
The Memoirs

Smallville fanfic by Kel and Diana

Chapter 74: Dinner With the Paparazzi

Metropolis in the winter.  Lionel loved a winter Metropolis, and thought quietly to himself that it was the one thing he would miss.  Despite the dirty snow, the slick sidewalks, the gutters that ran with freezing run-off... there was something about the snowscapes that surrounded the LuthorCorp tower that made him feel...




Snow drifted in the causeways and in the small square of trees and bushes.  Snatches of holiday music still drifted in and out of the air as the doors to his tower opened and closed, spilling out music and warmth to the people waiting on the sidewalk.


Standing at the base of the tower, looking out over his city, Lionel sighed.  Metropolis would soon be Lex's city, and yet, it would always belong to him. 


People dressed in all ranges of colors--muted black and gray jackets and scarves like his own to the bright rainbow hats and gloves of small children as they tugged weary parents down slippery sidewalks, the steam and smoke rising from cars and roads as their warmth evaporated the moisture on them... it was just beautiful to Lionel Luthor.


And it was the first thing Dominic’s green eyes fell upon. A beautiful, outrageously handsome man, classy and cultured, standing right outside of the glass doors the doorman had pulled open and closed for him. Dignified and elegant, with his leather and his wool, sharply dressed despite the cold weather and the people on the street.


"Hello, stranger."


Said quietly from his lean against the limousine. His hands were in his coat pockets, ankles crossed, and a small smile slipped across his lips. The tinkling of laughter… the people talking about a million things as they passed. Wet gutters, slick sidewalks... the holidays, just coming to a close, and the people who'd grown wearily closer because of them.


"Haven't seen you around here before."


Lionel was quietly shaken out of his contemplation.  "I'm sorry, my cricket.  I was just... woolgathering."  He smiled softly.  "Remembering all the things I like about this city, why winter in Metropolis is so beautiful."


He moved over for him a little... give him room against the cold metal of the car, and motioned out to the throngs of people out shopping in post holiday bliss. "I’m going to miss it, too. It grows on you quickly, doesn’t it?"


"Yes... it does."  Lionel's gloved hands slid into his pockets.  "But as much as I will miss it... I believe that I belong somewhere else now... and that Metropolis belongs to Lex."


He was flirting, very softly, one eyebrow cocking up, as he gave his tuxedoed lover a once over. "So, stranger. Where are you off to, looking so smashing? And do you have time to share a drink with me?"


Lionel raised an eyebrow right back.  "As it happens, I'm off to a restaurant called Sandine's.  My date has flaked out on me, so if you've nothing better to do, I am in dire need of a escort."


A quiet click of a slender tongue met him, plus a slight shake of his head as Dominic rose from his slump on the limo. "What a shame. Handsome man as yourself, you shouldn’t be alone on these cold, dangerous streets. As it happens, I’m free. My own date... you might know him, he ran away with my mothers Latin lover."


"What a crying shame.  Both of us abandoned, and to a Don Juan, no less."  Lionel held his arm out to his lover.  "Would you care to have dinner with me, handsome stranger?"


"I would. You just have to promise me one thing, Mr. Bogart." Dominic’s eyes danced as he took the offered arm, leather gloves sliding easily against the expensive wool as Phillip, their driver, smiled and started the car up.


"And what would that be, Mr. Bergman?"


"Don’t fall in love with me." A shake of his head, easy, sweet. "I have that effect on men, I’m afraid."


"I'm afraid it's too late for that," Lionel said with a heartfelt sigh.  "I'm already madly, deeply, irrevocably in love with you."


"You're just saying that. Its because I have money, isn’t it?" Dominic heaved his own sigh, opening the limo and offering it to his lover, clucking his tongue again.


Lionel slid into the car and waited for Dominic to join him.  "Sadly, no.  I have my own money to worry about; it's your eyes.  And the little cricket tie-tack and cufflinks."


"Notice them, did you?" He heaved another sigh and slipped into the car without scuffing his shoes, sharp in his tuxedo and gorgeous silk tie, and his eyes were twinkling as he looked into his lovers own eyes. "I should say the first thing I saw was that underestimated ass of yours. My my, sir." A cluck of his tongue as he settled in, and grinned up at Phillip. "Sandine's."


"Aaaah, my most valuable... if you'll pardon the pun... asset," Lionel smirked.  The limo came with a small cooler that was kept stocked with Lionel's favorite cognac, and poured two glasses, offering one to his lover.  "Here's to the idiots who left us, and may they never know what they're missing."


Dominic rose his glass, clinked it against Lionel’s, and leaned over their glasses to kiss him. Tender mating of lips before he let go, grinning and sipping from the glass a little bit. "If I didn’t know better, I'd think you were trying to seduce me, Mr. Bogart."


"Then it's a good thing you know better, Mr. Bergman."  Lionel returned the soft kisses with enthusiasm, and his hand rose to trace his lover's lips with a drop of cognac form the glass.


Oh. Whoever said alcohol couldn’t be romantic as hell? Dominic’s breath slipped out of his lungs as easy as water, eyes locking onto Lionel’s and holding. "Want me to tell you what I think, stranger?"


"Yes... I do," Lionel answered, managing to raise his glass to his lips without breaking eye contact with his lover.


"I think you're a business man, right in his prime, here on business from... Rome? Greece? And you're looking for a good time. A wine and dine fellow, who can’t keep away from blonds." All of this said, of course, quietly and close... and as Lionel lowered his glass once more, Dominic licked right where Lionel had it pressed to his lips. "I should tell you, I’m not cheap."


"Mmm... Rome," Lionel said softly.  "And I'm actually looking for a beautiful blond with green eyes, thick Irish accent and who doesn't mind being called a cricket to be my lover, slave, partner, and not least, husband."  He licked at the tongue that lapped at his lips, nipping the tip between gentle teeth.


A soft, windy sigh... before he pretended to be shocked. "I think... well, I’m blond... I've got green eyes... I've got the Irish accent, right out of the Emerald Isle." A soft, mock gasp, as he cupped a strong jaw. "Cricket... yes. Lover, slave, partner... husband." At the last word his voice hitched, and Dominic pressed his forehead to Lionel’s. "Oh, yes."


Lionel slipped his hands up to cup his lover's face, and kissed him softly, but meaningfully.  "Then you're... exactly what I've been looking for."


"Maybe I can forget about my lover and his Don Quixote now." He murmured into his lover’s lips... then let his own curve into a smile. "I brought you something."


"You didn't need to," Lionel said, following the curve of Dominic's smile with his tongue.


"Its something little. Graham gave it to me last week...I think you'll like it." Dominic reared up a moment, going under his duster and suit jacket for his wallet. He pulled the black leather from his back pants pocket--some habits never died--and opened it... leaving through... ah, yes. He pulled out a small picture... and looked up at his lover as he gave it to him.


Shane's enormous, toothless grin filled the photograph. He was being flown above his daddies head, and he was just squealing on top of his lungs.


Lionel couldn't help the wide smile that picture brought.  "That's my little man," Lionel said.  "You're right... I do like it.  Look at that handsome young man, Dominic... he's going to grow up to be just like his Uncle Lionel."


"He is indeed." A soft grin. "Just as crotchety too." But it was a light tease, and he handed him the photo, before worming his wallet back into his pocket. "I love you, my cranky man."


Lionel pulled his own wallet out of his jacket pocket, slipped the photograph of Shane in behind the one of his wife, and tucked it away.  "And I love you, my cricket."


And that was the last thing they said as Sandine’s came into view. It was lovely, tall and stately built... the front of the building done in tasteful glass, and it reared up over four floors. The rich and famous came to eat and be seen here... from movie stars to politicians, business owners to young money. They came from everywhere, to pay for an overpriced meal that was worth every penny, and be seen as having BEEN there.


The fountain that was so shiny and bright it spilled diamonds from its spouts was lit with brilliant lights in the round circle drop off. Valets were standing everywhere, though they didn’t think they'd be needing the limo for quite some time. Dinner was going to be interesting.


Dominic watched, and not for the first time, he was a little star struck. Everyone who was everyone was here tonight, and it gave him a kind of glee to be a part of it. "Think we'll see Anderson?"


Lionel laughed softly.  "Not unless he's broken jail and is bussing tables."  He waited for Phillip to open the door and he slid out, habitually fluffing back his hair as he tossed it over his shoulder, turning around to offer his hand to Dominic. 


"I do hope they haven't given my usual table out; I'll be quite unhappy if they have."


It startled him... but Dominic took the hand, squeezing it as he climbed from the limo. A smile at the valets and he gazed up at the enormous building... laughing softly and glancing at his love. "Why are so many people here tonight?"


"You must be joking," Lionel said dryly.  "Word of what we've done today has no doubt filtered out despite our attempts to keep it quiet, and they're all gathering to see Lionel Luthor, business despot, making merry after ruining the lives of the innocent people who work for him.  Remember... smile for the paparazzi."


Dominic. Hated. The. Paparazzi. With a bloody fucking passion. He saw them a moment before camera's were snapped in his eyes, and he immediately, unconsciously, shielded Lionel’s body with his own, ushering him into the building and nearly turning over his shoulder to snarl at the thousand asked questions, growling darkly instead at them and glaring.


Dominic was so busy protecting him from the photographers that he didn't notice that Lionel's arm had slipped snugly around his waist.  Let the world think what they would of it, but Lionel had never been so happy to see the inside of the restaurant, where cameras were forbidden, in his entire life.  "You did wonderfully, as always, Dominic.  I'm glad you've had your shots, because if you bite someone, I wouldn't want to have you put down."


"Bite some balls off, I was." He muttered under his voice, and now... now, when they stepped into the building he noticed the arm pressed around him, and holding him to Lionel's long, warm body.


So did the hostess.


"Hello, there." A cheerful smile, despite the oddity in front of her. "Its wonderful to see you back, Mr. Luthor."


"Thank you, Kirsten, thank you.  I wonder, might we have our table please?  And there should be four others of our party either waiting or arriving, I wonder if you might be so kind as to see if they're in the lounge?  Graham Senatori, Dr. Toni Braxton, Sheriff Ethan Goodall, and Ms. Felicia Etheridge."


"We heard you might be coming tonight." Said Kirsten smiled and tucked a strand of flame red hair behind her ear, nodding to her slightly short, more slender assistant, who immediately went to the lounge. "Your party is set and waiting, with complimentary calamari waiting for you, lightly toasted as you like it."


Dominic was glancing about... noticing the slight changes in decor since the last time they'd been here, and--"I’m sorry?"


"I was asking after your arm, sir." Kirsten nodded.


"Oh, much better, thank you for asking."


"Thank you, thank you very much.  If you could see to it that we're not disturbed during the evening, I'd be very much appreciative," Lionel said, pulling his coat off and handing it to her, letting his arm fall casually back around Dominic's waist, as though it were nothing out of the ordinary.  "I'd also like to order a bottle of champagne, the best vintage you have in the storeroom, please." 


She noticed it, again, and it all clicked. The starry eyed look in both men’s eyes was scandalizing... but sweet. And she smiled, nodded, and took both their coats, handing them to a scrawny boy to hang in the coat room. "Of course. And I believe, sir," As the skinny girl from the lounge motioned. "Your party has arrived. They'll be escorted to your table shortly." She took six menu's and began to lead them through the crowded dining room and towards the elevators.


Dominic’s heart was in his throat, and he looked at his lover once more, watching him... the arm around him warm and hard and strong, and oh, God.


It was all about to come out. And it… it was... terrifying. And good. And... terrifying.


Lionel tugged Dominic with him as they were led towards the table.


Indeed it was Lionel's favorite table, and, coincidentally, the same table that Jonathan and Martha had sat at those weeks ago.  There was a small reserved sign on the table, six place settings and wine glasses, and Lionel smiled as he climbed the two steps that led to the dais that contained their table.


He was a very happy man, all things considered.


"Here we are, sir." She set the menus down, in each place sitting, the French script on the bound leather lovely and gorgeous, and her smile was brilliant as she watched them both sit. "Can I get you both something to drink, before the pre-dinner wine?"


"I would like a glass of Auvignon brandy, please, no ice," Lionel ordered.  He looked at his lover across the table.  "Make that two, if you would.  For the ladies in the party, bring two apple martinis, dry.  For the gentlemen... a shot of bourbon and..." he paused to think of Graham.  "A shot of whiskey."


Dominic smiled... and kept an eye on his lover as he sat down. His back had still been bothering him before they left for Metropolis, and he wanted to make sure he could sit without straining anything. "Aye, whisky."


Oh. God. SHE KNEW he'd had an accent! He'd just been hiding it, but Kirsten had been working this job too long not to notice when a gentlemen was schooled in something, and okay. So maybe her knees turned to jelly. Oh. Wow. What a pretty pair they made. Oh, sigh. "Very good. Would you like to order any appetizers?"


"Not until the rest of the party has joined us, and we can see what everyone would like," Lionel said calmly.  "If you'll show them in and bring the drinks, I'm sure we'll be ready to order appetizers momentarily."


She swallowed. Woo boy. Yes. Oh. Okay. Wow. Wait'll Sandra heard this one. "Yes sir, they'll be here momentarily." She bowed a little, nodded, and she was gone.


"I haven’t had Auvignon since the last time we were here." Dominic sighed softly in pleasure, settling comfortably. "We should buy a whole bloody case, and take it with us to Smallville."


A soft snicker from Lionel.  "My son, the brat that he is, has a case of it stored in the estate's wine cellar.  It's a vice we share, and yet, he refuses to set it out to spite me."  He squeezed Dominic's hand gently.  "Stop worrying; I am feeling fine."


"Transparent, am I?" He grinned, just softly, and risked kissing the back of his fingers softly, before looking up into his eyes...glancing over Lionel’s shoulder, and letting his mouth drop. "Oh, my."


Oh my was right. Toni rose a slender arm, waved...and who the hell knew all THIS was under the scrubs and neon shoes? She'd dressed for the night in... well, something to set Graham's loins to stirring, and she wasn’t ashamed to say so. The tube of a top was snug and low over her breasts, a single thick strap of the soft, supple brown going up the center of her chest, to a ring that went around her neck. The gown itself was full and soft, rustling with each step of her needle heels...and just snug enough around the top to set little minds to wondering if she was wearing a bra.




"Dominic. Lionel." She smiled as she reached the table, Graham on her arm, and her eyes were dancing as she offered her hand over the wine.


Lionel rose from his chair, kissing her hand lightly.  "Ms. Braxton... always a pleasure to see you.  And might I say... you look elegantly lovely tonight."


Graham held tightly to Toni's hand as it slipped through his elbow, and as soon as they got to the table, he pulled the chair out for her.


He wasn't even going to think about the dress she had on.  No... bloody... way. 


But he couldn't help it.  She was simply... magnificent, and the dress showed every curve, every arch, every place on her that Graham wanted to nibble--


And that thought stopped in it's tracks.  "Lionel, Morgan... as if we don't see enough of each other."


"Didn’t I know I couldn’t get away from Man Mountain for a night." Dominic sighed, pitifully, but grinned and shook his brothers hand, before looking at the lovely doctor with both brows raised.  "My darling, you clean up better then the lot of us." He shook her hand delicately too, smiling as the blush rose in her cheeks.


"Thank you, both of you." She smiled, before motioning over her shoulder. "Fellie and the sheriff will be back here in a moment… they were dancing when the man came to tell us you both had arrived. They're just finishing their song." She swept the long skirt and sat in the chair Graham offered... looking up at him and smiling with a thousand teeth as she made sure her super short hair was in place. "It''s like a dream, being here."


Graham watched as Lionel settled back in the chair.  "Can't get away from family, Morgan.  You should know that."  He sat in the chair beside Toni, arm resting on the back of her chair.  "I didn't know the sheriff was dating anyone, much less anyone you guys knew.  Talk about a surprise."  His eyes glittered at Toni.  "We'd already had our dance."


"We did." She nodded an affirmative. "He even had his hands lower then he should, but hey, lookit the duds I’m sporting. Not like I didn’t invite it." And her eyelashes fluttered prettily at him, grin dancing on her lips.


Dominic snorted, loudly, choked...kept the laugh under wraps as he leaned back comfortably in the lush seats and shaking his head. "Felicia's an old ex."


"Dominic... speaking of the lovely Felicia, do you think that we could possibly lure her away from the hospital once the move is made?  I believe she'd do wonders in Carolyn's old position as corporate receptionist."


Graham blushed.  Bright, vivid pink, and he growled.  "I... did... not."


Graham was pink. And Dominic was just cultured enough not to burst out laughing. "Mmm? Oh! We might talk to her of it tonight... I know she's been meaning to find a way to get out of Metropolis. Perhaps we can lure her away from Bloomingdale’s and Nantucket."


Her softly painted lips spread, and Toni winked sweetly at him, before looking at the men again. "Felicia has actually been my best friend since grade school... that’s why I was in Metropolis when Lionel came into the emergency room."


Kirsten returned with a tray of their drinks, smiling and nodding at the people seated. "Brandy for the gentlemen." She set each ovular, tall glass in front of the two men. "Apple martini, dry, for the ladies... and you sir, whiskey or Bourbon?"


Graham looked up, surprised.  "Whiskey, thanks."  He looked at Dominic, one eyebrow raised.


"And it's quite a lucky thing for me that you were there," Lionel said seriously.  "Had it not been a doctor that knew me personally as you did, I wonder that I would have gotten the same care and treatment."  He picked up the glass and sipped appreciatively.  "Thank you, young lady.  Appetizers... we would like a small plate of toasted ravioli with dipping sauce on the side, a small sampling of the house pate, and Dominic... can you think of anything that Felicia might like?"


Dominic rose his brow right back, before looking to the lovely, illustrious Kirsten and shaking his head. "Shrimp scampi, garlic, lemon on the side, please."


"I'll bring it out as soon as its ready." Kirsten smiled, and off she went.


Toni waited until the skinny little bimbo was gone before looking at the two men in front of her, sighing softly and shaking her head. "For a while there...we lost you, Lionel. I kept calling you a bastard old goat who had too much pride to breath again." She giggled, but it was sober. "Don’t go getting into any more car wrecks, alright?"


"Over my dead body. I only allow him to drive because if I tell him no he'll throttle me." Dominic chimed in.


"Well, you're definitely correct on that score.  I am a stubborn bastard."  He raised his glass to her.  "Without your skill, I don't believe I'd be here tonight."  Then he glared at Dominic.  "You, my little cricket, are just dying to get your hands on my baby girl."


Graham was quietly impressed.  He hadn't realized just how much respect Lionel held for Toni, and he grudgingly notched his own respect for Lionel up in return.  "I'd listen to the Doc, Lionel.  She knows what she's talkin' about."


Her laugh was husky and tinkling, and her soft lips spread to shine perfect teeth. She hadn’t worn braces for five years here for nothing, people. She rose her own glass back and took a sip of the martini... sighing softly. Mmm.


Dominic rolled his eyes heavenward. "He says that like Im not his baby." Mutter, but he was trying not to laugh and his finger poked his lover in the side.


"Not always. I know what I’m talking about about...oh...40 percent of the time." A light smirk as she took another sip...and Toni gazed at Graham full of heat for a long moment, before giggling at Dominic.


"I ain’t...ain’t.." Sheriff Ethan Goodall wasn’t a dancing man. Sure, he had the right moves out on the street, but here, where he was supposed to keep from stepping on a gorgeous pair of pumps...yeah. He was as lithe as a tiger, foot fancy as a lumberjack. Thank God the dance was over.


And he only stepped on her feet twice.


"Yes, you are, and I won't hear you say another bad word about it."  Felicia wrapped her arm snugly around Ethan's hip, and grinned.  "Ethan... I think you know everybody, at least by sight.  Lionel Luthor, Dominic Senatori, his brother Graham Senatori, and Dr. Toni Braxton, my best friend in the whole world." 


Lionel merely smiled at his lover's poke, but before he could answer, his eyebrows shot up into his hairline.  He had known that Ethan would be Felicia's date, but seeing him there... that was something completely unexpected.


Graham choked on his whiskey as he knocked the entire shot back in a single gulp.  "Toni Braxton... you're going to be the death of me."


Felicia tugged Ethan to the table, and then sat down beside Dominic, putting Ethan between herself and Graham.  Toni sat beside Lionel at the round table, and she grinned at her best friend.  "Wow... we're going to be the envy of every woman in Metropolis with all these handsome men flocked around us."


Toni's brows wriggled expressively, thumping Graham on the back as she smiled at her best friend broadly. "Don’t you know. Four finely dressed men, two of us. Won't we be the talk of the town." She giggled and shot a glance at Graham at the "finely dressed" part, then took another sip of her martini.


"I... hello." Ethan swallowed. Wow, was he out of place. The tux at least was alright, but yeah… he was used to sitting in his patrol car, breaking up bar fights and the like. But sitting here, with the rich and famous... he was glad he had something hard to drink.


"Sheriff Goodall... its good to see you again." Dominic offered his hand to the man across Felicia's chest, and smiled. "Well, there we all are. Might I say, the lot of you polish to a fine gleam, except my brother because he will always be a mountain man and heart, and it was damn worth coming to dinner tonight just to see it."


Toni couldn’t help defending him, smiling brightly up at said mountain man. "Oh, I don’t know. I think he looks gorgeous."


Graham was next in line to shake Ethan's hand, feeling just as out of place.  "How are you, Sheriff?"  Then he glared at his brother.  "You're lucky we have a lawman here with us, Morgan, or else I'd be wiping the table with you right about now."  Then his entire demeanor softened as he looked over at Toni.  "Thank you, darlin'.  At least you have good taste."  He kissed her palm gently, and then sat her hand back on the table.


Felicia smiled at Ethan, leaning in to kiss his ear.  "Ethan... relax.  Everyone will love you just as much as I do once they get to know you."  She looped her arm through his and glared at Toni.  "Ethan's mine, Graham's yours, and I'll fight you for Dominic."


Lionel crossed his arms over his chest and sighed.  "That's right, leave me out in the cold.  I don't mind, really."


Toni burst out into a peal of giggles, looking at her table mate and squeezing his cheek. "I like you, Lionel, but come on. The accent is what kicks it. I've got a weakness for men with accents."


Dominic visibly brightened, though he smirked at the two women and wriggled both brows right back. "And what if I want neither of you, eh? I tend to lean towards handsome chaps with beards and hair like clouds, thank you."


Ethan chuckled...swallowed, chuckled, and shook Graham's hand before taking a sip of whatever was in the glass. ...Oh. Bourbon. Expensive. Mmmm.


"I second the beard motion. You know what they say about men with beards, don’t you?" Felicia was just this side of innocent.


Lionel merely rolled his eyes.  "And on that score, dear Toni, I can agree with you.  I too have a fondness for this man's accent."  And he preened at Dominic's compliment.  "Ah, that's the words I like to hear, though... really, clouds?"


Graham sat his empty shot glass down and looked at Toni.  "I'm almost afraid to ask."


Felicia smirked, and nodded at Ethan's mustache.  "Go ahead and tell 'em, Toni."  She smiled at him.  "See?"


Graham glared.  "Should I brace myself for this?"


Lionel snorted.  "Do you really have to ask that?"


"I couldn’t find a good word. I was going to say billowy leaves… but I don’t think you'd have appreciated it." Dominic beamed and took a drink of his own, sitting up a little to hear this.


"They say... men with beards have great thigh muscles. Clench you so tightly you pop like a cork." And her smile spoke volumes as she made a pop noise. "POP."


A choke. A cough. And Dominic stared at her.


Ethan stared into his drink, turning six shades in an instant.


Graham was busy blushing himself, or he'd have smiled back at Toni.


Lionel had had too many years of practice to let anything like this get to him.  "You'd have to ask Dominic about that."


Felicia rubbed her hand over Ethan.  "Yeah... I can vouch for that here."  She squeezed his knee lightly and kissed his mouth just as lightly.  "You're so sweet when you blush, Ethan."


Toni burst out laughing, watching Dominic’s face go through six shades of pink, eyes dancing with merriment as he hid his face in Lionel’s shoulder. "Oh, come on. I was kidding, guys! You're all just so facial hair happy, I had to break the tension." She giggled again, and took a drink.


Ethan cracked a little smile, a little, little one, and kissed Felicia right back, sighing happily and squeezing her hand.


"You people suck." Dominic looked up, face under control, fanning himself and sighing… then looking up as Kirsten returned. She set their appetizers down and filled the flute glasses with the champagne Lionel had asked for, leaving without a word.


Lionel raised his glass again, not the filled champagne flute but the cognac snifter, and toasted Toni again.  "I miss my beard," he sulked, and it was as open as he'd ever been before.  "But, here's to you, Toni... not only do you break the ice, you shatter it with steel-toed boots." 


Felicia's grin widened to megawatt status, and she laced her fingers through Ethan's. Dammit, she missed him, and it wasn't often he could come to Metropolis to see her.


Graham looked mischievously at Toni.  "I suck... but that's just me.  I can't vouch for anyone else at the table."


Felicia's grin turned feral and she turned it on Dominic.  "I'll never te--eeel," she said, her voice sing-song.


Toni giggled as she tinkled her glass against Lionel’s, and took a sip, smiling broadly. "What can I say. I hate tension. And as for your beard," She reached over to rub his raspy cheek. "You look like you just stepped out of the Congo, and you've been shaving with a blade of grass. It suits you."


Dominic grinned and sipped his champagne...and thought better then to comment on any sucking. Of course, until Felicia had to look at him, and he pinked all over again. "You devious, sick woman."


"She's not sick. She's frisky." Ethan corrected gently, but merriment was in his dark blue eyes, as he took a sip of the champagne and my my, didn’t rich people like their drink?


"Yeah, see?  Frisky."  She couldn't help it; Felicia snuggled up to her lawman.  "I miss you, Ethan."


Lionel ran his hands over his beard.  "I still think I should sue the hospital," he groused.


Graham just shook his head, taking a sip of the champagne with a twinge in his chest.  The last time he'd drunk champagne had been not long before his wife's death; they'd just celebrated Shane's birth.  "What's the occasion?" Graham asked, raising the flute.


"Nothing in particular; celebrating a gathering of friends, repaying favors done, enjoying the company of people I like.  Choose whichever suits you," Lionel answered, still sipping his cognac. 


"I miss you more, sweetheart." And Ethan kissed her temple softly, pulling her closer, in all her red silk.


"Indeed, it is that." Dominic added quietly. "I should say, to Ms. Felicia. She acted quick as a wink, when I'd not slept for some four days and I was ready to choke Lionel. Saved his life, she did. To Toni, for actually saving his life. Because she's just cool like that." And Dominic turned his eyes on his brother, and raised his glass. "To my brother, who's acceptance means more to me then he could know. And finally, to Sheriff Ethan. You've won Felicia's heart, and its a fickle thing, as you know. Congratulations, to the both of you, and cheers." He raised his glass.


"Cheers." Toni clapped hers against it, right after Ethan did.


Felicia leaned against Ethan’s shoulder, blushing lightly when Dominic toasted her.  "I just... pulled a few strings, that's all."  She raised her glass, and clinked it lightly against his.


"I'd like to toast Morgan... who's survived a lot more than he should have had to put up with... including his family.  And... Toni... who's showing me that life doesn't always end when you lose someone you love."  He was smiling at her as he spoke softly.


Lionel shook his head gently.  "To all of us, then, for all the things we've done in the name of friendship."


"Cheers." Dominic grinned, sipped, and spoke over his champagne glass. "As a matter of fact, and to get the record straight, Fellie darling, it was you who sucked."


Toni choked on her own drink.. .squealed and covered her mouth, and burst out laughing at her best friends completely unabashed face.


"Who's Morgan?" Ethan asked shyly, clapping his glass to Graham's. He liked the guy... nice, and he dug the Raiders. You won in Ethan's book if you liked the Raiders.


"And according to you, I did it quite well."  She squeezed Ethan's hand, still in hers.  "Sorry about that, honey.  Morgan is Dominic's first name, and all his family call him that.  He hates it, so he goes by Dominic instead."


Graham snickered at that.  "Morgan Senatori, that was information I did not need to know."


Dominic grinned, brightly. "Indeed. I hate it, but somehow, my  Cracker brother keeps calling me it." Airy sigh, and he glanced at Lionel.


And in that glance, Toni saw a love, so deep, that it nearly took her breath away. God, she yearned for love like that...where a thousand words were spoken in a mere glance, where thoughts and emotions were so in tune that one could feel what the other was feeling at any time. She saw it... in Lionel’s face, when his eyes met Dominic’s... the pure love and devotion in them, the adoration so clear in his expression and something neither could hide. She bit her lip... smiled, and looked up at Graham with her eyes blurred.


"Hey, now, no sucking things with my girlfriend." Ethan said gruffly, though he was outrageously amused, grinning as he took a bit of bread and opened it.


"Not unless it's with you, right?" she teased, grinning right back at him.


Lionel looked at his lover, grinning softly without saying a word.  Although he didn't realize it, the corners of his mouth softened as he looked at Dominic, and the grin curved into a smile.


"Morgan..." Graham started warningly.  "Don't go there."


And that look that had brought tears to Toni's eyes was gone in an instant, as Dominic glanced at his brother and smirked wickedly. "Or, what? You'll embarrass yourself in front of Julia Roberts and Gwenyth Paltrow?"


"Gwen is here?" Ethan perked immediately... before swallowing and wincing at Felicia with a little blush in his cheeks. "I..I mean.."


"You have a healthy respect for a beautiful woman." Toni said, smiling, sniffling a little too as she reached in a little and took a calamari.


Felicia giggled.  "It's okay, Ethan.  If Gwen's here tonight, then you have my full permission to go after her."


"No, I'll kick your butt back to Vancouver!" Graham growled.  "Which reminds me, I want to leave the van here for Mama, so can I get one of you guys to drive me to the airport Saturday?"


Lionel snickered.  "We certainly have enough beautiful women at this table, I don't believe we need to add more to the fray."

"Not goin' after Gwen." Ethan blushed crimson, looking at his younger, much prettier girlfriend with soft eyes. Lordy, she was so pretty.


"Aye, second time in two days. I'll do it, if you can stand my old bitty driving." Dominic nodded his head at his brother, as he shifted in the crisp tuxedo. "Ladies, gentlemen, next time we do anything like this, it shall be at home, with greasy pizza, and football, alright?"


"I can vouch for that." Ethan grinned and nodded, taking a sip of his champagne. Heee.


"Pretty women? Where?" Toni blinked...looked around...giggled at her most favored patient, and offered him some of the shrimp. "Please. We just look good in dresses we'll both be returning to the store tomorrow, thank you." She squirmed. "The ticket is giving me hives. You, Fel?"


Felicia leaned over and kissed Ethan soundly, then grinned at him as she snuggled up to him.  "Nah, I'm keepin' mine.  Cost me three month's salary, but damn... I look good."


Graham frowned.  "You don't drive that bad, Morgan.  Sides, you'll be drivin' that tank of a van anyway, cause that's the only thing that'll hold the bags and stuff.  Lord, but I ain't lookin' forward to packin'."


"Worth every penny." Ethan smiled and kissed her back, though his cheeks flushed with all the PDA.


Oh. Sudden blink. Toni shifted her made-up, dark eyes at Graham... and her fork clattered to the small serving plate before she could stop it. "You're, ah… leaving?"


"You don’t have to take everything… take what you need. Haven’t you an extra crib for Shaney back in Vancouver?" Dominic questioned quietly, looking up and over at him over the food, as he opened his menu and started peering into it.


"Yeah, got the crib, but brought most of his clothes and his toys.  And no, Lionel, I am not leaving my son here."


Lionel's mouth snapped shut without having made the suggestion that was on the tip of his tongue.


Graham slid his hand into Toni's under the table.  "Just for a little while," he said quietly.  "Gotta pack up the house, get it on the market, and find a new house here.  Gotta pack up Mama's stuff, Shaney's... mine."  He squeezed.  "I'll be back... coupla months."


Her breath caught before she could stop it, and she swallowed, fingers slipping out of his and back into her lap. She looked up at her best friend...their earlier conversation about this very man flittering right into her brain. She'd told Felicia all about him, how much she liked him... how fun and interesting he was. And how he gave her stirrings she hadn’t had in too long.


And he was leaving. Well she'd be goddamned if she fell into that trap.


"Could you all excuse me a moment? I’m going to go to the powder room, be back in just a moment." She rose and picked up her strapless purse, escaping before she ruined her eye makeup.


Felicia gripped Ethan's hand tightly.  "I think I could use a bit of freshening up too," she said, hurrying after her friend.


Lionel looked at Dominic, and then at Graham, and then back at Dominic again.  "Graham... might I have the pleasure of saying... you are a blind fool?"


"Shut up, Lionel."


"Complete and bloody idiot, might I add." Dominic did add, having looked up from his menu in time to see Toni escape. "Blind idiot."


Ethan watched her go… swallowing, and then shook his head at Graham as well. "Two words for you. Dog. House."


Toni stepped down the small steps… felt her friend rushing after her, and paused her stride long enough to take her hand. "Not gonna cry. Not gonna cry." She whispered, as their heels sank into the plush carpets. "Not. Going. To. Cry."


"No, you're not."  Felicia squeezed her hand tightly.  "Come on... let's lock the door and nobody else will be able to get in."  Once they were inside the small room, Felicia put her purse down and hugged Toni tightly.  "He's comin' back.  I know Dominic, and I know most of his family by what he's told me... if Graham says he's comin' back, then he will."


"It's not like I can ask her to come with me," Graham glared at everyone around the table.  "And there's nobody else who can pack up the house and sell it, much as I'd like for there t'be."  He took another drink of his champagne, and then motioned for another refill on his whiskey shot.


"No, I don’t care about that, I don’t care I don’t care." She hugged her friend as tightly as she could, burying her face into her shoulder… then let go and fanned her face, holding her head up so the tears that pooled in her eyes wouldn’t fall and streak her professionally done mascara. "Oh… oh... he didn’t even say anything, Fel, nothing, he said he had to go, but he didn’t say months... MONTHS, did you hear him?! Who the hell does he think he is, starting something with me then saying he's going to be gone for a few months??"


"No, that’s very true." Dominic said carefully, watching his older, much larger brother as he set his menu down and folded his hands over it. " might have said something to her about it before she fell in love with you."


Ethan nodded sadly. "He's got a point. A very... pointy one."


"Probably someone who wasn't thinking with his head," Felicia said quietly.  "I should know... Dominic had the same damn effect on me, and he damn near broke my heart all those years ago."  She went to the sink and pulled out a handful of tissues from the box on the sink.  "Here, hon... let me help you."  She put the tissues in Toni's hand, took one, and pressed it against the corner of her eye.  "Here, just turn a little bit, let it run out the side here."


Graham stared hard.  "You... you guys think... no, I mean, I know she likes me, and hell... I like her.  A lot.  But... Come on.  No way."  But yes.  In his heart, in the back of his head... he knew it.  Knew it because he was feeling the same way.


Toni was sniffling, and then her friend had to help her with her makeup, and she was going to cry. She was. A little soft whimper in her throat and she pressed her lips together, flapping her hands and gasping as she held ip her head again. "Oh, God. Oh, God. He's so wonderful, and... and its just..." She sniffled again and started to wipe at her running nose and her other eye, trying her best not to let the fifty dollars she spent at the salon in makeup go to waist."


"Blind. As a bat. And twice as stupid." Dominic muttered before picking his menu up and peering at it again.


"Yeah…" Ethan nodded at Graham. "She fawns over you. It's obvious. She's got a woman’s yen for you... you haven’t noticed?"


"Why don't you go with him?" Felicia asked calmly.  "His wife's dead, and it's going to be just him in that house trying to pack everything up, and God knows he'll be lucky if all his stuff makes it into boxes.  He needs help, you know he's not gonna ask, so why don't you?"  She slipped her arm around Toni's waist and hugged.  "Not shy, are you?"


"Yeah... I noticed," Graham grumbled.  "And I told her that I was leaving and coming back," he grumbled again.


"No… I just... I feel like... its not my place? You know? I don’t think I... and I have a job, at the hospital, I can’t just leave for a few months... and... and its just so messed up, and I like him, so much, but there’s just… there’s no way, Fel, there’s no way and I’m..." Her voice broke once more before she could calm it, straightening her back and tossing her hair where the short curls had fallen from her eyes. "I won’t let him see me hurt. Right? Right. Bastard. If he wants to leave, let him leave."


"Again, before there was love involved." Dominic’s eyes flickered to his lovers. "Am I right in assuming so?"


"Honey, I work at a hospital, remember?  I do their administration.  And if Smallville's anything like Metropolis, there's a beautiful little thing called rollover vacation.  Honey, you've not taken more than a week off in all the time we've been friends.  God only knows how much you got rolled over!  Who says you can't take it off?"  Felicia pulled a mirror out of her purse, and started dabbing light powder to cover the light puffiness.


Lionel shook his head at Dominic's look.  "Are you all as inept at this as Graham is?" he asked under his breath.


"Told her when she was stayin' over during the blizzard," he defended himself.  "After I kissed her."


"I don’t… I..." She sniffled again and let her friend get the light powder over her eyes and nose, still sniffling and trying to compose herself again. "I know, I know I’ve got a lot, but I still don’t feel it’s… it’s my place, you know? I don’t feel it's my place, and I think he would… its where his son was born and his wife died and Fel, Christ, I can't just invite myself along, waltz in and take his memories." She cleared her throat, straightened again. "He said he'd be gone for a while. I didn’t know the while would be months. And who does he think he is? Telling me he likes me, and...oh, insufferable MEN."


"Darling, women are an enigma to me. The entire bloody group of them. With their pretty emotions, and their hair and makeup and tears. They're a puzzle, and one I don’t plan on ever figuring out." Dominic said happily. "However, for those of our sex who are straight as an arrow, I merely say," He looked at Graham pointedly. "Flowers. Chocolates. Groveling." Not necessarily in that order."


"Toni... he made it your place when he told you he liked you."  She hugged her friend again.  "If Ethan told me something like this, you can bet I'd be just as upset as you are, but I wouldn't let him go."


Graham nodded.  "Y'right.  I'll be back.  Don't let 'er go before I get back."  He shoved his seat back, drained his second shot of whiskey, and pushed back from the table.  "There's a little... what's it called... cart, yeah, flower cart outside, ain't there?"  Graham was getting upset, and his speech was slowly getting more Irish and less proper.


"He can go wherever he wants to. I won't be a stupid woman and wait for him… that’s what I did with Trev, and I’m not doing it again." Her voice hitched, and she tossed back her head, grabbed her friends hand, and plastered on a smile as they slipped from the bathroom. "I’m going to make him suffer."


Dominic rose as well, a hand to his lovers shoulder, and walked around his chair to his brother. "Calm yourself. We'll be back, aye?" He nodded towards the other two men... then winced as he saw Toni and Felicia coming. "Er... you might want to talk to her first, man mountain." A serious nod, and he smiled at the women as they rejoined them.


"Hello, we're back." Sweet, cordial, and Toni looked up. "Where are you both going?"


Felicia slipped into her seat beside Ethan.  "What's going on?" she whispered quietly.


Graham looked at Toni.  "Goin' out t'get ya somethin'," he said softly.  "M'sorry."


"You don’t have to, nor do you have to be sorry." She said easily, and slid back into her seat, smiling at Lionel. "Did the waitress come while we were gone?"


"Uht oh." Dominic muttered under his breath.


"Graham tried to rationalize it--realized theirs love, yadda yadda." Ethan whispered back, intrigued. "Its like a big Irish soap opera."


"No, she didn't," Lionel said quietly.  "I'm sure they're giving us time to finish our drinks first."


Graham didn't sit back down.  "I'll b'back."  He brushed past his brother, all the members of their party, and onto the sidewalk outside.  The cool air hit him in a rush, and he breathed it in deep, looking around for the small cart he'd seen on his way in that sold flowers.


Felicia sighed.  "You may have to arrest me, honey, because if he doesn't get his Irish ass in gear, I'm going to beat it."


"I’m sorry to have caused a scene, Lionel," Toni said easily, squeezing his older hand beside hers as she sipped her champagne.


"Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned." Dominic murmured and rushed after his brother.


"I’m sure I could look the other way and be able to sleep tonight." Ethan said, assuring his lovely girlfriend as he kissed her jaw gently. "You smell so good tonight."


"Graham! ...Graham." Dominic was so glad the paparazzi didn’t really care about him, as he rushed to find his brother. The nip in the air made him shiver, and through that shudder he saw his brother.  Wasn’t hard to miss the big bloke. "Graham, bloody hell."


"You didn't," Lionel answered back, smiling at her.  "Not at all."


Felicia giggled softly, and murmured quietly as Ethan kissed her.  "Like it?  It's a new perfume I bought special for the occasion."  Her hand slid gently over his face and pulled his mouth up to hers.


"G'back i'side, Morgan," Graham said, not turning around to look at his brother.


"I’m glad, sugar." Toni smiled sweetly. "Is Dominic ever such an idiot?"


Her mouth... it was bliss, and a sin Ethan would have gladly drowned in. He kissed her back, softly, making sure not to tickle her too much with his mustache, his fingers going around her chair... then around her waist. "Love you."


"I won’t! Aye, you idiot of a man! Get inside before you freeze to death." He glared up at his brother, poking him in the back. Hard. "Flowers isn’t going to fix this, Graham. Alright, it might console her, but she really is in love with you. You didn’t realize it?"


"Never, though I have to admit I'm usually the one that does the idiotic things in the relationship.  In that, I can completely relate to Graham."  Lionel returned her smile.


"I love you too, sweetie."  Felicia sighed.  "Y'know... I just may have to give it up and move to Smallville, cause this just ain't cuttin' it."  She kissed him again, and let her hand rest on his leg.


Graham turned around, spinning to face his little brother angrily.  "Y'think that Toni's th'only one no happy about this, little brother?"  Anger and sorrow warred in his eyes.  "She isna.  D'ye think I wanted 'er to find out I love her t'is way?"


Toni heaved a sigh. "Then tell me he does these things for a reason. Or if its just sheer male stupidity."


Speaking of sheer male anything, Ethan was having sheer male hormones at the soft kissing and her fingers. He was an older guy but damned if he was dead, and he sighed softly as he held her closer. They'd only had sex once before, simply for lack of time to get together for any extended periods of time, and Ethan missed her. Badly. "I could never ask you to do that, Fel." He said softly, kissing her cheek… her temple... her lips.


"You do love her, then." Dominic nodded, grinned, and looked up at him. "Love makes ya do the wacky, and don’t you know it. Graham, darling, just tell her. Don’t freak out about it, as you're likely to give yourself a heart attack. Instead of all this… just tell her you love her. Because I know it, Lionel knows it, Toni knows it. She loves you, so much, I can tell... see it right in her eyes, since the day in Metropolis when you met her."


"Now that I can answer," Lionel said, leaning in close as though he were divulging a huge secret.  "Sheer... male... stupidity.  Don't ask me why, but that's exactly what it is.  At least, it is in my case, anyway."


"I know, but I miss you, too, and there's no way it's going to work out if we're constantly three hours apart."  She stroked his cheek lightly.  "I want to be around you all the time, Ethan... not just on special dates."  She kissed him again, and rubbed her cheek against his.  "I'll call Smallville Medical tomorrow and see if they've got an opening for me."


"M'not freakin' out aboot it!" Graham all but yelled.  "I didna mean to hurt 'er like that!  I canna ask her tae come wit me, nae to my dead wife's hoose!"


Toni leaned in as he did... then couldn’t help it. She laughed. "You know, I’m suddenly realizing you might have something going there. That’s the question, the universal one....why do men do the things they do?"


"You'd do that? For me...for us?" Ethan murmured, looking into her eyes as his heart kicked. Hard.


"YOU AR"! Dominic finally grabbed his lapels and gave his taller brother a shake. "Calm yourself, 'fore you lose somethin' in tha' head'a yours! Idiot, bloody id'ot." He glared at him. "Get'it in through tha' brain's dense ass'a blook of cheese from ma's keechin. Idiot. Idiot, idiot. She doesn' c're 'bout it. She wants yo'. Think, man!"


Lionel laughed softly too.  "Yes, that is the question.  Now, if I could answer that, then I could sell LuthorCorp today, retire a wealthy man, and my children would never have to worry about money for the rest of their existence."


"For us I would, yeah," Felicia said quietly, rubbing her nose against his.  "For us."


"I wan' her too, brother."  Graham knocked his brother's hands off his lapels.  "More'n I wan' t'admit!  But I canna, not yet!"


She sighed, cupped her chin with her hand, and grinned at him..but before she could speak, the waitress came back.


"Is everyone alright? Are you ready to order?" Kirsten asked.


"I love you, Felicia." Ethan murmured softly.


"'en insted'a buyin' flowers ou'ere for her, go in an' tell her. Flowers won' tell her wha's in yer'art, man." Dominic glared at him. "I’m goin' back inside, where m'ass isn' freezing. Consider m'words, big brother." And he turned on his heel and stalked back in.


"W… would you like these gift wrapped?" The flower girl asked meekly.


"Yes," Graham snapped.  "An' ma'e it bewti'ful, for the bewti'ful lady."  He glared over his shoulder at his brother's departing form.


Lionel shot a quick glance around the table.  "We're missing a couple members of our party; the rest of us will go ahead and order and they'll place theirs when they return."


Felicia smiled at Ethan.  "I love you, lawman."  She squeezed his hand tightly.


"Of course, I'll return in a few minutes for their orders." She took out a leather bound little pad, opening it with her pen poised.


"Oh... I didn’t even..." Didn’t even get out my French to English dictionary. Toni blinked at her with a note of anxiety in her eyes... before smiling at Lionel. "Be a gentlemen and order for me. Anything, as long as it doesn’t have eyes."


And Dominic slid back into his seat in that moment. A smile at them, a nod, and he caught his breath, letting it out in a slow sigh.


Lionel nodded at Toni.  "In that case, give us a few more moments to decide what we'd like, and I'm sorry that we're being such a hassle."  He smiled politely at the waitress, dismissing her.  "Dare I ask how your brother is?  Or even, more importantly... where?" Lionel continued, turning his attention from Kirsten to Dominic.


Dominic watched the girl leave, then looked at his lover with fierce pride and anger in his eyes. "Mans'a bloody idi't." He riled in his temper, though, best as he could, and took a swallow from his glass. "Just stupid. He's out there, be back in a moment." And he looked at Toni. "He's too proud, Toni. Way, way too proud."


She sighed, softly. "Don’t I know it."


"He's... what?"  Lionel's eyes boggled.  "Say that again, in English?"  Dominic's accent had been so thick he couldn't comprehend a word before the drink.


Graham took the dozen wrapped roses from the vendor and tucked them against his chest, using his body heat to protect the fragile blooms until he got them inside the restaurant.  He stood just inside the shadows of the door, trying to decide what in the hell to do. 


From her chair, Felicia could barely see Graham lurking, and she reached across Graham's empty chair to nudge Toni's elbow and inclined her head towards the door.


"I said, the man is a bloody buggering idiot." Dominic growled. He took another drink, glared at his lover, glared at the table. "The man has no clue what emotions of the heart can be."


Toni looked up from the hieroglyphics in the menu... blinking at her best friend before turning to look. Her heart softened, almost immediately, as did her lips. Their eyes met... in his she saw fear, want, ache. And something else, foreign, that she couldn’t peg. But she looked at him, and in her own eyes, in her own heart, was forgiveness, and ache. "Oh, my sugar." She murmured softly.


When she reached across him, Ethan followed his girlfriends hand...catching Graham lurking, and he couldn’t help a grin. "Soap opera, I’m telling you."


Felicia grinned at her date.  "You're just a big romantic, Ethan Goodall," she said quietly, squeezing his hand tightly between her own.


Now that Lionel could understand.  He pulled out his little personal day timer and scribbled a quick note in the back.  Note to self:  Run for the hills if you can't understand a word out of Dominic's mouth--that means he is angry.  A gentle nudge of his lover's elbow and he showed his love the note he'd just made.


Graham took a deep breath, stuffing his upset and everything else back down and clearing his throat, trying to get his voice to work right and his accent to soften from it's previous thickness as he started back towards the table.  He kept his eyes down, not noticing he was the object of three sets of stares.


Dominic choked and swallowed the champagne before it sprayed out everywhere… covering his mouth and grinning around his palm at his lover. Dammit, he was cute as hell. He reached over and wound an arm around his wrist, making sure the drink would swallow, as he wrote back, Note from lover: If I'm not pissed at you it means good frustration sex could follow. Don’t run too far.


Toni watched him until he disappeared under the landing and she knew towards the steps... hearing him walking as she rose her head and met Felicia's eyes as she looked into her own menu.


It was Lionel's turn to laugh and he tucked the notebook away in his pocket, kissing his lover softly as his fingers rubbed across the back of Dominic's head.  "There we go.  There's the smile."


Felicia looked back, tilting her head questioningly towards the steps and raising an eyebrow.


Graham topped the small set of steps that led to their table, and stopped beside Toni's chair.  "M'sorry I ruint ev'ryone's evein'."  He looked down at Toni and laid the flowers beside her place.  "These're fer you, Toni."  He reached around her to his chair, snagged his overcoat.  " 'll see ye soon, Morgan.  Ladies... t'was my pleasure."


Dominic kissed right back, grinning again and snuggling closer to his lover as his eyes danced.


The roses were dewy. They smelled like sin, and Toni looked down at them with wide eyes before everything that went against her good sense acted. She reached out, snagged his wrist... and looked up into his eyes. "Graham... shut up and sit down."


Ethan leaned over and whispered in Felicia's ear, "Suddenly realizing I’m not the only dumb guy around."


Behind Lionel and Dominic, a lone flashbulb popped through one of the windows.


Felicia giggled, and kissed the ear that was so close to her mouth already.  "You're not a dumb guy, Ethan... you're a smart guy who does dumb stuff."


Graham looked down on Toni's hand on his wrist.  "Canna do that, lass," he said quietly.  "I love ye, and isna fair o'me tae be here wit'ye when I canna stay."


Dominic was unaware of it, just gently kissing him a second… a third time, soft kisses, before turning back to their table... and watching his brother make a superb ass of himself, and wasn’t it the sweetest thing ever?


He loved her? Wait. Toni looked up at him… staring, her throat working, and she asked very softly, "What? What did you... you say?" She was beginning to tremble. Oh, God, because she loved him too. "It isn’t fair, no, its not... but don’t leave me. Please." And the tears she'd tried so hard to suppress bubbled back up.


"Dumb guys come out alright at the end." Ethan grinned, and chuckled softly as he watched the huge Irish brute and the short woman speak.


And with each kiss that Lionel and Dominic shared, another flashbulb went off, getting all the angles and not coincidentally, their faces.


Lionel was unaware, just as his lover was, and snickered softly at Graham's predicament.


Felicia didn't say a word, just looped her fingers through Ethan's and rested her chin on his shoulder.


"I said that I love ye," Graham repeated softly, "and that it isna fair for me to be here wit'ye when I canna stay.  I'll be bock, but I canna ask ye wit'me and I canna ask ye t'wait."  He clasped her hand between his own.


Oh. So. Maybe Toni's heart fluttered hard with romance, and maybe she fell in love with him, and maybe she was going to have her babies with him. "Oh... I... I love you, too, Graham... I..." She swallowed, the long line of her throat bobbing. "I love you too, and... and I'll wait for you. I will." She tugged again, at his hands, and begged him to sit with her eyes. "Please... eat with me."


Dominic was grinning a fool, and gently slid his fingers through Lionel’s, lacing them tightly and holding them on the table.


And Ethan grinned. Just like a big dork. Just grinned.


Graham let himself be pulled back down into the chair beside Toni, and he let one of his thumbs brush casually over her cheek.  "I'd ask ye wit'me, lass, but twouldna be fair to ye."  His brogue was slowly softening.


Lionel tightened his grip on Dominic's fingers, smiling back at him, and watching Graham apologize for being a moron.


Felicia shook her head at her grinning lover, grinning right back.  It was infectious.


"You love me?" She asked it softly. "Really? No joke, sugar?"


"No joke, Toni," he answered back, just as softly.


"Well then. Tis a celebration then. Graham's no' an ass anymore, Toni's got googlin' eyes, and I’m hungry. More of the bubbly, and let us order." Dominic beamed and wriggled his brows. "However, since I can't read a lick of French, Lionel will have to be translator."


Toni couldn’t wipe the grin off her face. It spread, ear to ear, all her teeth shining, and she leaned over to kiss his cheek... then his lips softly, and she wrapped her fingers around his much larger ones and squeezed. "Alright, then, sugar. Alright then."


"To Toni and Graham. May they find the joy the four of us have, and give the world some kids." Ethan raised his glass.


"I'll toast ya to that, now." Dominic raised his own and clinked it.


Lionel smiled.  "I can translate, or I can ask for English menus, which I should have thought to before, but I'm incredibly insensitive that way," Lionel mused. 


Graham kissed Toni back gently, fingers linked through hers with no intention of letting them go.  "Yer beautiful tonight, Toni," he said, calm restoring his usual soft accent.


Felicia raised her flute as well.  "Yeah, I'll drink to that too."  She added her glass to the clinking.


"Hey. I just had a thought. Mighty terrible of me, and completely self centered." Dominic mussed, drinking again as he peered into his menu at the French. "I’m Monica Lewinsky."


Felicia raised her eyebrow at that.  "How, exactly, do you figure that, Dominic?"


Toni was mid kiss before she burst out laughing. Her fingers tightened around Graham’s, and her eyes flickered to Dominic across the table, laughing all the harder at his beam. "What?"


"Aye, and this should be good," Graham growled, and squeezed Toni's hand. 


"Because. I’m in the midst of a torrid love affair with one of the world’s leading businessmen, who happens to be the third richest man in the world and quite powerful, might I add. We've not been caught, as of yet, but somehow, little clues keep slipping out into the public about us. Oh! And I won't be wearing any of those horrid little bean pork pie hats, thank you. The woman managed to push them out of style for the next sixty years. Like that horrid girl Shayla listens to, Almond Lasagna, or some such nonsense, with the men’s ties. Blech."


Felicia burst out laughing.  "Honey, the name is Avril Lavigne, if I place my pop icons correctly.  And you are not Monica Lewinsky.  You, I'm assuming, don't spill when you swallow."


"You know, now that I think of it... no, I don’t." Dominic suddenly brightened. "Thank you. I was hoping to live my life out of the solar plexus of that little enigmatic bitch." He took a sip of his brandy. "Oh, is that her name? 'Twasn’t a pop icon, darling, but fifteen minutes worth of fame."


"Apparently uppercrust business men and pop culture don’t mix." Toni grinned, and turned her head so she could look into Graham's eyes. Her belly, hurt before, now burned suspiciously like need, and she swallowed softly and she leaned up to kiss each of his eyelashes.


Ethan... well, he just looked lost, but the Monica joke made him grin, and he poked his girlfriend in the ribs.


Lionel shook his head as he tried not to laugh.  "Don't worry, Dominic, I don't believe anyone would make the comparison with you and Monica Lewinsky.  Least of all, me.  Met the young lady in question once... was not impressed at all."


Graham rolled his eyes as he brought Toni's hand to his mouth for a kiss.  "Dinna y'know that this isna proper conversation when there's a lady at the table?"  He closed his eyes as she kissed him, and then caught her chin between his fingertips and kissed her soft lips.


Felicia scooted her chair closer to Ethan.  "Hey, Toni... you know you've been after me and after me to move?"  She grinned back at her lawman.  "You're going to get your wish.  I'm gonna start looking Monday for an apartment and a job."


"Well, yay." Dominic replied happily, leaning over to kiss Lionel’s cheek softly, wrinkling his nose at him. "It was the pork pie hat, wasn’t it?" A giggle. "Ladies? Where?" Dominic glanced about a moment. "Ohhh! You mean Toni and Fel?" He snorted into his hand and tried to compose himself.


"I’ve probably got worse jokes." Toni murmured quietly, kissing back just as softly as something gave way inside of her... and she sighed, so, so softly.


Then, well, her friend had to go and say that, and she squealed, let go of Graham with a flash of apology, and reached over the table to hug her friend. "Shut up! No way! Ah! Fellie, YES! We can finally go shopping together!" Her eyes danced as she held her tightly, then giggled all over again as she plopped back into her seat. "Yes!"


"Looks like you've made two people's nights, Felicia." Ethan murmured softly, sweetie, grinning before going back into his menu. "Gentlemen, the waitress is gonna kick us out if we don’t order. What does everyone feel like?"


"Greasy pizza." Dominic sulked.


"You need it." Toni grinned. "You and Lionel are skinny as rails. I should know, I got to see it up close."


Felicia wrapped her arms firmly around Ethan's waist and hugged, looking at his menu over his shoulder.


"I am not thin as a rail, thank you," Lionel huffed.  "I am in peak condition for a man of my height and age," he sniffed.


"Don' ye argue with the lady, Lionel," Graham warned softly.  "She knows what she's talkin' about."


"Skinny. As. A rail. You both work each other too hard." She heaved a sigh...realized what she said, and her cheeks went pink.


Alright, at that, Ethan had to cough back a laugh, biting his lip as he kept looking into his menu. Couldn’t understand a damn word.


Dominic saw a perfect teasing opportunity...but the look on his lovers face said he'd better not say a word, and instead hummed sweetly. "I'll have the same thing we had last time, lovely one."


Felicia buried a laugh in Ethan's shoulder as her shoulders shook.  "They're gonna kill me, sweetie."  She looked up, bit his neck where nobody could see, then turned back towards the menu, humming softly.  "Mmm... I'd love the la crevette frite avec la sauce de crème par-dessus pâtes."  She translated softly for her lover.  "Fried shrimp and cream sauce over pasta."


"La soupe grasse de foie d'oie for me," Lionel murmured softly to himself.  "Though no one quite has the touch for it that Ms. Bird does.


Graham blinked.  He'd caught "liver" in the soup, but that's about all he remembered from high school.  "Wanna take pity on us illiterates and translate things?"


Lionel nodded.  "Of course... tell me what you'd like, and I'll be happy to translate that section of the menu for you."


Ethan. Just. Blinked. His lips spread at the easy language that had slipped from her lips, and chuckled softly. "I'll have the same. Linguini, right? Sounds fine."


"You only eat it by the bucket, beloved." Dominic pet his hand and grinned across the table at Felicia. Old emotions warred in his heart, and he couldn’t help reaching over and squeezing her fingers. "Such a lovely woman. Better then all of us."


"I think... I will pass, and have the shrimp and pasta too." Toni smiled and closed the leather bound book happily.


"Poulet is chicken, canard is duck, oie is goose, porc is pork, grenouille is frog, bouef is beef and ralentissements is seafood," Lionel explained.


Felicia kissed the easy smile.  "Mmmhmm.  That's usually the pasta of choice, though occasionally it's fettuccini, though there's not that much difference, only the width of the noodle."  She squeezed Dominic's hand in return.  "Not better, just different."


Graham nodded.  "Yes... I think I'll have what Toni's having."


Lionel snorted.  "I didn't realize we had such a large contingent of shrimp fanciers."


"Easier then looking over six pages and pestering you what everything means." Toni grinned and set her book to the side... before she picked up one of the roses, yet to bloom, and sniffed softly at the soft red petals. She rubbed the silky petals over her cheek… closing her eyes a moment and sighing, before sniffing gently at it again and setting it in her lap. One for each time she didn’t just leap at Graham and kiss the stuffing out of him.


Ethan smiled at her... then grinned at Dominic over her shoulder, as he held his woman’s waist protectively... gently. God, he was crazy about her. He hadn’t been this crazy over someone... ever. Not even his ex-wife.


Lionel waved the waitress over.  "I'm sorry about that, young lady.  But we're ready to place our orders.  We'd like to have four of the la crevette frite avec la sauce de crème par-dessus pâtes, a large bowl of la soupe grasse de foie d'oie for myself, and for Dominic, the la soupe crémeuse de canard avec l'ail we had the last time we were here.  Finally, to share, a loaf of le pain de seigle grillé avec le beurre d'ail."


Graham kissed Toni's cheek softly with each rose she sniffed and set in her lap.  "I love ye, Toni."


Felicia snuggled back against him, grinning at him.  "I could call in sick to work tomorrow," she whispered softly in his ear.  "When does your shift start?"  She couldn't help it; Ethan made her giggly and happy.


Kirsten walked back over. If he wasn’t so rich, she'd be getting annoyed by now. As it was she liked her job, and she liked Mr. Luthor and his boyfriend, so she smiled, nodded, took it down, and nodded again. "It will be out as soon as we can, sir." And she left.


"Good. Cause you've got some grovelin' to do, sugar." Toni nodded and giggled. "And you've got stuff to buy me. Why? Because. I’m not quite sure why."


Ohhh buddy. Ethan swallowed… looked at her in the eyes. "Tomorrow night, seven. Got some time." He said just as softly, fingers sliding very tentatively... and shyly, over her knee.


Dominic was uncharacteristically quiet, but cheerful, as he watched the other people interact. He was glad Toni had found someone in her brother, because Dominic couldn’t buggering tell if the man was human or not half the damn time. But he was still happy for his brother, and for the young doctor, and he sighed softly.


Graham smiled at her.  "Jus' tell me what you want, an' it's yours."  He was still dropping the last letters of words off, but the brogue wasn't nearly so thick as it had been before.  "I'll give ye the world if ye ask."


"Good," Felicia said quietly, putting her hand on his and sliding it just a little farther up.  "Because we have some time to make up for."


Lionel leaned back in his chair, smiling.  All in all?  This wasn't the dinner date from hell that he'd imagined it to be.  His hand moved to stroke the back of his lover's head, and he felt... comfortable.  Something completely out of character for him to feel, especially in a group situation, but there was something about the combination of people in the group that made him... relax.


Dominic grinned over at him, feeling his easy comfort, and he slipped his free hand over Lionel’s, gazing into his eyes for just a moment as he mouthed, 'I love you.' And oh, how he did. He loved this man more then life itself, and it was comfortable to share it and not feel… uncomfortable over it. In front of people he cared very deeply for, and friends he hoped to keep for a long time.


"Noonono. Sweetie," She shook her head, arched a brow. "I mean... things to give me." And she bit one full lower lip as she willed him to get it.


Lionel linked his fingers with Dominic's, and leaned over to kiss him softly.  "I love you."  He did, too--Dominic meant the world to him, and the sooner their family got underway... the better.


Graham flushed, and then kissed the arched brow.  "Then there's still somethin' I need to buy first."


Toni grinned at him, broadly, and leaned over to kiss the tip of Graham's nose. "I was going to say diamonds, but hey, I can deal with sex."


"TONI!" Dominic bellowed.




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