
The Memoirs

Smallville fanfic by Kel and Diana

Chapter 73: The Four Horsemen

Lex settled back into the comfortable seat of the limo, looking around at the four other people sharing the seats with him.  Bruce Wayne on his left, Megan Senatori on his right, and across from him, his father and Dominic.  "Megan... I'm sorry you're leaving us, but I have to say, it was wonderful seeing you again, and I hope that you'll grace us with your presence again soon."


Lionel sat with his arms crossed over his chest, briefcase tucked under his feet.  "Dominic... do we have everything?  Do you have the cashier checks?  Did you make sure Carolyn arranged for the extra security?"


She blinked. ...She hadn’t been staring at Bruce's crotch, no. She blinked again....a pretty blush lit her made up cheeks, and she pushed her sunglasses up higher in the hair she'd feathered for the occasion. "Mmm? Oh, I've got to say, this is a vacation I won’t soon forget." Megan’s face cracked with a grin, and there sat the gorgeous super model that was the world’s little sister turned woman. "I have to say, I didn’t think Id be getting to ride in a limousine with a bunch of hunks and Morgan, but hey. Has to be the highlight of the trip."


"Done, done, and done. And Megan, I’m to kick your bony ass first chance I get." But love was in his voice, and Dominic grinned at her, before glancing back to Lionel. "The MPs will be there, in civilian clothing... however, Carolyn made sure to tell me they look exactly like cops, and people are beginning to get nervous. I have the cashier checks," He pet his own briefcase. "As well as all the contracts that are now null and void."


Lex chuckled softly.  "I bet this wasn't exactly how you envisioned riding to the airport, I'm sure."  He kissed her cheek.  "We'll miss you."


Lionel tapped his fingers impatiently.  "Did you get the boxes for Personnel?  I want these people to be able to clear their desks out immediately."


"Liar. You're just glad your competition is out of the way." Megan fluttered her lashes at him. "Clark could have been mine, ten minutes flat." But she was snickering, and she looked out as the city rolled by. Oh, thank you heaven. She sighed in pleasure and lay her cheek against the glass. "Hooooome."


Dominic was smiling as he reached over and straightened his lover’s tie. "I color coordinated them.  Mrs. Rubenstein was more then happy to give me as many as I needed, and I do believe they come in a lush variety of colors. Puce, mildew, and oh, my word, bum brown."


Lex growled.  "Clark is a bit too young for you, Megan, and besides... he was taken long before you rolled into town."


Lionel smiled, but didn't laugh.  "Good.  Make sure that the security has metal detectors and magnetic emitters.  If they try to walk out with any data or hardware, I want it to be nothing more than useless scrap metal."


She heaved a sigh. "You just tell him to keep an eye on his friend, Pete. Cute kid." She winked saucily and straightened her low cut sweater. Dammit, she'd missed her fiancée, and she wanted to look her best when she saw him at the airport. Her sweet, gorgeous lover. "You need anything, Lexy, you just call, aye?"


"You know, ten years ago I said I would be there the day those bastards went down. And funny, here the day has come," The snicker was positively wicked, and Dominic's legs were tapping up and down to get the energy out somehow, "And I feel positively giddy. Is it alright to feel giddy? We might all have to get outrageously drunk afterwards."


Lex elevated an eyebrow.  "Another conquest of the teen set?  I'm surprised at you, Megan.  I'd have thought Shayla would have beaten you into his affections."


"I'll have champagne brought to the office."  Lionel crossed his legs.  "Bruce... are you ready for this?  If there's a tussle in the meeting, I may have to call you in for hostile takeover instead of a merger, will that be all right with you?  If I have trouble from these people, I want their stock to be worthless as I buy it back from them.  If they behave and leave quietly, I'll pay a fair price."


An unfortunate sigh. "Sadly." But Megan grinned at Lex, because he really had no clue. "Tell her when you get home that I'll be sending her that pink frilly peasant blouse from Tokyo she wanted last month, okay?"


Bruce had been quiet as a mouse, watching the four of them talk. He was entitled, after all--too many words made his throat sore. And he'd said enough in the last month to last him till 2020. "Of course, Mr. Luthor. Anything that needs to be done, will be done."


"I'll tell her."  Lex returned the grin.  "And we'll miss you, Megan."  Then his attention turned to his friend.  Poor Bruce.  The man had said more in the last week than Lex had ever known him to say in their entire acquaintance.  "Don't ask Bruce to talk, Dad.  You know how he gets.  Taciturn and brooding, he's much more frightening and imposing that way."


Lionel glared at his son.  "Be serious, Lex."


Bruce's lips curved all on their own, and an eyebrow rose up before he met Lionel’s gaze once more. "He is quite correct. I’m at my most dangerous when I've been brooding. End of the world, and everything. Your crooked board members might jump themselves out the window." Oh, and at that he physically brightened.


"Alright, buffoons." The driver had pulled up in front of United terminal, and Megan slithered out, Dominic right on her heels. She leaned back in, and gave Lionel a smacking kiss. "Thank you, Lionel. I wish you and Dominic many orgasms and wedding bells." And she giggled as she straightened, and followed Enrique around to the trunk.


And found herself, quite suddenly, in strong arms. Scented arms. Arms she remembered.


"PHILIPPE!!!!!!!" She leapt, quite literally, right into his arms, squeezing him as tightly as she could as she squealed.


"Hello, angel," he said quietly, hugging her tightly to him and inhaling her hair.  "I have missed you... so much so that I had to come and see you."


"I didn’t know you'd...oh." Tears dotted her eyes… then her cheeks, and she held on as tight as she could for a moment, before turning to her brother and hugging him just as tightly. "I'll be back for the summer, I promise. Oh, I love you, Morgan. You're my prince. If you need anything. anything, you know where to find me."


"I'll see you soon, darling." Dominic’s voice was slightly gruff, as he let her go and offered a hand to Phillip. "Don’t make it so I have to break your legs, eh?"


"Dominic," Phillip said, though his accent made it sound like Dominique.  "You won't worry; I will take the best care of my angel you can imagine."  He dipped Megan in his arms.  "And do you think you shall be rid of me so soon?  No... I have been hired for another shoot en Roma while you are in Milan.  We... shall be on the plane together."


Lex leaned over to whisper in Bruce's ear.  "I always knew she'd fall for a man with an accent and romance in his soul... I knew she'd fall for a Frenchman."


"It's because she's a romantic at heart." Bruce smiled tenderly at them, then grinned at Lionel. "I know of others who happened to fall under the same spell."


"Good." And Dominic shook Philippe's hand firmly, smiling now as he hugged Megan once more. "I love you so, darling. Be safe, alright? Call when you get there, mama was having a spell as we left." He chuckled it in her ear, even when in his heart he was sad she was leaving. Okay, more then sad, but they were adults… they had lives they had to lead. It was enough that she was there for this holiday, and he would love her until his dying day for it.


"I will, dork." She sniffled, wiping at her cheeks and still managed to look gorgeous. Another kiss, another hug, tears still streaming as she beamed up at her fiancée, grabbing his hand and leading him to the terminal with her baggage. "Knock ‘em dead, tiger." She called over her shoulder, and with that... she and her lover were gone.


"She will be back," Lionel said softly from the car.  "You just have to be patient."  He didn't know what it was like to have a sibling, much less have a twin, but he did know that his lover missed his family, no matter how insane he was driven by them.


Lex poked his friend sharply. "I do, too."


Dominic sighed… composed himself, and got back in the car with a sulk at the lot of them. "Well damn."


"I’m not a romantic, thank you." Bruce chided, as Enrique sniffled, waved, and got back in the driver’s seat. "Alright, gentlemen." They took off from the sidewalk and back out into traffic. "How exactly are we going to execute this? Bad ass, doors slamming, etc etc? Or come in laughing and start pointing at people?"


"You are a romantic, Bruce."  He took out the silver pen that Bruce had given him years ago and dangled it in his friend's field of vision.  "Exhibit A, the defense rests."


Lionel nodded.  "We are going in there with slamming doors, heavy footsteps, and locking ourselves in my office until we have the final list compiled.  After that... we bring people in one at a time and fire them.  The board will be convening while we work on the lower levels, and once we're done with them... the board is next and they'll be ready for us."


"I’m a sap. Not romantic." Bruce chided playfully... then smiled positively wickedly at Lionel before he could swipe the smile away. "I did this about a year and a half ago in Wayne Tech. I had some crooked handlings, some patents going out to other companies that I knew for a fact were mine. So I did some digging...and smoked out the rats. They ran screaming."


"Revenge is a bitch." Dominic murmured as his fingertips bounced on his bouncing knees.


"We do not have rats; we have snakes."  Lionel dug out the sheaf of papers and passed it to Bruce.  "Here.  This is what's been going on, and who it's been going on with."


"I have a list too; I turned it into Dad a couple days ago, but I'm sure that there are others I know of that Dad doesn't."


Bruce whistled low in his throat. "Money laundering... taking LuthorCorp files... threatening the lesser employees. Child molestation... child porn ring. Spying. My God. Oh! Look! Prostitution!" Bruce shook his head and glanced up under his lashes at Lionel. "Mr. Luthor, have to say, you've got some cream of the crop here. Its a pity what people keep under the cuff when the boss man is around."


Lionel flicked his eyes over Dominic.  "That's merely the most recent.  There's things going back in the company almost a decade that I intend to see cleaned out."


He felt the eyes on him, but Dominic shook his head. "And Anderson. Anderson is a bastard all on his own. He decided it would be fun to see how many sexual harassment cases he could get. Sixteen women have reported, since Lionel and I left, that he's been making explicit remarks and lewd suggestions...and trying to force himself upon them. That’s just the women who reported him... he could have done it to more, who are too afraid to speak up.""


That sent Lionel into a new train of thought. "I want the police there.  And tomorrow morning, schedule me a press conference.  I want to show the public what we're doing, I want the bastards arrested and turn the proof we've collected over to the officials.  Keep the dirtiest for us, though... I want leverage in case they try to come back."


"The scariest part is that he's married." Dominic made an acrid expression at Lex. "Why the hell are you going to go after skirts when you've a lovely woman at home, and three children?"


"Some men like that type of excitement in their lives. However, the four of us will never have to worry over women, so that’s a small blessing." Bruce glanced out the window, fingers poised and steepled, as they drove into the LuthorCorp complex. "Remember, Mr. Rodriguez. Right in front."


"Keek some ass for de me, eh?" Enrique cackled and pulled to a stop.


Dominic wiped the grin… his face became total stone, as he gathered his suitcase. Enrique came around to open their doors, and he swept out, Armani suit pressed to a sin, tie and shirt immaculate, hair and goatee tidy... and green eyes like steel as he buttoned his wool coat--the same he'd worn with Lionel just yesterday, and his briefcase.


Bruce stepped out as well, in black Gucci, dark streaked hair swept from his piercing gray eyes. He straightened, not bothering to look up at the building... they were causing an impression. He could see, however, out of the corner of his vision, the people looking at them through the glass and scrambling about on the floors nearest the ground.


Lionel straightened his tie and his coat, duster freshly clean and pressed, and sliding sunglasses over his eyes, he started walking.  Three sets of footsteps echoed behind him, and he could see through the sunglasses that they were causing a stir.  He waited a fraction of a second, just long enough to let everyone fall into position behind him, and then... he moved.  Hard, loud footsteps that echoed on the concrete as he flung the double glass doors open as he moved through them.


Unaware of exactly how much like his father he was, Lex held himself in the same, straight-backed, broad-shouldered pose that his father favored in situations like this, sunglasses on and briefcase in his hand.  Pristine black Armani, crisply pressed white shirt, everything was pleated and hanging to perfection as he came to stand at his father's right hand as they moved through the open doors. 


A diamond formation, himself and Dominic the corners, Bruce and Lionel the points, and people scattered.  Mail clerks were pulling their carts out of the way, and from the corner of his eye, Lex caught one young woman dropping her papers and trembling as they swept through. 




Lionel ignored the calls and greetings that were coming his way as he headed for the stairs.


Dominic was stone faced. His hands hung at his sides, his back was ramrod straight, and his eyes were shooting off darts whenever he managed to look at someone by accident. He concentrated where he walked, even though people were scattering each and every way, and his clean, wing tipped shoes clicked hollowly with each and every step.


He heard gasps... murmurs flying over the office space before they started up the steps. They were foreboding, weren’t they? All in black, with faces like death and ready for business. Or murder, one or the other.


It gave Dominic an indecent pleasure to know that half the bastards who'd taunted him, teased him, would be gone before the day was through.


He'd have to ask Lionel if he could run down to security to see them escorted off the premises.


Bruce was, understandingly, having the time of his life. It was good when employees had a healthy fear for their boss... before the day was through, whoever was left would have more then a working understanding of what fear for their jobs was.


Good. Fear made good work. And Bruce was just bastard enough to admit it.


Bruce followed Lionel’s billowing figure, and he did billow didn’t he?, and kept up with the long strides easily. See how they liked them apples. Especially with what he happened to have in his snake skin briefcase.


Their vocal silence was cutting a swath through the noisy office.  As they passed through, everyone fell silent, and in their wake, only whispers dared to surface.  Lex let himself have a small smirk at one of the whispered comments as he followed his father up the stairs, coat billowing.


Lionel felt more than saw the three presences behind him, and he picked up his pace.  His office was near the top of the building, on a floor by itself, but Lionel preferred the stairs to the third floor elevator, which was the first floor that had the express elevator to his office. 


Two flights of stairs, whispers flying behind them like wildfire, and the elevator doors snapped shut on the four of them.


"Dad... I think we've earned ourselves a new nickname," Lex smirked.


"And what would that be, son?"


"The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse."


Dominic was giddy. He was. He was until the elevator began its sickly ascent, and then he grabbed onto Lionel's arm to keep his breakfast. Woo boy. He swallowed once.... counted to ten quietly, and breathed in and out twice before he was alright. "I get to be the sexy one. The rest of you..." A pitiful sigh at them. "You're out in the cold."


"One of the girls in accounting said we looked like models off the runway." Bruce chuckled it, switching his briefcase to the other hand as the elevator rose. "That was cute."


"I prefer the Four Horsemen analogy myself," Lionel replied.  "Death, Famine, Pestilence, Time... because that is what we're here to do.  We're not here to sashay about like models on a runway.  We're here to take care of business. "


Bruce mouthed "party pooper" at Lionel’s back, as a recently turned 26 year old was wont to do, and coughed gently.


"We're almost there. Back to hard ass." Dominic took back his death and plague and get out of my way stance, face darkening as the doors of the elevator opened... and all the noise in the room stopped on a dime. Carolyn leapt up, beamed, and at an eyebrow from Lex, remembered the plan. She took on a dark, drawn face, stepping in front of the four men as they approached, and solemnly opened the office door for them.


"Thank you, Carolyn."   That was the first words Lionel had spoken outside of the elevator, and entered the office, sweeping around to stand behind his desk.  "Do be a dear, and lock the door behind you when you come in."


Carolyn nodded, gulped at the people just staring in fear, and closed and locked the door quietly behind her.


Before giving an outrageously female squeak and beelined, leaping into Lionel’s arms, hugging him as hard as she could. "I just have to say, thank you for coming back. There's only so many messages I can handle, Mr. Luthor."


Dominic set his briefcase to the side, stripping out of his wool coat and sighing heavily as he set it behind a chair he dragged from one of the corners, sitting in it and immediately opening his case.


"You have a beautiful office, Mr. Luthor." Bruce said it quietly, as he opened his own and took off his coat as well.


Lionel returned the hug, and grinned broadly.  "Let me simplify the message-taking protocol for you.  Is it world-shattering?  If the answer is yes, give me the message.  If the answer is no, throw it into the garbage, and anyone that needs to speak with me can speak with me after the purge."


Lex perched on the corner of his father's desk, shedding his coat.  "Careful, Carolyn, the competition's likely to get jealous."


"Please, gentlemen... make yourselves at home.  Drinks are in the bar behind you, Bruce."


Carolyn blinked once. And tossed the entire stack into the trash bin, save for one. "President Bush's party celebrating his Inauguration. You don’t go and you're dead meat." She beamed. "He left his secretary’s number, for you to get back with her. Its in three weeks." She folded her slender arms over a petite chest and shook her head. "For a bunch of guys, you sure clean up nice." She winked at little Lex, then leapt and gave Dominic a big hug too, speaking to Lionel as she kissed both of his little Senatori cheeks. "What do you want me to tell the hyenas? Anything?"


Dominic hugged Carolyn, tightly, and smirked wickedly as he booted up his laptop. "Won’t that be interesting."


Bruce hummed, shoes quiet on the million dollar rug as he walked to the bar and poured the four of them brandy. 1963... excellent year. "Have you got the list, Mr. Senatori?"


"Indeed. A hundred and fifty six names, from Accounting to Public relations. Funny, I managed to get 200 boxes even. Hmmm."


"Thank you, Carolyn."  Lionel pocketed the message.  "I'll take care of this one later tonight."  He paused.  "Don't tell them anything... let them stew."


Lex moved to peer over Dominic's shoulder.  "Here, let me read over your shoulder.  Did you get the sixty or so I sent you the other day?"


"Hmm... oh.  Thank you, Bruce.  Carolyn... you are a lifesaver."  Lionel settled behind his desk.  "You're going to love your new office."  

"Damn." Dominic pulled out the other list from a manila folder, and compared it. "Alright, we have 213 names now. I knew I packed extra boxes just in case. HOOyeah, nothing like spring cleaning." He clapped his hands, rubbed them together, and went to work on the laptop.


Carolyn’s face broke out into a grin. "He told me some. Said he convinced you. Cupcakes good at that, dontcha know." She beamed saucily. "My sister’s one of the interior designers he called."


Bruce passed a glass to Lex, and one to Dominic, taking a sip and going into his briefcase. "Here, Mr. Luthor... I’ve got the paperwork ready for takeover and merging, and I can, at a phone call, buy out all your stock. Okay? Give me the word, and I'll be ready."


"Personnel should have about forty boxes, give or take, considering we just restocked a few weeks ago," Lex said musingly.  "Also, I figure we'll have several people--these ten here," Lex said, pulling out a sheet from his briefcase, "...quitting in anticipation of future action being taken against them." 


"Thank you, Bruce.  You've been a wonderful partner throughout this mess and your father Thomas would have been very, very proud of the way you've handled this situation."


Bruce nodded in thank you, even if it struck his heart. His dad would indeed have been proud, and he wished he was here to see it everyday. He took a sip of his brandy, looking over Lex and Dominic’s shoulders at the list. "Two hundred and fifty, with the board members. This should be interesting."


Dominic was getting them all into the computer, fast as he could, typing as he looked at the paper and brought up their files, one by one, after connecting into the LuthorCorp mainframe. "Anne Lenks. Suspicion of fraud, party to Andersons money laundering. Bye bye, Anne."


Carolyn had dug out a file she'd kept in Lionel’s closet, and she set it before him, opening it and pointing. "Notes and stuff I’ve confiscated since you left. I've also got a box of security tapes as evidence, voice recorders I had a Private Eye friend of mine install, and about six hundred pieces of evidence in the money bit of it that doesn’t match up."


"Interesting... yes, that's one word for it."  Lionel calmly sipped his brandy.  "Carolyn?  Would you mind terribly taking Dominic's list and bringing the personnel files up to my office yourself?  Lex will go with you, if you need help with the cart, but I don't want anyone else privy to this until we're ready to start calling."  Then he listened.  "Good Lord, woman.  For this alone you deserve a promotion."


She cackled, and winked at him. "I don’t like assholes. Its my private goal in life to take them all down." Then she looked up, flattered her lashes at Lex, and slipped her arm through his. "Come on, hot stuff." A snatch of Dominic’s list, and she tugged Lex out, straightening her shoulders and taking on a sober, horrified look, dragging her feet as she followed Lex.


Actress to the end.


Lex drew himself up stiffly as he led the way out of his father's office, not looking at anyone as he walked to the elevators, not watching as Carolyn walked behind him.  He didn't break his character until they were safely in the elevator.  "Carolyn... you deserve an Oscar."


She struck a pose... bat her eyelashes prettily. "Don’t I know it." And then back to normal, waiting patiently to get them back to floor eight. "Your dad and Cupcake told me a little about what’s been going on... and Dommie told me to start gathering evidence, so I did. And my, my, what little piglets you find when you dig deep enough."


"You're too good for my father or Dominic."  He batted his eyes back.  "Come work for me."  He broke into a grin, and barely got his features schooled in time for the elevator to open.  "Do you have the list?" he asked, breezing through the floor and winding through the cubicles until he got to the Personnel file room.  "You," he said, pointing at the nearest shivering lackey.  "Get me the head of the department and a cart, right now."


"Y--Yes--Yes sir, Mr. Luthor, sir!"  The young boy skidded out of Lex's notice as Lex slammed the door of the file room behind him.


She choked on a snort and looked at her list, keeping her features delicately bland as she began to go through and get the files they requested. Dominic had put them in alphabetical order, so it wasn’t too hard. "Bless his anal little soul." She murmured, pulling out six files at once and dropping them on the floor at her side as she went into another drawer.


And people were whispering. Boy, oh lordy, were they whispering. Adrian Van Blank couldn’t have been any more worried. It wasn’t often the Luthor's came down here... at all, and he scurried in his slightly scarred loafers and blue blazer down the hall. He knocked on the door, lightly, the trembling kid behind him with a huge cart, and he coughed. "Mr. ...ah.. Luthor?"


"Get in here."  Lex leaned against the small table in the room.  "Leave your little... flunky outside, bring in the cart, and shut the door behind you."


Adrian did, grabbing the cart, motioning for the kid to run for his life, and he entered, pushing the metal cart in with him. He closed and locked the door behind him… swallowing again. He was 60 years old, but he knew power and anger when he saw it.


"We're taking quite a few of these files with us.  If word of this gets out to anyone in specific... we--my father and I--will know where it came from, and it will not be a nice reckoning."  He smiled pleasantly.  "Do we understand each other, Mr. Van Blank?"


"Of course." Another hard swallow, nodding. "No one will know." He offered his set of keys with shaking hands. "Anything you need, let me know."


"I'll be sure to, but I think that Carolyn and I can manage pulling files ourselves, thank you."


"Of course." And he turned and zipped out as well as his old bones would let him.


And Carolyn was glaring at him. "Shame. Shame on you. He's got a heart problem. As soon as this is over, and if he's still around, you will apologize to him, Lex Luthor, are we clear?"


Lex looked slightly abashed.  "Yes ma'am, I will apologize.  Assuming that he's not on our list."





They worked, hard, for the next five hours. Carolyn arrived with her multitude of files and they got down to firing. Boxes were handed out in tandem, and the Board Members, as they peaked out like the nosy bastards they were, watched as one after one, people crying, yelling, or looking indecently guilty or ashamed filed in and out. Boxes, puce, mildew, magenta, and yes, bum brown, were handed out one by one. The four men argued, bellowed at one another, stripped suit jackets and drank coffee like it was water and they were fish.


Carolyn had the beauty to go out and get them take out from Liberache's. It wasn’t exactly the type of restaurant that offered less then four hundred dollar plates, but they prepared a fabulous lunch for their most treasured diner, Lionel Luthor.


It had just struck two o’clock, and after iced tea and more coffee, Dominic glanced up with an eyebrow cocked. "I think....dare I say it... we're ready."


Lionel grinned.  "Yes.  I think we are ready."  He pushed himself to his feet after downing the last of the tea in his glass.  "Bruce?  Lex?"


Lex pulled on his suit jacket and straightened his tie.  "I'm ready whenever you are, Dad."


Dominic stood too, stepping back into his shoes and pulling his jacket on. He felt empowered, rather then stuffy, and he winked at his lover as they straightened and Carolyn squirmed around them, straightening ties.


He wore his little Jiminy cuff links and tie tack.


"We'll follow your lead, lovely one. And I swear I won’t dance or anything too obvious."


Bruce chuckled and ran his fingers through his hair, straightening his briefcase and snapping it shut. "We're like the mob."


"Only way sexier." Carolyn interjected, straightening Bruce's tie, fluffing his hair, and went to Lex next. He had a bit of a... well, shine, and she pulled the compact she always carried in her pocket out, rubbing the ivory powder over his nose and forehead, pulling him forward to get rid of the shiny crown.


And Dominic tried hard not to laugh at it, instead leaning over and kissing Lionel’s lips lightly, quickly, tenderly, and squeezed his hand tightly. "We've faith in you. Lead the way, darling."


Lex submitted quietly to the fussing before brushing her hands away.  "Thank you, Carolyn, I believe I can live with a shiny head."


Lionel picked up his briefcase and kissed his lover back, rubbing his fingers over the little Jiminy cufflinks on his lover's jacket.  "Let's go."  He straightened his shoulders, pushed the door open, and burst into the board room with a flare of dark, angry energy.  "Aaaah, Ladies and Gentlemen of the Board... thank you for coming.  Please, no, stay in your seats.  I hope this will be a mercifully... brief meeting."  He led the way through the room and took his seat at the head of the table, and motioned for Bruce to sit beside him.   Lex took a seat at the opposite end of the able, and smiled.  "Now... just to get the official niceties out of the way... I officially call to order this emergency session of the LuthorCorp Board of Directors.  I make a motion that reading the last minutes be waived and accepted into the record as is."


"I second the motion," Lex answered, arms across his chest.


"Motion carried.  Minutes accepted in toto from the last meeting.  Any lingering old business?"  The room was uncharacteristically silent.  "Wonderful.  Let the record show that there is no old business, and let us proceed to the new business."  He thumbed quickly through a stack of papers.  "I have good news and bad news, my friends... which would you all like to hear first?"


Bob Anderson was watching with tense shoulders. He knew exactly what this was about, and he didn’t fucking like it. Ever since Lawrence had been done off with for God fucking knew what, he'd been at the edge of his seat. And he knew he was going to get caught. So he rose a hand, in his 2000 dollar suit, and waved the diamond studded cuff linked arm lightly. "I'd like to know why our employees have been walking in and out like this is a soup kitchen."


Temper, temper. Oh, and Dominic was smirking as he settled on a bench by the wall, next to Carolyn, taking out his laptop once more and typing quickly and silently on it.


"And why," Margaret Spinelli added, "Is Bruce Wayne here? Not that we don’t appreciate your company, Mr. Wayne." She smiled, and it was so obviously seductive.


Dominic barely restrained the snort.


"I’m a little worried, here, Lionel." A quiet, deeply masculine and deeply cultured voice asked quietly. Reynold Coffings, in his seventies and deeply respected by the whole of the room, spoke quietly--and when he spoke, people listened. "But I don’t doubt your judgment. Bring on the bad news, first."


"Anderson, they've been fired.  That's why."  Then he looked at Reynold.  "The bad news is?  Most of the people in this room are going to be removed from the board and fired by the time this meeting is over."  Lionel looked at Margaret.  "Bruce is here because he now owns the majority of stock in LuthorCorp."


Mr. Coffings was chuckling, and he sipped his coffee. Good show. Lionel had finally opened his eyes and seen what he'd been noticing for ten years.


"WHAT?!" Anderson blew up. Couldn’t be stopped. "What are you talking about FIRED?! We own as much of this business as you do, Mr. Luthor! You can’t just toss us out onto the street!"


At that, Margaret soured. Visibly, and a pert eyebrow rose.


And all you bloody idiots can run right to hell, Dominic thought cheerfully.


"Actually, I can.  Dominic, the checks, please?"  He held out his hand to his lover.  "You see, Mr. Anderson... I have police waiting downstairs for you and quite a few of your fellow board members here, along with enough proof to put you all exactly where you belong--behind bars.  I also have here cashier's checks, made out to each of you, for the amounts equal to every scrap of stock that you own, based on this morning's market price for LuthorCorp stock."  He sat back in his chair, rifling through the checks.  "You can take the checks and go to jail, or you can refuse, Mr. Wayne can engineer a hostile takeover, which I will not fight, at which time your stock will be absolutely worthless and you'll have nothing and still be in jail.  It's entirely your choice, Mr. Anderson.  Please... feel free to make it."


Charles Windsor, quiet till now, finally spoke up. He was the youngest of the group, and he had nothing to hide. He'd seen it all, more then once, and he swallowed a little bit. "Can I ask why, Mr. Luthor?"


"You have no right, no right, Mr. Luthor. I'd like to move for an impeachment, all in favor say aye."








"Three votes. We now control LuthorCorp, Mr. Luthor." He was getting desperate, and it was on his face. "You can either retire now and stop the risk of embarrassment, or go through the whole grueling process."


"Bob, please." Reynold said quietly, but rumbling, as the room quieted for him. "Sit down, before you hurt something."


Dominic climbed to his feet and held out the checks to him, in two neat piles. "Here you are, Mr. Luthor."


"As it is, I own fifty one percent of the stock in LuthorCorp. So I suggest you listen to Mr. Luthor," Bruce said quietly, "Or I can take your twenty percent too, and put my great grandkids through college."


Lex rose to his feet.  "I'll sell to you, Dad.  Granted, it's only fifteen percent, but you own the other fifteen percent outside of Bruce's.  That gives you thirty percent combined with Bruce's, to give you both eighty-one percent.  And that, my friends, gives my father back the majority.  And since none of you can oust him, I suggest you sit the fuck back down and decide... do I call the police in now, or after you've sold?"


Dominic barely kept the cheerful beam off his face. "I suggest all of you do what’s right, for your families and for your children."


Anderson leapt. Halfway across the table, coffee sloshing everywhere, and reached for Lionel’s throat. "I WON’T HAVE YOU TAKING AWAY WHATS MINE GODAMMIT! I WORKED to be here and you had it handed to you on a fucking PLATTER! I'll KILL YOU! I'll KILL YOUUUU!"


Anderson was quick, but Dominic was quicker. He snagged Lionel’s chair--thank god it was on wheels--and pulled him back, quickly, grabbing his arm and shielding him with his body as Carolyn bellowed for security out the door. "Fucking hell you will, bastard!"


Bruce nearly leapt off his seat, but seeing as security was rushing in, he just stood casually in front of Lionel and smiled cheerfully at the man the other men were trying to pull back down. "One snake down, twelve to go."


One of the security, MPDs, grabbed Anderson by the elbows, hauling him off his half slump on the table as his friend started to cuff and drag him to the door.




Reynold was calmly sipping his coffee. "Drama queen."


"Your check will be mailed to you, Mr. Anderson... I suggest that you put it in an account for your lawyers."  Lionel did the same as Reynold, sipping his coffee and looking up at Dominic.  "Thank you, Dominic."  Lionel's eyes swept over the rest of the room.  "Now that we've had our little display... shall we get down to business like sensible, civilized human beings?  Or shall I call up more security for the lot of you?"  Lionel's hand hovered over the phone.


Lex stood up and walked around the table to stand by his father's chair, adding to the imposing presence.


Lionel shook his head at Charles.  "Don't worry, Mr. Windsor.  You've got nothing to worry about.  Please... sit back down, you look pale."


Dominic wanted, very badly, to hug his lover. His heart was beating frantically in his chest, but all he did was smooth his coat, nod, and settle back on his bench, though his pulse was out of control. No one, NO ONE hurt his lover but him, goddammit.


Charles nodded… swallowed reflexively, and took a seat. At 42 he was the youngest of the board members… but by far the kindest, and the gentlest. He had six kids with his wife, and he was the type of dad that took them out for ice cream on a whim, or to the Metropolis Zoo because they saw a special about kangaroo's on TV. He was devote, and he was kind...and he was shaking like a leaf. Christ. "Well that was interesting."


Reynold sighed and added a bit more sugar to his cup of Joe, watching...cause he couldn’t NOT watch, as the police officers dragged the screaming man away. "That went well. Good show."


Margaret was a fine shade of white. "You mean to say we're all fired but for Charlie here?" She stared. "Can you at least give us a reason?"


"Most of you, yes."  He consulted the paper.  "It appears that Charles and Reynold are the only two of you that we're not being forced to get rid of."  Then he looked her square in the eye.  "Come now, Margaret, do you really want your dirty laundry aired in front of all these people?"


"In a way, yes." She frowned, deeply. "I want to see what lies I've been accused of, so my lawyers will know what to sue for."


Reynold grinned cheerfully, with his pearly dentures, and now it was quite evident where Marie's attitude came from. "I'd like to know, just so my wife can hear. She really does hate you, Margie, old girl." Reynold passed a glance to his son in law's brother, and winked, before back to said Margie.


Charles heaved a silent breath of relief. Oh, thank God. He didn’t think he could take out a second mortgage on the house, and now...oh, sweet relief.


"Lies?"  Lionel allowed himself a smirk as he threw one of the envelopes with her name on it to her.  "Not unless we're very, very talented photograph falsifiers."  He pulled out his own copy of the photographs.  "That's quite a bit of money changing hands in the bedroom there, Margaret... though I must admit to being impressed by your athleticism.  But really... don't we pay you enough?"


She glared, dangerously, as Reynold tried to not sputter on his coffee. Fucking old coot. "Where did you get photographs of my personal bedroom, Lionel?" A sneer. "Didn’t I tell you no already? I thought you were above that."


You really are a classless, disgusting little bitch, aren’t you lass? Dominic’s thoughts were... venomous was putting it nicely.


"Heey. Look." Bruce held up a photo... turned it upside down. "Wow. I didn’t know a human being could do that."


"As I remember, I'm the one who told you no."  He looked at the VCR in the corner, and held out his hand.


Lex passed him the remote, and Lionel cued up a videotape.


"Come on, Lionel... you're always so alone... always so... cranky.  Just a little fun?"


"No, thank you.  I've my own means of recreation that do not involve you."


Lionel clicked off the video.  "There's more, if you'd like it aired."


At the back of the boardroom, Dominic pumped his fist in the air… then composed himself. Oh, God, he was thoroughly enjoying this, and he was waiting happily by the door. "Ms. Spinelli. I have your severance package here, including a cashiers check and Mr. Luthors new biography on CD-Rom as a going away gift. What box do you prefer? Puce? I hear it goes great with that red shade your face is currently flushed in."


She was pink. She hated them, hated them all. This was her JOB. So what if she did something on the side? She had put HER LIFE into this job. "You are all a bunch of mindless, pathetic, idiotic, fucking RETARDED people I have ever in my life encountered." And she snatched the package from Dominic, held her head high, accepted her box, and she was gone.


"That calls for brandy. I don’t care what my wife thinks." Reynolds took out a little flask and added a dashing amount to his coffee, before sipping it happily. "Ahhhh."


Lionel smiled at Reynold.  "Aaah.  Well.  Now that we've had two scenes made... does anyone else care to make a scene?  Or would you simply like to sell your stock to me, and quietly go with the police?  Who, by the way, have copies of the very same folders I do, on each of you."


Charles was so happy he'd said no to Anderson when he did. It had put him on the outs of the whole group, but now... as he remembered his trusting baby girl’s eyes, he was so glad he'd stayed a faithful man, even when the temptation had been thick, and his kids needed pampers.


Christ, yes.


And he watched, as the members all shook their head… some pale, some furious, some defeated. And he swallowed.


Lionel leaned over to Lex.  "Do take the Winchester boy something to drink, he looks like he's about to faint."


Lex nodded, and went back into his father's office long enough to pour a large splash of brandy into a glass, and then carried it back into the board room, down to where Charles was hyperventilating.  "Sit down, drink this, and don't worry," Lex said quietly, putting the glass down in front of him.


"Dominic... could I have the stock transfer papers, please?" Lionel asked, voice chipper.  Eight more people remained to get rid of, and oh, he was going to enjoy it.  "Anne... would you like to come forward, please?  Also... Dominic, make sure there's enough security waiting outside the room to escort these people for their things, and then down to the police."


Charles blinked up at Lex...blinked again, and took the glass, nodding in thanks. "Not hyperventilating." He said under his voice.


Sort of.


Wait till Olivia heard about this.


"Certainly. Patrick," Dominic motioned to the security officer. "Watch my boxes. I went through blood to get them." Then over to his briefcase, where he went in for the paperwork in a crisp gray folder, and handed it over to his lover. "There you are, and there’s plenty of security. Ten armed officers, actually." And off he went, back to his spot, picking up the severance packages again.


The CD-ROM had been Lionel’s idea. And by God, Dominic had laughed for two hours thinking about it.


Though he had to say, the coupons for Denny's had been his.  


Anne, spindly, tiny, walked up to him and held her head high.


Lex laughed softly.  "Just enjoy the show," he said quietly before rejoining his father.


"Thank you, Dominic."  Lionel slid the transfer papers over to Anne.  "If you'll sign here, please, I'll release your check, Dominic will give your package, and you'll be escorted first to your desk, and then to the police."


God knew Reynold was. He'd been waiting for these whippersnappers to get theirs, and he was happily getting toasted, his old body creaking as he shifted in his suit, and smiled ever so happily at the lot of them.


Anne's chin was trembling, as she signed and swallowed. "I never meant to hurt the company, Mr. Luthor."


And Bruce was watching it all with hawk eyes, incase anyone tried anymore funny business. Funny, he could still hear Anderson screaming his head off down two floors."


"I'm sure you didn't.  However, you failed to take to heart the one thing I've tried to impress on my son, and on everyone who's worked for me, that what you do reflects back onto the company.  You wish to be involved in illegal activities, then that is your choice.  You will not, however, involve LuthorCorp in them.  I am disappointed in you, and in all of you, for taking advantage of my absence and illness to run amok.  This has been a long time coming for you all, and I am sorry to see this day."  Lionel scribbled his signature at the bottom of the form, passed the check made out to Anne over to her, and then nodded towards the door.  "Good day."


Anne was in tears by the time she got out to the cops.


And Dominic, being a cold hearted bastard when he wanted to be, didn’t feel a lick of pain for her. She'd humiliated him, more then once, in front of all his colleagues. Good riddance, and he waved sweetly at her. Assembly line, much?


Reynold gave a contented little burp. "You know Lionel, its good of you to bypass tears. My wife used to use them on me till I got smart. Sure, she beat me over the head, but she hasn’t cried in twenty years."


Charles just looked over his shoulder as she left crying, and blinked back at the other flushed, terrified people.  And downed his drink in a single gulp.


"Tears are for the weak, and if anyone believes they will work on me, then they have deluded themselves.  Tears worked with only one person in my life, and she has been dead for longer than I care to remember."  He looked up at the others, discarding Anderson's form to the side and picking up the next on the stack.  "Mmmm... I don't believe Miles will be joining us today either."  His list was slowly dwindling.  "Monique, I believe you're next."


"He did scream quite loud, didn’t he? Didn’t know he had lungs on him like that." Reynold sighed.


"You know, Mr. Luthor? You can take your check and stuff it right up your faggoty ass. I am not taking anything from you, and I'll be damned if I’m gonna swallow my pride in front of the people I’ve worked for for twenty years and drop my head in shame. So you can fuck it, and fuck you. Sanctimonious Prick." And she got up, and flounced away.


Dominic handed her a horridly ugly pink box... smiled when she snatched it, and stomped off. "Ahhh. More coupons for me. I wonder how much Denny's I can eat with all I’m keeping today." More to himself then anyone, and he beamed cheerfully and wriggled his brows at his lover.


Lionel calmly set the transfer to the side.  "Bruce... You're racking up quite a bounty here," he said thoughtfully.  "You're going to get this stock for nothing, you realize.  Once the hostile takeover's been publicized... mmm.  This stock is going to plumment and they'll not be able to give it away."  He looked down at his stack.  Four more people left, and two were the ones who'd replaced Lawrence Hayes' two friends.  "Gentlemen... if you would please."  Lionel slid the papers to the two men.  "Mr. Johnstone... Mr. Weaving."


"I’ve got a fortune. I almost feel bad."


Weaving took the paper, and very elegantly signed his name. No words, no drama. Just signed, and slipped it back. He'd known he'd done wrong, and there was no use denying it. No use in apologizing, either, because Luthor wasn’t going to accept it. So he calmly got up, took his package from Dominic, got a box... and walked away.


Lionel scrawled his signature on the form.  "I'll mail your check, Mr. Weaving."  He looked to Johnstone next. 


Johnstone was busy glaring at Dominic.  "You know, Kevin warned us about you," he said softly.  "I didn't think he knew what he was talking about, after the accident.  When he died, I didn't think anything about what he'd said until now.  He's right.  You're nothing but a little bitch, because only a bitch would make other people pay for what was done to him."


Lionel very calmly and very quietly reached up and wrapped a hand around the man's throat, elegant fingers squeezing.  "Sign, Mr. Johnstone.  And I'd suggest you shut up.  Now."


Dominic was grinning, brightly at him… but the smile was hard, and ruthless. "You're quite right. However, I’m a bitch that still has his job. A good one, because I’m an honest bitch, and one who works for what he wants. The fact that you're getting what you deserve is just a cheerful little bonus I’m sure I won’t lose sleep over."


"Mr. Luthor." Bruce said it gently, and shook his head very slightly.


"Don’t listen to him, Dominic. He's just pissy because everyone found out he's been fucking little ten year old girls, and its very likely he'll be in prison for the next 60 years before the trial is done." Reynold said easily. "He's bitter, don’t feel bad over it."


Lex leaned over.  "Dad... let him go.  Before you do something that he can use against you."  Lex's voice was quiet.  "He's deliberately provoking you.  Don't let him."


Lionel's hand slowly loosened from the man's throat.  "Thank you, Bruce... Lex."


Johnstone sneered as he scrawled his signature across the page, and held out his hand.  "Check please."


Lex picked up the cashier check and shoved it into the man's hand.  "Get out of here."


Dominic straightened ever more as the man came close, and he offered him the package. The package which contained coupons for such fine dining experiences like Lula's Taxidermy and Grill, and Denny's. Five dollars off, every time you go to Sea World Metropolis. A paid admission ticket for any dollar fifty movie of your choice. Lionel’s CD-ROM. A map from the Salvation Army of all the thrift stores in the area. A quarter, to start their new lives. And a disk, containing horrid embarrassing pictures from the Luthor Christmas party where most of the Board Members, and their wives, got stinking drunk... and did things they shouldn’t have done.


Dominic handed over the package wordlessly, and a bum brown box.


Lionel looked at the last two people wordlessly, a man and a woman.  "Mr. Murphy, Ms. Holden... would you like to come forward and sign?"  He was beginning to have a bit of a headache, and he wished nothing more than to be closeted away with his beloved for a few moments.


Laurie Holden nodded wordlessly.  She signed the transfer papers without a word, tucked the check into her pocket, and took her box.  At the doorway, she paused and looked back.  "Good luck, Mr. Luthor."  Then she left, head held high.  At least hers was nothing more serious than corporate embezzlement.


Mr. Murphy, however, Phil Murphy, didn’t know he would be doing the next fifty in a state penitentiary. He had over 80 million dollars transferred to his Swiss accounts, had his wife murdered,  was collecting the insurance money, and thought it was none the wiser until today. He signed for his own check, walked to Dominic, took his box... and the cops literally leapt so that Dominic had to jump away. With the things Carolyn had uncovered, they'd put the man away for a long, long time.


Dominic blinked once… looked back at the room, where Reynold was taking a nap, Charles looked ready to fall out of his chair, and Carolyn was trying to keep the cackles in. He blinked at Lex… his lover... Bruce… blinked again... and a smile crossed his face. "I should say, that’s the most fun I've had in many years."


"Aye, is everyone gone?" Reynold looked up, yawned, blinked and sat up, old bones creaking. "You did good today, Lionel. Never thought I'd see the day this happened… reminds me of your pap, it does." Oh, and he cackled happily.


"I think we could all use a drink."  Lionel looked down the length of the table, to where Charles was still sitting shellshocked.  "Go home to your family, Mr. Winchester," Lionel said with a not-unkind smile.  "I appreciate your showing up here today on such short notice."  He rose to his feet, and walked around, offering his hand.


Lex draped an arm over Bruce's shoulder.  "Mr. Wayne... I agree with my father.  We need drinks.  You, my friend, were wonderfully imposing.  I'm just sorry no one threw themselves out the window to entertain you."  Then he smirked at Dominic.  "And you... you handled yourself very well."


Dominic was waiting to do his dance. He wanted to make sure he wouldn’t offend the other two men there, and he was barely keeping himself in check as he grinned at Lex. "I should say I feel giddy. Monique almost gouged my eyes out there for a moment. Cat claws."  

Bruce smirked, but elbowed his friend and chuckled. "I'd have loved to hear the splat. Especially that Anderson character. What a wimp."  


Charles blinked... took Lionel’s hand firmly and rose, shaking it hard. "Sir, thank you. I can’t say it enough. I've tried to be honest here, in my job… for the company, and for my family. I never thought it would pay off, till now." He swallowed, hard. "I... sir, thank you."


"You're welcome.  And thank you.  As you can see, not many people were as honest as you were, and it will bode well in your future if you can just stay that way."  Lionel shook his hand firmly in return, and smiled.  "Go on, go home.  You'll want to take the back way out, though, as I'm sure quite a bit of press has gathered by now.  I do ask that you don't make any comment as to what's gone on here, because the press conference isn’t until tomorrow morning."  Lionel looked over at Reynold.  "Thank you, Mr. Coffings.  By the way, I'd like to congratulate you on your new grandchild.  Beautiful child, looks like Marie, thank goodness."


"Don't worry, Dominic.  Your eyes are safe with us."  Lex's eyes twinkled at Bruce.  "I was rather hoping he would myself.  Seems like he needs it.  He needs to take a flying leap."


Charles nodded, swallowing nervously. "Will do. Thank you, again, sir." He shook Lex's hand, just as firmly and with both hands, then Bruce's, and Dominic’s. "Thank you again, all of you." And he rushed off. Oh, Lord, just WAIT till Olivia heard this one.


"Doesn’t she?" Reynold snorted. "Riley’s a good boy. Blond as hell, but a good boy." He smirked at Dominic before back to Lionel, eyes dancing. "My grandbabies. Got eighteen now, wouldn’t you know it." He peered suddenly at Lex. "When are you going to give your good old dad some grandkids, eh? Waiting too long these days, I say." Reynold sighed. "Charity auction next week. See you there?"


"Doesn’t he?" A smirk. "I say we go out to dinner. Get our boys out here and have a proper one. We're in need of celebration. And a nap."


Lex barely buried a snort.  "It'll be a cold day in hell when I have grandchildren, sir.  Unless Clark suddenly grows a uterus, that is."


Lionel choked on his coffee at that, spewing the dark liquid out over the oaken table.


Lex looked innocently at Bruce.  "Why don't we let my father and Dominic have dinner alone together.  I'm sure they'd appreciate it.  You and I will find a place to crash for the night, unless you want to commute back tonight and chopper in tomorrow morning."


Reynolds eyes widened. He blinked. Slapped Lionel on the back. Blinked again. "Well, then. That’s enough pop culture for me today." Another broad, dentured grin, and off he went.


As soon as the door closed behind the elderly man, Dominic leapt and hugged his lover as hard as he could. Wrapped his arms right around him and hugged him like his life depended on it.


"Awee! Okay." Carolyn rose and giggled. "That’s cute, but would you guys get your paws off each other for a sec? Mr. Luthors gotta tell the rest of us working folks where she might be of the most use." She beamed.


Lionel wrapped his arms tightly around Dominic, holding his lover's head to his shoulder and didn't even look up when Carolyn spoke to him.  "Shut the office down, get everyone out, and lock up.  The doors won't open until the press conference tomorrow morning, and that's when everyone finds out about the move."


Bruce raised a brow at his illustrious friend, smirked, and nodded. "Alone might be good. You and I can find a place to crash, that’s fine. I don’t really want to make the trip... though Dick would have my balls if he heard me say such a thing." Sigh.


Dominic still had his face pressed into Lionel’s shoulder, holding him tightly to him and finally… finally, he grinned up at him, bit his lip... and laughed. "Only you could have pulled something like this. Only you."  


"You got it." Carolyn squealed and closed the door behind her.  


"Only me?  I'd say I had more than a little help," Lionel pointed out.  "I couldn't have done it without you, my son, and Bruce."


"You know... we could get Dick and Clark to run up and meet us," Lex said thoughtfully.  "I've been wanting to take Clark out to a particular club here in Metropolis, and you lovely gentlemen could be our dates."


Bruce's eyebrows rose, blinked at Lex. Uht oh. He wasn’t sure if he liked the sound of that. But he smirked, looked up, and offered his hand to Lionel. "Its been a pleasure, sir."


Dominic let go long enough for Lionel to finish his business... though his heart was in his ears, his eyes were tinged just wicked enough, and he was grinning because the second they were alone... yeah, Dominic didn’t care if Lionel was a torturous tease. He was going to kiss the stuffing out of him.


Lionel shook Bruce's hand firmly.  "You'll need to be here at eight thirty tomorrow morning.  The conference will start at nine, downstairs in the media room."


"I'll be here." Another nod, a smile, and Bruce slid his gaze to Lex. "I’m going to get my briefcase, and we'll sneak out together."


"I'll meet you at the elevator," Lex smirked, watching his friend disappear.  "Dad... it was fun."


"No, Lex... it was necessary," Lionel reminded softly.  "Purging of the weak is never fun, only a necessity."  He held his hand out to his son, and after a few short beats, was gratified when Lex clasped it.  "Lock the doors behind you, son."


"I don't want to know this!" Lex growled as he slammed the door behind him, lock clicking.


Dominic watched him go, grinning as his bald, make-up-ed pate slipped out the door and locked the wood behind it... and he gazed up at his lover, silence between the both of them for a heartbeat... two.


Lionel slipped his hands around Dominic's waist and tugged.  "Was I gentle enough?"


"You were amazing. Superb. Gentle, but with a powerful hand. Its what they needed, sweetie." He slipped closer... warmer, gently tracing his cheeks. "What they all needed. Charles, though… he's a good man. I’m glad he wasn’t on the list."


"Yes, he is.  So is Reynold, though I see where Marie gets so much of her attitude from.  Reynold will hold his own with your family, I can tell."  He angled his head down to nip sharply at Dominic's throat.  "I wanted very much to destroy Johnstone."


"Idiot." The nip was heaven, and Dominic returned it to a downy soft earlobe, his teeth catching on the small bump in the center of it before sliding free. "Reynold's a good man. Old as dirt, but a good chap."


"Let's not... talk about anyone else right now," Lionel murmured.  "I'd rather... decide what we're going to do with the rest of our night."


"I want… actually..." It was so easy to quest his lips over Lionel’s... talk into them, as he gently rubbed his mouth against them. "To kiss you. And then...we can decide what we want to do." A quiet, husky murmur, and his tongue slipped out to traced Lionel’s... taste the taste that was purely Lionel.


"I can live with that," Lionel murmured softly into the lips pressing against his own, then opened himself up to the kiss that was being offered to him.  His fingers stroked and played in the short bristles of his lover's hair as they kissed, nipping and sucking.


Dominic's tongue slipped in as he wound his arms around his lovers waist and held tight. Hot strokes of a talented tongue, and he sighed softly into the kiss as he switched angles and delved again. Warmer… deeper. He coaxed Lionel’s tongue into his own mouth and sucked softly at it, before doing the same to Lionel’s lower lip.


Which he caught, and tugged at before kissing it gently.


Lionel let his tongue thrust deeply and easily into Dominic's mouth, sighing softly and grunting happily as his lip was gently nibbled.  Possessive hands slid around Dominic's waist, under his shirt, down the back of his pants to squeeze and grip firm cheeks and lift him carefully.


Breath skidded from him effortlessly and Dominic found himself gasping… arching, eyes closing as their powerful, expensive suits moved together and it made him chuckle huskily, before leaning in to nip and kiss at the lower lip a little more.. sucking it into his mouth to chew, mumbling softly before letting go so he could streak that gorgeous throat with his tongue… leave wet trails everywhere. "Frisky."


"Is that what you're calling it now?" Lionel asked, voice throaty.  "Mmm."  If they didn't either leave, or stop, there was a distinct possibility that Dominic was going to get fucked on this pretty oak boardroom table.


Which Dominic didn’t mind the thought of, now that he was thinking it, and he grinned mischievously up at him. The previous night had been... yes. Well. Lionel had been true to his word, and they'd gone home… he'd taken the beads out, and masturbated so hard the bed nearly cracked. And Dominic had been tied to a chair, cock dripping... watching it.


He hadn’t gotten off… no, in fact, he'd gotten in bed after the coldest shower in his life, and now... he was feeling quite frisky himself, flexing his ass in those strong palms quite wickedly, even as his mouth sucked at his lovers scented pulse point.


"Jiminy... you're well on your way to getting fucked on this table," Lionel growled softly.  "Or maybe you'd rather crawl under my desk and blow me, like we've done so many times before."  He bit hard on the earlobe that his lips had been nibbling.  "Or perhaps... up against the wall of my office, just as we did so many months ago before we left for Smallville."  His hands squeezed firmly again, then one thigh slid between Dominic's legs.


Trembles racked through him… but oh, he knew better. He knew what Lionel was doing! It wouldn’t work! "But... S… sir..." He whispered, looking up at him. "Won’t I get in trouble?" He thrust his hardening cock against that thick, muscled thigh, latching around Lionel’s neck as he ducked his head, undid a button of his dress shirt, and snaked his mouth around the nipple ring, tugging it into his mouth and sucking through the thousand dollar suit.


"Mmm... No."  Lionel hissed, thrusting forward into the suck of his nipple ring as his rough hands stroked over Dominic's back.  "You won't get in trouble... not for this."


"Don’t ask of your slave." He murmured, rocking his cock against Lionel’s leg and aching to get off. He was pulsing, with adrenaline and ache, and he wanted it fast and hard and blinding and desperate, and he began to shake as he looped his tongue through the ring and pulled away from his body...sucking the distended nipple with a lewd slurp.


And whimpered.


Lionel's hands gripped his lover's biceps, eyes glittering hungrily.  "Drop your pants and bend over the table."


He rose his chin, his own eyes dancing in pleasure and joy and want, and asked, "What if I don’t?"


Lionel crooked an eyebrow.  "Then we'll go to dinner, you'll sleep in the guest bedroom of the penthouse, wrists chained to the bedpost, and I'll wake you in time for the press conference in the morning."


He smirked at it but he leaned up and dragged the flat of his tongue across that raised brow, and undid his pants. At his leisure. Taunting him… waiting for him to lose it, and God, he wanted it wild. "That could be interesting... however, I want to look at this table different for the next twenty years." He stroked his cock through his pants, the cock that belonged to Lionel, and blinked innocently.


"Then bend over."  He would not lose his cool.  No matter how much he was taunted.  He'd not lived forty years and not learned control.  He was the one in control, and he would not lose it.


He slid his pants half down his hips… then let them fall, as well as his kiss my ass boxers with lips all over them, which he'd received from Megan as a gag gift a year or so ago, and found them perfect for the occasion. He turned, leaning over the wood on his elbows, trembles racing down his spine.


"Mmm... appropriate underwear."  Lionel moved to stand behind his lover, running his hands over the bared skin of Dominic's ass, and then popped him once.  Hard.  Twice more, once to each cheek, and then a fourth time to the opposite cheek and he stopped, rubbing his chest against Dominic's back, letting the wool of his suit rub against his lover's exposed flesh.  "That's for making me wait."


He gasped... moaned, hard, as his cock rubbed against the underneath of the table. Oh, it stung, bad, and the pain was instant pleasure, rolling through his groin and balls. Oh, yes. Too long, too long, and tears stung his eyes as he moaned with the ecstasy of it. "Gotta... r-remember to make you wait more often."


"Take off your necktie and lay it on the table beside you."  Lionel worked his own knot free.  "If you've moved otherwise by the time I return, I will paddle your ass red."


"R...where are you going?" He turned to look at him in fear. Oh, God, he didn’t want... not anyone else to see this, and he swallowed, hard. "Where are...?" But he followed instructions, slipping the Windsor knot free from around his neck, slowly, until the black and gray tie was beside him.


Lionel caressed his lover's back gently.  "I'm going through that door, to my office, to bring back a bottle of lubricant, unless you happen to have one tucked away in your little briefcase," he soothed, kissing his lover softly on the cheek and throat.  "That's all."


"Oh. Ohhh." He was going to get fucked. Oh yeah. He grinned, brightly up at him, and nodded, sneaking quick, nipping kisses from his face. "Okay, sir." A hum as he lay back on his belly... making sure the door was closed with a glance, before situating himself on the cool wood. Oh, yes.


Lionel finished untying his tie and dropped it on the table beside Dominic's, then disappeared into his office, making sure to close the door behind him as he took a deep breath, fixed himself a shot of neat scotch, and then rummaged through the desk until he came up with what he was looking for.  Tucking the white bottle back into his pocket, Lionel refilled his drink glass and carried it back into the room with him, then checked to make sure that both doors were locked before sitting down on the other side of the table from his lover.  "Bring me the ties."


He looked up from his spot over the table, pulling his pants up a little and onto his hips so he could walk, and handed his lover both ties. Elegant and silky, and Dominic looked down at his lover in the chair, eyes widened in his face as his cock, hard and dripping, jutted out from his unbuttoned and unzipped pants. "There you are, sir."


"Turn around, put your hands behind your back."  As he waited, he lay his own red tie across his lap as he snapped Dominic's gray one between his hands.


Tied. Around his wrists. Bound. Dominic moaned, softly, back to his lover as he looked at the painting in front of them with blurred vision. He'd gotten painfully hard in a half a moment, and oh, Christ, he wanted a cock up his ass, fucking him blind. Whimpers like words slipped from his mouth, daring to yank at the binds... see how completely helpless he was. "Lionel..."


Lionel tightened the gray one as tightly around his lover's wrists as he could without damaging him, and then tested the handhold.  "Wonderful," Lionel murmured softly to himself.  The red tie Lionel used as a gentle flail, snapping it over his lover's skin.  "Tell me, beloved... do you want me to gag you with it, or keep you from coming?"


Oh, fuck. "What...what will you do if I come?" He murmured submissively, quietly, head bowing and chin touching his chest.


"Take you out to dinner, then take you home, and fuck you again until neither of us can move properly," he breathed softly against Dominic's neck.


"'n...a-and if I don’t?" He moaned, goosebumps breaking out all over underneath the suit, still tugging at the bind and arching his back in pleasure.


"Then I'll take you to dinner, tease you throughout the entire meal, take you home, and see just what it will take to get you to come for me."


"Hard choice." Gasping breaths heaved in his chest, ass moving… quite invitingly as he fought to rub his cock against the cotton of his pants, mumbling softly. "Ready to come… I’m so ready to come... want you to torture me, make me ache for you, b... but let me come. I-If you want, sir," He quickly added, looking over his shoulder at him under his lashes.


"Mmm... I like when you're ready to come for me.  Just on the edge."  He dropped the tie loosely around Dominic's shoulders.  "I think... I shall leave it up to you keep yourself from coming until I say so."  Lionel moved into position behind his lover, leaning against him to pull the glass over, and then trickled a small line of the alcohol over his lover's backside.  It flowed down the cleft, and Lionel's tongue moved quickly to lap it up before it spilled, fingers moving to part Dominic's cheeks as he licked each drop of the liquor clean.


He was going to start screaming.


He was going to start screaming.


They were in their place of business.


He couldn’t scream. However, he was going to start to.


A breath choked in Dominic’s mouth and he leaned over a little, said scream choking in his throat, suppressed as he bit a mouthful of his suit and clenched his eyes shut. Pure, hot pleasure rocked him to the core, his entire body waking up with cock standing at attention. Yes. Yes. Oh, good Christ and Jesus, YES. It was hot pleasure, sweet and good, and his lover was behind him with his mouth in his ass licking and squirming and he was going to come, if Lionel wanted it or not.


It was only because he wanted to see where this ended that he kept it tight in his belly, drowning the screams with a hard, long, shaking moan.


Lionel felt his lover squirming, and reached forward, one hand twisting and pulling his lover's balls hard, but not viciously.  His other hand kept Dominic's cheeks parted as his tongue thrust deep.  The first time he'd done this, he hadn't been sure he'd like it.  Now, though... he didn't think he could live without it.  His tongue pushed as deep into his lover as he could work it, re-growing beard scratching Dominic's exposed flesh.  Once he was satisfied with the tugged balls, Lionel's hand slid under Dominic's shirt and undershirt, moving up to pinch and twist his lover's hard nipples.


"MRRRRUUGGGGHHH!" He screamed in his throat and around his suit, bound fingers clenching. FUCK! Lionel’s tongue, so deep in his ass, and he could feel it, feel it squirming and writhing and his fingers tugging his balls and that beard, scratching his sensitive skin, and he screamed again, muffled into his clothes, eyes clenched as tears of pleasure built. Oh, GOD.


Then those powerful little fingers had to slide over his nipples, and Dominic’s back arched painfully, head thrown back before down, huddled around those fingers, licking and sucking at his skin to keep his mind off his insistent need to scream at the top of his lungs.


Lionel's fingers left his lover's nipples and reached up for the red tie, finding his lover's mouth by touch and gently slid the red silk into his lover's mouth.  Then he took a deep breath, and buried his tongue to the root, twitching it hard before giving two rough thrusts and then withdrawing as he took a step back.  Lionel leaned against the wall, panting softly as he slicked his fingers with the lube bottle in his pocket.  "Don't... move."


His teeth clenched around the tie. Yes, yes, YES. He couldn’t, he was going to start screaming, he was--


He screamed.


Loud, muffled, he sobbed with it as that hot tongue stabbed into him as far as it could go, and he felt orgasm loom so deep in his spine, eyes screwed shut tight as he tried to stay still, shaking with how dirty this was, how much pleasure he was in, how much he wanted, YES. A clench on orgasm, burying it as hard as he could, and he squirmed without being able to stop, prostate aching for a touch as his dick jerked and he thrust forward.


Lionel's slick fingers probed his lover's opening, sliding easily into the wet orifice his tongue had just vacated.  As he stroked, he landed hard, sharp slaps onto his lover's thrusting ass, grunting at the tightening around his fingers with each slap.  "Mmm... going to wear your ass out when we get home tonight," Lionel promised.  "Wonder how hard you'll clench up on my cock when I paddle your ass."


Not going to come. Not going to come. Not going to come. Dominic pushed back into those fingers, aching for them deeper, squirming his ass around them... then crying out around the red tie that smelled of his lovers cologne over the hard smacks. His body tightened and screwed up each time, clenching around Lionel’s thrusting fingers. "i-nyo, esh!"


"Mmm... oh yes.  Feel how tight your ass is every time I spank you?"  He pulled his fingers out and slicked his cock before pressing into his lover and then slapped his ass again.


He cried out, ass screwing tight, muscles squeezing....squeezing as his lover entered, and he let out a harsh sobbing cry, pushing back into him as his bound fingers clenched and he leaned over as far as he could, offering his ass. Oh, YES. YES! He dared him, pushing onto him, merciless wickedness in his heart, taking when he shouldn’t have been… daring his lover.


And loving every damn second.


On his spread knees, bare ass in the air, accepting his lovers enormous cock, being spanked with a gag in his mouth, chest almost on the floor...and he was daring.


No one ever said he was a good boy.


Lionel grunted at the hard clench around his cock, and he spanked Dominic harder, the slaps becoming louder in the locked room as he felt heat rising in his lover's cheeks.  He grabbed the binding between Dominic's wrist and used it for leverage, pushing himself into the hilt and then riding hard, teeth biting his lover's shoulder through the white dress shirt. 


Harder slaps, louder, and Lionel was spanking as hard as he could now, grunting with every tightening.  Suddenly his fingers went to Dominic's mouth and unwrapped the tie, leaving it threaded through his lover's mouth as he gripped both ends at the back, using it like the reins of a horse to pull Dominic back against his thrusting cock.


Tears were tucked into his eyelashes, splashing down his cheeks with each smack, and it felt so good, so agonizing. He was hot, burning, the slaps harsh and fierce to his bare flesh and he couldn’t stop moaning breathlessly... until Lionel shoved himself in.


Then he was glad he had the bind, because he screamed into it as the bite shot all the way to his brain and he screamed again. The slaps got hard, hot, his skin and body enflamed where it rubbed against Lionel’s skin and he was giving choked noises.


Until Lionel had to go and make it a rein. Then he came.


He arched, hard, screaming himself hoarse as he climaxed. Pinpricked from somewhere inside of him, it exploded, all over his belly and groin and head and heart and nipples, pebble hard against his shirt, his untouched cock exploding all over the floor in front of him. Lightning lit behind his eyes as his back arched and Lionel tugged him back, all his muscles clenched as he came so hard his vision and hearing buzzed and whited.


Lionel cried out as Dominic clenched around him.  He pulled back hard on Dominic's reins, holding his head up and body rammed down hard on his cock as he whimpered, hand scrambling to yank his own balls to keep from coming.  It nearly didn't work, and Lionel's hand dropped his balls and gripped Dominic's hip hard as he started pounding into his lover.  No more playing, no more teasing spanks, nothing but hard riding.  He kept tight hold of the reins, pulling back with every shove in, using it to direct his lover as he fucked Dominic as hard as he could.


Dominic didn’t care. He didn’t care how hard, he could barely think... but to give his lover pleasure, give it to him, he arched, rose and fell, yanked wherever his lover wanted and each yank was a string of hot pleasure to his overworked cock. He sobbed with pleasure, moving with his lover, hard, back arched with each movement, bodies locked together tightly as Lionel’s cock shoved in and out of him. Hard. Wild. Oh, yes.


Fast and hot and they were both going to be sore and he didn’t give a fuck. He screamed again, muffled and hot, pushing back into his lover as Lionel directed, following the movements and moaning in the purest of ecstasy.


Lionel jerked out of his lover, spun Dominic around, sat him on the table, and slammed back into him, mouth locking onto his lover's chest, biting hard nipples with his teeth as he thrust in.  Hard, fast, over and over again.  He tugged the tie out of Dominic's mouth, took it in a hard kiss, soothing the bruised lips and tongue as he licked every inch, shuddering as he grew so close.


He tried to let the cry come out, leaning back on his bound arms as Lionel fucked him. He could feel the head slide in, scalding hot… and realized he was sitting on his flaming hot, spanked ass.


His scream, muffled into his lover mouth, was so hard his eyes rolled and his ears washed out with fuzz. Oh, fuck. The pain was instant, outrageous, especially against the cold wood of the table, and he got hard again in a moment, cock filling hard and going stiff as rock. His muscles all contracted as one at the instant, hurrying, glorious pain and he clamped so hard around his lover he wouldn’t let him out, not for a few long moments, throwing his head back and screaming again, silently.


Lionel's hand moved to grasp his lover's hard cock, jerking hard and fast, stilling inside his lover.  He would have screamed at the tight vise around his cock but instead he bent his head and buried his teeth in Dominic's throat, letting his scream vibrate against his lover's Adam’s apple. 


He never stopped jacking his lover off, never.  "C--come, Dominic, come on, come for me, my Jiminy," Lionel ordered, his nails raking the scar on his lover's thigh as he jacked.  "Come for me, and then tell me where you want my come... in your ass or down your throat."


The scar is what did it. Nails scraping against the raised flesh of the crescent moon, palm brushing his sensitive thigh. That was it. He came, harsh, pounding, second time in less then five minutes, unable to scream anymore, not anymore, agonized as he shot all over his bare belly and Lionel’s hands, and all he could do was whimper pitifully. He was hardly able to move, or speak, or gasp or gag, just coming and falling back onto his bound arms, chest and neck arched in submission, totally giving control to his his mind blanketed and washed out with pleasure.


Lionel gritted his teeth as Dominic came, body locked around him, and it was only through his depleted willpower that he was able to hold back his own orgasm, but he knew he wouldn't be able to hold it for long.  His hands dug into Dominic's shoulders as he lightly shook him.  "Where do you want it, Dominic?  Want me to come inside you, or suck it out of me?"


"Don’t k... know, where y-you want, where..." He was dizzy with his orgasms, dizzy with the blood that almost didn’t know which way to rush, mind blank as Lionel shook him... moaning and undulating his hips with the last of his energy. "In me... in my ass, in me, L... Lionel, in me," He moaned, accent so thick his words were almost unintelligible, trembling as he reared his hips and offered.


Lionel kissed his lover hard, and let go, thrusting twice more and coming.  Hard and fast, his balls ached and body twisted as he poured the come out of his body into his willing lover.  His tongue thrust into Dominic's mouth, kissing, nipping, biting his lips gently as Lionel thrust his orgasm out. 


Slowly his thrusts became gentler as he finished his orgasm, and his touches to his lover were lazy and tender.  "Jiminy... are you all right?" he asked softly, thumb rubbing a red spot on his face from the tie rubbing against his cheek.


Deaf. Mute. Blind. Lionel had fucked him senseless, and he just stared at the ceiling for a long moment, eyes at half mast, chest rising and falling as his hips continued undulating... and his throat, raw with screaming, worked unconsciously. Hot, hot, jet after jet into his burning ass that was twitching with each shift on the freezing table... and when he finally spoke, it was a long, vibrating moan.


Lionel kissed and caressed his lover's body reverently, cradling him close and cuddling him in the cool room.  "I love you."


"L...luff 'oo." Muttered, as he continued to stare at the spackle. Huh. Interesting spackle.


Spackle, spackle, spackle.


Lethargy slipped over him like a blanket and he suddenly curled up against his lover, arms linking around his back and tugging him in for a hard hug. He couldn’t speak, but he could touch and move and he held him so tightly, mumbling sweet nothings into his skin.


Lionel rubbed his cheek against his lover's as he moved, sliding Dominic down the table and listening to the squeak of skin on slick finish as he tugged down to the huge rolling chair, and sat down, pulling Dominic into his lap and nestling them together.  "Here we are, baby," Lionel murmured softly, holding his love as tightly as possible.  "Here we are."


He heard the squeak… giggled quietly before gasping at the jostling of his burning ass... somehow getting squirmed onto his lovers lap and he wouldn’t have it any other way. His chest was still rising and falling with pants, mumbling about nothing absently as he closed his eyes and pressed his cheek into Lionel’s again, curling close so Lionel’s arms were around him. He needed cuddles… why? Because he was Dominic and damn well deserved them. "Mmmph."


Lionel smiled softly.  "You realize of course, the next time we're in this room, I'll not be able to look at this table," he teased, rubbing his lover's back, cuddling him and nuzzling sweet kisses to his face.


He nodded a little against his lovers face, peppering kissing right back, legs curled up close to his and Lionel’s chests. Oh, no, he'd never be able to get any work down in here. Never. Ever. Again. The wide palm on his back was bliss, and he soothed right back, rubbing wide shoulders and a soft chest... the arms around him, and he slowly played his fingertips over his lover’s fingers, hand atop his, rubbing his fingertips into the knuckles... then linking like that.


Lionel squeezed the gentle fingers touching his, and licked a soft line over Dominic's mouth.  "You... are entirely too indulgent of me," he teased.


His lips spread into the soft lick, dragging his own tongue down a raspy jaw to suck his chin into his mouth, rubbing his tongue against the underneath...then back up, to nip the corners of his mouth, shifting and sighing as his aching ass only gave a little hum. He wasn’t sure he could talk… his throat was raspy, and he was quite sure the entire office heard them.


And he didn’t give a royal fuck. Which, in itself, made him giggle.


Which worried Lionel, when he didn't get an answer.  He brushed his fingertips lightly over Dominic's throat.  "Did--did I hurt you?" he asked softly, worriedly.  "If I hurt you... I'd never forgive myself."


He shook his head… cleared his throat, and when he spoke, his voice was outrageously raspy, deep and sexy, even as he tried to clear it. "Feel s'good. So, so good. Never… s'hard 'fore." And he grinned happily, squirming quite naked on his lover, Armani suits gooey and sweaty, and oh, he pressed his face back into that slender throat, nipping, licking, sucking at his Adams apple and jaw, nibbling along his cheeks...up to the corner of each eye, licking it softly, kissing the eyelashes.


Lionel closed his eyes, letting his lover cover his face in kisses.  "I'm glad I didn't hurt you," he whispered softly.  "I'm sorry--what I did was dangerous, without the proper setting, and I won't take the risk of hurting you again."  He cupped Dominic's face in his hands.  "But I don't regret it; I needed you.  Very badly."


"'s not dangerous." He kept right on kissing, peppering three... four... five over Lionel’s slightly crooked nose... then kissing the other eyelashes and eyelid happily, then up to caress his temple with his mouth... over his hair and down, to lick and bite at his ear, tongue tracing the shell of that gorgeous ear until his lover cupped his cheeks. And he had to smile. "I don’t break." Then back to kissing, snagging the downy earlobe from before again, biting it...soothing and sucking at the spot underneath it, and whispering. "Feel s'well fucked."


"You are well fucked, Dominic," Lionel said softly.  "So well fucked, in fact, that I don't want to let you out of my arms.  Ever.  But... we do have a dinner date tonight, remember?  And... we have to get cleaned up and changed before we go."


"Eh. W'c'n smell like sex." He nodded, sniffing, apparently agreeing with the scent, and squirming in his lovers lap softly even though he knew… yeah. Shower. Hee! He was even sated for the time being, which in itself was a rare gift, sighing happily and licking Lionel’s cheek before squirming and pressing his cheek to his shoulder. "Mmmmm."


Lionel mmm'd in agreement.  "If it were up to me, you'd wear nothing but my scent and a leather collar... but it's not up to me." 


Oh. He trembled, looking up with foggy eyes, and his smile broke out over his face like sunshine. "Collar?"


Lionel nodded.  "Collar," he confirmed.  "If I had my way, you'd wear it all the time and never take it off.  Sadly... unless you intend to change your entire wardrobe to turtlenecks, I don't see a way it's going to happen."


He chuckled… then grinned, and looked up hopefully, ever the sweet, soft lover now that he was where he belonged. In his lovers arms. When he was here... his soul came out, wicked and gentle as it was. "Maybe...maybe just sometimes, though?"


"Oh... most definitely sometimes, my love.  Like... tonight.  After dinner.  It'll be the first thing you put on when you get home, and the last thing you take off in the morning," Lionel promised.


"Mmmmm." He sighed happily, though his cock screamed at him for even considering getting aroused again, and he closed his eyes. Just for a second.


A second turned into a minute... two... and he found himself falling asleep, so he woke himself up, blinking... and started to squirm from his lovers arms. "Bed. Find one. Nap. Cleaned up. Dinner. Sex." He chuckled and hissed at the hefty burn in his ass, squirming and sighing in pleasure as he climbed to his feet. "Mmmm. In that order."


Lionel pulled himself to his feet, straightening his suit as best he could, stuffing the tie into his pocket as he pulled his duster on.  Buttoned up in front, it covered the multitude of sins committed against his poor suit, and Lionel was the picture of professionalism.  "There is a nice, soft bed at the penthouse.  By the way," Lionel said slyly... "Did Toni tell you who she was bringing to dinner?"


He shook his head, standing there, naked from the waist down but for one pitiful lone sock, and stretched his arms over his head. The muscles in his belly quivered like disturbed water before he let them fall, sighing softly and winding his arms back around his lover... just to cuddle for a sec. "'veryone knows we were havin' sex. Screams n' stuff." Wicked giggles… but he glanced up, and blinked questioningly. "Who?"


"Yes, but there's no reason to advertise it."  Lionel returned the giggles and the cuddles, rubbing his cheek against Dominic's.  "Oh, I was just wondering if you knew."


He shook his head, getting his brain back at that. No, God, no. If people knew... that would be bad. Cause, sex at the workplace... great on TV, bad here. Even if it was the boss. Hee. That made him feel so delightfully cheap, in those words, as he looked for his pants. "Who is it?"


Lionel strived to look innocent.  "You think I know?"


He suddenly stopped...and stared. "No. Lionel. No." He shook his head, and a single finger. "No. No, no, no. NO. Oh, fucking hell."


"No, what?"


"Its Graham, isn’t it?!"


If Lionel had looked any more innocent, there would have been a halo over his head.


"My brother is going to eat dinner with us while torturing is going on! You are such an EVIL creature, Lionel Luthor! EVIL!" He pointed, made horns over his head. "You give the devil a run for his money!"


Lionel leaned forward and kissed his lover on the forehead.  "Mmm.  And Sheriff Goodall as well, I hear he and Felicia have been getting along."


He slapped. His hand. To his forehead. "Christ, and Almighty Jesus. You should be ashamed. Ashamed. And just for that, I’m putting something wicked on you, and you're going to wear it because you love me."


Lionel grinned.  "Why should I be ashamed?  They're your family and friends."


"But you knew and you didn’t tell me!" He glared, though he did look imposing with a single sock on, and no pants. He really, really did.


"I did tell you," Lionel protested.  A beat.  "Just now."


Dominic stared for just a moment.


Then with a sudden movement, he leapt up, linked his legs around Lionel's waist, and they went crashing... with laughter.






go to the next part