
The Memoirs

Smallville fanfic by Kel and Diana

Chapter 71: Breakfast at Tiffany's

Dominic was, and would always be, a marshmallow when it came to his family. Until the day he died he would love them, no matter if they were old and gray and ten times a senile as they already were. And that in itself was an amusing thought. He didn’t think he could imagine being sixty years old and bitching with Megan. Didn’t think… or didn’t want to.


As it was, he'd sung and danced with Megan for the better part of an hour while his teased lover got ready to take him to eat. However, as he'd spun her onto a stool, Ms Bird still catching her breath...he'd caught sight of his beloved Shayla.


So it really wasn’t that hard to gather her sulking self up in his arms and spin her into a dance too.


"Morgan Senatori, put my ass down now!" Shayla scolded, but she danced with him anyway.  "Guess I don't need to ask if somebody got lucky this morning, huh?"


"None of your business!" He sang-song, twirling and dipping her low, and in her laugh he heard his father. "Darling, today isn’t a day for pouting! Today is a day for singing, dancing, rejoicing!"


"So says the guy that slept for three days, blockhead." Megan muttered, though a smile tugged at her lips as she sipped from her bottled water.


"Yeah.  I'd say someone definitely got laid."  She dipped with her brother, laughing again as she felt her hair sweep close to the floor.  "Three days.  Damn.  I don't think I could sleep that long.  What'd the geezer do, did he wear you out?"


Lionel had been watching the performance from the stairs, arms crossed over his chest as he shifted uncomfortably, but he had to step forward at that and defend his honor.  "I... am not a geezer," he said firmly.  "I might be an old bastard, I'll even admit to being cantankerous, crotchety on occasion, and nearly always cranky, but I am definitely not a geezer."


Dominic smacked her on the ass for that, but finished twirling her and did so straight into a stool. "What’s wrong with my sunshine? Are you pouting because your young gentlemen friend left?" He rose a brow, plopping down with a chuckle to his own coffee, though his entire body was thrumming with energy.


"Wearing asses out, geezers, and Shayla's sex life. Yes, well. What exactly did I do in my last life to deserve this?" Megan sniffed...then looked up and laughed at Lionel’s words, eyes shining as she offered the pot of coffee. "Hi, Lionel. Sit down, take a load off. Morgan's just over-hyper."


And said over-hyper Morgan smiled ever so sweetly, even innocently, at his lover. "You are indeed... crotchety." A choke. "And cranky. However, I do adore you, though," He sighed melodramatically. "I don’t ever know why."


Shayla plopped onto the stool, mirroring Dominic's sprawl without quite realizing she was doing it.  "Yeah, well, snark all you want to, but you've got your snuggle muffin with you.  Mine had to go home."  She sniffed.  "But, that means... Megan, you and me need to have a talk.  I need to corner you about--"  She flashed a look at Dominic and Lionel.  "--I'll tell you later."


Lionel walked as easily as he was able towards the counter, raising his hand to slap Dominic gently in the back of the head, and then leaned over to whisper something in his ear.  "You love me because you can convince me to wear beads up my ass, in public, merely for you."  Then he straightened, and leaned his hip against the counter.  "If we're going, we should go.  And yes, I am driving, thank you."


He yelped but stuck a piece of his toast in his mouth, leg swinging off the stool cheerfully as he wrinkled his nose at him and stepped on his foot. "I love you because you are, quite unfortunately, the love of my life." A heavy sigh at his sisters. "What must I have done to deserve this." But he linked his arm around Lionel’s waist, gave him his sweet grin, and wrinkled his nose again. "Coffee, sweetie?"


God, if only Morgan knew how alike he and Shayla were. Best of friends, they were, even while killing one another.


And a brow rose. Something was up. Megan was less then dumb, but her brow rose, and she trained her attention on her sister. "Pete will be back, sweetie...welcome to teenage dating. Doesn’t it blow?" Megan nodded, offering her sage sigh, her envelope of pictures under a slender elbow.


Seeing Morgan pale had been the highlight of the morning thus far. "What is it, Shay?"


And Dominic added, quite innocently, "Sure you're up for driving?"


"Oh, please, I walk on my feet all day, why shouldn't you?" Lionel asked dryly.  "Of course I'm up for driving; wild horses couldn't keep me from behind the wheel of my darling."  He sighed.  "I missed my baby girl."


Shayla grinned, but it didn't quite reach all the way through.  "Blow jobs," she said, just loud enough for Dominic to hear.


"GRAH!" He screamed it, leaping a mile and nearly over his lover, before snarling at his sisters. "That is QUITE enough! There will be no teenaged sex talk to interrupt my good mood! Off with you, hellion females of the netherworld! GO! Speak of your blow jobs somewhere else!" And he shuddered from head to toe and made a face at the both of them. "You promised, Meggy!"


Megan was, at the moment, nearly on the floor laughing.


"Its not FUNNY! Why must you TAUNT ME?!"


"It's actually quite hysterical, Jiminy," Lionel said, snickering.  "I actually found your reaction quite more amusing than the subject matter, though are you sure you'd rather not stay and give pointers?"


Shayla had been dying at her brother's reaction, but then, at Lionel's suggestion... "Morg?  Bro?  You're holding out on me?"


Lionel smirked softly.  After all... payback was a bitch from hell.


"GRAH!" He bellowed at the three of them. "I WILL NOT BE TALKING ABOUT MY COCK SUCKING WITH MY SISTERS!" And he pointed a glare at Megan, who had tears running down her cheeks. "You should be ASHAMED!"


"I… I... ar-aren’t you the master?" Oh, and she exploded all over again.


"Ashamed! Ashamed I say! AND YOU!" He glared at his lover. "You should be even MORE ashamed, as it's your cock I suck!"


Megan was going to be in traction before this was through. She was sure of it.


Lionel merely nodded.  "Yes, it is, and you do quite a wonderful job of it.  Especially that little trick with your tongue, right along the edge."  It took a lot more than open sexual talk to embarrass a Luthor, and Lionel was more than willing to share.


"What little tongue trick?" Shayla asked, glaring at her brother.  "I can't believe you're holding out on me, bro!"


Dominic was pale. The blood drained out of his face, and his mouth dropped open.


"Oh, oh, God--" Giggiegigglegiggle. "I can’t… can’t breathe...Morgan, your... your face..." And Megan was at it again.


If it wouldn't have been completely un-Luthor-like of him, Lionel would have whistled as he stood in the doorway.  As it were, he smirked as he leaned over and used the tip of his index finger to press Dominic's jaw closed.


Blink. Blink. And he blinked at his demanding Shayla, his twin who was pink in the face... and then his lover again. "I cannot believe you just told my sister I suck your cock."


Megan was wiping the tears from her cheeks, still giggling and hardly able to talk. "What, you thought w-we didn’t know?"


"NO! Because... because... Shayla isn’t supposed to think those things!" He was sputtering. He knew. "I don’t… I..." And he flamed. Red.


"Dominic, take the stick out of your ass." Megan snorted it, sipping her water again as she fanned herself with one of the glossies. "We're your sisters, not blind."


Dominic just… stared. Looked at his lover. And oh, God, the joke could have been so good. Instead, he merely smiled sweetly, and blinked at his sister. "He screams every time."


"Hello, Morgan, duh!  I've been thinking it ever since I got here!!"  Shayla crossed her arms over her chest.  "I mean... kinda hard not to when the two of you get in the same room together and the temperature rises ten degrees!"


Lionel raised an eyebrow at the sweet smile.  "And so do you, Jiminy.  I'd say we're both quite good on that score."


Another grin, though his cheeks went hot, and he grabbed Lionel, dragging him to the door by the arm. "We're off, girls. Shayla, no more blowjob talk. Megan, burn those pictures. Ms. Bird, pretend you never heard the disturbing sex talk. Just remember--hot chocolate and pretense." And he snickered, going from dragging his lover to slipping his fingers through his lovers. "You're a wicked man."


Ms. Bird snorted lightly at Dominic as he left.  "Chu vould be surprised vhat I forget in dis howse."


"Bite me, Morg.  I need to know about blow jobs.  Mainly, how to give good ones.  Go on, go play with Lionel and let us girls discuss techniques."  She batted her eyes at him.  "Unless you want to lend us Lionel to practice on?"


Dominic blinked sweetly at his sister. "Bite me, Sunshine." And with another smile, he let the kitchen door swing shut behind them… and he bat his lashes at Lionel. "How are you, sweetie?"


"I'm going to either kill you or demolish the zipper of these slacks, but otherwise... I'm surprisingly well," Lionel said.  "I'm actually... getting used to this."


"They get comfortable, don’t they?" The smile was unavoidable. "I wont tell you what I’ve had in mine for extended periods."


"Good, because I don't want you giving yourself any ideas," he said, shifting his body gently as they headed out to the garage.  "I'm happy to oblige you on... special occasions, but don't expect this to be a full time thing; there's only so much overload this old man can take."


"You're not old." He glanced either way, making sure no eyes were peeking, and pulled his lover against the wall of the hallway that led to the garage.


He could feel the nerves shimmering softly under the surface of his lovers soft, gorgeous body as he ran his fingers over those strong shoulders, and a bolt of something slipped into his heart. He brushed his lips over Lionel’s... testing... eyes open to watch him. The wariness in them made his lips curve as he kissed him again, softly. He believed in practicing an art, and if this wasn’t the most wonderful skill of all he didn’t know what it was.


Alright. So. "Lets try that again."


This time his mouth was rough and hot, sinking into his lovers like that crash of waves at the end of a summit. Demand, rough, asked for, arrogant sweetness in the way his mouth took. His tongue plundered any resistance… fighting... taking him in, and grasping all those waves of gorgeous brown hair that made certain Dominic would be having an uncomfortably tight breakfast.


When he broke away he was smiling… looking over that lovely face, and the warmth he felt in it with his thumbs. "Thank you."


Lionel's hands came to rest on Dominic's hips, pulling him in tight to Lionel's own, rubbing and thrusting their pelvises together as they kissed.  His tongue thrust through Dominic's mouth, stabbing deep and tasting harder than he'd ever done before.  His lower body rubbed gently against the wall he was leaning against as Dominic's mouth slowly separated from his, and he leaned forward, biting his lower lip and letting it slide gently from between his teeth.  "You're welcome, my Jiminy."


He mmmed, very softly, and heat rose in his own face. Lips tingling, he could only suck the nibbled one into his own mouth, licking the taste of it away to hold forever in his mouth. He'd be a fool not to feel the reaction his poor lover was having, and he gently rubbed those slender hips, looking into his eyes. "I’m glad you were hurt."


Lionel raised a brow in response.  "Are you?  Why is that?  Give you a chance to stretch your mother-hen wings?" he teased softly.


"And you your bitch gene." A giggle, but he stroked the soft hair from Lionel’s eyes. "I saw a part of you I'd never seen before. I see him now, holding me, see him in your eyes. And a part of the both of us was put to rest, I'd wager." He murmured. "I know you were scared, for a long time, that all we had was sex. 'Tisn’t so...though," and he did blush. "I’ve got this small obsession with your cock." He grinned, broadly. "But I saw you... for you. Stripped to the bare, and that man you didn’t want me to mother hen... that’s mine. Can’t say I don’t like it."


"I do not have a bitch gene," Lionel said haughtily. "But... yes.... and no.  I knew what we had was more than just sex, but what I was afraid of was my inability to express it.  I was afraid that I'd be unable to say the right things to let you know how I feel about you, and without being able to make love to you... I had been afraid that all my ways of telling you so had been lost." 


"You've… you've got this thing." Dominic leaned into the easy embrace, playing his fingers along his lovers jaw and mouth. "This little look you get. Your left eye… here." He brushed his thumb against the corner of it. "It crinkles, every time you look at me, a little crinkle no one else gets but me." And he said that bit with pride. "And your mouth." A nibble at it, soft and tender. "It quirks, whenever I say something particularly dumb, or sappy, and you just look at me like I’ve got the answers for everything. That I am the answer to everything. And... and when we're talking, you spoil me. You let me have my way, and damned if I don’t know it." He chuckled, softly, and looked up into those deep brown eyes flecked with green. "Because you’re a special man. You're so good, and cranky, and I couldn’t love you any more then I do now."


"You are the answer to everything... I just haven't quite figured out how to let the rest of the world in on that little fact yet."  He grinned at the chuckle.  "Yes, I do spoil you.  I spoil you so rotten that you should stink to the highest heaven.  But you are mine to spoil, and I love spoiling you.  I love the smile I get when I spoil you, and the thing I love most is when you tell me that I've given you something that you've wanted, because it enriches my soul."


"Terribly. I roll over and I can sniff how spoiled I am." But he was smiling, brilliantly. "I am yours. You, my lovely one, are mine. And just being with me is enough for me." His eyes closed now, pressing his forehead to Lionel’s for a soft, warm morning cuddle… and his mouth drifted to the shell of an ear, which was so perfect to kiss and nipple. "Our baby will have eyes like yours." The whisper was soft as a breeze into his lovers ear. "She'll have your eyes. The bits of gold and green in them. the shape of them. When she falls in love, that man will see the eyes I see now. And he'll know how impossible that are to resist, and see in them the window to her soul. The good soul, the one we mold because she is our child, and nothing that could come from us can be bad."


Lionel let his forehead rest against Dominic's as he listened.  "She'll be just as spoiled as you are now, and if the man she loves is lucky, he will know to continue spoiling her for the rest of her days, or else I will personally destroy him."  He smiled.  "You're right... nothing that comes from our love is bad.  Nothing."


Oh, he almost choked on the laugh, eyes widening to see into his. "Lionel, darling, you can't have all of her dates roasted to a cinder at the doorstep."


"Of course I can.  That's what fathers do, so I've been told."


"Take care not to roast the wrong one." Even the thought of it made him smile. "And remember, shining the guns while about them might not be the best way to get her married off." He suddenly brightened. Considerably, as their earlier conversation rang a bell in his head, speaking of spoiled to the core. "Baby? We're taking your baby into town? It wouldn’t be that two door orgasm on wheels, would it?"


Lionel merely smiled.  "Bit of a delayed reaction there, dear.  But yes, it would be. My baby."


He let go. Did an entirely masculine little dance. And let out a whoop. "Huuwa! I'll get my coat. Want the leather or the duster?"


"The duster, please.  I'll bring the baby around to the front."  Lionel slipped his hands in his pockets, giving his cock a stroke as he pulled out the keys.


Dominic skidded down the hall, nicely ironed black slacks and a blue-gray button down tucked in with a belt. Yeah, so maybe he liked looking nice with his love when they were going out to eat, despite the time, the day, or the area. He went into the closet, taking out his own wool coat that fell right past his ass, looping his colorful blue scarf around his neck and grabbing the long wool duster from right beside his. Sniffing softly at it, Dominic looped it over his arm and maneuvered his way back to the garage, making sure gloves were in the pocket of both their coats. It was still nippy outside, and he remembered distinctly how locked up he got after being shot from the cold. It wouldn’t do for his lover to be in pain, so he stepped into the garage and offered it, helping his lover into it like the chivalrous man he was. "There we are."


"Aaah, thank you."  Lionel loved the duster that wrapped around his body like a second skin, and the leather driving gloves had been custom contoured to his hands.  He was glad that so far in his life, he'd been spared the ravages of arthritis, but he knew that wouldn't be the case for much longer, especially since his accident.  He flexed his fingers in the gloves, and then slid behind the wheel of his baby.  Beautiful black two-seat roadster with a sable interior, and nobody laid a finger on this car unless they wanted to die a long, painful death.  "Your sister's name... Belinda, correct?" he asked casually, cranking the car.  "And please... tell me you've changed your mind about Denny's."


Dominic watched him flex his fingers in the buttery gloves, and though they both had the same thought, Dominic swallowed his. Flashes of the nightmares roiled to the surface and he pushed them right back down, smiling gently as he slid into the car. Somehow it still smelled like a new car, and he sniffed in the appreciation one man has towards another when it came to automobiles. He sighed, softly, sinking back into the leather and squirming comfortably. The belt buckle latched tightly about his chest and he offered another smile, shaking his head. "No. Denny's it is, right off of Old Smallville. And aye, it is Belinda."


Lionel quietly filed that information away for later, and grimaced as the beautiful car rolled out onto the highway.  "You are determined that you're going to destroy my reputation.  this will probably be the first time that I have ever eaten at... Denny's."


"Then, my darling, you've missed out on a very good part of life." Dominic rolled the back of his head to gaze at his love, chuckling and getting more comfortable. "Remember now, how you balked at my McDonalds. Give it a try, 'fore you give yourself an embolism." But he was snickering, and he leaned over to nibble at an ear. "I’m starved, so step on it. Toast and coffee wont calm three days of not eating."


"Dominic... Tratterham's has a quite decent breakfast menu, and it's only a short helicopter ride to Metropolis," Lionel wheedled.


"Lionel? Make me a promise? Its a bit silly, but if you could, Id feel ever so much better."


"Anything."  He pulled to a stop and looked over at his lover expectantly.


"Get a physical done. Turn your head and cough and all." And his eyes danced, despite the subject matter. "Alright? For me, because you spoil me and you would do anything to make me happy?"


"I just got out of the hospital," Lionel pointed out.


"Yes, I know." But he still gazed expectantly.


"I will call Toni as soon as we get home and arrange it," he sighed.


"Good." He beamed. "I need one too.  Oh!  We can go together!" A wicked snicker. "We can compare dressing gowns, and I’m sure we could give the doctor a lesson in the grab and cough department." Innocence fluttered his lashes at his lover. "So, tell me, beloved. Since I’ve never even seen you eat breakfast food… what do you like?"


"I don't know; You've never seen me eat breakfast food because they all contain unconscionable amounts of fat and grease and such, and I much prefer fruit and coffee, followed by a small glass of brandy, none of which I am likely to get at a restaurant such as the one we're going to patronize."


Dominic stared at him for just a minute before breaking out into a grin. "Fruit and coffee we can do. Brandy... we can’t do, I’m afraid, though I’m sure we can get home before your need for it diminishes proper thought, and aren’t we grumpy today, sir." Big grin. "I’ve actually got a surprise for you."


"If you ask me what crawled up my ass, I shall have to hurt you.  I am not grumpy."


He choked. Literally. Coughed... suppressed the snort, and beamed at him. "I know what crawled up your ass, and what must be, right now, squirming against your prostate with each push of the pedal."


"Yes, it is, thank you ever so much for returning attention to it, when I had just got it out of my mind."  Lionel growled.  "Is this the kind of surprise where I'll call in the bomb squad, or the kind of surprise that's going to make me happy?"


"A bit of both, depending on what the weather did to it." Dominic gave him a sunny beam, from his dark blue wool and his scarf, eyes dancing in his face as he turned more towards him and sniffed again at the lovely new car smell. "I’m excited. About the merger...I dreamt about it, several times. I think its going to be...well, we might have to call security once or twice, but I think its going to be amazing when we go into Metropolis. Amazing for us, not so amazing for the money launderers, I’m quite afraid. Carolyn said she hasn’t said a word, but that there’s whisperings of your return going about the office. Everyone’s on pins and needles."


"And well they should be," Lionel growled.  "How dare those people believe that they can take advantage of me and not pay the price for it?  There shall be a retribution at LuthorCorp like this company has never seen before, Dominic.  I can swear that to you now.  They've not seen a purge like this, and if they thought I was the prince of Hell before... oh, what will they think of me now?"


"That you're the King of hell?" Dominic supplied hopefully. "We should rent a condo there, I hear its good for the tan. Oh, she said she heard Jackson whispering in the coffee room that you and I have been in Tokyo all this time, covering up one of Lex's mistakes. Gable and Anderson have been spreading rumors that you've murdered me and you're in the midst of a cover up. Margaret, bless her sweet heart, thinks you and I have run away together." At that, he grinned. "She's right, in a way. But she's such a dear for being such a romantic about it."


"Apparently, beloved, you're the mask of parental deficiency, a murderer, and a scoundrel who's taken up his young assistant for a torrid affair in the bowels of New Guinea. And that’s just in Accounting. What must they think of you in Marketing."


"Jackson is a moron with his head up his ass; if anyone believes Lex has made a mistake, they need only open their eyes and see that he's been in Smallville this entire time!" Lionel growled.  "Margaret, dear woman... is going to go bye-bye, just as the others are.  Oh... what I will not give for the looks on their faces tomorrow."  His grin was quite, quite wicked.  "Remind me when I get home to make sure that housekeeping has a great many boxes on hand and that we order all of the security force there; I intend to fire a great many people and I want them off the premises in an hour."


Dominic was trying so hard not to cackle evilly, but oh, smiting the wicked was so damn fun. He sobered though, as much as he could, and wagged a finger. "Come now, Lionel. Remember, you've got to be a good boy about this."


"The hell I do.  I own the goddamned company and they've all but driven it into the ground!" Lionel raged.


Oh! He jumped… eyes widened... and yeah, so okay, the vicious thrill of it seeped into his belly before he could stop. "You're quite right. Fire at will, fire at will. Like The Hunt for Red October, only sexier, and on land." And maybe Lionel scared him when he got mad like this. But... in a twisted, dark place in his head he wouldn’t think about right now, it just aroused him. Hee. He was such a slut. "And might I add, you are still quite scary when you want to be." Said meekly.


"And I'm going to be scarier yet, Dominic.  Make no mistake about it."  His eyes were dark, nearly black.  "This company is my legacy, for my son and for our daughter, and I'll not let these irresponsible sons of bitches do any further damage to it than they already have!"  His eyes glittered in his rage.  "They'll be so harshly black-marked that they'll be lucky to find jobs as fry cooks and street sweepers in my town!"


Dominic swallowed, hard, and nodded...not daring to touch him, but daring to speak to him, because that’s what he did. Always. "I know it. I know, sir, Lionel, baby. You've a deep pride in your business, and its the most wonderful attribute you've got. But go in with a clear eye and a clear brain." He swallowed again. "Think carefully."


"Sir Lionel baby?"  Lionel didn't grin, but he chuckled softly.  "I have a clear brain, Dominic.  I have a clear head, a clear eye... and a clear sense of what I'm doing, for likely the first time in my life."


"That’s where you're wrong. You're the most level headed man I know. I just don’t want to see you do anything you might regret later." He nodded it, and swallowed reflexively. "See? You still have the power to have people fear and revel you."


"I cannot see how I am going to regret cleansing my office of every pusillanimous little snake that's tried to bite me," he snarled.


He jumped. Couldn’t help it. "You're not. I’m just... just take care, okay?" A nod, a swallow, and a little teeny smile.


He saw Dominic jump and he put a hand on his lover's knee.  "Do not be afraid of me, Dominic."


"Terrified. Its invigorating." He covered Lionel’s hand with his own and squeezed.


"Don't be--you've nothing to fear from me."  Lionel growled softly.  For all of his blustering before, he didn't like that Dominic was afraid of him.


"The power you wield is terrifying. And damned sexy, might I add." The color rose in his neck and cheeks. "I love seeing you in action. All pissed off, ready to kick some employee ass. It's… yes. Heee."


"You're magnificent when you're like this." And his voice reflected that.


Placated growl that sounded more like a rumbled purr.  "Good.  Because you'll be seeing it tomorrow.  Pack your bags when you get home, make sure Lex and Bruce are ready in the morning, bright and early.  We'll be choppering out at eight; I want to be there at nine when the office doors open."


A little rush flew down his spine, just like it always did when Lionel was about to get down and dirty. He'd missed that feeling, and now remembered exactly why he'd been so enamored with Lionel all those years ago. His lover made him feel significant, even though he was part of a whole. He also made him realize what a tremendous amount of power he had, and what he could do when the right buttons were pushed.


What a rush.


He grinned, but made sure not to make it too wide or his lover would start bellowing again, and instead looked out the window, humming to himself.


Lionel looked over, feeling the smugness radiating out from his lover as he pulled into the restaurant parking lot.  "It's not too late to change your mind, dearest."


"About?  Oh! You mean eating here." And oh, he just snickered.


Lionel resisted the un-Luthor-ish urge to thump him again.  "Yes, eating here."  He cringed.  The entire restaurant gave off an aura of... dinginess.  "I am beginning to be quite doubtful of the overall sanitation of this establishment."


"Lionel, for the love of God. People eat here all the time, do you see them walking out, clutching their bellies, and falling over dead of a heart attack? No. Well, that one time, but I was eight and that was before there were such things like heart surgery." Cheerfully spoken as he got out of the quarter million dollar car, wearing his eight hundred dollar coat and his 9.50 loafers from Wal-Mart. A random pedestrian hit a bump and fell off his bike, but could Dominic blame him? No, unfortunately. This car was... well. Outrageous was the first word that came to mind. "Come now. We eat, we take a walk, you see your gift. Okay?" He was grinning. "And before you ask, yes they have Denny's in Ireland. Where do you think the name came from, anyhow, mmm?"


"You seriously cannot expect me to consume the grease from this restaurant."


"Words, if I remember correctly, that were identical to the ones you gave me before I pushed a French fry into your mouth." His eyes danced.


"French fries are marginally acceptable in the grand scheme of the food pyramid."


Dominic rose a single brow.


"They are created from potatoes, they are drained of nearly all their grease, and sodium--a necessary nutrient to human existence--is added."


"Ah. And what of pancakes? They’re made from wheat, and sugar, also a necessary nutrient to human existence. A bit of maple syrup, right from the trees in Vermont, and there we have it. Pancakes. ...The bacon is a different story." And he mmmmed as he walked around the car to his lover and nudged him forward. People were... well, gawking. "Come on now, love. If you're going to be a part of this community, at least learn how to eat in it."


"It would cause more of a scene to refuse, wouldn't it?"


"Indeed." Another cheerful smile as he opened the door and led him inside.


Grease, pancakes, sausages and bacon... plus the life’s blood, coffee, met him. He beamed... waved at two or three people who called out his name with hello's, and led his lover to a small, secluded table, waving again at Mrs. Rubenstein as they passed, and he bent to kiss her cheek. "Oh, beloved, its wonderful to see you about. Mr Rubenstein, you're looking robust. The both of you. I’m so happy to see you."


Mrs. Rubenstein gripped Dominic's hand tightly.  "Bless you, Dominic... just bless you.  I don't know how in the world we made it to your home, but thank the Lord we did."  Then she turned and gripped Lionel's hand.  "Thank you too, Mr. Luthor.  Everybody knows how you worked with the children, bless you, my granddaughter Melissa can't stop talking about you and your pretty angel wife.  Whatever you said, thank you, you got her to take a bath for the first time in I can't tell you when."


Dominic’s eyes were dancing. Couldn’t be helped, as he gently set a palm on Mr. Rubenstein’s shoulder and looked at Lionel.


"That you did, the both of you." Mr. Rubenstein, ninety-six years old and counting, climbed to his feet and grasped Dominic’s hand firmly... then Lionel’s, shakily but just as strong, and shook it hard as iron. "Saved m'Annie, saved my grandbabies and my daughter. 'm in yer debt. Anything you're needi', you let me or my Annie know."


Lionel returned the firm handshake.  "I'm glad that we could help you, Mr. Rubenstein.  There's no debt to be paid--you're a friend of Dominic's, and that in itself is reason enough and payment enough for me."


And as he was an older gentlemen, he didn’t care anymore about emotions. Life was too good to hide beyond masculinity, and tears filled his eyes as he squeezed once more and sat back down with his wife of 67 years. "Have a good breakfast, the both of ya."


"We will, Jack. A good day to you, and I'll be seeing you down at the lumber house." Dominic took Lionel by the elbow again, barely able to restrain the smile, and led them to a quiet, secluded little both that was made for two. Perfect. Would he have enough room for what he wanted, that was the question. "Baby, the animal in my belly is going to leap out and bite you off at the shoulder if you don’t feed it."


Lionel and Dominic had barely sat down in the booth before a waitress was bringing them coffee.  "We didn't--"


"Yes, sir, I know, sir."  The waitress cringed back from the well-dressed gentleman, and nodded towards the elderly couple she'd seen them talking to on the way in.  "It's courtesy of that couple there, they said all the coffee you could drink was on them."  She handed them two menus.  "I'll be right back with cream and to take your order."


"'ello Kathy." Dominic smiled easily at her, willed her tension away, and grinned. "Thank you, and tell them we appreciate it. And the tart in the corner window? Wrap it up and put it on our bill for them, will you?"


"Of course."  She smiled timidly at Dominic.  "It's nice to see you here; tell your brother Graham that we miss him here," she said with a bat of her eyebrows.  "I'll be right back."  She went to wrap up the pastry for the Rubenstein's, a pair of her favorite customers, and left Lionel and Dominic alone.


Lionel barely touched the menu as he opened it.  "Good Christ," he muttered softly.


He grinned as she walked away, taking a peak at her bum. He was gay, not dead. But Lionel riveted his attention away and he choked the grin… barely, eyeing him suspiciously as he opened his and peered. He knew what he wanted, but he didn’t dare speak up too soon. No... there was enjoyment to be had here, and he planned on having it. "See anything you like?" All you could see was his green eyes and shock of blond hair above the menu.


"Aside from you?  Absolutely not. This is... horrid."


He caught his lip between his teeth, and his eyes crinkled in amusement. "Come now. You can't tell me its all bad."


"No, I'm sure that the quartered grapefruit would be slightly palatable, assuming that it is grapefruit."


"No, sweetheart, its shaved goats udders. In a tasteful, middle America serving cup, one side slightly chipped."


"That's what I was afraid of.  I think I shall satisfy myself with coffee this morning."  Lionel closed his menu with finality.


And Dominic had a mind to order for at least four grown men, so he beamed and closed his too. "Don’t say I didn’t ask."


"I would never say that," Lionel said dryly.


Dominic beamed and waved the waitress over happily, setting both of their menu's down under his palm as he slithered out of his coat at the same time. His very masculine, pretty blue scarf went over his coat, and he squirmed happily.


"Okay, darlin... what can I get you this morning?" she asked, grinning brightly at him.  She stayed far, far away from the glowering, angry man on the other side of the booth.


"Don’t mind Lionel there, sweetie. He's just a bit grouchy... I think something might’ve crawled up his arse on the way over here." He said it with a sigh, not daring to glance over as he spoke. "Stack of... how do you Americans... flapjacks. Scrambled eggs... ah… bacon and sausage. Oh," And he said it smugly. "A grapefruit cup."


Lionel casually reached under the small table, leaning forward, and gripped Dominic's balls tightly through his slacks.  "And exactly what army are you feeding today, Dominic?"


His eyes widened… very… very wide, but he kept speaking, even if his voice was somewhat of a squeak. "And oh, I want… orange juice, I do believe. Make... the eggs on a plate by themselves. Two orders of it. I think… I can put it away." Cough.


"Pancakes, scrambled eggs, bacon and sausage, and a grapefruit cup," she repeated back, scribbling the order down.  "Anything for you, sir?"


"No, thank you.  I think I'm quite fine with my coffee."  He squeezed his handful gently, tugging forward.


"Good God, Dominic.  This man not feedin' you?  Come on home with me, sugar.  I'll make sure you get fattened up real fast."  Kathy scribbled fast, changing his order and adding everything he'd requested.


He closed his eyes… counted to five… opened them and smiled charmingly. "Keeps me in chains, he does. Locked in the closet. Isn’t that a pity?" Another grin, though his eyes were watering, and he kicked out a foot, connecting with shin.


"Well, I don't blame him for keepin' you in chains, sugar, but in the closet sure isn't where I'd keep you."  She winked at him.  "Got a big old king-size bed with four posts on it, just waitin' for a cute little fella like you."


Lionel's own eyes watered at the kick to his shin, but he tightened his grip on his lover's balls and jerked again, a little harder than before as he squirmed away from the kicking foot.


"ThANk you." A cough. Hard. "Thank you, sweetheart, but I’m taken as of the moment." He grinned at her again, and vowed to murder his lover. In cold blood. "However, you should know Franklin's been having the eye, every time you're in the grocery store. Saw it meself just the other day, when I was with my little button of a sister. Anyhow, on with you, and bring my--" My what? My lover? My boyfriend? My fiancé? "My Lionel some coffee, will you? He's cranky as all hell."


Kathy's eyes widened.  "I c'n spike it with somethin' in the back, see if he'll get un-cranky.  Cookie's got a bottle stashed in the fridge for after hours."


He glanced at Lionel, who, you know, had a death grip on his balls. "What do you think, darling? Feel like a buzz?"


"No, thank you."  squeeze.  "Plain coffee will be fine, thank you."


Your loss, sugar."  She smiled at Dominic.  "Be back with it in just a sec."  She walked off in search of a coffeepot.


"Aye, mother of Christ." He shook his head, closed his eyes, counted to ten now… and as soon as the pretty waitress was away, squeezed his eyes as tight as he could, reached over, and yanked on his lover’s nipple ring. Hard.


Lionel barely bit down on the yowl of pain as he jerked hard on Dominic's balls, all playing done before letting go.  "Christ almighty, son of a bitch are you trying to rip the fucking thing out?" he snarled.


He gasped, choked out a wail of pain… and alright, so, maybe it got him a know...yeah. He wiped at his eyes, gasped, squirmed… and sighed sweetly. "Thank you, sweetie. I was hoping I would be able to keep my lust for you at bay today." Happy smile, cheerful as he took a sip of his coffee and hummed. "I've plans for you, Mr. Luthor."


"Dare I even ask what plans?" Lionel hissed in response.


"Do you honestly want to know?"


"I don't know, Dominic... does it involve ripping my nipple ring out?" He barely kept his voice lowered.


Kathy came back with two coffeepots in hand.  "Here you go, sugar."  She poured Dominic's from one pot, and then poured Lionel's from the other.  "And here you go... I got decaf for you, honey."


Oh, God.


He snorted, chuckling into his palm as his eyes danced over his fingers at his lover, barely keeping the giggles in. "You should know, Kathy, he really loves what you and Marla did with the place. Outrageously updated, very nice."


Kathy blushed as she looked at Dominic and then Lionel.  "Really?  You're the first person t'think so!"


Lionel looked in horrification at his lover, and then schooled his face as he looked at their enthusiastic waitress.  "The place looks absolutely... pastoral."


Dominic could do nothing... but something... a little gift for his lover. Here, in front of these people in this small berg on the ass end of nowhere...Dominic rose Lionel’s fingers to his mouth, and kissed the back of them gently. Another cough and he set them down back on the table, rubbing them with his thumb, before drinking his coffee and smiling. "He was just telling me how nice it looks. Very down home and interesting."


Kathy clapped her hands, and then threw her arms around Lionel's neck.  "Oh, my gosh, that's so great!  That's just what we were lookin' to do!  Make it look all... country and homey so it fit in more with Smallville!"  She hugged his neck tighter.  "Anything you want, Mister, it's on the house.  All of it."


A little niceness went a long way. And Dominic grinned at his lover, broadly, eyes twinkling over his coffee cup.


Lionel was board stiff in his chair as this... woman fawned on him.  He glared at Dominic.  Your ass is mine, he mouthed silently.  "Ah.  Yes.  Well.  Think nothing of it," Lionel said, trying to gently pull away.  "I'm glad I could... make your day."


And to Dominic, he had completed his good deed of the day, and squeezed her arm gently. "I told you that loan would work, didn’t I? Bill's a nice man. You've got to get him in here to see the changes and remodeling you've done, darling."


"He's seen it, just didn't think it'uz gonna work out!"  She hugged Lionel again, and smacked a big red kiss on his cheek.  "Gotta tell him now that Mr. Luthor himself done been in here and loved it!"  She nodded stoutly.  "m'serious bout that.  Anything you want's, on us."


Lionel opened his mouth to decline food, and then sighed.  Why in bloody hell not.  "I think I'd like to try one of those grapefruit cups that Dominic ordered, and perhaps a side order of toast."


Lionel’s lover, sweet as apple pie, beamed at him. Two good deeds, and it wasn’t yet noon. Hooyah, he was on a roll. "And bring me an extra fork, darling? I’m going to take him where his taste buds have never gone before. Possibly kicking and screaming, of course."


"You got it, sugar."  Kathy flounced off to drop the order off in the kitchen, squealing about the compliment to the new decor.


Lionel raised his hand to his cheek and stared, aghast, when his fingertips came back red.  "Please, Dominic... get it off of me.  Now."


Dominic was sure, if he didn’t have such good self control, he'd be in stitches. He gently dropped his napkin in a small cup of water and closed one eye, catching his tongue between his lips as he wiped at the smudged red lipstick all over his budding beard and cheek. "Calm yourself, beloved. She's not going to give you rabies."


"Calm... myself?  I have red lipstick on my face from a waitress named Kathy who does not comprehend the concept of personal space in a dingy restaurant where the nicest insult I can come up with is taken as a high compliment, not to mention said waitress is hitting on my fiancée and I am supposed to be calm?"


Dominic leaned over and kissed him.


In front of all the patrons, the waitressing staff, everyone. Just leaned over, and kissed him. Hard, hot, full of the emotion in his heart. Kissed himself blind and deaf and dumb, and when he finally sat back down...he was shocked and pleasured and blinking. He grinned, lips spreading.


Lionel returned the kiss, and when he sat back, he had a mirroring grin.  "Now I'm calm."




And Mr. Rubenstein was smiling knowingly, elbowing his wife and chuckling. "Told you. Been around, know these things. But noooo."


Mrs. Rubenstein rolled her eyes.  "Kids these days," she snorted.  "You'da think they'd learn to keep it at home."  Deep sigh.  "Cute together though."


"I dunno, Mrs. Rubenstein. I happen to 'member a sweet lil thing I usedta take to the country fair'n kiss her like that." His smile was positively wicked in his ancient, old face.


And she grinned right back at him.  "I 'member a handsome young feller myself that liked to kiss me out in front of th'store too."  She squeezed his hand gently, carefully, as it sat on the table.  "'member it lik't was yestiddy."


"Han'some young feller?" He pretended a glare. "Whoin Gods earth were ya cheatin' on me with, eh? Pretty thing like you...still got the mens eye on ye."


"Twadn't cheatin' on you, Jack Rubenstein!" she huffed.  "Yer just'as han'some now as you was then."






go to the next part
