
The Memoirs

Smallville fanfic by Kel and Diana

Chapter 72: Olympus

"Where have you been all my life?" Dominic murmured into Lionel’s lips, skimming his lips to a soft cheek to kiss. The cafe was starting to fill with people, looking for breakfast or the daily luncheon, and rather then embarrass his sweet baby, he took each hand in his and squeezed before settling back in his seat. "I'll tell you, sweetie, being nice to the locals can only be good. See Kathy? She's going to tell Marla what a sweet, handsome man you are." He waved a hand to imitate her, chuckling at the same time. "Marla will tell her sewing circle, which Judge Ross happens to be a part of, as well as a good portion of the women married to men of power in the area. They'll convince their husbands, tell what a wonderful man you are." One of Dominic’s brows rose. "Give it a week, then do something outrageously sweet, like donate fifty thousand dollars to the children’s library on main street." He leaned back again, taking another sip of his coffee as he crossed his legs. "People will love you." He chuckled. "The way to the top is through the women. Usually, bypassing the men entirely is the only way to go. And I just happen to be gay and friendly as hell. Because you don’t know, but you planted all those roses in the window boxes out on main street, to give our recuperating town a dash of color." He hummed.


"I am being nice to the locals.  I haven't had this horrible facility shut down, I haven't cleaned out the town of all the unsavory inhabitants, nor have I lured them all to their deaths in some nefarious plot.  I have been neither demonic or evil, nor have I played Pied Piper to the children of this leafy little hamlet and led them off on some foolish visionary quest."  He sighed, and sipped his coffee.  "All in all, I'd say I've been on my best behavior."


Then he choked on his coffee, inhaling the hot, bitter brew through his nose as it spewed out.  "I..." choke, cough  "I planted roses?"


Dominic’s smile could have broken his face. "Of course. I've got pictures."


"I'd like to know how in the name of God you have pictures."


Dominic hummed in the purest of innocence. "Darling, you leave it to me, and you'll not only be this town’s revered Grinch, but a solicitor of the hospital to read to the children, a visitor of the elderly, and a coffee drinker to support this town’s slightly less then booming enterprises." He chuckled and leaned forward. "Its the accent, beloved. Theirs something about American women and a man with an Irish accent. So when you've got the accent, and the looks," He said quite vainly, and with a silly grin. "And you as a boss, somehow Lionel Luthor come out in white light.  Don’t ask me how--the same thing happened in Metropolis. I shmoozed until my shmoozer had to have a hospital stay."


"You spin so much bullshit you should have a spinning wheel and a pile of gold behind you," Lionel snorted.  "I'll be able to tell our daughter the story of Dominica, who, like Rapunzel, could spin anything.  However, Dominica spun bullshit into PR gold while Rapunzel was stuck with simple straw."


The unmanly giggle couldn’t be helped, as Kathy approached with his food. "Rapunzel had jack on me." He beamed, wrinkling his nose and straightening. "You should see Carolyn when she's at it. The woman has an unnatural gift for bullshit."


Kathy was balancing two trays, one on each shoulder.  "Here you go, hon."  She started unloading food.  A plate of eggs.  A stack of pancakes, with a small pitcher of syrup and a bowl of butter, even a can of whipped cream.  Two plates of bacon, sausage, and hash browned potatoes, and the grapefruit cup.


Then she turned to Lionel.  "Here you go, sugar, this is yours."  She sat a plate with eight slices of toast in front of him, and whole grapefruit, quartered, in a bowl in front of him.  "Now both of you, eat.  You're both scrawny as hell."  She put her hands on her hips and glared.  "Well?"


Without a word, Lionel reached over and confiscated the can of whipped cream.  "I think I shall hold onto this, just in case," he said, tucking it into the seat beside him.


"Hey!" But he wasn’t mad, not really, smiling happily at Kathy. "Thank you, darling, you're a gift. I’m sure we'll be bellowing for more drinks to push all this down, so keep an eye out for a choking man, aye?"


Her grin was just as huge.  The compliment about the new decor had her just bubbling over.  "Hey... Cookie just tol'me that you're the one responsible for them flowers in the boxes out there," she said, nudging Lionel's shoulder.  "How'd you know dat red's m'favorite rose?"


"Merely a lucky guess," Lionel said, sipping his coffee calmly.  "Merely a lucky guess."


Dominic opened his napkin, set it on his lap, and set his food in the easiest, fastest consumption pattern. Because he did indeed plan on feeding the monster in his belly who was growling at just the sniff of good eggs, sighing happily and picking up his fork. Eggs first. Mama always taught him that--there was no nuking eggs; once they were cold, they were for the garbage. He started eating, happily looking up at his lover with all the joy of a three year old met with a dripping chocolate cone. "Can’t go wrong with red roses, gorgeous." Dominic nodded sincerely. "Lionel thought main street needed some color… isn’t it just lovely? It looks so alive and happy, after all that snow."


Lionel didn't move his upper body at all as he viciously kicked his lover under the table.


"They're just gorgeous."  She smacked another kiss onto Lionel's broad cheek for it.  "Wait'll the girls hear 'bout this t'nite. They're all showin' up here for food and gossip, and boy... wait'll they hear this!"


Dominic beamed at her… yelped, but kept the eggs in his mouth with a palm over his lips. He swallowed, choked, swallowed, and offered a watery smile, with a beam. "Anything to make the pretty ladies of Smallville happy." Another choke, swallowing happily and going for a sip of juice as he vowed revenge.


"Y'did, make no mistake about it!"  She flounced off to get more coffee, beaming brightly.


"My sweet little cricket... if you layer it on much thicker, things in this place will begin to smell worse than they already do."


"You don’t mean that." He was already have done with the eggs. Damn, he was good. "Look, though, Lionel. You've made a single lady, who probably wont ever see another job other then this one, happy over the improvements she's surrounded her life in. Isn’t that something? Don’t you feel good inside knowing that you brightened her day, by giving her cheerful words?"


An exaggerated pause, and then a predictably crotchety answer.  "Actually, no."


"Well then, I did. I’m happy for the both of us, because it's not a half bad diner, and they feed the elderly for a very low rate when they can barely afford medication. That, I think, is quite good of them, and I will continue to eat here for the both of us." He smiled, and had another forkful of eggs.


"You are eating for the both of us," Lionel observed dryly. "There's enough food here to feed the proverbial Pharaoh's army."


"Not so much." Eggs polished off, and he sighed happily, putting the plate aside and going for the flapjacks. "Just because you are too proud, doesn’t mean I’m not!" Happily said as he poured on molasses and added some grape jelly. Cause...he did have a small place in his heart for grape jelly. "Did you get to talk to Clark?" A subject change was always good, as he cut his pancakes and started in on them.


"I am not too... proud, merely too health-conscious.  I will gladly pay for your bypass surgery when the time comes, but if you get blue balls during your recovery, it will not be on my head."  He picked up a piece of toast, inspected it, and then picked up a knife and looked for blackberry jam in the small basket.  Finding none, he settled for strawberry.  "Talk to Clark about what?" he asked, buttering the toast and wincing at the crumbs that fell.


He was watching his lover and trying so hard not to laugh, but the subject matter sobered him. "I haven’t gotten to talk to him. About the...whatever it was that happened last week. And your verbally raping him in front of Lex."


"I did not verbally assault Clark in any fashion."


"Indeed you did." His brow rose. "And I did notice he can’t look you in the eye."


"The boy's never been able to look me in the eye," Lionel said gruffly, tossing his knife down.


Uht oh. Cranky. He took a bite of his flapjacks, sighing happily. Sugar. Thank you, God. "Lionel." Gently. "I don’t mean to anger you. What I’m suggesting is you talk to him."


"I have... very little to say to him, Dominic.  On any subject."


He wasn’t easily angered, and he kept his smile on his face as his brow rose. "Really."


"Really.  I believe everything that I've had to say to Clark has been said already."


"As he gave you a sneak peek into the future, gave us the image of our baby girl, I'd say you have a lot to talk to him about. And, as he's your son’s lover, that's even more. He's going to be your son in law. I suggest you say something."


"Such as?" Lionel asked quietly, glaring over the rim of his coffee cup.


Exasperation filled him. Dammit. "Anything. "Hello, how are you", might be a good starting point. "I’m sorry for chewing your head off, though I’m quite sure you deserved it", is another one. "Would you like to watch the Raiders kick New York’s ass", could be a third."


"Hello and how are you is quite pointless, considering what we know about him and we know the answer is I am fine.  Of course he's fine; what could possibly be wrong with him?  I'm sorry for chewing your head off though I'm quite sure you deserved it is equally as pointless, seeing as how I did not chew his head off, though for that stunt with Lillian, I would certainly have had the right to.  I neither know who the Raiders are, nor care who's ass they kick."


"You're an insufferable man, Lionel Luthor." He glared right back, as he polished off the flapjacks with a snarl. "Insufferable, proud, and its a damn shame I’m so in love with you."


Another calm sip of his coffee.  "I am not insufferable, Dominic.  I merely have nothing to say to young Mr. Kent."


You are such a proud bastard. "If you care to keep your alliance with Lex, I'd say you make up something to say. Lex isn’t going to take your coldness towards his mate, as he said, kindly."


"Alexander is not petty enough to hold the fact that I do not converse with his lover against me."  Though that was not at all confident of.


"Really. Do you really think so? Then I’m sorry for you." He pulled over his plate of bacon, greasy, greasy bacon, and just to snub it in, took a big crunch.


Lionel's knife clattered loudly on the Formica table as he threw it back down a second time.  "What would have me to say to him, Dominic? Hello, Clark. I think you're an insufferable little bastard and I hate every second of knowing that you know personal, private things about my wife that no one else does?  How well do you think that would sit with my son, hmm?"


And there it was. Dominic raised his chin proudly, and gave him the hawk eye, never breaking eye contact as he spoke. "That insufferable bastard is the love of your sons life. That insufferable bastard gave us the gift of seeing our child. Of knowing we make it, and I don’t actually cosh you in the brains as you so deserve more then once in a while. That insufferable bastard saved hundreds of peoples lives just a few short days ago. And you hold him in contempt, because he shares this link with your son, and Lex gave him the memory." Dominic nodded, frowned, bit into another piece of bacon as he wiped his hands on his napkin. "Just making sure I’ve got the facts straight."


"That insufferable little bastard, despite all of those qualities, has done what no other single person on the face of this earth has been able to do, Dominic, not even you.  And that is to make me feel violated.  It's as though the most precious memories in my head are no longer my own--they've been violently, horribly ripped out of my head without my control, without my permission."


Dominic was, very quickly, getting ready to get up and leave. Before he did something unfortunate with his fork, and his lover’s forehead. "And it was his fault? That innocent sixteen year old boy? It's his fault that Lex shared with him a memory of his mother?"


Lionel sucked in a very deep breath before he answered.  "I don't care how old--or young--he was.  Any child with a brain in his head should have known that certain memories are sacred!"  He forcibly lowered his voice again after shouting the last word.  "If the memory was truly as precious to Lex as he says that it was, then Clark should have known it would have been more so to me and sharing it like that should have been forbidden."


He set his fork down and sat back, taking a sip of juice and shaking his head. He was too tired to argue with him, and he simply rubbed the napkin over his mouth. "Alright, Lionel. Fine."


Lionel said nothing, leaving the majority of his toast and grapefruit untouched as he finished his coffee.


He didn’t say anything, just finishing his juice and looking at the pictures of paintings on the walls that had been freshly painted. Crossed his legs again as he let his belly digest a little bit, and didn’t say a word.


Lionel leaned back in the seat, as much as the small booth would allow, stretching cramped legs into the small bit of leg space and wincing slightly at the twinge in his back as it didn't like the way his torso twisted to make room.  Deal with it, he snarled to himself.


After another almost ten minutes of silence, Dominic finally looked at him. Studied him for a long moment, as if searching for something.


Lionel remained perfectly still as he felt Dominic's regard on him, eyebrow crooked slightly as he waited for the verdict.


"You're a very mean, pent up individual."


It stung, but he didn't show it.  "You just noticed?"


"I'll love you with my last breath." He glared. "But that doesn’t mean I will agree with you every time. If you love your son, stretch out your hand to what is his life. Clark."


"You know that I do love Alexander," Lionel said softly.  "But there are some things I cannot--will not--do."


"Then there's nothing left to be said." He shrugged and waved a hand to Kathy, motioning that they were done and they needed the check. "Why don’t I switch subjects, and tell you that this weekend while we're in Metropolis, I’m thinking about going antique shopping. There's a collection of vases Ms. Bird likes in the house, and I plan on buying her one or more for her rooms."


"If you'll wait until next weekend, there's due to be the large Antiques Fair Exposition at the Cultural Center," he said smoothly, as though their previous conversation had never happened.  "LuthorCorp sponsors it annually, and I'm sure that you could find quite a bit more there than you could in the stores themselves."


But he didn’t like that. He didn’t like being angry at his lover, and he didn’t like the hurtful things he'd told him. So he reached out, took his lovers hand in his, and made Lionel look at him. "I’m sorry. You aren’t mean, or pent up. I was just angry."


"It's quite possible you're right, Dominic.  It's quite possible I do have a bit of repressed feelings from time to time.  No need to apologize to me for speaking the truth."


"It wasn’t the truth." He shook his head. "I was just angry, and I’m sorry for it. I say things I don’t mean when my tempers been kindled. Forgive me."


Kathy bustled over and laid the check on the table.  " 'ere you go, hon.  Need a last cup before you hit the cold trail?"


Lionel covered the rim of his cup with his broad hand.  "No, thank you.  I think I've had all I need," he said with a smile.


" 'kay."  She popped a piece of gum as she looked at Dominic.  "What 'bout you, sweetie?"


"Hmm?" He blinked, looked up. "Oh,, thank you darling. It was quite good, thank you."  And then back to Lionel, and he saw he'd struck deep. God, fucking HELL. He looked away, back out the window, riling to control his temper and bring it back in as he crossed his arms… not quite ready to go as of yet.


"Well, don't be strangers."  She winked, and walked back off again.


Lionel reached into his back pocket and brought out his wallet.  He pulled out two fifty-dollar bills and left one on the table, tucked under his toast plate, and folded the other into the bill to be paid as they left.


Dominic noticed, but he didn’t say anything, even as his angered heart gave a soft sigh. He finally scooted out of the booth and stood, snagging his coat and starting to work his way into the wool again, snaking his scarf around his neck as he began to button it. The sun was cheerful, winter bright and happy, and the children were laughing on the street as he took his gloves from his coat.


Lionel rose quietly to his feet, slipping into his duster, pulling his gloves on, and finally, picking up the ticket.  He carried it quietly to the register, and when his change was given back to him, he paused for a moment before dropping it into the jar beside the register where a beaten-up shamrock proclaimed the jar belonged to Jerry's Kids.  He pulled his keys out of his pocket again, held the door open for his lover, and exited the bustling little restaurant.


He was still quiet, and he felt… he felt very, very bad. Dammit. He hated when they argued, and hated the silences they had around one another when they did, even when he'd been just his assistant. They didn’t last long... except that one time where he'd had the chauffer killed in London some years ago, and he didn’t expect this one to. If he just kept apologizing, even if his pride choked him. He actually wanted to walk down the boardwalk, but he didn’t quite know how to ask.


Lionel buttoned his jacket up quickly and almost climbed into the car.  Almost, until he remembered something Dominic had said earlier.  "You said earlier that there was some sort of something you wanted to show me, if the storm hadn't destroyed it?" he said, voice making it a question instead of a statement. 


He looked at him, a little, and swallowed… nodding a little bit as he finished tugging on his gloves. "Yes, there is. If you want to... if you have business to attend to back at the mansion, it can wait."


"I've nothing to do that cannot wait until later this evening," Lionel said quietly.  "The later I do it, the less reaction time my employees will have, and I need maximum surprise for my intentions in the morning."


"Well… it’s this way." He motioned his head a little bit, pointing down the boardwalk that went into Old Smallville, where most of the snow on the streets had already been cleared by the massive snow blowers.


"Then lead on, as you know where we're heading."  He stepped up onto the boardwalk, following his lover quietly, eyes flickering over the vacant or mostly-vacant buildings.


And he kind of sidled up next to him… waiting till they were side by side, and without a word, lazed his arm through Lionel’s elbow, and held him tightly as they walked. He swallowed, knowing he could be pushed away any moment, but instead continued to walk down the street, across snow banks, where the trees grew more plentiful along the sidewalk, and the homes became much more massive and gorgeous… old.


Lionel tightened his elbow around Dominic's hand, squeezing it quietly as they walked.  "This neighborhood, in it's prime, must have been a great deal like the one I grew up in."


He squeezed back before finally being able to look out over the homes, sighing softly as they strolled. "They're beautiful. Kind of... of like, old money."


"That's very much what they're like."  Lionel moved one hand to point at one they were coming up close on.  "If you'll look closely, you can see there's quite a bit more glass in these than in the others, and most of it's clear, not colored.  Only people with money could afford clear glass, most times.  The colored Depression glass was much cheaper."


"That’s right.. .your family lived during the time of the depression. Did your parents ever tell you about it?" Asked quietly, as he followed Lionel’s fingers as they pointed to the clear glass.


"Constantly.  I was reminded nearly every day how lucky I was to enjoy the luxuries provided for me--which at the time would have been roughly equivalent to the way I spoil Lex--and that it would be my responsibility to make sure that the fortunes continued to prosper."


"That..." He frowned. "That must have been a horrible way to grow up, Lionel." He shook his head as they continued on, though his eyes followed the clear glass as long as he was able to… trying to imagine it. God, damn. "You were born during the second world war, right? Did your father get drafted?"


"It was no worse than some of the other childhoods other of my friends endured.  In all consideration, I had a surprisingly good childhood."  A wry smile.  "No, he didn't.  It was never quite said how he managed it, but it was a combination of Old World--foreign--money and heritage."


"You had all the money in the world, and you were reminded of it everyday." He offered his own slight smile, looking at him for the first time since they'd began walking. "I didn’t have any money, and I was reminded of it everyday. So in a way, I understand the pressure that puts on a child. Especially you, who from..." You're babbling. "From a young age, were expected to carry on the legacy."


Lionel nodded.  "Imagine my father's upset when I told him that I had no intention of taking up this role in the family's business after I met Jonathan.  He was... less than pleased, might I say, and in some ways I believe it was responsible for his heart attack."


He was quiet for a few more steps.  "In retrospect, as lonely as it was growing up alone... I'm glad that my sister never lived.  I don't want to think what he might have done to her to further his own business... married her off to someone, perhaps."


"Yes, of course. And you also caused world hunger, and the Vietnam war." A sage nod, said softly and conversationally. But the second part shocked him, and his eyes widened. "You had a sister, Lionel?"


A soft nod.  "I nearly did.  She was a stillbirth, and my mother never became pregnant again," Lionel explained quietly.


"I’m very sorry." Quietly, and he squeezed his arm gently, where it was looped through his. "It must have been very lonely... but you had everything growing up. That’s kind of fun."


A quiet, mirthless laugh.  "You would have thought so.  The thing I had wished for the most I never got, and that was someone to share it with.  I had friends, but they all were sent home at the end of the day."  But then he sighed.  "Listen to me.  I'm beginning to sound like Lex, droning on and on about how horrible things were.  My father loved me, though he was a strict man, and I never doubted that."


He didn’t comment. Sometimes, things were best left unsaid. So he held him tighter and walked, turning a left along a long street as he thought over his words. "You have family now. More than enough... my family is your family. Lex...he's your family, too. And… and me. I’m your family. And you'll only send me home at the end of the day if you're angry with me."


"If your family is mine, I shall have to give serious consideration to family therapy," he said lightly.  He squeezed Dominic's hand in his elbow again.  "I'll not send you home, Dominic, don't worry.  If I'm angry with you, I'll merely yell, threaten to fire you, and seethe when you laugh and tell me I'm so cute when I threaten you because you know I cannot carry it out."


"That’s the way of it." He murmured, and looked at his profile with a hard swallow. "I am sorry. I didn’t mean the things I said at the cafe. I know you’re very likely still angry, and I don’t want you to be, beloved." In a quiet place of himself he was panicking, though he refused to say anything. "She meant a great deal to you, and I shouldn’t... its not my business."


Lionel shook his head.  "I'm not angry, Dominic.  I told you at the table, it's quite likely that you're right."


"After all this time, and after all my telling you, you should know its not. I was just angry, and I say stupid things when I’m angry. Lex and I have a club devoted to it. So… don’t think that, okay? I love you, and I’m sorry I hurt you." A nod, a swallow, as he tugged Lionel down a side street.


"Should I be worried that you and my son are beginning secret clubs that I'm not a member of?"  Lionel let himself be pulled down the street by his lover.


"Well, we call it the "I’m at times a blathering idiot" club. I don’t think you need to be part of that, sweetie." A solid nod. "Don’t change the subject."


"I don't know, I think I'd benefit from membership in that club."


Dominic shot him the hawk eye at doing it again… but suddenly stopped, let go of Lionel’s arm, and dug into his pocket for the sheaf of paper he'd folded and stuck in his jeans. He pulled a glove off and retrieved it, looking at him with the wheels turning about in his head. "I had Lex do a drawing. He's quite good with a pencil, might I add." He turned back with his lover, looking out over the overgrown, unkempt, crumbling buildings that were down the hill, and from their perch at the top of that hill it was perfect to see. Eight buildings in all, surrounding a park like central plaza, and a single, larger building at the forefront of it. "Old Smallville's business plaza, long since dead." And he opened the paper, showing Lionel the drawing Lex did. "And what it could be, if you decided to buy it."


Lionel looked over Dominic's shoulder, gazing from his son's artistry--which, even Lionel had to admit, looked professionally done and would have guessed so had Dominic not said otherwise--to the dead plaza in front of them, and back again.  "It does have... aesthetic appeal," Lionel said quietly, looking up at the existing buildings.  "And this makes use of the existing structures without changing them too much, which is necessary because of the fact this is a historical district, or should be if it's not."  Lionel took the paper and hiked the last few steps to the very top of the hill and crouched down, bringing himself to almost the same perspective as the drawing was from.


The breeze billowed out his hair and his jacket as he looked, and he was glad for his gloves as he crouched there, looking.  He didn't say anything, just rolled the paper up, stuck it in the pocket inside his duster, and put his hands together as he looked out.


He was magnificent.


Utterly. It swept up and stuck hard in Dominic’s heart, just how beautiful his fiancée… his lover... his friend… was. His hair caught a bit of the breeze and flew back from his angular, strong face on the wind, curls flying along with his coat as it left the line of his body bare. Then he stuck the picture in his pocket and peered, and Dominic felt something tight and hot squeeze in his throat. He took another two steps and crouched as well, watching him watch the buildings... study them as was Lionel’s way.


He was so in love with this man that he couldn’t think without thinking about him. And he adored him for it.


"Its just something I saw." He said it lightly, looking out as well as he pictured greenery… benches for people to sit and have lunch, a fountain. A face lift to the buildings... new windows and arch ways, and the main building... glass. Modern. Sleek.


"The renovations will be next to nothing, you realize," Lionel said lightly, not taking his eyes off the buildings.  "We've got the most of our contractors working on the plant already--it should be operational by March, by the way.  I can't remember if I've told you that.  That's just in time to switch them to the restoration of the plaza."  His fingers drummed against each other.  "The only thing is we've yet to go before the Smallville city council--or whatever it is they have that is the equivalent of that--and ask if we can rent the property in perpetuity."


"Twenty five thousand a month." Quietly studying his lover, from the lines in his face to the strength in his hands, and how beautiful he looked against the snowy background. "For all eight buildings, and the plaza in the middle. You can put in as much parking as you like, and they're going to give you a good deal on the land for any housing you want to build close by."


"Three hundred thousand dollars a year.  For all this."  He rocked on his heels as he continued his contemplation.  "The parking's not a complication; three decks should suffice."  He pulled out Lex's drawing.  "There... there... and there," he said, pointing out the three locations.  "I want all the houses.  All of them on the boardwalk, and there's another building behind these, the closed down warehouse.  The warehouse will make wonderful studio apartments.  The houses on the boardwalk, condos.  Find out from Lex where Clark... landed?  Arrived? during the meteor shower, and buy it if Lex already hasn't."  He passed the drawing over his shoulder to his lover.  "We'll pay to widen the roads to four lanes from Old Smallville #5 to the interstate."


"Want to see it inside?" He asked it quietly, still gazing at him. Studying this creature that was his.


"Mmm.  Yes.  In a moment."  He was studying the layout of the entire plaza from his perch on the hill.  "I want a small park built here.  Where we are now.  In Lillian's memory."  He steepled his fingers and pressed them against his lips.  "Because I know she's watching this and laughing her ass off."


He smiled a little, and sat himself right on the slightly damp street, watching his lover work and swallowing a little. "We could have a small daycare. For the employee's, to drop their children off." Dominic didn’t look at him now, looking out over the land and sitting, Indian style. "Japanese tea trees everywhere… elms, huge ones, to give the plaza some shade. Perhaps the front of each building can be face lifted… and given a certain look. Windows, a color theme, but they still all match the overlay of the area. Roads..." He pointed to the photo. "Here, and here. Two ways to get in, from the north of Smallville and to the south as well. A fitness center, just as we have now."


"Mmm... yes, a day care, because I don't intend to leave my daughter at home.  She will be coming to work with me."  He didn't blink.  "The daycare center will be in the main building, here," he said, pointing to the glass tower that Lex had created in the drawing.  "We'll have to put in water pipelines.  From Metropolis, but it'll be worth it.  The fountain, here, will be run from recycled water."


"There are a few things already set up in the building for offices… facilities, a kitchen or two. Restrooms, even a board room. The building was Sherwire’s Paints, for about thirty years, before he got bought out in the eighties. And its been here ever since. I imagine there are things like leaks, rodents, what have you, but you can get them cleared out and the building fixed accordingly."


"Hmm.  Yes."  Lionel let his fingers rest against his lips and chin for long moments.  "LuthorCorp really has no idea what it's in for, do they, Dominic?"


"None. None, whatsoever." He finally looked at him again, and let himself smile. "Want to look inside?"


"Yes."  Lionel pushed himself smoothly to his feet.  "I'd like to see where I'm going to be going to work."


He got himself to his feet as well, slowly, mmphing as he straightened and brushed his pants off. " like it? Like it… to keep it?"


"I wouldn't be making these plans for it if I didn't," Lionel said with a small smile playing around the corners of his lips.


"Then for that I’m glad." And he handed him the keys. "You're paid up, from March through August, on rent." And without another word said, he started down the hill.


Lionel looked at the keys in his hands, and laughed.  "You never fail to surprise me, Dominic."


He was trying not to grin. Really. He really was, and he kept a straight face as he kept going, careful not to slip as he stuck his fingers in his pocket. "What’s life, without surprises?"


"Boring," Lionel replied succinctly as he slid down the hill behind his lover.  "Tell me, how long have you had this cooked up?"


"About.." He paused to think. "Three months. I’ve got a hundred sketches in the art pad at home… some from me, some from Lex, a few from Clark. I also have several interior design pieces, from furniture to entire building designs. I’ve also got the architect on speed dial, and he came up with quite a few improvements to make on the buildings." He threw a little smile over his shoulder. "Ever the good assistant, right?"


Lionel just shook his head in amazement.  "Sometimes, I forget exactly how wonderful you are.  And then... you remind me."


"The plumbing team gave me estimates, as did the architects firm and the interior designers I talked to. Pair it with the landscaping, the furniture companies, and the sheer man power to move your entire enterprise here... it would be about fifteen million dollars."


Lionel didn't say a word until they were at the bottom of the hill.  Once they were both on sure footing, Lionel spun his lover around to face him, stared at him for a very long moment, and then kissed him, hard and long.


And there went his soft sulk. He kissed back, closing his eyes as he laced his arms around Lionel’s neck and held on tight. Warmth, searing heat, and whatever pain they'd caused each other today he pushed aside… for this.


Lionel's hands caressed his lover's back gently, pressing him close, nibbling his bottom lip and then moving his mouth altogether in favor of just holding Dominic against him. 


He swallowed and held him tightly, hugging him as he closed his eyes and breathed him in. Snow and cold and shampoo and the cologne he'd been wearing forever but never failed to make him happy, or make him sniff.


Lionel's hand moved to gently cradle the back of his lover's head, holding it carefully to his shoulder.  "You never fail to amaze me, Jiminy."


"There isn’t anything special about me." He murmured quietly, holding him and setting his cheek on a long, hard shoulder, forgetting about their height difference and sighing softly as he got a little closer. "I’m just doing my job."


"Don't say that.  This... this wasn't your job.  All the planning, all the work, that wasn't your job.  That was something you did to surprise me, and I love it."  He didn't let go.  "Everything about you is special, and it makes me special because you love me."


"I wasn’t sure if you'd like it." He murmured into Lionel’s neck. "I did it just in case... I had some time while you were hurt, and got all the plumbing costs together. I’ve got the whole thing at home, when you're ready to look at it."


"We'll look at it together, Monday morning.  Everyone will be out of the house but us, Shayla, thank God, will be back in school, and we will be uninterrupted as we look over it."  He stroked the back of Dominic's head reverently.  "I love it."


"I love you."


"I love you, Jiminy.  Never doubt it."  His mouth pressed a soft, warm kiss to his lover's temple as he was unwilling to let go enough for a proper kiss.


"I’m in a strange mood." He murmured. "I think all that food wasn’t good for my stomach." He sighed softly, lacing his arms around Lionel’s waist and curling in close. "This place… it'll be wonderful. The work, though… its staggering."


"The work is exactly what we need."  Lionel nuzzled his lover, hand slipping between them to gently massage his lover's stomach.  "Everything else has been started new in our lives... this too needs to change."


"It is. Somewhere to start over. We both... need to start over. You, most of all. You've never been this happy, Lionel. In the last few months, I’ve seen the changes in you... you're happier. You're different. You need a new environment, especially out here in the boonies, somewhere fresh, so when you look out the window you see fields and trees and a lake... not the underwear model, or my sister, on the Gap billboard."


Lionel had to snort a laugh into his lover's hair at that.  "I do remember seeing your sister's lovely posterior on that billboard a time or two."  He nuzzled again.  "Yes... I do think I needed a change of environment... a change in my life."  He sighed, then.  "Metropolis will always be my city, but it's simply not who I am any longer.  I'm too old for it; I need the hard work but... I need the quietude as well."


"You do. The city life isn’t for you anymore. In fact... I think its for Lex, now, as I’ve seen the rumblings in him already. He's ready to stretch his arms, I think. It'll happen, when Clark’s off for the university." He didn’t speak for a long moment, cheek pressed to his lovers shoulder, looking out over the building site that would very soon be LuthorCorp… and instead of seeing joy and adventure, as he had, at this single moment he felt an almost overbearing sadness. Perhaps it was just his mood, but he shook it off and looked up with a smile, waving the keys. "Ready? I want you to see the main building needs work, but its truly lovely."


"I'm always ready."  Lionel kissed the wrist of the hand waving the keys.  "Show me, Dominic.  I want to see everything.


Dominic took his lovers palm in his, laced the fingers, and led him down the hill once more. They reached the bottom without slipping and skidding half the way, thank God. He'd stuffed the keys in his pocket...holding his lover back a second as he opened the iron fence that surrounded the compound. "This has to go. Its ugly as sin." A solid nod as he pulled the fence open and stepped in. There was garbage and leaves and snow underfoot...the entire compound covered in at least a foot of snow, and he grinned as he stepped in up till his ankles. "Isn’t this refreshing."


"But not a bad idea, to lock up with tonight.  Perhaps something in wrought iron, with a Japanese flair to it," Lionel mused.  "Or a Greek key."  He grimaced at the garbage, but stepped gamely through it.  "Oh, a walk in the park."


"Come on, be careful. Don’t want you to break something." He offered his hand, and stopped to look out over the middle of the compound, which is what one was met when they first walked in. "Look. Here... a small fountain, and a pool with fish in the warmer months of the year. Trees... tall trees, and thousands of flowers. Little stone walkways, and benches for one to sit and enjoy a meal, whatever it might be." He smiled a little more now, as his dreamers eye looked out over the large expanse. "Cool your jets off... take a smoke."


Lionel shook his head.  "This will be a smoke-free facility; tobacco will be checked at the gates.  I'll not have my daughter's lungs blackened with secondhand smoke."


He cocked a brow and smirked. "Did you know I smoked for fifteen years?"


"Thank God you've had the good sense to stop!" he said.  "But no, I didn't."


"Since I was eighteen till a few years ago. I stopped… because I actually couldn’t afford them, and my Jag at that point." He grinned and shook his head. "Bit of Dominic trivia there, for you. Anyway, then, no smoking. Leave the premises to have your cigarette."


"Remind me when you have your physical to have Toni check your lungs," Lionel growled.  "Why in God's name did you cultivate such a filthy habit?  I never understood why Lex did, either."


"And drank Guinness like a fish, might I add." Serious nod. "Still do the latter, despite my mother’s ravings." Dominic linked fingers with him and started walking down what had to be sidewalk under the snow, to the first of the crumbling buildings. "My brother Graham hated them... so I picked it up, just do spite him. Got addicted in a hurry, and spent the next fifteen years smoking myself dead, as you've decreed." A smile his way before looking up at the first building. "You've eight buildings to make use of, so you can space it out however you see fit."


"I will support your Guinness habit," Lionel said.  "I am thoroughly glad that you've abandoned the other, filthy habit."  He looked at the facades of the other eight.  "Hm...  I'll look at the complete logistics on Monday."


"They're all nearly identical inside, except for the middle one over there." He pointed across the huge courtyard. "The bottom level is completely bare of walls, but for pillars for the main frame of the building. It might be good for the accountants, and their endless amounts of computers. The servers will fit well, too."


"Yes, and the fiber optics as well, for the satellite and data transfers."  Lionel nodded his agreement.


It struck him, quite suddenly, and he looked at his lover for a moment. "I know you're not religious. But I just..." He looked back at the hill over his shoulder. "The road of life takes you in certain places. I was just standing up there, holding you, and I had the worst fear in my heart. Fear of disrupting something you've built... fear of ruining it. But now, here... Lionel, this feels right. Doesn’t it feel right to you?" He shook his head, looking out over the courtyard again. "I can see it in my mind, what this could be. This place... Lionel, this could be amazing. This could be so amazing."


Lionel looked back at his Jiminy.  "Given my reactions of late, and the fact that I said I wanted there to be a small memorial for Lillian... I'm not surprised you felt disruptive.  But here... here, this is our element, nothing to disrupt, ours to make into whatever we want it to be."  He let his hand rest on the back of Dominic's neck.  "This feels... amazingly right."


He looked up at him, quickly. "No. I don’t want you to think that. There's to be a memorial for her, if you want it or not. She was my friend too, you know." He looked out over the empty space again, and sighed softly. "There’s so many possibilities.... there's so many ways this could go wrong. You could go bankrupt, put millions out of jobs all over the world. I’m thankful for Bruce, but the fear is still there." He muttered suddenly. "Now I remember why I hated being 20."


"No... I didn't mean that you didn't want it there.  I meant that you were afraid that you were disrupting something of hers, the last thing of her I had--the life, the work--that I'd created to give her her comfortable life."  He put his hands on Dominic's shoulders and made his lover look up at him.  "Nothing is going to go wrong; it's too well planned, and there's too strong a foundation.  But if you are having second thoughts, Dominic... now is the time to tell me, before things are put into motion."


"I wish sometimes she hadn’t died." A shake of his head, and he lay his cheek on his lovers shoulder, looking out over the courtyard. "I miss her. I don’t want you to think I have disrespect, or would disrespect, anything of her memory." He swallowed softly, and now looked up at his love with deep green eyes. "I'd be a fool to not have second thoughts. But I think...the business would flourish here. It would be hard at first, but once everyone got settled down and settled could be indecently profitable. You'd be so much more comfortable here."


"I miss her too.  Lex misses her terribly."  He was quiet.  "I know you wouldn't do that, Dominic.  I am just... overly sensitive where her memory is concerned.  It is... precious to me."  He brushed his thumb over Dominic's cheekbone.  "Are your second thoughts enough to stop this deal in it's tracks?"


He shook his head. "No. I’m just being, as Ms. Braxton has so lovingly dubbed me, a worry wart. I think it would work, and I have faith in what you're capable of. I’m behind you, a hundred percent."


"Then don't worry.  We will make this work, but... I can't do it without you."


"You always have me, Lionel." He gazed up at him. "Always."


"Then we won't fail."




"Yes, beloved?"


"I’m so proud to be yours."


Lionel drew his lover close to his side, arms holding him tightly.  "And I, my love, am humbled by you, every day."


He grinned up at him, all dimples and eyes. "Only you could accept my over planning, over stressing, nervous self."


"Well... I'd say that we're evenly matched there, because it takes someone neurotic to accept someone neurotic, and I have just as many tics as you do.  Overbearing, ill-mannered, ill-bred... take your pick."


"By the time I’m done, this town will think of you as their saint." Wicked giggle. "Tell me, beloved, what do you think about doing parades?"




Straight faced, as they walked. "Parades."


"Why on God's earth would I need to be in a parade?"


Oh, and he just grinned up at his lover. "That joke rushed right over your head, didn’t it sweetie?"


Lionel blinked.  "What joke?"


"Never mind." He couldn’t wipe the grin away. "Lets go see the main building, come on. Oh, and be careful, alright? Threes some debris over here, I remember from my scopings of the place, and its covered by snow now. I don’t want you to break something."


Lionel shook his head.  "I knew I should have brought my walking stick," he grumbled.  "Could have poked my way through this."


Dominic reached into his coat and took out the folding one the hospital had given him for Lionel in Metropolis. He unfolded it, snapped it closed, and handed it over without a word. A blink. "Ooo!" And he reached back into his coat pocket, coming out with a slightly tattered bag of cheese crackers. "Hooyah, I knew I dropped these in here for something or another."


Lionel had to laugh.  "And I suppose if I asked for a pair of sunglasses and a bottle of bourbon, you'd be able to produce those too, hmm?"


"No...but..." he reached back in… bent over a little as he dug in the big pocket...and came out with the sunglasses. "Bourbon I don’t have. Though," He opened the shades and set them on Lionel’s nose. A mild prescription, because Dominic was blind as a bat, but they'd be alright for Lionel. "There. See?"


Lionel laughed and handed the sunglasses back to his lover.  "Dominic... you are just... wonderful."


"Are you kidding? I picked it up from Megan. Don’t ever ask her for something… she carries about great satchels of purses that she assures me have enough supplies in them to let her survive on a deserted isle for at least a month. And funny, I believe her."


"I believe it too," Lionel said.  "Lillian would do the same, if you remember.  Huge suitcase of a thing."  He shook his head.  "Come on, let's take a look around before we freeze to death out here."


Dominic nodded and pulled his keys from his pocket… quickly unlocking the front glass doors of the main building, and stepping inside. It smelled like asbestos and mold, but he beamed anyway. The entry way had an enormous front foyer, with a large, circular, handsome receptionist area and a large gray, wide pillar behind it. To each side of the pillar were enormous steps leading up to the second floor, and a row of old elevators sat on the left hand wall. Hallways led off each wall, and the floor was done entirely in cream marble.


And on the ceilings, and walls, and pillars that held up the glass... were Grecian gods.


Lionel couldn't help the smile that rolled across his face.  "Artists.  I want artists, Dominic.  These paintings, these murals?  I want them restored and preserved.  They're not to be touched."


"Aren’t they just gorgeous? 'Twas what caught my eye first thing." He beamed at him. "And look, at the floors. All cream marble, as far as one can see. It might be a bit bad when rainy season hits, but for that, there are enormous Grecian style rugs put away in one of the back rooms. Lex wasn’t pleased when I made him roll them out." A snerk, as he flicked the lights on. Enormous lights on wires hung low enough to cast a warm glow but high enough not to impede on the natural beauty of the building. "Look, and see? The glass here, in front, it leads all the way to the fifth floor. The builder built it facing away from the sun, as well, so it won’t be a problem in the summer."


"It's beautiful."  Lionel ran his hands over one of the marble pillars, inspecting the artistry.  "Well.  What do you know."  He looked at the painting under hand.  "The Rape of Ganymede."  He looked at his lover.  "Zeus carried off a much younger, very handsome mortal youth to be his cupbearer, the protector of his thunderbolts... one might say... his right hand."


Oh, he grinned. "I bet he was quite a handsome chap, at that." He walked in, held his arms out, and looked up. "The ceiling was painted by a gifted student from Smallville high some years ago. His names in the records… he still lives here in town, I believe. Anyway, they’re replicas of Grecian art, and what was depicted as such during the Renaissance. All the marble and stone cut outs are from a curator in Metropolis. He had plaster molds made of the gods, and what he couldn’t mold, he had an artist come out and build." He walked to the center, where a statue of Zeus was poised with said lightening bolt. "This one is an original."


"It's beautiful."  Lionel walked around the base of the statue.  "Fitting, don't you think?"  He rubbed his hand over the end of the lightning bolt.  "Come on, let's look upstairs.  And then... we are going home."


Oh. Oh! Ohhh. Dominic had forgotten, totally, about the anal beads, and his eyes widened. "Feeling alright, sweetie?" Big, gorgeous smile as he led him to the steps and started up. Winding, white marble with gray carpet at their feet, as they moved to the top floor.


"I have distracted myself just about as much as is possible.  My sanity is beginning to come into question, and before I calculate pi out any further in my head than I already have... we are going to go home, and I am taking these things out and you, my friend, will not be able to sit straight for a week."


A smirk lit his eyes, and he glanced over under his lashes, a hot flush slipping over his cheeks. "Really? Going to make it hard, beloved?"


At the smirk, Lionel growled, but then...


Oh.  Then.  An idea.


"I take it back, Dominic.  You'll be able to sit just fine... at least until tomorrow night."


"Eh?" Uht oh. Dominic had caught the eyebrow pucker, and the smile, wicked at the edges, that had slid right over Lionel’s face. Oh, God. Something...he had a plan, evil bastard.


"You, my friend... get to suffer today, just as I have.  Me?  I'm going to jack myself off hard when we get home.  You?  Get to watch.  Get to wait until we get back to the penthouse."


His throat worked, hard, Adams apple bobbing underneath his scarf. "Oh, my. You...the penthouse?" His blood began to race...the scar thumb softly. "We're going to....with your toys?"


"Unless you have any... objections."


The flush had creeped out over his cheeks and neck, and he gazed at him with a what do you think? expression. "I’m... I’m up for it. More then up for it. I should say I’m so very, very up for it that at the moment, my pant inseams are screaming."


Lionel reached down and petted the straining inseam.  "Good.  Tell your little friend I'll see him tomorrow night."


Oh. The little touch ignited the flame of lust he always had for Lionel’s gorgeous body, and he trembled. "Not a touch tonight?" Puppy eyes. "Make out with me?"


Lionel shook his head no.  "That would defeat the purpose of suffering, now wouldn't it, Jiminy?"


"But I already did suffer." The puppy eyes became a pout. "Lots. Come on, not even kissing?"


"Not.  Even.  Kissing."


He pouted, sniffed, sniffed again, but sighed and instead found a long fingered hand to wrap his own about. They fit together, male hands that were like gloves to one another, as they finished climbing the first floor and got to the second. It was all soft gray carpet in an enormous room, with glass partitions. The desks had long been removed, and the cubicles were all frosted glass instead of solid walls. It lent to a kind of... airy, sophisticated look. "This is office space, for the clerks and such. If anything, I always resented we never had our own floor in LuthorCorp... always had the Board Members down our necks. Bloody idiots." He muttered the last part, and tugged his love around to keep going back up the steps. "The third floor is the same, but the fourth floor is what will be your office space, as well as the board members own private offices."


Lionel pulled Dominic against him and nuzzled the back of his lover's neck.  He knew the comment about board members being down his neck had to have brought back bad memories, and he didn't say a word as his arms wrapped around Dominic's waist.  "These are beautiful.  I won't want this changed, only updated and repaired... furniture must match it.  And new elevators put in."


His smile was tossed over his shoulder at his love… and so maybe he undulated his ass a little against Lionel’s. It was only fair play. However positive he was that he'd pay for it. He hugged Lionel’s arms about him and kept going up the steps, looking up as they moved. "Be careful... here. The sixth step is a bit rickety--the real estate lady nearly broke her ankle with her pumps. Ah...alright, look." He nudged his lover and pointed.


The receptionist desk was made of creamy marble and glass. It had a spot on the front for the gold lettering of the business, and behind her was fogged, frosted glass that could house the Van Gough painting Lionel insisted be there for reasons Dominic wasn’t sure of... and he'd make sure to ask. Behind the receptionist, facing the glass windows, was a lounge area. "Here...big, buttery leather couches...tables. Vintage lamps from the thirties… perhaps a stylish rug over the marble." He beamed and continued to lead, walking down one of the two halls opposite one another. "Down here, this is where your office will be. It's quite extraordinary."


Twin solid creamy doors pushed one of the most luxurious rooms Dominic himself had ever seen.


The floors were done in the same marble that the entire building had been done in.  Large, stylized columns and arches held up the slightly domed ceiling that had an age-darkened mural of Prometheus' gift of fire to man. 


The four building walls were done in the same ornate wood and gold that the other walls had been done in, and hallways led to large, spacious offices that the desk seemed to be the focal point of.  There were seven hallways that radiated out behind the desk, like spokes from a large wheel. 


Lionel walked down the largest hallway, and ran his hands over the walls.  The biggest hallway had two offices, doors facing each other, with a large, bay window in the wall at the end of the hallway that looked out on the rear of the plaza.


Lionel pushed the door open and looked into the two largest offices.


Empty of furniture, the dust motes danced around in the winter sunshine.  The floors changed from marble to plush velvet carpeting, and the portrait window in the back of the office would be perfect for his desk.  The walls were oak and Vermeer, and the floor was solid and well built. 


The ceilings were high and airy, and it gave the room a sense of largess that Lionel immediately fell in love with.  "This is my office, Dominic," he said quietly, not even sure if Dominic had followed him or not.


"I know." He was right there, right beside him, grinning up at him as he peaked over his shoulder into the room. "I knew it, immediately. The real estate lady agreed. And, alright, want to see something indecently cool?"




Dominic slithered around his lover, walking on the dusty, plush carpet and went around to a small panel in the room. It looked like every other panel, but as soon as Dominic pushed it in, it clicked and swung open. A door. It opened, wide, and Dominic waved him over as he flicked the light on. "For your files. Its a filing room, and on the back wall, there's an enormous safe for whatever it is you'll be wanting to tuck away."


Lionel grinned.  "Absolutely.  This will be my office.  I don't want the domed roof compromised, the mural is too exquisite."  He walked into the filing room, and then rapped on the wall of the safe.  "It'll have to be replaced, of course, or at least, have the lock changed to a digital one."


"Of course." Said while doing a little dance. "I knew you'd like it, I just knew it. This is the most lush of the rooms… the other are smaller, all with the same carpet but none of the fine, gorgeous details. The board room," He walked out of the closet, waited for his lover to follow him, then closed it and pointed to the glass door beside where a desk would more then likely go. "Is right through here. And," He pointed to the door on the opposite side, nearest the window. "That’s where Carolyn's desk will be. She faces any incoming traffic from the elevators and the stairs."


"Is there another entrance to the board room?  I'll not have them all traipsing through my office when we gather.  If there's not, I'll have one added immediately."


"There is." He chuckled. "This is your personal door. There are another four, as this room is near the hub of hallways. It leads from the four main halls where the board members and their assistants will have offices."


"Excellent."  Lionel walked back out into his office and peered across the hall.  "That is your office."  He walked over to the door, and ran his hand over the tarnished gold holder that would hold the name of the man inhabiting the office.  "M. Dominic Senatori, Vice-Chairman of the Board."


Behind him, Dominic did another dance… though quickly calmed when his lover gazed at him. "I was hoping you'd pick this one, as well. Look, inside." He opened the door, and they came face to face with a double room. Not nearly as big as Lionel’s but just as lush; there was a place for his own secretary to be in the same room with him, as well as a few odds and ends that the previous owners had left. Some bookcases, an ancient copier... and what looked to be a slender statue of Aphrodite. "Some things that were left. We can throw it out, or do whatever it is you like with it." A grin up at him. "I can’t wait to start."


"I like the statue.... the bookcases will need to be repaired, shored up... the copier done away with.  Perhaps donated, or sold for scraps."  He looked at his lover.  "Neither can I.  I want this building renovated first, and our offices will be here far before anything else is done.  We'll be working here in a matter of months."


He positively glowed. "So, I did a good?"


Lionel took his lover, twirled him, then dipped him.  "You did excellently well, and if I thought you wouldn't rack me, I'd give you a bonus."


"Cosh you in the brains I would." But he was laughing, hanging on and grinning broadly up at him. Every moment he spent in this gorgeous building he felt better, and better. The pain and fear was gone, and now, here, he felt steadfast and strong. Strong enough to do this, and he looked up at him with excitement and adventure. "I think this is going to be much more fun then either of us planned on."


"I think... you're right."  Lionel's hair was brushing Dominic's cheek as he left him in the dip, and then set him back on his feet.  "I feel... like I'm thirty years old again."


He was grinning from ear to ear. "Me too." And he reached up, caught that glorious, windblown hair in his hands and fisted, eyes molten was he watched his lover. "Outside, when you were crouched down, looking at the building... I couldn’t stop thinking what an utterly gorgeous man you are. Beautiful, strong, outrageously sexy." His fingers tightened as he brought them closer together. "With your hair in the wind and your eyes on the future. You made my belly like water.  You're ever so marvelously macho and chivalrous, you know this, right?"


"You want to know what I saw?"  He put his hands on Dominic's hips and held them close to his own.  "I saw us.  A world, a venture, a place that you and I had built together, something to take pride in and leave to our children--Lex and our daughter."


At the words he couldn’t help choking off the giggle. And it came again...bubbling up in his throat, threatening to spill free. A cough, light, and he pressed his lips together in an effort to keep it in. "Megan did point that fact out to be a few days ago, by the by. Lex... is going to be my step son. Isn’t that an outrageous twist of fate?" He let go of his lovers hair, dragging his fingers around his neck to hold him tight. "This place... I saw it, and I knew it was something you were going to love. An adventure, something fresh and exciting, an a community that needs it."


"Lex.  Your stepson.  That.... that will.... please say you will allow me to be there when you spring that particular realization onto him?" Lionel pled.  "I must see that."  He rubbed his cheek against Dominic's.  "Yes.  I do love this place.  For all those reasons, more too, but... I want my things moved here as soon as it's habitable.  Month or two, I realize, but... I want to work."


"I’m saving it." Dominic’s grin was completely unabashed and wicked. "The perfect opportunity will come... and I want to have the thrill of seeing his eyes cross and the vien in his forehead thud." Oh, and he giggled wickedly. "We will, soon, love. Renovations can start whenever you're ready."


"Today.  Tomorrow.  Next week.  As soon as possible, I want in here."


He was grinning. Broadly. "Each building is themed with a god or goddess, and one of Hercules. Aphrodite, Apollo, Dionysus, Poseidon, Athena, Persephone, and Zeus, of course. Each are color coded, and the stucco and molding is decorated accordingly." He grinned. "That’s what I loved most. Like, in the Apollo building, everything is very heavily decorated with forests, and suns. Poseidon is all in light, creamy blue marble and waves for molding. Its outrageous, and its beautiful. Had this building been in Metropolis, we'd be paying a hell of a lot more."


"The people here don't know what they have."  He pushed to his feet.  "I want the deal closed with the council by the end of the week.  I want the papers signed, everything, and first thing Monday, I want the renovation teams in here."


Dominic’s smile was purely innocent. "Now that we've found the new house, why don’t we go clean up the old one?" He was humming as his fingers linked through Lionel’s, tightly squeezing as their thumbs brushed and held on. "I've got a feeling we might have to break out the Pine Sol to get rid of the grime and slime of the everyday, don’t you think?"


Lionel's smile was positively wicked.  "You bring the disinfectant.... I'll be the scrub brush."





go to the next part