known him a couple weeks at the MOST, more like about a week, but... I just see myself with Pete and little Petes."


"I know. I know the feeling." Chloe tightened her fingers around Shayla's, and squeezed. "That’s how me and Whitney are. That first date... I just knew. I knew he and I would have the picket fence and the babies and the mortgage. I just… I knew."


"Yeah, that's it exactly.  I look at Pete and I see all that stuff and I didn't even know I wanted it."  A deep sigh.  "I know it's weird.  But... yeah."


"And if that’s how you are with Pete, the only thing you've got figure out now is it he's like that with you. Pete's such a sweet guy, he's wonderful, and he'd give you such a good life. But Shay... so soon after Dick?"


She nodded.  "Yeah, I know.  And I know, soon after Dick.  But if it's not that way with him... then that'll be okay too."  She nodded again, stiffer this time.  "It'll be okay, because I just... want Pete happy, you know?  And if it ain't with me, then that's cool, cause I'll still get to be his friend and hang out with him.  But... yeah."


"Well... if you say you're going at it like bunnies, Shay..." She smiled now for her friend’s sake. "Yeah. I mean, Pete's into it, then. He doesn’t give the sex to just anyone, I should know."


She grinned, widely.  "Yeah, I gathered that.  He didn't--he didn't want to be my first time, but I begged him for it.  He couldn't say no."  Then she blushed.  "After that... yeah.  Even after Graham dragged me off him, Pete and I were just... yeah.  Joined a little lower than the hip."


"Graham...your brother? Found you?!"


Shayla nodded.  "I... um... happened to be riding Pete, at the time.  Graham sorta... dragged me off by the hair."


Chloe slapped her forehead… looked at Shayla between her fingers… and burst out laughing. "Holy. Mother. Of God. Have you no shame at all?"


"Why?  I mean, seriously?  What should I be ashamed of?  Making love to Pete?  Hell no."


"But your brother found you! Shayla! That’s so embarrassing! My God, you were riding his...--no, I refuse to think Pete has a dick, thank you very much." But Chloe was still giggling, and leaned in to give her friend a kiss on the cheek. "You're something else, you know that?" She giggled. "Come on, do you want pointers or not?"


"Oh, I know I'm something else."  She bounced in the chair.  "Hell yeah.  I want lots of pointers; I want to give Pete the best damn blow job he's ever had."


"Again, I’m not thinking of Pete with a dick, thank you."


"Why not?  He's got a damn nice one."  She made motions with her hands, approximating the size.


"SHAYLA!" She covered her eyes with both hands. "Don’t DO that! Pete does NOT have a dick, as far as I’m concerned!" She'd almost added Clark in there, but… yea.


"Yes, he does!" she yelled back, grinning.


She sighed. Heavily. "Alright, what is it that you've been doing first?"


"Licking," she grinned.  "Licking the head, and down the shaft."  She perked up.  "C'mon, I'll borrow Whitney and show you.  You can point out what I'm doing wrong."


"No! Okay, NO." She glared. "Is he...circumcised?"


Shayla pouted.  "Um... not to sound like the dumb virgin here, but... what's the difference?"


"Okay. See, a good friend of mine told me this once... I didn’t know the difference either. She used this truly horrific analogy including baloney, and let me tell you, I haven’t been able to eat it since." Chloe heaved a sigh. "Basically, the foreskin has been taken off. It's like--and this is where the icky analogy comes in--it looks like the guys dick is wrapped in a slice of baloney. The shaft isn’t showing. You with me?"


"EWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!"  Shayla shrieked.  "I'd rather listen to Clark's tadpole story!"


Chloe barely...barely kept a straight face. And she'd have to ask Clark about the tadpoles later. "Shayla, please. Is Pete... you know, or not? Does he have an Oscar Meyer wiener?"


Shayla fell off the couch laughing.


Chloe grinned and looked over the edge at her splattered friend, eyes dancing sweetly as Shayla rolled with laughter. "Sorry, that one I couldn’t help."


"You... bitch!  I'm never going to be able to eat a hot dog with a straight face ever again!!"  She snorted, trying to control it.  "I can see this now... Graham asking me... Shayla Marie Senatori, what the hell is so funny about a hot dog?  How the hell am I supposed to explain that, huh?" she demanded, eyes streaming as her sides ached.


Chloe propped her chin on her hand and grinned down at her, eyes dancing. "I would kill to be there when you tried to explain it to him." But she grinned again and lay her cheek on her hand. "So, dish. Is he or not?"


"No, he's not."  Shayla stayed on the floor.  "My Pete comes totally unwrapped and ready for consumption."  She had a feeling she'd be better off down there anyway.


Oh, she squealed, cheeks flaming, and buried her face in the couch pillows for just a second… before sighing and looking over the edge again. "You are so going to hell."


"You started it, Miss Oscar Meyer Weiner!"


Oh, she was giggling. "Come on! Take this seriously, I’m giving you a lesson in cock sucking here!  And I promise, no sour krout will get on your fingers unless you want it there."


She puzzled that one for a moment, and then grinned.  "I am taking this seriously, and I want it to come with all the toppings." 


"You will." She grinned again. "Alright. Lets give you a lesson. The top... its called the glans penis. The head. Looks like an almond... or an ugly mushroom. With me?"


"Mushroom, please, and yes, I'm with you.  I can actually suck the head into my mouth, but that's about it."


"You don’t have to do much more to get a guy off, sweetie." She smiled again, eyes dancing. "Okay, the outside perimeter of the head is called the corona... It’s skin that joins the head to the shaft. Kay?" She nodded. "It’s the most sensitive part of a guy. Ever. Follow the ridge around the head, and you'll get to a spot where the two ends of the corona join. It’s like... yeah. I can get Whit to come just by tapping that spot a handful of times."


Shayla's eyes were serious as she catalogued the information.  "Right.  Got it... the skin that joins it.  But how do you suck it all down?"


Chloe shook her head. "You don’t have to suck it all down to give a good blowjob, sweetie, that’s what I’m saying."


She blinked.  "Okay, so what's all the rage about deepthroating then?"  Then she paused.  "Maybe I should be asking AJ.  I mean, he's got a dick and he sucks them, so... you know, he's got both sides of the story."


"Deep throat--" She coughed. "Deep throating, ah. Well, its fun. I haven’t mastered it yet, but--Shayla! Hello! That’s my best friends dick he sucks! God!"


She'd seen it herself, and gave a harsh little tremble.


"Think of it this way, this might help. know, when a guy gets in you...I mean, it feels good, and it feels full and nice, but its not as good as you going at it with your fingers and your clit. Right?  Same for guys. Except the head of their penis is their clit. The shaft serves no purpose other then to be the spear for the big prize."


"But he's still sucking it!" she pointed out.  And then she blushed.  "Um... I don't know.  Pete... okay.  Pete just... knows what to do.  I'd never... you know, got off, really, until him.  Until he ate me out the first time, that was... yeah.  First time.  So I'm hitting from a very thin base of what I've seen on porn vids and what I've actually experienced here."


"He... oh." Her eyes were wide. "Why couldn’t you get off?  Is it never tried?"


"Yeah," she admitted quietly.  "I mean, I did try, a little, but... hell, okay, he and Dick took me to buy my first vibrator just the other day and it's still sittin' on the dresser and never been used."


She just... blinked. "Wow. I mean… I’ve been masturbating since I was like, thirteen. Why didn’t you ever?  You really don’t need a vibrator to get off, Shay." A solid nod. "I mean… it’s just fun, you know?"


She looked at Chloe.  "Okay... my one sister?  Lindy?  She's like... mother age.  No way.  My other sister?  Gina, the supermodel?  Like she's around long enough for me to ask her anything.  You saw how Graham reacted when he found out I was having sex, Riley's always in Metropolis with Marie, and okay, Morgan?  I love my brother to death, but he's gay."


She winced. "I’m suddenly seeing your dilemma. Well....I mean, have you--" She winced again. "I don’t want you to feel uncomfortable, Shay, so if I’m asking way too many questions just tell me, okay? But I mean... you haven’t explored your body?"


"You're not, and hello, this is me here.  I had a list of questions a mile long I was gonna ask Megan before, when she gave me and Pete the whole safe sex lecture, but she left before I got a chance to.  So, no.  And okay... yeah, I have.  Kind of.  I mean, I know I can do things like suck on my own nipples, and stuff like that, but otherwise?  Didn't exactly know what to do."


She bit her lip. "Okay. I have an idea. How comfortable are you with me, Shay?" Chloe was already climbing to her feet. Better to ask her lover about this before doing anything.


Shayla shrugged.  "I'm sitting here discussing Pete's dick with you... how comfortable do you think I am?"  She grinned, and started getting to her feet too.


"Come on. I don’t think Whitney will mind." She took her friends hand and padded back to her bedroom. "Whit? Baby?"  Over her shoulder. "I’m going to show you how to do it, Shay. Are you okay with that? Its not cheating, and I’m not going to touch you. Okay? Sweetie, you need to know how to pleasure yourself. If you don’t, you're never going to take anything you do with Pete for the full joy it can be."


"Okay, I'm easy."  She followed Chloe obediently into the room, fixing a sunny grin on her face.


Whitney wised up.  With a wild Shayla on the loose?  Shorts.  Shorts were the order of the day, and he'd slid into them before sliding back under the sheets in the bed.  He jumped half a mile, though, when Chloe dragged Shayla back into the room, and his mouth fell open when he heard what Chloe said to Shayla.  Okay, what?  "Chloe?  Yeah?  What you need, baby?"


Shayla's eyes got huge.  "Oh.  Yeah, I'm okay with that, totally.  I just... wow.  Yeah."


She looked at her boyfriend firmly. "Shayla has never masturbated. Ever." She glared at him. "That’s not living. So I’m going to show her how to do it, and you're going to get out."




"I’m going to show her." And she softened. "If that’s okay, sweetheart."


"You... you... and her?"


"I’m going to help her. I’m not going to touch her." She sighed softly, and looked up into his eyes. "Trust me, Whitney."


"You... um... okay.  Yeah."  That snapped him out of it.  "You know I trust you, baby, I just..."


"I love you." She reached up and kissed him softly, and smiled... before her eyes widened. Oh. His cheeks were flushed? "What’s wrong sweetie?"


"I love you too, Chloe."  He just flushed a little deeper.  "Just... um... you know.  Girls.  Together."






She burst out laughing. "Is that why you're all... ohhhh." She shot a grin at her friend. "Told you he was shy and sweet, Shay."


Whitney just grumbled and blushed further, pulling the sheet up over his head.


Shayla blinked, and what she said was a hell of a lot bolder than she felt.  "He can watch."


Chloe's eyes widened again, and she glanced to her with a blink. "Are... sweetie, are you sure?"


She shrugged.  "Yeah, why not?  I mean, if I can watch Pete and Dick go at it, no reason why he can't watch."


"You...Pete and Dick?!" At that, Chloe's eyes were saucers and her mouth was hanging open. "Okay. See? Wow. You did not."


"Yeah, I did.  They went at it in the back seat of Dick's black Camaro."


A slap of her hand to her face. "Pete doesn’t have a dick, remember?" Then back up to her lover. "Sit down somewhere, and don’t embarrass her. You embarrass my friend, I have your balls for super. Clear?"


"Pete does too have a dick, a nice dick with no wrapper," she said. 


Whitney nodded, and moved from the bed to one of the chairs by the big fireplace, scooting it back into the corner and making himself as small and as quiet as possible.  


Now this is what wet dreams were made out of.  Not every guy had such a wonderful, beautiful girlfriend who would take a pain in the ass friend under her wing and teach her how to masturbate and let her boyfriend watch. 


"Whitney doesn’t have the bologna either. It's actually nice. How big is Pete?" Conversationally, as she squirmed out of her jeans and let them drop to the floor. "We'll stick with underwear on, kay?" She helped Shayla sit down and kept talking. "The first time Whit and I had sex, I thought he was going to skewer me."


"Pete's... big.  Dick's bigger, though, when I saw it, I was like... okay, no way is that gonna fit, but it did."  She sat down on the bed beside Chloe, and kept talking.  "First time I saw Pete, in the car, I was like... no way that's going inside me.  Pete said he was about five, but no way... Dick was right, it's more like seven.  It's huge; sometimes I can feel it right here, in my belly."  She rubbed her fingers over the bottom of her stomach.


Whitney was dying.  Pete was a great guy, fun to hang out with, but he didn't want to hear the dimensions of Pete's cock.


And then he took a deep breath and calmed himself down.  Stop acting like an asshole, you asshole, he chastised himself.  You are not going to take advantage of this situation, stop it right now.  If Chloe's showing her how to do this, no.  Besides... you don't go on another man's road!  He smiled at Chloe, even though she wasn't looking at him, puffing up proudly when Chloe talked about their first time.


"Yes! Oh, I am so glad I’m not the only one who does that! Whitney’s about 9, give or take. I thought he was going to rip me in half, but he knew, you know? He's a good guy like that. Showed me how to put a condom on him, the whole nine. Hee, sorry, pun" Chloe beamed at her friend as she squirmed back onto the sheets. "Okay, I’ve accepted Pete has a dick, okay? I just don’t want to think about it." And she giggled. "Riding is the funnest, I’m glad you've done it... even if it was interrupted. That’s just… eeee. There’s nothing like looking down and knowing your guys about to lose his nuts."


"Oh, man, tell me about it.  I just... I thought I was going to die.  That's... that's how we did it the first time, too.  Pete got me... he got me on top of him, let me slide down and everything, so he wouldn't hurt me.  So I could find what was comfortable."  She had to giggle.  "You're so not the only one who does that."  She resisted the urge to turn around and look at Whitney.  "Wow... that's huge.  How... okay, how does it fit?  I mean, Pete barely fits in me!"


"Don’t ask me. I couldn’t tell you the answer. I’m tiny and everything, too, and that first time... oh, I was so nervous, but he knew exactly what to do. My friend, the same one who told me about the foreskin.. .she told me once that girls are built to withstand having kids, so cocks aren’t a problem." Chloe scooted back on the newly made bed...then squirmed, got up and made sure the door was locked before leaping back on the bed, giggling as it bounced her around.


"Yeah, but there's one fundamental piece of logic that doesn't work there... kids come out and cocks go in."


"You're right, there." Chloe shifted a glance over her shoulder at Whitney, eyes dancing before she leaned back into the covers. "C'mon sweetie, get comfortable, before Whitney explodes."


Shayla crawled up the bed so that she was sitting beside Chloe, and wormed her jeans off, folding them up and tossing them at the bottom of the bed.  "Okay.  I'm as comfortable as I'm gonna get."


She grinned and hugged her, tight, an embrace of friends, before laying back. "Here, lay next to me… you wont be so shy if you just stare at the ceiling."


For a brief, single moment, Whitney wished that he had a video camera.  His second wish was that Lex didn’t already have everything so he could bribe the billionaire for a copy of the security tape.  But then he shook his head again.  Stop acting like such a guy! he yelled.  Or you're leaving the room this instant!  Didn't work.  Not when Chloe's arms went around Shayla like that.  You're not going to jack off, Fordman.  Don't even think it.  Don't even fucking contemplate it.


"Me?  Shy?"  She returned the hug tightly, and then leaned back, mirroring the position that Chloe was in, keeping her eyes riveted on the ceiling.  There were some interesting patterns in the ceiling spackle... okay.  So she was a little more nervous than she'd let on, but... okay... wasn't every day you had masturbation lessons.


She leaned over, and whispered in her ear, "If it helps you at all, my boyfriend is ready to explode over there in the chair."


"Yeah, I kinda got that impression," she smirked back.  "If I don't know what I'm doing, at least I look hot doing it."


Eyes dancing, Chloe watched her friend, squirming and getting comfortable. "Of course. What other fun is there?" Her hair was still a little damp, and she pulled a bit that had gotten caught under her head over her ear, sighing. "Alright. First things first… you have to get in the mood. Let’s pick a great sex object. Like..." She crossed her feet at the ankle and hmmed. "Heath Ledger?  Or, oh! Oh! Orlando Bloom. As Legolas. Helloooo sexy."


"Oh, Hell yes.  Okay.  Aragorn.  Total hotness.  and Legolas.  Going at it."


"Yes!" Chloe squealed that part. "Legolas and Aragorn. They're laying in bed... with you as the sandwich." And yeah. so maybe she'd been part of a sandwich before, and holy, God, it was hot. "Fantasy is eighty percent of a good orgasm. So... think Legolas and Aragorn, and start running your fingers over your body. Not straight to your tits or anything... just your belly, your sides, your chest, your legs."


And Chloe followed her own advice, beginning to run her fingers over her lower chest and belly, the soft scrape of her fingers on skin mingling with her breaths.


The first thing that Shayla thought of?  Not the hot elf and the would-be king, but waking up with a chocolate-skinned hand tucked warmly between her breasts as Pete's body pressed against her from behind.  His other hand resting hot on her stomach, and she slipped her hand down, fingertips scraping across her tummy as she remembered Pete's fingertips touching her.


She couldn't help the soft whimper.


Whitney bit down hard on his lip.  Chloe's fingertips skipping over her skin, and if Shayla hadn't interrupted them earlier... would have been his hands. 




Two hands... two girls... one for each warm, taut belly--


NO!  Not going to get off on this, remember, Fordman?


Soft whimper from Shayla.


Can I change my mind on that?








Funny how his inner voice was sounding like Coach Walt, and that thought was just unsexy enough to stop it... at least for a little while.


And Chloe was thinking about Whitney. Whitney’s large, soft hands trailing her body...of his warm skin and that mouth that was pliable as melted wax, and twice as sexy. His sweetly murmured words... his way of holding her and making her feel trusted and loved that only he could do.


She let out her own soft, heavy sigh, squirming a little now as her fingers slipped up under the tiny t-shirt she'd kept on... as she didn’t have a bra on. "You can... can do what feels right. Arouse yourself... just don’t touch between your thighs, kay?"


Chloe’s fingers slid over the top of her shirt… over her perky, pert breasts, rubbing the hard nipples through her shirt and trembling. Oh, yes.


"Oooh--okay.  No--no touching between thighs."  She could do this.  Shayla's fingers trailed up between her breasts, over her throat, rubbing a thumb over her lips.  A rub to her shoulder, the spot where Pete liked to lick and kiss, and a quick shudder ran through her body.  "Oh."  She moved her hands again, cupping one breast gently, flicking the nipple through the cloth, rubbing the cloth over the hard peaks.  All things Pete had done to her, all things that she could do to herself, and oh, fuckin' Jesus she felt good.


Whitney was seriously going to have to leave the room in about two seconds.  Because... there was only so much self control that he had, and it was being sort of stretched to it's full capacity right about now.  Sighs, whimpers, and moans from the girls on the bed, hands locked on the side of his chair, unable to make a noise, and... yeah.  Definitely going to either leave or explode one.


Chloe’s own fingers slid inside. Couldn’t be helped. They squirmed and moved up into her shirt, over her bare breasts, and she cupped each one, sighing heavily as she pressed the center of each palm into her breasts and rubbed in. Oh, YES!


She moaned, louder now, trembling hard as she squirmed on the bed. Her fingertips took and pinched her nipples between her fingers, hard, tugging on them underneath her shirt as her hips bucked. "Oh...God, yes." She moaned it, one hand sliding away to go up over her neck...face, through her hair like Whitney always did, and her fingers ached to slide between her thighs. Not yet, not yet.


She caressed her breasts some more...squirmed up a little bit to add weight to them so the tension on her nipples increased as she rubbed the hard nubs. She threw her head back, whimpering, and sighed, heavily. "Okay, Shayla?"


"Oh yeah," she breathed.  Her nails were sliding over her chest and throat, raking gently, her tongue sliding out to wet her lips as she remembered the taste of her lover on them.  She wanted weight pressing her down, needed it, whimpered softly for it before she realized that Pete wasn't there to lay over her and hold her tightly.  Suddenly, she stiffened, but then her fingernails had moved over her breasts again and caught a nipple.  Dragging the neck of her shirt down, Shayla eased the lightly-scratched breast out of her shirt and guided the nipple to her mouth, sucking it to calm the sting.


Whitney gurgled.  He tried to strangle it, but it escaped anyway.  There... she... Shayla had just... motherless fucker this isn't fair!


Chloe caught the action... watched... then did it to herself. She ducked her head, sucking her nipple into her mouth, hard... rubbing and laving it, and yeah. Her free fingers moved down and slipped under her panties, rubbing the flat of her palm against the hairless mound. Ohhh, yes. She squealed around her own nipple, biting it, and her fingers began to want to rush in, but she stopped it.


"Sh… Shay… ready? Relaxed enough?"


Her boyfriend was watching her and this girl masturbate. Good Christ, and Jesus Almighty.


I am going to die, Whitney thought to himself, watching as Chloe did the same thing Shayla had just done.  I am going to have a fucking heart attack, my head is going to explode like in that movie Scanners, and I'm not going to get to see my kids grow up.


All Shayla could do was nod; she was without words for the moment as she rocked her hips on the bed, her back arching just a little as she asked for penetration.


"She's ready," Whitney said, before he could stop himself.


Shayla all but bolted out of the bed at that, startled.  She'd almost forgotten he was there.  "Y--yeah," she said, the startlement allowing her to find her voice.  "Ready."


Chloe looked up, and gave her boyfriend a hard glare, before gazing at her friend. "Okay… y… you ready?" God, she was beautiful. Not that Chloe thought so or anything. ...Yeah. "What you do... I’m going to do it with you, so listen to my voice, okay? If you don’t find it, tell me."


"I will," Shayla said quietly, looking over at Chloe.  "You--you're so pretty, Chloe," she said softly.  "Just thought you should know, before I lost my nerve."


Whitney cringed under the hard glare, want wilting a little under it as he slunk back in his chair.


"You are to." And Chloe leaned over, pressing her mouth gently to Shayla's... in a kiss that wasn’t all together friendly like, but at the same time, really, really was. "Alright... slide your fingers up and down the slit, kay? See what feels good to you... you can pull your panties down a little if you want. Rub your fingertips up and down… massage… just see what you like, f..." Chloe sighed, as she did that exact same thing to herself. "First."


Shayla returned the kiss, shyly, and then leaned back against the sheets as she squirmed her underwear down around her knees, exposing her shaven skin.  Her fingers knew just where to go, pressing lightly at the base of her slit before rubbing their way back up to the top, then back down again, where Pete's tongue liked to tease.  "This feels good," she said, voice deep and strangled.


"Don’t know why you didn’t do it before." Chloe murmured, her own fingers sliding her panties down... and off. She kicked them to the floor and spread her thighs a little, nudging Shayla's leg as she stroked. Her thumb rubbed the outer lips where they met her thighs, fingertips slipping over the wet moisture from the top down, and up again. "Okay...slide your first finger inside… at the top, right where the slit begins. Kay? Slide it in… tell me what you feel."


Shayla bent her leg so that she rubbed Chloe's leg with each stroke, bumping it ever so gently.  She slid it in, and her body shuddered as she felt herself drawing her own finger in.  "J--Jesus... just pulled me in... that... holy Christ."


She couldn’t help it--she giggled. "Is it wet yet?"


He fucking deserved a medal.  That was Whitney's only thought.  He deserved a medal for sitting here, watching these two very beautiful, very hot women masturbating together on the bed in front of him without making noise--except for the one time--without exploding (yet) and without jacking off (yet).  He deserved not just a medal, but a fucking tickertape parade and Presidential presentation!


"God, yes.  Wet... hot... slippery."  Her fingers dipped a little deeper, feeling the slick moisture sliding over her smooth skin.  "So slick."


"Slide up, now...take some of that wetness up. You should feel a bump… that’s the hood of your clit. Feel it?"


Shayla's cry of pleasure was her only answer as her fingertips rubbed against the little bump.


Chloe was... losing her mind. Her fingers were sliding all over herself... wet, hot, following her own instructions as she reached her clit. A second finger dipped in and joined the first, stroking as she always did, even a she waited for her friend... and whimpered. Her eyes slid to her tensed, flushed lover, and she gave him a pouty moan. The cry brought her back to her friend, and she sighed softly, squirming as she rubbed her own. "That… that’s your clit. Feels g-good, right? Rub in circles... feels… oh, yes."


No fucking fair.  Chloe was teasing him--teasing him--and he was trying so fucking hard to behave.  "D-don't tease, Chloe," he gritted out.  "Too much."


Shayla rubbed her clit again, then pressed it gently up against the hood, and almost jumped out of the bed.  Her hips twisted slightly, twitching, and two fingers reached back inside to pinch her clit instead.  "Chl--Chloe, holy fuck, why didn't I do this before?"  Her head rolled over, eyes slightly glassy with sensation as she looked up at her friend.


"Because you're stupid." Chloe managed to grit out, a smile lighting her face before she moaned herself. She began to rub in earnest, fast and tense... then when she heard her boyfriend’s voice, she almost burst out laughing. The giggle that did leave her was gruff and sexual, and she grinned, rolling her own head to him so he could watch her slide her fingers inside of her sheath.... and moan. "Wh… can add fingers, slide them inside yourself, i-if you want, Shay." She looked back at her friend, trembling as she squeezed her muscles around her digits. "Feels good... really good. Rub your clit with your free hand."


"Got that right," Shayla grunted, rocking into her own fingers.  "Need... need another hand," she grunted, rolling her clit gently as she whimpered, twisting herself around and arching.  "Need... need something."  She bit her lip; she knew what she needed.  She needed it to be her lover's hands and not her own, and she sighed.  "Want Pete."  She let go of her clit for just a moment as she slid fingers inside herself, wincing briefly at the stretch and burn but was soon moving easily with two fingers bunched inside herself, as her other hand went back to her clit.


That was it.  Just couldn't stand it any longer, and Whitney raised his hips out of the chair just enough to open his shorts without pinching anything and sighed as his cock sprung free.  His hand wrapped around the hard length, and he bit down hard on his free hand as he stroked himself, once, shivering as the cool air of the room skated across the wet head.


"Want Whitney... masturbating now. Pretend you're alone, he's miles away...but you're envisioning him over and on you… touching you." Chloe whispered. She was thrusting her fingers inside, hard and fast, as orgasm began to approach. She gasped, moaned as her hips began to raise and fall rhythmically, breasts bouncing as she groaned. Oh, yes. Yes.


Heat started from her toes...traveled up her legs, across her torso, and she stilled her fingers a moment... before exploding. She let out a primal, gorgeous cry, fingers rubbing as hard and fast as they could, as she climaxed. Hard, aching whimpers as she came, coming hard and fast around her fingers. She gasped... gagged on it... then fell back, panting hard as she lay strewn out on the bed. "Oh, yeeessss."


Shayla's eyes closed, envisioning Pete leaning over her.  Feeling his hands sliding over her body, moving her hands out of her slit as his took their place, a little rougher and a lot bigger, Imagined his weight pressing down on her and her body rocked with it, slipping the fingers inside her deeper as they worked her clit.  Rolling, thrusting, and her mouth opened, tongue working as though she were kissing someone, whimpering softly and straining for contact.


Whitney trembled as he came without a sound--silent for the first time in his life.  Come shot out of his cock, out of his hand to land on the floor, even a small splash on the footboard as the pent-up frustration came out of his body.  "K--kiss her," he said softly, keeping his voice to a near whisper so not to disturb Shayla again. 


She heard her lover, and keeping her eyes on him, she leaned in and kissed Shayla softly. Her tongue slipped inside effortlessly, and it was what she remembered from Lana. Soft, pink tongue that matched her own, easy taste… feminine and gorgeous. She kissed her, fingers sliding through all that hair that was now such a pretty blond shade, and her free palm slid down to cup a breast small and warm like a peach. She squeezed it gently, rubbing her thumb against the nipple, and whispered into her lips, "Come on, Shay... come on... feel his hands, his dick inside you, come on sweetie…"


The kiss, the touch, that was what she needed.  Shayla returned the kiss, hungrily, arching into the touches as she cried out, her sheath tightening and muscles clamping around her fingers as she came.  Hard and fast, she felt the rush building quickly and then exploding before she could do anything but ride it out.  Her tongue tasted Chloe's, rubbed it in return, licked softly, whimpering and gently twitching her hips as the orgasm died down.


And Chloe, being Chloe, propped herself up on an elbow, looked down at her friend, and grinned. "See? Whoever said we need guys, mmm?" Her eyes danced up to meet her own pretty blond lover’s, watching him with his fingers around his cock. "You okay, baby?"


Shayla mmmed softly, somewhere in the back of her throat, and stretched.  "I did," she murmured.


Whitney just glared at her for that asinine question.


Chloe grinned down at Shayla, pressed another soft, chaste kiss to her lips, and sat up happily, crossing her legs before sliding off the bed. She walked to her lover, hips swaying gently, the shirt just skimming her thighs... and leaned down to give him a hard, passionate, adoring kiss, arms linking around his neck to pull him in and hold her. "You're not jealous baby, are you?" She murmured into his lips... her mouth skimming down his jaw, to his ear.


"Jealous?  No.  But I am going to die from the frustration," he growled into her throat.  "You're going to be the death of me."


Shayla blushed as she remembered Whitney in the room, jerking her underwear up to cover herself and then giggled softly, reaching for her jeans and shimmying into them.  "Ch--Chloe?"


She finished kissing him, eyes wicked cause maybe she had something for him, and looked up at her friend before walking over. "You okay?" She beamed at her, touching her arm. "Feel good? Don’t get shy, okay? Whitney's a dumb boy." And she did giggle.


"Oh... oh yeah.  It feels... yeah.  Good."  She hugged Chloe tightly.  "Thank you."  Then she giggled again.  "Not--not shy cause of that.  He's--Whitney's okay.  Just... you know, he's a guy."


"I know." She hugged her friend just as tightly, and beamed at her when she let go. "This is my good deed of the week, may God know it. I cant believe it was your first time... what a story to tell the kids." Chloe couldn’t help tweaking her hair. "We on for shopping for shoes Sunday?"


"Oh, hell yeah.  Not gonna miss that.  But, come on... we're going to Metropolis.  Because there's exactly five pairs of shoes in the stores around here, and I own all of 'em."


"Deal. I'll supply the wheels, you supply money for lunch. Deal?"


"Deal."  She giggled.  "I can't believe this."


"Sure you can. We're friends, aren’t we? Nothing changed, did it?" And she wrinkled her nose. "Other than the fact that I didn’t give you any blow job tips."


"No, not that... I mean... I can't believe I'm going shopping for shoes with someone who's not my mother."


Oh, and at that she laughed. "Sweetie, you need to get out more often. And I swear," A hand over her chest. "I will be the one to get you out. Now go, get out of here, and let me take care of my stressed boyfriend." She pointed a thumb back at him. "He's going to lose his mind in about five minutes, if I know him right."


Shayla bat her eyes at Chloe.  "If he can wait for ten, I bet the both of us can double-team AJ into lending us the Lamborghini for the weekend..."


At that, she shook her head sadly. "I’ve been trying for the Ferrari since he got here last year. Hasn’t happened yet."


"That's cause you never had me--and the fact that I can go whine to my brother, who will whine to Lionel, who can make Lex give it to us."


"Heee! Right on, sister girl! Make it so, make it so." Chloe just grinned at her friend widely, and looked back at her poor Whitney.


"Okay, so, come on then.  We gotta talk to Lex now.  So if he says no, we have a chance to put the Whine Machine in motion."


She caught her lip between her teeth and looked at Whitney. "What do you want, baby?"


Whitney rolled his eyes and made shooing motions with his hands.  "Go, go, get your fancy car.  My blue balls and I can wait here."


She squealed, pressed a kiss to his lips, then rushed back for her jeans. "Hold on, Shay, gotta put on a bra here." She squirmed and kicked her way into her jeans and into the closet, looking... Looking… found! She snapped the bra into place, picked a nicer blouse, and pushed her hair into twin clips as she stepped out of the bathroom. "Be back in ten, baby, promise," She leaned down and kissed Whitney soundly, gave his cock a stroke, and scurried out with her friend.


"Okay.  We know Lex will never let me drive one of his babies.  But he likes you.  He'll let you drive it with me."


"Yeah right." Chloe looped an arm through hers and trumped down the steps. "How good are you at begging?"


She gave Chloe a wicked, wicked look.  "You ain't seen nothin' yet.”




go to the next part